#DP x DC x SCP
stars-obsession-pit · 29 days
a random DP x DC + SCP thought
Isn’t SCP-447 a LOT like what Ectoplasm is in DP x DC fics?
Weird green goop
Can improve things (like how fics often have ecto-infused tech be better than normal tech - e.g. Tucker’s PDA or arguably much of the Fentonworks tech in general), or sometimes just breaks them
Those improvements can be given to living things, like how Liminal folks are often portrayed as stronger than baseline humans
When put in SCP-914 on 1:1 mode (meaning it’d be transformed into something “equivalent”), it was turned into a dead body, implying the nature of the substance has something to do with death
Harvested from a small sphere that is described as being the same temperature as a human body (could fit as being a “ghost core”)
Ooh wait that could be combined with the SCP-914 thing - it tried to recreate the body of the person the core is from
Has some sort of Bad effect on corpses - like how the Lazarus water can resurrect the dead but not without issues (“pit madness” or becoming zombie-y or etc)
Being studied by scientists who are often a bit stupid, which the GIW and Fentons can definitely qualify as
(Obviously i’m not saying there’s any intentional connection, i just thought of it randomly and had thoughts)
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Danny is there for every Hero Death
Ever heard of SCP-4999, a man who appears at the deathbed of anybody who dies alone to offer them some final comfort? That's Danny for all Hero Deaths.
He's there for Superman when he is killed by Doomsday, leading him to the Afterlife with a kind smile
He's there for Barry Allen when he dies, letting him know that he can finally stop running.
He's there for Stephanie Brown when she dies of her Wounds in Dr Leslie's office, holding her hand as she passes
And he's there with Jason Todd when he is betrayed by his mother and killed by the Joker, offering a shoulder to cry on as the building explodes
He is the comforting presence there to sooth all Heroes in their final moments, because he never had one in his own.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
I saw a dc x dp post somewhere where Jack Fenton is a meta with super strength and now I have a scenario in my head that i cant shake.
So this is where the Fenton parents know Danny’s secret and accept him.
Danny, while smirking: no wall can stop a Fenton. *phases through the wall*
Jack, beaming happily: You're right, Danno! No wall can stop a Fenton! *punches through the wall in the most destructive way possible*
Jazz, who inherited her fathers super strength: Just because we can doesn’t mean we should! *proceeds to follow her dad and brother, picking up large chunks of rubble to help the non super powered people with them get through*
The BatFam follows with even more questions.
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the-autistic-spider · 11 months
Danny phantom crossover fic's please
I'm just looking for some Danny phantom crossover fics it could be
ben 10
alex rider
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hallowsden · 1 year
DC x DP Idea Thing #4
Dual-sided Rebirth AU (Official name pending)
Brain had this idea for over a week (or 2...) now, rent-free, but what if Jazz, Dan, Danny, and Ellie all reincarnated as Harvey Dent's kids? Jazz and Dan are the old set of twins while Danny and Ellie are the younger set. Will all of them remember their past lives? I say majority of it.
This is before Harvey got scarred and became Two-Face and maybe the mother is someone before Gilda Dent? Idk, all I know is that all of them present as Metas despite neither Harvey or their mother had the meta trait (this is a case that Black Canary II falls under from what my research says), Danny and Ellie's powers showing from birth while Dan's and later Jazz's activated after.
Danny and Ellie were thought to be dead when they were born but they proved otherwise. Danny froze a nurse's hand while Ellie went into goop mode a few times. Later Dan and Jazz both set something on fire but for two completely different reasons, severity, and time. At least to say, Harvey here has a handful, especially if he was acting as a single parent here.
Harvey's gonna have a bit of a hard time first as a parent, regardless if this is pre-Two-Face era or not. Man here is (secretly) terrified at the thought of becoming like his father to his kids.
It takes a while but he gets used to the life of fatherhood despite also being busy as hell. The kids help out by behaving (as much as they can anyways), though, Jazz's powers do come in handy.
(She's like SCP-999 essentially here when she notices people are stressed in her proximity, for lack of better words. No one noticed she had powers till it manifested into harmless flames that had calming effects to it when nearby. With her powers + support from her and the rest of her siblings, they managed to delay Two-Face's debut for a while later on. But uh, yeah, her powers are gonna be very helpful for Harvey when Dan, Danny, and Ellie all gain more powers cause OOOOO BOY, blood pressure, am I right?)
Harvey becomes more motivated to get into Law after all his kid's powers were shown so they can be seen/treated as equals and not have Metas outright banned from Gotham especially, even though he keeps his kid's status as "metas" away from public knowledge. It later becomes an open secret though.
As stated earlier, the Two-Face debut is gonna be delayed. Jazz, Dan, Danny, and Ellie are gonna be very protective of their dad (and pa when they officially meet Harv) after the attack. Mother henning children. I feel like Dan's gonna empathize with both of them a lot in a way and have late-night talks with dad and pa about the darker thoughts they all have.
As much as they all tried, though, Two-Face is gonna make an appearance cause this is Gotham.
When Two-Face era begins, Harvey and Harv likely avoid the kids (even if Danny and Ellie are still teens while Jazz and Dan are in Uni) as their way of protecting them from overall villain stuff the two do despite all of them trying to reach out to him and supporting them, hoping they'll get better.
I'm ngl, I feel like Dan and Danny are gonna join the criminal business with their dad and pa (much to their protests) cause someone has to look out for them. Ellie joins in on occasions for chaos and shenanigans (cause yes) and Jazz is glaring at Arkham with so much contempt cause YOU AREN'T HELPING HER DAD AND PA PROPERLY! (As well as the other inmates but STILL- YOU CALL THAT PROPER MEDICAL PRACTICE- Jazz ends up burning at least something whenever anything about Arkham is brought up. Everyone in the family is scared cause her flames normally don't even singe a thing)
Jazz is creating her own practitioner-place therapy thing cause TO HELL WITH ARKHAM!
I... Honestly don't know what I'm writing here anymore. More exhausted then usual. Might add/edit later. Idk. Just- Reincarnation for Fenton Kids, Harvey being Gotham's original Famous Dad before Bruce (which speaking of- he's Uncle Bruce and Dan and Danny don't trust him which confuses Harvey and Harv), and just, angst, fluff, chaos, and shenanigans.
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lmtyl · 7 months
Eldritch fic recs for Halloween
"Nothing But The Dead And Dying (back in my little town)" by Umei_no_Mai
Dan Phantom redemption
Halfa Jason Todd
Jason Todd/Original Female Halfa
Ghostly = Eldritch
"Spooky Monochrome Vigilantes Gotta Stick Together" by ayjayar
DP x Venom
Eldritch Venom Symbiote
Heavy worldbuilding/lore
Eddie becomes Team Phantom's fun uncle
"Things That Bleed" by artistfingers, kkachis, PerfectlyInconspicuous
DP x Alex Rider x SCP Foundation
Danny is an escaped SCP
Alex is being haunted, and hunted
Instant friends just add trauma
"To Hear, To See, To Smile" by JUBE514 and SalParadiseLost
Bruce Wayne adopts eldritch children
Heavy worldbuilding/lore
I cried reading it
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