solomiracle · 1 month
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what the hell is his problem
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lizaisdrawing · 2 months
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Mr. Darling 🦋
Here are some random facts
He likes dark chocolate, Billy Joel, worked at a daycare before (kids loved the sketches and stories he would make up), grew up with his grandparents, met Sylvia attending a broadway show, can not handle spicy food, loves americanos and chais, loves arroz con gandules and ofc he has a hectic sleep schedule.
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wtfforged · 2 months
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Vincent Price and Joyce Jameson -
The Comedy of Terrors (1963) dir. Jacques Tourneur
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oliverscloud · 9 days
Smallishbeans/Joel enjoyers and fans
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Tag yourself 🙌🏽 I call the one without arms
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iifishizzleii · 4 months
if i had a dollar for everytime i read a cod fic that described the sex with “his fat cock kissed your spongy cervix” bro-
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good sir, why are you touching my doubloons? do you know that actually feels like you’re ripping the seven gates of hell open through my insides??💕
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copycatsr · 17 days
why tf is no one talking about disgusting ships with sukuna
sukuna artists try not to ship sukuita and sukufushi go! (Difficulty: impossible)
Trigger warning for sukuita and sukufushi shippers/any sukuna shippers (why do y'all even exist)
except sukuraume, self explanatory
Like u can NOT be shipping minors with a fucking thousand year old curse dude that's fucking illegal in more ways than one
"Oh, but it's an aged up au!" No, that doesn't make it any better. ☠️ It's STILL disgusting and the character's age STILL remains the same even in the anime or manga you can't argue otherwise, it's also sexualising a character that's not even the age of consent.
It's the fact that all these sukufushi and sukuita shippers can get away with it because like HALF OF THE FANDOM likes it.
ESPECIALLY. Sukufushi. No, Sukuna isn't interested in the way you think he's interested in Megumi. All he was after was to have Megumi's cursed technique, NOTHING ELSE. And you can't tell me you ship sukuita either, they HATE each other's guts. In fact, they're FAMILY. Yeah so try that again you fucking bitch cause everyone who ships allat are disgusting. ☠️
And if you still ship all that, the relationship would be toxic as FUCK. Think about it. USE YOUR BRAIN. I can't express how much hatred I have towards these disgusting ships that I come across on a daily basis and NO ONE is hating.
If no one else will say it, I'm saying it. No ships other than Sukuraume ACTUALLY makes sense. At least I can see Sukuraume, but TojiKuna, SukuGo, YOU NAME IT, WHAT are those. TOJI AND SUKUNA HAVE NEVER EVEN MET??? AND SUKUGO IS JUST SELF EXPLANATORY. They're just all weird.
Please, PLEASE. I'm literally begging it urks me so bad and it gives me the ick everytime I see it. And you DOWNGRADE MEGUMI into a fucking twink EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME. No, he's not a femboy. No, he isn't a twink. No, HE DOES NOT LIKE SUKUNA. INFACT, THEY BOTH HATE EACH OTHER JUST LIKE SUKUNA AND YUJI.
Dear god I'm so tired of seeing talented artist's artstyles go to waste because they like weird things.
Can I just enjoy sukuna art without having to see disgusting proships when I go into their page just to find out about the absolute disgust that they ship? It's SUCH a waste of talent and a good artstyle. This is illegal just stop please and thank you.
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caligatinsole · 7 months
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You know what? Fuck everything, SOMA oc. I don't know if I'll ever find the motivation to work on her story again so why not bringing the og concept back? I missed you girl ✨
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fretbored34 · 1 month
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The pipeline to introversion
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spacevixenmusic · 3 months
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Source: Ranma ½ [1991]
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larissel · 6 months
Lae'zel with a "normal" nose is NOT Lae'zel and it's not an improvement.
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cyancherub · 10 months
the way most men lives genuinely offends me. i find that shit truly rotten
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spilledmilkfkdies · 11 months
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magicdyke · 1 year
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Reigen jumpscare‼️
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dresden-syndrome · 5 months
21/VI-1963. State Security department No. 138, Středočeský region, People's Union Republic of Czechoslovakia, EESU.
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What was waiting for Radím soon after? Prison cell, torture, labor camp, death, something worse? He wasn't the one to fool himself - like everyone in the resistance, he was aware there won't be a happy ending. The anti-government uprising had just started. The State Security is doing everything they can to stop people from protesting ever again. Radím's hope was to inspire others, to ignite a revolution all across EESU - step by step, region by region, until no amount of soldiers and officers could stop the republics from declaring independence and forming democratic governments. No brainwashing, no surveillance, no single Party to control everything. Freedom to move, work, trade and create. None of this would happen without somewhere to start and something to sacrifice. The choice was to suffer a gruesome fate of a class 3-4 political prisoner or of a poor hopeless factory worker who may or may not be declared a "state enemy" later - and Radím chose the former.
Yet no matter how much you prepare for arrest, how ready you think you are to withstand such conditions, the reality always hits harder than you think. And when you're in, it's too late now.
Radím didn't have to wait for the torture room to realize that - even the registration turned out as something he wasn't prepared to. He didn't know where he is or how far away this place is - he was only dragged out as the car stopped inside bright white walls, then handled by a few officers to the registration table.
"Radím Štušek, born in 1944, arrest warrant #2125".
Not lead, but handled - despite him not fighting later on in the car, none of the officers let him walk where he had to. Every time they just dragged him or carried in their cold, powerful hands, like workers carrying their tools. Radím was pretty sure they do the same with everyone else - they did it so thoughtlessly, so automatically, like it wasn't even a human body they handled from one registration stage to another. Give them a sack of grain to arrest, and they'll do exactly the same with that.
This terrible feeling that he's not even human for them, the emptiness and powerlessness, was the first horror Radím met in the detention. The big rough hands that grabbed on him - him, who got irritated even by people standing too close - felt like burning and twisting on his skin. The disgusting eyes that were watching him shower and put his new black uniform on were like piercing through his soul. The only thing Radím wanted was to run away. Cover up. Hide in the corner. He could feel himself growling, hissing at them, as he put the black prison jacket on. He didn't think what to do better at the moment - there was only instinct telling him to flinch and rush as two officers grabbed him by arms again.
"No, no. Get away. Get away from me!" - Radím raised his voice to the officers' faces.
A third officer appeared, gripping the boy's legs.
"Comrade Matoušek, bring the restraint, fast!"
To Radím's surprise, there were no average handcuffs they put on him in the car - a cold steel chain for the cuffs on legs and a big leather belt structure fastened so tight it was a pain to move.
"Get away..." - a slap in the face stopped him halfway the sentence.
"You'll scream when you're interrogated, traitor."
After Radím's hands were roughly shoved into the restraint, there was no time to think before two officers lead him into a dark hallway.
The worst parts of registration are over, yet the nightmare has only begun.
@whumpuary #2: "Get away from me"
Art taglist: @painful-pooch @prismpanic @generic-whumperz @suspicious-whumping-egg @onlywhump @whumpedydump @whumpthefifth
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zombeikid · 1 month
Day 2-Dance
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