#Hip dysplasia
riley-coyotl · 4 months
Maple heard that I wanted a puppy, so she's helpfully decided to play Puppy Simulator™️ with me, which is where she makes me stand outside with her in the middle of winter in the rain and wind and cold in the dark while I beg her to go to the bathroom PLEASE
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chronicallye · 5 months
This Barbie feels like she has been thrown down a flight of stairs.
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penvisions · 24 days
dev organizes before moving!
hello hello, i've been a little absent on the writing front as well as the interaction front but i am here when i can be! i have a few posts explaining the what's and why's of that here and here
but long story short: dev got fired and is moving states!
i have been jotting down scene ideas and some snippets while i pack and get my life situated to the new environment in which i will be living as well as navigating the unemployment process as well as job application for the new area i will be residing in
commissions are open and any help to make the move easier are not necessary but greatly appreciated!
in the meantime i have been able to:
finish this commission for a fluffy frankie {coffee and candor}
ideas and plot outline for {buckles and barley}
scene placement for the last chapter and alternative chapters for {by the grit of sandpaper}
working on the last two chapters + epilogue for {the melting point}
and working on my original arc for {of beskar and kyber}
internet is scheduled for installation in my new residence on the 1st, so i am at my apartment finishing up the semester until then. but i will be able to navigate things easier from that point on! living with someone will def take the strain of limited mobility and medical stuff off my shoulders and allow me to feel more like myself
love y'all and hope the days are good to you ♡♡
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talkethtothehandeth · 6 months
Thinking about my bone graft donor ♥️
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hasellia · 1 month
All set! Next week, I'm a koala care volunteer! As much as I'm here to help them (and cute as they are), I'm mostly going to improve my ecology skills as well as have something impressive on my resumé. So I'm actually excited to work in the food nursery and not with direct koala care. That's what I wanted in the first place! It's still helping the fluffy fellas after all. There were only a few photo I could take for legal reasons, but here they are!;
The souvenirs shop;
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The only Koalas I could take photos of are the ones with hip dysplasia. The carer offered to let me in, but I didn't want to disturb them.
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And finally:
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ask-a-vetblr · 11 months
Hello! I tried to search for my question but I wasn’t able to find a post about dogs specifically, so here I am. Feel free to yell at me if I missed it 🤦🏻
I have a big dog (husky/rott) who has hip issues, and I’m struggling to find ways to help him at home until we have the money to take him to the vet. (And until the vet has an opening x.x)
Do you know anything I can try to keep him more comfortable? He still walks and runs okay, he just has to stop much faster than he used to. We have doggy aspirin for when he’s hurting a lot and we’ve tried some glucosamine supplement treats, but I would like to help him be a little more active if I can and I’m not sure where to start.
Ask tax: the good boy in question :D his name is Trax
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Hi, Sueanoi here.
I recommend against hard exercises especially on hard surfaces. Slow walk is nice. Swimming is even nicer, if you can find a doggy pool with a personnel who keep watch.
I'm not sure what kind of surgery your dog will get for the hips, but i find dogs with well developed leg muscles recover faster than those without.
Good luck for Trax!
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bionicdogs · 3 days
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booker hip update since it’s relevant:
his hips suck. thanks to the librela his day to day pain is minimal to nonexistent but he’s a high energy, high drive dog. keeping him chill enough to not hurt himself is near impossible without heavy doses of sedatives, which i’m not willing to do to him. he has oral meds on standby for bad days. he doesn’t need them often, really just for camping trips. thankfully swimming doesn’t cause him any pain. we built our pool with an 18” sun shelf so the dogs wouldn’t have to jump in the water to swim and it definitely paid off. the dog is obsessed with swimming so i’m glad he can do that, at least.
his birthday is next week, he’s turning four. our local boutique dog shop brought back their dog birthday cakes so he’ll be getting one of those. i intend to go all out since i don’t know how many birthdays he’s going to get and each one could very well be his last.
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myownjadedpieceofmind · 6 months
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I kinda wish I'd never started down this black hole of health problems.
I'm in need of a full hip replacement in my right hip.... my left one needs replaced as well, just not as urgently as my right.
hip dysplasia, pelvic and femoral antiversion, osteoarthritis, and detached labrum is the final words on the right hip. I have no cartilage left in the right side, so when I walk, the joint is all bone on bone.
It's adding to the increasing pain in my back and my knees. Things just keep getting worse.
Meanwhile, a good friend of mine followed all of my suggestions and helpful hints when applying for disability, and was approved. She applied in February. I applied 3 years ago. Somehow, I could guide her through the process so she would be approved within a matter of months and Im still waiting another 2 months for the hearing to decide my case.
I'm beyond depressed. Christmas is never a happy time for me, but it's even less so since I've not been able to physically work a job that pays any decent amount. My artwork sales have been pretty slow, to the point that I can't afford to keep the website open. Every month it's a struggle to just be alive. It's exhausting.
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averyslife · 10 months
Silly medical intro 🥰
I was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia not that long ago, and boy, has it been A JOURNEY. I’ve had hip pains since I was a kid, but it started showing up more when I started Field Hockey and I started getting these really bad pains after each and every practice. I couldn’t walk for days after one practice, it was terrible. Anyways, I went to a doctor and they did not believe me because I’m “too young to have hip pain” (whatever that means), and I kept trying to find an answer. I went to my primary care doctor and she told me I should go to PT. My PT, after some interesting tests, thought I had Hyper-mobility Ehlers Danlos (which I’m still getting tested for, but that’s a whole different story). He sent me to a orthopedic doctor, and they took some X-Rays and told me I had an abnormal hip structure. After that, I had to get an MRI with contrast (the worst thing ever) to actually see my hips. When the MRI came back I was told I had a tear on my right labrum, and I was beginning to tear on my left. THIS was what was causing my pain for so long. I was so relieved to FINALLY know what was causing my pain. But, this was not even the beginning. After this, they had to test to see if I actually have hip dysplasia by giving me a Cortisone shot in my right hip and monitoring the way my hip reacts to it. This has shown that I do, in fact, have hip dysplasia. I’m almost always in some sort of pain, and I’m always being told that I’m way too young to be having hip pains, or that it’s “just a growing pain”, and even “are you sure it’s not just a sports thing?”. I will probably always be told that my pain is not real, but it is very obvious that It is real.
So far, this diagnosis has been a crazy road. I still have a lot to go, and a lot more problems I need checked out (My joints, my muscles, and my really strange stomach problems). But, I’m trying to stay strong throughout this. I try not to let it get in the way of my life and mental health, but sometimes it can get incredibly hard to deal with. My hope is that this blog can help other people relate!!!!
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heaven-nicole · 1 month
This is my dog Venus I need help raising money to get her a hip replacement. If you can help in anyway the GoFundMe is
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gr3-d12 · 1 month
wait what do you mean i have hip dysplasia
i am fourteen this is supposed to be treated when you are under six months
no wonder i have trouble fucking walking???? what do you mean its not supposed to be painful???
i dont do sport bc it hurts. i end up incredibly unfit. this worsens my hip. i dont do sport bc it hurts.
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riley-coyotl · 2 months
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Today marks 10 weeks into recovery for Maple!! She still has ways to go to gradually recondition her body after the long period of restricted activity, but her restrictions are officially over--she is now free to use her robot hip however she likes! We went for a walk at a new park (and got french fries and roast beef sammich to share) to celebrate. We made it, good girl 🧡
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chronicallye · 1 year
Me finding a new recipe I like: This is really good!
Also me, a Potsie: Now, how much salt can I hide in this?
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ladyfarona · 7 months
I love having limited range of motion in my hips, said no one ever.
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professional-manwhore · 9 months
Hip: *slowly trying to slip out of socket*
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saeuna · 1 year
Hey everyone!
Guess what? Ya girl finally got her hip surgery!
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For those of you who have been around a while, you know how much I have struggled in the past to get the necessary treatment for my chronic pain. It took nine years to get my hip dysplasia and femoroacetabular impingement fixed.
On Monday, January 16th, I had a hip arthroscopy to fix the damaged cartilage and a periacetabular osteotomy to reposition my hip. This was an intensive surgery and it's going to take me 6-9 months to fully recover.
Moving around is going to be difficult so I made an Amazon wishlist of items to make movement easier and recovery more comfortable. Please help if you can, even if it is just sharing this post!
Thank you to everyone who has offered me emotional and/or financial support in the past, for all the well wishes and shoulders to cry on. The past nine years has been so emotionally draining that it's a bit hard to believe I'm in recovery now. Fingers crossed this surgery gives me lasting results. 🙏🏻
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