cheynovak · 25 days
Divine Part 2
Michael/Dean Winchester x F/Reader Y/N   
Warnings: 18+, Emotional damage, sexual tension, female orgasm, Family drama, ...  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
*Does not follow The SPN storyline * 
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Dean made the mistake of letting Michael take over his body. While Michael made plans on destroying the humanity he met up with different monster leaders, a few of whom he meets up in a jazz bar he started to appreciate or was it the waitress, Y/N.   
A spark of curiosity hit him when he the young spiritual woman crossed his path. Realising he might have more in common with humans than he wants. 
If it wasn’t for her body still feeling ‘blessed’ by his touch, she could have sworn the memories of last night were just a dream. Y/N’s eyes were still closed but she could feel the warmth of the sunlight shine on her face.  
With a deep breath she opened her tired eyes, her arms still held her pillow in a tight hug while the revelation of last night slowly slipped back into her mind.  
He was real and if he was real, so was everything else her father once preached about. God, the devil, heaven, hell, angels, everything. And although she believed, to her it all now seemed a bit more real.  
As she got up and walked to the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her fingertips following the path where she had felt Michael’s touch.  
Her lips, the bright red colour they were last night, was now reduced to a soft pink stain. And while her fingers traced the contour of her mouth, she could have sworn she still feels the sensation of his angelic lips crashing against hers.  
With a deep sigh she closes her eyes, reliving last night.  
Y/N breathed heavy, unable to tear her gaze of him while he walked slowly back to her. His hand took its place back on her cheek while his eyes looked at her slightly parted lips. Her hand hold onto his side.  
Trying to understand all that happened, she felt scared yet excited, a rush she couldn't quiet explain. When Michael bowed closer to her, she didn’t move.   
And right before he closed the gap between them, placing his angelic lips on hers, he whispered: 
“Oh help me father, for I am about to sin.” 
Y/N felt how Michael’s hand gripped the back of her neck while his perfect lips locked on to hers. At first, she felt resistance from her body. Afraid of the all-powerful being in front of her. 
But the second she felt him against her skin, something inside her changed. The fear melted away, her heart flustered, and all the pain and old aches she once felt were gone.  
Michael could feel how her body went from clenched up with fear to devotion, leaning into his touch. He felt her hair in between his fingers. The taste of her lips was something he never experienced before.  
With a deep sigh he pushes her body against one of the pillars of the old church, unable to fight it any longer. His hand moved on autopilot, roaming her body, in need to feel her skin.  
Her fingers and nails scratched at his neck and the back of his head, pulling him closer to her. She could feel how powerful he was, trying so hard not to hurt her, trying to hold back just enough not to break her.  
His skin and touch felt strong like marble yet soft as a feather. And even though she knew he could snap her from exitance, she needed more of his touch. “Michael... Please.”  
The soft moan that escaped her lips sounded like a prayer he had never heard in all his years of existence, fuelling him on evenore. Within a second he pulled her towards the altar at the front of the church.  
He placed her against the ice-cold stone table, she leans against it, while he stood in front of her.  
Her thighs spreading without a thought when towered over her again, standing in between them. He was already taller than her, but this position made it feel like she was indeed looking up at a godlike figure, a saint. The lights behind him gave an extra touch to his presence.  
Y/N felt his hand moving closer to her core, moving her skirt higher while his lips kissed her cheek moving over to her neck. Hearing her whine for more.  
“Pray” he whispered in command to her ear. Y/N didn’t understand what he meant at first, “pray to me.” he repeated when she didn’t respond immediately.  
And then it hit her, he wanted to hear his name. Insync with the thrust of his fingers down deep inside her, she started to sing his name in a prayer. Her head fell back, his touch definitely felt divine.  
The more she chanted his name the more she felt the heat inside her boil. And when she was able to look back at his eyes, she saw that same beautiful glow again.  
She had no idea if it was his angel grace of just the mere fact that he was an exquisite lover, but she knows for a fact no one ever made her feel like this.  
Michael felt how her body reacted to his touch, already obsessed by the look of her. When he realised, she was about to burst with pleasure, he held her head still, forcing her to look at him when it happened.  
Her eyes pleading, her mouth slightly open while she screamed his name one last time. He took her trembling body and pulled her in his arms. His chin on her head, feeling the soft touch of her hair. That same parfum he got to love filled his nose.  
And as they stood there for a while, Michael’s sense came back like a lightning striking his core. Realising what he had done, how he had broken an absolute rule in a house of God.  
“Let me get you home.” he whispered more to himself than to her.  
Y/N was at the point of closing up for the night when she spotted the familiar figure in the back. Her heart raced, no way it could be him.  
It had been weeks since she last saw him. After their moment in the church, he hadn't shown himself anymore in the bar, neither did he called or visited her. And although she never expected anything from him, it broke her heart.  
She took all her courage to walk up to him. “I’m closing.” she said before he could even look at her. “We need to talk.” he ignored her.  
He was stern in his presence and words. But so could she. “No, we don’t. I’m tired, I want to go home. Now leave.” Michael was surprised by her resolute answer.  
“I'm sorry?” his brows lifted when he stood up.” You’re forgiven, now go.” She knew damn well that was not what he meant. “What makes you think you can make me leave?”  
He could hear her heartbeat fasten. “When I say we need to talk, you listen.”  
A smirk curls on Y/N’s lips. “Just because you are an archangel, all powerful, whatever, doesn’t mean I obey you.” she took a step closer. “You don’t get to walk in, wanting to talk to me after weeks of not showing yourself.”  
Michael looked deep into her angry eyes, noticing a small flicker of hurt. “What’s wrong?” he asked. Y/N puffs “Like you don’t know.”  
“Other than that, why are you hurt.” Y/N looked confused after hearing his words. “You’re hurt because of something else and reflecting it on me. I know, I do the same.”  
“I’m nothing like you!” she spitted out like a poisonous venom and quickly turned away before he could see how right he was.  
After a short silence and feeling Michael’s eyes on her back she answered.  
“My father wants me to come home.” - “Aha. There we have it” was all he answered while she threw him a stone-cold look.  
Y/N’s hand were kneading the towel while she continued. “He claims to be ill. And he wants his daughters to be home before he...” she couldn’t even finish that sentence.  
“What are you going to do?” he asked taking the towel out of her hands, forcing her to look at him, while his fingers wrapped around her chin. Oh, he knew what she was going to do.  
“I’m going” she whispered. Of course she would obey his wish, Michael thought. “I’m just scared for the reaction of the towns people, or should I say... My family in particular. “  
Y/N took a deep breath “Anyway, you won’t be seeing me anytime soon.” Michael looked over her shoulder, she could see he was thinking. “Let me finish up some business in town and I'll come with you.”  
“W-what? Oh no, no no no.” She shook her head. “I don’t want you there.”  
And just like that he vanished, only thing she heard was the sound of his wings lingering in the air.  
Y/N arrived at her father place, it hadn’t changed in all those years she lived in the big city. It was Sunday and she was helping her father with his clothing. “Are you sure you are well enough to preach?”  
“Oh honey, not even the devil himself can stop me.”  
Once at the church Y/N noticed her old spot upfront next to her sisters was empty, even Luca the youngest was there. It shocked Y/N to see her, she must have drove in later this morning. Three out of the four were present. 
Her father started off by welcoming all, “Thank you all for joying us today. I see a few old and new face...” Y/N wasn’t able to concentrate on his words. She felt a presence in the air.  
A calm breeze washing over her.
A few minutes had gone by, her youngest sister leaned in. “I spy with my little eye a handsome new follower.” Y/N frowned, her eyes followed Luca’s eyes to the back corner of the church.  
Her breath hitched in her throat when she noticed him. “Michael.” she whispered in a silent breath, but clearly loud enough for him to hear. His eyes flicked over to her without even moving one bit and looked at her without any emotion on his face.  
“You know him?” Gabriella asked, Y/N opened her mouth still looking at Michael but before she could answer their attention was pulled back to their father.  
A gruesome cough escaped his throat, and he didn’t seem to get out of it. Y/N got up trying to let him sit down, offering him a drink, but it didn’t seem to work. Blood stained the napkin Gabriella offered him.  
Just as panic started to spread Michael placed a hand on their father. He pushed his head down and rubbed his back, pretending to ease him. “Slow breaths, don’t panic.” he said.  
Whatever he did, it seem to work. He looked at Y/N before his hand lets go of her father. She got up and wrapped a hand around his wrist. “How did you...” Michael could see gratitude in her eyes.  
Her father got up and broke their connection. “What my daughter is trying to say is, thank you.” Michael nodded “Who are you son? I don’t think we’ve met before?”  
Michael’s eyes moved back to Y/N, like he was saying it was up to her to introduce him to her father. “Eh, dad, t-this is Michael. He’s a... a friend.” Her family noticed how Michael’s brow frowned at the word ‘friend’.  
“A friend you say, well then, you are invited to have dinner with us.” - “Dad, I don’t think...” - “With pleasure” Michael interfered her.  
Later that night Y/N and her sisters joined their father and Michael who were talking and waiting for dinner at the table. Food had been served and Y/N was helping her dad.  
“So, Y/N where did you find a fine man like that?” Luca asked while smirking at Michael, who didn’t even seem a little interested. “Never thought you would ever bring a man home.” 
“Well, I never thought you would even be home, since this a, how did you call it, hellhole?” Y/N bit back.   
“Girls...” their father silenced them.  
Michael immediately recognised the tension.
Y/N took her place next to him and Gabriella, “How is Racheal?” I haven’t seen her in a while?” - “She decided to stay home tonight, leaving the newborn is quiet, difficult for her.” Luca said with a smirk. 
She knew very well no one informed Y/N she had recent giving birth. “She, she has a kid? Why did no one told me!”  
“Well, maybe if you came home some more you would have known.” Gabriella said softly. “If you want to be part of a family you need to see them.”
Y/N’s mouth hung open in shock.  
“You guys know I've been working my ass off to pay the bills, right? To pay for dad’s medical costs.” -” Y/N that’s enough.” her father said stern.
"Maybe if you came home more often dad wouldn't feel so bad.” Luca added to the fire. 
“Really?! You’re blaming me for dad’s health? Well, maybe if you didn’t ran off so often, or never took drugs or hadn’t give him reasons to worry all the time he wouldn’t be this ill either!”  
“She as just a kid Y/N. You were supposed to look out for her” Gabriella added. ”Oh, yeah sure defend her, again. By the way, where were you, you’re only a year younger than me!”  
“I was at collage Y/N!” Gabriella raised her voice. “Yeah, something I never got to!” Y/N matched her voice. “Because I had to work to get food and babysit the clone of Satan!” She her hand landed on the table.  
"Y/N!" her dad yelled.
“Y/N.” Michael’s voice sounded smooth in her ear. He placed his hand on her arm, an immediately rush of calmness floated over her body. But to her surprise she didn’t like it.  
“Don’t do that!’ she barked at him and stormed outside.  
Michael excused himself and followed her. “What’s wrong?”
She turned to him. ”Don’t play those mind games with me, Michael!” her finger pointed at his face. “I’m thankful you helped my dad out there but stop controlling my feelings!” 
Michael tilted his head, “When did you think I controlled you Y/N?” She huffed “Just now! Weeks ago, at the church, I was frightened of you, ready to run for my life... you forced me to stay!”  
“I never controlled your feelings.” -” Like hell you didn’t!” But the second those words left her lips she looked into his eyes, seeing he was saying the truth. “You really didn’t, did you?”  
So that means I'm actually falling for him... Great fucking choice in men Y/N, she thought.  
But instead, all she said was “Great.” noticing him walking closer to her. 
She needed answers from him, knowing why he reappeared after being gone for so long. “Michael, why are you here?” A deep breath escaped from him as his hands cupped her cheeks.  
His eyes roamed her face, like he was searching for something, “I sinned for you, I let my guard down, showed you who I really am.” He took a little break thinking about his next words.  
“You are the only human who gets under my skin.” 
”Why?” she whispered, feeling his warmth on her skin, unconsciously getting closer to him, leaning into his touch. “I don’t... know, and I hate it.” he said between his teeth.  
Y/N stood on her toes, her body moving without any thoughts given. Her hands moved over his shoulders to his neck. “Why do you hate it?” she whispered against his lips. 
Michael swallows, while he's feeling that same sensation rushing through his veins, just like it did last time. Trying hard not to give in.
“Because I love it.”  
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ladyknightskye · 8 months
WIP (Way Past Wednesday)
I was tagged by @noodlecupcakes ! Thanks for the tag!
Have a snippet from a SPN bang fic that I had to shelve because my muse went kaput! I might return and finish it up later, but until then, enjoy! Scene takes place in an AU version of episode 5x08 "Changing Channels."
“This isn’t pagan power.” Michael began to seethe in the back of his brain, the low level glow that Dean always perceived just at the corners of his vision flaring brighter. “This is . . .”
Dean and Sam were still walking down the corridor confused and gawking when Dean caught sight of a familiar face. “It’s Dr. Sexy!” he hissed to Sam. 
“Wait, like the soap opera you like?” Sam asked.
“It’s a medical drama thank you,” Dean muttered, getting an eye roll in response. 
“Whatever,” Sam muttered just as the titular doctor stopped in front of them and said, “Doctor.”
“Uh, Doctor,” Sam said. 
Dean echoed him before taking a long look down the man’s frame. He looked just like the character, but something struck him immediately. Before the supposed Dr. Sexy could leave, Dean had him up against the wall with an arm across his neck. But before he could call out the Trickster for wearing sneakers when Dr. Sexy wore cowboy boots -
“The hell?” Sam snarled.
Dr. Sexy’s face melted into the familiar face of the Trickster, who then looked absolutely appalled. “Michael?”
Dean felt a weird sensation, like Velcro pulling away from him, and then a new figure stomped out of a nearby door. A figure that looked just like him. “Gabri’el Enai Mal’ahk!”
“Oh shit,” the Trickster, Gabriel, breathed. 
Sam was gaping at him. “Dean? Dean?”
Dean was too busy gaping at his doppelgänger. His doppelgänger whose eyes glowed a furious blue. “This is where you’ve been?” Michael roared. “Torturing humans for fun?”
“No!” Gabriel snapped, but his tone was petulant. 
Like a little brother caught doing shady shit. 
Sam grabbed Dean’s arm. “Dean? Who is that?”
“Shit,” Dean muttered. 
Michael turned to them, his frown thunderous. “I told you it was a bad idea to hide my existence from your brother.”
“Oh come off it!” Dean snapped back. “Jesus you’re so sanctimonious!”
Gabriel and Sam shared a long look. “Why do I feel like that’s the pot calling the kettle black?” Gabriel asked out of the side of his mouth. 
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casmybelovedass · 10 months
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NEVER shutting up about this.
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strawlessandbraless · 3 months
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Possessive Castiel with a marking kink makes me feral
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sci-fi-gifs · 1 year
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STARGATE SG-1 "Window Of Opportunity"
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xofemeraldstars · 3 months
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SUPERNATURAL 14x10 ❝ nihilism ❞
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scrambledslut · 9 months
when my phone storage is full and i start deleting memories instead of pictures of my favorite old men
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STARGATE SG-1 || Point Of View
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dea-equitorum · 2 months
yeah.... Michael's sword is flaming alright....
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heh heh
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hensel-x · 1 month
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doodled a bit to warm up before getting back to commissions (went through some traumatic shit irl, needed a pause) recently finally watched Beetlejuice musical and got homosexually obsessed with alex brightman (hence the guilty favorite one too) the grip that man has on me......................
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cheynovak · 23 days
Divine  Part 4  
Michael/ Dean Winchester x F/Reader Y/N    
Warnings: 18+, Emotional damage, sexual tension, torture, not so happy ending ...   
Side note: English isn’t my first language.    
*Does not follow The SPN storyline * 
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Dean made the mistake of letting Michael take over his body. While Michael made plans on destroying the humanity he met up with different monster leaders, a few of whom he meets up in a jazz bar he started to appreciate or was it the waitress, Y/N.   
A spark of curiosity hit him when he the young spiritual woman crossed his path. Realising he might have more in common with humans than he wants. 
Y/N stood behind the bar preparing the orders she just took, it was a quiet night for a Saturday. After her nearly dead experience she had a nice little moment with Michael, when she got home, she thought this might be the start of something.  
He saved and hugged her in public something he would have never done. They even slept together, something Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about on the days after. It didn’t feel like just sex, she knew what that felt like.  
Not that she had slept with many men, but she had a pretty ‘good lover’ before. But Michael, felt heavenly good. It wasn’t just their bodies connecting, no it wasn’t even body, mind and soul... it was something even far beyond.  
After the accident she saw a glimpse of something loving in his eyes. Something he never shared until then. He told her she just needed to pray to him is she wanted to talk to him. But just like all men she knew, that seemed a lie.  
After a week or two he still didn’t show, at first, she thought, that she didn’t pray the right way. That she was doing something wrong, that he would show up eventually. But he never did.  
Little did she know Michael hadn’t let his plan of creating his own monster army and destroying all worlds his father created go. He had been experimenting with werewolves and vampires but didn’t booked progress with either species. But never told her.  
Michael felt ‘weak’ when he was around her, his newfound feelings were in his way of getting what he wanted. So, in his mind it was best to push her aside, break the weird cosmic connection. Before he stumbled upon more human emotions that would distract him. 
 Or at least, that is what he has been telling himself. He heard her prayers, and he did check in on her from time to time. Just like he did now, for some reason their connection helped him ‘feeling’ her.  
He felt how she was doing, he noticed the change from calm and happy to  
nothing but pain, pity and anger for the last few days. It changed right after he noticed she stopped praying to him. And he didn’t like that.  
While he was mixing the potion for his next test subject he was thinking of her, unconsciously like he always did. So, he distracted himself with words.” A little of this, a little of that, and...”  
The body burned out. “Little too much of that.” he said to himself, slightly annoyed. “Disappointing.” he threw the body on top of a pile with other test subjects. “All right, who’s next?”  
Just then, when he said those words he felt another change, an uneasy feeling. He had never felt it before and then he realised it was Y/N.  
She felt unsafe.  
Y/N was walking home from her shift, noticing how two men were following her. It wasn’t uncommon for people to be out this late in a big city. But she did notice these men were at her bar earlier.  
Looking suspiciously over at her the entire time. She didn’t think much of it until now.  
As she started to walk faster, they did too. Until a car stopped in front of her, the two men behind her grabbed and blindfolded her. No matter how much resistance she gave they were too strong.  
Once they tied her up to a chair the blindfolds got off. The change from dark to light took a little adjustment on her eyes. Once her eye side wasn’t blurred anymore, she saw a mob looking fella sitting in front of her.  
“Are you sure this is her?” he asked the other guy who walked away behind her. “She had his smell all over her. It’s an old smell, but it’s him.” he answered his boss. Y/N had no idea what the men were talking about.  
The boss leaned forward. “Listen sweetheart, we don’t want to hurt you. We just need to know where he is.” The two other men, bodyguards beside him grinned, she knew they were never going to let her go.  
“I-I don’t know who you’re talking about.” her voice came out shaking. The same man who tied her up walked towards her. His eyes and teeth changed into something out of a horror movie the second his nails landed into her thigh. “Oh my god!” Y/N cried out.  
Her face repulsed and scarred, eyes shut closed. “That’s the wrong man you’re shouting at sweetheart. Where is the angel?” Y/N opened her eyes, swiftly trying to look past the creature in front of her, answering the boss.  
“I don’t know.” Her eyes started to sting with unshed tears. “You see sweety, that man has caused me and my pack a lot of trouble... So, here is the deal, you tell me where he is. I let you go.”  
A tear rolled down her cheek. “I really don’t know, please.” The creature closed in on her face, moving over her body, sniffing. Her head pulled back as far as she could, her body clenched up in fear. “You smell like him.”  
“I don’t even know what that means!” she cries out. “That means that our favourite angels finally made a mistake of leaving a clue.” Y/N shook her head, “I’ve only seen him a few times in the bar.”  
“Ah, so you do know who I’m talking about.” The boss said and nodded to his man, who then placed his hand against her cheek. The yellow stained claws scratched her cheeks, she felt her flesh tearing open. “Call him, find out where he is.” The boss ordered.  
“N-no.” she breathed through the pain. The boss walked over, grabbing her two cheeks with one hand. She hissed at the pain. “This is just the beginning little girl. So, call him.” Her eyes met his, stubborn. “I said no!”  
His hand smacked a crossed her face, she stumbled over. “Work her, when I get back, I want answers.”  
Hours past, Y/N felt the wounds sting the pain that she felt made her breathing extremely slow. Unable to know how long she will be able to stay awake, she lost her conscious once before when the man stabbed her with his claws and grabbed her by her ribs, he broke them one by one.   
“And?” the boss asked walking in, the men shook his head. The boss looked at the almost lifeless body, her head hung low. “Hm, get rid of her.” With a big grin the creature pushed his claws in her chest.  
Y/N couldn’t hold back a painful cry while he punctured her chest slowly reaching for her heart.  
“I wouldn’t continue if I was you.” Y/N immediately recognised his voice, “Michael” she whispered. A breath filled with painful sounds slipped through her mouth when the man let go of her. She didn’t see what happened, the pain got the best of her.  
Y/N woke up in her own apartment, in her own bed feeling really well.  
She immediately recognised the calm sensation she hasn’t felt in a long time. Her eyes searched the room, seeing how Michael sat on the chair in the corner of the room, watching over her.  
“Why are you here?” she asked while sitting up in her bed. “I think a thank you is at its place.” Y/N’s eyes grew wide. “A thank you? Are you kidding me?” She got up, striding forward to Michael, who also stood up.  
“I did saved your life, again.” emphasis on the last word. “I got into trouble because of you! They wanted you! So yes, it would have been a dick move not to come and get me out of there! ”  
“You know what else is a dick move, Michael?!” She stood toe to toe with him. “Having sex with someone, making them believe they are someone special in your life and then vanish!”  
Michael straightened his back, “I never said you were important to me, Y/N, you are a human, like there are billions of them a crossed the world.”  
Those words hurt more than the suffering she just underwent.  
“W-what? Then why where you upset that you sinned? Or, or why did you stay for dinner with my family?” Her head was spinning. “Why, why do you come back every single time?” 
“I thought we were somewhat alike, but were not, not even close. I realise that a while ago.” he answered. Y/N looked at his stone-cold eyes. “You are nothing but a pathetic human, of course I’m furious in letting you trick me into sinning.” 
He tried to keep his voice emotionless. “I saved you because I pity you, Y/N.” He said between his teeth.  
Michael heard her heartbeat rising, the tears in her eyes were ready to roll down her cheeks. But he knew he had to find a way to let her go, he felt guilty that those monsters took her to get to him.  
Y/N shook her head, “I never tricked you, Michael.” her lips tremble “I love you.”  
”You don’t love me, you’ve been exposed to the divine, to my grace Y/N. That all there is.” Michael really thought that all that she felt, all that connected them was because he showed her who he was. And continued in doing so by having sex with her.  
“No, no, I refuse to believe that!” Y/N whined, “I know there is more. I know you.” - “No you don’t.” He bit back.  
“You want to know me Y/N? You want to know what I did all the time when you were not around? Planning, meeting with monsters, testing on them. I want to end this world and all its human beings on it. I don’t care about you. You were a...” This fell hard on him “... a test subject, a trial.”  
Michael saw how she tried to get herself together, probably by now realising why he had meetings with those kinds of men in her bar, they were all monsters.  
“Ok, let’s say all this is true. Then answer me this, “why risking exposing yourself out in the open when you saved and healed me after the car crash.” 
He just looked at her, not even trying to come up with an answer.  
“Really, ignoring me? Fine, other question. Why didn’t I burn up when you showed me who you are?” she saw how he looked confused. “I read that when an angel shows his true form humans burn. Why didn’t I burn.”  
“Because I only showed you my wings, I didn’t show you my true form.” - “Then what is this.” she motioned to his body. “It’s my vessel. Another human body.” Her eyes grew wide. “So, you’re possessing someone’s body?”  
She saw how she got on his nerves. “Do they know?” - “They have to give us permission, so yes.” He saw her head working, trying to understand all of this. She took a deep breath.  
“Michael... why did you save me when I mean nothing to you.” She repeated her first question with a soft and steady voice. He tried to look unbothered, but she could see he was starting to break.  
Her hand held on to his jacket when she got closer. “If what you say is true, if this...” she pointed her finger between them “is all just in my head, my imagination, because I was exposed to the divine.”  
She took another step closer, “Then why don’t you just burn me up, get rid of the evidence that you sinned.” She saw a muscle move in his face. “Is that what you want?” he whispered. 
“Only if that is what you want.” she stood on her toes, her hand moved over his chest.  
Michael knew what she was doing, but he could give in, not this time. So he grabbed her wrists, holding it beside his leg, but by in doing so he pulled her even closer. He heard her heartbeat faster and unsteady.  
She was nervous, probably afraid of him and yet here she was stubborn enough to prove he was lying to her. Even if it meant she was going to piss him off and die in doing so.  
Y/N wouldn’t give up without a fight. He looked at her face, seeing her lips open slowly, “look me in the eye and tell me you want me gone, Michael.”  
His grip on her wrists loosened, his perfect green eyes flicked from her lips to her eyes, and for a second that felt like an eternity he got lost in them. All the human emotions he experienced on his time being with her rushed in.  
Proud, seeing that this human was stubborn enough to fight for him, even though he gave her reason enough to turn her back on him.  
Afraid to lose her, not by her turning her back and go back to living her life, but afraid someone would come for her, kill her.  
Happiness, whenever he is with her. Seeing how her face lit up everytime she sees him looking at her, her heart beating faster when he holds her in his arms. The hand that held her wrist moved, their fingers tangled, “Tell me Michael, what do you want? What do you desire?”  
His free hand grabbed her neck faster than she could anticipate, the rough movement startled her, a flash of shock moved over her face. Letting go of his hand, to grab his wrist.  
Michael saw the fear in her eyes, he could crush her without breaking a sweat and she knew. But still even after trying to hurt her and scare her off there was a sprinkle of hope in her eyes.  
And when he saw that, he broke, again. His lips crash onto hers while he pulled her in closer, still holding onto her neck. His tongue aggressively asking for permission, fighting for dominance.  
Her hands clinging onto his suit, his other hand flat on her back. The moment they broke apart they were out of breath, looking into each other's eyes. “Is that what you wanted?” he asked, with a soft smile she nodded leaning in once more for a softer kiss. 
“I’m sorry...” he said with a heart full of regret. “What?” But just when she asked that Y/N saw his eyes shine, his hands holding her cheeks. “Forget about me...” her eyes grew wide, protesting his words. ”N-no...”  
But he continued “Forget about all that happened, you dad got cured by the doctors, you get to live your life, go to church on Sundays but forget about us. When you wake up, you won't remember anything.”  
He let her body go into a slumber, holding her in his arms and putting her to bed. He kissed her head one more time. His hand moved through her hair. “You were right.” he sighs. “But I care too much for you.”  
A few months later 
Y/N decided to travel the country, taking on a few jobs here and there at diners and bars to get some money before moving on.  
When she was cleaning the tables at this diner she heard a familiar voice but couldn’t quiet put her finger on it who it was. “I don’t know Sammy that kid could used up his last bit of soul. I don’t thrust it” - “Yeah well, you can’t keep Michael locked up for ever inside your head.”  
“Hi gentlemen what can I get you today.” Her eyes moved between two handsome fellas. When she looked at the short haired one, he seemed to hold his eyes on her a little too long.  
He gave his order but kept looking at her, it seemed like he remembered her as well. Y/N asked her coworker if she knows these guys. “Yeah regulars, two brothers, Sam and Dean.”  
After delivering the food she kept her eye on Dean just like he did on her. 
“Hey Sam, do we know her?” Dean asked still looking over at her. “No, not that I know. Why?” Dean shrugged his shoulder, “I feel like I do, she keeps staring at me as well.” Sam laughed, “Yeah, and you aren’t.” But before his brother noticed, Dean got up heading towards her. 
“Hi sweetheart.” he grinned his boyish smile. “Hi, something wrong with the food?” - “Oh no not at all, it’s perfect, it’s delicious, just like...” he pointed towards her, which actually made her smile.  
“This might be a weird question but, do we know each other?” she asked him, which made him smile. “I don’t know.” he looked at his hands before he looked back into her eyes. “Do you want to get to know me?”  
“Hmm...” she looked up, pouting her lips, pretending to think about it.  
“Sure, why not.”  
The end???
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