#Empathy Building
Tips to Improve Your Kids Social Skills
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Social skills help your children navigate many essential aspects of life, whether making friends or developing healthy relationships with loved ones. However, some kids need help in improving their social skills!
Learn More: https://littlelordsacademy.com/tips-to-improve-your-kids-social-skills
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pjharvey · 1 month
i think having worked a retail or food service job actually is more important to not being a loser than doing drugs or having sex. the poll that showed so much of this site has never worked one of those jobs was actually way more concerning to me than any of the celibacy sweep polls
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bluastro-yellow · 9 months
Kurvitz stresses that Kim doesn't actually have a character sheet hidden in Disco Elysium's code. Imagining that Lieutenant Kitsuragi has only one natural attribute point in Motorics helps the ZA/UM team to understand the depth of his character beyond what's referenced in the game's dialogue. "We just came up with this stuff for coherency," says Kurvitz. "And because we're nerds."
"I like to think Kim has a Thought Cabinet project called Revolutionary Aerostatic Brigades that he's worked on since he was a teenager," Kurvitz says. "This raises the learning caps for his Reaction Speed and Interfacing."
Kim's high Volition skill makes him impervious to prying, Kurvitz says, as the detective can find out on occasions being met with Kim's brick-wall resolve. Kim often chastises these whims of the detective's, but will occasionally play along. The Lieutenant finds his new partner funny, says Kurvitz.
Kim is naturally shit at Motorics and thinks Harry is funny source
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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decolonize-the-left · 10 months
Had a tik tok in my Facebook memories that said something about how with anti-maskers it ultimately comes down to them perceiving doing things for others as weakness since they grew up in a hyper-individulistic society. It's them exerting autonomy and refusing to stop under peer pressure, largely just for the sake of fighting something since that's a strength. A value. "I don't let others tell me what to do because I can't be controlled"
Made me think that everyone else bought into the same type of individualistic rhetoric through pop psychology: having "good" boundaries means never needing others and always putting yourself before everyone else regardless of circumstance and especially if they make you feel any feeling you don't want to feel. ...Like guilty for not caring enough to keep wearing a mask in 2023. That's a strength. A value. "I don't let others tell me what to do because I love myself"
The conclusion here being: being needed/needing others is a threat to your autonomy which is a Value to protect.
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And when you really think about it applies to more than masking; supporting BIPOC, watching the news, showing up to protests, etc.
"I'm already depressed, I can't handle it. I'm watching out for my own mental health by not participating"
"it's all woke which makes me feel like a bad person cuz Im a bigot so I only watch what validates my bias"
And personally I get a little suspicious when two sides defined by their opposite social values come to the same social conclusion.
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You should too. This rhetoric is holding us back. Individualism is holding us back. People need people. It's not toxic or abusive or manipulative to admit that, no matter how much society has tried to make you believe otherwise.
Oppressed people needing allies and your friends who need help moving aren't violating your boundaries or "bad for your mental health" just because You don't want to show up AND not feel bad about it.
Can the generation that grew up screaming "I don't know how to teach you that you should care about other people" at boomers please stand up and take a heaping tablespoon of your own medicine.
And then show gen z how to swallow it because growing up in the social climate we millennials curated online hasn't exactly inspired feelings of confidence in others or the future.
Both of which we still care about right? We still care about other people and the future? Not just ourselves?
Just want to confirm that we haven't gone Full Boomer as a collective yet cuz at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if someone responded saying that being expected to care about their friends is akin communist dictatorship
And could this be a Red Scare Psyop meant to discourage you from finding community, collectivism, and mutual aid in a time where your hyper-individulistic behavior and beliefs are being exploited for record breaking profits in the name of capitalism?
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dustyfairywings · 4 months
So you know how Takayoshi gifted Akemi two songbirds in a cage together as a sincere apology for his mother?
I think those two birds are meant to symbolize both Akemi and Takayoshi. They are both marginalized in some way despite their privilege. Akemi as the daughter of a lord and Takayoshi as the disabled second son of the shogun are both denied agency in their roles despite their privilege. Takayoshi and Akemi both are song birds in a gilded cage. Two pawns to the political and social machinations of their parents. Akemi a victim to her father’s political aspirations and Takayoshi evidently a victim to his mother’s social manipulations.
(Aside: and possibly emotional abuse/neglect, with the way he was forbidden from speaking to women and who knows what actually happened to this first wife. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that it seems to me like this is all in service of maintaining a “respectable” image of the family, and cannot risk having people know he has a stutter. just spitballing here)
If I were to make a prediction for season 2, or a wish, it’s that I would like to see Akemi and Takayoshi form a genuine bond and alliance as two privileged-yet-marginalized individuals having to navigate a politically fraught and rigidly hierarchical society, and I think there’s at least some textual evidence to support this being a real possibility.
They demonstrate in the show Takayoshi is no fool and that he’s clearly an educated and well-read man. Take how he engages with Akemi’s poetry during sex compared to Taigen as an example. He simply has a disability and is somewhat submissive and subdued (likely due to being shamed or ridiculed for his stutter and getting little to no support as a child). They are capable of being intellectual equals. Any sort of power or control Akemi would gain over Takayoshi is by virtue of the kindness and empathy she is showing him, not because she’s outsmarting him. I believe Takayoshi is willingly surrendering himself to his wife and cognizant of this fact.
I think we may see a dynamic where Akemi will both advocate for her own political ends but also at times advocate for and try to protect her husband where she can where familial and interpersonal relationships are involved. I really really hope their union will be one that grows in political power through the healing power of love, compassion, and solidarity between two marginalized individuals.
They can acknowledge the humanity in each other and see each other as equals in their shared pain and victimization, and find empowerment through each other. If they cannot be their own masters at least they can be each other’s sole masters.
Takayoshi and Akemi may be two songbirds stuck in a gilded cage, stripped of their freedom and humanity. But they at least have each other and together they can harmonize.
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masterlalna · 22 days
relatability is so overrated. "oh i don't watch/listen to X because i can't relate to it" fuckin. good. asshole. experience someone else's life for once.
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elvenferretots · 10 months
Pet owners can have a little anthropomorphism. As a treat.
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skiitter · 9 months
Feel insane trying to explain to people how emotionally moving the fucking Dungeon Crawler Carl series is, especially and specifically the audiobook version.
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bunabi · 3 months
no because why are people acting like saying "hey don't say that about a white guy" is a dismissal of the entire Palestinian cause? I've not seen a single person say like, ok i'm not gonna support Palestine because of this, or that it takes away from aaron bushnell's message. just asking people not to say that. and i saw a whole page long post about how that's like a psyop. ??? people can care about multiple things.????
Well now I've definitely seen some people say/suggest well if you guys don't care about us why should we care about you both online and in person
But when you're told your words have no purpose and their meaning doesn't matter, when your allies dismiss your perspective the moment its inconvenient, of course you'd lose belief in solidarity
That feeling of disappointment and abandonment did not appear from thin air, and maybe one day we'll reckon with that
Not in my lifetime and definitely not tonight though so in the meantime my advice is everybody do this
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punch-love · 1 month
whenever I get a comment on atlas that someone re-thought they way they think about themselves it makes me cry
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lastcatghost · 5 months
The only people I go out of my way to offer a cigarette to are folks that are elevated in a very relatable way to me. I had learned from a past psych dr that nicotine can function as a self meditation for those in psychosis.
After I experienced this shit for myself, now I understand what's up when someone I don't know from a can of paint is aggressively talking at me on some paranoid or strange stuff. If I didn't understand it, there are people I would've felt threatened by, and I might not respond the right way.
Now I'll ask if they want one and nearly everyone accepts
One guy known downtown is perpetually in an episode, they never take him to the hospital, but put him jail for a night or few, and put him back in the streets. Everytime I see him I give him one, and let him say what he feels the need to, most the time he's connecting dots that don't make sense.
He's been struggling like this since before last winter, and he can't be allowed some places because of stuff he says to people. But I'll always give him a smoke and snacks if I got them. He asked me one night why I'm always nice to him and give him cigarettes, and it's because it's what would've helped me when I was in those states, wandering cities.
And I don't remember them as people, but when a person showed me kindness, they appeared as angels to me, a lot of the time I'd see someone I recognized by face, and I remembered when someone was kind to me.
Most of society is brutal towards people experiencing episodes, and you're more likely to experience violence from others while psychotic than you are to be violent
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finelinens · 3 months
i'm really grateful that catlyn and brookeab streamed and gave their perspectives as people who are in that sphere and, in catlyn's case, are friends with the dteam. watching their vods was so good even if it was really hard emotionally, like it's just nice to see women bringing these difficult conversations to their audiences and trying to have a positive impact
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satturn · 2 years
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the most roastable man in all of elysium
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tacagen · 7 months
¿Por qué Eobard escogió a Barry Allen?, ¿Por qué no ha a Wally o a Jay?, o a otros superheroes, como Superman, Wonder Woman o incluso Batman?. ¿Por qué exactamente él?, ¿Qué lo hizo especial, único y diferente como para tener toda y la absoluta atención de Eobard?
okay i am most likely out of my competency here bc i have no idea about anyone other than barry (and that's through lenses of issues with thawne) and maybe batman but my guesses: 1. thawne's origin place, central city and accessibility of the flash museum. 2. thawne's undeniable taste because speedsters are literal gods and the slayest superheroes with the slayest powers. 3. barry being a scientist, because thawne needed someone to relate to, and even if that would half-consist of his own projections they still needed a base. 4. barry's sweet cinnamon roll personality with all the unique individual traits (i cannot describe it on spot but tell me you also feel that his kindness is different from superman and ww's, let alone batman's. as to wally and jay, i shall not speak of them because i have no idea of jay's personality and i am biased against wally and his treatment of villain speedsters) because thawne needed comfort in his life.
also, fun fact! according to rs thawne studied all flashes, if i remember correctly this is confirmed to be wally and later he recreates the picture while posing as The Flash Of 25th Century. he wasnt just obsessed with barry but with the flash as an idea and obviously with the speed force as well. but did that interest come from his love for barry or independently as an obsession complex from the very beginning, (like if he knew about the concept of flash in his childhood first and only then about different people who wore the suit)? open for discussion as even thawne probably cant tell at this point, his timeline and obsession are both a complicated blurry mess.
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