#Danielle killed it
mayabishopgold · 25 days
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Maya, Travis & Vic | Station 19 - 7x07
So exciting to think that sunny disposition will be passed on to another human.... He said, totally joking.
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lacallemojada · 2 years
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Maya Bishop in Demons.
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j0shisamess · 7 days
behind every gay person is a second, more evil gay person
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hermit-frog · 3 months
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phanchester · 5 months
the fact that they both went to the same pastry place in sweden and ordered the same thing... this is more than invisible string theory this is rock hard proof that soulmateism is real and it's dan and phil
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ghostbsuter · 7 months
"You know I'm here for school?" He casually mentions, rubbing his hands after Red Robin cut the rope.
"I did not expect the amount of maiming I'd get."
The teen vigilante is silent, staring at him.
"Have you thought of switching campus?"
Danny scoffs. "I won't let some assholes stop me from gaining knowledge, I know the Ancients are watching me as we speak, Nocturn especially hoping I'll fail." As the sentence went on, his face adapted a darker look, grin edging on insanity.
Red Robin leans back.
"Anyway, thanks for the save!"
Without waiting, he leaves. RR can't even do anything, done himself with the situation.
"Red Robin, did you identify the hostage?" Batman's gruff voice rings through the comm.
It has the teen pinching his nose. "It was danny again."
(Gotham is just funny like that. If only Danny didn't get kidnapped the very next day when he and his new bestie, Tim dra-something, were going to a nice café.
Maybe Tim will forgive him if he gives him some homage fudge?)
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spacedace · 1 year
Something I've seen in fics a few times but not for comedic effect is the idea that Constantine selling his soul so many times makes him look/feel Wrong to ghosts.
Like I love various Danny ghost shenanigans giving Constantine a heart attack in stories but just imagine that Constantine is like deeply, deeply unsettling for Ghosts & Liminals to be around.
To the point of whenever he and Danny meet for the first time at the Watchtower after Danny's joined the League, Constantine just walks in and upon turning to look at who just walked in Danny just shrieks like a small child and throws a chair at him out of reflex, diving behind Captain Marvel to use him as a magical human meat shield while screeching "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" At the top of his lungs and doesn't stop until Batman makes Constantine leave.
Even after Zantanna explains Constantine's whole deal and Danny explains to the Justice League how totally fucked up that looks/feels like to him ("Dude, Ghosts are their core, for us you see that before you see the shape of whoever you're talking to. Like, imagine someone walks up to you with a face that looks like it's made out of a shattered plate and the pieces are bleeding"
Or like, imagine instead it's a thing were Jason and Jazz are dating and Jazz, Danny & Elle are invited over for a nice meet the family brunch - "Brunch is fun and casual!" Dick insisted, "Way less intimidating than if we had them over for dinner!") and Constantine pops in to talk to Bruce about a case.
And the second he walks into the room all three just shriek like they're from an episode of Scooby Doo.
Elle takes one look at Constantine and just nopes out of there so hard she doesn't even gk intangible as she throws herself out the window and starts flying for the hills. Danny screeches like a cat whose tail has been stepped on and jumps onto the ceiling and scrambles away. Jazz screams like a house wife from an old Looney Tunes cartoon and starts climbing Jason like a tree - which is a bit of a problem since she's half a foot taller than Jay and throwing his center of balance off a bit and now half of the plates are smashed on the floor.
Jason doesn't even notice though because he also is losing his shit over what the fuck that thing is and unlike Elle is far more interested in Fight rather than Flight and pulls out a gun - "Why'd you bring a gun to brunch?! Guns aren't fun or casual!" - and just starts unloading on Constantine (who is very lucky Jason has switched to non lethal rounds and that he's quick enough with his spells to largely keep most of the rubber bullets from hitting him) also while screaming at the top of his lungs.
And well, turns out Jason's new girlfriend is the older sister of that ghost hero the League's been looking to recruit and Bruce is gonna take advantage of that - Phantom has been hard to pin down, which is fair, bad history with government agencies trying to kill him and all - to talk to him about a place with JL, though first he's going to have to get him down from the ceiling and that'd be a lot easier if Constantine would just leave already, they are supposed to be having a family brunch this is his one day off!
(Elle screams her all the way to Metropolis and doesn't stop until she nearly knocks Superman out of the sky. He isn’t really sure what's going on, but he does manage to calm her down and takes her to go get some ice cream. When he pitches joining JL she tells him that she thinks he's kinda lame but that Superboy is cool so she's down. It's...honestly kinda devastating but Clark manages to get through it.
A note gets made when the two ghost heroes officially join the League that partnerships with Constantine should be kept at an absolute minimum.)
And lol yeah, just, Constantine being utterly terrifying to Danny and the Pham
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amid-fandoms · 28 days
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new style for 2025
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leanned-too-hard · 2 months
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About to get silly with it
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Young Daniel from the new trailer IWTV S2
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+ bonus:
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laxxarian · 3 months
No, cuz like
during the cloning arc of Danny, there's at least ONE clone that escaped without Vlad's knowledge. It was a bit more cunning and smart and knew that they had to get away.
The thing is, this clone Danny isn't a halfa at all, its a full on human. Alive and not half dead.
But it is sick and frail so when this clone Danny manages to get to the doorstep of Gotham, it was surprising.
lets call clone Danny as Daniel since it was the name that Vlad mostly used in his mutterings that Daniel caught on.
And while Daniel is in Gotham, sickly and lying on one of the rooftops, he met a vigilante with a red helmet.
"What the-?" Red Hood questioned when he saw Daniel's mouth dripping green blood or some kind of goop, which in turn reminded Red Hood of the Lazarus Pits.
"Who are you, kid?" Red Hood crouches down slowly to Daniel but the boy only turned his back on him, coughing and wheezing, "Hey! What happened to you?!" alarmed and confused, Red Hood shakes the boy gently. His fingertips could easily felt the cold coming off from Daniel's body.
And when Daniel stopped coughing, he faced Red Hood with a tired smile, "I'm fine." Daniel answered, "But I can't be here forever..." he added before coughing up some more of those green goop.
"Hold on, kid." Red Hood said, "I'll get you some help." but Daniel stopped him from leaving.
"Don't. I know when my time is up." Daniel said, "I'm just glad that I get to explore this far..." he wheezes out, "Don't feel bad tho... I'm just a clone..." Daniel stopped breathing.
And Red Hood thinks he's Tim's clone.
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johnnyspells · 9 months
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Anne Lamott Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life // José Saramago Cain // Kill Your Darlings (2013) dir. John Krokidas // Katie Maria The Memory of a Memory // Cheryl Strayed Tiny Beautiful Things // Undertale (2015) cr. Toby Fox // pinterest // SEVENTEEN: HIT THE ROAD episode 10 A Time To Face Myself (via @kwonhochi) // pinterest // カウボーイビバップ Cowboy Bebop (1988-1999) cr. Hajime Yatate // pinterest // pinterest // Mary Oliver For Example
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hermit-frog · 22 days
Daniel opens his mouth:
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reggieslocket · 5 months
ah yes the inherent homoeroticism of taking the cigarette out of your friend's mouth
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spacedace · 3 months
“Hey, I need to get married for bullshit Infinite Realms reasons, you two in?”
“Tt, of course.”
“Sure thing! Do we need to get going for that like, right now? Or later?”
“Eh, like in a couple of hours? The Observants are demanding some Royal Ball or something and they pulled out some stupid old laws out of their collective asses that if I’m not married by the time it starts they can assign me spouses of their choosing, can you fucking believe that shit?”
“Woah, what the hell? Can they even do that?”
“I was under the impression they were only permitted to observe.”
“Right? It’s total crap, but apparently there’s like this super old law on the books and they didn’t bring it up until now when there’s like no time left to try and force me to marry someone they pick.”
“They are training to gain influence over you?”
“Eh, more like they’re trying to get control of my Dad by way of me. But still fucked as hell.”
“So why do you need to marry both of us? Or do you just need to marry one of us and we should play rock paper scissor for it?”
“Technically I only need to marry one of you, but I don’t want them pulling out any loopholes or something. So, it’d be great if one of you could be my consort for my role as Queen of Mirrors, and one could be my consort for my role as Crown Princess. You two can figure who’s who on that all that, I’m good with whatever.”
“Oooh, can I be consort for the Mirror Court? I can annoy Kon more that way.”
“I am amenable to that. Grandfather will have a fit when he learns that I can cut his access to the Pits off at my discretion and there’s nothing he can do about it.”
“Awesome, okay are you two good for meeting up at like, three? We can pop over to my Lair and get everything sorted out there.”
“Works for me, my only class til this afternoon is at one and the professor already said we’re cutting out early because she has to go out of town this weekend.”
“Four would be more agreeable if possible, I have to take Titus to the vet for his checkup.”
“Okay let’s aim for four then. It’s just signing some paperwork, making some quick blood-slash-ectoplasm pacts and swearing a couple binding oaths… Should only take like five or ten minutes?”
“They’re not gonna make you have a huge royal wedding or anything?”
“Nah. Dad keeps things pretty chill so as long as the paperwork is all in order we’ll be good. Though once Auntie Dorathea finds out she’s absolutely gonna make us have one. She loves planning weddings. Swear its what she makes her hoard out of somehow.”
“So long as we have a say in some of the proceedings I have no issue with that eventuality.”
“Same, it sounds like it’d be a fun way to annoy the Observants even more.”
“Don’t for get all the weirdos trying to be my suitors and all that bullshit.”
“We have an accord then. We can reconvene at the usual place.”
“Awesome, you two are the best! I gotta jet and let everyone know and get the ball rolling on the paperwork stuff. See you guys at four!”
With that, Nomad - Stella Phantom, Crown Princess of the Infinite Realms, Queen of Mirrors, Core of the Speedforce and ghostly hero of the Titans and the Justice League - tore a rip in the fabric of space and time and darted out of the room the same way she came. Through the mind-bending tear in reality the eerie, eye-searing green of the Infinite Realms glowed in all its unsettling glory, Phantom Keep a glittering expanse of night sky made solid in the distance.
Jon waved at her cheerfully as Damian gave a nod of farewell before both silently turned their attention back to their respective tablets as the portal closed behind their friend and teammate and the glimpse of the Ghost Zone disappeared again. Completely unbothered by the conversation just held or the life changing implications that came with them.
Jon was humming as he tapped away at something on the screen before him, Damian propping his head up on his fist in vague boredom as he frowned down at the information he was reading.
The rest of the room Nomad had left behind was caught in a frozen, stunned silence in the wake of the baffling conversation they’d all just been witness to. All eyes in the room darted between Flamebird and Pheonix seated calmly at the end of the table, then to the space where Nomad had disappeared to, back to the young men, and then towards the head of the table where Superman and Batman sat looking bewildered and a bit on the verge of heart attacks.
The short status update meeting was about to become much, much longer it seemed.
Though a lot more entertaining.
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