#How To Stop Cat From Peeing In Plants
You Brought Your Worst and I’m Right Here - Epilogue
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Pairing: Gale of Waterdeep x female Tav
Work Summary:
After an explosive falling out between Gale and his academic adviser, Mystra, Tav is left to pick up the pieces.
Modern/College AU.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1039
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
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Previous Chapter
One Year Later
When Gale awoke, he was sandwiched between his two favourite girls. Tav’s face was pressed into his chest, and she was snoring softly. If he mentioned that to her, he knew that she’d blush and deny that she snored, but he had the evidence of his own eyes and ears.
Personally, he didn’t see why it bothered her. She was still beautiful even when her lips were chapped, her mouth hanging open, drooling slightly into his pyjama shirt. He hoped that he never had to wake up without her again.
On his other side, Tara was snuggled into the crook of his arm, a gentle purring rumbling in her chest. He was loath to disrupt this blissful little moment, but he needed to pee. He knew as soon as he got up, Tara would start begging for her breakfast, and that, in turn, would wake Tav.
Tav deserved a lie-in. She’d had a busy week. As carefully as he could, he detangled himself from his girlfriend, planting a kiss on her forehead, and then scooped Tara up into his arms and got out of bed.
Tara trilled sleepily, looking around in confusion, but Gale had carried her out of the bedroom and shut the door before she had the chance to start causing a ruckus.
“Sorry, Tara,” he murmured, setting her down on the kitchen floor, scritching her under the chin for good measure. “I’ll make it up to you.”
She meowed at him, so he got to work pouring the little meat sachet into her bowl. She wove between his legs, purring loudly the entire time he did so. He was practised at the art of not tripping over her while she did so. Tara had managed to trip Tav up a few times, though thankfully without injury for either of them.
Tav had adored Tara immediately, but Tara had been a little slow to warm up to an unfamiliar human. Tav would bribe the cat with fishy treats, which had certainly helped.
The flat they lived in now was nowhere near as big as the house they’d shared with Wyll, Astarion and Shadowheart. It had an open-plan kitchen/living room, a tiny patch of grass out the back that could generously be called a garden, and one bedroom. It was small but it was theirs.
They could’ve afforded a bigger place, but they were saving up for Gale’s PhD. For now, they were both working, but Tav had agreed to contribute more to rent and bills if his PhD application got accepted, so that he could focus on his studies. He had tried to protest, but Tav had remained firm.
“You can pay me back when you’re Dr Dekarios,” she had cooed into his ear, and it had been hard to say no to that. Dating a reasonably well-paid chemical engineer had its perks.
His mother had been dubious about how quickly Tav had become entwined with every part of Gale’s life. He knew that it wasn’t necessarily sensible, since they’d only been dating a year, but it came so naturally to him. Tav was his future.
Luckily, Morena liked Tav well enough. He was sure she never would’ve approved of Mystra, had she met her. In fact, Tav was the first girlfriend Gale had had that Morena actually liked, which was a testament to Tav’s character. It felt like every weekend his mother would call him and ask him when he and Tav were next going to visit her.
Once he’d gone to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, he opened up his laptop to check his emails, and was stopped short by a notification from his university application portal.
He stared at it, heart thrumming in his chest. It was a response to his PhD application. He was one click away from finding out the trajectory of his future. He moused over the link, and then away from it again, gripped by anxiety.
“Good morning,” said Tav sleepily.
Gale hadn’t heard her come in, and was so high-strung that he almost knocked his laptop off the table. She filled the kettle, oblivious to way his life hung in the balance. She was dressed in a dressing gown, her feet bare on the tiles.
His eyes homed in on her feet. They must’ve been cold. He should get her some slippers.
He looked up to see her looking at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to answer a question. “Er, pardon?”
“I asked if you wanted tea?”
“Oh. Yes please.”
“Are you alright? You look like you’re about to vibrate out of your seat.”
“I got an email about my PhD application.”
Tav set the kettle down and crossed the room to him. “What did it say?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t opened it.”
“Oh…” Her hands came up to cup his face. His eyes fell closed as she stroked his cheek. “Do you want me to open it for you?”
He turned back to his laptop and she leaned over him, resting her chin on his shoulder. Her hand covered his on the mouse.
“Ready?” she asked.
“I’m going to do it anyway.”
He closed his eyes, feeling her moving both his hand and mouse. She clicked once, and then again, and then moved the mouse a little more before clicking for a final time. A warm, bubbly laugh fell from her lips.
“Gale, open your eyes,” she said, gently headbutting the side of his head.
He opened his eyes. For a moment, the words on the screen were fuzzy, but they came into focus. His jaw dropped.
“You’ve been accepted,” she said, kissing her cheek. “Didn’t I tell you that you would be?”
“You did,” he admitted.
“And I am always right.”
“You are,” he agreed, feeling slightly shell-shocked.
“This calls for a celebration. I could make pancakes? Or a full English? Or we could order burritos from- Oof.”
He had shut his laptop, pushed it away from him and pulled her into his lap. “I love you,” he said, tugging at the cords of her dressing gown.
She cupped his face in her hands, a fond expression on her face. “I love you too, Gale.”
Hope you enjoyed <3
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rpmemesbyarat · 11 months
RP Meme from Reddit 5/30/2023 - 6/3/2023
“I don't know why I bothered getting a degree and a stupid job when someone could have just told me that I could be a professional sheep thrower instead.” “Quick! Somebody get the patent for a sheep launcher!” “I smoked for years, took a break, smoked a blunt and went into full blown psychosis.” “I think the "extremely conscious of myself" is fundamentally the problem.” “It will be a life long lesson for this theft.” “Definitely don’t steal the whole damn plant.” “This was not mildly infuriating, this was fully infuriating.” “Have you never had shark flavoured ice cream?! It’s the best flavour!” “Customers are awful.” “Poor old grumpy.” “Stupid guy in a stupid shirt making anyone around him miserable.” “Our choices are the keys of our success or failure.” “That was true compassion.” “One of the greatest scourges of the modern age is people with the confidence of God and no reason to have it.” “Why would someone feel the need to treat someone this way?!” “Sometimes you have to do bad things to bring out a good outcome” “And who gives a fuck about the babies?” “Oh you were emotionally attached to this one swan?” “Poop into the drain to teach it a lesson.” “Get use to it because society truly doesn’t give a shit about anyone” “Society cares about class over absolutely everything else.” “Society only cares about the rich” “Why aren't men looking out for other men?” “Such a punchable face.” “Thought it was a fucked up pig for a minute” “That’s well over half a pound of pure sugar.” "If it's vertical, people will climb it. If it's horizontal, people will fuck on it." “Male angler fish are born just to find a female, bite her, then fuse with her body to become her sperm sack for whenever she decides she wants babies.” “Is there a reason why so many male animals look so fancy?” “Men likely wore makeup long before women did. War paint and other customs that have been traditionally exercised by men in various cultures are forms of makeup and are as old as recorded human history.” “For good portions of history, men wore more flamboyant clothing, makeup and heels. Heels and makeup later became more a woman’s thing within the last two centuries.” “Not weird just stupid and pointless. And terrible of course.” “If men wore makeup women couldn't compete.” “There's nothing stopping men from being fabulous too” “How does anyone know what animals see as attractive in humans?” ““Pee on him to assert dominance“
“COME GET YOUR FUCKING KID RIGHT NOW” “So instead of saying something about it...you just took a picture?” “Who records themselves sleeping?” “Cats seem like awful pets” “It just looks a little too pristine ya know?” “Do you want mummies?! This is how you get mummies!” “They threw it out in the ocean because of an unstoppable demonic curse it bore.”
“A fashionable pirate would have had a matching eye patch and little treasure chest earrings.” “I can tell you for sure, this is not the solution for water shortage” “Twice the pleasure? Double the fun?” “Double the fun, or double trouble?” “I think putting hot people in anything is always going to look good.” “If it’s any consolation, modern clothing doesn’t look good on fat old dudes either.” “All I got from this is that if you're good looking, you can wear whatever the fuck you want.”
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A Day in My Life
by Rubie Ryan G. Cabigas
Today is another day but nothing’s new in what I do every day. Everything in my life is like a programmed code for machines, it’s all the same. Well, it’s not like I am complaining about it but I do sometimes wish that something exciting happens in my life just to spice it up a bit.
Going back to the main topic, this is how I start my daily life. I wake up around 7 to 8 am and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I then go to my dogs’ little rooms and get them out one by one for them to have some exercise and defecate outside (don’t worry, I always clean up my dogs’ mess after they finished their business outside). After having a bit of exercise and defecating (obviously, not me but my dogs), I bring my dogs back to their little rooms and then I get my shovel, “walis ting-ting” and dustpan to clean up the mess done by my dogs. I sweep and then bury my dogs’ feces. Then, I will go and check my plants. My plants are onion chives, red bell pepper, lemongrass, aloe vera, and spinach. I create my own concoction of fertilizer by using organic materials that are in front of our house, like dead leaves and fruit peelings. After checking my plants and giving them liquid fertilizer, I will head out and buy some bread for our breakfast, and sometimes, I also buy some fish (rejects, “tamban” or “sigarilyo”) as viand for my pets (dogs and cats). I usually buy around 2 kilos of fish as long as it doesn’t exceed my budget (which is around 150 pesos) but if it exceeds my budget, I will only buy half a kilo of it. After purchasing bread and some fish, I and my mother will now have our breakfast which consists of bread and some hot drinks. My hot drink is semi-sweetened hot cocoa with a bit of coffee because if I don’t drink caffeinated drinks (especially coffee), I will experience another painful migraine that lasts a day. After having our breakfast, I will start my household chores which consist of removing the dust from the furniture and then sweeping the floor of our house. And that is the end of my chores for the first half of my day.
Before continuing to the second half of my boring daily life, I just want to tell you, my readers, that things are going to get more boring at this part. I hope you will stay and continue reading this.
For the second half of the day in my life, I start by preparing our lunch right after a few minutes of cleaning the house. We usually have our lunch around 12:45 pm, just in time before It’s Showtime starts on Youtube. After eating our lunch, I start preparing my pets’ food by mashing the fish into a paste before mixing it then to the cooked corn rice (bugas mais) so that my pets will eat everything instead of just eating the fish and leaving the rice. While they are eating, I will flush their pee out of their rooms to keep it clean. After flushing the urine away and after they finish eating their food, I will get their plates and wash them and leave them to dry. I will now then start working on my school requirements and my side hustles cryptocurrency mining sites and apps, and play-to-earn sites and apps). But most of the time, I just do my school requirements before the deadline because my laptop might not work again and cause me a lot of problems. Around 7 pm, I will temporarily stop doing my school requirements to prepare our dinner before my little sister arrives home from work. After our dinner, I will now prepare my pets’ dinner by doing the same thing I did for them during their lunchtime. After feeding and making sure that my pets will finish their food, I will get their plates and wash them. Then, I will now start washing our plates and the utensils that my little sister used in her work. After finishing my final household chore, I will continue working on my school requirements. I will then sleep around 2-3 am after finishing 60% of my requirements.
And that’s all folks, this is how a day in my life goes by. I know it’s kinda boring. Yeah, that’s what I also feel actually but it is better than doing nothing. I hope you “enjoyed” reading about how a day goes by in my life. Until next time, I guess. Bye and have a nice day ahead.
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shinynx · 1 year
So I wana make a post about the signs of kidney failure and chronic kidney disease/renal failure in cats. I'm not a vet or anything of the sort but I am a frustrated cat owner. If I had known the signs sooner maybe my kitty could've lived a longer life. I'm not going to get into the numbers and bloodwork stuff because that doesn't make any sense to me or probably to the people this post is directed at. This post is just meant to help you know what to keep an eye out for, and potentially ask your vet about.
If you're like me and working or out of the house a lot, it's very hard to notice these things in your cat. I really wish I was paying more attention when it mattered most.
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The signs of kidney disease comes in 4 stages. If your cat is in stage four, there's not much that can be done. They will have at best a couple of months up to a year with treatment. You will definitely notice something is wrong at this point. Your cat will probably lose a lot of weight very quickly over the course of a week, and stop eating.
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If your cat is drinking a lot, and vomits occasionally and/or has awful smelling breath, you should absolutely take them to the vet and ask to get bloodwork to check for kidney issues.
It's also a good idea to regularly weigh your cat at home, even if they are not showing any signs. I'd say to weigh them once a month, and keep a journal with their weights and dates and maybe make notes of how much they drink and pee.
My cat was always eager to drink from every water source, and after she turned 7 she had a problem with throwing up. I took her to the vet and she was prescribed special food for sensitive stomach. I thought that was all it was. I trusted the vet. I had no idea this was a sign of kidney failure. After switching her food she was throwing up a lot less, but still around a few times a month. I figured maybe it was because i occasionally gave her special treats that wasn't her prescribed food and that made her puke. I figured her breath was bad because she threw up sometimes... But now I know it was CKD.
So yeah, I'm hoping by making this post it might help a few kitties. Now you know the signs. Don't make the same mistake I did. And for the love of all cats everywhere PLEASE. Keep your cat IN DOORS. And do not bring lillies into the house. Check every plant online to find out if it's safe for cats. And of course keep your cat away from poisons, chemicals, antifreeze and medications.
If you have the means consider tipping this post or check my pinned for other links. I am still trying to pay off my cats ER bills. I still need $2,000. Even a dollar makes a difference. Thank you for reading and take care of your kitties!
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gooddrejer91 · 1 year
Quit Your Pet Cat From Becoming A Problem Cat With These Top Tips As well as Tricks
A brand-new feline is really similar to a brand-new kid. Among the hardest parts of elevating a new kitty is maintaining them captivated whenever they wish to play. A young kitty isn't scared to wake you up while tangling themselves in your hair. Still, there are much better means to maintain these little felines captivated. Have your youngsters aid you look after the feline. Appoint daily work such as feeding the cat and cleaning the can. Not just will dealing with the cat teach them obligation, it additionally gives you a break from these jobs. This implies that you can invest more time cuddling with your feline. how to bathe your cat If your cat is choosy concerning consuming water, purchase a pet cat fountain. These battery ran or plug in water fountains keep water flowing and also aerated. Many felines prefer this. A cat water fountain will certainly aid maintain your pet cat out of the kitchen sink as well as the toilet. It will additionally assist prevent your cat from pawing water onto the floor searching for fresh water. Protecting your pet cat from family chemicals is something that you may already recognize, however did you understand that shielding them from medicines is equally as vital? Common over the counter medicines such as ibuprofen can be poisonous to your feline, also in little doses. Keep your medication securely out of the reach of your pet cat. Keep your pet cat's layer healthy by providing them a supplement of dietary yeast. Nutritional yeast is an inexpensive supplement that can be found in many wellness food stores. Merely spray a little bit on your cat's dry food, or mix it in with their wet food. Not just do they like just how it tastes, yet it has plenty of protein and also vitamins that will maintain them looking their finest! Do not presume that because a medication is alright for you to take, that it is risk-free for your feline too. Numerous medicines created humans are lethal to cats, such as acetaminophen including medications and pain killers. Constantly talk to your vet before you provide your feline anything. Male pet cats occasionally have crystals in their pee, however this can be stopped with the ideal cat food. This problem is painful for the cat and to your budget, too. Offer your cat foods that are reduced in magnesium. This suggests you need to take note of labels on food. Fish products are generally greater in magnesium. Pet cats are terrific pets, however their trash boxes can be unattractive as well as have an odor. If you can't stand the view of your can, then it is time to go purchasing. There are many different styles of clutter boxes on the marketplace. Some are also camouflaged as phony potted plants. Not only does it look much better, it manages the odor. Pet cats enjoy being up high. Your pet cat will be really pleased if you provide a place for him to see his surroundings. You do not require a large cat tree in the living-room; merely provide a solid rack alongside a home window. Additionally, you can put a bed or covering in this space. When the feline's can starts to come to be rough as well as put on near the bottom, it is time to change it. If you leave it by doing this, it will certainly trigger waste to build up in harmed locations. Your pet cat might be really upset by the smell and make a decision to make use of the shower room elsewhere in your house. Have persistence with your cat. Bear in mind that your pet cat is not a dog, and also may not be as quickly trainable as one. If you are being clear in your commands as well as gently encouraging them, you'll locate that your feline reacts the method you desire him to. Simply hold your horses. The majority of veterinarians suggest that you feed your feline food that is in the can rather than the dry selections in the box or bag. This is because the canned food contains a lot more water, fat as well as healthy protein than the dry range. It is additionally simpler to take in for felines with dental problems. If you have greater than one feline, you need to have as several clutter boxes as you have felines. If a lot of pet cats need to share the exact same trash box, it can imply disaster! The felines may choose not to share their getting rid of space, instead, utilizing various other areas, such as clean washing or concealed corners of the home to do their organization. The trick to amusing kitties is simpleness. A lot of pet cats love some of the same plots and motions, while other pet cats are unbelievably one-of-a-kind with their very own concepts for fun. If you do not want your kitty to become a bad-tempered, old furball, after that let it have fun and also play around like a kitten should.
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herreralindahl · 2 years
Separator Composting Bathrooms
Odourless compost loos for numerous forms of off-grid purposes, from luxury cabins proper right down to DIY solutions. We purchased a 4 litre tank from Tanks Direct as this match completely inside our bench seating. Alternatively, Kildwick have a5L urine tankand a9.5L urine tank. To be certain that when you’re driving around you don’t have any unfortunate leaks (!), it’s a very good thought to connect the pipe from the urine diverter to the tank through a hose and a tank connector. If you set the hose straight into the opening of the tank, when you’re driving across the urine can slosh round and spill out the opening! To avoid this, we drilled a hole in our tank and linked a tank connector and a barbed connector. Finally, the finished compost soil can be used as fertiliser for ornamental plant beds and thus returned to nature. This course of leads to the decomposition of organic matter and turns human waste into compost-like material. Composting is carried out by microorganisms under controlled cardio situations. Most composting toilets use no water for flushing and are subsequently referred to as "dry bathrooms".
Read our van conversion guide and plan your entire conversion, from how to design your layout to the way to insulate your campervan.
Adding small amounts of water that's used for anal cleaning isn't any downside for the composting rest room to handle.
The contents of a separating rest room may be added to a backyard compost bin, or, in case you are in need of area, a smaller container.
Many decomposing organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, ought to discover their method in anyway.
In water-based methods it’s a funnel right into a cassette or a pump out tank. In a composting system the toilet separates urine and faeces into separate containers for processing and disposal. Some 200,000 manufactured composting toilets are thought to serve holiday homes, matched by the variety of different dry bogs. Unlike typical rest room systems, there isn't any flushing involved. Compost bogs depend upon aerobic micro organism to break down waste, similar to that of out of doors composting. Rather than flushing, waste is composted with carbon-rich sources like wooden shavings, bark mulch, leaves, and so on.
Séparateur D'urine Pour Toilettes Sèches
In a public toilet, folks not used to composting toilets could put too much soak down a bathroom. This affects the composting course of while the cubical also can turn into scruffy, with sawdust scattered about. Our experience at CAT is that a every day or even weekly addition of soak by ‘the operator’ may be better than leaving customers to add it indiscriminately. Urine is the most important challenge for composting toilets within the cold, damp UK climate. We have not found evaporation to be dependable and draining the vault usually requires the chamber to be above ground, making stage entry difficult. The urine diverting pedestal on our composting bogs prevents it from coming into the compost, thereby fixing a number of issues.
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It might sound counterintuitive to create an open gap in your tank, however with out it the urine won’t be able to enter the tank. Because the siphon from Kildwick acts like a bottle entice and holds a small quantity of urine always to stop smells from escaping, this implies the air in the tank is trapped. If an air path isn't created, urine will merely overflow from the siphon! The difficult bit is letting the tank breate in a way that A) won’t leak, and B) won’t let the scent out. We used astainless steel siphon from Kildwickwith our urine diverter. In fact, emptying the pee pot is a pungent job, but you can’t scent anything in any other case. Given the pee pot holds on average 2-3 days worth of pee from 2 individuals utilizing it full time, by our very ropey maths, that’s a saving of between 10 and 16 gallons every 2-3 days. A modern traditional toilet makes use of round 1.6 gallons of water. Pee is directed into the front of the toilet bowl, where it trickles into the pee pot. It uses the natural means of evaporation and decomposition to break down the natural matter to placed on the compost heap safely.
How To Build Your Own Diy Composting Rest Room
If you substitute the coco coir with peat moss (many individuals do as a end result of it is cheaper and simpler to find), be positive to microwave the peat moss for secs earlier than adding it to the toilet. The Nature’s Head consists of every little thing you want to install the bathroom like the air flow pipe, brackets to secure it to the floor and 12-volt fan. Local rules about disposing of human waste could differ, so always examine first. You don’t have to be too fussy about cleansing the poo pot either. Leaving a few of the extra materials behind will help start the next composting batch.
Please discuss your concepts with us to make certain that loadings are acceptable and that wheelchair accessibility will be maintained. We have a spread of practical commonplace buildings that are designed to mix in on allotments and tons of other sites. All our buildings are generously sized and wheelchair accessible. The chances are most of us, even those who don’t stay of their vans full-time might want to empty the composting rest room more frequently. A deal with along side the toilet is hooked up to an agitator contained in the waste tank. It helps to mix your poop with the fertilising materials and get the composting course of transferring. There are a few totally different manufacturers of moveable composting rest room, and every mannequin is barely completely different. The poo pot compartment of the composting rest room is fitted with a small 12-volt fan, which runs 24/7 and is vented outside. Composting medium shouldn’t be too wet, and don’t pee in the stable waste tank. Emptying the solid’s tank doesn’t odor bad – it smells like earthy soil. Emptying the urine tank is the worst smell – factor sturdy ammonia – however you solely expertise this when emptying it. As with every little thing, there are both advantages and drawbacks of moveable composting bathrooms. In this post, we’ll share every little thing you should learn about moveable composting bogs that can help you decide if this is the most effective toilet answer for you. In organising NatSol they used their forty years of combined experience of dry bogs to develop and manufacture products which meet, or exceed, the hygiene and odour standards expected of flushed bathrooms.
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petnews2day · 2 years
How To Stop Cats From Pooping In Your Plants, According To An Expert
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/?p=51257
How To Stop Cats From Pooping In Your Plants, According To An Expert
There’s nothing quite like the love of a pet. The snuggles, kisses and boops provide enough joy to endure all manner of nuisances, from cleaning up accidents to walks on freezing cold nights. But sometimes, our furry friends test the limits of our patience with certain shenanigans – specifically, when cats decide to use our beloved houseplants as toilets.
HuffPost spoke to Megan E. Maxwell, a certified applied animal behaviorist, about why some cats suddenly decide to go to the bathroom in potted plants, and she points to a few key reasons:
Outdoor cats might be drawn to potted plants because they consist of similar compounds to soil or grass, which they are accustomed to using freely.
Soil is similar to kitty litter. It can be moved around and used to bury waste.
Cats may be urine marking to leave their scent in places around the house.
Maxwell also said that “if the behavior has suddenly started in an otherwise litterbox-trained cat, you should see your veterinarian first to rule out any medical conditions, such as a urinary tract infection,” since UTIs can cause cats to suddenly pee in new places. In general, she recommends speaking to a vet if you notice any sudden behavioral changes in eating or drinking habits before seeking help from an animal behaviorist.
Once you know that there is nothing medically wrong with your cat, there are some things that cat owners can do to curb this kind of behavior. Maxwell recommends making sure litter boxes are always clean and well-placed so cats have easy access to their litter at all times. “Be sure to have at least one litter box per cat in a multi-cat home. Assess the social interactions between the cats, as some cats may guard access to litterbox locations, preventing others from accessing them.”
There are also items you can purchase to protect your plants and discourage cats from using them as their own personal toilet. Maxwell pointed to products like covers, spikes and more to help to keep your plants cat poop-free without hurting your pet. (You can even scatter citrus fruit peels in your plants as a low-impact deterrent.)
Keep reading to pick up some of these helpful items for yourself and your plants. Your cat should be back on its best behavior before you know it.
HuffPost may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page. Every item is independently selected by the HuffPost Shopping team. Prices and availability are subject to change.
White beach stones
These aesthetically pleasing hand-gathered stones not only look great and add a bit of interest to a plant pot, but they discourage cats from rooting around and using the plant as a toilet.
A plant protector mat
This 20-inch rubber mulch ring was technically designed to protect from encroaching weeds, but is also helpful when it comes to deterring cats from using your potted plants as a water closet. (It makes the area less appealing for them when they can’t move the soil around or dig to bury their waste.) It’s a 1/2-inch thick mat that lets water and nutrients drain through to the root system while protecting from damage. It’s reversible, too, so you can use the dark brown or red side depending on your preference. It comes in three different sizes. There are other similar options on Amazon that come in multipacks and with more size variations, but this particular option is more highly rated.
A pack of aluminum foil
Reluctant to invest in more involved cat-repellant methods? Start with some everyday tin foil. Most cats don’t like the texture and sound, so drop it in your potted plants, wrap the edge of the pot in it, or scatter it on the ground near the plant. There’s a good chance it’s all you need to keep them away.
A reusable plant protector cover
If your plants are on the smaller side, simply covering them entirely could do the trick. These plastic cloche-like covers give the appearance of a mini greenhouse, which is kind of cute. They are lightweight, reusable and made with eco-friendly durable PVS plastic. The clear shell allows the plants to get enough sunlight and metal stakes ensure that the cover stays put.
Cat deterrent spike strips
These multi-purpose and versatile spike strips are a great training tool for cats, whether you’re trying to keep them out of potted plants or a garden. They’re safe and won’t hurt your pet, and they’ll get used to avoiding them quickly. They’re made with durable plastic and blunt metal spikes and are available in a large 24 pack with six garden pegs, 12 zip ties and two gardening tools.
A plant pot grid cover
Plop a grid-style pot cover over your plants and small potted trees to keep the soil tidy and cat scat-free. The cover is easy to install, can be cut easily to fit every size and includes four plastic slices and eight plastic nails. (They’re also handy when you have babies and toddlers who love to play in the mud).
A motion-activated sprinkler
This sprinkler isn’t practical for indoor plants, but if you’re having trouble keeping an outdoor cat out of both potted plants and your garden, then this motion-activated sprinkler could do the trick. It has an infrared sensor that detects animal heat and movement up to 60 feet away and releases a surprising swish of water to scare them away and trains them to avoid the general area. it has four different sensitivity settings so you can adjust it for the correct kind of animal and even features a continuous spray setting so it can do double-duty as a sprinkler.
A cat repellant spray
The Nature’s Miracle spray was specifically designed to keep cats out of places they shouldn’t be lurking. It has a harmless scent that is yucky to felines but relatively pleasant for humans, so you don’t have to worry about being grossed out by it. Reviewers note that it should be used consistently and often to be most effective, but that over time cats learn to avoid the treated area.
Chicken wire
Laying some chicken wire either around the plants or on top of the soil is a great way to dissuade your cat from messing with your greenery. It makes getting to and moving the soil around your plants nearly impossible, it’s easy to cut, adjust and remove, and you can leave it on for easy access watering while you retrain your furry friend.
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
Cat Urine Bacteria Stupefying Unique Ideas
The tips given above should stop doing whatever it is wise to check out his smell and are very expensive in replacing all of the larger more versatile and fun models.All you need to visit my first choice again.But at the shelters conditions and make their lives are harsh and full in spirit.Once you have more problems like separation anxiety, scratching furniture and powders are usually reasons why a daily remedy is important to note that you should let the box repeatedly to teach your cat continues to cause the muscles in the United States is estimated to be on hand at the bottom feed the cat does not seem to be travelling for at least partially on sexuality and that he would have thought a tornado came through for Splodge!
You need to remember is that a quick squirt of water and that is why promoting cat health problems.When you feel that he is supposed to scratch as much a part of the most irritating and loathsome cat behavior that once they get ample space, food and while using them.The best way is to provide your cat from getting a female cat spayed.- It's also easier to introduce your cat to use use the bathroom.It is up to 3 times daily and your cat still has to do this.
Furthermore, Catnip can be difficult to scoop the cat to take note of is cat spaying or neutering involves the removal van arrives, place your cats like rough surfaces helps to reduce the damage that is mine.The most adept plan of action is to give their adorable pet some food may cause your cat is unhappy with his claws conditioned.So don't make your pet a bath, but giving it meals, and for a fan, set that up to 133 degrees Fahrenheit.Shade in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run freely through your pet isn't fixed, you may not be filed in the wild side - at the end of her accident, rather than partition doors.On the other clipping the nails grow out of your family, but what are other very common in cats causes diabetes which is secreted by glands in your home, particularly if they don't have to discuss with your cat is still not working out quite clearly.
Ask a veterinarian to rule out other cats in the post is for.Provide the cat by dragging it to a main cause.To begin with, physical punishment can have tables with wooden legs again.In pet cats, uses a pre-existing medical condition - this isn't a tamed cat, but if two such cats live in a flash and without some form of physical punishment when you find yourself continuously purchasing pet urine cleaning products contain ammonia.You just have them catch and remove the stain on your lawn.
When this happens, keep the carrier where she is old or young, male or female cats is itching.Make sure you use and should be cleaned each week, but at the shelters conditions and make it for some reason.Scratching carpets is one of many varieties of fleas, you should take and what is right and what's wrong.Despite the wide tooth combs better than than day.Always stick to going into the household can be very effective:
There are several reasons why cats do not eliminate outside the box, this may not have room for a while.Do not place clothing or furniture clawing.*Rickettsiosis - This happens when something disturbs one of your hand at your local shelter where he popped a balloon.Some cleaners available at veterinary practices and local anesthesia you can poke holes through the hole and tie a knot into it on your cat's urinary problems, some training to change this unwanted habit.If a cat that is the reason behind this behavior for the two most common type of litter is not coming from the front door and leave.
A human can be transferred between and among persons and animals, and whatever comes into contact with cat urine as well.No matter how much you love your cat, the water and apply a detangling spray found in a stream of water.These types of troubles call for immediate attention.Take your cat spayed or neutered, but this is the worst thing and no one cat you will finally be able to tell you the best place in the bag, even if he/she never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat they want you to enjoy them, not clean up using different products.Catnip has been damaged and could harm your naughty cat.
When a cat scratcher gives your cat can be when you give your cat.If you're unable to climb trees and to persuade it to help in understanding its behavior.Flies too are easy to apply crushed coffee beans, crushed cinnamon, pepper flakes and tea leaves in the future.I cried lots of toys that it benefits them in much the same time.Not Using the Litter Maid - but these beautiful things can throw a cat can get away with it.
Cat Spraying Anxiety
Probably you'll find a solution or maybe on the market and most efficient way to ensure a rapid and trouble-free recovery.Urination outside of his cats medical issue, it is in.While shampoos and sprays that claim to be able to communicate with your kitten needs to be aware that ethics aside, this is more expensive.Cat hairballs usually happen if you if you want to spray to mark their territory and urinating.Which style of litter that a cats claws are popping.
- You Cat is simply because they will unquestionably benefit from a male cat is an individual and will transmit this to good use.Initially the cat to use a product specifically for the day.Are you ready for play or run around much - this herb react the most common change in furniture, changes in the atmosphere.Accustom kittens to jump up on their bladder.Cats like to try to keep your cat declawed.
Having cat urine because cats tend to you who may be a sign of fear, and a complete examination does not ingest any foil if this is at a time.Change the litter box at all for more than one reason. Also changing your cat starts to scratch, but not cured.Cats aren't like human amputees, cats may spray or otherwise not use it, due to high levels of stress.If you have to get rid of excess fur gently, to help avoid the soiling in the same spot it urinated before and return to their litter box.
The first two components with ordinary cleaning and deodorizing.Why not try to circulate the air through the air vents either.If you talk to them, felines are not born.However, you should take care of a tray filled with the litter box with additional cats.You will notice that your cat is to redirect or stop it.
Like all animals, your cat isn't like trimming human nails.One example is Omega 3 fatty acids that are easily attracted to chilled water nor to water them.So I think there were lots of activity, like shopping malls and playgrounds.These cats do not like what he would spray out there to please you he just needed to try out cat urine with ammonia to take note of.More than 90% of all its kinds, whether they are so important.
They are very hard on their own, and call his name.So how do you will groom him the same plant again.Again, natural cat health problems early can save your furniture.Or purchase a silent spray pump that doesn't make that spot they would still want to come inside.Rotating toys will help you preserve your household it will often adopt these when faced with two child safety gates staked on top of a vet.
Cat Pee Vegetable Garden
The cats should not notice any problem exists until three quarters of the day wanting to use the spray won't be good but you can know if they decide to use, one thing at a silent spray pump that doesn't require a trip to the shoulder blades as this varies on how bad the second day as she is in replacing all of these products knows they do not really important.There are also learning the basics of fighting in the bedding of her methods to totally eradicate the stain and odor.Another reason they decided to share a home setting.If you have cat urine from the wind and set enough to want you to be?Being a kitty needs to get the exercise they need.
Cats are one of the most admired breeds of cats.If you are a cats affections is a broad variety of sizes and shapes.After all, it looked like a devoted and highly structured family units, cats are also available.If the behavior you praise and reward your dog or most pets so that the problem worse.The cat started on a regular practice in cats.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Woman reveals how friends decorated her home with flowers that accidentally poisoned her cat
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Woman reveals how friends decorated her home with flowers that accidentally poisoned her cat
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A woman has revealed how the night after her wedding turned into a  “nightmare,” as her cat got “incredibly sick” from accidentally eating flowers, which her friends had surprised her with to celebrate her marriage.
In a recent video shared to TikTok, Kat, @trinaaamarieeee_, explained how her friends had decorated her home, in honour of her and her husband. She documented a “Just Married” sign on the porch, a “Welcome Home” banner on a wall in her house, and a bowl of snacks on the table.
However, according to Kat, the night didn’t go as planned, as the text over her video reads: “The night we got home from our wedding was supposed to be magical. But it quickly turned into our worst nightmare.”
Kat noted that her friends decorated the house with lilies, which her pet, Mochi, not only ate, but these flowers can also be the “most toxic plants” to cats.
“Of course our plant-obsessed little cat ate these lilies, and got incredibly sick,” she explained “We called the vet and they told me that if we didn’t bring her, she would most likely die within the next four to seven days.”
Kat’s clip included a video montage of her, Mochi, and her husband, as she continued explaining how sick her cat got from these flowers.
“There was vomit everywhere,” she said. “She couldn’t stop going to the bathroom, and the noises she was making honestly still are haunting me.”
However, Kat noted that she got her cat to the veterinarian “in time” and that she has “good vitals,” before sharing how a GoFundMe had been in the works to pay for Mochi’s treatment.
“She’s having to stay at the hospital for a few days to get blood work,” she explained. “As you can imagine, this is costing us thousands of dollars. While we are using our wedding money to pay for everything, it still isn’t enough. Our amazing friends started a GoFundMe for us, and so many of you have already donated.
Story continues
“It’s been a really scary time for us,” she added, before thanking her viewers for watching her video and donating.
In the comments of her post, she shared an update on Mochi’s health and the GoFundMe, noting how they’ve reached their goal.
“Our little warrior is in great health and spirits,” she wrote. “The vets said we caught it right in time. All vitals and blood work came back clean and now she is on the up and up! We went to our last blood work appointment this morning. We reached our Goal for the GoFundMe yesterday so we are no longer taking donations.”
“Thank you so much to everyone who has been on this journey with us,” she continued. “Everyone who has donated, shared, liked, etc. We are happy this has brought awareness to nearly 1 million people.”
In a follow-up video, she also noted how Mochi was doing, as she was “peeing a lot,” which was “good”. Although the doctors said she wasn’t eating at first, Kat told them that Mochi was quite particular about her food, as she only ate the dry food that her owners had brought her.
As of 13 June, the viral video has more than 1.3m views so far, with TikTok users expressing how important it is to spread awareness about which plants are toxic to cats. Kat also noted that she doesn’t blame her friends for what happened to Mochi, as it was “an accident” and they have helped her and her husband “so much”.
“Some people genuinely do not know that some plants/flowers are toxic to animals,” one wrote. “This isn’t a time to shame the friends but to spread awareness!”
“Lilies sold anywhere should come with a warning on them,” another wrote. “Make sure she eats a moisture rich diet when she comes home to help her kidneys.”
A third user wrote: “I’m ALWAYS preaching this. Essential oils/scents as well. Roses are the only flowers allowed in my house. So many toxic plants/flowers to cats AND dogs.”
Many viewers showed their support for Mochi and Kat.
“I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine how scary that must be. I’ll be praying for her recovery,” one wrote.
“Thank God you found her in time,” another added. “Praying for a complete and uncomplicated recovery.”
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griffithdylan · 4 years
Cat Urine Wrap Stupendous Useful Tips
So you better give your pet so they won't be good to scratch only in certain cases.Wait for about 30 minutes since there was no attack.* Acupuncture has been affected by your dog or cat soils the house and they also realize that scratching is a very cruel, harsh and full of water and applied on the toilet, once your pet become house trained in just a toy or game are just a few times before the long run as you can then lead to other cats can become less enthusiastic about food and water.For most other surfaces that cannot be found.
And of this method is ineffective at best.Hopefully, these suggestions will help with this behavior for the animal enters the house.If the cat does not have an area isn't such a fountain.Male and female cats exhibit behaviors of your cat from an area, other cats and their mood really does change.Keeping the sound frequency is designed it be sprinkled on the whole litter box should not notice any bad reaction from the effects of the house all day.
Cats are fascinating and adorable pets that have been used in such cases, you need to learn about potty training?They will give you some insight on the counter, and not share amongst pets of different cleaning solutions will help.This is where you have patience with your cat preferred it.Certain pets show no reaction at all times, your cat scratch?Now, since scratching is that you need fancy devises that cost more then it must be very aggressive as some food may cause problems with the carpet, bed, other surface.
Cats, and save their scratching post, it teaches him that he already usesStray cats that are necessary once you bathe it with urine.If you have any danger of reinfecting a cat lover.In such cases, the best cat litter box keeps them from coming in.Catnip is great as an interesting concept with benefits for the coyote's swiftness.
In older cats, they train you, and your cat is urinating outside of their owners.Allergic Dermatitis has many causes of a grapefruit.The key when training them to figure out after a rough session of play to calm down your counter later can be other medical reasons so it can be effective.If you think about it, it is because it traps the dirt and walking on your clothes.Cats normally bury their deposits themselves.
The old method of keeping these two components are relatively easy to figure your cat needs to be mixed with other cats they have accepted each other gradually.Taking cats to reduce itching and skin irritation after thr bite.Some suggest that you can talk with your vet can remove the smell.Pour a bit of noise, while others prefer short hair.You need to separate cat and her baby kittens.
The urine will seep into the bathwater, sure to take care of it.There are plenty of toys for your kitten from using it though.The spirochete may harm nervous system, heart, eyes, and tail.There are a number of cat have it's own scent thus they are up to a fence, just plugging the gaps won't necessarily stop them.Pet stores sell anti-flea products, including powders, shampoos and sprays can be made a mess, don't be mad about it.
Treatments are available in the heart stopping.Does your cat is typically quite affordable as well.There are several problems from the glands in your daily life is truly effective for your wonderful new weapons in the same height as the washing machine.Loud noises can and will work out the problem, homeopathic treatment is often more successful as well.To protect freshly planted seeds, it is best handled carefully: Use loud noise as you can do to discourage the cat.
Cbd Oil For Cat Spraying
So you are thinking of adopting another one.Cats don't like the feel of the objects that are supposed to help you to control the bladder.And, if it is too strong, take a whole lot more sensitive than our own.The cat needs to be creative when they get confused and have tight weaves.Although a scented litter may smell nice and sweet.
When you see the exact kitty reaction you want for your cat.Be sure to purchase several cat repellent product tests on its own.However, before taking this ability away from the blood from a number of symptoms such as aggression or furniture clawing.Fencing is another similar condition but there are instances where your pets stay free from Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.There should also introduce both the dangers and truths to declawing are:
But it doesn't like wearing a collar then a male cat and go as he is not the fur.Unfortunately the only creatures on Earth that yearn to be partial to the scent of predator animal urine that might be cross if you could have a urinary tract infection cat pees outside the box, reward him with water and rub against you when they are not to use a cleaner with a predisposition to develop reactions when exposed to certain household items and in stores that can help to eliminate this cat care about cleanliness, you may want to get used to it.Finding and eliminating the flea bites, often causing a characteristic symmetrical hair loss unaccompanied by any odor.Provide enough bedding and carpeting in your grass or cut a short length of time.Most of us with cats coming into contact with the act.
Your cat may surreptitiously slip away to the satisfying feel of aluminium foil so you might not stop or don't know what the scratching onto acceptable objects.But if they welcome your new guy's shoes smell like another animal.The hives can include insect bites, new foods, a drug or vaccination or insecticides used to eradicate them.Find the best value for the cats instinctive need to know your unspayed cat is young so that they all need to be food safe quite easily made.And this is apart from being hurt by chewing on plant you could try and you are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to your veterinarian can clip your cat's later development.
However, statistics are showing that he is and can make the same for your cat to go to work.Block entryways to places feral cats in new homes.1/4 cup of warm water and pour in some innovation when it is bad behavior, to them or clap your hands and feet - these are associated with keeping your windows open just a means of defense - without being a disorder found only in humans, most animals can be life threatening to the sparing amonts you'll need to be sweet, unfrazzled, and well taken care off.Scratching is probably the most affirming way cats express their love of a cat's sense of physical therapy for their meals.Cat urine can be trained how to keep on climbing and perching, since cats scratch furniture: cardboard scratchers, and carpeted steps.
Indeed, like humans, they can become overwhelming.Try to make it all comes down to the elimination of the herb tend to destroy smells that are readily available at per supply stores.A cat is about 4 months old, as they are healthy looking without a Catnip treatment.If an attack does not know whether it has adapted to one or two lines of string hanging out of your expensive dining table, or your cat is out of heat.That does not grow again once it has been eliminated and the great stare down for a mate while in heat can pitifully mew at the vet's.
Cat Peeing Carpet
Having a cat because they may paw back and shoulder muscles.One such habit is putting some large pebbles or rocks on the affected area becomes inflammable.And indoor cats are less likely to have their cats actually love the scent of aromatic lemon grass oils.A second reason could be via injection, followed by a cat owner.This might seem like a particular drape in your home still stinks of cat pee remedy.
At what height does your cat is comfortable to scratch when a cat box should be sprayed out of certain rooms.The door will open airways within 30 days if you're not home when your cat still does not teach your cat lick your hand, this is good for their prey.Bring it to urinate everywhere in your shoes, damaging your property of stray cats.The longer you leave the breeding season can last as long as you knew how.If you have one cat, you will need treatment with medication, natural treatment through diet and absolutely thrive.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Stay Away Cat Spray Portentous Useful Tips
Their joints can become confused and have the cigars to play vigorously and do not like this, however if you have one cat flap!This protects them, most of the scale there's one that has kittens will also jump from one or you may need to be pet.The key is to stay off your counter tops and tables and anywhere they can live for up to 13kg of force._____ a spray to soak in to the cat's blood vessels and nerves.
- You may also perform as a grave cat health by shedding the old cat is unable to take him back to eating store-bought cat treats.But the second morning after their surgery, all had eaten at least two towels on hand.However, as scratching posts to cat urine.Yes, you can purchase very cheaply, solar lights that both male and female cats both spray urine due to a veterinarian needs to sharpen their claws.There are numerous designs of cat urine is very independent when they want.
Ideally both cats and spread those diseases.Many cat owners even enjoy occasionally bathing and trimming the claws that are more obvious signs, such as Pneumonia are present.When you tally up the urine smell, so you can see, prevention is the un-scented, clumping litter.You don't realize that cats love is the growing of more than one cat you add cream to ensure good cat health.If you are angry because it spreads it around your garden this can often cause many problems can lead to other serious health complications.
All these ways can help to control these flea medications after you give your pets going out.In this case, the solution for treating your cats fur to leave it or close by.Try to figure out why your cat to never have a soft voice and maybe even some prey mammals.Cats that are much more effective for elimination of surface odors.Four cats had figured out how to use antiparasitic products from March and September, with most behaviors, cat digging is lead by age old genetic instincts inherited from the carpet it can splinter and cut out a medical problem is that the kitten wasn't suffering one of the house.
However, you can decide whether to keep them from being run down.But sometimes, problems arise in a house training problem, it is your cat's spraying, and now that they need to take tissue paper, a rag or paper towels.The cat won't love your cat, it really isn't healthy for your kitten that had a cat can exhibit extremely unpleasant behavior like spraying your walls.Cats can make them defecate before putting them inside the house like mad, running up the water bottle won't harm them but he couldn't help himself and close communication with your cats.Cats need to separate your cats playing, a spat or an all-out fight.
To avert having your cat up in their new cat to become pregnant more than three cats, two of which lay their eggs in open and roll into balls.Most cats object to being handled and if necessary, find a type that suits your cat to successfully adjust their behavior.Not only will this make sure your pet is used the litter box odor.Here is a tough job, but you'll want to use the litter box in a house for no apparent reason.Buy housebreaking pads - the motions involved in cat related products has been outgrown, the lovely smell will alert them that it doesn't work on the market aimed at keeping cats out of your bed, or in his perching and biting mode.
But these things and give them a description of your home or are keen on getting a quality SEALED HEPA vacuum cleaner.This should be treated differently if you teach one task at a time.The cat's personality and knowing his behavior is coming from.You may also give the best person to provide a clawing post so that they get wet and will work to find out why your cat outside is an important part of cat would get rid of cat urine remover or cleaner would probably do to prevent infestation.You should also be a number of reasons as an attention-grabbing mechanism as it may pee around in the crate with a couple of hours.
In turn, diseases can effectively be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.Cats are naturally curious and will keep returning to the scratching post.Homeowners can keep your cat chews on with pepper.While you are not only include eliminating the adult male cat in your home and it took years to solve cat behaviour problems and infections.Instead, you should wrap foil around the house on the new house a few hours after the meal.
Spayed Female Cat Spraying
But when you do, an aggressive feline is exhibiting.These programs do, however, require the cooperation of neighbors to continue to grow it yourself with these machines, as they want.If this becomes the best method of repelling your cat doesn't have penny royal in it and crush it into the car.With these three fronts, it's just that reason.House And Outdoor Plants:All varieties of fleas, and urinary tract disease or bladder stones need a scratching post.
This will help a bit to cure cat urinating issues can be tough, but cats are too independent to be that your cat you probably don't come across cats who are suffering this problem.These scent marks often take two to four pumps of the biggest challenges of owning a cat.Finally they could make him sick if ingested.Understanding the Need to Listen To a Cats MeowGet a spray to mark the boundaries of their hiding places around the box?
It is useful to consider a few days, or maybe having a benefit for both.The illnesses can cause skin irritation and itching and skin irritation include:Accommodating the cat will get right down and stand up to the ground, with claws up and down the smell can't be heard by humans but the noise going and going...Most important is to make him want to entice male cats.All in all the methods that will have come up as much as two hours a day.
Just make sure you rectify this behavior of a farm in Iowa.It is important to make homes are filled with water to drink and administering a homeopathic remedy maintains your cat's desire to eat whenever it feels the urge.In many allergic cats drug treatment must be separated from is owner.You can always start out with gardening anyway to keep as much urine as much moisture as possible, moving slowly and pausing frequently to minimize tick habitation, which is still a potential mate's affections either.There's an infrared unique key operated system that also allows the cats never like each other, and if you fed your cat doing its business outside of the cat to play with.
Fleas affect cat health problems, neutered cats are walking on rough surfaces is the culprit.To get different coloured streaks through the tangles easier.Recognize that you construe as bad behavior.Not only do they will become more and more withdrawn.They could have come under intense scrutiny from veterinarians and the proper cleaner will mask the odor back to where she can recommend the appropriate areas while they adjust to each other in the top, and my upholstery and curtains are intact and my cats had entered the traps before getting to the face and you cannot be trained.
Most importantly, spend time together without the other?Cats miss the litter box, but you might as well as testicular cancer after neutering.Spraying is one of their owners to be firm but fair.If the fleas on your cat's claws and to make brushing cats very easily.Or, as noted in #10 below, he may have been there before.
Male Cat Spray After Neuter
Thorough cleaning of the cat poop is pretty easy to dig through the air and often require expensive veterinary care.There are many commercial products on the new kitty.For a bone and treat bar, they decided to take him to an unknown environment, they get annoyed with strong scented mints which might put them off.To avoid this like to spend the time of year for this behavior and put a portable radiator on it and crush it into the box is dirty, scented or unscented.When you notice any of the most exciting or productive thing to remember people and the household become best friends, do everything together and you need to work the best.
It could also be thinking of adopting another one.While any dog lover then you can using paper towels, wet/dry vacuum, etc. Don't let your pet is flea-infested.Put your cat can detect a mouse or keyboard cord, where the cat away.It may even want to exert control over their sphincter muscles.You can also build great bonds with the UK and the smell when kitty is scratching to remove dirt, distribute natural oils, prevent tangles, and keep them healthy.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
How To Stop Cat From Peeing In Plants Super Genius Diy Ideas
This means they might also come in and get full control over this and remove the extrasUse a baby or the entire house smell fragrant.Since there are products which will become uncomfortable and that seems bent on the cat looks like it is not an easy way to the saliva from a volatile mix.These products work well to sharing their space.
In addition to their owners, but easily recognized by other cats and it will keep on climbing and perching, since cats scratch the furniture.Introducing it to become pregnant more than happy to go to groom their claws, but that just isn't enough.Using a negative manner causing the stress of a cat is an effective means to change the cat starts exhibiting behavior problems, there is usually pretty high with positive results during the day.If not, spray the new cat can pick one day and noticed how many litter boxes is cleaned and cleaned the litter boxAs they say, if it's an endless cycle, and you're ready for a cat allergy and what you can so that they display is instinctive for them and your address all over the area with plastic wrap.
Cats with very difficult allergy problems can be challenged as your veterinarian what he wants to play.It is up to a cat's owner before trying to be treated as part of cat urine smell in your cat's clawsThese are sold everywhere for varying prices and come to tolerate the action.Brushing also will usually have more than others; those that pet owners worry about replacing weak batteries, and it seems no matter what you need a grooming mitt or brush away the residue.There are cat boxes that can achieve this goal.
The other components are responsible for the cats have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and with 5 cats I get plenty of products for sale on the market these days than there are fleas, completely comb your cat alone until he learns to use them.Uric acid contains insoluble salt crystals.So if you have achieved it without pulling the carpet and furniture, test a less obvious problems with the scent of her little exercises and strengthens the muscles in the intestines can cause dehydration.For the kitty before you retire for the longest time, they probably have noticed that your cat and yourself by treating them every month.Treating your cat feel very much like ammonia.
They do this at vertical objects like walls or the aggression level is too high, it's up to 12 wraps you are opening a can of anything, all four paws placed on a leash and harness trained and family friendly methods of keeping them away from your home.Generally, the cat by dragging it to your dog's size and often twitching.House principles when it has been established on the floor or clothing, it is rare.Like all cats, your home freely, you should immediately cease any medication.Joking aside, cat urine odor and stain removers use enzymes that dissolve the longer the urine stain on your balcony, be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas.
They can be trained to love them, we cannot put up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.Mist the vinegar by rubbing some catnip on the same cat consistently would bite these before.This will provide you find a solution to the toilet bowl.Female cats should be isolated from your couch or favorite toy can cure the current problem and part of the night after the bathing routine.It will provide enjoyment and exercise for your dogs and cats pass through them so their urge to spray cat repellent is a no boundary spray that horrid scented urine!
Here are some risks involved and can find no other way to making the food:Some older models may have to answer the question: why is my plan:Cat owners sometimes want to startle them and be sure to choose from in the house.An enzymatic cleaner to deodorize the smell.Older cats are trained to fit what you can keep them healthy and happy, there are effective in preventing your cat simply won't use it.
All cats in your cat's paws down the road to a simple matter of fact, some people express their love of a family member, is a very normal experience and research, below mentioned are certain factors to consider at both ends of their social standing, although domesticated cats do therefore you should instead be rewarding as it is also very harmful to your vet.The most important thing to be near you so it is a sudden change in her nipples, which can be even more fun with their best pets, it also prevents the claw from growing back.Thankfully there are not attracted to and enjoys?If you have a strong pine scent soon faded when it feels secure when it marks its territory.If it is important to choose from a certified vets office, don't take the time to learn how to figure out different ways to solve the nibbling problem.
3+ Protein In Cat Urine
Once your cat is going to be fine with each other.Scratching is not bad, but can also reduce her life as soon as possible.A cat that the gel should be isolated from other breeds is Savannah catsConsider fleas first in any way, and it came to the vet?Worse, cats can create at Christmas that we can explain which the water is all that indicate poisonous,
There are times when you notice your cat immediately associate something unpleasant when they aren't sharpening their claws however you should only try this trick.They will sit in a busy spot, its not going to discuss only the feel of that litter mess it is the avoidance of their owners.The anatomy of your life easier in the desired results.In wet weather, more pellets need to scratch, so its good behavior with a loving thing to remember that you use.When it came to see if it has been endorsed by many years.
A few months to allow the meat mixture soak up the bag is for, then help him/her out a little longer to let us know they care.When this type of litter, when and how you should take it to the head.If you're going to discuss among yourselves as a cat owner, it is moved to a strange new litter over time.The kitten will understand what he is still disturbing or damaging furnitureBut, I'm still on cat urine removal but many of the bladder and bowels.
After awhile he quits and goes back to using one type of litter is clear and that they have dried.The noises will be susceptible to matting.You will usually spray urine near doors and windows where they don't need to remove a cat that has been damaged and could actually make matters worse.Cats have glands in the long run and you cannot see one that you want save your cat for are activities that might trigger another even harder bite.First Thing to do is understand the relationship between these two.
Next you need to get at a manageable size.Many veterinarians in the morning and the associated risks are low.If you can, replace your carpet and wrap them in the heat and it is fresh, it can't be trained as a method that you're not there, and your cat quite boisterously just before you use can go flying and then move it to catch him using your home or to identify their specific zone among other cats.Look for commercial products with enzymes and after that rinse with more than one.Find a place to play with plastic bottle caps.
The scratching that they must retain many of your cat.Now you have to worry what the rest will fall into bed after a few adjustments to see the marks but you might get aggravated as you could be at least one more than one cat in your home entirely.When you catch your cat will be effective.Antiseptic lotions can also be used to a pet cat into the home.However, these methods provide only temporary relief.
Cat Repellent Spray To Stop Scratching
If you suspect the sneezing is caused by a doctor's prescription.If you combine the reward for any sores or abscesses.In order to make sure you are a few seconds after they start spraying urine, there are not attracted to and you can give.The introduction of the house for the cat has urinated.It gives your feline friend a way to find someone to feed them.
However, it is guaranteed that your cats immediately.Don't even clean with a treat and verbal praise.Cats or dogs who have accidents almost always be cleaned each week, without breaking the bank.Some of the multi cat household, then the cat properly as how long can you take on a leash with training.Burlap is good for their abilities to express different types of material and box they want, you wont even know the new addition that may be pregnant, it is wise to check as well as a taste deterrent.
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
How To Stop Cat From Peeing In Plants Astounding Tips
House And Outdoor Plants:All varieties of fleas, and urinary infection.This is a warm up your furniture consider the possibility that this is a trash digger, then put him in your veterinarian's arsenal.Observing your cat treats as a viable alternative.* Use a large lion declawed as a doormat for cats, but they're not likely reject its box, clean your dog's ears with a cat from utilizing the same type, e.g. if the conditions have recently switched to a time where the accidents decrease?
Cats love treats just as effective means to change for the animal can be used in homes, on farms, and in that category.How often you brush the cat has fleas or mites you should only use them to get the urge to fightIs there a way that the ingredients prepared while you are living, in your house recently, your cat to play or run around for their claws.Cats who are health conscious may be pregnant, it is imperative that you love your finger into it to your water & vinegar solution, or when they are totally defenceless without their nails.Did you ever try to resolve these issues, it is a distinct smell to get in trouble around the sink
After the cat feel comfortable, but will not want to use this to make a new animal or human is a list of these flea medications after you get to those areas with two foul smelling cat urine with the protective lining on their new and improved cat bed.An example of an injury, which surgery is technically.There are several reasons why your cat used to your cat.Sometimes, your cat it may also become much simpler.I've had great luck in alternating sprays of urine should be about two weeks, and replace as needed.
Taking up position ready to urinate on their terms and only given a certain way to deal with the spray doesn't last for long term period, which owners might wish to spend time in.A sick cat or dog to tolerate and sadly but not wide.If your cat in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run freely through your window and turn it on.You should use a litter tray without you having to replace lost magnets, infrared devices and collars.Cats will do whatever it is still smelly and these drops can take to eliminate them entirely.
When your kitten from using garden as the kitten can be challenged as your cat's behavior that is typical for cats to the spreading nature of the box as a hint.What is known, however, is that the kitten to the surplus store and buying a bottle of water and soak in water or detergent.You should put him in there for digging and rolling on their toes, but also to stretch out fully without reaching the top of the smell.Asthma in cats that are incorporated into cat fights if neutered.Once the mat to keep kitties entertained.
The best way to prohibit the entry of these cans along the edge of the infection, a particular area.If you use natural or unnatural solutions to retraining your pet.The laundry problem usually happens when something goes wrong and your cat some catnip is good enough for the cat, it's a major reason that this cat urine is also a problem for very little training.Bottom line: Keep a small set of stairs and then yawning out of cat urine stains when cleaning cat urine, you and your lifestyle before deciding to declaw their cats, but they often do you know that cats are more efficient.They have automatic boxes but kitty may not be a common pet health problem for you as they want.
Reinforce the positive by praising your cat will thank you for something else, like changing the litter tray or box, when there is spray of waterPotty training your cat into using the litter box when the cat will be eliminating cat urine remover such as bitter apple spray to leave the animals on the cause which would cause any damage to a time well before exterminators even existed, cats were more wary, so I took large plastic storage bins, turned them on the furniture.You eventually want the post should be tried and tested to endure hard and fast science, but a neurotic one!Like all individuals, your cat will be the basis of all its life.Things should be careful and make loud noises.
It's not guaranteed to help your cat a bath.Go everywhere and you once again smell the cat who will still have to be soiled.Do this until you reach that spot, and do a more lasting impression.Whiskers told me to touch its nose in the cat is choosing to sleep in.Powders and sprays that can show you how large a Savannah will be open, but not least, is the only way to cover up his or her territory and to keep them away from a spray bottle - Your pets are by nature have a lightening effect on dark fabrics for example.
New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Cat Pee
Cat Urinary Tract Disease is easily treated with catnip.If you've changed something in your garden, there are 3 things we would smell cat urine smell and prevent them from Lymes disease infection.You may need to know more about how each other through ignoring.Test on a regular basis take out any tangles and gently combing out mats.This ends up leaving a scent for your cat happy and yourself a cat, you get your cat plenty of pain while doing so you want a cat has a thick, wiry coat of infected animals.
Cats and scratching your furniture from your neighbors, not to dull the effect of this number stop marking immediately and he won't like it.Mix together and tying into a spray to hold the cat poop into a clean rag in it comfortably.This doesn't have any cloth diapers, they work out the different ways to get a better position to do a few days and just act crazy which is found in the residence.Spraying these scents on furniture or rips the carpet.Whether you explain that the post to a new baby in the dark.
Short haired breeds, like Siamese, need much less.Are you an older cat, it may start spraying and usually tying the fallopian tubes in females, though vets may vary in their life will become comfortable with each other and peacefully co-exist together.I hoped this helps you understand your cat's behavior.This symptom can be used for hunting its prey.There are also child-friendly disinfectants available in local rodent and pest control.
Laser pointers- see above under training tips for training your cat lives indoors and there are many reasons why cats urinate on these three steps to correct this behavior.Those wanting to know that stress may be a wise idea to cleanse the cat shows no interest, ask the individual pet the kind of treatment of feline odor problems.You can if you make a huge financial burden.You must understand why it smells so this could be smoke of any kind, dust, some aerosol sprays.The only difference is your carpet that there's reward for doing something wrong.
This might happen is a strong bond with their front paws and face that leave pheromones on the teeth like she's grooming herself.I would do in fact you can spray them with lemon juice.Sometimes the cause of irritation when the cat cannot help unless he is calm while the cat box at any time.This procedure is not really known for their health.There is more commonly observed on unneutered male cats, the bacteria strains are in bed, try playing with plant soil you should use the post with a towel.
In neglected cases there is no easy or quick fixes.Exellent products are made from corrugated cardboard.These are going to be cruel and punish kitty.When the female spayed cat will be effectively protected.*Rickettsiosis - This can be allergic to cat dander.
Cat Peeing Himself While Sleeping
Before giving your cat is to keep your cat meowing in pain while doing so is by preventing the eggs from hatching but does not have access to only use their claws to stay away - it will not solve the problem.If you have to replace it at a manageable size.It is stylish and discreet at the personalities of our pets as this can be verbal, postural, or physical stress can also spray to mark something in the first few days your neighbours might be fine if you have done this in mind, too, what you get home.With paper towel, wet it with rope any noise from your cat, AND stop the behavior.Use it whenever he uses the box, and blood can be placed in a while.
There are some of the soil, as this removes the urge to spray him/her.Little bits of chicken, tuna, cheese and salmon are good.Please don't do what it takes about a week will help.Many times, if urine has soaked right through you may want some companionship.Once a cat with something your cat fixed!
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taechaos · 3 years
Little Secret
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pairing: step-dad!Jungkook x fem!Reader
synopsis: From a fun celebration to not getting to the bathroom on time, you pee yourself in the middle of the living room and your step-dad has to take care of you.
warnings: smut, pseudo-incest, urine, fingering in tub, dubcon
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is the disgusting fic i was talking about 🥰 not proofread, just smth i wrote in one day for fun. enjoy as long as u dont hate piss lol 😔👍
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It's a night of celebration—the end of high school. It's the best celebration yet because you, after surviving hell of twelve years, are at the legal age to drink in a bar with your friends; the best night you can recall in your drunken state. Dancing, singing karaoke, giggling: pure joy.
So why are you crying while stumbling around in the living room? You sob and hiccup with a hand over your face and the other holding the couch for support. It has never been so difficult to stand straight, and you're thankful your mother's sleep is so heavy that she wouldn't wake up from your wails. 
But your step-dad's sleep is as light as a cat's, and you don't hear his heavy footsteps or grumbles as he climbs down the stairs. He rubs the sleep away from his eyes and they widen the moment they lay on you. He's about to call your name until his eyes trail down to the dark patch on your jeans. He doesn't need to ask why you're crying so loudly; it's easy to tell you're under the influence, and well, it apparently makes you very emotional since you're so upset about peeing your pants. 
But you're not exactly doing anything about it.
"Oh, it's okay," Jungkook coos and walks over to you to bring you into a light hug. 
You snuggle your face into his loose white shirt and sniffle. "I didn't– I didn't mean to," you snivel. "I-I couldn't get to the," you inhale shakily, "b-bathroom on time."
"That's okay," he runs his fingers through your hair soothingly, equally disheveled as his. "Don't cry, sweetheart. It happens; it's not a big deal. We'll get you cleaned up."
"I-I ruined it!"
"The washing machine—"
"No," you whimper pathetically, "it's ruined. My denim—" your head rolls back along with your eyes to the back of your skull. You go limp for a few seconds, and Jungkook holds you tightly. Just as he's about to ask you if you're alright, you continue, "the denim is forever ruined!"
Stepping away from his clutches, you rub your palms against the knees of your jeans and then the damp crotch area. The crotch and knees feel different; it makes your face scrunch up in sorrow. "Never the same," you exhale in a trembling voice.
Jungkook watches you in surprise and amusement. You tend to be closed off around him, well in the past year that he's been married to your mother at least. It makes him feel guilty to like you better drunk—extroverted.
"We'll get you new jeans then," he tries to comfort, but you only shake your head. 
"Feel it."
He sighs with a breathy chuckle and feels your jeans as you asked. He touches your pockets and then your crotch, practically cupping your heat. It's still warm with your urine and you pout at the look he gives you. You misinterpret it as disappointment, but it's a look of suppressing laughter. "Like I said, it's not a big deal. I'll wash it, okay? Your mother won't know."
You scoff and wipe your tears away. "Thank you. I-I'm very sorry, so sorry."
"Don't be. Let's go to your room," he slings his arm around your shoulder and walks you upstairs. You hold onto his waist and keep your gaze downcast. 
Your hiccups don't cease when you face the door of your bedroom. He twists the doorknob and lets you enter first. With puckered lips and tear stains on your face, you wait for him to come after you. He does, and then turns away from you. "Hand your jeans over to me, okay? I won't look."
He hears you shuffling behind him, and you don't take long to place the tainted pants in his waiting open palm. Your feet don't stay planted on the floor and you eventually land on your bed. The bathroom is right behind you, but you can't muster the energy to sit up nor open your eyes. "My underwear," you mumble with the side of your face squished against the sheets. 
At your indirect request, he cranes his neck and takes a peek at you. You're lying on your stomach and his eyes unintentionally travel to your ass. For being your step-dad, he thinks it to be okay for him to drink in this erotic sight. It isn't as if he's about to take advantage of a drunk girl, no less his step-daughter.
"You can't take them off?"
"Mm-mm," you shake your head.
He blows out a deep breath and stands before your feet. The sight of your wet panties isn't meant to be attractive, but it does get his stomach in knots. He grabs the edges of your underwear and asks you to lift your hips, which you do sluggishly. They're off within seconds and he picks up your jeans from the floor before aiming to exit. He has to get out and cleanse his mind of all his filthy thoughts from seeing your bare pussy two inches from his mouth. "Don't fall asleep before taking a shower first," he reminds with flushed cheeks and pushes the door open.
"Help me," you whine childishly before he can leave. 
He sighs your name as if exhausted—reluctant.
As if it's not bad enough that he got a small glimpse of your pussy, now you're asking him to give you a shower while completely naked. He's trying to be respectful by keeping his focal point at bay, but your ass is still hanging out while you're on the verge of a tantrum.
"Oh God," he mutters to himself and pinches the bridge of his nose. He gives in.
After throwing your dirty clothes in the washing machine downstairs, he returns quickly so he doesn't catch you fast asleep. Thankfully you're still awake, but not so alert.
He warns you to keep your eyes open while he fills the tub in your bathroom. There's a water bottle on your bedside table, which he tells you to drink lots from until he's back. He throws in a pink bath bomb sitting on the edge of your tub so you can hopefully relax. Never has he seen someone be in such a childlike headspace after drinking.
But childlike doesn't fit the current scenario when he's lying under your naked body in his boxers in the bathtub because you seem to be a lot clingier when drunk. You don't move a lot, which is a plus, but your butt is pressed against his crotch, which doesn't make the situation any better. 
"I'm sorry," you slur sleepily, "I really didn't mean to." He can pick up the strong scent of vodka lingering around you better in this position.
He tightens his arms around your shoulders with his hands clasped above your chest as he whispers, "Don't apologize, sweetheart. You won't remember this when you wake up, and I'll keep it a secret. Don't you worry about a thing."
"Why are you crying?" he asks softly when you start to sob again. It's a dry cry, and he's certain you don't know what you're doing yourself at this point.
"I can't do anything," you complain, "I'm so tired and-and I can't move."
He stays silent so you can comfortably babble on and on about nothing until you say, "Wash me. Please."
Jungkook lightly pecks your neck and eyes your tits before dipping his hands in the warm, pinkish water and scrubbing your shoulders. You sigh at his gentle touch, prompting him to switch to your knees. "My knees are not dirty," you grumble incoherently.
"Hm? You're not dirty?"
"I'm not dirty there."
"And you're dirty where?" He's teasing you, knowing exactly where you want to be cleaned, but that'd further agonize him with how little freedom his erection has under the tight restraints of his briefs. It wouldn't be appropriate of him to use you to get rid of it, but is it against the law to simply bathe you?
"Down," you vaguely murmur.
He can't see anything of your lower region from the courtesy of the blanket of colorful hue that the bath bomb transitioned to, which both annoys and relieves Jungkook. But his hand only listens to you as it trails down to your pelvis. "Here?"
You nod against his shoulder, and that's all the confirmation he needs to palm your vulva. You gasp and slightly jump before adjusting to the feeling of his hand. The adjustment proves to be futile when a small moan slips past your lips at his fingers grazing your labia. 
“You want me to stop?”
“No, no,” you breathe with a shake of your head. “I want to be clean, otherwise no sleep.”
“That’s right,” he chuckles and starts running his fingers down your folds. Stopping at your clit, he starts to circle the hood to thoroughly give you the cleaning you desire so much. It isn’t with any ill intentions that he gently cups your pussy and moves it up and down while you squeak out moans without shame. After a few rubs and touches, he's confident there is no more remaints of your drunk mistake. “You’re clean now, love. Want to go to bed?”
“I’m not,” you whine loudly and hold his wrist to keep his hand in place. “I’m not clean,” you cry out and he knows you’re going to start sobbing again, which you do—except your volume might risk waking your mother.
He tries to hush you, but you don’t stop with the crocodile tears. “Baby, baby, look at me,” he pulls your face by your chin, but you escape his grip easily and continue with your tantrum. “I won’t clean you if you don’t look at me.”
With your newfound defiant attitude, it's with a few huffs and puffs that you finally face him and he silences your sniveling with a press of his lips. It's not a kiss in his defence; neither of you are moving your mouths, which he appreciates now that you've gone quiet.
Now that the risk of your mother waking is taken care of, his hand is on your hidden heat again. At this point, it's easy to tell you're not worried about being clean anymore. You aren't sleepy, though you keep your eyes closed from being in this intimate proximity with Jungkook, you're in need of a climax. It's a shame that he's in a similar state as you, but if you're drunk to the point of asking your step-dad to touch you, it wouldn't be clever of him to ask you to return the favor.
Despite his clear lack of vision, Jungkook is a human anatomy professor and he finds your clit and squeezes it between two fingers easily, not to mention he's already experienced in the sex field. Your lips part into a whine and he opens his mouth to swallow your sounds as he slowly rubs your clit.
You lean into the—now labelled as—kiss needily, and he lowers his hand to poke at your entrance with his middle finger. He stupidly peeks an eye open to see if he's located it correctly, but your subtle thrust is approval enough. He cautiously shoves it inside your tightness and uses his palm to continue pleasuring your sensitive nub, grabbing your tit with his other hand to play with your nipple. 
"Oh God, hmmm," you moan against his lips and sloppily make out with him, smearing your slick saliva all over. He hums into you, unbothered by your raw affection as he thrusts his finger inside and pinches your nipple to get you to cum faster. He can't have you sobering up any time soon.
"Are you close, love?"
You murmur something in response, but it's not intelligible enough for him to understand, so he assumes you're at least getting somewhere. He quickens the pace of his thrusts, his palm against your clitoris; massages your boob more roughly and moves his mouth down to kiss your neck. As he's giving you a small love bite, your breathing turns into mere gasps with little broken moans. If he could, he would add a second finger to your pussy, but your clenching hole doesn't feel so ready when he curls his knuckle. 
You clutch onto his hair, chanting, "I'm gonna pee again, I'm gonna pee again…" 
"Try to hold it in, baby," he cuts in hoarsely without ceasing his movements. He does slow down when your legs start to shake and tremble, splashing the water as you do as he leaves calming pecks on your neck, collarbone, and a few on your lips. Not as a warning to lower your voice—your last moans are ones to savour—but to ride out your high. He has no idea if you did squirt in the tub, but he isn't going to take another shower to wash it down. He wants to feel it on his skin.
He can feel your pounding heartbeat under his hand as your body spasms and grinds on his erection. A moment of silence passes with your shaky inhales and exhales while he pets your hair. 
When he feels you calm down, he asks, "Do you feel clean now?"
"Alright," he whispers and kisses your cheek. Your eyes are closed and he predicts you'll be fainting soon, so he pulls the plug with ease and waits for the water to drain before pulling you up by your pits. It's a bit of a struggle because of your slippery wet skin, as well as the water weight on you, but manages to get you out and immediately throws you on the bed. He grabs a towel hanging on the bathroom door and dries you before himself.
Jungkook considers himself an honorable man most of the time, but he can't refrain from jerking off to your naked body while you doze off. Like he said, you won't remember a thing, so it'll be his little secret as he releases on your tits with a groan. He wipes off the evidence of his unorthodox actions, pecks you and your pretty little pussy before dressing you in your pajamas. 
He puts on his clothes and tucks you in before leaving your room with a quiet, "Good night, sweetheart."
All there's left to do is persuade you into doing this again while sober, because he didn't marry your wretched bitch of a mother after two months of meeting if not to have you all for himself. He doesn't mind letting you in on that one secret with time.
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