#Girls will be Girls|Kit Prince
brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
💚& Kit!
Imagine You and Me || -
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Beth respects Kit as a professional. Even though she is one residency shy of being a neurosurgeon, the way the mind works, how emotions flow, is a mystery to her and Kit manages to make understanding and compassion seem like a breeze. Beth is also careful to not rely on Kit in that capacity; she doesn't make appointments with Kit, she doesn't ask for prescription refills so she can avoid going to her own therapist, and so on. They work in the same hospital though Kit has a private practice, so they are colleagues and friends, and Beth doesn't want to spoil that. Kit is a stunning woman, only a few years older than Beth, but by leaps and bounds she seems wiser, more confident, and maybe even kinder than Beth can imagine herself ever really being. She appreciates that despite everything, Kit also doesn't seem to mind having to share Andy with Beth, though not in the way the rumours suggest. Beth enjoys having an almost guilt-free friendship with someone who has a similar financial security and social class. She does not mean that in any petty, better-than-thou way, it's simply that some times things happen or choices are made that she doesn't have to explain, she doesn't have to bargain with Kit over, and is simply understood. It isn't that other people don't understand, but something innate in Beth that she feels ashamed about in most cases. When it comes to her brother, Beth doesn't feel like Kit is trying to 'get one over on him'. Beth has always felt that a lot of women interested in him, some of the men, and almost every parent still involved look at him and see not how kind and funny and silly and handsome he is, but rather the bank account and the potential future he can offer them or any children they might have. Kit already ha everything she could want, and offers Andy companionship, romance, understanding. She doesn't hate the fact that Andy is a detective and called out at all hours for his job. She's so well written, has such a rich and detailed background, and you do an amazing job making her vibrant and real. All in all, this makes me quite happy. :) {{10/10 The Kit Prince Appreciation Society!}}
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margareturtle · 28 days
Rip Livia Blackthorn and Max Lightwood
The TWP gang would’ve been just too powerful with y’all as a part of it 💔😔
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swashbucklery · 11 months
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Was watching ep4 last night and got thiiiis close to reteaching myself how to make gifs again before I remembered I have like. Finite time and so many fics I want to write with my fandom energy.
But this scene THIS SCENE. THIS LITTLE MOMENT where Kit tries to tell Elora about the eckleberry bush just twists around my heart every time.
She is also the only person who knows that elora can do magic! SHE HAS THE POWER TO MAKE OR BREAK HER AS A SYMBOL. And when Elora tells her that she feels useless - Kit recognizes that feeling. Knows how demoralizing that is.
And you see her make a decision. To allow Elora to crystallize in her mind as a person and, to be generous. Kit decides to give Elora the kind of love and affirmation that Kit herself needs because she knows what it's like to lose faith in oneself. And it's not about magic it's about HUMAN CONNECTION it's about the two of them looking across the castle hallway and suddenly loving each other.
IT'S THE SPARK OF THE LOVE THAT BRINGS ELORA'S MAGIC BACK because ultimately Kit's faith is what gives Elora faith in herself.
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nerdyqueerr · 11 months
Willow Month day 1: favorite character
To absolutely no one's surprise.
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Now! To be fair! Jade was a close second (the yearning, the complexities, the Strong Woman With Sword), and i do find Boorman absolutely delightful but in the end it has to be Kit. Blorbo material of all times for the following reasons:
Girls (gender neutral) Who Are Their Father gotta stick together
Jade won my heart in the fighting department (due to polearm/sword combo and general Knightliness) but Kit has some really strong and hot combat moments, particularly when she gets clever and cocky about things. She may not have brute strength or full military training but she does have an attitude and some fancy footwork!
Nothing like a bravado loving yet insecure little weirdo to pull on my heartstrings
Because lets face it as cool, confident, and cocky as Kit can be she is also my pathetic queen. From Skellin onwards shes kinda just going around covered in grime with the worlds biggest saddest eyes. And im here for it.
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^get her warm drink and forehead kissies right the fuck now
Anyways #1 blorbo factor tho is obviously her Funky Little Gender. This post is long already so i will not be writing my Kit Tanthalos Gender Thesis but listen to me. Listen to me. Kit hates dresses. And social expectations of ladylike behavior. And all she wants is to be brave and loved and not be a princess!!!!
Done screaming now. Butch icon Prince Kit Tanthalos my beloved
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onceuponasnacktime · 3 months
I'm really sad I can't rewatch Willow (2022) and also that we didn't get more Willow (2022)
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tarnishedhalo · 10 months
"Get in here."
Home is Where the Hurt is || Accepting
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"I know it's late, but I just dropped Beth off for a surprise late shift and I thought maybe you'd like to grab a drink or some coffee?" He knows it's twenty-one hundred, or nine at night for the civilian crowd, but it is New York, and it's Friday night. If she declines his offer, he'd not take it poorly, he knows everything is about timing and his might be off. "And I wanted to bring you these," he says, producing from behind his back a bouquet of flowers ~little white pom daisies, sun flowers, and snapdragons~ in a glass vase. He doesn't buy flowers often. Beth finds something horrifying about cut flowers and there's already enough thriving plants that he's thinking about opening up his own shop. "This is not a bribe, but something about them reminded me of you when I saw them. If you do want to think of it as an enticement though, I mean I wouldn't complain about it." His laugh is rich and warm and he leans in to kiss her cheek.
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milesworld96 · 8 months
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neverhaveieversblog · 2 years
POV: University things
Me: Okey, im done. I want to be unique. Different from the others. I feel like sad trashbag which a dog peed in the side. I wanna be the GOLDEN trashbag.
My friend: Why do you want to be the golden garbage bag? it's like the others, only blown over with golden paint. Be the diamond.
My friend: Be the diamond. Its much rarer and shiny😉
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rubycruzin4abruzin · 14 days
Forbidden Crown: ch. I
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Summary: As a princess, your parents choose your spouse, and they decide it’s time to start looking shortly after your fifth birthday. However, when your parents decide to unite kingdoms with Tir Asleen and introduce you to Prince Airk, you’re seemingly more drawn to his twin sister, Kit.
Pairing: kit tanthalos x princess!reader
Contains: fluff, matchmaking, childlike play, kisses to mimic adult behavior, pure innocence
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of Forbidden Crown! It’s a coming of age story, so in this chapter, our main characters are five years old, but in the next, they’ll be ten, and so on. Not too much happens in this chapter, but I promise it’ll get a lot juicier later. Enjoy! :)
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As a princess, you always knew you wouldn’t get to choose a spouse. Instead, you grew up knowing exactly who you would one day marry.
Your parents, the king and queen of Azarenth, decided it was time to start looking for suitors shortly after you turned five. Their idea was for the two of you to meet frequently, essentially growing up together before tying the knot and officially uniting kingdoms. After some extensive research, your parents discovered a nearby kingdom with a prince around your age. So, they packed your belongings and loaded up the carriage for the journey to the kingdom of Tir Asleen.
Since you were so young, your parents didn’t tell you the exact reason you were visiting this new kingdom; all you knew was that you were going to play with a new friend and that your parents seemed very anxious upon arrival. They had dressed you in your best clothes: a puffy white dress with pink lace ribbons, and were constantly readjusting the bows or smoothing out the fabric. You scowled at all the fuss; you had been on plenty of playdates before and didn't understand why this one was such a big deal.
Stepping out of the carriage, a woman who appeared to be the queen of Tir Asleen greeted you and shook hands with your parents. She introduced herself as ‘Sorsha,’ and wore a wide smile as she spoke in a gentle tone.
“Hello little one,” she bent down to meet you at eye level. “The children are out back in the garden. Why don’t you go play?”
You agreed, happily leaving the adults to chat freely. As you made your way to the garden, you wondered what Sorsha had meant by ‘children.’ Your parents had said that you were here to make one friend, but the possibility of making multiple friends was even more exciting.
Upon reaching the palace garden, you opened the gate and walked in to see only one child, a boy who looked to be around your age. You felt a twinge of disappointment, but quickly hid it after he noticed your presence and flashed you a warm smile.
“Hi,” he greeted. “I’m Airk. Airk Tanthalos. What’s your name?”
You introduced yourself, prompting him to nod in response before speaking again.
“My mom says we’re gonna be friends now. I was just playing hide-n-seek with my sister.”
You perked up at this new information, excitedly anticipating the arrival of more friends.
Airk spun around, calling out to the entirety of the garden. “Kit! Our guest is here!”
No response. Airk sighed. “Kit! Olly olly oxen free!”
Suddenly, a little girl emerged from behind a tree, capturing your attention. She was unlike anything you’d ever seen before. You were taught that princesses should always be proper and ladylike, which Kit certainly was not. Instead, stray hairs clung to her flushed cheeks and hung just above her mouth, dyed purple from grape-juice. Grass and mud stained her tunic, and she wore breeches. You didn’t know girls were even allowed to wear breeches.
As she walked towards you and Airk, you quickly became infatuated with her. She was just so… cool.
Airk turned back towards you, rolling his eyes. “That’s Kit. Don’t mind her. She’s stubborn.”
“Gotta be stubborn when you’re the best hide-n-seeker in all of Tir Asleen.” Kit retorted, sticking out her tongue.
Airk stuck out his tongue back in response before gesturing towards you. “This is our guest. Mom says we’re going to be friends with her now.”
Kit turned towards you, face brightening as if this was the first time she noticed your presence. “Oh you’re the guest. How old are you?”
You shyly held up five fingers, causing Airk to erupt into mocking laughter. “You’re five? I hadn’t realized I was in the presence of a baby!”
Anger bubbled up inside you at his words. You had just met this boy, and he was already not very nice.
“Shut up, Airk!” Kit exclaimed, pushing her brother's head. “If anyone here is a baby it’s you!”
“Nuh-uh! You’re the baby! You’re only six!”
“So are you, idiot!”
“I’m still older!”
“By like, one minute!”
Airk huffed in response, crossing his arms and pouting. Kit flashed you a reassuring smile, and you felt warmth bubbling from inside you. This girl, this cool, older girl, had just stood up for you.
“Do you want to play tag?” Kit asked you. “Airk is awful at tag.”
“Nuh-uh! I’m super fast…”
“I can’t,” you cut Airk off and looked towards Kit regrettably. “I can’t run in this stupid dress.”
You pulled at your outfit, exaggerating your frustration. Kit scrunched up her face, seemingly deep in thought before she jumped up as if a lightbulb went off in her head.
“I’ll be right back,” she exclaimed, before running inside.
Now that you and Airk were alone together, it was almost awkward. You tugged at your dress, while he sat and pulled at the grass.
“I like your dress,” he muttered. “I think it makes you look pretty.”
A blush crept onto your cheeks at the compliment; maybe this boy wasn’t so bad after all. “Thanks.”
Seconds later, Kit came running back out of the castle carrying a garment of some sorts. She slowed to catch her breath as she approached you, proudly holding up the item.
“Breeches,” she explained breathlessly. “Put them on under your dress, then just tuck the skirt in.”
You stared at the garment, turning it over in wonder. “I’ve never had breeches before.”
“Keep them,” Kit replied. “Now you do.”
Your heart swelled at her kind gesture. First the cool girl had stood up for you, and now she was giving you a gift.
After thanking her, you slid the breeches on from underneath your dress, and tucked your skirt into the waistband. The thick fabric of your dress spilled out and bulged against the hem of the pants, sort of making you look like a spinning top, but you didn’t care. You were mobile now, and free to play whatever.
Feeling giddy, and slightly mischievous, you walked up to Kit, giggling behind your hand before slapping her on the shoulder.
“Tag! You’re it!”
You ran away, chuckling loudly as Kit gasped. She narrowed her eyes with an impish grin, feigning displeasure at being “it.”
“I’ll get you for that!”
The game continued with the three of you, but it was mostly you and Kit chasing each other around the garden, giggling until your ribs ached. At one point, you were running away from Kit, almost escaping before she took a shortcut through a flower bed and tackled you. You landed flat on your back, looking up at a giddy Kit in shock.
“Tag! You’re it! I win again!” She exclaimed, giggling as she reached up and pulled out a pink ribbon from your hair.
You groaned, grabbing for the ribbon as she dangled it over your head. “Kit! No fair, give it back!”
“I don’t think I will. I won, so I’ll take this as my trophy.” She twisted the ribbon in her fingers, examining the lace detail. “Besides, I gave you my breeches, it’s only fair you give me something of yours.”
She crawled off of you and lazily tied the ribbon in her tousled hair. The untidy knot hung loosely over her tangles and stood out like a sore thumb, but the sight of her in something you owned was so enthralling that you couldn’t care less.
Batting her eyelashes, she pouted her lips dramatically. “How do I look?”
You giggled. “Beautiful. Like a princess.”
The two of you tittered about while Airk groaned, feeling left out. “Can we play something else?”
Kit shrugged. “Fine. Let’s play house.”
Airk perked up, nodding in enthusiastic agreement before running over and grabbing your arm. “Great! We can play mommy and daddy, and you’re our child and you have to do whatever we say, Kit.”
“Nuh-uh!” Kit argued, grabbing onto your other arm. “How about I play the daddy, and you be our child and do whatever we say!”
“No fair!” Airk exclaimed. “It was my idea first!”
“It was my idea to play house!” Kit retorted smugly before slinging an arm around your shoulder. “How about we let our guest decide?”
“Fine!” Airk turned to you. “Who do you want to be married to? Me, or Kit?”
You looked between the siblings, weighing your options. Kit was so cool, but Airk was a boy, and you’d never heard of two girls getting married. But if it’s just pretend, and she’s playing the daddy anyway, then it should be alright… right?
Turning to Airk, you shot him a smug smirk. “Who’s the baby now?”
Kit erupted into mocking laughter while Airk grumbled, crossing his arms. “I’d rather be the horse.”
With that complaint, the game began, Airk finally giving in and agreeing to be yours and Kit’s son. You were pretending to prepare Airk as the next heir to the throne before Kit entered the scene, carrying a branch as a makeshift sword.
“Hello, wife,” Kit announced, lowering her voice to impersonate a man. “I’m back from the fight with General Kael.”
“Welcome home, dear,” you replied. “How was the fight?”
“Well I won, of course.” Kit boasted.
You clapped your hands in excitement. “That's wonderful, my love! Airk, did you hear your father?”
“Sure, sure.” Airk grumbled, completely disinterested.
Kit turned to her brother, waving her finger and pretending to be stern. “Listen to your mother, son. Someday it will be your responsibility to defeat leaders of evil armies.”
Airk rolled his eyes while you giggled, smiling at your pretend husband. “Darling, I’m so happy I married you. You’re such a great husband and father, and I’m so proud of you for defeating General Kael.”
“Bo-ring!” Airk complained, being completely ignored by you and Kit.
“Thank you sweetheart,” Kit replied in her mannish voice. “But the battle isn’t over yet. I must go back out and defeat Queen Bavmorda. Give me a kiss for good luck?”
“Kiss?” You asked, breaking character.
Kit dropped the act, returning to her normal voice. “Yeah. Mommies and daddies kiss, so we have to kiss.”
“You can’t kiss!” Airk shouted. “Kissing is for grown-ups!”
“We’re grown-ups in the game,” Kit argued.
“I’ve seen my mommy and daddy kiss, but I’ve never kissed,” you admitted, silently hoping that Kit wouldn’t think less of you.
“That’s alright,” Kit reassured with a gentle smile. “It’s easy. Just stand still, and close your eyes.”
You did as you were told, and suddenly, just for a brief second, you felt Kit’s lips on yours. It was only an innocent peck, but lingered with the taste of grape juice, and left an unfamiliar buzzing sound in your ears. Every inch of your small body tingled with warmth, and in that moment, you were convinced that Kit could do no wrong; everything about her was perfect.
“Gross!” Airk sneered, earning a sharp thwack from Kit using the tree branch she was holding.
And so the game continued, you pretending to tend to your ‘kingdom’ and prepare Airk as an heir, while Kit ran around the garden, using her trusty tree branch to reenact tales her father, Madmartigan, had told her. In between scenes, you would boss Airk around, sending him on side quests, or hide behind shrubs and share sweet grape-juice flavored kisses.
Eventually, the sun began to set, signaling the end of your play day. You and Kit had teamed up to wrestle Airk to the ground when Sorsha and your parents entered the garden gate, laughing like longtime friends. Upon seeing you, however, your parents froze at the shocking sight. Their beloved daughter, raised to be a prim and proper princess, was caked in mud, and wrestling a boy with her dress tucked into a pair of breeches that didn’t belong to her.
You heard your mother call your name, and immediately paused the roughhousing to shift your attention towards her. She forced a plastic smile, clearly displeased with your current appearance, but unwilling to make a scene in front of Sorsha.
“What are those?” She asked through gritted teeth, gesturing towards your lower half.
“Breeches!” You replied proudly. “Kit gave them to me.”
“Well wasn’t that nice of her,” she hummed, exchanging looks with your father.
Sorsha looked over to her own children and let out a sigh, noticing they hadn’t stopped wrestling. “Kit! Get off your brother!”
“Airk is in training, mom!” Kit whined, climbing off her brother. “He has to learn how to defeat Queen Bavmorda if he wants to be the next heir to the throne!”
“Her father…” Sorsha muttered an apologetic explanation to your parents before turning back to the twins. “Kit, why don’t you and Airk go inside and ask the cook to make our guests a snack?”
“Fine…” the twins murmured before trudging back into the castle.
Now that you were alone with the three adults, it seemed as if all their attention fixated on you. They crouched down to your level, peering at you with toothy grins plastered on their faces. A feeling of unease settled like a pit in your stomach, compelling you to take a small step back before they started speaking.
“Sweetheart,” your mother started, her voice dripping with sickening sweetness. “Did you have fun today?”
“I did,” you replied, letting your guard down slightly. “Kit is fantastic. She’s like a brave warrior princess!”
Your mother pursed her lips in disapproval, prompting Sorsha to quickly chime in. “What about Airk? Did you enjoy playing with Airk?”
Even though you had formed a stronger bond with Kit, you did still enjoy playing with Airk. “Yea, he was fun to play with too.”
All three adults beamed at you once again, teeth shining so bright you were almost sure you were going blind. That previous feeling of unease settled in your stomach again; you weren’t sure what your parents were planning, or why they kept interrogating you about your new friends.
It was your father, your gentle and typically soft-spoken father, who decided to ask the question they were all waiting for. “Princess, when you grow up, would you like to marry Airk?”
The adults looked at you expectantly, waiting with bated breath. To you, this was nothing more than an innocent question, a completely hypothetical situation. To them, however, your answer would determine the rest of your life.
You furrowed your brow, pondering their question. “If I marry Airk, does that mean I can play with Kit forever and ever?”
Your parents glanced at each other, and then at Sorsha. All three were slightly taken aback by your response, and none of them knew how to answer your question.
Finally, it was your mother who decided to speak up, nodding slowly as she did. “Well… if you were to marry Airk… technically you and Kit would be sisters. So… yes, I suppose you would get to spend a lot of time together.”
A warm feeling exploded in your chest. Sisters? You’d never even had a sibling before, let alone a sister, and the thought of having one as cool as Kit made you bounce with excitement.
“Then yes,” you exclaimed. “When I grow up, I want to marry Airk!”
The adults cheered in approval, your father hoisting you up onto his shoulders while the women chatted about plans for something you couldn’t make out. At this point, the twins came back out carrying snacks, and ended up joining the impromptu celebration. Not you, nor Kit, nor Airk knew what exactly was being celebrated, but everyone was happy, and that was all any of you cared about.
That night was spent in the Tir Asleen castle, you and your parents meant to be resting for the journey back to Azarenth the next morning. You were supposed to use one of the many guest rooms available, but you and Kit had begged your parents to let you share Kit’s room, and after promising to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, they finally agreed.
You and Kit spent the entire night hidden under her covers, telling stories and sharing sweet secrets. Once the night sky turned pitch black, you had to resort to soft whispers and stifled giggles, for fear of your parents hearing you awake so late and making you sleep separately. Eventually, just before daybreak, you two fell asleep, passed out only after neither of you could keep your eyes open any longer.
The next morning, Sorsha found you both collapsed, buried under Kit’s sheets, lying in a heap and practically tangled into each other. As she gently shook you awake and sent you to the room your parents were staying in, she couldn’t help but smile to herself; Kit didn’t have many girl friends, instead opting to spend most of her free time with her brother and other boys from the neighboring village. It was refreshing, watching her daughter form a close bond with a girl, especially one she was planning on having as a future daughter-in-law.
After getting dressed and sharing a quick breakfast, it was time for you and your parents to begin making your way back to Azarenth. You and Kit shared a tearful goodbye, promising to remain close companions as you embraced each other for the last time.
“Do you still have my breeches?” Kit whispered.
You nodded. “I’m wearing them under my skirt.”
As you let go of each other, you glanced down and noticed your pink ribbon from the previous day was now tied around Kit’s wrist, neatly held together with a bow. You smiled, gingerly picking up her hand and running your fingers over the lacy fabric.
“My ribbon…” you whispered.
“Mommy helped me put it on,” Kit grinned proudly, holding it up by her face in an exaggerated pose. “How do I look?”
You giggled. “Like a princess.”
After leaving Kit and bidding a quick farewell to Airk, you and your parents piled into the carriage for the journey back to your own kingdom. Soon, all you could hear was the dull clip-clop of the driving horse stepping along the cobblestone road.
“Hmm,” your mother pursed her lips as soon as Tir Asleen was out of sight. “I’m not sure how I feel about that Kit girl. She doesn’t seem like the most positive influence. I mean, breeches? On a princess? What was her mother thinking?”
You gulped, crossing your legs and pulling your skirt farther down, fearing that your mother could tell you were secretly wearing Kit’s breeches underneath.
“Something tells me Sorsha isn’t too happy about the breeches herself,” your father murmured, making your mother nod in agreement.
The tips of your ears burned with resentment. In that moment, you hated your parents for looking down on Kit, and didn’t understand how they couldn’t see her the same way you did: wonderful.
Despite your indignation, you chose to bite your tongue, deciding that arguing would prove fruitless. Instead, you threw yourself into your imagination, looking out the window of the carriage and daydreaming about you and Kit growing up and running away together, free from the confines of your parents.
Little did you know, it would be five years before you saw Kit again.
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ma1dita · 3 months
🐥 a lil something for jason grace? just yk him meeting hephaestus!reader for the first time at camp half blood and she's this bubbly girl who befriends everyone cuz that's just how she is and like she offers everyone solutions to material problems like aphrodite kids with vanity mirrors that light up on their own, apollo kids with medical kits that look small outside but has TONS of storage, demeter kids with self watering pots, etc
reader gives him a welcome gift (leo and piper too), a compact watch sword thingy like percy's and jason's like new to this bcs all his life he's been treated like a prince in waiting, a leader most of the time and he hasn't had anyone do something for him cuz its usually him doing things
ooh and a lil bit of leo valdez teasing him bcs of him blushing when she's around cuz reader is his sister basically, same dad and all
Thank you and happy bday again!
jason grace x hephaestus!reader
a/n: this was so cute but pls lmk if i got his character right...i had to reference my irl pjo bestie for this i love this boy
wc: 766
Jason Grace thinks you talk too much.
And too fast. It’s one of the first things he noticed about Camp Half-Blood weirdly enough, besides the nagging feeling that he didn’t belong there. There wasn’t so much as a day where he wouldn’t see you whizzing past campers offering to tinker items to make their lives easier, and he could barely keep up—which says a lot for a boy raised to be a soldier.
It was like you set everything alight, and the flames you left in your midst could not be tamed; everyone was enamored by you, and admittedly, so was he. The son of Jupiter was sure his brain had short-circuited along with everything else going on but all of his worries were dashed when you presented him with a wristwatch shield.
Jason blinks slowly.
“Are you listening? Do you like it? I can change the finish on it or scrap it completely if you don’t think it’s cool, or maybe it's too big? Let me see your wrist—Jace?”
You wave your hand in his face before grabbing his arm, encircling his wrist with the metal links to make sure your creation fits him comfortably.
Too torn between the predicament of being raised by fucking wolves and training for a war that no one knows the start date of, Jason Grace has not had too much time to acquaint himself with the matters of the heart. So in his eyes, this poor sweetheart thought your welcome gift was the equivalent of a marriage proposal, or something like that…
Your half-sibling Leo thought this was hilarious of course, his teasing grin stoking the fire in the pit of Jason’s stomach when he asked to see it. The blond boy was gentle with your gift, shaking his head at the notion that it meant anything, that you were just kind to everyone, and nothing about it whatsoever makes him special.
Okay buddy…
So of course when you came to confront him about Leo’s taunting that had reached all of the inhabitants of cabin 9 (and the armory, and the counselors, and even Chiron and Mr. D—the biggest gossips of Camp Half-Blood), Jason Grace, a boy who usually has his shit together, was reduced to the phenomenon of being an embarrassed teenager with a crush.
You were standing a little too close for his liking and even if he towered over you, the blaze in your eyes could incite fear in the gods.
“Just because I'm nice and do things for you doesn’t mean that I like you, Jason Grace,” you say adamantly as you cross your arms over your chest. He notices the smudge of soot on your cheekbone, and thinks it looks quite pretty against your complexion.
“Of course.”
“I gave you the wristwatch shield as a welcome gift,” you say next, to which he nods since it’s a fact.
“Of course, I didn’t mea—”
“I mean you’re always protecting others, so I thought someone should protect you for a change,” you mutter, watching him scratch the nape of his neck as your smile spreads like gasoline touched by a lit match. He can’t help but embrace the burn (His serious demeanor is broken by the smile on his face, so big that it almost hurts).
“But you are right, I do like you. Suppose we’ll have to do something about that.”
Thinking hard about the confession that left your mouth, you look like you’re working through a methodical problem to solve— finding the missing piece to a puzzle instead of making the son of Jupiter's face heat up like a thousand suns. He reckons there’s an ambush inside of him as something starts to work harder than usual, not his brain overridden by battle tactics and that of survival— but his heart, beating fast like a well oiled machine (and more importantly like a normal teenage boy). 
Jason reaches out to rub the soot away from your cheek, but when you pull him in by the collar of his shirt to kiss him, he finds himself to be stained by you all the same.
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caffeinewitchcraft · 1 year
Cinderella Doesn’t Believe in Fairytales (pt 7)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3). (Part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
This, Cinderella thinks, is a fairytale.
The nobles are bowing to the Prince, to her, and the air smells like the desserts on the table to her left. The music is still going, a sweet flute that serves a placeholder until the greetings to the prince are done. Over the bowed heads of the dancers nearest them, Cinderella can see her stepfamily curtsying to the arrival of the Prince.
Curtsying to her.
“I am glad that my tardiness did not hold up the festivities,” the Prince says. He inclines his head to the dais where the Queen and King sit. “We should resume.”
The Queen and King.
The Queen is as beautiful as the rumors say. Her long, black hair, streaked with grey, falls around her shoulders like vines, pinned into curled shapes against her violet gown with pins that sparkle like the night sky. She wears a simple gold circlet that glitters in the candlelight. Is it encrusted in jewels?
The King wears a heavier crown in burnished copper. His eyes remind her of the Prince’s, hawkish and knowing when he looks at them. He’s dressed completely in black except for the sash that crosses his chest. That is the same violet as his wife’s cape and his son’s jacket.
Cinderella is prevented from curtsying by the way the Prince presses her hand against his arm. She bows her head as best she’s able, heart thundering in her chest. Somehow looking at the Queen and King reminds her of the rainbows in the meadow. They swim in her vision as if obscured by power.
“Hold your head high,” the Prince whispers to her. His breath is hot against the shell of her ear and when she glances at him out of her peripherals, his eyes are warm. “You’re with me.”
Cinderella has never been with someone. She’s always been trailing behind, packages in hand, or at their knee with a hairbrush and sewing kit in hand. Even as a little girl she was never with her parents. She always felt like she was a step behind them, watching as the distance between them grew into an ocean.
She doesn’t feel like that now. The Prince’s arm is warm under her fingers and the gaze of so many people makes her face hot even if she knows the Prince’s magic protects her from being recognized. Cinderella has never felt so keenly in her own skin as she does in this moment.
Cinderella pulls her shoulders back and looks right over every noble to the blooming mosaic on the other side of the hall.
Well done, the voice in the back of her head purrs. There’s satisfaction curling in Cinderella’s stomach that feels foreign and heavy. She likes standing tall. She likes feeling bold and confident. Very well done.
“I know I promised you champagne,” the Prince says. He waves his hand and the music begins to play again. The nobles don’t resume their dance right away, their eyes fixed on the Prince’s every move. Expectant? Hopeful? Envious? The Prince only has eyes for her. “But I am jealous your first dance wasn’t with me.”
“Perhaps if someone had been on time it would have been,” Cinderella says. The Prince snorts and Cinderella’s smile widens. “Your highness.”
The Prince leads her onto the dance floor. The band is gently coming together again, string instruments rising underneath the lonely flute, the pianist adjusting on their bench in preparation. The nobles part for them like water, sliding back into their places without a word.
The Prince comes to a halt in the center of the dancefloor. If he notices the way the nobles stare, it doesn’t seem to bother him. He slides his arm out from under Cinderella’s hand, but doesn’t relinquish it. He kiss the back of her hand and asks, “May I have this dance?”
Cinderella must be beet red. She breathes in through her nose and smiles on the exhale. “Yes.” Then, because he is her friend, “You’ll be the first to have a dance from me, if that makes you feel better. The rest only shared one with me.”
Does the Prince’s gaze soften? Candlelight catches in his eyes, setting them ablaze. “Having or sharing, it doesn’t matter,” he says. “As long as it’s with you.”
Cinderella is speechless. The Prince takes the opportunity to sweep them into their first dance together, one hand on her hip, the other still holding her hand aloft. She’s not ready or at all prepared for it and has to rely on his grip for support when she stumbles.
“Where on earth did you learn to talk like that?” Cinderella hisses. She kicks at his shin and scoffs when he evades it easily. “Ugh.”
“I’m fairly certain that’s not how this dance goes,” the Prince says, tone mild. He’s smiling when she turns her glare on him. He whispers, “You’ll need to be faster if you want to kick me.”
Laughter bubbles in her chest. Cinderella fights it down. “You’d better show me how this dance works before I give into the temptation.”
“My pleasure.”
Dancing with the Prince is better than any of the other dances, though she doesn’t think she can bear to tell him that when he’s grinning like he knows it. He doesn’t guide her like Cy, her first masked partner, pulling and navigating her through the steps like a teacher might. He doesn’t make it a competition like Iz did, doesn’t change the rhythm whenever she manages to catch up to his pace. He isn’t considerate like Morrigan, waiting for her to catch her breath after a particularly tricky step.
Dancing with the Prince is like…it’s like being in the meadow. It’s like laying underneath the oak tree and watching the sun through the leaves, his gentle voice in her ear and the feeling of his magic chasing the chill away. It’s the feeling of being together where anything she says or does will be welcome or celebrated.
She doesn’t know when the other dancers join them, but she notices when the Prince nearly runs into a pair. She neatly takes the lead, spinning them to avoid a collision. The Prince startles and then scowls.
“I would have noticed,” he says. His gaze is dark on the dancing couple as if he’d like to curse them for the near accident.
“But you didn’t have to,” Cinderella says. Somehow she knows he isn’t that irritated. She thinks about spinning him but decides against it. She’s never tried spinning her partner before and is afraid of throwing him into the swirls of skirts and tailcoats that now surround them. She follows him away from the couple who nearly collided with them, surrendering the lead easily. “I did.”
“You did,” the Prince says, an inscrutable look on his face. It only lasts for a moment before he’s quirking an eyebrow at her. “Another song?”
Cinderella doesn’t feel tired at all. “Yes.”
They dance.
The night is a dream.
Cinderella holds onto it even after the Prince escorts her back to the Emerald Castle, after Helga pulls the pins from her hair, after she gulps down water and fruit before climbing into bed. They never did manage to have a glass of champagne. Cinderella can’t bring herself to regret the missed opportunity.
I’ll just have to try it tomorrow, Cinderella thinks with a thrill. Tomorrow. She’s going to the ball tomorrow.
She danced with the Prince all night. He delighted in each song with her, always keeping up with her mood and inviting her into faster steps or higher leaps. They talked and they laughed and, looking back, they must have seemed like children to everyone else. Cinderella felt like a child, free and excited in a way that she hasn’t been allowed to be in a long time.
She closes her eyes and can’t wait for the Prince to come pick her up for the ball tomorrow.
The carriage lurches and jumps as it transitions from the smooth Royal Road to the rougher cobblestones of the royal town. The silent occupants seem to wake up from their stupors all at once, the jostling as good as cold water on a dreamer.
“Mother,” Drizella whines. She doesn’t understand what went wrong. She did everything her mother said to do! She curled her hair and wore her lilac dress and didn’t dance with anyone other than the Prince. Except— “He only danced with her all night!”
“I have never been so embarrassed,” Anastasia says. She bites her thumb. Visions of the woman in green spin across the back of her eyelids every time she blinks. “We wore the same color! How dare she?!”
Baroness Ramsey doesn’t answer her daughters. She promised herself when she married the Baron that she would never allow anyone to guess at her non-noble past through her conduct. So she lets her face remain impassive and thinks carefully before she speaks.
Inside she is seething.
“That woman was in the wrong,” the Baroness says at last. She lays her hands daintily over her lap. “A ball like this – well. It’s for all noble ladies, isn’t it? The Prince was meant to dance with others. I’m sure the King and Queen will talk with him tonight. Tomorrow…”
She trails off. Her girls misunderstand as she meant them to. They perk up at the mention of tomorrow and the idea that the Prince will be different then. Anastasia begins debating what jewelry she will wear to compliment her gown tomorrow, going over the pros and cons of each one (“That woman wore gold tonight and won’t tomorrow, so the gold necklace might be the safest choice. But the prince wore silver tonight and might again and if I wear silver we could match.”) while Drizella pulls at her curls, lost in the daydream of what tomorrow could bring.
Inside the baroness is not so sure.
“A second invitation will be sent to those the Prince has taken an interest in. Expect news by dawn.”
They are not high nobility. It is only through the baroness’ hard work and clever deals that they’re nobility at all. Perhaps it would be different if her husband were better at networking like her, but he’s not (if he’s still alive at all) so they have no advantage through title alone. Their only advantage lies in her daughters’ beauty being recognized and – thanks to that woman – that didn’t happen.
Maybe I was hasty to leave Cinderella at home, the Baroness muses. Cinderella would have caught the Prince’s eye. There’s always been something…unsettlingly compelling about that girl. To be honest, the Baroness has always been a little afraid of Cinderella. Even as a child she always seemed to look through the Baroness rather than at her. With her golden hair and odd, light eyes, Cinderella would have been enough to compete with the woman who had captured the Prince’s attention. Then, when the second invitation arrived, the baroness could have kept Cinderella away to leave the real work to her girls.
She eyes her daughters. No. She could not have chosen any differently. It’s been hard work ensuring her daughters never grew afraid of their strange stepsister. Imagine if they were forced to watch the prince be bewitched by her? The baroness was right to leave Cinderella at home, dressed plainly, rather than allow her daughters to see through the soot and rough clothing to the strange, menacing woman beneath.
“We will stay up all night until the invitation arrives,” the Baroness announces. She won’t be able to sleep anyway. “I want each of you to go over every detail of tonight. Who did you notice? What could you have improved on? We will need to be even better tomorrow.”
Anastasia and Drizella complain, but the Baroness tunes them out. She knows what’s best for her daughters. If she says that they need to go over noble greeting they say, every pin, every broach, every conversation, they will.
It will come, she tells herself. The Prince may not have noticed her daughters, but the Queen was certainly interested in them. She seemed particularly interested in Drizella. Perhaps she will be the one to choose the prince’s bride. Yes, that must be it. She was too attentive to my daughters for that not to be the case.
The second invitation will come. The carriage squeaks to a halt outside of their inn and the baroness waits impatiently for the coachman to open the door. Yes, her earlier concerns were born from anxiety. Obviously the Prince won’t choose his own bride. Clearly! He’s a prince and princes must marry based on their parents’ wills. She, a baroness, wouldn’t allow her daughters to choose their husbands. Certainly the Queen, a fellow noble mother, feels much the same.
Cheered, the Baroness doesn’t yell for the coachman to hurry up helping her daughters down from the carriage. Anastasia does it instead and her Capital accent is even beginning to sound convincing! Drizella nearly falls when the coachman supports her step down too weakly, but her recovery is much quicker than it would have been two years ago.
Yes, the baroness must not lose herself to anxiety. She’s raised her daughters well and that will all pay off when she sees one of them married to the prince. Perhaps she should talk to the Queen herself tomorrow? Mother to mother?
Yes, that’s the best plan. She’ll leave her girls to the business of catching the eye of the prince. If they prove successful, wonderful. If not?
The Baroness hides her smile. There’s a reason she came to the ball despite the invitation not including mothers of the potential brides.
Three important invitations are delivered at dawn.
One is snatched by the Baroness who breathes a sigh of relief that she must hide from her daughters.
The second is handed to Helga who rolls her eyes at the redundancy and promises to deliver it to her charge once she wakes.
The third is delivered via raven to a lone man on the road on horseback. He holds his arm above his head as soon as he recognized the purple ribbon tied around the bird’s neck, barely flinching when its talons cut through his thin, traveling shirt.
“A summons?” the man asks. The bird does not answer. It takes off as soon as he unties the message from its leg. He flips the letter over to examine the seal. His stomach lurches. “From the Queen?”
He can’t ignore a letter from the Queen. With a sigh, the man turns his horse gently before even breaking the seal. The Queen only accepts replies in person. A bitterness coats his tongue.
Another letter has brought him back to his ancestral home. A very important letter from someone he’s been forced to leave alone too long. And now, barely four days’ ride from the sender, he’s forced to ignore her once again.
I’m coming, Cinderella. Just a little longer.
Baron David Ramsey has been away from home for too long.
If you’d like to read more parts of Cinderella a week earlier, please consider checking out my Patreon (X)! On top of posting all my stories a week earlier there, I also post Patreon Exclusives.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 month
What are some physical things your muse does when they want someone to sleep with them?
Body of Evidence || Accepting
Beth's laughter while not exactly loud, certainly comes as a sort of small explosion, and she's forced to shush herself lest the rest of the cafe be privy to the private conversation the women are having. And it isn't that Beth feels like the question comes out of nowhere; she's asked Kit far more personal and intimate details than maybe she has a right to, especially considering the sleek and elegant woman is involved with Beth's brother. But at the same time, maybe that makes it easier, that she knows Kit so well, that she's so comfortable that it doesn't feel weird asking questions and getting sort of second hand advice when it comes to her own love-life, or lack thereof. Beth is forced to reach back all the way to med-school. It doesn't take much more than the question to bring up a face to the forefront of her mind, maybe the one man who Beth has ever considered even more beautiful than her sibling. "Sometimes, I'd trace da veins on da back of his hand, or massaged them while we talked," she admits much more quietly. Colour rises into her cheeks. Most of the advances she'd made had lived and died in her own head, as she wasn't in the position to express them, nor had she at the time known how to begin to act on them. She takes a sip of her coffee, and pushes her salad around her plate. "I t'ink if I knew beddah den...I might have try f' kiss him. Aks him t' dance wi' me. Mebbe... mebbe a lot of da kine I nevah could back den." The thing she doesn't tell Kit is that she's never really fallen out of love with him. "Is it really easy t'..uhm...start somet'ing physical, when you're not-" broken "...uhm...I know dere's a word for it...but basically means normal."
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margareturtle · 6 months
All the things Dru Blackthorn has done between QOAAD and TLKOF (an ongoing list)
1) She saw Frozen in theaters with Tavvy
2) She saw Avengers Age of Ultron with her siblings
3) She gets into makeup (she can do the coolest eye shadow now)
4) She takes up Portuguese (to oppose Jaime at first and then later for Thais)
5) She’s on Tumblr in 2014 and is part of the ya dystopian craze (she’s a big hunger games fan)
6) Speaking of she sees Catching Fire in theaters in 2013 and Johanna is her bi awakening
7) And bc of Johanna she decides she’s gonna specialize in Axe Wielding/Throwing (Lucie Herondale descendant that she is)
7) She had her Red Era. Red lipstick became her go to and she went to the Red tour in 2013
8) She makes Mark and Julian go viral on Vine bc she posts a video of him that’s smth like the strawberries at the diner scene
9) HAIR HIGHLIGHTS!! In 2015 she’s at turquoise, but she’s already gone through purple, red, pink, and platinum
10) She finds out about the First Heir — not that’s it’s Kit but she gets into Faerie history and it’s only a matter of time
11) She gets into Rainbow loom with Tavvy
12) When Helen and Aline go to New York to meet with Magnus and Alec (adopting kids, hangout, and running gov/institute meetup) Dru agrees to babysit for Rafe, Max, + Tavvy in exchange for tickets to Wicked on broadway
13) Tavvy gets into baking and Dru helps with decorating (Tavvy gets covered in sugar a few more times but Helen and Aline allow it as long as he bakes enough cookies to share and he eats Aline’s kale salad)
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swashbucklery · 1 year
Was thinking about fic before bed and my brain fed met the most insane Kit/Jade AU in which Jade was secretly a werewolf and trying to hide it from Kit. And it culminated in the most dramatic scene, where [the danger] was happening and Jade looking directly into Kit’s eyes like, “Whatever happens, remember what I said. Remember that [the monster] was cursed, right? That [the atrocities] weren’t their fault. Remember that I love you.”
And Kit just like, “Yeah, yeah of course. I love you. What’s going to happen?”
AND THEN I WOKE UP but fuck me is that a fic, also @isaidquirky come collect your dream.
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marchsfreakshow · 3 months
American Horror Story Masterlist
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tate Langdon:
The Locket With A Masquerade
Clingyness 18+
Sad Goodbyes
Gaming imagine 18+
Tumblr media
Kit Walker:
Quiet Boy 18+
My Sweet Girl 18+
Summer Imagine
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Kyle Spencer:
Words Are Overrated
My Darling Prince 18+
Reading This And That
Innocent Touch
Party Imagine
Painting Rain
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Jimmy Darling
Red Is My Favourite Colour
Sculpting Something More
It's A Sin
Riding Imagine
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James Patrick March
Memories Fading
Poems - 1 2 3 4 5
Dangerously Yours
My Sweet Girl 18+
Two Sweet Teeth
Inconsistencies (Part 2)
Clair De Lune
Stay In My Arms
That 80's Song
Heartache In Him
The Stage Is Yours
Opium And Monique Gibeau
Dreary Dreams In A Window
Nicknames And Praise 18+
Loving The Same
Why So Lonely Solitaire?
Need Me More 18+
Bloodthirsty And Lustful 18+
Bdsm imagine
Theatre imagine
Having Their Fill [ft. The Countess]
God imagine 18+ [2]
Gun imagine
Comforting A Murder 18+
Desperate Pain 18+
A Little Piece Of Heaven
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Kai Anderson
Obsession Over Control 18+
Kissing imagine
Punishment imagine 18+
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Dandy Mott
Never Leave
Seriously, Don't Cry
Can I Sew Into Your Heart?
Princesses Over Princes
Stranger, Lover
Oh The Sleeping Beauty 18+
Loving The Fool
Such A Crybaby! [Seperate M.list]
You Over Her!
Tumblr media
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bucknastysbabe · 11 months
✾ Happy Bday To A Sweet Lil Kit Named Liv ✾
Therefore I present to you:
♕ The Brother F**king Incest Spectacular ♕
For u bb @fairysluna
Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW: incest, non/con|||dub/con, degrading language, bastard hating, DAERON IS AGED UP!!!!Greens won AU, Jace’s sister reader, gang bang, so much Incest, cunnilingus, sloppy seconds, double penetration, oral sex, pnv!sex, erotic crying, humiliation, Daeron is actually scared but likes her so they run off and be happy duh, Aemond and Aegon are Insane, multiple orgasms, rough sex, m/m/m/f, Jace is broken, why is there kinda angst? Idk
A/N: I don’t tend to lean toward non-con but the brother fucking incest spectacular had been brewed so read the warnings!
“Little Lord Strong,” Aemond sneered from the lofty bed, looking down with a haughty look on his sharp features. Jace squirmed and hissed at the one-eyed prick. His dear sister was pinned between Aemond’s lean legs, face red and teary.
Daeron was quiet, a terrified look on his face as he watched the scene.
Aegon, ever the deviant, palmed himself through his breeches, other hand petting Jace’s poor sister’s hair. He was grinning wildly, violet eyes fervent with glee. He giggled as his younger brother prattled on. Aemond cocked his head towards his siblings and said, “Well. You know what they say about bastards. Lustful, devious sort. I bet she’ll open up like a Lyseni pillow girl.”
Jace barked, “Fuck you! All of you are the deviants! Defiling my maiden sister for what?”
Aegon snorted, “She’s a lovely vixen, we won and you didn’t. Therefore we get our war prizes. Wanted to see what your cunt of a mother was so infatuated by a house as shite as the Strongs.” Jace grimaced and squirmed under his bindings, chest aching at the mention of his true father. The one who had taught him to be a man. He didn’t feel much like one.
Aegon yanked back her hair and got a good look at doe brown eyes, watery with tears, lips swollen more-so than usual. She pled, “Please, please, I cannot help being o-of this nature. Have mercy my king, have mercy!” The giddiness of Aegon’s face morphed into anger.
He hissed in her face, spittle flying, “Did your lovely mother and the rogue cunt give my children mercy?”
She wailed in sorrow, apologizing for something she had nothing to do with. Aemond was wielding the Valyrian ceremonial knife, pointing it towards Jacaerys. He sniffed, “Yes, Lord Strong, was there mercy when your dead brother took my eye, slaughtered my kin, set the kingdom aflame for a seat that belonged to us trueborn?”
Jacaerys remained silent, fidgeting in his bonds, trying to find a way out. There was murder and kinslaying on both sides. The bastard thought he was justified for little Luke. Jace was angry and humiliated. Tears fell down his darkened cheeks. Daeron spoke up, a soft lilt to the youngest brother’s tone.
“You won’t get out of those. Learned the best knots down on the docks of Oldtown. Best if you just sat back and let it get on with. Customary,” he nervously looked to the elder blondes, “Customary right?”
Aegon popped up from his spewing of vitriol, laughing as he reached for more Arbor Red, “Yes, darling Daeron, customary to make sure any dragon blood gets more seed. We have to repopulate. Sorry you must get the leftover bitch as wife.”
Aemond shrugged, “She’s pretty. Had a Strong bitch in Harrenhal, witchy sort, but couldn’t trust a wench that played with magicks.” He began to take off his loose blouse, exposing pale scarred skin, lean and toned. Daeron was stockier, like Aegon but if the eldest didn’t overindulge. The king was a juxtaposition of tight burns and soft overfed flesh. Never a warrior, Jace knew that much.
Jace watched in agony as the boys divested their clothing. He sister wept and shook on the mattress, begging Daeron now. The youngest looked guilty, mouthing, “I’m sorry.” Aegon smacked the Prince from behind the head and chided, “This is your whore for tonight. Quit being the pansy.”
Daeron grumbled back, staring with flushed cheeks. Aemond pulled her ass up roughly, spreading tanned thighs, shapely from dragon riding. Jacaerys howled, “You accursed demon!” The one-eye hummed, “I’ve heard worse, Strong. Enjoy the show.”
Aegon was at full mast, eagerly stroking his thick cock, “As the king I get to fuck those pretty lips,” he smirked, “Aemond you can get her cunt. Daeron it’s either her ass or wait your turn. Feel her up a little, I don’t know.” Daeron’s lilac eyes bounced around the scene, pupils blowing at her gorgeous body, full breasts hanging below, obscene lips covered in drool.
“Go on Daeron, she’s drier than the Boneway,” Aemond frowned. Jace could hand the bastard that, he couldn’t bear to watch her be torn to shreds. Daeron’s body came closer to hers, a calloused hand tentatively rubbing her soft skin, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. She relaxed a smidgeon, nervous eyes peeking around. The brunette had pretty lashes.
The daring himself murmured, “I shan’t treat you like this my lady, we’ll go back to Old Town. J-just feel me and the sensations. Please. Please.”
She whimpered quietly at Daeron engaged her in a gentle kiss, his hand finally coming to knead and tweak her pretty tits. “This isn’t amateur hour, back off, acting like Florian and Jonquil.” Aeg snatched her jaw and ordered, “Open, bastard whore.” She did so, shaking as Aegon dropped his spit into her mouth, easing his thick cockhead into the warm opening.
“That’s better, fuck,” Aegon moaned, eyes lolled. Aemond waited patiently, while he grinned at Jace. He mused, “So easy, so pliable. That’s why your mother liked it. Wanted to control everything, the bitch.” Jace gritted back, “Your mother was a stone cold bitch and we all knew it!”
The Velaryon fumed with anger, eyes flickering to where Aegon was moaning with delight, Daeron caressing and kissing on her smooth skin. His cheeks reddened at where his thoughts were going. Merely a Targaryen instinct— inclination for the blood.
Daeron’s insistent kissing and licking had the princess biting off whines around Aegon’s cock. The king laughed, “Ah, there she is, little slut loves it after all.” Aemond played with her other entrance, feeling wetness begin to gather and dribble delightfully. He backed up and motioned towards the youngest.
“Actually, I want her wetter. Use your tongue Daeron.” Aegon giggled with glee at the idea, Jace groaned, and Daeron swallowed heavily.
He shuffled to her slit, pale eyes boggled at her most private part. His thumb slid through the moistened entrance, cock jumping in surprise. Daeron held up his thumb and suckled the essence off, eyelashes fluttering as he moaned.
“She taste s-sweet, hm?,” Aegon panted. He wouldn’t last long. Never did by all rumors and accounts. The slick noises of her mouth and Aegon’s lurid chattering was making Daeron grow impossibly hot under his skin. He grabbed handfuls of her pert ass and licked at her pretty petals, grinding into the bed.
“Seven hells— the mouth on this one!,” he giggled, “Lick at that bud Daeron, raa-right at the top, make her squeal and slick up.” The youngest did so, suckling on the hooded bud above her opening, inhaling her perfect natural scent. She squirmed and shook, crying out around Aegon. Daeron didn’t stop, intoxicated by his beautiful niece’s noises. She arched her back helplessly, whining.
Aegon gasped and pulled at her thick brown locks, shoving his cock deep into her throat— met with no resistance. He threw his short curls back, belly bouncing, lips agape. The king cried out, “Fuuuuck yess!” Jace saw his uncle’s balls draw tight and he emptied down her once pristine throat. He closed his eyes and whimpered, willing away the indecent thoughts. He could hear her coughing in the background.
Aegon, fuck dumb and lazy, pillowed himself back. He halfassedly gestured for Aemond to have her mouth. The lean man smirked as having her from this angle meant he could torture Jacaerys more. Daeron was busy exploring her, sticking fingers in and lapping excitedly.
“Slow down, you’ll blow before you get your cock in her cunny,” Aegon snorted.
Aemond easily got access, the Princess obediently opening her mouth, eyes far away and hazy. Cum was still wetting her chin, mixed with drool. Aemond wiped it away with the nearest cloth, finding a distaste to be so close to Aegon’s glob of spend. He tilted her head up so the taller Targaryen could ease his long cock down her throat.
“Stick your dick in already, she’s wetter than the Greenblood,” Aegon snapped, greedily gulping wine. He shouted, “Isn’t this just wonderful Jace! Maybe we’ll cut your cock off and make you a handmaiden to this lovely girl.” Jace whimpered, utterly broken and confused. He was so hard it hurt, yet everything disgusted him.
Daeron held his cock, lilac eyes focused on her hole, dipping the tip in, before getting shoved further by one of her frantic hands. Aemond laughed, “Mm! She likes you. We’ll all have to take a test filling her cunt up. Make sure the seed takes.”
The youngest brother’s vision grew blurry as he registered the delicious feeling surrounding his cock. It was better than anything he had tried on himself. She was warm, tight, and pulsing around Daeron’s member. He gripped her hips and fucked wildly, groaning and panting her name.
“Should have taken his virgin ass to the brothels in Old Town when we visited.”
“All the more fun, two little virgins, isn’t that right Lord Strong?,” Aemond jabbed in glee. Jace let out an agonized moan, his balls aching and full. His sister’s gorgeous cries and debauched frame was making him feel insane. Aegon’s nonsensical laugh broke through the haze, making Jace more ashamed…more aroused.
Daeron panted and laid kisses up her back, breathlessly praising, “Oh you feel so good, tell me what to do, please?” Aemond, snapping his hips into the Velaryon’s mouth jeered, “Listen to what the wretch had to say, touch her button.”
Aegon slurred, already stroking his cock again, “When she comes, s’like heaven, milking ya’ cock.”
Daeron reached around to settle between them, circling around her swollen nub, feeling her cunt pulse and hearing excited keening. He pinched and pulled harder, the cries turning into little whimpers as she drew tighter and tighter around him. Daeron felt his eyes crossing at the pressure, fucking harder in a last effort.
Aemond pinched a bouncing teat of hers and ordered, “Come now, Strong slut. Serve your superiors.” He pulled out and watched the scene, on his haunches. The brunette was wailing and crying Daeron’s name. “Oh Gods please, don’t stop, f-fa-feels s’good! What’s- oh my- happening?”
Jace never wished he could be freed more than now, eyes glued to her twitching body, plump lips shining in the dull light. His cock was leaking profusely, needing an outlet for his swollen sac. Daeron gasped as she gushed all over his cock, sniveling and sucking in breath. Tears leaked down her gorgeous face.
The youngest Targaryen just sat in a daze, her throbbing pussy hitting him with wave of wave of ecstasy, his cock unloading all he could have carried into her womb. He selfishly hoped his seed would take, so that his wife’s child was truly his. He kissed and rubbed on her until Aegon cast him aside, laughing, “My turn, lover boy.”
Daeron’s eyes flickered to Jace, whining softly with a red face. His cock had soaked the front of his small clothes, huge member swollen and needy. Gods, the depravity. He absently wondered if the girl was supposed to be Jace’s if it weren’t for the twins.
Aegon was a lazy fuck, making the girl get on top of him and ride and ride until her shaky legs gave out. The king smacked her ass roughly, barking, “You can do better than that with all that dragon riding. Lazy whore.” She whimpered and bounced harder, squeezing Aegon’s soft midsection tight. He moaned, “Soooo much better. Good little bitch.”
He filled her up next with a sloppy finish, leaving some on her belly and legs, proposing, “Since Jace is so needy, we should make him clean her up.” Aemond seemed to love that idea, eagerly fucking her into the soft bed, her legs thrown high up his long body.
He bit and sucked a collar of markings around her neck, snarling, “You belong to us now, no black, no-ngh, fucking greens, just the Targaryens.” She whimpered, “Yes, yes, I belong to you, the rightful family.” Aemond smacked her around some more, around the ass and thighs. He pumped with long strokes, powerful and measured.
Daeron was taking notes. Because she was heaving and clawing his shoulders, mewling when he’d plunge into her ruined cunt. Blood had already dried on the bed. Aegon crawled over and pointed her wet eyes to Jace.
“You want brother dearest to clean you up after? Lick your sore cunny up, coddle you? Or Daeron?”
She scrunched her face up, obviously distressed. Jace whined pathetically, “Sister, sister please, let me, let me?” He was humping the air now, utterly broken and debauched. Aemond smacked her cheek none-to-hard and smarted, “Your king asked you a question!”
She wailed out, “Both! Need both! Gods please! Mmmm!” Aemond’s one eye rolled up at her releasing yet again. She still had some in her, coating his long cock with the gorgeous essence. The long haired prince pumped her for the final time full of his cum, slapping her ass another time for good measure. She shivered and cried, Daeron already to the rescue.
Who knew such a powerful fighter had such a weak heart. Aegon laid back like a cat who got the cream, watching Jacaerys sob and shiver. He’d cum. The evidence was sticky and soaking his small clothes. The princess took one look and begged, “C-can he join? Lick me up like you said my liege?”
Aegon shrugged, “Aemond and I will watch for safety. Can’t believe Lord Strong came in his small clothes watching his sister get fucked by the enemies. I thought we were fucked up.”
“Like you’ll do shite you oaf,” Aemond muttered as he slit the ropes binding Jace. The brunette stumbled to his sister, squatting between her soaked cunt. It was still a bit stretched, puffy and oozing copious amounts of ‘dragonseed’. He began to cry in shame as he cleaned her up.
Daeron softly murmured, “I’ll take good care of her, you’ve been good. So good.” Jace blushed and kept licking, eating up his sister’s sighs of pleasure, Daeron’s long fingers in his dark hair. What a fucking mess this was.
Aegon and Aemond merely laughed like devilish imps. Sadists. “Oh she’ll take the seed alright, she better or we do this again,” he tapped his chin, “We can’t taint her bastardized blood further, so just licking cunny for you dear nephew.”
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