#Energy Efficiency and Safety Features
joyandella-123 · 3 months
What you can expect from a more expensive press brake in 2024
The difference between an inexpensive press brake and a more expensive one can be significant, impacting various aspects of performance, quality, and capabilities. Here are some key factors that differentiate them:
Build Quality and Durability: More expensive press brakes are typically built with higher quality materials and construction methods. This leads to better durability and a longer lifespan. Inexpensive models may use less robust materials and construction, potentially leading to more wear and tear and a shorter operational life.
Precision and Accuracy: Higher-end press brakes generally offer greater precision and accuracy. They are equipped with advanced control systems and high-quality components that ensure consistent bending angles and dimensions. Inexpensive models may have less precise control systems and lower quality components, which can result in greater variability in output.
Control Systems and Software: Expensive press brakes often come with more sophisticated control systems and software. These can include features like touch screen interfaces, more comprehensive programming capabilities, and better integration with CAD/CAM systems. Inexpensive models may have more basic control systems with limited features and less user-friendly interfaces.
Capacity and Versatility: More expensive press brakes typically offer greater capacity in terms of tonnage and length, allowing them to handle larger and thicker materials. They may also be more versatile, able to perform a wider range of bends and shapes. Inexpensive models might be limited in size and the complexity of the tasks they can perform.
Speed and Efficiency: High-end models often have faster cycle times and more efficient operation, which can lead to higher productivity. They may also have features that speed up tool changes and setup times. Less expensive models may be slower and less efficient in comparison.
After-Sales Support and Warranty: Manufacturers of more expensive press brakes usually provide better after-sales support, including training, maintenance, and customer service. The warranty period might also be longer, offering greater protection for your investment. Inexpensive models might have more limited support and shorter warranty periods.
Customization and Additional Features: More expensive models often offer more options for customization and additional features such as automatic tool changers, angle measurement systems, and specialized tooling. Inexpensive models are generally more standardized with fewer options for customization.
Energy Efficiency and Safety Features: Higher-end models may incorporate more energy-efficient designs and advanced safety features, such as light curtains or laser safety devices, to protect operators. Inexpensive models may have basic safety features but lack the advanced technology found in more expensive machines.
Brand Reputation and Resale Value: Well-known brands with a reputation for quality tend to charge more for their press brakes, but these machines often have a higher resale value. Inexpensive models from less known or new manufacturers might not hold their value as well.
In summary, while an inexpensive press brake might be suitable for smaller, less demanding operations or for businesses with budget constraints, a more expensive press brake offers better performance, durability, precision, and versatility, which can be crucial for high-volume, high-precision, or heavy-duty applications. The choice between the two should be based on the specific needs and resources of your operation.
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In the landscape of industrial processes and commercial operations, where success is often determined by productivity and efficiency, selecting the right equipment is paramount as it directly impacts the outcomes of these processes and the overall efficiency of operations.
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Maximizing Productivity: Gas-Powered Steam Boilers
Thermodyne gas-fired steam boilers are essential for a wide range of industries, providing a reliable and efficient source of heat and power. Our boilers feature advanced combustion systems that ensure clean and efficient natural gas burning, minimizing emissions and maximizing energy utilization. We understand the importance of minimal downtime, so our boilers are engineered for easy maintenance, keeping your operations running smoothly. Thermodyne is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that enhance your productivity and efficiency. For more information contact us at https://www.thermodyneboilers.com/gas-fired-boilers-savemax/
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flaybynight · 3 months
A completely self-indulgent post about farm generators in the context of TCM
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Why are these used?
Generators are usually used in rural areas to provide power and light to farms. The generator is made to be portable and small, which is good for many applications on a farm or homestead, as opposed to a household generator that only powers a home.
The Sawyers seem to use a Winco Generator Powered by Wisconsin a S12-D. Here's a video of one running.
How do they work?
A carburetor mixes air with fuel inside of a combustion engine in the right ratio. The engine burns that fuel to create heat, and the heat creates steam which builds pressure. The pressure causes a rotor to spin around, and as the rotor spins it turns magnets around. The spinning of the magnets inside the coil creates a magnetic field, which then produces an electrical current inside the wire coil. The engine spins at a certain RPM to create electricity, and a belt transfers the electrical current produced by the engine to other parts of the machine. That's the basic mechanism of a generator.
Any engine that burns fuel to create power is a combustion engine. The type the family used was specifically a piston engine. These are smaller and more lightweight, designed to be efficient with less fuel and less parts. 
Generators use a ‘light’ engine oil. It's better at lubricating the moving parts inside and less viscous than regular automobile motor oil, which would wear on the engine and cause overheating.
Generators in the 70s used more fuel than modern models, therefore were more expensive to run. They were less efficient, less reliable, bigger and noisier, and wore down quicker. There were less safety features involved. A lot of old generators wouldn't shut off when they overheated or if they got too low on oil. They didn't have things like overload protection or circuit breakers, so if the generator got overloaded or overheated it would blow a fuse. 
The fuses served as a failsafe for when the generator overheated or got overloaded. These engines would shut down when the fuse blew, protecting from any major damage. You would have to replace the broken fuse before you could get it working again. That meant people had to keep buying fuses every time something went wrong. 
Would kicking the generator turn it off?
These generators have a thick and heavy metal casing to protect the important internal components, and to keep the electric current inside. Older generators were much easier to damage. Kicking them could dent the surface of the casing and cause damage to its internal components, causing the engine to fail. Restarting the generator could fix it temporarily, but the problem would likely come up again if the internal components were actually damaged.
Connect the current to an electrified cattle grid
You can do this through direct wiring, where the current is carried directly to the grid, and through clamps, which is one way people often connect electric fences to generators. Either way you'd have to run a wire all the way from the generator to the grid. The wires would be insulated with a tough rubber casing to protect from the elements and prevent them from being a hazard if stepped on.
You would use a transformer to step down the voltage from the generator that is producing the power. The generator provides high voltage current, and the transformer turns it into a lower voltage. This is how an electric fence's shock can be used to deter animals without causing serious damage.
Your average generator outputs a voltage high enough to kill you. Without the transformer to convert the high voltage coming from the generator into a lower voltage, a shock from the grid would be lethal. If you stayed in contact with the grid you would most likely die. Do the family use a transformer? Nah. Don't think so.
Milliamps are the amount of electrical energy (current) travelling through a given circuit or point in that circuit per second. From a direct, continuous flow of electricity, 100 milliamps (0.1 volts) would be lethal. For example, sticking your finger into an electrical socket.
A current travelling through an electrified grid would have a hard time doing that kind of damage because it's only touching you for the split second you step on it. It doesn't have time to travel through your entire body and cause enough harm to kill you. That's why the victims get launched backwards and are injured but can survive, although it's possible they'll have permanent heart injuries.
How bad are we talking?
The victim's skin would suffer burns as the heat generated by the electrical current passes through it, increasing its temperature and causing a breakdown of the outer layer. This would worsen significantly as the applied voltage increased/prolonged contact.
The involuntary contractions and extensions of the muscles caused by the current can lead to muscle injury and are extremely painful.
If the current runs through their bodies for too long it would disrupt the normal electrical signals in their organs. A healthy heart beats anywhere between 60-100 times per minute at rest. While being shocked it's forced to beat at 50-60 times per minute, disrupting the heart's natural rythym.
This desynchronisation of the heart's muscles and the ventricles twitching rapidly supplies little to no blood to the body: ventricular fibrillation. Blood pressure drops as organs don’t receive enough oxygen, leading to fainting and rapid death.
Things to consider are how long the victim steps on the grid, with how much of their body, the victim’s body size and weight and the kind of shoes they’re wearing. The more insulated the shoe, the less milliamps pass through their body.
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yuurei20 · 27 days
Idia Facts Part 16: Idia and Machines
Idia is often upgrading machinery for little to no reason, customizing a magic-imbued toy during Glorious Masquerade to increase its magic capacity 100 times over its original design.
When Azul asks why Idia responds, “No reason.”
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Idia also disassembles a blastcycle for fun and designs and creates multiple weapons for use in Beanfest, including a bean launcher, improved grabbing arm, two capture rods, and two bean blasters.
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When asked by Epel’s grandmother to repair her wood splitter he upgrades it as well, improving the output by 400%, adding safety features and installing sensors, auto-scanner and AI.
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When Idia's Port Fest team decides upon selling waffles during the event he volunteers to create the waffle iron itself, inventing a prototype with ultra high-speed baking functionality and equipped with high-performance AI and infrared sensors.
This backfires when no one else but Idia himself is able to operate it, forcing him to work throughout the day without breaks.
Idia also repairs Malleus’ team's machine during the event, saying, “It was a rush job though, so I could only increase its power output by five times.”
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Idia has an entire vignette focused around his efforts to improve Ortho’s processing speed by 10%.
Idia says that his best subject is summoning, as bargaining with creatures and faeries with rare foods and plants is like playing a video game.
Riddle asks why Idia uses a self-designed robot to clean his room if he is so adept at summoning and Idia says that pressing a button on a robot is the most energy efficient solution.
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Pairing: Keigo Takami x reader
Summary: when you started writing online erotica about your boss, you had been under the strict impression that he would never, ever find out about it.
Warning: Smut, vaginal fingering, degradation, praise, slight public-sex, Language, Hawks deserves his own warning
Word Count: 2.3k
Part 2
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The phone rang.
For a secretary, one may have thought this to be a completely normal occurrence, just as you did now. It never would have occurred to you that this particular phone call would be anything but.
So when you picked it up, you answered in your usual, well-mannered tone, completely devoid of any sort of concern. "If this is about the Hero Billboard Chart event then your seat has been reserved and I've requested that it be close to Endeavor."
The laugh of your boss echoed down the line. "Thanks, lovebird, but that's actually not what I'm calling about." He paused, leaving the crackle of empty static in your ear. "Would you mind coming up to my office for a sec?"
"Oh, uh, yes I'll be there right away."
Usually, you were quite good at your job.
You were responsible and efficient, taking on tasks diligently without fault. There was only one unplanned vacation day on your record, taken only as a result of some unforeseen food sickness that left you slumped on your bathroom floor for most of the afternoon.
Still, after you had been able to pry your body away from the safety of your toilet, you had gone back to bed, opened your computer, and reorganized some meetings so your boss had the maximum amount of free time.
He was probably why you enjoyed your job so much, or at least was a big part of it.
Hawks, true to his image, was very laid back and lenient. He met your hard work and determination with praise, a huge comparison to some of the other famous names you had worked under.
This worked as continual motivation to please him, hoping to make his life easier in return for his kindness. Thankfully, he was forgiving, brushing past the meaningless mistakes that many egotistic administrators would've relished in punishing.
So when he had called you into his office without telling you why, the only thing running through your buzzing mind was that you had something very, very wrong.
Mentally replaying through all your actions from the past week, you searched for anything that might've warranted a reprimand and came up completely blank.
You stepped into the elevator, grazing your ID through the scanner device and selecting your preferred floor.
Nervous energy was beginning to simmer in your stomach, growing more intense with every level you passed on the way to the top.
With a ding, you were released into the corridor leading to the same room you visited every morning. Those sessions were usually on your own accord, nothing but a quick catch-up on whatever important party or conference Hawks was supposed to attend.
Of course, he would ask you up here if there was something specific that he needed accomplished at that very moment, but you couldn't ignore the small twitch of intuition that this was different somehow.
Walking down the hall, you acknowledged the fact that you were probably just being nervous over nothing, simply anxious from the negative outcomes that were buzzing around your mind.
After taking a deep breath, you gently knocked on the faded glass of your boss' office. A distracted mumble of confirmation could be heard through the walls and you took it as a pass to enter.
You walked in, eyes immediately flashing to the man in front of you for any signs of external indignation.
He was staring fixedly on his phone, attentively scrolling through an unseen article with his legs propped on the surface of his desk.
All in all, he seemed relatively normal, giving you the minuscule confidence to make yourself known. "You needed something?"
At the sound of your voice, Hawks looked up, allowing a recognizably easygoing smile to spread across his features as he slid his boots off the table. "Yeah, thanks for coming. Would you mind taking a seat?"
You nodded, but the ball of anxiety in your stomach exploded at his words. Nothing good had ever come after that statement.
The next inquiry did nothing to help either. "So, do you know why you're here?"
Beginning to pick at the skin in between your fingernails, you shook your head. "No, not really. Did I do something wrong? An error in one of my reports or something like that?"
"Not at all! Your work here is great." He complimented, waving off your concerns. "However, I do have to bring up a tiny problem regarding your social media."
"My social media?" Hawks nodded at the question. "I'm not really on it. I mean, I have some of the popular apps and stuff, but I don't post anything."
He hummed, tilting his head in feigned confusion. "Not even online erotica about me?"
The blood drained from your face.
You watched in utter horror as he swiveled his phone around, revealing the welcome screen of your very own Tumblr profile.
Words were failing you. You doubted that your voice would work at all if you even tried, but Hawks seemed more than willing to break the silence.
"This one's my favorite. I mean, seventeen thousand likes?" He scrolled to your most recent post and let out a low whistle. "Pun intended, I'm more of a Twitter guy myself, but I'm pretty sure that's impressive, yeah?"
The muscle in your chest was beginning to thump harder and harder. With his acute sense of hearing, you were almost sure he could hear its beat amidst the quiet. "I... I don't-"
"And the tags are even better!" Hawks turned the screen around in his direction once more. "I quote, now tell me if I get anything wrong, hashtag 'I want this man to rail me until I can't walk.'"
In your defense, you hadn't written about Hawks since he had hired you.
The first post had been a sleep-deprived, most likely horny result of your crush on the winged hero. You hadn't even thought it was all that good.
But the internet disagreed.
They came flocking to your sweet words like bees, pollinating your page with likes, reposts, and motivating comments. Their approval worked as motivation, pressure to keep feeding the masses in unneeded media.
When you had been offered the secretarial position here, you had obviously stopped, but you just couldn't find it in yourself to delete the account.
Hours of hard work spent writing and scouting Google for synonyms was just too hard to let go of. Not to mention the readers who genuinely enjoyed your content would have it deleted without a proper explanation.
You had kept it up, leaving your account to slowly become untouched, even if your attraction to the pro increased steadily during the span of these past few months.
Besides, there was no way anyone could connect it to you, right?
Wrong, apperently.
So fucking wrong.
"I've gotta say, you're quite the little writer. I would've said your talents lay in haggling me out of meetings, but this is some good stuff."
Your eyes shot up at his words in shocked dismay. "You read them?"
Golden irises darkened, fixed in your direction in a way that made you squirm. "All of them."
Hot tears began to brim at the corner of your eyes. You willfully pushed them back, hoping to retain what minuscule specs of self respect you had left.
Pushing back the chair, you stood up, offering him a polite bow in refusal to meet his gaze. "I guess I'll go collect my things. Thank you for the opportunity."
The confusion in his tone made you look up in surprise. "Aren't I being fired?"
He furrowed his brows, offering you an unreadable expression. "Fire you?"
You nodded at his question, trying to ignore the glimmer of hope creeping into your train of thought. "Well, um, I just thought that-"
"Sit down."
The authority behind his voice had you immediately in compliance. You watched him slowly stand up and make his way over to you, the already established power dynamic reinstated physically.
He placed his hands on the arms of your chair, effectively caging your body between them. "Writing porn online about your boss? A termination would probably be letting you off easy."
Your heart dropped.
Did I commit a felony?
There's no way, right?
There can't be.
I mean, yeah sure, the commission's super uptight about his image, but people write shit online about the heroes all the time, so it can't be that bad.
I hope...
"Did you mean it?"
You glanced up in confusion. "Mean what?"
Cocking an eyebrow, he offered you a smirk that reeked of self-satisfaction. "Did you really spend all that time daydreaming about how good my cock would feel inside you?"
Your mind went blank at his words. There was nothing you could focus on besides the warmth his voice was sparking in your core.
This couldn't be happening. You had to be drunk or asleep or something.
He raised a hand to softly cup your jaw, eyes boring into yours in anticipation. "Listen, sweetheart, you have to let me know this is okay first or I'm gonna stop."
Gaze trailing downward, you line of sight shot
"Please don't." You breathed. He quickly backed away, but you made a grab for his hands in realization. "Fuck, I-I mean don't stop, please don't stop. You can... I want you to keep going, please."
Hawks scanned your expression for any sort of hesitation, finding nothing but desire hidden behind a thick veil of shame and embarrassment.
An impish grin materialized across his face and Hawks resumed his previous position, confining you into the chair with muscled biceps. You gasped when he lifted his right leg, pushing it in between your thighs.
Dexterous fingers began to slowly undo the buttons of your blouse. "I'll admit, you're pretty good at writing about me, but I can promise that the real thing is a lot better."
Intimidating could be a word to describe him, sure, but never like this.
After pulling open your shirt, Hawks tugged down the strap of your bra. The cold air hit your chest and you stiffened in shyness under the heat of his stare.
He nudged your averted gaze upward with the tip of his finger, allowing you to see the affection and lust swimming in his expression. Golden eyes met your own before his mouth crashed against yours.
The kiss trailed downward as he began to pepper your neck and exposed collarbone with his lips, sucking on the skin as his hands moved up to rub your breasts.
You began to unconsciously roll your hips against his thigh, squirming in desperation. He immediately took notice, giving your nipple a soft pinch.
A low whine fell from your throat when he removed his leg from in between yours.
"So needy." Hawks clicked his tongue, voice laced with imitated disapproval.
You watched his hand move to slip underneath your skirt, hooking a finger into the fabric of your underwear and pulling it to the side. A sharp exhale fell past your lips as his breath hit your core.
He ran a finger through your slit, eyes wide in satisfaction at the wetness that followed.
"Always getting here on time, always so polite. What a good girl." He cackled, slowly inserting a finger into you and pumping it experimentally. "Who knew you were such a slut?"
His thumb found your clit, rubbing the bud and drawing a soft moan from your lips. "It doesn't matter very much to me though, as long as you're mine."
The movement of hands came to a slow as he reached behind himself to grab something. "In fact, why don't you show me? Since you seemed so keen on it before."
"What?" You breathed, aching for the pleasure he had just taken away.
"I wanna hear how much of a slut you are for me." He held out his phone, allowing you to see the faintly lit screen of your writing profile. "I want to hear every sentence your perverted little mind has conjured up about me. You stop talking and I stop fucking you with my fingers, understood?"
Allowing him to press the device into your hands, you nodding, silently begging for him to continue.
You started to speak, voice wobbling with every syllable. His movement hung off every one of them, motions led by the fantasy you narrated.
"His touch was like fireworks against her skin, still cold from the evening air."
Every word added to your personal humiliation, but it was an evil you would gladly endure if that meant feeling like this.
"He added another finger." He did as you said, causing you to gasp at the added pressure. "Fuck, Hawks!"
"Keigo, sweetheart."
With a curl of his fingers, the last syllable of his name fizzled away into low groan. "Almost there, princess, you've got it."
He was right.
This was so much better than anything you could've ever come up with.
The words that fell from your mouth soon turned to a puddle of moans. They blurred together on the screen as bliss flooded your mind, replacing any coherent thought with pure need.
Pleasure coursed through your limbs with every thrust of his fingers, edging you closer and closer to the brim of ecstasy. A few more moments and you pushed past it.
The phone fell from your shaking hands as you unraveled in his.
Hawks tenderly soothed you down from your high, softly continuing to caress your overstimulated clit before removing his hand from under your skirt.
"Request the day off tomorrow, yeah?" He pressed a gentle kiss against your lips, sending you a devilish grin. "I'm taking you up on that hashtag once we get off and you're definitely gonna need it."
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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The Williamsburg Bridge stands as both a historical treasure and a vital component of New York City's modern infrastructure. Its rich history, architectural significance, and ongoing role in transportation continue to make it a cherished and enduring symbol of the city.
Tributes and Memorials: Like many iconic structures, the Williamsburg Bridge has been the site of various tributes and memorials. Over the years, it has been used as a backdrop for events honoring individuals or commemorating significant historical events.
Public Transportation Hub: The Williamsburg Bridge has also played a role in public transportation beyond automobiles and bicycles. It has been used by buses, and subway lines run beneath it. The J, M, and Z subway lines pass through the bridge's underground tracks, offering additional transit options for commuters.
Public Space: The bridge's pedestrian and bicycle pathways provide unique public spaces for residents and visitors. These paths offer stunning views of the city and are often used for leisurely walks, jogging, and recreational cycling.
Maintenance Challenges: The maintenance and preservation of a historic bridge like Williamsburg present significant challenges. Engineering teams continually work to address structural issues, corrosion, and wear and tear while preserving the bridge's architectural and historical integrity.
Historical Documentation: The Williamsburg Bridge has been the subject of historical documentation and research. Engineers, architects, and historians have studied its construction, design, and evolution as part of their efforts to understand its significance within the broader context of urban infrastructure.
Community Identity: For residents of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, the bridge serves as a symbol of their neighborhood and community identity. It connects them to job opportunities and cultural attractions in Manhattan while contributing to the unique character of Williamsburg.
Environmental Considerations: In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the environmental impact of transportation infrastructure. Efforts have been made to make the bridge more sustainable, such as by exploring energy-efficient lighting options and ways to reduce its carbon footprint.
Architectural Details: The bridge's towers and support structures feature intricate architectural details, including decorative elements and motifs that reflect the design sensibilities of the era in which it was built. These details contribute to its status as an architectural landmark.
Public Safety: Safety measures, including surveillance cameras and regular inspections, are in place to ensure the safety of those using the bridge. Additionally, traffic management strategies help mitigate congestion and ensure the smooth flow of vehicles.
Cultural Diversity: The areas connected by the Williamsburg Bridge, namely Manhattan's Lower East Side and Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood, have long been known for their cultural diversity. The bridge has played a role in facilitating the movement of people from different backgrounds, contributing to the rich tapestry of New York City.
Economic Impact on Williamsburg: The bridge has had a profound impact on the economic development of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As it made transportation to Manhattan more accessible, it attracted businesses and residents to the area, spurring economic growth and transformation.
Post-9/11 Security Measures: After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, security measures were heightened on many critical infrastructure elements, including bridges. The Williamsburg Bridge received increased security attention to protect against potential threats.
Art Installations: The bridge has been the site of various temporary art installations and performances. These artistic endeavors often celebrate the bridge's history and its role as a cultural and architectural landmark.
Historical Preservation Organizations: Organizations such as the Historic Districts Council and the Municipal Art Society of New York have been actively involved in advocating for the preservation of the Williamsburg Bridge and other historic landmarks throughout the city.
Future Enhancements: Urban planners and city officials continue to explore ways to enhance the Williamsburg Bridge and improve its accessibility, safety, and sustainability. This includes potential upgrades to its pedestrian and cyclist facilities and consideration of modern transportation trends.
Emergency Services Access: The bridge plays a critical role in providing emergency services access to both Manhattan and Brooklyn. First responders rely on it to reach areas quickly during emergencies or natural disasters.
Educational Significance: The Williamsburg Bridge is often used as an educational resource, allowing students and researchers to learn about bridge engineering, urban history, and the evolution of transportation infrastructure.
Community Engagement: Local communities on both sides of the bridge have been actively engaged in discussions about its future and any potential changes. Public input and community involvement are essential aspects of maintaining and preserving this iconic structure.
The Williamsburg Bridge continues to be a symbol of New York City's enduring spirit, resilience, and innovation. Its historical, cultural, and economic significance makes it a beloved part of the city's landscape, and it remains a vital link between two bustling boroughs.
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merakiui · 2 months
Mera do you think you’ll make another part to android!jade? I can’t stop reading it it’s just so good!! >.< also what were to happen if Jade was shut down and darling finally has a chance to escape? How would Jade find darling if he’s shut down and isn’t able to function?🤔 I hope I’m not bothering you with these questions!!
Aaaa thank you so much!!!! I would like to write more for him. Maybe something from Jade's perspective in that same storyline,,, or maybe more angst hehe. No matter what, more android!!!! I love androids and futuristic sci-fi plots, so hopefully I can brain rot more about android Jade. <3
Your questions aren't bothering me at all!!! :D since he's a Shroud android, I think Idia would have installed plenty of features that make a sudden shut-down impossible (or features to prevent such a thing). There are likely spare energy reserves and whatnot. If he was on the verge of a shut-down, he'd probably tap into what reserved energy he has and use it in an effort to capture you. >_< even when he's at risk, his priority will always be you. Jade is efficient and intelligent, so I'm certain he would figure something out!
But by then maybe you've already made it to safety.
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thiziri · 3 months
The Princess Royal visiting Dubai.
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Her Royal Highness took part in a number of engagements during her visit, which began with a tour of DP World’s Jebel Ali Port. This was followed by a conference on seafarer welfare, jointly hosted by The Mission to Seafarers (MtS), DP World, and WISTA UAE, in conjunction with Stephenson Harwood. The day concluded with a celebratory dinner at the One&Only Royal Mirage Hotel, attended by many leading supporters and potential sponsors of the Mission.
At Jebel Ali Port, the Princess was given a tour of Box Bay, an innovative solution for handling containers. Jebel Ali Port is one of the world’s top ten largest container ports in the world and the busiest port in the Middle East. Technological solutions such as Box Bay will play an important role in improving safety, speed, and energy efficiency in the movement of containers.
The Princess then joined a conference on Women in Shipping and Seafarers’ Welfare, held at the DP World Expo Centre. The event featured two panels, the first on seafarer well-being and increasing female participation in shipping, and the second on attracting and retaining the next generation of female seafarers.
The Princess delivered a speech to delegates, where she highlighted the contribution that women can make in tackling the global crew shortage and the importance of ensuring that women in shipping are listened to and supported. The Princess also met with WISTA UAE Ambassadors, including Rania Tadros, President of WISTA UAE and Managing Partner of Stephenson Harwood in Dubai, as well as other members of the MtS Welfare team in Dubai.
The day concluded with a dinner at the One&Only Royal Mirage Hotel for senior leaders from across the shipping industry and the wider business community, as well as the British Ambassador and the Consul General. Her Royal Highness spoke of the work of the Mission to Seafarers in Dubai and globally, reminding guests how much we continue to depend on seafarers, and how they, in turn, need our sustained support. The Revd Canon Andrew Wright, Secretary General of the MtS, thanked attendees for their support for the vital work of the Mission in the UAE.
© Mission to Seafarers
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Lamborghini 5-95 by Zagato
The Milanese Atelier transformed the model that revolutionized Lamborghini’s history into a contemporary collectible. The Lamborghini 5-95 Zagato is based on the Gallardo LP570-4, the best seller in the Sant’Agata’s company.
Zagato maintained all the technical constraints of the original project but has re-interpreted them according to its philosophy oriented towards functionalism and rationalism - typical values of the Milanese school.The Zagato body expresses the typical key values of an “instant classic”: fascinating, rare and a pure expression of the brands it stands for. The 5-95 was created with the only limitation of active and passive safety witch are the value of the donor car.
On the front end a floating spoiler takes inspiration from the Lamborghini Raptor Zagato, coming to a firewall in carbon fiber that conceals the front air intakes. Continuous glass surfaces – a technical and stylistic theme launched by Zagato in the end of the 40s on the Panoramic bodies and re-applied in the 80s – surround the pillar-less body and, similarly to aeronautical cockpits, reduce noise and improve aerodynamics.
The side intakes, following the Lamborghini Raptor, have been visually reduced to the minimum thanks to an air scoop on the roof as well as additional apertures concealed in the glass surfaces. The air scoop is functionally integrated with the double bubble roof, a signature of Zagato design, directing the cooling to the intake manifold. The monolithic rear volume is chopped off by the typical truncated tail and reveals the brutality of mechanical components protruding from the area such as tail lamps heat release, aerodynamic features and the active spoiler.
There isn’t a sole gram of fat in a Lamborghini. It is thin and athletic, having a lot in common with the surfaces of a Zagato body, true to the rule that a car is as much efficient as it is compact.
Zagato designers and engineers aimed to press the rear towards the engine and to increase the proportion of the front. As a result, the 5-95 Zagato’s volumes express a sense of energy through fluid and organic surfaces that recall an animal’s muscles as it is ready to leap forward.
The volumes intersect each other and suggest a jump, as if the central part of the front is ahead of the fender. To accentuate these proportions some solutions were introduced: in fact a new wind deflector was inserted at the base of the windscreen in order to increase the perceived length of the bonnet - this has a very precise aeronautical function because it improves the wind flow in the windscreen wiper area. In the same way, the rear volume has been slightly reduced introducing a “coda tronca” (truncated tail) to emphasize the perception of the leap.
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gabrielle-writes · 2 years
Walking On My Grave - IF
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You live in Bravo, one of the biggest and most advanced cities of the Known World, built upon the strength, knowledge and energy of Souls and Undeads along centuries. In the last 10 years, you have made a name for yourself as trustful and efficient with the City Council and the Academies of Magic. When problems with the Undead and the Soul-based technology arose, it didn't really came as a surprise the summons and the mission: Go to the Blood Prophets and get us knowledge and advice so we can solve this.
There you went, along with your companion given the same mission.
And at first it went fine, an uneventful trip through the roads, cities and small villages of the continent.
Until you were caught in an earthquake, the ground opened up under you, and you woke up lost in the middle of unknown and unexplored underground tunnels, only your companion with you, and no idea of the depths the both of you were or how to get out.
WARNINGS: This IF is rated +18, because of violence, possible gore and body horror, blood, possible suggestion of cannibalism, possible death, and possible suggestive sexual themes and situations.
- Create and customize your character: play as an Undead Knight or as a Necromancer. Choose between female, male and nonbinary. Customize your appearance, your personality, your name and how you fight.
- Antagonize, befriend or romance your companion (A Necromancer or an Undead Knight, depending on with which you play) as you both try to escape and survive the tunnels.
- Explore the tunnels, discover more about how Souls and Death work, and, hopefully, complete your mission.
- Resist the Hunger. Resist the Need. Resist the Greed. Resist the Desire.
- Beware the tunnels.
The Possible ROs
The Undead Knight: Gehfeer Silb-Ziidre Custorti (Gender-Selectable, He/She/They)
Gehfeer is one of the best Undead ever brought back to life in the Academy of Necromancy; in only ten years, they were raised to the ranks of the Custorti, some of the most reliable Undeads, trusted in the presence of Soul Pearls and Living as no other can be. Always with a sarcastic answer on the tip of the tongue and not a lot of deference most of the time, strangers would doubt how fast they can be when necessary and their dedication to protect the ones inside the Academy. Maybe the Hunger seems to always be slightly louder than it should considering their experience, teeth and fingers always anxious to tear flesh apart, but it is not uncontrollable.
The Necromancer: Cosmos Tessere Morttatio (Gender-Selectable, He/She/They)
Cosmos is a prodigy. One of the few mages of the Academy of Necromancy that conquered the title of Morttatio, a Master at Resurrecting the dead, in less than the typical fifteen years after graduation. Easy to anger, Cosmos is not someone to be taken lightly, all their intelligence and magical talent focused since childhood to the advent of Resurrection, to find and choose the best Souls to guarantee the Academy and Bravo's safety. Maybe they should've had waited more between each Resurrection, the Desire is stronger than what it should be at their age, fingers and mouth anxious to weave spells and bring all back from the dead, but they can manage it.
Written in Twine Sugarcube
Lore Posts - Learn more about the world!
Art Posts - See characters and the world!
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bimbofromtheblock · 2 years
My apartment will have an extra room for my beauty stuff and to do my esthetician work in.
My apartment will have a full tub-shower combo in the bathroom and its own separate linen closet.
My apartment will have a large, open floor plan for the living slash dining area.
My apartment will have a washer and dryer included, either in the kitchen or bathroom.
My apartment will have big, open windows for maximum serotonin.
My apartment will have bonus amenities for me to use at my leisure. (Gym, pool, sauna etc.)
My apartment will have all utilities included and a designated parking space.
My apartment will have strong wifi connection.
My apartment will have all hardwood floors, no carpet whatsoever.
My apartment will have more than enough counter space for me to ok and bake any foods I desire.
My apartment will have a dishwasher and a microwave included.
My apartment will have efficient appliances to help conserve energy and lower costs.
My apartment will have absolutely no bugs, no rodents, no pests of any kind.
My apartment will have high ceilings to help frame gorgeous sunlight from my big windows.
My apartment will have tons of built in storage and shelving.
My apartment will have the appropriate safety features and locks.
My apartment will have a full sized stove in the kitchen and a full sized fridge.
My apartment will have easy access to public transportation.
My apartment will have easy access to grocery stores and gas stations.
My apartment will have easy access to downtown and the highway.
My apartment will have the best location for UberEats, DoorDash etc.
My apartment will have a cozy and comfortable energy, and people will feel safe and at home when they visit.
My apartment will have chill, understanding and community-type neighbors.
My apartment will have a community garden in proximity.
My apartment will be very cost efficient for my pockets.
My apartment will have kind, responsive and helpful management staff.
My apartment will have matching aesthetics both inside and outside of the building.
My apartment will have simple to maneuver mail and package delivery.
My apartment will have a patio or balcony.
My apartment will not be smoking free.
My apartment will have reasonable pet rent and fees.
My apartment will have a locally owned bar or cafe within walking distance.
My apartment will have stabilized rent.
My apartment will be in a racially diverse neighborhood.
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tubetrading · 6 months
Revolutionizing Rail Travel:  Introducing Railway Rooftop by Radiant Enterprises
In the ever-evolving landscape of transportation, Radiant Enterprises stands at the forefront of innovation, reshaping the future of rail travel.  With a vision to enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability, Radiant Enterprises proudly introduces its groundbreaking solution – the Railway Rooftop.  As leading Railway Rooftop manufacturers in India, Radiant Enterprises aims to revolutionize the rail industry and set new standards for modern transportation systems.
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Unveiling Railway Rooftop:  A Game-Changer in Rail Travel
Railway Rooftop, a pioneering concept in the realm of rail transportation, is designed to address the challenges faced by traditional railway systems.  It serves as a testament to Radiant Enterprises' commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation.  The integration of advanced technology and cutting-edge engineering has resulted in a transformative solution that promises to elevate the entire rail travel experience.
The Role of Radiant Enterprises as Railway Rooftop Manufacturers in India
Radiant Enterprises takes immense pride in its role as one of the leading Railway Rooftop manufacturers in India.  With a dedicated focus on quality, safety, and sustainability, the company has emerged as a key player in shaping the future of rail travel.  The Railway Rooftop, meticulously designed and manufactured by Radiant Enterprises, embodies the company's ethos of delivering excellence.
Key Features of Railway Rooftop
1.         Enhanced Safety Measures:
Railway Rooftop prioritizes passenger safety by incorporating state-of-the-art safety features.  The design is meticulously engineered to withstand various environmental conditions, ensuring a secure travel experience for passengers and crew alike.
2.         Sustainability at its Core:
Radiant Enterprises understands the importance of sustainability in modern transportation.  The Railway Rooftop is crafted with eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient components, aligning with global efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation systems.
3.         Optimized Efficiency:
Efficiency is a cornerstone of the Railway Rooftop's design.  Through aerodynamic considerations and advanced engineering, Radiant Enterprises has ensured that the rooftop seamlessly integrates with existing rail systems, optimizing overall efficiency and performance.
Roof Busbar Support Insulator Manufacturers in India
Radiant Enterprises extends its expertise beyond Railway Rooftop manufacturing to provide essential components that enhance the system's functionality.  As Roof Busbar Support Insulator manufacturers in India, the company plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and performance of rail electrification systems.
Rooftop Bushing Manufacturers in India
The success of Railway Rooftop relies on the synergy of various components, and Radiant Enterprises stands out as a prominent player in this ecosystem.  As Rooftop Bushing manufacturers in India, the company contributes to the seamless transmission of power within the rail system, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity and operational excellence.
Advancing Rail Travel Through Innovation
In a rapidly changing world, innovation is the driving force behind progress.  Radiant Enterprises understands the evolving needs of the rail industry and embraces the challenge of delivering solutions that transcend traditional boundaries.  The introduction of Railway Rooftop signifies a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and experience rail travel.
Addressing Challenges with Railway Rooftop
1.         Overcoming Spatial Limitations:
The conventional design of rail systems often faces spatial limitations, restricting the incorporation of additional features.  Railway Rooftop transcends these limitations, providing an innovative solution that utilizes previously untapped space.
2.         Improving Passenger Experience:
Passengers are at the heart of every transportation system.  Railway Rooftop not only enhances safety but also contributes to an improved overall experience for passengers.  The panoramic views and open-air ambiance create a unique and enjoyable journey.
3.         Adapting to Future Technological Advances:
Radiant Enterprises has engineered Railway Rooftop with adaptability in mind.  The design allows for seamless integration of future technological advances, ensuring that rail travel remains at the forefront of innovation for years to come.
The Future of Rail Travel:  A Green, Efficient, and Safe Journey
As the world increasingly turns towards sustainable and efficient modes of transportation, Railway Rooftop emerges as a symbol of progress in the rail industry.  Radiant Enterprises envisions a future where rail travel is not only the preferred choice for its efficiency but also celebrated for its environmental sustainability.
Conclusion:  Radiant Enterprises Paving the Way Forward
In conclusion, Radiant Enterprises, as a trailblazer in transportation innovation, introduces Railway Rooftop as a transformative solution for the rail industry.  With a focus on safety, sustainability, and efficiency, Radiant Enterprises sets new standards as Railway Rooftop manufacturers in India.  The company's commitment to excellence extends beyond the rooftop, with integral contributions as Roof Busbar Support Insulator manufacturers in India and Rooftop Bushing manufacturers in India.
The journey towards revolutionizing rail travel has just begun, and Radiant Enterprises invites the world to embark on this exciting and sustainable path together.  As we look to the future, Railway Rooftop stands as a testament to the endless possibilities that innovation and dedication can bring to the world of transportation.
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Sustainable and Reliable Commercial Steam Boilers
Thermodyne commercial steam boilers are leading the way in innovation, offering unmatched performance and energy efficiency. Engineered to meet the demanding needs of modern industries, our boilers provide a range of benefits that can help businesses thrive in today's competitive market. We understand the importance of uninterrupted operations, and our boilers are known for their reliability, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth business operations. Sustainability is a top priority for businesses today, and our steam boiler systems are designed to meet stringent emissions standards, contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.
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Metal organic framework nanosheets employed as ion carriers for self-optimized zinc anode
Aqueous rechargeable zinc ion batteries are promising components for electric grid storage due to their low cost and intrinsic safety. However, their practical implementation is hindered by poor reversibility of the zinc anode, primarily caused by the chaotic Zn deposition present as dendrite and side reactions. Recently, a research group led by Prof. Yang Weishen and Dr. Zhu Kaiyue from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has proposed a strategy using "ion carriers" by importing macromolecular Zn2+ carriers with a large mass-to-charge ratio to decouple the ion flux from the inhomogeneous electric field and substrate. This method provides an efficient pathway to overcome the dendrite and side reaction problems. This study was published in Energy & Environmental Science on Aug. 18. The researchers found that metal organic framework (MOF) nanosheets featuring migration capability under electric field due to their one-dimensional channel structure and preferential Zn2+ adsorption, as well as unique reductive chemistry due to the weak coordination between ligands and zinc ions, enables them to serve as dynamic Zn2+ ion carriers.
Read more.
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madelinemccoolname · 2 months
another magnet movie mreview double feature
toy story 2 and monster's inc.
I swear I don't mean to do 2 at once, I'm watching these semi-daily but I can only review when I have energy, okay break and go
Toy Story 2
Do you ever watch a movie, and find that secretly, scenes from the whole movie are burned into your retinas and are drawn on your eyelids, this was my latest experience watching toy story 2. Toy story 2 is about an inversion on the original, woody is in a secondary location and it's up to the boys to bring him home while he has cowboy doll adventures with jesse and the horse and that other guy. Definitely a more novel setup than "what if a kid was evil" but it leaves a lot of the movie on the shoulders of the boys, who're fun but i would hesitate to say any of them "contribute", honestly mvp of the rescue mission might go to fake buzz, who gets the vent open *and* fights that weird zurg that shows up. I know all it sounds like i've done is complain, but that's mainly because i dont have much else to say otherwise. Toy Story 2 is a natural feeling expansion on the original, talking about one or two things the movie does well would just be repeating "well they did this better than the original, and technology improved over time"
toy story 2 gets a 9/10, and the original gets retroactively bumped to an 8/10
memorable bits: the video game bit, when woody finds all his cool shit, "when she loved me" (honestly the buzz half of this movie is less than the woody half that's why all these scenes are woody's), the invention of asmr cleaning videos, star wars references fuckin everywhere, the entire last 30 minutes being stuck in my brain since childhood with it's weird soft lighting and like fun gray stuff
monster's inc.
Now this is a movie I can analyze. Monster's inc. is about how we need green energy fucking now, naturally it was released in 2002. Sully and Mike are working class factory men in the scare factory, a power plant but instead of torturing rocks they torture children by going into their rooms at night and scaring them. They do this with minimal safety equipment and with an understanding that touching a human child is explicitly dangerous. This becomes clearly false as they meet our third lead, a human child they call boo, shenanigans and hijinks ensue, they get boo back to the human world, get their coworker randall and boss mr. waterknot put in prison for human trafficking and they switch to green energy laughter. i find this movie far more interesting as a metaphor than as a movie to be critical about (it's another 8/10 if you want a score, i really like the score and the world but find it drags in the middle until the climax). So, their boss was secretly funding a more efficient, but far more unethical way of getting oil scream, instead of going with the even more efficient and powerful and infinite laughter, but it doesn't really seem like mr. waterknot even really knows about the laughter. Actually now that i think of it nobody knew there was an alternative until the end, so ig the boss wasn't the worst fictional capitalist i've ever seen, because at least he wasn't also suppressing the cure, he was just stupid. but who cares about his plan his shit is incidental randall is a class traitor! like straight up actually doesn't care about selling out human kids, and doesn't give a fuck about mike and sully getting banished for like 5 minutes, just so long as he gets a promotion he'll kill his lil peanut guy to get his way. it's like a really messy metaphor but it works as a compelling case for "but why not solar power tho?" y'know? like that one comic that's like "but what if we cleaned up the world for future generations for nothing" but like as a movie, why shouldn't we use green energy? even if it's nothing but better for the kids
memorable bits: uhhh the fuckin doors, that scene with mike and randall with the clock, the scene where they shave that guy, the sushi place (which blew up in the pre-9/11 cut), the fuckin monster offices in the back (need that in kh), "welcome to the himalayas", nemo in boo's room at the end, "i'd kidnap a thousand children before i'd let this company die" for some reason playing continuously in my head whenever i think of this movie, rozz the slug lady, celia, the ending tease,
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