#Does this count as mpreg lol
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Meme Prompt 2
Thinkin of feral halfa Jason again. No surprise there.
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boldlygreatsuit · 3 months
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I knowwww angel is a boy so this is impossible buttt I’ve always love those stories where a couple is separated and reunited only for the dad to find out that his partner is heavily pregnant and they’re gonna have a baby. So what if Angel gets redeemed only to find out his pregnant and ends up giving up heaven in order to return to hell and live with husk, how cute would that be
Plus it’s fun to draw the little baby, she looks like a ball of raspberry cotton candy lol
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Hi! How are you? 🐍
I was thinking about Lucifer and the birth of Satan and all of a sudden my brain started Lucifer pregnant. Like, a round belly, mood swings, sudden cravings for food.
He could wake me up at three in the morning demanding strawberries and I'd go and get them for him without hesitation. I'd bring him strawberries, a strawberry plant, a ton of strawberries. I would fight "Father" in a duel without the slightest hesitation to bring him even one strawberry.
I will totally let him be my fussy, demanding prince throughout the pregnancy. I will be the best pregnancy partner for him. I'll hunt down his brothers to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and let him rest while he's carrying baby and I'll stop Diavolo giving him too much work.
Besides, I'm sure Diavolo wouldn't give him too much work, he'd be too busy being as in love with his wonderful, magnificent pregnant Lucifer. He'd probably give her the most expensive things for him and the baby, and Lucifero would have the best doctor in Devildom to monitor pregnancy.
Then, I'd worry about him. After all, he's the avatar of pride. He'd probably want to have the most perfect pregnancy ever. He might take the morning sickness, fatigue and hypersensitivity that often accompany pregnancy as a personal failure.
CW: pregnancy
Hello there, ^^ anon!
Wow like Lucifer isn't annoying enough normally lol. It's a good thing he didn't have to go through all of that to have Satan. He wouldn't have anyone to take care of him at that time, so I think it would've been rough.
I kinda see Lucifer being super stoic about it. Like pretending that he's perfectly fine because for him such things are easy and simple. He wouldn't want anyone to see him struggle in any way. He wouldn't want to be dependent on anyone, either.
But assuming that you have already broken down his walls, I think Lucifer would reluctantly allow you to care for him. But only because it's you. I see him scolding Diavolo if he made a fuss lol.
I think you'd really have your work cut out for you trying to keep him happy while also keeping his brothers from doing anything too crazy. Though perhaps they would chill out for his sake.
I love how you would be so caring. Lucifer couldn't ask for better than someone willing to fight Father for a strawberry. 🥹
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magpiefngrl · 17 days
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you for the tag @hoko-onchi-writes! Great way to spend a lazy Sunday morning :)
Username: magpie_fngrl
1. How many works do you have on A03? 54
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 392,045
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've mostly written drarry. I'd started as a pynch writer (TRC) and lately I've written a bunch in other fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? all drarry:
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy
The Full Monty
Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There,
9 ½ Days
5. Do you respond to comments? I do my best. I made a decision back when I posted a lot of stuff and got more comments than I could handle that I would only reply to the comments on the last chapter of a multi-chapter fic. Other than that, I try my best to reply to everyone.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I wrote a Major Character Death fic (The Death You Carry). Can't get angstier than that.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics end happy, but now that I think of it they're mostly HFN in romance-genre speak. Happy For Now aka the fic ends with them as a couple, kissing or touching for example, the Ever After is implied but not explicit. Two fics which end with H/D living together, and thus more committed to each other, are Hush, darling and The Boy Who Died. These are also angstier than my other fics, which makes the happy ending sweeter imo.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not hate per se. I've received demanding comments ("Can you write more? Another sex scene? And make it mpreg?") or comments like "I like your story but I can't read on because you have X topping". Not hate. There was a time, though, that I got several comments about how stupid/annoying/an arsehole Harry is, which reflect an attitude I used to see in fandom, where Draco is perfect and Harry is a bumbling fool and the minute he says something sharp to Draco he becomes an arsehole and should be screamed at. Needless to say, I hate this kind of interpretation. I deleted a couple of these comments, I just couldn't have them on my page. It was the reason I de-activated comments on all my fics for some time.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? The sexy kind, I hope LOL
Serious answer: I have written explicit sex scenes, although I tend to be more vague rather than write a play-by-play description of what is happening. I mean, there is some of that, but not as detailed as it can be. I don't know how to explain it better in English, sorry. Anyhow, I love sex scenes, I love reading them, I enjoy the challenge of writing them, and I think what I like best in what I read (and thus I try to emulate) is when a sex scene reveals the emotional state of these two people rather than just say whose dick does what.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't! A couple of years ago I got a few asks about wangxian and drarry meeting up and although it was fun to reply to the asks and imagine how it would take place, I don't think I'll ever write it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Someone screenshot dnab and posted it on instagram. The whole 40k fic. If there have been others, I don't know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't and I'm not sure I could. I don't think my writing process would lead to successful collaborations. If I were to imagine it, the easiest for me would be that each writer has their own POV (I'd write Draco, the other person Harry, for instance) and we'd have a general idea but not a strict outline and we'd write it like a relay race: I'd post something, they'd write the next part, then me etc.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I tend to move on from fandoms, so it used to be pynch, then drarry, now wangxian. I don't have a lot of time for fandom these days so I'm not as obsessed with a ship as I used to be. I love all my babies equally.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started a fic with a magical university of sorts, or rather 8th year but they'd be more like uni students than normal school students, and Draco was a Veela whose mate was Astoria. Not sure where it would all go, but well--it won't go anywhere now, because I have so many other WIPs that take precedent.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm decent at dialogue and I've been told my fics have great atmosphere. Occasionally I write an unusual turn of phrase and people comment on that. My fics are fairly short, but I've been told that they have a lot more story than the reader expected because of the word count, and I think that's because I edit ruthlessly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting is my main problem. I pants my stories and it takes me forever to figure out what happens next. I also lack confidence and doubt everything while writing, which isn't a writing weakness exactly, but it does affect my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? It's cool. I like it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Raven Cycle. I was mad about pynch.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Currently 9 ½ Days but I have a very, very soft spot for The Boy Who Died.
Tagging: @lettersbyelise @lucifergraced @coriesocks @wolfpants @julcheninred @nerdherderette @lqtraintracks if they wanna!
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sketching-shark · 6 months
Hello! I know you aren't a big fan of LMK, but there's a sideblog run by @digitalagepulao named @digitaldoeslmk that is doing a rewrite of the show by following book canon, and their ideas and art is FIRE so please have a look if you have the time. Also, I remember seeing a few lines that Sun Wukong has medical training during his years of learning. Would he count as having a degree in medicine in modern terms? How is he during childbirth? Do you think he'd be able to do a human childbirth successfully? Have a great month, enjoy your food, and don't forget to sleep early regularly!
As a matter of fact @angstandhappiness I am recently familiar with @digitaldoeslmk and let me just say WEH @digitalagepulao has done an amazing job at creating one of the most fun and interesting Monkie Kid aus out there!
I'm honestly really appreciative of the though and care they've put into a version of the lego show where JTTW happened according to Wu Cheng'en's version, and particularly the way this means that A) Sun Wukong is a genuinely good mentor & that therefore there's many a lovely shifu-tudi moment between him and MK (plus SWK is his book canon size here so that's an automatic improvement over LMK canon lmao), B) Red Son gets more time in the spotlight both as a character and as a source of insights into the histories of the JTTW canon characters, and C) the stakes aren't of the constant end-of-the-universe levels & therefore MK gets a Fucking Break from the Horrors & also gets to make a lot more friends in stuff like a theater group.
tbh I was pretty delighted by this plot idea @digitalagepulao put out where MK is getting ready for a theatrical production of Havoc in Heaven where he's playing Sun Wukong but then both the actor and the understudy who played Erlang Shen got ill, & that this was resolved by MK getting SWK to play his one-time nemesis. That's a really fun idea for a number of reasons, not the least being it seems like a great scenario for the Monkey King to have actually understandable stage fright & some genuine conversations about his past & what he learned from his experiences BUT ALSO for it being a great way for Monkie Kid to give a respectful nod to past retellings of Xiyouji even while letting MK & co. shine.
In conclusion people should definitely check out @digitaldoeslmk.
As for the second part of this ask, you probably couldn't say that the Monkey King has anything like a contemporary medical degree going strictly by Xiyouji canon, but he does prove himself to be a clever primate when it comes to medicine! Honestly it could make for a kind of funny JTTW future story where SWK goes through medical school to get an MD so that he can be an officially licensed doctor in the 21st century lol. And while we never see SWK helping someone with pregnancy or childbirth in the og classic (discounting the mpreg arc lmao), his status as both an extremely old communal grandpa who's seen a lot and a protector of children seem to both suggest that he'd be pretty good at assisting in childbirth for humans, monkeys, and yaoguai alike.
Enjoy your food and sleep too!
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dereles · 2 years
What are your favorite Sterek fics on archiveofourown?
Okay so here’s the deal! I’m mostly a podfic person, so most of my favorite sterek fics I actually listened to, rather than read. Because it’s a different experience that just reading the stories with your eyes, for those of these that I listened to as podfics, I’m gonna just go ahead and link the podfic. That being said, I know many people are not into podfic and that is totally cool, so if podfic is not your thing, just find wherever on the podfic page it says ‘Inspired by ______’ and click that to go to the original written work. Also be aware that I’m a lover of angst and my choices most definitely reflect that ehehe.
Safety in Silence
It’s a genius take on soulmates. Like 99% of soulmates fics are like, they meet, there is a mishap, they decide to give things a try and live happily ever after. Which is great and I thoughoughly enjoy. But this is like taking that and twisting it into years of delicious angst. I think about this fic SO frequently.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments
Sterek with nonverbal communication is actually my favorite thing ever (see also: Don’t Speak, later on this list). It’s just so good and I won’t spoil it but you’ve got magic Stiles and shifted Derek and it’s just incredible.
The Threat of Human Sacrifice
The most tender Derek Hale of all the Derek Hales. Mpreg, but listen I don’t read mpreg all that often and this is still one of my all time favorite fics in ANY fandom I’ve been in. If you listen to it, do yourself a favor and make sure you listen to the chapters in order (unlike a CERTAIN DUMBASS. ((me.)))
Do I still, not infrequently, fall asleep imagining different ways this could’ve gone? Yes. All of the stiles-briefly-goes-back-in-time fics that I’ve read have been great, but this one. Ohhhhh this one. So so so good. If the ending sits the wrong way with you, I’ve been told the sequel(s?) are meant to help with that, but aaaa it’s so good as is.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words (which actually DOES have a podfic that I’d highly recommend, but since it’s still unfinished, that’s a link to the finished text.)
The longest fic on this list by far, but WOW it doesn’t even feel like it. As you might expect, it’s pretty slow burn, but it’s a rare find in that it is super long, but also interesting the whole way through AND cohesive. Extremely enjoyable read for me. Magic Stiles, mute Derek. (another one that features nonverbal communication)
No Homo
It’s a classic okay just go read it. Everything by this author is stellar and amazing. (Note, the author took her works off ao3, but the Podfic is there so this counts as being on archiveofourown lmao. If you want the written work I’ll find a link for you elsewhere)
Also it’s been awhile since I read it but I’m pretty sure Don’t Speak deserves a place on my favorites.
I fall, I fall, I falter is the short/smutty fic I reread the most because I fking love angst. (Not the happiest ending though fair warning. Not like BAD, but ya know.)
Also if we’re talking smut, I don’t really go in for non-con but I DO go in for dub-con, and Lap Magnet and Build an Ivory Tower are just *chefs kiss*
Also I think about Sell Your Body to The Night quite a lot. One of those really great fics that’s long AND has a variety of detailed smut but also an actual plot that makes you care about them.
I also love Blushing Pretty for something a little sweeter.
Being Found and sequel Finding I think are really special cause I really love how intimate they are.
And I’ll stop with Second Chances which is really short and sweet and I liked it so much I recorded it! It was my first public podfic!
I could literally go on forever (and I realize many of these are sterek classics so if you were looking for slightly lesser-known fics I can add to this lol). There are definitely some I’m forgetting too, if I remember I’ll add them. Enjoy!!!!
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nuclearr-wessels · 7 months
‧⁺✧ Eldritch Horror Romance ♡°‧
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edit: out with the first edition, in with the second! Check it out here!
Get it at playstore | amzn | kobo | BoD | your local library service and more! Read a tumblr snippet here ♡
Oh boy, am I glad this thing got out before Halloween lol
Have you ever seen a 1980s body horror abomination and thought "I want to hold their hand/tentacle/vaguely insect-ish limb"? I sure did, so I wrote a horror love story and decided to publish it as a romance novel! It'd be my honour to introduce you to Christopher and Gyth, eldritch sweethearts ♡
Synopsis of "Far Beyond The Moon"
The life of 38-year-old Christopher Ennington is in shambles. Battered by abuse, disease and loneliness, he cannot believe his luck when he crosses paths with a mysterious stranger. Gyth is kind, dreamy, and just as much of an outsider as Christopher. Birds of a feather flock together. But people in rural Massachusetts do not take kindly to this blossoming relationship. It is only when Christopher learns of Gyth’s true nature that his world starts to finally change – and he himself with it.
Cosmic horror and body horror entangled in a steamy queer romance – literally!
More about "Far Beyond The Moon"
118,000+ words
409 pages for you to devour
14 chapters full of hurt/comfort
7 smut scenes with eldritch body horror
2 loners who finally find their perfect match
1 cosmic-mad, brain-melting, sweet-as-honey romance
and too many tentacles to count!
Since it deals with trauma and mental illness and serves as an abuse survivour fantasy, parts of the book are fairly dark even outside of the body horror genre aspects. I have written this very much in the spirit of a hurt/comfort fanfic. Still, I encourage you to check out the CWs on my carrd before buying or renting the book.
By now it should be available internationally; I have been told US stores need a bit longer. There is a special e-book discount until 6 December 2023 that you might wanna take into consideration! (I will say that I have no control over international prices of the paperback though. It had to be at least 14€ to cover the printing costs but is often more expensive in stores outside of my country.)
Overall, I hope this story reaches its right audience lol, it does venture into ero guro territory at times after all. And I've already found several typos in it (rip). That said, holding this book in my hands, I am insanely proud of it and its story. Seeing yourself in "the other", SA as body horror etc. etc. (To be very honest my therapist loudly encouraged me to publish this lol) The two main characters are adults and very much two dads™, though without any mpreg, for those who want to know.
I want to revise this book very badly for a second edition because I'd like it to be as perfect as possible, but that depends on how well this baby sells in the first place. Maybe give the eldritch sweethearts a try!! If not, I'd be happy if you still spread the word ♡
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writerkenna · 6 months
Author Tag
Thank you so much @sambambucky ! This is super fun!
How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Anything MCU, Community, and really whatever strikes my fancy
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not Our Time
The Way of Things
we’ve always been impossible
This Time Around
Stumble and Fall Your Way to Each Other (I hate this stupid title but the fic is still good)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I almost always do! I love interacting with people reading my stuff and try to reply pretty promptly.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
As much as I love angst, I always need a happy ending. I guess I’d say Project Genesis: Attempt Four (FAILED) bc that does end pretty sad but at least I know WBF comes after it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’d say why, why (did I ever let you go) bc every couple ends up together and they throw a big party, but that is just a part of mamma mia so don’t blame me!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
For writing mostly mpreg, I get surprisingly little hate for it! I guess I found a good community.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but usually not smut on its own/pwp. I mostly just slip it in to bigger stories as a nice little treat.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
If you count movie AU rewrites then yes!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Luckily no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I’d love to!!
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Sambucky baby!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope to finish all my fics, but, I admit, I’m worried about returning to my marvel mia 2 au. That one might have to wait a while, at the very least 😬
In terms of WIPs I never published, I reaaaaaaallly want to get back to working on my Bucky is a witch/Strange Powers fic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my dialogue and internal monologues are pretty good.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not very good at setting or world building, and also I’m terrible at sticking to a writing/posting schedule.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve done this a few times. I use deepl and my own personal knowledge with the language, and then also have someone check it for me. Thank you @iamgalicia for being my Spanish checker!!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
When I was 12/13 I wrote for The Sisters Grimm book series and Glee lol
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Ooooo tough one! I love them all for many diff reasons but I think my best written is Parts of a Whole
Tagging @livingincolorsagain !!
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arsenalgbt · 2 days
I'm so glad you seem to be enjoying our conversation as much as I am! Even though Dec doesn't tell anyone kai is pregnant before the baby shower invites, he does ask them for hypothetical advice (honestly Dec thinks it's on his friends for not realising Kai was pregnant because when has he ever asked them for advice). Of course, their responses range in usefulness. Leo is helpful when he tells him that if Kai gets pregnant then he needs to respect his cravings and supply them no matter how weird and he thinks KT is well intentioned when he advises Dec not to say yes if Kai at any point asks if he looks fat. KT says it with such a haunted look that Dec is certain he did it more than once. Ben who was single throughout his pregnancy and hasn't revealed the identity of his kid's father tells him to stay if kai gets pregnant with a bitterness that makes Dec pity him. Ben's baby was a surprise to all of them and although they try to help as much as possible, Ben isn't one to allow it. Dec loves Kai and if the baby wasn't his and the other guy wasn't involved it would all be okay but Jurrien is so involved and Dec cannot handle it.
He is as helpful as he can be throughout the pregnancy but tries not to fall for kai more or get attached to the baby because he knows that if the baby is Jurrien's that he's willing to leave to protect himself
seem? SEEM.......... I AM ENJOYING OUR CONVO. it's my reasons to wake up in the morning likeeeeeeeee
dude im adding everything u wrote up there (and previously) into the fic ngl. will credit you for sure, u know I always credit every single gif/prompt/words that inspired my fics JHASJHFDKJAFJKA IM SO EXCITED!! dayummmmmm very intricate muy complicated. hit me with more basically the more arranged marriage/mpreg hc you have and tell me, the more word count shrugs I don't make the rules (at least I will try lmao)
oh man...
jurrien......... the perfect man does exist iktr........... the background story of ktrossard. ben being bitter and secretive.................... in my head the father is kalvin lol (im biased af, in my head willo wouldn't just leave 😤)
who do u think shud be kai's friends? Julian for sure? Martin?
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 129
Danny, now an adult, has just moved to the city of Gotham. Actually he’s been an adult for a while, but every once in a while he has to end his life, at least legally, lest someone get suspicious. Usually whenever Dan or Ellie does an oopsie and pulls a firebird with being reborn through their core. 
So legally, one Danyal Nightingale, has just moved to Gotham to open a bakery (Thank you for the wonderful recipes and bonding Clockwork) while taking care of his practically newborn son Jordan. Of course Elnath- Ellie- had to pull a core retreat too, which is just his luck. 
It wouldn’t be a problem, but he’s trying to not be so broody. A ghost- even a half-ghost- carrying another core though, has instincts turned up to like, eleven. Which again, wouldn’t be much of a problem if not for someone falling into his dumpster late at night bleeding. A vigilante, which he’s sworn to stay away from that life years ago. And it’s not a lethal wound…
But his instincts are screaming to not let the person bleed all around his nest, and he knows from experience that it would continue to bother him. Which is how he ends up with Batman on his couch to Dan’s glee if the ghost chirps are to go by. 
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ace-the-fox · 10 months
since you already did Wally darling is it okay if I request some barnaby b beagle mpreg headcanons perhaps 🤔
also I am so grateful that this is a sfw blog🥰🥰🥰
I think you’re wonderful😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Awwww ty and yeah totally! And I'm glad people like that this blog is sfw, bc there ain't enough sfw mpreg blogs out there honestly lol
I apologise that I couldn't think of much for this, I wasn't sure what to do with him lol
Barnaby B. Beagle Mpreg HCs
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He can now officially label his jokes as dad jokes now! He considers this to be a win :)
Big opportunity for multiples here. He's a dog. Dogs have litters. Whether that's a more normal count of twins or triplets, or maybe more. Whatever suits you really lol.
Wally, being the artist that he is and being Barnaby's best friend, offers to do one of those belly cast things for him. Barnaby agrees, believing it would be nice to have something to remember his pregnancy by. Unfortunately, as they find, Barnaby is very ticklish.
I feel like he's the kind of guy who would really take advantage of the "eating for two deal." Howdy is a little stunned by the sheer amount of food he buys in a week.
Somehow, Eddie is out of the loop until he finally asks why Barnaby is ordering so many baby items in the mail. Poor boy lol.
Not really a headcanon, but pls just picture a Barnaby pup for me (or, again, potentially puppies). Tiny lil fluffy blue things. Baby blues clues looking babs. I'm screaming.
On that note, a when they're in that baby-to-toddler phase, pup does have a bit of a teething issue. Pillows, book spines, table corners, etc. Sometimes, even the neighbours will get a bit of a nip!
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scoops404 · 6 months
Tagged by the very lovely @amoxilwrites who i love dearly <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Under the Scoops pseud, 23, but 30 total
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
967,370 as of this morning (HALP)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DNF primarily, but i've written for Dan and Phil and Teen Wold and One Direction
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'll do just the DNF fics (because the highest one is for Teen Wolf)
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
I've Never Fallen from Quite This High
The Curse and Cure of the Internet
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely. I've made some fun acquaintances in my comment section, and even some friends. I like discussing my stories and comments are a great place to do that without being annoying or bragging or a million other things my anxiety likes to yell at me for. I love answering questions and talking back about theories, etc. I think I've really done a good job of fostering a good comment section!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um, it's a Scoops guarantee that my fics will have happy endings, but the angiest I would say is The Mushroom King and The Nightmare but I have other stories with angstier middles lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lol, literally all of them I am such a sap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I saw someone talk about me on tumblr once and they said I should drown, so? Not directly, but sorta? I dunno, it just makes me laugh. Sorry you didn't like my mpreg story, it was never that serious
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yup. I write all the things, with varying degrees of success. My smut is usually really emotionally focused with um lots of strange metaphor and a sprinkle of humor.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, but never say never. Does Deep in Dream count?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! *fingers crossed*
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had someone do a very bad podfic of one of my teen wolf fics--I say bad because it's a mechanical voice and half of it doesn't even work
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
DNF, sterek, drarry (I know... I hate that JK Rowling ruined everything), Merthur, Phan
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Currently? Hits Different, but I know I'll finished that one. Of my old WIPs, there's a dan and phil one I'd like to finish
16. What are your writing strengths?
HAHA, bro, I don't know. Tension? Dialogue? realistic angst? Making unrealistic tropes seem extremely plausible. You tell me, buddy
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Setting. I always forget about the setting until the last second. Um, I'm not sure what else? Ask Alison
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'd prefer that if I can't figure it out in context, that it's written in italics or something and said to be that language. Unless the point of me as the reader not being able to understand is that I'm not supposed to understand along with the character, then that's fine.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Big sigh, Harry Potter. Then Teen Wolf
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Is anyone surprised? Deep in the Dream of a Game
Thanks for tagging me, Vesp!! This was very fun! I'm tagging @bottleofchaos @jestbee @sageafk @lucithornz I can't remember but I think Vesp tagged everyone else I would have tagged, but feel free to do it anyway <3
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tahtahfornow · 2 years
Hi!! 9, 16, 25 and one you’d like to answer but haven’t been asked yet, please and thanks!
hi kimberly!! :) tysm for the ask <33
9. what are their thoughts on having children?
ohhh god i hope this isn't controversial but yknow! i don't think they have many thoughts on having children when they're younger due to being queer men in the middle of a war bc just. unlike jily having children the old-fashioned way isn't something they'd have to actively WORRY about (unless we are in mpreg land or something but i have not rly ventured to that land fic wise so cannot rly speak to it lol?!) and it certainly isn't an ideal TIME in either of their lives to become a caretaker so (!). nor is the second war/grimmauld a great time or place for a baby?! so just due to various circumstances it seems like kids would be so far from their minds, not even really a question/consideration for the two of them. BUT i do think sirius takes the godfather role v seriously & sees harry as the closest he'll ever have to "his own" kid, loves him very dearly, would do anything to protect him, etc.
also lil sidenote that i DO think remus probably does not ever want or intend to have biological kids, even canonically in DH etc he is like... weirdly shocked by tonks's pregnancy & horrified by the possibility of passing on his lycanthropy so! i think that indicates that fairly early in life he probably wrote off the possibility of having biological kids & assumed for most of his life that that was just not an option for him. nor would adoption probably be an option for him due to impoverished werewolf status etc 😹.
16. can they stay up all night just talking?
omg DUH!!!! and they do, at hogwarts, frequently, before ever being in any sort of romantic relationship etc etc.
25. do they have any hobbies they share?
ohhh tough question! i feel like ... remus totally takes padfoot for morning walks in the park so :). that is kind of "shared"! they definitely share the crossword in the mornings... they don't really have the same taste in music (but some overlap for sure) or literature and remus doesn't like to fly or fix up motorbikes 😹. mm BUT i guess if you count mischief as a hobby they 1000% share that (and w/ the other marauders ofc!). & i def think they'd like to watch films together bc sirius loves muggle things & remus just likes films lol.
hmmm and one i'd like to answer & haven't been asked let's go with...
13. who’s the bigger tease?
thought this one was funny so remus :) obviously
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feuqueerfire · 6 days
Change2561 Changing Project Lineup 2024 Showcase
I've made posts about GMMTV 2023 and 2024 (pt 1 & 2) trailer reactions but I don't tend to watch other companies' trailers because 1) some shows I'm excited about might not end up happening and 2) even if it does happen... might take 2-3 years lol. We're impatient about GMMTV's output timing but at least they usually release all their shows and withint 1.5 years of the pilot trailer since they're a big enough company with a System.
Change2561 seems to fall into that category as well, since they're kind of like GMMTV's sister company as they're a subsidiary of GMM Grammy? I'm not 100% certain, it's what I've gathered from people's comments. So I think there's a high change we'll get the shows + in a timely manner. I'm excited!
Also, I'm not watching this live, so I know what the shows are + very basic premise.
Most Anticipated:
Goddess Bless You From Death: suchhhh a good trailer and sounds right up my alley, I'm really hoping for a miracle with strong script + acting + cinematography. Currently one of my most anticipated BLs in general.
I'll Watch Depending On Reviews
Affair: let's go rich/poor GL!
Pit Babe S2: please no mpreg, I can't do pregnancy storylines at allll
I'm The Most Beautiful Count: looks hilarious and I like the time travel concept, but I've never been keen on shows with many suitors (even love triangles can get too much for me), so I'll see how it goes.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: idk, maybe I'll watch it if it receives lots of praise
Trailer-by-trailer thoughts below the cut.
Title: This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans
Pair: Sailub/Pon
Thoughts: It was released like a month ago but I didn't feel the desire to watch the trailer then and now that I've tried watching the trailer... idk, I don't really care. I was quite into Jeff/Alan in Pit Babe before souring on them in the later episodes and maybe that's bleeding into this. I skipped some of the scenes after the 2 minute mark, long ass trailer. I'll watch it if people Love it.
Title: Affair
Pair: idk but it's a GL :)
Thoughts: Girl, a 7 minute trailer?! I watched like 3 minutes. I'm into it, it's a boss's daughter/maid's daughter forbidden romance across class status. The leads are cute together. I'll add it to the watchlist and hope it's good
Aside: It's from a novel by Chao Planoy, who's also the author of GAP, Blank, Pluto, Us, My Marvellous Dream Is You, and more. People on twitter hate this author so bad, talking about how her books are really problematic and they're always glad when the plot is changed in the show but I also never quite know why they call her problematic, like okay Blank has a big age gap but I'm interested in the show because of said age gap so... lol I guess. Anyway, hope the shows are good, idc about the novels necessarily because many BL novels are also bad or 80% smut or with 0 plot or whatever.
Title: I’m The Most Beautiful Count
Pair: Suppanut harem haha but endgame Ping/Nut?
Thoughts: Nut had a real-life boyfriend for like 7 years, right? Love to see out actors being employed. Oh, a kathoey character.
This is so fun lol Long ass trailer again but I watched most of it cuz too much was going on. I'm not fully sure I'll watch it but it's interesting for sure, mostly for the main character + time travel concept. I don't really care for shows with many different people fighting for the affections of one person. Although people are excited about harem possibilities, I don't know I think it'll end with Ping/Nut rather than harem endgame.
Title: Pit Babe The Series 2
Pair: Pooh/Pavel
Thoughts: I didn't know a season 2 was on the table but I saw an interview with the crew that apparently they just thought of different scenarios over lunch one time for fun and that's how it was born lol. Starting the trailer with the minor bad guys from season 1 in prison and fighting is objectively hilarious. Kenta I fucking love you, I'm sad we won't get Pete/Kenta. Not the Mama/Papa again, please no mpreg plsplsplspls no T.T I don't know if I like that people who were killed in the first season are back again hmm. Again, long trailer so skipped a lot in the second half but watched enough to get the gist + no mpreg in the trailer at least lol. I'd be curious to watch it since I've already watched season 1 but I'll first listen to reviews saying whether it's actually good
Title: Goddess bless you from death
Pair: Pooh/Pavel (or is it Pavel/Pooh in this one? Update: based on some tiktok comments, it's still PoohPavel based on the novel hah fun either way), side couple Michael/TopTen (North/Sonic in Pit Babe)
Thoughts: Watching this one last even though it was released 2nd-last because from the title and poster and people's comments about it being dark, I think this could be my favourite of the trailers. and omg I was correct, it's suchhhhh a good pilot trailer, what the heck?! It's dark and actually gory and scary, I'm sooo excited, it's now one of my most-anticipated BLs.
Also, I'd previously seen this post on r/ThaiBL about the author of this novel wanting Pooh/Pavel to do liveaction for this ghosthunting BL, I'm glad that came to fruition haha
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fonulyn · 2 years
Fanfiction would you rather?
Tagged by @hellishgoat​ 😘🦎
Friends to lovers or enemies to lovers?
friends to lovers. i want them friends anyway so they can build from that :3 but i gotta admit enemies to lovers does have its charm, i just don’t really currently have any otps it’d fit for.
Be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fic or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fic?
the terrible adaptation of my fave fic. why would i wanna watch anything, well made or not, of a story i already hated? at least with the terrible adaptation i could think back to the good story i loved.
Read fanfic chapters backwards, last to first, or read them as parsed from google translate?
none of these make any damn sense lol. i have read stuff last to first tho, so i guess that.
Consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator, or have to read every fanfic on a tiny printed piece of paper written in yellow highlighter?
the yellow highlighter. i don’t have the attention span for audiobooks.
Get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read, or never read fanfic again?
...well I could always still write. but i’d get the tattoo. but i’d be all black ink no visible skin lol.
Vampire Au or Werewolf Au?
not interested in either. if I had to pick I guess werewolves.
Get sold to a boy band, or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest?
time loop! no contest!
Kill your favorite character, or marry your least favorite character?
kill my fave. bc they’d still be alive in other iterations.
Meet your love interest in a coffee shop AU or a college AU?
coffee shop. i’ve got no interest for school aus tbh.
Have your fic history leaked, or never read another fanfic again?
have it leaked lol
Be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist, or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life?
mpreg. i don’t even mind mpreg as is, if it’s done in a way i like otherwise. not a huge fan but it doesn’t squick me out either.
Gay ships or straight ships?
both. but my main ships are gay ships.
Ship a rarepair with almost no content, or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut?
LMAO I already do the first option. it’s my life. 24/7.
See your OTP shatter years after their happily ever after, or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place?
well, if it’s a “happily ever after” then it means they won’t end up shattering in the first place so. I’m not answering a question that’s flawed to begin with :’D they’ll be happy forever.
Read a poorly written but complete fanfic, or a literary masterpiece last updated June 2013?
literary masterpiece. but honestly i don’t really touch unfinished fics so... neither is a realistic option.
Read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words, or 70k words worth of fluff?
both. i refuse to choose. ...okay the smut.
Read only alternate universe fanfics, or only canon fanfics?
depends on what counts as canon tbh. bc like everything i read and/or write is canon divergence, really. it’s not full-AU bc it plays in the canon sandbox. buuuut idk. i’m still gonna say canon bc au makes me just think of coffee shop aus and werewolf aus and no.
Introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing, or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing?
lmao smut. the first ever fanfic I ever read was smut and i turned out fine :’D 
Read your NOTP with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization, or your OTP with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization?
i would never read either. ain’t got no time for that. but like, if i gotta choose, then the perfect characterization bc weird characterizations are my biggest pet peeve.
Read a fic with an interesting concept but very poor writing, or read a fic with an uninteresting concept with really good writing?
the one with good writing. but I could do both.
Have a major character death, or have a bed sharing scene but it’s a ship you hate?
well. bed sharing doesn’t need to be shippy lmao I’d take that and have them just talk about their actual love interests while unable to sleep in the same bed :’D
Read a fanfic that has consistent grammar and spelling mistakes, or one that the characters are wildly different than canon?
the grammar and spelling mistakes. as long as i understand what’s going on i can deal.
Every fanfic includes Jackson Wang, or every fanfic includes at least one NSFW moment?
gonna echo Theo and say idk who the hell jackson wang is lmao but nsfw is good I’d take that in a heartbeat. could use some good smuttage tbh.
Read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome otp, or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your NOTP all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar?
dead dove. i wouldn’t read the solid block even if it was my otp :’D
Have the power to read every fanfic in existence, or have the power to make any ship canon?
the power to make any ship canon. i’ve read all the fic i wanna read so :’D plus then I’d get to resurrect Piers too, as an added bonus.
Have your OTP get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way, or all members of your OTP survive but get together with other people?
get together in canon? that is wildly unrealistic tho lmao
Read a cringy 70 chapter Harry Styles mafia AU, or a highschool Kpop AU y/n fic horrible grammar?
neither. urgh. fuck. the mafia au.
Accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic, or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss?
about my boss. not interested but no one has to know i did it lol.
Read smut fanfic aloud to your parents, or submit fanfic to the employer of your dream job?
read fic to my parents. they’d be chill.
Pine after an oblivious love interest, or be the oblivious love interest being pined after?
be pined after (lol the most unrealistic question of them all)
Hanahaki disease, or your soulmates first words to you tattooed on your body (and they’re really stupid)?
I don’t get hanahaki or the appeal at all so. the first words tattooed thing. i’ve kinda been wanting to write something like that tbh.
Be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega in omegaverse?
beta. to avoid all that nonsense i’m not interested in :’D
Read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries, or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant?
...idek. furries? isn’t that a basic werewolf fic anyway 8)
Be able to resurrect dead fics, or have the power to create a plethora of new fics effortlessly?
oh my GOD have the power to create a plethora of new fics effortlessly! i have a to-do-list so fucking long i’ll be 90 before i’ll get through it 😩
tagging absolutely no one and everyone lol do it if you feel like.
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inhonoredglory · 3 years
ROTT: hot takes 🔥 (spoilers)
I wrote the following last Thursday, before my fandom life was waylaid by birthday shindigs for my sister and a weekend of migraines and nausea/fainting because of the COVID vaccine. I feel so out of touch w/ fandom but here’s my late but initial thoughts to ROTT if anyone’s interested LOL
I saw Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans last night. Before I launch into the fandom again, I’mma share my unfiltered thoughts.
ThAT oPEnING. HOLY SHIT. It was exhilarating. Seeing all of Tales of Arcadia rush past me in 3 minutes was awesomesauuuuuce.
but guYS GUYS lemme tell you the
✨✨✨✨✨✨of MY LIFE✨✨✨✨
////oh gODS////
hearing Douxie say in that deep, grave, convicted, voice:
❝ but they can take me ❞
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Because it’s scenes like this which convince me they KNOW that Selflessness Is His Thing. And that means so freaking much to me OH MY LORD.
Act 1 of ROTT was an absolute delight, let’s just say.
Men in Black!Krel
Nari!Douxie (i cANNot beLIEve THIs is a THING im in tears)
A FREAKING STRICKLAKE ENGAGEMENT!!!!! Jim/Strickler relationship growth arc 😭😭😭
Y’ALL WE GOT JLAIRE SITTING ON A FLIPPIN’ RED ASS BED. This is the closest we’re gonna get to sex in a kid’s show.
should I be scared that GDT is reading the totally wack corners of mpreg AO3??!! 👀👀👀dude, like DUDE. that happened.
ELI GLOWUP !!!!! damn son u hot
also aja is such a Queen in this whole thing omg
I obvs can’t go scene by scene through this thing but––
Douxie and Nari in P A I N during the spellbreaking scene. that hurt my soul oh lordy. there must be art made
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OK but then after this SHIT GETS VERY REAL. There’s a lot of Character Thematics/Arcs and Real Narrative shit I can get down into and stuff I want to think about because yEAH... wow, this movie Went There. And Back Again. (lOLJSKGSg)
I appreciate the deaths. I really do. But Strickler was a shock. Jim holding onto his mom and crying, overwhelmed with guilt, was the most Jim thing. The boy puts so much agony on himself. It’s his undoing. gAH POOR JIM.
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Claire shadow-porting an eNTiRE TITAN. This girl is OFF THE CHARTS SJGHSBKGJMNFSBG
Nari’s death was emotional. Wow. She was being a Hero. Not running, like she said. That was a Power Growth and beautifully scored. Not to mention archie trapped forever?!!! Nooooo?!!!
They really want to take everything away from Douxie don’t they.
Jim getting Excalibur and leveling up with Akiridian armor was pRETTY SWEET. Especially ✨together✨. And everyone saying the Destiny speech. *tissues*
Act 3 finale babbaaayyyy.
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Jim realizing the amulet didn’t make. him a hero, HE DID. And that’s why the amulet chose him.
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y’all I sobbed for tobes. that was powerful, painful, and moving. and y’know it was almost like this whole movie was an apology for treating toby like a comedic sidekick––and giving him the trollhunter mantle in the end.
like THEY VALIDATED JIM AND TOBY’s FRIENDSHIP and that cANnNOt be underestimated. Because friendship is almost ALWAYS knocked down the ladder of importance in the pantheon of human relationships, and ROTT said NO. Jim loves Toby so much that he’d change his own history and the history of the ENTIRE WORLD in order to get him back.
like, Jim, our sacrificial Hero. Deciding to truly be Atlas and take all the weight of What Could Have Been on his shoulders, because he cannot stand the losses that happened under his leadership.
this kiss tho. the absolute ANGUISH in the way jim presses himself to her face. gOD. THE PAIN. THE LOVE. THE “I LOVE YOU”
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The whole time travel twist tho. I’m kinda... not here for it?? Time travel is tricky to pull off and yeah, I think I’m in the camp that everyone’s character arcs (except Jim’s) have been retconned. It’s sad because people get connected to one another by the shared pains, joy, and experiences that brought them together, and now they’ve lost that.
But thematically and more importantly, why can’t the acceptance of death be validated? Sure, so many people dying was painful, but Let. It. Be. Painful. That’s life. TOA hasn’t shied away from dark things before. Toby and Strickler and Nomura and Nari (even Archie and Charlemagne) gave their lives; Toby became a Hero in the truest sense of the word. Let him do that, let that choice be his. In fact, it says a lot thematically about Jim’s hero complex that he cannot accept other people making heroic choices with tragic consequences. That it’s all on him. But with this ending, they do make it clear Jim’s need to be a hero is a driving obsession, and I appreciate the strength of his conviction on that identity for himself.
But the thing about retconning the anguish is that it’s telling us that bad consequences, tragedy, and loss are unacceptable in life. That just because Jim and his friends need 10 years of therapy, he should try to erase all that pain and give himself and his friends a “normal” life. No. Depression, loss, hurt... these help make us who we are; growth is about accepting them and using that pain to become better people, not invalidating them from our past.
let’s be real tho: that ending was meta. it was like they were telling us fans that now WE can go create the Trollhunters we wanted to see, and fix all the things we thought went wrong. I think someone’s been reading a bunch of Trollhunter AU fics, no?
tl;dr ROTT creates more questions than it does answers and we need another show LMAO
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