#Feel free to add to this if you want
bitter-hibiscus · 2 years
As someone who is part of the generation Z of queer people, I see the statement “Neopronouns are harmful to the community” as a borderline cry for help. To me, it’s clear as day that it’s an attempt to cater to cishets’ wants for the LGBT+ community. A desperate need to “prove” to cishets that “hey, I’m human too! Look at me, I’m just like you! Not like those weird queer people out there!”
It’s more saddening than infuriating, at this point, because we’ve all been there. We’ve all been 12 years old watching the news about a teenage boy who got stoned to death for being gay and thinking this might be me. Not this could’ve been me, not oh poor him, but this will be me if I don’t act exactly how they want me to. And you internalize those feelings and those thoughts to a point where your only escapism is playing-pretend that cishets will ever see you as their equal. It’s a fake blanket of safety younger queer folk need to hide under to be able to process the world they live in.
As a result of those thoughts, gen Z has made it abundantly clear that they disregard any of the history of our community, of who we are. We as a whole barely research about stonewall or the aids crisis, much less things that are not such “mainstream” stories, because if we admit to being oppressed, we’re just looking at cishets in the eyes and saying “I’m never going to be like you.”, and it’s really hard to make ourselves understand that that’s a good thing. We’re not equal and we never will be because straight people didn’t have to riot to get human rights and they did not have a disproportionally high mortality rate due to unsafe sex.
So all I’m asking from the other queer gen Z out there is that you try to understand that not being straight is what makes our community a much-needed safe space, and catering to them will only ever damage us internally. Take the neopronouns and xenogenders and microlabeling with pride as big, long, thick middle finger and a loud ass fuck you to all straight people who have ever made you feel like you had to be something you weren’t. Celebrate our ability to express ourselves this way because far too many of us have died to make it possible to do so. Don’t disrespect your own identity so that the straights can digest your existence.
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leslutdepointedulac · 7 months
Friday 13th headcanons cause my brain won't stfu about it:
Lestat says Friday 13th is bullshit and he doesn't subscribe to such things, but whenever something slightly weird happens, he's secretly somewhat losing his shit, though he'd never admit it if anyone questions him.
Armand is the one making those weird things happen to Lestat, just to see how he reacts. He knows Lestat is lying about not believing in Friday 13th/superstitions in general and he's going to prove it.
Daniel just thinks the whole thing is funny and is a good excuse to let Armand wreak some harmless havoc in Lestat's life for the night. If Lestat finds out it was Armand all along, Daniel could be persuaded to join forces with Lestat instead to get back at him.
Marius is rational and doesn't buy into superstitions and whatnot. However, even when his whole night is one incident after another, he explains it away and refuses to say it's because of the fact that it's Friday 13th, as it's just 'any other night, this is all a coincidence'.
Louis doesn't really do the whole superstition thing either, not even on this night of all nights. That doesn't mean, however, he doesn't get a bit twitchy if someone does something that could be classed as 'superstitious'. Not to the point where he's worrying, he doesn't really even believe anything will come from it, but he'll be damned if he lets someone walk under a ladder, at least for tonight, just in case.
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aslanjlcallenreese · 2 years
Another headcanon that Eiji often falls asleep cuddled up to Ash as the Gang leader reads to him from whatever book he has in his hands at the time and Eiji adores it even though he doesn't understand much of it with his limited English.
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crazywolfsthings · 2 years
I have to say something about this because it is really starting to piss me off and I need to rant about this to get it off my chest, so warning for long post ahead! And I apologize if I seem all over the place, I'm writing this sleep deprived and have nothing but rage fueling me at this point.
The fact that people are getting so upset about Disney putting a scene about a girl going through her first period is so fucking stupid. And everytime I hear them trying to make an argument against it, it physically hurts to listen to it.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, Disney's newest show, "Baymax!" which is a spinoff series of the movie "Big Hero 6", has a 1 minute and 30 second scene where Baymax helps a young unprepared, confused and scared girl, who is stuck in a public bathroom, get through her first period. Baymax leaves to get her menstrual products to help but is uncertain as to what exactly he should get for her. He asks for help and people nearby gives him different options to choose from. Still unsure as to what to get for her, he buys a large variety and gives them to the girl. The scene is basically Baymax helping a young girl who's going through puberty and is experiencing a natural body function but is uncertain in how to handle it.
And people are complaining about the fact that children are being exposed to such "sexualized content". Bro, wtf do you find sexual about a period? It's a part of puberty, something that every person goes through. The only people who think this way are the sick bastards who sees girls/women as nothing more than sexual objects and that a period is an indicator that the girl is "ready to reproduce".
To start off, periods are not an adult topic. It's not something that should be censored for children. Girls aren't getting periods when they're 18 years old, when they've become "fully grown women". They're getting them while they're still young children. The average age that a child gets their first period is around 16, at the latest, and 10, at the earliest. Not to mention that the recommended age that you're child should learn about them is when they're 8 at the latest because there are cases where they can get them as young as 8.
People claim that Disney "went too far" by putting such a topic in one of their shows and are now refusing to watch anything of Disney's except for their earlier works since they're much more "child friendly". Like, bro, no they're not!
For example;
- They're ok with their child watching The Lion King, THE LION KING; a movie where the villain explicitly states that he plans on killing his own brother and child nephew for selfish reasons.
- A movie where you see a character literally being thrown to his DEATH, followed by a scene where his son finds his corpse ON SCREEN and begins to cry and cuddle up to said corpse.
- A movie where the villain blames the CHILD for the death of his father, telling him to "Run away and never return!", before sending a group of hyenas to KILL HIM.
A movie where multiple animal skeletons are shown onscreen more than once. Where in one scene where the villain grabs a fucking skull and sings a little diddy to it. FUN!
- A movie where the ending shows the shadows of the villain literally being mauled to death and presumably eaten by a pack of hyenas.
Yet despite all that, The Lion King is considered a "classic children's" movie that parents have no problems with showing their child. But the second a TAMPON is on screen, THEN they're worried about their child's "innocence".
"BuT mY cHiLd DoEsN't WaNt To SeE a ScEnE aBoUt PaDs!¡!¡"
Well, I'm pretty sure they also didn't want to see a scene where a guy gets fucking murdered by his own brother yet you have no problems with them watching that now do you?
"LeTs BoYcOtT dIsNeY!¡!¡"
Oh what's next, you're gonna boycott fucking Wal-Mart for also having menstrual care products? Go up to the store manager and demand to have them remove the entire aisle because your child might see it and get traumatized??
"cHiLdReN sHoUlD bE lEfT tO jUsT bE cHiLdReN!¡!¡"
Oh so 10 year old girls all of a sudden stop being children once they get theirs. Nothing is stopping them from being kids why are you keen on gatekeeping information form them?
"ThEy ShOuLd Be LeFt OuT oF aDuLt SiTuAtIoNs!¡!¡
Periods concern children too since they start when, surprise surprise, you're still a child.
"tHeY wOuLdN't UnDeRsTaNd!¡!¡"
By the time they're 6 or 7 years old, most kids can understand the basics of periods. And if they can understand murder and death they can understand periods.
"Oh BuT gIrLs ArE tAuGhT tHiS bY oThErS, wHy DoEs It NeEd To Be ShOwN oN tV!¡!¡"
If they already know about why tf are you so pissed about them being shown it? They're also taught about death and such and you have no problems with murder being shown in the movies. Why is this so different?
"dIsNeY sHoUlDn'T bE tRyInG tO pArEnT oThErS cHiLdReN, tHeY'lL kNoW aBoUt It WhEn ThEiR pArEnTs DeCiDe ThEy ShOuLd KnOw AbOuT iT!¡!¡"
That's like getting mad at someone for teaching your 2 year old how to walk before you decided that they were "ready to learn". If your child has to learn something like what periods are from a kids show before you teach it to them, then you've done a shit job in parenting your child. Maybe you should actually educate your child instead of constantly shoving them in front of a TV screen.
"DiSnEy HaS bEcOmE tOo WoKe!¡!¡"
Since when has having a normal bodily function become woke??
You really want to boycott a show to protect children, then fucking boycott shows that are like Toddlers & Tiaras where they have young, YOUNG girls put on heavy makeup and dance in a fucking two piece.
And the funniest thing is, a lot of these complaints I've seen about this scene are from fucking GROWN MEN keen on gatekeeping important information from young girls. And I'm sick and tired of all these sensitive snowflakes freaking out over a fucking maxi pad. Like seriously, grow up. Properly educate your child so that they don't wake up one day confused, in pain and bleeding everywhere completely unprepared. Educate your children. Actually be a parent.
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1pcii · 4 months
if Zoro asked Luffy 'would you still love me if I was a worm?' Luffy would be vibrating out of his skin with excitement detailing how he would take care of Zoro and build him a special little enclosure and make him little swords out of sticks so he can still achieve his dream of being the world's greatest swordsworm and feed him worm sized portions of meat and booze everyday and carry him around everywhere so they can still do everything together.
he also delightfully rambles about how he could be a worm also and they'd go on worm adventures together and make friends with all sorts of other bugs and how much fun they'd have.
edit: there's fanart for this scenario now! show it lots of love it's absolutely adorable!!!
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gascreates · 5 months
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emotional support frog
who will absolutely eat your hand.
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bonefall · 3 months
Warrior Bites: Dietary Needs
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[ID: A fish carcass, bird carcass, and mouse carcass on a stone slab.]
Are you wondering how much prey a Clan needs a day? What they should eat to stay healthy? Why food processing is useful at all? All the answers to these questions and more, contained within a general guide to dietary needs for your Warrior Cats!
As an obligate carnivore, a cat's entire diet revolves around processing meat. More specifically, the ideal diet should be 55% protein, 45% fats, about 1% to 3% carbs, with the remainder being various micro-nutrients. You can expect the average 10-pound warrior to need 350 calories per day, about 3.5 mice on average.
I've also included a section talking about obesity, which dives into how canon's depiction of it is both harmful fatphobia and wouldn't make sense from a cat perspective. It also discusses obesity in realistic cats; and how you're free to choose the realism on that aspect.
Below the cut;
Caloric Intake
Food Processing
On Obesity
Caloric Intake
The general rule for how much a cat needs to eat is that an active, non-neutered tom will need about 35 calories per pound of their own body weight, per day, just to remain the weight they are.
That means that the average warrior, assuming they are 10 pounds, will need 350 calories a day.
Kittens, pregnant and nursing cats, and large warriors will need to eat more than average. Neutered cats, elders, and clerics/medcats will eat less. There are calculators online for determining how much an individual will need, but you can estimate how much an entire Clan will need just by taking 350 and multiplying it by population!
Assuming the average population is about 30 cats, that's 10,500 calories to feed a Clan for a day! To put that in perspective, that many calories would feed 7 large humans. If you felt like fighting a group of angry cats to steal their day's worth of mice, I mean.
Generally speaking, land prey will have a caloric value around 5 calories per gram. Aquatic prey is significantly lower, around 4 calories per gram. Birds will be just below 6 calories per gram. To find out how many cats a piece of prey will feed, or how many pieces a cat will need that day, take the category and multiply by the prey's weight in grams.
So for example, the average house mouse is 20 grams and it is land prey, meaning its caloric value is around 100 calories! A warrior will need 3 and a half mice a day to stay healthy, and a Clan will need 105 mice daily to support 30 cats.
105 mice may seem like a lot, but remember that a wild rabbit is 1,800 grams on average which means 9,000 calories. 2 big pieces of prey will feed the whole Clan, with leftovers.
Those estimates include every part of the animal. Cats eat organs, small bones, and even skin. Skeletal muscle, or "fillets" in reference to fish, is so low in calories that it's typically somewhere between 1 kcal to 1.5 kcal per gram. That's what you're buying in the supermarket; but wild animals don't usually cut their food into choice strips.
(unless you're writing a clan that does food processing of course!)
Average warrior will need 35 calories per pound of weight
10 pound warrior needs 350 calories a day
350 x 30 cats = 10,500 calories to feed a Clan for a single day
Birds provide the most calories per gram, land prey the middlemost, and aquatic prey the least.
Calculate calories in prey by taking the weight, converting to grams, and multiply by 4, 5, or 6 depending on broad category.
If you're having trouble feeding a Clan on small animals, look at bigger prey like rabbits and trout.
Muscle fillets are inferior to organ meats and have a much lower caloric value.
Not all food is the same. The more important thing to consider about any particular meal is NOT its calorie count, but its nutritional value. This is especially important to cats because protein is not stored as fat. If the body has no immediate use for it, it's flushed out.
Since cats should not eat more than 3% carbs, ALL of their fat stores will need to come from fat.
The ideal piece of meat would be at least 55% protein and 45% fat. Every individual species will have a different ratio, and more importantly, individual cuts will have a different ratio.
Skeletal muscle has a higher ratio of protein to fat. Organ meat, also sometimes called "offal," will have a more balanced ratio. That said, nearly all meat skews towards protein. PURE fat is very hard to find on the sorts of animals Clan cats hunt, and must be carefully divided, collected, or processed to make sure all warriors are getting proper nutrition.
I'll be going more in-depth with dietary fat at some other time, as this guide is meant to just be an overview! Just know that some Clans will need to eat MORE food to stay healthy because of this.
Cats need more than the "macronutrients" to stay healthy. They can't JUST rely on the juiciest cuts of meat to keep their health intact, they also need several vitamins and minerals to support their body functions, and avoid getting a deficiency.
Here's some of the important micronutrients, where to get them, and what happens they don't get enough;
Vitamin A: Livers, mealworms, eggs This is one of the most important micronutrients in a cat's body, used for practically everything. Without this, their coats will grow dull, and their joints stiff, and they'll start to go night-blind. In a severe state, they'll start to lose the ability to heal skin lacerations and die. Pregnant cats and kittens need more of this than usual, but it IS also possible to get vitamin A poisoning from getting too concentrated of a dose.
Calcium: Bones, eggs With a calcium deficiency, the warrior will feel stiff and sore, and experience painful muscle spasms. Most cats will simply crunch the bones of small prey and never have to worry about this, but if your cats cook or scavenge, they have to be told to NEVER eat the bones of a roasted bird. Because bird bones are hollow and cooking makes them brittle, they can splinter and cause fatal internal bleeding.
Thiamine: Trout, boar meat, mealworms, eggs Called a Fish Seizure because raw carp and raw bream contains thiaminase, which will destroy thiamine in the body. Lack of thiamine will cause neurological issues, such as the aforementioned seizures, general confusion, memory loss, and muscle weakness. This can be counterracted by eating trout, which is so high in thiamine that there's a theory that carp evolved it specifically to eat salmonids better.
Potassium: Trout, boar meat, mealworms, eggs As cats get older, they begin needing a lot more potassium for their bodies. It's a very common micronutrient found in most meat, but elders should get the first bite of special snacks "out of respect" which helps keep their potassium level up. Without it, they become very weak.
i feel like that evil struthiomimus from land before time with how many times i typed eggs
The ideal ratio of a cut of meat is 55% protein 45% fat
Organ meat > Muscle meat
Micronutrients are important
But micronutrients can also cause poisoning if, somehow, they're too concentrated (very hard to come across concentrated micronutrients without the science of chemistry tho. Like if a cat swallowed a vitamin gummy.)
Food Processing
"Food Processing" is when you do something to your food before you eat it. Just a little bit of care is going to go a LONG WAY when it comes to health of the warrior.
Cats that eat raw meat the way canon warriors do are almost guaranteed to get worms. Roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms are all passed through the infected tissue of rodent prey, and in fish, roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes can pass through raw meat.
All parasites do something a little different, but most digestive worms aren't fatal unless the cat is sick or a kitten. However, nearly ALL of them screw around with digestion, making the cat need to eat more just to stay healthy, or causing stomach irritation. Some of them can even pass in milk, infecting a suckler's nursing kits.
The easiest way to reduce this kind of infection is simply to slice the prey open from mouth-to-butt, Tigerstar-style, and hook and lift out the GI tract before eating. There's nothing in that worth eating raw anyway. It can just be discarded, or cleaned out and used to case tiny sausages! But it's only a reduction; there's still a risk of catching worms from raw meat.
There's also always the possibility of getting salmonella poisoning.
Many believe that cats are immune to this, but that's not true! Carnivores just have a shorter GI tract than omnivores and herbivores, so salmonella spends less time in their gut and ergo has less chance of causing an infection. It still happens, ESPECIALLY when cats hunt songbirds.
Nothing can be done about salmonella in raw meat, besides eating it as quickly as possible. It's innate to the bodies of birds and reptiles, and usually found on raw eggs too.
Some animals are small enough to be dried and carried around as rations, such as minnows or grasshoppers. Others could be sliced up into strips, and marinated in spices like valerian or catmint for an extra boost of energy. It could also be worthwhile to cut the pelt off a particularly soft animal, like a mole, to dry and keep as bedding material.
All of the above examples of food processing are possible without fire, but if your cats DO have fire, they will have a DRASTIC increase to the quality of their health.
Such as;
Cooking will almost completely eliminate those foodborne parasites. Their eggs don't survive extreme heat.
No more salmonella poisoning! GONE! Cooking is the only way to eliminate this!
It can increase caloric absorption from anywhere between 20% to 50%. Our example warrior who needed 3.5 mice a day could suddenly need one less mouse; and even a meager 20% drop in how much the entire Clan needs saves 2,400 calories a day. 24 whole mice!
I HAVE TO STRESS HOW BIG THAT IS. You save anywhere from 2/10 to 5/10 successful kills.
Thiaminase is destroyed by cooking, making bream and carp healthier and reducing "fish seizures."
It allows for fats to be processed and stored as tallow, lard, and oil, so it can be added to other dishes to make them both healthier and tastier.
Most food preservation requires fire in some way; by heating, jellying, boiling, etc. The only other two ways to reliably store food is by having access to a ton of salt, which is hard for most non-coastal clans to acquire, or vinegar, which is so acidic it's a notorious cat-repellent.
While cooking can also destroy some micronutrients, its benefits FAR outweigh any potential "strengths" of raw food. Destroying micronutrients is also not always a bad thing; as TOO MANY micronutrients can cause poisoning. Fire-using Clans will be more likely to "seek" micronutrients than non-fire Clans as a result, though they probably won't recognize the science behind a hankering!
Worms. Basically unavoidable if your cat's eating like a canon warrior.
Some parasites can spread through milk.
Slicing and lifting out the GI tract can significantly reduce the chance of catching worms.
Salmonella can only be eliminated with cooking
Cooking will drastically increase the quality of a Clan's health, if your cats are advanced enough to figure out fire.
Warriors need to hunt a LOT less prey, and can store that prey, if they have fire.
Fire-using Clans will intentionally try to put more types of food in their diets and get 'cravings.'
On Obesity
Warrior Cats is not a realistic series. The boundary that any particular writer draws between humans and warrior cats is completely arbitrary. The series itself follows no sense of realistic genetics, regularly shows the cats using herbs that would poison them, and gives the characters human-centric morals like monogamy and paternal involvement.
So when it comes to being fatness in your project, please keep that in mind. You do not need too follow realistic cat weight distribution, if that's not what your project about. That said, let me tell you about humans vs cats in this department!
Humans have a massive diversity of weight distribution, with varied genetic predispositions to gaining and losing weight. The shame, bullying, and medical discrimination that comes with fatphobia is a LOT more harmful than being fat itself, and the causes of the "obesity crisis" are ridiculously more complicated than "ppl r snorking 2 much food".
Realistic cats aren't the same way.
When REAL cats are fat, that's VERY bad. It's a sign they are being fed the wrong things by humans, or live somewhere that they are able to eat what they shouldn't. They just don't have that same diversity in fat distribution that humans do. Because of how adipose tissue secretes certain hormones, feline obesity is like a chronic inflammatory disease which can cause arthritis, bladder stones, hepatic lipidosis, and more.
But with that in mind, fatness should be perceived very differently even in the most realistic settings. In comparison to humans;
It is harder for a wild cat to put on weight. Most of what they're eating is raw protein, actively trying to fill the 45% of daily fat intake they need to stay healthy. Protein isn't stored as fat, it's immediately discarded by the body if there is no use for it. A cat would need to be taking an INSANE amount of prey to start becoming dangerously overweight. Housecats are often fed human food, which has carbohydrates. Low-quality cat food will also use carbs as filler. High carb food is VERY bad for them, since they're only supposed to have 3% carbs at most. This is one of the reasons why it's easy for pet cats to become overweight.
Realistic cats don't look start looking overweight until they are significantly obese. Most of their fat is stored around their ribs and internally, unlike humans with our thick hips and round bellies, and they are covered in a naturally sagging pelt of fur. It's not as obvious with them. Visually, weight will be noticed best from a bird's eye perspective, unlike humans where it's apparent at every angle.
Putting on the fat that CAN be acquired is ridiculously important 3.5 raw, whole mice a day, per cat, are needed to fill their basic dietary requirements. There are going to be days or months especially during winter where they might be below that number, and that stored fat is going to be lifesaving. Bulking up is actually a big deal!
So not only is how canon treats overweight characters full of malice, it's full of lazy malice. It makes no sense from a realistic standpoint for wild cats to develop an association between fatness and greed or laziness. It's important, hard work for them to acquire it!
Though the Clans are notoriously xenophobic and kittypets are more likely to be overweight, it still doesn't make sense from a realistic cat perspective to be fatphobic in the same way as canon. It's more likely they'd see fat housecats as having "unearned" weight given to them by humans, like they're cheating, or they might be disdainful of how much junk food they eat, or pitiable because it's a sign of a bad twoleg... or just "sour grapes" variety jealousy ☕.
Bottom line is that there's a LOT you can do here which is better than canon's vicious bullying. The writers just lifted British cultural disdain for fat people and put it into the books. They simply did not think it through.
So please do what they didn't, and just put a little extra thought into how your project is going to view fatness! Consider if fatphobia is even a theme you need in your text.
As stated, you do not even have to write weight in your cats as being realistic in this way! I encourage you to pick and choose what's most fun and fitting for your own work. I personally give my characters a more human weight distribution, simply because I want to spite canon and be more body-positive. I am a fat people and you can take Bumble's big chunky bod from my cold, dead hands.
You can choose to make your work however you'd like, and now with this guide, you can have an easy reference for what your cats should eat! Thank you, StarClan, for this prey <3
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renshengs · 4 months
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so i really like this show and decided that i should make a powerpoint to get people to watch it. and now 5 hours later here we are. this is my pitch. please watch 莲花楼
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grimeye-j · 4 months
I love how, even though we all love the new designs, the fandom still agrees that canon is wrong about 2 facts:
Adaine has glasses
Riz has a tail
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hawkyon-days · 4 months
Couples that have the same vibe to me:
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Star wars confessions:
Each of our clone boys coming inside you the first time you tell them you love them during sex; just thinking of how they would react as they involuntarily nut inside you because of pure emotional feels is both just so hot and healing to me.
Idk; I'm a sucker for soft and steamy smut.
Feel free to reblog and add any headcannons if you want.
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artemismoorea03 · 6 months
DP x DC Prompt: Delayed Reactions
Danny's powers didn't activate all at once after going into the Ghost Portal, in fact they hadn't even fully realized what happened for months. They assumed the change in appearance was just their eyes adjusting to the flashing because of how quickly it appeared then vanished again. But, as more things started happening to Danny and started changing, Danny couldn't help but wonder if maybe his accident had resulted in more than a permanent star that ran up his left arm to his heart.
He didn't tell Sam or Tucker though, after all Meta-Humans were so rare that there was no way they would believe him! Plus, if he told them then it would only be a matter of time before more people knew. So, he kept it to himself.
Which worked until Summer Break when Danny went to Gotham with his parents and Jazz for a Ghost Hunting Exp. Danny had no interest in 'Ghost Hunting' (though he had begun to do more of it after he realized that he could kind of sense and see the ghosts), so instead of listening to the expo he was going around learning more and more about the city. Gotham had some amazing other exhibits, an observatory, museums with huge space displays, and more interesting things than Ghosts.
Plus, it had the highest population of heroes!
Danny didn't expect that his second day in Gotham would end up so differently from the first one. It all started with a little girl about nine who had been crossing the street when chaos broke loose. An explosion on the next block rocked the entire city, causing Danny's skin to crawl, but what mad him sick was the fact that the explosion had thrown a car directly towards the little girl and a crowd of people.
Everybody else scattered, including the woman the girl had been walking with who seemed to forget her in an instant as they got out of the way of the car. But the little girl didn't move, just started terrified at the approaching car.
"Get out of the way!" People shouted to the girl, but unlike the rest of them Danny's instincts were screaming one thing.
Danny ran forward as quickly as his legs could manage as he tried to beat gravity itself. Danny made it to the girl without a second to spare, wrapping her into a hug.
"Please work, please work, please work!" Danny thought, struggling to get his powers to work as he felt himself turn intangible with the girl turning intangible with him.
No sooner did his powers kick in did the car slam into the ground where they were standing before it bounced and rolled down the street, leaving a dent around the two of them but leaving both Danny and the girl untouched.
Danny let his power drop, as the girl looked at him for a second before she burst into tears and hugged him. Danny's vision swam as he hugged her back, fixing her hair.
"I gotcha, you're okay..." Danny told her, then let her go as the woman who had left her in the street called her.
The girl sniffled, then ran to the woman as Danny tried to stand. He could hear people talking, cheering and some were even applauding but it all sounded really far away. He could also hear another car approaching, but as his vision faded and his body felt as though it was filled with led nothing felt important anymore.
The Bats had tried to race to get to the civilians before the car hit them and had failed. Thankfully, the majority of people had managed to get out of the way to a safe distance but there was a little girl still in the road. None of them wanted to see the girl die, but they knew realistically they couldn't make it to her.
But somebody did.
No sooner did the stranger save the girl and let her go did they collapse into the middle of the street.
Suddenly it was no longer 'save civilians from a car that got partially blown up in Penguins newest scheme' but 'get the unknown Meta out of the street before his face was exposed to every media outlet throughout the city'.
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cowlovely · 1 year
okay! so. i’ve seen many people online say multiple times that the deleted scene of arthur giving merlin his mother’s sigil—
(you know, this one👇)
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is essentially a medieval proposal, and that that’s probably the reason why the scene was cut. i’ve never really thought that much of it, but coming across the comment again earlier today, it made me wonder if it was actually historically accurate at all.
the short answer is no, but the long answer is a little bit more complex.
i spent about an hour or so combing through articles and other online resources, and couldn’t find a single source vouching for sigils/seals being used as a way to propose. i did, however, find these two pieces of information:
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which make it clear that sigils/seals and signet rings reflect the same meaning and purpose, and that inheriting one signifies family ties and marks you above common men. signet rings were sometimes used as engagement rings (in fact, the ring arthur gives gwen in the series is a signet ring with his father’s sigil), but engagement rings were more commonly ornate gold bands set with precious stones like sapphires or rubies.
but! regardless of the fact that it isn’t technically a medieval way of proposing, i think you can still regard it as such, given the fact that it is essentially marking merlin as arthur’s family (his mother’s side no less!), and that arthur proposed to gwen in nearly the same fashion with the signet ring. i rest my case ✌️
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seawolvesanddragons · 8 months
There was a beautiful era in the 90s/early 00s of fun, female lead teen movies that just hit different, were like this golden age of girls just being girls and celebrating that feeling, and no matter how Hollywood tries they will never replicate it.
I'm talking "She's the Man," "Bend it Like Beckham" "Princess Dairies" "St. Trinian's" "What a Girl Wants" "Clueless" "Uptown Girls" "John Tucker Must Die" "DEBS".....obviously there's probably a few I missed but you get the idea. Maybe the stakes weren't as high as saving the entire world, but they were important to the characters and had friendships and silliness and the goal was almost never to get the guy and you just don't get to see that anymore. Also almost all of them had banging soundtracks.
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free-use-puppy · 1 year
autistics in kink i love you disabled people in kink i love you systems in kink i love you schizospec people in kink i love you nonhumans in kink i love you
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driver!jake x rich girl!reader
i...am 99.9% sure @melodygatesauthor has probably written this (or something similar lol) but i am happy to put my spin on it as well 😌
You're wearing that skirt again.
The one he's sure you know drives him crazy, the one that's so short it barely covers anything, the edges fluttering slightly as you walk, granting him glimpses of the tantalizing treasure beneath.
He tries not to stare, really he does, knows it's not the most professional thing to do (especially as an employee of your father's) but...it's just so hard (in more ways than one).
You certainly don't make his job as your driver easy. Dancing and drinking into the early hours of the morning with your friends (all of whom have tried to pick him up at least once), drunkenly piling into his limo in your designer dresses and heels, giggling and screaming as he quietly drives you back to your penthouse (where the party will likely continue). If he wasn't paid so much, he might be more annoyed at the state of his backseat after he's dropped you off--more than once, he's had to have his (normally) pristine limo professionally cleaned after one of your overserved friends has puked all over his leather seats.
Yes. You're definitely lucky he's paid so well.
Tonight had started as it usually did, with you and your friends asking to be dropped of at some club downtown. It's 1 a.m., and Jake knows he still has a few hours before the club closes for the night. Deciding to stretch his legs, he exits the vehicle, shucking his jacket and tossing it in the driver's seat. He closes the door with his hip, rolling the sleeves of his dress shirt up to his elbows.
Briefly, he considers taking a walk but this part of town is a tad sketchy and he's not too comfortable leaving his car unattended here in the street. Instead, he opts to lean against the side, pulling a cigarette from his pocket. He lights it, groaning softly as he takes a pull, the smoke filling his lungs as he inhales deeply. Jake closes his eyes to savor the pleasant buzz in his head from the nicotine, tipping his head back a little and exhaling slowly. He opens his eyes just as the last tendrils of smoke are blown away by the warm, night breeze, and sees you.
There you are, standing alone on the sidewalk in front of him, designer coat folded over your arm, soft smile on your lips. Jake starts, immediately throwing the cigarette down and stomping it out, his back going rigid as he stands to attention.
"Oh, ah--Ready to go, Miss?"
Your lips twitch, eyes dragging slowly down the length of him before you say, "Yes. Take me home, Mr. Lockley."
Jake nods, briefly wondering where the rest of your group is as he pulls open the door to the back of the limo for you. When you don't get in immediately, he looks back, questioning.
With a twinkle in your eyes that he hadn't noticed before, you tell him, "I'd rather sit up front this time, actually."
He nods slowly, wondering what game you're playing with him now. "Of course, whatever you'd like."
Jake closes the back door and turns, pulling open the passenger door for you instead. You make eye contact with him as you brush past, the delicious scent of you invading his senses.
Yeah. He's in big trouble.
Absently, he wets his lips, closing the door once you're inside. He takes his time making his way back around to the driver's side, trying to compose himself for the ride back to your penthouse.
You've always been a hard one for him to read. You've teased him before, sure, but...he'd always figured you were just having fun, that you were just toying with the hired help--that's just what spoiled, little rich girls did, right?
He tosses his jacket into the back and gets in, closing the door and pulling his seat belt on. The engine purrs to life when he turns the key in the ignition, the sound calming his nerves a little. He puts the car into gear, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. You're looking out the window, head turned mostly away from him, body angled so you can rest your elbow against the door. He takes a moment to admire your profile, the soft line of your neck, the way the material of your skirt pulls against your thighs. Then, he clears his throat.
"Seat belt."
You look over at him, teasing smile returning to your painted lips as you look at him from beneath your lashes. For a moment, he thinks you're going to talk back, to argue, to tell him you can do whatever you want, but instead, you wordlessly buckle yourself in, eyes never leaving his. He nods, swallowing thickly as he returns his attention ahead.
Your penthouse isn't far from the club you'd been at, and it normally doesn't take long for him to make it back there after your nights out on the town, but he remembers too late that you left earlier than usual this evening and hits a little more traffic than he'd like. You've been quiet the entire drive, simply staring out the window, shifting in your seat every now and then. He can't be sure, but he feels like you might be doing it on purpose, to draw his attention to the fact that your skirt has ridden up so high on your delectable thighs that he can see a flash of the white lace panties beneath them. Jake fights the urge to groan, instead keeping his attention on the road a head of him.
He's relieved when he spots the familiar building that houses your penthouse, internally breathing a sigh of relief as he smoothly halts at the entrance. The doorman rushes out to open the door for you, but you wave him off, instead turning back toward Jake, that gleam still in your eyes.
"Would you mind walking me upstairs, Mr. Lockley?" you ask, your voice soft and far more innocent than the look in your eyes. "I'm not used to being up there all alone."
Jake pauses, considering the repercussions. If he says no, will you complain about him to your father? He could lose his job. But if he says yes, and you do what he thinks you're going to do, he'll lose it anyway, won't he? (that, or your father will kill him)
So either way he's screwed, it seems. Least he can do is have a little fun first.
Jake nods, wetting his lips again as he steers the car toward the garage beside your building. He parks in the spot marked for the penthouse (a spot that's conveniently located right beside the elevator), and helps you out of the vehicle. The edge of your skirt has risen up so high, he can see the curve of your ass cheeks peeking from beneath it as you walk ahead of him to the elevator. He stifles another groan, trying his best to remain professional just in case he's misreading this situation.
The ride up in the elevator is excruciating. All he can think about is pinning you up against the side and shoving his face between your legs. He wonders how you taste (he imagines something rich and sweet, like champagne), how you'd sound, how you'd look just as you're about to come.
The elevator chimes, startling him from his thoughts, the doors opening into the foyer of the penthouse. It's lavish, elegant, but also somehow understated. Perhaps a little like you, he thinks.
Inside he breaths a sigh of relief, thinking his task is done, that he's free to return to his car and go home for the evening...but as you step off onto the white marble floor, you turn slightly, waving him inside.
"Come in, have a drink with me."
Jake hesitates, and you must see it because you chuckle and say, "It's the least I can do for making you walk me all the way up here."
He smiles, nodding his thanks as he makes a waving gesture with his hands. "Please, Miss, there's no need. I'm just doing my job."
Disappointment clouds your eyes at his words and you look away with a quiet sigh, one he only catches because he's watching you so closely. Suddenly you look so....lonely. Standing there in this grand penthouse, all alone. He shouldn't feel bad for you, you have everything you could ever want, everything he doesn't, but...he can't seem to help himself.
Knowing he'll likely end up regretting it, he steps inside, his shoes squeaking slightly on the floor. Your head swivels back toward him at the sound, a light in your eyes when she realizes you've decided to stay. The sight makes something warm unfurl in his chest.
Half an hour later, you're both sitting in your living room (on the most uncomfortable couch he's ever had the misfortune of sitting on), glasses in hand and a bottle of Macallan whisky between you. Your ridiculous heels lay discarded on the floor, delectable legs curled up beneath you as you both laugh about something one of you had said.
Jake's always prided himself on being able to hold his alcohol but, honestly? He's pretty certain that, if he's not drunk now, he is well on his way. He can't stop staring at you, at the way your smile lights up your whole face, the way your eyes sparkle when you say something cheeky...the way your skirt is still riding up your thighs.
He takes another sip from his glass (which he should really stop doing if he's planning on driving himself home later), the liquid burning down his throat. Jake licks his lips, eyes glued to your thighs, wondering idly how soft your skin is, how you'd react if he pushed his calloused hand beneath the hem of your skirt, his fingers dancing along the edge of your panties--
His eyes shoot back to yours, heat flaring in his cheeks at being caught. You're close (when had you gotten so close?), so close he can smell you, can feel the heat of you through your clothes.
He hums in response, not trusting that his mouth is capable of coherent speech at the moment. You smile, putting your arm against the back of the couch, the length of your body pressed along the side of his as you lean in to whisper in his ear.
"I want you."
Jake groans softly at your words, unable to contain himself any longer. He feels you smile against the side of his neck, your lips dragging along the skin there. You press a feather-light kiss just below the hinge of his jaw and he leans back a little, giving you more space. You hum, nipping at another spot and soothing it with your tongue. Your fingers find their way into his hair, plunging into his soft curls, and gently angling his head where you want it.
You kiss him and he groans again, eyes fluttering shut as your lips move tentatively against his. His hand cups your cheek and you sigh, the action making something tighten in his chest. Soon you're straddling his lap, skirt ridden up so far you might as well not be wearing it (which would be just fine with Jake). His hands are everywhere--cupping your face, slipping beneath your top, clutching your ass, pushing up your thighs toward the hem of your skirt--
You break the kiss with a gasp as his fingertips skim over the delicate lace covering your pussy, your thighs quaking on either side of him.
"Please," you whine breathlessly, mouth falling open as you chase his touch.
Obligingly, Jake slips a finger inside, groaning softly at how warm and wet you are. He swirls his fingertip around your clit, gently teasing it, and dragging the most delicious sounds from between your lips. He watches transfixed as you writhe in his lap, eyes heavy-lidded, mouth parted. You moan as he slips his fingers further south, briefly teasing your entrance before dipping inside. Your fingers clench in his shirt as you move against his hand, his name spilling from your mouth like a prayer.
"That's it, bebita," he breathes, his chest heaving a little as he watches you. "Take what you need."
You moan again as he circles your clit, leaning forward to press your forehead against his, breath fanning against his lips. You whine his name again and he groans, the sound going straight to his cock. When you come, he swears it's the most beautiful sight he's ever seen, your breath hitching, mouth slack, eyes closed in ecstasy, body shaking as your orgasm rocks through you.
Jake brings his fingers to his lips as you try to catch your breath, moaning as the rich taste of you explodes on his tongue. He wants more, wants to devour you, to make you come over and over and over again on his tongue until he's swallowed every last ounce of your essence.
He wonders if you'd let him.
You kiss him then, slow and sensual, humming a little as you lick into his mouth. He groans when your hand slips inside his trousers, taking him in your hand.
"Need you, Jake," you pant, lightly rubbing your thumb over his tip.
He throws his head back against the edge of the couch, cursing under his breath in Spanish. He hears you chuckle, your delicate hands working him from his pants.
He clutches at your hips as you sink down onto him, that silly little skirt bunched up around your waist. His fingers dig into your soft flesh as you ride him, your hands fisting in his thick hair as you pull his mouth back to yours. You're squeezing him, your cunt fluttering around his length as he fucks up into you, searching for the spot he knows will fling you over the edge. You break the kiss with a gasped moan when he finds it, whimpering and whining into his ear as he hits it again and again ("Oh fu--right there, Jake. Yeah, just like that. Oh God. Oh fuck---"). You gush around him when you come, soaking and squeezing his cock. He follows you over the edge, spilling himself inside you with a broken groan.
He ends up staying the night (and if he makes you come a few more times before the sun rises, well, who's to say?).
**apologies for any mistakes, this was absolutely not proofread lol**
If you enjoyed this, please let me know! I appreciate every single reblog and/or comment. Thank you. 💖
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