#Flexible led sign
zeroloop · 1 month
Illumina il tuo spazio con la Striscia LED Flessibile Programmabile
XAXVSTS Insegna Luminoso LED Flessibile Programmabile | 45 X 12 cm | LED Display Personalizzabile USB 5V Auto Camion | Controllo via App Bluetooth e Telecomando per Negozio e Pubblicità Se stai cercando di dare un tocco luminoso e personalizzato al tuo ambiente, la striscia LED flessibile programmabile potrebbe essere la soluzione che fa al caso tuo. In questa recensione, esploreremo le…
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meiyadled · 6 months
Meiyad P1.25 flexible led screen Realize your eye-catching design Large stock available with low price and good quality
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barelytolerabled · 5 months
Healing Speed and Soul
daniel ricciardo x fem!physiologistReader
summary: The McLaren team sought the expertise of a skilled physiotherapist, you, to tend to the physical well-being of their drivers. Little did they know, you would soon become more than just a healer, evolving into a vital source of emotional support for the drivers, especially Daniel Ricciardo.
Warnings: body shaming, ed
WC: 2k944
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On your first day at McLaren, you nervously stepped into the bustling atmosphere of the team's headquarters. Team principal Zack Brown warmly welcomed you, introducing you to the dedicated mechanics, engineers, and other essential members of the McLaren family.
As you walked through the high-tech facility, you felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. The air was filled with the hum of activity.
Zack eventually led you to the heart of the team the garage. There, you found yourself face to face with the dynamic duo of McLaren, Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo. Lando, with his infectious enthusiasm, greeted you with a friendly smile, while Daniel, known for his trademark grin, extended a warm handshake.
"Hey there! Welcome to the team," Lando exclaimed, his energy contagious.
Daniel, with a twinkle in his eye, added, "Great to have you on board. We've heard you work wonders, hope you're ready for the challenge!"
You, feeling the warmth of their welcome, couldn't help but reciprocate the positive energy. Little did you know that beyond the world of physiotherapy, you were about to embark on a journey that would intertwine your life with the adrenaline-fueled existence of the McLaren drivers.
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A few days into your tenure at McLaren, the intense rhythm of Formula One life began to settle around you. As the physiotherapist, you observed the drivers, Lando and Daniel, pushing themselves to the limits during practice sessions and briefings.
Recognizing the importance of maintaining their peak physical condition, you decided it was time for a comprehensive medical checkup. You approached Lando and Daniel with a plan to ensure their bodies were in optimal shape for the upcoming races.
"Lando, Daniel, I'd like to conduct a thorough medical checkup to ensure you're both physically prepared for the challenges ahead. It's crucial to address any potential issues before they escalate," you explained.
Lando, always eager to improve, nodded in agreement, "Sure thing, doc. Anything to stay at the top of our game!"
Daniel, with a playful grin, added, "I trust you've got the magic touch. Let's do it."
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The medical examinations unfolded in the state-of-the-art McLaren facilities, with you meticulously assessing their fitness, flexibility, and overall health. As you worked, conversations flowed, revealing not only physical aspects but also providing insights into the drivers' mindset and emotional well-being.
In those moments, you realized the delicate balance between physical prowess and emotional resilience required in their life. Little did you know that your role would extend beyond the realm of physiotherapy, becoming a crucial pillar of support for Lando and Daniel as they faced the relentless challenges of the racing season.
In the quiet confines of your small office, it became evident during Daniel's medical checkup that he was neglecting his nutritional needs. You, observing the signs of under-eating, decided to address the issue directly.
"Daniel, I've noticed you might be skimping on meals. Nutrition is a crucial part of staying at your peak, especially in this demanding sport," you gently pointed out.
Daniel, usually vibrant, seemed quieter than usual. After a moment of contemplation, he simply nodded in acknowledgment.
Sighing, you grabbed your coat. "Come on, Ricciardo. We're going to fix this. I'm taking you for a proper meal, no excuses."
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Leading the way, you and Daniel left the confines of the McLaren headquarters, embarking on a journey to ensure the Australian driver's well, being extended beyond the racetrack. Little did you know that this impromptu outing would mark the beginning of a unique bond, intertwining your role as a physiotherapist with a deeper connection to the personal lives of the McLaren driver.
Navigating the streets in the fading daylight, you led Daniel to your apartment. The confusion on his face was evident as he questioned, "Your place? Why are we here?"
Turning to him with a determined look, you explained, "Daniel, it's not just about making you eat; it's about making sure you eat right. I'll be cooking for you. Trust me, it's time for some proper nourishment."
Once inside your cozy apartment, you set about preparing a wholesome meal, the aroma wafting through the air. Daniel, still a bit perplexed, watched as you skillfully moved around the kitchen.
"You're really going all out. I appreciate it," Daniel admitted, a hint of gratitude in his eyes.
As you sat down to eat, you shared a smile. "Sometimes, a good meal can make all the difference, especially when the pressures of racing start taking a toll. Consider it part of my job to keep you fueled and ready for the season ahead."
As you shared the meal in your apartment, a comfortable silence enveloped you. Suddenly, breaking the quietude, you looked at Daniel and asked, "Who?"
Daniel, with a mouthful of food, raised an eyebrow, "Who what?"
Softly, you persisted, "Who made you think you shouldn't eat? There's something deeper here, Daniel. I can see it."
Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Daniel hesitated for a moment. A mix of surprise and vulnerability flickered in his eyes before he finally spoke, "Well, it's just... the constant pressure, expectations, you know? Sometimes, it feels like I don't deserve a break, even for a decent meal."
You nodded in understanding, recognizing the weight of the expectations that came with Formula One. "It's crucial to remember that taking care of yourself isn't a sign of weakness. If anything, it's a strength. You're not alone in this, Daniel. We're a team, on and off the track."
You, sensing there was more to Daniel's struggle, looked at him with a discerning gaze. "Are you sure you're telling me everything about that? Because Norris doesn't seem to have this issue."
Daniel hesitated for a few moments, glancing away before finally admitting, "Well, some people think I should be careful with food, that my weight isn't the best for racing. But yeah, little norris isn’t a problem like me for them."
A dry chuckle escaped your lips. "What a load of nonsense. Your performance on the track speaks for itself. You don't need to conform to anyone's unrealistic standards. It's about being healthy and fit, not fitting into someone else's idea of what a racer should look like."
Clearing the plates from the table, you took a decisive stance. "From now on, I'll bring you lunch, Daniel."
Daniel, trying to be polite, protested, "No, no, you don't have to do that, really."
You turned to him with a determined look, "Daniel, my role is to take care of you. Of course, I'm doing it, and you have no choice."
Concern crept into Daniel's expression, "But Zack makes me follow a strict regime. He can't know."
A disbelieving shake of the head, you retorted, "Zack agreed to this nonsense? Well, then it'll be our secret. Meet me in my office at lunch tomorrow. We'll eat together."
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As the weeks passed, you continued your routine of preparing and bringing lunches for Daniel, meeting him in your office during race weekends. The aroma of home-cooked meals became a familiar presence, and whispers of camaraderie between you and Daniel began to circulate.
People couldn't help but notice the positive changes in Daniel, he seemed healthier, more energized, and perhaps even a bit happier. The bond that had formed between you and him extended beyond professional duties, creating a ripple effect in the team dynamics.
Colleagues started to see the genuine care and support you provided, not just in terms of physical well-being but also as a source of emotional strength for Daniel.
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In the bustling atmosphere of the McLaren team lunch area, Daniel found himself with no choice but to join his teammates while eating the lunch you had prepared for him. Sitting across from Lando Norris, one of the team members jokingly teased, "Didn't know you knew how to cook, Daniel."
Daniel, taking a bite, replied honestly, "I'm not the one making it."
The teasing took an unexpected turn when the team member quipped, "What, you got a wife at home or something making you these?"
Daniel chuckled dryly, playing along, "Something like that, actually, yeah."
The laughter subsided when Lando, with a curious expression, raised an eyebrow, "And you think I could ask your 'wife' for one too? I've got a appointment with her this afternoon, pain in my back you know."
Daniel's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and realization dawning on him. "How do you know who's making me those lunchboxes?"
Lando leaned in, a knowing smile on his face. "She has the exact same lunchbox, mate. But don't worry, your and your "wifey" secret is safe with me. I'm aware of how tough the team can be on you."
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Arriving home late, you were taken aback to find Daniel in your apartment, busy preparing dinner. "Daniel, what are you doing?" you asked, a mix of surprise and gratitude.
He gently helped you off with your shoes and coat, replying with a smile, "You've been doing so much for me, so I wanted to return the favor. Not promising a meal as good as yours, though." He chuckled and guided you to the dining table, ensuring you were comfortably seated.
"Daniel, it's actually my job to take care of you," you reminded him.
He sighed, placing your plates on the table, and took a seat in front of you. "And as your friend, it's my job too. Let's forget work, mmh?"
You smiled at him, grateful for the unexpected gesture. "Thank you, Daniel. This means a lot."
Mid-dinner, Daniel suddenly got up, exclaiming, "I almost forgot." He returned to the table with two glasses and a bottle of wine.
"Daniel, we work tomorrow," you reminded him.
He playfully interrupted, "Ah ah ah, what did I say? We forget work tonight, okay?"
You sighed, smiling, "Anything you want, Daniel."
With that, you clicked your glasses. The shared laughter and genuine connection over dinner marked a brief escape from the intense world you navigated together.
Relaxing on the couch after dinner, you and Daniel found yourselves immersed in easy conversation about anything and everything. As the night unfolded, Daniel slyly mentioned, "You know, I may have indirectly told the guys it was my 'wife' who prepared my lunchbox."
You raised an eyebrow with a playful grin. "Oh, is that so, Daniel? Well, get ready. I'll start leaving lovey notes on those lunchboxes of yours. Always dreamt of being a good wife to my husband."
They both burst into laughter, the shared humor lightening the atmosphere. In that moment, amidst the jokes and banter, you and Daniel found solace in each other's company.
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Days later, on a day when you couldn't eat with Daniel, you slipped a small note into his lunchbox. It read: "Fuel for the race, but don't forget to savor the moments off the track too. You've got this! - Your wifey."
When Daniel opened his lunchbox and discovered the note, a wide grin spread across his face. During the team's lunch break, Lando noticed Daniel's amused expression and couldn't resist asking, "What's got you all smiles, mate?"
Daniel, holding up the note, chuckled, "Looks like I've got a secret admirer, leaving lovey notes in my lunchbox."
Lando leaned in, feigning surprise. "Oh, a secret admirer, huh? Got any idea who it might be?"
Daniel playfully rolled his eyes, "Come on, Lando, you know exactly who it is. She's making sure I eat well and stay in high spirits."
Lando, joining in the light-hearted banter, teased, "Well, aren't you lucky to have your 'wife' looking out for you? I hope she leaves some notes for me too."
Daniel, with a smirk, responded to Lando's teasing, "Keep dreaming, mate. It's my 'wife' making them laugh." The banter continued, and laughter echoed through the lunch area.
However, as Daniel glanced at your note and the warmth it brought, a subtle longing lingered. A part of him wished the playful joke about a secret admirer and a lunch-making 'wife' could transcend the realm of humor. Little did he realize that within the confines of the jokes, a deeper connection was slowly taking root, sparking emotions that stretched beyond the boundaries of mere camaraderie.
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The 'wifey' joke continued to weave itself into the fabric of Daniel and your dynamic. Whenever Daniel passed by your office, he'd playfully inquire, "How's wifey doing?" Lando, ever the instigator, joined in, making insinuations that left the two of them chuckling.
Before crucial races, their banter took a unique turn. Daniel, often discussing strategy with Lando, would hear remarks like, "If I win, your wife better make me that famous lunchbox for me too." The playful commentary even spilled into interviews, with Lando winking at Daniel when asked about their favorite meals.
In one interview, when the interviewer queried about the drivers' preferred dishes, Lando slyly responded, "Well, it depends on who's making it, right, mate?" He wiggled his brows at Daniel, leaving the audience in stitches.
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During a casual night in with your friends at your place, you packed two lunchboxes of the same meal you had prepared. Observing your actions, one friend raised an eyebrow, teasing, "Two? Planning to feed a small army or something?"
You chuckled shyly, "It's just for one of my patients."
Another friend, noticing the little notes signed 'wifey,' couldn't resist poking fun. "And those little notes signed 'wifey' are also for your patient?"
Laughing, you playfully scolded, "Hey! Put that down!" The room erupted in laughter, the friends enjoying the playful banter. Your lunchbox antics had become a source of amusement not just within the Mclaren garage but also among your close circle of friends.
Searching for Daniel in the garage, you found him with Lando. "Wifey," they both cooed simultaneously, earning a punch in the shoulder from Daniel to Lando. "Not you," Daniel clarified, prompting laughter.
"Be gentle, Daniel," you teased, handing him his lunchbox with a little note as usual. "Need to be taking care of an engineer during lunch, sorry." You side-hugged Daniel before turning to Lando, "Pole position, right, little Norris?"
"Yes, ma'am," Lando replied with a smirk.
You chuckled and handed him a lunchbox, saying, "Well earned. Keep going like that, Lando. I'm proud of you." Lando happily hugged you, expressing his gratitude. He then turned to Daniel with a mischievous grin, "Guess I also got a wife now, loser."
"Hell no, you don't, little mosquito," you laughed, playfully shutting down Lando's claim. With a quick exchange, you got back to work, leaving the two drivers with smiles on their faces.
The usual lunch hour arrived, but Daniel didn't show up at your office. Growing worried, you decided to search for him in the garage. Passing by Zack's office, you overheard Zack's cold reprimand, focusing on Daniel's weight.
Unable to bear it, you entered the office with determination. "It's my fault," Daniel began, looking at you with concern. "No, no, it's not her fault," he continued, addressing Zack, "You're right, Zack. I haven't been careful recently, and I'll change that."
You, however, halted Daniel with a stern gaze. "No, you won't."
Turning to Zack, you asserted, "Zack, as Daniel's physiologist, I took the liberty to ensure he's properly nourished because apparently he hasn't been before my arrival here. His well-being is my responsibility, and I won't let him compromise that for any unrealistic standards."
Zack's anger flared as he confronted you, "You knew about his strict regime, and you went against my orders!"
"Yeah, I did! I did, and if I had to, I'll do it again," you asserted, standing your ground.
Zack, visibly angered, sat up. "You know what you'll do? Pack your things, you're fired."
Daniel, attempting to mediate, approached Zack, "Zack, it's not her fault. She didn't mean to—"
Stopping Daniel with a raised hand, you interjected, "Stop, Daniel. I don't want to work for someone like him anymore anyway."
With those words, you turned away and headed to your office to pack your things. The air in the room hung heavy with tension, marking the end of your tenure at McLaren.
While you were packing, your focus interrupted by the sound of the door, you instinctively responded, "My office is closed, sorry."
"It's me," Daniel's voice cut through, and you turned around to see him standing there.
"Oh," you uttered, and without a word, Daniel opened his arms. You hurriedly approached, burying your head in his chest. "I'm so sorry wifey," he whispered.
"It's not your fault, Daniel," you mumbled into his embrace, finding solace in the midst of the tumultuous situation.
“What am I supposed to do without you at the garage now?" Daniel thought out loud, his worry palpable.
You chuckled sadly, "You could always still come to mine for lunch."
He couldn't believe it. Pushing you away a bit, Daniel questioned, "You just lost your job because of me, but you continue. Who are you?"
"Honestly? Just a girl who grew too close to her patient," you admitted.
Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Daniel looked at you with wide eyes as if connecting the dots. "You're too important for me to let people treat you like shit, especially when it's putting your health in danger," you explained.
His eyes widened, and it seemed like realization struck him. "Do you mean that—"
"Yeah, I love you, Daniel," you confessed.
For a moment, silence hung in the air, and doubt crept into your mind. Yet, before you could dwell on it, Daniel stopped your doubts. "Then it's good you got fired, else I couldn't have been able to do this."
He grabbed your face and kissed you. "Would your dreams be fulfilled with me as your husband?"
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saturnrevolution · 6 months
Unlock your desire using your MARS SIGN
Your sexual expression is one of the most powerful tools that you have. You are in tune to what gives you pleasure and you know how to go for it. You are most satisfied with action, rather than words. You are all about being led by instinct and love to be taken by surprise. You desire animalistic behavior, one that is dynamic, raw. Arguments turn you on, so having a make out session after a fight is the dream. And if there’s some risky aspect to it, even better!
The expression of your desire revolves all around the senses. You need to focus on smell, touch, sound…and make sure that the atmosphere is comfortable and inviting. You like to take your time when it comes to pleasure and allow the tension to build. There’s also a romantic side to you, so lighting up candles or making out in a cozy tent while it rains outside is the dream. Your sexual expression grounds you, so if nature is involved, even better!
You enjoy expressing your desire through words. You are a fan of flirting, soft whispers and witty behavior. Hot and cold energy is what keeps you wanting more. There needs to be a lot of openness and flexibility in your sexual fantasies. Sharing what everyone is into and trying on different ideas that both parties enjoy is the way to go. Also, the kiss plays a huge role in your dynamic. Your mind needs to be stimulated, so some dirty talk will do.
Your sexual expression revolves around emotions. This means that the stronger the emotional bond, the more pleasure it offers you. You enjoy being treated with kindness and cared for. Soft and gentle touch, cuddles evolving into something more and a bit of mystery is what turns you on. You prefer to keep this side of you to those that are lucky enough to experience it and make sure that both parties feel like home. Intuition is what guides your actions.
You enjoy expressing your desire in a direct, bold way, but there is also the side of you that is caring and loyal. You either take on the role of the dominant person or like to let the other take over. There’s always one that is in the center of attention. Either way, you enjoy it when your efforts receive recognition. Passion, romance, fun, playfulness. You are the actors on a big stage, so there is an emphasis on dramatic, bold moves and presence.
Your sexual expression revolves around paying attention to details. Your style is grounded in the tangible world, with a focus on the senses and physical body. You have high expectations on yourself and other to perform and you like anticipating how the moments will unfold. The act of intimacy becomes a therapeutic exchange, a moment of connection that relaxes you within the daily life, so having fun while cooking sounds right.
You are all about equality when it comes to sexual expression. That’s why, there needs to be honesty involved. You prefer the other person to take the lead and you might be passive at times. This creates a dance of reciprocity, where your give and take contributes to the overall harmony of your intimate relationships. Communication, romance, and aesthetics play great roles as well. You might enjoy dressing up in a hot fit and seducing with innocence.
You are into taboo things, deep intimacy and discovery of one another through physical touch, after admiring from afar. You carry a magnetic allure, drawing you towards experiences that others might find intimidating. There might be secrecy involved in the dynamic or a specific side of you that shows up behind closed doors. Desire is a blend of control and power play and in these private moments the story of your connection comes alive.
Your desires are expressed through exploration and experimenting. You don’t shy away from trying something new and this is your way of learning what you like. You are spontaneous, adventurous and hold strong beliefs about what you are into. You take on the role of the teacher or student and are likely to experiment with people from different backgrounds than you. You don’t like wasting time and jump directly to the fun part, after all it’s all an adventure.
You approach intimacy with a strategic mindset, viewing it as a part of your life goals and aspirations. You like things to be straightforward and simple. You might be attracted to lovers that are more experienced than you, and sometimes older partners. Consistency and making sure you perfect it to the point in which you know each other’s pleasure points is your approach. You take physical touch very seriously as it helps relax you.
Your desires are expressed in a direct way. You know what you like and want. When it comes to physical touch, you might be one to turn friendships into something more, but there needs to be an intellectual attraction before anything. You might be into things that others judge as weird or unconventional. You seek freedom and exploring uncharted territories, pushing against societal norms to embrace what feels authentically you.
Your sexual expression is your door to escaping the reality. You like to let your imagination run wild, build scenarios and you daydream a lot about your desires. The emotional bond you carry towards someone matters a lot, especially the way they express their romanticism. As it’s a way to escape reality, anything that involves fantasy or creativity and imagination is welcome. For you, intimacy is not just a physical act but a spiritual experience.
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crowlipso · 1 year
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MC - Agatha Crowley sheet
Information under the cut!
Basic Information
Full name: Agatha Chandra Crowley
Nickname: Ag, Aggie
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Date of birth: 18th June 1875
Nationality: British (British/Trinidadian/Siamese)
Blood status: Pure-blood/Half-blood (unclear)
Wand: Redwood wood with a dragon heartstring core 10 ¼" and quite bendy flexibility
House: Slytherin
Patronus: Dragon
Boggart: [LOCKED]
Amortentia: Burnt wood, Chocolate, Gasoline
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Hair colour: Platinum white
Hairstyle: Short soft curls
Eye colour: Magenta 
Skin tone: Medium-dark skin with yellow-golden undertones
Height: (unclear) 3cm shorter than Sebastian
Weight: 60kg
Other distinguishing features: Two moles under the bottom lip, Fangs, Black nails polish
Agatha is confident and ambitious despite feeling neglected by her family and has developed a strong sense of self-worth. She's rebellious and doesn't conform to traditional gender roles, preferring to dress and act in a way that makes her feel comfortable rather than trying to please others. She can come across as cocky and sarcastic at times, partly because of her family's wealth and status, but also as a defense mechanism developed from her experiences with bullying.
While Agatha can be sarcastic and biting in her humour, she's also fiercely loyal to those she cares about and will go to great lengths to protect them. Her experiences with bullying have made her somewhat hostile towards those she perceives as a threat, but she's not inherently violent or cruel. She values intelligence and cunning.
Traits: Chaotic, Cocky, Charismatic, Sarcastic, Barbaric
Likes: Dragons, Insects, Leeches, Forbidden Knowledge
Dislikes: Milk in tea, Skirts
Good at: Martial arts, Animal Handling, Intimidating, 
Bad at: Showing true emotions and Affection, Persuade
Hobbies: Bug collector, Quidditch for fun(played as Beater), Drawing
Fears: Become nobody, Her father
Ambition: Domesticated Dragons
Family & Backstory
Agatha Crowley was born into a wealthy and prestigious pure-blood family known for their diplomatic skills and trading. Her father always wanted a son to carry on the family name and legacy, but instead, he was disappointed to have a daughter. As a result, Agatha was neglected by her father and most of her extended family. Only her mother showed her affection and attention, taking care of her and even allowing her to play with muggle children in their neighborhood.
Agatha's childhood was rough due to her family's neglect and the bullying she experienced from muggle children because of her unnatural hair and eye color. To cope, she became rebellious and defiant, refusing to wear skirts and acting more like a boy to try and please her father.
Despite not showing any signs of magical ability, Agatha's maternal grandfather, a Siamese man who was skilled in Muay Thai, taught her martial arts from a young age. Agatha fell in love with the discipline and art of fighting and trained vigorously with her grandfather.
At the age of 15 Agatha's magical abilities finally awakened, and she received her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, Though she possessed traits of a Gryffindor, her ambitious nature led her to be sorted into Slytherin, much to her family's relief.
In Hogwarts, Agatha's skills in martial arts proved to be an asset in her studies, especially in Defense Against the Dark Arts. However, her troubled past and lack of parental guidance caused her to develop a rude, sarcastic, and mean personality, often pushing people away with her hostile behavior.
Despite this, Agatha remained fearless and savage, always ready to fight for what she believed in, and became a force to be reckoned with in both academics and combat.
Father: Josiah Crowley
Mother: Chandra *Thai people still haven't had a last name back then*
Paternal grandparents: Victarion Crowley and Calypso Lovegood
Maternal grandparents: Narong, -
Uncles: Bran Crowley (Josiah’s brother), Edward Crowley(other brothers)
Aunts: Alannis (Crowley) Sanchez
Cousins: Isis Crowley(Bran’s daughter), Rose Sanchez, Jason Sanchez (Alannis’s children), Ramsay Crowley, Victarion II Crowley, Aretha Crowley (Edward’s children)
Pet: Bunch of unnamed insects, two leeches name Robert and Henry
Family home: London, Wandsworth
Friends: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Giona Regali(oc), Natsai Onai, Poppy Sweeting, other fifth years
Best Friends: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt
Love interest: Sebastian Sallow click
Headcanon CV: Robyn Addison
Character inspiration:
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Rhaenyra Targaryen - House of The Dragon
Nanno - Girl from nowhere
Veronica Sawyer - Heathers 1988
Cruella De Vil - Cruella 2021
Jo March - Little Women 2019
Agatha Harkness - Wandavision
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darkstarerotica · 8 months
Megan Day 2
Megan had never slept more soundly. She dissolved into blackness and didn't wake for hours. She never slept well. But that night she did.
The next day she was woken by the man who had first found her in the street.
"How did you sleep?"
"like the dead" she responded "I've never slept better in my whole life"
"I knew the moment I saw you you'd be the perfect little fuck toy. Then taking you right then and there I knew I was right. But here eat this... you'll need your strength for today"
"what's today?" Megan asked.
"oh, you'll see" the cold response came back.
Megan was blindfolded and taken to a car. By the sound it seemed to be the gentleman from yesterday's car. The same one that was the first to fuck her. They drove off quickly. And her disorientation was complete.
After what seemed about a half hour the car stopped and she heard the front door open, footsteps then her door was open.
"I saw how flexible you were last night taking those cocks so I have a special treat for you tonight " the air was cool, but not chilly. She felt a collar placed around her neck and then heard the click of a chain being attached.
"come with me my little slut" and she got pulled into the darkness. They alternated walking on grass and sidewalk. "A park" Megan thought to herself. "I must be in a park" It was hard being led by the collar but she managed ok. Without even knowing what her gentleman had planned for her she started to shake with excitement. She could. Even feel some wetness begin to form between her legs. She honestly could not believe what she had become. But she never felt more fulfilled.
Finally they stopped. "Sit" came the command. And the gentleman's strong hands guided her down. She felt the wood of a park bench touching her ass. She was back in her clothes but still had no panties. She felt the coldness of a handcuff brush against her ankle. Click. It fastned around one. Click. The.n the other. He then raised her leg at a 90° angle. She heard the sound of it being fastened to something. Then a pull at her other ankle. He stretched her all the way open, her legs doing the splits. Now restrained that way. Her legs being pulled apart forced her skirt up and she could feel the night air on her open pussy. Cooking her down as her arousal started to rise.
The gentleman's hands reached up to get brushing her sides as he raised her shirt. Obediently she let him as she realized she was now fully naked and fully exposed.
His hands came up and pulled the blind folds off. It was dark out now so her eyes adjusted quickly. She was in partial view of a park lamp and he showed her a sign painted brightly with a rope around it. "FREE USE" it said boldly.
"tonight we see what strangers do to a little free use whore like yourself" he moved behind her and pulled both her hands back and over the rear of the bench. He fastened them in a way that gave her some slack to move her upper body a foot or so.
He patted her little face a moment. Then reached down between her spread open legs. His fingers pushed inside her and after he pulled them out he said to her "you're already so wet, but I knew you would be, now clean yourself off my fingers" he said roughly placing them in her mouth. Megan sucked and licked them eagerly. "Can't wait for the fun" and then footsteps as he walked away.
There was silence for a moment. Then footsteps. A couple guys came into view. They were talking loudly and seemed slightly drunk. "Holy shit dude, check out this chick" "whoa... free use, huh?... man I don't know"
"I do" the first responded. "Let's have some fun"
They approached and the first one, the obviously bold one, approached. He started to caress and punch her nipples. Megan stared him into the eyes. "Holy shit, she's into it" he caressed both her breasts. "Dude get in here and feel her up. She's got really nice tits" both of them started caressing her. Touching her tits and stroking her body and face.
Surprisingly it was the second one to go lower. He eagerly sought out her pussy. Now dripping with excitement. She moaned as his fingers roughly penetrated her. They took turns caressing her, fingering her. They unzipped their pants and were stroking their cocks moaning. Kissing her neck, her nipples. She started to cum and they went faster with their hands. Both stroking their cocks and fingering her. Megan came hard and as she relaxed into her bench they both stood above her and jerked themselves off onto her chest.
This began Megan's second day.
That was followed up by a lone jogger. He stopped, looked around then came like a tiger over to her. He immediately knelt before her. His tongue lapping up her wetness, till she came, once then twice. He did the same as the first two. But pulled her head near so he could unleash on her face. She licked up what she could the rest dripping down.
Then it was a small group of young guys with a couple girls. They all took turns with her. Two of the guys fucked her mouth pulling out to add their cum to her face. One of the others fucked her wet hole till he quickly added his cum to her chest. The girls cheered them on. Sometimes holding her head. Screaming what a little slut she was.
Then there was the old man. He seemed concerned at first. But as Megan nodded she was ok. He eagerly pulled his cock out and forced her head down on it. "What a good slut you are" he said till he came in her mouth. It must have been ages for him as his load was massive. He pushed her head back and the cum oozed out of her mouth onto her chest.
A couple other solo men approached. They were more simple. Straight forward fucking. Didn't stop to pleasure her. Used her body till they could add their loads to her now glistening and sticky body.
It had now been hours. And there hadn't been anyone in a while. A man clad all in black came out of the darkness. He was thin with long brown hair. He approached inquisitively.
Staring at her heaving body. Exhausted by orgasms and drunk on cum. He moved closer and touched her nipples. Megan's breast heaved and she stared up at her. "Stick out your tongue" he commanded. "Oh... I love that little tongue piercing you have, I bet you know exactly what to do with that." With impressive dexterity he has unzipped his pants and pulled out his large, already hard, cock. With the other he forced her down on him. She eagerly took it in. Rubbing her tongue and stud against his head and then flicking it up and down his shaft as he pushed in and out of her. "That's a good little slut, yeah you know what to do." He fucked her face harder and harder. Tears mixed with sticky cum and Megan thought she'd cum just from giving head. "Not so fast little girl" he pushed her head back. "I want to sample that hot little pussy of yours" he moved down and placed himself in her. He was large..the largest of the night and being stretched further made Megan's moans deeper. "Oh fuck" she cried as she struggled against her restraints.
He pushed himself in till his head pounded against her cervix. The pain caused her to bolt but she felt so good being filled completely. Anytime she felt close to climaxing he'd stop and then a gentle slap. "Not till I say so, my little free use slut"
After bringing her to the edge he pulled out his now soaked cock. He repositioned her a little bringing her hips further up. He placed the head of his cock against her asshole and it opened readily for him. Still loose from the night before. He moaned as he fucked her harder and harder. Finally he allowed her to cum. Those deep internal orgasms you get from anal sex. It was the hardest she had cum all night. He pulled out of her and now standing more straight he brought her head down to him. "good little sluts clean up after themselves" he said "will you be my good little slut" Megan nodded and she swears she'd never sucked a cock like that before. She eagerly moved her head up and down, matching every hard thrust. Eagerly taking all of his long hard cock. Gee gag reflex was gone and all she was, was an open wound to take his shaft over and over again. He finally came... blasting a load that had her almost choke. It was the last thing she remembered that night.
When the gentleman woke her near morning she was covered in even more cum. How many more guys had used her, 10- 20 more. She felt sore but never more fulfilled in her life.
"did you have a fulfilling evening" he said. He had paused in the full part of the word. She nodded as he undid her from her throne. And redresses her. Helping her back to.his waiting vehicle.
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lagoonalake · 3 months
pleaseeeee can I get exo ideal type ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Personality: justice, 10 of coins, 3 of swords
He wants someone very reliable and loyal, someone grounded and balanced, no nonsense, someone with whom he can build a family and a secure future with. Well established and stable. Someone who can be a bit cautious at first, a bit cold even, who only opens up to a selected few. Probably he is like this too, and values trust and believes that this is a sign that the person is not playing with him. He wants someone disciplined, fair, kind. He would treat his partner as an equal and values the give and take a lot.  libra, saturn, capricorn, taurus, aquarius
Appearance: 10 of wands, 8 of wands, temperance
Someone athletic, very strong, with a lot of stamina. Even their expression is of someone who has a lot of control over themselves, very disciplined, very active. A more sporty or simple style, flexible body, calm face. Features could be a bit sharp. Lean, muscular. Someone who looks like they have seen a lot in life as well, he needs to see experience and depth in their eyes. aries, mars, capricorn
Turn offs: 4 of swords, 6 of pentacles, knight of cups
People who don’t think long term. Overly kind and giving, a bit naive. Sappy, too emotional or romantic, people who play the victim or who see victims everywhere, the type you’re always gonna hear say “oh poor you ;_;”. People who are not thinking with their brain, people led by their emotions instead of their logic. People who always expect others to save them.  pisces, cancer
Personality: 6 of wands, the sun, queen of cups
Someone very proud and dignified, who he would be proud to show off as well. Someone prestigious. Most likely a celebrity. Someone who shines brightly. Very joyful, funny and warm, very open with their emotions and desires. Could like to party quite a lot or have fun. Quite bold, confident and playful, in touch with their inner child. Could be a stage performer. Someone who likes to laugh a lot. Someone who can take charge but also someone who can be very kind and nurturing with him, intuitive, motherly. Someone open with their feelings and emotions, who follow their heart.  leo, cancer, sagittarius
Appearance: 8 of pentacles, 10 of cups, 2 of wands
Maybe someone who looks like him a little. Someone who works hard on their appearance, that he can tell is making an effort. Someone who works out, who is paying attention to the details, a very neat hairstyle for example, and features are very pretty in a detailed sort of way, in this very clean, detailed oriented way that Korea loves. Someone who also gives of a nurturing aura, quite soft. Not too tall. Pale skin. Someone who has a bit of an artistic quality to their style. Expressive and warm, eyes bright with passion.  virgo, cancer, leo
Turn offs: page of swords, the empress, the devil
I think Suho may not trust women too much, especially beautiful women. So he’s a bit turned off by smooth talkers, very beautiful seductive women who are owning their femininity and charm a bit too much for his taste. Manipulative people. People who are a bit too chatty, ask too many questions, are gossipy and nosy. People who have a scattered brain. venus, pluto, gemini
Personality: 4 of swords, knight of pentacles, 7 of cups
He’s attracted to very chill sort of people, I’m kinda seeing someone who almost seems a bit high, although that’s not it. XD But it’s someone who would be naturally like that, just very easy going, calm, relaxed, who doesn’t stress too much about anything, who is actually quite positive, optimistic, and can see the good things around them. Someone focused on doing their thing, who likes to take their time. Someone who can see all the possibilities in life. Someone who probably could help him ease his stress a bit. Slow kind of energy. Sensual. Creative and with a lot of imagination, most likely an artist. Hippie vibes.  taurus, pisces, jupiter
Appearance: the hierophant, the tower, knight of cups
A traditional asian beauty but at the same time this person needs to stand out enough for him to fall head over heels for them. Someone with a romantic quality, soft features, who doesn’t have to make too much effort to be pretty. Maybe taller than average or looks tall. A sort of fiery, a bit explosive aura. He may prefer a beauty that is a bit more natural like not overly bleached skin or too much plastic surgery. Simple style. taurus, virgo, pisces, scorpio, aries
Turn offs: the sun, the hermit, 2 of swords
It’s a bit specific, but I think it’s about balancing private and public life, between inner self work, a more isolated spiritual life style, and being out there in the world. I think he wants some spirituality in his life but also be able to still live with everyone else and not isolate himself. He wants that balance so he needs someone like that too. Therefore what turns him off is someone who is either too public, or on the opposite end too private. And in general unbalanced personalities, like people who are either too arrogant or too modest, too noisy or too quiet…etc.
Personality: 7 of pentacles, the hanged man, 4 of pentacles
Someone very patient and calm, very stable. Someone with a good sense of timing, who doesn’t rush into things blindly. Quite mature, grounded, almost meditative in a way. A bit possessive. Someone quite even, whose mood doesn't change much, rather quiet. Just very very calm! XD Could be into yoga or things of a more spiritual nature, but especially yoga and meditation. Someone who could introduce him to a more serene lifestyle, maybe outside of the industry, give him a new perspective. A bit of a teacher vibe. Also someone quite good at managing money and the household. Someone who also has built a stable material life for themselves.  taurus, pisces, capricorn, jupiter
Appearance: queen of pentacles, knight of pentacles, knight of wands
Very sensual and comfortable in their own skin. Not shy about revealing some skin. Sexy and sensual. Slow movements and energy, some curves especially around the hips, butt and thighs. Fit and healthy. Could prefer a simpler style, a bit outdoorsy. Not overly dolled up. Could like darker skin tone, people from different ethnicities. Youthful round face with confident expression.  aries, taurus, sagittarius
Turn offs: 5 of swords, the star, the fool
Argumentative people who always want to have the last words, overly critical, nitpicky. People who try to provoke change, I think he likes his stability and doesn’t mind it if his days look alike, but some people need a fresh start all the time, are always focused on the future, what could be improved, changed, are always looking for novelty. He finds it tiring and a bit useless, he prefers to focus on the present moment and enjoy things as they are.  aquarius, gemini, virgo, scorpio
Personality: 9 of wands, 3 of cups, 8 of swords
He likes people who are a bit on the defensive or cautious at first, hard to get to know or to approach, possibly because they have been betrayed or wounded in the past, he wants to befriend them first and take care of them. A healing relationship. He has this ability to help people who are a bit hard around the edges to soften and open up. Help them navigate to a calmer, more peaceful, more serene place, and restore their trust in life and relationships. He definitely wants friendship with his partner and for them to know each other well and share a lot of interests and good times. An intimate, softly transformative relationship with genuine interest in each other.  scorpio, aries, pluto, pisces
Appearance: 9 of cups, the empress, judgment
Someone very feminine, who smells good, who looks "fertile". With a beautiful, gentle, warm smile. Someone who also has a certain intensity. Like a ray of sunshine or someone who has this inner light, this bright aura. Beautiful smile, soft skin, very sensual. More traditional beauty. Warm and loving expression. Gold, white, burgundy, pink colors.  taurus, libra, pisces, scorpio
Turn offs: 5 of wands, 3 of swords, king of swords
Competitive people who are always looking for a fight or to dominate others. People who don’t care about other people’s emotions, who are detached and cold, overly logical. People who would be unable to trust him, too distant, never letting their guard down. Cheaters and people who betray his trust, talk behind his back, gossipers. negative aries, gemini, aquarius, saturn
Personality: the lovers, ace of pentacles, 2 of pentacles
He wants to be the provider. A more traditional relationship. He’s attracted to someone very partnership oriented, romantic, giving, loving, he wants to do things with his partner, to be able to rely on them and for them to rely on him, he wants to share a lot. Someone who cares about keeping the harmony in the relationship, someone diplomatic, measured, balanced, also someone quite “useful” lol, someone who is always here to help or who is good at finding solutions, it can be for everyday things, little details. Someone good at managing money and quite practical and crafty. libra, virgo
Appearance: 4 of cups, the hanged man, death
More traditional asian beauty, pale skin, long black hair. Round face. Can look quite intense and magnetic, a bit dark, a bit pouty and withdrawn, austere even, or in their little corner. More petite body. Beautiful high quality sophisticated clothes. He likes jewelry. Feminine style. Dresses.  scorpio, capricorn, cancer
Turn offs: knight of swords, 8 of pentacles, the hermit
Someone rude, blunt, impulsive, who never chills, too focused on work, someone who is always negative and never seems to have luck in life, someone who wants to be alone all the time and doesn’t invest in the relationship enough. Someone isolated, unable to adapt to other people around them. Always trying to provoke others. A misfit.  negative scorpio, aquarius, saturn
Personality: 9 of pentacles, the empress, king of pentacles
Someone stable who has worked hard enough that they can enjoy an abundant and peaceful lifestyle with him. Someone who enjoys the present moment. Definitely a very sensual lover, very physical,who likes to eat, cook, smell flowers, someone who smells good themselves, who enjoys nature, gardening maybe, who likes to focus on their home. A good mother material. Very warm, giving, affectionate. There is just this very luxurious and abundant energy coming from his spread. It’s not necessarily about money, actually he’d like to be the provider most likely and to pamper his partner while they would focus on creating this beautiful, flowery, cozy home. Could be someone who is into home decor as well. Also someone who would like to be stuck with him pretty much all the time. XD taurus, venus, cancer, virgo
Appearance: king of cups, 3 of cups, justice
In addition to all the sensuality that was picked up on in the personality section, he likes someone who is quite magnetic, very deep and beautiful hypnotic eyes especially, sometimes eyes could look a bit fierce and intense, but overall a friendly aura, soft kind smile, a reassuring energy. Symmetrical features, balanced appearance, nothing too extreme, too flashy or gaudy. Blue, black and white colors.  scorpio, pisces, libra
Turn offs: 2 of swords, the fool, page of wands
Immaturity, people who don’t know what they want, who don’t know themselves well yet, people who are gullible, wishy washy, who believe everything they hear, people who have no sense of direction, who are easily influenced by others, who are run by their instincts, people who are too adventurous and always want to explore, cannot settle anywhere.  sagittarius, uranus, cancer, neptune
Personality: 10 of swords, queen of pentacles, king of pentacles
He is often attracted to wounded souls, people who maybe suffer from anxiety or could be a bit guarded and shy, and can appreciate his trustworthy, protective, patient energy. A humble, dignified partner, service oriented, altruistic and with high morals. We have the king and queen of pentacles here, a rather traditional couple, so he wants someone who is similar to him, very earthy, logical, grounded, practical, mature and who values caution and trust in relationships. Crafty, artistic and creative. A sensual lover, the physical connection is important and he wants to be close to his partner. He wants to build something long lasting and sturdy.  virgo, capricorn, taurus
Appearance: the moon, the hermit, 2 of pentacles
Someone a bit mysterious, dreamy, who looks more reserved. He likes to observe someone at work, working out, or just focused on their task. Someone physically strong, active with a lot of stamina. Calm and quiet. Long hair. Sensual. Can have a stubborn look on their face. Artistic style although nothing too flashy. Dark eyes, earthy colors, brown, green, beige. Balanced and symmetrical features, natural beauty, soft velvety skin. pisces, virgo, taurus, libra
Turn offs: the moon, the wheel of fortune, 8 of wands
Someone vague, changeable, impulsive, someone who has no stability in life, no structure, who changes their mind all the time, who makes hasty decisions and judgments. Someone blunt or loud, noisy. A "tiring" energy. Someone who cannot sit still, is always looking for novelty. Someone is too self involved, and self sabotages or sabotages relationships, doesn’t take it seriously or respect their partner enough to commit. negative pisces, sagittarius, gemini, aquarius, aries
Personality: the lovers, page of wands, 7 of coins
A romantic person who likes to have fun. Someone very loving, playful, adventurous, energetic. A child at heart. Still behind this more youthful facade, someone who is able to be very patient with him. A long lasting relationship where both people are equals. Someone who values harmony, balance, joy, would know how to keep the passion alive and enjoy a lot of activities with him. Probably someone sporty, and/or who has a lot of interest, I could see them go skiing, travel together…etc. Energetic, smiley, very friendly and sociable. Popular. Someone who laughs a lot. Good sense of humor. Someone who appreciates life at the fullest but knows when to stop and enjoy a calmer more quiet moment too. Funny partners in crime kind of vibe.  libra, gemini, sagittarius, taurus
Appearance: knight of cups, page of coins, the hierophant
Someone with a romantic, soft appearance, cute features, smiley. More traditionally beautiful too (well, this group has a pattern XD). Round youthful face, soft skin, kind with animals and children. Higher pitched, warm, pleasant voice. Contagious laugh. A ray of sunshine. The colors blue, green, turquoise. Rosy cheeks. Pretty eyes. Wavy hair. Just very cute overall appearance!  pisces, libra, taurus, gemini
Turn offs: queen of wands, 6 of swords, the sun
A diva, someone bossy and high maintenance who wants to dominate the relationship, make all the decisions, a narcissist who is mostly interested in him because of his fame and wants to show him off. People who always need attention, always need to be in the public eye. People who want to force change on him, transform his life even though he doesn’t want to. People who don’t listen to him and are unwilling to see their own flaws. negative leo, aries, aquarius
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plutoyoni · 23 days
riize group chart - a reading (mostly observations lol)
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(this is kind of unstructured tbh and will basically just be me making note of random things i notice in the chart 😌)
💮 the first thing that stood out to me was their aquarius rising - i personally haven't seen a kpop group with an aquarius in their ascendant. aquarius is all about modernity and trends - i would say this is illustrated in that distinctive 'gen z feel' that people usually mention when it comes to them (astrologically this is because gen z - generationally - have their uranus and neptune in aquarius).
💮 their midheaven falling in their 11h also indicates their public perception (midheaven) is highly reliant on their presence and image on social media (11h) - i'd say this is seen in their modern and unique marketing style that makes heavy use of tiktok and trends.
💮 the 3h aries chiron can signal some damaging rumours as chiron is all about wounds/painful events (especially in a volatile sign such as aries) and the 3rd house is all about the spread of information and communication - ultimately seen in the rumors that led to seunghan's departure from the group.
💮 this is also exacerbated by that 8h sun-mercury conjunction which is indicative of hidden (8h) information (mercury) coming to light (sun). (might indicate possible scandals in the future - i'd have to check the transits to be sure).
💮 but they have a very dignified and well-placed moon! their 4h taurus moon-jupiter conjunction is probably why everyone immediately felt very soft and protective over them they have a very notable familiarity that people respond to.
additionally, a dignified moon (because the moon exalts in taurus) and benefics in the 4h (i.e. moon and jupiter) in the chart of a public figure is usually a good indicator that there will always be a place for them in the hearts of the general public 💌.
💮sagittarius midheaven and 9h libra mars definitely shows why they hit it off with international audiences, they even have their rising at a sagittarius degree too! this usually gives great appeal with foreign people as sagittarius rules over foreign lands - a very worldly and laidback feel.
💮also midheaven at a libra degree (7°) - known for their pretty boy-ness.
💮 there's alot of virgo/taurus energy here too so a definite feel of being more grounded and down to earth.
💮 the 2h pisces saturn and neptune can show that they had some trouble finding their footing in the beginning, like the actual construction (2h) of the group was possibly difficult (saturn) and unclear and required some sacrifices (pisces) at first. which we are now aware of regarding shotaro and sungchan initially being nct members without a unit before riize's inception.
💮 also them sharing a saturn sign with sm and sm's saturn falling into their 2h and them debuting during sm's saturn return (which I'd gladly expand more on in a future post!) all point towards sm likely heavily valuing/investing in them (2h) or just seeing them has highly useful to their longevity (saturn) in some way.
💮 lastly, a jupiter-uranus conjunction is a goldmine for easily standing out, since uranus rules over uniqueness and jupiter gives abundance and great luck - especially since uranus and jupiter are the rulers of their ascendant (aquarius) and midheaven (sagittarius) too , the general public sees them and just knows they're Different.
💮 also a 12° leo venus is a very glossy heartthrobby placement so there's that as well lol
thanks for reading!! i enjoyed doing this and their chart honestly reminds me a bit of nct 127's chart lol
(thank you sooo much for the love on the previous posts <3333 i wasn't sure they'd be received well so im so grateful that they were enjoyable! also i'm really sorry for the 2 month disappearance 😭 since the last post I've since moved homes and also had with a huge blow of creative block which i'm working through now so posting will definitely be on a more flexible and regular basis :D)
i hoped this was enjoyable - im not sure how many people are familiar with riize - im quite new to them myself so this might not be wholly accurate (if so - please correct me)
i really enjoyed writing this !
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rhapsodynew · 2 months
Unsuccessful audition of the Beatles on January 1, 1962. Who was in the gap?
Sometimes it seems that the history of the Beatles consists solely of triumphs. But this is far from the case. To break through to fame, the Liverpool foursome had to go through hundreds of hours of rehearsals, exhausting concert marathons, and touring on a cold bus. And failed auditions, of course.
The most famous one took place on January 1, 1962. The sample for Decca has become legendary. What happened in London on that frosty, snowy, festive day?
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It all started when Mike Smith, a representative of the Decca label, got to see the Beatles perform at the Cavern Club on December 13, 1961. The guys seemed promising to him. They were offered an audition.
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Pete Best came from Liverpool to London with driver Neil Aspinall. Due to the blizzard, the journey, which takes four hours, stretched to ten hours. The musicians arrived just in time for the audition scheduled for 11 a.m. Brian Epstein traveled separately by train.
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The Beatles of 1962: with Pete Best
Mike Smith himself was late due to the stormy celebration of the New Year. The musicians didn't like it too much. As well as the requirement to use Decca amplifiers due to the poor quality of the Beatles' equipment.
That day, 15 songs were recorded in about an hour without duplicates and overdubs. The most interesting ones are "Like Dreamers Do", "Hello Little Girl" and "Love Of The Loved", written by Lennon and McCartney. They are not included on any Beatles album and exist only in this performance:
The rest are covers, which by that time had become part of the Beatles' repertoire.:
Once in a professional studio and performing not in front of a crowd of Liverpool guys, but in front of stern pros, the Beatles faded slightly. And who wouldn't be embarrassed! In a nervous environment, they did not play to the maximum of their abilities. But all four were confident that the session would inevitably lead to a contract with Decca.
In the evening of the same day, they had a festive dinner, Brian even allowed the guys to order wine.
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But it turned out differently. A few weeks later, the Decca label notified the band that it preferred The Tremeloes, who auditioned on the same day. Transportation costs played a role: it was easier to work with locals rather than with visitors from Liverpool.
Officially, the head of the Department of Artists and Repertoire Decca Dick Rowe uttered his catchphrase: "Guitar bands are going out of fashion, Mr. Epstein." That did not prevent him from subsequently signing a contract with the Rolling Stones — and still breaking the bank.
Rowe himself insisted that he had said nothing of the kind. Either Brian Epstein seasoned a boring story with a spectacular phrase, or Dick Rowe was trying to distance himself from one of the biggest mistakes in the history of show business...
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The Beatles, of course, were depressed. But there is no silver lining. If they had signed a contract with Decca, they probably wouldn't have brought Ringo Starr into the lineup like that. Their careers would have followed a completely different scenario.
High-quality listening tapes allowed Brian Epstein to offer his wards to other labels. Which eventually led to a meeting with George Martin, the producer of Parlophone. After hearing the Decca recordings, he was interested enough to offer the Beatles an audition at the Abbey Road studio.
Now they had a better drummer, more studio experience, and another year of songwriting, performing, and touring in Hamburg. They were a different group.
George Martin's willingness to record the Beatles' original material, explore new directions, and experiment in the studio was crucial to the band's success. A tougher producer working "by the rules" would hardly be capable of such flexibility. So the failure turned into a triumph in the end!
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
Mercury signs
My view on mercury ruling different signs. Mercury is the planet of communication - the way you talk, the way you think and make decisions. May change/add to this later.
Aspects to Mercury, house placements, and degrees can affect how your mercury expresses itself
If you like kpop and astrology, I do chart readings on idols. List is here
Aries mercury people seem to be very blunt and straightforward. Although, all fire mercuries are like that...Honestly can't tell which one is more honest: Aries or Sagittarius lol. Not afraid to argue, seem easy to anger and saying anything in the name of "defending" themselves.
I have a sibling with an Aries mercury and another with a Sag mercury... They can both be quite mean ngl. I think Aries mercury is more prone to getting mad and yelling, whereas a Sagittarius mercury will just sass and insult you. In my experience anyway...
Such nice voices. Often make for amazing singers (iirc, a lot of singers with amazing range and tone have Taurus mercury). They like to take their time to think through things and make firm decisions. They are decisive and may be stubborn.
Mercury in Gemini is domicile. Curious and knowledge seeking individuals, always wanting to learn and do new things. Lots of mental energy, their brains never shut off. They prefer to detach from their emotions and remain rational and logical.
Cancer in mercury are often very intuitive and sensitive. Can read other's moods and emotions very well. Soft spoken and quiet. People often seem to be very comfortable with sharing deep, personal stories with us even if we've just barely met. Also may have lower/deeper tones.
Cue all the times people have randomly trauma dumped on me lol. Not too long ago, I had a customer tell me a traumatic event from their childhood while smiling. I didn't say or ask them anything that would have led them to tell me that. Mind you, I am just training as a nail tech, not a therapist or anything. Funnily enough though, I did consider and still do consider becoming a pyschologist...I think a lot of Cancer mercuries are just a natural at drawing people's deeper emotions out.
Honey type of voice, loud, and noticeable. Have loud laughs especially. Voices are usually deeper. They can be natural leaders who don't mind taking initiative and center stage. They may be really creative people. They're emotional people and don't mind showing it.
Mercury is exalted in Virgo. Studious, particular way of speaking, and perfectionistic. Articulate and detail oriented. They can have great focus and motivation when it comes to working on anything. Can be quite meticulous.
Very friendly and smooth, can definitely be flirtatious. They just know what to say to get others to like them, very charming. They can also be good at calming tense situations down, since Libras value harmony and peace. They may be a bit indecisive as they see every side in situations.
Investigative and deep, wants to know everything. Don't lie to them. Often have good memory, so definitely do not hurt them in any way. They will remember for life and hold that against you. They're prone to overthinking.
Detrimental under Mercury. Sagittarius likes to focus on the big idea and go on from there, while Mercury wants the little details and to be exact. Blunt and honest people. Also very funny. Open minded and honestly don't really care what other people think.
Capricorn Mercuries are generally quiet. Disciplined and always ready to achieve whatever they set their minds to. Realistic and maybe slow speaking. Likely the type to give you advice and solutions rather than be emotionally comforting.
Can be a bit judgemental, make strong opinions and judgements. But they are willing to change them if they want to. They're somehow both stubborn yet flexible about their beliefs.
Mercury is fall in Pisces. Pisces mercuries seem...confused whenever they talk. Tendency to space out and get lost in their inner world. They seem to struggle with articulating their thoughts. May be forgetful or remember things incorrectly
Reminds me of a post I read some time ago...The person mentioned having a Pisces mercury in their chart and how it was a struggle for Pisces Mercuries to word their thoughts precisely. I could tell bc that person's explanation was very confusing. They could have explained it in one-two sentences instead of a messy paragraph... I don't mean to be mean though - that was just a really good example of how disorganized a Pisces Mercury's mind can be.
If you like kpop and typology, I do typology profiles for idols on my main blog @rainymbti
Other planets
Rising | Sun | Moon | Venus | Mars | Jupiter
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meiyadled · 7 months
Indoor P1.568 curved LED screen Large stock available with low price and good quality
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Hey, Sex Witch! This one's uhhh probably different than your usual fare BUT here goes. I'm pretty close to middle-aged, monogamous (m/f), and having some trouble with like. positions. Because we're both like ow my knees and ow my hips and yes this is the one position that seems to work but now we're BORED. Which has led to all sorts of anxiety issues around initiating and having sex at all. Do you know of any resources to help a couple of old farts out?
hi anon,
this is actually soooo normal for what I do here! a lot of Sex Witch Advice(TM) boils down to "okay, so try something different then," and that's exactly what we're going to do today!
right off the bat if knees are an issue: hey. have we tried some padding. you could buy, like, this 95 dollar sex pillow from goop if you really wanted to
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but you could also just, like, fold up your own blanket or strategically place your own pillows to do exactly the same thing! padding in general can be a huge help; just prop em up wherever you need them to support the parts of your body that need support and go to town.
or, hey, just buy some knee pads and/or knee braces. this may just be the roller skater in me talking, but knee pads are so sexy. having sex that requires its own gear is soooo sexy, and knee pads are no exception!
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this is lingerie. to me.
also, pro tip for you and anyone reading this: this also 100% applies to things like wrist or elbow braces! any supportive devices! whatever you need to support your body and keep it comfy during sex, just do that!
aside from just padding things out, let's talk about sex that requires less hip movement. y'all have, presumably, fingers and mouths and a variety of exciting erogenous zones, all of which can be combined in fun and exciting ways.
there is also a wide, WIDE world of sex toys out there to explore together. hips too achey to thrust much anymore? that's fine; just buy a thrusting vibrator and get each other off that way, babe. I've heard particularly great things about Hot Octopuss, a company that found unexpected popularity with elderly customers who enjoyed how accessible many of their toys were for bodies that aren't quite as flexible as they used to be, but obviously anything that tickles your fancy is fair game.
(just, you know. check the packaging to make sure it's body-safe. no jelly dildos, so help me god.)
it sounds like the problem absolutely isn't you and your partner not wanting to bone. in a strange way I consider it a great sign that you've gotten bored, because it tells me that you and your partner like variety and expect to have fun when you have sex together!
to me, that means you're in a fine position to get back in the swing of things by doing a little experimenting together. approach sex like a game, playing together find out what works. try things like the list of positions offered in this article, seeing what works for you, what doesn't, and what just feels silly. when something doesn't work for you, that isn't a failure - just a learning experience, and a great opportunity to laugh together.
listen, you guys are in a super cool part of life where the gift of your lived experience is starting to make itself known and require different accommodations. learning how to do that now is GREAT, because (if everything goes right) you're just going to keep getting older, and your body will continue to change! how great to get to learn what intimacy will look like as you spend more of your lives together!
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deva-arts · 10 days
Hey! so!
This is a spooky post, okay? it's really edgy so please be warned if you don't like dark themes! <3
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Not sure if this is an unnecessary warning or not but better safe than sorry :'D I've got a lot of fluffy drawings queued after this ehehe I just wanted to do something angsty
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A-4. Hm.
C-1.  You said something, Atius?
A-4. There is a recurring trend here; it heals faster and more efficiently when under pressure. These were all times when we cut costs on anesthesia.
C-1. Interesting... More effectively you say?
A-4. Yes. Remarkably so, I'd say the injur-... affected areas have a much higher rate of functionality than they held previously. Just look at the cardiopulmonary results from a year ago to now- I'd even go as far as to say that it's possible to have more successful splices on this specimen in the future.
C-1. What is stopping us from doing this from now on?
A-4. Ah.. I would advise against it. There’s the question of excessive stress-
C-1. A non-issue, our goal is progress.
A-4. As well as the scarring-
C-1. We never truly cared about cosmetics, now did we?
A-4. This might also worsen its mental state-
C-1. Mental state? Ha! It's a good thing we start cutting some costs then. We let it get too comfortable at the cost of precious time. Its tolerance has made things terribly expensive for daily practice. I say let it scream, they stop eventually. Do consider providing our staff with adequate noise protection though.
A-4. ...Understood, Cain.
C-1. Atius?
A-4. Yes sir?
C-1. You say that physical duress makes it... Better? Stronger?
A-4. At the cost of physical and m-mental integrity, yes. It makes for an unnaturally fast healing process.
C-1. It’s a wonder why we even bothered waiting between procedures!
A-4. ...
C-1. You say this is observable in other parts of its body as well?
A-4. ...Sir...
C-1. Answer me, Atius. You know what you signed.
A-4. Yes sir. 
A-4. ...
A-4. As you can see on the following diagrams, the specimen has been performing optimally in concordance with our standards. Fall simulations led to a higher observable bone density. Strength output has improved post-muscle failure. Flexibility has grown after hyperextension. This goes without mentioning fight simulations, which have ameliorated reaction time, effectiveness, and overall damage output. The only issue is altitude tolerance; pressure trials have been unsuccessful as of late.
C-1. How durable... It's the sort of reform I expect from immortals.
A-4. ...
A-4. I must ask you to reconsider though, Cain— the forced heal leaves a harsher effect on his-
C-1. Looks like we did something right after all.
A-4. ...
C-1. ...Mm. So these are all of our projections?
A-4. ...Yes.
C-1. I see. Vision isn't on par with our metrics. Fix this.
A-4. Cain, there isn't any more we can do to increase this field. We've used all sorts of methods to achieve this.
C-1. Then break his eyes next.
And thus, here is the biggest antagonist to Vincent's story- Cain. He's might be even worse than Titan. You'll hate him! I hope.
Cain is a human-passing, vampiric variant who feeds off of the pain and suffering of others. He became a monocular double amputee by his own son in hopes that he would never be able to harm someone else. A torturer by heart, he joins careers that give him the opportunity to consume the most to anesthetize himself and offset his own discomfort. He gets his fix by being the head of hundreds of processing units, including Project Venus, where he assured the CFO that he would deliver the results they were robbed of by Roxanne.
Thus, he is free to do anything with the rough draft, so long as they get results, improvement, and new data on this modified species.
By any means necessary....
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yandere emesis blu demo and soldier sharing (or fighting) over a new recruit,?
Emesis Blue is the best sfm ever! This is my first Emesis Blue ask and I am so very happy! I am crying tears of joy right now.
instead of fighting or sharing the new recruit, how about both? ;)
Warnings: some blood, mild gore, nothing bad happens.
This was not what you were expecting when you signed up to be a part of the Mann Co cleaning crew. The job offered a decent pay with good benefits and a flexible schedule. But the commute was hell. It took you a good two and a half hours to get to the site and as far as you could see, there was no visible damage to the structure itself. Formerly the RED base; now the Conager Slaughterhouse.
The black clouds above you seemed to groan with the heavy weight of oncoming rain. The clouds were dark and ominous, the smell of moisture in the air and whatever resided in the slaughterhouse sewer mixed together in an abhorrent stink.
Looking to the side of the car, then to the other side you opened the car door and stepped out onto the gravely landscape. It was odd, you were the only one here. Pulling out the crumpled letter in your pocket containing the name and address of the place you furrowed your brow.
"This, this is the place."
Folding the paper back up and sliding it back into your pocket you took a step forward. Looking around at the building you could tell that is hasn't acted as a slaughterhouse for a long, long time. Shuddering involuntarily, you make your way towards the old wooden bridge. Eyeing your car one last time you waled closer to the front doors. Two identical doors on the same side of the wall were strange, but hey, you figured that each building has its own eccentricities. Making your way inside and stepping over the singular large stepping the doorway you were hit with the strong smell of iron and something rotting.
"Hello? I'm here with the Mann Co cleaning department! There are supposed to be more people here and I-"
A strong hand covered your mouth before you could even finish your sentence. Breathing hysterically through your nose you pulled desperately against the hand covering your mouth.
"Hush now, we gotta stay quiet or else you end up dead."
Not daring to move a muscle you gave a small hum of fear and confusion.
"Now then, I'm gonnae remove me hand and when I do: DONT make a sound, okay?"
Nodding tearfully, you could feel the larger man remove his hand. Turning around to face him you took notice of two things. One: This man was the supposed missing Demoman from the RED team. And two: His other arm was ripped clean out of its socket. You didn't know which observation made you more scared.
Hearing footsteps from behind you whipped your head around and came face to chest with another large man. From the looks of it, and his helmet he appeared to be a Soldier.
"Listen here kid, if you go back out there after making all that racket, you'll get shot. Now, you are going to see things, but if we stick together and IF you follow my orders to a T, we'll be okay."
Swallowing the lump in your throat you forced your head to give a nod of understanding.
"There will be no one else arriving at this location, you are the only member of the cleaning crew to make it here. So, if you want to survive then we will be treating you like a new recruit. Understand?"
Giving another curt nod the Soldier led you around the corner and deeper into the base. The sounds of the floorboards creaking and shifting above you made you flinch.
Eyeing the way that Soldier led you further into the base made his blood boil. He and Soldier worked hard to ensure that you would come here by yourself. Why is he the one who gets to lead you? Locking eyes with Soldier the same thought flashed into their minds; Their ours now. Letting go of his annoyance he allowed a small smile to rest on his lips. With the Connagers dead, and your crew MIA, you were all theirs. You wouldn't even know that even right now there was nothing to be afraid of. Everything was dead. And just for you, they could keep up the charade. In time you would come to rely on them completely. After all, isn't that what love is?
Creepy, creepy and creepy.
I wish I had more yandere Emesis Blue asks.
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Rafal Has Baba Yaga Morality
I can't quite contain or explain my evil ways Or explain why I'm not sane All I can say is this is your warning
This one is less of a theory and more of an observation. It's also partway a "defense" of Rafal, but not really.
Note: The "you" referenced doesn't refer to anyone in particular. It's just the pov of a would-be victim, or the collective, generalized "you" that would form an audience.
Rafal has very "Baba Yaga," "The Scorpion and the Frog," "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat," "It's exactly what it says on the tin" morality, but that's not to say he's at all predictable. He's predictably unpredictable. He is the poisonous frog or bird, draped in naturally bright colors, that is very obviously toxic.
And no one believes him or his outward "labels" when they wrongly give him the uncalled for benefit of the doubt (probably because he's intentionally attractive)! And it usually works out in his favor! Which is a strength in a way. It's only the rare Good he does on occasion that leads people to believe otherwise, or think too highly of him, when really, he's flawed and human, humanly grey.
From there, we know he has the capacity to be both lethal and kind, like the figure of Baba Yaga in the tales:
"Baba Yaga is an ambiguous figure in many folktales and legends. While sometimes she is depicted as a cannibalistic, child devouring witch, other times she is a benevolent sorceress who assists the hero or bestows knowledge."
His morality is variable. He can be both Good and Evil when the situation calls for it. He is adaptable, flexible, and not 100% consistent like Baba Yaga is, not any one thing or role.
I've never read the source material, but this quote I've seen exemplifies him well:
“He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.” ― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
As for the tale of "The Scorpion and the Frog," referenced in TLEA, he often doesn't lead people on. They do that all on their own with their assumptions and he reaps the benefits. Oftentimes, it's others' own faults for screwing themselves over. They know cognitively that he's Evil, but the fact doesn't actually register in their brains.
And that is a feat in itself, in their world, in the world he lives in. It is absolutely commendable in a perverse way, so I must applaud him at this point.
Despite not bothering to present himself, despite not caring about presentation (on a conscious level, if that's the lie he tells himself?), and despite presenting himself as the worst, at his personal worst, his poorer nature, he still surprises people with his humanity.
But, what they should never be surprised by is his Evil. You do not forget what a spear is capable of just because it's used as a walking stick for however long. You do not suddenly trust a ravenous, wild animal because it appears domesticated.
He steps forward as his worst self, his craftiest, least trustworthy self, that is artful and guileful and who will outwit you, who will outfox you, and you still trust him, while not managing to feel insane for doing so. Somehow, you're compelled to trust him, if only because he's so magnetic and attractive of a force, like a certain type of true Evil sometimes is, that charisma. He attracts people and doesn't repel them. Again, it's not always consciously his fault—it's just a quality to his very being.
And, if you still lie to yourself and think he's not using you after that, after glaring, flashing, blaring warning signs, you have only yourself to blame.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Yet, in this particular case, even the first time, you haven't been fooled. You were never fooled. You just thought otherwise, awarded Rafal the benefit of the doubt, and played the fool.
You've only chosen to believe what you wanted to see and have led yourself astray. Because, he never fooled you. He was not the active agent in that last sentence. Read that line again, I ask you. He never fooled you.
You built your own illusions of him, in your mind, by your perceptions. You've painted Rafal differently than how he truly appears in his true form. You've laid your own bait, set your own trap, made your own bed, dug your own grave. It's often not entirely his "fault." (Unless, he's in conscious manipulation mode.)
That is why you are the author of your own misfortune, and he is not. He is "blameless," in that one regard. He is not whom you've made him into. Thus, never trust him is the moral here. And that is what everyone should know, if they ever want to beat Rafal at his own game.
Except Rhian. Rhian should have been the one person to trust Rafal, unlike all the rest. But the opposite happened. All the rest trusted him, and Rhian did not. (The irony!)
"And so it is written." You got exactly what you told him you wanted (if we go by "exact phrasing" logic, like with a rogue genie) or, alternatively, you got what he told you you'd get. He just outmaneuvered you.
The fascinating thing is: he never lies about what he is and whom he truly believes himself to be: Evil. It's his true nature (discounting his arc in Fall for a moment).
People can only blame themselves when they expect him to miraculously rise above and set his best foot forward. It just isn't what he does. And that's just like how the scorpion acts with the frog. The frog naively believed the scorpion would betray its own nature. But the scorpion is a scorpion. What else can you expect? Each of Rafal's victims had been too soft and idealistic about him.
He is an honest villain, a constructive villain, not a destructive one, as I once sort of coined the term, in an earlier post.
Once, in the Doom Room, Rafal even told Midas outright that he could offer Midas nothing, truthfully, aside from trying to get Midas home to Gavaldon. Probably, because in that moment, honesty would have served him better than a lie could have.
That is one thing I find strange and that I somewhat "admire," if you can say that about a clear-cut villain. For all he does, he is (almost always) straightforward and open with his plots. (Unless he withholds information, but that is not lying. Instead, such behavior falls under strategic lies of omission, a completely separate matter.)
It must be another trick up his sleeve, a weapon in mental arsenal. He is often open, clear, and honest about his intentions, say, with James and simply letting him die after he's served his purpose, at least. James wasn't kept the dark.
The point still stands. Rafal doesn't represent himself as something that he's not. Sure, he is a trickster, but he doesn't deny it, or lie about it.
He never leads people to believe he is someone he is not, or when he does, how much of it can you blame on him when everyone already knows he's the very public figure of the literal Evil School Master?
He owns his identity, (or what he sees himself as)—which is as close to the truth as he can realistically get because it's all he knows. He's not an omniscient being.
He does the "best" that he can, and he's usually not wrong about souls, others' souls, that is. Not his own. Apparently. But, few literary characters are capable of complete and total self-awareness, and Rafal is no exception to that. If he were 100% self-aware, the story wouldn't work. That said, I think he was more self-aware than Rhian, initially.
To reference the trickster archetype in relation to him again: he can really swing either way. Everything is up to his whims, impulses, or calculated designs, at any given moment, even if he appears to play "fair," meaning, usually, that he plays with interpretations, loopholes and the like, while staying within certain constraints.
He's not discreet like Evil Rhian had been for a stint. He had been proud of his Evil, to an extent. So, perhaps, that grants him a little leeway or likability. At the start, he simply isn't ashamed of himself, for working situations and people to his advantage (until his conscience catches up to him a little). His Evil is the high-flying banner he and his Nevers unite under; it's their common purpose/drive, to live and to strive for.
But, it always bears repeating: His reputation always precedes him as the Evil School Master.
So, again, you can't blame him for anything Evil he's done, can't pin it on being unexpected because it's always expected. You let your guard down. You can only justifiably be surprised when he does Good, and let that temper and moderate your expectations. (And the inverse of all this is probably why we sometimes might have expected too much, not too little, as is the case with Rafal, from poor Rhian.)
If Evil is what all have come to expect, like what James Hook expects from Rafal: a cold, soulless person, driven by deep villainous purpose, and Rafal doesn't directly tell anyone otherwise about his nature, no one can argue Rafal didn't play "fair," by those technical standards.
They knew exactly whom they were dealing with, and (unconsciously?) chose not to believe the man himself, the one who should know himself best.
By the Rules of Good or Evil, you expect him to be unpredictable, and you can call him out on being unpredictable because he's known for it. Known to commit atrocities, even when you seem to have trust between the both of you. That's why you can never tell.
I don't think Rafal actively encourages or cultivates trust in other people (unless it's a case of his deliberate manipulation). Part of the facade others perceive could just be his "trustworthy" aura.
And, people still expect better from him, implicitly! But how wrong they are. If nothing else, the misplaced trust probably stems from the aura he exudes as I can't think of another reason at the moment.
Because, like always, they put their trust in him—he didn't force them to hand it over—so, they have exactly themselves to blame, when they underestimate him, or think they can beat him.
That's why, in the end, I feel like the phrase: “It takes one to know one” applies really well to Rafal because he continually saves Rhian from being taken advantage of by men a lot like himself, considering how he constantly takes advantage of and uses others.
Now, I'll just leave you with this parting thought: as a villain, Rafal weaponizes the naivete and stupidity that is already there, already present in his victims. So, when Rhian sheds his naivete, he can no longer be used by his brother.
TLDR: Rafal is everyone else's "Vulcan" in a world full of trusting "Rhians."
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natlacentral · 18 days
Netflix’s Diversity Program Turned This Director Into a Top Showrunner in Just 4 Years
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Jabbar Raisani had hit a wall. He had done second unit directing on “Game of Thrones,” he was a seasoned visual effects artist and two-time Emmy winner for “Thrones,” and he even directed his first indie feature. But he couldn’t get that next job and make the jump to what he really wanted to be: an episodic TV director. 
“I was really looking for any avenues that I could to help to expand my network and to increase my opportunities and chances of actually booking an episode,” Raisani told IndieWire. “I was getting lots of meetings, but not a lot of opportunities.”
So as a South Asian filmmaker from San Antonio, Raisani turned to some of the many diversity incubator programs set up across Hollywood to set himself apart from the many white dude directors flooding the space. He had participated with programs led by NBC, Sony, what was then Viacom, and the Directors Guild of America. But he “still was running into the same barrier.”
“I had a really good reel, I had a lot of heavy visual effects experience, but I didn’t have an episode under my belt,” he said. “If you can’t check that box as you’re going down the list of things you’ve done, it makes your opportunities of getting a full episode of directing much, much more difficult.” 
It wasn’t until he signed up for Netflix‘s inaugural Series Director Development Program that something changed. He got his first directing gig on “Lost in Space,” and he did VFX work on the latest season of “Stranger Things.” Now just four years removed from being selected in that program’s first cohort, he’s not just a working director but was last month named the co-showrunner on one of Netflix’s flagship new series, “The Last Airbender.”
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There’s no shortage of DEI initiatives around town, the ones studios love to brag about in flashy press releases to show they’re making a difference in the industry, even if the numbers still say otherwise. But Raisani’s journey is a rare success story, and he has reached a higher level in the industry in a shorter time than even some of the other directors in his same cohort. 
“He always looked at ways to bring out the best from the other people he was working with,” said former DGA president Paris Barclay, who was Raisani’s instructor for the Netflix diversity program. “You saw he was open, and one of the things we really tried to teach in the Netflix class is directing isn’t just about calling the shots and having a megaphone and being the director. It’s about engaging other creative people to help you tell the story. He was a master of that already in a very calm, very unassuming way. You just want to work with him.”
But even if Raisani had all the attributes, he had heard from a top producer why he still wasn’t reaching that next level.
“She said, look, here’s the way this goes: You have a great meeting with me and I love you in the room and I believe in you,” Raisani explained. “But if I send your resume up to the person that’s up above me, and they see you’ve never directed an episode of television, you will be taken out of consideration. What you’re running into is you’re getting to here and having a great meeting. But up there, it’s just about checking a box.” 
Raisani left that meeting knowing he had to change — and it wasn’t the only meeting he took like it. He realized his path wouldn’t be a straight line, and he had to remain flexible. He knew being in the Netflix program alone wouldn’t get him a job, but the real value of the program was it got him to a point where he couldn’t be ignored any longer. 
“It started taking the the reasons to say no away,” Raisani said. “It’s less about getting a yes and it’s more about taking away people’s opportunity to say no. And once you can get enough of the no’s out of the way, then you end up with a yes. But that meeting where you hit a home run, everybody loves you, and you come away with an episode, I never had that experience.”
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Raisani’s other incubator experiences were valuable in their own way, but the Netflix program hit different. Barclay assigned exercises that went beyond providing a forum for a few guest speakers. Raisani said he had to write “extensive shot breakdowns,” taking an existing script Barclay had already shot and lay out an entire plan for how he would shoot it. Raisani said it amounted to doing a full day of prep on top of having a full time job. The other incubators didn’t come close to Barclay’s 10-week crash course in terms of homework. 
Barclay also used the other students in the cohort as sounding boards for the students, asking them to critique each others’ work. And he lectured about things not generally taught in film school such as the hierarchy of TV directing or even the spiritual side of the craft. Barclay also brought in speakers like Ava DuVernay, Charlie Hunnam, and Barry Jenkins to talk about their craft, and in Hunnam’s case, the nuances of working with actors for young directors who had never really done it before. 
Raisani isn’t the only one from his graduating class to find some success in Hollywood, some not even at Netflix. Juanesta “Winnie” Holmes has directed episodes of “Family Reunion” and “The Upshaws,” and Gonzalo Amat has directed “Fire Country,” “Chicago Med,” and Law & Order: Organized Crime” for network TV. Barclay says it’s in Netflix’s interest to develop people who can move between different genres and styles, even if they wind up directing elsewhere. 
But Raisani is something of a unicorn. His brother, Rashad Raisani, is an EP on “9-1-1: Lone Star,” and on “The Last Airbender” he’s part of a fully AAPI directing team. Barclay early on in the program told Netflix Raisani was “one of the ones I would hire,” touting his accessible leadership style and ability to express ideas you want to embrace. 
“I can’t exactly bottle that skill, but if I could, I would make a lot of money,” Barclay said of Raisani.
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Raisani and Barclay both believe however that if he’s not going to be a one-off anomaly of the DEI push, studios need to do more with their programs. Raisani’s idea is to guarantee an episode of television within two years of completing an incubator and let them check that box, something Barclay says other programs are slowly adopting. If the studio isn’t 100 percent confident in that person to let them film an episode of TV, they shouldn’t be in the program to begin with. 
“You’re going to see people that make that transition versus people that end up stuck in this void of, ‘I’ve done a lot of programs but I never got an opportunity to direct an episode,'” Raisani said. “I certainly got got stuck in that void.”
“It needs to go beyond that,” Barclay added, saying it can’t just be something a studio is obligated to do. “I think it needs to also accept people that you’re willing to stand behind and have a commitment for. If that show gets canceled, you still have the commitment and Netflix will keep looking out for you and keep finding opportunities for you.”
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