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A quick little doodle I did in school of Twi a while ago !!
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Anatomy? What anatomy? I was just winging this lmao-
But anyways, I hope this is nice too look at, and have a wonderful existence !!
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queen of shadows
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I think I genuinely need to get help
How does one do that
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I think I genuinely need to get help
How does one do that
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Ace seagull requested by a friend on discord!
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Free to use as an icon with proper credit!
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More Chain "weirdness" because, honestly, these Links are living anomalies
Time: He knows the time. Exactly. Always, if you ask, you'll get the answer down to the second. (A common headcanon)
Stal monsters are absolutely terrified of him. They'll attack if other Links are around or if backed into a corner. But out in the open? They scatter. The Stal monsters can sense something is just wrong with Time. Maybe it's the Fierce Deity that still lingers within him.
Or maybe, just maybe.
They know what happens to him.
Even his own weapons are anomalies. Wild tried to take a picture of the Gilded Sword for the Compendium, and the Slate crashed.
The magical operating system of the Sheikah Slate hard crashed and, when rebooted, displayed only one line when the image of the Gilded Sword was selected.
"Error: Temporal Anomaly detected"
The image itself could not be displayed.
Twilight: Mirrors will very, very briefly show an image of a wolf whenever the Rancher stares into one.
Goats and other farm animals will always approach Twilight.
The Captain joked that the animals can sense that Twilight worked on a farm and is very good at it.
But do they sense that? Or something more?
Wind: Ever since getting the Phantom Sword, the Sailor's perception of time can randomly slow. The way he describes it reminds Wild of his Flurry Rush, but Wind can't control when it happens. It just does.
Four: The Smithy has a similar effect when it comes to reflections, but his mostly appears in pools of "magic" water, such as the water found around the Great Fairies in Wild's Hyrule.
Whenever he stares into such waters, he doesn't see his reflection, only the Colors staring back.
This also applies to pure silver. Which is why Four went from making silverware to making weapons.
Legend: The Vet has an uncanny ability to just know what magic type something is by just looking at it. And it's not just from experience
If the Vet were to ever face the Gloom, he'd know it's from Ganon without even knowing that Ganon was back.
Hyrule: No matter what village the Chain travels to. Everyone there just recognizes Rule, but can't explain why. Even if they've never met a Link before.
Warriors: His mere presence causes guards and the such to treat him and the Chain with the utmost respect and authority. The Captain could be in his pajamas, and it'd happen.
Wild: People, outside of those closest to him, will just forget his face entirely. Distant friends take a second or two before realizing that they're looking at the Champion.
Sky: The Divine Dragons, if visible, will just follow him. The breeze by him is always comfortable.
The shadows underneath him display a different figure at sunset. One that wears a pauldron on his right arm. None of the Links wears a lone pauldron besides the Captain.
Sky knows who the shadow is.
He was the first to be reincarnated after all.
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My Linked Universe cooking headcanons
Good cooks:
Wild: is somehow the greatest cook in the world and also the worst. His food is either a top tier gourmet meal blessed by the goddesses or a dubious pile of mystery meat and rocks. He can eat just about anything and honestly say it wasn’t that bad. The others both fear and admire him
Decent cooks:
Sky: Picked up a few things when working at the Lumpy Pumpkin and can make a few other simple dishes.
Twilight: Knows how to make Yeto's superb soup and learned a handful of other dairy related foods from working with Fado around the goats.
Legend: Use to enjoy cooking with his Uncle and continued to do so after his death as it reminded him of him. Can't do anything complicated but by far the second best cook below Wild.
I mean it's a solid 50/50 chance on whether or not it'll be edible:
Warriors: Every meal he ate in the war was provided for him and before that he lived in a lower upper class household where there was always someone around to cook for him. He will burn any dish if left in charge of it for longer than two minutes.
Four: Always had a trusted adult that would cook for him(first his dad and then his grandpa) so he never really learned how to cook. He's better than Warriors but that is not saying much
Wind: Can't cook and knows it. He is entirely unashamed of this fact and has burned several dinners to an unidentifiable hunk of black coal. Can make some pretty decent Sushi though
Absolutely do not consume anything they make. It might actually kill you:
Time: He was raised by a tree, of course he doesn't know how to cook. He can and will somehow manage to set fire to a dish just by looking at it too hard. Malon has attempted to teach him several times but quickly learned it was in everyone's best interest not to let him near the kitchen.
Hyrule: Do not eat anything he has remotely had a hand in preparing. He grew up being taught you never throw food out no matter how old and this is a philosophy he lives by. He doesn't believe in expiration dates. Four once saw him use a piece of meat he swears had fur on it. He is not allowed within 10 ft of the cooking pot ever
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The lovely individual gryphonlover found it !!
Here it is-
Does anyone know of a LU fic where basically Legend wears a ring that keeps him awake for an ungodly amount of time because constant fighting and lack of food, but then the chain ends up in Wind's world and he cannot tell reality from dreams because sleep deprivation but eventually someone forces the ring off and boi passes out and the others take care of him??
I know it exists and that it's amazing but couldn't find it when looking earlier
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Does anyone know of a LU fic where basically Legend wears a ring that keeps him awake for an ungodly amount of time because constant fighting and lack of food, but then the chain ends up in Wind's world and he cannot tell reality from dreams because sleep deprivation but eventually someone forces the ring off and boi passes out and the others take care of him??
I know it exists and that it's amazing but couldn't find it when looking earlier
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exhausted, taking everyone's face gently in my hands: you do not exist to be popular. you are unlikely to find joy if you are focused on how you are perceived every second of every day. you can want feedback and recognition and engagement without tying your entire self worth to it. the things you create have inherent worth whether they get one click or one hundred likes. please stop saying that you are nothing without engagement or people simpering over you it makes the people who do enjoy and interact with your things feel shitty and it makes it hard to interact with you when curating a positive creative space
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Ya know when those mice fall asleep in flowers? Yeah.
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sky’s layers and casual clothing 
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So does everybody assume that nobody will care about their problems and refuse to talk about them when they're acting up and also repress feelings whenever someone else is sad because it feels selfish to also be down when they're upset or am I just weird
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Goats be dumb sometimes.
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please tell me it didn't hurt.
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