nosleep83 · 10 months
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bulkhummus · 1 year
keris post made me think about how carlos is the thing that grounds cecil but whats the thing that grounds carlos? ive joked about carlos having an identity crisis if his status as a scientist, hero, good neighbor and husband, is being threatened but— hear me out
part of the episode with donnie kevin and charles is charles making it clear that donnie is a part of his life, and therefore he is going to influence it and kevin has to be okay with that in order for them to work…… and thats such a different dynamic to a couple who decide to have a child together after being married, but the point is that children take up space in your life, and they change who you are just be existing….. carlos is no longer just defined by being a scientist, cecil is no longer just defined by being a radio host. they’re parents, fathers. that will always be who they are because this is a choice they have made, and their child will influence their life and choices for the rest of their lives. they can’t run away. they cant move on. they cant go somewhere and decide they like it better (looks at carlos) they cant pretend that their child doesn’t exist to absolve themselves of responsibility (looks at cecils mother😒) so despite the love and care and utter adoration, a child is also a commitment that is to seriously be considered
the adults have all fucked everything up, and they cant see past the despair they’ve been so thoroughly steeped in….. but children are so new to the game, so hopeful, stronger than they realize…… insightful because they’re applying their own logic that is less influenced/curated by the world they’re navigating ( a world, canonically, that is trapped in a time loop where adults literally cant escape the hand they’re been dealt) so what is it time to do? seriously consider the children.
i hope that esteban is the thing that grounds carlos! physically in night vale, but also in who he is as a person, and what he gets up for every single day. Cecil too for that matter— if his station or voice is taken from him— Because how lovely would a story be if it were to be a fathers love of their child trumping all else, for a child’s mere existence and joy and wonder of the world to soothe away the pain of abandonment and loss of direction?
huntokars love of her town became the very thing that destroyed it, but a fathers love for their child can be the very thing to save it!
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iconsumeheadcanons · 8 months
i headcanon donnie as being a late talker who became a person who almost never shuts up(affectionate)
i think he started being proficient maybe a year or 2 before meeting april. im certain he designed his own AAC app that uses his own voice for days when he cant talk. and the family absolutely also has TSL too!
but i made this post about that episode where he gets frustrated that his brothers dont understand things like he does (i think Mind Meld was the name) and he throws crayons at the table and starts yelling and then mumbling about his brothers being 'dumbs-dumbs'. that scene distinctly reminds me of throwing 'tantrums'(sorry dont know what to call them? fits maybe? i dont look positively at them) in middle school about my classmates 'being stupid and not following rules'.
i dont look negatively on the scene (its more of just personal bad experience lol. this is why im in therapy). i in fact adore the autism rep so much! even tho donnie is someone w low empathy and im too-high empathy, i feel like ive never seen a character who i understand so well. this scene reminds me SO much of being frustrated that other kids didnt think like me and didnt care about the same things and etc. i use to throw anything, i use to scream and yell, i use to cry and stomp. everyone told me i had anger issues and i didnt think so at the time and im still not certain if it was just struggling to regulate emotionally. i think it was so cool to see donnie do the same there. i love the scenes that show that he struggles w emotional regulation (prolly especially since he struggles to recognize the emotions as well)
ANYWAY what this headcanon post was supposed to be about was that i think some of donnies first words that he repeated like echolalia was 'dumbs-dumb'. the way he kept muttering it in that scene reminds me of being too mad to speak and getting stuck w easy/familiar words. i can easily see a little donnie in the middle of diy speech therapy w splinter walking around and calling everything dumbdumbs.
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tuxedokit · 1 year
consider this post-reveal cmar scenario: donnie keeps in good contact with her sisters, though they're generally only able to visit every few years. their usual visit comes along and they all coo over the adorable new baby and how big and strong little tala is growing!! and of course there's the traditional cheek pinching and "look at how much taller you've gotten!" for raz, frazie, and dion as well.
the day goes on. dona catches up with her sisters, they catch up with her and augustus. nona chats with them. they all coo over their nephews and nieces. usual family reunion stuff.
except, as the day goes on, dona's sisters notice something... off with how dona & augustus are acting in regards to their eldest. funny, miriam comments, given how dion was all over trying to help with mirtala last we visited, i'd have expected him to be just as eager to help with queepie. weird, juliette agrees, and i could have sworn dion was dona's pride and joy last time, too, she adds. did something happen, audrey wonders, to create this awkward distance?
the two families have dinner together that night, in a circle around the fire, dion sitting back further than she should. her aunts take notice, just as they've been noticing the awkwardness hanging over the entire family, like something doesn't fit. they confront their sister over it, moreso trying to figure out what's happening than outright accusing donatella of anything. but dona's story about the curse lurking in her eldest just doesn't seem quite believable.
it all comes out when dion, feeling caught in the middle of things, feeling like it's her fault that her mom and aunts are fighting, splashes right then and there from the stress.
...well. dona wasn't lying.
dion reforms, and scoots further away from the fire. shame is written across his face. dona & augustus don't yell, but they don't move to comfort their child, either. they don't do anything but look at dion with fear in their eyes and forlorn expressions on their faces.
so donnie's sisters make an offer. they're not beholden to the curse, miriam says, and this isn't an environment in which you're going to thrive, juliette adds. so you can come with one of us if you want, audrey offers. ...so long as donnie and augustus have no problems with it, miriam hastens to add.
and for all that they fear the curse, donatella and augustus still love their son. still want to see her grow strong and thrive and be okay and happy. so if dion wants to go with one of her aunts, they'll let her, they say. we don't want to keep you trapped here, they add. there is fear in their eyes and a tremble in their voices and love in their hearts.
but... dion doesn't want to leave their family for their aunts. even if it would be better. and some part of dion views this as selfish, but the rest of them moves their mouth to say no.
donnie's sisters stick around as long as they can, making sure to give dion all of the attention that his parents can't (won't). but the aquatos have to move on, eventually, and so do dona's sisters. they give dion their numbers, tell her that if she ever considers their offer, they'll be there.
years and years down the line, while a tired office-bound agent of the psychonauts recounts the damages that dion caused as The Storm, she wonders if maybe she should have taken her aunts' offer to go with them. if she hadn't lost their numbers, if she had found them before the deluginists found her, if if if.
but ifs don't heal a broken heart.
what if dion chose not to go with them because donas family is his family is augustus' family and dion thoroughly believes he will kill them and those aunts dont have that fear to keep them safe like the aquatos do. dion cant afford to have family. any family.
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cowabungacafe · 4 years
hi! could i request a tmnt matchup please? i'm rather short (1,60cm), chubby, and i look like a mix of 90's grunge and early 2000 emo. i'm anti-authority, and i am a leader, not a follower. if i don't think that a rule makes sense, or is useful, i'm not going to follow it. however, i'm mostly pretty obedient, and i don't cause much trouble. some people see me as a big brother type of person, because i protect and support when needed, and i have a 'caretaker' type persona. i can succeed at everything i *want* to succeed at, the rest doesn't interest me. i present myself as incredibly confident, hella sassy, sarcastic and like i don't have a care in the world, even though i'm really sensitive, introverted, kinda timid and insecure. i cry a lot over small things, and beat myself up relentlessly when i make mistakes. in general, i don't think highly of myself at all, but l would never outright admit that, or speak up. i just really hate having to trust someone with my emotions. i love making people around me laugh, it makes me really happy. i can be a bit petty, and teasing, but only in a joking manner. i actually get flustered really easily, and i never initiate anything, even though i adore physical affection of any kind. what most people are surprised by is my fair and unbiased way of judging. i stand up for anyone who is treated unfairly, even if i have to stand my own against authority (which makes me incredibly nervous). then again, i'm unable to protect myself, and i just quietly take everything that is said to me. i get scared really easily, and i'm afraid of being hit or yelled at. hope this was okay♡
My oh my! I have to admit this was pretty hard. And i thought about this for one whole day and then it hit me who im gonna match u up with. Thank you for requesting, i hope you got who you wanted.
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The above gif is the vibe you gave me and also i love this gif
I match you with
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Why i matched you with your result
You are leaderly and hardly wanna be a follower and an anti-authority, which resonates with raphs rebel vibes. If there's a rule that you think is wrong, you dont follow it no matter what. Just like raph, if raph thinks there some rules that literaly have no meaning he wont follow it and none can make him.
You show as if you are tough and dgaf about the world but deep down you're just a soft plushie baby who needs to be hugged tightly, same as raph, raph shows as if he doesn't care about this world and often talks about leaving his bros and starting his life separately, but the truth is quite opposite. He is very insecure and he thinks he doesn't deserve his bros.He cares and loves his brothers and the world deeeeply and can't think of a live without them. He says those stuff to maintain the "hardcore" persona. He too carries the sarcastic and sassy af vibe.
You will help someone and anyone in need no matter what the circumstances, even if its one man vs the world. Raph too will fight the demons if he have to to save someone he thinks is in need.
Just like you, raph too shows as if he doesn't get shy but thats not true, he is just a soft cinnamon roll in "badboy" skin. So any type of physical touch makes this red bandana mutant a full on tomato. Yes he is that flustered.
Raph is the most sarcastic of the brothers(i just checked that from the tmnt wiki)and will always go around throwing petty snarky comments on his smart-brain brothers(leo and donnie especially lol) so here too you resonate with him.
Raph is a pretty good brother i like to think even more reasonable than leo (as he argued with leo why mikey doesnt get a vote on the secrecy of purple ooze). Maybe thats why mikey is seen around raph more bcus raph too gives those protective big brother who may come off as harsh but will listen to your problems with open ears. (Maybe thts why he became the eldest brother in rottmnt). Here too you match with him.
Raph is reluctant on telling someone about his emotions as he thinks it will hamper his hardcore mode, until you came( read along the random hcs )
Although considered the hothead of the group, raphs sense of judgement isnt that far behind fron leos.
After mikey, raph is probably the second jokester, maybe not on the same level of mikey but pretty snarky and petty jokes lol.
Sometimes he breaks down when he realises that how the decision he took was wrong and how much it has affected not only him but his near and dear ones too. Like in the 2016, the stealing of the purple ooze from the police hqs made their existence known and April and Casey were taken into custody.
Random headcanons of both of you when together
Your first meeting is prolly when he was out on a patrol and saw u trying save an old lady who was getting mugged. He was watching from the rooftop the whole time, of how you advanced and told the robber to leave her alone with apparently no weapon in hand, until he came down when he felt like its showtimee!!
When you find some fault in Leo's plan/strategy you point them out right away and raph cant help but admire you and mouth the word "thats my girl", finally he has someone to back his ass up.
Your leadership qualities are excellent and even sensei confirmed that and raphs chest grew 4 inches wider with a permanent grin on his face and sending snarky looks towards leo, who is just rolling their eyes away.
Though he is usually the tough guy, but with you its a whole different thing. He shows a diff side to you, the side not many has witnessed. He is usually soft and goofy around you, if you're tired he will bring some food over at your place or just take you out for a lil dinner on the rooftops. He will spoil you with things you like.
He knows that you're pretty sensitive and flinch and gets scared of scolding or yelling(he knew it from the first time he had a fight with you and he raised his voice then suddenly he saw your eyes filling up with tears. From then on, he is always careful around you)
Everytime you cry whether be it a sad movie or someone which made you cry, he will cuddle with you and cradle you while brushing your hair and humming some lullaby which sensei used to sing to him.
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wamiandayne · 5 years
bandstand tour: the post
donny - zack? zach? - was so BOUNCY like not personality wise but movement wise like that bitch was alwayz moving and goijg Up and Down and it was so cute
everyone treated donny like a kid it waz... hilarious
large man: walks on stage. donny: exists. large man: Its Hug Time
(davy and one of the club owners hugged him SO MUCH)
idk if corey cott did it bc i didnt pay that much attention to bootlegs but This donny acted like he spent a LOT of time around a drummer
(i.e. - when you hang out with a drummer, you start to drum on things. a lot.)
does donny nova dress like a lesbian or do lesbians dress like donny nova top ten questions science still cant answer
i got a lot to say abt donny i LOVED him
yknow who i also love? june adams
if anyone dares to sleep on her i will shoot u
i could easily write a love letter to every ensemble member but this one dude in particular fucking popped off bro i dont know ur name and i PROMISE i will check tomorrow but i love you
T H E. L I G H T S. its STUPID how good they were i OHHHAHSBWBABD
the stage at the plave i went is really small so woman in very tall high heels almost fell and all the people who slide across the stage almost fell it was scary every time
davys actor was SO spot on i LOVE him ik SORRY im too lazy to fijd the playbill
and now for the parts i ... like a little less:
nick and wayne's actors both seem.... hella young
like a lil inexperienced young
nick had 1 emotion and it never fit except for 1 scene
actually it was mostly nicks actor
bro i know itz super early in the tour but i LOVE everyone anyways its okay
they were all moving really fast, like blowing through lines, and like... they even skipped some lines that were in the broadway show or in a few cases completely bypassing parts of a song (donnys little interlude at the end of just like it was before when hes like "thats what they Tell Me-")
bx everyone was going so fast and jonny was gping So Slow it was more annoying than like.... understandable but its okay bc his actor was SO iconic (now im back to adoring all parts of this show)
also i just love johnny
his first outfit? oh my god....
donny was very Extra but at the panic attack before right this way 1. ouchie he really THREW himself to the ground 2. he got up............. really quick comparsd to corey
(i cried during this is life reprise)
the mics were really sus the whole show like in the beginning it wouldnt catch donny's belts and by the end johnnys drums were so Fucking loud and julias voice was Louder Than All and you couldnt hear ANYTHING else
nicks actor.... ohhh my god.... his TRUMPET SKILLS ARE INSANE
the good old Bass Toss was significantly more restrained than broadway
yall know how corey's donny was simply Unhinged?
this one was not.
he was.... impish?? like he was a bastard and he was fully aware of it
he is like the cat that eats all of your bagels and has the fucking audacity to.leave the remains dead center in your room like he had the energy of little my from snufkin he really was just a little creacher
there was a lot of little iconic moments i cant remember
there was like 2 different groups of girls who flirted with each other
i love wayne. and his actor. i love them.
bandstand RSALLY hits different live yoj guys itz... it hits DIFFERENT
• ibflinched at the gun shot b4 right this way thats Surround Soumd
im so sleepu so this is it for now mwah
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
Experimental Relationship
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character: Donnie Relationship: Donnie/reader Request: Can you write a Donnie oneshot where hes upset cause the reader isn’t speaking to him but its because they love him and they had a dream about Donnie and the reader being together. But the reader wants that but thinks Donnie doesn’t feel the same. Sorry if its confusing, but could it be from Donnies perspective as well? Donnie paced in his lab, his mind racing as he thought back over the last couple of weeks. You had been acting weird around him, not properly speaking to him and avoiding him where you could. It was strange because Donnie had always had a good friendship with you. Granted, you had your disagreements but nothing to weren’t this sort of behaviour on your part. He picked up his phone off the counter and pulled up your last messages before typing. “-Can we talk?” He sent the message to you and placed the phone down. It felt like an eternity past before it buzzed with a response from you, but not one he hoped for. “-this isn’t really a great time.” You wrote back. “I really need to talk to you. Please.” He only added the please at the end in case he sounded like he was demanding your time. Donnie couldn’t put into words how much this was killing him. You were his best friend but you were more. You were his sanity, his world, his light, his everything. Donnie only recently realised how in love with you he actually was. It killed him that you couldn’t even talk to him. Donnie wondered if it was because of his appearance. When the thought first ran through his mind, he was nearly sick. He had such a hatred for his appearance and how it effected himself and his brothers that the thought of having someone he loved loath him made him hate himself even more. But you maintained a friendship with the others. Mikey even said you text him every day. So it couldn’t be because of that. “Okay.” You finally texted back. But it was enough to give Donnie hope. He quickly wrote a response that he would be up to your flat in 5 minutes before taking off, not even telling the others where he was going. It was a chance to right whatever wrong had happened between you two, and that was enough to make Donnie want to climb every building in new York just to get to you. When he got to your flat, the window was already open, so he was quick to get inside. It was dark out, so he knew he didn’t really have to worry since no one would see him anyway. you were sitting on the couch, worry in your eyes as you avoided his gaze. You looked like a child who was about to be told off for something. But then Donnie saw the small glisten on your cheeks, a tell-tale sign you had been crying. the soft light of a lamp behind you and the darkness outside drove him towards you as he kneeled in front of you. He had expected you to be angry at him. To tell him he had said something that had offended you or that he had ignored you. But to find you so upset. Donnie knew he would rather you be angry at him that upset like this. “Whats wrong?” he asked in a soft voice. “I-I-im sorry.” You mumbled, coving your eyes and sobbing. You looked like you had been holding back the tears when he’d come in but now you couldn’t hold back anymore. Donnie rushed to wrap his arms around you, hushing you softly but not saying anything directly. You started to cry against his chest, craving the warmth and companionship it offered you, but quickly caught yourself and pushed yourself away. “Im sorry. I just cant.” You mumbled, turning your back on him. “Whats wrong, please. You know you can trust me, right?” He asks, coming closer to you, his heart breaking. He never imagined in 1000 years to find you like this. “That’s exactly it, though. Ive got too close to you.” You mumble to yourself but Donnie managed to hear you. “What do you mean?” He walks around you so he could look in your eyes. “I-I cant tell you.” you finally managed to say, sounding like whatever was going through your mind was killing you. “You can. I promise!” Donnie nodded, urging you to tell him. There was a moment where all you could do was look at him before you signed and went to sit on the sofa, Donnie at your heels. He took a seat beside you, patiently waiting. “I-I seem to have developed… feelings for you.” You finally confessed after taking a moment to find the words. But these words made Donnies heart stop in his chest. Feelings? Perhaps similar to the ones he felt for you? A million questions raced through his mind but he knew he couldn’t ask them all so quickly, so he chose a broader one. “What do you mean?” he asks, sliding a little closer to you. “I-i-uh.” You shook your head, burying your head in your hands but before Donnie could comfort you, you sat back up. “This all started with that stupid dream.” You shook your head, not knowing what to say. “What dream?” Donnie asked you. “I dreamt that we were together.” Your voice was soft, like you were remembering a fond memory. But then you jumped slightly and looked at him for a brief seconds. “nothing… bad, I promise. It wasn’t even like we did anything. But we were sitting together and you had your arm wrapped round me and we were reading. I’d never thought of us like that before, but in my dream, I knew we were together. And when I woke up, I was so confused.” You buried your face in your hands. “Confused about what?” Donnie asked, his voice almost failing him as he tried to resist the urge to confess fully to you. at least just yet. “About, about us. I don’t know. I just- it was so hard whenever I saw you because I felt like I was o deeply in love with you but I couldn’t do anything but it hurt so bad. I thought it would be easier if I distanced myself from you. but its been hell.” You threw your hands in the air slightly. You didn’t know why it was so easy to tell him all this right now, but you did anyway, and Donnie was glad. “Me too.” He managed to say, in a small voice, one which just managed to reach your ears. “What?” You asked, turning to look at him. You had been expecting him to freak out, to maybe even run away. But he was here still. “The last few weeks have been hell for me, too. I cant tell you how much ive missed you. but I can tell you that I know how you feel.” He smiles a little as you turn to face him a little more, your face etches with curiosity and confusion. “Ive loved you since the first moment I saw you. I tried everything. I tried pushing the feelings away, I tried shift my focus, I tried burying myself in work, but then you’d walk in and I couldn’t do anything but try and make you happy.” His confession. His true confession. he had always imagined it, and like this was one way. Well, without you in tears like this. But sitting beside you in your living room was correct. He had always been so nervous when he thought of it. He thought he would stumble over words and mess things up, but after hearing you out, it made him feel brave, because he knew you felt the same. “Donnie?” You trailed off, staring at him with those big eyes that he adored dearly. “I never thought you’d ever see me as more than a friend.” Donnie looks away from you, suddenly unable to hold your gaze. He heard a small and breathy chuckle come from you and looked up to see you were staring straight ahead. “I thought the same.” You smiled a little. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, taking in the full confessions, until you jumped a little with an idea. “I have an experiment I would like to try with you.” you suddenly said and the two of you turned to each other. “What sort of experiment?” Donnie asked, a little confused to your sudden change of subject but intrigued none the less. “Us.” You said, short and simple. “Us?” He repeated with a raised brow. “Yes, like an experimental relationship…” You offered, trailing off, suddenly nervous for using the word relationship. But Donnie couldn’t help but smile. “Sounds intriguing.” He nods. “And how would we carry out such a complex operation?” He asked with a small smile on his face. “We could do some smaller experiments and we’ll call them ‘dating’ experiments.” You offered and Donnie laughed at your ‘subtle’ hint. “Ah yes, and we could gather the data we collect from that before moving on, I guess?” He grinned widely at you. “Exactly.” You giggled, tears now long forgotten. For a moment, the two of you laughed at yourselfs, as you fell forward slightly, your stomach now hurting from laughing. Both your laugher died down after a moment as you realised how close you were. You raised your head and saw Donnie face was only a couple of inches from your own. He licked his lips, his nerves settling in now. “Can, can I kiss you?” He suddenly asked, his eyes darting to your lips which caused you to subconsciously lick your lips like his. “Only if it wont throw off our data.” You said with a small smile. Donnie let out a chuckle before he leaned down, pressing a chase kiss to your lips. The second his lips met yours, there were fireworks between you both. In that moment, you couldn’t work out why you two hadn’t done this sooner. Donnies hands found your waist as yours found his shoulders and the two of you moved closer together, leaning against the couch as you made out. Donnie didn’t know for how long the two of you stayed like this, occasionally stopping for a breath before diving back in. he couldn’t help but smile into the kiss as he felt you moving against him, showing him you were enjoying it as much as he was. ‘This was certainly going to be an interesting experiment’ he thought to himself as your hands massaged his shoulders. interesting indeed.
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How Ace gets her fire power and meets the Turtles. (Part 2)
Almost twenty minutes later...
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Donnie looked nervously over the beauty laying clothed in nothing except a sweat shirt of Mikey.
He tried to take some blood from her but her arm turned to fire and made a hole on the place where he tried to touch her with the injection.
"Interesting her body is protecting her even thought she is unconcious!" he realized. So he scanned her body instead and looked in to his hollogram. "This is amazing she is like...made of fire now, her whole organs the same but at the same time they can turn in to fire whenever she gets in trouble. Its like she is made of fire. SHE is living fire!" he shouted and looked in shock at her as she started to burn he grabbed the extinguisher to put it quick out.
"I ask myself..." the purple masked turtle to himself and tried to take blood from her again this time he succeed and took her blood to test it.
"So water and cold stops her fire power interesting to...."
"Hey Donnie is my girlfriend finally awake I made some pizza for us!" Mikey broke in to the lab.
"MIKEY!" Donnie screamed in shock at his younger brother as he almost let one of his tools fall.
The orange masked turtle ignored him and walked over to the young woman. He leaned over her to carefully wipe her wet black lock out of her face.
"Why is she so wet?" he asked his brother blushing as his eyes fell on his sweater glued to the body of the new girl.
Donnie quick put white lab coat over her to stop Michelangelos eyes from falling out.
"Hey Donnie are finally finished with your tests?" the big brute of the family walked in to the lab this made the genuis turtle let out a deep sigh.
It was almost impossible to work on something with his curious brothers making him almost go crazy by walking in to his lab. That was the main reason why he kept his lab locked but because he was been so excited to find out more about this woman, he forgot to follow his important rule to lock his lab before starting his work.
"Mhm..." all three looked at the woman letting out a moan as she came to herself slowly sitting up on operation table she was laying on.
"What happend?" Ace asked them confused for a few seconds before she stare in shock at the talking humanoid turtles standing before her. "Who are you?" she asked staring at them in awe. Turtles! Talking Human like turtles! She always adored this animals.
"Miss please dont be scared we safed you from..."
"The bad guys I did the most of course I am Michelangelo but you can call me your future boyfriend" the youngest sibling interupted his older brother winking at Ace.
This made her giggle and looks over at the growling red masked turtle.
"Raphael and you call me Raph why dont ya screaming freaks or something?" he asked her.
"BECAUSE YOU ARE AMAZING!" she screamed making all three look at her in shock.
"I want to know all about you, are you born this way? Are you a new kind? Are you some kinda experiment? Are you...." suddenly the young woman fell back and shocked all even more but make them sweat drop as she snored loudly laying asleep before them.
"She is sleeping so beautiful!" Mikey cheered looking at her as she scratched her head.
"Yeah like fucking sleeping beauty on drugs" groaned his golden eyed brother shaking his head at her.
"She is really sleeping this is surprising maybe we...Wahhh!"
All three screamed like little girls as the young beauty sat suddenly up looking at them with half closed eyes dizzy from her short sleep.
"Where was I?" she asked the three mutants confused and yawed.
"Y-You wanted to know what exactly we are Miss...are you okay? I think you should take some more Rest" Donnie first found his voice after a while just staring at her.
"Oh this is nothing to worry about really I only have this narco-thing so this will happen from time to time" Ace waved it off like nothing.
"What is the Nacro-thing?" asked Mikey looking at Donnie who thought for a few seconds before he looked in surprise and shock at her.
"Its a long-term neurological disorder that involves a decreased ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Symptoms include periods of excessive daytime sleepiness that usually last from seconds to minutes and may occur at any time." the purple masked genius explained to his brothers.
"Okay....I still dont get it" Mikey said smiling making Donatello slap himself.
"One more try then she has a sleep disorder, she can not controll this moments when she falls asleep her body shuts down for a few seconds or longer time. It can happen any time" Donnie tried to explain it to him again.
"I fall asleep sometimes nothing to worry about really" said and stand slowly up looking curious around in the big lab. "You have a nice place here did you build this all by yourself smartass in purple?" she asked Donnie while winking at him.
This made him blush and only nod at her not trusting in his voice. This woman was something else for sure.
"Ya he did so who the fuck ya are and how ya get in to this mess?" asked Raph her annoyed over his brothers being all over her. Yeah she was hot and all but she was also some kinda weird and this confused him.
"I am Alisa, Calina, Ekaterina but all call me Ace. I tried to help a man from getting kidnapped and was knocked out in process. All I know is waking up from pain, becaus if this weird ooze they pumped in to my body" she explained him rubbing her head missing her hat.
"Ace mhm have family up there?" the big brute asked her while looking down at her arms crossed over his plastron.
"SHE IS BURNING!" Mikey screamed as Ace pulled her hand from her head to look at it on fire.
"I AM BURNING! WHY I AM BRUNING" she screamed and starts running around until Mikey throw two of his famous water ballons at her. She stopped and calmed down looking at Donnie for explantation.
He carefully took her hand and pulled her over to his chair to make her sit down while telling her all her found out about her mutation.
Ace listened to the turtle genius in silence. It all sounded amazing and scary at the same time to her. She was a mutant now a fire mutant to be exact and the scary part on it was she couldnt controll it.
"I understand but how can I controll this new power? I cant turn to a walking tortch before my family and friends" she told Donnie who nodded.
"I will try my best to help you in this" he promised her even thought he didnt know how he could help her but as the so called fixer of this family, he always found a way to fix any situation.
Ace gave him a wide smile. "Thank you"
"I wanna help her too!" Mikey yelled and get closer showing her his water filled ballons. "I will put the fire out when ever you start burning!" he promised her as well.
Only Raphael stayed silent shaking his head at both looking over at the leader as he walked in to the room.
Donnie quick filled the blue masked turtle in by what he find out about Ace.
"Miss Ace you can stay here until you in full controll over your power about your family you can let them now that you needed to leave the city for a while" he offered her. The dark haired beauty nodded silently before she took out her phone to write a message down for her boss and another one for her family the old house keeper and the kids of the orphanage she grown up at once.
"Thank you for the offer I could use something to eat now" she explained to the four brothers.
She laughed as Mikey suddenly pulled her up in his arms cheering. "Thats perfect I made some pizza for us babycakes" He run out of the lab before anyone could say something against it.
Raph looked at the other. "Ya really want her to stay here fearless? What if she burns down the lair?"
"Yes I want her here and we will keep an eye on Ace so nothing will happen to the lair" his oldest brother explained to him.
"I can try to make her back human" Donnie offered starting to talk to fast explaining that with help of her blood he could try to make the antidode to the ooze who changed her.
Leonardo trying to follow his middle brother rumblings managed to catch the most important and nodded. "I trust you Donnie to make this antidode but as long she has the this power she needs to learn to controll it to not become any danger to us" the leader told them his decision.
Mikey and Ace arrived in the kitchen and Mikey put the young woman carefully down on a chair before he quick putt the food on two plates sitting down beside her to eat with her.
"Its really delicious" she told him after she took a bite of one slice.
"Yeah it is the best food ever! So do you have a boyfriend?" the cheerful turtle asked her directly.
Making Ace blush slighty looking down to hide it. "No....not right now" she tried to stay calm but she didnt liked to talk about her non existend love life.
Mikey wanted to ask more but was interupted by April and Casey coming in to the room.
"You are awake? Good I have some questions..."
"Jones" April stopped her boyfriend from letting his officer self out on the young woman.
"I know you, you are the news reporter April O´Neil of chanel 6?" Ace said smiling to her.
"Yes I am looks like I am a bit famous" she chuckles and looks smiling at the younger woman. "But please just call me April and this is Casey we are friends of the turtles who saved your from the Shredder" April told her smiling and sat down across from her.
"I am Alina, Calina, Ekaterina or short Ace really a pleasure to meet" the brown eyed girl told them with a slight bow of her head.
"Okay Ace can you tell us how you end up in this mess?" wanted Casey to know while sitting down beside April across from her.
Ace told them what happend and gave all three almost a heart attack as her head fell down face first in the pizza.
The youngest turtle quick pulled her back up while April cleaned her face and Casey put pillow on the place of the food to lay her back down on it letting her sit there snoring.
To be continued...
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tmntfandom2012 · 7 years
Note: This is from DeviantArt @ Mikibaby94
A/N: Im back with some ideas and mini stories! For my best friend's ideas to come into play in your imagination.
TMNT NEXT GEN BELONGS TO THIS GAL RIGHT HERE @Suzukiwee1357/ @suvipelkonen
Remy @Suzukiwee1357/ @suvipelkonen
Irrilia @myrling-art
Kohana @mikibaby94
Hana stared at the blank computer screen, feeling the boredom draining her young teenage soul. She sighed as she folded her arms and lounged back against the pillow. She was in the pit of the living room, laying in her usual spot that she and her cousin liked to argue over all the time, but luckily her cousin was still no where to be found, but then again, he usually doesnt stay up half the nights. With that thought in mind, she closed her laptop and packed it up. She'd better go to bed before her uncle Leo caught her up again. He tends to do that, him or uncle Raph. Though when uncle Raph finds her, he just lets it go. Her uncle Leo lectures her forever on how its important to sleep more. She hoisted her computer bag, scratching at her messy hair, yawning. She looked at her watch, six thirty. Uh oh.
"And why are you still up missy?" A voice came from the shadows, suddenly arms wrapped around her neck, holding her in a head lock. "You should know better!" The voice added. Hana didnt think twice, she grabbed the beings arm, flipping the anonymous over onto their back, she was about to strike a punch when light captured the mutant before her. It wasnt her uncles, or her father. She huffed, making a strand of hair in her face blow. "Remy! You little---"
Remy snickered, smirking as he got to his feet and dusted off. "Oh man you should of seen yourself. You chicken."
Hana gave him a look, unimpressed, "This chicken just flipped your butt." She retorted in a matter of fact tone. "What are you doing up this early anyways?"
Remy shrugged, "Woke up, and just saw my sweet baby cousin here, all alone in the dim big living room, where monsters can just come and get her."
Hana kept her eyes on him, her face souring. "You dummy, we are the same age."
"According to our birth records, I am older than you." He said.
The brown eyed girl gave him a hard look before her eyes caught sight of her father and uncle Leo coming out of their rooms. Leo rubbed his eyes a bit, yawning. "Hana did you stay up again?" He questioned.
Hana shifted her eyes and gripped her bag, "No. I uh...just came out here---" She began then gave her cousin a look, "Remy was keeping me up off and on, finally i came in here to tell him to get to bed before his dad found him."
Leo's eyes drifted to his son, giving his son a look. Remy put his hands up and shook his head, "What? no way!"
"Of course thats what happened Remy, I mean why would I lie? I have no purpose in getting my older cousin in trouble...now would I? Now if you excuse me boys, I have to go get changed." She then started for her room and looked back to stick her tongue out at Remy, she turned her head back, hiding her big grin on her face as she heard Leo's lecture start.
Kohana opened her eyes, feeling better now she had slept a bit before going to training, she saw her alarm clock, Twelve O' Clock. Great. Once dressed she grabbed her weapon and came out of her room, ready to train, her tracks stopped when she saw her family in the living room, thats odd since her parents and uncles are always in the dojo around noon.
"You must of been wicked tired little dudette." Mikey spoke, settling himself next to Liz as he started munching on his slice in a way that would be disgusting if you had just met him.
Liz watched Mikey for a moment, a little confused by how he even eats like that. Her eyes shifted to her husband as if she was silently trying to send him something, in normal cases Leo would pick up on it, but his eyes were on Hana.
"Hana its four in the afternoon, youve been asleep all day."
"Thats not possible, my clock---" She stopped when her eyes drifted on the back of her cousins head, oh, so you wanna play it that way huh. She noted in her head, she folded her arms and thought. She then started water works, "Im sorry Uncle Leo, I just, Ive been so tired lately, my body is you know...going through...the change.."
That got all eyes on her.
"The change?" Mikey asked.
Hana nodded, "Yeah, I became a woman today, and the cramps, along with the none stop bleeding, its just been a long night. And not to mention the womanly body parts---"
Remy started screaming, covering his ears, "Dad make her stop! Make her stop!"
Leo looked already uncomfrotable, "Okay okay, we get it Hana."
"Thats not the only part Uncle Leo." She then stepped down and sat next to Remy, "I think my boobs are getting bigger----" She started saying over Remys yelling till April smacked her heavy books down on the floor making the room go silent. The silent lingered for a while as April flipped her hair out of her eyes. "Sorry I saw a bug." She said simply.
"And here I thought youd say something about our daughter torturing the young boy about hearing girls body parts." Donnie said.
"How is it torturing, there is nothing wrong with explaining women stuff, like right now my boobs are so swollen, i really think their balloons." Liz said simply, she then looked over at the others, "Oh what? its not like I said anything about my v---"
"Okay! Okay we get it...dear." Leo interrupted her, he sighed, feeling suddenly his age.
Donnie stood up, "Subject change, do you know when Raph and Irrilia are supposed to come back?"
Leo shrugged, "He said sometime tonight I think."
Hana stood up fast, in the process her hand smacked Remy in the face making him flinch, though she was oblivious to her actions, when it came to her older cousin she couldnt function right. She didnt know why, "My big cousin is coming home tonight!? Oh gosh! and I look like this!" She gasped.
Remy groaned, rubbing his face, "Why couldnt you have been a boy. and Why couldnt the only boy be near my age!" He glared at Donnie and April.
"Dont look at me kiddo, Koji just kinda fell into our lives, she...she just happened." Donnie said, he grunted when April smacked his arm before she stood. "Remy, Kohana, why dont you two get ready for patrol."
"Patrol? No way, I cant be bothered with that, I gotta hurry and get ready---"
"Its not like your dating her Hana." Remy grumbled.
"Well no, but shes my idol. Unlike some people who's a thorn in my side." Hana said closing her eyes and opening one eye looking at Remy.
Remy he didnt know why but her words struck a nerve, a bad one at that. He stood up, glaring at her. "You know what, fine. Your a pain in my side too." He snapped before making his way past his parents.
"Where are you going?" Leo asked a little frantic.
"Anywhere where miss know it all isnt in my sight." He sneered.
Hana silently watched her cousin go, frowning, guilt slowly overcame her when all eyes were on her. She looked down, turning to the rooms, she hurried to hide herself in the one place she felt safe. Her dads old room. Strange isnt it.
Remy stood on a roof top watching the bright lit city being lively. They werent kidding when they say this city never sleeps. He frowned, contemplating on wheather he should go back home or not, why should he, all he's gonna get is trashed by the princess of knows it all. He folded his arms. "I hate women. They're so annoying sometimes..." He shook his head. "No, I dont hate them, Hana's not even a woman, that'd be an insult to the pretty women." He grumbled.
"Whoa, who pissed you off?" A voice from behind spoke. Remy turned to see a tall, bulk asian guy staring back at him. The guy smirked big, "Awe, you kinda look cute with a pissy look on that face."
Remy curled up his lip, "And you look stupid with that face." He spat. The black haired guy snickered. "Thats adorable really, so whats your name? Chumpy?"
Remy scoffed, "No. Thats my fathers name though." From what he heard anyways.
"Im Yoshiro." He offered.
"I dont care." Remy said simply.
"Look kid Im trying to be nice to ya." Yoshiro said.
"Did I even ask you to? and Im not a kid you irritation on my plate." Remy spat, rolling his eyes.
Yoshiro scoffed, "Adorable."
"Your two seconds away from being road kill." Remy threatened making Yoshiro bellow in laughter making the fire of the angsty teen burn even more. Remy threw out a bokken his dad once handed down to him, before he could even move he suddenly felt a hit to his face, he gritted his teeth when he felt his back connect to he cement of the roof. In the process Remy dropped his bokken and before Yoshiro could decapitate him, he whipped out a small knife he's learned to keep in his wraps, he gritted his teeth, staring in the eyes of his now enemy. Slowly Remy felt the pressure of the guy putting, the blade coming closer and closer to his neck, luck was on the young mutant's side. Suddenly the human boy was shoved off by someone. A woman stood between the two, he watched in awe.
"Yoshiro! I tell you to do one job and yet I see you rivaling with a mutant whoms not your concern?!" The woman scolded. She turned to Remy, kneeling down, she held out a hand. "Remy? Are you okay?" She asked.
Remy eyed her, "Who...Who are you?" He asked sounding a little scared.
Karai carefully helped the young boy to his feet and held him up till he was steady, "Im Karai, your father and I have history. Im so sorry for my..." She looked back frowning, "Student."
Yoshiro stared at Karai for a moment before folding his arms and stared at his feet. Karai kept her eyes on him for a moment. Her eyes diverted back to Remy when he started moving for an exit. "Where are you going?"
"Home." Remy said.
"Ill follow" Karai spoke, already determined to, "I can explain that bruise on your face to your father, come on boys." She ordered.
Once in the sewers the sloshing of water as they made their way back to the lair was all that was heard, The boys walked side by side in silence till Yoshiro finally broke the silence. "No hard feelings?" He smirked at Remy as he kept walking while Remy stopped, his eyes drew daggers at the jerk, One day. He cursed in his head. The rest of the way stayed silent.
"Leo!" Karai called out, Leo came out of the kitchen at the sound of his name and stopped when he saw Karai, A smile slowly came to his face, "Karai, its been a while."
"Of course it has." Karai hugged him short before she made way for Leo's son, "Your son and my...student had a trival." She explained.
Leo went to his son frowning. "You okay kiddo?" He asked trying to hide his worry.
Remy looked back at the uglyness blinding his eyes, he looked back at his dad, "Id be better if that jackle----"
Leo closed his eyes and put his hand on his sons mouth. He shook his head cursing on how much his kid acts like his mother, sometimes thats a blessing and a curse. He opened his eyes and looked at his son, he pulled his hand away.
"Ow!" Remy snapped making sure his dad knew that he hit his bruise.
"Go see your mother." Leo said simply before rubbing his head a little embarrassed by that action. "She should be in the bedroom."
Remy sighed, turning for the bedroom, on his way he met Hana. Hana widened her eyes when she saw his bruise. She wanted to ask but decided against it, though she did go after him. "Remy? Are you still mad?"
"Passing by you should tell you that. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." He spat before he was yeilded as she quickly got in front of him. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks were puffy. "Have you been crying?"
Her face turned red a bit and shook her head quickly. Her bangs covering some of her face. She looked nervous, and guilty. She had never been the best hider of feelings. "Im...Im sorry Remy, I sometimes just dont know how much of a jerk I can be."
Remy rolled his eyes, He folded his arms, "And?"
Hana looked at him confused for a moment, she surrendered anyways, "And Im a stupid girl with no heart...or brains."
"Aaaand?" He ventured.
Hana gave him a look, she looked away, her eyes shifting a moment, suddenly feeling anxious, she never knows why she does, her father swears its her anxiety. Whatever that is. "And Ill do your chores for a month to show how sorry I am." She looked up at him and smiled a little.
Remy's face slowly softened, His arms wrapped around her for a long moment before he pulled back. Her smile grew wider revealing her small gap, "So no hard feelings?"
The young hybrid gazed at her hand as she held it out, he then took it and shook it. "No hard feelings." He agreed.
Hana shook on it, giving out a small chuckle before her eyes caught sight of the boy standing afar. Her eyes grew big, she dropped her hand and went to the steps, "Oh...my...gosh..." She said, suddenly feeling a burst of emotions, her heart started racing as her palms grew sweaty so sudden, she gazed at the gorgeous face, those big brown eyes, that black hair. That body. Why did it get so hot suddenly. Remy went to his cousin and noticed her staring at him, he shook his head already knowing what was going through her head. "Dont even think about it Hana, he's bad news."
Hana couldnt help but to smile even more when the guy looked her direction, "If he's bad news, then I need some bad news." She said with a soft voice, "Hes so....perfect...Oh man, I think im thinking about it!"
Remy grabbed her arm, "I think my mom wanted us." He started dragging her to the room.
"Oh come on Remy, just let me say hi." She begged.
"No way, hi ends with you and him doing things." Remy glared a bit, "Thats how I was born, thats how you were born. No."
As Hana resisted and whimpered Remy hoisted her over his shoulder, he looked over his shoulder, glaring at the guy before he headed for the room, "Youll thank me Hana. He's bad news all over."
Hana propped her elbow on his shoulder, putting her chin in her hand, she kept her smile. "Whatever you say Remy..." She said, absolutely not listening at all to her cousin.
Whats bad is, Remy knew that, He groaned.
Oh how he hated this new guy.
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 7 years
Fanfiction Request: TMNT Leonardo
Kagome was a lot of things. So many things, it would take a while to describe her accurately. Leo was quick to learn what she was not. The hard way.
She was not a threat to him or his family, as he had originally thought when she first appeared and he assumed she was he worked for Shredder. She wasn't a coward or one to let words stop her.
She was easy to read, wearing her heart on her sleeve, and yet still a mystery. There were things she did or said that were at odds with herself. And don't get him started on how she got her information, she would simply show up with a slip of paper to hand to them to help them whenever they got stuck.
Most importantly, she was a leader. She went about it differently than he did, but she was a leader all the same. There were times when she ordered and coordinated directly, but most of the time, she did so through subtle nudges and allowing for others to make their own choices. But it also more than that. She made sure all were happy and healthy, helping with whatever problems that came her way.
He always felt awed to watch her leading and directing, her voice low and a touch soft, but sure and strong and confident. And those that worked with her... he heard from them directly how she made a great leader.
So it wasn't a surprise he went to her for help sooner or later.
“How to be a great leader?” her blue eyes twinkled as she smiled at him. “You sure you're asking the right person?”
Leo grimaced, turning away at her tease. He had thought she had been just another of Shredder's pawns and had called he so often enough until they learned the truth. “Yeah. And will you drop that?”
Kagome hummed as she hopped up onto a table, legs kicking back and forth at a sedated pace. “Mmm, if you'll never stop being embarrassed by that... then, no.” a quiet giggle escaped her at his quick glare. “Relax, Leonardo-san, I only tease.”
He let out another huff at her laughter, though he was pleased to know she was happy, with him.
“Well, I don't know why you're asking, you already are a good leader.” her head canted to the side in that adorable way, hair swinging with the action.
“Thank you. But... I want to... do and need to be better.” it frustrated him as he thought of all the disagreements he and Raphael had, which sometimes drew Donnie and Mikey into them which just made their missions a mess or tense.
“Hm.” her head dropped back, she followed through until she was leaning on her elbows. “What you're problem is, is that you forget that you can reply on your brothers. That you don't need to carry everything alone. While your routine for you and your brothers is good structure building, allow them some options as well to broaden their horizons.” she allowed her eyes to wander their home, lips quirking whenever she found something that amused her.
Leo had to swallow, pretty sure knowing Kagome didn't realize how attractive she really was. And if she did, then she most likely didn't see or consider herself all that beautiful. Or perhaps, and this thought hurt, she didn't view him as a potential love interest.
An arm rose to wave a hand around, she had started up again, but he was more interested in watching her lips rather than paying attention to what she was saying.
Next thing he knew, his lips were pressed against her own. They were as soft and smooth as he thought they were, tasted lightly strawberries and cream, and seemed to burn against his own. When he pulled away, he watched as her eyes were slow to open, which had hope welling up inside him.
“...a-and that.” her voice was a little breathy, a blush made her cheeks rosy when she finally locked gazes with him. “Self-confidence.”
He was anticipating for her to say or do something to the kiss, leaving him on edge and letting doubt begin to grow. As they continued to stare at one another, he let his gaze drop and begin to pull away. He knees tightening against his hops halted him and had him catching his breath.
“Question yourself, and others will doubt you.” she pushed herself to sit up completely, and even then she was still tiny compared to him. In an almost bashful way, her too blue eyes locked with his own. “Do you understand?”
Tiny fingers danced across his shoulders, causing shivers to wrack through his form. He had to swallow past his heavy tongue when her legs once again began to kick back and forth in slow swings and he was sure he was doing it on purpose so that she could tickle the back of his knees every so often.
“I-I guess so.” he swallowed thickly once again. “Do-do you have any more advice?”
Her hands settled at the back of his neck to toy with the ends of his mask, a warm smile directed at him and him alone. She shrugged her shoulders as he took a step closer to settle his hands on either side of her atop the table. “Depends. What do you want my help with? And...”
His breath left him in a whoosh when he felt her nip at his chin only to kiss immediately after. “And?” his world was a haze and still somehow centered on Kagome alone.
“And, if you're alright with...” she waited until he could look her in the eye, smiling himself at the mischievous twinkle he caught. “...fraternizing with the enemy. As Raphael would say.”
His confidence soared at her words, he had picked up on her words and how she said them. Humming, he pressed another kiss, this time to her brow. “No talk of Raphael.” he smiled at her giggle, inhaling her soft and subtle scent. “In fact, let's not talk of my brothers at all. You should be focusing on me.”
“Ah, I did come for you.” her arms tightened when he picked her up and carried her to somewhere a little more private. “That does mean I'm all yours.”
Her laughter echoed around them when he stumbled at her words. All his... He liked the sound of that.
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
Fandom: teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character: Donnie Relationship: Donnie/reader Request: can you do a Donnie x reader? The reader was bullied for wearing glasses and thinks Donnie is acting weird to her because of her glasses but it actually because hes really attracted to her? Especially when shes wearing glasses Donnie closed the door behind him, carful not to slam it and draw attention to himself. His hands were shaking slightly and he was sweating as he leaned against the door. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest and he tried to calm it. You had come into the lair today, which was normal as you were going to help Donnie with some tech. But Donnie couldn’t find he could be in the same room as you. It was a nasty or vindictive reason. It was just… you. You had been wearing black dungaree dress with a pair of crimson tights and crimson top to match. Your hair was up in a messy bun but strands fell down around your face. But it was one thing that broke Donnie. You were wearing your glasses. it wasn’t often you wore them and Donnie was grateful for that. Not because he didn’t like them. It would be very hypocritical of him to not like glasses considering he could barely see without his. But your were like the cherry on top of a beautiful cake. He thought you were absolutely stunning but, for some reason, when you wore glasses it was like Donnie couldn’t function. His attraction to you grew and he didn’t know how to stop it. He was scared he would act on these urges and let everything slip. He would tell you he had loved you for years, that everything he did was for you, that he would happily protect you for the rest of his life. but he didn’t know how you would react. He suddenly jumped when he heard a knock at the door, followed by your voice calling his name. Donnies legs nearly gave way but he managed to hold himself up as he turned and opened the door. He was surprised when his eyes met yours to see a hint of sadness in them. Your eyes looked slightly bigger behind your glasses, but nothing compared to how his eyes enlarged under in own pair. Stepping back, he allowed you to enter the lair with a smile but was surprised when you didn’t return with your own smile. You walked into the centre of the lab but Donnie hung back by the door. He was sure you hadn’t noticed him slip away, but apparently, he was wrong. As he closed the door over and took a moment to take a few breaths before could turn to face you. ‘relax’ he told himself. But before he turned back, you asked a question that seemed to shatter his world. “Are you ignoring me because im wearing my glasses?” You asked, your voice shaking slightly. Donnie could feel the tension in the door and felt every breath slip out his lungs. You had figured it out. You had figured out he loved you and that scared him. Donnie ran every moment over the last few days in his mind, trying to figure out where you had figured out his feelings for you, but he couldn’t find any. He knew he couldn’t deny it. It was one thing to never confess his feelings, it was another to lie about them. He always told himself if you were to ask, he would be honest with you. Sighing, he pressed his forehead against the door, squeezing his eyes shut as he prepared himself for the rejection. “Yes.” He said, just loud enough for you to hear. There was a moment of silence as he waited. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. but then he heard a clatter from behind him and a sob. Donnie turned around and first searched for the clatter, afraid one of his inventions had fallen over and hurt you. But his eyes fell on your glasses, which were now lying on the floor at your feet. He frowned but another sob drew his attention up and his heart broke in you. Your hands were covered your face and you were crying. He could see the tears slipping through your hands and running down your skin. “[y/n]?” Donnie asked, timidly. He didn’t know what had caused this sort of reaction in you. You were strong and never let anyone see you cry. But Donnie realised he had been blocking the door so it wasn’t like you could just leave. “I thought you were different. I thought you wouldn’t care!” You sobbed, more to yourself than to him. But when Donnie called out your name again, you jumped and looked up at him. He felt like he could see your heart breaking in your eyes and it killed him. “what do you mean?” Donnie asked desperately. He didn’t think him confessing would trigger such a reaction and wanted nothing more than to see you smile again. “I mean you’re just like them all! I thought you wouldn’t care that I wore glasses but you cant even stand being around me when I am! I don’t like wearing them! You think I liked being teased and bullied for having to wear those stupid things!” You screamed him and pointed to the glasses on the floor. Donnie took a moment to processes what you had said, confused at your outburst. You had been bullied for your need for glasses? Donnie had never been teased apart from by his brothers but that was in fun. You were obviously very badly bullied. So much so that even years after leaving school, you were still insecure. And you thought his actions were because of that reason. Well, it was, but not because he didn’t like them. For the exact opposite reason. “You’re wrong. I think you’re beautiful.” Donnie whispered, shaking his head. He knew he had to tell you now or never. He wasn’t willing to allow you to feel like the glasses make you look anything less than beautiful. Even though him confessing would destroy your friendship, he wanted you to know how he thought of you. You seemed to freeze at him words. “What?” You sobbed, shaking your head as if you couldn’t believe what he had said. “You think im beautiful?” “breath-takingly so.” Donnie offered you a small but sad smile as he walked closer to, till he was only a few feet away. “Why-Why?” You hiccupped, obviously confused. Donnie knew you weren’t asking why he thought you were beautiful. You were asking for an explanation of his actions. “sometime, I cant be in the same room as you.” He started, seeing your eyes widen as fresh tears flooded them, but he continued. “Not because of what you’re thinking. I- ive been in love with you for a long time. And sometimes, it breaks my heart. Because I know nothing can ever happen between us. And I accept that. But sometimes, I wonder what it would be like. And sometimes, there are moments when I look at you and feel myself falling in love all over again. With your intelligence. With your humour. With your beauty. With you.” Donnie felt his own tears running down his cheek as he spilled his heart out to you. “but why cant you stand when I wear my glasses?” You asked, your own mind spinning by his words. But you saw Donnies cheek glow and he looked away from you for a moment before looking back to you. “I-I like them. I think you look amazing in them and I prefer it when you wear them. You’re just so…” Donnie met your gaze as his eyes filled with adoration. He bent down and picked up the glasses before sliding them back onto your face, carefully. Once they were secure, his thumb brushed against your cheek for a moment. “Beautiful.” You saw Donnie bite down on his lower lip slightly as hurt flashed in his eyes before his hand left your cheek and he turned to walked away from you. “Why… why could nothing ever happen?” You asked, walking as he froze and turned back to face you. You instantly saw why he had turned away as fresh tears wet his cheeks. “Turtle, human.” He indicated between the two of you with a small laugh, as if it were obvious. You raised a hand and ran it through your hair. “I don’t care.” You shook your head slightly as you spoke as if to make sure he understood your words. He blinked at your words, silently asking why. “because I love you too.” No one had ever said anything as sweet as he just had to you. And as you looked back over the years, you were surprised you hadn’t noticed his feeling. Or him noticing yours. Donnie took a deep breath and stared at you for a moment. He was either waiting to see if this was a joke or wondering what he was going to do next. But then he seemed to break and he walked back to you. His walked with a sense of purpose and determination you had never seen in him before. And you liked it. As he came closed, he reached out and rested his right hand on your left cheek before bending down to press his lips to yours in a powerful and passionate kiss. you instantly returned the kiss, pressing your body against his as you wrapped your arms around him. You needed the contact, the intimacy and passion he was offering. Donnie was somewhat taken aback by your willingness to kiss him but he couldn’t control himself when you said you loved him back. He was more than willing to pull away and apologies for his actions but you were silently asking for more. He wrapped his other hand around your waist. Pulling back for air, you felt his hand move around to rest on the back of your neck beneath your hair. You were both panting slightly and as you looked at Donnie, you were very aware that this was his first kiss. In fact, you would be his first everything. And that excited you. “Im sorry for how I acted to you.” Donnie whispered, pulling you a little closer if it were possible. “me too. I just assumed it was because of the same reason everyone else teased me.” You looked down, ashamed you were admitting to being bullied. You had never told anyone before. “Well, they’re all wrong.” Donnie whispered. And as you looked up into his loving eyes, you honestly felt he was right. How could they be right about you when someone looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing on this planet? “Can-can you stay here tonight?” Donnie suddenly asked. He saw your cheek glow bright red and your eyes widen (partly in amusement) as his boldness. “No, no, no. not like that. I just- I think we have a lot to talk about and, honestly, I could stay like this forever.” Donnie quickly corrected himself, making you smile and laugh. “Yeah, I can stay. In fact, I don’t think you’ll be getting rid of me anytime soon. Not after a kiss like that.” You giggled, cuddling into his chest as you felt it vibrate slightly with his own chuckle. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He pressed a kiss to your head as he held you close.
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tmntfandom2012 · 7 years
I hate how they split it up, they never did that. Those jerkfaces. lol.
-Leo and April moment, adorbs!
-MY DUDES, MY BROS, MY TURTS ~best thing ever! Can I have that as like a song or something?~
-Leo concerned with his father, and having a worried feeling, my poor baby :(
-My question is, Did Splinter knew?
-The fight scene. Poor Karai, Shredder really is an ass for bringing her mother into this shit. Id be pissed too.
-Everyone gets out safe. And Leo does CPR on Karai. Hey he hasnt got a kiss but he surely touched boobies. Okay sorry xD
-They went back to where they first encountered Shredder. Surprisingly that seemed fitting.
-These fight scenes hurt like a bitch. Holy chaloopa man.
-Bebop mentioning throw back thursday. Pff. These two are my favorite villians xD
-Aprils phone call to Donnie. </3 he sounded so worried! Props to Rob!
-When April screams Splinter, god I adore Mae! Shes amazing.
-And just when they thought everything was fine....nooooope.
-Reference to the movie where Casey kills Shredder. AND HOLY SHIT THE FACE HE MAKES. Jesus.
-Strangely, I loved how Splinters death played out. DONT GET ME WRONG. Im heartbroken over the loss of him and the poor kids are now ORPHANS. But just it really showed a lot of emotion. For a kids show, I didnt really have that when I grew up, Im glad kids shows are improving more and more. Kids deserve some reality of life. If that makes sense. But this scene is what I look forward too, because you see four teenage boys, who had their whole life spent with this man who took them in. And now, he’s gone. I dont know how to really explain it. But I really loved the actors during this scene.
Honestly I cant talk enough about this scene. It was so perfectly well put together, beautifully done. The VAs did an amazing job! escpecially Seth and Greg. Seth mainly though. I never knew Seth could just throw his voice that way, the only experience I had with the guy was Family guy...and well...that show....well its not that emotional. He killed it with the "Father" sayings, and the screaming of "No." Beautiful! and Greg, our sweet Greg, all he really had to do was, say one word. One single word that will break hearts.... "Papa." That one word just says everything. EVERYTHING! Sorry Korea, but NO language vers could ever compare with the english. These actors....are just to good. Let me just add that I loved how in the emotional moment, Casey was on the sidelines, and you didnt see his face. I dont know why but that drew my attention. and of course, SHREDDER DOESNT FUCKING DIE! DIE YOU STUPID COCKROACH!
If you want to discuss! fangirl! cry! or ask a lot of questions dont hesitate to come into my inbox!
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
For Him and For Her
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character: Donnie Relationship: Donnie/reader Request: Hey i love tmnt and your storys can i have a request can you make donnie x reader where the reader is pregnant and about to give birth and donnie's freaking the heck out i know you can do it You had been feeling… uncomfortable for a couple of hours now. No matter what way you moved, you just couldn’t seem to ease the pain in your stomach. You just told yourself that it was the baby moving about. Every time you moved, Donnie would look up at you with a worried expression. He was just as nervous as you were. Both weren’t sure what to expect. When you had found out you were pregnant, you had been terrified both of birth and of telling him. Donnie had been in disbelief when you told him. He had stared at you with wide eyes, you could see his mind working through what you were saying. He had asked you how this had happened and you had raised an eyebrow at him and started to list off the times you had had sex in the last 2 months which ended up being a lot. But once he had processed the information, he couldn’t contain his joy. You looked down at your stomach. It was swollen and stretched with the baby growing inside you. It seemed that the baby grew at the same rate as a normal human child. You were rather worried about Donnie mutation and how it would affect both you and the baby but so far, it hadn’t. Apart from you didn’t get morning sickness, which you were thankful for. You raised your hand and ran it over the bump, smiling. You glanced at the date on your phone. You were nearly in your 9th month and you were getting nervous. Donnie had done his share of worrying. He had researched every single thing to do with pregnancy and child birth and had the lab set up with equipment since you couldn’t go to a doctors. Splinter had taken he brother out on a patrol, something he didn’t normally accompany them on but he said that Donnie had to stay by your side so he would go with them. You were thankful for that. Having Donnie by your side calmed you down. You hated to think of what would happen if you went into labour without him there or worse, on your own. Glancing up, you saw Donnie was on his laptop, browsing. You could see from the reflection in his glasses that he was looking at baby clothes which made your heart sore. Because you two didn’t know what to expect, you had gotten a wide range of baby clothes mainly from charity shops so they were rather cheap. But once the baby was born, you were both going to spoil it rotten. You frowned and looked back to your bump. You hated referring to the baby as ‘it’ in your mind but you didn’t know its sex yet. You winced as pain ran through your body again. It had been happen a lot the last few weeks but today was really bad. The last one must have only been about a minute ago. Your eyes widened as you looked up that the clock and watching the seconds hands and counting. The next one came within 50 seconds. Then you felt your waters break. “Donnie.” You called out, sitting up properly and breathing quickly. It cant be that time. God, you weren’t ready. Donnie was by your side in a moment. “WHats wrong?” He asked, reaching out to move a strand of hair out of your face as another contraction happened and you cried out in pain. “The baby.” Was all you could manage. Both your hands were now covering the bump and rubbing it, as though you could lull the baby to stop even though you knew it was impossible. “the baby?” Donnie mumbled, looking at your hands and your body shaking with pain again. “Wait, the baby!” His eyes widened as he looked to you for confirmations. All you could do was nod. He wrapped one arm around you and helped you to your feet, guiding you to the table. As you approached, you dug your heels into the ground. “No, Donnie. I cant do this!” You cried out as tears welled in your eyes. “Im not ready.” “[y/n], you’re going to be fine. Im here. Its going to be okay.” He kissed your forehead but you pushed him away. “No, you don’t know that. You’re not being told to push a basketball out of your nose!” You growled, clutching your stomach. Donnie looked at you, smiling a little. When you saw him smiling, all anger dropped away. “Sorry. I-Im scared.” You mumbled, looking at the ground. Two hands cupped your cheeks as he made you look up at him. “So am I. But I- I know you can do this. And by this time tomorrow, we will have a beautiful baby.” He then leaned down and gently kissed your lips. You were about to kiss back when another contraction shook your body. you allowed him to guide you over to the table and he lifted you onto the table. However, once you were on the table, it seemed his nerves kicked in. He started running about the lab, picking up random things and placing them down near… He was muttering things to himself which you only managed to catch words from. He then stood in the middle of the room at stared at you. “We are going to have a baby.” He muttered to himself, his eyes flashing between you and the bump. All you could do was nod as he walked up to you and placed his hand on your bump, feeling it. His other hand came up to cup your cheek. “Oh god, we’re going to have a baby.” His face seemed to drop. “What if im not a good father. Or it resents me for being a mutant.” He muttered, staring at the bump with fear in his eyes. You reached out and ran your hand up and down the side of his neck. You understood his fear because it was the same fear you felt. It made you feel sick to your stomach. Before you could say anything, the pain gripped you again and made you scream. Donnie gripped you and kissed your forehead, trying to will away the pain. “I know you’ll be the best father in the world. So great there is no way our child could hate you.” You panted, trying to breath through the pain. “But, at the moment, I need you.” You looked up at him with pleading eyes. With that, Donnie leaned down and peaked your lips before pulling himself together. -----------------time skip----------------------- The labour was short. A lot shorter than you thought. It was pain beyond pain but thankfully, Donnie had some medication to help you through it. You had read that labour could take anywhere between 3 hours to 2 days and that scared the life out of you. But less than 2 hours later, you lay on the table, sweat running across your body. You had screamed and there was a loud ringing in your ears. You were about to pass out when you heard the soft groaning sound of a baby. Sitting up, you ignored the pain and dizziness to see Donnie sitting at your side with a beautiful baby in his arms. He was staring at the little infant in amazement and awe. There was no blood or anything so he much have cleaned the baby before sitting down with it wrapped in a soft, white blanket. Your movement attracted Donnies attention as you looks up at you. You were afraid of what you would see in his eyes because of what just happened. Afraid he might see you in a different light. But he beamed at you. He stood up, came over to your side and handed you the child. As you held the small bundle in your arms, your heart was filled with an overwhelming felling of love and joy for this small creature. The baby was tiny and as far as you could see, completely normal. “He or she?” You asked, tears welling in your eyes. “She. Shes a girl.” Donnie answer and you could hear the pride in his voice as he sat on the edge of the table, wrapping one arm around you. You leaned on his chest for support. Just then, she opened her eyes. Bright, beautiful green eyes, shinning with curiosity and intelligence met yours. You let out a small whimper of joy at her. Her little hand raised out from the blanket and touched the right side of your face. You watched as she let out a chortle of joy and smiled at you. “Shes so-“ Donnie trailed off as he reached out a hand, moving the blanket ever so slightly. This caught her attention and she moved her gaze to Donnie. Her hand felt from your face as she reached to touch Donnie. You held her up a little, raising to allow to her be closer as Donnie ducked. Mirroring the reactions for you, she touched his skin, thought for a moment, then let out an adorable giggle. Her little body moved a little as if she was excited. “Shes perfect.” You breathed as she pulled back her hand. Donnie moved the small arm back under the blanket. Once she was happy with this, she closed her eyes and nuzzled down a little. “Oh, you think your tired?” You said through a yawn as Donnie let out a laugh behind you. You were physical, emotionally and mentally drained but as it was all worth it. For him and for her.
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