#Railway Rooftop
tubetrading · 6 months
Revolutionizing Rail Travel:  Introducing Railway Rooftop by Radiant Enterprises
In the ever-evolving landscape of transportation, Radiant Enterprises stands at the forefront of innovation, reshaping the future of rail travel.  With a vision to enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability, Radiant Enterprises proudly introduces its groundbreaking solution – the Railway Rooftop.  As leading Railway Rooftop manufacturers in India, Radiant Enterprises aims to revolutionize the rail industry and set new standards for modern transportation systems.
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Unveiling Railway Rooftop:  A Game-Changer in Rail Travel
Railway Rooftop, a pioneering concept in the realm of rail transportation, is designed to address the challenges faced by traditional railway systems.  It serves as a testament to Radiant Enterprises' commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation.  The integration of advanced technology and cutting-edge engineering has resulted in a transformative solution that promises to elevate the entire rail travel experience.
The Role of Radiant Enterprises as Railway Rooftop Manufacturers in India
Radiant Enterprises takes immense pride in its role as one of the leading Railway Rooftop manufacturers in India.  With a dedicated focus on quality, safety, and sustainability, the company has emerged as a key player in shaping the future of rail travel.  The Railway Rooftop, meticulously designed and manufactured by Radiant Enterprises, embodies the company's ethos of delivering excellence.
Key Features of Railway Rooftop
1.         Enhanced Safety Measures:
Railway Rooftop prioritizes passenger safety by incorporating state-of-the-art safety features.  The design is meticulously engineered to withstand various environmental conditions, ensuring a secure travel experience for passengers and crew alike.
2.         Sustainability at its Core:
Radiant Enterprises understands the importance of sustainability in modern transportation.  The Railway Rooftop is crafted with eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient components, aligning with global efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation systems.
3.         Optimized Efficiency:
Efficiency is a cornerstone of the Railway Rooftop's design.  Through aerodynamic considerations and advanced engineering, Radiant Enterprises has ensured that the rooftop seamlessly integrates with existing rail systems, optimizing overall efficiency and performance.
Roof Busbar Support Insulator Manufacturers in India
Radiant Enterprises extends its expertise beyond Railway Rooftop manufacturing to provide essential components that enhance the system's functionality.  As Roof Busbar Support Insulator manufacturers in India, the company plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and performance of rail electrification systems.
Rooftop Bushing Manufacturers in India
The success of Railway Rooftop relies on the synergy of various components, and Radiant Enterprises stands out as a prominent player in this ecosystem.  As Rooftop Bushing manufacturers in India, the company contributes to the seamless transmission of power within the rail system, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity and operational excellence.
Advancing Rail Travel Through Innovation
In a rapidly changing world, innovation is the driving force behind progress.  Radiant Enterprises understands the evolving needs of the rail industry and embraces the challenge of delivering solutions that transcend traditional boundaries.  The introduction of Railway Rooftop signifies a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and experience rail travel.
Addressing Challenges with Railway Rooftop
1.         Overcoming Spatial Limitations:
The conventional design of rail systems often faces spatial limitations, restricting the incorporation of additional features.  Railway Rooftop transcends these limitations, providing an innovative solution that utilizes previously untapped space.
2.         Improving Passenger Experience:
Passengers are at the heart of every transportation system.  Railway Rooftop not only enhances safety but also contributes to an improved overall experience for passengers.  The panoramic views and open-air ambiance create a unique and enjoyable journey.
3.         Adapting to Future Technological Advances:
Radiant Enterprises has engineered Railway Rooftop with adaptability in mind.  The design allows for seamless integration of future technological advances, ensuring that rail travel remains at the forefront of innovation for years to come.
The Future of Rail Travel:  A Green, Efficient, and Safe Journey
As the world increasingly turns towards sustainable and efficient modes of transportation, Railway Rooftop emerges as a symbol of progress in the rail industry.  Radiant Enterprises envisions a future where rail travel is not only the preferred choice for its efficiency but also celebrated for its environmental sustainability.
Conclusion:  Radiant Enterprises Paving the Way Forward
In conclusion, Radiant Enterprises, as a trailblazer in transportation innovation, introduces Railway Rooftop as a transformative solution for the rail industry.  With a focus on safety, sustainability, and efficiency, Radiant Enterprises sets new standards as Railway Rooftop manufacturers in India.  The company's commitment to excellence extends beyond the rooftop, with integral contributions as Roof Busbar Support Insulator manufacturers in India and Rooftop Bushing manufacturers in India.
The journey towards revolutionizing rail travel has just begun, and Radiant Enterprises invites the world to embark on this exciting and sustainable path together.  As we look to the future, Railway Rooftop stands as a testament to the endless possibilities that innovation and dedication can bring to the world of transportation.
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Regalia Residence Kuala Lumpur
Let’s Check Regalia Residence When we discuss Kuala Lumpur, it is recognized as the capital city of Malaysia and is colloquially referred to as ‘KL’. KualaLumpur is famous for its exciting culture, and beautiful buildings. Lots of people visit every year. Finding the perfect place to stay is really important when you travel because it can greatly impact your overall experience. So, for this…
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technologyplanet · 2 years
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jennapancake · 11 days
Hi!!! Can I request Umemiya Hajime x girlfriend reader who has an amazing cooking skill? He gives her the vegetables he grew for her to cook and eat together at the rooftop.
The Dreamcatcher (Umemiya x Reader)
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A/n: This is such a cute request! Thank you for being my first request ever and I hope this is to your liking! I tried my best but I'm still getting the hang of this whole writing thing. Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Like one mention of blood from a split lip, fighting, kissing, pet names, couple behavior, slightly spell checked, and two curse words I believe.
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Ever since you were little, all you ever wanted to do was cook but being declared a troubled kid by all around you only made that dream harder and harder to reach. That was until you met him...Hajime Umemiya.
You met Hajime at the age of fourteen when a group of boys tried to jump you in a tunnel that led under a railway. You had bumped into one of the boys (or more he had bumped into you) and the boy seemingly wasn't going to accept being run into without some kind of punishment.
So obviously you began fighting the boy. What else would a “troubled” kid do? However once you quickly defeated the first boy the rest of his friends jumped in. Although you were quite strong you were severely outnumbered and just when you thought your stamina had deteriorated completely, the last couple of boys were taken down in just one swift crescent kick.
Quickly looking at your savoir you saw a boy about your age with a kind smile on his face as he looked at you. “Hi, are you okay? That was quite the group.” The boy asked, a slight tilt to his head.
“I'm fine.” You responded, wiping the blood from your split lip. “Thank you…for the help.” You said only causing the smile on the boy's face to grow.
“Well of course, although I'm sure you could have handled them yourself. You did beat up most of them before I got here. You're quite strong.” The boy said, causing your cheeks to heat up, from the compliment. However, before you could respond the boy was putting his hand out towards you to shake “Hajime Umemiya” He introduced himself with a kind smile. You stood there frozen at the introduction, it had been so long since someone your age was so kind to you. As you stood frozen the boy moved his hand closer to you as if encouraging you to shake his hand instead of standing there in that dumbfounded position like you were. So, finally moving you shook his hand back “Y/n y/l/n” you said, smiling back at the boy.
And that was how you met Hajime, the boy you now call your best friend and your boyfriend. Ever since that day the two of you have been close. You followed him to Bofurin and you helped him achieve his dream, just as he helped you achieve yours.
Now as you were chopping onions for some soup you were making for dinner, you couldn't help but smile as two hands wrapped around your waist.
“Hi, Honey” You said, continuing to chop the onions, a small hello mumbled into your shoulder as your boyfriend left a kiss on the bare skin uncovered by your tank top. “How was the garden?” You asked, finally throwing the onions into the pot and then turning around in the man's arms to face him.
“It was good” He smiled down at you, “I brought you some tomatoes and the rest of the onions you asked for” He said, gesturing to the basket of vegetables he had set on the island behind him.
“Thank you” You smiled brightly at the man, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips that only made the man's smile double in size at how happy the simplest things made you. He didn't mind tending the garden, he made it specifically for you, really it was fun and quickly beginning to be one of his favorite parts of the day, besides of course all his moments with the love of his life. But he wouldn't mind tending a seventy acre farm if it meant seeing you smile at him like this for the rest of his days.
“Now as much as I love cuddling you, go sit down or make yourself useful. I can have you distracting me from the soup.” You said, a faux seriousness on your face as you pointed your finger at the tall man.
“Well then I guess I'll have to make myself useful, darling.” He said, a cheeky grin donning his features “Well then you're on tomato chopping duty.” You ordered, pointing your finger at the cutting board. “Yes ma'am” Your boyfriend smirked, quickly pulling you in for one more kiss before getting started on those tomatoes.
The two of you cooked dinner together that night just as you often did, small smiles adorning both of your faces as you glanced at one another and held conversations about your days as well as a small joking argument of what show the two of you would watch after dinner. Umemiya of course giving in to your choice of show because he would do anything for you.
Once dinner was complete, Hajime carried your two bowls of soup up to the rooftop while you carried the salad you insisted on making as well as your drinks so you could bask in whatever warmth was left from the setting sun. The calm breeze rustling the plants aligning the rooftop just adding to the serenity of the moment. Just being here with Hajime after all the work the two of you put in to reach this moment was so overwhelmingly beautiful and you were more than grateful for whatever being granted you this life.
"You're staring, Honey." The teasing voice of your boyfriend broke your daze. "Hm, sorry" You smiled sheepishly, taking a spoonful of your soup as you tried to playoff you sappy moment. "What were you thinking about?" He asked, leaning on the tops of his hands as he looked at you, a curious glint in those stunning blue eyes. "Just how happy I am to be here with you" you said, a blush creeping up your cheeks at your confession. Your boyfriend grinned happily at those words and reached his hand across the table to hold yours. "I'm happy to be here with you too, honey." He smiled softly at you and with that you continued your dinner with a blissful happiness.
"Although I might be even happier to be here with this soup, damn this is good. Who taught you to cook like this cause damn girl, might have to wife you up." And with that your boyfriend broke that serenity with of course nothing but his ridiculous comedy but that only made the moment that more special with the giggles he made spew from your mouth.
You wouldn't trade this life with him for anything in the world, he was the love of your life, the man who helped you achieve your dream you once thought was impossible. He was your dream catcher.
You were finally able to accomplish what you always wanted to do because Hajime made it a reality just for you. All because you told Hajime in a small conversation when you were fourteen about how you always wanted to cook and he had told you in return he’d grow the vegetables just so you'd never run out and can always cook to your heart's content. And after seeing that bright smile consume your features he swore to himself once he reached the top he wouldn't stop until he helped you achieve your dream just as you helped him achieve his.
And now he wouldn't trade you or that soup for anything in the world. You helped him achieve his own dreams and him helping you achieve yours was only a small repayment of his appreciation and admiration for you. You were his dream catcher.
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dailyoverview · 5 months
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Two rooftop shark silhouettes are visible atop Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Created with contrasting white and grey pavers, the design can be seen by visitors who climb the adjacent CN Tower — an iconic 1,815-foot-tall (553 meters) concrete communications and observation tower. This area of Toronto is known as the “Railway Lands,” because it was once a major railway switching yard; and it is still an important modern rail hub, with Toronto Union Station nearby.
43.642403°, -79.385971°
Source imagery: Nearmap
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failbettergames · 2 months
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You gaze out across the mist-shrouded rooftops of London as the rain falls onto the slates and gables, sluices down the spouts and gutters and splashes onto the cobblestones below. Drop by drop, it pours. 
Firmament is Fallen London's next major expansion, a main story arc that's free to all players who've progressed the Hellbound Railway as far as Ealing Gardens. 
Play the prologue from today. The first full chapter will arrive next week, on April 18th. 
To begin, look for an opportunity card in your deck anywhere in London. (If you played the teaser last week, look for storylets about rain around London to progress.)
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kairiscorner · 10 months
OMIGOSH ok so what if spiderwoman reader moves into miles’ world and they have a sorta like ladynoir dynamic😻😻😻 but in the end miles goes over to readers house and finds out eachothers identitys omggg
HI !! OMG that's kinda cute ngl :> I WANT MORE TEASING MILES, YES PLEASE ?????? i hope u like this :>
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ GUESS WHO? — miles 1610 x spider woman!reader
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• ·➤ summary: you were always miles' favorite spider person to tease, and to find out you were going to be staying in his world for a while... it made him a excited to finally have someone he could work together with. coincidentally, he met a new girl at school who caught his eye, he didn't realize she was hiding a big secret from him–until he discovered it himself.
• ·➤ pairing: miles 1610 x fem!reader • ·➤ genre: mainly fluff !! • ·➤ word count: 1,564 • ·➤ author's note: THIS DYNAMIC IS SO CUTEEEEEEE I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE THIS <333
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"never thought we'd cross paths again, spider woman." called out a playful, nonchalant voice from behind you as you were seated atop the roof of the high rise building you were perched upon. you sighed as you looked back at him, your mask's lenses showing evident frustration. "great, it's the guy whose armpits are bleeding." you murmured as miles smirked at you from underneath his mask, strutting around you, acting cocky as usual. "cold as ever, i see." he remarked as he playfully tapped your shoulder, with you sighing as you looked off into the distance. "y'know, this is my city to save, i'm the spider person of this dimension; never thought i'd be getting a sidekick. and to have my number one fan be that sidekick? gosh, i'm so flattered." he said sarcastically with a sigh. you didn't plan to stay any longer and instead swung away while miles wasn't looking. "hey, wait up!" he called after you as he swung off, following you. you expertly swung from building to building, underneath the railways of the trains moving from above, with miles calling out to you all the while. he finally caught up to you and nudged you with his elbow. "how long are you staying for?" he asked you as you shrugged. "i don't think you have to know." you promptly replied as you threw yourself up and landed on an abandoned building's rooftop that provided the best view in all of brooklyn.
miles followed you and watched you from afar as you looked over all the lit up buildings and streets below you all. he chuckled as he walked over next to you. "i know you aren't sidekick material, you're more... heroine material, but can we just... set aside the fact you're always annoyed by me and just protect the city? i mean, now that you're here and all." miles rambled as you placed a hand on his shoulder. "these people are gonna be the people i need to save now, so... 'course i will. but you'll be the sidekick." you quipped as you leaped off the rooftop and swung off into the night. miles chuckled as he watched you go with a grin. he had known you for a while, ever since the collider incident, he had looked up to you and appreciated how well you upheld your duty as spider woman, though he never knew the person behind the mask. he wasn't going to pry your identity from you, after being spider man for a whole year, he's come to value and separate his secret identity from his superhero identity.
the next day, he had met this new girl in his class. she was a little quiet and didn't have many friends; she kinda faded into the background, but miles was immediately drawn to her, as if he had this sense that just compelled him to talk to her. "hi, you new around here?" miles asked her in a cheery voice, with her appearing a little surprised at miles' friendly demeanor. miles promptly stepped back a little and awkwardly smiled. "um, yeah, i am." she replied as she looked deep into miles' eyes. miles didn't really feel uncomfortable at her intense gazing into his eyes, though he did feel a little self-conscious. "sorry i'm staring, i..." "it's cool, you don't have to explain yourself, it's fine." he said with a flustered voice as he smiled a little wider that a girl was giving him so much attention, a sweet and pretty one, at that.
miles offered to show her around the school, but not before they both introduced themselves to each other. the two hit it off naturally, and they agreed to meet together after school to get to know each other a little better. though when a crazed tech geek started robbing a local pawn shop, they both had to cancel. miles ran off to change quickly into his spider suit, and before he could even make it back to get the villain's attention, spider woman was already dancing with the villain. miles hit the villain's blind spot, catching their attention as you webbed up their gear. "ey, right on time! i would compliment you for coming on time, but you stole my thunder, so that's not cool!" he quipped as he punched the villain and webbed up their arms.
"so what if i did? these streets aren't just yours to save now, sidekick!" you shot back as you both swung around the villain and webbed up their eyes. you both knocked the villain out with swift kicks to their face as they lay there on the pavement, dazed and for the authorities to clean up. the onlookers all had their phones out, buzzing and capturing this very moment: spider man and a spider woman are teaming up? everyone was applauding you two, while also clamoring you both with questions. as miles tried to calm and appease the crowd, you ran off and swung your way back home. "hey, wait for me!" he called out to you as the crowd watched you two go off, still asking questions, like where spider woman came from, what your relationship is with each other, who's the sidekick between you two--but all those questions went unanswered as miles caught up after you, with you weaseling away from him.
miles still looked around for you, searching every alleyway and street for you--every place he would hide if some spider person he was annoyed with to no end was following him--but you were nowhere in sight. "just wanted to say thanks for your help..." miles muttered to himself as he got a text notification on his phone. it came from the girl he just met today, and her asking him if he was okay. miles texted her back with a cute, smiley kaomoji that he was okay, he just had to make a quick break for the bathroom because... he did not piss himself when the villain arrived, of course!
miles was texting her as he swung off, heading home. he asked her if he could visit her still since the issue back there was taken care of by brooklyn's coolest spider man and his new sidekick, spider woman. she defended spider woman's honor and said it seemed like spider man was her sidekick back there. "whether spider man was the sidekick is like time, relative! you see it your way, i see it my way." he texted her as she sent him an eyeroll emoji. she told him he could come to her house soon, trusting him with her address. miles told her he'd be over in 5, but was already on his way there, seeing as how she... was actually living in his neighborhood.
he found her address and saw a glimpse of the back of her head by the window and swung over to her. he was about to crawl over to the front door once he confirmed it really was her, all safe and sound at home, though... she turned around immediately when miles' gazed lingered on her back while she was all clad in... a spider suit? "is that... spider woman's?" he asked himself as her gaze suddenly met his, and– "you?!" he exclaimed as he almost lost his grip on the wall he was scaling, nearly falling down to the sidewalk below if you didn't rush to your window and shoot a web on him, catching him before he fell.
miles caught his breath and lost it again as he stared up at you. "you're... the new girl." he murmured as you pulled him up and into your room. you hoped nobody saw you shoot a web at him, but miles was staring at you with enlarged eyes and a flustered face. "you knew... i was... wow. you stared at me a whole lot today, then..." he realized as he soon smiled to himself as you webbed his mouth. "...not another word, morales." you said in an embarrassed tone as you looked away from him, evidently flustered that miles discovered your true self; the self that was... kinda interested in being friends with miles.
miles ripped your webbing off his mouth as he winced and slightly smirked at you. "if you wanted to be friends, all you needed was to say it, i would love to be friends, not just sidekick and heroine." he said with a chuckle as you crossed your arms over your chest. "not happening." "well it did happen since you invited me over..." "i invited miles morales, not spider man." "it's a two-in-one deal, either you take it or leave it, and i know you wanna take it." miles teased you as you looked at him from the corner of your eye, trying to conceal your flustered expression. you sighed as you sat down on your bed, with miles following you and sitting down next to you. you extended your hand out to him. "fine. to being friends, i guess." you muttered as miles took your hand in his and shook it, with a big grin on his face. "to being friends... and being my sidekick–ow!" he exclaimed as you jokingly punched him when he called you his sidekick. looks like brooklyn has two new defenders, and two new... not really enemies trying to be friends and living as normal teenagers, more or less!
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @solecitoszn
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scotianostra · 2 months
I love days when I get an excuse to post music hre, and I hope you enjoy the third helping, the tale bhind the song is a cracker too......
Johnny Ramensky, the Scottish safe cracker was born on April 6th 1905 in Glenboig, Lanarkshire.
His father was a Lithuanian immigrant miner who died when Johnny was young and the young Ramensky also became a miner. It was while he was down the pit that he learned his skills with dynamite which were to prove so useful to him in later years.
Johnny drifted in and out of trouble from the age of eleven and moved to the Gorbals area of Glasgow during the Depression with his mother and two sisters. He developed an amazing physical strength and acrobatic ability but in order to obtain some money, he became a burglar, specializing in robberies involving climbing up external rone-pipes to gain entry to premises. He also developed skills in picking locks and safe-cracking with explosives.
He won the nickname Gentle Johnny because he never used violence. And he escaped from prison several times, even staging a rooftop protest at Barlinnie in 1931. Johnny was what you would call now a career criminal, his life of crime saw him spend an estimated 40 years in prison, which was only punctuated by his extraordinary service during the Second World War.
When the war started he wanted to contribute something. He went to the governor of Peterhead Prison, where he was being held at the time, and asked for help to join the forces after he got out. The governor recognised he was something special and that he could be extremely helpful to our secret services. He served his full sentence and was collected by MI5 agents at the gate.
Ramensky was known for his athleticism and aced basic military training before he was parachuted behind enemy lines in Nazi-occupied Europe. One early success was at the Italian port city La Spezia.
Johnny was able to hide himself in the mountains and used a compass to direct RAF bombers to the harbour. He was also a smashing saboteur and blew up a lot of railway lines. And after the Germans fled Rome, Johnny was able to recover a huge volume of secret documents from locked safes, which were very helpful in the conclusion of the war.
Ramensky also spent time in North Africa and almost had the opportunity to kill Nazi military commander Erwin Rommel. He broke into Rommel’s headquarters and unfortunately Rommel was on the front line. Had Rommel been there the course of the war would have changed because he would have been prepared to kill him. Of course, he did also break into Rommel’s safe and got plans that were helpful.
Mr.Ramensky’s wartime exploits formed the basis of the 1958 film ‘The Safecracker’, starring Mr.Ray Milland.
After the war Johnny went back to his old ways, even jumping off the train to blow open a safe on the way back to Glasgow hours after he was demobbed. . He went to blow a safe at a bank in York because his criminal contacts tipped him off. He has been described as an adrenaline addict. He seemed to like danger.
When he got back to Glasgow he became a folk hero because people had heard about his exploits in the army. Various people offered him employment, including one of the big demolition companies. But that wasn’t exciting enough for him.
Even in his declining years when his physicality began to leave him he still couldn’t settle down. He tried to be a bookie but lost all of his own money, because he was a gambler. He never really went straight.
Ramensky died aged 67 in 1972 while a prisoner in Perth. He kept diaries which were burned by prison authorities, but one early extract survived.
It read: “Each man has an ambition and I have fulfilled mine long ago. I cherish my career as a safe blower. In childhood days my feet were planted in the crooked path and took firm root. To each one of us is allotted a niche and I have found mine. Strangely enough, I am happy. For me the die is cast and there is no turning back.”
There has been talk a fmovie about Johnny being made, but it is still to happen.
There’s a 7 minute film bout Johnny with the author of his biography, Robert Jeffrey, who I sourced most of the info for this post, and retired Glesga polisman, Les Brown, who tells of his dealings with Gentle Johnny. The Roddy McMillan song is playing throughout the clip.
That’s not the end of Johnny Gently though, he lives on at Peterhead Prison, now a museum where Ramensky served so many years behind bars, has created a exhibition space which highlights different aspects of his career.
You can get his biography by Robert Jeffrey for only £3.39, kindle version and £5.56 hardback at Amazon, I have also seen it on Ebay uk delivered for as low as £2.11
Let Ramensky Go.
There was a lad in Glesga town, Ramensky was his name
Johnny didnae know it then but he was set for fame
Now Johnny was a gentle lad, there was only one thing wrong
He had an itch to strike it rich and trouble came along
He did a wee bit job or two, he blew them open wide
But they caught him and they tried him and they bunged him right inside
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go
And when they let him out he said he’d do his best but then
He yielded tae temptation and they bunged him in again
Now Johnny made the headlines, entertained the boys below
When he climbed up tae the prison roof and gave a one-man show
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go
But when the war was raging the brass-hats had a plan
Tae purloin some information, but they couldnae find a man
So they nobbled John in prison, asked if he would take a chance
Then they dropped him in a parachute beyond the coast of France
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go
Then Johnny was a hero, they shook him by the hand
For stealing secret documents frae the German High Command
So Johnny was rewarded for the job he did sae well
They granted him a pardon frae the prison and the cell
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go
But Johnny was in error when he tried his hand once more
For they caught him at a blastin’, and it wasnae worth the score
The jury pled for mercy, but the judge’s voice was heard
Ten years without remission, and that’s my final word
Ten years, my lord, that’s far too long, wee Johnny cried in vain
For if you send me up for ten I’ll never come out again
Oh give me another chance, my lord, I’m tellin’ you no lie
But if you send me up for ten I’ll sicken and I’ll die
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go
Now Peterhead’s a fortress, its walls are thick and stout
But it couldnae hold wee Johnny when he felt like walking out
Five times he took a powder, he left them in a fix
And every day they sweat and pray in case he makes it six
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates
And let Ramensky go………
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mizukisbow · 7 months
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“You did well”
(Also posted this on Wattpad)
Tags: high school satosugu, fluff/comfort
Gojo was leaning against the railways on jujutsu high's rooftop. The sky were turning darker and darker by seconds, it seems like the weather is going to rain soon. Gojo's gorgeous blue eyes stared out the familiar non-changing scenery that he'd always see while standing on this rooftop whenever he was stressed. Lately, missions by missions have worn Gojo out. A lot. He could barely sit down and rest for 10 minutes. Not only because jujutsu sorcerers were very rare, in contrast to the number of cases involving them, Gojo was also known as the strongest sorcerer among Jujutsu society, so assigning him to special missions was as of expected. But Gojo had never wished this. He just wants to be a normal student, living the youth and having the fun he deserved. He let out a resigned sigh. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. Gojo turned around, slightly smiling when he met the pair of eyes of Geto Suguru, his best friend.
"Suguru!" Gojo exclaimed
"Yo, Satoru" Geto waved "What are you doing up here?"
"Hmm, I wonder what" Gojo feigned stupidity "Same goes for you though, Suguru!"
"Fresh air"
"..Me too then" Gojo pouted
Geto walked towards Gojo, leaning his back on the railway, his back was hurting due to the metal bar's pressure, but he didn't care. He continued the conversation:
"So, Satoru, rate the missions you've gotten recently"
"Ew yuck terrible disgusting. -100/10" Gojo rolled his eyes
Geto chuckled, "I'd rate mine as 5/10. They're pretty average"
"Hmph, lucky you" Gojo lightly kicked Geto's leg before leaning all his body forward so that the railway was technically supporting most of his body weight. He was feeling like a slime.
"You seem tired" 
"I do"
Gojo yawned.
A moment of silence dropped down on them for a while, until Geto spoke:
"Hey Satoru."
"Hm?" Gojo hummed, lifting his head up from the railway to look at his best friend.
Geto leaned down. One of his hands gripping firmly on the railway, supporting his body. He lowered his head till his lips met Satoru's before closing his eyes and giving him a light kiss. Fortunately he managed to stole a glance of Satoru's dreamy blue eyes before closing his own.
The sudden kiss made Gojo speechless for a few seconds before his face turned tomato red as he stuttered inaudible words, his fingers doing tiny silly gestures that made Geto burst into laughter.
"Wha- Why are you laughing?!"
Geto held his tummy for his dear life to not roll over, he did that for a whole one minute before managing to take back control of himself. The dark green haired guy wiped the tears out of his eyes. He looked at Satoru:
"You're cute"
"No I'm not!" Gojo retorted, his face was still tomato red.
Geto ignored Gojo, he chuckled whilst going back to standing beside Gojo. He lifted his hand and landing it nicely on his best friend's fluffy white hair. He ruffled it.
"You did well, Satoru" he smiled.
For the first time in that day, Gojo felt lucky that he tried his best to pull through the day.
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nfcomics · 8 months
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BATMAN & THE JOKER THE DEADLY DUO no.7 (of 7) • cover art • Simon Bisley [May 2023]
Batman and the Joker have fought across streets, rooftops, railways and caverns, against horrors beyond of their wildest nightmares. Deep underground, witnesses to an undead wedding from Hell, they finally go up against their bitterest enemies: each other! Can the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince of Crime save Commissioner Gordon and Harley Quinn, or will the flames of their reignited rivalry consume all? Find out, detail by bloody detail, in the epic conclusion to Marc Silvestri's dark and brutal Gotham opus. This oversized finale clocks in at 31 beautiful and horrifying story pages.
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(W) Marc Silvestri (A) Marc Silvestri (CA) Simon Bisley
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tubetrading · 5 months
Empower your electrical infrastructure with Radiant Enterprises, a trailblazer in Transformer Bushing manufacturers in India and Smart Grid Sensors manufacturers in India. Our commitment to innovation ensures cutting-edge solutions that enhance the efficiency and reliability of your power systems. Trust Radiant for superior craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology that sets the benchmark in the industry.
As your trusted partner, we specialize in delivering Transformer Bushings and Smart Grid Sensors that propel your power network into the future, ensuring seamless connectivity and optimal performance.
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sunblonderealtors · 6 days
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How Technology Is Impacting The Mumbai Real Estate Market
Properties in Mumbai, from small residential or retail spaces to large industrial or commercial business complexes, offer a wide varieties and constantly launching new projects. Technology is playing a significant role in both the residential and commercial sectors of Mumbai. Many developers are introducing smart home technologies into their new projects, allowing residents to enhance their lifestyles and fulfill their expectations. Here are the major types of technologies used in Mumbai's real estate industry:
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Reliable Power & Internet Services
With a population of around 21 million in 2024, Mumbai faces a high demand for electricity, internet, and other services. Developers in Mumbai have introduced partnerships with private sectors like Reliance Electricity, Tata Power, Airtel Internet, and Jio Fiber to meet these demands. This reliable supply of energy and services ensures residential needs are met and allows Corporates & Industries to function at their full potential.
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Go Green Technology (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle)
Over the past two decades, Mumbai has become India's most visited city and a growing population hub. This rapid growth has put a strain on resources like water and green spaces. To address this, many Mumbai projects are incorporating green features. These include the development of artificial mangroves, large-scale gardens, and lakes to preserve nature and provide a fresh environment for residents. Additionally, property developers are introducing rainwater harvesting, Water filtration plants and garbage restoration services to their communities, promoting sustainability through reduction, reuse, and recycling.
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Connectivity & Transportation Infrastructures
Mumbai is known for its fast-paced lifestyle, and large-scale property development is a constant feature. To improve connectivity, new infrastructure projects like the Worli Sea Link and Atal Setu Bridge connect major parts of the city to suburbs and prime locations. Additionally, Mumbai's new metro lines, mono trains and the prime railway network provide greater comfort and convenience for daily commuters. Modernization of the railways with new trains reduces congestion and offers safer journeys.
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Modern Engineering & Luxurious Architecture
High-volume investors demand luxury and spacious living environments. Modern designs present a challenge ie. building architectural marvels in fast-growing areas with limited land. Technologies like heavy mobile cranes, temporary concrete plants and high-speed elevators facilitate the construction of modern real estate. In the luxury segment, glass-finished projects dominate central Mumbai areas like Parel-Worli to SoBo areas Dadar-Juhu. These buildings, constructed with modern glass manufacturing technology, add a glow to the city skyline. This lightweight and durable material is low-maintenance and withstands various weather conditions. Many engineering marvels include rooftop amenities like infinity pools, helipads, and vertical parking systems, catering to the luxurious needs of residents.
here's a Conclusion Technology giving boosts to mumbai's real estate market, by growing investors attentions towards good services, modern amenities, fast transportation & Smooth Connectivity. Providing Comfort & safety to Residents & sustainablity to limited Resources.
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desperateattune · 19 days
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Introducing the Cult of the Ceaseless Wheel, as GM'd by tree: Abbas Chokroborty (he/him), Miraz's uncle and a religious scholar who has lived in U'Duasha for a long time. Nationalistic and anti-Imperial, who doesn't do much about it now. Instead, he usually hangs around the temple and harangues Miraz. Played by Aadiyat Joan (she/her), a newcomer to U'Duasha and the cult, who used to be a Rail Jack, a person who defends the railways from ghosts and horrors, but is now retired to be a student at the temple. Has some sort of involvement with the war for her home country of Skovlan. Played by Emma. Miraz Chokroborty (he/him), a very typical South Asian guy who went abroad to study engineering and came back home- except he came back home to take over the family cult, even though he doesn't want to do that, at all. Played by Klow. Victoria 'Vickers' Chokroborty, née Ashcroft (she/her), Miraz's wife and roofball enthusiast, countess from the Shattered Isles who married for love, and player of the noble sport of roofball (think rugby on rooftops). Played by Prince. Listen to the first episode of A Candle, A Blaze here. Or listen to the character creation episode for these very competent and cool cultists here.
Art by Fahim, BotAgainstHumanity
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
Staying together
Pairing: Tris Prior x Fem reader
Description: You and a girl you meet before your faction ceremony make a promise after choosing Dauntless
A/N: Y/P/N = Your previous name
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You felt nervous as you walked with your family for the faction ceremony being the youngest of your siblings and the last one to choose your faction having your siblings in different factions. Your mom was in Amity followed your dad and eldest brother in Abnegation then by your eldest sister in Erudite, and your other sister in Candor leaving plenty of choices for you in factions, you accidentally bump into someone as you walk pulling you from your deep thoughts smiling at the cute red haired girl a few feet from you falling into conversation immediately after introducing yourselves learning her name was Beatrice and that it would be her and her brother's faction ceremony along with yours which eased your nerves as the two of you walk in and sit near each other with your families holding your parent's hands as you watch each person choose their faction, you gently squeeze beatrice's hand while she watched her brother go and choose Erudite before she goes and chooses Dauntless trying to compose yourself as you go up the podium for your turn. You were torn between Amity and Abnegation as you cut your hand feeling tears pore down your face as you move your shaky hand until you felt something pulling you away from both wells to Dauntless slowly looking back at your family after the decision, you wrap your hand before leaving with the rest of the chosen Dauntless looking ahead to see beatrice tapping her shoulder and suddenly hugging each other climbing up the railway posts and running to the train hand in hand being pulled on the train by her learning her name was now Tris just like you had changed your name from Y/P/N to Y/N looking out the view and the sun shining feeling a hand on yours turning to see tris "No matter what happens from this point on, we stick and stay together" you squeeze her hand sealing the promise with a tight hug before you hear yelling and hand in hand with Christina jumped from the train to the rooftop of the building leading to the first half of the day and night in your new faction both of you keeping up the promise from day to night always being seen together wherever one was the other was next to or not far behind whether it was meals, training, the medical room when one was hurt, or the rooms where everyone slept the two of you were glued to the hip in terms of friends and being the only one in each other you each could count on and truly trust.
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minniebbang · 29 days
realm 5.53 a.m
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Pairing: Beomgyu x Taehyun Genre/s: a slice of life, angst
Warning: mentioned of suicide Summary: Beomgyu couldn't move on from Taehyun's death so he wished to the stars to meet him. word count: 3.5k words a/n: the world that they are in is the same world as train to nowhere's world. Changbin is in this story :>, find him!
The clicking of the player was the beginning of the song. His legs rock as the serendipitous rhythm greets his ears. It was Taehyun's voice, singing one of his favourite songs.
Beomgyu rested his back on the concrete floor, watching stars drop from the velvet sky that morning. Its golden tail left a temporary mark on the morning canvas. Beomgyu was amused by the scenery. It's 5.53 a.m., and most students are already on their way to school. Missing another day of school was less of his concern. He would rather be dazed off on the rooftop, reminiscing his and Taehyun's memories together than listen to the teacher's nonsense lecture about him failing another test. 
Taehyun's giggle replaced the song and immediately he turned off the player. He removed the earphones and sat up. Beomgyu sighed
 "I keep thinking about you. Is it wrong if I am too attached to you?" He rested his chin on his knee, throwing his gaze to the crying sky. That’s a disadvantage when you adore and love your best friend too much. Their leaving broke your heart, perhaps it’s impossible to piece them back together. The stars are still there oddly, falling slowly unlike the bustling road under.
The white blanket around him blew, covering his vision. He shut his eyes, afraid the blanket would injure him. 
Unfolding his eyelid, he recoiled in horror. His action almost caused him to fall into the railway but a hand was quick to grab a hold of his arm. The silhouette pulled him closer to its chest as a train passed behind at an unbelievable speed. 
"You just arrived here and already thinking of going back?" The silhouette cooed, placing his chin on Beomgyu's head. Beomgyu's heart palpitated. That voice...
It couldn't be him.
No…he must be a figment.
Beomgyu pushed the silhouette and his feet were frozen on the floor. The figure tilted his head with a small smile. His hand reached for a white feather stuck in Beomgyu's hair. His soft touch was enough to show he wasn't a figment moreover a ghost. 
"Taehyun, is that you?"
"Of course! Who else would it be? Welcome to this…odd world" Taehyun looked around.
"I'm not sure what to call this world yet. It's not the afterlife for sure. It's a world between the living and the dead."
The Taehyun in front of Beomgyu was different. A half-completed wings were attached to Taehyun’s back and their school uniform stayed hugging his figure. The white feather hangs loosely around the metal structure of the wing, filling the gap between the wings.
"Why am I here?"
"You wished to the stars so they brought you here, to me."
Tears brimmed in Beomgyu's eyes and he collided his body with Taehyun's, engulfing the younger in the tightest hug he could attempt, a longing hug. The smile on Taehyun's lips widened. He had missed Beomgyu's hug for the longest time. Taehyun broke the contact and laced his fingers with Beomgyu's. 
"Don't cry! You are here to have fun with me!" Taehyun brushed his thumb over Beomgyu's wet cheeks, wiping the fresh tears. He then dragged the ash-haired boy to the entrance.
Setting foot inside, Beomgyu tightened the grasp around Taehyun’s hand, terrified by the sight. Sure, it is an amusement park but the visitors weren’t ordinary - some were headless and others weren’t human alike. Beomgyu pulled himself closer to the younger when a glitched person walked beside them, causing the latter to giggle.
“Didn’t I say this world is odd? Don’t worry much, they won’t harm you, gyu.” 
“But what are they?”
“Lost souls. That’s what the train conductor told me. They are here to revisit old memories like we are.”
Beomgyu hung his head low for a while. The amusement park they were in was the one they went to before it happened. It’s true, they’re visiting their old memories together. Realising that, Beomgyu immediately pulled Taehyun toward the pirate ship ride. Taehyun’s eyes widened as his head shook all the way there. It got Beomgyu to laugh so loud, breaking the silence of the park.
He knew Taehyun was afraid of heights but this might be their last meeting, Beomgyu would use the opportunity to tease Taehyun one last time. They got onto the ride and Taehyun’s glare never left Beomgyu for a minute. The ride began and Taehyun closed his eyes. The ride goes even higher, and their screams dominate. Beomgyu glanced to his side, smiling seeing Taehyun’s expression and how firmly he held onto Beomgyu’s arm.
Taehyun left the ride with wobbly legs until Beomgyu had to escort him to a nearby bench, with an arm placed securely around Taehyun’s waist.
“It’s your fault my legs turned like this!”
“Well, at least, you’re not afraid of height anymore. We spun 360 degrees earlier if I didn’t tell you. So congratulations! My hyun isn’t a scaredy cat!” Beomgyu patted the blonde’s head gently. A grin appeared on Taehyun’s countenance. He loved it when Beomgyu did this, it felt like home, a fitting home for him. His gesture touched the deepest part of Taehyun’s heart. Beomgyu still remembers him after all those weeks. The sudden breeze hit them causing both males to shiver under it.
It messed Taehyun's hair a bit so Beomgyu pushed away the stray hair that was blocking Taehyun's sight. Beomgyu let his hand through Taehyun's hair, tidying them back
“Thank you, beomgyu. Oh! I remember something!" Without another explanation, Taehyun dragged Beomgyu to a small play tent. Taehyun was more excited than Beomgyu was. He kept bumping into everyone there but doesn’t matter, the visitors vanished when they came in contact with them and reappeared as quickly as they vanished.
At first, it was scary but as time passed, the world turned fascinating to Beomgyu. It knew what he wanted to do with Taehyun, it knew his forgotten regrets.
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow as they arrived. Taehyun just raised a ball from the bowl on the counter and threw it toward the castle cups.
“What are you doing?” 
Although it was obvious for Beomgyu to guess from the stall’s design, alluding to the teddy bears in varieties of sizes sitting everywhere in the stall. He just wanted to hear Taehyun's sarcastic remarks again. In past days, his voice only rang in Beomgyu’s ear for seconds.
“Throwing balls” He rolled his eyes before directing the ball to Beomgyu’s head. Beomgyu avoided his attack with light giggles. Taehyun threw another ball, and this time it hit its target.
“Ouch! ok ok, forgive me. Stop throwing!”
“Deserve you right. Shouldn’t grant that stupid wish of yours if I know this will happen.” 
“The stars granted my wishes not you.”
“True but if I don’t show up at the station, you are a lost human here. The creatures like trapping lost humans.”
Beomgyu turned silent at the reply.
“You miss me, right, Taehyun?” 
The castle collapsed at Taehyun’s third attempt and he changed his gaze to Beomgyu. His gaze was tender as he handed the huge teddy bear to Beomgyu. Answering Beomgyu’s question will pain him because he knew an opportunity like this would come once. 
“Let’s take a break.” He said in a low voice. The change in Taehyun’s tone was indecipherable. Beomgyu wasn’t sure whether Taehyun was mad or simply sad by it, now he was scared of the future. Taehyun left Beomgyu to figure his way alone since the teddy bear hovered over his small figure. At least, he got a lead as to where Taehyun was heading. Taehyun's white feathers fall sometimes, lucky for Beomgyu or vice versa.
Beomgyu put the teddy bear beside him on the bench. It was the same teddy bear that Taehyun didn’t win for him last time. “So…where are we heading next?”
“Somewhere that we didn’t have a chance to go last time but first! We should fill our empty stomachs.”
Beomgyu rubbed his hand on the bear’s body, looking over to the lost souls aimlessly roaming. “Should we? I don’t want to waste our time digging into food.”
“Hey, Beomgyu.” Taehyun took Beomgyu’s hand in his, causing the elder to glance up.
“You have been skipping meals since…you know. I hate it when I see you for the first time. You look much skinnier and paler.”
How could he swallow a portion of food when guilt still devouring him? Being truthful to Taehyun will ruin the elated atmosphere, he never wanted that. He had to give in this time although it was unusual for him. He was the hard-headed one in the real world.
“Fine…Bring me anything you think is good for me.”
Happiness just exploded in Taehyun but his heart wasn’t at ease yet.
“Promise me you won’t starve yourself again after this.”
“That’s hard, Taehyun. I’m not used to eating alone.” A bitter smile painted on Beomgyu’s lips. 
“Then try! Force yourself to eat. A time for a day is enough to make me happy.”
Beomgyu stood up, patting Taehyun’s head fondly. “Okay, I will do it if that makes you happy.” 
Now, Taehyun’s heart is at ease. He hoped Beomgyu didn’t break his promise.
“You like messing with my hair, huh?” Taehyun removed Beomgyu’s hand and snapped his fingers, a piece of hot dog appeared on Beomgyu’s hand. Beomgyu was surprised but this world is odd, anything out of his logical mind is possible in here - including that.
“I need to go to the toilet for a while. Don’t go anywhere, I don’t want to lose you again.” Taehyun headed off. Beomgyu looked at the hotdogs and the teddy bear, shifting his gaze between them often. He couldn’t help himself to indulge in the food when Taehyun wasn’t around.
 Wherever he was currently, he was thankful.
The little things he received from Taehyun were enough to bring exhilaration back to his dead walking body. He doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve the happiness that was stolen from him. He shouldn’t have wished to the stars. He was a coward for not moving on and it was his fault.
That thought alone managed to dig back the devastation he felt on that day. His vision slowly turned blurry.
“You should stop wasting your tears on the past, young man.”  A deep and throaty voice interrupted his thought. Raising his head, he came face to face with a beared-aged man. He wore a big trilby hat that didn’t fit his head and a pair of rounded glasses. In a glimpse, Beomgyu thought he was one of those vintage film actors. 
“Who are you?”
“A seller in the market. Lucky day for you because I have something perfect for you.”
“What exactly is perfect for me?”
“I can erase your regrets and I assume one of them is this.” He spread his arm, indicating ‘this’ as the amusement park. Beomgyu’s suspicion grew, he met the man seconds ago but the man already knew him like forever. His offer tempted Beomgyu but Taehyun’s advice was the sole reason he stayed put.
“Aren’t you curious, young man? The regrets prevent you from going forward. Don’t you want it to disappear?”
The man unfolded his palm, inviting Beomgyu to follow him. Eventually, he grabbed the old man’s hand and voluntarily, a smirk crept up onto the old man’s face. He entered a glass-designed door that stood between the game stalls. 
Beomgyu was taken back at what was behind the door, a mall filled with people. A mall that was out of place in this world. It felt like he was in the real world for a moment except for people exited the mall without paper bags. The old man continued walking, bringing what Beomgyu assumed was his shop. 
“Please this be worth it,” Beomgyu whispered under his breath.
Taehyun’s action died down when Beomgyu wasn’t in sight anymore. Worry took control over his body but he shook the feeling instantly, afraid it would cause him to lose his sense. He noticed his tree buddy sitting beside the bench Beomgyu had occupied earlier. 
“Root, where’s Beomgyu?”
The tree turned its head around to meet Taehyun and shrugged. 
“I’m sorry Taehyun but I don't know. I was too immersed in Groot’s story and you need to hear it!”
“Save it for another time. Thank you” A frustrated sigh escaped Taehyun’s mouth. Root supposedly needed to look after Beomgyu when he was away, that’s the only request he’d asked yet it failed. Anger raised as his fist balled. He was agitated, what if the lost souls took him and brought him far from his reach? 
“Fumming with anger wouldn’t suffice anything, Taehyun” he uttered to himself and let go of his balled fist. He made his way back to the station, in heart hoping the boy was there but to no avail. Instead, he stumbled across someone else, a boy about his age holding a bouquet of red roses.
“Excuse me, do you see a boy with an ash-hair here perhaps?”
The boy glanced sideways and shook his head, which brought disappointment to Taehyun. Something glinting under the sunlight caught his attention. “ Hall of Fate” was written on the ticket and a wave of memory rushed through Taehyun. 
“I guess you have been there before?” The boy spoke up, glancing at Taehyun’s half-completed wings and Taehyun nodded.
“I did and they were scary. I might pee in my pants if I’m with them again. They are quite kind to the correct people”
“And you’re one of them.”
“I am not. They just pity a young boy who had a pathetic ending”
The boy chuckled and picked a stem of rose, giving it to him. Taehyun accepted it, amazed at how it changed into a coral-coloured rose when it changed hands. The train stopped in front of them and the boy stepped inside. Before the door closed, he shouted.
“Go find that friend of yours. Being alone in this world is dangerous and confusing.” He bid goodbye as the train moved completely out of the station. 
“Dangerous…Beomgyu where are you?” He immediately returned to the amusement park and continued searching for Beomgyu everywhere but fate disappointed him. Taehyun settled on the previous bench they sat, thinking of the consequences of leaving Beomgyu too long in here. They are fond of luring a living soul like Beomgyu. The blame is on him for being slightly careless. 
“Taehyun? You are unlike yourself today, something happens?” Someone asked with a tiny and soft voice. It was one of his friends here, a baby with stitched eyes who was trapped in a hamster ball.
“My friend disappeared and I’m scared.”
“Does he look like this?” The baby shifted into Beomgyu and changed back to its original form after a loud yes sounded from Taehyun.
“He was heading to the shopping mall by himself.” 
Taehyun's eyes widened and he instantly ran toward the door, thanking the baby on his way there. 
“Glad I could help you again, dear friend.” 
[A few years ago]
Hands pulling his hair, he felt the tears collecting on the edges of his eyes. He panicked when Beomgyu didn’t wait for him beside the toilet. For sure he will get scowled by the teachers. His mother’s advice lingered in his head.
“Calm down, hyun. Tell the teachers and search for him.” And he did. Fortunately, the teachers didn’t scold him since he was a young boy after all, they will make mistakes. Taehyun went back to the place they visited, so far, no Beomgyu. 
He had one place in his head but Beomgyu wouldn’t be there. They promised to go there later.
He gave it a shot, better try than regret afterwards. 
Beomgyu was there, expectedly. His eyes glimmered in pure excitement when he saw the soft cotton candy on display. Taehyun hugged his silhouette, tears almost shedding.
“Beomgyu, we promised to go here later! Why did you go alone?! I was scared you would leave me!”
“I’m sorry hyun but look! The uncle gave me a free cotton candy!!”
“Here you go! Choose one, young man and I will erase them from your mind.” The old man said, dusting the book and gesturing to Beomgyu to go through it. Beomgyu flipped to the first page and saw a moving picture, showing his moment of regret, and so did the other pages. It gave him a deja vu. His breath came to a halt when he came to a page of that day.
The day where he lost Taehyun.
The day he began blaming himself.
The day he wronged the universe.
Watching the moment, he wanted to punch himself. He still remembered how his world crumbled down hearing the news that Taehyun was gone forever…right after they had fun together in the same park. A car crashed into him and after further investigation, turns out the driver was drunk.
He knew Taehyun wasn’t dumb to let himself get hit by a drunk driver. The joke was the reason Taehyun was unaware of his surroundings. Taehyun gave Beomgyu his ring and Beomgyu joked about Taehyun liking Beomgyu, which made the boy speechless. Taehyun might overthink that Beomgyu disliked the gift.
That’s the only reason Taehyun became oblivious.
“Decide it?”
Beomgyu pointed to the page “This moment destroyed my life.”
“Of course. The payment is one of your precious memories.”
Beomgyu averted his gaze to the ring on his pointy finger, Taehyun’s ring. He took it off.
“Beomgyu!” His voice caused Beomgyu to snap his head toward the source. Taehyun quickly brought Beomgyu’s hand down.
“Don’t fall into this world’s trap. Your life will change if you are being careless.”
The old man laughed. His laugh echoed throughout the mall “Taehyun, you can't stop him. This is his decision”
Taehyun glared at the old man. His old face was spared today since Beomgyu is here. “I won’t let you steal my treasure. Let’s go gyu.”
Taehyun dragged him out of the mall. Now, Beomgyu realised there was nobody in the mall and the grandpa had turned into a skeleton, waving them goodbye with a crooked smile. 
Once they back to the amusement park, Beomgyu asked, a playful grin on his lips.
“Treasure huh?” 
“Yep, he will take all of your memories with me as payment. Don’t tell me you let that happen?!”
His reaction caused Beomgyu to laugh. “No, how could I? Come on, the Ferris wheel is waiting for us” 
This time Beomgyu led the way.
“Beomgyu, I want you to know that my death is not your fault.”
His eyes slowly unfolded, blinking as he got used to the light. His earphones stayed tugged in his ear, pretty sure he had removed them. The sun had set down a bit and the sounds of the car subsided, it wasn’t as busy as before. He checked his watch - 5.53 p.m. He skipped his class countless times today. How long was he in that world?
Was that a dream? He opened his folded palm and found Taehyun’s ring. 
It wasn’t a dream? Did he just experience the multiverse? But that thing doesn’t exist…then what did he experience?
“Gyu, be happy. Even if I’m gone, I’m always by your side, here in your heart. Don’t skip any meals, mhm? I’ll be watching you!’ Taehyun’s voice played. A small scold exhaled from Beomgyu. 
“Taehyun…you little dumbhead”
He rose to his feet, approaching the end of the rooftop. The soft evening breeze caressed his face as he pulled the earphones away. He set the player aside and averted his gaze toward the street. If only moving on was easier like Taehyun said, he would stop himself from making this decision. If only he could stop blaming himself, he wouldn't be standing at the edge now.
"I don't want to leave you anymore. I don't want to forget you. I hate being far away from you, hyun."
He pushed himself off the edge, leaving the player as his last remembrance. As if someone will remember him. That's just another false dream of his.
The said boy turned around, eyes widened as ever seeing the boy standing in front of him…for the second time today. Taehyun's gaze instantaneously caught the ticket that Beomgyu grasped. He could hear his heartbeat so close to his ear as he examined the ticket.
"Beomgyu…you're dead."
"I am. I figure it out once I become a coward I will stay as one forever."
"This is surreal. You're out of your mind, Beomgyu."
Taehyun shook his head, grabbing Beomgyu's hand. 
"You'll be staying here forever with me now" 
"I'm happy with it because those lost souls wouldn't kidnap me."
Hearing his best friend is dead shouldn't bring this much happiness to Taehyun but it does because now he has company in this world.
The train stopped and they entered the train together. 
"Those guys are the scariest."
"Well, I shouldn't be because you're here with me forever and will never leave me again."
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zacharyja · 29 days
Monday, May 6th, 2024
Asakusa and Fukugawa Edo Museum
Today began early at 7:30 with breakfast at the Hotel Edoya buffet, many normal items including white rice, sausage, sliced chicken, smoked salmon, toast, and an assortment of other various Japanese dishes unbeknownst to me. Though I was able to try natto, which is a type of fermented soybean dish, that is sticky and foamy and tasted of coffee, not great but not as bad as people make it out to be.
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Following this meal we met on the rooftop conference room to discuss the day and meet our local guides. We then took the Japan Railway (JR) to get to Asakusa in order to see the Senso-Ji temple, which was built for the “Kannon Goddess of Mercy” and completed in 648 making it the oldest temple remaining in Tokyo.
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After this we went to get lunch and some friends and I decided on a random Okonomiyaki restaurant where I ordered a “Beef Tendon Curry” meal which was then turned into a pancake-esque dish cooked on the griddle directly in front of my seat. They also brought us 4 octopus tentacles and grilled them up despite us not ordering them still decided to charge us ¥418 per tentacle.
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Following this we made our way to the Fukugawa Edo Museum, which consists of a large life size replica of a Tokyo neighborhood from around the year 1840, stylized to match the end of the Tokugawa period.
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While here I met an 80 year old Japanese man who volunteered at the museum offering information to english tourists. While I was with a group of about 20 other students the elderly man decided to single me out for some reason and essentially give me a private tour in front of my entire group. Opting to not break eye contact with me or ask anyone else questions for some reason.
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This was done by about 3pm and we were then free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. Some friends and I decided to go to the Pokemon Center Tokyo DX, as we are all big fans of the Pokemon franchise. This place was pretty awesome and a consumerist dream. Pokemon galore and the amount of people in the store likely outnumber the total number of Pokémon in existence. Still was worth it and I got some merchandise to satisfy my capitalist cravings.
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After the Pokemon Center we decided to walk to a store called “Don Quijote”, which is hard to describe unless you’ve seen or heard about it already. But it is essentially a discount store offering every single product you could possibly imagine, ranging from hair dryers to kit-kats to lingerie. Getting there was a bit of a struggle as the person who decided to lead the way typed in the wrong place into his navigation, thus leading us quite far out of the way and we ended up in Ginza, which is an upscale shopping district in Japan, though lucky for us there was another Don Quijote about .3 miles away so we opted to walk. On the way we stopped by a 7 story Uniqlo store and browsed around for a bit and bought some shirts.
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We eventually made it to Don Quijote in Ginza and browsed for a while before getting a bit overwhelmed with the sheer size of the store and the breadth of product. After this we walked around Ginza for a bit and decided we were getting hungry for dinner and the consensus decided on Pizza for dinner which is an interesting choice for our 2nd meal ever in Japan but the urge for bread, marinara and cheese was too strong to be avoided. We hopped on the train bound for a Pizza place called “Savoy” in Azabujuban. Though not sure how but we ended up at the wrong place and apparently the location had been moved for a while at this point. I looked up the how far the actual restaurant was and it was only a 7 minute walk away so we made the journey. After getting to the restaurant and seeing a decent amount of people waiting we were unsure that a party of 6 would be able to get seated anytime soon, but nonetheless the staff pulled through and seated us in the “Platinum” room which was a private room with a table for 6. We all ordered Margherita pizza and scarfed it down as fast as it came out.
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After this delectable meal we decided head back home as it was 8pm by this point and we were all exhausted. We went back to the train station and made our way back to the hotel to conclude the day.
Academic Reflection
Today’s readings focused on contemporary Japanese Buddhist traditions and detailed the arrival of Buddhism into Japan from China in the 6th century. This gave me a deeper understanding of how Buddhism spread throughout and eventually became the leading religion in Japan. I was able to see just how true this is with the touring of the Senso-Ji temple in Asakusa where I saw the sheer scale that 7th century Buddhist monks went to in order to practice their religion. Building a structure of that sheer size without any power tools must have been a logistical nightmare, and seeing it firsthand really showed me how dedicated they must have been to put so much time and effort into building something so complex. I was also interested to learn that the main purpose of most Buddhist temples is funerary services, which is also how they make most of their money. This was a bit shocking to me as most western religions tend to focus more on practicing the religion at the place of worship, which is not really the case for most Buddhists. Going to the Fukugawa Edo museum was a great way to almost step foot into 18th century early modern Japan. Which was characterized by urbanization, relatively high literacy rates, stable population, overall peace, and an enjoyment of arts and growing culture. In the readings about the early Tokugawa, it was quite shocking to see the seemingly widespread common theme of samurai and other devoted vassals committing hara-kiri upon the death of their lords. When the Shogun Iemistu died, 13 people committed hara-kiri which is shocking as I could not possibly imagine being so devoted to your leader that you are willing to take your own life at the news of their passing. After reading about this period, seeing a model of how this would have looked and actually walking through the buildings definitely helped to cement the reality of the past into my brain. Overall was a great educational experience and I appreciated my time spent there.
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