#Does anyone even read these
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Doodle dump before bed
A ddbb if you will
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bylittlebit · 6 months
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chocol4tech1p · 12 days
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Hi homestuck tumblr here’s a small art dump
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Uzi thunk…pls…
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"Uzi Doorman those things killed your frikin' mother"
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Did you know that Uzi's on the villains wiki? Bc I sure didn't.
Anyway Uzi Doorman hcs under the cut
Main character time lets go, jumping straight into this one:
Uzi will eventually turn into a murder drone (see my post about N for details)
Uzi absolutely refuses to say that she's dating N on principle (this is a lie and she knows it)
Uzi is always really tired, doesn't matter how much sleep she got
Uzi got over killing people waaayy too fast for everyone else's liking
Uzi's slover runs hotter than the dds but she needs to be colder, so she has to drink a LOT of oil
Uzi's tail sometimes gets stuck to things with it's spines
She tries to have a decent relationship with her dad sometimes: but it's hard to get through to him
Uzi wants to be a parent just solely so she can prove to Khan that she would be a better parent than him
Uzi sometimes experiments with her admin rights for N and V while they sleep (she once set their eyes to flash with rainbow colours and had a midnight disco on her own)
Uzi uses the healing powers of the solver to make even more dangerous tools and weapons without the risk of getting hurt
If Uzi ever found Beetlejuice the musical, she would spend days just listening to the soundtrack
Same with a lot of musicals and bands actually
The last time Khan left Uzi alone in the house for more than 12 hours, a large section of the bunker was lit on fire and destroyed
Uzi is oddly supportive of all the weird things N gets up to in the worker colony
V however has been shouted at multiple times for dropping on top of drones from the ceiling
The books Uzi uses to reach her locker are textbooks on doors that her dad wrote
She is the only one in her class that finds it weird that they can't just download the knowledge into their storage like, you know, a robot would
If she could find the spare parts, she would modify herself in any way possible (starting with extendable legs)
Uzi loves any weapon she can get her hands on and is thoroughly disappointed by her lack of claws from the solver
Uzi has a personal vendetta against a pipe that runs through her classroom after it burst and nearly short-circuited her
Uzi would be top of her class if she ever bothered to do the actual work
And if Lizzy didn't always get her dad to lower Uzi's grades
Uzi still hasn't figured out how to bypass her automatic censors, so every time she tries to properly swear she just goes *beep*
Khan fully blames N and V for activating Uzi's solver
Uzi occasionally will sleep hanging upside-down with N if they are caught out by the sun while hunting together
That's about it for this post, there are more but they start going a bit off the wall after here
Currently writing this instead of preparing for my art exam on Monday, 10 hours of lovely silence to enjoy being understimulated as all balls in... yay :(
At least I might get in some more thinking then
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cannibajunks · 3 months
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stop i love them both so much it isn’t even funny anymore haha
i have no idea what Fern’s fionna and cake counterparts name would be, any ideas?
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lindonwald · 1 year
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3 mimir?
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bad-sanses-smp · 2 months
Ant look in the drafts fren i got a post i need pictures for pleaseee
(are we Even allowed to post that yet?)
(also guys I made some tags Y'all can use on featured tags, add more if ya need idk if they're good)
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achaosmushroom · 26 days
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Me when Firefly is coming next update (2.2 just came out a few days ago
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z0mbi3k1d · 2 months
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It was so long I don't wanna write it again :(
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desi-yearning · 1 year
Teachers who don't just teach you their subject but also lessons that will last with you for a lifetime are the best>>>>>>>>>>>
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fluffychubbydragon · 11 months
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Finally done! Geez that took waaaayy longer than I thought it would. Here's some info about her (also, sorry if there are any typos, posting this using my new tablet and I'm not used to it)
This is my oc in @mothiepixie's pirate au, but I would be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about drawing her as a pirate before when I found @aylish91 and her wonderful fanfiction on AO3: A Sea of Hope. So thank you to @aylish91 for putting the design in my head and thank you to @mothiepixie for giving me the excuse to draw it!
Info about her in this au below:
She'll fix ya up real good, but you bet your ass that she's going to give you a smack upside the head for being reckless. Lucida cares about Mottie's crew, but sometimes even she needs a break from their recklessness and idiocy. I'd imagine she's like a mother figure to the crew and scolds them endlessly because she cares.
As mentioned, she's the doctor of the ship using mostly green magic which can be amplified with singing/humming, and further amplified harmonizing with her dragons. (I've only drawn the one that stays with her no matter what she does. She has 2 others. Will draw them later if anyone is interested)
The crew found her on an island that is full of tiny dragons. She was the self proclaimed "protector of dragons". She was alone with these creatures for so long that she no longer knows her age, nor knows how to properly show how to be sad. She feels sadness, but she doesn't know how to show it in a 'human' way. She joined the crew in order to see what else is out in the world other than the small island where time seems nonexistent, and because she couldnt in good conscious let them leave with their accident prone crew with no healer. (She is well over 200 years old in this au. She's closer to 1000 years old in her canonical au)
She does want to go back to her island someday after a long time and tell her stories.
Her dragons speak their own tongue, but can understand human language with no problems. She finds the sea monsters very friendly, especially the sea serpents who use the same language her dragons use, if not have a bit of an accent. She enjoys the looks of confusion from the crew when she starts talking in dragon tongue either to her dragons or to the sea serpents that like to follow the ship like dolphins.
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jugendmagazineart · 5 months
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Ingwelde - Fritz Erler, 1897
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mrboomtin · 11 months
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you have no idea how long this took me to make for such a simple comic but here
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I am really tired rn but i stay strong for the sillies
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azuree1733 · 11 months
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Ya’ll the improvement 😭🙏 traditional art is so much easier then digital 😔 he’s so bbg 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
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adollonyourshelf · 10 months
Just finished watching Death island and let me tell you that shit was GOOD. I don't wanna say too much or spoil it for others who haven't seen it but Leon was cool, Jill was cool, Claire was cool, EVERYONE WAS COOL!! Oh and I know she's evil or whateva but Maria was VERY pretty.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 7 months
TVD Thoughts - Season 1
Ep. 15 ("A Few Good Men")
(These are always a rant im sorry. Does anyone even care lol)
1. The vampire from the tomb, Harper.. I know he was shook when he learned it was 2010 😭
2. Matt is literally soo nice ughh, his mom is yucky though..i feel so bad for him, 😟 him and Caroline are sooo cute! Also Caroline is so pretty, she has a really cute smile.
3. Alaric man.. I feel for him too. Isobel seems like a weirdo... Why did she really go to Damon? And ask him to turn her? Hmmmm... 🤔
4. That Trudie lady, who was Isobel's friend...what did she know? And how did she know that vampires are a thing..and that man who killed her seemed to be working for Isobel or something. When he stepped in front of a truck..when i tell you i was shook! 💀 like omg wtf! I did not expect that!
5. I have a question, at the end, that Harper guy goes to Pearl or what seems to be her house. But it seems to me she somehow compelled a human to let her stay there. Then, Pearl says to that lady: "May he come in?" And the lady let's him in. I thought you had to be of a clear mind to let a vampire in. I guess if you compell a human to let another vampire in, it works? Which just seems kinda idk... not fair lol.
6. Also, I can't wait for the moment when Caroline's mom realizes Damon is a vampire. She constantly praises him and thanks him for his work against the vamps, but like honey he's one of them! I know she's gonna be gagged lol 😭
7. Finally, Elena, ughh, my girl just cannot catch a break.. 😫Like, the people you thought were your parents die, and then you bio mom, is also apparently dead. And Damon killed her.. Like I really don't understand how they end up together... Then she finds out, no, her mom is alive, is most likely a vampire and wants nothing to do with you.. Damn..
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I am thoroughly enjoying this show so far, the story is really interesting and I'm always on my toes so to say. And I noticed I'm getting really attached to some of these characters (Matt). I feel like they do a good job of making you feel empathy the characters.
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(I know this is from a previous ep but look at them...cuties)
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