#Game Report
odyssey88 · 5 months
Pens-Sens 23/12/2023 game
Hahahaha. I was right! What a messy game.
It was well worth the almost three hours drive over. Lots of goals, and it was wonderful seeing a game in-person again. I got amazing seats, 2nd row behind the glass, so got to see lots of action (though it was harder to see what was going on when the play was on the other side of the rink)
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Goddamn is that first PP unit impotent. We got 7 PPs, and only our 2nd unit scored.
And yeah, 2nd period really wasn't good with for the pens. They were pretty loosey-goosey with the puck at one point, and what do you know, sens scored their 4th goal then.
Luckily, they played a lot better during the 3rd period. I managed to even capture the 3rd goal (no idea how it was recorded with this weird slow-mo, sorry about that) .
We clawed back and tied the game 2min before the end (even without pulling Ned). It was a good game even though we lost in OT. A lot of of complimentary players really stepped up in this game.
Even though he did not score, Sid is still so solid and good at his age. Best butt in hockey (bulging out from his hockey shorts!). And you just can't knock him off the puck. Also soooo good on faceoffs this game.
He just loves conferring with his teammates before he takes faceoffs.
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And here's a pic of him just after getting into a scrum with sens around the net.
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Oh. And about that goal/offside review. There were these hilarious fans dressed as referees that were put on the jumbotron and then their friend the pens fan pretended to pay them off to get the goal negated. If only that had worked lols
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Anyway, this was a really fun game and I'm super glad I went.
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discipleofmothra · 7 months
Love this Turnip introduction and game play video.
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farmergadda · 1 year
Yo-ho Game Report #0 - Pregame Prep
Alright, let’s do this.
Welcome everybody to my first series of Game Reports, specifically covering the events of my new pirate campaign, using my personal Lasers & Feelings hack. This will be a casual game run over discord with 3 players and myself as the GM, focusing on nautical adventure as the party sails around and interacts with a loosely defined sandbox (basically an excuse to do One Piece things without memorizing One Piece lore)
At the time of me writing this post, we are t-minus 2 days to our Session Zero, where we will determine the scope and tone of the campaign, as well as make our characters as a group. Unlike previous games I’ve run, where a well known baseline was used for the setting and tone, simply saying “goofy pirate game” doesn’t explain enough to the players outright. Asking them to make characters and be ready to play day one would be a recipe for disaster. But that’s not what this post is about. No, this post is about the prep I’ve done leading up to session 0, to give readers a baseline of what -I- am imagining this campaign to be.
First off, here’s the live document for the system. Depending on how far into the future you’re reading this, you may or may not notice how it’s clearly unfinished with plenty of holes. Sorry about that. Two of the three players already played with me in a year long campaign using MOSTLY the same rules. They’ll be familiar with it even if player 3 is going in blind. Pray for Player 3′s soul.
My inspiration for trying a Pirate campaign in the first place actually started with This Blog Post by A Knight At The Opera. In it, I gained most of the tenets I intend to work from going forward, namely, that the key to a good wavecrawl requires the STRUCTURE to be solid. Focusing on the nitty gritty or handwaving away anything too time consuming leads not to an enjoyable sailing campaign. My players will have the freedom to sail in any direction they want, upgrade their ship as they please, and end up on any number of small islands with a handful of cool things to see- but I’m not going to make the sailing portion a simulation; nor am I going to just drag them to a predetermined series of island encounters until they get bored. True freedom is the goal, and for that, I need the support to give them that feeling.
My second stop in my research was this fantastic masterpost of another GM’s nautical campaign, Coins and Scrolls’ GLOG. Say what you will about some of the seedier corners of the OSR (I know I have), but I will NEVER turn down a resource with so many TABLES. Mechanically, I decided I didn’t want to use the actual ruleset attached to this blog. But boy howdy did I lift some tables. Supply Tables, Sailing Event Tables, Weather Tables, I lifted them all (yo-ho) and made some adjustments before printing them all out.
Speaking of Tables, did you know you can just google “[Genre] Tables DND” and the internet has a shit ton of them? No joke! I’ve got myself a random Pirate name generator (For the Pirates), a Pirate Island Name generator (For the Islands, not the Pirates), and a Pirate Ship Name Generator (For the sailing vessels, not the romantic intertwinings of old sea dogs).
I also made good use of This Reddit sub Dedicated to Naval Campaigns for 5e. Mostly, I looked at the various rules systems they’ve shared to see the common sizes/styles of ships, compiled them into a table, and added it to the list. I also found this cool as hell playlist of pirate music, which I’m listening to as I type this post lol.
There are other tables I haven’t picked up just yet. Pirate supersitions, a name generator for sea shanties, stuff like that. But until I know the exact scope of the game I’m running, this is more than enough to get me started.
I’ll let you all know how our Session 0 turns out, and introduce you to the crew!
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tinacalder · 2 months
Game Report: Giants Get A Leg Up On Blaze In Playoff Tie
Goals from Oliver Cooper and Ben Lake have given the Stena Line Belfast Giants a one-goal lead heading to the second leg of their Elite League Playoff Quarter-Final against the Coventry Blaze after a 2-1 win in the first leg at The SSE Arena, Belfast. The forwards both struck in the second period which, alongside another superb performance from netminder Jackson Whistle as he turned away 23 of…
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bddc-pod · 5 months
Spellslinger EP 1 - Critter Creek
Day 1 Legend – 12 Spells – 6 Shooting – 6 Critter creek runs between me and Hellsmaw. I have to cross the Creek in order to get to town And that means going to the ford just down yonder.  Oracle Is the ford passable? 1 vs 6. No. Why is the ford not passable? 5 for Spells, 3 for Shootin. Magical. Ford don’t seem to safe right here, but it ain’t normal. Something magical is at play here, but…
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stuffedcrocodile · 8 months
[Shadowrun] Session 1 Silver Angel pt. 1 Running Circles
Game report of our last Shadowrun 2050 session.
#shadowrun #ttrpg #gamereport
Seattle Space Needle by Cacophony, published under CC-BY-SA, modified by me
We finally managed to get a game going. It took a while. Again. This doubles as my private notes of what was happening.
Dramatis Personae
* Misrule, a Haida Shaman
* Glimmer, a Haida Assassin
* Puppeteer, a Dwarven drone rigger
Rules were Shadowrun 3. This might have been a bit of an issue later on.
The shaman and…
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foolishlovers · 5 months
anything can be a good omens au if you’re unhinged enough
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prokopetz · 1 year
Save-and-quit bugs have got to be some of my favourite bug reports because of the bugfuck situations in which people had to have decided to park their game for the day in order to discover them.
"Bug: saving and quitting while riding elevator preserves position of player character, but not position of elevator, causing player character to fall into elevator shaft on load." Why did you save and quit while riding an elevator?
"Bug: saving and quitting during boss fight phase transition results in two copies of boss on load." Why did you save and quit during a phase transition?
"Bug: saving and quitting while on fire causes player character to proc fire damage ticks on load equal to elapsed time between play sessions and explode." Why did you save and quit while on fire?
At some point you really start to understand why a lot of developers just decide to disable saving entirely in any situation other than standing motionless on solid ground while suffering from no ongoing statuses and with no hostile creatures nearby.
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stargaser · 11 months
Sent an interesting crash report for baldurs gate 3 just now.
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seriously, who hits a cat when it tries to talk to you.
Gotta say though the cat model.
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*chefs kiss* perfect little creature,
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10/10 miettes.
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swampthingking · 2 months
andrew’s definitely gotten in trouble with his pr manager for tweeting things along the lines of:
“no mania inducing medication will compare to the euphoria i will feel the day donald trump drops dead”
#pr manager is like: andrew… this is the last time i’m gonna tell you#andrew: whats the point of democracy if i can’t exercise freedom of speech#pr manager: andrew it’s no longer about your image#at this point we are concerned the fbi is going to show up#andrew: neil has connections. i’m fine#they thought marketing andrew on social media would be good#they were sooooo wrong#because now andrew has a place to share every insane thing he’s ever thought#for instance—a tweet that just says ‘an alien googling: human clothes’#he’s on there advocating for lgbtq+ youth you KNOW HE IS#he’s cursing and mildly threatening members of congress for imposing these disgusting bills#one day he tweeted ‘does mitch mcconnell know he’s dead yet’#when mitch mcconnell stepped down from senate andrew tweeted ‘hopefully next he steps down from life’#unsurprisingly: this endears him to some people and makes others fucking hate him#and he’s such a shit. he does not care either way#he’s kind of just like: pr manager. you gave me a twitter and told me to tweet. i’m just doing what you asked me#they’ve threatened to change his password so many times#they actually did once but andrew reported the account so many times for defamation and fraud that it got suspended#and he made a new account out of pure spite#his pr manager is like: andrew nobody is going to want to sign you because of your public image#and andrew is like: ?? ok. they can lose every game then#(he knows he’s the best goalie)#ok i think that’s enough for now. however i will probably be back#andrew minyard#aftg#tfc#trk#tkm#the foxhole court#all for the game
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pkmn-smashorpass · 2 months
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kitnita · 27 days
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wyatt johnston & jake oettinger postgame   —   VGK vs DAL;   game 7   —   05.05.24
[wyatt, barry sanders is one of the best running backs of all time, and you did some stuff on skates tonight that i hadn’t seen him do on cleats. what’d you eat for dinner?]  (laughs) um … thank you (laughs) um, i mean, my pregame meal is, uh, is chicken and pasta, um, you know, i had al biernat's, a couple of the boys go there, so … um, yeah, i mean, it’s the same, same meal before every home game. um, but yeah, thank you.  [that chicken and pasta didn’t make you move like that, brother.] 
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magspeaches · 4 days
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Happy to oblige you both! 🥰 Here’s Source of my bruises (so far).
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WIP requested by @orangekittyenergy and @finbees from this post.
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papasmistakeria · 7 months
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There's a joke I wanna redraw but I'm currently busy doing my thesis proposal so you get a shitty version of it
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imminences · 5 months
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if we burn, you burn with us.
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coffee-system-uwu · 1 year
Reporter: Neil, witnesses saw you and Andrew kissing, can you confirm your relationship?
Andrew, looking at the picture: That's not me.
Reporter: The picture isn't edited, the man in it is clearly wearing your jersey?
Andrew: Jersey? For what?
Neil: Wait, Andrew you play a sport?
Andrew: Why would I? Hockey is a waste of my time and energy.
Reporter: But.... its... it's you in the picture?
Andrew: Why the hell would I kiss some dumbass like Josten? Besides I have an identical twin.
2 hours later
Aaron: Why the FUCK am I on the news?
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