redacted-coiner · 2 months
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Submate, Sisamate, Sidemate(link)
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System Transmasc(link), Discmate(link), System Transfem(link)
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Levian, Eclian, Azlian(link)
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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Male Woman Pride Flag
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Some reasons for possibly identifying this way: using male for sex (wolfadic) and woman for gender identity (wifgender) [transsex cisgender or cissex transgender]; using both maleness/malehood and womanhood/womankind as gender self-identifiers (multigender, femache, androgyne, transandrogynous or gendervast) while not necessarily using female or man for oneself (pleonotic); being intersex/intergender; plurality of (sub)selves or (sub)personas/multiple headmates or alters/fragmented system (such as detragender (azligender/levigender/ecligender) or conuengender).
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tallymarksystem · 7 days
Changing Roles
I think it's interesting how the role of an alter can change over time, specifically in situations where the original role is no longer needed. I know in some cases when this happens the alter can go dormant, which has happened in our system before, and in some cases they can fuse. The other thing that's happened though, for us, is an alter just picking up a different role.
I think in some systems this can be a conscious choice, or at least I've heard some folks talk about it like it is, which is also interesting to me, but for us I don't think it's ever been an active decision. It's more like the original role isn't needed anymore but the part who had that role is well suited for a different role as well.
My name is Hazel, and my role used to involve dealing with certain aspects of social media (namely tiktok) and the negativity we received from it. A lot of times this looked like defending other system members when they received hate, either by making video responses or just replying in comments. Sometimes it just meant I fronted when we were feeling the weight of the negativity a little too heavily, because I could deal with it.
We deleted tiktok a couple months ago though. So where did that leave me? I didn't go dormant. I didn't fuse. Instead, I realized somewhat recently that I had just started filling a different role. We don't need a "tiktok protector" anymore, but something we did need was a physical protector.
We work two jobs right now, and one of them frequently involves walking around a property at night and interacting with strangers. A lot of these strangers are men. The alter who used to be an "everything protector" has over time narrowed down her focus to specific aspects of protection that don't cover physical protection, because we didn't need a physical protector for a while, or at least we didn't need one consistently. Now, mostly because of this job, we have two.
Trubel and I are the physical protectors now, and each of us deals with a different level of perceived or potential physical threat. He deals with higher-level threats, like adult men, and I deal with lower-level things, like teenage boys and old men touching me without permission. Neither of us is going to instigate anything, but we're both on guard. Just in case.
Question for you folks—which happens most often for you and your system when a role is no longer needed? Does the alter who fills that role go dormant, fuse, pick up a different role, or something else entirely? Your brain is typically going to do what's best for your system, and that looks different for everybody.
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helloooo hi. wanted to make a positivity post for systems that relates to. gender.
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— shoutout to systems who are trans as part of their collective identity or masking identity!
— shoutout to systems where most alters have different genders!
— shoutout to alters whos perception of their gender doesn't match their outerworld body!
— shoutout to levian/eclian/azlian alters!
— shoutout to introjects with different gender than their source!
— shoutout to alters who showed up identifying as one gender, but later identified as another, for any reason at all!
— shoutout to alters who identity as more than one gender!
— shoutout to alters with no gender!
— shoutout to alters with genders others have a hard time understanding!
— shoutout to trans alters in general!
— shoutout to non-human alters whose non-humanity affects their gender!
— shoutout to systems and alters whos plurality affects their gender in any way!
— shoutout to systems who can't express or talk about their gender because they aren't out!
— shoutout to alters who are the only alter of a specific gender in their system!
— shoutout to systems and alters who use more obscure labels to describe their gender!
— shoutout to systems and alters who coin their own terms to talk about their gender!
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hope you enjoyed :D gender is a personal topic to me as im eclian/ecligender myself, and thats... quite a difficult label to describe to singlets, methinks. i hope this post was able to make you smile today!
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neopronouns · 5 months
do you know of a term that is similar to eclian/ecligender but for a headmate that feels intersex in a system that is bodily perisex? if not would you feel comfortable making one? and in case this needs to be said this is in good faith
there's innosex (and parintersex, which also includes headmates with a different intersex variation than the body)!
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imoga-pride · 1 year
is it possible to be cis and demigender? and if so how would that work?
demicis is a form of being demigender and cisgender, it means identifying partially as cis/or when your gender partly "matches" your AGAB.
someone can also identify as "cis demigirl", in the same way someone can identify as a "trans demigirl".
other ways: self-assigning, being intersex (intergender, ipsogender), plural/median/system (afficgender, eclian/ecligender, azligender/azlian, levigender/levian), multigender (being a "AMAB demigirl man", bigender of "demiboy" and "cis woman", etc.), reclaiming cis, being citergender, cusper/evenic, cissex transgender.
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years
when one is wlw, wln, mlw, mln and nlw, nln, occasionally mlm and nlm, but never wlm
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[Image ID: A flag with two columns of five equally-sized horizontal stripes separated by a vertical sienna stripe. From top to bottom in the left column the colors are sienna, burnt sienna, dull brown, dull purple-brown, and dull purple. The colors are the same but in a reversed order in the right column. End ID.]
term and flag by me, requested by anon :3
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Cisfeminine Transmasculine Pride Flag
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[transcript: 5 horizontal stripes of hot pink, cyan, white, cyan, and hot pink. End ID.]
Cisfem Transmasc: an individual who experiences gender masculinity as part of their transness and gender femininity as part of their cisness; a femasc multigender or mascfem centrigender who was assigned female at birth; an intersex or otherwise sex nonconforming person who experiences masculine transsexness and feminine cissexness; a cistrans/transcis (trisgender) femmasc folk; a varsexgender experience (such as cistransen/cissex transgender or transcisen/cisgender transsex); a GNC/PNC folk who transitioned or is crossnominal; or members from a plural system (such as detragender (azlian/levian/eclian) or utrinquegender/fulgurmasc/lapisfem).
Someone can use the combination of both terms for reasons other than I listed here (such as being a cisfeminine trans man and/or a transmasculine cis woman).
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Cismasculine Transfeminine Pride Flag
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[transcript: 5 horizontal stripes of royal blue, pink, white, pink, and royal blue. end ID.]
Cismasc Transfem: an individual who experiences gender masculinity as part of their cisness and gender femininity as part of their transness; a femasc multigender or mascfem centrigender who was assigned male at birth; an intersex or otherwise sex nonconforming person who experiences masculine cissexness and feminine transsexness; a cistrans/transcis (trisgender) femmasc folk; a varsexgender experience (such as cistransen/cissex transgender or transcisen/cisgender transsex); a GNC/PNC folk who transitioned or is crossnominal; or members from a plural system (such as detragender (azlian/levian/eclian) or utrinquegender/fulgurmasc/lapisfem).
Someone can use the combination of both terms for reasons other than I listed here (such as being a cismasculine trans woman and/or a transfeminine cis man).
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neopronouns · 2 years
Hi, could i have a label for a system member who is trans in a way only possible internally due to being a different agab than the body? Such as an alter who is very much amab in headspace but transfeminine, while the body is afab (we have a few like this and wish there was a way to say they’re transfem without implying an experience we’ll never have). Thank you and have a good 24hrs!
i think this is pretty much eclian!
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years
can i request an eclianfem flag?? ty!! (like transfem but eclian)
you bet! hope you like it :3
eclianfem flag-
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are deep purple, mid purple, hot pink, orange, yellow, orange, pastel pink, purple, and royal blue. End ID.]
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