#Happy Birthday Audrey
myeverythingeraaa · 29 days
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happy birthday audrey 👩💭🌌
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rmkr-blog-blog · 6 months
Happy Birthday Audrey Images #HappyBirthdayAudrey #HappyBirthday #Audrey
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went to the international market the other day to get some sparkling orange j hey WAIT A MINUTE—
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she’s in her natural environment now…
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by talos, it can’t be—
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rosepompadour · 1 year
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"Such a valuable human being." - ROBERT WOLDERS "Why did she become this icon of our most secret romantic notions, this Joan of Arc of the emotional world? It was the sadness in her eyes that said, 'I know. I know how it really is. Yet let me dream, let me be your Antigone.' She didn't adapt, instead keeping her dreams alive: the dream that one day her father would come back and pick her up in his arms, the dream that one day the soldiers would stop fighting and that the children would be safe, the dream that 'each child has the right to health, to tenderness, to happiness, to life.'" - SEAN HEPBURN FERRER
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Born on this day 95 years ago -
Audrey Hepburn, actress and humanitarian (1929-1993).
📷 Mark Shaw, Life, Dec '53
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missegyptiana · 29 days
happy 95th birthday to my favourite actor ever. the beautiful, kind and talented, audrey hepburn. she inspired me to be who i am today. i’m so grateful for her. audrey’s legacy will live on forever. 🤍🫶🏻
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onefootin1941 · 1 year
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William Holden and Audrey Hepburn on the set of Sabrina, 1954.
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forsapphics · 29 days
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dir. William Wyler
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fawnsite · 28 days
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happy-mokka · 1 month
Happy birthday to me!!! 🎂
Yeah. Hi. It's me. Middle-aged Aziraphale fangirl did his next big step in the direction of the big 50.
Wahooooo! Not really…
I hate my birthdays. Always did. Even as a child.
Now as this middle-aged queerish-dude I am still having a hard time, standing in the middle of things and being cheered on by others.
I was born. Great. Get along, people, nothing to see here. Can you all just go home please?
"Well, what the f*ck are you doing here then, right now, with this post, in the middle of an internet platform in front of a bunch of strangers?!?"
some of you might ask. And rightly so, I must add.
Way more than 12 hours before - it is now past 10 pm in Germany - so this morning after I woke up to be exact, I had seriously contemplated the possibility to call in sick on my birthday, and hide myself from the world, quietly sobbing on my couch. For the first time in my working life of 24 years. I had always been to work on my birthdays. No exception.
But the past months had been hard. I never really felt in control of things, still don't. Those who know me closer, know that I like to be in control. Always a plan at hand. Always prepared…
Only that it didn't really work out…hasn't for quite a long time. I just never admitted it to myself. Always kept on going. My family was always good in repressing things.
Don't show weakness. Keep on functioning. What will the others think? People depend on you!
My family also never really considered me being "a success story" by their standards. I am unmarried. Don't have children. No big career. Ok, I've put enough on the side to live a financial solid life in a nice appartment. But the first part really nagged at them, and through them at me.
So I was already unhappy for quite some time.
Together with an ongoing above-average and ever growing work-load at the office, this feeling of unhappiness turned slowly into dread and then deep sadness, until I felt close to breaking with the beginning of today.
Now, almost 15 hours later, I am here, writing this sappy stuff and am genuinely happy for the first time in months.
"What changed?"
Well, I was thinking about this a lot in the past hour. While sitting in the bus and later while walking home.
Honestly? Nothing really changed.
I got my eyes opened and my perspective adjusted by someone very dear to me. That's what friends are for, and she is the best of them. My bestie.
She is the one who got me addicted to Good Omens last year and pushed me onto this hellsite. She brought me Doctor Who and the Tardis (yeah, I know, shame on me, coming so late to the game…). She makes me constantly re-think my opinions and keeps opening new windows to look through on things I had missed or never noticed before. She is challenging me on a daily basis to be more than I normally would go for or did for many years. She became the closest friend I have ever had in my life. Sure, I know lots of people a lot longer in years. Some since Kindergarten. But none of them digged themselves so deep into the darkest corners of my soul. Places not even my brother or my parents ever got to see. She made me, a life long rather shy introvert, open up, despite the fact that she is even more introverted than I have ever been. I still don't fully understand all of it, but here I am, writing all this to an unknown audience, as proof. A year ago, this wouldn't have been possible, not even in my wildest dreams.
"So, you didn't realize this before?"
I did. It just got pushed aside by all the negative spiralling. Sometimes you don't see, what's right in front of you.
After work, I walked her home. I like doing that. Sometimes talking all the way. Sometimes just walking in silence side by side. At her place she handed me 2 presents and just like that, it clicked. Sometimes, it doesn't take much, if it comes from the heart…
People, meet my new Michael Sheen mug!!!
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So, we basically bonded over Good Omens and as faith would have it, we are exactly Aziraphale (me) and Crowley (her) coded. 100%.
It makes me beyond happy, knowing that everytime I'll sip my coffee with my beloved Sheeny, on the other end of town she will sip her hot cocoa out of her corresponding new David Tennant mug.
Good Omens was not the only thing we found out to have in common. The common ground sometimes is really breathtaking and we still regularly stumble over new things it contains. So many things that we equally love. Books, movies, music, long walks, just sitting there in silence and taking in a beautiful view… On the other hand, we are so different in so many aspects, but with the feeling of it rather complementing than dividing us.
She loves to chrochet, I can't even hammer a nail strait into a sponge. Speaking of which, meet my 2nd gift: Audrey!!!!!!!!!
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We watched "Little shop of Horrors" (the 1986 version with Rick Moranis) a few weeks ago. Both for the first time. Loved it. I immediately fell for "Audrey", the flesh-eating alien plant. Didn't speak anything out loud, still it didn't go unnoticed…and, yes, it is hand-made!!!
"So, what am I trying to say here?"
Good qestion…
Life can be cruel. Life will be hard at times. It will make you cry, like, a lot.
Try to not go through all this alone. Sometimes those that you least expect it from, turn out to become your anchor in the stormy sea or the lighthouse showing you the way. Build your own little family of friends (even if its just one). Hold them tight, once you found them. Love them with all that's in you. You will get it back ten fold.
To quote the great Neil Gaiman:
@uncleadelheid-will-eat-your-soul , thanks for being all that for me, little introverted geeky metal edgelord office girl, and thanks for enduring my annoying love for bad jokes and even worse puns…
P.S.: Sorry btw for the storm, lighthouse, anchor metaphors with you hating all that's related to the dark blue sea…I still didn't edit them out…maybe we'll be getting there. At least I left out fishy fish…
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beeguillotine · 10 months
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from-thoseghosts · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Batdr !
It's already been one year..
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dopescissorscashwagon · 9 months
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Happy Heavenly 100th Birthday Hank Williams Sr.
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nellarw95 · 29 days
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Happy Heavenly Birthday Audrey 🎂💔
Audrey Kathleen Ruston
May 4,1929 - January 20,1993🙏🏻
We Miss You So Much 🕊️♾️
Buon Compleanno in Paradiso 🎂💔
4 Maggio 1929 - 20 Gennaio 1993🙏🏻
Ci Manchi Moltissimo 🕊️♾️
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maddy-hatter-97 · 6 months
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And here is your Audrey! Happy birthday matey! @artseniccatnip
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dxndxrxvxbe · 29 days
Happy birthday Audrey Hepburn💐🎂
You were talented kind and super cute🐻
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