#French Fries Recipe Step by Step
what-even-is-thiss · 6 months
european here (genuinely curious): in reference to your “american home-cooked food isn’t just fast food, it’s a lot like french/italian food” post, could you give some examples? I don’t know what foods are american home staples, but your post piqued my interest
Well stews and soups for one. When I read recipes for stuff like beef bourguignon it’s quite familiar to me. Less wine perhaps but the principles of the dish are similar.
Italian-American food often also makes for easy quick food on weeknights. Pasta is something that can be just as easy or complicated as you want. You can make it from scratch at every step or just make sauce from canned ingredients and boxed pasta. Tomato paste, flour, pasta, and dried herbs are staples in most kitchens. Pretty much every household has their own way of making pasta sauces.
Roasts are popular during the winter. Both roasted veggies and roasted meat. Potatoes are popular year round but in the summer things like potato salad or fries or bagged chips are more common than stewed, mashed, or boiled potatoes.
Americans commonly cook with butter and olive oil, though canola oil is cheaper. In recent years though there’s been health questions about canola oil and some people only use it for deep frying now.
French cream sauces are pretty similar to American white gravy which we make with cream instead of milk. We do also make white sauce too and will put it on most things. I find it especially good on pizza instead of red sauce. A lot of people also put it on pasta or vegetables.
A lot of the way we eat potatoes is pretty similar to some French dishes. What we call scalloped potatoes is very similar to a French dish called potatoes au gratin. Not identical, but extremely similar.
Stuff like French onion soup and duck a l’orange is also decently popular here even if not everyday food and are things you’d more commonly make yourself than buy from a restaraunt.
French style breads and pastries are also quite popular here. Baguettes are common things to cut up to eat with dip. Croissants with coffee are common things to eat for a small breakfast or an afternoon snack. French style breads both sweet and not are also common breads used for sandwiches. Italian style coffee is also more and more popular these days but that wasn’t true until relatively recently.
A lot of similarities really lie in the ingredients we use. We often cook things in butter for example. Or add flour to stews to thicken them. Or add milk to things. Or use wine to deglaze pans for the flavor.
A lot of home cooking in the US is affected by other immigrant populations. Tacos or curry are staples in my diet for example. But when you get down to more traditional comfort food it’s potatoes, cream sauces, stews, herbs, roasts, and pasta. Stuff that’s not identical to French or Italian cooking but is very heavily influenced by it.
TLDR: It’s butter!
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
𐐪Playing it Cool𐑂 -(but failing like hot garbage)-
You know when you try to make yourself look really cool and impress someone but it utterly fails? Yeah... so do they (´・ω・`)
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Will pace a burning circle into the ground he walks until there’s an 8ft deep ring.
Will probably rattle off a bunch of corny pick up lines from the 90’s
Ace: “Hey good lookin’ what’s cookin?”
Y/N: “Um, you, I think. The ground has been completely razed from where you’ve been walking..”
Ace: “Aha, yeah, can I get some fries with that shake?”
Y/N: “Ace, you’re on fire and so is the ship, now!”
what 🤷‍♀️ if 🧐 we 👫 kissed 💏 on ⬇️ the moby 🐳 dick 🍆  while 💬 the whole island 🏝and ship ⛵burned and pops 🤠 held 🤝 me  💑 hostage 🔐 to prevent 🚫 this ☝🏽 from happening 💫 again ♻ this week 💦💢ahhh
Can't feel if he’s shooting enough daggers at you, so he ends up scrunching his face up like he’s really holding in the bubble guts
Tries to ignore you completely but ends up roping you into every conversation since you’re already on his mind
Law: “Tch, I bet Y/N doesn’t has the slightest clue when it comes to Krebs Cycle.”
Law: “I dare Y/N to even take a step in this direction – I’ll just move move my head indignantly in *this* direction to look even more aloof.”
Penguin: “Law what the fuck are you going on about?”
He likes to watch you from a distance but does a very poor job at concealing himself within the bushes from across the way since the pair of binoculars he’s using keeps reflecting the lens glare straight into your eyes, revealing his exact location and the dubious Bepo costume he’s been wearing to blend in with the natural fauna of the area
Even though he’s eyeing you down and looks super intimidating, underneath that scarf he looks like:
⠀               __
         (⁄ ⁄•⁄vWv⁄•⁄ ⁄)
       _ノ ヽ ノ\_
    / `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y  \
 (  (三ヽ人  /   |
| ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ  ノ
          |( 王 ノ〈
Despite how imposing his figure is, occasionally you'll find his hand beside your face, offering you a donut or cookie
In few words, he’ll inform you what kind it is since it’s never the same flavor
“Dark chocolate raspberry. It’s good.”
“Ice cream batter.”
“Snozzberry. My personal recipe. Try it.” (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Kid: “Y/N? Never heard of them.”
Kid: “Oi, check this out – no one can do this better than me!”
*scatters trash all over the place*
Kid: “I can totally tell if you have a cow magnet in your stomach right now”
Killer: “Kid, what the fuck?? Don’t?”
Kid: “So you’re saying there’s  a cow magnet in there. That’s fine, keep your not-so-secrets, Y/N.”
Depends on what side of his job you meet him on, but disastrous all the same
If you meet him as Corazon, he’ll try to be mean but in a cool way that he thinks people likes
Will decorate flashcards beautified just for you that will read as:
✧・゚: ✧・゚: bitch :・゚✧:・゚✧, ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ass goblin˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ, ·̩̩̥͙*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚beth˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚*·̩̩̥͙
You have no idea why he keeps calling you that and he doesn’t understand why you keep punching him for it
As a marine, his generosity is a bit more transparent, along with his romantic gestures and intent
He’ll outright pick you some flowers, which, of course, are poisonous and only then will he discover the creeping rash on his arms as he hands them to you
It would not be the first time he buys you a snack or pay for lunch and the chef wanted to be a lil trifling that day and you find some hair or things-that-should-be-attached-to-your-persons-and-not-found-in-my-food in your food.
Begins to speak fluent French and can only operate in romantic gestures
Will throw down any garment he may be wearing in order for you to walk over a puddle, mud, trash, etc
…sometimes that means Chopper if he’s riding his head or nearby at the time of your passage
Y/N: "Sanji, are you okay? You don’t have to do all that – this toilet paper is just fine, silly."
Sanji: "Es-tu sûr??"
Y/N: "Yes, but thank you. A face towel is a bit much."
Sanji: *sighs in French disappointment as you unknowingly decline to use Zoro’s face towel as toilet paper*
Would be even more of an awkward dork than he already is and would stumble over the limited amount of words he’s capable of speaking
Zoro: “Oi, Y/N. Eyes.”
Y/N: “Eyes? What do you mean?”
Zoro: “Like them. Nice.”
Y/N: “..thanks, Zoro.”
Zoro: “….ass ass ass ass ass ass ass”
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
I loved the "TFP kids are eldritch/magical/supernatural beings, or descendants of" drabbles. Soo, Raf= dragon, Miko=siren and Jack=??, idk, Fae?? At least, that was what I got from reading the parts about "June"
Also, those drabbles about the kids getting their asses turned into sparklings and being as feral as they are adorable, but still obviously other, is something I didn't knew I needed
I think the team (idk if you would include Smokescreen, Wheeljack and Magnus) would notice that their kids are other sooner or later. Not that it would make them love the kids any less (I think that it would make the need of protecting the kids more intense, cause Megatron)
Also, Fowler? He knows, and is simply playing the dumb part. He is an agent, he has seen a lot, he simply knows what to look for. He also has a feeling that if he lets anything happen to those kids, he will answer to "June" (not only cause of Jack, but also because of Miko and Raf; you can't tell me she hasn't claimed them as her own)
Please, keep writing, I love your content :) :)
Ohhh, Thank you!
Miko is definitely has ancestors from the Deep Waters. I’m keeping it ambiguous since I’m still sorting out what kind. Certainly ningyo (Japanese mermaid), maybe an amabie, which have mystical abilities on prophecy and dispelling disease.
The Esquivel family are descendants of dragons. To what extent is uncertain, but all of them have some sort of pull towards things: a deep hunger for knowledge, a drive to collect, and enjoyment of ridiculous hot temperatures, both climate and food. (No fear of fire or heat, this family.) Raf’s talents with technology aren’t really out of place amongst his family. They simply accept that Raf has a Thing for it, like mama’s horde of cast iron and terra cotta cookware and extensive memorization of recipes and Maria’s (the eldest sister) love and wanderlust for lost cultures.
Tbh, the Darbys really switch depending on my mood and muse, especially if June even remembers what she is. They're definitely Other, but what kind? Who's the say? I mainly pulled from fae folklore and mythos, but then got sidetracked on witchcraft, the supernatural, and a divinity streak.
Jack has something for birds, and birds love him. Dark wings, glossy feathers, and secrets along with Sight. Even with a forgetful heart and drained memories, he still remembered to feed crows and ravens. The ones that always, will always find him. Jack often asks Agent Fowler for French fries and sunflower seeds. If the Autobots aren’t careful, Jack will sneak out of the base to watch the sky and pet the local animals.
Questions, questions. So many questions thing one has. He usually lingers around the computer or medbay on the walls or ceilings. Usually, Optimus and Ratchet find out where he is since he pipes up with a question about what’s in their hand or what are they doing or what does that mean.
If any of them want to keep him nearby, then tell Jack a story. Any story. He enjoys them, especially mythos or things about their lives. Or keep art supplies out and about. 
Oh yeah, you're on the money about June. She definitely claimed the other kids via domain, allegiance, or the simple affection that those two keep Jack company. (If June had been caught in the blast range along with the kids, the Autobots would have had a very dedicated guardian for the trio of sparklings, for good and bad.)
Agent Fowler knows there’s something, especially it’s far more noticeable with Jack. As a human, the teen was quiet, but as a Cybertronian, the kid could fall absolutely silent: no vents, no boom-ing or thud of his steps, no whir of his joints. Jack simply likes to appear and disappear, so it’s best to keep the kid in line-of-sight because he can suppress himself to their sensors as well.
June has similar abilities herself. The way she can only be found if she wants to be found.
These kids would be well protected and they will keep them at the base. Small, vulnerable, and easily transportable. Between the Decepticons and humans… they would honestly would rather have them under Decepticon watch and pray to whatever deity that's watching them that Starscream's Seekerkin-coding is active.
Jack's abilities to completely suppress his own presence is simultaneously worrisome and relaxing. On one hand, he can go outside without an adult covering his signature. On the other hand, he can go outside without anyone knowing.
Example: The base cougar.
MECH has no qualms about strapping down and experimenting on living Cybertronians to dissect their biology… they have nightmares what would be done to the kids if they get caught. 
Ultra Magnus would be the hardest to convince that Raf is a sapient being. This hardass would treat the baby Predacon as a misbehaving puppy. 
Even working with bestial forms and Blaster's cassettes, he doubts that Predacons had higher intelligent thinking. Clever creatures. Fantastic hunters. But truly sapient? That's a question that was highly debated by venerated academics and geared towards no.
Jack and Miko hate him for that. They can pick up the difference on how he treats them versus Raf.
Of course, Predaking changed everyone's stance.
Jack is very smug about it. Smuggiest little bird, especially with that pleased-as-punch field and particular flick by his wings.
Wheeljack adores Miko. Loves how bitty, bitey, and aggressive she is. Likes how sharp she is and how you really have to get some force to claw her off your plating. She likes leaving marks on armature. If anyone wants to find Miko, then she’s climbing and chewing on Wheeljack, Bulkhead, or Optimus, found in the main lounge around the kiddie pool and the TV, or napping in the nest of pillows and blankets.
Yep, definitely had a hand in building a sturdier playpen for Raf. The old one worked well until Miko and Jack helped him dig his way out of it.
He thought it was ridiculous how locked up everything was. Wheeljack understood that with little ones running around that shouldn't be weapons, wires, and ammunition on the floor. But really the scrap metal? The diagnostic equipment? The cleaning supplies? Paranoid copters and jazzed-up creators all of them.
And then he saw Raf cutely toddle his four, little legs to make a mean attempt to inhale the wrench out of his reach...
Wheeljack gets it now.
Even helps develop a contained fire alarm because of Miko and Jack's budding arson tendencies to give Raf things to flame on.
The kids practically adore Smokescreen. He lets them run amuck on the floor, walls, and ceilings. Not afraid to really get into their play and would build their settings for background. Everyone finds rock blocks and wood pieces in the weirdest places.
Smokescreen is that babysitter that shouldn’t be a babysitter or in charge of mini-anything. Raf would absolutely go ham on all the rocks and garbage-dump scrap metal left to the side, Smokescreen’s shins would be dented as hell from the swordplay, and they all find out the dangers of gas fire and water. 
Smokescreen is absolutely dramatic in death scenes. Taking his time to expire while rolling around. He makes sure to lie on his back because once the kids stuffed slime at the base of his door wings to resurrect him. And they got it deep into the seams and systems, right down to the protoform even.
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heroes-feasting · 1 year
Stuffed Egg-Battered Toast
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“There’s nothing more comforting to a comfort-obsessed halfling than the warm intermingling scents of vanilla, maple, and walnuts filling their home.” - Heroes’ Feast, p. 120
French toast is a staple of Sunday Brunches everywhere, and it’s easy to see why. This fried breakfast bread is easily customized with whatever you want. Syrup? Eggs? Fruit? It’s all fair game to this tasty toast!
Taking a swing at its own version, Heroes’ Feast’s Stuffed Egg-Battered Toast looks to change it up by putting its toppings inside, rather than on top.
With each slice stuffed with mascarpone, walnuts, and a truly questionable amount of vanilla extract, your kitchen and taste buds are surely going to be treated to that homely vanilla smell that halflings crave so much.
Check out below for my notes on the results and for tips and tricks when making this yourself! Get Heroes’ Feast here: https://dnd.wizards.com/heroes-feast
Prep: 5 mins    Cook: 25 mins    Total: 30 mins
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4 ounces (½ cup, 120 g) mascarpone, at room temperature
¼ cup (25 g) walnuts, finely chopped
2 tsp. (10 ml) pure vanilla extract*
4 (1-inch-thick) slices of brioche or challah
2 eggs
½ cup (120 ml) whole milk
¼ tsp. (2 g) kosher salt
2 tbsp. (30 g) unsalted butter
½ cup (120 ml) maple syrup
Confectioners’ sugar for dusting**
* That uh… sure is an amount of vanilla for a ½ cup of mascarpone.
** I used chopped strawberries instead.
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In a small bowl, stir together the mascarpone, walnuts and vanilla. (I forgot to take a picture of this each time I made it. L.)
Use a thin knife to cut a 2-inch-long slit through the side of each slice of brioche, creating a pocket.
Gently open the pocket and spoon 1 tbsp. of the mascarpone mixture into each slice.
TIP: As mentioned in the “cook’s notes” section, the bread is very delicate and tears easily- so take extra caution when opening and stuffing the pockets.
Alternatively, the notes mention that you could use ½-inch slices and spread the mixture between them like a sandwich. However, I worry about its structural integrity while dipping it in the egg mixture or flipping it in the frying pan.
But, since stuffing each slice is a pain, it might be worth going with the sandwich method.
NOTE: Only stuff the slices if they’re cut 1-inch-thick. ½-inch and even ¾-inch slices are way too thin and will tear.
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In a pie dish or shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, and salt.
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BEFORE DIPPING the slices, melt 1 tbsp. butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
Dip two stuffed slices into the egg mixture, turning to soak both sides and letting any excess batter drip back into the bowl.
TIP: You only need to let each side soak for a few seconds. Any longer than 5 makes the bread mushy.
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Place the sides in a skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes per side, until golden brown. Use a spatula to transfer the toasts to a warm plate.
Repeat to cook the remaining two stuffed slices.
Meanwhile, warm the maple syrup in a small saucepan over low heat for a few minutes.
TIP: The “cook’s notes” section mentions that warmed marmalade can be used to replace the maple syrup.
NOTE: I misread the instructions for this step and cooked all four slices at once. To fix the uneven browning, I flipped the lighter parts to the middle of the pan for about 20 seconds after cooking each side.
NOTE: To save on dishes, I chose to not warm my syrup.
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Top the toast with strawberries (and/or confectioners’ sugar), drizzle with the maple syrup, and serve.
Overall, this recipe has one thing really working against it: the vanilla extract.
Personally, I found the filling to be inedible with 2 tsp. of vanilla extract in the mascarpone mixture. The alcohol in the extract doesn’t have enough time to cook out and leaves everything with a distinctly alcoholic taste. 
This would be fine if other flavours used in the recipe complimented the taste of the alcohol or if the taste was expected (like an alcoholic french toast). Unfortunately, nothing here works with it and, being a breakfast food, it isn’t expected. So, it ends up overwhelming the toast and making it unappetizing.
My solution to this was to cut back the vanilla extract to ½ tsp. The taste was still a little strong, but there was an improvement. If you’re planning to make this at home, consider cutting the vanilla back even further, or try using vanilla bean instead to skip the alcohol entirely.
It’s also worth mentioning that the mascarpone makes these very rich. Interestingly, I found that the syrup and strawberries really helped cut the richness. You’re still only going to eat one though.
Finally, as mentioned in a previous step, although the structural integrity might be questionable with the sandwich method, it might be worth it just to skip spooning the mixture into the pockets. The mess it creates really makes you wonder if it’s worth it.
All in all, the unaltered recipe gets a 2.5/5, going up to 4/5 when the amount of vanilla extract is reduced. Still losing points for the remaining alcoholic taste and messy and needlessly difficult construction.
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headgehug · 8 days
perfect toast with eggs recipe: heat butter in pan. fry one or two slices of bread, after spreading mayo on them. this step is essential - I know you're afraid, but be brave with me. spread them with mayonnaise and fry them in butter. it's just like savory french toast. okay? it's oil and eggs whipped together and spread on bread to make it soft and then the butter in the pan fries it to crisp, succulent perfection. set the toast aside and make one or two eggs your favorite way. I like to scramble them ultrasoft. turn the heat off thirty seconds before they're fully cooked. spread them on the toast and top with hot sauce if desired. you don't even need any salt on the eggs because the mayo has the perfect amount of flavor. no need to thank me - it's my duty to share these little bits of wisdom with you.
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kla1991 · 7 months
Salvage Spanish Tortilla (recipe)
Alright tumblr, I imagine we pretty much all know the tragedy of feasting on delicious hot french fries and realizing there are going to be some left over. Some of us optimistically put those poor bastards in the fridge, thinking maybe this time they won't turn into cold, soggy, gritty disasters. Some give up the ghost and throw cold fries out right away.
But there is an alternative!
I'll skip the loving memories of my host in Spain cooking delicious tortillas to take to the beach and get right to it. To save those delicious leftover fries, you will need:
A frying pan (small enough that your leftover fries will cover the bottom)
a spatula (the bigger the better)
a small bowl
a fork or whisk
some kind of cooking oil (olive oil is ideal, but you can use anything, including butter)
Step 1: Coat the frying pan with the cooking oil of your choice, and don't skimp, because if you go too easy on the oil, the tortilla will stick to the pan.
Step 2: Break the fries into bits (about the size of the first joint of your thumb is ideal, but this isn't rocket surgery, just make 'em small). If you wanna do this the fancy way you can use an knife and cutting board, but you can also just rip 'em up with your hands. You want enough bits to cover the bottom of the pan, tightly packed. More tightly packed than that. Tighter, like sardines!
Step 3: Crack 1-3 eggs into a bowl and whisk them until they're completely uniform. Unless you're cooking in a wok, you won't need more than 3 eggs. If you're not sure how many eggs you'll need, whisk them one at a time and add until you get the right effect for step 4.
Step 4: Pour whisked eggs over top of the fries until there's egg in all the little cracks between the fries. Don't drown the fries, just connect them, like grout in a mosaic.
Step 5: Cook the tortilla at slightly less than medium heat. BE PATIENT! Do not poke it or stir it or anything else. Treat the tortilla like you would an omlet or a pancake, let it cook and don't flip it too early. Listen for a crackle, and watch the edges: when the edges look firm and cooked, you're just about ready to flip, give it one more minute.
Step 6: Flip the tortilla, trying to keep it in one piece. This is hard, and if it breaks into pieces, that's okay. Resist the urge to scramble it! Just flip the broken pieces. If you want to cut your tortilla into halves or quarters and flip those, that's a good strategy! Let it sizzle on the other side briefly, it'll take a lot less time than the first side.
The fries might look kinda damp and weird. I promise they're fine. Don't cook this until the fries look dry, you'll set it on fire before tha ever happens.
Once it's cooked on both sides, serve and eat! You can eat it as is, or with ketchup, salsa, or whatever else you want. It might be good with maple syrup if you have a sweet tooth!
This recipe is also workable with home fries and tater tots! Just skip the cutting step and adjust the egg amount as needed.
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theliterarywolf · 6 months
French fries and cold chocolate pudding or ice cream was my go to basic weird snack combo
Anonymous asked: I also put a combo of hot sauce mayonnaise and shoyu on everything dippable
Okay, but that first combo actually isn't that weird. I've never done it before but for chocolate pudding and fries, you're tapping into the same 'earthy-sweet-and-savory' that has people loving chocolate-covered potato chips. And with fries and ice cream, that's just one step away from the people who dip their fries in their milkshakes.
The second combo... Also isn't that weird because I've come across a few recipes for Shoyu Mayo; you're just adding an element of spicy with the hot sauce.
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vibinwiththefrogs · 6 months
It's Fall and Y'all Know What That Means!!!!
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It's kimchi time babey!!!!!!!!!
This is my 4th year making kimchi; I wasn't going to this year but I saw a really attractive cabbage at the store so on a whim I got the ingredients. I use Maangchi's vegetarian kimchi recipe (linked below), if you want to try making kimchi this recipe I feel is very straight forward and easy to follow:
I use the vegetarian version mostly because fermented shrimp is very expensive here. If you can get your hands on some gochugaru and napa cabbage the rest of the ingredients should be at a standard US grocery store.
I've never been able to get daikon radish this time of year so I usually experiment with replacements. Last year I used French radishes and it was still good, this year I'm trying rutabaga.
Every year I end up messing up a step, though it always still turns out good (and honestly even if it flops and isn't great to eat straight, you can use it for stew or kimchi fried rice). Let's hope this is the year I got it all right.
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Happy kimchi-ing!!
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jinanreona · 6 months
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@fireandfae sent:
Stares at him while he sips his milkshake, deliberately just out of reach of a swipe. "Do you not have class this afternoon, Kingscholar?" Sticks a few french fries into the shake without moving his gaze from him.
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The distance between them is quite evident, and Leona has to wonder if the dragon had suddenly gone shy on him. It wasn't like he'd be so cruel as to snatch up his milkshake immediately~
"Heh, I could ask you the same thing. Spying on me, lizard?~," he retorts, taking a step towards Malleus only to freeze when he notices the other take out some fries to dip them in the dairy dessert. The mischievous glint in his eyes turn into shock and disgust as he takes a step back instead, his tail fluffing up to further show his disapproval.
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"Oi, the hell are you doing?" His demand for an answer seems to only encourage the other as Malleus continues to drink his milkshake, the obnoxious slurping only making Leona's frown deepen. With a scoff, he turns away and begins to walk the opposite direction, ignoring the weird mixed smell of fries and milkshake wafting in the air. "Guess you and the eel have been hanging out." Of course they'd share 'recipes' like these to torment Leona. Whatever. Not like he wanted to steal Malleus's food today anyway...
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persianatpenn · 8 months
Cook Khoresh Gheymeh with Me!
Thursday night I cooked one of my favorite Persian dishes, khoresh gheymeh. This is one of the many dishes my grandmother would cook us back home every Monday night. A few years ago, I asked to watch her in the kitchen and learned how to make this dish. Cooking Persian food helps me connect with and honor my culture, which can be challenging at times as my father’s side of the family is not Persian. I made this meal with an American friend, and I loved sharing the Persian culture with him. I taught him how to prepare Persian rice by boiling it in excess salty water, straining and rinsing it, adding more salt to taste, and then putting it back into the pot with a layer of oil at the bottom. I have cooked Persian rice many times before, but this was the first time I was able to get perfect tahdig that flipped right out of the pot! The night was a success when he asked to get seconds and take the leftovers home. My experience did not really challenge my preconceptions as I’m familiar with the Persian cooking process, but I certainly thought twice about the hefty amount of oil required for the tahdig and French fries. The oil used in Persian cuisine is one of the only similarities it shares with American cuisine, where Persian dishes have a tart flavor that can be created by citrus or other tart fruits such as pomegranate and sour cherries. While not present in gheymeh, the use of herbs is also very prevalent.
Below is the recipe I used along with step by step pictures.
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Here we have added the stew beef and diced onions to a pot with olive oil. I seasoned them and browned all sides of the beef without fully cooking it.
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Next, I added the tomato sauce and previously boiled yellow split peas to the pot. The beef will finish cooking in the tomato sauce which will prevent it from becoming tough.
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I seasoned with the salt, pepper, cinnamon, and turmeric (I am not fancy enough to have saffron). I also added one lime's worth of juice (way more than the recipe calls for, but this is personal preference) and dried lime powder (which can be purchased on Amazon)
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Here I have dried limes which can also be purchased on Amazon. I am using the sharp inner part of my kitchen scissors to puncture holes in the skin to allow the sauce to soak in. Any tool that can puncture holes without shattering the entire lime will work.
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This is completely optional, but I roasted some eggplant to add to the stew. I cut the eggplant into thin slices, brushed with olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper, and put it into the air fryer at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.
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Here I am straining the white basmati rice I cooked until al-dente.
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I have then lined the bottom of the pot with peanut oil and put the rice back inside with the heat on low and the lid on to steam the rice until completely cooked and the tahdig has formed.
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Here are the final results from the cooking! I served with plain yogurt on the side.
!نوش جون
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rfaromance · 1 year
Fried Chicken
Yoosung had been fretting for weeks about the holidays. This was the first Christmas where he would have a girlfriend, and he wanted to ensure he prepared the best possible gift for her. He wasn't always good at expressing his feelings, and new as he was to romance, he tended to fumble over his words or make mistakes along the way.
He couldn't recall the last time he'd spent so much time strategizing, planning, and analyzing options, or making contingency plans, for something that was not related to LOLOL. If his girlfriend saw his mess of notes and spreadsheets, she would probably admonish him for not putting this same effort into his studies. (Not that he minded when she tugged on his ear a bit.)
He was ready for anything, or so he thought.
Until she actually came to him with a personal Christmas request.
"That's... what you want? More than anything else?"
Sae-eun pouted slightly, and Yoosung could feel his cheeks flushing just at the sight of her protruded lower lip. He also felt warm with embarrassment at the thought of accidentally offending her. "O-of course!" he stammered. "It's fine! I can! We can! I just..." He began to fiddle with the ends of his sleeves.
"You just can't believe I've never, ever had fried chicken?" she finished.
"I'm more surprised by how much you want to try it."
The brunette sighed and took a step back, folding her arms over her chest. "My father never allowed such food in our houses," she began. Yoosung tried to ignore the fact that she had said houses, plural, and kept listening intently. "He always wanted our minds and bodies to be healthy, or so he said. There are a lot of snacks and candies I've never eaten, unless I ate them at a friend's place. No doughnuts. No French fries. No fried chicken!" She sighed and dropped her arms by her side, looking exhausted. "No matter how much I tried to beg our chefs, they were adamant about following his orders. I guess that's what happens when you work for the prime minister...."
Sae-eun continued to mumble and mutter under her breath, and Yoosung couldn't make out most of her words. Not wanting to lose track of the conversation, he spoke up. "I'm happy to try a recipe with you," he assured her. "I love cooking new things! But... why fried chicken, and why now?"
Sae-eun's attention snapped to her boyfriend at once. "It's in so many anime! Tons of video games!" She began bouncing excitedly on her toes. "Characters having fried chicken on Christmas! Limited holiday bonus item of fried chicken that restores all your health! I was curious about why, so I researched the history of the tradition of KFC in Japan, and no matter how much I try to plead for a Christmas exception to my father's strict dietary rules, the only leeway I get is chocolate milk and cookies!"
Perhaps that was the true difference between someone like Prime Minister Choi and someone like Yoosung. He couldn't resist Sae-eun's pleading face and watery eyes, while Saejoong Choi had been denying his daughter of a simple request for her entire life.
"Let's get to the store, then!" Yoosung declared. "Wait, let's get a recipe first. We will try and try and try until we get it right!"
By the time Yoosung was finished cooking, he didn't have an appetite for all of the fried chicken he'd whipped up. But he still got a taste of his culinary creation, as Sae-eun held a sprig of parsley over his head and gave him a quick taste on his lips.
He didn't expect it to taste so sweet.
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vivienne-28-love · 10 months
July 25th, day 12
🫖Meals of the day🥧
• Banana and hazelnuts - 90 cals
• Carrots/fennel/zucchini - 80 cals
• Protein chocolate mousse - 146 cals
• Unleavened bread - 43 cals
• Light lemon yogurt - 100 cals
Steps taken: 14.122
Calories burned: -626 cals
Total: -167
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Today went well, even if I have an absurd desire to eat crap, you have no idea how much I would eat a chocolate cake or french fries! But speaking of desserts today in a shop I bought some super cute cookie cutters, I love cooking and in particular making desserts, not for me but for my friends, so I'm happy :D ! I also got popsicle molds so I could make my own low-calorie diet ice cream. If I later create some recipes for low calorie ice cream or popsicles I will share it here;)
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geoffrey · 8 months
I demand pictures and/or recipe for the chicken stew
i didnt take pictures and i only have one serving left i brought for lunch in an ugly bowl. however, here is the recipe i followed which i altered to how i actually cooked it.
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i also did everything up until step 3 in a pan instead of the pot. then right before 3 i added a splash of chicken stock to the pan, scraped up all the flavor, and added it to the pot.
OH also important!!!! after i cut up the potatoes but before i added them to the pot i microwaved them for 8 minutes so i wouldn't have to wait for them to soften!! this is also so useful if you want to homemake french fries or a hash.
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mariacallous · 1 year
My mom, and her mom, were and are great cooks, but we were also very much the kind of family that relied on basic (and essentially timeless) recipes, and my grandma was born around the 1920s, and my mom was born at the beginning of the 60s.
Both my mom and her mom worked full-time and raised multiple kids (and my mom lost her dad when she was young, so my great-aunt who I've mentioned before many times, moved in to help raise her and her four brothers) and so they needed affordable, filling, easy recipes.
Which meant we had a lot of meatloaf (with fries or potatoes of some kind, and if we were feeling fancy or wanted to stretch it, with cheese and sliced ham in the center), casseroles of all kind (to this day I still crave her tuna casserole, which is basically canned tuna, white sauce - canned white sauce pre-my dad's celiac - and crushed potato chips for the topping and in the mix? I don't think there was any pasta or noodles involved), grilled hot dogs and hamburgers (the latter with 80/20 ground beef, ketchup or bbq sauce, and onion soup mix or other seasonings) with fries (and steak or pork chops or chicken if we wanted to step it up a bit), breakfast for dinner during lent or when not wanting to do too much (so pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon or sausage), tacos and burritos (seasoned ground beef or shredded chicken or, if my dad was feeling it, carnitas, with tortillas and taco shells and cheese and other toppings), big things of baked pastas (and just regular cooked pasta), chili (sometimes with cornbread or french bread) and the infamous hamburger rice - which is basically ground beef and onions in a tomato sauce (homemade/from scratch if so inclined but otherwise canned or jarred) with canned corn and a fuckton of rice, mixed together (sometimes baked but otherwise just a big pot of rice mixed with a beefy tomato sauce and canned corn and onions) and with cheese sprinked on or included. (This is the dish we ate a ton because of my dad's celiac and because it was cheap, quick, and easy, and it's why I have to fight to get over my avoidance of rice dishes to this day).
My mom's potato salad (and macaroni salad, since the only difference is whether you use potatoes or noodles) is basically just potatoes (or noodles) parboiled and then cubed, mixed with onion, pimento, mayo, ketchup, mustard, a small amount of paprika, and salt and pepper - and I also crave it to this day. (When I was an infant I once ended up in the trunk of my parents' car and proceeded to help myself to the bowl that was there for the picnic the family was having at Kennedy Grove.
That's not all we ate (because it was the 90s and early 2000s, and both me and my mom love chinese takeout and prime rib, and because there is always some evolution and differentiation) but that was basically what we had, and it was pretty much what she had when she was growing up too, so we basically ate mid-century meals well into the beginning of the 21st century.
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abiteofyummy · 2 years
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Thank you @kayfabebabe for tagging me
~ ~ ~ 
Relationship Status: Single, but mentally very married to Shannon Moore
Favourite Colour(s): A real good rich Purple
Favourite Food(s): Tacos. I've only ever had one bad one in my life. Also mac n cheese and oven-roasted rosemary potatoes. And foccacia
Song Stuck in Your Head: Me & Magdalena by The Monkees (it's been a week and if it continues, it's gonna owe me rent soon)
Last Google Search: ‘Cody Rhodes' - trying to remember if his stable with baby DiBiase and Orton was called Legacy or Evolution or something I completely forgot
Current Time: 11:06am
Dream Trip: Wichita Falls, Texas. I need to know what's down there that keeps mentally dragging me. But a dream journey would be to drive Route 66
Last Book You Read: A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
Last Book You Enjoyed: Maus by Art Spiegelman. I usually try to avoid reading book pdfs, but I needed to read Maus ASAP and did not stop reading it until I'd read through both volumes
Last Book You Hated Reading: My feelings towards A Little Life are very complicated. I enjoyed the story, I loved the characters, and I had a good time reading it. That being said, I finished it 3 months ago and still occasionally get pangs of deep guilt in my chest that make me sit down until I remember that it's just a book and I didn't make any of those things happen to those characters.
But the last book I truly hated reading with every fiber of my being was Noopiming: The Cure For White Ladies by Leanna Betasamosake Simpson. I read it for a class, I attended a talk by the author and I can honestly say I've never read a more pretentious waste of paper than that book.
Favourite Thing(s) to Bake/Cook: I usually have very neutral feelings on cooking. I don't exactly do it for fun. But I do get very very excited when I get particular things right. My favourite things to get right are fried eggs on toast (if I get both yolks intact and the bread toasted and buttered at the right time, it's glorious) and Shane O'Mac N Cheese (my own recipe. I've never written it down, so it's different every time, but when I truly channel the Shane O'Mac vibe, I can really get it right)
Most Niche Dislike: CM Punk. I acknowledge he's good, but he was a goddamn BULLY to my sweet beloved Shannon Moore (to the point where I have the two of them on a Rivals Card and the back says something to the effect of "Punk beat Moore every time they stepped in the ring together and sometimes outside it") and like IT'S NOT SHANNON'S FAULT HE'S SHORT. HE'S THE PERFECT SIZE FOR ME PERSONALLY TO HUG AND HE SMELLS REALLY NICE AND HE'S SO KIND AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND PUNK JUST NEEDS TO FUCKIN CHECK HIMSELF
Opinion on the Circus: I had a circus unit in elementary school gym class. I wasn't very good at juggling balls, but I was pretty good at juggling scarves and was boss with the spinning plates. This was, to my understanding, a way to determine which high school one would go to when they finished sixth grade (12 years old). You would either continue to the French Catholic high school (it was a French Catholic elementary school), or you would go to the National Circus School about 2 hours away if you were absolutely exceptional. I have very fond memories of the circus unit being the one thing in gym class I was good at.
Do You Have a Sense of Direction?: Yes. And a photographic memory for locations. I grew up with Google Maps first becoming a thing and Dad resisted the use of a GPS until very recently, so since both my parents have shit eyesight and Mom can't remember directions to save her life, it fell on me to get us places without murders happening
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Tagging: @the--blackdahlia @coffee-n-bagels-comic-universe @wendigoruble @thiccfoley @pepperstreak @definitelydivergent @track12to13 
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