corroded-hellfire · 11 days
AYW request where Reader graduates from college so Ryan, Luke, and Eddie come to her graduation. And then Eddie gives her a little graduation gift of his own...
+ Eddie eating Reader out under her gown right after her graduation ceremony. Like, the moment she walks across the stage, he’s dragging her to the bathroom and diving in.
I am dedicating this to Dr. Bug! I'm so proud of you @munson-blurbs 💚
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral f receiving, age gap
Words: 5k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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The polyester robe that hangs on your shoulders sways in the breeze as you fetch your cap out of the back seat. The cerulean regalia is a beautiful shade, but it was a pain in the ass to find something to wear beneath it that didn’t clash. The white floral summer dress peeking out now from your unzipped gown was a lucky find that caught your eye while out having lunch with Max one day. 
Cap with a golden tassel securely in your hand, you shut the back door to your sister’s car and walk around the backside to stand next to her. 
“I can’t wait to meet your boyfriend,” your sister teases, as if you’re twelve and not twenty-two. 
You roll your eyes as you lift a hand to shade your face from the blazing sun above. It’s not even officially summer yet but Indiana is coming in hot with those high temperatures this year. 
“Don’t be weird,” you say.
An exaggerated gasp leaves your older sister’s lips, and she presses a hand to her heart, fresh yellow nail polish glinting in the sunlight. 
“Me? I’m never weird.”
“When I was fourteen you told Connor Donald–”
“But you were going to the bathroom!”
“You don’t tell that to a boy when he calls!” Somehow you feel like that teenage girl all over again.
“I just had this feeling about him,” she says with a shrug. Your sister crosses her arms over her chest. “And I was right.”
“Yeah, he was a creep,” you admit. 
The smug smile on her pretty face is annoying enough to have you turning away from her. At the other end of the parking lot, you see a familiar group of men headed your way, and the littlest one breaks away from the herd and races your way, yelling your name. As he gets closer, you spy the hat perched atop his chocolate curls and the cuteness devastates you.
With a gleeful chuckle, you catch Luke as he flings himself into your arms. Using the momentum, you swoop the almost-seven-year-old up and hold him against your hip. Your back and arm muscles protest the effort, but you do your best to ignore them. Truthfully, Luke’s getting heavier and too big for this now, but you can’t bear to stop picking him up—he’s still that baby boy to you. 
“Hey, you,” you greet him.
“You look so pretty!” he tells you as you begrudgingly set him down.  
“Thank you!” you say. “You look pretty handsome yourself in that snazzy fedora.”
Luke giggles and adjusts the brim of the hat so he can see you better. 
By now, the rest of the gang has made their way to you and Ryan is the next one to launch himself towards you for a hug. Wayne goes next and you can tell your boyfriend is purposefully waiting to be the last one. Indeed he was as he brings you into his arms and presses a soft, sweet kiss to your lips. His hands slip below the graduation robe and rest on the soft cotton of the dress that hugs your lower back. 
“Hi,” he whispers against your lips.
“Hi,” you reply just as softly. 
If it weren’t for your sister clearing her throat, you very well might have forgotten that you were at your graduation, let alone there were other people standing around you right now. Such is the power of Eddie and his touch.
“Oh,” you say, face heating up as you take a step back from your boyfriend. “Right. Um, everyone, this is my big sister, Gin. Gin, this is Eddie, Wayne, and the little monsters Luke and Ryan.”
Both boys make silly faces at you in retaliation for their introduction, which you have no problem doing right back to them. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Eddie says, extending his hand.
“Likewise,” Gin replies as she shakes it. 
“Nice to meet you, sweetheart,” Wayne greets your sister. They shake hands as Eddie comes closer to you again, standing behind you and resting his hands on your hips.
“Heard that if it weren’t for you, these two wouldn’t even know each other,” Wayne says, nodding to you and Eddie. 
Ryan’s nose scrunches up in confusion. “Huh?”
“It’s true,” Gin tells the boy with a smile. “My old roommate is friends with your mom. One day I overheard something about someone needing a babysitter and I knew my little sister was available.”
Luke walks over and wraps his arms around your sister’s hips, giving her a big squeeze.
“Thank you for hearing that!”
The adults chuckle and you lean back into Eddie as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“I don’t wanna go in,” you say with a sigh.
“Where are you going?” Ryan asks.
“I have to go inside with everyone else who’s graduating,” you explain as Eddie’s arms wind their way around your waist. He isn’t making this any easier. “That way you guys get to watch me when I walk across the stage.”
“Ed, would you let the poor girl go?” Wayne says with a sigh, making Gin let out a tittering laugh.
“Don’t wanna,” he says like a petulant child. He presses a kiss to your shoulder before whispering in your ear. “I like your dress.”
“Thank you,” you hum softly.
Silently, Eddie presses his body flush up against yours and you feel his half-hard cock pressing up against the top of your ass. A strangled gasp leaves your lips and Eddie has to bury his face in your neck to hide his smirk.
“I really like it,” he mumbles against your skin.
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Sitting in the small arena, in dark green retractable seats that are usually reserved for someone watching a school basketball or hockey game, Ryan and Luke start to grow restless as they wait for the graduation ceremony to begin. Eddie knows they won’t exactly be captivated once it starts either, but he’ll cross that bridge when he comes to it. 
“Luke, can you please sit down? I don’t want to ask you again.”
“When is she coming out?” Luke asks, craning his neck to look around at the stage as he does as his father asked.
“When everybody else does,” Ryan says, also bored, but annoyed by his little brother as well.
“But when’s that?” the six-year-old whines.
“You know,” Gin says with a smile that looks suspiciously like one of Luke’s or Ryan’s when they’re up to something, “I have some pretty funny stories I could tell you about her.”
Eddie is also clearly intrigued by this, a spark of mischief gleaming in his own eyes. 
“Ooh, like what?” Luke asks, already engrossed even though your sister hasn’t begun yet.
“Well, one time,” Gin starts, “she thought she could be like Mary Poppins and fly. She grabbed an umbrella and wanted to climb up to the roof. Our dad followed her into the garage and asked what she was looking for. When she said a ladder so she could go up to the roof, he put an end to her plan. She cried the whole day because she wasn’t allowed to try and fly like Mary Poppins could.”
Luke laughs, tilting sideways until he’s leaning against his big brother. Ryan’s chuckling as well, picturing you being mad because you can’t fly. 
“Are you the big sister?” Ryan asks.
“I am,” Gin says.
“How many years?” Luke asks. “Ryan’s two years older than me. I’m the baby.”
“I’m six years older than her.”
“I’m six years old!” Luke shares excitedly.
“Do you have any more stories?” Ryan asks. 
Eddie and Wayne share a smile between the two of them. Ryan is usually never so open with people he’s just met—he’s always been the shyest in the family. But there’s something about Gin being your sister that has Ryan feeling comfortable enough to be himself. The two of you aren’t identical, though it’s easy to tell that you are sisters. Gin is slightly shorter, and her face holds more roundness than yours does, but there’s a clear resemblance. Especially around the eyes, Eddie notices. They aren’t the exact same shade, but the shape of your eyes and arch of your eyebrows are very much alike. 
“Hmm,” Gin hums as she thinks of another story to entertain the boys with. Eddie can’t help but notice she purses her lips when she’s thinking the same way that you do as well. 
“Oh, okay. She used to make us watch her sing and dance all the time! Especially to New Kids on the Block.”
“Who?” Ryan asks.
Before the stab of feeling old has time to sink in for Eddie, Gin, or Wayne, the lights dim and a blanket of quiet falls over the crowd.
The faculty takes their places on stage and Pomp and Circumstance begins to play over the loudspeaker. Soon, a rolling wave enters the floor of the arena as all graduates file in towards the rows of chairs laid out for them.
Both Ryan and Luke stand, the younger Munson on his tippy toes as he tries to look as far and wide as he can to spot you in the crowd. 
“Where is she?” Luke groans. “Everyone is so blue!”
“Ugh! I can’t find her!” Ryan follows up. 
It takes Eddie a few moments to find you as well. Everyone is matching so he can’t go by what you’re wearing beneath your gown, and it’s even hard to see your beautiful hair with the cap restricting his view. But it doesn’t take your boyfriend very long to spot you, as he’d be able to find you anywhere—even if he was blindfolded. 
“Look, look,” Eddie says, gesturing for his sons to step closer to him. “She’s right there. Next to Aunt Jess.”
Ryan and Luke do their best to follow the direction that their father is pointing in, but it’s hard–even when the graduates all stop walking once they reach their seats. But as Ryan wrinkles up his brow and really tries to examine his dad’s line of vision, his eyes catch on you.
“I see her!” A grin lights up Ryan’s face and it fills Eddie with a warmth that the outside sun could never hope to aspire to. 
After a few more minutes, and once the speeches begin, Luke spies you as well and becomes just as excited as his big brother. Their joy quickly wears off as speaker after speaker comes up to the podium to give some of the most boring speeches Eddie has ever heard in his entire life. He can’t blame his boys for practically falling asleep slumped against one another. 
Finally, the names of the graduates begin to get called and the boys muster up their energy reserves to wait for you. There’s a good chunk of graduates who have their moment before a name is called that the boys recognize.
“Jess Arnold.”
The boys excitedly cheer but become even giddier when they see you’re next up. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the emotion of walking across the stage to receive your diploma. Hearing your name called over the loudspeaker was cool, being up on the jumbo screen for a moment was pretty surreal, but the sounds coming from one particular section of the audience have you choking up as you accept the rolled up piece of parchment from the Dean.
The claps of two small pairs of hands and cheers from those same boys send goosebumps shooting up and down your arms. Luke hadn’t even shouted that loud in excitement when he saw the real-life Hot Wheels cars. Wayne’s whistle joins the noise, that piercing sound making you chuckle as you try to swallow your emotions. Gin’s voice is unmistakable in her cheering—you heard that yelling every day growing up, you’d know it anywhere. But the sound in the cacophony that makes a few tears spill over your lash line is Eddie’s proud and happy “Woo!” that he repeats as you make your way across the platform. You just wish he was waiting for you as soon as you stepped off the stage so you could run into his arms. But as you step down and are about to head back to your seat, you look up and see where your family is up in the stands.
When they realize you’re looking at them, the boys wave excitedly, both hands flapping over their heads. Wayne and Gin both give you waves as well. Your eyes are glued to Eddie though, as he presses his hand to his mouth and then extends it towards you, blowing a kiss your way. A girlish giggle bubbles out of you at the gesture and you blow one right back to him. 
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It feels like ants scurrying out of an ant hill as you exit the arena and try to find familiar faces amongst the thousands of family members and friends who are here to support their loved ones today. 
Jess comes up beside you and loops her arm through yours. You flash her a quick smile and the two of you fight your way through the crowd, searching for your people. 
Your name catches your attention and your head whips to the left to see Luke’s small hands cupped around his mouth. It’s a swim upstream as you tug Jess in that direction, but you finally make it to find Eddie waiting with a bouquet of carnations in his hand. 
More tears threaten to spill over as he hands them to you with a smile so full of admiration and pride on his face.
“Congratulations, sweetheart.”
The wrapper around the flowers crinkles in your hand and you make sure it’s held tight in your fist as you throw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck and hug him as close as you can manage. Eddie doesn’t hesitate for a moment, his arms encircling your waist and holding your body up against his.
“Thank you,” you say loud enough for him to hear over the crowd. “I love you so much.”
“They’re from us, too!” you hear Luke say.
With a soft chuckle, you pull away from Eddie who is raising an eyebrow at his boys.
“Are they, now? I must’ve missed the part where you chipped in,” he says.
“You must’ve,” Luke agrees with a shrug.
You laugh and hand the flowers to Eddie so you can pull both boys in for a big hug. Each of them gets squeezed in an arm but they cling to you just as tightly. 
“You were on stage!” Ryan says when you let go.
“And I heard you cheering for me!” you tell him. 
“Can I wear your hat?” Luke asks.
“Oh, I need a picture of that,” you say while nodding your head. 
That leads to dozens of pictures being taken. You with everyone at once, you with everyone individually, you and Jess goofing off before she went off to find her family. Luke takes a handful while wearing your cap but Eddie plops it back on your head so he can take a few more with you. 
Both boys make gagging noises as Gin snaps a picture of Eddie giving you a kiss. Their groans only grow as you wrap your arms around Eddie’s neck and sink further into the kiss, another snapshot being taken.
“Please tell me that one isn’t going to get hung up anywhere,” Luke gripes. 
For the next picture, Eddie wraps his arm tightly around your waist and dips you, causing you to let out a mixture of a squeal and laughter as your hands cling to him for stability. You’re aware of the flash of the camera going off but it’s nothing compared to the brightness of Eddie’s grin as he looks down at you. It makes your heart pound faster than the adrenaline from the feeling of almost falling could ever do.
Once multiple roles of film have been used, the camera gets tucked away and it’s time to get going. Eddie offers to drive you back, just the two of you, since Gin drove you here and she’s headed straight back home. Wayne can take the boys back to give you and Eddie some time alone.
“Thank you for coming,” you say to your sister as you pull her in for a hug.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” she tells you. “I’m so proud of you.” “Thank you.”
It makes you smile to see how the Munsons all hug her goodbye as well–even shy little Ryan. With one last wave, your sister heads towards the parking lot and Wayne ruffles the hair of the two boys.
“Ready, knuckleheads?” he asks.
“Can I wear your cap home?” Luke asks.
“Sure.” You hand the blue piece of regalia to him and instead of switching it out with his fedora like he did for the pictures, he just stacks it on top of his own hat.
“That’s a great look,” Eddie tells him, to which Luke winks in response. 
“Will you take these for me, Ry?” you ask, offering the eight-year-old your bouquet of pastel-colored flowers.
“Of course!” The wrapper crinkles as the boy situates the long stems against his shorter frame.
You press a kiss to both boys’ cheeks before they head towards the parking lot with Wayne. Eddie laces his fingers with yours and you go to follow in the same direction the others just went, when Eddie tugs you back and smacks a kiss to the back of your hand.
“How about a little campus tour before we go?” he asks.
“Oh?” you ask, raising your eyebrows. “Anywhere in particular you want to see?”
Eddie shrugs. “Your favorite spots. Somewhere there’s no one else, maybe.”
“Right,” you say, a smirk tugging the corners of your lips. “Let’s see what we come across.”
Hand in hand, the two of you take a leisurely stroll through the quad of campus. Where there are usually people studying or picnicking during the semester, now there are graduates and families taking pictures and celebrating. The warm day outside leads you to the cool shelter of the student center at the far end of the yard, where you spent a lot of your college days having lunch. It’s mostly empty now, no one having any real need to be in here other than to escape the brutal sun. 
An empty hallway catches Eddie’s eye, and he leads you by the hand to follow him in that direction. His boots squeak against the white linoleum tiles and your heels clack as you step behind in his wake. There isn’t much down this way except for a few offices that are now empty, a room full of vending machines, and some bathrooms. 
Your boyfriend takes advantage of the latter, the empty hallway leading him to believe there will be no one in the men’s room. His gamble is correct as he pulls you in behind him. He moves quick as lightning to turn the lock on the bathroom door, assuring that no one will interrupt the two of you. 
Eddie’s lips are on yours a heartbeat later, both his and your hands going to the zipper of your graduation gown. Neither of you can get it down blindly, but Eddie’s too impatient to make another go at it. Instead, he grips your hips and helps you sit on the peach granite counter behind you. The gown gets rucked up your body, the dress he’s so fond of joining it until they’re both up around your waist.
“Eddie,” you whimper.
“Shhh, shhh, baby,” Eddie croons as he sinks down to his knees. Soft, plush lips trail hot kisses from the inside of your left knee all the way up to the apex of your thighs. Large, strong hands massage up and down your legs as his lips never leave your skin, touching and teasing everywhere except where you need him the most. 
Eddie lets his eyes slip closed not only to let himself enjoy the feeling of having his hands and lips worship your soft skin, but also because if he gets one more look at the wet patch on your purple lace panties, he’s going to rip them off of you and the fun will end far too soon. 
“Eddie, please,” you beg.
“I’ve got you, princess,” he says softly. 
Torturously slow, Eddie’s mouth comes closer to your center, the heat of his breath making you curl your toes before he even comes in contact with you. Brown doe eyes open to look at you, darkened by lust as he finally presses his mouth against your core, kissing against the wet patch of your panties that’s driving him so wild. Pleasure flutters in your pussy, your hole clenching around nothing as Eddie opens his mouth and grips the material of your panties with his teeth. As quick as he grabbed them, he lets them go, letting the wet lace smack back against your clit. 
“God, I need you,” Eddie growls. 
Calloused fingers work themselves up the outside of your thighs and grip the purple material at your hips. You arch your back, head resting against the bathroom mirror, to assist your boyfriend in ridding you of your underwear, which he shoves into the back pocket of his pants. 
Now with nothing between him and your soaked pussy, Eddie eyes it greedily and the way he stares at your bare sex turns you on even more. You choke on a breath as he dives in, tongue instantly running from your hole up to your clit. He decides to keep his attention there, flicking the sensitive nub with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. 
“Fuck,” you moan. Eddie’s responding moan reverberates up your core, adding another layer of pleasure to his mouth on you. 
He hitches your left leg over his shoulder to open you up even more for him, going in to devour you like his life depends on it. His hot, long tongue glides through your folds as he licks at you, not stopping even for a moment to catch his breath–not giving you a moment of reprieve as his mouth works against your pussy like it was made for this.  
You never want this–him–to stop but Eddie’s too God damn good with his mouth for you to last long. 
“E-Eddie, please.” You’re not sure what you’re pleading for as you reach down and grip the curls on the top of the older man’s head in your hand. It takes all of your control not to rut your hips against his sinful mouth. 
Even though you’re not sure what you’re asking for, Eddie somehow knows what you need—he always does. He slips a finger inside of you, quickly followed by a second, as he keeps his mouth working on your clit. His eyes are trained on yours, not breaking contact for a second as his tongue laps at your clit and his fingers pump in and out of your greedy pussy.
If the feeling alone wasn’t about to bring you over the edge, the sight before you was.
“Oh, I’m gonna, I-I’m gonna–”
You don’t have time to finish your thought as your orgasm rushes over you, pleasure sparking throughout your body and leaving a tingle in your veins that only Eddie can give you. Thick fingers continue to work you through it, his tongue not giving up its assault on your clit until he’s wrung every ounce of ecstasy he can from you.
Once your muscles relax and you’re panting above him, Eddie slips his fingers from inside of you and stands up. He wastes no time slipping them into his mouth, moaning as he savors the taste of you. You’d come again just from that if you had the energy. 
“Eddie,” you whisper between labored breaths.
“I love how much you say my name,” your boyfriend says as he leans over your body and presses his lips against yours. 
The sound of Eddie’s zipper being pulled down shoots a thrill of excitement through you as the two of you exchange easy, lazy kisses. His hard cock nudging at your hole has you breaking your mouth away from his, a whimper tumbling from your lips. 
“Yes,” you whine, the only word in your otherwise blank mind.
His initial push into you has you gripping at his shoulders, throwing your head back, which Eddie takes full advantage of and attaches his lips to your throat. The deeper he sinks into you, the harder your nails dig into the back of the button up shirt Eddie wore just for the occasion today. 
“Shit,” Eddie huffs with a small laugh. “I’m not gonna last long, baby. Fuck, been hard since I saw you this afternoon. Couldn’t stop thinking about how bad I wanna fuck you since then. How bad I needed to taste you. Feel that tight, perfect pussy of yours squeezing me so fuckin’ good.”
You lift your head up to look at him through heavy-lidded eyes. 
“Even though m’not your college girl anymore?” you ask through your shallow breathing.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie growls, gripping your hips tighter and adjusting the angle that he pushes into you. “You’re my college graduate. My smart girl. My smart girl who gets so dumb on my cock, doesn’t she?”
“Uh huh.” You nod, your head heavy as the familiar pressure builds up in your lower tummy.
“That’s my girl.”
“So close,” you whine.
“Me too, baby. Come on. Be my good girl and come with me.”
One of Eddie’s hands leaves your hips and his thumb presses against your clit, making tight circles just the way he knows drives you crazy. 
“Fuck,” you groan.
“Let go, princess.”
“Shit, I-I’m coming!”
Eddie spilling into you, coating your walls with his warm seed elevates this orgasm as you hold onto your boyfriend for dear life. Lightning sparks everywhere his body touches yours and pure bliss washes over you like a wave on the surf. 
It takes a few minutes for the two of you to catch your breath. Eddie’s body hovers over yours and, if you’re honest, you’d be fine if he never moved. Eventually, he has to though, which also means pulling out of you. Though you whine at the loss, Eddie is right there to help clean you up and press sweet kisses to your mouth.
“I love you,” he whispers against your lips.
“Mmm, I would hope so,” you tease, throwing your arms around his neck.
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Eddie has one arm draped around your shoulders as you walk down the hallway to his apartment door. He keeps pressing kisses to your temple and running the material of your graduation gown between his fingers. 
“What’re the odds the boys will be asleep?” Eddie asks when you’re one door away.
“Slim to none,” you answer with a bark of laughter. “It’s still light out.”
“Details, details.” Eddie grabs the doorknob and tosses the front door open, allowing you to step inside first.
But you don’t even get one foot over the threshold before your eyes take in the sight before you. A large banner reading “Congratulations!” hangs in the archway that leads to the bedrooms and the apartment is crowded with people. Your jaw drops and it takes your brain a few moments to recalibrate. Once it does, you spin around to face Eddie and swat at his arm.
“I told you I didn’t want a party!”
Eddie shakes his head, a shit-eating grin on his face, as he leads you into the apartment and closes the door behind him. All six Harringtons are here, Max, Lucas, and their daughter Tiffany, and Wayne with both boys, who look more mischievous than ever.
“Oh no, this isn’t a graduation party,” Eddie says. 
Nancy steps forward, a sly smile on her face, when you narrow your eyes at Eddie.
“Nope,” she echoes. “It’s an employee performance review.”
You stare at her for a moment, not comprehending her words.
She can’t help but let out a small chuckle so Steve steps up to her side to help her out.
“You’re our employee, right? Watch the kids? So, we reviewed your performance and determined it was excellent.”
“Which of course calls for a party,” Nancy explains, gesturing to the living room full of people around her.
“And the fact that it happens to be on the day I graduated college?” you ask, tilting your head to look at Eddie.
“Complete coincidence,” he says with an innocent shrug. 
“Look, look, look!” Luke bounds over and grabs your hand, leading you over to the counter that separates the kitchen and the living room. 
A large sheet cake with vanilla icing and blue piping rests there, bearing the words “Congrats Grad!” in gold lettering.
It brings a smile to your face, but you smile even wider as you look down at Luke and then over at Ryan.
“Did you two know about this?” you ask.
“Maaaaybe,” Ryan drawls.
“I can’t believe you kept a secret from me!”
You pull Luke in against your chest and start to tickle his sides. He squirms, trying to get away from you as he howls in laughter. 
“Ahh! Ryan! Help me!”
Ryan rushes over and tries to tug his little brother out of your grasp, but you’re quicker. You pull the older Munson brother into your clutches as well and he becomes another victim of your tickling. They both shriek and try to run, but you cease your tickling to wrap your arm around each boy and press a kiss to the top of their heads. 
“You little sneaks,” you say.
“Can we have cake now?” is Luke’s only reply. He doesn’t wait for a response before posing another question. “Do you make a wish on graduation cakes?”
“What would you wish for, babe?” Eddie says as he walks over to you. He looks like he’s trying not to laugh, and you furrow your brow. “Would it be to fly like Mary Poppins?”
Your eyes widen as all the heat in your body rushes to your face.
“I’m going to kill my sister.”
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pinkrelish · 7 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 "𝐲𝐞𝐬" 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐲 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘺
singledad!mechanic!eddie x fem!reader
✶After a lifetime of questionable decisions, you moved from the big city to the sleepy town of Hawkins with your best friend, and took the first job you saw: answering phones for the most boring auto shop in the dullest place on Earth. It wasn't exactly the adventure you wanted it to be.. but attempting to win over the jaded mechanic who insisted on ignoring your existence proved entertaining.✶
163k+ words | 20 chapters | slow burn, mutual pining, smut, angst
》 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
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𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 & 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩
dad!mechanic!eddie x pregnant!mom!reader
✶A fast forward in the slow lives of the Munson family, who are about to grow a little bigger.✶
TBD | 10 chapters | smut, pregnancy, bonus mini-series set after main story
》 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
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𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳𝘣𝘴 / 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 / 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴
✶Red * indicates smut. Organized in chronological order.✶
》 small thing, sad thing / adrie's birthday morning / first day of kindergarten
》 jerkin' around* / valentine's day / date night / buying lingerie together* / halloween '93 / christmas '93 / an extra for good luck* / home video* / three father's days
》 dirty hands* / driving lessons*
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carolmunson · 11 months
“s’too hot to be doin’ this laundry ed,” you complain, holding your lower back while you get up from your seat to stand behind him. the fans above work overtime but the muggy air and hot sun have already settled in the light yellow painted laundromat. your sandals skid against the grimy tiled floor, your sun dress swooshing by your knees where there’s no breeze to blow against the sweat that had collected on the backs of your thighs. and it’s everywhere, dripping down your back, between your breasts. it’s too god damn hot.
“you wanted to come,” he shrugs, trying to hide his smirk, “i told you to stay home and lay down, you didn’t wanna listen.”
he folds the whites first on one of the folding stations — his work tanks and tees, socks and underwear, a few of your shirts and dresses. then the colors. hiding in the piles are a litter of onesies and coveralls, little pants and shirts, little socks that you’d lose if you blinked. all new stock from your baby shower a few days ago — as if this little creature didn’t already have enough clothes piling up in the closet you and eddie shared. you had to keep some of the clothes at wayne’s at this point.
“you promised chex mix,” you shrug, “even he’s excited for it.” you run a hand over your belly, firm and sitting low now that you’re closer and closer to your due date. you wished two months would fly by quicker but ed loved seeing you like this.
“i know what i promised, sweetheart,” he nods, loading the clothes up into laundry bags. he swats your hand away when you read for one, “how many times do i have to tell you?”
“i’m pregnant honey, m’not dying,” you laugh. he presses a kiss to your temple and then the apple of your cheek.
“i can carry them,” he assures, smiling, “just waddle to the car for me.”
you pout, a sad one, “that wasn’t nice.”
“i’m just kid— oh, oh no baby don’t cry, don’t cry baby i’m sorry,” he soothes while tears start to poor down your cheeks. he puts the bags down to hold you to him, his curls tickling your face.
“you think i’m huge,” you cry, “i’m huge.”
he tries not to laugh while peppering kisses over your face, “sweetheart you’re not huge, i don’t think you’re huge.”
“yes you do-oo-oo,” you sob, eddie offering the other patron in the laundromat a tight smile while they stare at the scene, “i’m huge and i’m sweaty and i’m hot and i just want my chex mix.”
“okay, okay,” he nods, holding your face in his hands. he nuzzles your nose with his while you start to calm down, “i’m gonna get you your chex mix.”
“and a cherry slush,” you say with a sniffle.
“and a cherry slush,” he chuckles, giving you a soft kiss, “what does the little guy want?”
you run your hand over your belly, both of you looking down while eddie puts his hand over yours. when his palm slides over the top the baby kicks, making you scrunch up your nose at the pressure.
“looks like he just wanted his daddy to say hi,” you say quietly while ed’s hand sits warm and firm. he looks up at you while the baby kicks again, his grin of excitement clear to anyone who might walk by and look in through the windows. he picks up the bags after stealing another kiss from you.
“okay princess. chex mix and cherry slush,” he says while you walk to the car. he walks slow so you can keep up, waddling in your sandals.
“and that cookies and cream hershey bar,” you add.
“and the cookies and cream hershey bar,” he repeats, “you bet.”
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Please this is so eddie and penny when she finds out his name https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JYJLEV/
“Im Daddy to you”
“But your Eddie!”
God forbid she fine out his full government name 😂
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Penny busts out the full use of Eddie's government name (we're talking Edward Whateverhismiddlenameis Munson) when she's mad at him, lol.
Penny is around 2 years old here making Eddie 23 and Reader 22 :)
more of penny and Eddie here
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The sight of you and his toddler cuddling on the couch was a welcome one when Eddie finally arrived home after a long day at the shop. 
  He discarded his keys in a bowl on the counter, before heading over to the sink to wash his hands. He was always eager to get home to you at the end of the day so he didn’t do as thorough of a job when it came to making sure he had no traces of grease on his hands or arms. Sometimes, even his face–but that was something you seemed to. . . appreciate.
  “Hi, baby!” He called out to you as he scrubbed his arms with soap under the warm running water, fully intent on getting in on those cuddles once he was clean.
  “Hi, Eddie!” You called back.
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” Came a much smaller voice.
  Eddie turned off the faucet and stood ramrod straight as he tried to process what he just heard. He didn't wipe the water from his hands before he stormed to the living room. 
  Penny had been laying on the couch, head on your chest and in between you and the couch to prevent her from falling off, when Eddie had walked in the front door. Now she was leaning up, curls a mess going in every direction (save for the half of her head where she’d been laying on you–that area was flat) as she grinned, her tiny teeth and tooth gap on display for him. 
  Eddie’s eyes narrowed at her, while you tried to hide your smile in her hair. 
  “What did you just say?”
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” She repeated, trying her hardest to enunciate his name correctly, probably just to hurt him.
  “No, no, no. I’m not Eddie. I’m daddy.”
  Penny started giggling, her nose crinkling up.
  “No, you Edd-ie!”
  She chirped it so enthusiastically it made you laugh, which only encouraged Penny and her giggling.
  “When I picked her up from Maude, you came up in conversation and Penny wanted to know who ‘Eddie’ was, so I told her ‘Eddie’ is her daddy.” You explained, hand stroking over her little head, the short curls twisting around your fingers.
  Eddie was a little amused with the situation, but he also couldn’t tell if this was just her teasing him or something she would stick to for a while and he really, really didn’t want it to be the latter, especially considering how she’d only started calling him daddy and talking more just a few months ago, so his laughter was more so nervous.
  “Ha ha ha, you’re sooooo funny Penny. I’m daddy. Remember? Daddy.” He closed the distance, crouching down at your side to be eye level with her.
  “Is that daddy?” You asked her as she nuzzled her head back down against your chest, pointing at Eddie. She looked up at you with those big brown eyes before following your finger to the person she’d inherited her eyes from. Eddie was giving her a puppy dog stare, the same one she gave him whenever she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
  Penny nodded against your chest, reaching out to squeeze Eddie’s nose for some reason.
  Eddie was pleased with her response, pulling his nose away from her little hand to bite playfully at it. Penny squealed and yanked it back to her chest.
  “Good. I’m ‘daddy’ to you, young lady.” Eddie directed a finger at her while he spoke before reaching over to boop her nose with it.
  She grinned again, hiding her face in your chest for a few moments. When her face popped back up, she was sticking her little tongue out as she smiled, “Okie dokie, Edd-ie.”
  “Baby, make her stooooop!”
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whoahoney · 2 years
Knocked Up
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader Oneshot
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Summary: Reader and Eddie planned to never have kids, having dreams of travels and a honeymoon phase that never ends, until one rainy day when Y/n takes a test..
Content Warnings: adult language, adult themes, unwanted pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms, angst, suspected cheating, fluff, Eddie being a baby hog
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n and Eddie were together for years. They’d graduated, moved in together, gotten jobs, and started a nest egg, also known as the rainy day fund.
They had meticulously planned their life together in order to avoid ending up like their own parents who seemed to fuck up at every turn, not to mention while having kids.
Which is exactly why they decided they wouldn’t have any. It wasn’t a hard decision, neither of them finding themselves to be baby people and hoped to give each other all of the time and attention they hadn’t received in their upbringings, wishing to travel and live a nomadic life.
Though they didn’t end up traveling right away, they knew they had time for it. They’d come a long way from the inseparable couple skipping class to smoke and makeout all those years ago; Eddie landed a job in a nice garage making a steady rate, while Y/n worked as a waitress at a grill downtown. They’d been diligent in putting money back for a rainy day or ‘something really really cool’ as Eddie would say.
And did the rainy day come.
One rainy morning in April, Y/n paced nervously in the trailer, a developing pregnancy test in the other room on the bathroom counter. “How fucking long is this supposed to take?” She grumbled to herself, picking up the timer for the thousandth time as it went off. She yelped and fumbled with the knob trying to silence the ringing, tossing it onto the couch as she sprinted into the bathroom.
Her heart hammered as she picked up the test, the two lines reading positive making it cease altogether. “Holy fucking hell.” She breathed, the newly familiar nausea twisting in her stomach and sent to the toilet with a lurch.
Y/n spent the rest of the day hoping to figure out how to tell Eddie what was going on. She’d been ignoring the signs for a month, too afraid to face the music and finally put her mind to rest. The tender breasts, the constant stomach ache, dizziness, and of course the missed period. Eddie had asked her if she’d had her monthly visitor, to which she panicked and said ‘yes.’
She hated herself for lying, but the thought hadn’t occurred to her that her period was late until he asked. Truth be told she never really paid attention to her cycle before and this time it bit her in the ass.
Y/n worried about how Eddie would react; knowing he didn’t have any plans on being a father and how he’d feel about her lying about such a heavy topic. Part of her feared he’d be upset with her, maybe even enough to leave her.
She debated for a while between procrastinating and ripping the bandaid off, not knowing which way would be easier. If Eddie loved her as much as he showed he did, then this should be easy.
She decided to cook him his favorite meal to start, complete with a dessert that was his own grandma’s recipe. Grandma Edna was one of Eddie’s favorite people, her cookie brownies being his favorite because ‘It’s like Dr. Frankenstein decided to combine two desserts. It’s ingenious, the woman is a God.’ She chuckled at the thought while she poured the oil in the pot to fry the chicken.
As the oil heated up, an intense and foul aroma permeated the trailer that sent her stomach churning and her head spinning. Y/n held her t-shirt over her nose to fend off the smell that’s never bothered her before as she checked the coloring of the food and put it back in the oil for longer.
Y/n slumped against the opposite counter, the window over the sink shoved open as wide as it would go. She took deep cleansing breaths and did her best to push through, telling herself she just needed to eat something though nothing sounded safe enough.
At 6:00, like every evening, Eddie came home from work in his grease spotted uniform, calling “Honey, I’m home!” as he entered.
He quickly dropped his lunchbox on the counter with his keys and undid the buttons of his blue garage jumpsuit to strip it off, leaving him in his boxers and a tank top.
“Aw, you’re making fried chicken?! AND mashed potatoes?” His eyes bugged as he struggled to kick the fabric off his foot, carrying the rumple of stains to his lady, planting a kiss on her cheek and wrapping her in his arms the best he could without getting her dirty.
Eddie took note of the gradual change over the last month or so, how short she had become in conversation, how she had made excuses about not feeling good, running to the toilet all hours of the day; he really started to worry about her and her mental health, maybe even if her feelings towards him were the problem.
He decided to keep his cool, making sure he was doing his duty by her to give her comfort and space when needed, and only assuming she’s upset with him when she’s explicitly told him so.
He figured today was another hard day, her glum and sullen look on her face evident of her discomfort. “Could you help me get these out? I heard coke and dish soap might help.” He said, showing her the spots in question before tossing it towards the laundry room with an easy smile on his lips, one he probably wasn’t even aware of it was so common with her. “Uh, yeah, of course. I’ll give it my best shot.” She nodded and stirred the fluffy mash on the stove.
“Knew I could count on you.” He said before kissing her cheek on his way past, going to the bathroom to start the shower and let the water heat up. Y/n moved the chicken from the boiling oil to the plate she had prepared for them to rest, turning off the stove and thanking the powers that be she made it through without puking or burning anything.
“What’s you do today? Did you enjoy your day off? Are you feeling any better?” Eddie asked, her stomach lurching in response. Her feet moved before she could give any warning that she’d come barreling through the four foot by four foot bathroom they shared to puke in the toilet.
“Baby??” He questioned as she heaved the remnants of the saltines she managed to scarf down during the day. She wiped her mouth and tried to brace herself against the toilet to stand though she wobbled.
“Hey, hey, I gotcha, don’t worry.” Eddie cooed, wrapping his arms gently around her middle and pulling her to sit with her back up against him.
She leaned back against his warm chest, the linoleum floor cold on her legs. The shower head rained hot water, the steam started to fill the top of the room, and the pitter patter of the water drops thudded against the thick shower curtain in a soothing rhythm as he held her close.
“You need to go to the doctor and figure out what’s wrong with you, I’m done waiting, I can’t do it anymore.” He whispered, his brow crinkled in worry.
Y/n sighed, a sob escaping her lips as she did. Tears began to roll down her cheeks while she tried to gain composure, though it didn’t work. Instead she pressed a hand to her mouth and let the sobs roll over her body.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?” He asked as she turned her face into his chest, her hot tears falling against him as a realization hit, “Oh! Is it your period again? Already?? Are you hurting? I can get you some midol—“ He tried to stand, to go into the kitchen and grab some pain medication to make it all go away when she reached out to hold his leg with her whole body, another sob escaping her.
“It’s not that, Eddie. I-I don’t wanna tell you—I do! I do wanna tell you, but I’m scared. I’m scared you’re gonna be so upset.” She heaved, keeping her hold on his leg as he looked down at her, the confusion and alarm evident in his eyes.
Why did she feel so guilty? What had she kept from him? Had she cheated on him? Was that why she was throwing up for a month?
“Y/n, baby, you’re scaring me. Did something happen? Di-Did you make a mistake?” He said, trying his best to ask the questions flooding his mind without breaking down and crying at the mere thought of what they have being gone.
“I mean.. yeah—Yeah I made a mistake... We made a mistake, actually.” She trailed off, looking at the small heaping trash bin by the toilet. Eddie blanched and sunk back to the floor with her, still unsure as to what she meant when she started digging through an abnormal amount of toilet paper on top of the trash.
Before he could ask her what she was doing, she turned to join him by the tub and handed him a closed pregnancy text box. Eddie looked at it and then to her and cocked his head. “Open it.” She whispered, unable to meet his eyes.
Eddie popped the top open and dumped the two sticks onto the floor between them, flipping them over so he could see the result window with two bright pink lines. “What does that mean, Y/n?” He asked, his voice cracking when he reached just barely above a whisper.
Y/n took some shallow breaths as her body and face went numb with fear. “I’m so sorry, Eddie..” She mumbled, picking at her chipped black fingernail polish, still left over from the last time Eddie painted them for her.
“What do you mean you’re sorry?” He asked, his eyes filled with both horror and wonder. “What do you mean, what— I'm pregnant—”
“Is it mine?? I’m asking if I’m—Did you—Y’know, I know shit happens, I know sometimes people hurt the people they love, sometimes mistakes happen—“ He rambled in a panic, his eyes wide and a couple tears escaping from the corners.
Y/n’s jaw dropped, “Eddie, of course it is! There’s nobody else it could possibly be, I haven’t slept with anyone else in, what? Almost.. 6 years, now?”
She quickly counted the numbers on her fingers absentmindedly as Eddie threw his arms around her and laid her down on the floor, holding her to his chest as he breathed a sigh of relief. His heart started hammering for reasons completely different than before. He couldn’t help the smile that refused to leave his lips, and the tears slipping from the corners of his eyes couldn’t be helped.
“Did you really think I’d cheat on you?” She asked with an almost quivering voice. Eddie shook his head vehemently, “No, no, no, just—you’ve been.. weird for a few weeks now and I thought I’d let you come to me since I was constantly asking what was on your mind, I figured if you were upset with me you’d tell me, you know? But then… you said something about a mistake, a-and the worst thing my mind could come up with with was you cheating but then the tests said you’re pregnant and-and you seemed so upset I couldn’t help but think—“
“Aw, honey, no.” Y/n cooed, her hand stroking Eddie’s cheek lovingly as she shook her head in earnest. Eddie’s cheeks shined with tears as he leaned his face into her soft hand. “I was upset because we’ve always said we didn’t want kids, Ed, we have plans! We can’t live with a baby on the road, we can’t see the world, there’s barely even wheelchair access anywhere, how are we supposed to lug a baby and stroller around the House of Blues?? And I lied about my period and.. I was so scared you’d be angry. Maybe angry enough you wouldn’t wanna—“
“Y/n.” Eddie said sternly, taking her chin in his hand and bringing her eyes to his. “I know I said I don’t want kids, I know this deviates from the plan, but I’m not angry. I’ll take this over you cheating on me any day!” He tried to make her smile, which he did with little success.
“Nothing could make me hate you, Y/n, you’re the best person I know and I somehow tricked you into falling in love with me. I wouldn’t ever do anything to jeopardize that.” He tried again, being met with her real smile spreading wide across her face to his delight. “And if there’s anyone I want to try to raise a kid with, it’s you… I really think we could do a good job together—and it’s not like we’re alone anymore! We’ll always have Wayne and the rest of our chosen family.. and I hope you know I’d never leave our family.”
And when he said it, it became real.
Our family.
“Our family?” She whispered, like a safety blanket was draped around her shoulders to make everything feel safe and okay. “Yeah, baby, you are my family, you always have been. And now we’re gonna be a real family, with a baby and everything!” He smiled and touched his nose to hers, gently cupping her cheeks in his hands and stroking her skin.
“I love you, Eddie.” She said in a whisper against his lips before kissing him deeply. “I love you too, baby. Forever and ever and the rest of time.” He declared as he flipped them over for her to sit on top of his lap this time. Their lips were warm and soft working against each other, the sweet taste of his saliva trickling into her mouth as they kissed. Eddie ended with a handful of kisses sprinkled across her face, their tears dry and smiles lingering.
“C’mon, mama, get in the shower with me and I’ll wash your hair.” He sat up and curled a lock of her hair around his finger, the offer earning him a forehead kiss.
“Already calling me mama, huh?” She teased as she tried to stand without him, his hand coming to rest on her shoulder before she could. She shot him an inquisitive look as he stood, holding his hand out for her.
“What? I need to make sure my lady always has help, even more so now!” He pointed out as he checked the water temperature again
Y/n giggled at his protective instincts as he began undressing. “We definitely gotta get out of here before Ozzy slash Axel comes.” He mentioned casually as he tossed his pants into the hall.
“Ozzy slash Axel? And what if it’s a girl?” She asked incredulously.
“Ozzy’s the girl’s name! You can’t tell me it wouldn’t be badass.” He said as he stripped off his tank top, revealing his pale torso as Y/n shamelessly ogled him, “We’ll see about that, daddy.” She teased, slipping off her shirt and shorts from the day.
Eddie chuckled at the nickname, “I don’t think I’ll get used to that.” He scoffed.
“Is it different than you calling me mama?” She smarted with her arms crossed.
Eddie turned back to her with amused wide eyes, “Uh, yeah. It’s completely different now. I’m not just your daddy anymore, I’m someone’s actual daddy now. Or at least I will be.” He glanced down at Y/n’s middle as she lifted her shirt.
She tried not to look at Eddie after she noticed her rounded lower stomach, something she assumed was just bloat until today. “I don’t know if I’ll get used to that, either...” He chuckled, not hiding his gaze at her abdomen.
“Eddie, I’m like two seconds pregnant, quit looking at me like that.” She mumbled with pink cheeks as she rid herself her underwear and stepped under the water with his help.
“I know, but you can’t tell me it doesn’t already look different. You said it’s been more than a month now, right? Your body’s already building a home, isn’t that amazing?” He asked as he joined her, kneeling in front of her naked body as he had a million times before, except this time his focus was slightly shifted north.
He held her hips in both hands, studying the front of her in a new way, turning her side to side as if he were inspecting her like she was the first of her kind. He couldn’t help his smile or the gleam in his eye as he looked up at her. “Y’know when I met you I thought the idea of a nuclear family was hell?” He asked as he stood, looking down at her while he moved all of her hair behind her ears and shoulders.
Y/n shrugged, “I, mean, yeah, still is.”
He smiled and tilted her chin up, her hair meeting the stream of water as he did, getting her hair all nice and warm and wet for him. “Yeah, well, as stubborn as I am, you were able to change that pretty quick.” He sighed, squeezing some soap into his palms. Y/n gasped softly, tilting her chin back down to meet his eye as he turned her by her shoulders to wash her hair.
“Yeah, I know, so soft and gross, ew.” He joked, smirking when he saw her shoulders bouncing with a chuckle. “But it’s true. You’re just—you’re so good.. at taking care of me, at being a person, at being a friend, you’re good. Great, even.. the best.” He whispered, massaging his fingers into her scalp and working the soap into a lather.
“Truth be told, I’ve been holding back on telling you because I knew you didn’t want kids and I wanted to respect that. Cause either way, baby, I’m happy with you, and I’m not making you have any baby you don’t wanna have.. so if this isn’t something you want, that is okay with me, truly.” He stopped his movements and held his hands on her shoulders to speak next to her ear.
Y/n turned to him again, her eyes wrought with longing. “Eddie, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. But you’ll be even more happy to know I want this. Through and through.” She nodded in finality, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he brought her in for a tight hug.
“I’m gonna take such good care of you guys.” He mumbled into her shoulder, more to himself than to her.
After that, Eddie spent his spare time taking on odd jobs to make extra cash to add to the ‘rainy day fund’ which was quickly changed to ‘the baby fund’, while Y/n contributed half of her tips. The couple was satisfied with their growing chunk of money, the feeling of being real adults swelling their hearts with pride for themselves and one another.
They’d stay up late at night talking about the what ifs and the scenarios of late nights and early mornings and potty training and tying shoes.
Somewhere in there they got around to the deeper parts of their childhoods and dissected the uncomfortable and painful parts, figuring out where their parents went wrong and what they’ll do differently, some nights ending in an embrace and tears at the stories traded and relived.
One night, Eddie laid with his head on her chest, tracing shapes into the smooth skin of her hard and prominent bump as they watched Family Feud before bed. Like a ball rolling under a blanket, Eddie saw the skin of Y/n’s belly move as the baby punched or kicked a foot, sending their mother groaning and their father yelling.
“What the fuck!!” He exclaimed, jumping back in horror. Y/n laughed and held her stomach until the baby got comfortable. “They’re moving, that’s all. You finally caught them in action, I told you they’re strong! That felt like a fist or an elbow, I’m not quite sure.” She said looking back down at her now lopsided belly from where the baby rolled over to another side.
“Come look.” She whispered to keep from disturbing the sleeping fetus. Eddie craned his neck over to see what she was looking at. “Oh my god, babies are so weird.” He said with a smile and a gleam in his eye.
“Should I, like, push him back over?” He asked, resting his hand on the bulging side of the bump as she giggled profusely. “Eddie, no! They’ll move in a minute. Why do you think it’s a boy anyway??” She swatted his hand off her stomach as she took her turn laying on his chest to read the survey board on the tv.
“That kid is too ornery to be a girl, trust me. The grief he’s giving you right now is classic Munson boy behavior, and I’ll go ahead and apologize for how down bad you’re about to be for his brown eyes.” He batted his lashes at her as she turned to look at him in disbelief.
“You’re gonna eat those words, Munson, just you wait.
And when the rainy winter day came, Eddie’s words reigned true.
“It’s a boy!” The doctor announced. Y/n’s hair stuck to her face as she fought to catch her breath while the nurses prepared the baby to get his umbilical cord cut. “Alright, dad, just make a cut right here,” the doctor instructed as a nurse set their baby boy on his mother’s chest, Y/n’s body wracked with sobs as Eddie watched the scene happen around him and back to the scissors and clamps before him.
“ ‘S not gonna hurt them is it?” He asked quietly. The doctor laughed lightly and shook his head, “No, no, I assure you your wife and son will be just fine.”
‘My wife and son’
Eddie breathed a laugh, the color returning to his face after the last hour of Y/n’s labor had his soul close to leaving his body. He accepted the scissors and made a cautious snip, his eyes jerking over to the dark haired baby on his loves chest, relieved when he saw neither of them batted an eyelash.
The nurses took the baby for his measurements, announcing he was seven pounds and one ounce, nineteen inches long, born at 4:20 in the morning to which Eddie snickered as he held his girl’s hand and stroked her knuckles lovingly.
Eddie brushed the hair back from her forehead as the nurses cleaned the area and swaddled the baby, now clean from the bodily fluids he had spent his time growing in like a butterfly in a chrysalis.
“You did so good, baby,” he pressed a kiss to her hand, his eyes feeling leaky now that he got to really talk to her for the first time since active labor started. “I’m so proud of you. You, like, hulked out there at the end. It was crazy! And seven pounds?? That’s literally a bowling ball, you know?” He rambled in amazement as the nurse handed Y/n a blue bundle.
“Lemme look at that face,” he whispered, craning his head to get a look at the baby he waited to meet for so so long.
And there he was. Full little lips, his tongue poking out between them as he wriggled, his button nose wrinkling as he fussed, his face scrunched in frustration.
“C-Can I hold him? After you, of course, whenever you’re ready—“
“I’m ready, here, take him.” She smiled, holding out the bundle, too tired to keep her arms up and eager to see the way he looked holding their baby they feared having. Eddie quickly accepted the baby from her arms, taking care to hold his neck and feeling startled at how light he felt in his arms.
“Holy shit.” He whispered, running his index finger down the center line of his forehead, his eyes opening for the first time to reveal shining dark eyes, almost black.
“What is it? He got six fingers or something??” Y/n asked in a panicked daze. Eddie chuckled without taking his eyes off his son, his eyes prickling with tears.
“Nothing—he, uh, he just—he’s the prettiest person I think I’ve ever seen.. and he has brown eyes, I think.” He said quietly, finally looking up at the mother of his child.
“Lemme see!” She whispered excitedly. Eddie stepped over to the chair next to the bed as the nurses left.
The baby looked rather unimpressed between the two of them, their faces permanently etched in awe as they stared at his open eyes. “He’s looking right through us.” Eddie whispered.
“He can’t even see us, yet.” Y/n giggled, tracing her baby son’s face with her pointer finger, stopping to squish his cheek lightly. “It’s all blurry for him right now.” She mentioned, the baby’s eyes relaxing into the hospital lighting a little more and blinking away discomfort.
“So, what’s his name?” Eddie asked, pushing the front of his little hat off his head to stroke his thick curls that swirled against his scalp. Y/n hummed, sitting in silence until she looked over at their bag, his latest fantasy novel, just visible under a hoodie.
Eddie had been inseparable from the book every night before bed, sometimes reading the extra cool parts to Y/n, who loved to hear the adventures of the band of rogues that called themselves the Realm Riders.
“What about Ryder?” Y/n said.
Eddie’s ears perked at that, “Ryder Wayne?” He asked with a growing smile. Y/n giggled, “What do you think?” She asked.
“I love it! It sounds like he’s a knight or-or-or a cowboy, or something!” Eddie nudged her arm with gentle excitement.
Her cheeks warmed with her smile, “The noblest of his countrymen just like his dadd—“
Eddie cut her off by pushing his lips onto hers, their first kiss shared as parents. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Eddie. You’re gonna be such a good dad to him, you know that right?” Y/n whispered, their foreheads pressed together as the baby settled into a slumber. Eddie swallowed hard and nodded his head reverently.
“You’re thoughtful and kind and loving and strong, you are going to set such a good example and-and we’re gonna give him such a happy home to grow up in. And he’s gonna know how much his parents love each other, and him, always, okay? He’ll have everything we didn’t..” Y/n whispered.
Eddie smiled, the tears rolling down his cheeks at the overload of affirmation and praise. “I swear to it..” he mumbled, taking her hand and pressing it to his lips, “ I-I never thought I’d feel this way... I didn’t think it was real.. y’know, feeling like a real family. And now we are. Because of you.” He beamed at her with tears spilling over his eyes. “I hope you know I plan on marrying you the moment I can afford a ring to go on that precious little finger of yours.” He mumbled.
Y/n’s heart leapt, “You mean you already wanna promote me from baby mama?” She sniffled through the joke, his goofy smile stretching across his face.
“Absolutely. The best baby mama I have should share our last name.” Eddie remarked back, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Unless you want us to take your last name! I can do that. I’m cool with not being a Munson anymore, it might be good for me—“
“No, no, no, Eddie I wanna be the Munsons.. We’ll put it on a mailbox or something for the whole world to see, everyone in Hawkins will know we’re your family.” She smiled as his smile returned to his face again.
“My family...” Eddie smiled and shook his head in quiet disbelief at the words coming from his mouth.
When they arrived home, their friends were crammed in the tin can of a trailer home with a blue banner held up by Robin and Uncle Wayne that read ‘Welcome Home, Baby Munson!’
From the outside of the door they could hear the scuffle and bickering of the friends trying to get in place quietly. Eddie held his love’s arm to help her walk, his son in the baby carrier in his other. The two looked to each other and snickered, “Let’s give them a few more seconds, huh?” He asked, his soft stare flitting over her face.
She nodded, turning back to the door, the curtains jerking closed as she did so. “I think they know we’re here.” She whispered, nodding to the window as she eased forward to the wobbly porch steps.
Eddie held his hand up behind her back as she clutched the equally as trusting rail as she climbed. The door opened before she could turn the handle, the crowd shouting, “Surprise!” as they entered their home.
Y/n smiled, looking at Eddie as he greeted his family. Steve wrapped him up in a firm hug, quickly pulling away to kneel and peek at the fussy baby in the carrier. Dustin led the hoard of Hellfire members all chattering and asking wild questions:
“Was there a lot of blood?” “Did you watch?” “Did you cut the cord?” “Did they let you keep any?” “What is the baby?” “What’s its name?” “How do you know they didn’t switch it?” “Did you guys get matching bracelets?” “Does this mean you’re married now?”
Eddie tried to keep up with the questions as they all flew around him, his eyes searching for his partner as they were separated in the chaos. He noticed Robin helping her to the bathroom when he spotted Wayne, a small smile on his lips as he nodded at Eddie to come to him; the same way he’d done the boy’s whole life.
Eddie’s legs began moving before he told Dustin he’d tell him the whole story later. The baby in the carrier grunted, ready to be held or irritated by the noise.
“Why don’t we Munson men take a minute, huh?” Wayne patted his boy’s shoulder fondly, Eddie nodding with quiet eagerness.
Eddie led his uncle to their bedroom, setting the baby carrier on the bed before pushing the visor back to reveal the sweetest set of brown eyes that resembled a baby Wayne once knew long ago.
“Uncle Wayne,” Eddie started as he unbuckled the small seat belt from his son’s delicate chest, his little hands coming up to rest in front of his face as he pouted. “I’d like you to meet your grandson, Ryder Wayne.” He finished as he adjusted his baby in his arms, the baby fully awake and blinking, his eyes Looking from Eddie to his grandpa.
Eddie finally looked back up at Wayne, who was having trouble keeping his breath steady. His eyes prickled with tears as he swallowed the hard lump in his throat and nodded.
“You just really had to make a grown man cry, didn’t you, Ed?” He asked as a couple tears slipped from the corner of his eye. “C-Can I hold ‘em?” He asked his nephew quietly. Eddie’s eyes lit up immediately as he nodded, handing the bundle over to his uncle. The two men sniffled in silence, their eyes unmoving from the baby between them.
“Y’know, over the years I had my worries; that you’d run off, or end up with the wrong folks, that you’d get discouraged and quit school—or worse… Your little ideas have given my heart quite the jump start since I’ve had you, kid, but this one.. well.. this one might just be the best scare you’ve ever given me.” He chuckled as the tears ran more freely, looking over to his grown boy again to see matching tears rolling down his pale cheeks.
The two laughed and held each other close, admiring the sweet boy between them until Y/n opened the door quietly.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt—“
“Nonsense! Get on in here, darlin’, I’s just meeting my grandson.” Wayne said with pride, beaming down at the boy in his arms. Y/n took her place under Eddie’s arm until the baby scrunched his face up in a cry.
“Aww, there he goes.” Wayne chuckled easily before handing the baby to his mother.
“I bet it’s time for another bottle.” Y/n said in thought then looked at Eddie, who checked his watch before nodding at her.
“Yeah, it’s been two hours, he’s a hungry little dude.”
“I guess it’s time to get out here, huh?” Y/n asked Ryder as if he’d have a response. The three of them reentered the living room, the party noticing almost immediately.
“So it is a boy?! Max was just messing with us?!” Dustin asked as the boys looked amongst each other, Will dragging his palm down his face in annoyed amusement while Max and El snickered quietly.
Y/n and Eddie chuckled, the new father making up a bottle of formula while Y/n took a seat on the couch in between Robin and Steve.
“Ah, that is correct, young Henderson. Hellfire Club now has a rightful heir.” Eddie approached Y/n, who expected him to give her the bottle but instead he held out his arms, making grabby hands at his baby.
Y/n handed him over without hesitation, the baby’s fusses silenced as soon as the bottle was in his mouth. “Ladies and gents, I’m honored to present to you, the first of many Munson babies, Ryder Wayne.”
The crowd went wild as the grumpy little guy scowled in response, giving his best side eye before closing them and trying to fall asleep.
“The first of many?” Y/n scoffed, “Where did that come from.”
“Look at his precious face and tell me you won’t have any more.” He grinned proudly down at his son, not even having to look at his girlfriend to know he was right.
Everyone wanted their picture taken holding the baby, especially the Hellfire Club. “It’s our turn next, Harrington, wrap it up.” Gareth teased, his arms across his chest as he impatiently waited for his turn to hold his best friend’s baby.
“I can’t wait to have a baby,” Dustin mentioned as the club gathered around the couch, Eddie and Steve’s faces snapping to the boy immediately and shouting, “Yes you can!”
The girls wanted pictures with both Eddie and Y/n, and of course Wayne needed a couple with ‘his boys’, calling Y/n back into the frame after she set Ryder gently into his arms.
“Whoa there, Missy, you’re a Munson now, get on in here.” He urged through his drawl. Her cheeks burned as she scampered back up next to Eddie, his arm wrapping around her proudly as they smiled.
“Now let’s get one of the new parents and their baby!” Jonathon suggested, peeking out from behind the camera as Nancy gathered the Polaroids and laid them on the counter to develop properly.
Wayne grinned and clapped Eddie on the shoulder before stepping out of the frame. Eddie’s cheeks were pink from his permanent soft smile, his eyes beaming at the mother of his child as she looked down at Ryder between them.
“That’s perfect! Don’t move.” Jonathon urged before snapping the photo, which would hang on the wall until they had grandchildren to show it to.
Later that evening, when all the friends left with promises of returning soon, Wayne lingered behind, waiting for the perfect time to talk to Eddie alone.
“Alright, gentlemen, as much fun as this is, I have to go lay down.” Y/n yawned, patting Wayne on the shoulder, planting a kiss on Eddie’s head, and bending down to take the baby, but not before Eddie could turn away from her. “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked in feigned offense.
“Uh, taking him to bed?” She asked.
“No, no, no, you just gave birth, I’m on baby duty until you’re rested. Go! Shoo! I’ll see you in a few hours, mama.” He urged, using his free hand to swat at her playfully until she was gone from the room.
A lingering smile stayed on his lips as the men chuckled together. “I, uh, been waiting to give this to ‘ya,” Wayne started as he reached in his pocket for his wallet.
Eddie shook his head immediately, “No, Wayne, uh-uh, no way, we aren’t taking your mon—“
Wayne opened his billfold and pulled out a single gold ring, an emerald in the center of the setting. Eddie’s jaw dropped, only remembering that ring from his childhood. “Is that—“
“Grandma Edna’s wedding ring? Yeah. It is.” Wayne chuckled quietly before sighing and handing it to his boy, closing his fingers around it and nodding, more to himself than to Eddie.
Eddie looked at Wayne with wide eyes, a ring in one hand, a baby in the other, his life feeling surreal in this moment. He shook his head at his uncle in disbelief, Wayne nodding back at him, “Yeah, it’s really happening, son.”
Eddie nodded, tears welling up in his eyes for the hundredth time in the last 24 hours.
“I never imagined—not even in my wildest dreams—“ Eddie hiccuped through the brewing tears.
“I know, son, I know.” Wayne said, the grown boy laying his head on his uncle’s shoulder as he’d done many times before, letting a couple tears loose while he inhaled the familiar scent of cigarette smoke and motor oil lingering on his work shirt.
“Thank you, Wayne. For everything—Absolutely everything.” The metal head urged into the old man’s shoulder, his baby boy sleeping soundly between them as the only father he’d ever truly known patted his back soothingly.
“And I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat… you’re my boy.” Wayne mentioned through a tight smile, his life feeling surreal, too.
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forever-rogue · 11 months
We’re Magic
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AN | Here we have an early morning shower idea come to fruition. Basically - friends to one time lovers to co-parents to ?? Enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language, Mentions of Sex and Pregnancy
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 4.2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Come on Ducky, we’ve gotta go!” you grabbed your young son’s backpack and tried to herd him towards the door. He came bounding the hall, his dark mop of curls bouncing with each step. He quickly flopped himself down onto the floor by the front door, and pulled on his small sneakers. You couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm for…well, everything. He was such a sweet, happy kid that it served to make you happy as well, “did you put everything you need in your backpack?”
“Yes,” he nodded, slowly creating bunny ears to tie his laces. When he was satisfied with his handiwork, he hopped to his feet and took the backpack from your hands, “come on, mama! We gotta go!”
You snorted in amusement as he echoed your words, opening the door so you both could go to the car. You got him all settled and buckled in before going to the driver’s seat and taking a moment to breathe. Herding around a five-year-old with the energy of ten kids was a lot at times. 
“Ready to go?” 
“Mhmm,” he was already staring out of the window at the passing scenery, “do you think daddy will read my new book to me tonight?”
“I don’t think, I know he will,” you imagined the two of them would be equally enthused, “daddy loves reading and I happen to know that the book you picked out is one of his favorites. He’s going to be so excited.”
“That’s good,” you caught his eye in the rearview mirror and gave him a smile, “I wish you could be there too.”
You heart twanged at that and you hesitated for a moment so you didn’t blurt out me too. You tried to keep your expression and tone as even as possible before nodding, “we’ll see, baby. Maybe one day soon we can both put you to bed together.”
“Okay,” the smile on his face reminded you so much of his father. You’d make it happen somehow - the idea of disappointing your son was too much to bear.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Emery held onto your hand as you knocked on the apartment door. A rush of nerves washed over you as you listened for his familiar footsteps. A few moments of silence passed before the door slowly opened.
“Daddy!” the boy immediately dropped your hand and ran and jumped into his father’s arms.
“Emery!” he held onto him tightly, giving him a tight squeeze as the boy threw his arms around his neck, “I missed you, baby.”
“‘missed you too,” he giggled as his father placed giant, sloppy kisses to his cheeks before setting him back down, “did you make pancakes?”
“Blueberry and chocolate chip,” he confirmed as Emery cheered, “why don’t you go to the kitchen and I’ll be right there. I want to talk to mama for a moment.”
“Okay,” Emery turned back to you and hugged your legs tightly as you ran a hand through his soft curls, “bye mama, I love you!”
“I love you too, Ducky,” you kneeled to give him a kiss, “remember your manners and don’t forget about your new book.”
“I won’t!” he took his backpack from you before taking off towards the kitchen. You watched him go, shaking your head in amusement. 
You let out an amused sigh before standing back up, “hey Eddie.”
“Hey,” he leaned against the doorframe, calm and confident as always as he offered a soft smile, “anything important I missed or need to know?”
“Nah,” you shook your head, “you would have known already, trust me. Although he did get a new book he’s super excited to have you read to him, so be prepared.”
“Consider me equally excited,” he grinned as a moment of silence fell over the two of you, “how are you doing?”
“I’m alright,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “just, you know, same old same old. How about you, Eddie?”
“Same, good, yeah,” you could both tell there was more you both wanted to say but neither of you was able to take that to the next step, “it’s good to see you.”
“You see me every other week and or more,” you laughed softly as he just shrugged, “we share a child after all.”
“But we were friends before that,” he reminded you gently, “and I’d like to think we’re still friends. Even now.”
“We are,” you promised, blinking back the few tears that had started to well up, “of course we are…”
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly, reaching over to brush a few rogue locks of hair out of your face, “everything all right?”
“No - I-I mean yes,” you insisted gently, “I have to go…I, umm, I’ll see you in a few days. Have fun and let me know if you need anything.”
“Of course,” he watched as you turned around to start walking back to your car, “hey - you let me know too, okay? Anything.”
“I will, Eddie,” you held up your hand in a small wave before slowly walking away. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if you’d ever fully be over your feelings for him. 
It had been years and it hadn’t happened…but maybe one day. Maybe.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few weeks had passed since your…interesting interaction with Eddie. You wouldn’t have called it bad or anything, just…different. The two of you both seemed to keep your distance a little more than normal coming solely about your son. Despite the fact that two of you didn’t hang out or talk a ton anymore, you were missing him. What he had said was right - you’d been friends first for years before you had Emery and you were still friends. Things were just different - complicated. 
This weekend however it would be impossible to avoid Eddie and that worried you just a little bit. It was Steve’s daughter’s eighth birthday and the entire gang and then some were going to be at the Harrington household to celebrate. Naturally, you and Eddie would be there with Emery. It would be fine…right? Right. It was just hanging out with your friends and having your kids hang out and play. What could possibly go wrong?
And it was fine, really, until you volunteered to help clean up the backyard when the majority of everyone else had gone home. You and Eddie were still there along with Robin and Dustin, Steve and wife Samantha and the kids. It was getting late and you didn’t want to leave them to clean up the entire mess so you’d offered to help contain some of the chaos out back. 
You just hadn’t heard Eddie come out back with you. Until you heard a noise behind you, causing you to startle, “Eddie! Jesus, you scared me!”
“Sorry sweetheart,” he smiled sheepishly as you tried to ignore how your heart practically skipped a few beats at the little pet name, “can I help?”
“Of course,” you handed him one of the trash bags and the two of you fell into silence as you worked to clean up the mess. With the two of you working together, it didn’t take long for some order to come back and you sat down on the deck with a small plop, “let’s have Emery’s next birthday party at some other place we’re not responsible for cleanup.”
“I’m sure he’d love that,” Eddie agreed as he sat down next to you. He gently bumped his shoulder into yours causing you to laugh softly at him. You’d missed this, getting along so effortlessly and easily with him. He cleared his throat softly causing you to look at him curiously, “hey, what’s been going on, huh? Is everything okay with us?”
“Of course,” but your answer came too quickly to be entirely true. He waited for you to go and you knew he wouldn’t just let it go, “we’re okay, Eddie. I’ve just been thinking…I guess.”
“Emery…us,” you swallowed thickly, “I…were….did you hate me when I got pregnant?”
“What!?” he barked with laughter for a moment, unable to tell if you were joking or not. Judging from the serious expression on your face, he could tell you weren’t, “w-wait, what do you mean? Of course I didn’t hate you…I could never hate you.”
“But we were best friends,” the corner of your mouth pulled up as you shrugged, “and we just…it was one time and I got pregnant and now we have a son.”
“First of all, you’re still my best friend,” he promised and that set your heart at ease, “and yeah, it was a one time thing that happened when we were both going through it, but in case you forgot, it takes two to get pregnant. It was just as much on me, if not more so. And the son we have? He’s the best fuckin’ kid ever and he’s the best thing that ever happened to me, along with you.”
“Eddie,” you couldn’t help the teary-eyed smile that crossed your features, “that’s really…I feel the same way. There have been times when I wondered if the right thing to do would have been to get an abortion, and if you wanted me to and just never said anything.”
“I would have supported you with whatever you wanted to do,” he reached for your hand and tenderly took it in yours and gave it a squeeze, “and I never secretly hoped you’d get an abortion. I was scared shitless when you found you were pregnant and I never thought I could handle it, but at the same time the idea of being a dad and having that kid with you made it not nearly as scary. It made me excited and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“You’re an amazing dad Eddie,” you squeezed his hand in return, “and an excellent co-parent.”
“So I’ve been told!”
“Oh? By who? Got some other kids I don’t know about?”
“Nah,” he shook his head fervently, “just ours. You’ve told me that before, you know.”
“Well, it’s still true,” you turned your body and angled yourself so you were closer to him.
“And you’re an excellent mother,” he leaned in so your faces were only a few inches away from each other, “and the best co-parent too.”
“Thank you…”
“But tell me,” he reached over and gently brushed his knuckles along your cheek, “what’s still going on? I know there’s more you’re not telling me everything…”
“Ummm…” you leaned in closer and you were almost positive that he did the same thing. The tips of your noses brushed and oh my god you were sure he was going to kiss you. And you wanted him to…just as desperately as you wanted to kiss him. 
But then -
“Mama! Daddy!” the sliding glass door and Emery ran out, causing the two of you to quickly pull apart. Eddie’s cheeks were a bright pink as your own face felt incredibly hot and you felt so flustered. Meanwhile, your son didn’t seem to realize that he’d interrupted anything at all, “Uncle Steve said we can have some cream! Can I have ice cream?”
“Sure Ducky,” Eddie beamed at him, “go and get some, we’ll be right inside.”
“Who am I going home with tonight?” he asked, those big brown eyes wide and innocent as ever. You exchanged a look with Eddie and both of you seemed panicked.
“You can go with whoever you want, baby,” you gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. There wasn’t really a strict schedule with the two of you, and he usually ended up spending equal time with both of you.
“I wanna go with you and daddy,” he pouted, the expression on his face so similar to his father’s, “can we all go home together?”
Alright, now you weren’t sure what to say. You decided to make a decision and if Eddie didn’t agree or like it, he would have to speak up. But you hated seeing the upset look on Emery’s face, “sure, baby. Maybe daddy can come home and stay with us at the house tonight?”
Eddie looked at you to make sure you were fully sure of what you were saying. You gave him a slight nod before he practically beamed at you, “of course I can! I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.”
“Yay!” he hugged the two of you before turning back to run inside, “I’m gonna get ice cream and tell Uncle Steve!”
You watched him disappear back into the house and the two of you exchanged a nervous laugh, “you really sure, sweetheart?”
“It’s like you said, Eddie. We’re still friends and he’s our kid. And I hate seeing him upset.”
“Me too,” he agreed, “it’s the worst. He’s got this little…baby cow eyed thing going on and I can’t handle it. He’s just so…adorable and I’m not biased just because he’s ours.”
“His expression is the exact same as yours,” you pointed out, “why do you think I’ve never been able to say no to you?”
“Ahh,” he slowly stood up and held his hand out to help you up, “we’ll figure it out when we get home, yeah?”
“Of course,” a million things were running through your mind and all of them landed back to how much you loved the two of them, “we always do.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time the three of you got to your small house in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Emery was already halfway to sleep. Eddie gingerly took him out of the car and carried him inside.
"'m tired," the small boy said through a yawn, "will you tuck me in?"
"Duh," Eddie teased as he started walking to his room. You nodded when he glanced back to make sure he wasn't overstepping any boundaries, which he wasn't of course, "come on, Ducky. Let's get you to dreamland."
It didn't take long to get his teeth brushed and into pajamas and Eddie tucked him just how he liked. Before he left the room, Emery called out to him, "daddy?”
"Yes, bud?"
"Will you be here in the morning?" His voice sounded so small and unsure that it made Eddie’s heart break slightly. He knew that all his son wanted was for his parents to be together. He’d expressed that very same thing to him multiple times before. Eddie wondered if he’d ever told you the same thing, “we can all make breakfast together and watch cartoons!”
And if he was being completely honest - Eddie wanted the exact same thing. He’d been in love with since you were fuckin’ children. That had never changed, even when your one night hookup resulted in you getting pregnant. Back then he wanted to tell you that he was in love with you, and that he wanted to be a family together. But he could never tell if you felt the same way so he brushed it all to the side and decided to work on himself and be the best father he could be. He’d always have you in his life and that was the best thing of all - you and Emery. 
“Yeah, Ducky,” Eddie promised him, “I’ll be right here. Get some sleep, okay? I love you lots and lots.”
“Lots and lots,” he yawned before reaching for his stuffed puppy dog, “goodnight, daddy.”
He turned off the light and gently closed the door, before taking a moment to compose himself. The kitchen light was still on so he padded down the hall towards, trying to figure out how to even convey everything that was buzzing around in his head. 
“Hey,” you were drinking a glass of wine and had already pulled another glass for him, “fancy a drink?”
“Sure,” he watched as you poured him a glass and handed it towards him, leaning against the counter, “Emery asked if I’d be here in the morning. He wants all of us to make breakfast together and watch cartoons. I-I can just head out in a little bit and come back around seven…if that’s okay with you.”
“You don’t have to leave,” you scoffed at even the mere suggestion of him having to make the same trips for no reason, “there’s the guest room. And of course we can do all that tomorrow, it sounds fun! Maybe we can take him to the zoo later on or something. He’s been asking to go.”
“Y-yeah,” his heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest at the idea of spending all that time together as a family, “that sounds great!” 
“He’s been asking for this a lot,” you admitted after taking a big gulp of the sweet wine in your hand, “to spend more time together as a family.”
“I think it’s hard for him to understand,” Eddie said softly, “that we’re not together. It’ll get easier as he gets older…hopefully.”
“Yeah,” you swallowed the lump that welled up in your throat, “but I think that could be fun too…and good for him. He knows we care about each other.”
“We do…” it was so much more than just caring for each other. So much more, “listen-”
“Were you going to kiss me earlier?” and there it was. You couldn’t hold it back any longer - you had to know. 
“I…” he could have lied…but that wasn’t him and honestly? He was so tired of hiding all of his true feelings, “yes. I was going to kiss you.”
“Oh okay,” your mind was reeling as you processed what he had just said and your lack of response caused Eddie to panic and think he said the wrong thing, “I was going to kiss you too. I wanted to.”
“You…you wanted to?”
“Yeah,” you glanced at him for a brief moment and him smiling with a light pink flush creeping into his cheeks, “I’ve been thinking and…fuck, I probably shouldn’t say this but I just, I want to get it out there. Eddie, I’m…I’ve…love. I-I love you.”
“I love you too…” he was trying to figure out if you meant you loved him as your best friend or as the father of your child or if you meant the third option which was that you were in love with him and loved him in all the ways. 
“No, you don’t understand…I’m in love with you,” that was almost two decades of stress removed from your shoulders and you felt so much lighter. It was out in the open now and whether or not anything came of it, the secret was out, “and yeah…now you know.”
“How long?” his response didn’t give you a lot of hope, but then again, you weren’t totally sure what you’d been expecting, “honestly.”
“Since we were like twelve,” your voice was so gentle that he almost didn’t hear it but he did - he’d always heard you, “I’m sorry.”
“Whatever for, sweetheart?”
“I don’t want to make things weird between us,” you shrugged nervously, “but it’s just…that sometimes I can’t think about anything else, especially when Emery’s asking why we don’t live together and why we’re not like the other parents. I just think about it all the time and then think about how much I fucked it all up!”
“What did you fuck up? You haven’t done anything wrong,” he set his glass down and shuffled so he was standing in front of you and looking at you curiously, “tell me.”
“When we had sex,” you hadn’t even realized tears had run down your cheeks until he wiped them away, “and I got pregnant - I should have told you then. And maybe things would be different now.”
“You’re telling me that you’ve never noticed that I’m in love with you too?” he put a finger under your chin and turned your face up to his, “I think I was fourteen when I realized…took me a little bit to catch up.”
“Mhmm,” he trailed his fingers along your jaw, “I just didn’t think you’d ever feel the same way. When you told me you were pregnant, it was the scariest day of my life…but then I realized things would be okay. There’s no one else I’d rather have a kid with. It was never just sex for me, and it never would have been. Not with you, not with the girl of my dreams. And I thought maybe that would have been the start of our own family. But I never knew if you felt the same way so-”
“I never said anything,” you finished for him and he nodded in agreement. Your mind was reeling with everything he had just said but also stuck on girl of my dreams, “so…have we just been idiots this whole time?”
“I guess so,” he let out a nervous breath as you giggled, “I don’t think our son was so oblivious though. Somehow I think he’s always known.”
“Smart kid.”
“He takes after you,” Eddie joked as you snorted in amusement.
“Well, he looks just like you,” you teased, “imagine being pregnant for nine months and giving birth to your best friend slash baby daddy’s clone.”
“At least you don’t hate me,” he offered as you playfully rolled your eyes, “I have a comment I could make right now but I’m not sure how well it’ll go over.”
“Try me.”
“We’ll make sure the next one looks like you,” he seemed hesitant but when you started laughing he relaxed and laughed too. You ended up looking at him with wide, gentle eyes, “may I kiss you now?”
“For real this time?”
“For real,” he took your face in his hands and studied you for a few, long moments before he pressed his lips to yours. His large, strangely soft and rough hands settled on your waist as you looped your arms around his neck. You let him pull you closer, and found it so easy to kiss him. It was even better than you remembered, and it felt like everything. 
Neither of you wanted to pull apart and refused to do so until you both needed a breath of air. Shy smiles and nervous laughs were exchanged as he pressed his forehead to yours. 
“So, ugh…” you took one of his long curls and wrapped it around your finger, gently playing with it, “umm…we have a lot of stuff to talk about, I think.”
“We do,” he took your hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “we do.”
“But, if you don’t want to spend the night in the guest room,” you bit your lip, “you can stay with me in my room.”
“Yeah?” he perked up at the idea. It wasn’t even that his mind immediately went to sex - he wanted to spend every and any bit of time with you that you’d allowed. The sheer intimacy of being together was something so special, “I-I’d like that.”
“C’mon,” you took his hand and started to pull him down the hall to your own room, “it’s late and I’m honestly just tired. And if you want to change, I’ve, ugh, still got some of your clothes.”
“Little thief,” but in reality he was touched that you still held onto them, like you’d always wanted a bit of him around. You shrugged innocently as you pulled him inside and shut the door, “I love you, you know.”
“I know,” you leaned up and kissed him, “and I like hearing it. And now being able to say it freely, “I love you too.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next morning you woke up to a small knocking before the bedroom door slowly opened, “mama?”
You sat up slightly and found Emery in the doorway, halfway to looking upset. 
“Hey Ducky,” you motioned for him to come over, “what’s wrong?”
“I can’t find daddy,” he pouted, “he said he’d be here.”
“‘m right here, buddy,” Eddie popped up next to you, causing Emery’s entire face to light up, “I promised you I wasn’t going anywhere.”
“Can I come in and lay with you?” he was already crawling into bed as you nodded, sliding his way in between you and Eddie. He got under the covers and made himself comfortable before grinning at the two of you, “I like being with both of you. Can we do this all the time?”
“I like it too,” Eddie brushed his hair off his forehead, “I don’t know about all the time but mama and I can talk about it.”
“Maybe we’ll stick to weekends,” you raised an eyebrow at the two of them but they both just started giggling. It wasn’t hard to understand why these two were the lives of your life, “but we’ll see.”
“I love you, mama,” he pretended to squirm away as you kissed him, “I love you, daddy.”
“We love you too,” Eddie looked at you before mouthing the same sentiment to you. You mouthed it right back, without hesitation, “now - let’s get some sleep before we make breakfast and watch cartoons.”
You weren’t sure exactly how things were going to end up or turn out, but you knew that it would be something wonderful. 
You finally had everything you had ever wanted, all in one bed.
 Everything else would fall into place as it was meant to.
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waratah-moon · 1 year
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Four times Dustin was clueless, and the one time Lucas spelled it out for him. Shout out to @lfaewrites for proofreading & encouragement!
masterlist / read on ao3 < bonus smutty drabble posted there ;) I Think We’re Alone Now < smut add on
Pairing: dad!Eddie x mom!reader
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Teen pregnancy (not elaborated on), cheerleader!reader, shitty parents, enemies to friends platonic!steddie Steal my writing and I will hex you
1. Eddie’s trailer
Eddie opened the door of his trailer and was very surprised to see Dustin Henderson on his doorstep.
Dustin didn't wait to be invited inside, pushing past a bewildered Eddie, “do you have my book report? I lost it after the last Hellfire meeting and I really don't want to rewrite it."
He'd never been inside Eddie's trailer before. It was slightly cluttered but in a homey-lived-in kind of way. The walls were lined with baseball caps, and a collection of novelty mugs hung above the couch.
“What, no hello? You need to work on your manners, Henderson.”
“Sorry,” Dustin looked around the living room, taking in an array of stuffed animals on one end of the couch and a pile of picture books on the coffee table. He wasn’t about to judge what Eddie Munson did in his spare time. “Nice place. Do you have my book report?”
"The one on Grapes of Wrath? I wondered who that belonged to. Let me find it," Eddie disappeared into what Dustin could only assume was his bedroom.
Dustin looked around the trailer, eyes landing on a couple of baby photos that he guessed were of Eddie. He stepped forward to get a closer look, but stopped when he felt something under his foot; it was a small toy that looked a lot like the Muppet Babies version of Fozzie Bear. Before he could investigate further, the phone rang.
Eddie came racing out of his room and breathlessly answered the phone. "Hello?" He waited for the person on the other end to respond, a smile crossing his face when they answered. “I mean, maybe. How difficult is it?” Eddie was grinning now and Dustin could swear he was twirling the phone cord like a teenage girl. “I think I can manage that. How did Gremlin do?”
Eddie's smile turned to a soft pout. He spotted Dustin out of the corner of his eye and turned away,  “I’ll see you soon, okay?” Dustin heard him mumble something into the receiver, but couldn't quite make out the words.
Once Eddie hung up the phone he walked into the kitchen and began fiddling with the knobs on the oven.
“Eddie?” Dustin raised his eyebrows as Eddie pulled a casserole dish out of the freezer and put it on the bench.
“Oh, shit. Your thing. Right. I think I know where it is. It got mixed up with the one shot we did last week,” he disappeared again, and Dustin thought he could see a glimpse of a floral patterned bedspread through the door of his room.
Eddie reappeared and handed him a few pieces of paper. "Thanks, man.” Dustin looked at the casserole dish on the bench. “So what’s for dinner?”
Suddenly, Eddie was herding him out of the trailer, “as much as I’d love for you to stay, I have a hot date.”
2. Family Video
Dustin was sitting behind the counter at family video, something Keith had adamantly stated was not allowed. Steve was the only one working, and he didn't care what Dustin did, just happy to have company during the slow part of his shift. Dustin had brought takeout from the diner up the road, only offering to share his fries when Steve had complained. "C'mon, dude, it's gonna stink of fast food in here."
The door jingled and Steve absentmindedly began his ‘welcome to Family Video’ spiel while twisting a Rubik’s cube, only stopping when he looked up at the woman who’d arrived at the counter.
“Real customer-focused service you’ve got here,” you smiled, hoisting the toddler you were holding higher up on your hip.
“Oh hey!” Steve grinned, ducking down so he was on eye level with the little girl, “how’s my favourite Cabbage Patch Kid doing?”
Cabbage Patch Kid? Dustin thought, pushing his food aside to watch the interaction.
The little girl smiled shyly, hiding her head of dark brown curls into the crook of your neck. 
You sighed, “Steve, I’ve told you before, stop insinuating my child looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid.”
“But she has the dimples,” he stood up straighter, poking his tongue out when the little girl showed her face, causing her to emit the world's cutest giggle.
“She gets those from her father, not Coleco,” you kissed your daughter's cheek, smoothing down her unruly hair. “Did Care Bears come in?”
“Sure did,” Steve pulled a tape from the counter below, scanning it.
“Great!” You looked around the store, eyes landing back on Steve. “Can you watch her for a sec while I grab a couple more?”
“‘Course!” Dustin watched as Steve held out his arms and you passed the toddler to him. The little girl’s hands instantly reached to pull for his hair while you darted off to the horror section.
“Not the hair,” Steve groaned, attempting to tilt his head backwards and away from the prying hands.
“Pretty,” the little girl mumbled, tugging a lock of Steve’s hair. Dustin stifled a laugh.
“Me? Why thank you, I think you’re very pretty too, the prettiest little Cabbage Patch Kid around,” he bumped his nose against the toddler’s, kissing her forehead. Dustin gagged. 
The scene was adorable, but it went against everything he thought he knew about Steve Harrington.
You'd found what you were looking for and arrived back at the counter, setting down two more tapes; A Nightmare on Elm Street and Splash.
“Interesting double feature,” Steve remarked, the toddler now clutching her arms tightly around his neck, refusing to let go.
“Date night,” you grinned sheepishly, holding out your arms to collect your daughter. Steve attempted to pry her off his neck, but she was clinging on for dear life.
"Seevie stay," she whined, tightening her grip on the man.
Steve scanned the tapes using his free hand, seemingly unfazed. “Oh, did you hear about Ethan Carroway?”
You dug around in your purse, finding the correct amount of money to pay for the tapes, “and Ivy Tech? I know! How dumb can you be?” You handed over cash.
“I mean, he seemed like the type though, right?” He put the tapes in a plastic bag, a bit of a challenge with only one hand but he managed, handing the bag across the counter to you.
You hummed in agreement. “Some people just don’t change. Others surprise you,” you smiled, taking in the sight of 'King Steve' Harrington pulling faces at your two year old. "C'mon Gremlin, let's get home and see if Dad taped Muppet Babies."
"Aminal?" Your daughter loosened her grip on Steve and looked at you.
"Yep," you held out your arms and she finally let Steve pass her back. You smiled at the man behind the counter. “Thanks Steve, I’ll see you later.”
"See ya," Steve called after you as you exited the store.
Dustin was gobsmacked, his mouth hanging open as he watched Steve go back to fiddling with the Rubik's cube on the counter.
"What the hell was that?" Steve jumped when Dustin spoke, seeming to have forgotten about the young teen's presence.
He managed to keep his cool, nonchalant tone, "what was what?"
"Were you just flirting with her?"
"What?!" Steve sounded offended. "With her? Of course not."
"She has a kid, Steve."
"I know," Steve had turned to look at Dustin now, leaning with his back against the register. "She has a boyfriend too. We went to high school together. She was a cheerleader, I was on the basketball team. We're friends."
"I didn't know you had other friends," Dustin cocked his eyebrow with a grin. He vaguely remembered his mom gossiping with Mrs. Wheeler about a cheerleader who got pregnant a few years ago.
Steve rolled his eyes, turning back to face the front door, "and you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do, Henderson."
Dustin frowned, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Eat your burger."
3. Max’s trailer
Storm clouds hung over Hawkins, and rain had been attempting to sprinkle all morning. Riding their bikes all the way to the Forest Hill Trailer Park probably wasn't the smartest idea, but it was Dustin and Lucas's only mode of transport since Steve decided to pick up more shifts at Family Video.
They pulled up to Max’s trailer, the wheels of their bikes spitting up gravel as they skidded to a halt. Max had watched them ride up from the window, and she was already standing in the doorway when they reached the porch.
“What are you two doing here?”
“We were wondering if you wanted to see a movie, or go to the arcade," Lucas asked, he always sounded nervous talking to Max.
"Or do anything," Dustin added. "We're so bored." It was true. Mike was on his weekly phone call to El, and since the mall had burnt down the activities in Hawkins had become severely limited.
“I can’t," she had her headphones slung around the base of her neck, her trusty Walkman in her hand. "I’m babysitting.”
"Babysitting? Since when do you babysit?" Dustin peered over her shoulder inside the trailer, but Max moved to block his view. Over her shoulder he could see an animated movie playing on the TV, it looked like the Care Bears.
“Since we moved in here,” she shrugged.
"I like her parents, they're cool, so I offered to look after Gremlin whenever they wanted some alone time. Plus her mom always brings over cookies. This time it’s peanut butter chocolate."
"You offered?"
"Is that so hard to believe?" She squinted, her tone accusatory.
"Kind of, yeah," Dustin said, groaning when Lucas elbowed him in the ribcage.
“What Dustin means is that you seem to have other interests that don’t coincide with babysitting.”
Max rolled her eyes, moving to put her headphones back on.
“Wait! Can we at least come in and hang out?”
“Nope. I’ve got other interests that don’t coincide with hanging out,” her smile didn’t reach her eyes as she shut the door in their faces.
Lucas sighed, but Dustin was already making his way to the trailer opposite Max’s.
“What are you doing?” Lucas watched, before quickly following after his friend.
“Eddie’s home, his van is out front.”
“And there's another car next to it, he has someone over," Lucas added, pointing at the red Ford Fairmont parked next to the van.
But Dustin was already knocking on the trailer door to listen to Lucas.
The door swung open, revealing a flushed and wild haired Eddie. His eyes were dark, and his tee-shirt was on inside out; when he took in that it was Dustin at the door, his expression turned from annoyed to pissed.
"Henderson? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We were in the area," he started, turning to see that Lucas had not joined him on the porch but had stopped halfway between Eddie and Max's trailer. He continued, "do you want to hang out?"
"I'm a bit busy right now, dude," Eddie folded his arms across his chest, still glaring at Dustin.
"Do you have a girl over?" Dustin tried to peer into the trailer but only managed to spot a bowl of popcorn and a couple of VHS tapes on the coffee table.
Eddie rolled his eyes, "sure let's go with that. Are we done here?" He started to shut the door, but Dustin stuck his arm out.
"Wait! Who is it? Is it Shelley Keibler? She was totally flirting with you at lunch last week."
Eddie looked disgusted, "ugh, no, dude. She buys from me and she was flirting to get a discount; which I didn't give her, by the way."
"Then who?"
"Don't worry about it, Henderson. I’ll see you on Monday." He grinned and shut the door.
4. Hawkins High
Dustin thought Eddie was acting strange. He hadn’t said anything about Dustin’s ill timed visit when he saw him on Monday, and he hadn’t been in the cafeteria at lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday. Mike had sworn he’d seen Eddie in the library when he’d gone to get money off his sister. He seemed back to his old loud, rambunctious self on Thursday, but during Hellfire on Friday he was constantly watching the clock. When the clock struck 6pm, he was packing up, even though they were in the middle of a high tension fight.
“I’m sorry guys, I have places to be.”
“Oh, that little bar on the corner of nunya and business,” he grinned, stuffing his binders in his bag.
Dustin followed him out to the parking lot, expecting to watch him get in his van and drive off. Instead he was greeted with the same red Fairmont coupe that had been parked in front of his trailer. 
The following week proceeded much the same as the week prior, except this week Eddie cancelled Hellfire. And Eddie never cancelled Hellfire. The table erupted in disgruntled yelling when he broke the news over lunch on Friday, but he just sat back in silence, letting the members spit their disdain.
Dustin finally got a chance to speak with Eddie after school was let out, catching up to him in the parking lot as he was leaving.
“What’s going on? Why are you suddenly acting all weird?”
Eddie sighed, looking over at the red Ford that was parked next to Steve’s BMW. “You do know I have a life outside high school and Hellfire, right? I don’t only exist to further your quest, Henderson.”
“I know that-”
“I’ve been busy, alright? I’ve got some stuff going on.” He studied Dustin’s face, as if he was trying to figure out damage caused by a d20. “Look there’s a one shot I’ve been working on,” he grabbed a notebook out of his bag, ripped out a page, and scribbled something down before handing it to Dustin. “Come to this address tomorrow night, 7pm. Bring Wheeler and Sinclair.”
+1. Hellfire Club
Dustin, Mike, and Lucas weren’t sure where they were going, but surprisingly Steve did. In fact Steve hadn’t put up any kind of fight when Dustin asked if he could drive them somewhere for DnD. Sure he’d sighed, but that sigh was quickly followed by a shrug and a “sure.”
Steve pulled up in front of a small one story house, parking his car behind Gareth’s. Two cars were already in the driveway, a two-toned station wagon, and the red Ford Fairmont that seemed to be everywhere.
Eddie swung the door open, a grin on his face. “You’re here!” He glanced over the boys in front of him before his eyes landed on Steve. “Harrington?”
Steve held his hands up. “Don’t worry, I’m just dropping them off. Thought I’d say hi.” He pointed to the station wagon in the driveway. “Is that your new car?” Eddie nodded and Steve added, “a wagon. Very sensible.”
“I’ll have you know that’s a ‘74 AMC Matador. It has a V8 401 engine, 230 horsepower-”
“I’m going to stop you right there, I have no idea what any of that means.”
“You drive an E23. Dude, a 733i!”
“Doesn’t mean I know anything about it,” Steve shrugged. “Finally traded in the van for a family car, hey?”
Eddie rolled his eyes and turned into the house. “Babe, Harrington’s here,” he called out, before turning back to glare at Steve.
After a moment, you appeared behind Eddie, wiping your hands on a dish towel. “Steve, hey!” Dustin recognised you instantly as the woman from Family Video.
“Hey,” Steve smiled, giving you a little wave. “Wanted to see your new place.”
“Can you stay for a soda? I’ll give you the tour.”
Before Steve could move into the house, Dustin held his arm out to stop him. “Uh,” Dustin looked from you, to Steve, to Eddie, and finally to Mike and Lucas. “What’s going on?”
“Oh right! You guys haven’t met,” Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side, and introduced you to the teens. “This is my girlfriend.”
Once the shock had worn off, Eddie had led the boys inside to the dining room table, where the older Hellfire members were already sitting. You lead Steve in the other direction, making good on your promise of a house tour.
“So this is your place?” Mike took in the surroundings; they were sitting in a dining room that was attached to a small kitchen. Various picture frames dotted the walls and a large potted plant sat next to the china cabinet.
“Yep, we moved in last weekend. The trailer was getting too crowded now that Gremlin’s decided to grow into a tiny human,” Mike had no idea what Eddie was talking about, but Eddie sounded horribly offended at the idea of Gremlin growing. “We’ve been planning the move for ages, but we finally had enough money to do it. Wayne seemed sad to see us go, but I think he’s happy to have the place to himself. Kind of annoying we lost Mayfield as a babysitter, though.”
Dustin seemed to have a faint inkling as to what Eddie was talking about, “I saw your girlfriend at Family Video a few weeks ago with her daughter.”
As if this was the craziest news in the world, Mike blurted out, “a kid?” His eyes darted around the room, finally taking in the several picture frames embedded with the image of a curly haired toddler.
“Yeah, Eddie’s girlfriend has a kid,” Dustin said casually, proud that he’d figured out this fact about his mentor before Mike. “It’s pretty cool you’re a stepdad.”
Eddie’s eyes widened, but Gareth, Jeff, and Grant just laughed. “Stepdad ? Henderson, no, no, no.”
Lucas shook his head, pointing to the closest picture frame; the little toddler was sitting on Eddie’s shoulders, her fingers gripping his dark brown curls, identical to her own unruly mess of hair. She looked like a mini version of him, both had mischief gleaming in their chocolate button eyes. “That’s obviously his kid.” 
Like a sign from above signifying the revelation, an egg timer went off in the kitchen.
Dustin choked on his soda. “You have a kid? How did that happen?”
Lucas whacked him on the back, attempting to stop his friend's spluttering. “How do you think it happened, dipshit?” It seemed to work.
“No,” the tips of Dustin’s ears turned pink, his voice still hoarse. “I meant-”
“You want the story,” Eddie grinned, and Gareth, Jeff, and Grant groaned. He leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head. “Settle in boys, for this is a tale for the ages.”
Gareth snorted, “What the hell are you talking about? Indie is the product of too much alcohol and an expired condom.”
“Excuse me, but Gremlin was born from an epic love story that crossed not only class barriers, but changed Hawkins society as we know it.”
Steve entered the dining room with a can of cola, you following close behind him. 
“Babe,” you rolled your eyes, having heard the conversation. You set a plate of pizza rolls down in front of the boys. “I think Gareth is a little closer to the truth. It wasn’t West Side Story .”
“You don’t think our story is romantic?”
“Our story? Sure. Teen pregnancy? Not so much.” Steve snorted.
Dustin had calmed down a bit, but he still had a lot of questions. “Wait, I’m confused. Steve said you were a cheerleader. How did you get with Eddie? You’re way out of his league.”
Surprisingly, Eddie didn’t look offended, instead he pulled you into his lap and tucked his chin over your shoulder, looking at the young teens. “You’re dead right, Henderson, she is way out of my league.” You scoffed, ready to disagree with him but he cut you off, “do you want to tell the story, babe?”
You adjusted yourself so you were sitting on Eddie’s thigh, his hands firmly gripping your waist. “My family moved to Hawkins at the start of my sophomore year. I didn’t really notice Eddie much that first year, he was a junior and we ran in very different circles.”
“I noticed her though. Straight away. Especially when she wore her cheer uniform-”
You flicked him on the shoulder, continuing with your story. “Anyway, school was out for the summer. Remember the heatwave in ‘83? I was driving down Millbrook and it was at least 100 degrees outside and the hood of my car started smoking. So I pulled over and began freaking out, because you know Millbrook, it’s all farmland and there’s no one around for miles.”
“But I just happened to be driving down Millbrook.”
“Yeah, Eddie was my knight in a Metallica cut off. He figured out what was wrong with my car, drove us to the auto shop, bought whatever it was that my car needed and fixed it for me.”
“It was super easy, she’d just run out of-”
You cut him off before he could begin to ramble about cars and the importance of checking the coolant level. “I bought him a milkshake to thank him and we’ve been together ever since.”
“And your kid?” Mike asked through a mouthful of pizza rolls.
“Gareth wasn’t far off. Pretty sure it happened after the homecoming dance that Eddie refused to attend. He snuck in my window when I got home with a bottle of peppermint schnapps and…” you drifted off, noticing the wide eyes at the table, as well as Steve's smirk. “I’ll spare you the details. Nine months later Indie was born.”
"Indie? Like Indiana?" Lucas asked, he wouldn’t admit it but the story was romantic.
"No, Indie like Indigo. Indigo Ripley Munson," Eddie said proudly, and you smiled. He'd snuck Ripley on the birth certificate before you could protest, but you had to admit your daughter couldn't ask for a better role model than the badass heroine from Alien.
It was as if her name summoned her. A bleary eyed toddler in pink footie pajamas entered the dining room, rubbing her eyes.
“Hi sweet pea,” you hoped off Eddie’s thigh, picking up your daughter and smoothing her hair. “Did we wake you?”
“Not tired,” she said, instantly contradicting herself by yawning. “Want Dadda to tell me a story,” she pushed away from you, reaching for Eddie. “With princesses.” 
As much as you wanted to be her favourite, it warmed your heart knowing how much she loved her Dad.
Eddie held out his arms to take her from you and she instantly snuggled against him. "Dad’s playing a game with his friends, do you want to listen? There’s no princesses but there are lots of monsters." She nodded, smiling. 
You knew it was futile to try and get her to go back to sleep now that Eddie had promised her a story. Knowing Eddie it would be a gory and violent story, but having sat in on many of Hellfire's campaigns, Indie was used to it. You thought it was creepy that she was enamoured with monsters, Eddie thought it was adorable.
You crouched down next to Eddie so you were on eye level with your daughter. "See those boys over there? That's Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. Do you want to say hi?"
She stuck out her bottom lip, contemplating the question before shaking her head. Dustin grinned, he liked this kid, she had spirit.
"How did you manage graduating with a kid? I mean Eddie obviously didn't," Mike said. The table went silent. Surprisingly, it was Steve that spoke up.
"He could have graduated, he just chose to put his family first, right Munson?"
Eddie looked at Steve and smiled. You stood up to glare at Mike, "Steve's right, Eddie should have graduated in '84, but he had different priorities that year."
Turning his attention to Mike, Eddie sighed, “My first senior year was when we found out about the pregnancy. My uncle got me a job working nights at the plant, so I slept through most of my morning classes. But the money was good and we were able to afford most of the stuff we needed for a new baby without asking for help. But I failed pretty much all my classes.”
You nodded. “My parents cut me off when they found out we were keeping the baby. They already hated that I was with Eddie and were looking for a reason to disown me; teen pregnancy was it. So aside from the secondhand stuff we got from the Holts’ and the Mitchells’, and that Wayne never made us pay rent, we did it pretty much all on our own. Eddie’s second senior year was also my senior year, but it was our first year with Indie too.”
“I didn’t want her skipping class, she’s too smart to not graduate. So I stayed home with Gremlin. Wayne helped out when he could, but I still managed to miss most of my classes.”
“But now, I have a job that lets us afford daycare and rent, and Eddie’s been working real hard at school. You know what they say, third times the charm.”
“This is my year, I can feel it.”
“Damn right, babe.” You leant down to kiss his cheek. “And Indie and I will be right there cheering you on when you cross that stage.”
It was all too much for Dustin to handle, hearing about this part of Eddie’s life; his girlfriend, his daughter, his connection to Steve. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. He was filled with a newfound desire to protect his friend; he had a family to think about after all, hell he’d traded in his ratty old van for a station wagon.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Dustin wasn’t sure if he felt more hurt or betrayed that Eddie had kept such a big part of his life a secret.
“I never hid it, Henderson, you just never asked.”
Dustin thought back to what Steve had said all those weeks ago, ‘you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do.’ He was right, Dustin didn’t know that much about Eddie. He knew he was in a band and liked metal music, but he hadn’t asked him much in the way of personal questions.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I-”
Eddie cut him off with a lazy grin, “Relax, Dustin, we’ve got the rest of the year right?” For some reason the use of his first name instantly put Dustin at ease. He let out a breath and smiled at Eddie. “Now are we playing?”
“And that’s our cue,” you nodded at Steve, leaving the boys and Indie to their game.
Later that night, after everyone had gone home and Indie was finally tucked up in bed, Eddie said something that surprised you.
“I think we should make Steve Indie’s godfather.”
“What? You’re not religious.”
“No, I know. I don’t mean it in the whole ‘teaching faith’ way. I just,” he ran his hand through his hair. “I know he’s important to you, and he loves Indie. If something was to happen to us, I know he’d take good care of her.”
“I think that’s a great idea, babe. Is this about what he said to Wheeler?”
Eddie’s cheeks flushed, he hadn’t wanted to admit that Steve’s approval had affected him. “Maybe.”
You grinned. Steve had been your friend for a long time, since you first moved to Hawkins. You’d known him through his douchebag phase, and you were his only friend from his high school days he’d kept in touch with since he’d mellowed out. But he and Eddie had never gotten along; Eddie was too loud and brash, and Steve still held an air of elitism that although he’d mostly gotten rid of, still reared its ugly head whenever Eddie was around. 
Today, though, the two of them somewhat made an attempt at a truce. “How about we invite him for lunch and ask him?”
Eddie groaned, “ugh, can’t you just ask him?”
“It was your idea!”
“Fine, we’ll do it together.”
Baby steps.
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Okay okay... I would really appreciate feedback as I worked my ass off on this one. And guys... I was so nervous my mum read this... that's the first time she's read my writing since I was in high school. @a-lil-pr1ncess @livsters
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moonchildquinn · 1 year
request: fluff/smut with dad!Eddie 👀🔥
summary: you never wanted a lot of kids, in fact you were very happy with your one with Eddie, or so you thought
warnings: 18+!!! MINORS DNI I SWEAR TO GOD GO AWAY!! slight teasing, secret breeding kink, (Eddie never mentioned it to you) unprotected PIV (better wrap it before you tap it) also fluff and Eddie being a great dad, lemme know if i missed anything and sorry it’s not proofread! pls also know this is my first time writing smut so be nice again pls
word count: 1.8k
Let’s Have Another Baby - Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
When you had your son with Eddie you thought that, that would be it. It’s not that you hated the pregnancy or any of that it’s just you thought one kid was enough. But every time you saw Eddie with Dio that mindset slowly started to change. Eddie was just the perfect father. Shit you swore your son liked Eddie way more than you at times with how he acted. Eddie says otherwise but you never bought it.
“Babe, babe, babe! Look at what I got Dio today!” Eddie comes running into your shared room. You were in the middle of playing with Dio on the bed but as soon as he heard Eddie he couldn’t get away from you quicker. You give Eddie a look as if saying, see told you, he rolls his eyes.
“What did you get our son?” You ask, grabbing your son and helping him stand on the bed. Eddie unfolds a shirt that had the cover of the band Dio’s new album on it.
“Isn’t it fuckin cool?!” Eddie asked making you giggle at his excitement.
“Yea it’s cool babe, come on let’s see if it fits.” Eddie rushes over and sits next to you and you change Dio into his new t-shirt.
“It fits perfectly!” Eddie says. He jumps up and quickly goes over to your record player and instantly throws on the new album. Dio starts to get excited in your arms. Eddie starts to head bang and of course Dio tries to copy him making you laugh. Eddie stops for a moment at the sound of your laugh and smiles as he sees his son trying to head bang as well. “You’ll get it eventually kid, don’t sweat it.”
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“So the little sheep are coming over today.” Eddie says while you make breakfast.
“Oh?” You say looking back at him for a second. You smile looking at both your boys, with their crazy bed head, and matching Black Sabbeth pjs.
“Mike said Will has the best campaign ever and they insist I see it. Clearly forgetting the best campaign to happen was in ‘86 from yours truly.” He says.
“Sure it was.” You joke.
“Got your panties wet didn’t it?” He says cockily and your jaw drops.
“Edward Munson don’t talk like that in front of my son.” You scold.
“He’s 1 and I covered his ears.” He says. You give him a look and he apologizes.
“Well I guess I’ll make snacks then for everyone.” You say.
“Nothings changed.” He says smiling remembering all the times in high school when you and him started talking, how you would show up to Hellfire with snacks. That’s when he knew you were his person.
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“Bye guys have a good night.” You say as the last of the groups walks out. You close the door and look at Eddie.
“Okay I must admit Will did a great job.” He says and you smile.
“We need to talk.” You say and he instantly frowns.
“Okay Dustin started it, he can be a cocky little shit at times.” Eddie says and you laugh.
“Not about that, I know he can be that’s why he’s my favorite.” You say.
“Then what do we need to talk about? Wait your favorite? Excuse me?” Eddie says, eyebrows raising.
“I think we should have another baby.” You say throwing him off guard.
“Wait really?” He questioned.
“Yea, I know what I said before but seeing how you are with Dio and just how you’ve always been with the group, I just think we should have one more, maybe hopefully have a daughter.” You say and he smiles wide.
“Okay, well just say the word and I’ll send Dio to Wayne’s so we can have the night to ourselves.” He say getting up and coming over to you. He pulls you into him and starts kissing on your neck.
“Eds.”You warn.
“I’m not doing anything.” He says. “Come on let’s clean up and head to bed.”
“Good idea.” You say.
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“You two have fun alright? We’ll see you in the morning!” Wayne says as he holds Dio on his hip. He starts waving his hand and Dio copies him.
“See you later Wayne!” Eddie says getting in his car.
“Bye Wayne!” You smile. Eddie had insisted on making it a date and not just a fuck and done type thing. You deserve so much more than that as he says. He starts the car up and takes off. You had no idea where he was taking you and no matter how much you asked he would not tell you.
“Okay put the blindfold on.” Eddie says when you get to a red light.
“Is this truly necessary?” You ask him.
“Yes, now put it on sweetheart.” He says. You sigh and put it on. “Oh we’re so using that later.” You move your hand around feeling for Eddie before you lightly smack his chest making him laugh.
“Just drive Munson.” You say.
“Will do, Mrs. Munson.” He says and your heart races. You loved it when he called you that even if you weren’t married yet. Eddie finally stops the car and reaches over and undoes your blindfold. Your eyes adjust and you gasp a little.
“You didn’t.” You say looking at Eddie.
“But I did.” He says smiling and getting out of the car and quickly coming over to your side to open the door. Eddie had recreated your guys first date at Lovers Lake. When you step out you grab his face instantly and kiss him.
“I love you, so much.” You say when you finally pull away.
“And I love you, now come on.” He says. He grabs your hand and you go sit down.
“Do you understand how perfect you are Eds?” You ask him.
“If anyone is perfect it’s you sweets. But thank you.” He says smiling at you.
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“So you liked it?” Eddie asked as you both looked up at the stars.
“I liked it the first time it happened, of course I’m going to like it this time too.” You say.
“I just want things to be perfect for you.” He says.
“Eddie you are perfect to me.” You say looking at him.
“You always say that but-.” You cut him off.
“Eds, I mean it when I say that, that’s why I always say that.” You say and he smiles.
“Alright, ready to head home?” He asked you.
“Yes, if you are.” You say.
“I mean I’m enjoying it here but I want you to be comfortable when we get to baby making.” He says, making you laugh.
“You’re so romantic.” You say making him laugh now.
“Come on.” He says getting up. He reaches his hand out and you grab it getting up.
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When you two got home, Eddie really didn’t want to waste time. He didn’t say anything but when you told him you wanted another baby something inside awoke and he’s been wanting to basically pounce on you but he kept himself back until right now. As soon as you guys got to your room clothes were off and Eddie had you pinned down to the bed, a mess after all his teasing.
“Eds please.” You whined. He runs his fingers along your slit again, groaning at how wet you are for him.
“Please what sweetheart? Hmm, what do you need? Come on, use your words, tell me what you need.” He whispers in your ear.
“Just fuck me please, no more teasing.” You beg.
“Fucking Christ sweetheart.” He breathes out moving his fingers away. He grips onto his dick and can’t help but tease you just a little bit more.
“Eddie.” You whine.
“Sweetheart.” He mocks you. You pout and he pouts back, letting the tip of his cock slip in a little making you gasp before he pulls away again and watches your pussy clench around nothing. He just couldn’t help it, he loved hearing you beg for him. He finally gives in though, needing to feel you. He slips into you and bottoms out making you both moan loudly at the feeling. He moves his hands under the bends of your knees and pushes them to your chest and starts thrusting into you at an unforgiving pace.
“Mmm Eds.” You moan out.
“Fuck sweetheart, the second you told me you wanted another baby I’ve been dying to fuck you. Just fill you up with my baby, get you all nice and round again.” He groans out making you whine out.
“That’s right Eds, fuck a baby into me again.” You moan out. He looks at you and smirks.
“Don’t have to tell me twice sweets.” He leans down and starts kissing on your neck, lightly running his teeth along your skin making you breath come out shaky. You clench around Eddie a little and his thrust falter a little. “Oh no, you’re cumming first.” He brings his hand down and starts rubbing your clit making you moan loudly. He leans down and starts sucking on your nipple, and you clench around him, nails digging into his shoulders as your eyes roll to the back of your head, your orgasm hitting you hard. Your breath catching in your throat for a moment.
“Ed-Eddie.” You moan loudly. He rides you through your orgasam and now you made it your goal to help him get to his. “Come on Eds, fill my pussy up, cum inside me, please I want it so bad.”
“Christ!” He groans out into your ear. His throat start to falter and he bites onto your shoulder as he cums, his spill filling you up completely. Eddie catches his breath before he pulls out a little. His cum drips out a little. “Can’t have that now can we?” He takes the tip of his dick, using the tip to collect the cum before he bottoms out into you again making you moan out again. You wrap your arms around him and pull him into you and just hold him against you.
“I love you.” You say.
“And I love you, also just letting you know now, if we have another boy we have to name him Dustin.” Eddie says and you look at him.
“And why is that?” You ask him.
“I promised Henderson if we have had another baby we would name it after him.” He says.
“Not happening, love Dustin but you already got away with the name of our first baby, you’re not getting away with it again.” You say.
“So, Sabbeth is out of the question?” He asked you.
“Geez Eddie.” You say making him laugh. Honestly Sabbeth didn’t sound too bad but we’re not naming your other son Dustin, he could get over it.
“Rest up sweetheart, we have all night still.” He says and you laugh.
“I’m ready for round two now.” You say and he smiles wide. And that was just the start of your long night.
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rustboxstarr · 5 months
🖤 The babysitter doesn't leave for another hour 🖤
Summary: You and Eddie aren't ready to go home just yet
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Mom!Reader
Warnings: smut, slight handjob, fingering, P in V, semi public sex (car sex).
Wordcount: 1.7 k
A/N: This is so bad, ya'll I'm so sorry, I'm just trying so hard rn to get out of my writers block because I miss yall!!! I just can't fricking write 😭
Anyway, love yas!
Check out my other works!
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“You have no idea how much I missed this” the smile you bore was adorable droopy as you stared up at your husband, eyes swimming with adoration as you hung around his arm. “Just sad it's over” he rolled his eyes softly, a small tug gracing his lips. For once you had finally managed to find a sitter and indulge in dinner and a movie all cozied up with Eddie, but the night had to come to an end at some point right?
Eddie's steps were slow as he led you out of the double doors to the car, taking care to stretch the time however he could. He didn't want this night to end, sure you both loved your kids but some time with just each other was a quality of life that was dearly missed. 
You sigh in a strange mix of contentment and deflation as you sit down in the passenger seat. “Good movie though” your head rolls on your shoulders to find Eddie settling in beside you, “It was wasn’t it?” Your eyes gaze out towards the dark parking lot. Neither of you were really ready to head home and as a result you found the both of you just sat next to each other staring out the window, neither of you making a move to start the car and make your way back to the house. 
“To be honest…” you whisper before finding the sharp jawline that you always loved to press your lips to, “I don’t even know what it was about” you snort as he finds your slack figure next to him. “Me neither” the chuckle that sounds about the car has your chest heating up.
“Yeah, got a bit… intense” you giggle, “To say the least” his laugh has your body fluttering as he speaks. His lips find yours as you both laugh at the fresh memory of what could only be explained as a PG 13 grope session. His nose nuzzles against yours as your eyes travel down to his watch when he runs a strong hand up and down your thigh. “You know.. the babysitter isn’t leaving for another hour” anything above a whisper wasn’t needed, he could practically hear your heartbeat in the silence of the night. 
You mimic his movements as he leans back in his seat, “What do you wanna’ do?” He smiles, placing his hands on the steering wheel ready to take you wherever you want to go. 
You scan the parking lot, it’s practically empty, save for a few cars on the other end. A wicked grin spreads across your face before you push yourself up on the seat and try to smoothly swing your leg over the centre console. Callused hands find your hips as you get situated in his lap, “Why don’t we take advantage of a whole kid free hour with no one to disturb? Make up for some lost time?” Your fingers dance along his neck, playing with the loose strand of curls that hangs free from his bun.
“I like how you’re thinking” his lips find yours is a soft but feverish kiss, hands squeezing your hips tight as if you were about to slip away from him. “But how about we take this to the back?” He whispers against your lips. You bite your lip in a smile and nod, eagerly clambering off of him as you open the door.
He grins wildly as he follows suit, opening the back door and with a small bow gestures you in “after you mi’lady” you giggle as you sit down and scootch your way over to the other side. You try to be patient as he scans the parking lot for any bypassers but when he’s finally made himself comfortable in the middle you all but pounce on him. Thigh swinging over his lap, attacking his lips with sloppy kisses while his hands wrap around you.
Your black satin bodycon dress has already ridden up your thighs but Eddie needs more, lips still attached to yours he forces the fabric over your ass and lets it bunch up around your waist as he grabs two hefty handfuls of your ass, pressing you down against his throbbing cock, encouraging you to roll your hips against him.
“Oh fuck” you whine softly as his zipper catches your clit which only has him forcing you down harder. It’s all a delicious mix of hot breaths and tongues as the stars shine bright in the night sky behind you. 
You can’t take it anymore, the sensation of his thick cock pressing so deliciously against your heat has fiery tingles prickling around your thighs. In a hazy haste you manage to find his belt buckle below you and with a second of your fingers grazing his stomach Eddie's hands are there instantly to assist you. You kneel back to watch as he’s revealed to you. Precum dribbling from his painfully hard cock but before he gets a chance to release himself of some of the ache your hand wraps around him. Delicate hand pumping him slowly as your lips reattach.
His tongue feels like heaven against your own, he’s desperately grabbing at anything he can get his hands on before he finds what he’s looking for and sinks his fingers into the meat of your ass.
You gasp as you feel a hand move between the backs of your thighs to feel thick fingers running down your folds over your dark cotton panties.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you’re distracted from your task of giving both Eddies lips and his cock attention. He's quick to move your panties to the side and slip a finger inside your dripping cunt. Having no trouble getting a second in as you're practically gushing for him. 
All you can focus on is the feeling of his fingers pumping in and out of you before you find his eyes and find him eagerly watching every twitch of your face. Your own hand starts up again and you revel in the sight of his own eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
As if trying to one up you, his hand moves faster, you smirk down at him silently competing with him as you too begin pumping his cock faster. 
“Shit, shit” he pants “okey okey, I’m gonna cum if we don’t stop soon” he slowly opens his eyes to find your lips tugging down and accompanying doe eyes “Isn’t that the point?” The pout is instantly replaced with a wicked smirk. 
“Not just yet” he grins and pulls his fingers away from you, replacing his hand on the globe of your ass and harshly pulling you towards him. Your hand is being pushed away before you know it and you gasp loudly when you feel his tip running through your folds.
He has lined himself up with you and is pushing you down before you can even utter a word, all you can do is let out an obnoxiously loud moan as his cock stretches you open. You hear him swear loudly in the distance as you sink down. 
God you should have date night more often because this was unbelievable. Eddie's thick head almost probing at your cervix, his shaft gliding so easily against your wet walls, his fingers digging into your flesh, bound to leave marks.
You were too desperate to really soak up the feeling of his thick cock pressing at your walls, instantly kneeling back up again to feel him slowly slide back into you again. A loud moan that had Eddie throbbing spilled from your lips as he watched you set a slow pace of forcing yourself up and down his cock. 
But he knew that if you continued like this there was no way he wouldn't be shooting his load up into you within a matter of seconds. If even possible his fingers sunk further into your skin as he nudged you to go slightly faster. You took his hint and sped your hips up slowly, each loud groan rumbling from his chest spurring you on as you felt your wetness begin to pool at the base of his cock. 
“Shit babe” Eddie huffed as you began bouncing in his lap, short, loud moans filling his ears, each getting more high pitched the faster you went until you finally found the quick pace that had your thighs burning and the leather creaking with every move. You were most definitely shaking the car right now, not making your action discreet whatsoever but you couldn't care not when his cock felt so delicious inside you. 
“Fuck, yeah thats it, ride me baby. Shit, look so sexy bouncing on my dick” he groaned as his hands helped guide your movements, listening to every moan you gifted him with. “Fucking love bouncing on your dick baby” you whined as your head fell back, eyes rolled to the back of your head, solely focused on chasing your own release.
It was a scrumptious mix of loud moans, groans, incoherent babble from your fucked out husband, sloppy kisses and hands grabbing at anything and everything. You suddenly felt that familiar knot in your stomach tightening, “Shit Eddie” you breathed “Eddie I’m about to cum!” Your movements only increased in speed as his words fell on deaf ears until finally the knot snapped and you felt your cunt gush around him. 
It was all a blur as your ears rang and your vision went completely white but finally you managed to regain your consciousness. Your hands found his shoulders to steady yourself as you let Eddie guide you up and down, abusing your overstimulated pussy until you felt yourself being forced down all the way, his forehead finding purchase between your tits. The head of his cock buried deep within you as a loud groan vibrated against your chest while hot spurts of cum painted your walls. 
You slumped against him and it felt like forever as you tried to catch your breath again. 
“Shit” he chuckled, planting a kiss to your lips. “We should probably get home” you whispered, “Yeah, we probably should” he sighed. 
“I don’t wanna’ leave just yet. Can’t we just stay like this for a little?” he whispered against your lips, “Yeah” you smiled.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 month
Could I get a blurb or something from the AYW family when eddie and reader find out that she is infact pregnant and he's so happy and he can't wait to see her all pregnant with bigger breasts etc. And he loves to help her in anyway he can. And he's so excited about her belly when they do have sex. All the Fluffy stuff but a bit of smut to. Hehe. Thanks!
Eddie is a lovesick puppy all the time, but his pregnant wife? Oh boy. So thankful and happy to write this with my beloved @munson-blurbs 💚
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap to up), pregnant!reader, breeding kink or does this move to pregnancy kink? We all know this Eddie has breeding kink BAD
Words: 2.5k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie’s been on cloud nine from the moment you even suspected you might be pregnant. Now with it confirmed, everyone knowing, and steps rolling along to get things ready for the baby, you’re pretty sure your husband physically can’t get any happier. You’re proved wrong the moment he notices your breasts getting a little larger, though. Then the very beginnings of your baby bump appeared, and Eddie’s hand didn’t leave your stomach for what felt like a week. 
Your husband has always been a gentleman, but he’s kicked it up a notch now that your second trimester has started. He’d always carry things for you, but now he makes the extra effort to go grocery shopping so you don’t have to reach for things on the high shelf or lift the full bags from the cart into the trunk of your car. And he isn’t the only one helping out.
The boys were, for the most part, good about doing their chores. Once in a while you’d have to get on one of them about picking their clothes up off the floor or cleaning up after themselves in the kitchen, but it was never anything major. But as twelve and nine-year-olds, they weren’t exactly known to go the extra mile, either. So, the day you first came home to them working as a team to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer, you almost thought you walked into the wrong house. You hadn’t intended to stand there and watch them as they did the task—they didn’t need a supervisor. But the pure shock kept you rooted in place as you watched Luke toss a dryer sheet in and Ryan reach up to press the correct buttons on the dryer’s control panel. 
“Eddie, the boys did laundry,” you had told him when he came home from work, your wide eyes amusing to the man. 
“I figured it was about time they learn,” he answered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Helps you out around the house, too.”
“That was your real motive,” you had said, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“So, sue me.” Eddie shrugged and stepped around you to get a bottle of water.
The men of the house have been at this for a few weeks now and it’s honestly nice to have some of your usual duties lifted from your shoulders. Are things done perfectly? No. But they weren’t when you did them, either. At least when Luke got Ryan’s clothes and Ryan got Luke’s this time, they could blame themselves instead of you. 
The boys have even been changing their own sheets and putting the clean ones on. Luke’s been so proud of himself that you don’t have the heart to tell him that he’s been putting the bottom sheet on inside out this entire time. 
The domestic bliss of it all fills you with a soothing warmth, like you’re being wrapped in the softest downy blanket. Sometimes you’re afraid this is all a dream and you’re going to wake up in your apartment back in college, late for some class before you have to go pick up the boys from school so you can babysit them. When that happens, you usually walk over to the large fake crystal bowl on the counter where you keep your keys and pull out your set. On your keychain there’s a small, laminated Shrinky Dink that says “Luke” that was given to you the first Mother’s Day that you were with Eddie. The first year they saw you as a mother figure more than a babysitter. 
You run the pad of your index finger along the rough plastic edge of the Shrinky Dink and the tiny little pricks of pain are another reminder that you’re not dreaming. 
Getting ready for bed that night, you tighten the belt of your lavender bath robe before grabbing a cloth to wash your face. This bathroom never used to seem as cold as it has to you these past few months. Pregnancy does weird things to your body. 
“Oh!” Eddie says as he steps into the bathroom. He snaps his fingers and spins around to head back into the bedroom. A moment later he comes back with a plastic drugstore bag in his hands. “I got this for you today. I know you said your gums are being more sensitive now, so I thought this might help.”
He offers you a plastic and cardboard package, a jade green toothbrush inside, and the words “Soft-Bristled Brush!” emphasized on the front. The hormones well up in you but you force them back down, refusing to cry over a toothbrush.
“Thank you, baby,” you say. “Now I can throw out that mean, old medium strength one.” 
Eddie chuckles and presses a kiss to your head as he passes by to get to the shower. 
As you scour your dresser drawers for pajamas, lacy material grazes your fingertips—maternity lingerie, courtesy of Jess, who swore Eddie would go absolutely feral over it. 
Her exact words were actually “he’ll cream his jeans,” but that was neither here nor there. 
Your eyes flit back to the bathroom where your husband is currently bathing. Your husband—the man you love and adore, who doted on you before you got pregnant and is the epitome of devotion now that you’re actually carrying his child. The alleviation of chores, the special toothbrush…maybe he deserves a little reward. 
As quickly as you can—which isn’t all that fast, considering your new center of gravity, you put on the babydoll slip, adjusting it so the slit down the middle showcases your bump. The matching set of panties almost feels like a waste, considering how swiftly Eddie will tear them off, but you step into them anyway and complete the look. 
There’s a clattering in the bathroom, jolting your already buzzing nerves. You know better than to ask what’s going on; over the years, you’ve found that many questions are best left unanswered. 
“Babe, have you seen my—holy fuckin’ shit.” Eddie’s eyes widen when he takes in the sight of you. The towel wrapped around his waist tents where his erection begins to burgeon. 
“Seen your what?” You bat your eyelashes, exaggerating your innocence, as you caress your bump. 
He shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter.” His hands are drawn to your sides, thumbs brushing over the swell of your stomach. “What’s all this for?”
“Just wanted to thank you for being such an amazing husband, even when I’m tired or moody or—”
“Baby,” Eddie cuts in, “all I’ve done is get you a new toothbrush and delegate chores to the boys. I should be thanking you for having my baby…and looking so damn good doing it.”
With that, he gets on his knees, grabs your thighs until his fingertips sink into your plush skin, and kisses the bump. 
“You’re perfect.” 
He moves forward on his knees, gently guiding you backwards until the back of your thighs hit the soft cotton sheets of your mattress. Large hands follow your hips onto the bed and quickly move down your legs to slip your panties off.
“I, um,” you pause, feeling insecurity creep up in you despite your arousal, “haven’t been able to shave as well as I used to…”
Eddie pays your words no mind, instead just uses his pointer and middle fingers to part your lips and lick a stripe up your center. 
“‘S not gonna stop me.” His voice is gravelly, deep, and it sends a pleasant shiver up your spine. 
He takes your clit between his lips, tongue gently flicking over the bud. Giving it a little suck, he drops his unoccupied hand to your thigh and squeezes. 
You can’t help the way your hips move, as though of their own accord, grinding your core against his face. Eddie notices it, too, pulling away briefly to tease you. 
“Needy little thing tonight, hm?” His smirk glistens with your arousal. 
You’re in no position to argue; you simply nod and thread your fingers through his curls in a silent plea for him to resume licking at you. 
Eddie takes the hint, his tongue eagerly finding your hole and fucking it wildly. 
“Eddie, shit, holy fucking shit!” You find your voice in time for your orgasm to crash over you, crying out your husband’s name as he brings you that beautiful release. 
When he stands up, panting, you can see just how hard he is. The towel must have slipped off while his face was buried between your legs, and he’s now stark naked in front of you. 
“Tried to look at you while I ate your pussy, but, uh…” his cheeks tinge red, “couldn’t quite see you over this.” He cradles your bump, pressing his erection into your thigh. The pre-cum that’s beaded at the tip sticks to your leg, a reminder of what you do to him.
You flop back on the mattress, breathing heavily with a lazy smile on your face. 
Eddie crawls up over your body, chuckling when he catches your euphoric expression. 
“Feel good, baby?” he asks.
“Mhmm,” you hum, eyes drifting shut.
Eddie parts the sheer panels of the baby doll top so your emerging bump is on full display, pressing kisses in the valley between your breasts and working downward. 
He stops when he reaches your stomach. “Wish I could just keep you pregnant. Fuck, you look amazing like this.”
“So do it,” you mumble lazily.
“Don’t tempt me,” Eddie says, looking up at you with another smirk. 
He pauses, delaying removing his hands from your belly but craving being inside you. 
“Ride me, baby?”
You giggle. “Gonna need some help.”
Eddie nods, standing up and kissing you with his hands on your cheeks. “Anything. Anything for you. Christ, you’re a goddess.”
He helps you on top, his hands on your hips and holding your bump. Without further hesitation, he lines himself up and you sink onto his cock, letting yourself be filled entirely. 
“F-Feels so good.”
Eddie grunts. “That’s because this pussy belongs to me. You belong to me.” 
You just moan in response, so he grips your hips tighter and growls, “say it.”
“I belong to you,” you whimper, tightening around him as he thrusts up into you. “I’ll do anything for you, Eddie.”
After a few minutes, a newly-familiar ache creeps into your chest. Though you try to hide your wince, Eddie is all-too aware of your every move.  
“What’s wrong?” He stops thrusting, grabbing your wrists and pulling your attention to him. 
You gently maneuver out of his grasp and cup your breasts. “They’re just really sore from the, um, bouncing.” This never happened before pregnancy, but their extra sensitivity has you feeling every twinge of discomfort. 
Eddie pouts, not from disappointment, but from the realization that you’re in some pain. 
“C’mere, sweetheart.”
He withdraws, earning a whimper from you before he gently guides you onto your back and places a pillow beneath your lower back. 
“I’ll take it a little slower, yeah?”
You nod, your warmth enveloping him once again. He thrusts languidly, holding back so he doesn’t hurt you, and his carefulness has you connecting your lips to his. 
“I love you,” you mumble into his mouth. “I love you so much, Eddie.”
“I love you, too.”
His words, his movements, and your earlier orgasm are a perfect combination. You come undone, clenching around his cock and digging your nails into his back. 
“There you go,” Eddie coos, kissing just below your ear. “Baby, can I go a little faster? Is that okay?”
He rarely begs you; normally, you’re the one pleading with him to let you come. 
“S’okay, Eds.” You smile and he returns it, bracing his elbows on either side of your head. 
He slams into you, burying himself to the hilt and tucking his head into the crook of your neck. 
“Fuck—feels s’good—gonna come.” The words barely leave his mouth before he’s spilling into you, filling you with his seed. His body against yours and his release coating your walls has you falling into a foggy haze—the closeness, the intimacy, the safety you feel with Eddie is stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before. It’s only grown fiercer since carrying his baby.
The moment he pulls out of you and starts to move from hovering over your body, you tug him down next to you. Eddie laughs as you practically wrap him up in a death grip as he bounces against the pillows. 
“Well, this is one way to cuddle,” he says. 
“Got overexcited,” you say as you loosen your grip on him.
He doesn’t go too far though, immediately moving so that you can tuck into his side. As you move to slide closer, there’s a sharp intake of breath and your right hand instinctively goes to hold your bump.
“Baby?” Eddie asks, sitting up in concern, careful not to jostle your body. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head as you scoot closer to him again. The sharp jab of pain vanished as quickly as it was sprung on you. A subtle aftershock rolls through you, but it’s barely even detectable.
“Just some mild contractions. Doctor said they can happen after sex sometimes. They’re not, like, baby contractions,” you explain. 
Eddie visibly relaxes, shoulders dropping, and lays back against the pillows with you. “So, my excellent fucking skills didn’t send you into super early labor?”
A snort of laughter bursts out of you as you lay your head down on Eddie’s warm, solid chest.
“Sorry, Eds. Baby’s gotta stay put till she’s fully cooked.”
Your husband gives you a fake groan but smiles the whole time, kissing you tenderly. 
“All right,” he says. “But I heard from someone who shall not be named—”
“Who shall not be named, that sex can help induce labor. In case you need some assistance in a few months.”
You smirk. “Let me know if anyone’s offering. There’s that cute guy at the grocery store—”
Eddie tackles you, taking care not to hurt the bump, pressing sloppy, silly kisses to your cheek and neck. You squeal with laughter and try to push him off of you.
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”
Eddie pulls back and smiles down at you. “You better be. Because this,” he gestures to your lingerie-clad pregnant body, “is mine and only mine.”
“Well, this,” you say, gesturing to your own body, “has to pee.”
Eddie pouts as you slide off the bed, eyes not leaving your frame for a moment.
“But we were gonna cuddle,” he whines.
You walk into the bathroom as you shrug your shoulders.
“Take it up with your daughter,” you say before closing the door.
With a dramatic sigh, Eddie rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling. His thoughts linger on your last sentence and the smile that was already on his face grows until it becomes a beaming grin.
“Holy shit,” he whispers to himself. “I’m going to have a daughter.”
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pinkrelish · 8 months
do you think once miss mouse and eddie were in an established relationship she’d bake cakes for his and adrie’s birthday every year?? i feel like she’d go full out for adrie like full on multi tiered princess cake and the first time she does it eddie and his baby just go absolutely feral in the best way possible
ps typ is my favourite slow burn EVER i love it withh all my heart ur so talented
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today's my birthday so it seems fitting to answer this! wc: 496
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morning dawns soft blue in a kitchen warmed by low lights, and orange coils. a kettle boils water too hot for a third cup of instant coffee, and cooked sugar enriched by vanilla bakes through the small apartment. suffocating heat from the oven on the early june day breaks sweat on your forehead as you re-whip the frosting you made an hour ago, plastic bowl in your arms still cold from the fridge. the yellow cake cooling on the rack simple, homemade. jack of all trades, master of none, it's nothing impressive, just something to tide adrie and neighborhood kids over until the big party on the weekend.
still, when your big snoring man shuffles in with a bedhead halo and plaid pajama pants with one drawstring longer than the other, his raw wonder catches the husky sleep deep in his throat—"aw, baby, what're you doin'?"
you shrug, too shy to admit how early you woke up to do this, suddenly embarrassed with your effort to make a good impression on his daughter's first birthday with you in her life. he had no clue what you had planned for her real cake, and already your cheeks went hot from the lovesick shine flooding his eyes, big softy about to cry while he scratched his stomach under his shirt.
"you're too much," he says in a shake of his head. too much on a thursday morning when her party comes saturday afternoon.
his bare feet scatter the balloons creeping across the carpeted floor, blown up by him late last night until he felt faint, and ready to be popped in the energetic rush of cake for breakfast. on his way to you, he passes the one wrapped gift of a latch hook rug kit beneath the happy birthday banner you hung crooked even with his help. it was a creativity driven present to keep her busy before she got her big girl bike in two days time. training wheels most definitely included.
any second now adrie would run through the streamers you both taped to the top of her door frame, so eddie made quick work of putting the frosting aside and smothering kisses atop your head, wielding his dad strength to hug you tight to his chest, steering you into a twirl by his hold on your wrists, rocking from foot to foot until your back was crushed to his front.
tucking his chin to mash his nose to your hair, his heavy hum vibrates through your skull as he surveys the usual munson fare mingling with your new traditions, slowing your bodies to a gentle sway until his sigh empties from his lungs. "you mean everything to us, you know that?"
"i know that," you answer so softly it was lost in the bubbling hiss from the kettle before he shut off the burner. "you're everything to me, too."
"thank you, baby."
"thank you, handsome." thank you for this moment, this family, this love.
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carolmunson · 9 months
it's like sugar sometimes.
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welcome back to the: orange colored sky setlist a/n: this can be read as a stand alone, give or take some references. but as a pre-cursor: you and eddie are about twelve years apart, meeting in late twenties early thirties, his late thirties early forties. you're deeply in love and we're fast forwarding a bit and now you have a kid. shout out to my nephew because without countless videos of him being the same age as the baby in this fic i would not now how babies baby. cw: pure fluff. pure dad eddie goodness. pretty tame. some mild arguing and swearing. some saucy kisses at the end. a new entry for the fall frenzy extravaganza. this fall frenzy is in honor of @jo-harrington who said i could do whatever, so here we are lmao.
songspiration: how sweet it is (to be loved by you) | james taylor
The ride to the orchard is going much better than you were expecting after such a rough morning. Tears from the moment Gwen came into your room just before four in the morning because she had a bad dream. Then it was too hot for her in bed with both of you, then she was too cold, then Ed’s snoring kept you both awake until she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore. Then there was the kicking and stretching and rolling around. Aren’t they supposed to sleep like logs? She just turned three. Ed woke up refreshed, frowning when he turned over to see you sitting up against the headboard reading with puffy tired eyes. “Hey,” he says softly as to not wake Gwen who was curled up into his side, “She come in last night?” “Another bad dream,” you shrug, looking at him over your book, “I don’t know if she’s really having them or if she’s just starting to have a little regression period. Maybe we can get her a new night light or something.” “Why don’t you try to go back to sleep for a little and I’ll get her ready,” he asks, voice still raspy from sleep, “I’ll just take her into the shower with me.” You smile lazily at him and nod, looking over at the clock on his night stand – a little past six. Maybe an extra forty-five would do you some good before you went to the orchards upstate. Gwen’s eyes open up to her dad awake, her face contorting when she sees him. “Had a bad dweam,” she sniffles, reaching her arms out. “Poor Gwen, you had a bad dream?” Eddie coos, pulling her up out of bed with him, “Tell me all about it, angel.” Her babbles echo down the hall even after Ed closes the door behind them.
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Piercing sobs woke you up instead of your alarm, though that went off right after to remind you that there’s a whole day you have to start. You rub your eyes and groan, sliding out of bed and stepping into your slippers. You grab your robe, shrugging it on as you leave the bedroom and wincing while another cry pours out of your toddler and goes straight to your chest. “I know, honey, I know,” you hear Eddie soothe, “But we’re gonna go do something so fun. You wanna go pick a pumpkin, right?” “No pumpki-i-in,” she sobs, deep and guttural. You open the door to her room slowly, a very teary Gwen stands in the corner, hair wet in a new set of pajamas. You look at Eddie, pulling out an outfit for her and laying it on her toddler bed. “What’s goin’ on, in here?” you ask gently. “Gwen doesn’t wanna get dressed to go apple picking,” Eddie says quietly, “She wants to watch Blue’s Clues.” “Wan’ see Bl-blue, mommy,” she sobs, “Pwease.” “Hey, hey,” you try your best to settle her, “Thank you for saying please, honey. We can still see Blue but daddy has to get you dressed first.” “Did she eat?” you ask, pulling Gwen up to your hip while she cries into your shoulder. “Yeah, she had some mini waffles and a banana,” he opens her closet and fishes out a tiny pair of Chuck’s to go with her outfit – a little black sweatshirt screen printed with the Halloween movie poster paired with a set of leggings meant to look like jeans. “Did you eat?” you smile, coming over to him to plant a kiss on the cheek. “Yeah, her leftovers,” he laughs, “There’s a cup of coffee waiting for you on the counter.” “Thank you,” you nudge him, feeling Gwen squirm and whine while she tries to shimmy down from your hip, “Okay, okay.” “Gwen, please,” Eddie begs with a twinge of frustration in his voice when she makes it to the door, on her tiptoes to reach the handle, “Let’s just get you dressed and you can watch Blue’s Clues while we do your hair.” She stomps, wet curls bouncing with her when she does, “Wanna watch now, pwease!” “Thank you for asking nicely Gwen, but that doesn’t always mean you get your way,” he explains. She shrieks, loud enough that your eyes squint, stomping again onto the fluffy white carpet below her, “I wanna watch Blue’s Cwue’s!” “Why don’t you take a deep breath for me, huh?” Eddie asks her, he pats your lower back on the way to the door. A silent way of letting you know to just go get yourself ready, he can handle the rest, “Do we need to take a time out?” “No time out,” she starts to cry again when you slip out of the room. More frustrated whines and wails boom down the hall, dissipating while you make it down the metal staircase to the coffee on the counter. Your heart swells when you notice that he already emptied and reloaded the dishwasher. 
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After you’ve packed some snacks for later and gotten yourself dressed, you make your way back upstairs. You approach the bathroom with your coffee in hand, Gwen’s sippy cup full of water in the other. Her bubbly squeals respond back to whoever is talking to her, barely looking up from Eddie’s phone to look at you when you open the door. 
“Who’re you talking to, miss girl?” you ask, putting her sippy cup next to her on the bathroom counter. “Steeb,” she says, eyes glued to the screen, much happier than she was before. “She’s watching 90s Blue’s Clues?” you laugh at your husband who’s busy splitting her Gwen’s hair into a middle part, looking in the mirror that she’s sat in front of. “No, she’s FaceTiming with Steve,” he shakes his head, pulling one section back into a high pigtail. “Hi peach!” Steve’s voice rings from the phone, he lowers it back down to parentese to address Gwen, “Is that mommy? Can you say hi to her for me?”  “Steeb say hi,” Gwen says, lifting the phone up, showing the screen to the ceiling of the bathroom. You take the phone for a second, seeing Steve’s annoyed face in the frame. 
“You’re on thin ice,” he says, his fiancee’s laugh ringing out of frame, “I can’t believe you’re going this week when we’ll be there in two. You always go before we come to visit.” “There will be plenty of apple picking trips to do together when we move, I promise,” you assure, “She starts gymnastics and swimming next weekend, we won’t have another time to do it.” 
“Gymnastics?” he asks, “Does she have tights? Leotards? What can I get her?” 
“She has like, I don’t know Steve – forty leotards? She’s gonna grow out of half of them in six weeks,” you explain, “Don’t worry, your husband got it covered.” Eddie snickers, wrapping an elastic around one of the ponytails in his fingers. “Well if she’s gonna grow out of them then she’ll need more,” he scoffs, “I’ll get some sent over.” 
“You’re impossible,” your eye roll is something Steve is just as used to as Eddie is. Gwen whines again, reaching for the phone with grabby hands, a quiet ‘Steeby’ escaping her. “I can hear her asking for me, gimme back to my girl,” he sighs. You hand the phone back to Gwen who giggles when Steve makes a funny face at her through the screen. “Look how pretty those ponytails are. Daddy did such a good job,” Steve coos at her. “We payin’ be-yoo-dee sawon,” Gwen explains. Eddie looks up at you, whispering ‘Can you grab her bows for me?’ You nod, reaching into the bottom drawer to snatch a basket full of bows, holding them out to him while he picks. 
“Beauty salon,” Eddie corrects softly, “Orange or black bows?”  “Bwack,” she says, waving him off like you do when you’re busy, “I’m on da phone, daddy.” “Yeah,” you say, meeting her sass, “She’s on the phone, daddy.”
He lets a ‘pfff’ push out of his lips while he grabs two black bows from last halloween, little sparkly spider webs parked in the center. You leave them to it, heading down to get the car packed up and make sure you have Gwen’s bag set up before you leave. 
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Despite the dramatics, the ride is going well. Gwen happily eats an apple sauce packet in her carseat while the two of you sip on coffees and eat breakfast sandwiches from a drive thru off the highway. It’s nice to get out of the city for a while and get Gwen used to the idea of not being in it anymore. The drive consists mostly of James Taylor’s greatest hits because Gwen is her Grandpa Wayne’s baby before she’s anyone else’s. She hums along to Carolina and sings only the chorus of Mexico. Her favorite song is Mockingbird even though it’s Carly Simon featuring James Taylor. The two of you throw it on the record player every other day to sing it to her, even if she doesn’t ask for it. It’s selfishly your favorite song, too, just ‘cause you get to see your husband play along with you. “And if that better way ain't so, I'll ride with the tide and go with the flow, And that's why, I keep on shoutin' in your ear, Saying (yeah, yeah) whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, whoa-oh.” You lean your head back on the passenger’s side to make eye contact with Gwen through the visor mirror who giggles back at you. She mimics your ‘whoa-whoa-whoa’, shimmying in her carseat with her shoulders. Gwen’s no stranger to shimmying, always finding some way to dance off beat to Ed’s music when he plays at a venue she can be at or practices at home. His number one fan. 
“Oh-wange twees, mommy,” Gwen says, tiny finger pointing out the window at the foliage lining the road. “I see them, aren’t they pretty Gwen?” you nod back at her. Eddie’s head turns slightly to watch her watch the trees, eyes shining at each change of color hits her. His heart beats a little quicker knowing she’s able to make those distinctions between orange, red, and yellow – too smart, getting too big. “Daddy’s git-tah,” she yelps, pointing hard at a tree covered in dark red leaves while Eddie slowly turns down the entrance of the orchard. Gwen lets out a tiny ‘woah’ when the car jostles that makes him laugh, he wishes she’d stay this little forever. “Yeah, that’s the same color as daddy’s guitar, good job sweetheart,” he smiles back at her, “Are you ready to pick some apples so we can make Uncle Stevie a pie for when he visits?” “Ya!” She nods, happy and excited. She doesn’t know what he said, but whenever he talks to her with a smile she’ll do whatever he asks and vice versa. Still ‘sort of rockstar’, definitely ‘meant to be father’. Parking is less of a nightmare than expected since it’s early in the day – most families come after the first morning nap, at least that’s what the mom groups told you on Facebook. Gwen hardly naps anymore, but you won’t be surprised if she knocks out earlier than usual tonight. Eddie gets the backpack full of Gwen’s essentials and you grab the baby. “I have to carry you through the parking lot, babe,” you say when she starts to bounce in your arms, eager to run on the grass in her sneakers. “Wanna walk, please,” she begs, her hands on your cheeks while you make your way towards the entrance. “You can walk when we get inside but there’s lots of cars out here and no stop lights,” you say, batting her hand out of your hair when she reaches for it, “I’ll put you down in a little bit.” “You think we should take the stroller?” Ed asks from the trunk. “They have wagons, we can just pull her around,” you shrug, “I don’t think the back up stroller is good for this kind of place, we’d need the one at home.” Eddie shrugs, joining you on your walk to the entrance to get your empty bag and your wagon, putting Gwen at the back as you get to the trees. “Walk, please,” she begs again. You hesitate, it’s just too big of a place and she’s a runner, “Honey, I would love it if you–” “Let her walk,” Eddie says, “She’ll get bored after a few minutes and wanna watch anyway, just let her walk.” “Come here Gwen, hold my hand,” he says, offering a tattooed hand to her pudgy one. She clumsily crawls out of the wagon, bouncing over to her dad to put her hand in his. He pulls her up once, making her squeal and giggle as she floats next to him. “More, more!” she laughs, letting Eddie swing her ahead a few more times while you all make your way through the trees. 
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She likes apple picking more than you expected, arms up constantly to be lifted onto the branches to grab some off of every few trees. Gwen had a good eye, better than you and Eddie, for super crisp ones – pointing up and jumping to get at them. If she was a little bigger you wouldn’t be surprised if she climbed up the trees with the ease of a jungle cat. Your husband encouraged it, climbing up the branches like he was still twenty – sitting with his legs dangling off and having you pass your toddler to him. “Please be careful,” you warn, passing her up to him. “Babe, I know what I’m doing,” he scowls, a hint annoyed before changing his expression for Gwen when he helps her onto the low branch with him. “You don’t have to be a jerk, I just want her to be safe,” you snap back. “And I’m keeping her safe,” he says with a smile as to keep your daughter none-the-wiser. Still looking at Gwen while she reaches for another apple. She hands it to Eddie who hands it to you, your fingers brush. “Sorry,” he says, looking down at you, “I’ll be careful. We’re not very high, but you’re right. I’ll be careful.” “Thank you,” you nod, taking the apple and pressing a ghost of a kiss to his knuckles. He blushes red, red, red. Red like the leaves, red like his guitar. “Why s’pink, daddy?” Gwen asks, passing him another apple. “I just love mommy very much, honey,” he smiles, pressing a kiss into her hair, “She makes me turn pink like a heart.” “Like on da phone,” she says, clinging to him like a koala when he slides down off the low branch with her. “Yes, like on the phone,” he nods. You’re not Peach 🍑 in his phone anymore. You’re The Wife 💗. Right now he’s Gwen’s Dad in your phone because you got in an argument two months ago and haven’t changed it back to Rockstar Husband 🎸❣️because ‘Gwen’s Dad’ makes you laugh too much. He hates it. “How you like them apples, G?” you ask when Eddie puts her down in the wagon, she looks up at you confused and shrugs; brown curly pigtails bouncing at she does. “Kids today,” you shake your head at Eddie while you press onward, “No culture.” 
“No culture,” he agrees enthusiastically. 
You peruse, the bags you bought are filled to the brim with apples. Some red, some green, a few yellow so Gwen can try them and see if she likes them. It’s a calming walk, the chatter of other families, the squeaky roll of the wagon, the rustle of the trees when the early autumn wind catches them. Eddie holds your hand loosely, always needing to keep touching you in some way, always wanting to keep you close to him. You look back, Gwen going between looking around at the other families and playing with her V-Tech phone. Eddie goes from walking slow to speeding up to make the wagon jostle just to hear Gwen’s giggles peal through the trees. After about an hour of walking and picking, you’re about as pooped as your toddler should be. Once you get to the tree line you see the farm and market down at the base of the hill, a little relieved that you’ve all made it to the end of the road unscathed. 
That is, until Gwen climbs out of the wagon when it comes to a stop and without warning, books it towards the edge. 
“Gwendolyn Rose!” Eddie’s call is rough and loud out of fear, but it sounds like anger. Gwen stops short, startled, falling backwards onto the seat of her leggings. Like clockwork the first whine starts, building up into a needy, sad wail. You know they’re crocodile tears so you keep your pace with the wagon behind you. Your husband however, despite the constant reminder that she knows he’s easy, rushes forward without a second thought. “Oh no, my baby girl, shh, shh. I’m sorry,” he coos, reaching down to hoist her up onto his hip, “I didn’t mean to yell, sugar. You just got daddy scared is all. I’m not mad.” Gwen wipes her face, pushing away tears that never fell, sniffling and hiding her face in his neck. He rubs her back while she settles, guilt tugging on the lines between his brows. 
“No baby girl,” Gwen pouts, “I’m big girl.” 
“Oh that’s right, you’re my big girl,” Eddie grins, kissing her cheek. She’s not amused, frowning down at him while she pushes up against his shoulder to squirm out of his hold. “That’s a very grumpy face, Gwenny,” you giggle.  “Hey, are you mad at me?” he asks up at her before popping her back down onto her feet at the edge of the tree line, “Why’re you lookin’ so mad?” 
“I’m big,” she announces, little foot stomping on the grass below her. Eddie lets a sigh out through his nose and kneels down to her level. She takes several deep breaths and you both know it’s the beginning of what could be a very long second tantrum of the day. “I know, you’re a very big girl,” he nods, “But what do mommy and daddy say you have to do when we don’t have you in the stroller?” “Hode hands,” she repeats back in a whine. “That’s right, we hold hands – and if we’re not holding your hand you’re supposed to stay close, right?” He watches her nod, tucking a finger under her chin to make sure she’s absorbing what he’s saying. Her lower lip juts out, cheeks puffing while her shoulders sulk. “I walk by - by mysewf,” she urges, sniffling, “Pwease.” “Not today, sugar. I’m sorry,” he sighs, cupping her cheek in his palm, “I have a fun idea, do you wanna get on daddy’s shoulders and you can tell us how far we are from the farm?” She brightens up a little, giggling when he reaches down to tickle her sides before scooping her up to lift over his shoulders. He groans the way old men groan when they lift something and you stifle a laugh, smiling up at Gwen when she smiles down at you. “Hi mommy,” she beams, waving her tiny hand.  “Hi baby,” wave back lazily, the shoddy sleep you had last night starting to settle into your eyes. “Do you see the farm, Gwenny?” Eddie asks, she nods enthusiastically, “Maybe we can go get you a donut, how does that sound? Will that make you happy?”
“Ed,” you click your tongue, “She’s never gonna get to sleep later.” “We’re making memories, babe,” Eddie says, reaching up to hold Gwen’s hands to keep her steady, “Some extra sugar won’t hurt her.” 
“Yeah, you love extra sugar, don’t you?” you laugh. 
“Matter of fact, I do,” he smirks, shooting you a wink. He laughs when he sees two of those twelve foot Home Depot skeletons posed outside the front of the market, promoting their haunted hayride with signs and other silly decor, “Shit, that’s fuckin’ metal – s’ridiculous.” 
“S’dic-yoo-liss,” Gwen repeats. “S’ridiculous, Gwennifer!” Eddie repeats back in concurrence. “Sss’tick-you-luss,” she bounces, laughing when he laughs. They have the same one, though his has years on hers, gruff with age, with cigarette stains. 
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Pumpkins get picked, warm donuts devoured, the morning finally feels like it’s coming to a close. You park Gwen down at a picnic table while Eddie goes to get the goods, hanging out with your threenager who can barely keep her eyes open. You’re thankful you still have the wagon because there was no way you’d be able to carry all of it back to the car. Caramel apples, cider donuts, three gallons of apple cider, honey sticks, pumpkin pie, and anything else Eddie thought was good enough to bring home for the season weight heavy in the brown paper bags in his arms. He comes back sheepishly, biting his lower lip when you look at the bags and then at him. 
“Hm,” you hum pointedly. 
“I just really like fall flavors, peach,” he shrugs, “And the old lady at the front was so sweet telling me about the deals I couldn’t not get everything.” “You’re such a sucker,” you laugh with a roll of your eyes, “You ready to head out?” He nods, ticking his forehead at Gwen whose cheek is smushed against your chest, eyelashes brushing the tops of her cheeks, “Looks like this pumpkin’s ready to go.” 
“She’s out,” you say softly, brushing her hair away from her face, “Lasted five minutes on my lap.” 
“Let me get a picture to send to Steve,” he says low enough that it doesn’t wake her, “The background is perfect.” “Ed you have a thousand pictures of her from today,” you complain. “Shh, shh, come on,” he smiles, taking out his phone – you know he’s only snapping Gwen by the way he lowers the camera to your lap. He puts the bags in the wagon while you slowly stand with her wrapped around your front. You wait at the entrance for him to pull the car around, leaving the wagon behind. She doesn’t wake up when you pop her back in the car seat, slowly rolling out of the parking lot with the rest of the afternoon in your wake. 
“I got her a little gourd painting kit, somewhere in those bags,” he says, “She can make some decorations.”  “Oh she’ll love that,” you nod, peeking at her sleeping face in the visor mirror again, “I’ll do it with her before dinner.”
He pulls in slowly at a stop sign, hand reaching out to snake into yours, pulling it to his lips to bless you with soft kisses on the back of your hand.
“Thanks for such a good day, baby,” he murmurs.
“You’re very welcome.” 
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Later on, just before dinner, Eddie hears a tiny knock on his office door paired with two giggles from his favorite girls. 
“Yes?” he calls out. The door creeps open and he hears you whisper, ‘Ask ‘Are you busy, daddy?’ 
“You busy, daddy?” Gwen pipes up. He shuts his computer, moving away from the two additional screens. “No, honey, never too busy for you,” he smiles, creases by his eyes showing up through his glasses, “Do you have something to show me?” 
“Yeah,” she nods, pulling on your hand to pull you into the room. He uses the same candles he always has, deep spice, like his cologne. Warm like the way he holds you. Still in his hunter green Dickie’s overalls from this morning. 
You give Gwen her little pumpkin that she painted to present to her dad, beaming with excitement while he looks it over. 
“Such a good job, Gwenny,” he coos, “Are these –” 
“I did bats,” she grins, finger touching the sparkly black sort of bats adorning the outside. Covered in glitter and sequins, falling onto his office floor. 
“You did bats? For Halloween?” he asks. You shake your head no, smiling big when Gwen goes on to explain. 
“No cause, daddy, cause you have bats,” she hurriedly explains, “Issa daddy pum-kin.” She reaches to his left arm, pointing at the bat tattoos on the inside when he was a kid. She runs her finger over them, “See, bats like daddy.” 
“That’s so sweet, honey,” he coos, “Is it for me?” “Yeah,” she squeaks, “For here.” “For your office,” you say for her, trying not to giggle when his eyes shine with tears. She could give him a piece of trash and he’d cry over it, “‘Cause you have so many Halloween decorations in here.” He laughs, looking around at all the tour posters he has from bands he’s seen over the years – to a three year old they probably are a little scary. “And what did you say it was when you were done, Gwen?” you ask, “What did you say daddy would think the pumpkin was?” “Fucking med-oh,” she giggles. “Oh my god,” he sighs, thumb and forefinger immediately going to temples. “Fucking metal,” you repeat back him, knowingly, “Wonder where she got that.”
He tries not to laugh when he looks down at Gwen, “Don’t say that word, baby, that’s a bad word.” “Sowwy,” she whispers. “It’s okay, you didn’t know,” he grins, pulling her in to kiss her all over. She shrieks the way babies shriek when they’re excited and runs out of the office toward her bedroom at the end of the hall. You turn to go after her before feeling Eddie’s hand on your shoulder. “Hey,” he says quietly in your ear, you shiver, “Remember when you said I like a little extra sugar?” 
Your cheeks burn hot, turning to him, “I do.” He leans in slow, lips capturing yours in a way that they only do when you both get to be alone, “Don’t forget to keep givin’ me some.” “I won���t,” you murmur back, letting him kiss you deeply one more time before pressing a slow kiss to your favorite place under the hinge of your jaw, “You’re bold, Munson.” He shrugs, breaking away, “Needed somethin’ sweet.” 
As if he isn't sweet enough. Eddie spends the rest of the night looking up ways to preserve a painted gourd. 
masterlist | fall frenzy | ko-fi
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queenimmadolla · 10 months
Penny is definitely the type of toddler to ask 1000000 questions to avoid going to bed. She asks for water 10 times, ask to read another story. But Eddie and readers favourite is when she asks for a cuddle.
you're right, so i wrote something a little inspired by this!
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dad!eddie munson x mom!reader
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Summary: Your baby tries being cute to get out of bedtime. Neither you or Eddie fall for it. This time.
warnings: a manipulative baby being cute.
wc: 2k more of this family here
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“Wook!” Penny held up the same building block she’d shown Eddie at least six times in the last hour. It was red and she was enamored with it. “Wook, dada!”
  Eddie ooh’d, phony admiration all over his face, “Is that a block, baby?”
  “Ya! ‘S a b’ock.” She mumbled, chin angling down towards her chest as she focused on the block in her stubby hands, eyebrows furrowing in concentration with her plump lower lip jutting out.
  Once his two year old was done analyzing it, she began to bash it into the carpet repeatedly, face still set in that scowl and Eddie glanced down at his watch in order to check the time to confirm his suspicion.
  Yup, 6:30. Penny’s bedtime was approaching and she was getting grumpy—she’d turn into a Gremlin if she wasn’t in bed by seven. It wasn’t a fun experience for anyone.
  You seemed to have noticed the time, too, appearing from the bathroom doorway.
  “Bathtime,” You called and Eddie watched Penny for her reaction. She was sat on the ground, chunky legs strewn out with her big eyes wide, a sadness to them as she paused in her abuse of the block. 
  You’d recently pointed out something amusing to Eddie, something that had been going on for a while but never noticed by him.
  Penny was now aware of her bedtime and she did not like it. Not in the sense where she’d throw a tantrum—though she usually always started whimpering the moment he put her in her crib—she’d often try to distract her parents while they went through the motions.
  Delay the inevitable, if you will.
  Now, Eddie could see the wheels turning in her curly little head.  
  “‘Kay,” Penny finally replied, dropping the block and pressing both her hands to the carpet so she could push her bottom in the air before standing the rest of the way up.
  Eddie’s lips slowly twisted into a smirk as he watched her clean up, purposely picking her toys up one by one, then over to drop into her toy box.
  That’s how it went for the next five minutes. 
  Pick one up, waddle to the toy box, drop it, and repeat.
  And the reason Eddie knew she was aware she could pick up more than one was the way she’d glance at them, side-eyeing them as she passed to toddle towards her toy box.  
  “Hurry, Penny.” You prompted, also watching her—though, you didn’t look as amused as Eddie. You knew she’d take forever, but the joke was on her. She’d had a bath this morning where you’d let her have some playtime with her bath toys and rubber ducky, so this bath would be strictly to get her clean and then get her out of it. Wouldn’t take longer than ten minutes.
  Penny would be in bed on time whether she liked it or not.
  Eddie decided to interfere, picking up the toys she’d left behind. Penny looked affronted when she’d stopped staring into her toy box—purposely wasting time—to see her daddy approaching with the rest of her careful plan in his arms.
  He dumped all the toys into the toy box before scooping her up, pressing kisses to her squishy cheek as he carried her to the bathroom that you ducked into when you saw them coming.
  “C’mon, stinky butt. Let’s get you clean.”
  “Penny no stinky booty!”
  Eddie handed her over and leaned against the door frame as you had Penny stand in front of the small tub while you pulled off her overalls and shirt.
  He had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing when he noticed her trying to distract you; reaching out to play with your hair, caressing your face like you’d do to hers. 
  You saw right through it, fully aware her sudden  affection was fake. You’d had to gently pry her hands away multiple times—she’d even gone in for a few hugs, but if you let her, she’d be stuck to you like an octopus—to get her into the water. 
  “Toys?” She’d asked after you’d poured water over her hair, big brown hopeful eyes framed with long, wet lashes.
  “No toys this time, Penny. In the morning, okay?”
  She didn’t respond as you began washing her hair and to untrained eyes, she’d look sad. Eddie was catching on though, you were very right. 
  Penny wasn’t sad. She was plotting her next step.
  After she’d been scrubbed clean, towel dried and wrapped in it, you’d handed her to Eddie so you could drain the bath water.
  Penny curled into him while he carried her to the room, wet little head nuzzling into the crook of his neck as her wrinkly finger trailed lazily over his collarbone.
  Eddie loved it when she was cuddly, he was obsessed with it. She’d long since left her newborn days behind, even her baby habits were starting to go and since she’d started walking, she didn't need him to carry her around all the time so he soaked in these moments where she’d just let him coddle her, comfort her.
  He nosed along her hairline, pressing kiss after kiss there as he inhaled the scent of her baby shampoo. 
  “You tired, baby?” He hummed, swaying with her in his arms.
  “Nooo…” Eddie could hear the pout and chuckled.
  “You don’t wanna go night-night?”
  “Noooo….” Penny mumbled again, this time sounding so much more sad.
  Their ‘bonding’ was interrupted when you entered the room, pulling Penny right out of his arms as you cackled and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
  “You almost got him, a very nice try.” You congratulated her as you carried her over to the bed.
  Eddie stuttered, blinking rapidly before his gaze locked onto his sweet little baby’s face. She was pouting as you put a fresh diaper on her and changed her into her jammies, letting out little whines and Eddie realized she hadn’t even wanted to cuddle with him—she’d just been using him to delay bedtime again. Was nothing sacred to her?
  “So, that’s all I am to you?” Eddie scoffed, grin wide despite her manipulation. 
  Penny just looked up at him with her pretty eyes, “Pen has wahwah?”
  Water, you corrected at the same time Eddie said no before running to fetch his spawn a sippy cup of water. When he returned, you were curled up on the bed with Penny in your arms. She’d cuddle with you while Eddie read her a bedtime story and then you’d put her down in her crib for the night.
  Despite her reluctance, Penny had picked out a bedtime story at your prompting, and Eddie tried to keep his scream internal when he saw the cover of Goodnight Moon in her pudgy little grasp.
  Penny had accumulated a large selection of books from friends and family, and Eddie often read The Hobbit to her before her day naps since it put her to sleep—so she was exposed to books with more sustenance, but his daughter insisted on reading about saying goodnight to everything every single night.
  Eddie didn’t even need the damn book, he had it memorized but Penny also insisted on seeing the pictures.
  “Oh, yay, baby. You picked out Daddy’s favorite again.” And he’d lie to her about loving her selection every single night too. 
  She’d held the book out to him with one hand and eagerly reached for the sippy cup with the other, and once Eddie gave it to her, quickly guzzled down the water within it—which made you cringe. You’d have to check her in a couple of hours, there was no way she’d make it through the night with a dry diaper. 
  “Alright,” Eddie began as he settled into his spot, wrapping an arm around you as you nuzzled into him and placed Penny on his chest. Penny—continuing to sip from her cup, slapped Eddie’s chest like he was the one to blame for being shifted around, “tonight we have a special request. Goodnight Moon, for the 419th time…”
  Despite his annoyance with the book in question, Eddie approached the storytelling with the same amount of gusto he brought to Hellfire, though his tone was a gentle one.
  The raspiness of his voice and the rumbling of his chest had Penny’s eyes drooping, curly head nuzzling against him. Even you had to pry your eyelids open.
  In the short amount of time it took him to finish reading the book, Penny had begun fighting sleep, dropping her sippy cup, which you were quick to catch.
  Eddie seized the moment, gathering Penny in his arms and rising from the bed with you right behind him.
  Her crib—she was still too small for a bed—was at the end of the room, and you pulled her blanket out while he placed Penny in it.
  She began whimpering, lower lip jutting out in a frown as moisture began to gather at her lash line. She may have been tired but she still didn’t want to go to sleep. 
  “Mama…” She mumbled, her little voice wavering.
  “It’s okay, Penny.” You cooed, leaning down into the crib to press a kiss to her forehead. “You’re gonna go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning, you can play with all of your toys.”
  “Dada?” Her normally big eyes were squinty with exhaustion as they found Eddie’s.
  “I’ll play with you, too, baby. We can build whatever you want.” He reached down to tenderly stroke a hand over her curls and Penny nuzzled her head into his hand as you tucked her blanket over her. 
  Then you made sure her nightlight and baby monitor (already playing a low lullaby for her) were on while Eddie lingered in the doorway, waiting for you.
  “I love you, Penny.” He called out and he could see her shift in her crib.
  “Luh you,” and then as you passed her crib, “mama, luh you.”
  It made you want to pick her right up and carry her out to the living room with you but you stayed strong and joined Eddie.
  “I love you, too, baby. Goodnight.”
  “Nanight.” She whined out, but she was finally succumbing to her fate.
  You slipped out of the room with Eddie closing the door behind him before the both of you collapsed onto the couch. You loved your little girl, but keeping up with her all day had you exhausted.
  Eddie pulled you onto his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he mused, “I can’t believe its barely like seven, and I’m ready for night-night.”
  “You and me, both.” You agreed around a yawn as you held the monitor up so the two of you could listen.
  Penny’s lullaby definitely wasn’t helping the two of you stay awake, but you were listening for the rustling. While she was tired, you hadn’t expected Penny to fall asleep the minute Eddie had closed the door. She was still awake and winding down as she waited for the sandman.
  “How does she always make me feel so guilty?” Eddie asked, still thinking about his baby’s big sad eyes.
  “Because you’re a sucker,” you answered and Eddie scoffed, chest shaking with a chuckle, “She’s got you wrapped around her little fingers, just remember what she’s like when she stays up past her bedtime.”
  You both shuddered at memories of your normally sweet baby acting like some unhinged little gremlin, purposely misbehaving and wreaking havoc—all because she’d managed to manipulate you with that cute little face into letting her stay up.
  Gremlin Penny liked to throw anything she got her hands on, scream, claw, throw tantrums and do exactly what you told her not to.
  It was normally Eddie who got strict with her then, and the guilt he felt at putting her to bed was nothing compared to the guilt he felt after having to punish her or put her in a time out as a result of his actions and keeping her up past her bedtime.  
  “I can live with this,” He decided after his brain was supplied with a montage of Gremlin Penny moments.
  Later, when the two of you were getting ready for bed, he peered into the crib to see Penny fast asleep, her chunky hands up near her head and tangled in her curls. She looked sweet and entirely at peace, eyelids fluttering with her innocent dreams.
  Yeah, he could live with it. 
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 5 months
Can you write about Eddie dad, like he buys his kid his first guitar? But he has to sell sweetheart to get it? But the reader gets sweetheart back with her engagement ring and then Eddie is like where is your ring???
Just an FYI the baby's name is Asher.
Eddie always knew his child would end up loving music, when you two found out you were expecting he started to play music to your bump as it grew, when your baby boy was finally here with you two Eddie was the only one who was able to make him fall asleep as he sung to him.
It's been years of singing to him, of playing the guitar with him that lead to Asher asking for his own guitar for his birthday. You and Eddie talked about it and decided that seven was old enough for him to start learning how to play.
Eddie was over the moon that his son wanted to play the guitar...he was also heartbroken knowing that you two couldn't afford a nice guitar for him just yet. You both agreed to pick up more hours at work and to save as much as possible in the next few months leading to Asher's birthday. He never wanted to have to pinch pennies now that Asher is old enough to notice slight changes that comes with having to save money.
It was a few weeks before Asher's birthday and he was so excited, all he can talk about was his rockstar themed birthday party. You were busy getting everything ready that you haven't had time yet to talk to Eddie about the guitar and Eddie took that to his advantage. One day you took Asher to the party supply store to pick out whatever he wanted and Eddie quickly went to the pawn shop.
It hurt his heart having to sell his sweetheart but it broke his being knowing that Asher wasn't on the path of getting a guitar with how much you've been able to save. You've cut back on everything. You saved as much as you possible could for the past few months and it wasn't enough. Eddie saw how much you were upset over knowing Asher probably wasn't getting a guitar anytime soon and as he thinks about you and his baby boy he knew he had to sell his sweetheart to make his sweethearts happy.
You got back to the house with bags full of party supplies and a very happy six year old. "Mama can I call grandpa! I want tell him bout the party theme!" You laugh feeling you heart swells hearing how excited your baby was and you allowed him to call his grandpa as you put away the party supplies to be used later. As you were putting things away you noticed your husband missing. Soon after noticing this Eddie walks through the door with the excuse of Dustin asking for help with the upcoming campaign. You shrug it off without thinking of anything.
When it's time to tuck Asher into bed he asks Eddie to play a song. You see Eddie tense up and stutter out an excuse of his throat hurting slightly. It takes Asher a little longer to fall asleep that night.
It's two days before Asher's birthday when you pull Eddie to the side to ask about the guitar. "I think we have just enough for a cheap guitar for him" you mutter when Eddie sighs, "Actually...." he mumbles and winces as your focus snaps towards him. "Actually?" You question making him nod. "Isoldsweetheart" he says as quickly as possible. You glare at him playfully, "Munson you know I can't understand you" you say playfully, he takes a deep breath and says it again. "I...I sold sweetheart" Your eyes widen and your breathing hitches. "YOU WHAT?!?!" You nearly scream as he covers your mouth, "Baby don't yell you'll wake Ash" you nod and he uncovers your mouth and sighs again.
"I sold sweetheart. I don't want to give him a shitty guitar for his first one and I can always get a cheap one later to replace her." He tries to justify his actions as you shake your head, "Baby you love that guitar" He shrugs, "I sold it. That's the end of that but I want to get him a true guitar. One that he'll grow up with." All you can do is nod knowing there is no point in arguing.
Eddie was in charge of getting the guitar, you knew nothing about them so he went to his work and got what he deemed worthy enough for his baby. While he was getting the guitar you dropped Asher off at Wayne's to go get sweetheart back. You can tell Eddie is upset with the lost and so is Asher even if he doesn't know that sweetheart is actually gone just yet. You found out where Eddie sold the guitar at and went over with the only expensive thing you owned...your engagement ring.
Today Asher woke up with so much knowing that today was his party. You were in such a rush that you forgot all about sweetheart and your ring. While you were setting up the tables Eddie was setting up all the presents for Asher to be open later in the day. He looked over at you and smiled seeing you talking to Asher trying to lay out the table cloth. He goes over to you two so he can help you out but then something makes him stop in his tracks. "Where is your ring?" Hearing his voice makes you stop in your tracks. "Baby. Where is your ring??" You can hear the confusing and the panic in his voice, you turn to see him and you swallow the lump in your throat before trying to explain yourself.
"Well I...I got sweetheart back..." You mutter making his eyes widen. "You did not sell your ring. You loved that ring!" You nod trying to calm him, "I did but baby I told you before I don't need a ring! I always just wanted our matching bands" He shakes his head but before he can argue back everyone shows up for the party. "We aren't done talking about this." He says before going to greet everyone.
The party is coming to an end when it's time for Asher to open his big present. Seeing his eyes light up and hearing his shouts of excitement made it all worth it. What made it even more worth it was seeing him and Eddie play their guitar together.
A few months later when your birthday came around you were surprised by your baby boy playing one of your favorite songs on his new guitar, and by your other baby giving you a new engagement ring that he made you promise to never get rid of.
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Tagging: @emmyshortcake @bloodthirstybreedingbunny @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @thefreak0fhawkinshigh @lofaewrites
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lover-of-mine · 11 months
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Dad!Eddie in Season 5
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Buck & Eddie: Chris' Parents!
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In a post I completed a few days ago (linked here), I explained how Buck wears specific colors when he's looking for answers and in it, I mentioned how he was wearing the color shirt he usually wears whenever he's looking for them. When TM (showrunner) first released the still of Buck and Chris from 7x1, Buck's pants weren't shown because it didn't include the lower half of his body. However, the stills for 7x1 that were released yesterday do include the bottom half of his body and he's wearing navy-blue pants.
After completing a post about The Buckley-Diaz Family yesterday, I vaguely remembered Shannon was wearing the same colors in 2x7 that Buck will be wearing in 7x1 and I got curious. Reminder, Eddie had to call her and when he did, he asked her to come over so they could talk about Chris' admission into Durand. I didn't watch the episode again but I did fast forward through it to get to that specific scene and I was right. She's wearing a rust/dark orange colored blouse and it's a similar color to the shirt Buck's wearing in all the stills from 7x1 while he's in Chris' room. Also, both of them were wearing navy-blue pants.
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When she arrived at Eddie's house, she was looking for answers after having been gone for almost 2 years and it appears Buck's going to be looking for answers too about something while he's there in 7x1. Reminder, he's going to be helping Chris with his homework, possibly math but remember his "special skills" disappeared after 6x13 so...
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Additionally, Eddie didn't enter Chris' room with her, he kept standing in the doorway similarly to the way he will be doing in 7x1. Since it's just a still, no one but the showrunner, producers, writers, actors and actresses know if Eddie actually enters while Buck's there. Since the lighting is different, it appears Buck will already be gone when Eddie's standing in the doorway looking at Chris (the still on the right has Eddie standing in the doorway).
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Please note, Eddie HAS entered Chris' room with Buck and he did it in 5x17 but IIRC, he never entered Chris' bedroom with Shannon and she's Chris' mother.
And just for kicks and giggles, reminder, guess who Buck and Eddie were talking about in 5x17? EDDIE'S PARENTS! 🤪😜🙃
Please NOTICE HOW BUCK'S SITTING ON THE BED WITH CHRIS in 7x1 (not the first time) BUT SHANNON WAS NOT in 2x7!
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Reminder, she asked Eddie if Chris ever asked about her while she sat on his bed but Eddie said, "Not in a while. He has a lot to keep him busy...". She also asked him if she could see Chris when they went into the living room while she was sitting on Eddie's GRAY couch (not the blue one that he has now, related post linked here) but Eddie said, he didn't want to confuse him because Chris hadn't seen her in almost two years.
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Reminder, Buck hasn't left Chris and he told him he wasn't going anywhere in 4x8. Also, another point to make about the conversation they had in 4x8 is Chris was talking about people who went away including... guess who? Shannon!
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Reminder, Buck sat on Chris' bed with him in 4x14 after Eddie got shot. Chris consoled him after Buck broke down and he told him it was going to be ok.
The point of this post is to illustrate how Buck and Shannon have been further paralleled with their clothing and they illustrate how both of them were/are looking for answers from Eddie regarding their place in Chris' life. I said in the post I completed about the color gray (linked above) that Eddie's the one who will have to tell Buck what his role is in Chris' life. He's the only one who can.
I said in another post I did about Dad!Buck that Chris was looking for Buck in 6x11 during Buck's coma dream not Eddie (linked here) but Buck didn't understand it. He asked him, "Can you help me find my dad?"
Additionally, the fact that Eddie's standing in Chris' doorway both times is significant. It's been speculated that Eddie's holding the letter that Shannon wrote to Chris since it's on blue paper and if he is then 👀.
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Don't forget about Eddie's WILL! Eddie named Buck to be Chris' legal guardian in it but IYKYK. Eddie's action was a LOVE CONFESSION BECAUSE HE WAS GIVING BUCK HIS HEART.
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Please understand, 9-1-1 is NOT being subtle in season 7 with the parallels between Buck and Shannon. Eddie and Buck have been coparenting Chris for years and I've completed several posts about it (one is linked here).
Finally, another reminder... Shannon left El Paso when Chris was 5 years old and when she returned, she was only there for a few months, therefore she was probably actively in Chris' life for about 5 years and some months before she died but Season 7 marks the fact that Buck has now been a huge part of Chris' life for more than 6 years 👀.
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