#Finding My Zen
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wtfforged · 6 months
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just realized that i have this on twitter but never actually reposted it to tumblr. its two years old but i still love it :o)
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plumbewb · 1 month
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moments in the aponte house
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nokaru · 2 months
Akagami No Shirayukihime ED 2 Flower Analysis
Hello! Hi! Yes, I'm back on my bs with flower language in ANS nonsense and this time I tried looking into the flowers depicted in the ending sequence of the second season. This was made thanks to the gorgeous ending post that's been going around again so thank you OP for that! The beauty of the ED NEEDS to be appreciated!
Anyway, let's get into the flower analysis and their meanings 🌸 though keep in mind I can't 100% identify all flowers correctly etc etc...and be aware that Japanese flower language may differ from the Western one sometimes so I will provide both versions. Cheers!
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Starting with the first panel:
Shirayuki with her signature Yura Shigure
nothing much can be said about this besides Shigure being Shirayuki's fictional flower. The flower's whole deal is "if planted in the wrong place, it becomes toxic to other nearby flowers", it is also considered a very delicate and unusually beautiful flower.
Kiki & Mitsuhide
Pink Roses: in JP flower language Pink Rose signifies grace and is considered a very ladylike flower. They are usually given as a "Thank you". In the Western language Pink Rose similarly symbolizes gratitude, appreciation and admiration - but also romantic feelings and overall innocent love.
Yellow Roses: in JP Yellow Rose is considered as a sign of jealousy BUT much more often a sign of courage and inner strength. Fundamentally, Yellow Rose means friendship, devotion and self-sacrifice. Perfect flower for Mitsuhide.
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Panel 2 featuring Obi, Ryuu, Garak and Kihal has more flowers + two ANS fictional herbs
Orange Carnations: Carnations are globally considered a "sweet love" flower, though orange ones symbolize happiness, warmth, determination and other positive emotions. They tend to represent health, balance and success - Orange Carnations are given as a celebratory flower but can also mean a refusal.
Obi & Ryuu
These two share (Orange) Dahlias and possibly(?) African Daisies.
Orange Dahlias: in JP Dahlia symbolizes "good taste". Overall, Dahlias symbolize celebration, good relationships and resilience. Orange ones focus on determination and strength. The interesting thing about them is that they are associated with "standing out from the crowd" and "following your own path".
African Daisies: or Gerbera symbolize optimism and loyalty, especially white ones that are drawn in the panel mean - hope and high esteem for someone.
Roka Fruit, ANS specific plant, associated with alcohol. Good for you Garak.
Possibly(?) Chrysanthemums OR Dahlias again.
Chrysanthemums: ironically in JP Chrysanthemum is a sign of the Imperial/Royal Family...symbolizing the Sun and light, also longevity. The split of Red and Yellow there is questionable because Red Chrysanthemums mean love BUT Yellow ones mean sorrow and neglect - therefore these might not even be Chrysanthemums :/ though the flower as a whole just means rebirth and joy.
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Last Panel 3 - Raji/Sakaki (tho i think the flowers behind them belong more to Mihaya..), Mihaya, Izana and Zen!
Raji & Sakaki & Mihaya
Either Lilac or Phlox (??? big MAYBE here, its probably Lilac)
Lilac: in JP Lilac symbolizes growth and the promise of new beginnings. Quite literally Lilac is a living emblem of renewal. The "redemption" arc flower for the baddies. Purple Lilacs are a sign of early love, new emotions and confidence.
OR Phlox: literally means "We Think Alike", helps with family relationships, harmony and unity. Purple and Blue Phlox symbolize maturity and responsibility.
Irises: in JP Irises are considered a sign of good news and loyalty - convey a message of wisdom and honor. They are mostly associated with ambition and courage in the Western world.
Only thing I'm sure about is that these are Lilies by his side. Iconic Izana flower. The bush is giving Gardenia but not sure??
Lilies: in JP Lily is a flower of purity and rebirth. Very honorable flower used in all kinds of ceremonies and special occasions. Lilies are considered mythical and mysterious flowers in ancient times.
Gardenia: Globally means SECRET LOVE and admiration. Associated with trust, clarity and hope. Translates to "You Are Lovely". Damn Izana.
OR another possibility Sweet Mock Orange: literally means "misleading" thanks to its orange-like scent. Big symbol of Deceit. Sweet Mock Orange is a flower of BROTHERLY LOVE. Good.
Izana & Zen
Their shared flower is either Hydrangeas or Lacecap Hydrangeas specifically.
Hydrangeas: JP meaning is gratitude, pride and heartfelt emotion, occasionally considered as an apology. In Europe White Hydrangeas symbolize boasting and bragging - simply arrogance but also purity and and grace. Can be also considered a sign of good relationships because the petals grow so closely together.
OR Lacecap Hydrangeas: Popular display of humility. On the other hand, associated with estranged relationships because the petals grow apart from each other in contrast to the usual Hydrangeas.
Last flower(s) is Zen's Lavender or possibly Muscari!
Lavender: in JP Lavender is a flower of faithfulness/fidelity. Other meanings are devotion, serenity and contentedness. Typically Purple color is a color of royalty and luxury. It's not necessarily a romantic flower but rather a flower of comfort and cherishment.
OR Muscari: in JP directly translates to "bright future", although in Europe Muscari is a flower of disappointment. Its commonly used meanings are power, wisdom, and confidence. The flower carries "sympathies" and symbolizes trust and sincerity.
AND THAT'S IT FOLKS! Hope you enjoyed this lovely flower voyage as much as I did! Till next time I feel bored enough to rant about flower language with yall <3
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system-of-a-feather · 2 months
A Routine Self-Care / Healing Thing I Do
(And have done for a while. I'm mostly sharing it because I was thinking about it and its relation to other values and thoughts I have and felt like sharing it)
Temporarily denying access to a main coping tool
It sounds counter intuitive, but every so often - either when I want to develop myself more or when I feel like I am stuck for no particular reason and thus feeling as though my life has grown dull and empty - I look at what I spend most of my time doing, particularly to relax, and I say "hey for the next week, we aren't going to do that. Its still there, but that action is off limits" and I choose to limit the usage of whatever I usually spend my time doing
It can cause some stress and so I don't push myself to abide by it 100%, but I try to stick to it when I can, because I often find that when a dominating coping mechanism and time sink is removed, there opens up a vacuum and that vacuum serves to provide a lot of opportunity to introduce new habits, new skills, and see life in a more creative and open manner.
It causes a mild amount of adjustment stress, but so long as the coping mechanism is still there to return to (and you let yourself dabble if it ever gets too stressful with the interest of still minimizing usage) that adjustment stress is a small payment for experiencing new things and being able to expand the things that you can self sooth with.
Not only is this helpful for having diversified coping strategies and introducing healthier habits, but it also practices and helps reinforce to the emotional / trauma brain that sometimes when things that we love and are used to regularly using to sooth aren't available, that we are okay and able to manage with other coping tools - including ones we haven't acquired. It reinforces the idea that even without our familiar coping tools, the world has a lot of things out there that can fill the role as something soothing.
And when you practice the unavailability of preferred coping tools in a space where they aren't ACTUALLY 100% unavailable, you can practice and develop the tolerance to that lack of access in a space where you still have control how much you can tolerate
Then, when life makes it so that something you prefer to cope with is unavailable, you have built up a better relationship with yourself, the world, and coping to feel a little more safe waiting until your preferred coping is available again; because you do this regularly when the access is in your hands. You've survived it multiple times, because its just part of your daily life and practice. Sometimes you don't have what you usually use to meet your needs, and that's okay. There's plenty in the world out there.
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questionablealibi · 1 year
Drawn blood; injuries; eye contact; multiple eyes (not too graphic, but please be safe! <3 As always, extra notes are in the tags ;))
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"This is the only place where I can be with you the closest and this is what you do?"
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raydaviespilled · 2 months
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in honour of ray+karen still being an item (thank you fellow kinklings for the confirmation), here are a bunch of pics of the two of them together. I think they’re a good match visually…..and now I’m so curious how they met!!
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minka-cola · 5 days
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callmemerry00 · 8 months
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I love Yin and Yang's dynamic
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phantastragoria · 1 year
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Eyes of magenta.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 4 months
sometimes i just set my phone down somewhere in my house and lose it by accident and instead of trying to find it, i just pretend i'm 1980s-2015 me, blissfully unburdened by constant handheld access to the internet
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coupleofdays · 4 months
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I was thinking recently about how very likely it is that Kevin Flynn has smoked weed, probably multiple times. Maybe it's prejudice on my part, but he strikes me as the kind of guy who must have at least tried it once. And it wouldn't surprise me if he's dropped acid once or twice as well.
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Which got me to thinking about my previous theory that you have to be a programmer to be able to handle the digitization process, that Flynn only survived it because he had the knowledge to understand what was happening and was able to "pull himself together". Related to this, I wonder if his previous experience with "altered states of consciousness" via hallucinogenic drugs might have been helpful as well. Like, his mind has been "rewired" previously to accept the strange experience he goes through. His first words upon arrival in the digital world is "this isn't happening, I only think it's happening", which I imagine is something he's had to tell himself several times before.
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Relatedly, I also think that Sam must have smoked pot at least once, and was thus inadvertently prepared for the digitization experience as well.
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It also made me imagine a funny scene if Kevin had eventually been able to show Alan and Lora his creation on the Grid.
"Listen, I have something very important to show you. But first, you have to smoke this."
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saenora · 1 year
remember when i said last picrew.. this one
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out for a walk!!
#: @yamaguccitadashi @humanitys-strongest-bamf @the-chronicles-of-a-bookworm @leviismybby @palebrunettesstuff @afortoru @t-aomine @x-noechi-x anyone who wnats to!!
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caramiaaddio · 2 years
I love shows that take you on like. A mental health journey while you watch them. Like
Me: oh man I’m having trouble finding people to date that sucks :/
*watches first two seasons of crazy ex-girlfriend*
Me: I will be alone forever nobody will ever love me or be attracted to me I am in desperate need of therapy
*watches last two seasons of crazy ex-girlfriend*
Me: I am absolutely capable of finding romantic love but I don’t need it cause I’m worth so much more than who I date and happiness comes internal peace and not external validation
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zenmom · 8 months
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@jestierabbit’s day 19 of Ostober, Adventure! With my day of music.
“Hey! This isn’t our music! We know what ours sound like, but at least this music feels like we’re going on a legendary adventure! Right Zen? Zen?” *me: flashback of the not so good past*
Sorry, couldn’t find a way to slap the audio onto the photo.💀 You’ll have no idea what music I was talking about since I just want the audio to play without you finding out the name. God this process is complicated!
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ultravioart · 1 year
Hot take, but i see Zenyatta's and Ramattra's dynamic like Ahsoka's and Anakin's dynamic. Looking at their story, their interactions, the lore behind Null Sector and the lore with Zenyatta. Both are warrior monks, one takes the other under his wing, but the duo eventually finds the dogmatic approach of the temple restrictive and unhelpful for truly maintaining peace. One finds their own path to resolving conflict, individual and distinctly separate from the temple (Zenyatta, Ahsoka), the other proposes authoritarian control to maintain peace and order, rejecting the temple, and hurting those they wish to protect (Anakin, Ramattra). Ramattra is fighting due to fear and anger, scared of loosing those dear to him (Anakin vibes). Zenyatta is fighting due to a desire to help peoples find peace, and to find his purpose (Ahsoka vibes). With that said, I could be completely wrong, but Ram and Zen really do seem something like Ahsoka and Anakin's dynamic to me, like found family siblings, brother and sister, mentor and mentee, eventually breaking away from each other in a tragic loss, and that's why I cannot for the life of me ship Ram and Zen under that interpretation lol. They are brothers, both in the monastic and found family sense.
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