#ruby cruz fanfiction
rubycruzin4abruzin · 20 days
Forbidden Crown: ch. I
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Summary: As a princess, your parents choose your spouse, and they decide it’s time to start looking shortly after your fifth birthday. However, when your parents decide to unite kingdoms with Tir Asleen and introduce you to Prince Airk, you’re seemingly more drawn to his twin sister, Kit.
Pairing: kit tanthalos x princess!reader
Contains: fluff, matchmaking, childlike play, kisses to mimic adult behavior, pure innocence
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of Forbidden Crown! It’s a coming of age story, so in this chapter, our main characters are five years old, but in the next, they’ll be ten, and so on. Not too much happens in this chapter, but I promise it’ll get a lot juicier later. Enjoy! :)
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As a princess, you always knew you wouldn’t get to choose a spouse. Instead, you grew up knowing exactly who you would one day marry.
Your parents, the king and queen of Azarenth, decided it was time to start looking for suitors shortly after you turned five. Their idea was for the two of you to meet frequently, essentially growing up together before tying the knot and officially uniting kingdoms. After some extensive research, your parents discovered a nearby kingdom with a prince around your age. So, they packed your belongings and loaded up the carriage for the journey to the kingdom of Tir Asleen.
Since you were so young, your parents didn’t tell you the exact reason you were visiting this new kingdom; all you knew was that you were going to play with a new friend and that your parents seemed very anxious upon arrival. They had dressed you in your best clothes: a puffy white dress with pink lace ribbons, and were constantly readjusting the bows or smoothing out the fabric. You scowled at all the fuss; you had been on plenty of playdates before and didn't understand why this one was such a big deal.
Stepping out of the carriage, a woman who appeared to be the queen of Tir Asleen greeted you and shook hands with your parents. She introduced herself as ‘Sorsha,’ and wore a wide smile as she spoke in a gentle tone.
“Hello little one,” she bent down to meet you at eye level. “The children are out back in the garden. Why don’t you go play?”
You agreed, happily leaving the adults to chat freely. As you made your way to the garden, you wondered what Sorsha had meant by ‘children.’ Your parents had said that you were here to make one friend, but the possibility of making multiple friends was even more exciting.
Upon reaching the palace garden, you opened the gate and walked in to see only one child, a boy who looked to be around your age. You felt a twinge of disappointment, but quickly hid it after he noticed your presence and flashed you a warm smile.
“Hi,” he greeted. “I’m Airk. Airk Tanthalos. What’s your name?”
You introduced yourself, prompting him to nod in response before speaking again.
“My mom says we’re gonna be friends now. I was just playing hide-n-seek with my sister.”
You perked up at this new information, excitedly anticipating the arrival of more friends.
Airk spun around, calling out to the entirety of the garden. “Kit! Our guest is here!”
No response. Airk sighed. “Kit! Olly olly oxen free!”
Suddenly, a little girl emerged from behind a tree, capturing your attention. She was unlike anything you’d ever seen before. You were taught that princesses should always be proper and ladylike, which Kit certainly was not. Instead, stray hairs clung to her flushed cheeks and hung just above her mouth, dyed purple from grape-juice. Grass and mud stained her tunic, and she wore breeches. You didn’t know girls were even allowed to wear breeches.
As she walked towards you and Airk, you quickly became infatuated with her. She was just so… cool.
Airk turned back towards you, rolling his eyes. “That’s Kit. Don’t mind her. She’s stubborn.”
“Gotta be stubborn when you’re the best hide-n-seeker in all of Tir Asleen.” Kit retorted, sticking out her tongue.
Airk stuck out his tongue back in response before gesturing towards you. “This is our guest. Mom says we’re going to be friends with her now.”
Kit turned towards you, face brightening as if this was the first time she noticed your presence. “Oh you’re the guest. How old are you?”
You shyly held up five fingers, causing Airk to erupt into mocking laughter. “You’re five? I hadn’t realized I was in the presence of a baby!”
Anger bubbled up inside you at his words. You had just met this boy, and he was already not very nice.
“Shut up, Airk!” Kit exclaimed, pushing her brother's head. “If anyone here is a baby it’s you!”
“Nuh-uh! You’re the baby! You’re only six!”
“So are you, idiot!”
“I’m still older!”
“By like, one minute!”
Airk huffed in response, crossing his arms and pouting. Kit flashed you a reassuring smile, and you felt warmth bubbling from inside you. This girl, this cool, older girl, had just stood up for you.
“Do you want to play tag?” Kit asked you. “Airk is awful at tag.”
“Nuh-uh! I’m super fast…”
“I can’t,” you cut Airk off and looked towards Kit regrettably. “I can’t run in this stupid dress.”
You pulled at your outfit, exaggerating your frustration. Kit scrunched up her face, seemingly deep in thought before she jumped up as if a lightbulb went off in her head.
“I’ll be right back,” she exclaimed, before running inside.
Now that you and Airk were alone together, it was almost awkward. You tugged at your dress, while he sat and pulled at the grass.
“I like your dress,” he muttered. “I think it makes you look pretty.”
A blush crept onto your cheeks at the compliment; maybe this boy wasn’t so bad after all. “Thanks.”
Seconds later, Kit came running back out of the castle carrying a garment of some sorts. She slowed to catch her breath as she approached you, proudly holding up the item.
“Breeches,” she explained breathlessly. “Put them on under your dress, then just tuck the skirt in.”
You stared at the garment, turning it over in wonder. “I’ve never had breeches before.”
“Keep them,” Kit replied. “Now you do.”
Your heart swelled at her kind gesture. First the cool girl had stood up for you, and now she was giving you a gift.
After thanking her, you slid the breeches on from underneath your dress, and tucked your skirt into the waistband. The thick fabric of your dress spilled out and bulged against the hem of the pants, sort of making you look like a spinning top, but you didn’t care. You were mobile now, and free to play whatever.
Feeling giddy, and slightly mischievous, you walked up to Kit, giggling behind your hand before slapping her on the shoulder.
“Tag! You’re it!”
You ran away, chuckling loudly as Kit gasped. She narrowed her eyes with an impish grin, feigning displeasure at being “it.”
“I’ll get you for that!”
The game continued with the three of you, but it was mostly you and Kit chasing each other around the garden, giggling until your ribs ached. At one point, you were running away from Kit, almost escaping before she took a shortcut through a flower bed and tackled you. You landed flat on your back, looking up at a giddy Kit in shock.
“Tag! You’re it! I win again!” She exclaimed, giggling as she reached up and pulled out a pink ribbon from your hair.
You groaned, grabbing for the ribbon as she dangled it over your head. “Kit! No fair, give it back!”
“I don’t think I will. I won, so I’ll take this as my trophy.” She twisted the ribbon in her fingers, examining the lace detail. “Besides, I gave you my breeches, it’s only fair you give me something of yours.”
She crawled off of you and lazily tied the ribbon in her tousled hair. The untidy knot hung loosely over her tangles and stood out like a sore thumb, but the sight of her in something you owned was so enthralling that you couldn’t care less.
Batting her eyelashes, she pouted her lips dramatically. “How do I look?”
You giggled. “Beautiful. Like a princess.”
The two of you tittered about while Airk groaned, feeling left out. “Can we play something else?”
Kit shrugged. “Fine. Let’s play house.”
Airk perked up, nodding in enthusiastic agreement before running over and grabbing your arm. “Great! We can play mommy and daddy, and you’re our child and you have to do whatever we say, Kit.”
“Nuh-uh!” Kit argued, grabbing onto your other arm. “How about I play the daddy, and you be our child and do whatever we say!”
“No fair!” Airk exclaimed. “It was my idea first!”
“It was my idea to play house!” Kit retorted smugly before slinging an arm around your shoulder. “How about we let our guest decide?”
“Fine!” Airk turned to you. “Who do you want to be married to? Me, or Kit?”
You looked between the siblings, weighing your options. Kit was so cool, but Airk was a boy, and you’d never heard of two girls getting married. But if it’s just pretend, and she’s playing the daddy anyway, then it should be alright… right?
Turning to Airk, you shot him a smug smirk. “Who’s the baby now?”
Kit erupted into mocking laughter while Airk grumbled, crossing his arms. “I’d rather be the horse.”
With that complaint, the game began, Airk finally giving in and agreeing to be yours and Kit’s son. You were pretending to prepare Airk as the next heir to the throne before Kit entered the scene, carrying a branch as a makeshift sword.
“Hello, wife,” Kit announced, lowering her voice to impersonate a man. “I’m back from the fight with General Kael.”
“Welcome home, dear,” you replied. “How was the fight?”
“Well I won, of course.” Kit boasted.
You clapped your hands in excitement. “That's wonderful, my love! Airk, did you hear your father?”
“Sure, sure.” Airk grumbled, completely disinterested.
Kit turned to her brother, waving her finger and pretending to be stern. “Listen to your mother, son. Someday it will be your responsibility to defeat leaders of evil armies.”
Airk rolled his eyes while you giggled, smiling at your pretend husband. “Darling, I’m so happy I married you. You’re such a great husband and father, and I’m so proud of you for defeating General Kael.”
“Bo-ring!” Airk complained, being completely ignored by you and Kit.
“Thank you sweetheart,” Kit replied in her mannish voice. “But the battle isn’t over yet. I must go back out and defeat Queen Bavmorda. Give me a kiss for good luck?”
“Kiss?” You asked, breaking character.
Kit dropped the act, returning to her normal voice. “Yeah. Mommies and daddies kiss, so we have to kiss.”
“You can’t kiss!” Airk shouted. “Kissing is for grown-ups!”
“We’re grown-ups in the game,” Kit argued.
“I’ve seen my mommy and daddy kiss, but I’ve never kissed,” you admitted, silently hoping that Kit wouldn’t think less of you.
“That’s alright,” Kit reassured with a gentle smile. “It’s easy. Just stand still, and close your eyes.”
You did as you were told, and suddenly, just for a brief second, you felt Kit’s lips on yours. It was only an innocent peck, but lingered with the taste of grape juice, and left an unfamiliar buzzing sound in your ears. Every inch of your small body tingled with warmth, and in that moment, you were convinced that Kit could do no wrong; everything about her was perfect.
“Gross!” Airk sneered, earning a sharp thwack from Kit using the tree branch she was holding.
And so the game continued, you pretending to tend to your ‘kingdom’ and prepare Airk as an heir, while Kit ran around the garden, using her trusty tree branch to reenact tales her father, Madmartigan, had told her. In between scenes, you would boss Airk around, sending him on side quests, or hide behind shrubs and share sweet grape-juice flavored kisses.
Eventually, the sun began to set, signaling the end of your play day. You and Kit had teamed up to wrestle Airk to the ground when Sorsha and your parents entered the garden gate, laughing like longtime friends. Upon seeing you, however, your parents froze at the shocking sight. Their beloved daughter, raised to be a prim and proper princess, was caked in mud, and wrestling a boy with her dress tucked into a pair of breeches that didn’t belong to her.
You heard your mother call your name, and immediately paused the roughhousing to shift your attention towards her. She forced a plastic smile, clearly displeased with your current appearance, but unwilling to make a scene in front of Sorsha.
“What are those?” She asked through gritted teeth, gesturing towards your lower half.
“Breeches!” You replied proudly. “Kit gave them to me.”
“Well wasn’t that nice of her,” she hummed, exchanging looks with your father.
Sorsha looked over to her own children and let out a sigh, noticing they hadn’t stopped wrestling. “Kit! Get off your brother!”
“Airk is in training, mom!” Kit whined, climbing off her brother. “He has to learn how to defeat Queen Bavmorda if he wants to be the next heir to the throne!”
“Her father…” Sorsha muttered an apologetic explanation to your parents before turning back to the twins. “Kit, why don’t you and Airk go inside and ask the cook to make our guests a snack?”
“Fine…” the twins murmured before trudging back into the castle.
Now that you were alone with the three adults, it seemed as if all their attention fixated on you. They crouched down to your level, peering at you with toothy grins plastered on their faces. A feeling of unease settled like a pit in your stomach, compelling you to take a small step back before they started speaking.
“Sweetheart,” your mother started, her voice dripping with sickening sweetness. “Did you have fun today?”
“I did,” you replied, letting your guard down slightly. “Kit is fantastic. She’s like a brave warrior princess!”
Your mother pursed her lips in disapproval, prompting Sorsha to quickly chime in. “What about Airk? Did you enjoy playing with Airk?”
Even though you had formed a stronger bond with Kit, you did still enjoy playing with Airk. “Yea, he was fun to play with too.”
All three adults beamed at you once again, teeth shining so bright you were almost sure you were going blind. That previous feeling of unease settled in your stomach again; you weren’t sure what your parents were planning, or why they kept interrogating you about your new friends.
It was your father, your gentle and typically soft-spoken father, who decided to ask the question they were all waiting for. “Princess, when you grow up, would you like to marry Airk?”
The adults looked at you expectantly, waiting with bated breath. To you, this was nothing more than an innocent question, a completely hypothetical situation. To them, however, your answer would determine the rest of your life.
You furrowed your brow, pondering their question. “If I marry Airk, does that mean I can play with Kit forever and ever?”
Your parents glanced at each other, and then at Sorsha. All three were slightly taken aback by your response, and none of them knew how to answer your question.
Finally, it was your mother who decided to speak up, nodding slowly as she did. “Well… if you were to marry Airk… technically you and Kit would be sisters. So… yes, I suppose you would get to spend a lot of time together.”
A warm feeling exploded in your chest. Sisters? You’d never even had a sibling before, let alone a sister, and the thought of having one as cool as Kit made you bounce with excitement.
“Then yes,” you exclaimed. “When I grow up, I want to marry Airk!”
The adults cheered in approval, your father hoisting you up onto his shoulders while the women chatted about plans for something you couldn’t make out. At this point, the twins came back out carrying snacks, and ended up joining the impromptu celebration. Not you, nor Kit, nor Airk knew what exactly was being celebrated, but everyone was happy, and that was all any of you cared about.
That night was spent in the Tir Asleen castle, you and your parents meant to be resting for the journey back to Azarenth the next morning. You were supposed to use one of the many guest rooms available, but you and Kit had begged your parents to let you share Kit’s room, and after promising to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, they finally agreed.
You and Kit spent the entire night hidden under her covers, telling stories and sharing sweet secrets. Once the night sky turned pitch black, you had to resort to soft whispers and stifled giggles, for fear of your parents hearing you awake so late and making you sleep separately. Eventually, just before daybreak, you two fell asleep, passed out only after neither of you could keep your eyes open any longer.
The next morning, Sorsha found you both collapsed, buried under Kit’s sheets, lying in a heap and practically tangled into each other. As she gently shook you awake and sent you to the room your parents were staying in, she couldn’t help but smile to herself; Kit didn’t have many girl friends, instead opting to spend most of her free time with her brother and other boys from the neighboring village. It was refreshing, watching her daughter form a close bond with a girl, especially one she was planning on having as a future daughter-in-law.
After getting dressed and sharing a quick breakfast, it was time for you and your parents to begin making your way back to Azarenth. You and Kit shared a tearful goodbye, promising to remain close companions as you embraced each other for the last time.
“Do you still have my breeches?” Kit whispered.
You nodded. “I’m wearing them under my skirt.”
As you let go of each other, you glanced down and noticed your pink ribbon from the previous day was now tied around Kit’s wrist, neatly held together with a bow. You smiled, gingerly picking up her hand and running your fingers over the lacy fabric.
“My ribbon…” you whispered.
“Mommy helped me put it on,” Kit grinned proudly, holding it up by her face in an exaggerated pose. “How do I look?”
You giggled. “Like a princess.”
After leaving Kit and bidding a quick farewell to Airk, you and your parents piled into the carriage for the journey back to your own kingdom. Soon, all you could hear was the dull clip-clop of the driving horse stepping along the cobblestone road.
“Hmm,” your mother pursed her lips as soon as Tir Asleen was out of sight. “I’m not sure how I feel about that Kit girl. She doesn’t seem like the most positive influence. I mean, breeches? On a princess? What was her mother thinking?”
You gulped, crossing your legs and pulling your skirt farther down, fearing that your mother could tell you were secretly wearing Kit’s breeches underneath.
“Something tells me Sorsha isn’t too happy about the breeches herself,” your father murmured, making your mother nod in agreement.
The tips of your ears burned with resentment. In that moment, you hated your parents for looking down on Kit, and didn’t understand how they couldn’t see her the same way you did: wonderful.
Despite your indignation, you chose to bite your tongue, deciding that arguing would prove fruitless. Instead, you threw yourself into your imagination, looking out the window of the carriage and daydreaming about you and Kit growing up and running away together, free from the confines of your parents.
Little did you know, it would be five years before you saw Kit again.
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loser!virgin!hazel headcannons*
loser!virgin!hazel who can't help but blush everytime you talk to her because having your attention on her never fails to make her flustered
loser!virgin!hazel who constantly stutters and stumbles over her words when talking to you because you're so pretty she just can't think straight
loser!virgin!hazel who always stares at you in class and daydreams about being with you
loser!virgin!hazel who thought you were joking when you told her you liked her because no one's ever felt like that about her before
loser!virgin!hazel who tenses up every time you touch her because she's still not used to the dizzying feeling of your skin against hers
loser!virgin!hazel who almost blacks out when you kiss her for the first time because she's feeling so many things at once and it was overwhelming in the best way possible
loser!virgin!hazel who accidentally lets it slip that she's a virgin and you just can't stop teasing her about it (not that she minds in the slightest)
loser!virgin!hazel who practically short circuits the first time she sees your tits
loser!virgin!hazel who is so whiny and squirmy the first time you go down on her because it feels so good that she just can't control herself
loser!virgin!hazel who begs you to let her eat you out because she's been fantasizing about it for so long (and how could you ever say no to that?)
loser!virgin!hazel who accidentally overstimulates you when she goes down on your for the first time because you taste so good and she loves how you sound and just can't bring herself to stop
loser!virign!hazel who whines so pathetically when you finally manage to pull her out from between your legs
loser!virgin!hazel who is so obsessed with you and making you feel good that she doesn't care about whether or not she cums too
loser!virgin!hazel who lets you use her like a fucktoy after you've had a stressful day
loser!virgin!hazel who practically worships the ground you walk on because you're so beautiful and she still can't believe you're actually hers
loser!virgin!hazel who would let you do anything you want to her because she's too whipped to ever say no
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jo6hny · 2 months
Guilty Pleasure - Hazel Callahan
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Pairing: College student! Hazel Callahan x College student! Reader 
Contains: fluff, kissing, something more than kissing, reader and hazel being referred to as a girl, drunk sylvie, reader and hazel are in a situationship (oh no), freddy fazbear and fnaf mention
Summary: Based on this request.
Word Count: 2.18K
A/N: long time no post omg. sorry, i got caught up with work :( !! but i’ll still be writing and fulfilling requests. it'll just be very slooooow. tysm for all the support!!
The sound of keys jingling breaks the silence of the once silent and unoccupied dorm room. 
“That was sooo fuckin’ crazy” Sylvie says. Her words are slurred as she continues to yap about the party her, Hazel, and you were previously at. After having one too many drinks, the both of you decided to let the drunk girl crash over at yours and Hazel’s shared dorm room. 
“Alright buddy, let’s get you tucked into bed.” Hazel says, letting her best friend crash on her bed on the left side of the room. The distinction between your side and hers was clear as day. No one would mistake one for the other. Hazel’s had different kinds of band posters on her wall, funko pops on her shelves, and five nights at Freddy’s plushies on her dark sheeted bed. You, on the other hand, liked keeping things clean and minimal with cream colored sheets and one rabbit plushie. 
Tension arises between the two of you once Sylvie is tucked into bed. It is here that you both realize that one of you is without a place to sleep. It’s not like you wouldn’t mind sharing with Hazel if it were any other day, but you weren’t exactly on the best of terms right now. 
The two of you had gotten into an argument at the party after Hazel wasn’t sure what to introduce you as to people she knew. She couldn’t settle between friend, roommate, or almost but not quite a girlfriend. It made you feel ashamed, if you were being honest. You didn’t want to be in this situation. Not knowing what stood between the two of you. Though, you did admit that the both of you were living in a bubble. A sweet, non committal and casual bubble. No one knows what goes on between the two of you except, well, the both of you. So a part of you understood her hesitancy when she introduced you, but a part of you also wanted her to take the reins and just shout out what she wanted you to be. 
“So…” The brunette mumbled, balancing herself between her toes and the balls of her feet. 
“It’s not like we have a choice.” You said, sighing. You’d stepped out of the way as a gesture for her to get in your bed. 
Hazel’s demeanor lightened. She must have thought that you were over the incident at the party (you were not). The brunette changes into sleepwear before making herself comfortable on your bed. She’s done this hundreds of times before so there’s no shame or second thoughts in her body as she takes up the space she believes is hers. The space that was next to you.
You do the same as her and change into something more comfortable before slipping into bed beside her. Your body betrays your soured feelings as it relaxes when your skin meets hers. It was automatic nowadays, the feeling of relief that washed over you whenever you were near Hazel. The brunette faces you and drapes her arm around you as she always does. 
“You looked really pretty tonight.” Hazel whispered, not risking waking Sylvie up. The brunette was anything but asleep and you could tell by the tone of her voice. She was gaging your reaction. 
“Just tonight?” You reply teasing her. 
A smile spreads across your lover’s dimly lit face. If it weren’t for Hazel’s night light, the room would have been pitch black. Thank god for Freddy Fazbear the night light. 
“Always.” She reassures, a dimple poking out of her cheek. Hazel looked charming under the dim lights. Her eyes sparkled and her hair ever so soft. It was no wonder that you fell for her charms. The charms which compel you to bare your heart out despite the disappointments you’ve suffered, that is. 
A visible frown forms on your face as you recall once again why you two were at odds. Hazel sees this and her eyebrows furrow in worry. She takes the arm that was draped around you and relocates her hand towards your face to caress it. 
“I’m sorry.” Hazel says apologetically. You knew that she meant it. Hazel was rarely malicious and even if she was, it was always in a teasing manner. She was the most pure hearted person you’ve ever met, which is why you felt bad about what you did next. 
“About what?” You asked, teasing. It was rare that your lover is the one apologizing, most of the time it was you. Taking on this rare opportunity, you decide to egg Hazel’s conscience further. 
“You know…” She trails off, avoiding eye contact but maintaining her hand on your cheek. Her thumb was caressing your cheek in a windshield like manner which signified that she was fidgeting. 
Fighting off a smile, you put on your best frown and puppy dog eyes. You wondered how long it would take the brunette to realize that you were joking. Most of the time, the jokes flew over her head. She had a knack of not detecting sarcasm and you found it endearing. 
“I don’t know, Hazel.” You sigh, slightly shrugging of the hand on your cheek. The blue eyed girl was visibly getting frustrated by the second. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her big blue eyes were the roundest it had ever been. 
“I’m sorry for not telling people what we are.” She admitted. You held in a gasp, you didn’t expect her to admit her fault outright. You were expecting a much whinier version of the woman beside you but right now you were faced with a visibly apologetic lover. The thought made your heart ache. 
“Hazel,” You sighed, taking the hand on your cheek with your own. “It’s okay.” 
She shakes her head in disagreement. A frown formed on her lips. She looked close to crying. 
“It’s not. I should’ve told them we were together.” She protested, squeezing your hand. 
“Are you sure?. I feel like you liked it when that sorority girl flirted with you.” Teasing, you interlock your fingers with her. No matter how guilty you felt, it was undeniably fun to tease your lover just a little bit. 
“I didn’t. I swear! I only like you.” She exclaimed, now holding both of your hands. The last part of her sentence was whispered but loud enough for you to catch on. 
A smile forms on your face and a warmth felt on your cheeks. You looked at your lover with much endearment and love.Hazel was nothing but pure. Her love for you had always shone and she’d never made you feel mad or sad or anything negative. Hazel’s was a love you’d never experienced with anyone else before. 
“I guess I only acted like that because I saw how Isabel looked at you.” Hazel said. Your heart drops at her revelation and you’re quick to dismiss her. Unbeknownst to you, Hazel was sporting a mischievous glint in her eyes. The same one she noticed that you had. She’d been able to notice whenever you were teasing nowadays. She noticed how your tone fluctuated, like it always does when you’re joking. And she noticed how you tried to stop yourself from smirking but the tips of your mouth would still turn upwards. All this she picked up because Hazel always took mental notes on you; observed you. 
“What? No-” You interjected, flailing your arms. “Isabel and I are just friends. Plus she has Josie, Haze!” 
“Are you sure? Because the hug you shared seemed a bit intimate.” She said, copying the tone you carried when you presented the same idea. She was toying with you and found it amusing how now you were the one who was panicking. 
“Hazel,” You grabbed her face gently to demand all her focus on you. “I would’ve kissed you in that sweaty house of people for everyone to see.” 
Now it was Hazel’s turn to blush. She could physically feel herself turning red, she imagined what she’d look like. Deciding to be brave and continue on flirting, Hazel encourages you further. 
“And why didn’t you?” She asked, her eyebrow raising. She looked at you with much anticipation, she wanted your lips on hers more than anything else. The desire to kiss and hold you is embedded in her person. Nothing else made her the happiest. 
“Because..I don’t know. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to.” You mutter, avoiding eye contact. 
“I want to. You can do it right now.” Hazel said quickly and without hesitancy. 
Smiles form from both of you which cascade into giggles. Hazel’s blue eyes turn into crescent moons as her smile reaches her eyes. You could slightly see her countenance being tinted red, signaling to you that she had been flustered with the exchange.
The laughter dies down and all there’s left is tension between the both of you.The silence between you was palpable, the tension thick. You didn’t know why you felt shy now. Too shy to steal a kiss from your lover's lips like you always did. Your hands were still on her face, gently stroking it with your thumb. You imagined that the two of you looked like a couple of rags after a wild night out and yet, Hazel looked ethereal. You reckon that her face could launch a thousand ships as Helen did. 
“You look really beautiful, Haze.” You whisper, trying to shake off the nerves that suddenly appeared. It felt like the time you two first kissed. How the air was so thick and it felt like you were suffocating. The only solution was to put your lips on hers and kiss like her being held oxygen. You remember how you fantasized about how you would finally kiss her, running through so many situations in your head to prepare you only for it to happen on a random afternoon. 
Hazel smiled, the dimple on her cheek appearing. 
“You look beautiful too.You really always do. I mean it.” 
“That’s the alcohol talking.” You retaliate. Compliments never came easy to you, especially not from someone you adored. 
“I didn’t even drink that much. I was too busy looking out for…” She trailed, her gaze landing upon the bed next to yours. 
You laugh at this, following Hazel’s gaze to see that Sylvie had her mouth open as she slept. She also somehow found one of Hazel’s plushies and was snuggling it which earned a look of disdain from her. 
“She’s gonna deform him.” She says with concern. This makes you smile wider than you already had. 
Stroking her face, you decide to kiss her. Your heart couldn’t handle it anymore and it felt like it would burst with all the love and adoration it was holding. Hazel’s lips were sweet, which told you that she drank one of those liquor the sorority sisters made that was full of candy. You made a mental note to point it out to her later. But now, you were focused on the task at hand and that was kissing Hazel so much til your head felt dizzy. 
One of your hands loosen from her face and find their way to her hair. Hazel groans at the action, putting her hands on your neck in return. After what felt like a sweet eternity of kissing, the brunette takes it further by disconnecting her lips from yours and planting it down on your neck. You whimper at the feeling of her lips on yours and grip her hair tighter. 
“Mmmh head hurts!” 
A groaning Sylvie makes the both of you jump, fully forgetting that you had another person in the room. A smile is shared between you and your lover. You’d both silently agreed that you should sleep instead of fucking in case Sylvie actually wakes up. 
Settling back into your bed, Hazel takes it upon herself to position her body on top of yours and bury her neck on your face. You could physically feel her sniffing you. 
“Are you done sniffing me or do you need a little bit more time there?” You ask, wrapping your arms around her. She laughs at your comment and lifts her head up. 
“Can’t I smell my girlfriend? Is that too much to ask?” She asks, feigning sadness in her voice. 
You raise one of your eyebrows at Hazel’s reply, taking note of what she just called you. 
“Girlfriend, huh?” 
“Yup.” She nods, giving you a smile. “Unless you don’t want to, which is totally cool.” 
You shake your head frantically, earning another laugh from your girlfriend. Hazel situates her face back onto the crook of your neck and plants a small kiss. Your heart flutters at the gesture. This was it. You were finally officially together and it happened because Sylvie was forced to sleep on her side of the bed because of poor alcoholic decisions. You had to thank her in the morning, surely. But for now, you’d tighten your hold on Hazel and relish in her body heat. 
“Goodnight, Haze.” 
tags: @academiareid <33
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buckleysbitch · 4 months
mini nsfw hazel blurbs, should i turn the last one into a full length fic? ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
reqs are open!!
nsfw under the cut
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listen to hazels spotify here ‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡🕸
❀ eating out gamer!hazel on your knees while she lounges her chair, nibbling on her bottom lip as she continues to absentmindedly play her game. after you get into a rhythm, she gets heated, her hands finding their way into your hair as she throws her head back, shaking her headset off.
❀ hazel having you touch yourself in front of her, her eyes wide in the chair across the room. just before you cum, she pounces in between your thighs and finishes you off herself.
❀ riding hazels face after she beat you in a fight at the club as punishment. her face adorned with your slick, practically choking on your clit as she services you just how you taught her.
❀ getting a new lingerie set, something lacy and dainty, red fabric adorning your curves perfectly. you wear it out to a nice dinner with hazel and your friends underneath your dress, and when you get home, ask hazel to unzip you with a knowing smirk of what’s to come.
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fictionalgap · 6 months
Roommate: Too Whipped (chapter 3)
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Pairing: Hazel Callahan x Reader
Summary: You can't get Hazel out of your head.
Warning: 18+ Themes
Warning: +18 themes, swearing, sexual themes
Other Chapters: Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5
Song Recommendation: I Want To Be With You - Chloe Moriondo
You had two classes today and you had a four hours break. Your only option was library. Hazel had swimming practice during your break. It was one hour. Unfortunately swimming team was always going to gym before the classes so It's three hours If you count the shower and etc. You knew PJ and Josie had classes during that time. Your classmates didn't take the class you had earlier so they usually don't show up before evening class starts.
You went to your favorite spot in the library, at the corner and next to the window where you recently had the knowledge that Hazel can see you from there. You didn't felt like studying so you picked up a book you've been wanting to read for a long time.
You didn't know how much time has passed until you felt someone tap on your shoulder.
You turned around to see Hazel, whose smile met her eyes.
"Hey." your bored mood vanished.
"Hi." She said as she sat on the chair next to you.
"What are you reading? " she whispered.
You showed her the cover of the book you've been reading.
"I didn't feel like studying. Wait- " You checked your watch.
"Aren't you supposed to be at practice? " you asked as you raised a brow.
"Someone suggested we separate gym and swimming hours. We only had swimming practice today.
" Oh... Is that good? "
"Yeah. It was pretty tiring to swim after gym."
"Oh than it's great." You nodded to her and smiled genuinely.
"Yeah." she smiled sweetly at you.
"And, and also we can study together, because I will be leaving early and-, I mean If that's what you want and If you don't have anyone to, to,to hang out and maybe-"
"Yeah, I'd love to, Hazel. Studying, hangout or whatever. "
"Yeah...okay. " you could see that she was nervous.
You squeezed her arm lightly with a soft smile to make her less nervous.
She looked relieved and stared in your eyes for a while.
"Yeah so, what do you want to do now? " you cleared your throat and pulled your hand from her arm.
"I don't know. What do you want to do? "
"Did you study earlier? "
"Nah. I mean a little but I think there are some things I need to look... "
"Cool. Okay I can review my notes too. Maybe for a while then we can go for a walk around campus. I have a class later. Or, or you can stay here and keep studying since it's hard to study at home." you pouted, remembering your evening class.
You hated evening classes. You were too tired to get anything in your head.
"That's alright... Maybe we can study now and then go for a walk. Later, you go to your class and I'll study here and maybe we'll go home together."
You blinked a few times.
"Yeah, I mean, If that's what you want. " you put a soft smile on your face.
"Yeah... " She said and opened her backpack and took a notebook out.
You took your book out of your backpack and started studying as Hazel did.
You went out of your class with your classmates, tired. You were all talking about the upcoming group project. You saw Hazel at the corner, waiting for you. You couldn't help but blush when see her there waiting, only for you. You said goodbye to your classmates and walked to her.
"Hey. You look overwhelmed."
"I am overwhelmed. It's an evening class and our professor gave us a group project. We have to speak in front of whole class. Who wants to speak in front of whole class."
"Wow... that's overwhelming."
"I know...and that's not the worst part!"
"What's the worst part? "
"I blush so much when I speak in front of a crowd. My cheeks look like tomatoes."
Hazel chuckled to your reply.
"What? It's not funny. I am going to look like a loser. "
"First, I personally love it when you blush. You look so cute. Second, you can't look like a loser cause you are not one."
Hazel called you cute. Hazel called you cute. Hazel called you cute. Hazel called you cute. Hazel call-
"You only say that cause you are my friend. "
"Best friend and no, I don't. It's my honest idea but I think, If that's the part you are afraid of, you know, the speaking in front of whole class part, you can practice with me and maybe that'll help with your fear and blushing."
'How could someone be so fucking nice?' you thought.
Only Hazel. She was so sweet, kind, caring, adorable and cute. She was like a marshmallow sweet, fluff, soft and yummy. You wanted to know what she taste like down th-
"Y/N? " she blinked at you.
"Hazel?" you started at her, confused.
"You kinda froze for minute. Are you okay? " she asked, worried.
'Fuck.' you cursed to yourself.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm just tired. Just want to go home that's all. " you tried to hide your blush with your folder.
"Okay." She said and you knew she was smiling from her tone of voice.
'Dammit. Did she think I thought of her?' You groaned mentally.
You went home to see PJ and Josie laying on the couch while watching a movie.
"And now you came home together, huh. Since both of you are the commitment type, I hear wedding bells. " She raised her brow, smirking.
"Josie, push a pillow on her face till she can't breathe for me, will you? "
"My pleasure. " Josie said cheerfully.
Next thing you now there was a serious pillow fight in your living room. It wasn't like cute sleepover pillow fight. It was kind of a eat shit kind of a pillow fight. Concussion is included kinda pillow fight.
You went straight to your room and changed into pajamas. Then you joined the pillow fight too. Then Hazel joined too.
After a while, you were pretty tired from fighting. Others seemed pretty tired too.
"Should we like... order pizza? " Hazel asked.
"Yes! "you three shouted.
You ate your pizzas and watched another movie. Eventually, you all went to bed.
You saw Hazel in your dream. You were in your living room and you felt her kiss you, her hands on your both cheeks. You even felt the cold metal of her rings. When she pulled she beamed at you. Then PJ came out of nowhere and clashing both pans in her hands with an annoying smile. Hazel vanished.
"What the fuck!"
"We are celebrating!"
"Celebrating what?"
"The fact that you're gonna make a fool of yourself in front of whole class! " she said and then started to laugh maniacally. Just like the villan in stories.
Then Josie came who was wearing a suit and sunglasses like in the movie 'Men In Black' and pulled a small box out of her denim's pocket and squeezed her into the box.
"Sorry for her. I try to keep her in the place but she gets out of my hands from time to time."
You couldn't say anything.
"Anyways, bye." She left just like that.
She didn't even use the machine to make you forget for seeing them...
"Okay... That's not weird at all."
"What's weird is... that you still don't go down on me, Y/N..." Hazel's voice came from behind.
You turned back to see Hazel standing, lust filled in her eyes.
'Fuck.' you thought.
'Yes. We should definitely do that. Fucking. ' She was smiling mischievously.
You froze to what she said. You only thought that.
"The thing about dreams Y/N..." She slowly make the gap between you smaller. You could feel your heart in your ears. "They are part of your thoughts so they know your other thoughts too and I know you want me." She took your hand and put it on her vagina and suddenly she was naked.
Oh my god. You never saw her naked. It was your mind's doing. You were touching her naked vagina while she was naked in front of you. Naked.
You gulped nervously.
"If you want to go down on me, go down on me Y/N. It's all yours. " she said and left you there only to lay down on the couch of the living room. She opened her legs as she was waiting for you.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You felt her eyes on you as you got closer to her. Her chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. You sat between her legs. You were about to look at her vagina, of course the dream fucking had to end here.
You were having a sex dream about going down on Hazel and It had to end here.
Well, at least she kissed you. Even If it's in a dream...
You got up from your bed, feeling horny but you didn't want to masturbate. You felt frustrated that you couldn't just have sex with the gorgeous woman just a couple steps away from you. Masturbating while thinking of her, would make you feel hopeless and lonely.
You got up from your bed, got dressed and made your bed. You took your phone with you and walked to the kitchen. You decided to make some chocolate chip cookies.
Cause why not? Right?
You tried to do the recipe you know like the back of your hand as quiet as you can be, to not wake up your roommates.
You put them in the oven and then cleaned all of the stuff. When there was nothing left to do, you sat down next to the oven, watching cookies.
You liked to watch whatever you made transform in the oven. It was just so satisfying to see them how they change.
You saw Hazel with pjs coming to your direction. She kneeled on the floor next to oven, facing you.
"Cookies? This late?" she raised her brow with a side smile.
'You're the reason.' you wanted to say.
"Couldn't sleep."
"Oh... " She bit her lower lip.
You pulled your knees to your chest. Your back was facing the kitchen drawers.
"What about you?" You tilted your head to the side.
" I just woke up and smelled something amazing so, here I am." she smiled cheekily.
You grinned. "Flattery will get you nowhere."
She pouted to your answer.
"Are you saying you are not going to let me eat cookies?"
She looked at you with puppy eyes.
"Stop making that face... " you whisper-shouted.
"Or what?" she asked playfully.
This version of Hazel was one that got out of her sometimes. It was cocky and confident. You didn't see her showing this side of her to the others. Maybe the ones you don't know did know her this side. Maybe It was just for you.
It burned down there to know It was only for you.
You couldn't believe you were horny again. Just when you thought you could get rid off the feeling...
You couldn't answer to her question. Instead you looked at the oven and saw the cookies were about to burn If you wait another five minutes.
"Ow... " You stopped the oven and got up to take kitchen clothes for both of your hands to get the tray out of the oven without burning your hands.
"Can I help? " Hazel asked even though she knew the answer.
"I got it. " you said sweetly at her.
You put them on the counter and inhaled the magical smell.
"Can I have one? " Hazel stood next to you, her eyes wide and excited. Your arms were touching each other.
"It needs to cool down a little bit Hazel... then you can have as many as you'd like."
She grinned while looking at the cookies.
'Cookie Monster... ' you thought of her and smiled.
She was just so fucking adorable...You knew you would fight with everyone for her. Didn't matter If you got hurt or end up dead. You would do it for her. Knowing that she will keep smiling like that.
You took a cookie and broke it in half.
"Do we have milk? " you asked her.
Her eyes got wider at your question. " I think we do." she went to the fridge quickly and came back with milk box in her hand.
You took two glasses and placed them on the counter. She opened the milk and looked at you as she was asking what to do. You nodded and she poured down the white liquid.
You took the two halves of the cookie and dipped it in the milk and before you could put one in Hazel's mouth and she instinctively opened it wide for you. You were shocked how eager she was for cookie. You wondered If she could ever be eager for other things...
You ate the other half of the cookie. It was delicious. Also, cold milk made it eatable.
"Hmmm... I could eat this everyday. They are so delicious." she moaned while eating the cookie.
You wanted to kiss her cookie flavored mouth so bad right now. And cookie flavored other things...
Your head was filling with more dirty thoughts. As It wasn't dirty enough.
"It's not healthy to eat this every day but thank you. " you grinned quietly.
You wanted her. You wanted her lips. Her eyes on you. Her hands on you. Her breath on you. Her smell on you. Her voice in your ears. You wanted her to devour you. You wanted her to love you more than a friend. It was getting harder everyday. It hurt. It hurt wanting but not getting anything. Not knowing If she ever sees you in that way. Not knowing If she will ever love you in that way. More than a friend. You were longing for her love. She was giving it to you in most intimate ways that a friend ever can but you were greedy. You wanted more. More of her.
A wave of sadness came through and you didn't know you were crying until you saw Hazel's worried face and felt her hands on your arms.
"Y/N? What- what's wrong?"
"Hazel... " you managed to get out but you were sobbing and you hugged her without asking and of course she hugged you back tightly as you could fly away from her grasp.
"It's okay Y/N. Whatever it is, It's okay. We can figure out together, okay. Is-Is it t-the project, hm?" she tried to soothe you but you couldn't tell her. What If she didn't like you? What If she hated you after you confessed? Or what If she avoided you? What If she couldn't have feelings for you ever?
"You can talk to me Y/N. I-I don't want to pressure you but It seems like, whatever this is, makes you really upset and-and I want you to be okay."
You looked at her with teary eyes.
" What If I can't talk to you about it? "
"Well, uhm what about a professional? Maybe a psychologi-"
You couldn't stand this anymore. It felt too bad. Like life or death. It was now or never for you.
And you did it.
You kissed her cookie flavored mouth.
She stood there frozen for a minute, her hands in the air with an unreadable expression.
Your eyes began to tear up again and you looked down at your feet but you felt your chin being lifted up and a pair of hands covering your cheeks. Warm hands and cold rings, just like you imagined. Lastly, you felt her lips on your lips. Soft, sweet, plush and heavenly.
Her lips were everything at that moment.
You wanted more and craved more, immediately.
You tried to slide your tounge into her mouth and you felt her smile at what you were trying to do. She opened it for you eventually then you wasted no time to explore inside of her pretty mouth. There was no one trying to dominate the other. Just simply exploring and enjoying the feeling of tounges meeting each other.
Swirling, tasting and feeling.
Simply saying hi to each other.
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
In the Gardens - Kit Tanthalos x Reader
Request? : Yes! I hope I've made justice to their request.
i was hoping you could write something with kit, like about her and the reader being in a secret relationship (bc of the times ofc) and queen sorsha finding out?
Word count: 5,015
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It all began with jealousy.
 When Jade started talking to Kit about a new friend she had made in the village, Kit couldn't admit it, but she felt a twinge of annoyance. Things took a turn for the worse when Jade started cutting short their training sessions to spend more time with this new girl. Jade was Kit's best friend, exclusively hers. Kit didn't even know this new girl, but she was convinced she must be annoying or something, although she couldn't pinpoint exactly what bothered her about her.
Kit was well aware that, as a princess, she had the power to make Jade train longer with her. However, she understood the moral implications of such an action, so she kept her feelings in check, quietly resenting this unknown girl without ever getting to know her.
Until one fateful day.
Kit found herself on the training grounds, waiting for Jade who was running late. Frustrated, Kit began practicing her moves on a wooden dummy. Lost in her training, she was jolted back to reality by a voice.
"Wow, you're really good," the voice remarked. Kit turned to see a stranger standing there, eyes filled with genuine admiration.
"Ah-ah- thank you," Kit managed to say, caught off guard. Her response elicited a warm smile from the stranger, a smile that Kit found genuinely sweet.
As Kit's mind slowly started working again, she realized she had never seen this person before. They stood there, in a silent understanding. Gathering her courage, Kit blurted out, "I'm Kit!" perhaps louder than she intended.
The stranger returned her smile, about to introduce themselves when a familiar voice interrupted them. Both Kit and the stranger turned to see Jade hurrying toward them, her face radiating excitement.
"You came!" Jade exclaimed, hugging the stranger tightly. Kit was utterly confused. "Do you guys know each other?" she asked, unable to hide her curiosity.
"Yeah, this is my new friend I was telling you about," Jade said, her smile wide, mirroring the one on the stranger's face.
Kit was most definitely not expecting that.
For two months, you attended almost every training session that Kit and Jade had. Despite Kit's initial attempts to deny it, she found herself enjoying your company, perhaps a little more than she should have. Knowing that you were observing her during training motivated her to push herself harder, and she felt a surge of pride every time you clapped for her victories over Jade.
When Jade's birthday finally arrived, the three of you had dinner in the castle, a request made by Kit. That night, at your suggestion, they all dressed semi-formally. Both Kit and Jade opted for semi-formal attire, eschewing dresses, a choice that made them burst into laughter when they saw each other
You arrived last, and upon seeing you, Kit froze in place. When you approached to greet her, after wishing Jade a happy birthday, Kit couldn't help but feel her heart racing. She was astounded by how beautiful you looked in your blue dress, adorned with ribbons in your hair. It was in that moment that Kit realized something had changed within her during this past month.
Throughout dinner, the three of you shared laughter and jokes, and every time you touched Kit's arm, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her. After the meal, you all decided to take a leisurely walk around the castle grounds to continue your conversation.
Sometime later, Ballentine approached Jade and asked for a moment, prompting Jade to bid her goodbyes and leave. This turn of events left Kit and you alone together.
"Maybe I should go too," you said in a soft tone.
"You could stay a little longer," Kit replied, her voice shy. You nodded with a sweet smile, and in that moment, as you continued your walk under the moonlit sky, Kit felt something stirring inside her, something that went beyond mere friendship.
You two fit perfectly. Eventually, you ended up in the garden, pausing to gaze at the stars. While you were awe-struck by the celestial display above, Kit's eyes were fixed solely on you. In her eyes, amidst the enchanting flowers and the moonlit night, you outshone everything else in the garden. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Kit could no longer contain her feelings.
"I think we have a problem," Kit blurted out hurriedly, causing worry to bubble inside you. "What? What is it?" you asked, concern etched on your face.
"Turns out that I don't hate you," Kit began, her words rushed. "At all... not one bit."
"I do not understand. What are you trying to say, Kit?" you replied in a hushed tone. Kit approached you, now standing directly in front of you.
"Turns out that I actually like you..." Kit confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I don't know what to do with all of this that I am feeling." With those words, she brushed her hand against yours, her touch tender. She then gently kissed your hand, leaving you both exhilarated and perplexed.
A whirlwind of emotions swirled inside you, rendering you momentarily speechless. Kit looked at you with anticipation, her brilliant blue eyes searching yours for a response. In that moment, you realized the depth of your feelings for the girl standing before you. Determination filled you, and you took a step closer, your hand caressing Kit's face. You wore a sweet smile, silently asking a question that hung between you.
Kit nodded in response, her own emotions mirrored in her eyes. You closed the gap between you, your lips meeting hers in a tender, electrifying kiss. The world around you seemed to fade away, and Kit responded by moving her hands to your face, pulling you closer. She couldn't believe what was transpiring, but in that moment, all she wanted was to feel you near.
After a few blissful seconds, you both pulled back, gasping for air, yet radiating joy. "I like you too, just in case you didn't get the memo," you teased, a playful tone in your voice.
Kit made an affirmative sound, a mix of contentment and amusement. "Good to know," she said before leaning in to kiss you once again, sealing the newfound connection between your hearts.
The next day, you didn't attend Kit and Jade's training session. However, Kit showed up wearing the ribbon that you had worn the previous night, wrapped around her wrist. Jade immediately noticed this, causing her to smile broadly.
"I thought you hated ribbons," Jade teased Kit.
Kit felt a wave of nervousness wash over her. "Yeah, I just thought this one was nice," she stammered, to which Jade playfully rolled her eyes.
"So, good to know that I'm officially the third wheel," Jade remarked, a smile on her face as she started preparing for the session.
This statement caught Kit off guard. "What? She told you?" Kit asked, excitement evident in her voice. Jade seized this moment of distraction to begin the session, leaving Kit caught off-guard.
"Of course she did," Jade replied, finishing her sentence. With one last dreamy smile, Kit started training too, the revelation of her newfound feelings adding an extra layer of motivation to her movements.
In the days that followed, a secret romance blossomed between you and Kit. It was a delicate dance of stolen glances and hidden touches, a love story meant to remain hidden from the world. Yet, the joy that radiated from both of you was undeniable.
Your clandestine meetings became precious moments, tucked away in the secluded corners of the castle gardens or in the quiet corridors of the palace. Every stolen kiss, every shared secret, felt like a treasure, something too beautiful and fragile to be exposed to the harsh light of day.
Despite the secrecy, your relationship was an anchor for both of you. In a world where duties and expectations weighed heavily on her shoulders, the love you shared became a sanctuary. Your laughter filled the empty spaces, and your whispered words of affection drowned out the noise of the world around you.
Kit was enraptured by the simple joy of stealing your ribbons whenever you wore one. To her, each ribbon became a tangible reminder of your presence, a way to feel connected even when you weren't near. When you questioned her about this habit, she looked into your eyes with sincerity.
"To feel you close when you aren't near," Kit confessed, her voice filled with vulnerability and affection. Those words hung in the air, encapsulating the depth of her feelings for you.
In the quiet nights when the moon bathed the castle grounds in its silvery glow, Kit often found herself marveling at the serendipity that had brought you into her life. She couldn't believe how fortunate she was to have you by her side, your laughter becoming the melody that filled her heart.
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Six months had passed since the beginning of your relationship, a secret love that had flourished behind the castle's stone walls. One day, with Jade's assistance, you managed to sneak into the castle and found your way into Kit's room. There, in the soft glow of candlelight, you sat on her lap, your lips dancing together in sweet kisses, punctuated by soft giggles.
You peppered Kit's face with kisses, causing her to laugh joyfully. As you drew near her ear, you whispered, "I am so lucky to have you." Your words sent a shiver down Kit's spine.
"You don't even know what you do to me," Kit replied, her voice filled with longing, as she gently caressed your face.
With a swift move, Kit took hold of your waist and shifted positions so that both of you were now sitting. She leaned in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, losing herself in the sweet taste of your affection.
Amidst the stolen moments of intimacy, you paused to share some news. "I've got a job," you revealed, your words met with a kiss on your cheek from Kit.
"What?" Kit asked in confusion, her heart sinking at the thought of potentially seeing you less. "Why?" She moved back slightly, her worry apparent.
"Well, my parents thought it was time for me to get a job, but don't worry," you reassured her, gently cupping her face to plant a tender kiss on her lips. "I'll be working here, in the castle. Yes, I'll have to cook meals, but I'll see you more often," you said with a warm smile.
"Really? Why would you do that? It's very hard work. I could have gone to see you wherever you were," Kit expressed, her hand finding yours.
"I did it for us," you replied, your eyes sparkling with determination.
Kit felt like her heart might burst with emotion. In that moment, every part of her longed to tell you what she already knew. She mustered up the courage to speak but was interrupted by Jade's voice from the other side of the door.
"Time's up, lovebirds," Jade called out, breaking the spell.
You shared a laugh, then planted a soft kiss on Kit's lips. "You'll tell me later, Kit," you said as you reached for your shoes, preparing to leave.
Before you could step away, Kit gently grabbed your hand, pulling you back towards her. In the dim light of her room, she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours in a lingering kiss, a silent promise of the words she couldn't quite voice yet. The moment hung between you, filled with unspoken emotions, before you finally pulled away, your heart echoing Kit's unspoken affection.
With a tender smile, you whispered, "Goodnight, Kit," before slipping out of her room, your heart brimming with the love that had grown between you both, even in the quiet secrecy of the castle's halls.
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You began working at the castle, and if Kit were being honest, she truly loved all the extra time she got to spend with you. Every stolen glance during meals, every gentle touch, and every moment your hands brushed against each other only deepened her affection. Kit cherished the nights when she showed you the secret spots in the castle, relishing every single second spent in your company. In those stolen moments, amidst the whispers of ancient stones, Kit found a happiness that felt like a treasure, one she wanted to hold onto for a lifetime.
This particular day, Kit woke up with an unusual sense of excitement. She and you had planned a little date night in the castle gardens, and Kit was determined to make everything perfect. She had even made arrangements to ask Jade for help in gathering candles and preparing food for the evening.
As Kit got ready for the day, her excitement grew. Breakfast time was always a bittersweet moment for her, as it was when you served her breakfast. Kit hated the fact that you needed to do that, but at the same time, she cherished the opportunity to brush her hand against yours and share secret smiles, hidden from her mother's watchful eyes.
Entering the breakfast room, Kit greeted her brother and her mother, but her attention was entirely consumed by thoughts of you. She couldn't help but admire how your hair looked that day, how the ribbon you wore matched the one she had chosen for her wrist. Every detail of your appearance seemed to captivate her, and she eagerly anticipated the moments they would share after breakfast.
"Kit! Were you listening to me?" her mother's voice broke through her thoughts.
"No, sorry, Mother," Kit replied, her gaze briefly shifting away from you. You returned from the kitchen with a fresh tray of food, wearing a small, warm smile that momentarily eased Kit's unease.
"I wanted to talk to you about something important," her mother continued.
Kit grabbed a muffin, taking a bite while trying to maintain her composure. "Okay, what is it?" she asked, noticing you making your way back to the kitchen with the tray.
"You are to be engaged to marry Prince Graydon of Galladoorn..." The sound of a tray clattering against the floor cut off the queen's words.
"Oh! I am so sorry, Your Majesty," you stammered, quickly kneeling down to clean the mess. Kit wished she could stand up and assist you, but she felt rooted to her seat, her breath catching in her throat. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't marry anyone else, especially when the person she truly wanted to be with was you. She turned her head to look at you and saw a tear streaming down your cheek.
Once you had retreated to the kitchen, Kit found her voice. "What? Mother, no. Please, I beg you!" she pleaded, desperation lacing her words.
"It is your duty to your kingdom, Kit!" her mother declared. "The meeting to sign the alliance is next week, and by then, I expect a change of attitude," she finished, rising from the table and leaving only Kit and her brother. Airk hurriedly approached Kit and embraced her tightly. In that moment, Kit finally allowed herself to cry. Her whole world seemed to be crumbling into pieces, and the weight of her responsibilities bore down on her shoulders like a crushing burden. The prospect of a future without you felt unbearable, and Kit clung to her brother, seeking solace in his comforting embrace as she wept for the love she feared she might lose.
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The rest of the day proved to be a torturous ordeal for Kit. She wandered aimlessly through the castle, desperately searching for you. She even ventured into the kitchens, hoping to find a trace of your presence. Instead, a blonde girl informed her that she hadn't seen you since breakfast. Disappointed and increasingly worried, Kit's optimism began to wane. Even though she hadn't been able to plan the date the way she had envisioned, a small glimmer of hope persisted. Perhaps you would still show up.
As the hours passed, that hope gradually ebbed away, replaced by a sinking feeling in Kit's chest. The first hour of waiting felt like an eternity, but as the second hour ticked by, her optimism turned into a painful realization. Yet, Kit made the decision to stay, clinging to the possibility that you might still come.
She waited in the gardens, her heart heavy with anticipation. The night passed, and Kit remained there, alone and deserted. You never appeared. Deep down, she understood why you hadn't come, yet that understanding did little to ease the ache in her breaking heart. The night seemed endless, each passing moment a testament to the love that had been left unfulfilled, leaving Kit alone in the shadows of the garden, shattered and inconsolable.
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For three agonizing days, Kit felt as if she couldn't breathe. The absence of your presence was like a suffocating weight on her chest, a relentless reminder of the love that had slipped through her fingers. Desperation gripped her heart, and she knew she had to do something about it.
"Jade, please, I need to talk to her, please," Kit pleaded, her eyes filled with raw emotion as she looked at her friend. They stood together in the training grounds, the weight of Kit's desperation heavy in the air.
"Kit, I know you do, trust me, I've tried," Jade replied, her voice filled with honesty and concern. "But she really doesn't want to see you right now."
Tears threatened to spill from Kit's eyes, her heart breaking a little more with each passing moment. "Please, I just want to tell her that I love her. She needs to know that I love her," Kit said, her voice trembling with the intensity of her feelings. She managed to contain her tears, but the pain in her eyes was unmistakable.
Jade fell into a thoughtful silence for a minute, her eyes searching Kit's face. "Go to the gardens tonight. I'll make up some excuse to get her there," Jade finally said, her voice softening with understanding.
Gratitude surged through Kit, and without a second thought, she enveloped Jade in a tight hug, a heartfelt thank you escaping her lips. There was a glimmer of hope in Kit's eyes, a fragile optimism that maybe, just maybe, she would have a chance to mend the shattered pieces of her heart.
That night, you arrived at the gardens, hoping to see Jade. She had promised to take you horseback riding, knowing that your days were occupied with work, leaving you with no time during the day for such leisure. As you spotted a figure in the garden, you called out, "Jade!" Your voice carried happiness, but as the figure turned around, you realized it wasn't her. Disappointment flooded your expression, and you turned away, ready to retreat.
"Please, wait!" Kit ran toward you, her voice carrying a tone of desperation. She grabbed your hand, her touch pleading with you to stay. "Please," she repeated, her eyes filled with an intensity that matched your own conflicting emotions.
Reluctantly, you turned around to face her. Kit looked exhausted, dark circles under her once bright eyes indicating the toll these past few days had taken on her. Yet, even in her weary state, you found her breathtaking. She reached out, gently touching your cheek, and you melted under her tender caress.
"We've got nothing to talk about, Kit," you said, your voice small, trying to push her away.
"Of course we do," she insisted, her touch soft and persuasive, inching closer to you.
"No, we don't," you replied, even as every fiber of your being yearned to kiss her, to hold her close and never let go.
"Let's just... talk," Kit suggested, moving closer, her determination etched on her face.
"Kit, you're getting married. What we had... it can't be anymore," you said, tears now freely streaming down your face.
"Don't, don't say that, please. We... we could find a way around it," Kit pleaded, her eyes searching yours for a glimmer of hope.
"We can't, Kit. It's your duty, and I understand. I knew what I was getting myself into," you whispered, pressing your forehead against hers. "And I still jumped headfirst into this... and I would do it a million times, just to have the time that we had."
It sounded like a goodbye, and Kit hated it. She knew what she wanted to say, but how could she, when it wouldn't change a thing? So, she did the only thing she could. She kissed you, savoring the bittersweet taste of your tears mingled with her own. In that moment, she tried to memorize every detail, every feeling, knowing it might be the last time.
The kiss broke, and you held each other, clinging to one another as if afraid the other might disappear. The moment was both heartbreaking and beautiful, a collision of love and loss. Kit hated the instant you let go of the hug.
"Goodbye, Kit," you said, your voice heavy with finality, and as you started to walk away, Kit didn't want to let go of your hand. But she had to. So, she watched you go, standing there in the darkness of the garden, her heart shattered and tears streaming down her face, aching for the love she was about to lose.
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On her way back to her chambers, Kit couldn't stop crying. All she wanted was to lie in bed and cry until she had no tears left. However, her misery was interrupted by a stern voice slicing through the darkness.
"So, she's the reason you don't want to comply with your duties?" Kit turned around to see her mother, Queen Sorsha, staring at her with a mix of disappointment and concern etched on her face.
"I don't want to talk about it, Mom," Kit replied, her voice cracking from the weight of her emotions.
But her mother wasn't ready to let it go. She grabbed Kit's wrist firmly, demanding an explanation. "No, we are going to talk about it now," she insisted, her tone firm and unyielding.
"Fine!" Kit answered, her voice sharp with frustration.
"Is she really the reason? This... maid?" Sorsha asked, her tone dismissive and condescending.
"Don't! Don't call her that, and don't look down on her!" Kit retorted, her voice laced with determination and protectiveness.
"That's what she is, Kit. A maid. You, on the other hand, are a princess. You have duties," Queen Sorsha said, her words cutting through the air like ice.
"Don't talk about her like that. She took the job for me!" Kit said, her voice rising with a fierce intensity.
"What do you mean by that?" Sorsha inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"She took the job as a kitchen maid to be closer to me," Kit confessed, her voice almost a whisper, laden with vulnerability and despair.
Sorsha paused, her eyes studying her daughter, taking in the signs of her heartache. "How long has this been going on?" she asked, her tone softening, sensing the depth of Kit's feelings.
Kit turned around to face her mother, her eyes swollen from crying. "For over seven months," she began, her voice breaking. "But you don't have to worry about it anymore. As of tonight, there's nothing left for you to worry about," she added, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Sorsha stood there, silently watching her daughter break down. A mixture of emotions crossed her face, a realization dawning upon her. "Does this girl really mean so much to you?" she asked cautiously, moving closer to Kit.
"I love her, Mom," Kit said, her voice filled with raw emotion, her love pouring out like a waterfall breaking free from its dam. "I love her so much that every day, when I wake up, all I want to do is see her, hold her, look into those beautiful eyes, and take her to the gardens to hear her talk about her favorite flowers. I want to cherish every moment with her. I was so lucky," Kit finished, her voice barely a whisper, as she sank to the ground, crumbling under the weight of her heartbreak, tears flowing quietly once again.
Sorsha looked at her daughter, her heart breaking for the pain she saw in Kit's eyes. Deciding to approach her differently, Sorsha knelt down, attempting to reach for Kit's hand “Kit, why didn’t you tell me?” but before she could touch her, Kit moved abruptly.
"When, Mom?" Kit's voice cracked as she screamed, her pain and anger bursting forth. "And even if I did tell you, you probably would have banished her to another realm, taking her away from me! And yet, you managed to rip her away from me!" Kit's voice wavered, her eyes filled with a mix of anguish and fury as she stood up, her body trembling. With that, she turned away, heading toward her chambers, leaving Sorsha standing there, alone.
As Sorsha stood in the corridor, she felt a profound sense of loss and regret. She realized she had never given her daughter the opportunity to confide in her, to trust her. Her intentions had always been to protect Kit, but now, she had lost that trust, and her daughter's happiness had been shattered before her eyes. Witnessing her brave, beautiful daughter break down made Sorsha vow to herself that she would do anything in her power to prevent that pain from ever consuming Kit again.
She didn't even know what Airk might be hiding from her. It was time to rearrange things, to reevaluate her decisions and actions. Kit's happiness was paramount, and Sorsha was determined to make amends. It was time to change the course of their lives.
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Kit dreaded waking up the next day, fully aware that everything with you was over. So she dismissed all the ladies' maids, seeking a moment of solitude. However, after a while, Kit heard her chamber door creak open again. Prepared to send the intruder away, she turned around and found her mother standing there.
"Wake up, Kit. You have a busy day ahead of you," Sorsha said with determination.
"Really? Why? Is my wedding today, and you didn't tell me?" Kit retorted sarcastically, although she complied and rose from her bed.
Her mother, seemingly unfazed by Kit's tone, observed her daughter with a knowing look. This made Kit uneasy.
"I am not getting married today, am I?" Kit asked cautiously
"No, you're not. You're going to train with the knights of Galladoorn," Sorsha informed her.
"What?" Kit asked, bewildered.
"Next month, you are set to begin your training with the knights. It will mark the first time a princess joins their ranks," Sorsha finished.
"Great, now I won't even be able to see her. I just know it!" Kit exclaimed, frustration growing within her. But Sorsha remained composed.
"With this new alliance, your engagement with Prince Graydon won't be necessary," Sorsha said, shocking Kit, who turned around to stare at her mother in disbelief.
"What? What are you trying to say, Mom?" Kit's voice quivered with hope.
"What I'm trying to say, Kit, is that you should get ready to go and tell that sweet girl, the girl who has captured my daughter's heart, that everything will be okay," Sorsha began walking toward Kit, who stood frozen in place. She reached out and gently took her daughter's hands, this time not facing rejection. "Everything will be okay because your mother loves you, Kit. And your mother is also the Queen. It might take time, but you go and tell that girl that you love her, and that I'm going to fight for you two," Sorsha concluded, and she felt Kit's arms enveloping her. It was a hug she hadn't received since Kit was a little girl.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mom!" Kit said, practically running toward the door.
Everyone in the castle was surprised to see the princess running with a broad smile on her face, even giggling. Their shock intensified when she burst into the kitchens. But when Kit entered, she couldn't find you anywhere.
"She was sent to pick some flowers, at your mother's request," the blonde girl from last time informed her. The gardens. Of course, her mother would have sent her there.
Hope bubbled up inside her as she ran, and once she reached the gardens and saw you there, picking flowers, it felt as if she was looking at you for the first time. This time, she knew that nothing would ever come between you.
"I love you!" Kit screamed, startling you, your confusion evident.
"I don't understand, Kit," you said, your confusion clear.
"I've loved you for quite some time, and I am not losing you," she said, walking toward you. "I love you," she repeated, quieter this time.
"But you're supposed to be engaged?" you said, caution in your eyes.
"I am not engaged, and I won't be, unless it's with you," Kit said, reaching for your hand. She placed a kiss on it, sealing her promise.
"That's impossible, Kit," you said, your eyes still filled with caution.
"Not anymore. My mother is going to fight for us, for this... so if you would have me, I am all yours, and every beat of my heart belongs to you," Kit declared, determination shining in her eyes. You just kissed her; you knew you had kissed her yesterday, but that kiss had felt like a goodbye, while this kiss was a promise.
"I love you too, Kit, more than anything in this world," you said, and then you joined your lips once again.
You both stayed there, kissing in the gardens for some time, only breaking it to repeat the words "I love you." A new beginning; that's what this meant. Not just for the two of you, but for the whole realm. Everything was about to change, and you two were at the heart of it. Regardless, you had each other, and that was all you needed.
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 5 months
ooh for hazel maybe a fic where hazel is fully oblivious to the fact that reader likes her and misses their very obvious flirting until someone makes a joke about the two of them
idk i feel like that’s something she would do lmao
Oh for sure, she is definitely very oblivious when it comes to someone flirting with her
Tags: Fem!Reader, Hazel is so oblivious, swearing, a smidge of angst and insecure!reader, use of y/n, slightly suggestive at the end but it's no big deal honestly, lightly proof read, girls kissing (giggling and kicking my feet)
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"Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way" - Hazel Callahan x Reader
“Maybe we could go hang out at your place? You could help me study for Mr.G’s final” You say, lightly grazing your fingertips on Hazel’s arm while batting your eyelashes up at her.
“Didn’t he literally give us the test answers as a study guide?” Hazel says, oblivious to your flirtation as always.
This was the billionth time it feels like that Hazel has shut you down, and honestly, you’re sick of it.
You decide to try a different tactic, gently grabbing her hand and admiring her rings, “I just love your rings” you rub your thumb across them and let your other hand rest on her thigh.
“Thanks! Most of them were gifts from friends, and this one was from a cool thrift shop downtown” Hazel rambles on while you sigh as she continues to ignore your obvious attempts at flirting with her.
You genuinely thought all hope was lost…until you heard PJ shout from across the gym.
“Jesus! Get a room you two, have some decency for the rest of us and go fuck in the janitor’s closet!” the girl shouts and your face heats up as a deep blush settles over your cheeks
Hazel scoffs, “What? We’re just friends PJ, don’t be a loser” she says while laughing nervously.
It took all of your willpower not to crumble right then and there.
You’ve had enough of this, you weren’t going to put in all this effort for someone who just sees you as a friend. Sniffling as tears start to form in your eyes from embarrassment, you quickly excuse yourself and practically run out of the gymnasium.
Your feet carry you to an abandoned classroom, where you let yourself finally let out the sobs you were holding in. Of course Hazel didn’t feel the same, why would she? She was amazing in every way and you were just some loser.
You’re so consumed in your thoughts that you don’t hear the door crack open and Hazel slowly walk inside.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” she says in a near whisper, but it still makes you jump and quickly look up at Hazel while wiping your tears.
“Hazel, what are you doing here? The club meeting is about to start, you know how PJ is with people being late” you try to speak in a confident voice, but it comes out shaky and thick from the lump of emotions in your throat and you look away from her so she can’t see your tears.
Hazel shakes her head and sits down beside you, “You’re more important than a stupid meeting” she says softly, “Josie told me about your feelings for me”
You groan at her words and put your head on your knees, looking back at her with a sniffle, “I’m so sorry Hazel, I get it if you don’t feel the same way and I won’t blame you-” your words are cut off by Hazel grabbing your face and hurriedly pressing her lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
You shriek in surprise at first, but quickly kiss back, shuddering as you feel her tongue enter your mouth.
Hazel pulls you onto her lap, your fingers threading into her soft hair as her hands rest on your hips. You both pull away after a moment, pupils blown, breaths heavy as the both of you just stare at each other for a moment.
Hazel is the first to speak up, “I’ve actually wanted to do that since the first time I saw you” she says breathlessly while moving a hand up to cradle your jaw and gently stroke your face with her thumb, “You are so beautiful y/n, I would be lucky to be able to call you mine” she says with a smile that makes your heart melt
“And I’m sorry for being such an idiot” she quickly adds which makes you laugh
You kiss her softly, pulling away just enough so your foreheads touch and you can just live in this tiny moment the both of you have created.
“As long as I can call you my idiot, then that’s all that matters” you say before the both of you dissolve into giggles.
an - meant to post more today, but got hit with a wicked migraine, so I hoped you enjoyed. Go drink water you girl kissers.
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cherryflavoured7777 · 7 months
Fevered Affection {h.c}
summary: Hazel takes care of a very sick you.
Pure fluff.
(This is entirely self-indulgent as I have been sick the past week and need a Hazel to come take care of me)
pairing: Hazel Callahan x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
You wake up in your bed, a tight ball of pressure constricting your chest, as if something has been lodged in your lungs for days. You try to slowly untangle yourself from Hazel's body beside you and move her arm off of you. As you sit up, you find yourself gasping for air, a fit of coughing wracking your body and intensifying the pounding in your head. Leaning over the edge of the bed, you reach for your water bottle, the cool liquid soothing your dry throat and sticky skin. It’s completely dark in the room except for the soft orange glow of your salt lamp plugged in, casting a warm ambiance on your bedside table.
You pick up your phone and the light from your screensaver adds to the throbbing in your poor head. Glancing at the clock, you groan, it's 3:38 a.m. Apparently, you had dozed off early only to be rudely awakened by your lingering illness. Every inch of your body aches, and your chills have now transformed into a too-warm heat.
Beside you, your girlfriend stirs, a soft sound escaping her lips. Hazel quickly becomes alert, her brows furrowing in concern. "Honey, are you okay? What's wrong?"
You convinced your mom to let Hazel come over and take care of you. After spending days miserably locked up in your room, missing school, and yearning to see her, you needed her presence. Hazel had arrived earlier that evening, well-prepared with all the essentials. As soon as she received the green light to come over, she stopped by a nearby grocery store to gather cough drops, medicine, tea, soup, a heating pad, and even a new stuffed animal, all to make you feel better.
"I'm fine, Haze," you manage to say before having another coughing fit.
"You don't sound fine. You sound like you're about to hack up a lung," Hazel says, concern etched on her face as she grabs your shoulder and pulls you in for a closer look. You attempt to squirm away from her touch.
"Don't look at me. I'm sick and disgusting," you protest weakly. Hazel chuckles softly. "Yeah, you look super gross right now. So gross that I just need to kiss you so bad," she teases sarcastically, planting a quick peck on your lips.
"Shut up," you reply, though you know there's no real heat behind your words. Hazel is just as lovesick as you are, if not more.
"I'm gonna get you sick," you warn halfheartedly.
"Babe, do you think if I was worried about that, I would have slept next to you for the past seven hours?" she replies, lightly tugging your bare arm back down and placing her lips on your shoulder.
"Seriously," she mumbles against your skin, her kisses tracing a line from your shoulder to your neck. Your head falls to your other shoulder, allowing her access, and you let out a soft sigh.
Her mouth reaches your ear, and she whispers, "Plus, if I get sick too, then we're both stuck in bed together. How terrible." You shove her off playfully, unable to suppress a laugh.
You watch as she gets up off the bed searching for one of the items she bought for you: Vicks Vaporub. She returns to the bed and settles in front of you. You shift closer until you're sitting face to face.
"My body hurts," you say, your frustration becoming more noticeable.
"Shh. I know, baby. I'm gonna try and make it better for you, okay?" she reassures, gently moving your hair out of the way to apply the cool gel on your chest. She carefully pulls down the straps of your tank top, creating a clear working space.
"I promise this will help a little bit, honey."
She opens the jar, dips her fingers in, and applies the rub to your chest with care. The sensation is cold, but oddly comforting. The intense minty smell instantly burns your nose. You watch as she runs her hand from the center of your chest up to your shoulder, squeezing gently when she reaches the top. Her touch is gentle yet firm, sending shivers down your spine.
"This okay? I know it's kind of cold, sorry," she says, dipping her fingers back into the jar for more gel. You can't help but admire the way her ringed fingers dip into the substance. She repeats the same process on the other side of your chest, her fingers gliding slowly across your chest. creating a tingling sensation that spreads warmth beneath your skin.
"Yeah, it's fine. Feels good, actually."
Despite your discomfort, a warm feeling spreads through your stomach as you watch Hazel take care of you so tenderly. As she wipes the small excess of the substance off on her hoodie sleeve, her eyes meet yours, filled with compassion and affection, conveying a silent promise to take care of you.
"I think I'm just really good with my hands," she remarks playfully. You shove her in a half-hearted attempt at retaliation, then surrender and collapse into her, your head buried into her neck with your hands in her lap. Her cold hands grip your waist and start to move up, drawing gentle lines up and down your back with her fingers.
"Thank you for taking care of me," your voice croaks. You sniffle, feeling overwhelmed by gratitude and annoyance at your lingering sickness. Hazel, sensing your frustration, instinctively reaches up to gently wipe away the tears that escape your eyes. Her touch is tender, her eyes filled with love and concern as she softly brushes her thumb against your cheek.
"You don't have to thank me, my love," she whispers, her voice soothing. She wraps you in her arms again, holding you tightly as she maneuvers you both back to lying down. Face to face, you stare into her big blue eyes.
"I hate feeling this way," you admit, your voice laced with frustration. "I just want to get better and go back to normal." Hazel's eyes soften with understanding, and her fingers begin gently caressing through your hair.
"I know, honey.” She says. "I hate seeing you like this too. I promise, first thing tomorrow, I'll take you to the doctor if you want. We'll figure out what's going on, and you'll get the proper help you need."
You find solace in her words, a glimmer of hope in the midst of your frustration. "Thank you," you whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. Hazel smiles, her eyes reflecting unwavering determination.
"Of course," she replies, her fingers tenderly tracing circles on your back. "I'll be with you every step of the way, holding your hand.” In the quiet intimacy of the moment, you look into Hazel's eyes, your gaze filled with deep affection and sincerity.
"I love you," you say, your voice barely a whisper.
Hazel smiles, her eyes softening with the same depth of love mirrored in your own.
"I love you too, more than words can express," she replies, her hand moving down your body to rest on your hip, squeezing it gently.
"You mean the world to me, I literally only ever care about what you are doing or how you are feeling.” She adds.
You both laugh quietly, feeling thankful to have found someone who cares for you so deeply.
"I'm so lucky to have you," you confess, your heart swelling with gratitude. I don't know what I'd do without you." Hazel leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"And I'm lucky to have you too," she murmurs, her voice filled with unwavering devotion. "We're a team, you and I. I mean it.” You share a smile, your gazes locked.
“God we can be so cheesy sometimes,” you remark, letting out a soft laugh.
"Yeah, you love it." She shifts onto her back, pulling you closer and wrapping her arm around you, inviting you to rest your head on her chest.
"Do you feel comfy?" She asks softly.
"Mhm,” you murmur in contentment.
“I’m right here babe, I’m not leaving. I’ll stay with you as long as it takes for you to get better okay? I just want you to sleep well and get some rest now"
You let sleep begin to tug at you, completely content, wrapped in each other's arms, listening to the soft rhythm of Hazel's breathing slowing down.
a/n: Okay this was literally the first fic i have ever written so please forgive me if its god-awful. Also if you enjoyed this wanna send me a request I would seriously be so happy <3
also sorry the formatting on this is kinda weird
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rubycruzin4abruzin · 27 days
I hate you, too
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Summary: Ruby is your acting rival as well as your sworn enemy. When you’re cast in the same movie, you struggle with the fight choreography, an area which your co-star excels at. What will you do when you have no choice but to swallow your pride and ask her for extra help?
Pairing: ruby cruz x actress!reader
Contains: mature language, some adult humor, kissing, angst, enemies to lovers, slow burn, forced proximity, walked in on while changing, non-sexual knife play, clumsy!reader, publicity tweets, there was only One Trailer
Word Count: 6.6k (told you it’s a slow burn)
A/N: This is a Real Person Fiction, RPF Guidelines still stand. Morally, I refuse to write smut for Ruby Cruz. That being said, I miss writing smut!! Dying to write some Kit Tanthalos smut after this, if anyone has a request feel free to send it in. That being said, Ruby is always super fun to write for, and I hope y’all enjoy! :)
If you never saw Ruby Cruz again, it would be too soon.
You first encountered her shortly after moving to Los Angeles to pursue acting. During a meeting with your agent to discuss a contract, she entered unannounced, as if the office belonged to her.
“Hey Estelle, I’m here to pick up the ‘Mare of Easttown’ audition sides,” she stated, barely glancing in your direction.
Estelle handed her a stack of papers before introducing you. “This is Ruby Cruz, one of my regular clients. You two will likely be seeing a lot of each other.”
Ruby finally turned toward you, assessing you with her bright blue eyes that seemed to pierce through your soul. She gave you a curt smile, and offered her hand.
“Nice to meet you. Estelle’s the best; you’re gonna love her.”
You shook her hand as Estelle chuckled at the flattery, shaking her head and modestly dismissing it.
“Ruby has an audition next week for that ‘Mare of Easttown’ show… which reminds me! I think you could also be a good fit for that. We can discuss more later, but for now, let me at least get you the audition sides.”
Estelle began to gather nearby papers into a stack, stapling the corner before handing them to you. Excitement bubbled in your chest at the thought of acting in a show as notable as ‘Mare of Easttown.’
Ruby hummed, clucking her tongue as you flipped through the stack of papers. Glancing up at her from your seat, you could have sworn you saw her eyes squint, almost as if she now saw you as nothing more than competition.
“In that case, hope you break a leg.”
With a wave goodbye to Estelle, she left the office. You couldn’t place it at the time, but something about her tone felt… off.
The audition came and went, and it was just your luck that Ruby ended up landing the role. Of course, it became her breakout role, one that juiced up her resume and propelled her career.
Initially, it didn’t bother you that much; after all it was just one audition. However, given that you were both conventionally attractive actresses in the same age range, Estelle frequently recommended you for the same roles. You began to see her face at every single audition, and frankly, you were sick of it.
That’s not to say you lost every role to Ruby Cruz; sure she was your competition, but you both had your share of the limelight. She was Hazel Callahan in “Bottoms,” and you were Harper McCallington in “Out & Uncool.” While she was busy filming for “Willow” as Princess Kit Tanthalos, you starred as Empress Kian Thorne in a limited series entitled “Cottonwood.”
You were a tad jealous that Ruby landed a continuing series while yours was limited, so when you found out about “Willow” being abruptly canceled after one season, you couldn’t help but revel in the schadenfreude.
Despite your individual successes, you harbored a deep dislike for Ruby. Yes, she was pretty, with pale blue eyes and dark hair that offset her ivory skin, but watching her stride into every audition wearing that all-too-familiar smug smile only fueled your resentment and made your blood boil.
Several months after moving to LA, one particular audition day commenced with a morning from hell. You woke up groggy with your hair in a rats nest, and spent the majority of the morning battling with the bathroom mirror in an attempt to render yourself presentable. Once you could actually run a comb through it, a quick glance at a clock revealed you were running late. Hastily, you grabbed your resume, poured some of your roommates' leftover coffee into a travel mug, and dashed out the door in a race against time.
Curses flew out of your mouth while you sat in the infamous LA traffic, fingers tapping anxiously against the steering wheel while your eyes darted towards the clock.
Arriving at the audition site, you parked haphazardly and rushed to the entrance, coffee sloshing against your mug with every step. Pushing open the doors, you immediately caught sight of the very person you knew you would see but secretly wished you wouldn’t.
There was Ruby, sitting in the waiting room, too focused on studying her audition material to even notice you had walked in. She wore a white blouse with floral patterns, jeans, and white converse—an undoubtedly effortless outfit that looked so good on her, it genuinely annoyed you.
Shaking your head, you tried to push aside any thoughts of Ruby and focus on the audition. As you stepped towards the sign-in table, your notorious clumsiness struck as you mis-stepped and tripped over your own foot. Fortunately, you managed to catch yourself before face-planting, but you lost control of your mug, ending up spilling coffee all over your sworn enemy.
Ruby stood up in shock, the lukewarm liquid staining her white blouse and smudging the ink on her papers. She lifted her head, glaring at you with narrowed eyes.
“What the hell!” She exclaimed.
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open in shock. “Shit, Ruby, I’m so…”
“You did that on purpose!”
The brewing apology halted at her accusation. Indignation swelled within you, and the urge to defend yourself took over.
“Excuse me? It was an accident! Jesus!”
“You don’t think I know you don’t like me?” She spat back. “Do you think I’m fucking stupid?”
By now, everyone else in the waiting room was watching the two of you, while the stage manager at the sign-in table desperately tried to de-escalate the situation.
You felt your face flush at the unwanted attention as you attempted to lower your voice. “Ruby, I may not be your biggest fan, but I would never do something like that on purpose.”
“Oh please, I know your type. You would do anything to land a role, even if it’s underhanded!”
“For fucks sake, Ruby!” You rolled your eyes, exasperated at this conversation. “I land roles just fine on my own. Not everything is about you!”
“You’re seriously standing here telling me that ‘not everything is about me’ when you’re the one who ruined my blouse right before an audition?!”
“What is the meaning of this?!”
You and Ruby turned your heads toward the unidentified voice to see what appeared to be the director of the project standing in the doorway. He peered down at the two of you with an icy glare, while the stage manager stood next to him with her arms crossed.
A gulp involuntarily forced its way down your throat. You looked over at Ruby, who stood frozen with all the color seemingly drained from her face. Both of you waited with baited breath for the director's next move as his nostrils flared.
“Both of you. Out. Now.”
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“There’s good news, and bad news.”
You and Ruby stared at Estelle from across her desk, shame and embarrassment radiating from the both of you. Last week's altercation at the audition made headlines on LA Twitter news, prompting her to call an emergency meeting to discuss next steps.
“You already know the bad news,” Estelle sighed. “Word got out about your little ‘stunt.’ As of right now, neither of you have great reputations in the Hollywood eye.”
Estelle turned to look directly at you, making you shrink in your seat. “Not many people want to work with an actor who would sabotage another actor’s audition to get a leg-up.”
You opened your mouth to defend yourself but immediately closed it upon seeing the look on Estelle’s face. She looked away from you, focusing her attention on Ruby next.
“And no one wants to work with a hothead who causes scenes and goes on public cursing sprees.”
Ruby squirmed under Estelle’s scrutiny, looking down at her lap to avoid eye contact.
Estelle leaned back in her chair, glancing back and forth between the two of you. “Fortunately, there is some good news.”
Your ears perked up at this, curious as to what kind of good would come out of this kind of publicity. Glancing over at Ruby, you noticed she raised her gaze while still keeping her head lowered. Estelle continued.
“Another director caught wind of the situation and contacted me immediately. Apparently, he’s been toying with this idea for a movie about two rival mafia bosses who go undercover as high school cheerleaders. He is adamant that the two of you play the leading roles.”
Shock painted your features as you attempted to process what Estelle just told you. You looked over at Ruby, who seemed just as bewildered as you.
“So, this director wants to work with two people who can’t stand each other?” She inquired.
Estelle shrugged. “I’ve been told he’s very… method. Authenticity is everything to him, no matter what the consequences. Still, people say to trust his process because he’s extremely brilliant.”
She pulled out a couple business cards and handed them to the both of you, his name in thick black font jumping out from the white background.
Calvin Cunningham. Film Director.
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Calvin Cunningham turned out to be quite the character.
He was brutally honest, always saying exactly what he thought of something. He engaged with the cast and crew as if they were his best friends, but if something wasn’t up to his standards, he never hesitated to voice his dissatisfaction.
His methods were eccentric and unusual, with an unwavering commitment to authenticity. They were unorthodox, but if they proved to be effective, he couldn’t care less about the cost.
On the first day of shooting, after being given your trailer assignment, you were about to go inside when you saw something that made you stop dead in your tracks. There, hanging on the back of the trailer door, was a big gold star with two names engraved into it.
Yours… and Ruby’s.
Outraged, you turned and marched towards Calvin, only to find him already in conversation with a head of loathsome brunette locks.
“This has to be some mistake,” cried Ruby. “I can’t share a trailer with her!”
“Ditto.” You piped up, moving to stand next to your rival.
Calvin shook his head. “No mistake. You guys can’t stand each other, and I want to maintain that energy throughout filming. I figured some forced proximity could help to fuel that fire.”
“Please, Calvin. I will literally share with anyone else,” you pleaded, words falling on deaf ears as Calvin simply turned and walked away from the two of you.
Ruby turned to glare at you with shrunken pupils, and you reciprocated with a side-eye right back. As you both began your way over to your shared trailer, you couldn’t help but acknowledge: this might be the first time you and Ruby actually agreed on something.
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Filming was going well, all things considered. You and Ruby spent your days on set, hashing out all your hatred towards each other in front of the camera, and then pretty much ignored each other otherwise.
Changing could be slightly awkward, given the shared trailer, but you and Ruby had an unspoken agreement to keep to yourselves. Nevertheless, the trailer was a tight space, allowing you to see everything within your peripheral vision. Despite your disdain for Ruby, you couldn’t help but admire the delicate curve of her tapered waist and how it contrasted against her toned stomach. Even you could appreciate how her hair became disheveled every time she lifted a clothing item over her head, prompting her to shake it out until her short tresses tumbled over her shoulder.
You chalked it up to vanity, but sometimes you swore you caught her checking you out from the corner of her eye, too.
One day, while checking your schedule for the upcoming week, you noticed a choreography rehearsal planned for the big knife fight scene towards the end of the movie. Dread immediately consumed you, settling in your stomach like a boulder reaching the bottom of a hill.
It wasn’t because you were worried about getting into a knife fight with Ruby; you knew the weapons were harmless props and posed no threat to your safety. You dreaded any kind of choreography rehearsal, as you were notoriously an uncoordinated klutz. It was like you bore a curse of delayed reaction times and two left feet—a burden that weighed on your shoulders like an anchor.
On the day of the rehearsal, you walked into the stunt room to see Ruby already there, stretching in yoga pants and a crop top that hung just below her ribcage. Calvin stood in the corner conversing with the choreographer, Lucas: an effeminate man with a muscular build that offset his short stature.
Minutes after you started stretching, Lucas blew his whistle, calling you and Ruby over to the center of the room.
“Hey guys! Hope you’re as excited as I am to do some fight choreography.” He chirped, flashing a toothy grin.
While Lucas spoke, your attention shifted to Ruby. She stood confidently, her hands resting on her hips as she listened for instructions. You rolled your eyes. Of course she was confident, she had plenty of combat training during “Willow,” and even more during “Bottoms.”
As much as you hated to admit it, this was one area where Ruby outshone you.
“In this scene,” Lucas explained, handing each of you a prop knife labeled with your characters names. “Quinn and Gia both realize they’re from rival mafia families, and draw their weapons at the regional cheer competition.”
You turned the knife over in your hand, running your thumb over the “Quinn” sticker on the handle. “Is this… a real knife?”
Lucas nodded. “Yes, but it’s been dulled for your safety. Don’t worry.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing your lack of coordination posed less of a threat now.
Lucas continued. “For the first part, Quinn, advance towards Gia with the knife raised, like you want to slit her throat. Gia, sidestep and dodge her attack.”
You positioned your knife and lunged at Ruby, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding after she successfully avoided the blade.
Lucas nodded in approval. “Great! Now Gia, advance towards Quinn with your weapon, and she’ll block and engage.”
Ruby lunged at you, but when you tried to block her attack, the knife slipped from your grip and fell from your hand. Your face flushed as you stared at the blade, now lying on the plush mat.
“What was that?” Calvin interrupted, still watching from the corner of the room.
Lucas shot him a sheepish grin. “It’s ok, Calvin. It’s just the first rehearsal.”
Calvin grumbled incoherently as you bent down to pick up your knife. You noticed Ruby’s lips curl into a subtle smirk at your mishap, provoking an eye-roll from you.
“Let’s try that again,” Lucas stated. “This time, Gia, why don’t you try advancing a little slower?”
Ruby nodded, and moved towards you seemingly in slow-motion. This time, you managed the block successfully and engaged your weapons without issue.
Lucas beamed in approval. “Great! Let’s move on.”
He went on with instructions, leading you through the engagement of your weapons. Despite the slow pace, you repeatedly made a fool of yourself throughout the entire rehearsal. Sweaty palms hindered your grip on the knife, and you even managed to confuse your left from your right. Calvin stood fuming in the corner, while Ruby’s initially smug demeanor gradually turned into one of annoyance.
“Alright,” Lucas started, wiping his brow and forcing a tight smile. “For this last part, Gia, focus on disarming your opponent, and then tackle her. Quinn, this should be pretty easy. All you have to do is keep yourself open and fall.”
You gulped and assumed the ‘ready’ position, locking eyes with Ruby. She advanced, carefully redirecting your blade before grabbing your shoulders to push you onto your back. Unfortunately, as you were going down, a misstep caused you to lose your footing. Your arms flailed out of instinct, and in the search for stability, you inadvertently dragged the blade across Ruby’s cheek, leaving a bright red cut in its wake.
Startled, she hissed and dropped you onto the mat, hands moving to cradle her injured cheek. “Ouch! What the hell?!”
Calvin and Lucas rushed to Ruby’s side while you stared at your freshly-bloodied knife and tried to process what had just happened. “I thought you said they were dulled!”
“Well yeah, but they’re still real knives!” Lucas exclaimed, moving Ruby’s hand to see the cut.
A stream of apologies flew from your mouth immediately, but Ruby only responded with an icy glare and Calvin mumbled something about the makeup artist before storming out of the room. A lump rose to your throat as you blinked back tears, humiliated and filled with guilt. Once again, your clumsiness managed to ruin things for the people around you.
As you got up to leave the room, you looked back and met Ruby’s gaze. This time, instead of annoyance or anger, her face held only a look of pity as she watched you walk away.
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At the end of the day, after you and Ruby were no longer needed on set, you found yourself standing outside your shared trailer, hands wringing in anticipation for what you were about to do.
Despite your best efforts, you knew your struggle to grasp the fight choreography was impeding production. Ruby, on the other hand, excelled at stage combat. You needed the extra practice, and Lucas had already gone home. After several hours of contemplation, you resolved to set aside your pride and seek help from your sworn enemy.
With a deep breath, you entered the trailer. Ruby was already inside, dressed in yoga pants and a sports bra, clearly in the middle of changing. You felt your cheeks flush as she spun around, revealing a neon green band-aid on her right cheek.
“Ever heard of knocking?” She spat, covering herself defensively.
Your brows furrowed in disbelief. “It’s my trailer too!”
She scoffed, turning around to finish putting her shirt on. You sighed, knowing the odds were already not in your favor.
“Fine, I’m sorry,” you began, prompting her to look back at you, puzzled. “Not about the trailer, but about the knife, and the coffee, and just… everything. I know you think I’m out to get you, but I’m not, I’m just really accident-prone, and for that I’m sorry.”
Her gaze softened slightly, and she nodded, silently accepting your apology. You continued, avoiding eye contact for what you were about to ask.
“Listen… I need your help.”
Your words took her by surprise. “With what?”
“Fight choreography,” you pressed. “I know we don’t really get along, and I wouldn’t ask if I had literally any other option, but you’re incredible at stage combat. Please, I could really use the practice.
“No argument there,” she snarled. “But why should I help you?”
“Because we’re co-stars, if I look good, you look good. Besides, do you really want to risk another one of those?” You gestured to the band-aid on her cheek.
Ruby touched the bandaged wound, wincing from the pain.
Defeated, she groaned. “Fine, I’ll help you, but only on two conditions.”
She stepped closer until she was inches from your face, close enough that her warm breath grazed your skin. You felt the sharp jab of her finger in your chest as she locked eyes with you.
“First, during training, you do everything I say, exactly as I say it. And second…” she moved back, crossing her arms with a smirk. “…you owe me a favor.”
“Okay,” you shrugged. “What do you want?”
“I’ll let you know when I think of something,” she replied. “As of right now, we have a fight to train for.”
You followed her to the stunt room, now fully unoccupied as most of the crew had gone home. Ruby switched on the lights and made her way to the props table while you took your spot on one of the mats.
“Hmm,” she scrunched up her nose as she picked up the knives you had used to train earlier. “I really don’t trust you with a weapon right now. No offense.”
“None taken,” you replied, pleasantly surprised at the lack of offense.
Ruby moved around the room in search of a safer substitute. She ended up at a supply cabinet, and sifted through it until she proudly held up a miniature pool noodle.
“Noodles!” She announced, grabbing one and handing you another.
“Perfect,” you exhaled, relieved.
Ruby assumed the ‘ready’ position across from you while you mirrored her stance, gripping the pool noodle as if it were your knife.
“Alright,” she started. “Why don’t we skip the exposition, since there’s no issues there. Let’s jump to the weapon engagement.”
You stepped forward, engaging with Ruby’s noodle. She nodded in approval before continuing the choreography.
“Left, right, no… right. Wait… do you not know your left from your right?”
Embarrassed, you dropped your gaze to the mat. “I do… I just… have to stop and think about it sometimes…”
Ruby chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I am totally going to give you shit about that later, but for now, let’s just work on muscle memory.”
She moved behind you, reaching around to take hold of your wrists before leaning into whisper. “Is this ok?”
A shudder traveled down your spine as her breath tickled your ear, a subtle expression you prayed she didn’t notice. “Y-yeah… you’re good.”
The way her fingertips brushed so gently against your skin felt like a million tiny shocks of electricity, but you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why.
“Left, right, left-left, right,” she guided your dominant hand through the movements. “Over, under, around and right.”
She repeated the sequence once more before letting go of you, stepping back to observe. “Show it to me.”
You demonstrated flawlessly, earning a beam of approval.
“Good. Let’s move on.”
From there, Ruby continued to guide you through the combat sequence in its entirety, stopping repeatedly to work out the kinks and offer helpful tips. She taught you where to hold your body weight so you didn’t stumble, and even showed you how to look like you fell on purpose, if necessary. As much as you hated the girl, you had to admit, she was a pretty good teacher.
Eventually, after hours of training, you reached the last step of the routine. Both of you were drenched in sweat and panting hard, but determined to make it to the end.
“Now…” Ruby rested her hands on her knees as she attempted to catch her breath. “Last but not least: the fall. So to start, I push down on your shoulders…”
She placed her hands near your collarbone and gently pushed, causing your arms to flail and smack her with the pool noodle. Immediately letting go of you, she took a step back with her hands up. You froze, expecting her to yell at you, but to your surprise she threw her head back in laughter.
“And that…” she pointed to the band-aid on her cheek “…is how this happened.”
You forced a nervous giggle in response as you stared at her hysterical disposition. Her laugh was crisp, almost melodic, like windchimes in a summer breeze. You weren’t quite sure what she found so funny; perhaps she was so tired from the long rehearsal, she collapsed into a state of hysteria.
Ruby calmed down after a minute or two, wiping away a tear as her breathing subsided. “So, I’m guessing you don’t like having your shoulders touched?”
You shook your head. “It’s not that. I guess it just feels constricting to have someone pushing me while I’m trying to fall safely.”
She clicked her tongue, seemingly deep in thought. “Hmm… why don’t we modify it a little bit? I could push you by your hips, let you fall, and then pin you down.”
“Can we do that?” You asked, concerned about getting into trouble again.
“Yeah, it’s not a huge change. I’m sure Lucas won’t mind. Besides, actor safety is always number one priority… and that includes my own.” She gestured to her cheek again with a lopsided smirk, prompting you to grimace apologetically.
You centered your body weight as she approached you, grasping your sides before letting her fingers wrap around your hip bones. She met your eyes, searching for approval.
“Better?” She asked.
Your voice came out hoarse, almost a whisper. “Yeah. Much better.”
“The most important thing,” she explained, “is to keep your body open.”
She moved her hands from your hips up to your arms, positioning them until they were spread out on each side, as if you were preparing for a big hug.
“When I disarm you, move your arms to the side like this. That way, you’ll have more control over a fall, and I’ll have less chance of getting cut.”
You nodded in understanding as she took a step back, preparing for the attack.
“Slow motion, ok? No rush.”
She carefully walked towards you and grabbed your hips, pushing with gentle pressure. Keeping your body open, you fell safely to the mat, back flat on the floor and arms spread out to your sides.
Ruby stood over you wearing a look of pride and satisfaction before offering out her hand to help you up from the mat.
“Wow,” she exclaimed with a breathless chuckle. “I’m a really great teacher.”
You rolled your eyes at her familiar cocky attitude. “Mhm… so, is that it?”
“Not yet. One more time, from the top. Let’s put it all together.”
“Full speed?” You asked, getting into position.
She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow, breathing heavily as she moved to stand across from you. “Don’t you dare hold back.”
On her count, you lunged at her with your noodle before she sidestepped and dodged the attack. She reciprocated with an advance of her own, prompting you to block it and successfully engage your props.
“Left, right, left-left, right,” she called out. “Over, under, around and right.”
The two of you continued sparring, each movement now pristine and polished. Droplets of sweat scattered from your skin as your props flew at lightning speed, every advance met with a clean block or countered with the appropriate attack. It was like your bodies were in perfect sync, months of built up tension finally surfacing to glide seamlessly through combat.
As you reached the end of the routine, Ruby expelled your weapon, disarming you and prompting your arms to extend. She seized your hips, fingertips pressing into your plush sides, and pushed until you could fall safely. Back now flat against the mat, she crawled on top of you, straddling your hips while planting her hands on either side of your head.
Time seemingly froze as Ruby hovered above you, keeping you trapped underneath her. Her face was close, so close that you were panting into each other's mouths. You stared up at her, noticing her bright blue eyes had turned significantly darker, and you swore, just for a split second, you saw them glance down at your lips.
“You…” she panted, breathless. “Y-you…”
Your heart pounded in your chest, flustered from the mix of adrenalines. “W-what about me?”
“You… you smell… so bad.”
With that, she immediately picked herself off of you, leaving you lying in a heap on the mat.
Annoyed and confused, you sat up to glare at her. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” she turned away from you and cracked her back. “We’ve been in here for awhile, and you really need a shower.”
“Look who’s talking,” you spat back. “Your hair is literally sticking to your forehead!”
She reached up, awkwardly brushing her hair out of her face while mumbling something incoherent. It was like the air around you had suddenly turned thick with tension, neither of you daring to speak up for fear of saying what you were both thinking.
You decided to break the silence. “What time is it?”
Ruby glanced at her watch. “Almost 1am.”
“Shit,” you responded, not realizing it had gotten so late. “Guess we should…”
“Yeah,” she cut you off.
Without another word, the two of you gathered your things to leave for the evening. On the way out, neither of you offered a “bye” or “see you tomorrow,” but both of you turned to glance back when the other wasn’t looking.
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For the remainder of the week, you and Ruby avoided each other like the plague, but not necessarily in the way you had previously. Before, there was always a palpable negative energy looming between the two of you, something Calvin could exploit for the cameras. Now, your scenes read awkwardly, both of you too preoccupied the events of the other night to properly engage in animosity.
This shift in dynamic didn’t go unnoticed by the cast and crew, especially Calvin, who never hesitated to hide his frustration. He desperately sought chemistry, and realized that forcing you to share a trailer wasn’t cutting it anymore. At this point, he was willing to do whatever it took to reignite that spark.
One day, Calvin informed you that lunch would be served in the stunt room. It seemed odd, food being served in the industry equivalent to a trampoline park, but Calvin typically had some rationale behind his unconventional ideas, so you didn’t question it.
When lunch break rolled around, you walked into the stunt room to find it completely dark and empty, aside from Ruby, who stood in the center of the room looking confused. Upon seeing you, she froze.
“Uh… hey.” She muttered, pointing her gaze to the floor.
“Hey yourself,” you replied awkwardly. “Uhm, did Calvin tell you lunch was being served here?”
“Yeah, actually,” she furrowed her brow, glancing around the room. “But I haven’t seen any caterers or anything.”
“Weird, I wonder why he would-“
Suddenly, you were cut off by a door slam, followed by the sharp click of a lock. You and Ruby stared at each other, panic-stricken on your faces before rushing to try the door handle.
“What the… hey! Let us out!” Ruby shouted, pounding on the door after the handle wouldn’t budge.
As you watched Ruby struggle against the door, realization hit you like a ton of bricks. “Calvin!”
“What are you talking about?” Ruby growled.
“Think about it,” you explained. “He’s been frustrated with us all week, our scenes have sucked, he lied to both of us…”
Giving up on the door, Ruby leaned against it and turned to glare at you. “You think he locked us in here on purpose?”
You shot her a knowing look. She groaned frustratedly, squeezing her eyes shut and throwing her head back against the door.
“That is exactly something he would do,” she exclaimed.
“Someone’s going to sue that man one day,” you huffed.
Ruby snickered in agreement. “Why don’t we?”
“Pretty sure that would require us to actually talk to each other.”
Silence fell between the two of you, as what was supposed to be a lighthearted joke turned into you accidentally addressing the elephant in the room.
“It’s not like we ever talked much before…” Ruby muttered, breaking the silence.
“That’s not true,” you argued. “We used to bicker constantly. Now we’re just… weird.”
“This whole week has been weird.” Ruby agreed.
“Why?” You pushed, squinting at her. “You helped me out with a fight scene, and now we’re like two twelve-year-olds at a middle school dance. How does that make sense?”
“I don’t know! I just…” Ruby sighed exasperatedly, and put her head in her hands.
Your gaze softened as you realized the brunette was struggling with her words. Usually, she radiated confidence, an attribute of hers that made you burn with jealousy. Now, she exuberated hesitance like you’d never seen, with her body backed up against the door and her face covered with her hands.
You took a step towards her, and spoke softly. “Ruby, you and I both know we’re not getting out of here until we start talking.”
Realizing you had a point, Ruby groaned and dropped her hands. She refused to look you in the eye, instead opting to stare at your feet while she searched for the right words.
“When we were… fighting,” she began, chewing on each word as if it were molasses. “There was a moment where… I had you pinned…”
She swallowed involuntarily at the blatant description. Your face flushed, but you nodded in an attempt to coax more out of her.
“I was looking down at you… and… I guess… I just realized… maybe I don’t… hate you… as much as I thought I did.”
The moisture drained from your mouth as her confession caught you completely off guard. Half of you had the urge to make fun of her, and the other half just wanted to grab her shoulders and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe.
Instead, you decided to probe on. “You don’t?”
“I don’t think I ever did,” she confessed in a half-whisper. “I never really got to know you before, I think I just… saw you as competition. I mean, you were at every audition, how could I not? I think my mind just filled in the blanks? I don’t know.”
“Well, what do you know?” You asked, moving closer and causing her breath to hitch as she was caught between you and the door.
“I think… no, I know… you don’t… hate me either?”
She apprehensively searched your features for an answer, as what was supposed to be a statement came out as more of a question. You nodded, prompting her to exhale in relief before continuing.
“I know that I don’t have to see you as competition. I know that it may have taken me a while to realize it, but the time we’ve spent together on set has been the best month of my life. I know that I hate feeling vulnerable, so if you ever tell anyone about this I’ll deny it… and then I probably actually will hate you.”
You chuckled at her joke, and she began to relax as a warm smile spread across her face. By now, you had moved close enough that your faces were mere inches from each other, and you could just barely hear her breathing over the pounding of your heartbeat.
“So… what now?” You asked, secretly hoping for one specific answer.
She glanced down at your lips, eyeing them hungrily as she hesitated. “I, uh… I think I know… what I want that favor to be.”
Your eyes widened, surprised at her sudden bold demeanor. But as you gazed at her flushed cheeks, her parted lips, and eyes filled with a mixture of longing and apprehension, you knew there was nothing in the world that could stop you from fulfilling that favor.
Grabbing her jaw, you brought her face closer and crashed your lips together. A small gasp escaped her lips at first, but she soon grasped at your sides and started to kiss back. Her lips were soft, but her kisses were rough and passionate, something you weren’t surprised at given her usual fiery personality.
Her middle finger wrapped around one of the belt loops on your jeans, giving her leverage to pull you closer to her. A quiet whimper erupted from the back of your throat, the feeling of her body pressed against yours being enough to make your knees buckle. You grabbed onto the back of her neck for support, simultaneously pulling her towards you even more and spurring moans of approval from your newfound lover.
Eventually, you pulled apart, both of you gasping to catch your breath, but neither of you letting go of the other. As you stood there, wrapped in Ruby’s embrace, you couldn’t help but survey her features. Her eyes had darkened from overwhelming desire, and her lips were pink and puffy, coated with your saliva. Her originally shiny brunette locks were now disheveled, stray hairs sticking out from the static electricity of being thrust against the door.
She was a mess, but in that moment, you swore you had never seen anything more beautiful.
A breathy chuckle left her parted lips, breaking the silence. “I, uh… I was actually just gonna ask if you knew how to pick a lock.”
Your jaw dropped in shock as you stared at her, completely dumbfounded. “Are you serious?”
She shook her head no, erupting into laughter at her own joke. You glared at her, unamused, but soon found yourself stifling a giggle. Enemies or otherwise, Ruby was always going to be a sarcastic hothead, and nothing could change that.
“Wow…” she sighed breathlessly.
“I know…” you agreed. “Guess we should thank Calvin, huh?”
Ruby began to chuckle before her eyes suddenly widened in horror. “Shit, Calvin!”
“Yeah?” You questioned, confused at her change in demeanor. “What about Calvin?”
“He casted us together because we hated each other,” she whisper-screamed, eyes darting between you and the locked door. “Everything he’s done has been to fuel the fire: forcing us to share a trailer, locking us in here! He wants us to hate each other, he doesn’t care what it takes! If he finds out about this…”
Panic washed over you as your mind swarmed with possible things Calvin would do to taint your relationship if he found out about your feelings for each other.
“Shit,” you exclaimed. “What do we do?”
Ruby pursed her lips, deep in thought as she racked her brain for ideas. Suddenly, as if a lightbulb went off in her head, she turned to you with a wicked grin.
“We’re actors,” she replied. “We act.”
Gripping your shoulders, she walked you backwards before letting go and returning to her original position. Confusion painted your features; you didn’t know what Ruby was up to, but you were curious to find out.
“You are the most insufferable person I’ve ever met,” she exclaimed loudly. “In fact, you’re the last person I’d ever want to be stuck filming with!”
Her sudden shift in attitude left you puzzled and a little hurt, but you quickly understood her intentions after she shot you a sly wink.
“Oh yeah?” You retorted, playing along. “Right back atcha! In fact, if I never saw you again, it’d be too soon!”
Ruby stifled a laugh before quickly getting back into character. “I hate you!”
“I hate you more!”
At this last remark, the sharp click of the lock sounded again, and the door swung open. Calvin stood in the doorway, a huge ear-to-ear grin spread across his face.
“Welcome back, you two.”
He left the door open, and motioned for you to follow him out. You started to exit the room, but as soon as Calvin’s back was turned, Ruby grabbed your wrist and spun you around to capture your lips in hers once again.
A sharp inhale echoed against the back of your throat as she took you by surprise, but you pulled her close and kissed her back in a heartbeat. This kiss was different from the last, with the newfound excitement mixing with the terrifying prospect of being caught. The rush of adrenalines had never tasted so sweet.
Ruby pulled back with haste, immediately looking over her shoulder to make sure Calvin didn’t see. When the coast was clear, she turned back to you with half-lidded eyes.
“I hate you,” she muttered, a goofy grin spreading across her face.
You giggled, covering your mouth to suppress the sound before leaning in to whisper in her ear.
“I hate you, too.”
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hazel was so shy around you when you had started dating. which at first you didn't mind, thinking she was like that around everyone. but then you saw her with her friends, and she was so talkative and extroverted, totally different from how she acted around you. you tried not to think much of it, but a part of you couldn't shake the feeling that her closed-off behavior towards you had nothing to do with her and everything to do with you. so, you decided to confront her about it.
"hazel, can i talk to you about something?"
"uhm, yeah. sure. what is it?"
you sighed to yourself. she looked so tense, almost uncomfortable, and your heart sank inside your chest. "do you not like me or something?"
hazel's eyes widened as she looked at you, beginning to nervously fiddle with her rings. "what? why do you think that...?"
"it's just, you're so shy around me, and you're not like that with anyone else. sometimes it just feels like you don't want to be around me."
"no! that's- i don't mean to come off as shy around you. it just kinda happens because... i'm scared."
you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "of me?"
hazel shook her head, taking a step towards you. "of messing up. you're my first girlfriend. my first... everything. i'm just scared of doing something wrong and somehow pushing you away."
you reached forward and put your hands on hers, stopping her from twisting her rings. "you're not gonna mess up. and you're not gonna push me away. i like you, hazel. a lot. i'm not going anywhere."
hazel smiled softly as she looked up at you. "do you really mean that?"
"yeah," you replied, stepping closer to her, leaving your faces only a few inches apart.
hazel tensed up again at the closeness, but she forced herself to relax and just be in the moment, with you. she felt herself leaning in, and you did too, your lips finally meeting hers for the first time. just as quickly as it happened, it was over, hazel jerking back with a bright red blush on her face.
"that- uhm, that was my first kiss," she said, stumbling over her words from all the jittery feelings swirling inside of her.
you smiled and leaned in again. "wanna have your second?"
tags: @hazelvrr @ohnomywenis @fictionalgap @ihyperfixatetoomuch @usuck @mxqdii @girlsarecool @thestarkinternship
join my taglist!
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jo6hny · 3 months
 She got my heartbeat. Skipping down 16th Avenue - Hazel Callahan
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Pairing: College student! Hazel Callahan x College student! Reader 
Contains: fluff, hazel being woozy from meds, mentions of beating PJ up (i love her this was for the plot), somewhat idiots very in love, kissing!!!  
Summary: Based on this request.
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: yay i managed to post this week! Onto the next request. Also, let me know if you’d like to be tagged onto future Hazel oneshots :) ! 
“What the fuck happened?!” You exclaimed, barging into Hazel’s hospital room. 
Sylvie and the rest of the girls were there by her bedside, earnestly looking after the injured girl. They give you a look of pity and guilt. Everyone knew how protective you could get of your best friend. 
“Pretty girl, hello!” Hazel slurred, jolting upwards into a sitting position. Her heart rate monitor was spiking. She had taken several medications for her injuries and it made her loopy and out of her mind most of the time. 
Sylvie gently pushes her back down and interrupts Hazel. “Hey, she kind of got into a fight.” 
“Kind of?” You interject, your arms flailing in panic. Hazel looked like shit. Her lip was busted and her eye swollen. To add to this, her face had been colored purple and blue from several bruises around her face. The sight of her made your heartache and made you want to coddle the brunette. 
“We’re sorry this happened,” Isabel started, making her way to you. “It’s just that PJ and Josie tricked all of us into the fight club and Hazel had to fight the big guy. It’s a super long story.” 
“I’m gonna fucking kill PJ.” You muttered, feeling your eye twitch and your blood boil. You had never liked her, she had always left a bad taste in your mouth. It baffled you why Hazel always spoke so highly of her. Josie, you could get it. She was nice albeit awkward but she was never mean spirited like PJ was. 
“Noo not good, pretty. Bad.” Hazel interrupted. Even in her disheveled state she was defending PJ. It stung and you felt a sense of dejection. But you pushed it aside as you realize that you needed to step up and take care of her because no one else will. Hazel’s mom was vacationing god knows where and her dad was out of the picture a long time ago. She only had you. 
Making your way to her, the girls parted and offered you a seat beside her hospital bed. You had noticed that her heart rate monitor was incredibly high but figured that it was the leftover adrenaline from what ensued. 
“Hey Haze,” You whisper, voice cracking. “I’m gonna get you home, okay?” 
“Pretty girl going to take care ‘me?” She asked, she was slurring her words and it came out kind of whiny. 
A shy smile spread across your face. She had never called you pretty girl before. Sure, she was never shy of compliments but never outright like this. It made you wonder if there were truth to her words. 
You nodded, taking her hand. “Of course, Haze.” 
“Dude your heart rate keeps going up, I’m gonna call a nurse.” Sylvie observed, taking Isabel with her to get someone. She was genuinely concerned for Hazel, her heart rate kept going up especially when you came around which she found weird. 
“‘M face hurts.” Hazel said. Her breathing was shallow and she could barely open one eye. 
“I’m so sorry this happened to you, Haze.” You replied, rubbing her hand with your thumb. This was something you often did whenever you were nervous or apologetic. In return, Hazel would squeeze yours back three times as if to say it’s okay. At least that’s what you thought. 
The girls came back to the room with the nurse they found to assist Hazel. She was tall and looked kind. Almost reminiscent of Hazel’s mom without the flashy jewelry and short hair. 
“You say her heart rate was spiking?” The nurse asked, closely looking at her heart rate monitor. 
Sylvie nodded and pointed to you. “Yeah it started going up when she arrived.” 
The nurse looked at you with curiosity in her eyes and then she spotted your interlocked hands. The tips of her mouth perked up and her gaze glinted with mischief. 
“Huh,” She started, looking at you with a teasing gaze. “Must be leftover adrenaline from the fight.” 
“That’s what I thought so too.” You replied, feeling confident in your answer. It didn’t cross your mind to think that she might be hinting at something else. Why would she? She was a stranger and friends held hands all the time. Though, your heart rate definitely didn’t feel fast whenever you're holding other people’s hands, only with Hazel. 
“Sure.” The nurse said, turning her back from you. Her tone was sarcastic and it baffled you. But you brushed it aside, choosing to put your attention to Hazel instead. 
After some more checking, the nurse ruled out anything dangerous but told Hazel to be careful. And as her primary caretaker, you took it upon yourself to talk to the Nurse too. Just to find out what to do and when you could take your bestfriend home. The lady was nice enough to supply all the correct answers but not without sly remarks about “taking good care of your girlfriend”. Whatever that meant. Finally, she told you that Hazel would be able to go home tomorrow which gave you relief. It was gonna be hard work but you weren’t complaining as it was Hazel you were pouring your care onto. 
Back at your dorm, Hazel occupies her side of the room and is slumped against her bed. Despite her wounds healing, she hadn’t been quite active; not like herself at all. You’d blamed the meds that the doctor prescribed, as well as the bruise the altercation might have left on her ego. 
“You look really pretty today.” Hazel said, complimenting you. This was her 10th compliment of the day and she didn’t show any signs of stopping. Again, something you blamed the meds on. She was all loopy and hallucinating. You didn’t look pretty at all today, body adorned with just a regular hoodie and sweatpants. 
“Mhm, sure Haze. Thank you.” You reply, sitting on her bed and taking out the supplies needed to tend to her wounds. 
Facing her, you inch closer towards your best friend and take a good look before reaching for her bruise medication. Her face still looked splotchy because of the bruises, but certainly better. 
“Thank you for taking care of me, I owe you a lot, pretty.” she mumbled, her one non swollen eye looking at you with affection. Hazel might have been on medication but she meant every compliment that came out of her mouth. In a way she was glad for it because it enables her to voice out her thoughts about you. 
“It’s okay. I would take care of you any day.” You reassure her, giving her a smile. It still breaks your heart whenever you recall what happened to her. She deserved so much better, especially after you learned about the argument her and PJ had prior to the fight. You wanted to beat the shit out of PJ so bad but restrained yourself because you knew that Hazel wouldn’t forgive you. But still, you can’t help but glare and stick your middle finger up at her whenever you pass each other by at the halls. 
“I’m gonna beat PJ up as payback for what happened to you, I swear to god.” You added, your voice was shaky. 
“Don’t.” Hazel replied, taking your hand in hers. She did it again, squeezed your hand thrice. It made your heart flutter. But at the same time, it saddened you how much she defended PJ. 
“Don’t defend her, Haze. She’s the reason you got hurt.” You reply defensively, intertwining your hand with hers. If you had a heart rate monitor at home, Hazel’s would have skyrocketed right now. She was praying that her pulse didn’t give anything away but you seemed to be distracted by the hate you had for her friend. 
“I’m not,” She started, staring her one eye at you. “It’s just that you’re too good for that, beautiful.” 
“Stop that.” You whisper, avoiding eye contact. You decide to distract yourself by opening up the treatment for her bruises and applying it onto her. 
“Stop what?” 
“You know, complimenting me. You’re too loopy from the meds.”
Hazel shakes her head, interrupting you from treating her wound. “That’s not true.” 
“Yes it is. I mean, you have been doing the same since the hospital.” You retort, trying to evade Hazel’s attempt at knocking at your heart. It wasn’t working, of course. Her admittance of her affection for you made you feel loopy. 
“It might have started at the hospital but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. I do think you’re beautiful and kind and gorgeous and the best person in the world.” She rambled on, listing positive things about you. 
The brunette’s confession shocked you, leading you to push down a bit harder on her bruise as you applied her medication. 
“Ow!” Hazel exclaimed, it felt like her bruise would resurface with the pressure you put on her face. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You reply, frantically caressing her face as to apologize for accidentally hurting her. 
“It’s okay.” Hazel mumbled, bringing a hand up to her cheek. “Kinda hurts though.” 
“I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.” 
Hazel’s eyebrows perk up at your offer. The cogs in her mind were working overtime and she was going to take a leap at what she was going to do but it would all be worth it. 
“I know how you can make it up to me.” She led on, a small smirk displayed on her face. She couldn’t quite smile as there were cuts on her lips that disabled her from doing so. 
“How?” You cocked your head to the side, curious to what her demands were. You felt really bad. To be fair, Hazel surprised you and she couldn’t just do that so suddenly, not when your hands were on her face. She knew how reactive you could get. 
“A kiss.” She beamed, proud of herself. 
You stare at her, bewildered. 
“We need to get you off those meds.” You mumble, putting away her ointment. This was you trying to hide your face that was sporting a blush. You could feel the warmth spread past your countenance and through your body. 
“I’m serious!” Hazel flailed, sitting upright. She had never been more serious in her entire life. She could come off as goofy most of the time but never with you. She had always tried her best whenever she was with you. You deserve the best things in life and she knew this. 
“Alright okay.” You caved, positioning yourself closer to her so that it was easier for your lips to attach themselves to her wounds. 
“Really?” The blue eyed girl questioned. She didn’t think she’d get this far. 
You hummed in response and made your way forwards, pressing a chaste kiss on the apple of her cheek right where the bruise was starting to shift colors. And then you planted another towards her swollen eye, careful not to put any pressure. Then, your lips found its ways towards hers. You hover over her lips, not quite sure if you should continue. 
“Please kiss me.” Hazel whispered, feeling a bit pathetic at her plea. But then again, this was all she ever wanted. To be near you and feel you. And if she were honest, she’d get beat up a thousand times again if it meant being under your tender care. 
At this, you press your lips onto hers. You were careful not to press too hard as you minded the cuts she obtained from the fight. But still, you kissed her with much love and yearning. With all of the pent up feelings you had for your best friend. She tasted like skittles. The only thing she’d enthusiastically eat during these past few days that she’d rested. 
“Do you feel better now?” You ask, parting your lips from hers. The beating of your heart was loud and you could physically feel your heart thump against your chest. 
“Well,” She said, as if in deep thought. “I think you need to kiss me more, to be honest. I don’t feel too well.” 
You laugh at her attempt to convince you to kiss her again. It worked, though. Obviously. But it was just so…Hazel. So authentically her. 
“Oh no!” You feigned worry, playing along. “We wouldn’t want that.” 
“No. Not at all.” Hazel shook her head. She took her spare hand and wrapped it around your waist. 
Leaning in once again, you take a moment to examine her features. The contrast of her sharp features against the violent splotches of purple and green and beige. She looked beautiful. Right then and there you swore that you’d protect her. Never let anything like this happen again. Protect her against the stupid football guy, PJ, anyone. 
“What are you thinking of?” Hazel asked, breaking you out of your trance. 
“How good you look. And how I’m totally gonna kick that football guy and PJ’s ass.” You reply, earning a groan from your best friend. 
“More kissing, less kicking ass, please.” She pleaded. 
“Alright okay.” You laughed, connecting your lips to hers again. You weren’t sure where this left the both of you. If it meant that you two were together now. You made a mental note to bring this up to her once you two finish making out. 
Hazel on the other hand, was elated. She had to personally thank her nurse and doctor for prescribing her meds that made her more loopy as hell but confident. She couldn’t believe it! She was kissing her best friend and long time crush all because of some stupid meds that got rid of her shyness. Hazel was going to enjoy this, she thought. And she also thought about how she was going to scream everything out into the world. How she finally got her girl and how lucky she felt. 
tags: @academiareid <3
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buckleysbitch · 5 months
you mentioned in a post a couple days ago the idea of doing hazels makeup… PLSPLSPLS could you do a hyper feminine! reader doing hazels makeup? i love your account so much, literally feeding my obsession with Hazel <333
listen to hazels spotify here ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
reqs are open!!
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𐙚 baby girl is always enamored at the time and dedication you spend in front of the mirror
𐙚 and is absolutely mesmerized by your hands meticulously crafting the perfect look
𐙚 you ask her sometimes if she wants her makeup done when you catch her staring, and she always says no
𐙚 until you’re spending a night in and she finally asks if you can do her makeup
𐙚 so you lay her on the couch, straddling her chest, your makeup bag on hand
𐙚 “it tickles!”
𐙚 “you’re fine stop being a baby!”
𐙚 asking you what every damn product is even though she knows what they are
𐙚 because she loves to babble
𐙚 swatting her hands away from your thighs because you know that’s gonna break your focus….
𐙚 mascara. enough said i’m cackling thinking about putting mascara on her and how difficult it would be
𐙚 telling her to shut the fuck up for two seconds while you do her lips
𐙚 oh yeah she’s yapping the WHOLE time
𐙚 asking if you can do her eyeliner
𐙚 and just about taking her eye out with it because she’s fidgeting SO MUCH
𐙚 holding back snorts when you’re done because hyperfem hazel was not on your bingo card for tonight
𐙚 or for your entire life really
𐙚 her little gasps when she sees herself in the mirror omg
𐙚 getting super excited and making silly glamour shot faces
𐙚 glamour photoshoot of COURSE
𐙚 “okay i’m done can you take it off now”
𐙚 giggling and sending her to wash her face
𐙚 with your expensive face wash, which instantly gets her excited (she never gets to use it because she’s a walking tornado)
𐙚 asking if you can do her skincare too
𐙚 which of course you will (whipped ass motherfucker)
𐙚 taking every serum out of your hands to curiously inspect it
𐙚 her soft smile, studying your face when you’re massaging the moisturizer in i’m dead on the floor
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fictionalgap · 6 months
Teammate: Too Bad (chapter 1)
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Pairing: Hazel Callahan x Reader
Summary: You did something bad and you didn't know what to expect.
Warnings: 18+ themes, swearing, the reader may have uncomfortable thoughts for some of you. Smut will occur in later chapters.
Chapters: Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Song Recommendation: Creep - Radiohead
Notes: Reader and Hazel came from different high schools and meet in the college. This is a College/University AU!
If you asked any close friend of Hazel Callahan from high school, they would tell you that she changed during she got into the college, in a good way.
After she understood the effect she had on others and from a few advice from friends, she started to act and became more cooler and more charismatic.
That sweet, kind, caring Hazel we all know was still there of course. She was still the same person. Just less shy and more confident.
That was what you have heard from other's talking and gossip.
You believed that college was a major life change. Your marks were decent enough to get a scholarship and study your dream major. Also they had a swimming team which was great for you since you liked to swim and wanted to feel like you are doing something with your life other than academics.
You didn't meet Hazel Callahan until the swimming team tryouts.
She was good at swimming. She was fast and her form was almost flawless as coach said. Her being hot as fuck didn't help you stop from being whipped.
Months passed. Everyone's physique in swimming team started to change. Everyone looked better. She… she looked like a literal goddess. Everyone on fucking campus were throwing themselves on her. She suddenly became very popular after the term started. She had that extremely cute laugh on her, whenever she was talking with her friends.
Everyone on the team admired her. You didn't know why but that made your stomatch sick.
You were only her teammate. You weren't friends.
You actually wanted to be her friend. The thing was… you didn't have friends. Not back then. Not now. You were shy and awkward. Your family told you that you looked intimidating and aloof. Your cousin said you look at other people like you were going to murder them. People in school called you a creep and a weirdo.
You didn't know how to make friends. You tried to soften your gaze but being harsh was more natural to you.
It's what protected you from dealing with bullies in high school, after all. You face was usually expressionless and It scared people.
You may look and behave cold but you actually wanted friends. You just didn't know how to make them. You usually studied and googled about weird things on internet so making friends wasn't something that was on your list.
It wasn't something you wanted.
Until now.
Until her.
You wanted to get closer to her at first.
Until you changed your mind.
Hazel and you got the highest marks in almost every class. Sometimes beating each other by getting one or two points higher. You felt weird whenever you got a higher mark than her. You wanted to feel good but you just couldn't. You didn't know why.
Your teachers loved you and Hazel. Of course, they loved Hazel more. Since she was more kind and more friendly.
You and Hazel were the best in the swimming team. Just like in the academics, you swim good and fast and so did she. Sometimes she got faster one or two second than you.
You wanted to rip your hair and all of Hazel Callahan. She looked so fucking hot when she did though. She had a breathy crooked smile upon her lips, her wet shaggy hair leaving droplets on the floor. You wanted to jump to her bones whenever you see her like that.
This would all be easier If all the girls and boys wouldn't chase her. By time, people on campus learned about her orientation and boys left her for good.
Not that you care.
You only cared about being good at whatever you were doing. Classes and swimming were your priorities.
If only you didn't feel lonely. You just couldn't shake off the feeling of wanting a company. Especially her company. Problem was you were too shy for that. Everytime you felt shy you automatically had that face that says "I'm going to kill you."
You knew you couldn't have her so you started to hate her. Her laugh, her looks, they way she swims, the way she eats, the way she walks, people around her…
Especially the girls.
You wanted to rip their hair apart and show that to Hazel.
Guess she wouldn't laugh at that...
You had a little bit of sadistic thoughts from time to time.
Maybe you were really a creep.
There were times you felt like Hazel was going to approach and say something to you. You felt too damn nervous those times. You have always averted your gaze as the girls approached to her like thirsty animals in a desert.
You felt something boiling inside you whenever this happened. This time though, something snapped. Before you knew, you went to the locker room and opened her locker since you knew what was her password like a fucking stalker, you saw her stuff facing you. You took them and started to look for clothes. You found a white tank top, black jeans and asweatshirt. You tore them apart with your bare hands and put them into her locker back. You took a deep breath and exhaled as you left the locker room.
It was the last day of first term.
Of course, you got away with it. There were no cameras in the locker room or anyone to see you. Or was there?
The second term started. Hazel knew what you did. You could tell from her staring. You wonder why you haven't been called to coach's office since what happened. Maybe Hazel didn't want to face you? You would be lying If you said you weren't scared. She was twice the size of you and had friends who could do anything for them. From what you have heard, she was in a fight club when she was in high school. She looked cute and innocent but you knew well not be fooled by appearances.
Weeks passed and interestingly, no one bullied you. Did anyone really know? Maybe It was just her. Maybe she didn't know who did it but she guessed it was you since you were the only one who wasn't beaming at her. Maybe you have really scared her. Maybe you showed her that what a real fucking maniac you are and ruined every fucking chance to get close. Ripping the clothes of the friendly, kind, popular girl... All because you were fucking jealous of Hazel. Fucking. Callahan.
Your swim practice was over and now you were taking a shower. You heard girls talking and giggling but after a short while it ended. You got out of the shower. It was quiet. Everyone left early. Of course. It was friday. There was party and swim team always went to the parties but always a little bit late cause coach loved to make us practice before weekend. Three days without swimming was a no-nono-no for her.
You went out of the shower to see Hazel and two of your teammates talking quietly. You went to your locker. You didn't want to be with her alone after what you did. You dressed quickly. When you looked around, It was just you and Hazel in the locker room.
You gulped.
You threw your bag to your shoulder and were already walking to the exit quickly but a voice stopped you.
"Y/N!" a joyful voice came from behind you. You turned to see a smiling Hazel approaching.
And scary.
You exhaled the breath you didn't know you held for how long. You looked at her greyish-blue eyes. They were pretty and hypnotizing.
You were obsessed with the little brown dot on her face.
You also hated her. You tried to remind yourself that.
"We are teammates." she stated, confusing you.
'Why she was saying that now?' you thought as you raised your brow.
"Yes." you confirmed her as you looked at the door with one of your eyes.
She shrugghed. "It's just we never talk...you know. Can we talk?" she asked excitedly.
You grabbed your bag tightly and cleared your throat.
" Actually, I have a place to be so If you don't mind- " you tried to reach the door but she reached it above your shoulders and closed the door before you can do anything. She squeezed you between her and the door and now you were too damn scared to look into her eyes.
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s0ftb1tch12 · 7 months
i may not be able to write out actual fanfic but i can put out ideas that scratch my brain and make me scream into the void
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being hazel callahan’s passenger princess and going on night drives when you both can’t sleep
going to zoos and aquariums where she rambles out fun facts on her favourite animals
staring at the chains around her neck so often she notices and buys you matching ones (same thing with rings, even better if they’re from brittany’s jewelry business)
movie marathon dates under a blanket fort complete with fairy lights, fluffy blankets, and snacks
fidgeting with each other’s hands while having long talks about whatever
i’m a FIRM believer in cocky!hazel after a few months of dating. once she knows you’ll stick with her for the long run, she’s not as nervous and acts more flirty (lingering touches, cheesier words, etc)
she may not be able to cook but she’ll surely try and learn your favorite foods (i think she’s more of a baker since baking is kinda like chemistry and we all know how she feels about explosive reactions)
on that note, i do believe she’s top of her class in chemistry or physics (thinking about her tutoring you in those subjects but those study dates eventually lead to makeout sessions)
that kiss scene towards the end of the movie and the fact that she wears rings really inspired me,,, y’all know where this is going probably (i NEED someone to write this desperately because i ain’t seen it anywhere and i’m down BAD)
literally any member of band!gf x loser!gf (i’m talking bassists, guitarists, drummers, lead singers)
those fics with cheerleader gf x loser gf !!! smth i haven’t seen with this trope yet is cheerleader gf surprising her with her strength, carrying her princess style
goth!gf x nerd!gf: her letting you do her eyeliner like yours, sitting in her lap as she lies down (like this 😩)
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bimbo!gf x loser!gf: your average oblivious hyperfem with her awkward masc relationship, even better if bimbo!gf wears heels often so she’s taller than hazel who is at perfect height for forehead kisses (usually leaving lipstick marks that she doesn’t notice until pj basically screams and points at it)
hazel carrying a bunch of chapstick or hair ties in her backpack in case her gf forgets hers
thrifting dates because slow fashion is important
as a sanrio girlie, i think hazel would love pompompurin and his little hat
hazel acts kinda like a little golden retriever so she would definitely get along will with dogs but i like to think she’s a cat person, cats fucking LOVE her and she is always feeding the strays on her block
hazel is a tea girlie and yes she does have fun facts about them (chamomile became v important after her parents divorce)
hazel likes simulation games like stardew valley and role playing games like baldur’s gate (she spends hours making her character) (yes this is self indulgent because i love bg3)
she loves handmade gifts; make this baby a mug, crochet her a sweater, paint her a picture and she will melt
soooooo many trinkets on her shelves (god i wish we saw her room in the movie)
she def has a less common pet (reptiles, bugs, rodents [like ferrets])
a bird would be nice for hazel if i’m being honest, she talks to it everyday but especially after a bad day (like when pj dismisses whatever cool thing she wants to talk about at lunch and changes the topic by talking over her)
idk what else to say rn but best believe that my brain will rot again because the gay shit will not be going away any time soon
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 5 months
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"To All of the Girls I've Loved Before" II Hazel Callahan x Reader
“Hazel goes to her favorite diner, ordering her favorite food and a large chocolate milkshake to go with it. It definitely helped to deal with her existential crisis on a full stomach and she eventually calmed her emotions.”
Tags: Cheerleader!Reader who is kinda mean oopsie, girls kissing, fem!reader, no use of y/n, lightly proof read
A/N: Wow, didn't expect y'all to like the first part, again this is based loosely off of the plot of "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" except it's gay and we love it. This is part two, go to the first part if you haven't read it already! Also, don't steal my writing, I only post on Tumblr.
Hazel wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for eternity. She didn’t even wait for the dismissal bell as she grabbed her things and immediately rushed home.
How did the letters even get out? She had made sure to put them all in a small shoe box in the back of her closet…
As soon as she got home, Hazel ran up to her room and searched her closet from top to bottom, but all she found was a now empty shoe box.
“Hazel? Why are you home so early? I thought you had that fight club thing today” Hazel’s mom says as she leans against the door frame in that ridiculously overpriced bathrobe.
Hazel sighed and looked up at her mom, “Yeah…they, uh, canceled today” she says quickly while holding the shoe box and running a hand through her hair in frustration.
Her mother pointed to the box, “I made sure to mail those for you so you didn’t forget, and so they didn’t sit collecting dust.” she says while taking a sip from the drink in her hand
Hazel freezes and looks at her mother, her shock slowly fading into anger, “You were the one who mailed them?”
“I mean it seemed like you had forgotten about them, so I took it upon myself” she says shrugging her shoulders like her decision didn’t cause Hazel to make some of the biggest mistakes in her life.
Hazel throws the shoe box to the floor and rushes out of the house without another word as all of the emotions start flooding her mind and she sits in her car trying to blink back tears. She hits the steering wheel in frustration and then lays her head on it which causes the horn to blare.
“My life is ruined” she groans and then leans back, closing her eyes. She then starts her car and puts it into drive.
She needs to go somewhere and think
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Hazel goes to her favorite diner, ordering her favorite food and a large chocolate milkshake to go with it. It definitely helped to deal with her existential crisis on a full stomach and she eventually calmed her emotions.
And then you walked in
You scanned the diner and immediately spotted Hazel, walking over and sitting across from her in the booth. You had your cheerleading uniform on which told Hazel you must have come straight from practice.
“Hey Hazel” you say with a bright smile which Hazel can’t help but return, a small blush coating her cheeks.
“So I just wanted to come over and talk to you about what happened at the track earlier and I also want to offer you a deal” you say with a smug grin, “I need help getting my ex jealous, so I was thinking that maybe we keep up a little charade” you say as Hazel look at you dumbfounded at what you’re saying.
“It’s perfect! I’ll get Josh back for cheating on me, and you’ll finally get noticed by people other than those girls in your little club!” you say, a little condescendingly as you mention the fight club Hazel was apart of.
Hazel decided to try and scrounge up some form of her pride to leave with, “Yeah, look, I just wanted to say that I totally do not have a crush on you, I just needed to make sure another person also didn’t think I had a crush on them” she says confidently, and she isn’t technically lying…more like she was only saying half of the truth, right?
You weren’t going to lie, that made a spike of jealousy shoot through you but were quick to push the feeling down as you looked back to Hazel with a curious expression, “Oh? And who is this mystery person?”
Hazel fiddles with her rings nervously, wondering if she can trust you, “Well…um, her name is PJ but I’m sure you don’t know her-”
“But isn’t she like one of your best friends?” You questioned as you interrupt the brunette.
Hazel rubs the back of her neck anxiously, “I mean yeah, she is, but I never really had a crush on her until that kiss during the game happened and you know things got like super confusing for a while…” Hazel rambles until she slowly looks to see you checking your nails, seemingly uninterested.
“Look…maybe this fake dating arrangement could benefit both of us, you prove to PJ that you are totally not into her and I make my ex jealous, it’s really a win-win situation” you say, trying to push the idea forward again.
Hazel doesn’t know how to respond to this question…could she really date you, kiss you, love you while knowing that you don’t and will likely never feel the same?
She looks up and shakes her head, “I don’t know…this could really crash and burn if we ever get found out” she says softly
“I mean it’s not like we’ll ever tell anyone the truth” You say before sighing, “Just think it over, ok?”
Hazel nods and you flash her a smile before leaving.
“What is my life?” Hazel groans as she lets her head fall to the table in front of her
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The next day, you were at cheer practice, running over drills when you heard a voice call your name.
You look to see Hazel walking up to you until she stops right in front of you, tilting your head up a little, you can see a devious grin playing on her lips
“Let’s do this” she whispers to you
You cast a quick glance to your teammates around you and smiled before pulling Hazel into a quick but passionate kiss.
Hazel stumbles back a little after you break away and then looks around at all the people staring, her face starting to turn a vibrant shade of red as she laughs nervously.
“Yep, that’s my girlfriend alright” she says trying to play it cool but ultimately failing as she quickly walks away, “Carry on!” she squeaks out before running away, leaving you giggling softly at how cute Hazel looked when she was flustered.
A/N: Thank you again for reading!! I had no clue that a silly little idea of mine would be enjoyed by so many. Anyways, go drink water you girl kissers.
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joelsdolly · 8 months
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part two
plot: hazel joins a new school and maybe makes a new friend
warning: none, like a tiny weeny bit of fluff, this is low-key boring so:3+not proofread because I'm dyslexic and lazy
word count: 0.7k
school. it's boring and confusing, but lucky for you a new classmate was joining you today. the bell rang, signifying the start of first period, you say down in your assigned seat and noticed the spot next to you was empty, 'huh weird' you thought, thinking nothing of it.
Ms.smith walked into the class with a short haired girl behind her, "good morning class, this our new student hazel callahan, be nice and give her a warm welcome", some people around the class said hi but no one really cared, she ajusted the sting of her backpack before sitting down in the seat next to yours.
you looked at her with a small smile on your face, giving her a little wave, she just glaced at you before turning around to pull out her notebook. the smile on your face quickly turned into a slight frown, you whipped your head around to face the chalkboard.
it felt like 10 hours had passed before the bell ringed, you finally had break. after a quick snack it was time to go out in the freezing cold, 'great, I'm cold and have no friends to hang out with' you mentally noted. suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder interrupting your train of thought.
you turned around and saw, hazel. she looked at you with an awkward smile before speaking, "um, Ms.smith said I could ask you to give me a tour around the school, is that okay with you?" she anxiously scratched the back of her neck, you thought about it for a moment, with a small amount of hesitation you said yes.
you grabbed her hand and led her around the school, showing her the bathrooms, classes cafeteria and even cracking a few jokes here and there making her chuckle, by the end of the tour you felt proud of yourself for maybe making a new friend. the bell ringed, again, and it was officially time for second period, today was gonna be a long day.
lunch was always loud and lonely, you grabbed your plate of suspicious looking food and sat down at an empty table guessing someone with a dog collar would sit down next to you and gush about some anime. surprisingly someone different sat down, hazel sat down.
"hey hazel, how're you liking the school?" you said in a hopefull sounding tone,"it's okay" your conversation attempt was shut down with her dry tone, you continued eating your french fries before noticing hazel was reading. 'reading? at lunch? with this chaos?' you thought.
looking at hazel really scanning her face you realized that she was actually attractive, like really attractive, usually the most attractive person at your school is a teacher who kinda looks like Sarah Paulson, but someone your age who looks attractive who's also gay? here that's crazy. 'wait is she gay? I mean she dresses like a little boy who just discovered urban outfitters' you were 99% sure she was, but...was it better to ask?
"hey hazel?" she quickly lifting her head, her eyes peeking out of her bangs, "are you gay?" hazel slightly choked on her sandwich before taking a big gulp of water. she looked at you with a confused look, "uhm, yeah I am but uh why do you wanna know...?" you thought of a quick reason without trying to sound offensive, "I don't know I guess I wanted to know if I'm the only gay person at this school...?" you awkwardly chuckled.
"oh well you're not I guess..." you noticed a light shade of pink on her cheeks, you opened your mouth to speak but before you could get anything out the bell rang, had it already been a half hour? 'fuck we have Mr.Gs class now' you sighed, "hazel since we have Mr.Gs class now and it's not that important, so wanna sit next to me and maybe chat a bit?" she looked at you for second and quietly agreed.
by the end of the school day you and hazel had actually gotten to know each other pretty well, you walked out of class together, her hand accidentally brushing against yours, making your face hot, "hey uh, could I get your number or Instagram, or whatever you wa-" hazel was cut off from her awkward ranting by your voice.
"yeah I'll give you my number" you exchanged numbers before saying your goodbyes, maybe school isn't so bad after all.
notes: this is my first post I'm so scared please don't be mean I'll pee my pants, also I rushed the ending😛 if you fruity people want a part two tell me😈
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