#Hermann isn’t jealous
foxglovecove · 2 months
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True love
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fandomimagines1 · 3 years
No means NO
Requested -  A jealous and protective Jay Halstead when someone is trying it on with you at mollys and doesn’t seem to be understanding the word no.. thanks!!
Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Sexual Harassment (brief) 
Summary - After a long day at work everyone from the precinct gathers at Molly’s to destress. However, for Y/N the stress just multiplies when a man can’t take no for an answer.
(GIF’s not mine)
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“I’ll buy hers.” A man around my age smiles over at me as Hermann pours my drink.
“I can buy my own thank you.” I smile back to be polite.
“I insist.” He walks to sit on the stool next to me and Hermann goes to speak but I shake my head.
“I insist on buying my own, but I do appreciate the offer.” I tell him as I hand Hermann the money. 
“You could’ve just accepted the drink you know.” The guy tells me.
“What and owe you something in return.” I raise an eyebrow.
“I’m not like that. I just wanted to do something nice for such a pretty young lady.” He goes to move my hair from my face, but I grab hold of his wrist.
“Don’t touch me.” I warn him as I leave go.
“Feisty.” He chuckles “What’s your name anyways? I’m Kyle.” He smiles.
“Y/N.” I tell him.
“Well, Y/N. What do you say we get out of here. My house isn’t far from here and I’ve been told my bed’s more comfortable than these barstools.” He smirks.
“I’d rather stay here thanks.” I roll my eyes and go to move.
“Sorry. I’m known to be a bit forward. Just give me another chance.” He stops me.
“Listen, you might be a nice guy when you’re sober. However, I highly doubt that seeing as I’ve told you no multiple times and you’re still not taking the hint.” I look him up and down.
“Hard to get. I like it.” He smirks.
“You’ve got until I count to five to make your way out of this bar before I drag you out.” I hear Jay’s voice behind me.
“And who are you?” Kyle laughs.
“I’m the guy who’s gonna beat the crap out of you if you don’t leave.” Jay tells him.
“Yeah right.” He shakes his head.
“One.” Jay begins counting.
“Seriously, go.” I tell Kyle.
“Two.” Jay continues.
“I’m not scared of him.” Kyle laughs.
“Three.” Jay gets more angry.
“You should be.” Hermann shrugs behind the bar.
“Four.” Jay begins clenching his fists.
“Jay.” I turn to him.
“Five.” He snaps and steps forward causing Kyle to run out of the bar.
“Jay. Calm down.” I tell him putting my hands on his clenched fists.
“I’m going after him.” He tells me.
“Leave it. He’s gone now.” I shake my head.
“Come outside.” He turns and walks out leaving me to follow him. I quickly down my drink before heading outside after him.
“What’s wrong?” I ask as I stand in front of him.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I nod.
“I didn’t mean to get so annoyed. It just stressed me out that he wouldn’t take no for an answer.” He tells me.
“I get it. I was annoyed too.” I laugh.
“But it’s not just because he wasn’t taking no for an answer.” He shakes his head.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“I was jealous.” He tells me.
“Jealous that it wasn’t you getting hit on for once?” I laugh.
“Jealous that another guy was hitting on you.” He looks down for a second before looking back at me.
“I wouldn’t give him the time of day.” I shake my head.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is I like you. More than I ever thought I did. More than I should.” He tells me.
“More than you should?” I ask.
“I promised myself I wasn’t going to fall for anyone from the precinct again especially with Voight’s rule.” He tells me.
“Rules are made to be broken I guess.” I shrug closing the space between us.
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.” I nod and his hands go to either side of my face pulling me closer as he kisses me. 
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
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Pairing: Sylvie Brett x Quinn Maxs (Fem! Paramedic)
Summary: You’re living life with Firehouse 51. But, you begin to feel feelings for your Paramedic-in-charge; Sylvie Brett. You don’t know how to tell her, understanding the history of her past relationships. Most of all, you don’t want her seeing you differently, should you tell her. You only told your fellow paramedic; Gianna Mackey and your best friend and firefighter; Stella Kidd. However, you beg them both to not tell Brett. However, once Hermann’s fill-in comes in, you believe you’ve waited too long to tell Brett how you really feel about her.
Warning: Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 9: Escape Route spoilers
A/N: Quinn Maxs is my OC for Chicago Fire! Enjoy my first Sylvie Brett imagine!!
Theme: “MAYDAY” - coldrain/Ryo (Fire Force Opening 2)
As you close your locker and bid Hermann a farewell and to enjoy his vacation you pass by Brett, but a familiar face.... Grainger.... 
"Hey, I remember you, Y/n Y/l/n right?" He asks, smiling 
Hiding your emotions well, you casually salute three fingers to him before hearing the alarm go off. 
"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, structure fire," 
As you heard the address you head to 61 to deploy for the call. 
"Hey why don't you ride shotgun Y/l/N," Mackey suggests, smiling 
"Sure, thanks Mackey," you say, opening the passenger side door 
"Mackey wanted to ride back?" Sylvie asks 
"Yeah, I guess so," you sigh, not looking at her 
"Hey, are you alright? You've seemed to be moping for a little bit." Sylvie asks 
"Oh I'm fine, a little tired. Lack of sleep," You lie 
You were kind of accurate but also very inaccurate. You realized when Sylvie and Grainger were flirting before the call. 
"Tell you what, why not tonight after shift I treat you to Molly's?" She suggests 
"You sure?" You ask 
"Totally," Brett smiles 
81, Squad 3 and 61 arrive at the fire. You notice Grainger giving orders out already however, Casey angrily tells him to wait for his orders. Both you and Sylvie watch that unfold but you think nothing of it as Casey is Captain. But you're assuming 40 doesn't have a captain. 
After the call, 61 running a severely burned mother to Med, you voluntarily hopped in the back, to avoid Brett seeing your emotions become unfolded. Although they could hear you, you were crying on the inside. 
Brett's POV "Hey Mackey do you think Y/l/n is okay?" She asks 
"What makes you think that?" Mackey replies back 
"On our way to the call earlier she wasn't very talkative like she usually is," she says, "I just wanna know if she's talked to you about anything." 
"Nope, she's been quiet about that," Mackey says
Y/n’s POV You lay down on your bed in the quiet area of 51, contemplating life choices. With a handful of Med runs n such, nothing happened out of the ordinary. 
"You doing okay kid?" Stella comes over 
"Well aside from my jealousy of Grainger easily wooing Brett, I'm fine," you sigh 
"You need to tell her before anything happens Y/n," she replies, "You're going to regret it once you decide to tell her when its too late." 
"She is inviting me out to Molly's after shift if that means anything.." you say 
"That’s the perfect time to do it" Stella smiles before walking away
Once the end of shift came and you make your leave. You try to avoid Brett as much as possible. 
"Y/l/n!" Brett calls 
You silently sigh to yourself but put on a happy face for her. 
"You ready to go love?" She asks, slinging her arm around yours as she drags you along 
"For sure," you force a smile 
"Hey why don't you join us later, once your done with inventory?" Sylvie suggests to Grainger 
"I'd love to," Grainger smiles 
On the inside you were freaking out. But you also believed this was the time to tell her, as Stella says. 
"Have you been doing okay y/l/n? You're not as talkative as you usually are," Sylvie asks 
"Just a long day, like I said this morning Brett, I have had a lack of sleep," you sigh, "Hey I'm gonna get a drink from Stella do you want anything?" 
"Just a beer," Sylvie smiles 
You smile back, you realize that's the first time you've smiled around Brett. 
"Have you told her yet Y/n?” Stella asks, coming over to you 
"No," you sigh, "I don't know. You are right by telling her now but I’m just so-" 
You notice Stella looking over your shoulder, "Grainger is there isn't he?..." 
Stella nods, "Sorry Y/n." 
"Two beers," you request, "Might as well be a peace offering." 
"Are you gonna stick around?" She asks 
"I'm just gonna give them the beers and pretty much lie," you say, "Hey, I'll text you if anything happens." 
Stella nods, in approval to your plan. She walks over and gets the beers. You slip her a $10 tip. 
"Half of it is working in a full house, the other is... Well, being my Partner in Crime," you smile as you shake off your sadness and force a smile onto your face as you put the beers between the two supposed lovebirds. 
"For me?" Grainger smiles 
"That's a thanks for today, Welcome to 51," You forcefully smile 
My god I want to leave! You begin to feel an inferno build up inside of you. You wanted to punch him in the face but that would not look good on a report. 
"Hey, I just remembered I left something at the station. I'm going to run and go grab it and I’m gonna call it a night," you lie, "see you later Boss." 
You take your jacket and your helmet and make your leave, putting on your helmet and then gloves. You first make your stop to your apartment, which wasn't too far from Molly's. Grabbing a backpack that would be big enough to store clothes in and essentials. You leave everything clean. As if no one was there. You make haste getting out of your apartment and to your motorcycle, making another leave.
You knock on the door to Boden's office. Which he looks up and greets you how he always does. 
"Chief I need to talk to you, if you have a minute," you say, sitting in a chair 
"What is it Y/l/n?" He asks 
"I know you’re probably not one to listen to somebody's relationship life but um.." You stammer, figuring out how to tell him, "I don't know who else to turn to but only two other people know; Mackey and Kidd. I told them-I told them I really like Brett. However, I’m beginning to see her attraction towards our fill-in Lieutenant; Grainger. But the point is, I'm beginning to feel jealous. On the call this morning I was barely in it until either Mackey or Brett brought me back. I'm not sure if I've ever requested to take time off work. But, I feel that this is the time to. I don't want my emotions getting the best of me again Chief." 
"Who else knows about this kind of request?" Boden asks 
"Just you and me sir," you reply 
"I appreciate the heads up Y/l/n and I appreciate your need to work with your emotions," he says, "How long do you want me to make you absent for?" 
"One month," you request 
"That's um... That's quite a big request Y/l/n," He sighs 
"I understand that completely Chief, but Brett and Mackey are doing an excellent job as a two-person Ambo team, I strongly believe they can do the work in my absence," you say 
"If you strongly believe it then so do I," He says, adjusting something on his laptop, "Is there anything else you need?" 
"Yes," You sigh, "Don't tell Brett anything of what I told you in this moment. I don't want her feeling guilt over this when she and Mackey have lives to save. But if she does happen to ask, just tell her that I have a family emergency. If-if that's too much I can-" 
"It's okay Y/l/n," Boden says, "Go clear your head." 
"Thanks Chief," you smile, making your exit
You stop at a gas station to fill up on your motorcycle and eat before your long drive. As you wait for the gas to fill your tank, you hold your phone up to your ear. 
"Hey, Stella, it's me," you start 
"Hey kid. You doing okay? What's the update?" She asks 
"Well, I first went to my apartment to get some things. I then went to the station and requested the Chief for some days off." You say 
"How long?" She asks 
"A month," you say 
"A MON- oh, sorry. A month?" Stella says 
"Yeah," you say, "I told Boden that Brett and Mackey and manage without me. It's not like I'm leaving 51." 
"That's true," Stella sighs 
"Hey, can you pass the word to Mackey too? I told her about this whole thing too," you say, "But neither of you tell Brett. I'm not having her feel guilty over this. This is for me." 
"Got it kid, I gotta get back to work. Call me if you wanna talk at all," Stella says 
"Noted, bye." You say, hanging up the phone as the gas had just filled up 
As you pull off into a parking spot, you make another call. 
"Hey, it's me," you smile, "Do you have any space in your house for me to stay in for now? You do? Okay, I'll be there in... God, 3-4 hours. Pull off into a hotel for the night? No, I'm good thanks. I'll make the drive. So long as I'm not in the city anymore. Thanks man, I'll try to keep you posted." 
You put your helmet back on and set up your maps into the destination and ride off into the night. Though, you really only made stops at 24-hour gas stations.
Brett's POV The next morning at 51, Brett comes into the station right next to Grainger however, split once they go to their respective engines. 
"Hey where's Y/l/n?" Sylvie asks Mackey when she noticed she's not in the ambo 
"Family emergency," Mackey replies, clearly lying 
"Oh... She didn't tell me," Brett sighs 
"She was in a rush, she only figured out last night," Mackey adds 
She walks over to Stella, "Hey did Y/l/n tell you-" 
"She has a family emergency," Stella says, exactly the same story as Mackey 
"She told you too?" Brett asks, "How come she didn't tell me?" 
Stella looks at Brett, feeling bad she has to lie to her best friend. However, it was for the best for both you and Brett. 
"Who didn't tell you what?" Grainger comes up behind Brett and hugs her 
"One of my paramedics had a family emergency and didn't tell me," Brett says 
"Well let's not worry about that right now," Grainger smiles as he gives Brett a cheek kiss 
"If you guys kiss I’m gonna puke," Stella gags as she walks to the common room, Mackey following
Stella's POV "You're doing a great job Mackey," Kidd says, high-fiving her 
"I'd never tell someone's personal info, unless they told me I could. This isn't one of those times," Mackey smiles 
"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, multiple hostile situation at 600 E Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60611" 
"That's Navy Pier," Stella realizes
51 deploys to the coordinates that are set in and by the time they get there, different firehouses and police stations are lined at the entrance. 
"Voight, talk to me," Boden demands as he walks with them 
"Seems like there's more than one perpetrator in this situation," Voight explains, "No casualties thus far, but possible injuries."
Y/n's POV As you get yourself some coffee you pull up the Chicago news radio on your phone. 
"This just in, a multiple hostage situation is currently happening at Navy Pier. All civilians near the vicinity must evacuate immediately." The news reporter explains, "All CPD departments and multiple CFD houses are here at the scene. 
"Sounds like one crazy adventure," your sister says, "glad your home and away from that." 
"Sis, I'm worried," you sigh 
"Is it about that Brett girl?" She asks, "forget her. She's missing one hell of an opportunity." 
"Thing is I don't know if she's Bisexual." You state 
"Even if she is and still sees you differently, she's missing out on a cool little sister," she says, messing up your hair, "I have to head out for work, if you're going out just lock the door and you remember where the spare key is?" 
"I do sis," you smile 
"See you later," she smiles and she closes the door 
You turn back to your phone for the love broadcast of the situation back across Lake Michigan. Your sister was pretty much right on the edge of Michigan, great view of the lake. However, you look out to the window and hope, your house is doing okay. You wish you saw the situation happen from right across it but it was too wide for you to see it happen with your eyes. You sigh, wishing you could leave already. However, you realize your sister has a power boat. You quickly write down a note saying you'll be back and that you're borrowing her power boat. With no sailing experience, turnout gear or medic supplies. Only your bag and communicator, you rush out the door.
"Where's Y/l/n?!" Brett demands Mackey 
"Brett you're so blind, Y/n is so into you!" Stella says, blurring out, "She left because she didn't want you to press her into talking to you about it. She didn't want you to see her any different if she told you. Let alone questioning if you like girls and you're beginning to go with hot-shot Grainger over there, so she wanted to get her mind off of her emotions." 
Brett stands there, dumbfounded. Why didn't you tell her. 
"Stella!" You call into your walkie 
"Y/n?" Stella calls back 
"On your six!" You say, smiling, "can't stay away." 
She runs up to you and gives you a big bear hug. 
"Listen up 51, I'm no commanding officer but I do sure know the place on the back of my hand. Captain Casey and Chief Boden... With your permission may I give the orders?" You ask through the walkie 
"Yes ma'am," Casey answers 
"What's your plan Y/l/n?" Chief Boden asks
"Okay, I scouted the perimeter and there's only, assuming they're away from the windows. Squad 3 you take the Northside, you try to get CPD officers into the building to clear the field for you. Engine 51, to Grainger with any room you have, get your hoses ready should any form of fire start. Truck 81, if shots are fired, move in, get as many civilians out as you can. I'll move in with you guys and give extra arms to help." You announce 
You take a giant breath as you finish out your speech. Stella, Brett and Mackey look at you in awe as you've never taken initiative before. 
"Y/l/n, I thought I have you on vacation," Boden comes up to you, "And you're not usually one to give orders." 
"Apparently can't stay away sir," you sigh, adjusting your belt, "And I know this place all too well." 
"Very well Y/l/n," Boden smiles, "You heard the lady men." 
You watch Squad 3 and follow Truck 81 as you meet up with Burgess and Ruzek. 
"You're gonna need this," Burgess heads you a 9 milimeter 
"Thanks..." you say, taking it and concealing it 
You hear screaming and gunshots. And hear a blaze begin. 
"Grainger fire! I don't know where it is! Find it!" You demand 
"You got it kid," he says 
"Move in!" The muffled walkie screams as you, along with 81, Burgess, Ruzek and many other CPD officers barge into the building, ringing shots, killing nearly all the perpetrators. 
"Hey kiddo it's okay it's okay," you tell her, checking for any signs of injury 
"Y/l/n!" Kim yells, you immediately shield the kid as a shot rings out 
You let out a strangled scream as your arm is bleeding; a severe gunshot wound. It didn't go into your skin and damage your bone however, the bullet made a real "good" indent in your skin as it rang out. Kim pulls the trigger on her glock 17 and kills the guy immediately. Kim helps you cover your wound as you still hold onto the kid, hoping any parental unit would claim her. 
"Mommy," the girl cries 
You turn over and see the mom, on the ground. You hand the kid over to Kim as you go to help Severide and Casey. You all get her onto the board to get her to 61. 
"Brett, Mackey need the Ambo ready," you speak into your walkie 
"Hey Burgess, you can let the girl into the ambo," you say as she helps the little girl into the back 
"Aren't you coming with us?" Brett asks 
"Can't, I have to take my sisters' power boat back across Lake Michigan," you sigh, "My sister is a doctor over at her local hospital, I'll drive myself over there." 
"You're gonna bleed out, you need to get to med," Brett demands, calmly 
"I can take care of myself Brett, don't worry about me I'll be fine." You say, trying to walk away 
"Y/n!" Brett yells your first name
You never heard Brett call you by your first name. You shake it off before settling back to your stoic self.
"Let me go, please," you say calmly, "I'm only gone for a month." 
"Did you tell Stella and Mackey to lie to me?" She asks you 
"I didn't want you worrying about me," you sigh, "Besides, I'm going to be fine." 
She lets go of you as you walk back to your sisters boat. She felt tears welding into her eyes. 
"Brett, we gotta go," Mackey calls out 
Mackey shuts the doors as Brett hops into the driver's seat and activates the sirens. 
You arrive to your sisters workplace as a nurse rushes over to you. 
"What happened?!" She asks 
"Zoomed across Lake Michigan and helped my firehouse, but unfortunately I got grazed," you sigh 
"Y/n?!" Your sister calls out to you, "oh my god Y/n you took my power boat?!" 
You nod, "They needed my help." 
"You have never changed," she laughs, "I can check you out."
Once your sister had stitched up your wound she discharged you from the hospital. Once you get back to your sisters place, you open your Chicago news app. The first article that comes up is the one from earlier. 
"Firehouse 51 paramedic makes a chief-status plan while on this call today," The news reporter says, "According to 51s' Captain Matt Casey, it was an astounding plan. Girl's a hero." 
You sigh as you don't really feel like a hero, just another day as a paramedic.
Your sister comes home late at night however, doesn't find you anywhere. 
"Called Chief Boden and told him I changed my mind on my one month vacation, I'm heading back to 51 right now." Your sister read aloud, "Bought you something that’s in the fridge for taking care of me for a short time."
You park your motorcycle in one of the street parking slots as you keep your helmet on for secrecy. Without knowing it was you, Brett walks past you. Once you get to your locker, you try to make a quick haste to get yourself ready. 
"In a rush?" Stella smiles 
She comes up to you and gives you a big bear hug. 
"Missed you kid," she smiles 
Before you could say anything else you hear arguing from afar. You and Stella go to the garage and notice Brett and Grainger arguing. 
"So you led me on?" He asks 
"Not exactly, I wasn't aware of Quinn's feelings and I wasn't sure how to process it," Brett starts, "I just-" 
"Just what Sylvie?" He asks, angrily 
You notice she's beginning to falter. 
"Y/n left, and for what?" He asks her, "She isn't a Lieutenant, Captain, or Chief! What makes her so special?! I don't think you made the right choice of making her on your paramedic team. How are YOU even the paramedic-in-charge?" 
You've had enough, "HEY!" 
They both turn to you, Brett almost crying years of joy. You place a gentle hand onto her shoulder, reassuring her that you'll settle this. 
"You have NO RIGHT to question her position as Paramedic-in-Charge Mr. Hot shot Lieutenant." You spat in his face 
He was about to open his mouth to say something else, but closes it when you give him the look of: 'oh I'm not done mister!'. 
"She’s one of the GREATEST PICs I have ever worked with in my years of being in the Fire Department service. She’s one of the VERY few, that I am honored to be working with, one I come to know and love." You continue, "You question that position? And for what? The most beautiful Paramedic is beginning to question herself and what SHE wants? No, one should always be supportive. No matter what, you should leave my guy." 
"Hate to tell you rookie, I'm not leaving yet," he tries to sound smug 
"Oh you're leaving alright buddy," Hermann says, walking into the firehouse 
He doesn't say anything else but give you one last look of disgust before leaving. You let out a breath of relief. Stella and Mackey applaud for you. 
"You stood up for me?" Brett asks, looks at you, "Don't you hate me for hurting you?" 
"Brett," you smile, "I never did hate you. I left so I could clear my head." 
She smiles as she hugs you, "my god oh how I've missed you." 
Your head drops down and rests on Brett's shoulder for your head to be cradled. 
"I'm sorry Sylvs," you call her by her nickname, "You remember how I used to act... I didn't want that happening again." 
"You could've just talked to me love," Brett whispers
After shift you head over to Molly's with Stella. 
"How's your arm kid?" She asks 
"Hurts but my sister stair to be careful, and then just have someone at med undo the stitches." You say 
"That's good, that's good," Stella states, "You know, Brett was worried sick on that call this morning." 
"Really?" You ask, leaning in towards Stella 
"Speak of the Devil, there she is," Stella smiles, waving her over 
"You look great Quinn," Brett smiles 
"You look beautiful Sylvs," you smile back, sipping your whiskey 
Stella looks at you, a look you know too well. That says, "go get your girl!" 
You make fun if her look and then turn your attention to Brett. 
"So Brett, how you been doing the last couple of days?" You ask 
"Worrying about you," she sighs 
You nearly choke on your drink as that though has never crossed your mind. You only thought that Sylvie had eyes for Grainger. Of all people, she worries about you.
“Really?” You ask, clearing your throat, “Why’s that?”
“you didn’t talk to me before heading off to your sister’s,” She says, “Also for telling Stella and Mackey to lie to me.”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me,” You say, “I wasn’t about to have my emotions get the best of me again.”
“You remember last time?” Sylvie asks
“Of course I do,” You say
“Do you want to get out of here?” Sylvie asks, “I know you don’t want that kind of thing to be talked about in public.”
“Sure,” You smile
You get a glance at Stella and she gives you a face of ‘go get your woman girl!’
Once the both of you reach your apartment, you follow Sylvie into hers.
“Remember that time I helped you calm down?” She finally asks
You nod, “I never did.”
“As soon as I touched you, you instantly calmed down,” She explains, “So, if what happened between us the other night affected your emotions, how come you didn’t tell me sooner?”
“Because I wasn’t sure if you were also into girls,” You confess, “You’re THE Sylvie Brett, one of the greatest people I’ve come to know and love in my life. And I’m just... Me... A paramedic with anger issues.”
“And I love you,” Sylvie confesses
Realizing what she had just said to you made her cheeks heat up. You look at her the same way. You gently press her against the doorframe to her room and place your lips along hers, building that inferno in your heart that burns for her.
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Crockett Marcel x reader D’accord (Oneshot)
Written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
Warnings: Mature themes, America has HORRENDOUS gun laws, seriously as a Canadian I get second hand anxiety about your gun laws/judicial system (even though Canada’s is far from perfect)/healthcare system, April is not written well here but I’m gonna do a nice fic for her soon, pardon my French (literally, quite a bit of this fic is in French with translations)
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You’d been surprised to find another Francophone in Chicago. After you’d moved there from Quebec, you weren’t expecting much. Only a couple of “Oui, oui,” and “hon, hon, hon”’s from some unintentionally insulting Americans. So when, during your fifth shift, you swore in your native tongue “merde!” you’d been pleasantly surprised when Crockett had responded without missing a beat.
You’d shown him French-Canadian food, he’d shown you Cajun food, and you had each gained a confidant at med. And you’d both needed it. You were in a new country with very different social customs and laws, and April had kissed him while Choi was deployed leaving him a magnet for gossip. You’d both just needed someone to talk to, and speaking French with each other was just an added comfort.
“What did Doris say this time?”
“I don’t care that people are talking about me, I really don’t. Gossip is just part of hospital life and that’s fine, but I am so tired of being glared at and avoided. People aren’t even bothering to get to know me. I am just so tired about having to fight for a basic level of confidence in my colleagues for something that I didn’t even do! She kissed me, she just walked up and kissed me, how is this my fault?”
“I’m sorry Cherie.”
“I know. How was your day?”
“Anderson pretended to shoot at me again.”
“Seriously? You should report him to HR.”
“I don’t know, I don’t want to be overreacting.”
“He is pretending to have a gun and waving it at you on a daily basis because he knows that you are from a country with decent gun laws. What about the day he comes in with a real gun? And loaded? What if he actually shoots you? You need to report him, Cher.”
“Okay, I will. At the end of the day.”
You sat at Molly’s away from the main group, shunned by your colleagues. “It was just a joke, Y/N, can’t you take a joke?” But it didn’t feel like a joke. Not to you. You already felt like you should be wearing a kevlar vest on a regular basis; you didn’t need to be made fun of for your very real fear. You were busy moping when someone plopped down in the stool beside you. “Mon journée a sucé. Dites-moi que le vôtre était meilleur.” (My day sucked. Tell me yours was better)
“Voyez-vous la foule de gens qui me regardent et qui parlent de moi là-bas?” (Do you see the crowd of people looking at me and talking about me there)
“Zut. J'espérais vraiment que ça irait mieux.” (Damn. I was really hoping it would get better)
“Moi aussi.” (Me too)
“The hell are you two speaking? Swedish?”
“... It’s French, Hermann.”
“If you say so Y/N... You guys want another round?”
“Yes, please, kind sir.” Trying to make a joke with the man everyone said had a heart of gold and a belly full of laughs at all times.
“Well, okay then. French people are weird.” Both you and Crockett sucked in a breath. Explaining was always the hardest part. “We are not French people. Crockett is Cajun, and I am French-Canadian.”
“Okay, I don’t know what Cajun is, but isn’t French-Canadian just a Canadian who speaks French?”
“Mon Dieu.” (My God)
“Sacre bleu (Damn it), Hermann. No, a French-Canadian is not just a Canadian who speaks French, and unless you want to start a war in a country you don’t even live in, I advise you to refrain from speaking in that manner again. And just for the record, a Cajun person is someone descended from Acadia settlers in Nova Scotia who left for Louisianna to flee the British.”
“... Okay. I’m sorry I asked.” You just held your breath as Crockett swore under his breath. You opened your eyes, grabbed your glass over bourbon and downed it. “Je sais que je viens juste d'arriver, mais je veux déjà partir.” (I know I just arrived, but I already want to leave)
“Allons-y alors.” (Let’s go then) Marcel threw cash down on the bar before you could argue and helped you put your coat on. “Avez-vous déjà mangé des tapas? J'ai entendu dire qu'il y avait un super endroit à quelques pâtés de maisons d'ici.” (Have you ever eaten tapas? Heard there is a great place a few blocks from here)
“Montrez le chemin.” (Lead the way)
There was a new hot button topic of gossip the next day at MED. You and Marcel. Of course, no one was that cordial. ‘He couldn’t have a nurse so he went for an intern?’, ‘What, she thought being an intern is too difficult so she’s hooking up with a doc so she doesn’t fail?’. None of anything they were saying was true. First of all, April kissed and then rejected him all while she was dating someone else, second, he wasn’t even your attending. You did your ED rotation before he got here. You were on your pediatrics rotation, and kicking ass at it. Third, he didn’t know anyone here besides you thanks to April, so who exactly was he gonna say ‘give her a pass for me’ to? You just rolled your eyes and continued working. At the end of the day, that was what would speak for you. 
You hadn’t been very close to April, or anyone in the ED really, they’d all had their own drama going on the entire time you were there, so you just faded into the background. But now, April was making an effort to talk to you. You would have found it odd, had it not been at the time the rumours were really flying, and if you hadn’t seen the burning question behind her eyes. She was jealous. She damn well wouldn’t admit it, but she was. And you were angry at her, and at least you were grown up enough to admit that. She had hurt Crockett. Damaged his work relationships and reputation before he’d even started. So you acted like you enjoyed her company. You talked about literally anything that wasn’t Crockett Marcel. You watched as her questioning eyes grew more and more desperate. If she was going to come to you acting like a jealous girlfriend she should have had the decency to be honest. But she wasn’t. And Crockett was paying the price. So you tortured her a bit. It wasn’t that bad, honestly. Plus, what made her think she had any right to know about relationships you may or may not be in? But her feelings did become noticeable. To the other nurses, doctors, interns. Suddenly everyone was aware that she had kissed Crockett, and that Ethan wasn’t the only doctor she had feelings for. You felt bad for Crockett, he’d gotten sucked into a wormhole before he even knew his feet were leaving the ground. The same thing could be said for Dr. Choi’s fist. 
You pushed back the curtain and marched over to Crockett who was too busy arguing with Maggie to notice you at first. “Have you gotten a CT done yet?”
“Oh- Dr. Y/L/N. Uh, let me check. Uh... Here.” Maggie handed you and a skeptical Will the tablet with Crockett’s head CT already loaded. The black and white image should have comforted you. It looked good, no injuries or anomalies. But you kept looking, you kept gripping the tablet no matter how much your knuckles, and fingers, and wrists were starting to hurt. “Cher?” You slowly looked up, Maggie and Halstead had left the room at some point. “You seein’ something Halstead didn’t?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t have the voice to. Instead, you regarded his face intently. Choi had only gotten in a single punch, thankfully, so there was only bruising around his right eye. You moved to stand in front of him, standing in between his legs which were dangling off the side of the bed. “Cher?” The bruise was already purple, the section around the forehead turning black. Your lips pressed into a firm line. After setting the tablet on the end table you gently took Crockett’s face in your hands. Ignoring the rest of him, you gently drifted your fingers around the bruising. Your stomach sunk the more you looked at it. It wasn’t inflamed, there wasn’t any bleeding, his CT was clear. But you just couldn’t shake the weight in your gut. You didn’t even know what you were looking for. But you kept looking. “Cher.” No inflammation. “Cher.” No bleeding. “Cher.” Clear CT. “Cher.” Keep looking. “Cher.” Crockett delicately grabbed your wrist, finally grabbing your attention, bringing more than the bruise on his eye into your focus. “I’m okay, Cher.” His eyes were boring into yours, pleading for you to listen to him. He moved his hand from your wrist up overtop of your hand before intertwining your fingers together and leaning his face into your clasped hands at the side of his face.
“D’accord?” (Okay?)
“D’accord.” (Okay) He smiled gingerly. Still looking at you with soft eyes that made you melt he opened his mouth, you could tell that words in his native language were on the tip of his tongue, when the curtains in the room were pushed back suddenly. April stood, tall, strong, and with a look of utter betrayal on her face. No one in the room said anything, no one in the room breathed. Slowly, as if she were avoided a cornered coyote, April backed out of the room, her chest starting to shake, her eyes watering. Soon you were left alone in the room, your hand still wrapped in Crockett’s. Now in full view of the entire ED staff and gossip mill.
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Have you written this Halloween prompt yet? mortal enemies accidentally showing up in matching costumes every fucking year If not I hope you get inspired to!
@thxstral​ said: Can I request *accidental* matching halloween costumes? Like they're just so in sync even pre-Drift that they accidentally coordinate costumes
from halloween prompts here
& thank you twitter pals for coming up w matching costumes for me heehee
“I’m not going to apologize,” Newt declares.
“I never asked you to,” Hermann says.
“It just seemed like you were implying it,” Newt says. “Implying I should apologize, I mean. You were making that face. The one you always do when I fuck something up in the lab, and you want me to feel bad, so you just kind of--” He waves his hand at Hermann, who scowls like he just ate a whole lemon. “That’s the one.”
“I wasn’t making any face,” Hermann says.
“Yes you were,” Newt says.
“This is just how I look.”
Technically this is true--Hermann seems to be scowling and frowning and glaring at Newt, like, eighty percent of the time--but this time, it’s with an underlying motive. “It’s a face and you know it,” Newt says. “Anyway--my point is that I’m not going to apologize because I’m not sorry, so you can forget about it. This one is just as much on you, dude.”
It’s an embarrassing situation all around, frankly. It would be one thing for Newt and Hermann to accidentally match their costumes for the annual Shatterdome Halloween party once; it was another thing to do it twice; it was a whole other monster--a legitimately terrifying one--to do it for three fucking years in a row. At this point, it exceeds accident. It attracts attention. It seems deliberate. “Everyone probably things we planned it,” Newt says with disgust. He shakes his head. “Ugh. Like I’d ever coordinate costumes with someone as lame as you. Not in a million years.”
“We’re coordinating now,” Hermann reminds him. “I’m not sure your point stands.”
“Yeah, but mine is...” Newt searches for the right descriptor. “Better, though. It’s just better. It should be obvious we’re separate. And I meant deliberately--you know that.”
Their pocket of antisocial solitude in the way, way back of the room is suddenly burst by a fellow Shatterdome co-worker, who inches past them to get to the punch bowl and smiles when he realizes the people he’s almost stepped on are Newt and Hermann. He’s dressed like a zombie. It’s some pretty impressive makeup work, to be honest. “Hey, Dr. Geiszler, Dr. Gottlieb!” the guy says to Hermann and Newt, respectively.
It’s not worth the effort to correct him. Newt’s so used to it at this point that he basically responds to Dr. Gottlieb too, anyway. Besides, he gets a kind of weird thrill out it. “Hey, man,” Newt says. “Enjoying the party?”
“Hell yeah,” the guy says. Newt knows him vaguely in the sense that they’ve made eye contact in the mess hall before, possibly while reaching for the same dinner roll; booze makes everyone ten times friendlier, he guesses. “You guys look great. Jealous. I’m always trying to get my boyfriend to do fun coupley shit like that with me, but he hates it. He thinks it’s corny. I think it’s romantic, though.”
“Romantic?” Newt echoes, and then flushes. Oh, God. Three years of matching costumes, three years of people getting the totally wrong idea about him and Hermann. No wonder Newt can’t get any dates. “Oh, uh, we’re not--”
But Newt’s, uh, friend takes out his phone and snaps a quick, probably very blurry photo of them. “Gonna send him this,” he says, and almost spills his drink on Hermann’s head as he stumbles away to the dance floor. “Bye, docs!” he calls over his shoulder, and then spills his drink on someone’s shoes instead.
Hermann clears his throat and gives Newt another look, as if to say now see what you’ve done. Newt rolls his eyes. “I don’t understand,” Hermann says, tersely, “why matching costumes would automatically imply--”
“Cute costumes!” another tipsy partygoer stopping by for some punch tells them. “I didn’t know you guys were together! Makes sense. Happy Halloween.”
“We’re not,” Hermann says, but they’re gone before he can finish. He sighs, and takes a moody sip from his red solo cup. It’s bizarre seeing Hermann pout. Bizarre, and totally cute. (Ugh, Newt needs to go to bed if he’s starting to think dumb shit like that.) “Really. It’s absurd. It’s just a Halloween costume.”
“It is kind of weird, though, isn’t it?” Newt says, finally putting words to the thought that’s been nagging at him since Hermann walked into the room wearing that blue Starfleet shirt. “That we keep doing this, I mean.” One year, two years, three years... 
“Friends coordinate Halloween costumes all the time,” Hermann says, and adds in a hurry, “and colleagues--er, rivals, which is what we are, of course--do, too.”
“Three years,” Newt says. “Three years in a row. Do you think that means something? Like--on a larger scale? I don’t know. Cosmic?” Newt doesn’t believe in fate or anything, that’s totally unscientific, but...you know. A guy has to wonder.
“It’s not as if we’re sending out bloody marriage announcements,” Hermann says. “Or--oh, I don’t know. Holding hands and snogging in the middle of LOCCENT.”
“We must’ve known subconsciously, right?” Newt says. “People don’t just show up--individually--at parties as Kirk and Spock. Like, the matching Bill Nye ones were weird, and last year--I mean, astronauts and aliens are totally legit solo costumes--but this time--”
“And what does it makes sense mean?” Hermann says. “You and I--the two of us--romantically involved--it most certainly does not makes sense.”
“It doesn’t,” Newt agrees.
“Foolish thing to say, really,” Hermann says. “The two of us. Together. It’d never work. We’d drive each other mad within in week.”
“Plus, I can do way better than you,” Newt says. Hermann whaps Newt in the shin with his cane. Newt sees it coming from a mile away, to be honest, but decides against dodging it in order to give Hermann the satisfaction of making contact. It’ll put him in a better mood. “Okay, sorry,” Newt says, “I meant that you could do way better than me.” He reaches down and rubs at the spot, and Hermann smiles. See. Satisfaction. “You’re such a dick. Do you think it means something, though?”
“That I’m a d--?”
“No,” Newt says. “That this--” He gestures between them. “--keeps happening.”
“What keeps happening?” Hermann says. “Being mistaken for--?”
“No,” Newt says. He feels his flush return with a vengeance, and spread to his ears, and down to his neck. “Not that. What would that even--? That’s dumb. I meant the matching costumes.”
They stare at each other, silent, contemplative, Newt still a little embarrassed. Hermann’s smile fades into a frown. He looks kind of cute with his stupid pointy plastic ears, too, to be honest. Ugh. Ugh. Newt hates his life, and Hermann’s stupid cute face. “Coincidence,” Hermann finally decides.
“Probably,” Newt agrees.
They take sips of their drinks in unison. Coincidence.
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lovelylogans · 3 years
what are your favorite episodes of gilmore girls?
ooOOOOOOH GREAT QUESTION i’ll break it down season by season:
season one
pilot. i mean, obviously. it sets them all up so well, character-wise; plus, you can tell some episodes in season one that were filmed shortly after the pilot vs a while later, just bc of emily’s differing hair lengths
the lorelai’s first day at chilton: introduces such great characters (paris, madeline, louise) and also is such a great way to continue the transition into learning about this world
rory’s birthday parties: god. just. the stark difference between emily and richard’s world vs stars hollow...... the found family of practically all of stars hollow showing up to rory’s home party...... “lorelai’s right. i don’t know my daughter at all.”...... God
forgiveness and stuff: like, gOD. a masterclass of acting especially from kelly bishop and lauren graham; it hits so differently after edward hermann’s actual passing. luke and lorelai’s relationship displayed on what he’d do for her. lord!
paris is burning: paris................ the Beginning of turning from enemies to friends...... plus, like, you get to see some of lorelai’s commitment issues, which plays out throughout the entire series (sometimes To My Great Aggravation)
concert interruptus: the bangles 🥺paris and rory 🥺
christopher returns: i mean. you see the dynamic between rory and christopher, lorelai and christopher, and emily, richard, and christopher, which just paints such a clearer picture of what lorelai’s life might have been like back then. PLUS, emily being soft toward rory; it’s one of my fave relationship moments for them, and i kind of regret taking that line from her and giving it to christopher in wyliwf.
star crossed lovers and other strangers: the same way we get to see emily and rory, we get to see richard and lorelai; also, you can see how lorelai’s commitment issues might have inadvertently affected rory in this. plus i love love LOVE the backstory of the stars hollow lovers festival, i wish they’d repeated it in later seasons!
emily in wonderland: i really wish you’d gotten to see the effect of learning about lorelai and rory living in the shed play out more than a one-episode arc, i really wish we did, but like. emily bishop, once again, acting her damn heart out. phenomenal.
season two
the road trip to harvard: you get to see the beginnings of how rory leaving for college might affect lorelai, plus you get to see rory in her ivy league habitat. luke getting so suddenly, “inexplicably” cheerful when he hears that lorelai’s not marrying max. and at the very ending emily being sympathetic to max. bless it.
nick & nora/sid & nancy: first jess ep. “dodger.” what else is there to say. points off lorelai tho for immediately losing it at jess when he snarks at her, when, like, that is your move, lorelai, you should recognize that?
presenting lorelai gilmore: rory stepping more and more into her grandparents’ world in a way lorelai never wanted to; though i don’t ship christopher and lorelai, their dance scene is adorable. plus, emily and richard fighting a bit and the beginnings of richards (seasons long!) arc about his journey with his work.
the ins and oust of inns: MIA. you get to see mia for the first time! lorelai and sookie having a fight is :( but you get to see lorelai’s turmoil over actually leaving the inn. emily coming to see mia! luke yelling at the town over them being rude about luke! lorelai coming to his defense! rory telling jess off and jess wordlessly fixing luke’s toaster in silent apology!
the bracebridge dinner: GOD. love it. the horses and carriages! the absurd historical acting! emily and richard! rory and jess! luke and lorelai! it’s fantastic!
a-tisket, a-tasket: I LOVE THIS EPISODE. some of the town absurdity that was just A Plus. “it’s not like she’s shipping off to ‘nam!” is a great line. jackson proposing to sookie! and poor lane........
there’s the rub: emily and lorelai, seeing how great they could get along, but seeing how either of them wreck it just when it’s getting a-okay. god. it’s just such a great microcosm of their relationship.
dead uncles and vegetables: luke......... Luke. lorelai and rory and jess all rallying around him in their ways, and stars hollow by extension. even tho they were pretty shitty at first, they, like. managed to make it up to him in the end.
lorelai’s graduation day: GOD LAUREN GRAHAM, KELLY BISHOP, AND EDWARD HERMANN KILL IN THE GRADUATION SCENE!!!!! i ADORE that shot of the three of them, gets me every single time!!! the only thing i dislike about it is rory accidentally missing the graduation bc....... :/. like. i really like jess. but. come on.
i can’t get started: sookie’s wedding!!! her freaking out over the cake so much in her dress is So Her, she looked so pretty omg! plus, if the spa ep is a good microcosm of emily and lorelai, this is a great microcosm for christopher and lorelai. plus!!!! RORY AND JESS FIRST KISS!!!!!!
season three (look, full disclosure, seasons 3/4 are like. my faves. so)
haunted leg: gosh. lauren graham kills it in that last couple scenes. plus! kirk asking lorelai out on a date is hilarious! emily and lorelai’s lunch at luke’s going So Bad! and i know that not a ton of people like the francie chilton student politics intrigue subplot isn’t great for some people, but i do think that the potential was Great and there are definitely some really good scenes that arose from that subplot, so
take the deviled eggs... like. just. a great blend of town insanity (patty’s new boy, the town loner pitching a protest no one knows the reason behind) and lorelai and rory bonding (by deviled-egging jess’ CAR) and just!!! yes!!!!
they shoot gilmores, don’t they?: i mean. come ON. what list would be complete without this? literally every single favorites list has this episode on there. the dance marathon is the perfect example of town insanity! lane and dave getting their bonding! that little luke and lorelai moment about having kids! that scene of rory crying into lorelai’s shoulder!
a deep-fried korean thanksgiving: i love the whole “three thanksgivings” thing. Can Relate, Do Understand. i think that lorelai freaking out at rory for applying to yale is definitely a contrived subplot (i mean. she was never going to apply to only harvard. ma’am.) but i do like seeing sookie, and luke and jess, and just.... Yeah
dear emily and richard: our ONLY flashback ep! while i do think that only lauren graham can really pull lorelai off, the actress is, like, fairly decent (young christopher, however, does not really fit) and you just! yeah! you get to see them back in their youth and FINALLY get the context of how lorelai ran away!
the big one: like! yay paris! lorelai’s reaction (”i’ve got the good kid!”) is Gross, Frankly! it’s gross and bad! but also poor paris 🥺but!!! rory helping to comfort her afterwards!! richard falling asleep in the middle and having No idea of what just went down is also inexplicably hilarious to me!
those are strings, pinocchio: i mean. it’s the graduation episode. God. i just???? god. it’s such a great episode, there’s so many great moments, i just. 🥺
season four
the lorelais’ first day at yale: a great little titling parallel to chilton, but also, rory panicking when lorelai leaves is like. such a Thing ya know??? i just. yeah. i really like that ep it’s a nice introduction
the festival of living art: one, this show won its only emmy bc of the makeup, so that alone is great. uh, kirk being so adversary to the guy who plays judas is god tier humor! plus! sookie and jackson having their baby!
ted koppel’s big night out: THE FOOTBALL GAME EPISODE! i actually kind of love it, but more the first half than the latter; it’s such an emily and richard way to prepare for a football game, you know? and then meeting pennilyn lott! igniting the arc of emily and richard having doubts about their marriage which has Acting! Moments! but this also has jason and lorelai’s first date, which i Dislike, bc i Dislike Jason Very Much.
nag hammadi is where they found the gnostic gospels: seeing jess come back into town and you get to see how unfinished things are between him and rory..... the luke angst..... Yes.
the incredible sinking lorelais: a very realistic part of college, imo, in which you feel overwhelmed and anxious and EVERYTHING SUCKS NOW CAN I JUST CALL MY MOM, though i wish they’d set it up a bit more and followed it longer than an episode, and also that rory hadn’t gone to dean; but also, trix, and richard standing up to her, which!
scene in a mall: idk i just love this episode? seeing emily in her shopping element; seeing her break down in that way; seeing how shopping is like, one of her Only ways to execute power, and how she’s kind of jealous of lorelai’s career bc she was born into a generation where the only thing it was really acceptable for her to do was cultivate a husband and a nice house; plus!!! that last bit of emily and richard and the apples at the table just BREAKS your heart!!!
girls in bikinis, boys doin’ the twist: SPRING BREAAAAK which is so unexpected for paris and rory and therefore very funny. you get to see madeline and louise again—i actually really love their characters, lmao! paris and rory kiss! just! yeah!
tick, tick, tick, boom!/afterboom: another “idk i just enjoy it” episode. richard and floyd coming to a head; kirk’s easter egg hunt; seeing little davey. however i have some Words for rory because lindsay deserves better??? i understand that she could get a part time job but also MIND YOUR BUSINESS?????? dean’s the one taking classes! that’s an unnecessary expense! he has two jobs!! he’s allowed to take a pause!!! also i can’t believe i’m forced to defend dean right now!!! fuck asher, tho, but yay! breaking up with jason!!! yay breaking up with jason!!!!!!
luke can see her face/last week fights, this week tights: i can’t, okay??? i literally had to. the beginning of jess’ (admittedly mostly off-screen) development arc! luke and the self-help books! the absurdity of the renaissance wedding! the WEDDING DANCE!!! 
raincoats and recipes: truly an episode has never gone from such a “FUCK YESSSSSS FINALLY” scene to a “FUCK NOOOOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGGG” but honestly it’s just. it’s Such a fantastic episode like i can’t
season five
written in the stars: their first date 🥺the horoscope 🥺”i am in, lorelai. i am all in.” 🥺 HER GOING DOWNSTAIRS IN JUST HIS SHIRT 🥺 HIM YELLING AT THE TOWN ABOUT HOW IT’S THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS 🥺🥺🥺
we got us a pippi virgin: literally the concept alone of “nearly coming to blows via bop it” is great. also luke being like “rory is like pippi!” and showing off what a high regard he holds her in 🥺
emily says hello: LITERALLY so many great little things about this episode. emily deciding she wants to try dating! rory and christopher snapping at each other! KELLY BISHOP’S ACTING AFTER THE DATE WHEN SHE CLOSES THE DOOR ON HIM AND BURSTS INTO TEARS!!!!!!!
women of questionable morals: the dog. 
wedding bell blues: HUNDREDTH EPISODE couldn’t NOT make it on here, so here it is!!! luke and lorelai looking at each other when she’s next to the aisle! luke and christopher both yelling and logan—AcTING! also emily being so manipulative even on her second wedding day, it’s just So classically her, and kelly bishop and lauren graham in the final scene is just. Mwah!
so... good talk: rory literally stepping into lorelai’s shoes for a dinner and being the one to snap at emily and richard is Such a role reversal for her but honestly whenever it does happen i actually really enjoy seeing the dichotomy between the grandparents seeing rory as their perfect little second chance and lorelai seeing her as her mini-me and how rory walks the line between each. AND THAT ENDING KISS SCENE BETWEEN LUKE AND LORELAI????? I CAN’T?????
pulp friction: LORELAI CONTINUING TO ICE OUT EMILY AND RICHARD!!!!! the yelling scene at the diner!!!! plus seeing the chilton skirt come out again was nice imo i too have reused private schoolwear
season six (the season, admittedly, i have watched the least)
we’ve got magic to do: the outfits of the dar bash. paris’ sudden dedication to the proletariat. emily’s rant to shira. that is all
twenty-one is the loneliest number: them finally starting to talk; “this is luke, my soon-to-be-stepfather”; the pastor scene is also just. hilarious. but also so very richard and emily
let me hear your balalaikas ringing out: lorelai’s emotions toward paul anka being sick Oof and luke and the soccer team lmao but also JESS RETUUUUURNS!!!!! RORY SNAPS OUT OF IT!!!!!! FINALYYYYYYY!!!!
friday night’s alright for fighting: literally the montage of all of them intercut with fighting and them sitting in silence while the other two yell in the background to them laughing is just. Peak gilmore
this turned out..... even longer than expected lmao
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Month of New Operatic Works #26: The Gambler (Mariinsky, 2012): Reactions, Part I
I was hoping that the OperaVision one with Asmik Grigorian was still up but alas, no. At least this one has English subtitles.
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costume porn
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well that’s awkward, especially given you pawned your would-be girlfriends’ jewels (on her behest) for gambling money
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she’s pretty also telegrams are cool
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yeah this set looks cool
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you’re literally speaking to a tenor
(also: is this just Queen of Spades all over again)
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Area Tenor Explains The Hereditary Nature of Capitalism
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ah yes, always blame it on someone else
(although to be fair, he did stick up for Polina earlier)
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because you are a tenor
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rock that hat girl
(she stole it from Alexei)
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(anyway, good on Polina for literally shoving his hat in his face immediately after)
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this dude is even bigger of a walking red flag than GODDAMN HERMANN
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why’d you just give him a thousand bucks (well, Russian)
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so she’s telling him to do something for her that’ll make her laugh. she knows her audience, I guess
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the tea is HOT
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annnnnnnnnnnnnnd he just insulted this poor Baroness
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Polina is enjoying this way too much
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just gotta say this score is great
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annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Alexei just got fired. nice going, buddy.
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so now he’s going to challenge the Baron, whom he insulted, to a duel. wow.
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once again: you are talking to a tenor
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I mean...
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so the ladies have Beef with each other (but not Polina)
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someone’s jealous
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well at least he tried to calm Alexei down
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Polina is not having it
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you don’t know that he asked her to write it
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literally counting down the time until Granny dies
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annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd not even ten seconds later Granny shows up from Moscow, very much alive
best timing ever
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I love her so much
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Granny is a Sassy Badass
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“look, my granddaughter is the only sensible person around here and the rest of you are lying idiots”
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap
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“hey we two are practically the same personality-wise lol”
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she’s an icon and we STAN
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sunriseverse · 4 years
So I have the BEST prompt idea and I know you will make it amazing! Pre-Uprising Newt does manage to get free without anyone finding out what happened (maybe he has a medical emergency and is unable to get out of the hospital or is in biohazard quarantine until the influence has faded enough, whatever) and he doesn't bother calling before getting on a plane to Hermann. He just shows up after some time of no contact and is so glad to see Hermann who doesn't know what to think at first
god okay this. uh. pretty painful mostly BUT the end is kind of fluffy? or at least hopeful. also this ISN'T pru compliant (obviously lol) so
It's almost amusing, actually, how it finally goes down.
Not some big event, like he expected. No; Newt dies slowly. Softly. Unaware, at first, that he is even dying, because that's how subtle the Precursors are; their influence brushed off as post-Drift trauma and his usual fuckup of a brain (him) and finally growing up (the rest of the world).
Well; die probably isn't accurate, since he's still living and breathing, but this sure as hell isn't him—or at least, not mostly. Some of it is him, the bitter, hollow, jealous part that feels small and inadequate and like a fuckup and thinks the world hates him and thinks he's a joke and hates everyone for it.
And then—during a rather low-risk, but hands-on lab experiment, it goes wrong. Or right, really, depending on how you look at it. Right for him, wrong for the Precursors, but really, that's their own damn fault for, you know, ignoring proper safety protocol, but Newt's not about to complain.
He does get trapped in quarantine, though, alone, which is—which is shit, frankly.
"What the hell?" is the first thing they demand, twisting his lips into an angry frown and baring his teeth, irritated by the sound of the alarm. They stride over to the doors—locked—and enter the keycode.
Beep. Access denied.
"What the hell?!" they demand again, and try again, jabbing angrily—painfully—at the keypad. It doesn't yield.
It doesn't yield. The door stays locked.
"How long?" they hiss, angrily, at the air, and Newt, locked away, grins smugly. He doesn't know. He doesn't know and fuck, that's the best feeling he's felt in a while. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours, though, probably; going off of his own experience.
It makes him viciously happy that such a little thing, such a stupid mistake on their part, is inconveniencing them so, and—hah. Hah.
Fuck you, he'd say, if he could speak.
It takes them two hours to stop yelling angrily at the keypad, and that's only because his vocal-chords give out. They still pound against the—reinforced, near-bullet-proof—glass doors, though. Pity they're mirrored looking out, so no one on the outside can see in. Such a pity that all the other employees at Shao industries know better than to bother him if the lab doors are locked.
He's not sure how long it's been when his stomach growls loudly, twisting painfully. There isn't anything edible in the lab, and though there's water, it's not great.
It's somewhere around the eighteen-hour mark that it happens, though—his skin feeling, suddenly, too small on him, and there's an itch beneath it and his mind is fucking buzzing and he starts to shiver. It's not the cold, he's pretty sure of that—he's wearing wool and the room is only slightly bellow room-temp, but he feels cold and clammy.
"R—ridiculous," they mutter, giving in, finally, to the need to sit down, and Newt's very glad for that but he's not very happy about what's going on because either he's having a panic-attack or he's having withdrawal and he's like, pretty sure they've been taking his meds? Like, 70% sure—he thinks he managed to impress on them that he works better with them, 'cause he doesn't crash and burn after two days.
He's still feeling it, viscerally, in his spine and his ribs, in the marrow of his bones.
It reminds him, strangely enough, of the pain of being apart from Hermann physically, those first few days after the Drift—
Well, that makes sense.
And it is shit. It is so shit. Right now he'd like nothing more than for that door to fucking unlock and let him back to the apartment so they can hook him back up to Alice so everything stops feeling so fucking bad. It hurts. It fucking hurts, he just wants it to be over.
He swallows thickly; painfully. They've stopped talking—he's not even glad about that, not at this point, because as much as he usually hates hearing his own voice these days he thinks he's literally going to fucking die and he doesn't even want that now.
He doesn't want—
He just—
"Fuck," he whispers hoarsely, as a wave of pain wracks his frame—already weak from lack of sleep and lack of food, and he—god. God, fuck, fuck. Just let it be over. He'd do anything for it to be over.
The pain stays.
He's not sure how long.
He just knows that it's bad enough that he passes out at some point, finally; blessedly, and when he wakes up, his cheek is pressed against the cold tile of the floor and his stomach feels like it's turned into a black hole and he—
And his mind is empty.
His mind is empty because he isn't there, anymore, because he just raised his head off the ground and wiped the drool off his cheek and—and his legs tremble and he's still in pain but he can—he can feel it, because it's his pain, right now, all his.
When he tries the lock, the door opens.
He takes a tentative step outside; fists clenching, tightly enough that his nails sting the palms, at his sides.
He takes another.
There's no resistance.
He nearly cries.
No; he does cry.
"Geiszler," comes the sharp tone of Doctor Shao, looking less-than-pleased. "What—?"
"I'm quitting," Newt says, and then, again, with wonder: "I'm quitting."
Her lips tighten into a thin line and Newt can see it; see her weighing her dislike of him over the fact that he's Newt Geiszler, and he can see the moment that the dislike wins, and he's fucking—overjoyed, frankly. She gives a short nod. "Goodbye," she says, simply, and brushes past him without further comment.
He barely notices his surroundings; takes a few minutes at his desk to grab a pen and book a ticket to Moyulan and then he's half-stumbling out of the building to flag a taxi.
His stomach growls again, but this time, the ache is almost comforting; anyway, he doesn't think he could eat right now, if he tried.
It's raining when he gets there. He hasn't brought an umbrella, and barely manages to make it inside the airport from the tarmac without getting soaked. He doesn't stop at the café to buy a sandwich, or at the gift-shop, and he doesn't buy an umbrella.
There's a bus, though, that runs from the airport to the city-centre and Newt takes that instead of a taxi, and then immediately regrets it because he's surrounded on all sides by people and he can't—he can't fucking breathe and—
He squeezes his eyes shut tightly. Focuses on the pound of the rain against the windows, lets it drown out everything.
The automated voice announces they've reached the city-centre. He rises. Takes a step.
Sprints off the bus.
He can feel it. He can feel Hermann. He's finally close enough to.
He runs.
His leg aches, and his muscles burn, and he can barely see through his glasses, the water soaking into his skin within seconds, his clothes clinging to him, but he runs. He runs.
And then he's here, and coming to a halt, panting, and Hermann is in this building, he can feel it, and he barely makes it up the flight of stairs and with shaking fingers he raises his hand and knocks on the door.
He trembles; cold and hollow and more fucking alive than he's been in three years.
There's the sound of footsteps, and then the bolt slides, and the door opens to Hermann.
Newt drinks the sight of him in like a dying man; like he can solve all of his problems just by looking at him, in his ill-fitting clothing and his stupid haircut and his weird face and his too-wide lips and his—his everything and god, god. Newt wants to reach out and touch him but he's frozen; can't even breathe, barely; because he is not—he isn't allowed this, can't be allowed this, and—
"Newton?" Hermann asks, voice low; confused; worried, maybe, even, and his lips purse and his brow furrows and—
And Newt can't do it; not anymore, not like this, and he launches himself, nearly, at Hermann, arms wrapping around the other and he sobs, brokenly, "Hermann," just the once, the two syllables, but he feels like he's laid himself bare. He can't say anymore.
"What are you doing here?" Hermann asks; not soft, no; it's too...guarded for that and Newt doesn't blame him, really.
"Came to see you," he says, "I—I." And then he stops because how the fuck does he explain this, all this, to someone who doesn't know, who doesn't—
"Breathe," Hermann says, sharply, and his hand goes up to rub circles on Newt's back and this is. This is almost too much, and Newt realises he's dripping onto Hermann's carpet.
"Sorry," he murmurs. "I just—it's been—" his words catch in his throat again, so all he says is, "I'm sorry."
"I didn't expect you," Hermann says.
"I know. I'm sorry," Newt says, again. "I—for—everything. Leaving. I want to—to make it right—"
"Not now," Hermann says; firmly. "You're shivering against me, and you look like you haven't eaten or slept in days. As soon as that's taken care of, we'll talk."
Newt swallows; breathes a deep breath. "Okay," he says, quietly. "I—thank you. Thank you, Hermann."
They stand for a few more minutes; and it's the nicest thing Newt has felt in a long time, and then Hermann tsks and says, "Come with me, I'll draw you a warm bath," and everything's still kind of awful and they're going to need to talk about this, sooner rather than later, but right now, Hermann's holding his hand gently, as if afraid he'll run, but he keeps murmuring I love you and things are fucked up but.
But they're kind of okay. They will be okay. Not now, but. They will be.
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stunudo · 7 years
A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Featuring: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid                 Setting: After Season 12
Requested by: Anonymous
“Omg I am going to request a ralvez one shot because there is not (and never will be) enough ralvez in this world. So could you do one where they finally admit their feelings for each other (post-reid jail time) and Luke admits that he's never been with a guy before and he is nervous??? Please and thank you!! <3″ 
A/N: Thank you for your request! I am tagging it for @reidbyers Ralvez week. I am sorry it took so long, but I, huh, really need to watch season 12. (Because I spend too much time online and can only watch the show when my kids are asleep.) I love this ship so much! I hope you like it. xoxo Stu    
Warnings: Grief, angst, talk of sex acts
Spencer felt like he had been asleep for months. In truth it was twenty seven hours and fourteen minutes since he last glanced at the bedside clock in the safe-house Emily had placed he and his mother in. The thought of his mother and her safety sent that familiar panic through his lean frame. He found her seated at the kitchen table, reading contently. The relief flooded through him and he sighed when the nurse caught his eye, smiling in her quiet understanding.
It was as if the past months locked away were just a nightmare he had to overcome; wakefulness had found him with his freedom. He had missed much more than just his mother and her abduction. He had missed cases and setbacks, profiles and small victories. He had missed his team. Although his thoughts had been on one team member more than the others. Something that he hadn’t expected especially when Luke first began aiding the BAU.
Luke hated this part of the job the most. The delivery of earth-shattering news to the family members of his fallen brothers. Emily had insisted on meeting the Walkers at the hospital instead of going home. Luke wouldn’t let her do that on her own. Every one of them were exhausted to the point of numbness. In this storm of emotions his years of training kicked in and he persevered.
The natural smile far from his lips as he stood alongside his chief as the truth destroyed Stephen’s family. How much more loss was he going to have to bring to loved ones? Was catching the unsubs and fugitives making any difference? It didn’t feel like it on nights like these.
The day of the funeral was the next time Spencer saw any of his teammates, besides JJ. She had come over with the boys to visit once Spencer and Diana were resettled at home. Diana loved those boys. Spencer was amazed at how much they had grown since, well, everything. Henry was calculated with his questions for Uncle Spencer, JJ was on guard about any topic too personal. Spencer appreciated his godson’s curiosity and insight. He answered him honestly, because Spencer valued Henry’s trust.
Diana didn’t notice Spencer getting dressed in a full suit. She didn’t notice him shaving or saying goodbye. Spencer took the train into the city and found his way to the cemetery alone. Garcia saw him first and she maneuvered mechanically around the chairs and rows of strangers. She scooped the tall genius into a tight hug.
“You cleaned up nice,” She whispered breathy.
Spencer’s mouth grimaced and he nodded his head to the side. “Thanks, uh, you too.”
“Oh pish,” She waved off the compliment with her clutch in hand. “Come on, our family is all over here.”
Spencer followed Penelope to the two rows the BAU team was occupying. JJ and Emily both hugged him as Rossi patted him on the back. Luke and Tara held back sharing concerned welcome. Spencer didn’t know what to say to Walker’s family, so he sat down and kept quiet. Something he had become used to doing over the past months in prison. The service reflected a talented and dedicated father; a man who deserved more years than he was given. Spencer grieved for the family, a family who wouldn’t be in this situation if he hadn’t been incredibly reckless all those months ago.
Luke had been going over the words and sentences in his head for months. He had guessed every possible reaction that Spencer would have, except this. Spencer sat beside him in the passenger seat in complete and utter silence. Luke wasn’t sure if he had spoken aloud. Had he? Had he meant to? It was not the best timing. But after months apart, the twenty minutes in the car together was the most genuine comfort he could have dreamed of, especially after the funeral.
Luke cleared his throat and tried to look Spencer in the eyes. “Reid? Did you hear me?”
Spencer’s hands were placed flat on to his thighs, they began to sweat so he brushed them on his suit pants absentmindedly.
“Do you mean it?” Spencer’s voice was barely audible. He let the words sink in and then he met Luke’s dark eyes in earnest. Luke’s throat had gone dry, he swallowed.
“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t.” Luke leaned toward the taller man, not sure of what to do. Hands itching to comfort him, to solidify his confession. “I’m in love with you.”
Spencer’s brown eyes were on the cusp of tears, his lips pursed and scrunched in concentration. He inhaled, “I’ve wanted this for so long, Luke.” A shy smile curling his pink lips. “But I’m not the man you knew. I have done things and hurt people. People that didn’t deserve it.”
Luke gave up the internal debate and placed his strong left hand on Spencer’s forearm. He raised his right thumb and brushed a streak of saline from Spencer’s pristine cheekbone. “We have all been through a lot since you’ve been gone. I just want the chance to get to know each other again. As more than teammates.”
Spencer bent his face into Luke’s soothing palm, closing his eyes to revel in the skin to skin contact. Affection that had been missing from his life for too long. “Even if I am still navigating towards the new me?” His voice cracked.
Luke didn’t answer, instead he crossed the distance to Spencer, sealing all of their hope and longing in a whisper of a kiss. He touched his forehead to Spencer’s, staring into his very being, “Even then.”
One month later
“What are your plans for the weekend?” Lewis kicked her long legs on the seat facing her and Luke. The case was over, unfortunately the unsub killed himself before they could arrest him.
“Well, there’s this film festival I read about...” Luke checked to see where Spencer was sleeping on the jet, to ensure the conversation was private. “I know he likes foreign films, but I kind of want to surprise him.”
Tara shook her head and patted Luke’s knee.
“You’re trying to surprise a profiler who has a photographic memory?” Lewis chuckled softly. “I’m sure you’ll have fun, but don’t bank on the surprise part.”
The next afternoon Luke and Roxie returned after their run through the park. They were both panting from the exercise, though still excitable. When they got home, Roxie made a weird noise and started pawing at the door.
“What is it, girl? That thirsty?” Luke teased and unlocked the door to his home. Roxie bolted in and jumped up on Spencer who was waiting patiently inside. Spencer and Roxie had formed a surprising relationship since Spencer and Luke started dating. The skittish genius had warmed up to Luke’s dog, he assumed it was because he was able to trust her and hoped she understood they both cared about her human. She tolerated him because he smelled nice and made her human relax.
Luke’s face was alight, “What are you doing here?” Luke walked up to Spencer and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Wait, how did you even get in here?” Luke’s eye brows raised. Spencer shrugged, smirking while scratching Roxie’s ears.
“Mrs. Hermann likes me.”
Luke rolled his eyes, “That’s because you flirt with her. Any others of my elderly neighbors I have to worry about?”
Spencer liked when Luke was jealous, but he didn’t want it to be drawn out. Roxie left them alone to find her water dish, Spencer slid his arms around Luke’s waist. “So? Have any plans tonight?” His light brown eyes rich with mischief.
“Not anymore.” Luke gave Spencer another quick kiss. “But, let me shower? I am all sweaty.”
“Yes, I can see that.” Spencer appraised Luke’s form fitting tee shirt and basketball shorts.
“Stop, I’m gross.” Luke teased, squeezing Spencer’s side playfully. “Just give me ten minutes.”
After a deeper kiss and a sigh, Spencer released his boyfriend. “No rush, the first showing isn’t until eight anyway.” He called as Luke headed to the bathroom. Luke shook his head, of course Spencer had figured it out on his own.
There was a gay couple in one of the films! It was annoying how pleasantly surprised Luke felt when he saw them. It was something he wouldn’t have noticed until a talkative genius captured his attention. Luke had never been with a man before, in fact he had never thought he would be in a relationship with one at all. Perhaps it was his overly strict Catholic family or his own insecurities regarding his sexuality. He had “passed” as straight for so long he didn’t think he needed to explore that part of himself.
Until he fell in love with his old partner, he wasn’t even sure he was queer. The despair and uncertainty that came with his death had pushed Luke’s heart back inside his internal closet. And then he teamed up with the BAU. Spencer’s intense mind and deep soul encompassed Luke’s heart faster than anyone had before. Being a bisexual in hiding meant Luke was not versed in determining that the twinkle in Spencer’s eyes was only for him.
Spencer, meanwhile, had become overly comfortable with his solitary lifestyle. After losing Maeve he didn’t think he would ever want or find romantic love again. As a man of science, he never had any concern over the physical of those he became emotionally attached to. Certainly not concerning anything as arbitrary as genitalia or societal expectations. Spencer Reid valued people as a whole, not a collection of body parts. Luke Alvez was wholly beautiful, internally and externally.
There the budding couple sat in the dark in the center aisle of the half-crowded movie house. The subtitles giving Luke the hints to Spencer’s engagement with the confrontation upon the screen. Suddenly the tension froze as one of the men fiercely kissed the other actor. The scenes flashed forward with brief glimpses of the passion unfolding, kisses and hands, one man performing oral sex on the other. Then the following morning and the men snuggling in the easy morning light. It was breathtaking. The rush Luke felt throughout his body twisted in his stomach. Emotion rolling within; desire, embarrassment, awe, hope and insecurity. He was going to have to tell Spencer his secret. But how?
Spencer’s aversion to physical contact was only for those he didn’t trust and strangers. He was not into public displays of affection because he hated to be seen as a target for bullies. Luke was not ready for anyone but the team knowing about their relationship so he was also content with walking with his hands to himself back to his truck.
“That was not the first film by Bisogni that I have seen, but his style has evolved since the last one.” Spencer had one hand in his pocket and the other aiding in his descriptions. Luke listening intently, unlocking the passenger door and holding it open for Spencer to duck inside the truck. Spencer smiled to himself at the sweetness of the gesture, he watched Luke walk around the front and into the driver’s seat.
His smile came easily, but the words were a rush. “Did you know that the glans of the penis has roughly four thousand nerve endings?”
Luke was used to his boyfriend being full of facts, but he wasn’t used to sex facts out of context. Spencer continued, “And by the age of fifteen nearly 100% of males have masturbated to the point of orgasm.”
“Okay, Spencer, where is this going?” Luke started the engine, not looking at his boyfriend.
“Physically pleasing oneself is beneficial for being able to communicate how a lover may best please you. Statistically, you know how to bring yourself to orgasm, Luke.” Spencer’s voice softened. “Being intimate with a man is a lot easier than society wants us to believe. Anatomically, we already know what pleases us, so we have a basis for our journey together.”
Luke slammed the gear shift back into Park. Spencer had profiled his inexperience and hesitation from that two minute love scene in the show. He dropped his head to the steering wheel and exhaled a groan of embarrassment. Spencer leaned over to stroke Luke’s curls, “Please don’t hide from me. Tell me what’s going on in that mind of yours.”
Luke smiled, it was usually him wondering what Spencer’s brain was processing. “I, um, have never been with a man, Spencer. Which, I take you know?” Spencer nodded and pursed his lips. Luke continued, “Are you going to leave me if I, can’t, if I’m not ready? Spencer, I don’t want to be bad at this.”
Spencer understood, completely. He always had the facts and research to back up his endeavors, but with Luke, things came easier, born of instinct. The idea that he wouldn’t be adequate hadn’t even crossed Spencer’s mind, because it was something they would be figuring out together. “You won’t be bad, baby. You’ll be new at it. This isn’t a test, its a way for us to become closer in every sense of the phrase.” Spencer’s mouth quirked mischievously. “We don’t have to figure anything out tonight. Just know that I would love to wake up next to you, if you want to spend the night.”
Luke nodded, sighing as his body released the tension that had been building. He wasn’t ready for all night love making, but perhaps spending the night would be a good starting point for their intimacy. Luke drove home to check on Roxie and grab some essentials.
“Are you sure about this?” Spencer asked quietly.
Luke nodded. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Spence. Are you? I don’t want to confuse your mom.” He entwined his hand in his boyfriend’s, gently kissing it.
Spencer shook his head and stroked Luke’s hand with his thumb. “Mom will be fine. Let’s get to bed already.” They kissed softly in the late night air as the vehicle’s engine roared to life. They had found each other in the hopelessness; together saving themselves.
@imagicana @gubl-oser
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foundcarcosa · 6 years
What is your name and how old are you? >> Rev; 30.
Do you talk on the phone a lot? What kind of phone do you have? >> I rarely use the phone for talking. I have a Samsung Galaxy J3 Emerge.
Is your house ever creepy? What does it do? >> Any and all of the weirdness in this apartment is a direct result of its inhabitants, I assure you.
Who’s your favorite rapper? And your favorite song by this rapper? >> My most recent favourite is Kendrick Lamar (favourite song being HUMBLE.).
How about your favorite band? And your favorite song by this band? >> I’ll just go with Pearl Jam for the sake of argument, but I refuse to try and choose a favourite song.
Did you do any drugs this past weekend? Which ones? >> I drank, and that’s it.
Are you hungry? Why don’t you eat something? >> I ate recently, so I’m good.
Do you have any cousins that you’re jealous of? Why? >> No.
What year will you be/were you a senior in high school? >> I was a senior during the 2003/2004 school year.
Have you ever broken up with someone and then regretted it later? >> Sure.
Has anyone ever made a promise to you that they’d change? Who? >> I’m pretty sure I’ve had that conversation with Tinker about a dozen times. And then he died, which took care of that.
Do you have an online blog? What do you write about in there? >> I have this, and a dreamwidth. No formal blogs.
Do you know anyone that has a multiple personality disorder? >> I know some people with DID, some people with DDNOS, and some systems that don’t have a psychological designation (I too fit into the third group).
Have you read anything educational today? What was it? >> At some point, I’m sure.
Do you watch more of the Discovery channel, or MTV? Or neither? >> I don’t watch either, but if given the choice I’d probably find more to watch on Discovery.
Have you ever had the cops called on you? For what? >> Not that I can recall.
Do you hate your last name? Do you want to get married so you can change it? >> I don’t hate it. It will change when I’m married, because we’re both adopting a new last name.
Did you wake up to an alarm clock this morning? What time? >> No.
How old is your favorite teacher? >> ---
What’s the background picture on your phone? Do you change it a lot? >> The lockscreen is an art of Rust Cohle and the home screen is a general True Detective S1 art. I do change my backgrounds relatively often, but recently I haven’t found anything new that I want more.
Would you rather be home alone, or have people with you? Why? >> I love being home alone, but it’d be boring if it was like that all the time.
Do you live near a highway? Can you hear the traffic at night? >> Yes, and vaguely, if the windows are open. I like the sound of distant traffic.
Have you ever dropped a class in school? Which class, and why did it suck? >> No.
Are you a MAC or a PC? >> I am neither, but I use non-Macs exclusively.
Has the snow melted away in your yard? Did it even snow in the first place? >> It’s been snowing all week; hasn’t had a chance to melt away yet.
Have you ever taken someone back, who ended up just hurting you again? >> I’ve reentered relationships that didn’t work out any better the second (or third, or fourth...) time around, yes. I’m a bit of a sucker, and I also downplay my limits when I think I want something.
Music is playing right now, isn’t it? What song? >> No.
How many cell phones have you gone through in your life? >> Enough that I can no longer keep track.
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? >> No.
Do you need spellcheck in order to spell things correctly? >> No.
What was the last thing you printed? Is there even ink in your printer? >> A ticket to something, I think. There’s black ink, but we’re low on colour.
Do you go to concerts? What was the last one you attended? >> Yes. Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
Do you shop online? With your own credit card, or someone else’s? >> I use my own debit card to shop online.
Who’s your best friend? How long have you known each other? >> Can Calah, I suppose. About 6 years.
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Why did you break up? >> Tinker. We didn’t, he died.
Have you ever gotten your nails done? Or do you get them done regularly? >> I’ve had my nails done three times my whole life.
Have you been outside yet today? What were you doing? >> I went outside to check the mail.
Do you have or want any tattoos? Of what? >> I have the Roman numerals XIX, the Mannaz rune, and “scully, it’s me”. I want at least a dozen more.
Do you remember the first time you ever drove a car? Who were you with? >> Hasn’t happened yet.
Do any of your friends drink excess amounts of alcohol? Do you? >> I used to have a friend that does. I drink, but I don’t think “excess” describes my habits.
How many pairs of shoes do you have? Are they under your bed? >> Three. Nope.
What exactly is under your bed? Is it a mess? >> Nothing is under my bed. I keep my floor pretty clear.
Have you ever been in handcuffs? Why, exactly? >> Yes. The first time, I was put in juvenile detention for a week. The second time, I was being taken to a psychiatric facility. The third time, I was taken in on a bench warrant because of a fine I couldn’t afford to pay on time. I think that’s all the times, but it’s possible I may have simply forgotten a couple.
Have you ever had to be put to sleep at a hospital? Why? >> It’s funny that we use that phrase for animals when we actually mean death. Like we’re afraid to admit what we’re actually doing. Anyway, yes, I’ve been tranquilised (because they wanted me to stop doing what I was doing, obviously), but not anaesthetised. Wasn’t sure which one you meant.
Do you actually have a calendar on your wall? What are the pictures of? >> No.
When are you planning on moving out of your parents’ house? >> Been there, done that.
Tell me about your day today. >> Woke up, took a bio break, sat zazen, vacuumed my room, made food, got online and poked around for a couple hours, changed computers, played Guild Wars 2 for a little while, checked the mail, made food, watched the first episode of Lucifer, played Fallout 4 for a few hours, made food, watched the second episode of Lucifer, went back to my room, and am now here.
Have you ever been on a cruise? How many? Where did they go? >> No.
What was the last thing you purchased for yourself? >> Booze, I think. And snacks.
What was the last thing you purchased for someone else? >> A Christmas present for Krister.
Do you have a favorite author? >> Stephen King, Robert A Heinlein, Poppy Z Brite, Hermann Hesse, and Ayn Rand.
How about a favorite book? >> That is a lot more difficult.
Do you have a significant other? >> A few.
Have you taken your Christmas tree down yet? >> Nope.
When was the last time you took a shower? >> Tuesday.
Is any part of you sore right now? >> No.
Do you have any clothes that are uncomfortable, but you wear them anyway? >> A couple. I don’t wear them often.
How many people are currently in your home? >> Two.
Is green your favorite color? >> Sure.
What kind of music do you mostly listen to? >> The majority of my library is some form of rock or metal.
Have you ever fallen asleep laying on your boyfriend/girlfriend? >> Probably. Not my current one, but someone in the past I’m sure.
What was the last vacation you went on? >> New Orleans.
When’s the next time you’re going on vacation? >> I’m not sure.
How tall are you? >> 5′4″.
Do you drink coffee? >> Occasionally.
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happy-meo · 7 years
Out of the Egg. (Jungkook x Reader) Part 3
“The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world.” – Demian by Hermann Hesse
Jungkook x Reader; (with the rest of the BTS members here and there)
Fluff, Suspense, Angst; mentions of violence, death, sexual harassment (briefly), and warfare
*Semi-smut for this part*
War/ Rebellion Au
Summary: The world you had once known is now bare and rotting with evil. Families were torn, houses were burned, and businesses were shattered by the Oppressors. In your world, there were only two possibilities – if you weren’t working with them, you were owned by them. However, a new faction arises that sings of hope and taking back the world that was once for the people, calling themselves “The Changers”. Although you tried to go unnoticed by either of them, out of fear of being killed or captured, you soon find yourself deep in the middle of the rebellion after an unexpected encounter.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Finale)
A/N: Hello ~ sorry for the long wait :) I hope everyone is having a wonderful first few days of the new year !!
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           "I can't believe you told her that my opinion was invalid, hyung!" Jungkook hissed as he and Namjoon walked towards the training grounds.
           "She is old enough to make her own choice, Jungkook. Way older than you were when you did the same exact thing to your brother." Namjoon raised an eyebrow sternly.
           Jungkook sighed. "But this is different! I'm built, athletic! She can't even hurt a fly."
           "You'd be surprised." Namjoon chuckled. "Just give people a bit of guidance and watch them blossom."
           Jungkook pursed his lips. "I don't want her to blossom in the battlefield!"
           "That isn't your call, Jungkook. Besides, think back on what your argument was on why you wanted to fight alongside your brother."
           Jungkook hesitated.
           "Her reasoning sounds very familiar to yours huh?" Namjoon smirked.
           Jungkook groaned, "You're not helping!"
           "And you're being biased." Namjoon pointed. "She has all her limbs. She's healthy, energetic, and willing to fight. That makes her a perfect candidate for our ranks. You're a leader Jungkook-- first and foremost."
           "Okay, fine. But I'm helping to oversee training. If she's getting trained, I want her to be trained with my supervision."
           Namjoon chuckled.
           "What?" Jungkook furrowed his brow.
           "You sure you aren't just jealous because she is the ONLY girl in her unit?"
           "Am not, hyung!"
           "Sure." Namjoon sang lightly as Jungkook huffed.
           You swallowed nervously as you stepped onto the training grounds. You had practically spent most of your two days at the Underground City with Namjoon and Jungkook, so you hadn't had time to make any new acquaintances. As you feared, everyone on the field had already grouped themselves, so you wandered, praying someone would be nice enough to allow you to merge into their group.
    ��      "Psst." You heard a sound coming from your right, where you spotted a brightly grinning man, probably around your age, beckoning you over to sit beside him on the ground.
           Looking around at your options, you figured he was your best bet at not looking like a loner on your first day of training. So you trudged towards him shyly.
           "Sandwich?" the man offered lightly.
           "Um...no. I'm good. Just ate." You hesitantly answered.
           "Oh right. I'm sorry." he laughed and wiped his hands on his pants. "I'm Kim Taehyung, Survivor too. I've been here two months already, but didn't make my decision to join the army until yesterday."
           You smiled and shook his hand, glad you weren't the lone novice.
           "Y/N, a fresh Survivor, but I guess you knew that already."
           "Oh yeah. Don't think I'm creepy. There's a list of Survivors posted that gets updated every time a new one arrives."
           "There is?"
           "Yeah. Haven't you explored the city yet?"
           "Uh..." You hummed, ashamed that you practically spent the few days glued to who you were comfortable with, like a child afraid to leave his mother's side.
           "Well you've only been here a few days." Taehyung answered his own question. "Of course you wouldn't go hopping around right away. That's just me. I'm quite adventurous."
           You smiled as you sat beside him comfortably. "So have you not met anyone else that's training either?"
           "Oh, no. I have a couple of other people I know, but they've already been training for a month or two now, so they're over there." Taehyung pointed at a group of three boys chatting on the other side of the ground. "We have to go through the basics course first before we can join them. I heard it was pretty intense. The taller boy made me this sandwich and I don't quite like eating with shoes and standing so I found this spot to sit."
           Your eyes finally drifted down to his bare feet, amused. Taehyung surely was an interesting guy.
           "Well I'm glad I won't have to struggle alone, Taehyung." You took your shoes off too and stretched your legs out.
           He grinned widely at you, "Tae."
           "Just call me Tae. My mother used to call me that when she was furious at me and it still gives me the chills." he shivered.
           "Oh, I'm sorry." You frowned, picking up on the hint of sadness mixed into his humor.
           "You're nice, Y/N." Tae smiled brightly. "Don't be sorry. There's a lot to be thankful for."
           You nodded in agreement.
           "After training, you want to come explore the city with me?" he beamed.
           Before you could answer, a stern voice bellowed, making your body obey before your mind registered the command.
           "Everyone, ATTENTION!"
           Your body jolted up from the ground and stood up straight. Tae stuffed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth and followed.
           "FORM RANKS." the rough voice commanded and everyone hurriedly ran to create lines, as if their feet were on fire.
           You and Tae slipped into the very back of the block after jumping into your shoes, knowing you two were the lowest ranks. And once you were there, you curiously tiptoed to catch a glimpse, through the line of shoulders, of the person with the demanding voice. You caught sight of his fiery eyes and jet black hair, but he soon disappeared in front of the taller soldiers.
           "So we have two new recruits today from what I heard. Where are they?"
           "Here! ~" Tae waved his hand lightly.
           Everyone began murmuring and giggling at his clearly inappropriate response.
           "What...did you say?"
           The jet black hair swiftly made his way to Tae. Although he was shorter, his aura was rather intimidating.
           "Um...here?" Tae softened, not quite sure why his response was incorrect.
           You bit your lip and clicked your heels together to draw attention away from your new friend.   "Here, sir!"
           Your eyes darted forward and you stood up straight. You had watched enough war movies and observed enough Oppressor soldiers to pick up on what was considered courteous amongst the ranks. The black-haired man scoffed at Tae, who averted his eyes nervously.
           "Your fellow novice saved you for today. See to it you never forget your rank. If you want to address me informally, then feel free to climb up quickly."
           Tae swallowed and nodded. "Yes, sir."
           "Good." the man smirked. "The name's Lieutenant Min Yoongi -- Drill Sergeant for all of you new maggots."
           Your eyes widened as you recalled his name from Jungkook's story.
           "And I'm in charge of training you noobs." he circled around the two of them. "But seeing as how scrawny you two are, you both have your work cut out for you. I'm breeding soldiers for war here, not prissy princesses and princes, you hear me?"
           "Yes sir!" You and Tae replied.
           "You are going to get dirty, messy, so don't expect pampering and babying. You won't find any here nor will you receive any sympathy from me. You are going to leak blood, sweat, and tears under my intense training regime. You two are latecomers to this unit so if you want to be battle ready as soon as possible, you need to put in the work for it. For the next few weeks, you will do nothing but eat, breathe, sleep, and THINK about your training. I will not send you out into the battlefield unless I am sure that you are capable and fit for war."
           Yoongi stepped closer to you threateningly, "If I don't see you fit, you will be left behind without warning, and you'll spend the rest of your days baking cookies here."
           You gulped and nodded.
           "Come now, Yoongi hyung. That's a bit sexist don't you think?" a familiar voice echoed around the field.
           Your heart fluttered.
           "I mean, Taehyung might like baking cookies too." Jungkook grinned as he appeared beside you. "Why're you only addressing Y/N?"
           "I d-do. I do like baking cookies." Tae whispered. "...sir."
           Everybody giggled.
           Yoongi glared at Jungkook. "What a pleasure to see you here, Leader."
           "Well I'm glad you feel that way because I'll be helping you out, just like old times." Jungkook playfully nudged Yoongi, who hardly look thrilled.
           "I'm quite ecstatic." Yoongi stated sarcastically, who turned on his heels to move forward to the front of the ranks.
           Jungkook winked at you cheekily and followed Yoongi. You smiled gently and you saw Tae visibly relax beside you too.
           "He's scary..." he commented.
           A soldier in front of you two turned and scolded him.
           "Kim Seokjin!" Yoongi yelled.
           "Yes, sir!"
           "Wanting to take a good peek at a girl? Or is it Tae you're trying to catch a glimpse of?" Yoongi sneered as the others chuckled.
           Jin turned red and shook his head. "I was merely telling them to be quiet...sir."
           "Even though they're behind you, you're all still novices without ranks. You have no right or authority to order them around. Bear with the distractions and pay attention."
           "Yes sir." Jin hung his head, embarrassed.
           "Sorry hyung." Tae mumbled apologetically.
           "Let's warm up with 10 laps around the field!" Yoongi bellowed.
           You and Tae glanced at each other in horror while everyone yelled, "Yes, sir!"
           "You too newbies. Let's go. If you can't even survive 10 laps, you'll never get in and out of a battlefield. Go, go, go!" He screamed violently into your faces and your feet pushed forward.
           Jungkook watched you struggling, amused. "Come on Y/N. Is that all you got?"
           You glared at him as you passed, but you stuck close to Taehyung, who was a bit worse off than you since he had just eaten.
           "Oh gosh. I'm getting a cramp." he groaned as he clutched his side.
           "You think a CRAMP will stop them from shooting and chasing after your LIFE?" Yoongi appeared beside you two, still yelling. "I don't care how long you two take. I need you to finish 10 laps!"
           With that, he ran further ahead to scream at other soldiers. You glanced at Tae worriedly.
           "Does it hurt a lot?"
           "Yeah..." he whined. "Oh man...not a good first day, huh?"
           You bit your lip, thinking. "What if I carry you?"
           "Well we'd still be getting away from the enemies right? And I'm sure people carrying their wounded comrades while trying to escape. He can't complain about it?"
           "But won't that slow you down?" Tae stared at you worriedly.
           You smiled. "You can carry me when that happens."
           Tae grinned. "Then I'll take you up on that offer."
           You bent down and let him climb on your back. He was much taller than you so his legs threatened to touch the ground as you straightened up. But you jogged forward nonetheless, keeping an eye on your quite verbal Lieutenant Drill Sergeant.
           Jungkook pursed his lips disapprovingly as he saw Kim Taehyung wrap his arms around your neck. His feet scurried to catch up to you two curiously.
           "What do you think you're doing?"
           You flinched, terrified that it was Yoongi that had crept beside you.
           You exhaled as you registered his voice. "Jungkook, you scared me geez."
           Jungkook laughed, "I'm still in charge of training. The fact you're flinching means you're guilty of breaking the rules."
           "There were no rules." You huffed as you kept going at a slow pace. "He just said to run 10 laps."
           Tae glanced between you and Jungkook, surprised you two were talking so casually.
           "But Taehyung technically ISN'T running 10 laps. You are."
           "Jungkook, this isn't the time. If you aren't going to help, just stay on the sidelines and make fun of me silently!" You snapped.
           It was already taking a toll on you, considering you hadn't been all too active the past few years. Now you were carrying a grown man on your back first thing in the morning while jogging laps and arguing with your best friend was using up the remnants of your energy.
           Jungkook chuckled. He always enjoyed pushing your buttons.
           "Then I guess I'll have to help." He cut in front of you, running backwards smugly. "Shall I carry both of you?"
           You smacked his chest. "Stop being a show-off."
           Jungkook grinned and tilted his head to catch Tae's eyes. "I'll just carry Taehyung then. Will that be okay?"
           Taehyung nodded shyly. Jungkook turned and bent down.
           "Hop on then."
           "Um...is this okay, Leader?" Tae blushed as he stepped off of you and hesitantly stood behind Jungkook.
           "Why wouldn't it?" Jungkook blinked up at him.
           "Well you're the Head and all..." he fiddled with his feet.
           "We're all comrades on the battlefield, regardless of rank." Jungkook smiled. "Hop on."
           You patted Tae's back and nodded encouragingly. "He won't bite. And if he does, I'll avenge you myself."
           "Oh?" Jungkook smirked. "You'll bite me?"
           You blushed and ran ahead to avoid being pulled into his playful banter. Tae slipped onto Jungkook's back and your best friend caught up with you easily, despite the extra weight. You huffed as he grinned at you arrogantly. You could feel him mocking your slow pace without words.
           "Go away." You pouted.
           "I didn't say anything." he sang.
           "I know what you're thinking."
           "Oh? That's quite dangerous." Jungkook chuckled. "Can you read every guy's mind? Or just mine?"
           You side-eyed him, but didn't bother replying.
           "How's your cramp, Taehyung?" he questioned.
           "Y-you can just call me Tae..." Tae blushed.
           "How's your cramp, Tae?" Jungkook fixed.
           "It's slowly getting better."
           "Hopefully not too slowly." Jungkook laughed.
           "Y/N, TAEHYUNG!"
           You both jumped as you heard a vicious growl coming up behind you two.
           "Cause we've been caught." Jungkook giggled as he slowed down to a halt.
           Tae hurriedly scrambled off of him and stepped behind you.
           "What do you think you two rascals are doing? It's your first day and you're making the Leader CARRY you? Have you no shame?" Yoongi scolded.
           Tae looked down guiltily.
           "I carried him first but the Leader offered his help kindly." You stepped forward.
           "Tsk." Yoongi clicked his tongue. "This is why women shouldn't be soldiers."
           "Excuse me?"
           "Leader, I'm going to ask you to kindly refrain from participating WITH the soldiers. They won't learn that they don't belong here if you keep babying them." Yoongi glared at you maliciously.
           "What is your problem, Lieutenant?"
           Since he was around your height, you puffed out your chest defiantly.
           "You have an issue because I'm female?"
           "Yes." he stated curtly as his eyes bore into yours dangerously. "You don't belong in the battlefield. Either of you. You think 10 laps is hard, Y/N? Then you're going to have an EXTREMELY hard time with the rest of the training."
           You inhaled, ready to argue, but Jungkook stepped between you two.
           "Now, now Lieutenant. I came of my own accord to help them and didn't tell them to act otherwise, so the blame falls on me."
           Yoongi's eye twitched, knowing that he couldn't exactly scold Jungkook. Jungkook subtly gestured for you and Taehyung to move along. You smiled slightly and grabbed Tae's arm to drag him ahead.
           "Hey!" Yoongi called out.
           Jungkook closed the distance between him and Yoongi, whispering threateningly.
           "I'm going to ask you to kindly refrain from bullying her."
           Yoongi smirked, "Or else what?"
           Jungkook stepped back and smugly grinned. "I'm afraid she'll embarrass you Lieutenant."
           Yoongi scoffed.
           Jungkook shrugged, "Don't say I didn't warn you."
           The rest of your first training day was spent learning and doing strengthening and endurance exercises. The Lieutenant continued to make degrading comments towards you and you tried hard to turn your anger into the fuel you needed to continue the exercises. You were going to show Min Yoongi that he wasn't going to get to you. But your body was shaking and in throbbing pain, which hindered your strong mentality and resolve. You watched Yoongi smirk proudly as you fell to the ground, exhausted, while Tae knelt beside you worriedly.
           "See? You don't belong here." Yoongi chuckled. "That's all for today, you two."
           You huffed as Tae helped you sit up. You caught Jungkook, who was training the rest of the unit, glancing your way. He mouthed if you were okay and you nodded with a lame smile.
           "Can you move?" Tae questioned.
           "Yeah." You exhaled and with his help, you got up. Your legs were extremely wobbly and your muscles shook involuntarily. Your body was in shock from the sudden burst of activity.
           "Let's go take showers and get to lunch." Tae chuckled.
           You panted as you looked down at your dirt-ridden clothes and skin. You were soaked with sweat. You probably looked like a hot mess, but you hadn't felt so fired up and alive in years.
           You grinned, "Yeah, that sounds perfect."
           You showered to relax your body. You apologized silently to Jungkook as you placed one of his wooden chairs into the shower, because there was no way you could stay standing any longer. While you were alone, you replayed all of the exercises you just learned, and thought about what you needed to do to prove Yoongi wrong. You occupied yourself with those thoughts to avoid the temptation of curling into bed and just passing out for the rest of the day.
           Forcefully, you stepped out of the comfort of Jungkook's room and willed yourself to head to the cafeteria. You grabbed your meal and worriedly glanced around for your new friend. As if he heard your plea for help, you spotted him jumping up and down in one of the nearby tables.
           "Y/N!" Tae waved happily. "Come sit with us!"
           You grinned and hurried over, relieved. Namjoon and Jungkook weren't going to eat until later, so you really didn't want to sit alone.
           You sat beside Tae and recognized the people he was with as the other soldiers he had pointed to earlier. The man in front of you was the one that had shushed Tae and gotten in trouble instead.
           "I'm Jin." he smiled. "Sorry about Tae earlier."
           "Hey!" Tae argued.
           You giggled and shook his hand. "Y/N."
           "I'm Jimin." The handsome man beside you smiled disarmingly, his eyes turning into cute crescents.
           "Nice to meet you, Jimin."
           "Oh? Looks like we have a new pretty friend." Another man set his tray down beside Jin and grinned widely.
           "That's Hoseok. He likes to be called Hobi." Tae introduced.
           "Y/N." You extended your hand out and he happily shook it as he sat down in front of you.
           "So you're pretty close with the Head honcho, huh?" Hobi questioned.
           "Uh...yeah. We go way back." You smiled.
           "As in just friends or...?"
           "Just friends." You blushed.
           Tae nudged you playfully. "I'm not so sure. It's not every day the Leader decides to join us for training and now he's helping soldiers out on the field? And smiling, nonetheless?"
           "He's just always looked out for me is all." You chuckled. "That's just how he is."
           "I don't know...things were getting pretty cozy from where I was standing." Tae teased. "And I was standing pretty close."
           You blushed and nudged him back.
           "I was surprised too when I saw that on the track. The Leader's friendly, but he's not too good with getting close to people." Hoseok shook his head.
           "He's just a bit shy." You laughed.
           "Well Mr. Shy is consistently getting a lot of attention from the ladies." Jimin pointed out. "You better watch out, Y/N."
           You turned red. "It's not like that..."
           "Oh?" Jimin grinned. "Then that doesn't bother you?"
           You glanced towards the direction Jimin was pointing and found Jungkook being swarmed by giggling females.
           "This happens whenever you and Namjoon aren't around him." Tae chewed.
           "But mostly, your recent presence set their love ablaze. You can sense their determination from here." Hoseok dramatically stated.
           "Determination for what?" You blinked.
           "To sleep with him, of course." Tae nonchalantly blurted, and you began coughing violently.
           Jimin laughed as he handed you a napkin. "Guess you really haven't heard much about how society works here, huh?"
           "No...not really..." You composed yourself.
           "Well they basically want to bear his child." Tae shrugged.
           Your eyes remained wide at the notion.
           "Why? They don't even know him...?"
           "Well they know he's the Leader." Hoseok counted with his fingers. "He's quite attractive, built, smart, and extremely healthy. He's quite the catch if you ask me."
           "I'd bear his child." Jimin giggled.
           "Me too." Tae grinned.
           You glanced back at the scene and felt a slight compression in your chest at the thought of Jungkook sleeping with one of those girls.
           "Women are practically encouraged to sleep with others in order to produce children to increase our population. That's why you're the only female that decided to join the ranks and why Yoongi's probably going to really give you a hard time, if he hasn't already." Jin explained. "They discourage women from being soldiers. Most drop out because the training is too demanding and they feel devalued."
           You clenched your fist defiantly. "Well, I'll prove them wrong. We can be just as skilled as men."
           "Well, we're all rooting for you." Hoseok smiled. "One of the Founders of the Changers and this city was a woman. It feels only right that a woman would help take the Oppressors down too."
           "Oh great Leader, please let us bear your sons and daughters! Let us continue your line!"
           All five of you fell silent as you heard the women's needy pleas around Jungkook.
           "Um...not that I'm jealous or anything..." you hesitated as you scratched your cheek.
           "Yes?" Jimin smirked.
           "Has he um...ever...you know...agreed?" You averted your gaze shyly.
           "Watch." Jin chuckled and pointed.
           "No, sorry." Jungkook laughed nervously, tucked his head down, and darted through the crowd at lightning speed.
           The boys at your table cracked up while you blinked, astonished.
           "Did he just...make a run for it?"
           "Yes! It's hysterical every time!" Jin giggled. "To think the Leader bent on rebuilding a New World runs like a terrified deer away from women practically throwing themselves at him --it's gold!"
           You smiled gently.
           Jungkook had always been shier around girls, but he always found comfort beside you. You suddenly frowned, realizing that that meant he probably didn't see you as anybody attractive. But you pushed the thought aside and focused on getting to know your new friends. They were all bright and easy to get along with. They informed you about how a lot of the Underground City worked. You learned that there were many different groups that made the city work like a well-oiled machine.
           You found that Namjoon was part of the Scholars and as introduced, he was widely known as Jungkook's right hand man.
           "The Scholars are the brains of the Underground City. They helped devised battle plans, living plans, and security plans. They conduct frequent research for new weapons and machinery as well. And they all reside in Headquarters where there's top notch security. They're one of the most respected and revered groups in the city, because without their expertise and knowledge, nothing would have flourished as greatly as it did." Jimin explained.
           Working alongside the Scholars were the Creators, who were comprised of everyone who had skills to create everyday items and necessities. They were subdivided into Architects, who built the houses and rooms for Survivors, Textiles, who created clothes, blankets, towels, shoes etc., Wood & Metal workers, who built tables, utensils, jewelry, and any smaller items they could fashion, and the Chefs, who were in charge of baking, cooking, and making the rations taste edible.
           You found that Jin's father was one of the Chefs, and Hoseok's mother and sister were amongst the Textiles who helped create women's shoes and clothes.
           "You should definitely visit my house one day. They probably would love to dress you up." Hoseok grinned.
           You smiled. "I'd like that."
           Then you learned that Jimin's father helped out the Farmers, who worked with the Chefs and Scholars, to grow and produce the city's own supply of food.
           "My dad used to be a Farmer too." Tae grinned as he swung his feet.
           You frowned.
           "But of course, crops weren't growing super well at the time, so he went with some soldiers above to steal food and he was killed in action." Tae smiled. "He always told me to be a soldier so I'd have a chance of defending myself. It took me awhile to decide, but eventually I listened to him. So here I am!"
           "I'm sorry Tae..."
           He chuckled and shook his head. "There's not one person here that hasn't lost someone. Don't be sorry."  
           "So the rest of the people that don't work are?" You questioned.
           "Well, there are a few smaller groups." Jin explained. "Most women of birthing age and without another skill join the Hatchers."
           Tae giggled. "The name always cracks me up."
           "They basically get pregnant for a living." Jin continued.
           "Were those girls...Hatchers?" You turned to the table where the girls who had flung themselves onto Jungkook earlier were sitting.
           "Well, they're a crazed sect of the Hatchers, but yes." Hoseok chuckled.
           "Crazed sect?"
           "Well most Hatchers, if single or widowed, don't have much of a choice as to who their donor will be. Many of the guys are volunteers who have to pass a series of tests to be eligible. Once they pass, the guy chooses which of the females they find most attractive and well they go at it, until the Hatcher conceives." Hoseok explained. "But that specific group of girls formed a sect because they deemed themselves as the 'chosen ones' to procreate with the Leader."
           Your face contorted. "So...he's a bit more than popular?"
           "People actually revere him." Jimin whispered. "He saved a lot of the Survivors here and out of all the Leaders that reigned, he won the most battles and conquests, and survived the longest. He's amazing. Everyone thinks of him as a celebrity."
           "Wow..." You exhaled, stunned that your best friend had garnered so many accomplishments to his name.
           "That's why I was so shocked when you talked so candidly to him earlier." Tae smiled meekly.
           "I really didn't know. That's crazy."
           "Anyway, so after the Hatchers, there's the class of Workers who basically help keep the city clean and educated. The first sub-group is the Cleaners. You've probably seen some of them sweeping the hallway in front of your room and taking out the garbage after meal times." Jimin stated. "The second sub-group are Teachers, who teach the younger kids about the history of the current world we live in and the different classes."
           "School, huh?" You hummed.
           "Then the COOLEST class ever -- the PEACEKEEPERS!" Tae cheered.
           "Peacekeepers?" You glanced at him amused.
           "We belong to the Peacekeeper class." Hoseok grinned. "It's divided into the Council, Security, Scavengers, and Soldiers."
           You listened intently to their explanation. Everything was awe-inspiring and you wondered how much of the system B had helped create.
           You and your four new friends were obviously, part of the Soldiers sub-group. The Soldiers were in charge of being the face of the rebellion. Lower ranks were in charge of saving Survivors from the Oppressor Guards, while higher ranks were in charge of tackling bigger missions like taking down one of the many Oppressor capitals.
           The Scavengers were the sub-group that worked alongside the Farmers. They were in charge of visiting abandoned places to collect as many useful items to bring back to the city. They scavenged for left-over food, drinks, tables, wood, metal, cloth, weapons, information etc. They were also in charge of mapping out the ground above as best as they could. They were usually amongst the swiftest and stealthiest of the entire class. Their motto was never to engage in battle but to return with as much information and goods as they could without losing men.
           The Security team was in charge of keeping the city safe inside and outside. They had to maintain a low crime rate amongst the people and keep vigilant for any possible intruders. This was the last stronghold of the Changers. If this city was breached, all hope would be lost for the future.
           Lastly, the Council was made up of the 5 highest ranking officers, which was overseen by the Scholars to maintain diplomacy and to prevent any plan of overturning the balance of things. Each class had a representative that would be called forth, should there be an emergency meeting that would affect the city and its people. The Council was in charge of making executive decisions on battles and consolidating information on the Oppressors' movements, the Scavengers' reconnaissance findings, and the Scholars' advancements. They deployed who they felt was capable into battle. They were in charge of telling Scavengers to find out more information on a specific location, and a whole lot more that people weren't aware of.
           But the person who had the last say on everything was the Leader, who presided even over the Council. The Leader -- your best friend-- Jeon Jungkook.
           You couldn't wrap your head around it. The scrawny shrimp that you had grown up with was now in charge of an entire large city and all of its functions. He was in charge of the future of so many people's lives and their hopes. Now you knew why none of the other higher ranks wanted to take on such a position. He was the face of the rebellion, the beacon of light for all of those in darkness, and the number one target of the Oppressors. You were filled with dread at the thought. How exactly could he stay so strong after having such a burden? How was he acting so normal despite having the entire world on his shoulders?
           Everything you had learned continued to swim in your mind as you wandered through the halls aimlessly. You didn't exactly want to go back to your room, but you didn't know where to go so you were just strolling with no destination.
           You felt arms wrap around you and relaxed at the familiar voice. Then you giggled as the image of Jungkook scurrying through the sea of women in terror popped into your head.
           "What's funny? I want in on the joke!" Jungkook grinned.
           "I witnessed your little harem party during lunch." you confessed.
           Jungkook turned red and backed away a bit. "D-did you?"
           "Still as popular as ever, hm?" You chuckled as you turned and pinched his cheeks. "And you're probably loving it!"
           "I-I'm not!"
           You squinted at him suspiciously. "Well you sure stayed and chatted for awhile before running away."
           Jungkook blinked and grabbed your arm, stopping you from walking any further away from him. You turned curiously and were a bit taken aback by his serious expression.
           "What is it?" You looked around, wondering if an enemy was nearby.
           "Are you jealous?" Jungkook furrowed his brows and your body warmed.
           "What...? No...I'm not jealous." You laughed a little too loud. "Why would I be? If they need your assets to rebuild humanity, then by all means!"
           You pulled your arm out of his grasp and scurried from him, praying you weren't visibly red. Jungkook grinned as he watched you stalk away hurriedly.
           "Here." Jungkook placed a glass of water and a white pill on his bedside table that night.
           You tilted your head, puzzled. "Are you trying to drug me?"
           He snorted. "You're going to be super sore tomorrow. This will help you feel a bit better when you wake up."
           You hummed and shut your book. Trying to act normally, you reached out for the glass and pill. Truthfully, you were already in so much pain. It felt like your entire body was a stiff rubber band and every movement was restrained by heavy weights. Your legs were worse off than your arms and that was why you had plastered yourself into bed before Jungkook could shamefully see you walking around like you were an old person.
           You chugged down the water with the medicine and slowly reached for your book, hoping that your awkward movements would go unnoticed. But nothing ever escaped Jungkook; he swiped the book from your reach and grinned.
           "You're sore already, huh?"
           You huffed. "Am not."
           "Oh yeah? Then take this book from me." he waved it above his head.
           "I'm not playing this game with you." You crossed your arms, trying to save face.
           "Because you can't." he teased.
           You huffed and looked away. Suddenly, the covers were pulled away from your legs, causing you to gasp. Jungkook smiled and handed you back your book as he sat beside your legs.
           "Don't scream or make weird noises." he blushed.
           You immediately bit your lip as his hands raked over your thighs and applied pressure. It hurt like a bitch. Your eyes watered immediately.
           "Like I thought." he chuckled lightly as he opened his drawer to get out a cream. "I usually hate my bed smelling like this, but I'll make an exception since you worked so hard."
           "Wh-what is it?" Your heart was thumping nervously at the impending pain.
           "Muscle relaxant." Jungkook smiled as he lathered it onto his hands. "You're going to need it."
           You gulped. "Just...go easy on me..."
           "Hmmm..." Jungkook hummed. "You can squeeze my arm if you need to."
           He began massaging your legs roughly and your hand flew to his forearm, digging your nails into him in retaliation. He chuckled but didn't let up on trying to loosen your knots, despite your eyes watering already.
           "Ah shit." You cursed and your voice made him feel all types of ways, but he tried to suppress it, focusing on trying to ease your tightened muscles. His hands traveled from your thighs to your calves, then worked up your arm. You were feeling a lot better, and you had gotten used to the pain and pressure. Exhaustion was now washing over you, and Jungkook's movements weren't helping much to keep you awake anymore.
           But soon the loss of contact made you perk up.
           "Anywhere else that you're in pain?" he smiled as he wiggled his fingers. "I see you're enjoying the magical Jeon massage."
           You rolled your eyes and blushed. "Um actually, my shoulders and back..."
           Jungkook felt his body warm at your comment.
           "Would it be weird?" You averted your eyes nervously.
           He swallowed and tried to play it off. "Those are important for training so I'll see what I can do but umm..."
           "Hm?" You glanced at him.            "You'll have to take off...your shirt..." he mumbled. "You know...so the cream works..."
           Your cheeks were on fire. "Oh yeah...right..."
           Jungkook turned away and you shyly took your shirt off and unclipped your bra before hurriedly face planting into your pillow to hide your embarrassment.
           "A-are you good?" he muttered.
           You spoke into your pillow incoherently and he turned timidly.
           "Um okay, I'm going to sit on you." he straddled around your waist and you were pretty sure your heart was going to explode.  
           His thumbs found its way to your shoulders and pressed into it. Then your heart danced inside your chest as he touched the sensitive part of your neck.
           Nope, just kidding. Your heart was going to explode now.
           Jungkook was sure his face was entirely beet red at seeing your bare back and grazing his fingers against your skin. You two weren't kids anymore. You were grown man and woman, and he knew from the beginning that it was dangerous for you two to share a room...but he didn't want you out of his sight.
           He pressed into your lower back, which was extremely tense, and a groan escaped your lips. He shut his eyes and bit his lower lip to calm himself. He was thankful that you couldn't see how much of a mess he was and little did he know you were feeling similarly.
           You wanted to crawl into a hole after such a sound came out of you. You were well aware what it sounded like and you wanted to scream into the pillow out of embarrassment. Luckily though, his fingers never stopped massaging you so he might've not thought anything of it. You weren't sure whether to be disheartened or grateful for his lack of reaction.
           But poor Jungkook was far from not having a reaction to the entire moment. You were partially naked on his bed, under him; he was touching your bare body and you had just made a breathy noise at his touch. His blood rushed down where it shouldn't be and he had to lift himself off of you in fear that you would feel him growing the longer he massaged you. He hurried the rest of the massage and climbed off of you in hidden panic.
           "Gotta go to the bathroom, but you're done." he rushed and scurried to lock himself inside.
           Once you heard the lock click, you lifted your head up. You were a shade of red as you spotted yourself in the mirror. You hurried to clip your bra and throw your shirt back on before he came out. Then you proceeded to cocoon yourself inside the blankets. You couldn't face him after all that. You were the one who asked him to massage you there innocently. But it turned out to not be so innocent. Your suggestion had been questionably seductive when you didn't mean it to be.
           Oh my goodness, what did he think of you? You were so embarrassed. You heard him step out from the bathroom, and you immediately shut your eyes, pretending to have fallen asleep already. The bed dipped beside you and you heard him sigh into his pillow. You smiled gently. His presence always comforted you at night and you were grateful that he took care of you despite everything he was in charge of.
           So before you could stop yourself, you whispered.
           "Thanks, Jungkook."
           He tensed up, realizing you weren't asleep yet, but then his lips curled up at your statement.
           You turned around to face his strong back and after taking a glimpse at it, you shut your eyes. You were so lucky to have him.
           The rest of the week was filled with harsh exercises for you and Taehyung. Your body was admittedly getting used to the intense activity, but it didn't lessen the soreness you felt afterwards. And from quickly observing the training the more experienced soldiers in your unit were going through, you knew you wouldn't make it there with your current condition.
           Yoongi wouldn't give you leeway and he didn't let up on the degrading verbal comments on both of you. But soon, even Taehyung was slowly surpassing you. Indeed, your muscles were programmed differently, but you refused to let biology determine your role. You needed to do something more if you wanted to catch up.
           On top of dealing with all that and despite having Jungkook beside you, your nightmares continued to persist. So much so that Jungkook had to hold you in his arms tightly to stop you from flailing and panicking in the darkness. His distinct smell would comfort you back into a peaceful sleep and you found that you quite enjoyed sleeping on his chest with his arms wrapped around you, not that you would admit it to him. On the rare nights you didn't have a nightmare, you still would find yourself seeking out the comfort of his embrace.
           "Nightmare?" he would hum half asleep as he welcomed you.
           "Mhm." You lied.
           Jungkook, on the other hand, was having an extremely hard time with being so close to you. He hated seeing you in pain, he liked having you in his arms, but his resistance was dwindling. Your body consistently pressing up against him set his entire system on high alert. Sometimes he couldn't sleep for hours as his heart raced. Other times when you were calmly sleeping, he would just hug you regardless. He couldn't tell you how much he looked forward to nighttime now that you had come back into his life, because it meant getting to spend time with just you.
           At night, he wasn't the Leader of the Changers and you weren't a soldier. He was Jeon Jungkook, your best friend, your protector. His feelings and actions were covered by the blanket of darkness and the haziness of sleep. There were no consequences or worries, just the present, just gratefulness for another night with you.
           But suddenly, he began waking up cold and realizing that you weren't beside him. Confused, he hurriedly changed and searched for you. He finally found you running around the track before anyone else woke up. He smiled gently as he watched your figure huffing and puffing but persevering through the laps. You were serious about staying in the army, and he respected your determination. So every morning, he trailed after to keep an eye on you. Sometimes he would find you in the gym while most days, you were on the track running. Finally, after a few days, he had enough of passive observation.
           You gasped as you felt his hand wrap around your wrist to prevent you from getting out of bed. Your eyes widened as he smiled and opened his eyes.
           "I'm going with you on the track this time."
           "This...time?" It dawned on you. "You knew?!"
           Jungkook chuckled. "Did you think I wouldn't? Of course, I wake up when you're not next to me."
           You blushed as you fixed his bed head. "Sorry. I didn't want to wake you. You need as much sleep as you can get."
           He grinned. "Nah. Let's work out together from now on, okay? I need to show you how to do it properly so you don't hurt yourself."
           You averted your eyes. You had been clueless as to how to work out at the gym properly but now you were even more embarrassed that he had been watching you make up circuits this whole time.
           "Okay?" he looked up cutely, obviously trying to make you smile. "Hm?"
           Your lips curled up and you nodded. "Okay."
           So you found yourself waking up early and exercising with Jungkook every morning. It was ten times more motivating when he encouraged you and you felt the right effects of the exercises since he was teaching you proper techniques. Not to mention, it was always more fun and exciting when you two were together.
           "So what's the deal with you and Taehyung?" he jogged beside you.
           "What do you mean?"
           "I mean you two are always together." he tightened his lips.
           "Are you jealous?" You playfully grinned.
           "No. I'm curious! There's a difference."
           You eyes glistened mischievously. "Well he's pretty cute."
           "Oh?" Jungkook's jaw tensed. "Okay."
           You laughed as you nudged him. "Oh come on. You'll always be my best friend! I can't exactly hang out with you during training. I'm glad I have Tae or else I would've quit a long time ago. Tae and I suffer under Yoongi's wrath together. That bonds people."
           Jungkook chuckled. "That definitely does."
           "But I'll show him!" You raised your fist.
           "Yeah?" Jungkook grinned as he used the length of his legs to get ahead of you. "Well you have to show ME first~"
           "Not fair! You're taller than both me and Yoongi!"
           "He'd shoot you if he heard you say that!" Jungkook bellowed.
           "You'd save me!" You cheekily retorted.
           Jungkook laughed as he ran faster while you chased him. After a few laps of tag, you both collapsed on the ground, panting.
           "That was fun." he smiled.
           "Yeah." You lay your head on his stomach.
           Suddenly, his watch buzzed and you glanced up at him. Jungkook pressed a button and put in his ear piece.
           "Yes, Namjoon-hyung?"
           "Where are you? You're not in your room."
           "Yeah I'm in the field with Y/N. What's up?"
           "We got some new intel from the Scavengers. We need you in HQ."
           "Gotcha." Jungkook sighed as you looked at him questioningly. "It shouldn't take long right?"
           He ruffled your hair as you pouted.
           "No. We'll have you back to training quickly."
           "Good." Jungkook grinned as he patted your head. "Cause the little tadpoles are learning to shoot today."
           Your eyes widened and you sat up, surprised. "Really?!"
           "I can't believe I'm trusting these weapons to you two." Yoongi exhaled as he handed you and Tae guns. "Watch me then you try it. I don't have time to play and baby you two so you better keep your eyes peeled."
           You and Tae intently watched Yoongi load the gun, hold it, aim, and shoot a couple of bullets. You two winced and covered your ears at the loudness of the gunfire. He scoffed as he saw you and Tae cowering on the side.
           "If the sounds scare you, imagine how a bullet going through your skin feels." he teased.
           You and Tae glanced at each other and gulped.
           "Well go on." Yoongi urged and waved his hand nonchalantly. "I'm going back to the main unit. I'll check up on you two in a few. Figure things out from trial and error."
           "That's it?" You huffed. "He didn't teach us anything!"
           Tae shook his head. "What did you expect? He doesn't think we're soldier material."
           You growled and started loading your gun slowly. Tae watched and mirrored you.
           "So I think he held it like this." he pointed out and demonstrated.
           "Okay..." You observed his hand placement and aimed forward. "I'll try shooting first."
           Tae stepped back. You pulled the trigger and flew back from the recoil, but instead of landing on the ground, your fall was stopped by a firm body.
           "Oh thanks Tae." You exhaled, but suddenly tensed up when you felt hands trace down your arms.
           "Your position is all wrong." Jungkook chuckled as he fixed your hands on the gun.
           You turned red then glanced at Tae who was grinning widely and quickly flashed you a thumbs up. You blushed harder at the implication.
           "Okay." You felt his breath on your cheek as he leaned his chin onto your shoulder to make sure your arms were in a proper line. "Make sure safety is off."
           You turned the gun to check and nodded.
           "I'll guide your first few shots so you get the hang of it." he mumbled as he covered your hands with his. "Relax."
           You retorted in your mind that it was hard to relax when his muscular chest was pressed onto your back and his soft hands and toned arms were against your own. Not to mention his gentle breathing that tickled your cheek and sent shivers down your spine.
           "Your shoulders are too tense. Loosen your elbows a little so your joints don't take the impact of the recoil. Spread your legs, keep balanced and grounded." he instructed seriously, which made you attuned to the target in front of you.
           This wasn't time for your feelings. You were preparing for battle and shooting was the staple that would determine yours and someone else's safety out in the battlefield. You needed to concentrate and get the hang of it.
           "Ready?" he whispered.
           You nodded.
           "Pull the trigger."
           Your finger curled in and a bullet sprung out loudly. Jungkook steadied your body from the recoil, though you didn't fly back as much as your initial fire, thanks to his instruction.
           Tae cheered excitedly. "You hit the target! Wooo!"
           You took a look and you beamed enthusiastically.
           "I did it! I shot the target!"
           Jungkook grinned proudly as you turned to face him brightly. He poked your forehead.
           "Don't get too cocky. I helped you aim."
           You puffed out your cheeks cutely.
           "Let's try a couple more times." he guided your arms up again. "Then I'll go help Tae."
           "Will you be romantic with me too?" Tae giggled.
           Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows playfully. "I don't discriminate."
           You and Tae laughed loudly.
           Needless to say when Yoongi returned to you two, he wasn't pleased that you were both shooting decently. Jungkook had slipped away before he arrived so you and Tae were confused when Yoongi spoke up irritatedly.
           "What the hell is happening here?"
           "Huh?" You and Tae turned, realizing that Jungkook had disappeared.
           "Uh we're shooting like you asked us to." Tae answered.
           Yoongi squinted at you both suspiciously, trying to think of all the ways you two had cheated to put those bullet holes into the target.
           "Well let me see it then." he stated smugly. "Ladies first."
           Tae smiled encouragingly and you nodded, positioning yourself. You breathed in and took a shot, surprising yourself that it grazed close to the middle of the target.
           "YES!" You cheered, putting your gun on safety before hurriedly hugging Tae.
           "That was so close! Oh my goodness!" Tae jumped with you happily.
           Yoongi growled. "Beginner's luck."
           "I can shoot more rounds if you want." You challenged.
           Yoongi was about to retort when you three heard a whistle.
           "Wow, that was some shot." Jungkook appeared. "Lieutenant, you must be teaching these two extremely~ well."
           Yoongi tightened his lip.
           "Are you not?" Jungkook blinked curiously.
           Yoongi mumbled something incoherent as you and Tae smiled behind him, amused.
           "Well since you're here, you can take over them. I'll get back to the main unit." Yoongi grumbled and stalked off.
           "Will do ~" Jungkook sang and winked at you two playfully. "Although you taught them so well, there's not much left for me to do."
           "Yeah, yeah." Yoongi waved his hand, already having caught onto Jungkook's trick. "Let's see how well they do on the run."
           Jungkook chuckled and eased the tension easily. "Don't worry. That won't be until later on. You'll have to have shooting as second nature before we get there."
           You frowned, realizing you still had a long way to go until you were on par with the others.
           "Practice shooting with me more." You pouted as Jungkook arrived in the room later that night.
           "What?" he glanced at you, amused.
           "I'm still a newbie. I need more practice to improve faster." You stood up as tall and as confidently as you could.
           Jungkook chuckled and gently cupped your face. "You know, I still am siding with Yoongi on your decision."
           You frowned. You knew that Jungkook still hated the thought of you being on the battlefield, despite his efforts to train you and help you.
           "But how do you think I would feel when you leave for missions?" You argued.
           Jungkook swiped his thumb across your cheek as you stared at each other.
           "I want to fight, Jungkook." You urged. "I NEED to."
           He exhaled and grabbed both of your hands.
           "I really wish you didn't have to."
           You squeezed his hands and smiled sadly. "I need to be able to protect the people I care about this time. I'm not hiding in fear and helplessness again. I'm not losing you again."
           Jungkook exhaled and pressed a kiss on your forehead, which warmed your entire body.
           "You won't lose me."
           "You can't promise that." You felt your voice waver at the reality.
           Jungkook smiled knowingly and lightened the mood. "Well I guess I have no choice but to take you in as my prodigy!"
           You grinned. "I'll show you Min Yoongi!"
           Jungkook laughed. "You know, Yoongi isn't your enemy."
           "I know but he irritates me so I'm using him as a motivation."
           Jungkook gasped and clutched his chest playfully. "And I thought I was your motivation!"
           You giggled.
           "I'll help you become a good soldier." Jungkook took out his gun and unloaded it. "But only in the event that you need to protect yourself, okay?"
           You nodded.
           "You can't use it to kill someone who isn't attacking you or someone else on your team, okay?" He placed the gun in your hand.
           You glanced up at him and nodded, knowing he was serious about this.
           "I don't want you to be a killer, Y/N." he frowned as he caressed your hands softly. "I've gotten my hands dirty enough for the both of us."
           Your heart hurt at the expression on his face. You clutched the gun with one hand and cupped his face with your other.
           "It was to protect everybody that placed their hopes on you, Jungkook."
           He smiled and leaned into your touch.
           "I'm so proud of you."
           His eyes widened at your statement and you could tell that they were beginning to water. You patted his cheek and brightened up.
           "Okay, so how am I supposed to shoot an unloaded gun?"
           Jungkook chuckled as he sniffled. "We can't shoot inside the rooms or security will arrest us. You're just going to get used to the weight and positioning of..."
           "Alright. Sounds not too bad."
           Jungkook laughed as he pressed a button under his bed. You gasped as one of his walls turned over to reveal an entire gun collection.
           "Of every gun I have in here."
           Your jaw dropped in shock. "What?"
           "This is what it means to be a good soldier, Y/N. Being able to perform optimally in any given situation. The battlefield isn't consistent. If you get used to just one gun, what will you do if it runs out of ammo? What happens if you're disarmed and pick up a different gun that the enemy uses? You need to be good at those too." He knocked on his display. "You got it?"
           You swallowed but stood up confidently. "I'm ready."
           Jungkook smiled. "Shooting will be second nature to you by the time I'm done training you."
           You grinned excitedly then brought up. "Oh...but what about combat?"
           "Combat?" Jungkook approached you.
           "Yoongi said we were starting combat soon and to 'prepare' myself." You frowned. "What should I do about that?"
           Jungkook grinned mischievously and tackled you down onto the bed so that he was on top of you. "Aim low."
           You shoved his chest but he didn't budge. "Come on. Be serious."
           "I am." He stared at you. "You're a woman, Y/N. The enemy will want more from you than any man in the battlefield."
           You shivered out of fear.
           "How will you get out of this position?" he furrowed his brows.
           You pulled your knee up harshly between his legs, and Jungkook keeled over on his back from the hit. You smirked as you climbed over him, aiming the unloaded gun at him.
           "Aim low."
           He coughed as he writhed in pain.
           "Okay, glad you got that first combat lesson down." he squeaked.
           You laughed as you got off of him. You bowed triumphantly, "Thank you for your help, Leader."
           He groaned as he threw his head back on the bed, still in pain. You panicked and sat beside him.
           "I'm sorry...my bad."
           "No, no." he shoved you away. "That was good. Do that to other guys. Just like that."
           You glanced down at him amused as he crawled onto your lap and rested his head there. Mindlessly, you carded your fingers through his hair and began lulling him into slumber. You knew he really needed it.
           Your training could wait a day.
           For the next week, you slept, ate, and breathed military training. You brought different guns with you everywhere to get used to its weight and feeling. You continued running and working out in the mornings and at night, you and Jungkook would go over combat training. You were slowly breezing through warm up exercises and your shooting was steadily improving. You and Tae were slowly being integrated into the unit as well.
           But you felt like you were cheating so against Jungkook's wishes, you added Tae into the morning workouts and you shared your teachings with him when you could. You two were in the bottom together and you didn't want to climb up alone.
           On the other hand, Jungkook didn't want to forfeit any quality time with you, not to Tae anyway. He saw you two were increasingly getting closer and it irked him that Tae spent almost the entire bulk of the day by your side, training. But he knew you were doing it out of kindness, so he couldn't argue with you and he helped train your friend as well.
           Then the day for combat training began.
           "Here we go." You whispered to Tae.
           "Y/N!" Yoongi called out. "If you have energy to talk, why don't come help me demonstrate some combat moves?"
           Your eyes widened. "But we haven't learned..."
           "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you. Just show me what you got." Yoongi called you over arrogantly.
           You glanced at Jungkook behind him, who was suppressing his laughter, and you confidently stepped forward.
           "Alright then..."
           "First up, always have your hands up ready to block and swing. Stay light on your toes."  Yoongi instructed as he got into position. "Come on, Y/N. Do what feels natural."
           You smiled and circled defensively. You weren't the least bit nervous. Jungkook had trained you well, and had sparred with you countless times.
           Not that Lieutenant Yoongi knew that, of course.
           Yoongi swung a quick punch towards your face. Swiftly, you blocked it then hurriedly jabbed him in return.
           "Oooo!" the other soldiers winced as he clutched his nose, surprised.
           You shrugged, amused. "I was doing what felt natural."
           Yoongi growled and lunged at you. Everyone gasped as you blocked and evaded his techniques. You got hit a few times but you landed blows as well. The crowd grew as other soldiers and Survivors joined in to watch the show. Yoongi grappled you down to the ground and pinned you down with a smug grin.
           "Surrender?" he cackled.
           You smirked as you strongly pulled your knee up. All the men winced sympathetically as Yoongi rolled off of you onto his back.
           "Surrender?" You stood up and chuckled.
           "And what a wonderful lesson that was!" Jungkook stepped forward, figuring it was a good time to intervene, and clapped. "Lieutenant was just demonstrating the effects of underestimating your opponent. You should never go easy on them and assume they're weaker or easier to beat. It could end in your defeat, as you witnessed. So partner up and start sparring lightly while I tend to the Lieutenant."
           "Yes sir." Everyone replied and split up.
           "I don't know if I want to go with you..." Tae's eyes rounded with worry as you approached him.
           You laughed and pulled him into a playful headlock.
           "Fuck you, Jungkook." Yoongi hissed.
           Jungkook grinned and leaned down to help his comrade. "I warned you she'd embarrass you if you kept bullying her."
           Yoongi coughed as Jungkook lovingly patted his tailbone.
           "You know why I'm doing this..." he growled.
           "I know. But this one is different from the other girls you chased away, hyung." Jungkook exhaled. "Unfortunately, she only rises higher the more people push her down."
           "That's cause you're helping her!" Yoongi glared.
           "I want you to help her too, hyung. Please." Jungkook smiled sadly.
           "Even after everything that happened..." Yoongi frowned.
           "Please." Jungkook pleaded. "So it doesn't happen again. We need to train them as best as we can."
           Yoongi exhaled and threaded his hands through his hair. "Well that bitch knocked me down. I can't exactly kick her out after that."
           Jungkook grinned. "You must be so embarrassed."
           Yoongi playfully strangled and shook Jungkook. "Just cause you're friggin Leader doesn't mean you can keep acting like a brat to me!"
           "They look close." Tae pointed at Yoongi and Jungkook.
           You chuckled, "They have a bit of history."
           "Hm." Tae nodded. "Interesting."
           "Don't let your guard down." You poked his forehead and sweeped his legs from under him.
           Tae coughed as he hit the ground, and frowned. "I reallyyy don't want to partner with you."
           You laughed as you helped him up.
           Later that night, you and the other soldiers decided to go drink and eat at Jin's house in celebration of your victory over Yoongi, and yours and Tae's full integration with the rest of the unit.
           So Jungkook took to the gym because it felt weird being in the room without you. He was just finishing up when he was greeted by his friend at the entrance of the gym.
           "Jungkook." Namjoon called.
           "Hm?" Jungkook glanced over at his friend as he wiped his sweat away, grinning. "What's with the unexpected visit, hyung? Missed me?"
           "You need to come to HQ right away."
           You returned to the room a few hours later in high spirits. You were surprised that Jungkook wasn't back yet, but you were grateful, since you smelled like grilled meat and alcohol. You hopped into the shower hurriedly and you proceeded to hum happily, recollecting on all the things that happened throughout the day. You were stuffed, satisfied, and content.
           Suddenly, you flinched as you felt cold air reach your skin, and you realized that the door to the shower had been opened. You hadn't heard anyone come in, but you without a doubt, felt a daunting presence behind you. Hurriedly, with your heart pounding inside your chest, you grabbed the gun that Jungkook kept inside the shower, and spun around.
           You were disarmed in mere seconds and your eyes widened when you came face-to-face with none other than your best friend, Jungkook.
           "Yah!" You grabbed the towel that you had hung at the top of the shower and loosely covered your front parts. "What're you doing here? I'm...I'm..."
           The running water trickled down his face and soaked his white t-shirt, but he simply outstretched his arms, cornering you in the tiny space.
           But your words were cut off by his lips latching onto yours.
           You dropped your towel in surprise, but he continued kissing you. And you no longer had the will to resist the moment. Your lips began dancing against his feverishly. You weren't quite sure if this was a vivid dream or reality, but it sure felt heavenly.
           He broke the pleasant kiss, which had you gasping for air. Then simply, he turned and shut the shower off, causing you to shiver as the cold air began seeping in. Then his lustful gaze returned to you, and you were mesmerized.
           "Jungkook...wh--" You began, unsure of what was happening. You weren't opposed to it obviously but you were still a bit overwhelmed by its suddenness.
           He reached out and caressed your face, not breaking eye contact. Your eyes were searching his for an answer to his strange behaviors.
           "I love you." He whispered, yet it echoed around the shower.
           You inhaled sharply.
           "I love you." he smiled gently. "Ever since we were little."
           You blushed and hugged yourself. "Well um...you couldn't have picked a more...umm romantic moment to confess? I mean I'm naked right now and we're in a shower..."
           He chuckled, "You're doing it again."
           "What am I doing?" You backed up as he approached you, not that the shower was a big enough space for you to go anywhere.
           "You're avoiding things by talking about something else." he smirked as he slipped an arm around your bare waist and pulled you flush against him.
           His entire outfit was soaked and you were shivering-- you weren't sure if it was from the cold or from the nervous-excitement you were feeling. Your cheeks warmed as his eyes bore deeply onto your face.
           "What am I avoiding?"
           "Are you going to answer me?" he grinned. "Or do I have to keep kissing you?"
           You blushed. "I'd prefer the kissing..."
           Jungkook chuckled but soon enough obliged your request, capturing your lips with his once again. But this time, you were ready and more than willing to reciprocate. He knew you loved him; this stupid best friend of yours just wanted you to say it out loud, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
           His fingers trailed its way down your back and you wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He inhaled needily and pinned you against the glass wall. Your tongues began wrestling against each other and things began to get heated. But Jungkook, being Jungkook, stepped back shyly all of a sudden.
           "I'm sorry..." he whispered. "I just...needed to say it...and I just umm..."
           You chuckled as you reached for his shirt. "You're going to catch a cold if you stay in wet clothes."
           His eyes widened as you pulled it up and he raised his arms up to make it easier to take off. Your height difference made it difficult though, but he enjoyed seeing you tip toe just to undress him. You stumbled forward as you successfully did so, and he caught you, grinning widely.
           "I always knew you were the seductive type."
           "I always knew you were the perverted type, peeping at me in the shower." You retorted teasingly.
           He stared at you lovingly as he cupped your face. You leaned into his touch, reveling in the way he looked at you.
           "I can't describe how happy I am that you're alive and that we found each other again."
           "I think I can understand the feeling." You smiled gently, because you felt the same way too.
           Jungkook leaned down and you tiptoed to meet his lips eagerly. But unexpectedly, he scooped you up during the kiss and stepped out of the shower, throwing you down onto the bed.
           You blinked as you sat up, shocked.
           "But you hate your bed getting wet!"
           He dropped his pants and boxers as he chuckled. "A worthy sacrifice, don't you think?"
           You blushed at seeing him fully nude for the first time, but you couldn't look away from the sight. He caught you staring and smirked.
           "Your first time?"
           You averted your eyes, bitterly. "Probably not yours though."
           You were suddenly pushed down on your back roughly. He was on top of you, on all fours. Leaning down, he kissed you sweetly as he intertwined his fingers into yours.
           "I wouldn't have anyone else but you." he whispered as he pressed his forehead onto yours.
           "Oh? Am I the chosen one to bear your sons and daughters and to continue your great lineage?" You giggled teasingly.
           He scrunched his face. "This is NOT the time to bring those girls up."
           "Well...what time is it exactly, Jeon Jungkook?" You fluttered your eyes seductively.
           He tilted his head to the side and left butterfly kisses all over your neck, travelling downwards. You sighed and melted at his touch, leaning your head to one side to provide him better access to your neck.
           He whispered into your ear playfully.
           "I think it's better if I show you what time it is."
           You moaned as his fingers slowly traced down your wet skin and you couldn't help but get turned on at the way his muscles tensed while he held himself up over you, at the way his damp hair fell over his lidded eyes, at the way he bit his lip as if to suppress the urge to completely ravage you. And oh, how much you wanted him to. You tilted his chin up so that he faced you and you kissed him intensely, showing him how needy you were for him.
           He smiled into the kiss and worked his way down to give you what you wanted. Your heart raced as you watched him travel to your core. You loved him so much you thought your entire body would explode into flame-ridden butterflies. His touch engulfed you in flames but also fluttered your heart crazily.
           You saw white-hot waves of pleasure as his tongue entered your center. You had never felt like this before, and no one had ever made you feel the way Jungkook did in your entire life.
           You two spent the night writing out your love for each other through your bodies, through the symphony of your groans and moans, your wandering fingers and lips, your burning gazes. You learned more about each other through the honest needs of your bodies, and you loved each other more than you could ever imagine loving a single persson.
           It was passionate as much as it was sweet. Just like Jungkook himself.
           You smiled when you stirred the next morning. Sheepishly and giddily grinning to yourself, you turned to greet Jungkook, but your smile immediately faded when you realized he wasn't there.
           Instead of seeing the love of your life beside you, there was a single envelope placed where his sleeping figure was supposed to be. A sense of dread coursed through your veins as you reached for the envelope. Your heart sank deeper and you fought back a sob when you pulled out its content.
           Inside was a shining silver dog tag that read: Jeon Jungkook.
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sweetjaegerlove · 4 years
by OnyxSphynx
Newt finds out Hermann has a crush, and totally isn’t jealous about that at all. He’s just—yeah, okay, he’s a little jealous because come on, Hermann? Is a fucking catch. He’d congratulate the guy, but he doesn’t even know who the object of Hermann’s affections is...
Words: 3085, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Newton Geiszler, Hermann Gottlieb
Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Getting Together, this fic is just. “all the times newt was an oblivious moron” lol, for someone so smart he’s a dumbass, Coming Out, really newt is such a fucking idiot tho, take a hiiiiiint you moron, it ends well tho, Happy Ending
pacific rim January 16, 2020 at 08:04AM via AO3 works tagged 'Pacific Rim (2013)'
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ao3feed-pacific-rim · 4 years
newton geiszler, oblivious moron extraordinaire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FV5rM7
by OnyxSphynx
Newt finds out Hermann has a crush, and totally isn’t jealous about that at all. He’s just—yeah, okay, he’s a little jealous because come on, Hermann? Is a fucking catch. He’d congratulate the guy, but he doesn’t even know who the object of Hermann’s affections is...
Words: 3085, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Newton Geiszler, Hermann Gottlieb
Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Getting Together, this fic is just. “all the times newt was an oblivious moron” lol, for someone so smart he’s a dumbass, Coming Out, really newt is such a fucking idiot tho, take a hiiiiiint you moron, it ends well tho, Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FV5rM7
0 notes
hermannsthumb · 4 years
So I know you don't really write PRU things but how about PRU averting? Like when Newt starts to realize something is wrong he goes to Hermann for help?
this isn’t exactly what you wanted (at all) but the concept for this fic has been making me laugh all week. sometimes a bitch just wants to write a slightly unhinged jealous ex hermann unknowingly seducing aliens out of newt
safe for work except for some makeouts and implied past banging, but hermann tries very hard for it to not be. also ive definitely written similar plots before but who cares
They send a ranger-in-training to break the news to Hermann. He’s not sure what they expected him to do, really, or how a teenager in oversized khakis might have prevented it in the first place. Rage? Cry? Break things? His relationship with Newton Geiszler has been highly publicized at this point, he supposes, down to every last gory detail; their scientific rivalry, their heated laboratory debates, their–er–rather dramatic love affair, which ended on a deeply sour note when Newton packed his bags and left Hermann for better funding and a swanky flat with more windows than walls seven years ago. As far as gossip is concerned, that is.
“Tomorrow?” Hermann says.
The ranger nods and says nothing. She’s awfully young–too young, Hermann thinks. And awfully afraid of him. Right, of course: he’s crotchety, daft old Dr. Gottlieb, notorious for his short temper and avoidance of socialization at all costs. He furrows his brow an appropriate amount and nods, as if to appear deeply consternated, or perhaps lost in brooding abstraction. “I see,” he says. “Hm. That wretched Dr. Geiszler, here, after so many years. The nerve of him. Thank you.”
The girl doesn’t move.
“Ah,” Hermann says. “Dismissed, I mean.”
Between the bare bones staff and Hermann’s incredibly low rank back in Hong Kong, he still hasn’t quite gotten used to the notion that he has things like interns and underlings again, let alone people who–when sent to deliver him a message, or paperwork, or lab equipment he submitted forms for–need to be explicitly dismissed to leave his presence. Newton would love it. Or, at the very least, he’d love teasing Hermann for it. (Control freak, that was what he’d call Hermann.) 
Back in the safety and solitude of his private laboratory, Hermann brews a fresh pot of tea and mulls the news over. It’ll hardly be the first time Newton’s set foot at the Moyulan Shatterdome. It’ll hardly be the first time Hermann will have seen Newton since the Events of seven years ago, either. It will, however, be the first occasion on which the two collide: Newton always seems to schedule his routine Moyulan visits when Hermann is tucked safely away in some conference or council in some other bloody country, leaving their paths to cross at the most inane social events, banquets and fundraisers and black tie occasions that leave Hermann stifling under his collar and his leg aching from the strain of standing for so long. 
Their words to each other in such situations have always been terse, brief, polite. Newton, after all, is a very important (and very rich) man these days, and he has plenty of elbows to bump and high society buggers to flatter without Hermann getting in his way. It’s pleasantries, is all. Lovely to see you, Dr. Geiszler. How’s work, Dr. Geiszler? The champagne is excellent, isn’t it, Dr. Geiszler? By Jove, it’s maddening. Just once Hermann would like to shout and snap at him like the good old days, to grab hold of that stupid bloody tie and shove him against a wall and kiss him, or bite him, or do anything that isn’t smile and pretend to care when he mentions that–that Alice floozy he’s shacking up with. And now, with Newton finally giving Hermann a window to meet in his own territory…
Hermann keeps a small volume of Newton’s early research on his desk–compiled long before he even knew the man–and he takes it out now, slipping a well-worn polaroid out from between its pages and propping it against his tea mug. Newton smiles out at him. “Horrible little man,” Hermann says, lovingly, and gently brushes his index finger against that handsome face.
He feigns a stomach bug to clock out of work early–fooling no one, of course, but his staff chalks it up sympathetically to the prospect of seeing his notorious ex tomorrow and says nothing–and makes a mad dash into town for a haircut and manicure. After some consideration, he pops into a clothing store for a new button-down, too. A nice one. One that fits him well. (You have a hot bod, dude, Newton would always say, you should be flaunting it. 
No, no raging, or crying, or breaking things. It’s been seven years since Newton walked out on Hermann for a cushy job and designer suits, and Hermann has exactly one course of action in mind: winning him back.
Newton is not exactly as Hermann remembered. The changes in him are noticeable, and–for the most part, barring the loss of his glasses and personal sense of style–Hermann feels entirely neutral about them: hair more neatly tamed, stubble more neatly shaved, body ever-so-slightly more toned. Hermann seems to recall Newton saying something about CrossFit or some sort of damned exercise bike he bought at the last banquet they attended–lost ten pounds this past month! New Year’s Resolution, you know, ha, gotta stay in shape for Alice (and this was the point at which Hermann clenched his champagne flute so tightly it burst, and he excused himself to find a napkin with which to tend to his bleeding and a tall glass of whiskey from the open bar with which to tend to his agonies). Whatever it is, it seems to be working.
He manages to lure Newton out from under the thumb of his boss with vague claims of research, though Newton is not happy about it. “I got shit to do, man,” he complains. His eyes are inscrutable behind his expensive sunglasses. “It’s just not a good time. Busy, busy, busy, you know.”
They’ll have the laboratory to themselves, even more so than usual. I’ll need to have a few private words with Dr. Geiszler, Hermann had ominously announced to his staff that morning, and they’d all looked at each other in excitement. An infamous Geiszler-Gottlieb row! Hermann locks the door behind them.
“You poor dear,” Hermann says. “Running yourself ragged. You must be exhausted.”
Newton shrugs. “I am a little. I guess.” He shrugs again, and this time preens a little with it. Good: Hermann wants him nice and flattered. “It’s hard work being as important as I am, you know.”
“I imagine,” Hermann coos sympathetically. He brushes his hand across Newton’s shoulders, then nudges him at the small of his back towards his desk. “Please, Newt, I insist you have a seat. Would you like some coffee?”
“I mean, if you’re offering,” Newton says, waving him off.
The instant coffee is located on the middle shelf of Hermann’s bookcase, between a dusty variety box of Twinings and an elaborate kaiju action figure Newton left in their apartment when he walked out. Hermann spoons some into a chipped blue mug and watches Newton through the man’s reflection on the kettle. He leans back in Hermann’s desk chair; he rolls his shoulders; he pops open a button on his maroon suit coat; he spies something propped up on Hermann’s desk, and picks it up. The polaroid. Hermann ducks his head to hide his smile.
“Good times, huh, dude?” Newton says. He waves it in the air.
“Mm,” Hermann says. 
He hands the mug of coffee over to Newton, who’s yet to put down the polaroid. Milk and plenty of sugar. Exactly the way Newton always used to take it. “There we are, dear,” he says. “Are you hungry? Might I get you anything to eat? I’ve plenty of biscuits, and, er...” He casts a guilty glance around the mess of his workspace. “...Oranges.”
“No thanks,” Newton says, but it’s vague, unconvincing. His eyes are locked on the photograph. “Good times,” he repeats. 
“Nothing to eat at all?” Hermann says.
Newton shakes himself. “Nah,” he says, and pats his stomach. “On a diet. You know, for Alice.”
Ah, of course; Alice. The mystery woman Hermann despises the very existence of. For years after Newton first broke the news to Hermann he was seeing someone new, Hermann used to pour over magazine articles and gossip sites for even a glimpse of what she might look like (and for the chance to do something cathartic, like crop her angrily from a photograph with Newton or scribble over her face with a Sharpie). Probably horrendously ugly; possibly blonde; undoubtedly lacking taste, and humor, and any other sorts of qualities a mate worthy of Newton ought to possess. At the very least, Hermann knows she isn’t at all supportive of Newton in the way she should be. Every banquet and fundraiser, she’s too busy to come, every dinner invitation Hermann finally accepts so he may properly hate the woman, she must cancel at the very last minute due to some strange illness or another. 
Privately, Hermann thinks she feels threatened by him. As she should be. He and Newton have been in each other’s heads, after all, wrote letters in their youth, shared a laboratory for years, shared a bed for longer than that. It’s a simple fact one will ever know Newton like Hermann knows him.
“Of course,” Hermann says, with icy kindness. “For Alice. How is she these days? I was ever so put out when she caught–what was it–influenza, yes, that night we were meant to dine together. And the time before that, with pneumonia. And laryngitis before that. Terrific bloody coincidences, aren’t they.”
(Sorry, dude, Newton said over the phone, not sounding very sorry, but rather quite distracted. She was probably in the room, egging on his lies. She's sick. Can’t see you after all. Rain check?)
“Yeah,” Newton says. He’s started to shake his leg up and down, a nervous tic Hermann is all too aware of, seeing as he’s picked it up himself after their drift. Along with an annoying tendency to hoard sentimental rubbish. “Coincidences. If I’m being honest, Hermann–I’m not too keen on you two–well.” A strange look crosses his face, replaced in a blink of an eye with a toothy smile. “Old flame and the new flame, it’d be awkward for everyone, y’know?”
“Especially for her, I’d imagine,” Hermann says, and then he swings himself down into Newton’s lap.
Newton goes very still; the photograph slips from his fingers and flutters to the floor. “Hermann?” he squeaks.
Dropping his cane, Hermann nuzzles his face into the crook of Newton’s neck and breathes deeply; the Newton of his memories smells of burnt coffee and the sharp tang of preservation chemicals, but the Newton of now smells more of expensive cologne than anything else. Hermann can’t say he likes it much, but he presses a small kiss there anyway, marveling at the lack of the scratchy stubble he remembers so well. “What–what are you doing?” Newton says.
Another kiss. Hermann slips a hand up to caress Newton’s jaw, and Newton shivers. “I should think it’s obvious,” Hermann says. “Mm. Come on, now, love, I know I can’t be the only one of us who’s been aching for this.”
“It’s,” Newton stammers, “I,” and his sturdy fingers grip Hermann’s waist, though he makes no move to shove him away. In fact, he only draws him closer. Marvelous. “I’ve got–someone, dude,” he says, gazing at Hermann between heavy eyelids. “Alice. I have–”
Hermann kisses him, pouring into it every ounce of longing he’s felt for the last seven years, and Newton melts against him with a moan. “But does she make you feel the way I do?” Hermann murmurs. 
“Uh,” Newton says.
He swipes his tongue into Newton’s mouth, enjoying the sharp jolt that shoots through Newton when he brushes against his own tongue, and pulls back with a small bite at his bottom lip. Newton always liked when Hermann kissed him messily. “Do feel free to touch me,” he says.
Newton does: one hand leaves Hermann’s waist and inches up his side instead, pausing to shove one half of his lab coat off, then the other. The coat slips to the floor as well. Newton splays five fingers over Hermann’s right pectoral. “Nice shirt,” he says, sounding rather dazed. “Good color on you.”
“I’d hoped you like it,” Hermann says happily. “Remember what you always used to say, about flaunting it? I thought it was time I’d take your advice.”
“I do,” Newton says. “I do remember. Ha.” His face splits into a grin, one of the first truly Newton-esque ones Hermann’s seen on him in years, and Hermann feels a small flare of triumph. He catches the hand at his chest and draws it to his mouth, brushing a kiss over the knuckles. Newton’s tattoos, vibrant as ever, poke out from beneath one maroon sleeve.
Hermann remembers kissing those tattoos. He remembers tracing the shape of red-yellow waves with his fingertips, of pinching the eyes of the great kaiju splashed across his chest, of teasing Newton for his rather unadorned arse and how pale it was in comparison to the rest of him. You’re one to talk, buddy, Newton would say, and he’d deliver a playful smack to Hermann’s, all skin and bones, dude, I think I bruised my hand. He used to like to keep his glasses on in bed so he could see Hermann. Make sure it’s actually happening, he’d say. His sunglasses are folded uselessly on Hermann’s desk. “I could make you so loud,” Hermann says. “We’d get noise complaints. Remember?”
Newton nods, eyes fixed on the knuckles Hermann kissed.
“I knew exactly where to touch you,” Hermann says, dropping his voice, “and how to touch you. I still do, Newton.” Newton dissolves into whimpers when his neck is kissed, a certain spot by his left thigh pressed on with a thumb; when being made love to, he likes his sides stroked, fingers pressed against his tongue; when doing the love making, he likes his hair pulled, nails raked across his back.
“Please,” Newton says, his voice cracking. “Can you–?”
Hermann shoves that ugly maroon jacket to the floor, then winds that ugly tie around his fingers and gives Newton a sharp tug. Newton moans, twice as loud as before. “Yes, darling, of course.”
They kiss, Hermann making quick work of the buttons of Newton’s shirt, Newton seemingly too shy to do anything beyond grip Hermann’s shoulders. A pink blush is spreading from the tips of his cheeks down to his neck. It’s very sweet. “Hermann,” he says.
Newton wets his lips. “You like when I do this,” he says, and gives Hermann’s ear a little tug.
(They’re so big, Newton would say, it’s adorable, you’re adorable, and Hermann would swat him away, but then Newton would kiss the shell of his ear, bite his earlobe, and Hermann would gasp, and sensitive! Newton would say, adorable, absolutely adorable.)
“They’re sensitive,” Newton says. “You like when I kiss them.” He grins again, though it slips away after a moment. “I think they’ll be looking for me soon.”
“You are so terribly important, after all,” Hermann says. “It’s a very good thing I’ve locked the door. I haven’t finished having my wicked way with you yet.”
This time, Newton laughs, though it’s an uncertain little thing. “Listen,” he says, strangely urgent, and he squeezes Hermann’s arm. “Don’t let me leave, okay?” Then he shakes his head. “Actually, no. Take me home with you. Away from–from work. And Alice. Yeah. Let’s go now.”
This is unexpected, though Hermann cannot deny it’s not exactly what he hoped would happen when his foolproof plan of seduction worked. He’s suddenly very pleased he made a few more stops after picking up his new shirt: first for a very expensive bottle of wine and the makings of a dinner the Newton of ten years ago loved, the next a rather discreet one for the sort of supplies they’d need to, er, take this one step further. “Oh, yes,” Hermann says. “Oh, darling, absolutely. Er–now now?”
“Now,” Newton says. He plants a series of discoordinated, rapid-fire kisses across Hermann’s mouth and chin. “Now,” he repeats. “Keep talking to me.”
“About what?” Hermann says, frowning.
“Anything,” Newton says. “And touch me. Keep touching me. Hermann–when we get there, I have to tell you–”
“Alright, Newton, alright,” Hermann says. He did forget how needy Newton could get. He’s also missed it. He strokes back some of Newton’s neat hair, gropes around for his cane, and eases himself to his feet with a small groan. (He’s not quite as young or agile as he used to be.) Newton immediately springs to his own feet and latches onto Hermann’s arm. He's not merely needy tonight--a bit on edge, too, it seems. “Off we are, then. Be a dear and get my coat for me.”
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
My birthday’s coming up and I was wondering if it would be cool if you did a fic? A fic involving TWO Hermanns?? If you have time of course...💖
happy birthday 😉😉😉😉😉
18+/not safe for work below cut! damn i need to write some sfw fluff on here soon
Hermann–to Newt’s great disappointment–has been incredibly blasé about this whole thing.
No, not blasé. He was appropriately freaked out of his mind when it happened, spent an appropriate amount of time shouting at Newt (because, yeah, it was Newt’s fault, so sue him! sometimes buttons are too tempting not to push and your lab partner gets caught in the literal crossfire and weird science happens!), and an equally appropriate length of time after that storming down to LOCCENT, HR, and the Marshal’s private quarters to file a complaint with anyone who would listen, but once a few hours passed, and nothing changed (for the worse, or for the better), Hermann began to chill a little. After a few days, Newt might even say it was back to normal.
Which fucking sucks. What’s the point of having your super sexy sorta-boyfriend lab partner suddenly split into two super sexy sorta-boyfriend lab partners if you can’t even, you know, test drive ‘em?
All Newt is asking is that Hermann humor him and let him live out a fantasy or two. Or four. If Hermann accidentally cloned him, he would be falling over himself to have weird, funky threeways. Both he’s would be. Hermann, on the other hand, won’t even kiss himself while Newt watches (and jerks off a little, because, come on, he has biological needs), let alone–
“I just don’t think it’s a very good idea, is all, Newton,” Hermann says. Hermann #1, the OG Hermann. Newt knows it’s him because he’s wearing a plaid sweatervest as per Newt’s request to make this a tiny bit less confusing.
“Why?” Newt whines. “If you’re going to make some stupid speech on the ethics of clone fucking, or fidelity, or abusing science again–” He got one of those speeches already when he proposed the make out with yourself thing. (Newton, how terribly disgusting, how immature, have you no shame? Newt doesn’t, but he can’t see how it makes a difference.)
“Don’t be so daft,” Hermann #2 says. Solid color sweatervest. Earlier today he and Hermann #1 put their heads together and powered through Hermann’s daily workload at an astonishing speed (Newt is not jealous, why should he care that his amazing intellect never affected Hermann like that) and now are doing a crossword puzzle together on the lab couch. The identical, synchronized hming and little no, no, what about-s has been driving Newt up the wall all afternoon. Mostly in a horny way. (Would they sound like that if they combined their efforts to turn Newt into a whiney, sweaty wreck?) “That’s not at all why.”
“Only,” Hermann #1 says, “well–” He shares a look with Hermann #2, and together they set the puzzle down. “How will the logistics of your suggestion even work?”
“In other words,” Hermann #2 adds, delicately, “how will we fit, Newton?”
“You’re rather…” Hermann #1 begins.
“…Compact,” Hermann #2 finishes.
Newt clambers over the back of the couch and squeezes himself between both of his super sexy sorta-boyfriends. His compactness makes it easy. “You will,” he promises. “Listen, have I ever backed down from something like this before?”
“We’ve never done anything of this sort together before,” Hermann #1 says.
But Hermann #2 frowns pensively. “No, no,” he says, “there was one occasion–”
“On my birthday,” Newt agrees. Hermann got a little carried away screwing him and slipped a finger in alongside his dick. It was pretty hot. Newt sometimes still thinks about it on nights when he and Hermann have had a lover’s spat and Hermann refuses to come to bed for some healthy anger-relieving fun–it keeps him warm.
“But that’s hardly the same as an entire,” Hermann #1 says, and then coughs, because Hermann wouldn’t say penis aloud if you held a gun to his head, “well–you know.”
Newt reaches out both of his hands, settling one on Hermann #1′s right thigh, and the other on Hermann #2′s left. Then he lowers them until they’re settled over-top the wool stretched over two identical pairs of junk, which begin to perk up in interest. Victory! “I think we should have sex,” Newt declares. “I think all three of us should have sex, and we should have sex right here in the lab. I promise I’ll even stop asking you to make out.” This is a lie, but he’s hoping Hermann will be more inclined to humor him once he’s in the throes of endorphins-releasing passion.
Hermann is always a pushover when it comes to being presented with the opportunity to get his dick anywhere within the vicinity of Newt, no matter how much he denies it, so it doesn’t take much–just a little bit of gentle rubbing and big, wide, innocent eyes on Newt’s part–for both Hermanns to go from I have never had sex before in my life, Newton, how dare you presume such vulgarities to groping at Newt’s love handles and macking messily on his neck. It’s really, really awesome.
“Goddamn,” Newt moans, “this is so hot.”
One Hermann works a hickey into the hollow of his throat; the other (having already unbuttoned his collar) tugs his tie aside to lick over his collarbone. Newt sinks lower down the couch, head tipping back. “Hah, keep doing that. Guh.”
“So very sweet,” Hermann #1 murmurs. (That’s another thing Hermann does when they fool around: he gets nice. Really, genuinely nice, the sort of nice that means he whispers little praises and compliments into Newt’s skin and acts like he’d rather die than ever raise his voice at him again. Newt really likes when Hermann gets nice.) He unbuttons Newt’s shirt the rest of the way and trails his fingertips down his chest, stopping when he reaches Newt’s abdomen, where he gives a little teasing pinch, and trails them back up. 
“He is,” Hermann #2 purrs, and flicks open Newt’s fly, one button at a time.
His jeans are pushed down from his hips. His briefs follow. Two identical too-big too-elegant hands wrap around his dick; Newt whines, and spreads his legs. “Fuck,” he says. “Hermann, I fucking love–” He stumbles a bit over the next word, because he’d been fully about to say you, and wouldn’t that be embarrassing? “–This.”
“Is there still lubricant under the sofa cushion, Newton?” one of the Hermanns says, deciding to mercifully ignore Newt’s verbal screw-up. He doesn’t stop jerking Newt off. “I don’t fancy ducking out to find some.”
Last time they fucked on the couch, Newt made a big deal of stashing the goods in it when they were done for future easy access. Now–as he nods, and Hermann #2 finds it quickly underneath a throw pillow–he’s goddamn glad he did. “I still don’t think we’ll fit,” Hermann #2 says.
“Don’t knock it til–” Newt curses, because Hermann #1 is doing something very nice with his thumb on Newt’s slit. “Til you uh, try it.”
They try it; after a great deal of rearranging, careful prep, indignant grunts on Newt’s part, and soothing kisses from both Hermanns to his skin and mouth, they fit, to Newt’s indescribable delight. He leans against Hermann #1′s chest with Hermann #2 pressed tight up against his back, both of their arms wrapped around him, both of their dicks pressed up inside him, and wantonly moans his little heart out.
“Oh, fuck,” he gasps, “oh, fuck, that’s–hah–ah–”
“Tight,” Hermann #2 grunts.
“No shit,” Newt says. “Wow!”
Hermann #1 isn’t speaking at all: the last glimpse Newt took of him, his mouth was slack, and his pupils were so blown they threatened to envelope his irises entirely. He makes a feeble noise against where he’s pressed his face to Newt’s shoulder. “Move,” Newt says.
“How?” Hermann #2 says.
“Do it,” Newt begs, “please, please, just a little, I wanna feel–”
He scrabbles his nails desperately at their arms, urging them on, and Hermann #1 squeaks and rocks his dick up just that bit more into him; then, unceremoniously, without so much as a warning, he comes in Newt.
“Oh, bugger,” he groans.
Hermann #2 makes a noise of disgust. “That feels very strange. You ought to have warned me.”
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Would you please write 24.  you looked uncomfortable with that person all over you so I went to pretend to be your partner so they’d leave, except they were actually your significant other, and they dump you on the spot
ok so i’m like, 80% sure ur from an alternate universe bc i swear to god i can’t find this anywhere on the prompts i reblogged or any of the old spring/summer/fall/etc ones either, but it made me gasp aloud when i read it so im doing it anyway LMAO
send me winter writing prompts from here
i make newt and hermann go to so many parties. like when do they even work at this point
The whole event was meant to be a sort of morale-booster, apparently, mandatory only in the sense that they received a base-wide email strongly encouraging them all to attend. (Guilting them into attending.) Hermann can’t really see what’s so morale-boosting about it: the music is annoying, the alcohol is watered down, the Christmas lights strung everywhere are hurting his eyes, and the knowledge that they’re losing this war miserably is hanging over his head like the plastic mistletoe in the corner. He would’ve much rather taken the money they undoubtedly cut from his paycheck to throw this and stayed in bed.
Even Newton doesn’t appear to be enjoying himself. Hermann’s caught glimpses of him all night (it’d be difficult not to—he’s wearing light-up reindeer antlers) wandering back and forth from the open bar and dodging small talk, and he’s been frowning all the while. It’s unnerving, really; Newton always enjoys himself. It’s further unnerving that Newton isn’t by his side cracking annoying jokes and refusing to leave him alone, as Newton always does, too. It’s their routine for these sorts of things by this point.
Nothing better to do with himself, and hoping to dodge small talk himself, Hermann lurks in a shadowy spot by the bar until Newton returns with two (two?) empty cocktail glasses and accosts him before he can lose him again. “Newton!”
Newton jumps a foot into the air and drops one of the glasses. It shatters on the floor. “Shit, dude,” he says. “Where the fuck did you come from?”
Hermann points to a small, equally shadowy corner, which houses the single table and two chairs he’s taken up residence of for the night. One of them was meant to be for Newton. “Over there. Would you like to join me?” He adds, a little desperately, “Please?”
“Uh,” Newton says. His eyes dart over to the other half of the room, to something (or someone) Hermann can’t quite see. “Can’t. Sorry. But I wish, dude.” He takes two cans of beer and holds them up with a sigh, as if that means anything, and hurries away into the crowd.
“Can’t?” Hermann echoes to himself. He bristles a little. Is Newton really consorting with someone who’s so much more interesting than Hermann that he can’t even hang around for a little commiserating? Bloody ridiculous. Hermann’ll just have to find out who it is for himself.
And he does, almost the instant he pushes his way through the same crowd (with the aid of, perhaps, some gentle swiping at heels with his cane, but no one would dare accuse him of it). Newton is standing off to the corner, quite obviously uncomfortable, with another man literally hanging off of him and laughing his head off. Intoxicated, it looks like. Or getting there. Newton’s strange parting comment and his low spirits certainly make more sense now—the man, whoever he is, clearly can’t take a hint. Poor Newton, fending off unwanted advances all on his own.
Well. Not on his own any longer.
A strange, red-hot urge of protectiveness bubbles within Hermann, and he waits until the man finally lets go of Newton to sidle in, slip his arm around Newton’s waist, and tug him very gently closer. Newton stumbles against him like Hermann’s bloody yanked him or something; his glasses almost fall off his face. “Newton,” Hermann says anyway. “There you are, darling. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Uh,” Newton says.
“Excuse me?” the other man says.
“Oh, who is this?” Hermann says. He narrows his eyes—for show—and tightens his grip on Newton’s waist. Newton squeaks.
“Who’s—?!” The man scowls at Hermann, and then he scowls at Newton. “Guess all those rumors about you k-science weirdos are true after all.”
“Wait,” Newton says, “uh—”
Hermann hadn’t known there were rumors about him and Newton. Privately, he enjoys the idea of being thought of in such a way—of someone looking at the two of them and thinking they’re involved in some way. “So it would appear,” he says, swelling with pride just a little bit.
Then, to his surprise, the man slaps Newton across the face. “You’re such an asshole, Newt,” he declares.
Newton and Hermann watch him storm away together. Hermann drops his arm and even gives Newton a smile; he must say that went considerably more interesting than the rest of his night, and he thinks Newton might agree, even if he does have a rather large red welt on his face now. Maybe now they can fall back to their usual routine of drinking alone in the corner and arguing and Newton can tell him all about it. “There we are,” he says. He pats Newton’s back. “You looked terribly annoyed, so I thought I ought to—”
“Dude,” Newton shrieks, “what the hell? That was my boyfriend!”
Hermann’s smile slips, very quickly, from his face. “Your what?”
“My boyfriend!” Newton shrieks again.
Hermann’s mouth works soundlessly. “Oh,” he finally says. “I didn’t—”
“Fuck,” Newton says, “okay, I gotta—” Wringing his hands, he makes to plunge into the crowd to chase after his—apparent—boyfriend, but stops right at the edge of it. Searching for him, perhaps.
“Since when have you had a boyfriend?” Hermann says, because it’s the only thing he can think to say.
“I have a life outside of you, okay?” Newton snaps. “And, uh. Since last week.”
“Congratulations,” Hermann says weakly. Why hadn’t Newton told him about it? And, furthermore, why is Hermann so hurt he didn’t? Hurt—not jealous. Hermann is not jealous. “Aren’t, ah, aren’t you going to go after him?”
Newton makes a quiet, thoughtful humming sound. He takes a step back towards Hermann. “I mean—he wasn’t a very good boyfriend. I’ve been wanting to break up with him for—well, for a week.”
“Ah,” Hermann says.
He coughs.
“I have a table, if you’d like,” he says.
Newton shrugs. “Yeah, sure.”
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