#Friends Below Zero
polaroidblog · 1 year
“Memoria polaroid” – un blog alla radio S22E28
“We can’t wait to be forgotten once again” cantano i Friends Below Zero nella canzone che apre la scaletta di questa puntata, e in fondo potrebbe essere un buon verso per riassumere stile e attitudine di una certa scena musicale che qui ci piace suonare e approfondire. Prima che vi dimentichiate del tutto, ecco a voi una nuova puntata del podcast di “Memoria polaroid – un blog alla radio”, la…
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searsage · 6 months
Ryley: So..What did you do to piss Robin off..?
Al-an: is she still upset? How unfortunate…
"She's been brooding all morning, What happened..?
Al-an: Robin has requested i rearrange her organs multiple times…."
"As worriesome as this request is, I do find my self flattered…"
Ryley: "…huh?"
Al-an: Such a potentially dangerous procedure would only be requested from those you trust. Ryley."
Ryley: Oh, i-I don't think she means-
Al-an: I do believe Robin was quite disappointed when i denied her request, however unlike many alien species human organs are rather fragile, to perform such an unnecessary procedure would be reck- Ryley where are you going?
Ryley: To get more coffee, fuck, It's too early for this shit..
Al-an: Oh.. have I offended you as well..? My appologise Ryley-.
Ryley: I don't need your appologies Al-an, Im not mad..just.
Al-an: "But please be aware I will reject any requests to reorganize your organs as well.
Ryley: Holy hell, how the hell did you two survive..?"
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Glow Whales from Subnautica, Below Zero!
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Glow Whales are friend-shaped!
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candor-creator · 2 months
happy april first this is a subnautica blog now /silly
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lexxwithbooks · 1 year
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📖: 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒁𝒆𝒓𝒐 (𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑁𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑠 #3) ☕️❄️🛥️
✍🏽: 𝐀𝐥𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐥𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝
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architect-lumicent · 1 year
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He gets to say fuck.. as a treat
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kaiasky · 11 months
hollow knight and subnautica have good modding scenes but they don't do what I'd want most, which is mods that add an entirely new area (i think because this is fucking hard! and if ur a gamedev with those skills why not make ur own game)
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flustersluts · 1 year
You finally did it, did you? Good job, I guess. Took you long enough. 😘
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jessread-s · 2 years
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✩🧣❄️Review: This novella is sure to give you the warm fuzzies! “Below Zero” is told from the perspective of Hannah Arroyo, a NASA aerospace engineer who finds herself stranded in the Arctic during a snowstorm. The only person willing to save her? Her rival, Ian Floyd. As Hannah awaits rescue, she analyzes their relationship over the years and questions why he would be willing to risk his own life for her. Like the other STEMinist novellas, “Below Zero” has fantastic representation. Hannah identifies as bisexual, but she has trouble forming relationships that are not sex-based, adding complexity to her character. Deep down, she fears what her partners will think of her once they learn more about her personality. Ian also has interesting characterization. Growing up, he was often overlooked by both his parents and peers, making him a bit of a loner until Hannah entered his life. Unfortunately, I didn’t really feel the sparks between Hannah and Ian because they met so suddenly and their relationship did not have enough time to develop due to the novella’s length. Had I been given more time with the characters, perhaps my thoughts would be different. Speaking of more time, I need a whole book full of interactions between all of the characters from Hazelwood’s STEMinist collection. The cameos made by Mara, Liam, Sadie, and Erik were incredibly entertaining and added elements of humor to the story. ➤ 3.75 stars
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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searsage · 22 days
She wasn't afraid, at least not for what would come, but what would be left behind..
A single human could not stand against the horrors of the night and hope for a miracle, yet she was content with her decision to stay with her vulnerable architect, decidedly not acknowledging what would come with dawn.
Robin would rather he be optimistic but she could not ignore the odds against her..
Her mind was a panicked mess of thoughts, on her surroundings, her worries, regrets…
Every snapped twig, fallen leaf, whispering breeze sounded so obnoxiously loud just moments ago..
What would Al-an wake to find..?
The anxious chittering around her has ceased..
Her remains scattered accross the bank?! Would he blame himself when it was her choice alone..?
Why was it so quiet..?
Of course her architect would, Al-an would never forgive himself.
A cancerous stain on an existence ungoverned by time, a weed nestled inbetween the joints of an immortal engine, how long would he carry her?
Her memory, her loss, her grief..!?
Suddenly an odd shiver shot up the resercher's spine, goosebumps rapidly rising on her shoulders as she felt a soft but unnatural breeze ghost against the back of her neck, the researcher's eyes narrowed, the hilt on the blade tightening in numb fingers, In a moment of numb resolve Robin turns around to face the adversary behind her…
It's not the night beast she expected it to be, no, the massive creature before her was so much worse..
It was so close to her, Robin could feel the heat radiating off it's slick black skin, and yet it stood motionless, as still as stone she may have walked by it without notice had it not been right up behind her, a massive splotch of vantablack against the backdrop of a dim and dreary forest.
Robin's heart thumps in her chest so hard it actually hurts as she stares back frozen in place, the way it's long neck bent reminded her of a viper poised to strike, but the dramatic bend of its neck almost seemed as if the massive creature's head was upside down..
It was impossible to make out its true visage when it's black skin seemed to swallow the scant rays of starlight escaping through rain filled clouds..
The air is so heavy, the weight of apprehension felt crippling but Robin remained still, her gaze unwavering, unwilling to give it an opening to strike, it would be foolish to show weakness, any wrong move could result in her death and that wasn't something she was keen on Al-an waking up too.
This stand off seems to stretch on for eternity, at least until the sound of a twig snapping shatters the tense silence and against her better judgement, Robin's eyes quickly cut to the side to see the familiar shape of a large night beast creeping up a tree not far off, it's pale glowing eyes watched her with intrigue but equally seemed to think better then confront the lone human in the presence of a much larger adversary…
A muffled noise has the resercher's head snapping back to the creature before her only to stiffen, it had shifted closer.
At her hip her PDA reiterates it's warning, a warning long too late.
"Detecting leviathan class lifeform in this region, proceed with caution. Error. Further system data required."
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
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toytulini · 2 years
Omg did you play subnautica did you like it theres FISH
omg. Awhile ago i purchased subnautica and subnautica: below zero for the Nintendo switch, its pretty fun but ive Only played the first one on creative, and ive played the second one on some creative, and then some on survival light mode or whatever it is that forces you to craft things and breathe air but doesnt make u eat food. and i did that only to follow the story lol
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wanda-is-my-joker · 2 years
Hi :) Does anyone have advice about how to make friends or mutuals on here? I’ve been back on Tumblr for the past 4 or 5 months, but the social aspect has really changed since 2016. I am trying to get back into the site humor and social vibe, but I’ve missed years of content buildup, so I’m a little lost.
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architect-lumicent · 2 months
Guys I think SN-OW needs a hug (and some therapy) as well
P l e a se- this woman is doing this all by herself
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busnautica · 2 years
i kee p laughing at this thanks dro
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whatwhatjpg · 2 years
#should I post a potentially unpopular take on Irish online versus real world reaction to the queen’s death or do I even care#it basically boils down to 'we do not care'#i'm just so fucking tired of having to be online at the moment#...#okay actually let me just post it in the fucking tags#it just feels like so much of it is manufactured to entertain americans and like. why?#we Obviously have legit grievances with the fucking monarchy#it's just the way they're being expressed online is so fucking exhausting#essentially the online commentary does not reflect the real life reaction#I don’t mean we’re all actually in fucking mourning over here#like i went into work the next day went to a party was around town with people todayand there was zero comment#my mom was talking to an english friend of hers who was disgusted at the way people were acting online in reaction#and it’s like yeah. but that’s online. you get that right? it’s exaggerated 100 fold#nobody is fucking dancing in the streets or setting off fireworks#Nobody Cares#it’s performative hatred for someone that very few people here below the age of 50 have any opinion on#like I know you don’t actually give a shit about her death#you’re just trying to be funny for the sake of americans on twitter#but people feel the need to manufacture whole fucking personalities built around hatred of the monarchy when in reality#their actual reaction is complete indifference#which is I think the most legitimate reaction to have
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