allbegins · 1 month
How the Earth's resonance frequency affects each chakra in the human body
How the Earth's resonance frequency affects each chakra in the human body
The Earth is a living, dynamic planet with its own natural frequencies that resonate within the atmosphere. One of the most significant of these frequencies is known as the Schumann resonance, a global electromagnetic resonance that occurs due to lightning discharges in the Earth’s ionosphere. This frequency is approximately 7.83 Hz and has been observed to be constant over time. Human beings…
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ngocngadotnet · 4 months
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For Vietnamese and Chinese versions, please check out: https://ngocnga.net/emotional-stability/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=quote 💼💖✨ Stable emotions and good finances are what truly matter most, not whether someone loves you or not. // Wěndìng de qíngxù hé liánghǎo de cáiwù cái shì zuì zhòngyào de, ér bùshì mǒu gèrén ài bù ài nǐ.
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atcelle · 4 months
Don't drown in your emotions
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bogdansavchenko · 11 months
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Як кожен уявляє собі типовий автопортрет художника? Це фіксація зовнішності художника, і якщо портрет виконаний майстерно, він може мати психологічний ефект, передаючи образ моделі так, як той хотів би, щоб його сприймали, або так, як він сам себе бачить. Коли люди дивляться на мої автопортрети, вони не завжди розуміють, що це саме вони. Це через те, що немає фотографічної точності, іноді навіть умовної подібності. Деякі мої роботи мають такий вигляд, що, якщо я не підпишу їх як автопортрети, глядач не наважиться розглядати їх саме з цього погляду. Тому кожна робота може бути сприйнята як автопортрет автора, як частка його особистості. Коли вони збираються разом, наприклад, виставляються в музеї або надруковані в альбомі, глядач може сформувати власне уявлення про характер художника, навіть якщо це натюрморти, а не портрети. Але це не завжди так, принаймні не завжди це має місце. Я обрав саме ці роботи, тому що відчуваю, що вони є моїми внутрішніми автопортретами. Під час створення цих робіт я чітко усвідомлював, що працюю саме над цим жанром. Кожного разу я намагався передати той стан, який відчував у той момент. Іноді це були позитивні почуття, іноді ні. Іноді вони переслідували мене протягом тижня, іноді з'являлися швидкоплинно в процесі створення роботи.
How does everyone imagine a typical self-portrait of an artist? It is a portrayal of the artist's appearance, and if executed skillfully, the portrait can have a psychological impact, conveying the image of the subject as desired or as perceived by the artist. When people look at my self-portraits, they don't always realize it's them. This is because there is no photographic accuracy, and sometimes only a loose resemblance. Some of my works are such that without explicitly labeling them as self-portraits, viewers wouldn't even consider viewing them in that context. Thus, any artwork can be perceived as a self-portrait of the author, as a part of their personality. When these pieces are brought together, for instance, displayed in a museum or printed in an album, viewers can form their own impression of the artist's character, even if they are still lifes rather than portraits. However, this is not always the case, or at least not always applicable. I chose these particular works because I feel that they are my internal self-portraits. While creating these pieces, I was acutely aware that I was working on this genre. Each time, I sought to capture the state I experienced at that moment. Sometimes it was a positive feeling, and other times not. Sometimes it lingered within me for a week, while at other times it emerged fleetingly during the creative process.
Далі я дам короткий опис кожної роботи і не буду детально описувати її та розкривати значення всіх елементів. Мені ліньки і це дуже довго, тому якщо комусь цікаво, можете здогадатися і зробити власні висновки.
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oldblackpeacoat · 1 year
it is eight am and i am full of thoughts about what could have been
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harmonyusinc · 2 years
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For More Mental Health Resources go to linktr.ee/ doctorharmony #therapypub #therapy #drharmony #psychology #humor #mind #MentalHealthMatters #abuse #recovery #Shame #emotionalstate #emotions #selfworth #narcissist https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck4sMemMVud/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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barbaraheidenreich · 1 year
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Today’s Topic: An Exploration of “States” and their Impact on Animal Behavior Trainers often hypothesize based on observation and our own human experience that a tired, hungry, or sick animal may be more or less likely to participate in a training session. Behavior problems are also often attributed to certain states such as reproductive hormone amplification. This week’s livestream will take a look into the evidence being explored in neuroscience regarding states and behavior and how to relate this to a behaviorist’s approach to animal training. Join me live most every Monday at 11:00 AM Central time for another YOU be the Behavior Consultant. These are interactive events and super fun I might add 😉 with video clips! These events are hosted on YouTube at this link https://www.youtube.com/BarbaraHeidenreich/ The replay will also be posted in the Facebook group Animal Training Fundamentals with Barbara Heidenreich https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnimalTrainingFundamentals/ Come and get your professional development on! #livestream #animaltraining #barbaraheidenreich #zooanimaltraining #exoticanimaltraining #zookeeper #professionaldevelopment #states #emotionalstates #antecedentconditions #motivationalstates #hormonalstates #aggresivestates #neurobiologyandbehavior #motivatingoperations #behaviorloops #homeostasis https://www.instagram.com/p/ComuLgluo1x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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How You Feel Affects Your Golf Swing
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You hold the club and how you swing it determines the trajectory and pathway of your golf ball. Therefore, how you feel affects your golf swing and what kind of shape you are in massively affects your golf shots. We all bemoan how inconsistent most of us are at the great game of golf. Many of the golfers I regularly play with share their frustrations at not being able to make the shots they know they can when out on the course. Golf is a thick soup of experiences, which bubbles on the stove for over four hours. There are high points and low moments during our rounds of golf. Robert Sudha Hamilton At times, the game seems almost effortless and at others it is a dire struggle. The evidence indicates that the common denominator is the guy or gal holding the golf club. Our state of being impacts upon how we play a shot and the outcome of that shot.
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Photo by samer daboul on Pexels.com
Drilling Down Into the Golf Swing
This is why we ritually drill sequences within our golf swing in a bid to develop a repetitive action capable of getting the job done out there. Obviously, if you are a raw beginner and don’t know what you are doing the road will be bumpy on your journey toward proficiency. We have all been there and the only solution to this early phase is diligent application and getting proper instruction from a PGA professional. However, you will, also, see better players practicing moves prior to making shots, as they attempt to groove a successful action. The golf swing can appear fairly straight forward but a lot can go wrong on the club head’s journey from go to whoa. Timing the exact moment of impact, when the grooves strike the back of the dimpled golf ball, is paramount to the thing going where you want it to. Developing a reliable technique is the intention of most of us who love to play this game. Our Overall State of Being Impacts Our Golf This is one layer of what is happening for the golfer in his or her procedural application to hitting the golf ball. In addition, to this, there is how you are feeling overall, which makes a large impact upon your ability to effectively strike the golf ball. We have all experienced the negative influence of rushing to the golf course and our game without adequate time to warm up prior to teeing off. The rushing invades our swing speed and we make numerous mistakes due to bad timing in the swing. Everything gets too fast and we get all out of kilter. Golf is an activity, which is greatly affected by our overall state of being.
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Photo by Ba Tik on Pexels.com Rushing and consequentially getting too quick is but one manifestation of this phenomenon. Fear and anxiety is another. Why do we fear stuff on the golf course? Nasty hazards like bodies of water and devilish waste areas are sometimes awe inspiring. Awe as in awful, I mean. Having to hit over a large expanse of water in high winds early in your round is one of those moments for me. Recent bad outcomes in relation to hazards can provoke anxiety in golfers the next time they are confronted by them. Another type of anxiety prevalent out on the course is when a golfer is going through a bad spell with his or her swing. The memories of bad shots and outcomes are hanging over your next shot like a vampire about to chow down on your throat. We tighten up and duff the shot. The ignominy compounds like an infection spreading all over our body and the pressure builds up and up. Sometimes it feels like being tinged with madness with all those negative thoughts and feelings just waiting in the wings for their chance to stuff things up. Golf can be tough because unlike more reactive sports there is plenty of time to think about bad shit. Obsessive compulsive disorders are just around the corner at this point in time. Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a fun game.
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Golfer vintage drawing by The British Library is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 What Can We Do About This? Like everything in life we need to acknowledge its existence first up. Denial and bull-headed ignorance are not going to cut it in this situation. We need to dispassionately own the fact that how we feel affects our golf. The golf swing involves so many moving parts and depends upon exquisite timing that our overall state of being impacts upon our ability to swing that club. If we are nervous this can influence our tempo depending on how we cope with anxiety in our lives. Similarly, if we are frustrated and angry, then, this too will greatly affect how we swing the golf club. Golf can make you angry or you can arrive at the golf course already in the grip of some rage or level of frustration. Learning to recognise your emotional state is the first step in dealing with it out on the course. Next, take the time to feel what is pumping around inside you and your blood. Breathing is the best way to access feelings and give them the space to release the energy they contain. Take a few deep breaths as you walk along and prior to hitting off. In golf there is more time than you might think to constructively manage these emotional states out on course. Inhibiting and blocking them only builds them up and the energy messes with your golf. You can use the energy caught up in nerves, anxiety, and frustration, but only by acknowledging these feeling states. Humour can be a positive means of releasing the energy caught up in fear and anxiety. In golf you don’t want to tighten up under the influence of tension due to focusing on outcomes. Staying in the moment and not projecting into the future is the best means of avoiding this kind of tension. You may well be coming down the final stretch and need to make par or better to clinch victory, but it is not helpful to focus on outcomes - rather, it is better to stay inside the process.
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Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com Curing The Yips Those golfers who develop the yips in putting and chipping are, often, projecting so much into imagined bad future outcomes that they cannot control their autonomic movements. Therefore, they manifest involuntary twitches and spasms that make putting and chipping virtually impossible. The only cure for these are staying in the process and not allowing any future focused projections. The body and consciousness of these golfers have to be retrained via rituals that engage the mind totally within the process of chipping or putting. Drills which will develop a pre-shot or putt routine capable of dispelling the yips. Scar tissue inside the head built up from repeatedly bad outcomes on the golf course over particular kinds of shots can be repaired and remade - it just takes a diligent application. The instinctive reaction to repeated failures over chips and particular types of wedge shots is to give up. Many golfers revert to the Texas wedge for the rest of their golfing lives. In a lot of instances this serves them well by using the putter they keep the ball on the ground and get it close to the hole. Personally, however chipping and pitching are some of my favourite strokes in golf and I take some pride when I pull them off. Yes, duffing chips is galling and you feel like a fool at the time but this is the price we sometimes have to pay. I like to work at being able to effectively play every club in the bag. Golf gives you 14 different tools to play your round with and I like the idea of  being able to use every knife in the drawer.
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Having spoken to numerous playing partners over the years in golf I can assuredly say that we all have moments of extreme bad feeling out on the course. There are those humbling periods during a round where everything you touch turns to shit. You want to hide under a rock or terminate your round post haste. Most of the time we don’t, thank goodness because things soon turn around. During those times of bad feeling golf becomes a foreign experience where you are unfamiliar with the lie of the land and what to do about it. Your stomach twists in extreme discomfort at your ineptness. Your four ball playing partners become strangers who look upon you with imagined contempt. The gorgeous day darkens dramatically and golf no longer seems such a good idea. Feelings can swamp us and we must rise up against the tide of negativity. The immediate solution is usually hitting a good shot off the next tee and the rebuilding of our confidence begins. Before we know it we are back playing some half decent golf and laughing at some witticism which moments before was terribly unfunny. This is golf folks and the feeling side of it cannot be completely unacknowledged. Take the time to breathe deeply every time you feel stuff intensely out on the course and elsewhere in your life for best results. Breathing consciously is a meditative process and can assist in rebalancing our emotional states. Identify, acknowledge, breathe, feel, and release the energy. These helpful processes can get you in better shape to play golf. Respect your golf swing by respecting yourself and your total state of being. A few slow breaths can do wonders as you walk along and prepare to play your shot. Identify the feeling. Acknowledge the emotional state. Breathe into it. Feel it. Release the energy. The irony is that we may look like robots, all wearing similar outfits and making weird half swing movements, but we are robots with feelings! Avoid getting caught up in reacting to outcomes out on the course. Golf is a long game and it is easy to become emotionally fatigued if you are riding a roller coaster of feelings throughout your round. Some of my playing partners loudly exclaim their disgust or triumph following shots during their round. This cacophony of groans and shouts is like the Greek chorus accompanying the story of their golf over a morning or afternoon. I notice that social golfers on Fridays at our course make a hell of a lot of noise voicing their enjoyment during their rounds. Although, I don’t want to be a killjoy this kind of voluminous reaction to golf doesn’t augur well for best results. Amplification and exaggeration of emotional reactions do not make for optimal performance over the long haul in my experience. Golf is, however, played by lots of different types of people and at a variety of levels. We share the course with golfers of all different levels of ability, commitment to the game, and what they hope to get out of the experience. It is a melting pot of swings, shapes, sizes, ages, genders, and cultures all deriving something from this great game we call golf. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams & How To Play Golf: Like A Winner. ©GolfDom Read the full article
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dinewithevy · 2 years
In this 10th episode of Dine With Evy 🥂, we cover what it really means to be the Prize🏆, spot the difference between moving like the prize and being the Prize, state what we mean by quote on quote “a low value person,” what exactly it really means to move and be like the prize, and Finally seven ways of how you can be and move like the Prize! Join us as we do not hold anything back but take it…
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jynxd · 6 months
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CATTELL (16 factor) results.
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Warmth||||||||||||||||||54% - supportive/comforting intellect||||||||||||||||||||||||74% - cerebral/analytical EmotionalStability||||||14% - irritable/moody Aggressiveness||||||||||||||||||||||||78% - controlling/tough Liveliness||||||||||||||||||||||||||||90% - wild/fun/loving Dutifulness||||||||||||38% - untraditional/rebellious Social Assertiveness|||||||||||||||42% - shy/withdrawn Sensitivity||||||||||||||||||||||||78% - touchy/soft Paranoia||||||||||||||||||||||||||||90% -wary/suspicious Abstractness||||||||||||||||||||||||||||90% -strange/imaginative Introversion|||||||||||||||||||||70% - private/quiet Anxiety|||||||||||||||||||||70% -fearful/self doubting Openmindedness|||||||||||||||||||||66% - curious/exploratory Independence|||||||||||||||||||||62% -loner/craves solitude Perfectionism||||||||||||||||||58% -organized/thorough Tension|||||||||||||||||||||66% -stressed/unsatisfied
TAGGED BY: @nightmarefuele TAGGING: @ferinehuntress @shimmerbeasts @hexcoremagician @blackrosesmatron and anyone who wants to do it!
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mitternachtssonate · 1 month
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Es war seltsam dich nach über einem Jahr wieder zu sehen. Wie seltsam doch ein gebrochenes Herz ist. Trotz all der Traurigkeit, den Schmerz und Verlust- schlug mein Herz wie wild als ich dich gesehen habe. Es fühlte sich ähnlich an, wie damals als ich bei dir im Salon stand. Nur das du mich damals mit funkelnden Augen anstarrtest- und nun… dein Gesicht war wie aus Stein gemeißelt. Du sahst trotzdem echt gut aus, vor allem gesund- deutlich besser als zu unserer Trennung. Es scheint dir gut zu gehen, das freut mich. Es war auch seltsam gemeinsam vor Gericht zu stehen. Noch einmal unseren Weg Revue passieren zu lassen und von einer fremden Frau getröstet zu werden, weil einem doch die Tränen hochkamen. Unser Weg ist nun offiziell beendet. Das Buch geschlossen. Die hoffentlich letzte Phase meiner Trauer kann beginnen. Denn mir fiel es nicht leicht. Ich konnte den Blick nicht von dir abwenden, meine Augen waren gläsern- traurig- leer, ich war nervös, zitterte. Auch meine Stimme war brüchig. Ein Teil von mir wird dich immer lieben, so wie ich es dir versprochen habe… Ich werde allerdings daran arbeiten, dass dieser Teil immer stiller wird und ich anfangen kann wieder richtig zu leben. Danke für die Zeit in der wir unbeschwert waren und lachen konnten. Wo wir uns Geheimnisse verrieten und Pläne schmiedeten. Und auch danke für meine emotionalste Lektion, denn durch die konnte ich nur noch mehr wachsen. Ich wünsche dir für die Zukunft alles Gute- und hoffentlich erinnerst du dich dann und wann auch an mich, an unsere Zeit.
Leb wohl.
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worldmotivations · 6 months
What is real people strengths, motivation video, mindset
What is real people strengths, motivation video, mindset. Good day strong people. If you are here for sure you decide to take care your body, mind, and heath very well, plus become more fit, strong and increase your results. That why you always look for more interesting information about. Hence together we can share much more interesting information and self-experience here. Today I want to discuss little bit about what is real people strengths, try to guide you to be stronger and healthier. Here simply want to share my thought and experience about, and stories of other people as well, what might be useful for you. Well, you might have your own opinion, what I would be glad to know. Thank you for your support! Music: Audio Jungles Desire Markvard Break The Rules (Nightcore) Syrex #peoplestrengths, #realstrenths, #emotionalstate, #Danger, #training, #emotionally, #feeldown, #emotionallyfeeldown, #emotionalstatus, #emotional, #superstrong, #becomewell, #motivation,
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theart2rock · 8 months
Varg veröffentlichen noch ihren Titeltrack "Ewige Wacht"
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Pünktlich zur Veröffentlichung ihres neuen Albums Ewige Wacht veröffentlichen die deutschen Pagan-Metaller VARG ihren mitreißenden Titeltrack "Ewige Wacht" zusammen mit einem offiziellen Musikvideo. Auf ihrem neuen Werk "Ewige Wacht", das diesen Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023 über Napalm Records erscheint, folgen die Wölfe unbeirrt, authentisch und roh ihren heidnischen Wurzeln und manifestieren eindrucksvoll ihre Reinkarnation. Der Titeltrack "Ewige Wacht", unterstrichen durch ein intensives und sehr spezielles offizielles Musikvideo, bildet den finalen Höhepunkt und kombiniert heidnische Themen, eindringliche Melodien und die einnehmende Kraft der Wölfe zum Abschluss dieses herausragenden Klangabenteuers, das in vielversprechende Zeiten für die deutsche Horde führt. Schaut euch das Video unten an und vergesst nicht, VARG auf ihrer Europatour mit NACHTBLUT und der Folk-Metal-Band Sagenbringer zu sehen. Fylgja über die neue Single und das Musikvideo: 'Ewige Wacht' ist der Titelsong unseres neuen Albums, der thematisch das Konzept repräsentiert. Es geht um die Familie und all jene, die wir Familie nennen. Es geht um den Kreislauf des Lebens, darum, dass wir durch unsere Vorfahren leben, in unseren Kindern weiterleben und immer aufeinander aufpassen, auch über den Tod hinaus. Die Flamme der Seele wird ständig weitergegeben und erlischt nie. Für mich persönlich ist dies ein besonders emotionaler Track, da vier Generationen meiner Familie in dem Video vorkommen: meine Oma, meine Mutter, meine Tochter und ich. Viel Spaß mit Ewige Wacht!!!" Mit ihrem letzten und bisher erfolgreichsten Album "Zeichen" (2020, Platz 16 der deutschen Albumcharts) haben VARG den thematischen und musikalischen Fokus ganz auf ihre heidnischen Wurzeln gelegt. Auf ihrem brandneuen Werk gehen die Wölfe diesen Weg unbeirrt, ehrlich, authentisch und roh weiter und manifestieren damit eindrucksvoll ihre Wiedergeburt und ihr unvergleichliches Standing an der Spitze der Szene! Songs wie "Schildmaid", "Immer Treu" und "Fylgja" stehen sinnbildlich für das markante Zusammenspiel der beiden Vokalisten und den Weg, den VARG seit "Zeichen" eingeschlagen haben. "Weltenfeind", "Tyr" und "Hammer" erklingen als kraftvolle Hymnen, kompromisslos mit gnadenlos brachialem Gekeife und schneidenden Riffs. Die folkigen Melodien in "Morgenrot" münden in das epische "Siegreiches Heer", das den Einheitsgedanken, der sich wie ein roter Faden durch Ewige Wacht zieht, noch einmal schärft. VARG über die Veröffentlichung des Albums: "Ewige Wacht ist sowohl unser emotionalstes als auch unser stärkstes Album. Es ist eine Reise durch die nordische Mythologie, die von alten Geschichten und dem Schutz und der Bewahrung der Flamme unserer Vorfahren erzählt. Traditionen und Werte wie Familie, Tapferkeit und Sehnsucht ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch das gesamte Album. Kompromisslose Härte trifft auf epische und tragende Melodien. Authentisch roh produziert und doch kraftvoller und mächtiger denn je. Dieses Album wird die Herzen unserer Fans durchbohren, denn es kommt tief aus unserem Herzen." VARG sind zweifelsohne eine feste Größe in der deutschen Pagan-Szene, die seit über 18 Jahren ihres Bestehens Fans auf der ganzen Welt um sich schart, durch Europa und Nordamerika tourt und ihre Fangemeinde durch zahlreiche Gigs auf Europas größten Festivals wie dem Wacken Open Air, dem Party.San und dem Metalfest immer weiter nach oben treibt. Auch nach all den Jahren schaffen es Freki (Gesang), Fylgja (Gesang), Morkai (Gitarre) sowie die jüngsten Neuzugänge Ulvar (Gitarre, Bass) und Rohgarr (Schlagzeug) immer noch, ihren Anhängern unvergleichliche klangliche Überraschungen zu bieten. Das revitalisierte Line-Up mit zwei hochtalentierten und innovativen Musikern bringt frischen Wind und führt VARG in ein neues Kapitel der Bandgeschichte. Gewachsene künstlerische Reife trifft auf ein einzigartiges Gefühl der Verbundenheit zwischen Band und Fans, das sich thematisch im neuen Album widerspiegelt. Ewige Wacht erzählt von Mythen und Legenden aus längst vergessenen Zeiten und transferiert sie im gewohnt facettenreichen Pagan-Gewand in das Hier und Jetzt. VARG live 2023: Erlebe VARG 2023 live auf der Bühne bei ihrer Headline-Tour mit den Labelkollegen NACHTBLUT und der Folk-Metal-Band Sagenbringer. Wolfsfest Tour           w/ Nachtblut & Sagenbringer 14.10.23 DE – Hamburg / Logo 20.10.23 DE – Frankfurt / Batschkapp 21.10.23 DE – Bochum / Matrix 27.10.23 DE – Nuremberg / Hirsch 28.10.23 DE – Munich / Backstage Werk 10.11.23 DE – Stuttgart / LKA Longhorn 17.11.23 DE – Berlin / ORWOhaus 18.11.23 DE – Leipzig / Hellraiser 24.11.23 CH – Pratteln / Z7 25.11.23 AT – Vienna / SimmCity Ewige Wacht tracklisting:     1.    Immer Treu 2.    Schildmaid 3.    Weltenfeind 4.    Fylgja 5.    Tyr 6.    Járnsíðasleið 7.    Eisenseite 8.    Hammer 9.    Morgenrot 10.  Siegreiches Heer 11.  Ewige Wacht Ewige Wacht Bonus-CD tracklisting (2-CD Digipac) 1.    Immer Treu (feat. Rotting Christ) 2.    Schildmaid (feat. Christopher Bowes) 3.    Weltenfeind (feat. Nachtblut) 4.    Fylgja (feat. Eïs, Minas Morgul, Plutonyan) 5.    Tyr (feat. Obscurity) 6.    Járnsíðasleið 7.    Eisenseite (feat. Heri Joensen) 8.    Hammer (feat. Ektomorf) 9.    Morgenrot (feat. Kanonenfieber & Harpyie) 10.   Siegreiches Heer (feat. Korpiklaani) 11.   Ewige Wacht (feat. Forndom) Ewige Wacht wird in den folgenden Formaten erhältlich sein: Deluxe Box (inkl. Digipac, Trinkhorn, Flasche Met, Anhänger) - limitiert auf 500 Exemplare 2-CD Digipac im Schuber (28 Seiten, Bonus: Gastgesangsalbum) 1- LP Gatefold (marmoriert) - limitiert auf 100 Exemplare 1- LP Klappcover 1- CD Jewel Case Digitales Album VARG are: Freki – Vocals Fylgja – Vocals Morkai – Guitars Ulvar – Guitars, Bass Rohgarr – Drums VARG online: Facebook Instagram Website Napalm Records Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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powerfulmind611 · 11 months
Staying Calm Under Pressure - Rooted Resilience in the Storm
Discover the transformative power of staying calm under pressure in this captivating YouTube video. Join Kamal, a young boy facing a series of overwhelming challenges, as he seeks guidance from a wise Zen Master. Through an enchanting story of the mighty oak tree, learn valuable lessons on cultivating resilience, adaptability, and inner peace in the face of adversity. Uncover the secrets to staying grounded and maintaining composure amidst life's storms. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and find inspiration to navigate the turbulent tides with unwavering calmness. Don't miss this captivating tale of 'Staying Calm Under Pressure: Rooted Resilience in the Storm' that will leave you uplifted and empowered.
ZenWisdom #InnerPeace #Resilience #Calmness #Adversity #Mindfulness #LifeLessons #BuddhistTeachings #EmotionalStability #OvercomingChallenges #SelfDiscovery #MentalStrength #StayCalm #FindingEquanimity #WisdomStories #InspirationalVideo #StressManagement #MindfulLiving #SpiritualGrowth #PersonalTransformation
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harmonyusinc · 2 years
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#therapypub #therapy #drharmony #psychology #humor #mind #MentalHealthMatters #abuse #recovery #Shame #emotionalstate #emotions #selfworthyjourney https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck4sqIzM2dY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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