#Horoscope of the week
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
साप्ताहिक राशिफल: 16 जुलाई तक का समय इन राशि वालों के लिए वरदान समान, जानें सभी 12 राशियों का हाल
साप्ताहिक राशिफल: 16 जुलाई तक का समय इन राशि वालों के लिए वरदान समान, जानें सभी 12 राशियों का हाल
Weekly Horoscope 11-16 July 2022: 11 जुलाई 2022, सोमवार से नया सप्ताह शुरू हो चुका है। इस सप्ताह में कई ग्रहों की स्थिति में बदलाव होगा। ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की स्थिति में परिवर्तन का असर सभी 12 राशियों पर पड़ेगा। जानें 11-16 जुलाई तक का समय किन राशि वालों के लिए साबित होगा वरदान समान- 1. मेष– मेष राशि वालों के लिए यह सप्ताह शुभ फलदायी साबित होगा। इस सप्ताह आपको मनचाहे फल की प्राप्ति होगी। किसी शुभ…
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babygray · 2 months
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Your day at a glance:
The soul is too heavy to carry alone.
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sheena-isa-punkrocker · 7 months
need a fanfic where reader and eddie are playing those 80s teen magazine quizzes with eachother
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theseeingsage · 2 months
week ahead
career & finances ☆
☆ aries: new life. getting a fresh start or perspective. receiving a job offer. moving into a new home.
☆ taurus: dealing with a tense situation. needing to practice tact & hear others out. this is worth the work.
☆ gemini: making new connections. creating new opportunities or brokering a deal. big $$$ deals.
☆ cancer: termination. 222. starting your own business. leaving your job & changing careers.
☆ leo: a stroke of good fortune. resources & wealth improving. pay attention to the lessons. lucky break.
☆ virgo: clashes with your boss or coworkers. feeling trapped in a job. looking for other work.
☆ libra: following your calling. putting together pieces of the puzzle. paying attention to the signs & leaping.
☆ scorpio: divine timing is at play. seeking advice about your next moves. doing $$$$ rituals. 333
☆ sagittarius: 234. acknowledging your own genius. leaving your 9-5 for entrepreneurship. independence.
☆ capricorn: leaving a dead end job. following your passion. experimenting with different ventures.
☆ aquarius: divine guidance. following your intuition. stepping in your destiny. getting your dream job.
☆ pisces: getting answers to your current job situation. unique ways to make money. new opening with more job security.
check your sun moon rising venus & north node ☆
take only what resonates & leave the rest.
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plutobutartsy · 21 days
i hateee when ppl on here act all high and mighty for being on tumblr. "haha we're so much better than the tiktok fandom god they're so chronically online lol annoying" like ooh yeah youre so quirky and special. i bet you bring books to concerts. should we tell y/n
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deadby420 · 2 years
Aries: You can light up any room. Do not forget your power. You have magic in your veins my dear. Do not let anyone ever make you lose sight of that again.
Taurus: You have to forgive yourself. You don’t have to forgive them but you absolutely have to forgive the past you for the choices they didn’t know they were making. We still love you.
Gemini: I hope you can enjoy the blue sky again. I hope the ghosts don’t haunt you and follow you in your dreams like they use to.
Cancer: We can’t talk anymore. That has to be okay. Some people aren’t bad they are just bad for you . It doesn’t mean that either of you aren’t good people just that you need to not be in each other’s orbit.
Leo: Sometimes you have to accept that you did the best you could and sometimes it was just the wrong situation and wrong time. Sometimes the universe telling you no is a saving grace.
Virgo: You can’t just hide in the bottom of a bottle for the rest of your life. You can’t keep going back to the same addiction and the same person every time and expect a different result.
Libra: You have to sit and mend your own heart. Take the needle and thread and see your own wounds. No one is coming to save you this time, you have to save yourself.
Scorpio: focus on you. Stop trying to save anyone. Stop trying to fix them. Focus on you. Fix your shit first before you keep distracting yourself by using others as an escape
Sagittarius: Let yourself breathe again. Listen to your own heart beat and learn to fall in love with it. You are something wonderful and amazing and don’t let anyone trick you into believing otherwise.
Capricorn: You have to stop running away from everything. You have to stop panicking everything someone gets too close. You have to let yourself stay. As scary as it is you have to stay.
Aquarius: You don’t have to hide your pain forever. You don’t have to pretend that everything’s okay when you’re covered in bruises. You don’t have to cover your scars. It’s okay to show your pain. It’s okay to let us help you heal your hurt.
Pisces: You can’t let them dull you. You can’t just sink to their level because it’s easy. You need friends who push you and who make you better. You can’t just be with people who want you to get sicker
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ioniansunsets · 1 month
hello feeling a little stressed with work and a small fuckup with my heartsteel cosplay (luckily thats solved) and then my heartsteel merch got stolen (thats not solved at all rip) and then theres a defect with the jhin doll i ordered (idk how to fix this yet) does league of legends not love me im so sad rn > Please talk to me about your league ocs and how you ship them with your biases! I like listening to stuff like that we can talk about our children together (ask or dm is ok or even just replying to this post) i just wanna listen to fluffy happy things..........(or show me art!!! i like.....selfships......this is why im a x reader writer fr)
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necatormundi · 3 months
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really tickling me like their star signs are already canon and crucial to the game. sorry that they're called stuff like Suffocated one. Tormented. Dominating soul. etc.
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lalalaugenbrot · 5 months
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earlymodernlesbian · 11 months
me explaining to my grad school professor that even though this week's readings are genuinely SO interesting and engaging, i simply cannot force my brain to focus on them..... because of my human design channel that causes me to have inconsistent access to willpower
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Weekly Rashifal 10-16 july : इस सप्ताह में मेष, मिथुन और कन्या राशि वालों की आय में वृद्धि के योग, जानिए 12 राशियों का हाल
Weekly Rashifal 10-16 july : इस सप्ताह में मेष, मिथुन और कन्या राशि वालों की आय में वृद्धि के योग, जानिए 12 राशियों का हाल
Weekly Horoscope Saptahik Rashifal 10-16 july 2022 : वैदिक ज्योतिष शास्त्र की गणनाएं ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की चाल पर निर्भर करती है। ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की चाल का सभी 12 राशियों पर प्रभाव पड़ता है। जुलाई के दूसरे सप्ताह 10 से 16 जुलाई 2022 तक ग्रहों की चाल से कुछ राशि वालों को शुभ फल मिलते हैं तो कुछ राशि वालों को अशुभ फल की प्राप्ति होती है। ग्रहों की चाल से आने वाला सप्ताह कुछ राशियों के लिए बेहद शुभ रहने…
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vergess · 2 years
It is my sincere wish that normalhoroscapes stays banned for good. The constant use of their position as Tumblr Popular(TM) to spread dangerous and bigoted misinformation made me want to fucking burn society to the ground.
This is great news, actually, and all the weird cunts complaining about how this is,somehow, proJKR and transphobic?
Fuck off.
Where were you when they made jokes about executing anyone who has sex or makes porn, to replace them with 'wholesome' wizards?
When they said people who write Sailor Moon fancomics are all child rapists who should be sentenced to death by slavery?
Honestly, this is FANTASTIC news. I am so delighted to see this vicious sexphobe and queerphobe whose popularity shielded them from consequence be denied a platform to spread their bigotry.
This is a huge fucking relief to people who have been threatened by their fans and slandered with accusations of horrific violence.
Fuck yeah!
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crossbackpoke-check · 10 months
do we have any updates on the nuge/yam omegaverse fic?
no significant updates in the doc unforch, but you DO get a life update if you so choose:
in the past week:
finished 2 summer internships
moved once
worked my on-again off-again job the four days between moves
finished up & submitted 10 apps in that time span!! i am so poor now!! wrote like 8k in personal statements and essays and edited more than that!!!
moved again
mandatory training before work for fall & spring job
in case you were wondering what it’s like being in my docs, it is exactly like being here even for professional writing:
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theseeingsage · 3 months
week ahead ♡
cancer scorpio pisces • sun moon rising venus
take only what resonates in your soul. energy is ever-changing.
♡ overwhelmed with too many choices. refusing to choose. assessing things & finally making a choice.
♡ stuck in the past. reminiscing on heartbreak & pain. cleaning up the messes, focusing on a better future.
♡ overthinking, psyching yourself out. negative thoughts manifesting. back & forth energy, in & out. immature male air sign.
♡ experiencing good luck in your relationships & family dynamics. receiving much needed help without having to ask.
♡ unfaithful lover or disloyal family member. standing your ground and confronting this person.
♡ dealing with a woman that’s divorced or widowed. needing her help yet possibly not getting it. dark-haired, no morals. not honest or fair. seductive.
♡ telepathic communication with someone. seems like you just get each other. you & them against it all.
♡ upgrading someone’s life or them yours. bringing the best out of each other. love confessions.
♡ being a safe space for someone or vice versa. shedding the past & feeling vulnerable yet loved.
♡ a wedding. could be an elopement or intimate ceremony. meeting the one & entering a love union.
♡ traveling somewhere, friends or family. baecation. distancing yourself & setting boundaries. someone far comes closer.
♡ romantic feelings turn into a full blown relationship. falling in love & feeling happiness. commitment.
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plutobutartsy · 1 month
bought a florence + the machine cd just to find out our car doesn't have a cd slot. god wants me dead
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deadby420 · 2 years
Aries: You have to live with the scars you gave them. It doesn’t make you a bad person because you made mistakes, I promise. It’s going to be okay. You are still worthy.
Taurus: You can’t hide In a dark corner forever. You will never grow without a little sunlight and air. You need to come out of the shadows now my dear.
Gemini: I hope you grew that back bone you needed. I hope you are recovering. I hope none of the scars burn anymore. I hope that you forget my name.
Cancer: Heal. Figure out what you really want and heal. Don’t just write it off as a senseless tragedy there are things to be learned here and things to be saved.
Leo: Find your center. Stop listening to every outside voice and find what it is your body and heart want. What your mind needs. Not what they’ve told you you needed.
Virgo: I hope you got the help you need. I hope this coming fall isn’t like the others and we do better. I hope the laughter and music never stops. I hope you’re truly happy now.
Libra: You have to face it. You can’t keep running with the alcohol and weed and every other fucking substance under the sun. You can’t keep trying to escape all the time. You have to face the music at some point.
Scorpio: You can’t drink poison and expect it to kill them. Your only way for revenge is to love yourself into someone they wouldn’t recognize. Someone they can’t even know anymore. Love yourself until there is no part of them left.
Sagittarius: You’ve made it. Or you’ll be there soon. You’re going to recover and get better and see the other side of this. You will heal beyond what they did. I promisez
Capricorn: I hope you stop running someday. I hope you find the person who doesn’t scare you and doesn’t make you settle. I hope you nothing but happiness and joy even with a broken heart
Aquarius: You don’t always have to defend yourself. It’s not all an attack on you. I know with how you grew up it’s easy to think that way. It’s not true, I promise
Pisces: Stop drowning for people who won’t even cross puddles for you. I know it’s romantic but while you die for them we all watch you holding our breaths praying you come up for air. Hoping you come home in something other then a casket.
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