#Cut from faux fur
muffinlance · 2 months
Isopuppy head!
[id: Photo of a sewn isopuppy head; it looks like a dog head with antennae.]
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Now to cut leg parts.
...28 leg parts.
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purringfayestudio · 1 year
I know you're not done with the pattern yet, but based on other plushes of a similar size, how much do you think you would charge for a commission of the smaller maned wolf? they're my absolute favorite animal, but it's so hard to find good plushes of them, and I'd like to save up the money to pay an independent artist for one
Due to the incredibly detailed paws (individually sewn paw pads and claws) and size being similar to my wolves, they'll probably be at least $1200. I won't have exact numbers until I reopen, as my costs have dramatically increased, but hopefully it gives a general ballpark.
I might be able to do simpler paws for less though, if there's enough interest.
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aerynwrites · 9 months
Halsin x Fem!Reader
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A/N: I have been burning with an intense CRAVING for Halsin and there is such little fic about him (although there are some good ones out there 👀) so I had to do my part and add to the pool 😏 hope y’all enjoy!
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, reader is insecure about her virginity, talks of inexperience, love confessions, Halsin is a sweetheart, references to NSFW content. Very very minor spoilers for act 2.
Part 2
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The fur of the rabbit is soft between your fingers as you prepare it. Yet, despite having a knife in your other hand and your task being a delicate one, you can’t seem to focus.
Your eyes keep drifting back to the druid across camp chopping wood for the fire. The axe is a large one, heavy - heavier than you’d be able to lift. Yet the large elf manages to bring it up above his head and swing it back down with a grace you never understood how he possessed.
The muscles in his shoulders ripple with each movement, accompanying the rythmic thump of the axe through wood. His soft grunts as he pulls it from the stump he’s using before placing the next log onto the surface and starting the process all over again.
“The rabbit is already dead, darling.”
The familiar voice rips you from your staring as your head whips around to see none other than your vampiric companion standing over you, a smirk tugging at his lips. You huff at him before looking down to the rabbit by your knees and heat rushes to your cheeks. What should have been a simple skinning job to get the meat ready for dinner has turned into a mess. Cuts in the wrong places, the hide nowhere near usable anymore.
You look back up just in time to see Astarions red eyes go from you, to Halsin, then back again. His smile grows. He shifts his feet, one arm resting across his chest as he gestures with his other to Halsin.
“You know, you could paint a portrait. It would last longer.”
Your cheeks somehow get even hotter, as you turn back to the rabbit in front of you, doing a much better job than earlier.
“Leave me alone, Astarion,” you mumble, cursing internally when the elf lowers himself to the ground beside you, arms resting on his knees.
“And why would I do that, when teasing you gives me so much joy?”
You can’t stop the small smile that tugs at your lips. “Okay, well you got me all flustered. So now that’s out of the way, did you need something or did you really interrupt your reading to bother me?”
The vampire sighs, leaning back on his hands as he looks over to you. “What I need is for you to finally jump that druids bones.”
You nearly choke as the words leave his lips, looking around to see if anyone heard and feeling heat creep up your neck once more as you see Shadowheart failing to hide a chuckle.
You turn to face your friend, eyes narrowed. “Could you be a little more quiet? I don’t need the whole camp hearing you.”
Astarion laughs this time, loudly, and it draws more glances than you’d like. You roughly shove the man next to you before he can speak.
“Your next words better be a whisper or I’m going to stab you ” you threaten, poking the knife in his direction.
Astarion places a hand over his heart, faux hurt in his eyes. “You wound me, darling. I’m just trying to help you. Plus,” he gestures to the camp, “it’s not like your attraction is a secret, nor Halsin’s.”
You shake your head turning back to grab another rabbit, embarrassment welling up in your chest. “He doesn’t…” you trail off, getting defensive. “Nothing’s there, Astarion. So can we please just drop it?”
Of course, he doesn’t.
“Look,” he starts, “all I’m trying to say is that neither of you are benefiting from holding back so…indulge, for once. Gods know we all deserve it.”
You ignore him. Curling in on yourself at the mention of…indulging. There nothing wrong with it of course. Everyone at camp has blown off steam along this adventure. Just…not you.
And the vampire must be able to tell too, because at your silence he straightens up, brows pinching in the rare way that shows he’s concerned.
“Wait, have you never…?” he gestures vaguely in the air.
His words, despite their genuine curiosity, strike a chord in you. You stand abruptly, tossing your work to the ground and stabbing your knife in the dirt.
“No I haven’t. Not that it’s any of your business.” Your words are louder than you intended and draw the eyes and ears of your other companions.
Astarion softens, obviously not expecting this reaction. “I didn’t mean to upset you-“
You clench your fists at your sides, interrupting him. “You never mean to Astarion but -“ You cut yourself off, taking a deep breath. “You’re such an ass sometimes.”
You turn on your heel and storm from camp before anyone can stop you, ignoring the concerned gaze of a certain druid.
The water is cool against your skin as you squat by the stream’s edge, rubbing at your hands as you try to get the blood off of them.
You feel foolish now, storming off like that. But Astarion pointing out your inexperience just struck you. It’s not something that’s ever bothered you before. Especially not in recent months since dealing with the tadpole. You all have more important things to worry about.
But the moment you rescued Halsin…it’s like something changed. You were instantly drawn to him. His kind smile and thoughtful words. His care for everyone and everything in nature.
And he flirted with you.
The memory is still fresh in your mind. The night of the tiefling party after you had stopped the ritual at the druid camp and saved Halsin. You were worried you were talking his ear off, but he was attentive the whole conversation. Answering your questions and asking some about you.
Then he said those honeyed words. Suggested celebrating by spending the night with someone special. Implied he would spend it with you if his mind wasn’t elsewhere.
You withdraw your hands from the water to drag them down your face as more memories surface.
More flirtatious banter and kind words. Thoughtful conversations and fighting side by side. The night sat by your bedside nursing you back to health after a particularly nasty fight. After Ketheric Thorm almost took you out.
Your side still aches with the memory. But the thought of his hands with their soothing healing glow, makes the ache subside.
You sigh, sitting back into the grass as your eyes lock onto the slowly gurgling stream, Astarion words playing over and over in your head.
Indulge, for once.
You want to. Gods do you want that.
You’ve spent many sleepless nights thinking about it. About his lips against yours, his hands on your skin, the sweet words he’d no doubt whisper against your ear.
You shudder at the thought before shoving it away. Because any time he hinted at that - showed any interest in you - you would be so elated before insecurity took over.
Halsin’s views on love and intimacy are no secret. You’d asked him once about current lovers and while he did confide no one currently held his affections back home he also expressed that there were others in the past.
Others. Plural.
And you’ve never been with anyone. Not physically or emotionally, you’ve never trusted anyone enough.
Not until now.
You sigh, frustration creeping back in as you press the heels of your palms into your eyes before quickly standing up. You need to apologize to Astarion and finally, maybe, talk to Halsin.
You turn on your heel to do just that when you run straight into a solid mass. You gasp, stumbling backwards just as two strong hands reach out to steady you, gripping your wrists firmly.
Once steady, you look up to see none other than the man haunting your thoughts smiling down at you.
“You must have been very deep in thought for someone like me to sneak up on you, little one.”
You have to suppress a shiver at the nickname. A moniker he’d given you since you teased him about his size at the beginning of your friendship.
You shake your head, moving to step away and only stopping when his hands let go only to slip down and take your own gently.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize. “I was just…thinking.”
Halsin stares at you for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face before he steps away, gesturing down the first path, one hand still in your own.
“Walk with me?” he asks. “I know being in nature helps me clear my head of even the darkest thoughts.”
You give a hesitant nod and follow him as he turns towards the path, not able to stop the smile when he doesn’t drop your hand.
The walk is mostly silent, a comfortable silence, but silent nonetheless. And you are grateful for it, not sure what you would say if Halsin were to ask what has you so upset.
But, silence can’t last forever it seems, because eventually the large Druid breaks through the sounds of nature surrounding you to speak.
“I overheard your conversation with Astarion,” he says, voice gentle. Probing, but not not forcing you to talk if you do not wish.
You stiffen, your pace slowing slightly, wanting to pull away from the man at your side. But his sure grip on your hand keeps you in place. The warmth of his skin on yours puts you slightly at ease.
“You…you heard that?” you ask, cringing internally. “You were across camp.”
The druid chuckles, gesturing to his ears with his free hand. “One of the curses of us elves. Impeccable hearing. Even when we don’t wish for it.”
You can feel your shoulders creeping up to your ears. Embarrassment settling in once more. “You were listening to us? To me?”
Halsin shrugs. “Not intentionally,” he admits, slowing his steps until you’re both stopped and he’s facing you. “But I find my attention turning towards you more often than not these days.”
His words tie your tongue and before you can gather enough sense to respond he continues.
“Nature works in mysterious ways, little one,” he tells you, eyes never leaving your face. “There is no one way to traverse it, and others journey do not define your own. Each one is unique, as it is intended.”
His words are beautifully woven, as always. And despite his cryptic deliverance, you know the meaning behind his words.
He’s comforting you. And once again, he speaks before you can detangle the jumble of thoughts in your head.
“And,” he reaches out, placing a curled finger beneath your chin to urge you to look up at him, “if it’s any encouragement, I seek you out as much as you do me. Possibly more so.”
Your eyes widen, heart stuttering in your chest at his words. He…does he feel the same way? Rationally you know he does. But that ever familiar self doubt, the tiny voice in your mind has always brushed away the flirting - the kind words and gentle touches as just part of his nature. None of it is reserved just for you.
Halsin smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners gently as he looks down at you. “Is that really such an outlandish thought? That I return your affections?” He pauses, “unless my heart has run ahead of itself and I have misread-“
You stop him then, reaching up to place a staying hand on his own beneath your chin.
“No! You haven’t…you haven’t misread,” you assure him, trying to still your racing heart.
His smile never falters, his other hand finally coming up to cradle the back of your head, teasing soft strands of hair between his fingers.
“That is good to hear,” he says, pulling you ever closer, his nose almost brushing yours, “it puts this old druid's mind at rest.”
Gods, you can’t breathe. The air in your lungs refusing to expel as he lean even closer, lips a hairbreadth away from your own. Your body sings with anticipation, your skin hot despite the cool air ushered in by the sun sinking below the horizon, the days last rays barely filtering through the trees.
“Can I kiss you, my heart?”
Halsins words are soft, barley a whisper and nearly drowned out by the sounds of nature around you and the roaring of blood in your ears.
You nod. “Please-“
The word barely passes your lips before he descends upon you, sealing his mouth with your own.
It’s both everything you expected and completely surprising at the same time. His hands are sure as he pulls you into him, one hand still cradling your head as the other slips down to your hip before wrapping around your waist. Yet his lips, the kiss itself is…soft. Gentle. Loving. The action speaks louder than any words either of you have said to one another. Louder than the words you never worked up the courage to speak.
Finally, your mind catches up with you, and your hands slide up his chest to clutch tentatively at his shoulders.
Halsins still hasn’t broken away from you, and when his tongue brushes against your lips you let him in. You tug him closer then, one of your hands sliding up to rest at the back of his neck eliminating any empty space between you as his tongue slides against your own.
He only pulls away when he must sense your need for air, but he doesn’t go far, lips pressing gently to the corner of your own, and then another to your jaw.
You’re breathless.
Chest heaving against him, as he pulls away just enough to look at you once more.
“As much as I’d love to continue…” his hand squeezes your hip gently, “we should make our way back to camp. I can imagine our absence as stirred gossip with our vampiric companion and..” he sighs, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. “I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
You can’t surprise the shiver that runs down your spine, or the smile that tugs at your lips.
“I’m…I’m okay being overwhelmed if it’s like that,” you tell him breathlessly.
Halsin laughs, a deep down genuine laugh that makes your heart sing even as he steps away from you.
“Then I will overwhelm you in all the ways I know how.” He promises, eyes trailing over you heatedly.
Your stomach does a flip at his words, and the effect they have on you must show on your face because Halsin chuckles again, leaning in to press one last kiss to your cheek before tugging you back in the direction towards camp.
“Another night, my heart,” he says, thumb brushing over your knuckles from where your hand remains in his own.
You let out a shaky breath, and nod, smiling as you walk closer to him. “I’m holding you to that.”
“I hope you would, though I doubt I will forget such a promise,” he assures before letting silence blanket you both one more.
You can’t stop the thrill that runs through you at his words.
Yes, I’ll hold you to that promise indeed.
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine both Leon and Luis offering you their jackets when you start shivering.
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“You cold?”
“A little bit, but nothing I can’t handle.”
You say this with your teeth chattering and it was clear on Leon’s unamused face that he wasn’t buying it. The blonde sighs, hiding a slight smirk before his lips return to his characteristic frown.
“Here,” he says, shrugging out of his thick, fur-lined jacket. In doing so, the strong definition of muscles on his arms and chest came into full display and you couldn’t help but note every sculpted line. Those years of secret government training did wonders for his physique and the tight navy shirt left little to the imagination. Your overactive thoughts nearly run wild when his arms flexed out of his sleeves.
Remembering yourself, you shake your head. “Thanks, but won’t you be freezing?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Leon says with a slight smile, his gentle tone echoing yours when you tried to save face in a surprisingly teasing manner. For as long as you’ve known the blond, he was rarely warm and gentle. His stern, straight-laced demeanor and dry sense of humor often overshadows his kinder, sociable qualities. So to see him so openly considerate was a rare treat. This unexpected side of him stirred feelings inside you that are not at all unwelcome, but you found yourself at a loss for words.
He takes his jacket by the collar and offers it to you with an encouraging look that said that he wasn’t going to take “no” for an answer. You breathe out an air of defeat, reaching towards him. Against your will, your eyes roamed over the thick veins of his strong forearm and bicep appreciatively, and you tried to recover by quickly looking up. That was a mistake. He was no longer wearing a grin, but the heat within his eyes intensifies when they meet yours. You felt your cheeks burning under his knowing gaze.
Your fingertips (unintentionally) brush against his as you grabbed hold of the faux fur and was about to accept the weight of the clothing in your hands until you felt something warm and heavy drop around your shoulders. It took you by surprise and you look over to your side to see Luis standing next to you- sans leather jacket.
The Spaniard had his signature lopsided smile on his handsome face as he adjusted the stitched leather around you, making sure that it would not fall. It gave you an opportunity to look him over as well. You knew he wore a white-buttoned shirt, but now that he wasn’t wearing his jacket, you can see how nicely the fabric fitted on his frame.
For a man who considers himself the brains of your group, he was impressively cut. While Luis wasn’t as strongly built as Leon, he had a lean, well-defined waist that would have otherwise been hidden from sight with his jacket on. The sleeves of the shirt hugs his long arms nicely and his broad frame tautly stretches the thin creases that ran across the fabric, accentuating the exposed portion of his scarred chest. It became apparent to you then that Luis left the few buttons undone for reasons beyond just visual appeal.
The dark-haired man chuckled beneath his breath as he caught you staring. “Take mine, my friend. I’ve kept it warm- just for you.”
“Luis,” you started, trying to keep a straight face, “aren’t you worried about getting sick?” Your consideration came from a genuine place of concern and it showed in your voice, but you couldn’t argue the relief you felt wrapped inside the warmth provided by his jacket. You thought the leather would do little against the chilly weather, but surprisingly, it felt wonderful on you- most certainly because Luis’ heat formerly occupied it and the thought of you surrounded in said heat made your already feverish blush deepen.
“Y no te preocupes por mí.” He assures confidently. “I grew up in these parts. This weather doesn’t affect me one bit, so I insist.”
The man doesn’t give you an opportunity to respond.
“Unless…” Luis pauses for a second, playfulness glinting in his grey eyes. He then steps closer to your front. The movement forces you to reflexively let go of Leon’s jacket, leaving it to hang in the other man’s hand to allow room for the Spaniard to step in between you. Now only Luis stands in your full view, his eyes locking yours, all while maintaining his charming grin. “We come in close. Like this.”
The devilish man wraps a daring arm around your shoulders, nudging you closer to him but not forceful enough where you couldn’t pull away if you wanted to. You subconsciously didn’t want to and allowed him to bring you in, stopping to where your chests are merely a hair’s breath away from pressing against one another.
“This way we can keep each other warm,” he continues with a wink. “A good idea, ¿sí?”
Your ears pick up an annoyed scoff and you look over Luis’ broad shoulder. Leon stood with arms crossed, his bored eyes casted to the side as if finding something interesting in the distance. He already had his jacket back on, much to your disappointment.
Before you, Luis wears an amused smirk, addressing the blond without looking at him with faux intrigue, his focused gaze still resting entirely on you. “Something funny, Sancho?”
Leon ignores the obvious jab, “Just making mental bets on how long you’ll last before you start running your mouth. So far, I’m leaning towards two minutes.”
This made the Spaniard take a step back to turn his body sideways, arm still resting around you. Luis hums thoughtfully.
“Such harsh words for a squire,” he dismisses the counter with a casual shrug, squeezing your shoulder. At the time, you thought it to be a warm gesture, not once detecting the possessive undertones blatantly on display at the action. “Never underestimate a knight’s resilience. Or his endurance.”
If you had paid attention, you would have noticed the two men glaring at one another. You would have caught Leon’s challenging snarl and Luis’ taunting gaze. But no, you were too busy settling into Luis’ jacket, slipping your arms into the sleeves and zipping it closed around your form.
Ashley’s voice calls out to the three of you, announcing that she found something. Without a second thought, you start stepping towards her direction, separating yourself from Luis’ heat. You missed the frown he wore at your absence and by the time you looked back at him, he had on his usual charming smirk.
“Thanks for the jacket, Luis. I’ll give it back, I promise.” You say graciously, causing his grin to widen to a genuine smile. You then stop before Leon, also offering him a grateful look as you patted his chest. It was meant to be an amicable touch but the contact sent jolts of electricity from your palm to your chest. His body exuded an inviting warmth that made you hesitant to withdraw as you spoke trying to keep your voice level. “And I appreciate the thought, Leon. You’re always so reliable.”
You missed the subtle redness in his cheeks then too, willing yourself to give space and continuing to move to Ashley’s location. Both men are left staring after you, longing evident in the pools of silver and blue. After what seemed like an eternity of tense silence, Luis is the first to speak up.
“Dos minutos, mi culo.” He grumbles, a hint of amused irritation in his thick accented voice.
Leon snorts in turn. “That was generous.”
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dinolich · 3 months
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Sloane is done! (basically)
This is my first custom Monster High doll, and I learned a lot of cool new art techniques in the process. I think making my own little guy irl has fixed me. Get my comic HELLAWEEN wherever books are sold Pre-order HELLAWEEN: Spellbent out Aug 20 Progress pics under the cut!
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The clothes were hand sewn and the plaid pattern was drawn on in sharpie. I also ended up making each piece twice as I figured out what did and didn't work with the doll proportions. Shout out to @Dollightfully's etsy shop for having easy to follow patterns I could modify! After stripping all the paint and hair I added modifications with apoxie sculpt to better match Sloane's design, color matched with acrylics and added depth to the face with soft pastels. They also received top surgery with sand paper and a lot of patience. The best part, the face!! I sealed everything up with Mr Super Clear and got to work layering up color and lines with water color pencils + white acrylic for highlights and base coat for the eyes. For the hair I glued down pieces of faux fur and razored it into the shape I wanted. Tail needs to be attached, but otherwise this took me about three weeks on and off. Thank you to the free Clawdeen doll I got from work and a long hiatus for making this possible. Originally I just wanted to see if I could do this, but think I've unlocked a new niche hobby oops. If you made it this far in the post—
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nyc-looks · 7 months
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Lassie, 20 Khari, 20
Khari: “I am wearing a faux fur hat, graphic button up and fur vest, jean skirt, shoes Rick Owens. What inspired my style is being free and being true to myself.”
Lassie: “I am wearing hat from my brand Punk Boys Brand, jacket from 2nd Street, 1of1 banana cut zipper pants also from my brand, and Rck Owens Doc Martens. What inspired my style is truly my brothers; I always see them getting so fly, and competing only with themselves. They inspired me to get fly without caring about others opinion.”
Sep 10, 2023 ∙ Chinatown
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neonpaperlanterns · 3 months
Hii! I have a not-so-detailed request! Hope you don't mind! Can you do Dogday (already with his legs stiched) with a short reader? I think that standing he'd be pretty tall, so let's say reader barely reaches to his chest. Reader is not a child, though! It's just that DogDay is inhumanely tall, and that combined with someone who struggles to reach for stuff that's higher up than usual makes the size difference pretty evident. Thank you!
[A/n: I derived part of this story from personal experience. My partner is taller than me and while logically I know those bowls fit better on the top shelf it doesn't make it any better.]
Too Big and Too Small
“You did this on purpose.” You’re standing in your kitchen, staring up at your cupboard. You had come in here because you had wanted something sweet. There were cookies on the bottom shelf, you distinctly remember putting them there because you knew you would want them soon. But somehow the box has made its way up to the tippy top. 
Which inherently wouldn’t be a problem but your step stool is conveniently missing. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Narrowing your eyes you cut a glance at what you're sure is DogDay’s faux innocent expression. Or at least you intended to but instead your gaze settled on the faded yellow fur of his chest. Your lips purse as you lean your head backwards. He’s smiling at you, ears perked and tail swishing back and forth languidly. 
The sight made your lip twitch. He looked so happy and sweet. It was making it difficult to hold onto your indignation. But you were gonna try. 
Putting your hand on your hip you used the other to point accusingly at the cookies.
“You put those up there.” It was said as a statement.
“Pfft, no. Why would I do that? I bet it was Kissy.” He waved his hand about, deflecting.
“Kissy would never.” She might but you weren’t going to agree with him. “And don’t say Poppy because even with the stepstool she couldn’t reach.” You watched as his face lit up.
“Then maybe it was a joint effort.” DogDay bounced on the balls of his feet. Clearly this was the only explanation because he would never do something like this. It’s getting harder to hide your amusement. Realistically how could you ever be annoyed when he looked this happy? The answer was you couldn’t. 
You really did want those cookies.
“Alright, sure, whatever,  whether the girls did this or not. Could you help me? ” You heard him chuckle, it was a pleased sound. Like he got away with his mischief. Which you guess he was getting away with it, considering. 
DogDay beamed as he bounded over to the cupboard. He easily reached the top shelf. Honestly he was almost too big for the kitchen. His head nearly brushed the ceiling and he had to hunch over to get through doorways. Really your home wasn’t suitable for him or Kissy. Maybe you should move? Find a better place for them. One where they could move around freely. Where they could go outside without concern. 
“Here ya go Angel.” DogDay chirped, bringing you out of your thoughts. He held out the box of cookies proudly. 
“If ya need me to get anything else for you, no task is too tall.” a large hand came down to encompass your head, ruffling your hair. You smiled though you had to wonder if he put anything else where you couldn’t reach. Not that you minded. 
If putting things where you couldn’t get them and playing your knight in shining armor made him happy, you weren’t going to ruin that for him.
“Thank you. Could you go grab Poppy and Kissy. I got something I want to ask you guys." Nodding vigorously, DogDay took off down the too narrow hallway. Figure hunched as he rounded the corner, disappearing in to the rest of the house.
Yeah moving was a good idea. They deserved it after all.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 8 months
Love Sucks III. The Hunt
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Vampire!Steve Harrington x fem!reader He’s just a gloomy, little guy.
The Masterlist 🩸
Honestly, it probably didn’t help that everyone was standing in a line, a front row audience to what Steve deemed a very nerve wracking moment in his afterlife. 
“Ignore them, son,” Wayne gruffed, waving a dismissive hand at his nephew and all his friends. 
“But, Eddie has a camera,” Steve responded with weak offence. Eddie grinned and waved, the video camera balanced against his shoulder. He refused to answer to anyone who asked where he got it from, but Nancy spoke loud and frostily about a handheld that had been stolen from the newspaper’s office last week. “He keeps pointing it at me.”
Eddie laughed. 
You stepped in, scowling at your friends and smoothing your hands over Steve’s cheeks in what you hoped was a calming gesture. He was cold, almost icy, that forever faded summer tan paler than ever. His eyes were bloodshot, the skin underneath rose and lavender. He looked more like a vampire than ever. 
He was hungry. 
“Hey, hey,” you were frowning, something Steve hated to see on you but you were growing more concerned by the day. “I can tell them to leave, if you want?”
Steve glanced over at the kids, all sitting with snacks and chatting excitedly, their boots covered in mud and buried in the piles of leaves. Robin was perched on a low tree branch beside Jonathan and Nancy was talking to Hopper about the deer population. 
“No, it’s okay,” Steve murmured. His words sounded slurred, sluggish, too thick for his dry mouth. “You’ll stay back though, right? I don’t want to hu—”
You let your hands trail down his shoulders, catching his cold fingers and squeezing. “You won’t,” you promised him. “But you need to eat. Let Wayne and Jim help you, yeah? Rabbits aren’t cutting it anymore, handsome.”
And they weren’t, Steve knew that. And he hated how sad he got once he bit into their soft fur, the small amount of blood not doing much more than breaking his heart. You told Wayne about it one day when he came back from hunting and the older man huffed and ranted tiredly about the overgrown population of deer, elk, wolves. 
“Tell your boyfriend to catch some of those and we won’t have a problem.”
Except Steve had stared wide eyed at you at the suggestion. “An elk? I don’t know how to catch one of those.”
And that’s why you and your friends were in the middle of the woods on an October afternoon, just before evening fell. Hopper had swept the clearing for other hunters, dog walkers, campers and once he was satisfied, he gave Wayne a thumbs up. 
“Okay, let’s go, Dracula,” Wayne announced and Steve frowned, offended. He pointed. “You see it’s neck? That’s where you wanna aim, got it?”
The “neck” was non-existent. Joyce Byers’ old exercise bike was sitting in the mud, padded out with pillows tied with string. Someone (Mike) had draped a blanket over it and someone else (Max) stuck branches to the handles, faux antlers, much to Steve’s dismay. He spared a glance back at you, looking forlorn before Wayne snapped his fingers and whistled. 
“Hey, concentrate. You wanna jump it, right? Now you don’t got no gun, or crossbows, but I know there’s some heavy weaponry in that mouth of yours, so you gotta use it.”
Steve looked glum, lifting his fingers to rub at the sharp fangs he’d let protrude from his gums. They felt brittle and dry, ready to feed. You stepped closer, nudging yourself into Steve’s space until you could wrap your arms around his waist. He was icy under his shirt, almost too told to touch but you loved the way he relaxed into you at the touch of your hands, warm and soft, sneaking up the insides of his sweater. 
So Steve nodded and then the rest of the evening was spent in a mess of semi-hilarity and frustration. Steve scowled and kicked at the dead leaves as Hopper egged him on and Robin and Wayne took turns in pretending to attack the bike, throwing themselves at the pillow padding, miming biting the fake neck. 
Eddie caught everything on camera. 
Eventually Steve relented and you watched as he paced around the fake animal, sulky looking with his red rimmed eyes and frown. But he seemed to move a little faster than you’d see him do before, his movements not superhuman, but definitely unnatural. Then he’d pounce, throw himself onto the bike and swear as pillows fell off the sides, the makeshift antlers poking him in the ribs as he scrambled for the bike's handles/neck. 
People cheered, Eddie cackled, you kissed his pale cheek and Steve rolled his eyes with the impatience and embarrassment of a teenager going to his first prom. 
“This is stupid,” he muttered but the next night he slipped into the woods to feed and he came back satiated. 
He returned covered in mud and pine needles, with a drop of blood or two on his jeans and his shirt was torn from a scuffle from an animal that he deemed a monstrous size, but your boyfriend was pleased with himself and that’s all that mattered. 
Two days later, Eddie made him watch Bambi on the VCR and Steve was horrified, declaring that he was going vegetarian.  
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Small Ways To Look More Polished (Essential Style & Beauty Tips)
Some simple fashion & beauty tips to help you look more put together to turn heads and feel your best daily. Hope this helps xx
Always steam, lint roll, and snip any threads from your clothing before heading out the door
Ensure your top, pants/skirt, and outerwear proportions flatter your body shape. Choose cuts, hemlines, and strategically tuck or button (or unbutton) each garment to create lines that flatter your figure
Be mindful of how your pant/skirt/dress hemline aligns with the shaft of your footwear. You don't want any bunching or awkward gaps
Learn which colors are the most flattering on your skin tone (and which shades wash you out)
Study your body shape and the silhouettes that best streamline/elongate your frame
Find the right balance of textures/fabric weight (too many "heavy" fabrics like faux fur, quilting or puffer-style items when styled together can look bulky if not styled carefully)
Invest in a capsule wardrobe and neutral basics made in high-quality fabrics (Pima cotton, cashmere, silk, heavyweight denim, merino wool, etc.)
If an item does not look quite right on your body, tailor it or toss (donate) it out
Make sure all of the hardware matches with all of the jewelry, handbag, watch, cuff or button details, and footwear you choose for any given outfit
Maintain your accessories and footwear. Ensure they're no creases or scuff marks before heading out the door
Always keep your eyebrows well-shaped, brushed, filled in, and regularly tweezed
Tweeze and/or dermaplane your face as needed
Prioritize skincare/SPF for flawless skin
Ensure your foundation/concealer/brow products are all a perfect color match and fully blended into your skin
Use concealer to outline your brows and lip shape for greater definition
Strategically apply bronzer/contour, highlighter, and blush to your face to flatter your natural hollows, and prominent features (top of cheekbones, the tip of the nose, right under the brow), and use a light wash of color where your face would be naturally flushed
Find a flattering lip shade that suits your skin tone and doesn't make your teeth look yellow/dull
Embrace healthy hair habits (condition generously, use a wide-toothed comb and a specialty hair towel on wet hair, use a heat protectant and a round brush for blowouts/styling and satin or silk hair ties/pillowcases, get regular trims)
Use dryer sheets to minimize hair frizz and water or Vaseline to slick back fly-aways
Exfoliate and moisturize religiously (dry brush or sugar scrub with lotions including ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin, depending on your skin type)
Use cuticle oil around your nails & apply hand cream/lip balm daily (or substitute with Vaseline for any of the three)
Maintain a diligent nail routine (consistent nail shape, classic pink, nude, red, or vampy polish color, and a high-quality top coat)
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thylacines-toybox · 1 year
Making a bunny into a thylacine!
I’m at it again with extreme Jellycat modding! I love my bashful thylacine Patchouli so much, I wanted to have a small version too. This time I thought I’d record the process a bit more!
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Plushie surgery under the cut! It’s fairly extensive, including removal and rebuilding of a whole face, so be warned! (It all turns out well in the end though!)
The first step is de-earing the bunny! They stitch these ears in quite firmly (you know how much these bunnies get swung around by the ears!) so it takes quite a lot of unpicking.
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One ear gets folded inside out, stitched, trimmed, then stuffed to form a tail!
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The second ear gets unpicked entirely, so I’ve just got a single layer of ear fabric. I sew this together with some white fur to make new ears.
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Oh, I had to shave this fur down a little to match the shorter fur of the small size! Some extra trimming was needed after sewing pieces on too, especially on the stripes to neaten them up.
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Next it’s time to rework the face, unpicking the nose and embroidered mouth, and basically opening up the front of the snout and chin a little bit. With an extra white muzzle piece added, this will help elongate the whole head.
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The old eyes need to come out too! I can access the backs of them through the open snout. This plastic washer on the inside needs to be cut off to remove the eye, and the small hole that is left needs a couple stitches to close it up.
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A little white fur is used for the muzzle (the shape of this piece is sorta like, a bean with a dart in the bottom…) and stitched nearly all the way around, just leaving an unsewn gap at the top where the nose will go.
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A new nose made from an oval of minky, stitched around and drawn up like a little bag around a tiny ball of stuffing. Bashful Jellycats usually have a faux suede nose, but minky doesn’t look too out of place! Other Jellycats can have minky noses.
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Nose and ears sewn in place, and new eyes have been fitted in a higher up position than the original eyes, emphasising the snout! (Fitted the eyes by going in through the ear holes before I sewed those in…)
On my medium bashful thylacine I sewed a little dark patch of fur on under the eyes, but I left it out here as it’s just too small and looks fine without. The medium also had a mouth embroidered, but I decided against that here too!
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Now time to pattern out stripes… three is fine. Gets the idea across.
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This is my least favourite part lol, it’s so tedious… sewing through fur, trying to get the stripes’ positioning and furry edges to look nice and even……. blah.
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And finally, small bashful thylacine is done!! Now they just need a name and some accessories :)
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zamoimagines · 6 months
Women of Abbott Elementary - First Date (Headcanons)
A/N: Hey ya'll! I have so much fun writing for these girlies, I love them all so much. If you guys want more of them, please let me know! - Headcanons under the cut - **DISCLAIMER: None of the gifs are mine, all credit goes to the original creators**
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Ava Coleman:
If there’s one thing about Ava Coleman, it’s that she loves luxury
Anyone who is with her is bound to know that and she’s more than happy to share the wealth with someone she cares about 
A first date for her is definitely at some hip new bar she found on social media with lots of fancy cocktails and champagne, maybe a few shots here and there
She insists that she pays for everything since she has a lot saved up (surely not for a potential zombie apocalypse, but she could afford to dip into her funds) 
She absolutely spoils you and tells you to get dressed up. She’s definitely in a sleek cocktail dress with a faux fur coat, or maybe a really fashionable jumpsuit. It’s whatever she’s feeling that night. Regardless, she looks hot and expensive 
The whole time you guys have drinks, she’s flirting hard with you. Unlike her other dates, she also spends some time getting to know you and asks you about where you’re from, where you see yourself in ten years, who your favorite celebrity couple is, etc. All the important first date topics 
Definitely calling you every nickname under the sun; baby, princess, cutie, baby cakes, honey, sugarboo, you name it, she’s calling you that 
Also making sure to take plenty of pictures of you, making you pose and encouraging you to be confident in how gorgeous you look
You stop her when she almost tries to make a tik tok video, but she respects you. Just means she has more pictures of you to look at later on her own time 
Absolutely making sure to touch you as much as possible, whether that means touching your hand, lightly jabbing your shoulder, maybe even playing with your hair a little bit
She definitely has a stare that could see right through you and while it’s intimidating, she also knows exactly how to make you squirm without doing anything at all 
After you guys are a little too tipsy, she’d surely take you to her favorite club. She’s dying to get you out onto a dance floor, especially when you both look so damn good together 
As soon as you guys arrive, the bouncers immediately let you through the door and you guys skip the line. She pulls you right out to the floor and encourages you to fuck it up 
The more you let loose for her, the harder she’s simping. More than likely, she’s grinding up against you, holding your hips to hers, rocking with you and making sure to keep you close
God forbid if ANYONE tries to dance with you, they’re getting kicked out of the entire club. She doesn’t give a fuck 
Straight up, she would make sure to put her arm over your shoulder just to be more possessive of you and make sure that everyone knows your her date. She respects you, she just doesn’t like it if someone doesn’t respect you
During a more slow song, she holds you super close so that you don’t get too far from her. She’s much more comfortable being vulnerable with you in a setting like this 
“I had a good time tonight. You’re so cute- Forreal, I can’t keep my hands off of you, baby” 
Right after, she’d lean in really close to your ear and ask you in a very husky voice, “You wanna come home with me, baby? I could take really good care of you.” 
Absolute best sex of your life as a nightcap, Ava is fully on board with having sex on the first date- especially if it’s with you.
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Barbara Howard:
Barb is the most traditional out of all of them. After all, she’s a good Christian woman
She picks out the cutest local restaurant that’s not too snooty, but not too cheap. She also happens to be a regular there, but she doesn’t give that away immediately 
She’d meet you there, showing up a little early so she could have the table ready and waiting for you. When you arrive, she stands up and makes sure to give you a very tender kiss to your cheek and a little squeeze to your hand 
When the waiter comes by to ask for a drink order, Barbara makes sure to get a simple cocktail and urges you to do the same since the have the best ones in Philadelphia (in her own opinion)
For a while, you two start to talk. You both talk about work, then maybe move onto other first date topics like favorite movies, colors, foods, etc. Eventually, you both get on a topic in which Barbara tells you everywhere she’s traveled and you learn how much she loves cruises. 
You guys finally order, and you’re still not sure what to order because the conversation has gotten away from you. She most certainly asks for your permission, but offers to order for you to ease your mind a little. You give her your consent, and she tells the waiter exactly what to bring. Absolutely hot to you that she could take care of you in so many different ways like that. 
The more she finishes her cocktail, the more comfortable she becomes. You could tell she was slightly nervous before, but since it’s going so well, she comes into her own a little more. That signature Barbara confidence shines through with vigor and it only makes you swoon more 
She gets as bold as to hold your hand for a moment, and even takes time to gaze into your eyes while she’s speaking to you. When she laughs at your jokes, you could swear that she could be the personification of sunshine 
The food arrives, and you two eat happily to which you compliment her decision on picking this restaurant in particular. The food is delicious and she ordered you the perfect meal 
At the end, the chef surprises you both with a cute little dessert that’s sharable. It takes Barbara off guard, especially when they insist it’s on the house. You both feel like giddy teenagers in that moment, but you share it anyway 
Barbara would notice that there was a little speck of something on the corner of your mouth and would say, “Oh- Sweetheart, let me get that for you-” 
She’d take her napkin and start to wipe it away, but your heart would race at how close her hand was to your face. She’d notice how close she was too when the napkin slipped out of her hands 
There’s a moment where her hand is literally just caressing your face and neither one of you can move, completely swept up by the moment 
Once she snaps out of it, she apologizes to which you tell her not to worry. Secretly, you’re hoping she’d touch you like that again 
As you two finish up, you grab out your wallet to pay but she insists you put it away 
“I invited you out to dinner, darling. Let me take care of it.” 
You know better than to argue with Barbara, and so she pays for the whole meal. When you two leave the restaurant, she walks you right to your car to make sure you’re safe and taken care of. 
“I had a wonderful time with you, dear. Thank you for coming. I’ve been looking forward to this all week, and it was even better than I imagined it would’ve been.” 
Which is so cute to think about Barbara planning this whole thing just for you, and you make sure to thank you and assure her that you had a good time as well
There’s an awkward silence between the two of you as she takes in every inch of your presence, just silently swooning over how much she adores you
She cuts through the silence and softly asks, “May I kiss you?” 
You’d nod, but you can’t believe she just asked that question. You never thought in a million years that Barbara Howard would’ve been taking you on a date 
As you’re swimming in your thoughts, she’d lean forward and give you a firm yet sweet kiss to make sure she makes it perfect for you. 
You’d kiss back in an instant (how could you fucking not), and as soon as you accept her love, her hands move to hold your waist as she pulls you in closer, her other hand moves to caress over your cheek
She’d rest her forehead to yours and admit, “I’ve been waiting so long to do that” 
She’s certainly a lady and respects your boundaries enough to not invite you home, but you bet your sweet ass that she’s most certainly asking you on a second date. 
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Janine Teagues:
Janine is a pretty classic girlie and takes you to see a movie 
At first, she’s trying to psyche herself up to see a drama or a horror movie, something that is way too serious for her tastes because she wants to impress you
She offers to pay for everything- The movie tickets, the snacks, she even tries to shove gas money in your face 
You try to insist that you can split everything, but she’s incredibly stubborn 
Once you have your drinks and your food, you guys go into the theater 
She made extra careful plans to sit in the perfect spot so you two could have enough privacy but be far enough from the screen to see everything 
The movie starts up and it’s clearly too much for her, you can tell by the way she’s getting tense and how she’s trying to hide her face every five seconds
She gets way too nervous and steps out to use the bathroom, but after she’s gone for so long, you make sure to go and check on her 
You’d use a line like, “You left your purse under your seat” or something along those lines 
To which Janine would completely crumble and let you know that she was acting all out of sorts just to make sure you’d still like her. She’s terrified of being too boring or not being “cool” enough for someone else 
You’d definitely have to reassure her very tenderly because you went on this date knowing it was Janine. Clearly you love everything about her, even her little quirks. You’d have to make sure to tell her that upfront so she could finally relax
Once everything was out in the open, she’d finally calm down. 
She’d say something like “Good- I was kinda hoping we could see Paw Patrol because my students have been going nuts over it. I heard it was a pretty wild time.” 
She’s definitely nervous about admitting that, but as soon as you’re on board, you two refund the tickets for the next showing of the other movie. This time, you make sure to get the drinks and you guys settle in.
You can clearly see she’s more excitable, laughing and being adorable as ever
She’d even hold your hand and make sure to whisper little things to you so that she didn’t get too lost in the movie 
Once it’s over, you guys would hit a little coffee shop and just talk for a while. Really gushy stuff, like laughing about how Janine picked the worst movie for a first date initially, maybe she goes on about how much she liked the actual movie she wanted to see. You guys stay for hours and talk about everything under the sun until the cafe closes.
“Well uh… Guess that’s it then.” She’d fidget a little, definitely super nervous about how to end the night. You’d let her know that you had a great time 
Which would give her enough courage to launch herself forward and kiss you right on the lips
Right after, she’d pull away and blush super hard and start apologizing and rambling like she does
But you’d cut her off and give her another kiss. In return, she’d just melt in your arms and you two could just let yourselves get caught in the wholesome gay vibes that the whole night had been leading up to <333
Then she’d most definitely ask you to come back to her place to hang out and cuddle, maybe play some board games she’s been dying to show someone. Absolutely more kissing- She wouldn’t be able to stop kissing you once she knew it was okay to do so.
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Melissa Schemmenti:
Definitely plans a date at her place
Who needs a fancy restaurant when she’s the best Italian cook in all of Philly? 
She’d invite you over and everything would be super casual, she’d probably insist on it just so she could make you comfortable 
But nothing would be quite ready whenever you got there 
In fact, you’d get all dressed up in your best
And Melissa opens the door in jeans, a tank top and her denim jacket she always wears around her house, hair up in a ponytail with a small kitchen towel hanging off her shoulder
“Damn- You really thought you were coming to the Met or something, huh?” She’d definitely laugh it off, but she’d assure you that you look incredible. She’d even apologize for not being more specific or for not dressing up herself 
Her idea of an adorable date is letting you help her cook. Being able to make a meal with her loved ones always makes her feel at home, and you’re no exception to that 
She’d definitely teach you how to make a kick ass risotto and would hold your hand the entire way
If you did something wrong, she wouldn’t be nearly as harsh as she would’ve been with Jacob or Janine. She’d lightly redirect you and even show you how to do it by guiding your hands with her own
And for the most Sicilian thing to do, she makes sure to get out a bottle of wine so you two can indulge in some drinks while the meal is getting prepared 
She has on her favorite tunes in the background, and the more tipsy she gets, she definitely starts to sing to you which is so sweet (even though her voice is completely off key, still super charming) 
Absolutely letting you be a taste tester, offers you the cooking spoons or makes you eat something out of her hand 
She won’t say it out loud, but she loves how you go with it. It’s adorable to her that you’re comfortable enough to trust her and lowkey she thinks it’s kinda hot how your mouth feels around her fingers ANYWAY
Once the food is done, you help her set the table and get all the food set up. She cracks open another bottle of wine so you guys can still drink during dinner 
You literally wanna pass out because the food is so good. You had no idea that she could cook like this, and it’s very clear she takes a lot of pride in her work with that pleased smirk on her face.
She’s also just so happy to see you so happy and in her space being so comfortable, that’s all she wants in a partner and you’re fitting in so seamlessly with her life
You guys talk about everything under the sun; About work, about annoying people, she tells you crazy stories from her family, maybe some about her antics and how she’s run away from the law, in return you’d tell her stories of your own 
Before you know it, dinner is completely gone and so is half the bottle of wine 
You both are much more tipsy than before, but it feels so cozy and warm. Melissa is even gazing back at you with her chin resting against her hand, just taking in how beautiful you are
“Mm.” She’d hum a little bit while she’s just silently staring at you, to which you ask her what’s on her mind 
“Oh, nothin’. Just was thinking about what it would be like to kiss you.” 
There’d be a small pause before she just leans in and presses her lips to yours 
It’s heated almost immediately, because this woman does everything with as much passion as she possibly can- But she’s also so tender and makes sure to hold you while she’s getting closer to you
Melissa doesn’t care about rules, ya’ll are going straight up to her bedroom if you’re comfortable with that. If not, she fully intends to cuddle you on her plastic wrapped couch 
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spaceplush · 6 months
Making a Crowley Plush from Good Omens Part 1
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I’ve been working on a Crowley plush for a few weeks now. He’s a redesign of my old Crowley from four years ago. He’s not finished yet, but I thought it might be nice to show my progress and talk about my process a bit. More below!
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The first step was redesigning the embroidery. Thankfully I didn’t have to do too much. I gave the snake tattoo a red belly, elongated the eye pupils, and thickened the mouth. Crowley’s eyes are actually a triple color gradient, which is a pain to make in the software I use.
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Next, I sewed the plush together. Before I started these, I decided I wanted them to be scented. (Macintosh Apple for Crowley & Brandied Pear for Aziraphale). I added a zipper pouch to the back and it only took three attempts because I don’t make these very often and I definitely didn’t forget how. Yes, the plushies have fruit embroidery on their butts.
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Here are both Aziraphale & Crowley unstuffed. Crowley is rocking that Troll hair.
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✨Star Nipples✨
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Post hair cut. I used a long pile faux fur for Crowley’s hair, shaved it down, then styled it with product made specifically for synthetic fibers. It took a few hours. And he do got a booty.
So why the star nips and butt? The truth is…I just think it’s funny and I recently got into kpop plush dolls, which have very silly and interesting embroidery. This was a little experimentation with that particular style.
The butt is thread sculpted the same way paws are sculpted on stuffed animals and Crowley’s blushing cheeks are made with real blush. It’s washable and fades over time, which is perfect if you don’t want to permanently stain the plush with paint for example. If it starts to fade just add more blush!
So that’s it for the actual plush. I oversimplified things, but the process is very complex. It took a few months to design the base pattern, vectors, and embroidery. All of that requires testing and if something doesn’t come out quite right, then it’s back to the drawing board with the pattern. All in all, I wasted a lot of fabric.
I’ll talk about making the clothes in part 2.
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purringfayestudio · 2 years
Birth of a Fox Plush!
Watch one of my plush grow from uncut fabric to final photos.
Video description: stop-motion animation of a fox plush being made. Faux fur pieces in black, silver and bright ginger orange get cut, move into a fox shape, attach bit by bit, get turned inside-out for final sewing, turn right-side out and get stuffed, eyes, shaved ears, painted, closed up, and then set up in front of a white board, finished. Music: Lifestream. Musician: Dream Machine. URL: https://icons8.com/music/
101 pieces from 19 different fabrics (17 faux furs and 2 vinyl) went until this fox. It took me twenty-some hours to complete over a month's time, possibly longer to account for all the camera angle fiddling.
This was my first stop-motion video so I definitely learned some things! This is my usual order of assembly for plush, though not every step was captured, in part because I wasn't sure how to do so or it would have been awkward. For example you can see I redid the neck, but didn't show the replacement of the piece between the shoulders. But I hope to try this again and get even more of the process!
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philistiniphagottini · 2 months
Red Lace
This piece is inspired by some lovely artwork by the even lovelier @jingsyuans. Thank you so, so much for giving me permission to write a little something based on this artwork. You're a gem. Hope you like it~
cw. smut, pegging, lingerie, fem! reader
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Jing Yuan looked simply stunning; wrapped in red lace with various, delicate bows like a delectable present begging to be unravelled. The way the silk dipped between the deep crevices of his muscles and his sheer lace stockings intimately hugged his muscular thighs made you swallow the budding saliva on your tongue. The cute, fluffy ears peeking out of his wild mane of hair tempted you to run your fingers through the faux fur, the matching tail lazily curling between his parted thighs and coaxing you ever closer, the tips of your fingers tingling as you itched to lay your hands on him.
A soft chuckle stirred in the depths of Jing Yuan’s throat as you joined him on the bed, his body sprawled before you amidst a plethora of pillows and fluffy blankets that threatened to drown both of you as you tangled amongst the sheets.
"Do you like it?" Jing Yuan drawled, a knowing smile tilting the corners of his lips. "I thought it was rather cute."
A hum tickled the back of your throat as you crawled closer to him on your hands and knees, stalking closer to your tantalising prize. His stiff cock eagerly jumped between his legs, the fat, angry head flushed a deep shade of pink and already drooling with pre-cum that stained his skin with pretty pearls of white. You smoothed your hands along his strong thighs, feeling the muscles tense before relaxing under the curious press of your fingers. You could barely contain your excitement once you got your eager mitts on him, fingers dancing along his firm torso, the weight of centuries etched into his beautiful, supple skin. He purred like a contented cat on a lazy afternoon under the press of your hands, nails scratching along thin scars as you pulled on his lace lingerie and let it snap back against his skin with a satisfying smack.
A spine-tingling shiver wracked his body when he felt the wet slap of your strap against the plush inside of his thigh, the eight-inch, silicone cock dripping with generous amounts of lube and making every hair on the nape of his neck stand up in anticipation. The leather harness dug into your supple skin with every subtle movement of your hips, cutting into the pudge of your thighs and soft belly as the softness of your curves threatened to spill over. He idly hooked his fingers in the loops of your belt as you trailed your bruised lips along his throat, the softness reminding him of the delicate touch of rose petals. He tipped his head back with a soft noise rumbling in his chest, a cat like smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as your tongue followed the trail of your kiss swollen lips.
"You have impeccable tastes, General" you mumbled against his heated skin.
A short puff of air blew past his lips in a soft chortle, a moan tickling the back of his throat as you sucked on the thick bulge of his Adam’s apple. You bared your teeth as you worked a fresh, blooming mark into his flesh, his skin flushing red as you suckled and lapped at his throat.
"You flatter me" Jing Yuan replied, voice barely above a husky purr.
His head was already starting to feel a little dizzy and you weren’t even inside of him yet. Another salacious moan bubbled up his throat as your hands cupped his pillowy chest, squeezing until his fat tits and pebbling nipples spilled between your fingers. You continued to paw at his chest as you trailed your lips lower, feeling his rapidly beating pulse jump beneath the press of your mouth as you followed the prominent pulse. Your blood was simmering in your veins as his breathy sighs graced your ears, warmth coiling in the pit of your stomach at the mere sounds that spilled from his parted lips. Having such a powerful man laying beneath you made your head spin so fast you were feeling giddy; already drunk before you even got to the main course.
Your nails bit into his skin as you squeezed his juicy pectoral muscles, leaving behind crescent shaped marks as you worked another fresh, angry mark into his collar bone. Your teeth were a little rougher this time, skin blooming scarlet beneath your ministrations as you lapped at the perspiration clinging to his skin. You were in no rush, savouring the taste of him dancing on your tongue and lingering in the back of your throat every time you took a deep breath. You leaned closer as you trailed your lips over his chest, feeling his cock jumping between your legs as you sucked a pert nipple into your warm mouth. Jing Yuan’s fingers tightened on the loops of your harness, leather biting your skin as you swirled your tongue around a pink tip. Your teeth tugged at the sensitive nerve as his hips jolted forward, the butt plug shoved tightly up his arse slipping a little deeper as he swore something foul under his breath.
You let go of his chest with a loud pop, hands still fondling his skin as you moved to his other, neglected nipple to bless it with just as much attention. You didn’t pull away again until his chest was covered in a thin sheen of your saliva. Your eyes danced with mirth at your handy work, your hickeys already blooming into a little garden of flowers. You didn’t get many chances to indulge like this and you were already starting to get carried away. Even though you had strayed far from the path, Jing Yuan was a very patient man, not a single crack breaking his flawless expression as he gave you a lazy smirk, long lashes brushing against his warm cheeks as he gazed at you with lidded eyes.
"Having fun, little dove?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
You hummed as you drummed your fingers along his torso, enjoying the way he leaned further into your touch as you slid your hands along his sides.
"I’m thoroughly enjoying myself" you admitted with a coy smile painting your lips. "You’re doing so well for me, baby girl."
The way the nickname slipped from your pretty lips really should not have made his cock jump as hard as it did. He chewed on the insides of his mouth as he stifled the moan that tried to crawl out of his throat. You always had used those words in such a joking manner yet with his body so highly strung he was going to lap up any praise that spilled from your mouth like the hungry beggar that he was. You noticed the way his hips twitched forward as you kneaded your hands along his thigh, your eyebrows wriggling playfully as you chuckled.
"What’s wrong baby?" you cooed. "Do you like being called my good girl?"
His cock shuddered violently again and oozed more pre-cum from the leaking tip. A rush of air blew past his lips, flicking a few stray strands of snowy hair from his eyes. He believed he was starting to realise why you adored getting praised by him so much. It was hard to control how his body reacted when you whispered to him in such a seducing tone.
"Evidently" Jing Yuan murmured in reply.
Elation made your blood boil with bliss. Your grin was still plastered on your face as your hands dropped between his parted thighs, fingers ghosting along the cute butt plug buried snug in him as the faux fur of the cat tail curled around your fingertips. You leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips, tasting the shape of his mouth as your teeth nipped at the plump flesh until it turned cherry red.
"Well, then, just lay back like a good pillow Princess and I’ll take care of the rest."
Jing Yuan couldn’t help but let out a loud snort, followed by a throaty chuckle. "Careful, it sounds like that power is going to that pretty little head of yours" he warned.
There was a witty reply rattling around somewhere in the back of your head but you were a little too preoccupied with grabbing the scruff of his ass to respond properly. All you could offer up with a devious little smile as you started to pull the plug out of him. Jing Yuan’s legs shuffled further apart as his jaw tensed, throat bobbing as you removed the toy from him. Instead of chucking it to some unknown corner of the room you decided to tuck it beneath the lace lingerie hugging his waist, the fur tickling the sensitive skin of his thighs as the tips became damp from the beads of slick smeared across his skin. You grabbed the base of your strap and guided it to the rim of his hole, a delicious sound stirring in his chest as the tip pressed into his sopping entrance. You rub it over his sopping opening as you place a wet kiss to his chin.
"You ready for me baby?" you asked.
Jing Yuan hummed in response, fingers tugging at the loops of your harness as he urged you to press closer and into him.
Without further hesitation, you started pushing into him. His breathing shuddered as your strap pierced him, the globs of lube coating the silicone making the transition much smoother as you slid deep inside of him. His fluttering hole clenched around the silicone dick, his mouth rapidly becoming dry as he tasted the desire heavy on his tongue. You were slow and meticulous with your movements as you eased into him, hips pressing forward until you felt you could push no further. You both shared a small sigh as you grew still, your thumbs rubbing along the beautiful dip in his alluring v-line to soothe the wild beat of his heart. You could hear your own pulse drumming loudly in your ears as you peered up at your lover beneath thick lashes, a curious tilt to your head as you observed every minute twitch of his body. You couldn’t help but shudder at the difference in size between you. He was so much larger in frame than you were, even when he was lazing on his back. He must have thought the sight of a little, darling thing like you burying eight, thick inches of dick in his arse was quite adorable. And the chuckle that fell from his dry lips confirmed it.
"You can move, little sparrow. I’m not made of porcelain."
You huffed loudly as you puffed your cheeks up at him. There was a hint of a challenge lacing his voice and the smug look he gave you was only goading you further. It didn’t perturb you in the slightest. After all, this wasn’t your first rodeo and you were going to make him eat his words.
You started out slow, languidly rolling your hips forward and falling into a comfortable rhythm. A sigh tumbled from Jing Yuan’s lips as his stomach bunched up into a tight knot, heat coiling and twisting inside of him. His rigid cock softly bounced between your bodies as you pulled your strap halfway out only to slide right back in. Jing Yuan knew what you were doing by the way you twisted your hips and the tip of your silicone cock prodded his insides. You were trying to memorise the spot that he liked. And, unfortunately for him, you found it far quicker than he was able to anticipate. The feeling of your strap rubbing against a white hot, sensitive nerve caught him by surprise and you knew you found what you were looking for when it sounded like his heart jumped right up into his throat.
You smiled. "So soon, baby?" you teased.
Jing Yuan grunted as his strong leg hooked around your hip. His foot dug into the back of your thigh as he urged you to go deeper, his greedy hole swallowing around the strap as he shuddered beneath you. Well, since you had already found it, he may as well go with the flow.
"Keep it right there" Jing Yuan said, a commanding tone lacing his voice as he stared at you with a sheen pooling in his smouldering, golden eyes.
You nodded along to his words. "Yes general~"
The smack of your hips started to increase as the mattress softly creaked beneath you. Jing Yuan could already feel his body trembling along with the bedframe, drool clinging to the corners of his mouth as his body was driven higher and higher with ecstasy. His usual silver tongue started to feel like lead in his mouth as you alternated your rhythm, switching between short and fast thrusts to long and smooth strokes. It made his dick twitch wildly as he was kept on his toes, the blunt head of your strap pressing into his soft spot over and over again as stars wavered in his vision. Your hands started kneading at his chest again as you put a little more force behind your thrusts, revelling in the sounds you could wrench from the renowned general’s throat.
"Harder" Jing Yuan breathed, choking on a moan as the pressure inside of him threatened to bubble over.
You adhered to his request, pushing yourself to your limit as you pounded into him as hard as you could. You refused to touch his twitching cock, wanting your general to come untouched. You’d even bat away at his hands even if he tried to grab it himself. You nuzzled your face into his chest as another sinful moan spilled from his mouth, a filthy praise of your name on his lips as he shivered. His face was engulfed with heat as you roughly pumped your hips, strap pushing against his sweet spot with every harsh pound as his head spun around like a broken record.
"You gonna cum, pretty baby?" you drawled, lazily flicking your tongue over his pert nipple.
Jing Yuan swallowed thickly, peering down at you beneath soused lashes as he nodded.
"Good girl."
Jing Yuan squeezed his eyes shut as he threw his head back with a loud and guttural cry to the heavens. The most exquisite sound crawled out of his throat as the pressure inside him snapped and bathed his body with pure and unadulterated bliss, twitching hole squeezing snug around the strap buried so deeply in his ass. The sound made your own arousal burn fiercely, pleasant tingles racing along your back as he was intimately ripped apart at the seams. His weeping cock kicked as he painted his abdomen with thick, sticky ribbons of white, threads even managing to spray on your soft belly as you twisted between the sheets in bliss. Your pace gradually started to taper off as you finally wrapped your hand around the base of his thick cock, fingers struggling to touch as you roughly pumped him. A soft moan stirred in his chest as you squeezed the last drops out of him, your teeth teasing along his throat as you carved out more marks into his searing flesh.
You could barely hear the sound of his laboured breathing over your own, your knees aching something fierce and hips stinging even after your movements came to a halt. You didn’t move for several minutes, focusing on catching your breath and waiting for Jing Yuan to come down from his own high before you found the strength to do anything. You ran your hands along his pliable body, feeling him immediately melt into your touch as your fingertips rubbed soothing circles into his skin. You placed your chin on his chest as he purred beneath you, rubbing his strong hands along the curve of your spine as his legs coiled around your waist. A soft chuckle blew past your lips at the sight of his blissed-out expression and his askew cat ears perched on top of his ruffled hair.
"You know, you should keep it" you said, fingers playing with the band of his stockings. "It really is cute."
Jing Yuan hummed as his eyes finally peeled open to gaze down at you. You smooshed your cheek against his sturdy chest, his thundering heart beat loud in your ear as he gave you a thoughtful look.
"You know, I was hoping you’d like it. I bought you one as well~"
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starlitmark · 4 months
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Summary: Chenle loves spoiling you. So much so that, sometimes, you just need to let him fuck into a changing room with you to let him show you. Pairing: Socialite!Chenle x fem!reader Tropes: socialite/nepo baby au, established relationship au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: language Smut Warnings: unprotected sex, public sex, semi-clothed sex, mirror sex, praise kink, oral (m receive), cum eating Word Count: 1,413 Host Tags: @sanjoongie @thelargefrye February Filth Masterlist Before You Interact
Listen to ♡ Nothing On Me by Kai
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“Chenle, you really don’t need to spend all this money on me.” You remind him.
“I have the money to spend and want to spoil you. You’re my girlfriend.” He chuckles, “Plus! My mom has the charity gala in a few weeks, and you mentioned that you have nothing to wear.”
You look around the shop and then back to your boyfriend, “Then why are we in the everyday wear department?”
Chenle smiles brightly again and pulls you against his chest. A laugh threatens to burst from his lips when you pout at him.
“Shopping doesn’t mean we only have to get the one thing!”
He drops a kiss onto your pouty lips and smiles brightly at you again. No matter how often Chenle reassures you that he wants to spend this money on you and that it won’t hurt his finances, you still feel slightly bad. You’re not from a background that lives as comfortably as him. You grew up in an average household, so when he takes you to these high-end stores to buy something as simple as a T-shirt, there’s a culture shock. It’s diminished over the time you’ve dated so far. It may never fully go away. Chenle grabs your hand and pulls you toward the escalator. The higher the floor, the higher the price. The moment you’re on the next floor, you’re met with gorgeous formalwear you’d never be able to afford in a million years. Your boyfriend squeezes your hand to reassure you before guiding you toward the formal gowns.
“Mom said the theme is 1930’s Hollywood… I don’t know why she’d choose that, but she did.” He shrugs, “What color do you think you’d like?”
“I don’t know, Lele…” you trail off, “Everything is really expensive, I’m sure I-”
“Let me spoil you, love. What color?”
“Didn’t that era of fashion really love dark green, red, lavender, and gold?”
Chenle chuckles, “Sure if that’s what you want it to be.”
Chenle gestures for you to wander. Finally, you step up to the racks and choose a few gowns. You don’t dare look at the price tag. Two of the dresses you’re more excited to try on are floor-length silk gowns. They have similar cuts. It’s not quite hourglass, but definitely accentuating your waist. The straps are strings, and the back dips low enough to expose your entire back. The third gown you picked up has the same cut as the other two but is a deep green sparkly velvet material. It has a shawl that comes with it made of the same material with faux fur lining the edges. It’s perfectly reminiscent of old Hollywood glamour.
“You’ve got a good eye, love.” Chenle muses, “Wanna try them on?”
You nod, “Wait outside the room for me?”
“Always, I wanna see what they look like on you.”
His comment has a suggestive undertone, but you choose not to read too deeply into it. You carry the gowns into the fitting room. The first one you put on is the velvet one, it looks nice. That’s about it; you know Chenle will appreciate it regardless. When he first started taking you out shopping, you joked that he was just playing dress-up with you as the doll. That made for an interesting night, to say the least.
“You ready for the first one?” You call through the door.
“Let’s see it, baby.”
You step out and see your boyfriend on his phone waiting for you. He’s created a new habit of randomly taking videos and pictures of you. You love it; it makes for some of the best candid photos and moments caught on camera. He puts his phone back in his hoodie pocket and looks you up and down.
“Well?” You ask, turning around a few times.
“Fucking beautiful.” He mumbles under his breath, “You look stunning, baby.”
“No objections? We’re only on the first one.” “If you look as beautiful as you always do, we’ll leave with all three of them.”
You feel heat rush to your face at his flattery. You turn and walk back to your room to change into the next gown.
“Babe,” Chenle calls before you can close the door fully.
“Hmm?” You ask, popping your head and shoulder through the opening.
“Do the others have that style too?”
“Yeah, why?” You ask, raising your eyebrow at him.
“No reason.”
You close the door fully and change into the first silk gown. This one is a cherry cola color. Honestly, it’s not your favorite. The color just doesn’t seem to be right for some reason. Standing there, you debate, even showing him for a few moments. In reality, a few moments must’ve been a few minutes because Chenle knocks on the door.
“You okay, love? You’ve been in there a while.”
“It’s just– I don’t know if it’s even worth showing you. The color isn’t right, making me look–”
“Let me in?” He requests.
You let out a long breath before opening the door to let him into the rather spacious room. He presses his back against the door and looks at you with that same heated look. You pick at your fingers when he doesn’t speak for a few moments. 
“I told you it’s not the be–”
You’re cut off by Chenle surging forward to kiss you. His hand wraps tight around you, holding your bare waist. With how he’s kissing, you could melt into a puddle in seconds. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, and your fingers tangle in the hair at the back of his head. Your nipples pebble up underneath the thin silk. The material does nothing to hide them at all.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I don’t even need to see the damn purple one. We’re getting all of them.”
“Chenle, that’s not–”
Again, you’re interrupted by a kiss. One of his hands wanders up to move the dress strap down your arm carefully. He pulls the other down a moment later with his other hand. The dress pools around your ankles, leaving you exposed to the chilly air and your boyfriend’s wandering hands. Your hands find their way under his hoodie and push it up a bit. Something about him being fully clothed while you’re practically naked makes you more desperate for him.
“We need to be quick, love.” He mumbles against your lips.
“Lele, need you right now.” You whisper back.
Chenle spins you around so you’re pressed against the full-length mirror. You hear him unzip his jeans and step closer to you. He presses kisses along your shoulders and upper back as he pulls your underwear to the side. The blunt head of his cock presses against your weeping hole. You pull your lower lip into your mouth to suppress the moan that wishes to escape. His jeans are just low enough not to be in the way. The skin-to-skin contact is barely noticeable, but there is just enough to feel his body heat radiating onto you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, my love.” He groans in your ear, “I’m so fucking lucky to be yours.”
“Chenle,” you whisper-moan, “Feels so good, why don’t we do this more oft–” you cut yourself off to hold back another loud moan.
“Cause you, my love, can’t be fucking quiet.”  He chuckles lowly as he picks up his pace. 
Your upper body is fully pressed against the mirror. Your breath fogs up the glass with each pant and stifled moan. Chenle’s fingers dig into your hips, pulling you back against him with each thrust. Even though you hold your moans back, the sound of skin on skin is probably a dead giveaway to what’s happening right now. Your boyfriend gives a few hard, punctuated thrusts before pulling out of you. 
Spinning you around again, he guides you down onto your knees. Instantly, you know to take him into your mouth. The combined taste of your arousal and his precum makes your head reel through more debauched fantasies.  You suck his cock while looking up at him through your eyelashes. You’re kneeling on the silky dress you had previously forgotten. Chenle’s fingers thread through your hair, holding you on his cock as he cums down your throat. You swallow every drop of it. He bends forward and places a small, sweet kiss on your forehead. “We’re buying the dresses, then we’re going home, and I’m gonna make you cum so many times you’ll forget your own name.” He smirks.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @bratty-tingz @yeosangiess @minjaeluver @abbietwilight @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
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adoresia · 11 months
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Pairing : e42 Miles x FemHaitian!reader
Synopsis : You teach Miles how to kompa.
Sierra speaks : I was thinking of requesting this to another writer, but i was like nah, ima do my own thing ima right it myself 😋 I love Kompa so much (im not Haitian but im Congolese its close enough) it was so hard trying to explain how to kompa but alas.. enjoy pookiewookies !
Warnings ❕: Intimate dancing, kissing, slightly (? suggestive, cuss words, a sprinkle of spanish (im not spanish do correct me 🥲 using what i learnt last year), also not that proof read i skimmed through it. tell me if i missed out anything !
Listen too’s :
You sat in your swivel chair, decorated with pink faux fur and a curved lumbar support to rest your back on. The chair swung gently back and forth while you talked to Miles on the phone.
The face-time call had reached about 30 minutes, it was now 1:30pm in the afternoon and you did not really have any plans for the day so you stay stuck with the fact that you two would be conversing all day.
“What are your plans for today mami?”
“I don’t know baby, I was just gonna stay on the phone to you all day I honestly ain got nothing else to do soo.” you shrugged, almost choking on your words trying to get it all out in one breath.
“lentamente mami you boutta drown in your own words.”
“Ughhh im sooo bored.” you pushed your chair away from your chair gliding backwards and stood up stretching your arms.
“So im boring now?” he questioned sarcastically.
“Nooo Milo, you know what i meant.” You pouted jokingly while going to play some music on your tv.
Miles watched intently while you typed the name of the song into your tv, finally searching it up and clicking on the first video that popped up.
“Whatchu playin on yo tv?”
“Just a song, i feel like dancing.” you said swaying your hips as you walked backwards.
“i could watch you do this allll dayyy.” Miles said with a grin on his face, you laughed at him.
You began to whine to the song, turning around. Your waistline moving in circles like water. The stringed beads that laid on your hips followed the pattern of your movements as you slowly lowered down the the floor with your arms either side of you.
Your boyfriend’s glued onto your waist, you span around quickly catching him staring at you so intensely.
“Miles stop staring at me nd-“
“What am i not allowed to stare at you now too?” He smirked, cutting you off.
“I was gonna say come over so you dont have to stay staring through a screen, but now you can stay your ass at home.” You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Nah im on my way baby, then I can watch you dance f’me.”
“really? what if I teach you to Kompa instead.”
“Say no more . I wanna see you do that dance again though, when i get there.”
Miles wasted no time slipping his shoes on and kissing his mom goodbye on the cheek before speed walking through 2 blocks to your house.
He texted your phone stating he was a few steps away from your front porch and you ran to your front door with a huge smile plastered on your face while you opened it.
“Miloooooo!!” You screamed, spreading your arms out so he could come and pick you up. You loved when he picked up, especially in his puffer jacket.
“Heyy baby.” He gave you a quick peck on the lips before picking you up. You swung your legs around his waist, bear-hugging him.
He closed the door behind the both of you and took off his shoes leading you to your bedroom and dropping you onto your bed.
“Where yo moms at?”
“Why cause you came here for her or for me?” you rolled your eyes flopping back into your bed.
“Don’t be like that ma, you aint tell me you were here on your own. I woulda been here earlier if I knew.”
“She just went grocery shopping Milo, she’ll be back.”
“Aight. You finna dance f’me then?” He laid back in your chair manspread. His elbows laid on your desk behind him.
“Oh right! watch the hips, you’ll needa learn this bit..” You restarted to music and threw the remote on your bed.
Miles licked his lips squinting at you with hooded eyes.
“Watch the hips…” You began whine again. This time you started off with a ‘tik tok’ motion, slowly moving into a slow circular motion with your hips. Your waist-beads moving along with you which made it all more intriguing for Miles.
You brought your hands to your hips caressing your shape up until you reached the sides of your stomach and came to a stop.
Miles was visibly in love with the way your hips moves so swiftly and like water. His eyes stayed stuck to your waist even after you stopped.
“Damn ma, youn tell me you could do all that.”
“Well now you know, and im finna teach you.. now get up i wanna show you how to kompa with me.”
You pulled Miles by his arm taking his puffer jacket off and throwing it onto your bed.
“Right first gimme your hands” You held your hands out to Miles as he placed both of his in yours. You lowered them down to sit on your waist.
“mmmm i like this already.”
“Shutup Miles.” You grinned at him
“Then.. i place my arms around your neck… like so.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and held your other arm with your hand since he basically towered over you.
“Now you look at me.”
“This is easy, I could look at you all day.”
“Miles stop, you can compliment me later.”
You brought his head down to lean against yours, he stared right into your eyes making your knees almost buckle. You tried to divert your gaze elsewhere so you could regain focus.
“Your meant to look at me back. Right? Eyes on me mami.” He lifted his hand up from your waist to tour chin, averting your gaze from the floor to his eyes. You felt as if you were going to collapse with the way he started so deeply into your soul.
“You lucky im holding onto you, you look like you abour to collapse.”
“Right, sorry baby.” he stiffled a laugh
For the next hour you continued to teach Miles as you guided his hands and hip movements with your waist.
“And thenn… turn.”
You slowly spun around both still holding onto eachother, swaying your hips to the music.
“Yeahhh.” You slid your arms down to his shoulders grinning at him, ecstatic that he was learning so fast.
“Now here comes the hard part.” You returned to the same position, this time swaying your hips into his instead of side to side.
“Oh shitt.” Miles lost all composure staring down at your hips grinding into his at a rhythmic pace. Your cheeks begin to heat up as you smile a little at what he said.
“You can do that right? same time.”
“Shit, of course I can.”
Miles spun you around, then closing the gap between the two of you. Your body pressing gently against his, fit like a jigsaw piece.
Your hips both meeting in the middle while you swayed them into eachother, both looking into each-others eyes as Miles held onto either side of your waist guiding it into his.
[ visual : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ4eeBRc/ ]
You were both absorbed im each-others gaze not even realising the music had finished, and you continued for the next half an hour. Dancing in each others embrace.
After a while had passed you pulled away from miles.
“Fuck, ian know you were so good at kompa Milo? I woulda taught you ages ago.”
“Not better than you baby, lost all composure when your hips collided with mine.”
He made it to your waist before pulling you in for a kiss, bringing you as close to him as he could while deepening the kiss as you giggled. While his breath mingled with yours, your tongues danced over one another. When he intentionally nipped your lower lip, you let out a gentle whine pulling away.
“Fuck I love you so much.”
Extra :
— reader calls miles ‘milo’ because it works well with her Haitian accent
— Miles is actually a really good dancer
— Your mom came back from the supermarket ages ago, she watched you both dance in your room with a smile on her face.
— you had Miles dancing kompa with his pillow when he got home
“Miles? the fuck are you doing…” Uncle Aaron walked in on Miles waist dancing with his pillow.
“Yoo wtf, youn never heard of knocking?” Miles threw the pillow as far away as he could, dusting himself off.
“Ian even gonna ask mane.” Uncle Aaron shook his head with a laugh, closing the door in reverse.
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© All rights reserved to @444morales on tumblr.
Please do not repost, translate or copy any of my work !
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