epiclamer · 2 years
Hero x villain fake dating. Now. NOW.
(Also love you MUAH MUAH)
Yes ma’am. HAPPY NATIONAL GIRLFRIEND DAY, BABY!!! I love you so so so so so so so so so so much <33333333333333333
(No reposts but reblogs appreciated <3)
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Love is in the Air
“Mmmm, you look so hot in that outfit…” Villain drawled, eyeing up the hero who was panicking to get dressed and ready.
Hero stopped their fussing and glared at their nemesis. “Thanks. It’s for the gala, if you had forgotten?” The edge in their tone was evident, they were slightly annoyed—if not frustrated—with the way things were panning out.
Oh, and not to mention the fact that they were stuck having to pretend to be Villains lover for the night.
“Come on, I’m not that bad am I?” Villain stood up, heading over to Hero’s side as they helped them pick miscellaneous things off the ground and tidy up. Hero let out an annoyed huff but they continued with their rushed cleaning alongside Villain.
“You are that bad. You’re terrible.” Hero scoffed, dropping their things on their half of the bed—which was defined by a very large pillow wall Hero had created to keep the two halves separated.
Villain winced playfully. “Ouch, are you always this mean? Normally the roles are reversed, hm?”
Hero’s patience was beginning to run thin, they were already overwhelmed with the whole undercover situation and Villains incessant teasing was becoming a bother at this point.
“Do you ever shut up?” Hero asked, pausing to turn and glare at their enemy. “Like seriously, all you’ve ever done since we got assigned this stupid project is talk. Talk talk talk talk talk. Can you just be quiet for one second???”
Hero had to admit that it came out harsher than they wanted it to. They didn’t mean to actually hurt Villain, they just got caught up in the heat of the moment. And when Villains face dropped and they took a step back, Hero knew they had fucked up.
Villain cleared their throat, acting unfazed as they angled themselves away from their fake partner. “Yeah, yeah, sorry, yeah.” As much as Villain refused to be hurt by Hero’s words, they stung. But they pushed away their pain and squeezed their eyes tight, they were not about to cry over a stupid fake dating game with their stupid nemesis.
The words left an acid-like taste behind in Hero’s mouth, filling their throat with a taste similar to bile as they swallowed back their guilt. The night had barely started and they had already ruined everything. There was no way this mission could continue if they didn’t fix it right here, right now.
Just as Hero was about to speak up Villain interrupted them. “Do you really mean that?” Villains back was turned completely towards the hero, but a slight wobble in their voice gave their hidden pain away. “I mean, about like me being terrible?”
There was a moment of silence between the two since Villain had stopped their cleaning and Hero froze in their steps. Hero sighed, rubbing a hand over their face as they let their chest deflated in defeat. They hadn’t meant what they said, but it was too late to take it back now.
Villain scoffed, it was quiet and under their breath but it was there. They shook their head, “I’m sorry.” They whispered, Hero barely heard it. They almost wished they hadn’t, but the second they did—the second Villain began walking away from them—they reached out and grabbed them.
Pulling Villain close and then pushing them up against the wall, forcing them into close contact and to lock eyes. “Villain. You are terrible. You’re the worst. You’re a villain for fucks sake. But you’re my villain. You’re my beautiful evil and you’re my date tonight. And if there’s one thing I know for a fact it’s that you are the best lover out there and it’s about time I made it up to you.”
Villain averted their gaze, pressing themselves closer to the wall to create a space away from Hero. “You’re just saying that.”
Hero chuckled slightly, watching the blush creep up Villains neck, but the sound of footsteps outside their bedroom door was enough to snap them back into reality. “Want me to prove it?” They smirked as they heard the handle turn and click to open the room door. In the blink of an eye their lips were on Villains, both hands on their hips, toying with the dress clothes on Villains body.
To Hero’s somewhat surprise Villain kissed them back with such passion, one hand on the back of Hero’s head, pulling them closer and the other too close to the crime-stoppers inner thigh.
“Ah, young love. Always so strong and vehement. Oh, how I long to feel such ways again…” Supervillain groaned from where they stood in against the doorframe. The couple separated for a second to turn to the gala host and blush nervously, but Supervillain waved them on. “Don’t let me interrupt you, just making sure all my guests are having a good time!” The master criminal laughed as they turned and shut the door.
In the end, the mission worked out surprisingly well. They both gathered the information they needed off Supervillain and they didn’t have to fake any of the feelings between them any longer.
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esper-eclipse · 2 years
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petrovna-zamo · 11 months
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orcelito · 1 month
It is Now
My birthday 😌
I am now 27 💃
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calibabii21 · 11 months
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@brownsugarbaybee @neoculturecollectives @multifandomslxt @thesafecafe @tinypink-macaron @onyourhyuck
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canongf · 11 months
i love being eddie's girlfriend :)
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princess-dc93 · 11 months
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"Happy National Girlfriends Day 2023"
Happy National Girlfriends Day was yesterday!
Hope you guys have wonderful time on National Girlfriends Day! :3
Hope you like it, @starfire-vega1 and @strwaberrycrweampuffowo
Chana belongs to my oc daughters NSR
Caramel belongs to @starfire-vega1 's oc NSR
Brunhild belongs to my oc first daughter TH
Sue belongs to @strwaberrycrweampuffowo
Artist by N.R.
Used by Traditonal Art
Trollhunters ©️ Creator by Guillermo Del Toro
No Straight Roads/Fanart (c) Malaysian Independent Studio
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certifiedbi · 2 months
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d3adgayw1zzyr3ad3r · 11 months
It's 12:04am, meaning it's technically now national girlfriend day, so happy day to all the girlfriends in the world (and the coolest one, mine)
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xoxogorgeousinpink · 6 months
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Best Wishes
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wrathfl · 2 years
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[ OOC art ] A small gift for @himncskur of her beloved Sarah in her fc5 verse ♥
A small project of mine is to draw more of my lovely mutual's each month uwu
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m4rl3yp1p3r · 11 months
happy national girlfriend day!!
just in case your boyfriend forgets :)
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stinkman007 · 11 months
and this is where i would celebrate national girlfriend day!
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badgalazzie · 11 months
showing you my gf for national girlfriend day <3
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deaths-wife · 2 years
**Fruits basket (2019) ending spoilers!!**
I iwas. i was nOT prepared for the ending of fruits basket. The speech Tohru's mom gives in the death flashback?? about living and growing old?? the fact Kyo watched her die??? oh my god Akitos arc?? she was so lonely that whole time?? every single character in that goddamn show has. so much. trauma. send them ALL to therapy PLEASE. I kin Isuzu which is. honestly worrying. and specifically in that scene where she finally accepts Tohru's help and just??? sobs on her????? wow. WOW. AND MOMIJI!!! I honestly wasnt prepared for him to grow up so much in s3 like physically and mentally that poor lil bunny :(( there was a serious lack of Uo-chan and Hanajima in s3 tho ngl bc i absolutely adore those two bitches (Uotani reminds me a lot of Beidou from GI i think bc of the hair, voice, and bad bih attitude so my sapphic ass dEFINITELY has a type oops)
anyway im so glad that everyone got their happy endings but. ngl that show has forever changed me and i will forever love it and ill miss that ill never get to watch it for the first time again. everyone in it grew so much, helped eachother, forgave people, it even addresses when Isuzu doesnt want to forgive Akito when most of the other Sohmas do (understandably, Akito damaged her SO much)
anyway have some of my favourite fruits basket quotes:
"Sure, the idea of forgetting does make me sad- but if that's what it takes, I'll grin and bear it... I do have one thing to ask you- if I forget you, please befriend me again?" - Tohru Honda, S1E2
"People like me cling to kind people. We seek them out. We leech them dry. That’s why I won’t involve anyone else in this. It’s better if I go it alone. I’ll keep running alone. Nobody has to understand me. It’s easier if they hate me. It’s better if I’m all alone. That’s what I decided, and I intend to stick with it. I decided I wouldn’t cry." - Isuzu (Rin) Sohma, ?
"I hate this. This is why I didn't want to get near her. She's that type of person. The type of person who makes me feel this. I wanted to burst into tears. I wanted to run to her, let myself lie in her lap- and surrender my heart to her. I wanted to whine and complain about my weakness. I couldn't do that. People like me lean on, yearn for- and take advantage of kind people.. I'm sorry! I'm going to lean on you- I'm so powerless- I'm so weak. I don't know what to do anymore, I don't know!" - Isuzu (Rin) Sohma, S2E19
"It's scary to be by yourself. It's scary to be- on your own." - (to Isuzu) Tohru Honda, S2E19
"Come on carrots, I don't get what you are so embarrassed about. It's not like I'm asking you to pick up panties for her or something. Jeez." - best girl Uotani :3, ?
"When somebody is important to you, there are times where it can be hard, times when where they may feel lonely… but in the end, it's worth it. Happier, sad, together or apart, my weakness will always be.. Tohru." - best girl Hanajima <3, S1E21
"Just as no matter how hard you try to keep it away, despair will attack you again and again. In the same manner, hope will return to you. Again and again." - Kazuma (Senpai/Master) Sohma, ?
"Even if the world doesn’t need us, we live for the people who do." - Kyoko Honda, ?
"I never thought I’d be praised. I never thought that day would come. I’m imperfect, warped, defective…and yet here is someone who’s praising me." - Machi Kuragi, ?
"If I keep trying, then someday… I’ll be strong enough that those memories can’t defeat me. I want to believe that there’s no such thing as a memory that’s okay to forget." - Momiji Sohma, ?
"I knew it. I knew it all along. Just as there’s rejection in this world, there are people who will reach out to you." - Kyo Sohma, ?
"When did I start thinking stupid, sappy things like that? And why? It's almost like… I'm…" - Kyo Sohma, S2E9
"She must have known that if she let go… I would never return. If I slipped through her hands, I'd be gone. And no one would be able to bring me back. She didn't erase all my pain or offer to solve all of my problems. She didn't fix everything that was broken. But that's not what I needed anyway. Not really. What mattered most was that… she stayed." - Kyo Sohma, S2E9
"I wish I could’ve lived my life without making any wrong turns. But that’s impossible. A path like that doesn’t exist. We fail. We trip. We get lost. We make mistakes. And little by little, one step at a time, we push forward. It’s all we can do. On our own two feet." - Yuki Sohma, ?
"I think it’s true what they say…crying, unexpectedly, does make you feel better. Without shame, like a child. When you get older, you forget about that. It’s not easy to have a good cry anymore." - Hatori Sohma, ?
"You've been sad- miserable- and so very lonely." - (to Akito) Tohru Honda, S3E9
"No- I'm scared! I don't want this! I was promised- so much more! This world- where no one needs me, where everyone's a stranger- I don't want it... No! It's too late! Don't you understand that? This world is unrecognisable. There are no promises, or bonds- no hope of eternity. I'm scared. I can't live surrounded by strangers- alone. Without any guarantee that- I'll be loved? I can't." - Akito Sohma, S3E9
"The second I cry, you'll decide you've had enough. If I complain, you'll get mad. You'll stop liking me- and throw me out of your life!" - (to Tohru) Akito Sohma, S3E9
"Akito- please, don't cry. It's alright. Everything's alright, the scary times are over. You made it." - Tohru Honda, S3E9
"I'm begging you please, do what I cant. Protect my baby girl... Sorry, honey. I guess this is goodbye. I have to go- but I pray that you'll be happy. I pray that your years will be full of people who love you. Live the kind of life you can be proud of in the end. Even if you make mistakes, or take the long way around. Live so that- when it's your time to go- people will say; "You fought well." Have lots of happy times, and sad times, and everything in-between. That's how I want you to grow old." - Kyoko Honda, S3E12
ok thats it, promise.
ik like no one will read this post so its mostly for myself but if anyone out there in the void also enjoys fruits basket- pls take this offering xoxo
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namjoonchronicles · 2 years
Happy National Girlfriend's Day to girls who are not anybody's girlfriend 💕🦋
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