juaneloriginal · 2 months
This is the story of a woman named Mariella
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aaaand a couple doodls
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ignorance is bliss
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commonmexicanname · 5 months
You know what we didn't see? If Crowley and the Metatron made eye contact outside of the book shop.
I mean, for all we know, Crowley was ready to peel outta there. He was feeling the sting of rejection. But... Maybe as he walked to his car, the Metatron began to make his way to the shop. Maybe he walked as close as possible to be noticed by, but not actually run into, Crowley. Maybe Crowley spotted a look on the Metatron's face.
A smile? A smug even? A proud "ha-ha, I win, you lose" look? Perhaps just a look the Metatron was not attempting to hide that gave Crowley a chill down his spine?
And maybe that's why Crowley didn't leave. Maybe that's when it clicked for Crowley. That maybe, things aren't the way they seem.
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bucked-it-up · 1 month
I feel like buck and Tommy are gonna be stronger than ever by the finale, yes I know there's still a possibility that it won't carry onto season 8 but with Eddie seemingly going to be isolated from his closest friends and I don't think Buck will take the cheating news well because it will blow up in Eddie's face. I think he will be going to Tommy even more for the support he would've gotten from eddie and Tommy will be there to help him possibly trust eddie again and help bucks friendship with eddie return.
I do not think season 7 will end with any hints towards buddie. I don't see it as a possibility. Eddie will most likely be working through the grief and realisation that Shannon can not be replicated or replaced. That to me will not lead to a gay eddie arc anytime soon.
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kanrix · 30 days
Any tips on growing your following?
If you *only* post about your ocs then you probably won't get that many followers. It's easier to start by drawing fandom stuff and wait until you have more ""fans"", THEN People will look at your ocs, you can completely move from drawing fandom stuff to drawing strictly your OCS.
It's not impossible to gain followers from drawing your own OCS from the start but. You know.
Be active, (I guess) repost your work if you feel like it hasn't gotten that much attention.
Make art for other popular creators, maybe if you get lucky enough they will share it with their own followers.
I really can't give you many tips. I have been here for like. 4-5 years and I think I have a decent enough following. A lot of these people probably don't even remember me, or accidentally followed me and were too lazy to take their follow back, are (porn)bots, etc. They won't interact with your content anymore but that's normal.
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sidsthekid · 8 months
this is truly a monumental moment in pens history, at least for me because i think this is the first time i’ve ever heard geno say jarry and it’s sending me.
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m-says-hi · 30 days
I'd like to say something about the sampo=aha theory
I really like it and i think there's definitely evidence that sampo has some... hidden power. Or that he's related to Aha in a way that the other fools aren't. But I don't think he's Aha. It just doesn't fit him.
Sampo is a Fool, he's a shady guy, and a scammer but he's also a good person. He helped get medicine for natasha. I think natasha even describes him as altruistic at some point. Sampo himself said that "True happiness always entails the manifestation of the dignity of mankind." That statement alone doesn't sound anything like Aha.
Aha gave all his power to a worm for fun and took it away to let it die for fun.
Aha helped an assassination attempt on IX for fun.
Aha pretended to be a nameless and blue up Akivili's train for fun.
None of that sounds like sampo and none of how sampo acts sounds like Aha. I have two other theories instead:
The one that's more likely: He's an unwilling (maybe not always unwilling) emanator of elation
The one that I like better: Sampo is something... Other possessing a human. And that Other is against aha. Like another aeon born from aha's doing who now hates Them.
of course I can't say anything for sure until he comes out. He might very well be aha and I'm wrong. Or one of my theories are right. Or we're all wrong. But the one thing i can say is sampo is a very weird little man
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necoko · 3 months
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this scene better show up next week...
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I'm convinced that Wind has adhd because multiple times during the LU comic he gets carried away, is a hyper menace (affectionate), and Warriors often has to steer him back on course
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How I imagine a conversation between Fable and Ulysses would go
Fable: I can bring your boyfriend back to life if I just kill all these people.
Ulysses who has been trying to bring people back for decades and saw his boyfriend raise from the dead and become a drowned, who hates the gods for abandoning his people to die: Fuck you.
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craftinginsanity · 1 year
i can’t believe scar is more covered up than jimmy what a time to be alive
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luvingshidou · 1 month
i can image shidou's backstory he have little sister And she has cancer, and He does all of these to have enough money to treat her?
(not sorry for my bad english😋)
STOP IT 😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧
Personally, I think that shidou maybe grew up very poor and was bullied / made fun of by other children like they would made fun for not getting expensive presents or presents at all from santa so thats why he DESPISES him and like the only way he could deal with was violence or fighting the others.
(and dw ur English is better than mine😭😭😭)
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bisexualchaosdemon · 6 months
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The Raven Boys, Ch.23
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The Dream Thieves, Ch.40
Is it possible that the nightmare tree in Cabeswater is the same as the one Glendower stuffed Hywel into? I mean, the descriptions match loosely and Ronan said he didn't know where the forest was before he brought it there, so in theory–
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yourdeepestfathoms · 8 months
there’s so much i love about Clara’s HD voice
the way her actress PERFECTLY delivers her lines like a haughty middle schooler
the way you can hear her lips popping whenever she says anything at all
the way she vocal fries through most of her dialogue
the way i swear to god you can hear someone else talk in the background during one part
it all really adds to the effect
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orphetoon · 6 months
haii i’m so sorry if someone has already asked this but what brush pack do you usually use for lineart?
i use clip studio to draw and the lineart brush ive been using recently is an edited version of the ‘chalk’ preset. wish i could tell you what i changed but i went through like twelve iterations of it :// heres the difference tho:
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if u see me using a more typical brush pen then its either himog or clip studio’s g-pen (also edited but just to fix the pressure curve)
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thecrxwclub · 1 year
Kaz: Between Wylan, Jesper, Matthias, and Nina — if you had to — who would you punch?
Inej: No one! They’re my friends, I wouldn’t punch any of them.
Kaz: Jesper?
Inej: Yeah, but I don’t know why!
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