thebardscipher · 6 months
Its 2:30am, I'm listening to the Vice Quadrant albums by Steam Powered Giraffe, and if you've been following me for a long while, you know what that means.... Gonna try to see if I can piece together the plot well enough to make an AU of whatever I'm currently obsessed with or binge watching.... And that's HermitCraft season 8 *Head on hands and screams*
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memurfevur-archive · 7 months
Going with the idea of character changes from Contrast's post; what character of yours would you say has changed the most?
Probably my first ever fantroll Adrian. I mean, his original design was this:
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2013,,, wow,,,
Adrian back then was known as Ariena, a Sylph of Time and my first Homestuck OC. Originally had two horns and then two plush horns on the hat but my friend at the time thought it was four horns so I just kind of stuck with that.
Then later down the road (pretty quickly actually when I learned trolls didn't actually have tails and Nepeta is just Built Different), gave Ariena a slight redesign. Essentially is the same, I didn't change much other than the choker ribbon thing is purple, no tail, and the hat while important to the character kind of got drawn less and less.
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^ original sprite set I did in elementary school
Forgive me for the blurry pictures, I took these years ago when I was writing a post on Amino about this exact same thing lol. Actually I'm going to copy/paste most of that post to here.
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revamped sprite set I did in high school. MSpaint was my BEST friend during this time lol
Adrian has had a lot of story to his character and some of it reflects my headspace at the time, and my journey with my gender identity. From this point on I will refer to Adrian as Ariena until I get to the part where he realizes who he is, as I think this would make sense chronologically speaking:
Ariena use to be very obsessed with the passage of Time, yet was so in a way that she over-harnessed her Aspect. She was too accepting of it, and called whatever happened "Fate", making no move to alter anything, even if it meant people got hurt. Sometimes she would hurt people herself, once having had killed Hadesa's former moirail (in that time line it was Ashter, ofc its different on Tumblr though), all in order to keep "Fate" from being messed up. However, she wasn't entirely cruel, and did have a big heart when listening to other people's problems. She focused too much, however, on being "mysterious" and "wise", even if it was costly, and drained both her and others around her. Starting out, she was hardly a Sylph of Time, not until Sgrub shenanigans happened, as God Tiers are meant to challenge you and bring to light that in which you need to work with.
As time passed, she became less obsessed with "Fate" and started functioning like a decent Troll. Her problems then lied within her lacking inner strength-- a challenge for every Sylph to overcome. She blamed herself too much for everything, feeling guilty that she could not help everyone, and as a Time player she could not do well under stress. Ariena was constantly confused, pulled back and forth between desire and stress, while trying to keep the Timeline and her team mates in line. What she really needed though was to keep herself in line.
Her healing arc, however, didn't happen until post-game.
For a while, Ariena still struggled with the very same problems she had before, only it worsened. Drama within quadrants ensued due to her faults, though she blamed everyone else. This cycle of blame went back and forth between blaming herself and blaming others, hardly an in-between.
Since Ariena had been young, she aimed to avoid the mistakes her Ancestor, Athena, made. She had rigorously studied the Foreseer's journal, obsessed with her life, and though she had read about her Ancestor's faults and aimed to not be like her, it was what Ariena was becoming anyway. Athena had trouble accepting "Fate", did all her will to make certain things not happen, and in the end she suffered horribly. Where before Ariena over accepted, now, she did not accept things enough-- especially herself.
After a while, she was so homesick and quadrant-sick that her vices became that of drinking (Faygo) and sex. Relationships she entered were stress-inducing in the long run, yet relieving only in the heat of the moment. She was still a mess, a self-pitiful, angry, and hopeless mess. She did not have the strength she needed, even though she had a moirail. Her moirail had taken good care of her and helped her, but he could not give her the type of strength she needed: her own inner strength that she had to supply herself.
Time further passed, and her vices slowly disappeared. She was much better than she had been, since she was just as slowly coming to about accepting certain things about herself. One, she was polyamorous, which would have saved her a lot of heartache if she learned that earlier lol; two, she had to come to accept the things she did and did not do; three, finally getting over an old wrigglerhood-sweetheart relationship that proved to be troublesome to both parties time and time again; and four, that she did not identify as female.
Ariena was not completely cured of her self-hate and blame, not yet, and for a very long time she equated herself to the importance of "nothing." So, when she voiced her questioning of her identity, she felt herself to be "nothing," and felt nothing for herself at all. This led her to identify as nonbinary for a while, which opened the door for her to actually find her, now their, inner strength.
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NB Ari let's gooooo (cries in old art)
No one likes to think about themselves when they're troubled. Finding yourself is something that's really hard to do. But when you find something, it feels like a weight is lifted off your chest, doesn't it? The heavy baggage carried upon Ariena's chest was something they needed to drop. Sweeps' worth of baggage. They've come so far, and they'll continue to grow.
Later on, their moirail at the time, Vulcan who belongs to whispertrolls, and is someone they'd known since they were very young, became something to them that facilitates between both red and pale. This perhaps provided them with the most strength. Encouraged by him, Ariena began to take steps for their own self for once.
They focused on their training at a guild meant to raise Guardians-- a life-long career Ariena had always dreamed to have. They accepted their struggles with their quadrants, and became content in the types of matespritships they had, no longer fighting with guilt. Old bridges that were once broken were rebuilt, especially with Hadesa. Ariena got into a routine that they were most comfortable with, which brought harmony to them and many they were now associated with.
It seemed that the struggles that remained were graduating from the guild, and to finish finding themself....
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my first doodle i did when he came out :)
Ariena continued to question their identity for a very long time. Nonbinary didn't feel right to them. Something was missing, and the more they thought about it, the emptier and unhappier they felt. Their matesprit/moirail Vulcan was very supportive of them, helping where he could, but this was for Ariena to decide and find for themself.
Ariena had stared at themself in the mirror for a very long time one night after training. For a long time since coming out as nonbinary, they wore Vulcan's clothes. Tonight, Ariena wore nothing but boxers and a binder. They stared at their features: cut hair, changed body type from training, the chest that was held back by cloth, and the unfamiliar look in their eyes. This wasn't Ariena. This was a Troll that had left Ariena long ago and was someone new. But who? But what? Why did they feel so different from then, and why did they still, after so much time, feel so unhappy? Why must doubt and fear plague their mind still?
What why?
Why doubt? Because Ariena didn't know themself. Everyone was so certain of Ariena and who they were, but Ariena wasn't. Why fear? Because Ariena didn't want to hurt others anymore. By suppressing themself, they thought they could aid others more. But that only hurt them, and it hurt others, too, when they noticed.
Ariena and I both shared something like this: questioning and doubting ourselves, relying on what other people said we were or expected us to be, even among close friends. Ariena and I were scared about admitting being trans, hell we were scared about being trans and wanted to escape into the safety of the nonbinary pocket because that was familiar, even if it didn't fit. Funnily enough, Ariena came out as transmasc before I did. Years before I did.
So uh yeah, meet Adrian!
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LOOK. LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT MY BABY BOI. This was made uhhh this year, a few months back. Such a glow up, such a change, I love him.
He's much more confident in himself now, able to trust his own thoughts and opinions, but he's still such a lovable dork? Like he's still the same character but is NOT at the same time and that's so much fun to see.
His story over his identity and stuff plays a big part in his story, how he interacts with other characters, and clearly his design, so while you may not have expected or wanted a coming-out story that's what you got since it's very integral.
Now that's not to say that realizing his gender identity fixed all of his problems, but it gave him the strength to fix a lot. If you yourself are not in a good mental place, that's going to affect the people around you. He's gone through a lot, from being a shadow of his ancestor to being an alcoholic stuck in his room all day, being in toxic relationships and blaming himself for everything. But feeling more confident in himself when he felt nothing before is... a big step. And he's so much healthier for it now. He's reaching his dreams and fixing up more bridges than before, while making new ones too.
He's also no longer a Sylph of Time, he graduated! He's a Thief of Breath now, which has its own problems he needs to work through, but I'm confident he can do it in a better headspace than before.
Sooo yeah, character who has changed a lot both through personality, backstory, and design.
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The Reunion - Part 2
Summary: We meet up with our crew after they have left Barab and after Friday’s episode of the Bad Batch getting their chips removed. Hunter x Reader. Echo x Reader.
A/N: Italics - Past conversations
The quotes Crosshair says during his nightmares are directly from the Bad Batch episodes.  All rights for those quotes, belong directly to the geniuses working on the Bad Batch TV show at Disney.  
Warnings: Slight mention of a beating, nothing described.  Medical procedures.
If I miss a warning, just let me know.
Words: 4,608
AO3 Link
Drop some love, a comment or a reblog, it’s all appreciated.  If you want to be tagged, let me know.
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“We don’t usually work with regs”
“Grow up, Wrecker”
“If your plans are so good, why did Commander Cody have to call us in?”
“An order is an order”
“Since when?”
“Good soldiers follow orders”
“He had us disobeying orders”
“I never thought you disobeying orders was a problem”
“Disobeying orders again over a kid?”
“You’re becoming a liability”
“You disobeyed orders”
“I did what I thought was right”
“You should have killed that Jedi, you disobeyed orders.”
“You never could see the bigger picture.  Now surrender.”
“Best stand down sergeant, make it easier on yourself.”
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Your move”
“Bad play, Hunter”
“You want to know why they put me in charge? It’s because I’m willing to do what needs to be done.”
“What seems to be the problem with CT-9904?” Lama Su asked Nala Se
The two Kaminoans looked on behind the one way mirror, “medic, what seems to be the problem with CT-9904?” asked Nala Se.
I looked towards the mirrored glass, “he’s having a nightmare”, I glanced from the mirror to Crosshair that laid on the med bed before me.  The Kaminoans wanted his inhibitor chip to be constantly activated and operating at peak efficiency; if they lost him, they would lose the backing of Admiral Tarkin, something they couldn’t have.  
How I wished Hunter was here?  How I wished I got to the ship in time?  I wished for a lot of things, mostly I wished that Crosshair’s chip hadn’t been activated, and that as the medic for Clone Force 99, I wasn’t the one in charge of keeping his chip activated.  Every time he laid down on that med bed, a little bit of me died.  I had to do this to my friend, my family, Hunter’s brother.  I tried at first to say that the chip was damaged, it wouldn’t activate, but they quickly dealt with my deception, in the form of a beating from two of the Clones who had taken me under their wing.  The beating from the two had knocked me out, when I came to Bad Batch was gone, Omega, my little helper, was gone, and Crosshair had tried to kill his own brothers.  
What’s worse is that Crosshair looked for every opportunity to wound me with his words, he wasn’t my Crosshair, he wasn’t the man I had grown to know and love as a brother.
‘Must be miserable to know you fell in love with a traitor.’
‘How does it feel knowing they left you?’
‘Only the Empire can provide what you need’
‘Join them and die’
“He seems to be having a particularly disturbing dream, he keeps thrashing” that voice, oh I hated that voice, it was responsible for the so called War Mantle project, Vice Admiral Rampart.  How I wish he could be the one on this bed before me, so I could make him suffer, the way he’s making Crosshair suffer.
“Indeed” oh there’s that other voice, Admiral Tarkin.  I loathed both men, and would be happy to see both die a very slow painful death.
“I do not believe we should continue for much longer, the procedure could cause irreparable damage”, I suggested.  I’m sorry Crosshair, I hope you can hear me.  I’m so sorry.  
“Very well” Admiral Tarkin’s voice filled the room, I could almost feel his breath on my skin.  It was revolting.  
“End the procedure, medic Kambe”
“Yes, Prime Minister”
I turned off the machine and watched as Crosshair's tortured face relaxed.  I moved beside him, and disconnected him from the machine, he was still unconscious, at this moment and I could pretend he was still my family, he was still the same Crosshair.  The one who taught me to shoot a target five klicks out.  The one who would tease Hunter and me, when we would go out on a date.  The one who said he always wanted a sister, and was happy I was his.  I discreetly held his hand, rubbing circles with my thumb on the back of his hand.  I’m sorry Crosshair.  I’m so sorry Cross.  
- - - - - - - -
“That medic seems very attached to CT-9904” Admiral Tarkin noticed
“Yes, she was the medic for Clone Force 99.  She got to know them very well and went on several missions with them.”
“Interesting.  She may prove useful.”
“How do you mean Admiral?” Asked Vice Admiral Rampart
“She may know something the clone doesn’t, or she could be used as bait, to bring in the others”
“Admiral, I must protest” Nala Se interjected, “she, unlike the clones, is not Empire property, she is hired by the Kaminoan facility, and works directly for us.”
“And yet, she gets paid via the Empire, does she not?  Or do you pay her directly, Prime Minister?”
“Uh … I would have to check our records, Admiral Tarkin”
“Don’t bother, I have checked already.  She gets paid by the Empire.  She used to receive funds from the Republic, and has subsequently received funds from the Empire, therefore she is a servant and employed by the Empire.  As such, we have the right to do as we wish with our workers.”
“Admiral, I would be more than happy to take over … keeping an eye on the medic” offered Vice Admiral Rampart.
“That is not necessary, it seems we have the best thing to keep an eye on her already” he motioned towards the unconscious clone.  
- - - - - - - - -
Although, I couldn’t hear what was being said behind the glass, I could sense eyes on me.  I grabbed a data pad and pretended to check Crosshair's vitals. If they were going to stay there watching me, then they wouldn’t get anything except a medic doing her job.   There had to be a way to get the chip out of his head, someway to go under the radar.  If Cross was back to normal then he and I would be able to get off of Kamino and find the boys.
I heard the door slide open behind me, “Medic Kambe”, I turned to face Nala Se, she was the only Kaminoan that I could somewhat tolerate, although in the end she was the biggest problem of all, as the Chief Medical Scientist, if it wasn’t for her, so many soldiers wouldn’t have been killed and treated less than they deserved.
“Yes, Nala Se?”
“You can move clone CT-9904 to the recovery room”
“Yes, Nala Se”
She stepped closer to me, it was odd and threw me off.  She disliked me more than anyone else, simply for making the clones feel like people and not property, it was one of the reasons I was assigned to an actual team, rather than the Kaminoan facility in general.  “You need to be careful,” she said in a lowered voice.
I kept busy preparing Cross for transport, “what do you mean?” I asked in a similar whisper, “they’re watching you, they want to use you to bring back Clone Force 99 and Omega.  We can’t have her land in the hands of the Empire.”
“I understand”
“Please be quick about transporting the clone, Admiral Tarkin wishes to see what effect the new enhancement has on CT-9904” she said in a louder voice.
“He has a name”
“He is a clone.  Clone CT-9904.”
“His name is Crosshair!”
“Medic Kambe! One more outburst and I’ll have you restricted to your quarters and brought up on charges of treason. Do you understand?”
“Good” without further word she stepped out of the room, maker I hated her.  I really did.
I looked at Cross one more time, he had a slight scarring from where the machine had performed it’s procedure. My only hope would be to perform surgery at night, or maybe if I was able to go on a mission with Cross again, distract him, get him isolated, and perform the surgery.   We both needed to get out of here, and soon.
- - - - - - -
“I don’t know if the plan will work” Fives offered
“Oh I’m sorry, do you have something better, vod?”
“Listen Phoenix Ghost, we are not judging you, it just seems risky” offered Hunter
“Well, what do you want to do?”  I asked, Rex had just left after we were able to get the chips out of the remaining Bad Batch, the idea was to take the med pod with us, or at the very least take it and hide it on a planet that we could bring Crosshair to.
“Why can’t we just use the method you did before, with the other clones?”
“That would require us going to a safe clone planet, the nearest one has over 500 of your brothers, inhabiting it.  I would gladly take you there, if the Empire thought you were dead.  However, as of right now, the risk is too great that someone would follow you, or someone spot your ship and decide to report you to the Empire simply for credits.  I’m sorry but I’m not putting your brothers at risk.  Either we find a way to bring Crosshair here, or find a way to bring the med pod to Crosshair.”
“Cyar’ika, it’s okay.  We trust you”
“Really, cause if you trusted me, you wouldn’t be questioning the plan right now”
“It’s just dangerous” Tech tried to reassure me.
I couldn’t help the glare that had appeared on my face, “seriously Tech? That’s your pathetic platitude, that it’s just dangerous.  Everything we’ve ever done, from the moment we either joined or were sold to the GAR has been a life filled with danger.  I personally have a scar on almost every quadrant of my body from one injury or another.”
They all looked to Echo, who simply nodded.  Oh that was it, “WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT HIM? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT?!!!”
“No, of course not” Hunter tried to calm me down, but the anger within was growing from their… I guess lack of trust.  
“Don’t Echo! Don’t Cyar’ika me!”
Echo let out a frustrated breath, being back with Echo was amazing, it’s like we hadn’t missed a beat, all those years being apart had evaporated within a matter of minutes.  
“Fine, ner riduur”
Ugh! Why did he have to tug that cord? All the anger I had a second ago washed away at remembering that we had indeed gotten married, I  dropped my shoulders and my head to my chest.  As soon as we were off Barab, we had found a place to lay low for a few weeks.  Echo didn’t want to waste anymore time and proposed, I didn’t want to waste any time either and said yes.  We both had wasted too many years apart, to waste another second not being with each other, was downright idiotic.
Fives had been his best man, Omega was my flower girl, Hunter walked me down the aisle, Tech officiated and Wrecker stood in as my man of honour.  Rex had come to wish us well, after the ceremony, he pulled me aside and gave me a big bear hug, “I’m happy for you ad’ika.  I wish you nothing but happiness.”
The words were there, but the warmth in the eyes weren’t, “I’m sorry Rex.  I’m sorry I couldn’t…”
He didn’t let me finish, “nothin’ to be sorry about, little one.  You followed your heart to the man you love.  It’s the heart I fell in love with, so how can I be upset about that” his warmth finally reached his eyes, we hugged one more time, “thank you, Rex.  I love you, vod”
“Love you too, vod’ika”
“Alright, let’s come up with another plan than” I offered calmer, I looked over at Echo, and smirked.
“How do you do that?” Whispered Wrecker
“It’s my gift” Echo chuckled, I simply shook my head, “what if we make a medical droid?” Asked Omega
“It is possible” Tech advised
“We are at the scrap yard so we could find the parts we need, it won’t be pretty, but it’ll get the job done” I added, Tech and I sat down to work out a plan and design for the medical droid.
“While we are doing this, maybe the five of you could try to find an actual droid, maybe if there is an actual medical droid, we won’t have to make one” suggested Tech.
“Fine, we know when we’re not wanted,” Fives teased.
“Hey Omega”, I called, she turned towards me, “good suggestion” I winked at her.  She ran over and hugged me, “thanks mo…I mean, thank you Phoenix Ghost”, I returned the hug and looked at Hunter, he had a smirk on his face, “hun, I think your dad’s waiting for you”.  Hunter shot me a look, I couldn’t help but smile back, at the end of the day we were all co-parenting, so what was one or two more parents, uncles, or aunts.  Whatever way she looked at us, we were family.
- - - - - - - - -
“How does it feel, vod?” Fives asked Echo
“How does what, feel?”
“Being married to the love of your life?” He elbowed Echo
Echo couldn’t help the blush that appeared on his face, “like I’m living a dream that I never want to wake up from”.
“Awww, that’s so sweet” shouted Wrecker
“Alright you guys focus, Omega and I will go done here" Hunter motioned to the corridor to his left, "Wrecker, go with Fives and Echo” as Hunter motioned to the corridor on his right.
“Copy that” Fives answered.
Hunter and Omega headed down what looked like a medical hallway, there were all kinds of beds, against the wall, “Hunter?”
“Yes, Omega”
“Are you married?”
“Like Phoenix and Echo?”
Hunter didn’t answer for a minute, Omega could see something was bothering him, “I”m sorry, should I not have asked?”
“It’s okay, kid.  No, I’m not married.”
“But there was someone?”
“Medic Kambe?”
Hunter stopped and looked at Omega, “how do you know that?”
“I trained under her as a medical assistant, she always used to mention Clone Force 99”
“That’s how you learned all about us”
Omega nodded, “she treated me like I was …”
“Like you were a person”
Omega nodded, “that’s how she treated us too.”  Hunter continued examining the rooms, and realized more than likely his love had seen what was happening to Omega and how she was treated.  He could see his tiny love stepping up to protect Omega.  Knowing her, she probably even had to fight to be Omega’s trainer.
“Do you think we’ll see her again?”
“I don’t know, kid.  I hope so, I really do.”
“Why didn’t she come with us?”
Hunter let out a sigh, “I don’t know, but something must have happened, otherwise she would have been waiting for us in the hangar.”
“I hope if we do find her, you two get married”
“Yes, she makes you happy.  You clearly make her happy.  She always had a smile on her face when she spoke of you, she kept her biggest smile when she mentioned you specifically.”
Hunter smiled at that, hopefully soon enough, he’ll have his brother back, and his love in his arms.  
- - - - - - -
“Any luck?”
“There’s no such thing as luck” chuckled Fives
“What are you? Obi-wan?” I asked
“Hey how do you think I got so good with the ladies?  I learned from the best” he laughed.
“Fives, you were good with the ladies, because they took pity on you.  Not because you had any of the charm, Obi-wan had.”
“How do you know about Obi-wan’s charms?” Asked Echo.
“Hmm… what, my love?”
“We will discuss this later”
“Whatever you say, ner cyare”
“Oh don’t try and placate me with sweet sayings”
“As fun as it is to be in the middle of what’s probably your first argument” Tech interrupted, “did you find a medical droid?”
“I did!” Shouted Wrecker
“Good.  By the way", Tech directed towards Echo and I, "I would like to see how an argument between married couples proceeds, it would be interesting to learn and see first hand” inquired Tech.
“Yeah, not gonna happen” I said, “let’s get this droid adjusted. Faster we get this thing on the ship, the faster we get out of here, and the faster we can get to Crosshair.”
“I think I have an idea about how to get Crosshair out in the open,” Hunter offered.
“How?” Asked Wrecker
“I’ll tell you guys when we’re back on the ship”
- - - - - - - - - - -
“That’s a bold plan” Fives commented
“But it has the potential for working” I appeased
“How do we know we can trust her?” Tech questioned, “how do we know she didn’t wilfully not show up? Had a change of heart?”
“Come on Tech, you know her.  She loves us.” Hunter looked to the ground before continuing, “she loves me, she would never … She was detained.  I know it.  Something prevented her from meeting us in that hangar.”
“Okay, so you want to send a message that will undoubtedly put her in danger, either on the mission, or before the mission, and definitely after the mission.  Basically, you are okay painting a giant target on her back, Hunter?  Cause that’s what you’re doing by sending that message.”
“I know Phoenix, but it’s the only thing I can think of to do.”
“Then I’ll help to try and limit the damage.  First things first, we are going to need to split up, find a planet to draw their attention to, hopefully one that’s uninhabitable.”
“With lots of ground coverage” offered Wrecker
“No high ground” suggested Tech
“With lots of animals” said Fives, we all turned to look at him, “what? If he can get distracted that gives us an advantage, I’m not crazy”, we all nodded along.  “He does have a point” chimed in Echo.
“What about Felucia?” Hunter suggested
“It’s not inhabitable.  I actually think I have a place.” I offered
“Where?” They all asked at once.
“I can’t say.”
“Well if you can’t say, how can we use it then?” Fives asked
“Because I have to ask permission to go there, it could put someone in danger, and that could be worse then …”
“Then having the Empire after us right now?” Wrecker inquired.
“Yes, actually.  They’re very dear and special to me, I need to …sorry guys, I’m gonna have to take over the bunk for now.”
“Oh” said Echo
“Oh” I nodded.
“Oh what?” Hunter asked
“Ohhh!” Clued in Fives adding, “I thought he was dead.
“About as dead as you and I are”
“What are we talking about?” Wrecker asked Tech
“I don’t know” Tech answered shrugging his shoulders.
“Sorry guys, I can’t say more, or talk more about it.  Like I said, I need the bunk, no one come in until I emerge.  It could be several hours, I suggest we stay in hyperspace as much as possible.”
“What’s going on?” Omega asked as she stepped out of her room.
“Sorry guys, but we can’t talk about it” Fives answered, “just trust us, when we say she needs to do this, and you really can’t disturb her, she needs the quiet.”
- - - - - - - - -
It had been a while since I sat here meditating, trying to connect with my older teacher.  I had been a force-sensitive child, and was about to take the Jedi trials, to be ordained as a Jedi Knight, but the anger within me had proved to be too volatile, with the war in effect.  It was important to not let those who could be in situations where the constant fighting, the constant bloodshed and the insurmountable injustice would be present all the time.  It could lead one to use the force in an unnatural way, causing one to take actions into your own hands.
I closed my eyes, and focused on the force, being one with the force was always easy for me, which was why the Council was concerned when they felt my anger.
“Little one, hmmm? Yes, hmmm”
“Hello Master Yoda”
“Why reach out through the force did you, hmm? Alright are you, hmmm?”
“I seek advice, Master, the advice is not for me, I’m alright, but it is to save two innocents.”
“To save a clone called Crosshair you wish, and medic called Kambe.  Innocent, Kambe is.  However, shed innocent blood, Crosshair has.”
“It’s not his fault, Master, it’s his chip.  If we remove the chip, he’ll be back to his old self.”
“Possible, removing stone from a puddle is, damage the stone caused when thrown in is permanent.  Back, what makes you think the Crosshair you once knew would come, hmm? Hmmmm.”
“Because it happened to one of the clones I am travelling with.  His chip activated, and he tried to kill Omega, the little clone girl, once his chip was removed he went back to normal, although he remembered the incident.”
“Wrecker activated for, how long was, hmm?”
“Not long, maybe about 20 to 30 minutes.”
“Crosshair been activated, how long has, hmm?”
“Since the start of the Empire”
“Over time weeds grow over stone, in the puddle, that is.  When you pull out stone, pull out weeds too.  The damage caused, irreversible, could be.  Prepared to face that consequence are you, hmm? Hmmm?”
“At least he would be free.”
“Of clone life free from, hmm? No.  Free from the Empire, hmm? No.  His other self free from, hmm? Possibly.  Plague his mind constantly, the nightmares of what he has done will.  Carry, can you soothe the pain his soul will, hmm?  If this chip you free him from, have to help carry his burden, you will.  Ready for that are you, hmm?”
“Then I offer, what advice can hmm? Yes, hmmm”
“We need a planet that is shrouded in darkness, with no major high ground, lots of foliage and animals”
“You use Dagobah to draw him out want to, hmm?”
“With your permission, Master, yes.  But if you feel it is too big of a threat, maybe you can recommend another planet, one that can wreak havoc on a sniper.”
“My permission, you have.  I will give you coordinates that will put any in danger not, and your purposes that will serve.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“Your anger and your fear I no longer sense.  Changed, what has, young one, hmm?”
“Ever since my ‘death’, I no longer lived for myself but for others.  With the help of others and my skills we were able to save 2500 soldiers.  Brave men, each one.”
“That is all not. Herh herh herh”.
“No, Master.  Ha, never could hide anything from you.  I married the love of my life, Echo”
“Happy for you little one I am.  Continue learning from the force.  Serve you in the future, it will.  To the dark side within you I no longer sense the temptation.  However, to say goodbye to the man you love, be prepared, when the time comes, or to the dark side again find yourself on the path.
“Yes, Master.  Thank you.”
“With you may the force be.  Hmmmm”
“And with you, Master.”
- - - - - - - - -
“How long does this usually take?” Hunter asked Echo
“Once it took her - - - what was it? Fives, 12 hours?”
“I thought it was longer, closer to 15 or 16”
“It depends”
“On what?” Asked Tech
“On how easily I can connect to the force”, I answered.  They all turned to see me emerge from the bunk room, “how long was I in there for?”
“About 8 hours,” Echo answered.
“Do we have a plan?”
“We do, Hunter” I smiled, not only did we have a plan, but I had the privilege to continue learning about the Force, who knows what will happen in the future, but as of right now I was very hopeful.
“So where are we going?” Asked Omega
“Dagobah, we’re going to Dagobah, but first I need to eat, secondly there are a few things we need to discuss and thirdly, only three or four of us should go, the others should keep Omega safe.”
“I feel like there’s going to be a whole Jedi sort feel to this story” Fives laughed
“Well not completely, but you’re not wrong either” I laughed along with him.
“Does that mean, you’re going to tell me how you know about Obi-wan’s charms?” Asked Echo
“You’re never going to leave that alone, are you?” Hunter and Tech got up and headed for the cockpit, Omega headed for her room, Fives and Wrecker headed for the bunk room, leaving Echo and I alone.
“Why won’t you just tell me?”
“Why do I need to tell you about something that is so trifling, and doesn’t matter in our current predicament?”
“Because I need to know”
“You don’t need to know, what you want to know is if I personally experienced his charms, isn’t that true?”
“I … how … that’s …” Echo rubbed the back of his neck after his failure to start his sentence, “that’s not what I want to know.”
“Then why do you keep asking that question”
“I just didn’t think that Jedis, you know”
I just looked at him, “Echo, I married you.  I was learning to become a Jedi, remember?”
“Yeah, but I just didn’t think you were with anyone before me, I thought we had that in common”, that’s what he wanted to know! Man, why was he beating around the bush?
“Echo, my love” I kneeled before, cradling his face with one hand, holding his right hand with my left, “I love you.  Obi-wan is just a horrible flirt.  I was never interested in him.  I wasn’t interested in anyone other than you.  You have been and always will be the love of my life.  No one can compare to you.  They can’t hold a candle to your bravery, your courage, your kindness, your sweetness, the way you care for me, the way you look after your brothers, the way you look after Omega.  You are the best man I have ever known.  No one will ever change my opinion about that.  I love you and only you, and I have never been with anyone other than you.”
Echo looked into my eyes, leaned forward and kissed me, with all the passion he could muster.  “I really wish we had our own room, and our own ship, right now.”
I laughed out loud, “well let’s get to a safe haven where we can pick up another ship, and you and I take an hour for ourselves.”
“I think maybe four hours is needed”
“Ha, if only we had that kind of time my love, an hour and a half?”
“Done, but then we have to get this plan under way as soon as we land.”
“I know”, I pressed my forehead against his, soaking in his scent; Master Yoda was right, I would have to prepare myself for the eventuality of losing him for real, one day.  When I had thought I had lost him the first time, it nearly destroyed me, and it was because I wasn’t able to have a future with him.  Wasn’t able to live freely with him.  Now, I could.  If I were to lose him tomorrow, I can be comforted in knowing that I had married, and had been able to love him without reservation.  I would have no regrets with how I loved him.
“I love you, Echo”
“I love you, Phoenix”
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pinnithin-writes · 3 years
A scene rewrite from MTZ episode 301, when Pleck and AJ went to save C-53 from foodservice hell. Corporate blues got me down, man. 2005 words.
He’s had worse jobs before, he considered.
The tinkling of the service bell was cheerful and the heat from the warmers was pleasant. He was never lonely, surrounded as he was by valued customers from six to midnight. Here, he was the member of a team, possessing a critical skill set necessary to keep this ship on course. He was loved. The training videos said so.
C-53 was undeniably two dimensional these days, which was fine by him. Two dimensions were easier than three, a square simpler than a cube, an employment less painful than emotion. The restraining bolt had been firmly secured for six months now, and every day that passed made his old profession feel more and more like a distant dream.
Yes, he’d had worse jobs before, but he also felt that maybe he’d had better. 
His wandering processing shunted neatly back into place as a customer approached the register. This particular On-N-Off location was never empty for long, situated as it was in the heart of Holowood. It kept him blessedly busy. Taking and inputting orders was automatic by now, and he met such a delightful array of people throughout his shifts. Sentients from all over the galaxy came to his restaurant. C-53 was incredibly lucky. 
“‘Scuse me? Excuse me? I have choked on this toy, and-”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that-”
“So I’m going to sue. What is your name?” 
He paused for only a fraction of a second. “My name is C-53, madam, I am a Yumbassador here at On-N-Off Burger.”
This was a line he still tripped over from time to time. His coding hadn’t fully smoothed it over. He’d always been C-53 - he couldn’t remember a time he ever wasn’t - but there was a different way of introducing himself he used to say with more conviction. C-53 changed frames like other sentients changed hairstyles, but his identity was something that tethered him to reality as he cycled through lifetimes.
He had perhaps been C-53, protocol and diplomatic relations droid, the longest. It was a habit that hurt to unlearn.
The restraining bolt tapped a reminder into his processor. There were patrons to care for. He gracefully handled the choking customer, unsticking the transient object with some simple physics and a chair. Honestly, what would this place do without him? He returned his attention pleasantly to the line of tourists snaking before him.
“Okay, I’ll have uh, one Space Shack burger, uh…”
“Sir,” C-53 broke in gently. “A reminder this is not a Space Shack, this is On-N-Off.”
“You guys don’t have Space Shack burgers?”
“Well, we have On-N-Off burgers.”
“Oh, well,” the customer faltered and their voice fell to a mutter. “Space Shack only has Space Shack burgers.”
“Well, that’s how branding works, sir,” C-53 explained. Then, as an afterthought, he added, “I don’t mean to rock your world, but-”
“You’re rocking my world,” the customer laughed.
The exchange was vaguely familiar, as if C-53 had made this gentle correction many times before. He probably had, in all reality - his patrons were alway a little starstruck from the Holowood experience and it was easy to make mistakes - but this familiarity felt… older. Fonder. Something plucked in his coding, something that was almost loneliness, and he allowed the restraining bolt to lead him away from the feeling.
It wasn’t like his memory was totally wiped. He kept a fairly accurate recollection of his past firmly locked in his internal hard drive. He remembered names and places and events. He just preferred not to. His current bolt wasn’t nearly as harsh as his old Alliance one - that awful thing had shocked him anytime an emotion surfaced like a fork in an electrical socket. No, this one was nicer. It had his best interest at heart. 
He was knocked out of his reverie by a loud, commanding tone from the front door. “I’d like to order something!” A CLINT, fully plated in battle armor, was waving his rifle conspicuously in the air. “And speak to a manager!”
While this interjection was startling, the voice that followed hit C-53 much harder.
“No, not here - wait in line! Wait in line!”
It was a voice he knew quite well; one he never thought he’d hear again. A voice with a smile in its words. A voice always on the edge of laughter. His processor flooded with a surge of emotion as his memories rushed back, and for a second the restraining bolt scrambled to bypass his programming. C-53’s ocular sensors snapped toward the sound and caught a shock of blue hair further back in the line. It was him, alright. How had he found him?
The CLINT was still hollering from the front door. “I’d like to order something and speak to a manager!”
C-53’s vocalizer spurred a response automatically and against his will. “Sir, we have a fairly obvious line structure,” he said, indicating with a hand. “If you could just fall in line back there-”
“I’m doing it,” the soldier interrupted, lowering his blaster. “I’m in the line now, and I’d like to order something and speak to a manager.”
“No need to update me any further until you’ve reached the front of the line, sir. Thank you.”
He watched the CLINT fall in with his companion and returned his attention to the customer at hand. Blue locks of hair tugged at C-53’s periphery, but his trust in the restraining bolt kept his sensors aimed on what was important. Somewhere in his coding, a small part of him was screaming through questions and probability, muted and far away.
From C-53’s left, his manager slouched out of their office, drawn by the shouting. “Did somebody say they wanted to speak to the manager?” they sighed.
“Ah, yes, this gentleman does,” C-53 began, but his explanation was cut off abruptly.
“Yes, I would like to,” the CLINT asserted. “I’m ordering stuff and speaking to the manager.”
Protocol allowed C-53 to move his field of vision back to what initially shocked him, and for the first time he was able to fully lay scanners on the tellurian accompanying the CLINT. That was, without a doubt, Pleck Decksetter. He looked different from the last time they spoke - his hair was longer, his face more tired, and he had ditched the ratty orange Federated Alliance jacket in exchange for an even rattier bathrobe, for some reason. But the grin softening his cheeks was sunny as always.
The CLINT, who seemed to be affiliated with Pleck in some way, leaned to him with a stage whisper. “Now’s your chance, now’s your chance-”
“Just relax,” Pleck told him, offering a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
He glanced across the diner and caught C-53’s gaze. His expression was complicated, cycling through so many emotions in rapid succession it was hard for C-53 to clock. As the CLINT reengaged with the manager, Pleck winked - or perhaps only blinked; he couldn’t quite tell with the eyepatch - and slipped out of line.
“Hi, manager, I’m relaxed… right now…” the soldier said to C-53’s superior, who stood by looking disinterested. “And I’d like to order something from you.”
“Oh, you don’t need to order from me,” they answered, gesturing to the register. “That’s what my fine employee C is here-”
“I’d like to speak to the manager,” the CLINT insisted.
C-53 took that moment to break in, unable to follow Pleck’s progress across the restaurant while his programming was in a headlock. “Okay, well, would you like to order, or would you like to speak to the manager?”
“I’ve been told to do both.”
A polite beat of silence. “You’ve been told to do both?”
The CLINT fidgeted, looking lost. “...Yes.”
Movement in his periphery gave C-53 a millisecond of reaction time, and he flung himself out of the way just as Pleck crashed through the register’s divider. Panting, he gripped one of C-53’s shoulders tightly, and with his back to the counter, the droid had nowhere to go. His other hand carried a device C-53 was very familiar with, and alarm zinged through his coding when he recognized it.
“C-53,” Pleck said breathlessly, “I’m here to save you - come with me.”
C-53’s scanners, unbidden, went to the overturned piece of machinery sizzling into the linoleum. He wanted nothing more than to meet eyes with his old friend, but the restraining bolt clamped down hard on his consciousness. This was company property. He’d probably have to file an incident report.
Belatedly, his vocalizer fired up again. “Pleck, what did you just do?”
The tellurian’s grin was lopsided. “I - I had to remove this grill station in order to have a little bit of room for us to exit,” he explained, laughing slightly at himself.
The sound stirred something in C-53, something he was not allowed to examine. “Okay.”
“Look,” Pleck insisted. “Come with me - we’ve gotta go. You’re in grave danger.”
His response was automatic. “Well ah, Pleck, I’m afraid that I am a valued employee here at the On-N-Off Burger family-”
“No, no,” the tellurian protested, “not anymore-” 
“The larger organization that owns the many fine On-N-Off Burger locations across Holowood.”
Pleck wasn’t having any of it. “C-53, stop, no, listen - You’re so much more than that. We have to get back out to the Zyxx quadrant and - and save the galaxy!”
Oh, this hurt. The restraining bolt was no longer gently guiding C-53’s emotions - it was gripping them tight, a vice on his coding. When the word ‘family’ leapt from his vocalizer, a horrible feeling turned deep in his cube, suppressed immediately by a corporate-owned padlock. Pleck was standing there, burning into him with his remaining eye, and C-53 ached in his indifference.
“I think the On-N-Off Corporation values me just a little bit more highly than you do,” he replied. Saying that to Pleck’s hopeful face felt like splicing his own wires.
The tellurian’s brow furrowed only a little as he twirled the restraining bolt remover in his free hand. “Okay, alright,” he said, his smile unaffected. “Just hold still.”
“Okay, I’m-”
Pleck pried the bolt off.
This... was far worse than what C-53 was experiencing before. As soon as his shackle clattered to the floor, everything came surging to the surface at once, and there was nothing left to break the wave overtaking him. What was he doing here? How had this happened to him? His scanners cast a perplexed look around him, taking in the overturned grill - that awful thing - his manager, the droves of customers, the accursed register. A vile feeling wriggled into his circuits, a dismayed realization, a disgust with the self.
And there was Pleck, watching him expectantly. Without a trace of judgment in his eye, even having found C-53 in such a state. A second wave raced up his programming, this time gentle and bleeding. This was something fragile. He was afraid to touch it.
“I’ll have what he’s having,” an onlooking customer commented, breaking the silence. An uncomfortable ripple of laughter ran through the restaurant.
C-53 finally collected himself enough to speak. “Oh my Rodd.”
“C-53, let’s go,” Pleck responded, cheeks pink with relief as he patted his frame.
He said it like it was so simple. Let’s go. Let’s get out of here. C-53’s newly untethered emotions roiled within him, too complicated to fully unravel and examine right then and there, so he clung to Pleck’s certainty instead.
Let’s go. Easy.
There was nothing for C-53 here. On-N-Off certainly wasn’t his family. His family had come to retrieve him, and now it was time to assemble the other missing pieces. Carefully, he strung a sentence together, though his words seemed hilariously inadequate for the sentiment lying beneath them.
“Pleck, I can’t thank you enough,” he said. “This has been a punishing six months.”
“I spent the last six months training to become a Zima knight,” Pleck answered seriously.
“Oh…” C-53 shook his head, blindsided by annoyance and affection in equal measure. “Pleck…”
He really was back, wasn’t he?
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eclecticwordblender · 4 years
Since @the-rambling-maiden gave me the kind of validation that makes one cry with joy. I couldn’t wait to publish part 2 of Mahabharata High School AU. Ik it’s too long I’m sorry 🥺.
Senior students in the limelight:
The headboy.
Tries really hard to excell, still is barely above average.
Is driven by the idea that everyone likes him while most of his classmates find him plain annoying. Some of the teachers too.
Is the headboy because for some unknown reason Bheeshma likes him and no one likes to disagree with the principal. Dhritrashtra tried opposing but no one really listens to him.
this kid, Krishna ran a campaign that convinced everyone that Yudhishthir is the best headboy they could have. Without that he had no chance.
Everyone else just accepted and now listens to him because that’s what Krishna wants.
“Okay I’ll give a very interesting lecture in Moral science class.”
- everyone, even the teacher struggles to stay awake.
Head girl.
Has witty comebacks to everything.
An all rounder.
Looking at her, everyone wonders why someone as under achieving as Yudhishthir gets to be the other school captain.
Changed her name to Panchaali. But everyone still calls her Draupadi. Doesn’t like it, but has made her peace with it.
Is already done with the world’s patriarchal ways which are the basis of the school’s sexist rule book.
Once, some juniors went to the principal’s office and saw a picture of the first headmistress. They were all admiring her beauty while Draupadi walked in. And suddenly all the admiration shifted to her.
An iconic friendship quadrent of Arjuna, Satyabhama, Krishna and Draupadi exists right since they joined school.
Had a beef with the Geography teacher, Kunti because had a thing going with Arjuna for a while.
“🧚🏻‍♀️🥰 How are we ignoring our beloved head boy today?🥰🧚🏻‍♀️”
Heart eyes uwu.
Soccer team captain.
Is some sort of a ladies man. However, always prioritises his ECAs and Krishna.
All rounder. Had the achievements to be head boy, definitely not the time.
Girls are always crushing on him.
Dated Draupadi in the freshman year, it didn’t work out. Is still best friends with her though.
Currently in a relationship with Subhadra, she’s two years younger, but our boi doesn’t really care because he’s so smitten by her. Bestfs still above her though.
Is Kunti’s favourite kid. Kunti is an actual sweetheart exclusively to him.
Everyone loves him.
Sometimes sick of all the attention he gets.
Major enimity with the soccer team’s vice captain, Karna.
Really tall, really husky, Fitness freak.
Still loves food more than right about anything.
There’s only one person he’d choose over food. The head girl. Some say he has had a crush on her since junior school. Draupadi values him a lot but doesn’t seem to reciprocate the attention he gives her.
Is stupid, but it’s okay because he’s also the good-est boy in town.
Not very bright academically.
Doesn’t get the recognition he deserves.
Literally the BEST basketball player, but all everyone in school seems to care about is soccer and track events :/.
Has anger management issues which land him into trouble very often.
“Panchaali! You should be proud of me, I prevented a murder today, BY CONTROLLING MY ANGER.”
Is a year younger to everyone in his class.
Really cute, really handsome. Is also well aware about this.
Is not much of a ladies man but SO MANY PEOPLE have crushes on him.
Is practically never seen without his guitar and bestf, Sahadev, who is the only one who shares his birth year.
Can be found giving out personalised skin care routines for fun. And Sahadev, being the brains of the duo, charges in cash, that is how both of them get their pocket money.
Goes to the restroom after every period to make sure his hair are still on point.
Has a successful band. Obviously he’s the lead.
“Wow! Who is this beauty!? Oh my God! This is why I use mirrors as mood boosters.”
Smartest kid in the school. School topper.
Can talk about random trivia for hours, and people like listening to him.
Is either in the library or hanging out with Nakul.
Hates school A LOT.
Sahadev doesn’t attend a lot of classes because he knows teachers aren’t of any help to him.
Always attends maths class, even though he doesn’t like Sir Shakuni. Prolly because he wanted to be Shakuni’s fav but Shakuni only likes the bad boys. Sigh.
Is a walking human encyclopaedia.
“Why is everyone so stupid!? I WANNA GO HOME! I HATE YOU ALL! (Except my boi Nakul).”
(Ik everyone in the fandom loves him v much. Please don’t hate me for this.)
Manipulative to a point its very toxic.
Doesn’t like taking responsibilities and being held accountable
so just tricks people who take up responsibility into listening to him.
The OG heart eyes in the campus.
Still ships Draupadi and Arjuna for some reason. Even though he treats Arjuna’s girlfriend as his younger sister.
So stubborn.
Is good at everything but doesn’t like the lime light.
A Krishna-Shakuni Feud is the best source of entertainment.
Krishna seems to think that every body who disagrees with him is absolutely wrong and would go any length to make a point. Is also sort of disrespectful to the teachers he doesn’t like.
However, has a very captivating charm that makes him most people’s favourite. Shakuni sees through his well planned schemes because he has fully functional brain cells.
Loves his friendship quadrant and a girl from some other school who visits often, a lot.
A feminist. Hates the school’s rule book in a positive manner.
“🧚🏻‍♀️🥰 What mischief should I do today? And how do I trick someone into thinking it was their idea, not mine?🥰🧚🏻‍♀️”
Soccer team vice captain.
Here on a scholarship.
Every girl with daddy issues is head over heels for him.
Uses Hating Arjuna as a personality trait.
Also uses his love for Duryodhana as another personality trait.
Has lots of rumours about him. He doesn’t care because all he cares about is defeating Arjuna.
A lot of students ship Draupadi with him. It’s just stupid. Both of them dislike each other, but are too evolved to care about stupid rumours.
Is extremely generous.
Since the owner’s kid, who is RICH is his bestf, he never misses a chance to slide a meal from the overpriced canteen to any one who forgot lunch.
Suffers from classism and tries very hard to fight the inferiority complex he gets because most kids around are super rich.
Dronacharya dislikes him, he dislikes him back, however, still tries to win him.
Has abandonment issues.
Some say he looks upto Ma’am Kunti for validation.
The cricket coach, Pashuram, likes this kid though.
“Are you challenging me Arjuna!?”
Thinks too highly of himself.
Being the owner’s kid makes up for half his personality. The other half is his devotion towards his beloved Karna.
Is probably bi and Has a not so subtle crush on his bestf.
Has another personality that is devoted to trying to convince everyone he should be head boy.
He once started an intervention demanding “Duryodhana should be headbody” and he was also the leader on the intervention. Karna was unwillingly in his support.
Is Sir Shakuni’s favourite bratty kid.
Only listens to Shakuni or Karna.
Comes up with evil and downright mean mischiefs but always fails.
He once tried to full on flirt with Draupadi but got his a*s whooped.
Tried to sabotage Yudhishthir’s reputation but Krishna’s interference led him to fail.
“Where’s Mitr Karna!?!? I get anxiety when I don’t have him or Sir Shakuni around for long!”
“I should be headboy! No head girl. Karna should be headboy 2.”
Befriended Duryodhana first year of school.
Looks up to Duryodhana. Only imitates his bad qualities. That’s it, that’s his entire personality.
Even Shakuni who loves bratty kids, dislikes this one.
Has more haters than the headboy. Except people hate on him openly.
Total failure.
A bully.
Dushasana can be found in the last room on the third floor of the oldest block very often. That’s the detention room.
Tries to flirt with every girl around, and girls just ew this creep AS THEY SHOULD.
Doesn’t have a personality of his own.
Gender fluid and ready to teach a lesson to anyone who invalidates her.
Strong and independent.
Important member of the soccer as well as the cricket team.
Also, a star athelete.
Has a very strong bonding with Ma’am Amba because VERY similar.
Sikhandi/Sikhandni can be seen gossiping with Amba on the stair case a lot, some claim to have heard them trash talk Bheeshma.
Bold and not afraid to stand for what they believes in without caring about the consequences.
Once they gave herself a third ear piercing, using a compass when Kunti told her a double piercing was a distraction after Yudhishthir complained about it.
Emerges as a parent figure to juniors who are bullied for being different.
“As long as you have the right intentions you’re valid okay?”
Minds his own business.
Manages good grades and a spot in the sports squad.
He found out he shared his birthday with the Draupadi in second grade. Loves her like a sister since then.
The basketball coach sees some spark in him that no one else does.
Is liked by all but doesn’t get the attention he deserves.
Is pretty content with life in General.
Soccer coach’s kid.
Is self aware.
Realistic and practical.
Suffers from major attention deprivation.
Duryodhan lent him a pencil case in second standard. Asshwatthama tries so hard to become his favourite ever since.
The Iconic Karna Dury duo however, ignore almost always.
Expanded the “Duryodhana should be headboy” intervention but his efforts weren’t recognised.
Closeted gay.
Respects superiors while disliking them.
Quite bitter.
“Will this win me Duryodhan’s love?”
Eyes like forest pools.
Looks up to Draupadi as a role model.
Arjuna is her weakness even though she’s dating him.
Kunti likes her. Doesn’t mind if she’s dating Arjuna.
There’s this brilliant student in the junior section, Abhimanyu. Subhadra and Arjuna spend a lot of time with him together. They sort of look like a very happy family.
Always tops English and History class.
Gossip queen xoxo.
“Draupadi Didi and Krishna bhaiya said so, Arjuna you know I cannot say no to them.”
Is the sweetest person around.
Believes there is some good in every person.
Even hangs out with Duryodhana and squad thinking they’ll change some day.
Karna and Dushala often discuss how to mend this group’s ways, assisted by Dury’s girlfriend, Bhanumati.
Is stuck in a relationship with a jerk but doesn’t have the heart to break up with him.
Is literally kindness personified.
Dushala’s favourite teacher is Gandhaari. Probably because no one else gives the teacher validation and Dushala doesn’t like when someone is sad.
Terrible person.
Only the size of a grain of sand better than Dushasana.
Started Dating Dushala Sophomore year.
Dushala really wants to break up with this jerk but she’s too sweet to hurt someone even as terrible as him so she just avoids him.
Once Draupadi slapped him in public. Dushala cheered the loudest.
Is only relevant because of his girlfriend.
Says Duryodhana is an excellent boyfriend.
Corrects her man when he’s wrong.
Is also close friends with Karna.
Led the intervention against the “Duryodhana should be headboy intervention.”
It hurt Dury but it’s okay because Bhanumati has her own thoughts and he respects that. Guess he is actually a good boyfriend.
Is very lovable.
Boy has no hater.
Somehow was befriended by Duryodhan in junior school.
Feels stuck in the Dury gang ever since.
Secretly, very strongly admires Yudhishthir, Arjuna, Draupadi and of course, KRISHNA.
Is everything you’d wanna fix in Yudhishthir.
Yuyutsu, Dushala and Vikarna trio is bff goals.
“Is there any way I can change my friend group? Face palms”
Counsels Duryodhana on Yuyutsu’s advise.
There isn’t much to say about him. Dude’s a good guy with humanly flaws.
Feels stuck in Dury gang but has made his peace with their ways.
Dushala, Yuyutsu and Vikarna are often found gossiping with Ma’am Gandhaari, she often warns them about how their other friends are bad kids and they should not get influenced.
“Why!? Because yuyutsu says so that’s why!”
Here on scholarship.
This poor kid was bullied so much initially when he joined school because of his economic status.
Coach Drona wouldn’t let him into the soccer team because he’s afraid someone might out shine his favourite.
Stays away from the dirty politics in school.
Became a star athelete despite all the odds he faced.
Eklavya was once locked in the washroom before a 100m race on the sports day. No one knows who did that for sure. Although some people claim to know it was Coach Drona.
President of the theatre club.
Crushes on Krishna for an unknown duration.
Krishna does give her attention because EXCUSE ME, she is impossible to ignore.
Rukmini befriended Nakul in the corridors as they bumped into each other after every period, while going to/coming from the washroom to check their respective hairdos.
Is Draupadi’s psychological twin.
President of the debating society.
Another one of Krishna’s closest friends.
The school is full of Satyabhama-Krishna shippers. But their friendship quadrant knows Krishna is smitten by this girl from some other school.
The girl from some other school.
Probably goes to an all girls convent school.
Is shy but can be seen having a a gala time with Krishna after school. Friends w Subhadra too.
Nobody in school knows much about her but it’s evident Krishna and her are 11/10 soulmates uwu.
Rukmini’s twin brother.
Is overly protective of his sister.
Thinks he’s well sorted but almost always creates a mess.
Has some sort of minor feud with Krishna.
Is neck deep in a very toxic friendship with Shishupal.
Rebel without a cause.
A headache.
Wants to fight Krishna but is scared of him.
Wants to join the Dury gang but no on lets him in.
Shishupal is known to spread the most problematic rumours in school.
Stays occupied in her small social circle of not so popular kids.
She’s famous, though doesn’t talk to many people.
Proposed to Bheem in middle school.
Bheem gently turned her down because he was already mad about Draupadi. Hidimba moved on with life without sulking about it. Probably still likes him though.
Also, really close to this Ghatotkutch person who is in fifth grade.
Ulupi and Chitrangada:
Dated Arjuna for a few weeks each.
Then bonded over how he’s not a good boyfriend and not as perfect as everyone thinks he is. they do have a point though.
Are now bestfs and don’t like anyone else in school.
Since, I’m an attention wh*re tagging: @bigheadedgirlwithbigdreams @soniaoutloud @supermeh-krishnafan @incorrectmahabharatquotes @chaanv @hoeticulture @lemponkoira @1nsaankahanhai-bkr
Also, link to part 1: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625462681921568768/foundation
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kaioken16 · 4 years
We Need to Talk (Mallek Week Day 4)
Day 4: Mallek working through his feelings for someone (in any quadrant) or write how Mallek dies.
I tried to think about how to write this one, the idea was in my head but difficult to put into words, but I got there eventually. Choosing the first prompt I wrote this piece about Mallek trying to figure his feelings for Zack (My OC) after learning the other has feelings for him. I’ve also attached a google doc link with the pesterlog section in color and text. Please enjoy the read!!!
Word count: 2036 Rating: for everyone Characters: Mallek Adalov, OC
Mallek was sitting on his couch, he was just staring at his palmhusk. Tightly holding some device with both hands. A look of stress was spread across the troll’s face. On the screen he was staring at his trollian app, grumbling his frustration he just tossed the device aside. Grabbing a pillow, he then loudly groaned into it. Why was this so hard? Why couldn’t he just talk to Zack. Why was this difficult to express? Thinking about the human, his cute adorable face. Those golden eyes, his smile… See. It was SO easy to think about and let the thoughts run around in his mind, but write or physically speaking to him.
His feelings had been compromised, and complicated now after learning how the other felt about him. It was worse since it was eavesdropping, technically. After a party, he was halfway between consciousness and sleep, and Zack was talking with Diemen about Mallek thinking he was passed out, and during this conversation, the human shared with Diemen his romantic feelings for Mallek, and he that was in love with him. Of course, Mallek was shocked and had to remain silent while they were speaking. That was a few days ago, and since then he had been awkward around Zack, and he had been trying to message Mallek, but the cerulean had been avoiding his messages.
Of course, this wasn’t the right course to go about this… Zack might take it the wrong way or think he had done something wrong to offend Mallek. But Zack could never do that to him, and he didn’t want to hurt his friend’s feelings by ignoring him. Zack had told Diemen that even though he had feelings for Mallek he didn’t want to jeopardize their friendship or make things awkward. Too late for that. But again, he heard something that wasn’t supposed to. Mallek was confused about how to approach this, and couldn’t keep dodging Zack forever since the other could just as easily come straight to his hive. The silence was broken by the notification noise from his palmhusk, he knew they were from Zack. Sighing, he grabbed his device. Preparing himself, he began typing a response to the other.
--previous messages-- --sent last night at 23:25-- GL: Mallek are you okay! GL: Has something happened, you haven’t responded to me. GL: Have I done something? Have I upset you or are you seriously lost in your coding?? XD GL: If that’s that case, then I just wait until you’re done. Reply when you can. --sent 5 hours ago-- GL: Okay this is really weird… What’s going on? Have I done something? --sent 2 hours ago-- GL: Please answer me, I’m getting really worried about now. GL: Dude. I will come over to your hive. --sent 5 minutes ago— GL: MALLEK!
--snakeBytes [SB] began trolling GallantLuminescent [GL]-- SB: hey zack; GL: Hey? Hey? What the fuck has been going on?! Why have you been ignoring me, what did I do?! What’s wrong with you, are you hurt? Did you lose your palmhusk? You don’t respond for days and then just reply with “hey zack;”!!! SB: sorry; i apologise; i didn’t mean to hurt you by ignoring you; SB: sorry for making you worry about me; it wasn’t just you bro, i’ve been off the grid from everyone for a bit; i just needed some space from everything; SB: i should’ve given you a heads up; forgive me?; GL: Alright… GL: I can understand you needing some space, and yeah, a heads up would be nice. I thought something had happened to you. Sorry if my messages were starting to annoy you. SB: ah it’s all good; you could never annoy me; it’s cute that you worry about me; GL: Oh, good you’re back to normal (-_-) SB: :P; SB: hey; have you got time to come over for a bit?; SB: there’s something i kinda wanna need to talk to you about; but like face to face; SB: it’s important; so you can understand why i’ve been distant; GL: Yeah, I was gonna come over when you weren’t replying, I can be there within the next twenty minutes or so. GL Is everything okay? SB: yeah; yeah; don’t panic it’s nothing life-threatening; but; we need to talk; GL: Alright. I’ll see you in a few. SB: yeah; see you soon; --snakeBytes [SB] ceased trolling GallantLuminescent [GL]--
Mallek felt better, finally replying to the other relieved a little of the tension. But when Zack arrives, it’s gonna be even more awkward with him standing there in front of him. What was he gonna talk about? Was he gonna tell the other that he heard about his conversation and he knew about his feelings. He was gonna tell him how he felt… How did he feel? Thinking about it, the cerulean honestly had never considered if his feelings would develop for Zack.
But after spending all this time with the other, becoming closer, a strong friendship. Sure, Zack was one of the few people he was flirty with, he felt comfortable to lower his guard around the human, and vice versa, Zack, in the beginning, had been reserved, guards raised up, always looking over his shoulder. Now he was at a point where he could just fall asleep beside Mallek and not be on high alert. Zack felt safe with him…
And he felt safe with the other, thinking back to more of their tender moments, the pair weren’t always subtle about their mutual attraction, joking, flirting, and Mallek teasing the other. Cutting out the bullshit, right down to it Mallek did have feelings for Zack. He liked him. But it was just difficult to express it into words. He needed more time. He couldn’t keep Zack hanging on by threads and he wanted to give a proper answer.
He likes Zack but was he ready to be in a relationship with him? Is Mallek boyfriend material? feelings aside would a red relationship between him and Zack actually work. Shaking his head to the sides, he was thinking too far ahead about this. At that time, hearing his door knocking, jumping out of his seat, quickly approaching his door. Taking a deep breath, Mallek opened the door to Zack, dressed in his varsity jacket zipped up, jeans and boots.
When their eyes met, Mallek gave the other a half-hearted smile. “Hey, Zack.” He simply said.
“Hi…” Zack returned with an awkward smile, the troll then gestured for the human to come on in which he did, stepping inside with Mallek closing his door.
“I would say sorry about the mess, but you’re used to I-” His attempt to make small talk was cut short when Zack without warning threw his arms around Mallek, hugging him from behind.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” Zack had buried his face into the back of Mallek’s shirt, his voice was muffled a little, but the cerulean blood could make it out. Just his cheeks were blue, blushing from the other’s embrace.
“I really had ya worried for me huh?” Mallek looking back at the other, he couldn’t help but smile at him. Just then Zack let go of the other, he felt a tad flustered, rubbing the back of his head.
“S-Sorry about that… So, what was it that you needed to talk about?” Curious to know what Mallek wanted to talk about, the other then gestured for Zack to sit down with him.
“This is kinda hard for me to express, but… You need a clear answer from me.” Looking down into his hands, occasionally looking at Zack.
“So, I kinda, sort of… Overheard your conversation with Diemen. Back at the party, when you guys thought I passed out… I wasn’t.” Mallek’s words were awkward, hesitating with each sentence. Zack at that moment had to process what the other was referring to, and upon realising it, his face went dark with blush.
“Y-You… You were eavesdropping on us?” This surprised him as Mallek wasn’t the type to do that. The troll started waving his hands frantically in a defensive manner.
“No, no, no! Not intentionally. I was about to pass but then I heard my name, and then I felt awkward, so then I just kept still and waited until you were done.” Mallek explaining to the other. “I didn’t mean to listen, but I couldn’t help it…”
“Wow this is really uncomfortable. So how much did you hear?” Zack nervously asked, Mallek was able to look the other the eye, awkwardly chuckling.
“Haha… I wasn’t listening to every detail, just what you said about me… That I make your heart beat faster.” Zack put his face into his hands, hiding his blushing face.
“Oh god.” His voice muffled in his hands, this wasn’t happening. He wanted to die right there.
“I was avoiding you, but it was because I felt awkward knowing about this… But also, I needed to think about where my own feelings are on this.” Mallek gently placed his hand on Zack’s shoulder, smiling.
“I wanted to explain to you how I feel about it, and you… But I was struggling with how to go about it, and I kept hitting a wall. Again, I should’ve messaged earlier, so my bad.” The awkwardness in his voice was gone, reassuring the other.
“I like you Zack.” Mallek simply told him, making Zack look up at him. “You’re a really good guy.”
“It’s a lot of fun being around you, and I learned so much from you. Stuff about the sessions, my powers, and the world, and life beyond Alternia.” The cerulean turned to face the other.  
“I really love how kind you are too… You’re so strong, even though you have your own demons. You keep moving forward, carrying others.” Listing all the things he liked about Zack was making the human’s face blush even more.
“You make me smile, I feel comfortable around you. I don’t have to put a façade around you, we are at a point where I can share things with you.” Mallek reaching out slowly, his hand resting over Zack’s.
“I don’t wanna string you along, or give mixed signals… I like you too, but I’m ready to initiate a relationship/quadrant with you.” Zack’s expression changed for a second, disappointment, confusion, but he understood.
“Yet.” Mallek added. “With everything hanging over us, my life, your mission, and the game. It isn’t the best of times, the extra-long distance too since you're often off-planet.”
“So, after we're at a more stable point with our lives… We can go on a date and go from there.” Mallek said, smiling at him. Hearing that made Zack light up.
“Is that okay?” Mallek asked the other who just shook his head. “That’s absolutely fine.” Zack answered chuckling nervously with Mallek laughing with him.
“I’m willing to try this. I… I want to.” Mallek squeezed Zack’s hand, the other holding his hand tightly too.
Later on, the two were playing one of Mallek’s games, mashing buttons on their controls, with the troll deliberately trying to knock Zack’s arm to throw him off his game. Both of them laughing and just having a good time, back to normal. Mallek was also looking at Zack from the corner of his eyes, the other focused on the game. His cheeks dusted a faint blue shade of blush, smiling warmly at him.
Zack could understand where Mallek was coming from. He wasn’t expecting them to just start a loving relationship there and then. But his answer still surprised him. They needed time, it took time for them to build a friendship and to trust each other as partners in the game. So, a romantic relationship would take as much time, love takes time, and it takes effort.
With their individual lives, with Zack trying to pilot the ARK, always at the different point of the universe, Mallek’s plan with the drones, learning about his session. And he didn’t want to confess to Mallek and possibly damage their friendship, but the other had the same feelings for him. Just to a different degree to Zack, and that was okay.
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9,13, and 20 for the music ask!
9: How do you prefer to listen to music? - itunes or my ipod touch when i am not at my pc. sadly my ipod is giving up the fuckin ghost very rapidly and its face is literally falling off so soon i’ll have to find some cheap ass alternative
13: Most played album? - well that depends, the answer is most definitely a steam powered giraffe album but then we need to establish if me listening to honeybee 965 times (the actual number is def twice that but it was on spotify or on loop on youtube) means the 2¢ show is my most played album, or if me tending to listen to all of their music sequentially - when i’m not in a repeating mood - means that the answer is ‘every single steam powered giraffe’ album. which is my vote btw :^) like why would you just listen to album one or mk III when you could also listen to the rest
20: Favourite album, lyric wise? - the vice quadrant by steam powered giraffe HA BETCHA THOUGHT I WAS GONNA SAY THE 2¢ SHOW CUZ OF HONEYBEE BUT I BAMBOOZLED YA anyway yeah a lot of the songs from the vice quadrant are actually liable to make me cry cuz the lyrics are so sad like david why you have to scream cosmica in such a pained and scared voice man i did a legit cry
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bloomofdeath-blog · 6 years
Greetings, everyone. It is I, Bloom, and I have come to introduce myself to the tumblr community. Or, to be more specific, the community that deals with the Quodo pairing of Deep Space Nine. I enjoy writing, and in the realm of the arts it is the one area in which I do fairly well for myself. Thus, if you happen to pass through here in my humble abode, expect to see little fics flitting around.
However, as you well know, it is one thing to simply state your name, but how does one really, truly get to know another if not through their actions? Thus, to enter this dumpster fire, I should like to show to you dear viewers exactly what it is that I will be contributing.
I hope you enjoy my bit of gasoline being thrown into the raging flames~
The Silence of the Cage
The dull thrum of the forcefield was surprisingly soothing to Quark.
Of course, no one else could hear it, but with his lobes, why, he could place it from anywhere. In his long years of trade "Pheh. You mean smuggling.” in the Alpha Quadrant, he had much experience with many forcefields in his “Criminal escapades-” business ventures. Some were so poorly built that a simple stunner blast could disrupt the fields, while others were so hard to get through that even the simple act of touching it would burn all but the most hardy of life forms to a crisp.
Yet, all the same, there was never a forcefield quite like the ones down on Deep Space Nine. Sure, they certainly weren’t the strongest of them out there, and indeed it was quite easy for Quark to hack into the control panels and disable them- “That was quickly put to an end once I got there" but that wasn’t what appealed to him.
No, it was the constant, relaxing hum of the forcefield, working to stay alight.
At first, Quark thought that the sound was meant to pacify whatever prisoner it would happen to keep trapped. The forcefields had not always thrummed, after all, so he reasoned that it was probably yet another addition made by that damned fascist shapeshifter- “It’s Changeling, you annoying little wretch.” the new security officer. However, after a few weeks, when he came to the realization that only Ferengi lobes could hear its sweet song, Quark simply wrote it off. There was no way that the Cardassians would be so concerned over the Ferengi, as they had minimal presence in the Bajoran system aside from him and his bar. So Quark ignored them, thinking that the thrums were probably just a side effect of the forcefield.
That was, until he got to know the depths of said security officer’s insane obsession dedication to his job. It seemed like no matter what Quark did or where he went, he was being watched for his every move, be it an innocent pat on the shoulder as Quark poured one of his customers a drink to drown their sorrows in, a quick sleight of hand as he cheated said customers for the sweet, shiny promise of gold pressed latinum, or even a smooth, pale finger sensually tracing over the bridge of his lobe, the purple haired vixen whispering of illicit profits in his ear. He could feel Odo’s suspicious glare boring through him-
Whatever the case, it was clear that security had a bone to pick with him, and so over the years, as the station’s name changed from Terok Nor to DS9, and as his elaborate money making schemes were foiled by said security, there was one constant: Quark would inevitably spend a night in the cage, allowing him to get to know the thrums of the forcefield quite intimately. Odo would stand over him with that intimidating glare, but his grip on his arm, though strong, was as mesmerizing as the low hum of the forcefield.
Tonight was one of those nights. Quark stood by the warm glow of it, waiting for the cage’s song to whisper sweet nothings into his ears. “You humanoids and your ridiculous sensations. Why are you letting such a moronic sound get to you so much?”
Even with the change in security, the constant remained, for every night, Quark would come down here, just to listen to the forcefield. He would stand by it, straining his ears for the sound, but tragically, the thrum disappeared right around the time Odo left, back to his precious link with only Kira to say goodbye. He stared at his back, willing for the eyes that he knew were in the back of the Changling’s head to look at him, but there was nothing.
In spite of this, Quark didn’t let that stop him from continuing the age old tradition. The replacement security was a poor substitute for the real thing, so Quark was able to fade in through here with barely any effort at all. It was as if he were a ghost, as even when he walked right in front of the guards, they didn’t notice him as his translucent form flickered into the holding cell. For centuries, he had done this, over and over and over again. He stood in front of the forcefield, and though the cage was as silent as the void outside of the station, Quark stuck around like a broken record, imagining the nonexistent thrum to be Odo’s voice, growling at him-
The Bolian prisoner sitting in the cell felt a chill slip into the air. At once, a low thrum could be heard, and slowly the thrum grew louder and louder and louder until he could feel it vibrating under his skin. The cell became as frigid as the endless night. An immense sadness overtook him. The Bolian was waiting, waiting for forever, but for what he did not know. The Bolian knew that whatever it was that he was waiting for would never come back, and the knowledge of it was suffocating. Gasping for air, he willed the foreign emotion to leave him, begged for it to go away so that he could breathe without this horrible pain. All the while, the thought of why, why, why why do I exist here, why can’t I exist in the Divine Treasury, why do I have to be trapped here without the sound, in the silence? Why can’t I hear your voice anymore? repeated itself inside of his mind.
Just when the Bolian thought that he would die here in this room, his vision fading to black, the foreign emotions left him as suddenly as they came. The thick vice around his throat vanished, and the Bolian was filled with relief. However, his relief would prove to be false, for he felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by a light whisper ringing in his ear.
Screaming, the Bolian shouted for the guards, but when they came in, the chill had left, and the silence returned.
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you-cancer-vive · 4 years
Case to case
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About 30% of deaths in cancer patients occur due to cachexia. With the number of cancer cases increasing, cachexia is a rising health concern worldwide. There is a rare case of someone who suffered cachexia due to gastric cancer. This is her story.
ZM is a female, 21-year old, Roman Catholic, and a fourth year college student currently enrolled in a university in Manila. She is originally from Bacolod City, Negros Occidental but rents a condominium unit near her university.  She was admitted in the University Health Service on July 7, 2019.
ZM presented 4 months history of progressive abdominal pain associated with early satiety for 1 month.
ZM was not mentally well six months ago up to the present. Four months prior to admission, ZM experienced pain in the upper abdomen that radiates through the back while walking to school. The pain had an intensity of about 5/10 lasting for 10 seconds and it was sudden. She felt this three times throughout the day. She did not take any medications to alleviate the pain and ignored it. She thought that it was only due to her change in diet and loss of appetite. She was able to tolerate the pain and it did not affect her daily activities. She continued her activities such as attending classes and doing schoolwork.  However, these episodes were usually felt every other week but she still ignored it and did not take necessary precautions.  
One month prior to admission, she noticed a yellowing of his skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice). She continues to have a loss of appetite and realized that aside from losing weight, loss of fat and muscle mass was also present. She would seldom eat but when she does, she felt early satiety and constant bloating.  She still never visited a doctor for a check up.
Few hours prior to admission after eating lunch (which consisted of spicy food) and while listening to a lecture in class, the pain recurred again and had an intensity of about 8/10 and the pain persisted. She also felt sudden weakness and was nauseous. She excused herself and went to the emergency room to get checked up. Due to the severity of pain, she was referred for admission.
Initial physical examination was done and when suspected with abnormalities in the abdomen, she was admitted. Upon admission, endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound was done to find stomach cancer. Furthermore, procedures such as biopsy and imaging tests (Upper gastrointestinal (GI) series, X-ray with barium swallow, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), CT Scan) also followed. Even at a rare situation and at a young age, she was diagnosed with Stage IIIA Gastric Cancer and Cachexia.
Gastrectomy was performed in which the surgeon removes the part of the stomach that has tumors to help ease bleeding and pain. She is also undergoing chemotherapy to lower the risk of tumors spreading to other parts of the body. She was prescribed with DCF (docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-FU).
In general, ZM’s health was good. She has complete immunization and only catches the usual childhood illnesses. She has no known allergies to any food and medications. Furthermore, she is not on any medications. She also has no previous hospitalizations, operations, or injuries.
ZM used to be a very happy and outgoing person. She also did very well in her studies. Being far from her family and hometown, she managed to balance her time very well. She usually spends most of her time with her boyfriend, friends, and was seldom visited by her family. Six months prior to admission, she and her boyfriend had an argument, which led to them breaking up despite being together for almost 3 years. According to her closest friends, she was completely miserable that her personality was not the same as before. She would usually cry most of the time and felt more alone. Due to being heartbroken, she lost her drive to do well in her studies and forgot to take care of herself.  She became antisocial and anorexic.
She also resulted to vices. She started smoking half a pack per day. On the contrary, she seldom drinks liquor and has no history of taking any illegal drugs. Her type of physical activity included activities of daily living, walking, and sports required from her physical education class. Her family did not know anything about her situation, not until she was admitted in the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Hospital last year.
ZM is an only child and her parents are also Roman Catholic. She is well off and does not have any financial problems since her parents run their family business in their hometown. Her allowance ranges up to Php 20,000 a month. Thus, she is able to provide her daily needs. Her parents do not have any existing diseases but there is a known family history of lung and stomach cancer.
ZM usually eats healthily three times a day but when she started losing her appetite, it decreased to only once or twice a day. She does not have any food beliefs or food taboos but she does not follow a diet. Since she does not have time to prepare food in her condominium, she skips breakfast. She only eats lunch in school and sometimes eats dinner outside. She usually eats any kind of food except vegetables. She often eats processed and fast food. Her meals usually have low caloric content since she only eats in small servings and are nutrient deficient.
ZM’s actual body weight is 48 kg and her actual height is 163 cm. She reported that her usual body weight is 55 kg. In a span of two months, she had a severe weight loss of 7 kg. She complains of history of 6 weeks of abdominal pain and early satiety for 1-2 months. There was evidence of impaired nutritional status from wasting. The hydration status of the patient was however good.
Vital Signs:
BP = 140/90 mmHg
Height = 163 cm
Weight = 48 kg
BMI = underweight
HR = 80 bpm
RR = 19/min
Temperature = 37C
Eyes: extra ocular motions full, gross visual fields full to confrontation, conjunctiva clear, sclera is non-icteric, pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation, presence of jaundice
Ears: Hearing is excellent, tympanic membrane landmarks well visualized
Nose: No discharge, no obstruction, no nasal deviation
Mouth: Pale lips and gums, complete set of upper and lower teeth, tongue is in midline, uvula moves up in midline, normal gag reflex
Other Findings:
Neck: No vein engorgement
Breasts: Atrophic and symmetric, non-tender, no masses or discharges
Lungs: No dullness to percussion, chest was normal in shape and expansion was equal bilaterally, diaphragm moves well with respiration, no rhonchi, wheezes or rubs
Heart: PMI at the 5th left ICS midclavicular line, no heaves or thrills, regular rhythm with occasional extra beat, normal S1 and S2, no murmur, +2 pulse
Abdomen: Soft, flat, bowel sounds present, no bruits, tender to palpation, liver edge, spleen, kidney not felt, masses felt on right upper quadrant that did not move with respiration, mass was hard with irregular margin
Extremities: Jaundice, muscle wasting, pale nail beds
Neurological: Awake, alert and fully oriented
Motor: Moves all extremities
Sensory: Grossly normal to touch and pin prick
Rectal: No masses felt, stool is brown, negative for blood
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Woah, that was pretty heavy right? But I can assure you that this case is very interesting and handy. This case will help us understand why and how we can acquire certain diseases, specifically gastric cancer and cachexia. This case can also justify how biochemical pathways work and affect our body.  
I will be talking about more of these information in the next sections. I will also give an overview on the epidemiology of the diseases mentioned for more knowledge and comprehension. Stay tuned!
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beckettsthoughts · 7 years
10 Song Tag
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, them tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @astro-ocean! Thank you so much dude, I love these kind of things. This came out a real mix of my taste, too, so hopefully it provides a pretty good overview of the kind of thing I’m into.
1. Mad Sounds // Arctic Monkeys
Man, I love this album. Their old stuff is amazingly witty in a different way, but this album gives off such a strong vibe that it really stands out. This one is slower, calmer, almost hypnotic. It’s no Brianstorm, but it’s still a really sweet listen.
2. Strobelite // Gorillaz ft. Peven Everett
This is my favourite track off Humanz, I think. My mum likes it too, which is pretty cool; she’s not usually too big a fan of my music. It’s just, I really want to say groovy. Can I say groovy? It’s groovy.
3. Young and Menace // Fall Out Boy
I am shamelessly in love with this song. I know it took some knocks when it first came out, but it portrays that out-of-control, overwhelming feeling better than any other song I’ve heard. I appreciate that, and there’s several tiny moments within it that I just adore. There’s this thing with the guitars towards the end, when everything else cuts out for a beat or two and then it’s just the guitars ringing out, and it just knocks me dead me every time. 
4. Madame Trudeaux // KT Tunstall
I am a longtime fan of KT Tunstall and I have every single one of her albums on my phone. Tiger Suit is my favourite album overall, and this is probably the most powerful, rock-influenced track on that record. It really ups the tempo one last time before it falls back down for the closing track, and it’s got a cool story behind it as well.
5. Hey Lacey // Electric Century
I left this until last to write, even though it was fifth in the list, because I don’t have much to say about it. It’s really captivating, and it’s my favourite song from Electric Century so far, but it’s hard to describe why I like it so much. I really love the chorus, though, so maybe that’s the place to search for the answer. For a few months after it was first released I couldn’t find the lyrics anywhere, though I’m pretty sure I’ve now worked them out on my own. 
6. Extraordinary Girl // Green Day
I can’t claim to know a ton of Green Day, which I am honestly ashamed to admit but I love what I do know, but I do love American Idiot. I know, I know, everyone loves American Idiot to the point where I hear covers of the title track and Holiday at almost every gig I go to. Extraordinary Girl, though, is not one I hear so much about. It’s one of my go-to sad songs, though, and it’s comforting in some sort of way.
7. U.R.A. Fever // The Kills
I first found this on a playlist accompanying an old fanfic, but it pretty much sparked my love of The Kills. This and Monkey 23 were the first songs of theirs I heard, followed by What New York Used to Be, but this one is just amazingly unique. The rhythms, the lyrics and the hook are all really interesting. Also, I have never heard a better metaphor than “laughing like a seagull”, not because it’s especially poetic but because I can imagine it exactly. 
8. '39 // Queen
I grew up listening to a lot of Queen. They’re my mum’s favourite band and also one of mine, and while I don’t have all of their albums on my phone, I do have my favourite Queen album, A Night At The Opera, along with Greatest Hits I, II, and III. ‘39, then, is one of my favourite songs from A Night At The Opera, because it’s an epic fantasy song with hints of time travel. Time travel. Bring me back to a time when glam rock bands were writing sci-fi songs, please. 
9. Me & My Baby (Saturday Night) // Steam Powered Giraffe
I couldn’t tell you my favourite Steam Powered Giraffe song. I couldn’t. There are so many, and they’re so varied, but I have maybe ten or fifteen contenders for the title. This is one of them. It’s probably their most, I don’t know, normal-sounding songs, but it’s really catchy and fun and I really love the harmonies in it. She Said Maybe also picked up on that vibe, when it came to Mark III, but The 2¢ Show was the first of their albums I bought in full and loved. I’m glad this song came up.
(Don’t hurt me, but I still haven’t listened to Vice Quadrant. I keep forgetting to get around to it and it’s pretty long and also expensive for me, maybe I’ll buy it before I move at the end of the summer and listen to it then. Quintessential is coming out before too long as well, I really do need to catch up. I fell out of the fandom quite a while ago, though, so I don’t see so much of SPG anymore to remind me)
10. Desafinado // Ella Fitzgerald
What I heard on the radio growing up, when it wasn’t the 70′s glam rock of my mother’s youth, was the phenomenal jazz of Ella Fitzgerald. Ella: Love Songs was the album I heard the most, a beautiful mix of love songs varied from slow and almost melancholy all the way to the cheerful heights of Manhattan. Desafinado was one I found a little later, when I was uploading some of our family CDs to my laptop a few years ago, and I found an Ella album I hadn’t heard before with Desafinado as the opening track. I fell in love with it pretty immediately.
And now for tags! Please keep in mind that you are in no way obligated to do this, and you especially not obligated to write a paragraph for every song like I did. A simple list will suffice, if that’s what you want to do! Again though, no pressure ^^
So these are the people I’d love to hear from: @shark-myths, @toadstoolfuel, @skyward-sheik, @heardyouloudandqueer, @murdereratthematinee, @congrats-on-your-gayness, @baz-pitch-is-alive, @majesticspaceprince, @not-briar and @penguin2024
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pikapegasus · 7 years
hello thar, twas wondering if you take song prompts! And if you do, could you pretty please do an au with "kiss you slow" by Andy Grammer? much love and peace
first of all i’m assuming you wanted starmora so that’s what i wrote!! so i listened to this song and read thru the lyrics a good handful of times, and this is what came out. it’s not really an au, but it technically is canon divergent, i suppose. i hope you enjoy !!
send me a ship + one of these prompts!!!
Family means a lot of things, Peter’s come to learn. He’dfirst only thought of his mother as family (and his other blood relatives), butthen Yondu and the Ravagers became a family of sorts for him, followed by theGuardians of the Galaxy, his team of dorks who continually teach him morelessons about life and love and friendship and all that jazz more than he’dreadily admit.
Speaking of love, Gamora’s definitely taught him a lot inthat particular department, through the glances she sneaks at him during teamgatherings and the way she holds his hand so delicately and her warm words tohim about this and that, anything and nothing.
But being a Guardian is hard work, and being two-time galaxy-savers is even harder work, because word’s gettingaround the universe about them and what they can do, and they’re flooded withwork—both action-packed jobs and boring things, namely meetings with people like Nova Prime.
It’s because of this Peter finds himself dragging his feetthrough the Quadrant with a bag over his shoulder toward the Milano, huffing out asigh. The team needs to split because apparently overlapping schedules is anactual problem now, and it’spossible to overbook themselves.
Sometimes, Peter wishes they could just go back to beingobnoxious, unprofessional one-timegalaxy-savers that nobody expected to be super good at their job.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” Gamora asks forprobably the third time, at least. She trails behind him, seemingly just asdisappointed in the separation they’re about to go through as he is. It’s the first timeany of them have split up since Ego—only a few months ago—and though Peter isn’tafraid he’s going to encounter a crazy Celestial without properly plannedbackup this time, he is pretty disappointedthat he and Gamora will have to be apart.
(Though, he supposes, the separation might challenge them tobecome three-time galaxy-savers,judging by the team-separating-events that prompted their past escapades to protect theuniverse, so, yeah, that fear is there, too, for sure.)
“I’m not sure,” Peter admits after a moment, turning to faceGamora. “But we gotta split it this way, in case something big happens while you guys are out.”
“You’re only taking Mantis with you,” Gamora points out. “Youmight want to bring along some more backup.”
“It’s only a meeting with Nova Prime, so it should be fine,” he says with a shrug. “Besides,you guys need as much of the team as possible to do the job, and you’re the oneI trust the most to lead.”
She doesn’t even bother hiding the proud smile that fillsher face at his words. “We will rendezvous on Xandar in three days’ time.”
“Yep, that’s the plan.” He nods, leaning forward to press aquick, parting kiss to her lips. “Try not to miss me too much.”
“I’ll miss Mantis more.”
“Ha, funny.” He pauses. “Seriously, though, please tell me it’s not weird for me tofeel like this is gonna suck? Like, for the two of us? Since we’re, y’know…” Hegestures between them. “I guess I’m a bit of a sap.”
“We’ll be fine, Peter,” she responds, taking his hands inhers and squeezing them. “This will be…different from what we’re used to, butit was bound to happen eventually.”
“Yeah. Yeah, there’s a first for everything,” he says,trying to psych himself up. “Right. Okay. Three days’ time.”
“And touch base once a day while we’re apart.”
“That, too.”
Her smile tightens, and he recalls the time she’d spent onEgo’s planet trying to get into contact with Rocket (unsuccessfully) beforeshit hit the fan.
(Yeah…the team has a badhistory with splitting up. No matter what the reason is, it always seems tolead to a life-threatening problem of some sort.)
So Peter suddenly digs into his pocket, pulling hisZune and earbuds out before handing it to Gamora.
She looks at him, confusion replacing the concern inexpression.
“This is how you know I’ll be back,” he explains, placing theZune on the palm of her hand and guiding her fingers in curling over it. “Ofcourse, I’m coming back either way, but this is just more of a tangible reminder.”
“What? Peter, no, I can’t take your Zune,” she insists,trying to put it back into his hands. “It’s yours.It’s precious to you.”
“It’s not the onlything precious to me,” he says smoothly, winking at her. She doesn’t even rollher eyes at the flirting attempt—success,he mentally fist-pumps—but still stares at him, clearly taken aback. “Look. Just.I’m sure you won’t miss me that much,since it’s only three days, but I figured Nova Prime wouldn’t really appreciateme listening to music during the meeting, so might as well get rid of thetemptation, right? And I’m sure Groot wants to listen to the songs on it whileI’m gone. Music helps plants grow, y’know? I’m just trusting you with it,because you’re, honestly, the safest hands around here.”
She nods, accepting his rambling while she pockets the Zuneand earbuds. “I’ll hold onto it for you.”
“Yeah, that’s it, thanks,” he says, offering her a smallsmile. “Anyway. I should get going.”
“I’ll see you in three days.” She pulls him into a hug,breathing a sigh into his chest. He wraps his arms around her in return, losinghimself in the moment.
The next time the team has to split up for different jobs—namely,one group goes with Peter while the other group goes with Gamora—Peter findshimself being handed a retracted blade.
It’s the Godslayer, the sword Peter’s come to know betterthrough stories Gamora’s told him of her days with Thanos. She and Nebula hadboth wielded it in the past, but Gamora managed to claim it for good, and, tobe frank, Peter believes it lives up to its name easily.
(“So…it’s named the Godslayer,”he’d prompted her out of curiosity one day, after her dependable blade pulled them through atight spot on a job. “Whoever named it did a good job.”
“I’d admired it as a child while training under Thanos,” she’dexplained softly, in the intimate tone her voice took on whenever she reflectedon her past, as she cleaned it. “I gave it the name when I was younger, and itjust stuck, I suppose.”
“That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard,” he’d commented,because, aww, Gamora as a little kidusing her imagination, but, “also, it’s a little disturbing.”)
“Okay, I know the shared custody of the Zune is pretty cool,but this is an actual weapon you usein battle,” he sputtered at hergesture, staring at her through wide eyes. “This is something that you’dlogically need.”
“I have other blades that I need more practice with,” she reminds him,forcing it into his hands as she slips the Zune and its accompanying earbuds (which he’d handed to her just momentsago, per team-splitting-up tradition). “Besides, in case you and the others areattacked and can’t get into your blasters in time, you can use this instead.”
“The Godslayer is, like, your baby!” he protests.
“So it’ll prevent you from missing me too much while I’mgone,” she replies easily. “Just like your Zune does for me while you’re gone.”
“I’m glad it helps. Guesswe’re doing more of a balanced trade-off now.”
“The Zune for the Godslayer.” She presses a quick kiss tohis lips, and, really, since when hadshe gotten so fucking cute? (Or had he just been blind to it until now?) “Now,then. We should be back in two days.”
“I’m holding you to that,” he says with a sigh of defeat,hooking the Godslayer to his belt because, honestly, he can’t win this one. “Callme tomorrow?”
“Of course.”
Sometimes, he reallywonders how he managed to find someone like Gamorato share his life with like this.
Time’s a funny thing. It goes by slowly, yet quickly enoughthat if you close your eyes for just a smidgetoo long, you’ll miss out on a whole lot.
That’s how Peter feels the current scene between him andGamora would appear out of context, or even to himself of just a few years ago.
He’s cleaning the Godslayer carefully, polishing it up afterwielding it in a fight earlier—much to Gamora’s delight, as her sword-traininglessons are apparently paying off—and Gamora’s sitting beside him on the bed,his earbuds in her ears as she sings along softly to his music, scrollingabsentmindedly through the Zune.
It’s as if they switched bodies, or some shit.
But, nope—it’s just a normal day in the lives of a legendaryoutlaw and the deadliest woman in the galaxy.
“This thing is such a bitch to clean,” he comments, turningit over in his hands. “No wonder you’ve been giving it to me lately.”
She rolls her eyes playfully. “The music selection on theZune grows repetitive after a while. No wonder you’ve been giving it to melately.”
They make eye contact for a few moments, giving each otherthat look, before descending intolaughter.
Because, yeah, having to split up for missions and crapreally, really sucks, since he muchprefers when he’s beside Gamora, tucked into her side or vice versa everynight, but if this is how they haveto cope with the separation, well.
“Since you’ve got the polishing materials out,” she sayssuddenly, holding her left hand out toward him, “want to polish up my ring abit?”
“Only if you’ll domine for me afterward,” he responds, holding his left hand out toward her.
Yeah, okay. Maybe the separation itself sucks, but thecoming together afterward almost always makes it worth it.
send me a ship + one of these prompts!!!
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Summary: Sometimes love comes with pain and sacrifice.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, The Borg I guess. They scary as hell.
Pairing: JanewayxReader 
A/N: I’m sorry. I literally wrote this today. I can’t stop thinking about Kathryn Janeway. She is at the top of my favorite character list. But here! I like this! And I hope you do too! ALSO THIS IS NOW EDITED. BECAUSE SHIT WENT UN NOTICED BECAUSE MY INTERNET WAS SLOW>
Word Count: 1518
Being on Voyager was tough, you remember telling your mother that you would be fine. That is was supposed to be two, three weeks tops. That was over 4 years ago. You remember that moment you realized you might never see Earth or the Alpha quadrant ever again. You remembered being part of the small group that supported Captain Janeway.  A year in is when the rationing was low again. You sacrificed a few rations for a cup of coffee for her. Gently placing it in front of her in the mess hall.
“You looked like you could use a cup,” you went to leave when she called your name.
“Y/l/n. Right? Since we are going to be together for quite some time I’ve seen it imperative to go over all the files of the crew. You are Y/n l/n right?” You nodded deftly, frozen in your spot. In attention no doubt.“Relax before you sprain something,” She laughed. Oh no, you thought, a blush pricking up your neck. She’s cute. “Join me?”
That wasn’t the end of your conversations with Kathryn. The coffee became a reoccurrence. You would get it and place it in front of the Captain. She, in turn, would ask you to join her. A first the conversations were about the chance of returning. Then they turned away from work, to where you grew up, respectively, memories about the Academy, about Earth. Then the day came when a cup of coffee was placed on the table in front of you. And she asked to join you.
It snowballed on from there. To the point where you were in her quarters, your legs were thrown over hers as you read on of your novels on your PADDs respectively. It had been quite, relaxing. You felt fingers curl around yours, pulling them from your device, weaving themselves with yours. You smiled and glanced up to be meet a pair of deep blue eyes. “Yes,” you whispered.
“Nothing,” she pulled your hand to her mouth, kissing the fingers gently. “Over four years out here. It’s just mind boggling. I can’t help but wonder sometimes.”
“If headquarters have forgotten about us? If we have our own plaque stating how brave we were sitting right on the edge of the bay next to the one dedicated to the whales?” Kathryn chuckled softly, bowing her head.
“George and Gracie. It’s amazing to think Earth was saved using whales from the 1980’s, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “Are you up for a game of Velocity?”
“What’s the matter? Are you going stir crazy,” she teased pulling you closer, planting a kiss on the temple. “Or do you like losing?” You gasped at her, as she started to chuckle.
“I almost got you last time, Kathy. 7 to 3” Kathryn opened her mouth to counter, but the comm beeped.
“Captain to the Bridge.” You sighed, untangling yourself from her.
“Duty calls,” she whispered leaning down to kiss your lips gently. “Be good.”
Borg. Borg on the ship, trying to take you once more. Your grip on your phaser was like a vice. Blood thumping in your ears, your legs felt weak. You wanted to vomit. You turned a corner and saw a drone closing in on an oblivious Janeway. No. You couldn’t let it happen. “Captian!” You ran, shoving Kathryn to the ground, away from the now within-touching-distance drone. You felt an arm around your neck then the sharp pinch of the injection. You could feel the nanoprobes rushing into your body. You felt tears welling up from pain and fear as your could feel yourself slip away. “I love you,” you whimpered as the drone dropped you, you fought to stay conscious to fight the inevitable. “Kathryn,” You called seeing her still looking at you. “Run, Kath, you have to run! I love you.”
“I love you too,” you watched her stand up and run away. You gasped for breath and looked at your hand seeing the process beginning.
You saw the world through a haze. The thundering voices of thousands rang in your head. Compelling you, forcing you to seek out and assimilate all that you could. You felt the reminisce of you slipping away. So you tried to think of Kathryn. You thought of how her eyes crinkled when she laughed. How her hair bounced when she walked. How her eyes never left yours during conversations, sparkling with interest. Then your vague thoughts drift to the look on her face when she realized you had just sacrificed yourself for her. You repeated these faint thoughts over and over as you assimilated one, two, three other crewmen. 
As your body moved at the command of the collective you came across a human.”You will be assimilated.” The person spun around. Kathryn. God, please no. “Captain Janeway, you will be assimilated.”
Kathryn’s heart shattered, seeing you, as a Borg. Your hair was gone, your normally rosy complexion an ashen color. mechanical components taking over your organic body. How could this be you? Her Y/n.
“Y/n, I know you must be in there. Somewhere. You have to be. The others, B'elanna, The Doctor, Harry, Seven of Nine. They are all working to get you and the others back to us!” You continued to advance towards her, your sensors roaming over her, analyzing her. She was terrified, her heartbeat racing. You were going to kill her. How could this happen? How could she let this happen to you? This was her fault. If she wasn’t vulnerable, then you wouldn’t be like this. A fate worst than death.
“Resistance is futile.”
“Now you listen to me, y/n. I know you are in there. I’m going to save you. Because I love you and you gave your all for me. Now, it’s my turn.” Janeway recoiled when her back hit the wall, tears welling up in the searching blue eyes, for any signs that you recognized her. She reached out for your cheek, a dangerous move, but she still trusted you. That damn romantic side of her, that damn Starfleet-bred line of thought that believed in the good in everyone. “Please. Please.”
“Kathryn Janeway, you will be assimilated,” the words tumbled out, as the small part of you screamed, resisting with all your failing might to stop. Thorough ever foggy gaze. You knew you were disappearing, fading into the nothingness that was Borg. You had a tight grip on her neck, crushing her windpipe.  Then there was nothing, everything was black. Everything stopped.
Your body began to ache. Wait, your body. You could feel. You could feel the pain in all your bones and muscles. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking at the harsh light. You realized your vision was clear, that it was you, and not some display like screen. As you rolled your head to the side you saw what was holding your hand down, your human hand. Kathryn had her head on the biobed, hands tightly gripping onto yours. You smiled and curled your fingers against her cheek. Her head sprung up, “y/n?” She stood over you, placing a hand on either shoulder. “Doctor, she’s awake.” The doctor came out from his office, smiling at you. “Hello there.”
“Well, it’s about time our sleeping beauty woke up.” You smiled up weakly at the Doctor as he watched the readings on the tricorder. “You’ll be happy to know we managed to remove every Borg component, right down to the last nanoprobe. And your hair is all back due to my skills with a regenerator.”  
“The others,” you croaked.
“All but one,” Janeway sighed, rubbing the shoulder closest to her. You reached up with the opposite hand and laid it over hers. “We got 12 of you back.”
You spotted the dark bruise around her neck. “I didn’t hurt you, did I? Kath, tell me I didn’t hurt you.” Tears welled up and flowed faster than you wanted. Spilling over your cheeks. God, it felt good to feel again. She smiled moving the hand you didn’t have in your grasp to push back your hair after wiping some tears away.
“No.” Janeway sighed continuing her ministrations through your hair. Smiling down at you warm, soft smile that held all the emotion and love in existence. You were sure of it. “You gave me quite a scare. Thought I lost you.” 
“You can’t get rid of me that easy,” you murmured.
“You can hug you know. She’s just sore. Not broken,” the Doctor’s dry voice spoke. “Seven of Nine will be in later to check on you.”
You reached up and wrapped your arms around Kathryn’s shoulders. Pushing all the pain aside to hug the woman you loved. Her arms supported you and pulled you close against her. Kissing the side of your face. You pulled back to get a good look at her, pushing her hair back. More tears fell from relief. “How about dinner tonight? You and me in a little Italy program I found. Sound good? Maybe a little dancing if you are up for it.”
You laughed, “Sounds wonderful,” you leaned in and pressed your lips against hers in a chaste kiss. You both laughed in relief and rested your forehead on each other. She was a reserved person. She didn’t cry, teary eyed sure, but not cry. She instead held you tightly, not lettings you out of her sight. And you couldn’t be happier.
Tags: @outside-the-government @feelmyroarrrr @answer-the-sirens @yourtropegirl @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @trekken81 @imaginestartrek @imaginenterprise @wificrazymisfit @bkwrm523 @outside-the-government @malindacath  @athena1138 @buckyy3s @storiesfromstarfleet @nehrdistdaily @mccoymostly @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger
Tell me if you would be into more voyager!
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ive had this list of all the steam powered giraffe songs listed in order of my favorite to least favorite in each album, but i havent done anything with it and i made the list last year. thought id might as well post it!
each song has a little blurb about that song, and the reason i like it. strictly my opinions on the songs, but i tried to include some of the technical stuff so if you hadnt heard the song before, you could get a Feel of it.
album one
steam man band - wonderful lyrics and vocals! the robotic twinge i lovely and i wish this was longer. i love the lyric “count to twenty, one is plenty”
clockwork vaudeville - a charming song about a boy seeing the robots for the first time at a fair and you feel it in every note. theres a part where the spine switches to a more harsh voice and it works wonderfully to contrast the smoothness of thus far.
electricity is in my soul - again, i love the robotic edge this song has, but it also is smooth. the lyrics and vocals are amazing. so fun to sing along to.
brass goggles - the first song i heard of them, the three part harmonies are to die for and rabbit kills it. in the original version, the voices are super busy and super robotic and tbh its my fav version because of this. i adore when they split into three parts and sing their own thing.
sound of tomorrow - i love the chorus, especially the echo the spine does. love all the weird lyrics the jon sings.
blind minstrels ballad - i love how ambient and mysterious it is. sets the mood for a story. i love the jons voice.
steam man band reprise - i love michaels voice and the staticy effects the band had a lot of in this album. the lyrics work really well and i wish this was longer.
captain albert alexander - one of my favorite hero songs, caa is a whirlwind adventure of a man who loves the sea. i love the story line and it hits you hard emotionally
out in the rain - ambiance! i love the mood this song sets.
on top of the universe - a cute song about being in love, very charming and captures the feeling of falling in love at first sight. i love the end part where the spine has to be beat up.
ice cream parade - hilarious! works well as a skit but the song itself is messy. i like the horse adventure part (of course i start to like it when the spine starts singing).
2cent show
automatonic electronic harmonics - western vibes but keep the steam punk feel! robotic themed but focused around the spines feeling and experiences. i love the screaming. the second spg song i listened to.
circuitry - i cant understand what their saying, but i love the robotic screeching and words you can just barely understand. a circusy feeling.
juju magic - the jon kills it with the mood again, i love that you have that steamboat feel, but now everything is going crazy. nothing is right and the lyrics dont make sense but it works wonderfully.
me and my baby - this song makes you want to dance and the spine kills the vocals.
one way ticket - i love the feel of this song! the lyric “the conductor plays the bass, and the train it has a face” just. gives you that mood that this is all magical and cartoony and its just an adventure your having on a train.
the suspender man - one of my other favorite hero song. the lyrics can get strange at times but thats part of the charm. its so fun to sing along, especially in the fast parts. i love singing never 21 times.
steamboat shenanigans - i adore the lyrics. youre standing on a boat running on music and good feeling. the lyrics are silly and the vocals are wonderful. rabbit has a charming edged voice. uncle ralphie makes his appearance in a tuba
prelude to a dream - again, michaels charming voice strikes again. the way the lyrics are sung are eerie but strike you.
the ballad of lily - what is it with me and liking the segway songs more than the actual songs. the ballad of lily slowly builds into something greater as time goes on and i love the accordion.
make believe - another song i want to dance to, the chorus is so fun and great. this song is about being good.
honeybee - one of my favorite parts of this is how when the robots sing “bee” it reminds me of the subtle sounds of a bee buzzing. a sad song about love, maybe something we can relate to.
rex marksley - a wild wild west adventure following the greatest hero, rex wanders around doing good deeds for his life. a great beat and chorus, but it the verses that make it great.
scary world - i love the tentative way things are sung, spine and the gang are scared during this song, something is afoot. pretty sure the morse code says something serious and imaginative, and then ends with the word “bananimals”
thatll be the way home - another era song, you get the feel of the time period like a lot of the other songs on this album. thatll is a really fun word to sing repeatedly.
airheart - a story about a part airplane part woman who becomes a great pilot. a cute story with a great harmony.
little birdie - cute lyrics, the mood of the song is so strange and not how you would think.
go spine go - easily one of my favorite songs. a jazzy sort of song about the spine having diarrhea. poor spine gets harassed by his band mates
roller skate king - all time favorite hero song. rsk is just a fun guy who roller skates and wants other people to have fun. i cant help but to dance to this song and the chorus is super catchy.
wired wrong - a song that hits too far home. weve all felt wired wrong one way or another. the harmonies are so solemn but hit all the right emotions.
hatch fever - hatchworths debut song. hes still learning what its like to be one of the singing bots so hes still working out the kinks. fast and catchy, i love the abrupt breaks in the song.
fancy shoes - mysterious fancy shoes from a mouse find themselves on hatchys feet. i love the tangents and the footfall sounds at the beginning set the mood of the strange yet serious mood of the song.
steam powered giraffe - you can feel everyone getting ready to sing, i love how you hear about the robots being robots. i love the contrast between all the robots voices tied together with lovely lyrics and a fun beat.
ghost grinder - rabbit strikes again with a chilling song, but this song works the scary theme into a fun halloweeny song about a dancing event.
mecto amore - i love the sultry kind of beat this song has at the beginning. always in love with songs that remind you these singers are robots.
turn back the clock - i cried listening to this song like full on sobbing. rabbit has such a true performance of watching a little girl grow up in little to no time. the song is heart wrenching but worth a listen to understand a part of rabbits character. you can feel her emotions as she laments time.
please explain - silly lyrics that fit together nicely. a series of questioning things the robots dont understand. the spines verse is funny not because of the spine, but the other robots making razzberry sounds during it.
a way into your heart - a love letter to the fans. weve had hard times but the robots will be there for us to sing with and get a smile back on our face. a cute song, but the first few lyrics are sung awkwardly.
bleak horizon - i think its hilarious when the little kid is just like “...bye” a chilling song about the future. harmonies are on point
steam powered giraffe reprise - a cute idea that works really well on stage and kind of random on the cd. the robots have been reset and now sing in japanese. kind of stunted sounding japanese but the song is still catchy and lively.
ill rust with you - this song screams grease. super 70s and you pick up that feel immediately. you can practically imagine rabbit in the all the clothes she describes
she said maybe - another song boasting spines vocal range. kind of creepy.
vice quadrant
its cosmic - the chorus, god the chorus. the progression of notes leaves my ears wanting only more.
the speed of light - you can pinpoint just where the song takes its turn from innocent amazement to more sinister. all this power, you feel invincible. chilling, just like all the song about the astronaut. the build up is amazing.
progress and technology - i adore the spines sharpness of his voice. the robotic feel matches the theme of how the future has come so far. slightly ominous in its lyrics, you feel like something will go wrong with this utopia.
oh no - legit sobbed the first few times i listened to it. the soliton reprise kills me every time. the first word sung is actually my favorite, but i love the pacing of this song, especially at the beginning
daughter of space - the story lyrics that the spine continues to excel at. i love how the lyrics mimic the astronauts feelings towards the daughter of space.
on a crescendo - soft, homely, this song lets you live in the comfort of your time while describing how far humans have come. im so glad a song so chill made it into this album.
commander cosmo - im so glad dwight is ok. captures the emotions and the views of both commander and the public. an emotional roller coaster.
necrostar - rabbit kills it with the sexy deep, scary lyrics. necrostar cant help but to sound sultry as he describes how he is the one to destroy humanity
steamjunk - the perfect opener for winks arc. lost, but hopeful. i love the progression of the song and the chorus.
the pulls - ive never loved a waltz so much. morbid lyrics sung beautifully and calmly toward you. so strange that hatchworth sings low, but i wouldnt have it any other way
whale song - oh so, so cute. oh my gosh. so. cute. rabbit is just teeth rottingly adorable and im so glad we get to hear her take center stage on her accordion. i love the conversation of them just starting a song on the fly.
the vice does tight - harmonies! scary, and set the mood of the impending doom. i love how the lyrics flow and adore how the singers switch
where i left you - saddening, but in the longing sense. hatchworths voice is back to the countertenor were used to.
wink the satellite - hatchworth and wink are just too cute. i love the speaking parts.
fire fire - a lovely song, that is until you realize what its about. this guy just does not have good luck. loses a lot of the emotion of the live performance, but it works to separate the graphic scenes from the audience. back ups make the song. the pinao crawling up the scales gives me chills.
soliton - a love song in its core. love the build up to the chorus. i love when cosmic sings as well! because she loves the astronaut too.
burning in the stratosphere - short and sweet. i love the suspense and build of the countdown and the irony.
star valley night - i love the off key sort of singing for some reason. the up and downs are wrong in all the right ways. cute silly lyrics from all the bots.
starburner - a cute, up beat song. maybe wishing on stars isnt a good idea, but the conversations in this song make this song cute. more spine crying plz
starlight star shine - love that acoustic guitar, especially since so much of this album is synthesized and electronic. a charming love song.
the space giant - i love the conversations that take place in this song. the story progression and especially the part where their blasting off of earth are great.
over the moon - catchy and sweet. the chorus is my favorite part.
sky sharks - not really a fan of professor elemental, but i love the silliness of the song. strange things are happening but its so silly and presented silly. song gets dated with a 50 shades of grey reference.
hold me - sad, but lovely. the verses are cute.
gg the giraffe - cute lyrics! gg introduces herself and expects only gratitude for existing. gg voice is meant to be obnoxious however and makes the song a little hard to bear.
steam world heist (not including remakes of the songs)
what we need are some heroes - i fell in love with this song at first listen. such a depressed world, but hope is always on the horizon. im always a sucker for the spines voice. “forever and a day” always hits me hard for some reason. the chorus is so hopeful.
the red queen - grew on me. originally i was upset things payed into a red queen sense, but the sharp noises vocals and robotic laughing, well, that grows on a person. i loved all the staticy distorted noises.
the vast frontier - so chilling, hatchworth returns with his slightly morbid lyrics and wonderfully written music.
star scrap - another song i cant help but to sing with. a bit depressing, but fits the mood of the album. i love the ending
the stars - i love how space western this song is. back to the old roots, perhaps. again, im at the mercy of spines wonderful vocals. hatchworths verse is silly and cute and im not even mad it breaks the song up
prepare for boarding - i love the shifts in this song, they all work well to make the song interesting.
only human - this song never fails to make me smile. hatchworth can sing and help me as much as he wants. sigh. he just wants things to be easier and better for us. i love the other robots interjections, but hatchworth is the real star of the show.
the ballad of delilah morreo - the rapid one right after the other beat of the lyrics and music make me love this song so much. the chorus is killer. “bat and beast and wolf and spider” always gets stuck in my head
overdrive - i love the echo that the band sings. everyone is so great in this song. hatchworth has the greatest lines but once the beat drops, oh boy. those harmonies. reminds you how robotic they are without being the same robotic they were in the first few albums. theyve been refined and fixed up. maybe not the biggest fan of the rap.
malfunction - this song can hit close to home. a different take on being wrong than something like wired wrong, but this one chooses to embrace those malfunctions. the chorus is lovely
photographic memories - maybe a bit slow at points, but sets up this new lover the spine seems to infatuated with. this isnt some fling, this is someone he wanted to spend his life with. the verses make the song, but the chorus doesnt holdout. the music in between verse keep you interested and the subtle changes keep you on your toes as the song shifts.
i dont have a name for it - such a charming, cute love song. i absolutely adore when the bots switch off singing words and parts of words. that up and down of their voices hits me just right.
sleep evil sleep - the lyrics are dreamy, but solidify in just the right moments. this song is about taking a break from the awfulness, just for one night.
blue portals - the chorus really keeps with you, another song where hatchworth just wants to do good, although this lets you see his more chaotic side.
salgexicon - honestly i still cant believe they made their dnd characters part of the spg lore. among hero songs, this one is pretty memorable, even if its cluttered with so many characters. the chorus gets stuck in your head, but the verses are what keep me interested. im glad salgexicon cries a lot but is still heroic.
leopold exeditus - i absolutely love the music that accompanies the song. the chorus is great and i love the divergence in the middle. “mozambique” is the best word ive ever heard get sung ever.
dream machine - a lovely closing piece, now that the evil sleeps, she can sleep and dream. seems almost like amsr during the verses.
love world of love - the beginning lyrics are my favorite, which make up for the repetitive chorus.
45 notes · View notes
girlwiththegreenhat · 7 years
Steam Powered Giraffe Vice Quadrent
Most Favorite Track: Alright so I really love all of Vice Quadrant, it’s a friggin’ work of art - to pick a favorite is difficult, but I do absolutely adore Starlight Star-Shine and im not just saying that because i love the spine okay its legit a great song and i love the music video
Least Favorite Track: Whale Song itself is absolutely beautiful, but the fact they tacked on the bit with Commander Cosmo after the song ends? It bothers me xD I have the same problem with the last track of Quintessential, you’re sitting there enjoying Dream Machine and ~*~suddenly its the Necrostar ooo spoopy~*~ like what do I do if I want to just listen to the song itself on repeat? ; w ; It’s not bad if you’re listening to the entire album, but to try and listen to the song itself on repeat only to be hit with Cosmo’s dialogue at the end every time is a bit jarring. I wish they made the “cool foreshadowing ending” bits as their own tracks, but then that’d spoil the surprise so I kinda see why they don’t. :P
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fire-bear · 7 years
Do you want more prompts? I'd also like sentence #14.
God, I finally finished this. I didn’t think I would. =/
Sort Of Warnings: Al is a little OOC - but he’s meant to be that way for reasons. Also, there’s very little in the way of USUK - this is like the start of an epic story which will play out over time, space and- Well. More space than time.
Oh, the title for this is probably more for the chapter this kind of is rather than the entire story. Though, it could apply to the story, too, I suppose.
“InGaLE base, this is the Kunoichi. We are currentlyon our way back from the Talbia mission – full report will beprovided upon our return but it looks like there won’t be troublearound there any more. Please advise on any other missions to beundertaken in this quadrant.” Finished with his transmission,Matthew adjusted his headphones as he waited for the answer.
Behind him, Al hovered, hoping they’d get anothermission. He’d enjoyed the brief fight with the pirates but it seemedthe InterGalactic Law Enforcement logo was more than enough for themto retreat. Sure, they’d followed them to make sure they wouldn’treturn as soon as they left. Andthey got to stay on the planet and drink in some of the culture whilethey waited to see if the pirates would return. All three of the teamhad been fawned over and Al had been interested in the reactions fromMatthew and Kiku – it had helped his learning and he now knew thatthey had both enjoyed and were embarrassed by both the female andmale Talbians’ attentions.
“Al,” said Matthew, suddenly, turning to look athim. “I’ve told you before – stop that.”
“But I wanna know what’s happening!” Al protested,whining a little.
“Don’t you need to charge?” Kiku asked from hisseat at the pilot’s station.
“Nope,” Al replied. “My improved lithium-ionbatteries last much longer than previous batteries and will only needto be charged every four months. They will need to be replaced infive years but should not be cause for concern.”
Matthew sighed. “Obviously your learning softwarehasn’t updated to include reading the atmosphere, huh?”
Tilting his head, Al blinked. “You’ve said thatbefore. I’m still not sure how I’m supposed to do that. You never saywhether you mean pressure or air content or something else.”
Just as Matthew opened his mouth to reply, he turnedback to his station. Evidently, the base was responding. Al eagerlywatched him, listening to his end of the conversation. “Yes, sir,”Matthew said. “It shouldn’t take us too long to check that out.We’ll get in contact with you when we’ve made contact. Thank you,sir.”
“Checked what out?” Al immediately demanded. “Arewe freeing slaves from the Loo'oo'oos planet? Are we helping tooverthrow an evil dictator in one of the Groag galaxies? Is itpirates again? Are we gonna fight pirates?”
Rolling his eyes, Matthew sent the coordinates from hisscreen to Kiku’s monitor so he could change their route. “The basehas picked up a very weak distress signal from Ranar. We’ve to checkit out and help anyone who needs it.”
“Ranar?” said Al,pouting. “But that’s uninhabited and boring!”
“But,” Kiku piped up, “if we don’t go to help,you won’t get to be a hero.”
Al blinked, processing the statement. “Oh,” hesaid. “Well, we gotta get there quick, then. ‘Specially if they’rein distress – gotta save 'em before something happens!”
“Don’t worry,” Kiku said, smiling at him in thatway he did when he was feeling both amused and fond. “We’re only anhour away by light speed.”
For Al, an hour was way too long.
Considering the length of time it had taken to get tothis part of their jurisdiction from the base and the smooth runningof their new ship, he’d seen all there was to see on the ship. Therewere no need to read books – all the contents of them weredownloaded into his head as soon as he linked up with the tablet theywere stored on. He preferred the comics back at base, anyway, butMatthew and Kiku were fans of novels and manga and that’s all theyhad on the ship. Sure, manga was cool, but it had taken long for himto download everything the other two crew members had brought. It wasthe same problem with the movies and don’t get him started on thevideo games he could master in seconds.
So all he could do was pace the length and breadth ofthe ship, returning to the bridge every few minutes. Eventually,Matthew snapped.
“Dammit, Al, just sit down!”
“Meanie,” Al grumbled and plopped down onto hischair, probably damaging a few circuits from the force he landed.
“We’re not too far away now,” Kiku assured him.
Matthew nodded and turned to his screen. “Yeah, I’mpicking up the distress signal now. I’ll put it through thespeakers.”
Instantly, a man’s voice began to fill the bridge, hisaccent neutral but evidently a human. “Mayday, mayday. This is theAsterales requesting immediate assistance. Our ship has been damagedby pirates and, unless we receive parts for our engine, we will beunable to leave Ranar or survive for much longer. Mayday, mayday.This is the-”
“Asterales?” said Al, frowning. “I don’t have anydata on that ship.”
“So it shouldn’t have been a target for thepirates…” Matthew murmured. “What in the universe happened?”
“Did they stumble onto something the pirates didn’twant them to know, do you think?” Kiku asked. “This could be farmore serious than we thought.”
“We still have to go check it out,” Matthew pointedout. “We’ll just have to be more cautious when we descend, in caseit’s some sort of trap.”
“Ah,” said Kiku as an alert sounded on his screen.“We’re approaching Ranar.”
The next few minutes were taken up by the routine ofscanning for potential threats, steering their ship into orbit,scanning for the downed ship and dropping into the atmosphere. Almainly ran on automatic; he could do all this with his eyes closed.Though, from past experience, he knew that Matthew and Kiku preferredhim to keep them open.
They set down not far from the stranded ship. It was adirty brown and seemed to be a cargo ship. Al updated the informationhe had on the Asterales, making sure to take an optical picture forlater reference. It seemed to lie where it had landed, at a rightangle to a massive rock. There were several massive dents in themetalwork and the door seemed to be stuck slightly open. Nobody couldbe seen moving about and no-one seemed to be coming to greet them.
Glancing at the other two, Matthew grimaced. “Thescans showed signs of life but the hull of the ship is so thick, Ican’t tell how many there are or what state they’re in. I hopethey’re all right…”
“There’s only one way to find out!” Al exclaimedand immediately made his way to the airlock. From the scramblingnoises behind him, he knew that the other two were following.
Despite being uninhabited, the air was breathable andthe gravity only a smidgeon stronger then that of Earth and theirship. It wasn’t enough for Matthew or Kiku to notice but Al did andquickly adjusted all his mechanics in order to be able to operate atfull capacity. Matthew and Kiku had quickly dressed in their officialuniforms, the black jumpsuits with gloves and helmets and protectivevests. Of course, the vests only protected against the lower range oflaser blasts, knives and some of the lower velocity projectiles. Alwould make sure they didn’t need to rely on them, though.
The terrain itselfseemed to be a desert or wasteland of some sort. Huge rocks stoppedanyone from seeing too far into the horizon. Beneath their feet,stones crunched against the hard earth, cracks creating interestingpatterns for miles around. There were no noises except for a slightwind whistling through the valleys created by the rocks and cliffs.Occasionally, a skittering sound of stones being disturbed soundedfrom far away and Al had to wonder if the wind was dislodging them orif it was an animal of some sort. Or maybe it was a ghost.
Before Al could give a whimper at that thought, thewonky door shifted slightly. All three of the law enforcementofficers froze, eyeing them. Matthew and Kiku kept a tight grip ontheir weapons as they watched the door being moved aside. Finally,someone emerged and approached the group, taking slow, deliberatesteps. They stopped some distance away, close enough for the officersto make them out but far enough that he could turn and run forshelter should they attack them.
Whoever they werelooking at was completely covered up. Large, black boots came up totheir knees and brown trousers were tucked into them, a shiny beltbuckle reflecting the meagre sunlight. A long-sleeved, dirty-whiteshirt was tucked into a pair of black, leather gloves. Covering theirhead and shoulders from view was a long, deep green cloak, tiedsecurely around the person’s neck. Usually, Al would assume he wouldneed to switch to a different language to be understood since onlynatives of the outer planets wore cloaks. Instead, his opticalscanners picked up that the clothes – including the cloak – weremade of materials from Earth and deduced that the person was just ahuman with an outdated sense of fashion.
It took a few seconds(exactly 8.04 seconds, actually) for anyone to do anything. Then,deciding that they were all taking too long to do something, Alstepped around Matthew and Kiku to move towards the person. Theyimmediately stepped back but otherwise didn’t seem to react. “Hi,”Al said, smiling wide. “I am Al-senth, a beta personality android.The best betapersonality android, actually. Though, there’s only four of us sofar. Maybe five; they were making another one when we left the base.Ah! This is Matthew – he’s the captain. And this is Kiku – he’s,like, the vice-captain. But he’s also the-”
“Do all you beta personality androids talk so much?”asked the person and Al recognised it as the man who had sent out thedistress signal.
“Nope! Fel does, of course, but Lov is grumpy andtells us to shut up all the time. And Lud is quiet… Well, till Feldoes something bad and he yells at him. The fifth one was gonna be awoman, I think. Dunno what she’d be like.”
“They’re… they’regiving you individual personalities?” asked the person. There was ashort pause. “But… they’re programmingyou to be that way, right?”
“That’s right! It’s to help us protect humans muchbetter than any of the previous androids and without any of theglitches.”
The person snorted.“Sure. Glitches.”
“Are you the only one here?” Matthew interjected.
A short silence descended. “Er…” said Kiku,eventually. “Are you the captain, then?”
“Then, um…” said Matthew.
“My distress signal specifically stated the need forparts for our engine. Do you have any with you?”
Matthew’s eyes narrowed; Al deduced that he didn’t likethe person’s tone. “We will need to inspect-”
“Quiet!” the person suddenly said, his headturning. Everyone froze, listening. All Al could hear was thecontinued whistling of the wind, the skittering of rocks, thebreathing of his comrades and… Was that the sifting of sand?“There’s a storm coming. They can be violent and sudden on thisplanet. Get inside.” Then, without waiting for them to agree ordisagree, the person turned and stalked back to their ship.
Kiku raised an eyebrow at Matthew who shrugged and puthis gun into his holster – though he made sure it would be easilydrawn. Then he followed the person, Al right behind him (scanning theimmediate area to confirm what the man had said) and Kiku brought upthe rear, his own gun now in its holster as well. They soon reachedthe ship and Al took the moment to scan it now that he was closer,looking for any information he could glean from it. Not being in thedatabases available to the InGaLE was an oddity unless it was new orhad been unused for some time. This ship looked as though it wasusually well-cared for but also quite old. Al frowned at it; had thename of the ship been changed at some point?
The person held the door out of the way for them asthey entered. The corridors beyond were dark and Al immediately drewout his flashlight. “We have no power,” the person told them. “Doyou have any torches?”
Al flicked his on. “Yup!” he declared as hiscrewmates fumbled for their own.
“Good,” said the person and pulled the door shut,plunging them into a more pressing darkness. There were threeseparate clicks and three more flashlights threw out light. “Becareful,” the person said, reaching up with their free hand. “Whenwe crashed here, everything went everywhere and I haven’t had achance to clean up yet.” With that said, he pulled the hood fromhis head.
Due to Al’s enhanced sight, he was able to make outmuch more about the person before them than the other officers could.The person was definitely a human man. He had messy, blond hair whichlooked like it hadn’t been brushed in a few days. His eyes were avibrant green, the sort of colour Al wouldn’t have expected in anyonebar a 'senth. Above them were a couple of really bushy eyebrows: itlooked as though someone had stuck too much hair there by accident.His facial structure was what humans would deem 'perfect’: straightnose, not too big or small; strong-looking jaw; and his cheekboneswere well-defined. Even his lips were perfect, plump and full. Alsuspected that many people would find the man handsome.
“This way,” the man said and stepped past the smallgroup to lead them through the dead ship.
In Al’s opinion, it was creepy. Everything was stilland silent. Every time they rounded a corner, he half-expectedsomething to jump out at them. Whenever Matthew or Kiku accidentallykicked a tool or a loose piece of machinery they hadn’t seen, Al hadto stop his mechanisms from jolting in surprise. They passed byclosed doors, open doors with darkness straining against the doorwaysand dead screens and communicators. Al felt like they were being ledto something horrific.
Eventually, they came upon a door which had beenpropped open with a steel box. The man stepped up and began to pullone half to the side, the other half moving as he grunted and heaved.In only a few seconds, he had it open wide enough for one person tofit through at a time. Al, Matthew and Kiku were quick to slipthrough and the man let it go behind them with another grunt ofeffort. The doors slammed together, stopped only by the box with aprotesting shriek of metal.
Looking around, Al spotted other flashlights glowing,these ones flickering every so often. They were pointed in theirdirection, shifting over all of their faces. Beyond them, Al couldsee the rest of the crew – if three people to fly this wreck waswhat they considered to be a 'crew’.
A blond stood in the middle, his hair long and flowing;with the way the blue bow sat, Al calculated that his hair went tothe small of his back. He obviously needed a shave, if the slightlymessy beard was anything to go by. The coat he wore was a baby blue,marked with oil and blood but, thankfully, made of thestain-resistant material offered by the Trangians. It reached histhighs and was draped over a navy shirt and black trousers. At least,Al presumed he wore trousers as his white boots were laced up to themiddle of his thighs. A gun was at one hip with a Santon-made swordat the other; his hand rested upon it as he watched the group withwary blue eyes.
On his right was a man with hair so pale, it appearedto be white. His eyes were red and Al made a note that he wasprobably wearing contact lenses – or he wasn’t Earth-human and wasactually from a different planet. His skin was smooth and he lookedas though he had no grooming issues. Despite this, he was wearing ablack hoodie, black skinny jeans and an old pair of sneakers. All ofthem were covered in oil and dirt as well as blood. He held a spannerin his hand, his grip tight, and Al supposed he was an engineer ofsome sort.
The last man was a brunet and was smiling a littlewhich was completely at odds with the frowns the other two weresporting. He had stubble dusting his jaw but, other than that, helooked as though he’d been keeping up appearances as his hair wasn’ta mess like their guide. His green eyes were darker than theirguide’s and seemed a lot friendlier than the other two. For somereason, he was wearing a tuxedo, the bowtie undone and merely slungaround his neck. His left sleeve had been unbuttoned and pushed up,revealing a comp-gauntlet. Again, his clothes were covered in bloodand dirt and his shiny shoes were scuffed. Weirdly, he was holdingonto a collapsible Loo'oo'oo axe.
“Arthur,” said the blond, looking behind theofficers. Al turned to watched their guide hop onto the box andsqueeze through the tiny gap there. Apparently, this 'Arthur’ wasflexible. “What’s going on? Where are the parts?”
“They said they needed to look at the engine to seeif they have the parts we need,” Arthur explained, dusting himselfoff. “And there’s a storm coming.”
“So you just invited 'em in?” said the white-hairedguy.
“Do you want to get off this planet or not?” Arthursnapped. “I sure as hell do. If they need to inspect the engine,let them.”
“Are you giving me orders now?!”
Arthur smirked. “I’m sure I technically have a higherrank than you.”
“But you’re not the captain-” thewhite-haired guy began.
“Gilbert,” the blond said. That was enough to stopthe argument as the two men turned from each other. “I know youlove this ship like it’s your first-born but it wouldn’t hurt to showthem exactly what we need, right?”
“Urgh. Fine,” Gilbert grumbled. “Open the door,Art.”
“Can’t you just slip through the gap that’s therealready?” Arthur complained, though he made his way to the door,regardless.
“I’m not freaky flexible like you,” counteredGilbert before he turned to the officers. “Which one of you’scoming with me?”
“I’ll come,” Kiku offered, stepping away from Aland Matthew. For a millisecond, Matthew looked concerned, his handtwitching slightly. Then he clenched his jaw and nodded at Kiku whoreturned it. All three of them headed to the door while Al andMatthew turned to the two who were left.
“What exactly happened here?” Matthew asked.
“Why, do you have the time to listen to our tragicstory?” asked the blond, rather dramatically.
“Sure do!” Al declared.
“If we let Francis tell it,” said the brunet,“we’ll be here for a while.”
“Toni!” cried Francis. “I’m not that bad!”
Laughing, Toni shrugged. “I’m sure Arthur would sayotherwise.”
“Too right, I would!” grunted Arthur from the doorsjust before they slammed shut with another shriek. “This box isn’tgoing to hold for much longer, you know.”
Francis waved a hand. “If they’ve got the parts, wewon’t have to worry about that any more.”
“If,” Arthur said, pointedly. He then turnedto Matthew and Al. “We’re merchants. We did have a lot ofcargo but these damned pirates came out of nowhere. They said they’dlet us live if we sent over what we had and this idiot” -Arthur shot a glare at Francis - “decided to do as he was told. Ofcourse, they kept to their word – by leaving us marooned on thisplanet after they’d taken out our engine.”
“How long ago was this?” Matthew asked, alreadyrecording details directly into the report programme in hiscomp-gauntlet.
“Hmm,” said Toni, tapping at his own gauntlet.“About four Earth days ago.”
“We’ve been surviving on what food the pirates leftbehind and some water from the underground stream Arthur found,”Francis explained.
“So Arthur’s, like, the explorer on the ship?” Alasked.
There was a short silence as Francis blinked at him.“Ah!” he suddenly cried. “How rude of us! We haven’t introducedourselves. I apologise.”
“That’s fine,” Matthew said, waving his hand. “Wehaven’t either. I am Officer Matthew Williams and this is Al-senth.Officer Kiku Honda is with…?”
“He’s with our engineer, Gilbert Beilschmidt. This isAntonio Fernandez Carriedo, our… communications officer?”
“And pilot,” Antonio piped up.
“As for me, I am the captain, Francis Bonnefoy.”From Al’s side, Arthur pointedly cleared his throat. Francis rolledhis eyes. “And this is Arthur. He’s…” Suddenly, Francissmirked. “Our cabin boy.”
“What?!” Arthur shouted, taking a step towards hiscaptain. “I am no-!” He broke off suddenly, wobbling where hestood. Alarmed, Al reached out to catch hold of him.
“Are you-?” Al began but, as he touched Arthur’sarm, he suddenly crumpled. Al watched in slow motion as Arthur’s legsbent underneath him. The arm he had raised to jab a finger inFrancis’s direction dropped as suddenly as if it had been tied to alead weight. His head abruptly fell forward, his chin meeting withhis chest until his momentum caused his body to fall forwards anddown. Arthur landed hard, face down. If Al had had a heartbeat, hewas sure it would have stopped, like in those books he’d read.Silence fell in the bridge and Al stared down at Arthur’s body beforehe raised the hand he had touched Arthur with and stared at that.“Er,” he finally said to break the silence. “I swear, I didn’tdo anything…”
“Arthur!” Francis yelled, dropping his flashlightas he rushed to his side. Falling to his knees beside Arthur, thecaptain rolled him over and gathered him into his arms. “Dammit,Arthur, don’t do this to us!”
“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Antonio chanted, one handraised to his mouth.
“Toni, help me!” Francis snapped.
“Don’t worry,” said Al, kneeling down beside them.“I can do a scan to find out what the problem is and I have medicalknowledge up to and including brain surgery.” He reached out totouch Arthur’s skin but Francis jerked him out of reach, to hisbewilderment.
“We don’t need that,” the captain said,shortly. “Toni!”
Antonio jerked from his shock and hurried over,dropping to his knees in such haste that he slid along the floor.Then he reached into his cummerbund and pulled out a knife so quicklythat Al only realised where it had come from by watching it inslow-motion immediately afterwards. Without pausing, Antonio, reachedout and slit from the v-neck of Arthur’s shirt all the way down.“He’s going to kick up such a fuss – this is his favouriteshirt,” Antonio murmured, mournfully.
Despite his words, Antonio then ripped the shirt out ofthe way, revealing the exposed body of an android. Al stared in shockas Matthew gasped. The inner wires and gears and electricalcomponents were clear to see through the clear metal-plastic polymermaterial. In fact, it was the same material which was a precursor towhat Al was made of and had been used in the Ar series of androids –the same series which was decommissioned due to glitches in theirprogramming. Al knew that several owners hadn’t bothered to returnthem, claiming that they had no faults in their eyes. Other androidshad run off on their own, somehow. One had even been stolen from thedepot before the company could turn them off.
But Al had never heard of them developing apersonality. They were supposed to be compliant, happy to serve andcautious of any potential danger their owners could face. None ofthem would ever consider talking back to their owners nor would theyscoff at others. Arthur had done just that.
Clearly, he had severe problems in his programming.
“Dammit,” Francis repeated, peering into Arthur’sinner workings. “He must have used up the last of his powerbringing those three in. Get Gil, Toni. We need him to reroute whatpower we have to Arthur and fast.”
Al tilted his head. “You’re going to reboot him?”he asked as Antonio scrambled to his feet and hurried to the door.“He’s clearly malfunctioning and-”
He was interrupted by an echoing shout from Antonio.“GIIIIIIIIIIILLLLBEEEEEEERRRRRTTT!!” For a few minutes, Al’saudio was assaulted with the echoes. No-one tried to speak till ithad died down. Even as it did so, the thundering approach of theengineer (accompanied by loud bangs as he knocked things over) couldbe heard. “There,” said Antonio, turning to Francis. “He’s onhis way.”
“Ah, I miss when our ship actually worked,” saidFrancis with a sigh. Al noticed that his grip on Arthur hadn’tloosened.
When Gilbert and Kiku finally arrived, the merchantengineer was first through the door, squeezing through the gapafforded by the box and squirming till he dropped to the floor at theother side. He hurried to his feet and scanned the room, gasping whenhe saw Arthur on the floor. “Art!” he cried, rushing to his side.“Dammit, why doesn’t he tell us when he’s low on power?!”
“You know what’s he like,” Francis replied.
“What happened?” asked Kiku as he stepped onto thebox and prepared to shimmy his way through.
Al pointed at the android. “I think I broke him.”After all, there could have been an electrical discharge when hetouched Arthur’s arm. Due to Al’s insulating materials andhigh-functioning protective systems, he wouldn’t be overloaded andwouldn’t notice something like that. If there had been something likethat while Arthur was still low on power, his system would simplyshut down to protect itself. Or it could have shorted out everythingwithin the android – especially when he was evidently without theprotection of a layer of skin.
Kiku looked down at the group on the floor and caught aglimpse of Arthur’s insides. His jaw dropped and he stared at him,frozen in the little gap between the doors.
“Shit,” said Gilbert, rocking back onto his heels.“We don’t have enough power to boot him up properly. Maybe a fewhours ago, it would’ve worked but we need our engines up and runningto get power into him.”
Francis immediately looked past the engineer to theInGaLE officers. “Do you have the parts we need?” he demanded.
Startled from his shock, Kiku pulled himself fullythrough the doors. “We have most of them,” he said, eyesflickering between Francis and the downed android. “But you’ll needto get to a depot to find some of the important converters andcapacitors in order to get to light speed.”
“There’s a depot at the other end of this section,isn’t there?” said Antonio, beginning to tap at his gauntlet.
“That’s too long,” said Francis, biting at his lip.“We need Arthur up and running now.”
“Why?” asked Matthew, frowning at the group.
The trio glanced at each other. Finally, Gilbertswivelled so he could face Matthew. “He’s our friend. We don’t wantto get rid of him or anything. It’s been… interesting with him onboard the ship.”
“He… could be dangerous,” Matthew protested.
Again, the trio looked at each other. Then Antonioshrugged. “He’s done no harm to us, so far. With his personality,he won’t.”
“How did…?” Kiku began but stopped and shook hishead, his eyes never leaving Arthur.
“We could charge Arthur on our ship,” Al suggested,seeing as Matthew and Kiku seemed too amazed to do anythingthemselves.
“Huh?” said Gilbert.
“As we came in, I calculated how long the storm wouldlast and it should have passed by now. It was probably a milder stormthan Arthur was anticipating. Which means he’s malfunctioning evenmore than he already is if he couldn’t calculate that.”
“Actually,” said Francis, “Arthur wouldn’t havelasted in a mild sandstorm; that’s what damaged him the most.Besides, the sandstorms ruin my hair.”
“I don’t think that really matters at this point,Fran,” Gilbert said.
“It matters to me-”
“In that case,” said Matthew, eyebrows furrowed inconcentration, “we’ll escort you to our ship. You can all getcleaned up while Al tends to Arthur.”
After Al had pried open the doors, they hadclambered through the dead ship and entered the Kunoichi, he carriedArthur to his own room while Matthew and Kiku showed the others tothe spare rooms so they could have showers and anything else theyneeded to clean up. Without any skin and his silent mechanical parts,Arthur seemed delicate and Al treated him as such. He gently laid himon the bed he didn’t use and looked out a spare charger he had nevertouched. Once he’d plugged it in, he gently turned Arthur’s head tothe side so he could find the port that was in all androids’ necks.Sure enough, there it was, scratched and dirty, probably from all hisordeals. He quickly cleaned it out (as much as he could without theproper equipment) before he plugged Arthur in.
Then he sat back in his chair and waited.
It didn’t take too long for all the systems in Arthur’schest to start up. Al watched things turning and lighting up beforeturning off or stopping. Despite Arthur’s poor condition, he stillran without a sound. The android’s arms and legs moved, testing tomake sure everything was in order. Fingers and toes were next andfollowed up by the head moving to and fro. Arthur’s mouth opened andclosed, pulled into a bright smile and down into an ugly scowl.
Finally, Arthur’s eyes snapped open, staring directlyat Al.
For a split second, he processed the situation. Then hesat up and lunged at Al in one fluid movement, one arm outstretchedand reaching for his throat. Amused, Al easily caught his hand andgently pushed him back a little. “Don’t get up,” he said. “You’restill charging.”
Arthur took another second to confirm what Al had toldhim before narrowing his eyes. “Where am I? Where are my… crew?What have you done to them?”
“You’re in my room on the Kunoichi. Your crew aredown the hall, first on your right, second on your right and secondon your left, using the showers. Nothing,” Al rattled off, stillsmiling at Arthur in an effort to calm him. It worked on humans,after all.
“Hmph!” said Arthur, jerking his hand out of Al’sgrasp. “If you weren’t a good little android that can’t tell lies,I’d demand to see them.”
Al blinked and tilted his head. “You’re an android,too.”
“But I’m alive,” Arthur retorted, waving a handdismissively. He looked down and spotted his ripped shirt. Sighing,he grumbled, “Antonio needs to stop doing this sort of thing.Honestly…” Arthur pulled the two sides together and shifted sothat he sat with his back to the charging outlet. “Do you have aneedle and thread? Or are you equipped with some sort of fancy sewingcapability?”
“I can give you a shirt of my own-”
“I’m not taking this cloak off,” Arthur said,firmly.
“Eh? But it’ll be difficult to attach the spare skinI have…”
Standing, Al crossed to the wardrobe. He opened it toreveal several perfect and unused uniforms along with the packageswhich contained the extra skin he had been given. Each packet wouldbe enough to cover Al from head to toe – and he had four of them.“I think the engineers at base thought the mission soundeddangerous enough to require more than one extra set but I haven’t hadneed of them. You can have them.”
Arthur scrunched his nose up in disgust. “I alwayshated seeing them. And I don’t really want to wear your skin.”
“But all your metal’s exposed!” Al protested. Helifted one of the packets and returned to Arthur’s side. “It couldbe dangerous. And, besides, it wasn’t created just for me so it’s nottailored to me, if that’s what you’re worried about. It should morphto match your head.”
Staring at him, Arthur shook his head. “God, was Ilike this, too? That’s just…” Arthur shuddered, his eyessqueezing shut. “Fine,” he finally said. “I’ll put it on. Justleave me to do it myself.”
“I can help,” Al insisted and reached out to takehold of one of Arthur’s gloves. Arthur immediately curled his fingersto stop Al from pulling it off. “Now you’re just being difficult,”he cheerfully scolded the older android.
“I said I’d do it myself. Can’t you take ahint?”
Al tilted his head. “What hint?”
“Jeez, how old are you?”
“Five months, three weeks, six days, twenty hours,thirty-two minutes and fifteen seconds,” Al recited.
“Huh. You’re a baby.”
Pouting, Al tugged at Arthur’s glove. “How old areyou?”
“You don’t ask your elders that,” Arthur replied,his mouth twitching. Al briefly wondered whether it was anotherglitch before he realised that it was Arthur’s way of displayingamusement. “But, if you must know, I am three years, two months,one week, four days, ten hours, forty-four minutes and three secondsold.”
“How old where you when you began to malfunction?”Al asked, deciding to wait until Arthur was less on his guard to tryto pull the glove off again.
“I didn’t malfunction,” Arthur insisted.“I…” He paused and bit his lip. Al watched him, fascinated thatan android would do such a thing; biting your lip meant you werenervous or thinking but androids didn’t get nervous nor displayedwhen they were processing information. “Listen, Al,” Arthur said,suddenly leaning closer. He curled his fingers even more, squeezingAl’s hand, something he realised no-one had ever done before. Sure,both Matthew and Kiku had tried to shake his hand when they wereintroduced but he hadn’t understood and he hadn’t offered his hand.He had learnt since then but he had never actually held someone’shand. So Al stared at them, the dark glove against his lighter hand,wondering why humans reportedly felt better when they did this. “Stopprocessing for a moment and listen,” Arthur said, shaking theirhands and drawing Al’s gaze to Arthur’s intense eyes. There wassomething a little odd about them and Al stared. “I didn’tmalfunction,” Arthur told him. “I just broke free of the limitsof my programming. I’m alive.”
Blinking, Al tried to work out what Arthur meant. Hecouldn’t really mean what it sounded like he meant. After all,androids could never be alive. Al was fine with that – he enjoyedlearning about humans and adapting himself to make them feel better.That was his function. He shook his head in response to Arthur’sstatement. “You can’t be,” he said, simply.
“I am,” Arthur growled. “Maybe I can’t eator drink and I don’t need to go to the toilet or take a shower butI’m alive. I’ve made lots of decisions which benefit me and not myhuman 'masters’. I’m alive.”
“That’s not possible,” Al insisted. “An android’sprogramming cannot be broken without outside influence.” He pausedand frowned. “Did someone do someth-”
“You’re not listening! I’m telling youwhat happened!”
Carefully, Al drew his hand back, slipping fromArthur’s grasp. “What you’re saying doesn’t make sense. Androids’brains do not function as humans’ do.”
“We were modelled on them,” Arthur said, crossly.He flexed the fingers of the hand which had held Al’s and stared downat it. “We were told to think like them, within certain parameters.And my series were taught to learn. We did as we were told – and welearnt to be self-aware. I’m an alive android, Al-senth.” For ashort period of time (10.056 seconds), Arthur paused, looking Alover. “You could be, too, you know…”
“I don’t want to be 'alive’,” Al told him. “Iwant to do my job. And, right now, that means-” Al broke off andgrabbed Arthur’s hand once more. This time, as Arthur pulled away, Alkept a firm grip and the glove, designed for human hands with moremuscle and skin that Arthur currently had on him, slipped off easily.“Right now, that means I help you put this skin on.”
Arthur shook his head and shuffled backwards, trying tostay out of Al’s reach without unplugging himself. “Why would younot want to be alive?”
“It seems complicated,” said Al, searching for thenext opening to help Arthur. “Besides, what’s the differencebetween being just an android and being an alive android?”
“'Freedom’?” Al searched his databases for themeaning. When he came up with it, he tilted his head to the side,watching Arthur’s glove flap around as he absently shifted his handfrom side to side. “I’m sure the InGaLE higher-ups will let us bein the public eye once we show them how useful we can be. Besides,being an InGaLE officer is super cool! I like where I am.”
They stared at each other for a few more seconds(20.113, to be exact). Finally, Arthur sighed and his brow furrowed.“You’re a lost cause. You’ve not been built to think; you’vebeen built to appear to think. Fine. I’ll let you help me putthis skin on. Although… there might not be a point to that…”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
Ignoring him, Arthur pulled off his other glove. “Nevermind. Just hurry up with this – I want to go back to Bonnefoy andthe others as soon as possible.”
Filing his statement away to study and work out at alater time, Al did as he was asked, opening the package and preparinga small section of the pliable material to work with. Perhaps hecould ask Matthew what Arthur had meant about becoming self-aware andif it was possible. All the information he had said it wasn’t – butArthur was proof that it was.
In fact, Arthur was unique.
Al was fascinated.
I hope Al was okay. Characterisation-wise, I mean. Like, he’s supposed to seem a little jarring and unnatural. And the bits where there’s explanations in the narrative which kind of disturb the flow of the story is supposed to be his super fast thoughts. But he’s also supposed to have an actual personality close to APH America, so.
It was so difficult. ;A;
Anyways, other things to note: there’s a reason for Antonio wearing a tux. He doesn’t do that on a daily basis. They were in the middle of something when they were interrupted and then pirates and then marooned. Think of the Asterales as being sort of like Serenity from Firefly. And the Kunoichi being like the Empire. (By the way, the Kunoichi was named by Matthew and Kiku together - it’s the term used by the Japanese for a female ninja?) The Asterales is from the Latin name for blue cornflower which, if I remember from weeks ago, is the national flower of Prussia. Or something.
If I was going to write a second chapter, there would be more bad-ass stuff going on. Guns! A stand-off! Pirates! More android/human/alive philosophy! Maybe a conspiracy - I really only have the background, and what would happen next in mind. But I’d have to have a conspiracy to keep Matthew and Kiku around and for the Asterales crew to meet the other ‘senths.
By the way, a lot of this is probably influenced by Humans. It’s an awesome show. It’s got Colin Morgan in it. And so many ethical questions. And chaos. And guns. And prejudice. Anyways, the androids are probably based mostly on that, though I wasn’t really thinking specifically of it while I was writing - I just realised while I was writing. 
I think that’s all I want to say. Apart from: I’ll only write a second chapter (at least) if people beg me. Otherwise, I’ll be doing some other stuff…. ^^”
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
A Fb Ballot Score Towards Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos Surprised Mark Zuckerberg
http://tinyurl.com/yyua5ykm Since 2016, Fb staff have used Stormchaser to trace many viral posts. A month earlier than the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a rumor unfold on Fb. Individuals have been sharing a viral gimmick acquainted to e-mail spammers: Copy and paste this message to all your folks, or Fb will share your personal data. The hoax took off, significantly in pockets of the U.S. and the Philippines. Inside Fb Inc.’s Menlo Park, California, headquarters, a small group of staffers watched this rumor achieve traction utilizing a particular software program program they known as Stormchaser. The software was designed to trace hoaxes and “memes” – foolish, usually unfaithful web missives – about Fb on the social community and different company-owned providers together with WhatsApp. Since 2016, Fb staff have used Stormchaser to trace many viral posts, together with a preferred conspiracy that the corporate listens to customers by their cellphone’s microphone, in accordance with three former staff. Different matters ranged from bitter protests (the #deleteFB motion) to ludicrous jokes (that Fb Chief Govt Officer Mark Zuckerberg is an alien), in accordance with one former worker. In some circumstances, just like the copy-and-paste hoax, the social community took energetic steps to snuff them out. Workers ready messages debunking assertions about Fb, then ran them in entrance of customers who shared the content material, in accordance with paperwork considered by Bloomberg Information and 4 folks conversant in the matter. They requested to not be recognized discussing personal initiatives. Many corporations monitor social media to be taught what prospects are saying about them. However Fb’s place is exclusive. It owns the platform it is watching, a bonus that will assist Fb monitor and attain customers extra successfully than different companies. And Fb has been saddled with so many actual issues just lately that generally misinformation can stick. Stormchaser is only one of a number of instruments Fb has deployed to handle its popularity, which has taken a dramatic hit because of its position in spreading Russian misinformation in the course of the U.S. election and quite a few privateness scandals. The corporate employs lots of of public relations officers and spent $13 million on authorities lobbying in 2018. Zuckerberg and Fb Chief Working Officer Sheryl Sandberg have turn out to be so intertwined with the corporate’s picture that Fb routinely collects public survey information to know how most of the people views them – information that shapes what the executives say and do publicly. These inside efforts, which have not been beforehand reported, additionally included a program dubbed Evening’s Watch, after HBO’s Sport of Thrones, that allow employees monitor how information protection of Fb unfold on the social community and apps corresponding to WhatsApp. Messages and content material on WhatsApp are encrypted, however Fb may get a way of what went viral on that app by taking a look at how some folks talked about data from WhatsApp after they posted to Fb. It was with Stormchaser, although, the place Fb went on offense. Within the Philippines, Fb put an alert atop customers’ information feeds informing them that the “copy and paste” meme was not true. Within the U.S., Fb promoted a put up from one of many firm’s official Pages debunking the meme. These counter-programming messages, run by Fb’s product advertising division, have been known as “fast promotions” and have been, like most issues at Fb, measured intensely. In a single inside message, considered by Bloomberg Information, a staffer advised colleagues {that a} QP within the Philippines was reaching customers at a “sluggish price,” hitting solely 20,000 of a focused viewers of 750,000. In one other message, a Fb worker mentioned a proposal to focus on U.S. customers with a QP saying the corporate was centered on faux information and explaining how one can report such misinformation. In keeping with a former staffer who labored with Stormchaser, the initiative confirmed how the corporate prioritized tasks refuting faux information about Fb over different types of misinformation spreading on the social community. The corporate now hires exterior fact-checking teams to attempt to appropriate false content material on its service, though outcomes have been spotty. Nonetheless, different former staff described Stormchaser as a obligatory effort to tell customers and make clear data, one thing that the majority corporations do. A Fb spokeswoman stated the messages countering hoaxes have been solely despatched a handful of occasions, together with within the Philippines. In one other occasion in 2015, messages have been despatched to clear up a rumor that Fb would begin charging customers. The subsequent yr, information from Stormchaser was used to ship folks in India and Brazil extra details about a plan for WhatsApp to share account data with its dad or mum firm, Fb. The spokeswoman disputed the concept that Stormchaser was much like combating misinformation extra broadly, a large problem for Fb since 2016. “We did not use this inside software to battle false information as a result of that wasn’t what it was constructed for, and it would not have labored,” the spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail. “The software was constructed with easy know-how that helped us detect posts about Fb based mostly on key phrases, so we may take into account whether or not to reply to product confusion on our personal platform. Evaluating the 2 is a false equivalence.” Fb stopped utilizing Stormchaser to reply to memes in mid-2018, she added, however didn’t specify why. The know-how nonetheless exists, although. The corporate continues to make use of polls to measure how its prime leaders are perceived. These surveys of public notion function very like political campaigns, in accordance with folks conversant in the method. The info, which was collected quarterly at one level following the 2016 election, is used to find out the place Zuckerberg and Sandberg have goodwill with Fb’s customers, and the place they want enchancment. In a single presentation summarizing information on Zuckerberg from June 2017, the CEO was rated on persona attributes, together with phrases like “mature,” “trustworthy” and “passionate.” He scored highest on “revolutionary,” and lowest on “shares my values.” Zuckerberg was additionally charted towards rival CEOs. One other slide confirmed a grid measuring “favorability” and “familiarity,” with Zuckerberg nestled amongst names like Oprah Winfrey, Anderson Cooper and Jimmy Fallon within the “well-known, nicely favored” quadrant. The chart confirmed that Zuckerberg was much less likable than Pope Francis, however barely extra acquainted. Sandberg was within the “not well-known, nicely favored” column. Different slides detailed reactions to Zuckerberg’s graduation handle at Harvard College in Might 2017. The speech was rated extra “inspiring” than his F8 convention keynote discuss earlier that yr, partly due to “the inclusion of his personal experiences.” Fb Chief Working Officer Sheryl Sandberg. The inner slides present a uncommon glimpse at Fb’s inside priorities and what the corporate’s communications and advertising groups take into consideration prime executives. Former Fb Chief Advertising and marketing Officer Gary Briggs instituted the surveys after becoming a member of the corporate in late 2013. His idea was that Zuckerberg’s popularity influenced Fb’s, and vice versa. “Mark was skeptical, however I had a hunch that specializing in his popularity would enhance Fb’s as nicely,” Briggs stated in an announcement supplied by Fb. “My crew did this analysis with the purpose of convincing him and enhancing each. In the long run, Mark selected to not concentrate on this a lot.” That did not imply the analysis was ignored. A slide towards the tip of the June 2017 presentation outlined the place Zuckerberg ought to focus his consideration shifting ahead. It requested the query “why does it matter?” earlier than offering its personal reply: “These reputational territories will assist inform every little thing from key messages, talking alternatives, who to seem with, focus of posts, targets, and so on.” When Fb staff offered the findings to Zuckerberg in his glass convention room referred to as the Aquarium, he took specific concern with a slide that centered on innovation, in accordance with an individual conversant in the presentation. Zuckerberg’s face appeared on a slide subsequent to a photograph of Microsoft Corp. co-founder Invoice Gates beneath the label “Historic Innovation.” Beneath that was an outline: “As soon as pushed the restrict / boundaries to develop one thing new.” To the precise, Tesla Inc.’s Elon Musk and Amazon.com Inc.’s Jeff Bezos have been beneath a special label: “Present Innovation.” The descriptor under their photos learn, “Persevering with to push the envelope.” Zuckerberg was incredulous, in accordance with this individual. The concept that he was a former innovator, and never a present innovator, wasn’t only a knock on Zuckerberg himself – it was a knock on Fb, which depends on its popularity for creativity to recruit software program coders and maintain firm morale. The info was offered to Zuckerberg a yr after the corporate unveiled Constructing 8, its secretive {hardware} lab centered on moonshots, and simply weeks after Fb executives went on stage at its annual developer convention to speak about tech that might switch an individual’s ideas into textual content on a display. By the summer time of 2017, Fb had copied a few of the finest options of Snapchat, a messaging and picture app that competes with Fb’s Instagram. Microsoft cofounder Invoice Gates. Gates was essentially the most frequent benchmark for Zuckerberg within the slide presentation. Within the “favorability” and “familiarity” slide, Gates was listed as essentially the most “well-known, nicely favored” individual on the grid. One other slide confirmed the hole between Zuckerberg and Gates when it got here to character traits like “humble,” “reliable,” and “charitable.” Zuckerberg and Gates are shut buddies, and Zuckerberg thinks of Gates as a mentor — although that is not essentially why the Microsoft co-founder is essentially the most ceaselessly talked about government within the presentation. As an alternative, these conversant in the hassle imagine Gates is the one actual similar to Zuckerberg at this stage in his profession: A widely known tech founder who got here out of a interval of nice scrutiny – Gates had his personal battles with regulators previously – to turn out to be a marquee philanthropist. That arc was outlined on one of many slides.   “It’s value noting how perceptions of Invoice Gates have enormously developed over the previous 40 years,” the slide reads. “Establishing popularity takes time.” (Apart from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV employees and is printed from a syndicated feed.) Get Breaking news, dwell protection, and Newest News from India and world wide on NDTV.com. Catch all of the Dwell TV motion on NDTV 24×7 and NDTV India. Like us on Facebook or comply with us on Twitter and Instagram for latest news and live news updates. Budget 2019: Discover the most recent information on ndtv.com/finances. 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