#Covenant of Grace
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Covenant Theology is a comprehensive framework that structures all of redemptive history from eternity past to eternity future. Within this framework, three basic covenants exist: the Covenant of Redemption, the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace. These covenants are closely interconnected, yet each one is distinct...
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graceandpeacejoanne · 11 months
Isaiah 49: Eternal Jubilee
The background for this part of Isaiah 49 is the Sabbath years, and the Jubilee that God wrote into the law for ancient Israel. #Isaiah49 #YearofJubilee #TimeofGods Favor
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francoiskoch · 10 months
1689 Confession
Chapter 7 - Of God’s Covenant with Man
1. The distance between God and the creature is so great, that although reasonable creatures do owe obedience to Him as their creator, yet they could never have attained the reward of life but by some voluntary condescension on God’s part, which He hath been pleased to express by way of covenant.
Job 35:7,8; Luke 17:10.
2. Moreover, man having brought himself under the curse of the law by his fall, it pleased the Lord to make a covenant of grace, wherein He freely offereth unto sinners life and salvation by Jesus Christ, requiring of them faith in Him, that they may be saved; and promising to give unto all those that are ordained unto eternal life, His Holy Spirit, to make them willing and able to believe.
Genesis 2:17; Psalm 110:3; Ezekiel 36:26,27; Mark 16:15,16; John 3:16; John 6:44,45; Romans 3:20,21; Romans 8:3; Galatians 3:10.
3. This covenant is revealed in the gospel; first of all to Adam in the promise of salvation by the seed of the woman, and afterwards by farther steps, until the full discovery thereof was completed in the New Testament; and it is founded in that eternal covenant transaction that was between the Father and the Son about the redemption of the elect; and it is alone by the grace of this covenant that all the posterity of fallen Adam that ever were saved did obtain life and blessed immortality, man being now utterly incapable of acceptance with God upon those terms on which Adam stood in his state of innocency.
Genesis 3:15; John 8:56; Acts 4:12; Romans 4:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 1:1; Hebrews 11:6,13.
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battleforgodstruth · 1 year
Does Faith Alone Save You? / Ask Your Questions - Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast
The following two books written by Pastor Patrick Hines are now available on Amazon. All proceeds go directly to Pastor Hines. ▶️Am I Right With God?: The Gospel, Justification, Saving Faith, Repentance, Assurance, & The New Birth…
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kaiscumsock · 1 year
porn tbh <3
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chaosvillainy · 2 years
Y/N: I think I know what would cheer you up. A little gossip.
Agatha: I hate gossip.
Also Agatha: *sips her tea* Who's it about?
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homerjacksons · 1 month
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sshbpodcast · 2 months
Character Spotlight: Kira Nerys
By Ames
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We’re moving on in our character spotlight series from our favorite war criminal captain to one of the most well developed characters from the onset, Colonel Kira Nerys. From the moment we meet her in “Emissary,” we know exactly who Kira is, and the show wisely sends her on a complex journey within that grey area between terrorist and resistance fighter. Get you a Bajoran who can do both.
Ensign Ro may have set the mold for the Bajorans, but Kira grew outside of it and we’re so glad to get her perspective. So pick up your Bajoran phaser and get ready to take aim at some fascists as we celebrate A Star to Steer Her By’s favorite crinkly-nosed, red jumpsuit-clad militia officer in our Best and Worst Moments list below and on this week’s podcast (jump to 56:47). Walk with the Prophets, my child.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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What other show gives you a zombie space pope? There’s more going on for Kira in season one than for other characters because she really rocks it from the start. And Nana Visitor has the chops to give that special nuance to a character like this, especially in emotional scenes like her breakdown when she accidentally gets Kai Opaka killed in “Battle Lines,” and the moment she has with her reanimated corpse is nothing short of stunning.
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If I leave here, I’ll die Speaking of great moments from season one, Kira makes the hard decision in “Progress” to save Mullibok’s life by ruining said life. Over the episode, she bonds with the obstinate Jeraddo farmer by helping him build his kiln only to destroy it in the end and set fire to his house to force him to relocate, and it’s clear it tears her up inside. Bajorans really never win.
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Enough good people have already died. I won’t help kill another. But perhaps the best thing to come out of the season (and to some, the whole show overall) is her character arc in the stunning “Duet.” Kira spends so much of the show battling her Cardassian demons (figuratively and literally), that seeing her grow to accept that some individuals may be redeemable is captivating, heart-breaking, and truly impressive (and have we mentioned it’s only season one?).
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A new meaning to being selfish We would be remiss if we didn’t include at least a mention of the excellent and mesmerizing performance Visitor gives as Intendant Kira in episodes like “Crossover.” Say what you will about the mirror universe (and we have), but Kira is a wonder to behold and the chemistry between her and herself is like lightning in a bottle. Zap!
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Cardassians LOVE cosmetic surgery Speaking of mirrors, imagine waking up and the face looking back at you in the mirror is the thing you hate most. Kira’s relationship with Cardassians continues to evolve in the wondrous “Second Skin,” in which she bonds with her fake daddy Tekeny Ghemor, foils a Cardassian plot, and discovers a resistance cell within Central Command – her favorite!
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I was playing a married woman This is one of those cute little Kira moments from the show that tickles us, but in “The Way of the Warrior,” it is just too hilarious that her response to being wooed by Lancelot (assumably while playing Guenivere) in the holodeck is to slug him. It’s so in character that we have to applaud it. Kira is always the first to choose violence, after all, though sometimes that can be a downside.
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Major, tell me another story Kira spends the second half of “Starship Down” tending to a badly concussed Sisko, and working through character conflict. As I harped on in the Sisko post, Ben is double-fisting roles as both space station commander and Emissary to the Prophets, and that comes with deep significance to Bajorans like Kira, and this is her chance to talk to him about it. Love that for her!
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The life you’re choosing isn’t for her There are a ton of great moments between Kira and Ziyal, from saving her life in “Indiscretion” to encouraging her painting in “Sons and Daughters,” but the one we’re highlighting comes from “Return to Grace.” Kira sees that Ziyal is on a dangerous path if she stays with her father, and the bond they’ve established makes her advocate she move to DS9. There’s truly no safe space for the girl, but Kira does all she can.
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The baby just had a change of address Thank the Prophets the show didn’t introduce yet another baby when Nana Visitor got IRL pregnant. That’d be way too many babies, so it was rather ingenious to move the O’Brien baby over to Kira in “Body Parts.” And it also highlights just how like family this crew has become. Kira really takes one for the team by agreeing to incubate Kirayoshi for Keiko. Now if only their characters talked more…
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I owed it to my father to get it right this time Yet another great character-development episode for Kira comes in “Ties of Blood and Water” when she learns that Tekeny Ghemor – her fake dad and one of our favorite Cardassians! – was up to some shady stuff in his past. And while this alters the relationship between the two of them, Kira again accepts how he’s changed since then to be with him as he dies.
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Romulans gotta scheme! Come season seven, the Romulans have gotten added to the mix thanks to some nefarious doings by Sisko and Garak. And Kira is left to deal with their constant scheming. Typical Romulans! Throughout “Image in the Sand” and “Shadows and Symbols,” Kira stares down Senator Cretak in a huge game of galactic chicken, and Cretak blinks first.
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Don’t drink the Kool-Aid Our final great Kira moment is also the last time she ever sees Dukat. In “Covenant,” he’s leading his own little pah-wraith cult, and when the going gets tough, the tough gets really Jonestown-y. Kira literally leaps in and stops the whole assembly from ritual suicide, revealing that Dukat had a placebo pill for himself and he’d had them all charmed. Stupid sexy Dukat.
Worst moments
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Maybe the ends justify the means? One of Kira’s strengths is also frequently one of her biggest faults, and that’s how very wide her ethical grey area is. She’s able to justify doing lots of pretty messed up things, like a certain captain I could name, and we see this pretty early on in “Babel” when she intentionally infects Surmak Ren with aphasia disease and holds him hostage to find a cure. That’s pretty brutal.
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Bajor is not Kentanna For most of “Sanctuary,” it’s rather nice watching Kira befriending Haneek and the other Skrrean refugees. Until they express interest in immigrating to Bajor, and then Kira’s NIMBY side really comes out. It’s not a good look, Kira, especially for someone whose people were in a very similar plight until very recently. And frankly, Bajor could use the laborers.
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It’s like stepping on ants, Odo Because of that wide ethical grey area, we’ve noticed that Kira is almost always the first person to advocate just killing whatever the danger of the week is, no matter the consequences. In “Playing God,” an episode about killing Cardassian voles, she’s quick to jump to the option of killing the tiny proto-universe, even when Dax expresses she’s found sentient life in it. Yikes.
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The people have chosen Winn We know from “Battle Lines,” mentioned earlier, that Kira has a super soft spot for Kai Opaka, and also probably feels guilty for trapping her on zombie planet a little. But it’s just a bad idea to let Bareil take the fall for some shady doings in “The Collaborator” because it sets up Winn for the win (wow, I didn’t even try to do that) in the big kai election, lest she sully Opaka’s name.
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The distant memory of a touch It would be an understatement to say Kira’s taste in men isn’t great (and that’s not even including the fascist she ends up with!). The first of her various men is Bareil, who’s fine but boring as hell. Certainly not worth forcing Julian to keep him alive against all his medical ethics in “Life Support.” But Kira’s into the vedek, so we’re forced to watch her push his existence to the edge of morality and cringe at what he’s becoming.
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Do you like me? Check yes or no. Lucky for us, Bareil is a thing of the past by season four (for now), opening up the opportunity for Kira to make more bad dating decisions. While Odo weeps, she sets her sights on Shakaar in “Crossfire” and viewers at home roll our eyes at how high school the whole ordeal is. Why have these resistance cell leaders downgraded to petty relationship drama? It’s beneath them.
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Kira’s edgy artist phase We’ve said it myriad times before, but Bajor is a cultural disaster. When Akorem shows up in “Accession” and declares he’s making Bajor great again by reinstating their rigid caste system, it’s clear that Kira is uncomfortable but still refuses to oppose it. This is a Sisko episode, after all. Even though she can’t sculpt worth a damn, she goes along with the d’jarras like a sheep.
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A little lower While Kira is surrogating the O’Brien baby, she and Miles randomly develop feelings for each other only because of their constant proximity in “Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places.” That’s just gross and unnecessary. Nothing again Miles, but men and women are allowed to be friends without wanting to bone. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones.
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The phantom of Cardassia This one always bothered me. After several seasons of growth as a character, Kira seemed to have chilled out a little in her constant desire to murder Cardassians. So when “The Darkness and the Light” introduces a blast from the past whom Kira would otherwise have at least some empathy for, it strikes me as a character regression for her to fall back on thoughtlessly killing like she used to.
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Same face, different universe Kira regesses again in “Resurrection” when a new Bareil is barking up her tree. Oh mirror universe, what have we done to deserve this? Sure, mirror Bareil is at least less bland than the original recipe, but who the hell is this Kira immediately falling for a boy in less than a day? That’s just not the character (that’s Jadzia, if anyone, whom we’ll discuss next week). Kira’d kick his ass.
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That’s not what your mom said last night I may have given Sisko a little bit of guff for allowing this too, but I’ve got to give Kira even more. Whose first reaction when Dukat makes a yo mama joke in “Wrongs Darker than Death or Night” is to GO BACK IN TIME to check  on your mother’s sexual history??? What the hell, Kira??? Now the bigger debate is whether she should or shouldn’t have blown Dukat up. And fight.
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Foul ball! Finally, I need to continue venting about “Take Me Out to the Holosuite.” Somehow, Ben held tryouts on a station full of beefy Bajorans, and still put Kira on his baseball team when she can’t even catch a ball. Kira plays springball in her spare time. She’s a resistance fighter. She was raised to have street smarts. How in the firecaves does she not know how to catch a freakin’ ball???
Praise be to the Prophets, that’s all! Keep your subspace communicator focused here for more character spotlights. We have someone who’s multiple characters in one next week when we discuss Dax! You can also go to warp five with us in our watchthrough of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, grab some hasperat with us on Facebook and Twitter, and maybe take up sculpting if it’s something you’re actually into.
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rowanswriting · 1 year
Jamie overheard joking with Grace v that Joe is wild in bed he and Jess know first hand …realized people were on the other side of the curtain and hightailed it to another area
Honestly good for him, he deserves to have fun😏🤭
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2000snotebook · 1 year
Darius Deamonne hate is rooted in antiblackness idc
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Faith and repentance are as much benefits of the covenant of grace as justification . . . . faith and repentance themselves... are components of the gospel, not the workings or fruits of the law.
Herman Bavinck
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standskeleton · 5 days
A Prophetic Message THAT: LITTLE BOOK OPEN Distinct From THE HOLY BIBLE Containing It
The Holy Bible distinguishes between the numerous Old and New Testament prophecies that have already been fulfilled and those that relate to the end times, often referred to as the "last days." While it's acknowledged that the conception of the "last days" began around 2,000 years ago, the visions earlier described by Daniel, Habakkuk, and Isaiah, which are attributed to the "end of days," align with contemporary events, including the great tribulation and the rapture. The visions extend into this period, even beyond the additional 1,000 years, and intensify as they progress, culminating in the Rapture, often believed as the "second coming of Christ" but actually is the return of Christ, more distinct and regardless. This event is followed by what can be likened to the Last Battle of Armageddon and ultimately to the Resurrection of the Dead, last leading to the hour of final judgment.
The End of the Age of Grace and of the Millennium
The visions and the prophecy of the 70 Weeks in the Bible hold significant meaning, particularly as they depict the culminating of the end times. These events mark the conclusion of the Age of Grace and usher in a new era, the last end, that extends beyond another one thousand years to an everlasting place.
During this immediate Millennium, some people will become martyrs, but no one should doubt the Messiahs dying love for anyone who just follows Him. Reckoning day will come at the end of this millennium.
This distinction lead us to the Little Book, a separate doc copy if you will from the Bible itself. In the Book of Revelation chapter 10 this Little Book is mentioned in four verses, signifying a unique portion of prophetic content and is unfolding in present times. Verse one of the book of Revelation support this little book open, open meaning, known and the first verse of Revelation chapter 1 declare it is to be "made known" or signified, the writings of this book of Revelation sayings. Let's get busy with reviewing these passages again. A nice re-entry to Revelation studies begin in chapter 22 particularly verses 6-10.
And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.
Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he that keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
And I John saw these things and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things.
Then said he unto me, See thou do it not, for I am thy fellowservant and of thy brethren the prophets and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.
10: And he said unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
"To provide a clearer distinction, it seems that today marks the culmination of the times at hand, which, I suspect, signifies a transition into two separate and distinct destinies. This division will persist until time itself ceases to exist in two ways: first, in the sense of timelines on calendars and clocks, ensuring that what unfolds does not revert to a previous state, and second, in the sense that there will be no more prophesying. One of these destinies leads to a heavenly paradise, where humanity's existence culminates in consummation, while the other path leads to the consuming fire of God, often referred to as the lake of fire. Understanding this concept can help unravel some of the mysteries surrounding prophecies and encourage a mindset of personal knowledge-building."
Two types of prophecy are commonly recognized: predictive prophecy, which foretells future events, and foretelling or a forth telling prophecy, which imparts divine wisdom concerning the present hour.
It is important to note that this distinction does not refer to Old Testament and New Testament prophecies, nor to history past or of the future per say. Rather, it pertains to nature of the prophecies themselves.
Both predictive and forthtelling prophecies can be found in both the Old and New Testaments. For example, the prophet Isaiah delivered both types of prophecies.
In Isaiah 28:12-13 is forthtelling prophecy, imparting a wisdom to the people of Judah about how to live in the present moment. He warns them that if they refuse to listen to his words, the stammerer, who relay what the spirit is saying to them they will fall backward, be broken, snared, and taken.
In book of Isaiah chapter 32 Isaiah delivers predictive prophecy and in verse 4
it shows: The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly. Haven't seen that quite yet.
.. In other words, God's Spirit finally is at work in all prophecy, whether it is foretelling the future or imparting wisdom for the present hour. And the goal of both types of prophecy is to lead us closer to God and to help us live in a way that is pleasing to him.
"While end times prophecy primarily serves as a predictive tool, its significance goes beyond mere predictions, as discussed in the preceding paragraphs. In this context, both the Old Covenant, symbolizing the law of sin and death, and the New Covenant, representing the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ, play crucial roles. The Old Covenant served as a guide for those in Israel to align with God's plan, while the New Covenant offers salvation and deliverance solely through God's grace, leading to paradise with Messiah and eternal life. Both Judaism and Christianity have distinct roles to play, illuminating their path to the Rapture moment. However, it's essential to emphasize that people from all walks of life, whether considered heathen, rebellious, or Gentile, have the opportunity to follow along, seeking refuge and salvation."
We now understand, looking into the future, that much of the vision and prophecy we have discussed will soon lose its relevance in the narrative. This vision, contained within the little book and ingrained in the two-testament biblical canon is, for all intents and purpose, a terrible and horrifying prophetic vision of the end of the world, as told by Isaiah and his contemporaries.
Regarding the multitude of nations that will fight against Israel (referred to as Ariel), those who oppose her and her defenses, causing her distress, will experience a fate akin to a nightmarish dream, as stated in Isaiah 29:7. This chapter bluntly portrays the Lord's visitation to punish first Israel for its sins and for all wrongdoing happening in the world, which we should discuss. Is everything of judgment in a context to our own lives in upheaval result or because of Israels transgression and sin? It may be. But nonetheless the ol' earth is going to get in the line of fire of the great wrath of the most high God of Israel, itself. Isaiah 29:8 is closely linked with Daniel 9:24.
I rather than right and then left to see everything of judgement just look straight ahead. That's where my path unfolds.
It will be like when a hungry man dreams of eating, but upon awakening, he finds his soul still empty. Similarly, a thirsty man's dream of drinking leaves him awakened, still faint, and with an appetite.
Isaiah 29:7 depicts the fate of the multitude of nations that oppose Mount Zion. This vision will be unsealed and sealed again during the Rapture days. In Isaiah 29:2, the Lord conveys that this war distresses Ariel just as much as it distresses Him.
The future holds significant changes before and after the Rapture and people will need to grasp that the Vision and Prophecy are sealed once more, as they shift toward a new collective focus for psychological well-being and for spiritual fulfillment in comprehension.
Daniel 12: 4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall "run to and from" and knowledge shall be increased. People anyway will pass down with oral traditions until the world has reset.
Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee; to not sin, against the Most High God. Psalm 119: 11.
So "do your own due diligence." DYOR is more than expression enough.
"Undoubtedly, the perspective on the unique and significant role of Rabbinic Jews in the Holy Land during these challenging times before the Rapture holds unquestionable value. As we reflect on the scripture in Habakkuk 2:17, 'For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid, because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein,' we can see the complex dynamics at play. It is likely, even if unintentionally, that they will play a central role in the events leading up to that hour. They of course know the Lord God as their covering. I've supposed that many people, in their determination, go forward with all other and else of their wickedness, will advantageously have protection behind the seers, rulers, and prophets of Isaiah 29:10 speaking of those over Israel. I believe that's flawed, but in their determination to adopt such faith on their own, it may, for a while fit scripturally together anyway with the 'Determined End' theme headlined in the Vision of the end of days. We know they are quite determined, even to the point of suicide and self-with-others destruction."
In addition, Messianic Jews also anticipate inclusion in the Rapture. According to Jeremiah 50:4-5, a prophecy suggests that, by that time, a majority of the nation of Israel might choose, through a referendum vote to reaffirm their commitment not only to the Perpetual Covenant Commandment but also to officially adhere to it, especially in keeping the Sabbath day holy. KJV - In those days, and in that time, says the Lord, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping: they shall go, and seek the Lord their God.
They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying, Come, and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.
This legislative action could carry profound spiritual and cultural implications for the people of Israel, marking a significant development in their faith and practices, particularly in their role as priests to the entire world, from a broader perspective.
Scripture indicates that prophetic writings of the last days are reserved for the end times. These prophecies are distinct from past events and are specifically contained within the Little Open Book, as revealed by John on the island of Patmos in book of Revelation, chapter 10.
Contemporary Bible scholars have devoted over six decades to meticulously cross-referencing texts, striving for a consensus that uncovers the complete meaning of prophecy. With the guidance of other canonical books, a clearer understanding begins to take shape. Notably, the chapters of Daniel, especially from the seventh onward, form the foundation for the ultimate end of time. They serve as the comprehensive core of this matter, countering unrestrained, uncontrolled imaginations and narrow-minded speakers who are unprepared to speak the truth. Such individuals may unintentionally convey misguided and factually incorrect messages, redirecting an untrained audience unfamiliar with raw prophecy. In doing so, they inadvertently reveal their own lack of understanding and ignorance of the prophetic word.
To address this issue, it's essential to educate them about the dangers of spreading misinformation, offer resources for verifying information, and encourage them to become critical thinkers.
Audiences should, first and foremost, understand that, as explicitly stated in first half of the book of Revelation in 7 verses, they should listen only to those who have ears to hear what the Spirit says to churches. In chapter 13, when it mentions "to hear anyone who has an ear," it allows these to listen to and convey what the Spirit communicates directly to their ear. This message is emphasized and crystal clear.
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Trinity 👑
#Repost @impactwrestling
Trinity SAVES Jordynne Grace from The Coven's assault. #IMPACTonAXSTV
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rhadinesthes · 1 year
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[Psst. While I'm on this track. Eskil is also gorgeous.]
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Fun little AU that came to me in a daydream: Madre’s Coven School!
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Don’t know if I’ll actually do anything with this AU but it’s super fun to think about!!! o(≧▽≦)o
Essential idea for this little au: Neglected and/or mistreated adolescents with an innate desire to enter a different reality or just don’t like the lives they feel trapped in, get found by Madre! And through some magic means I haven’t thought of, attend her magic boarding school in a different world, Coven School! Where they all become Witches and Wizards, and train to be Supreme Witches and Wizards!
Cool ideas under the cut 👀
• All students, when in their Witch and Wizard forms (which btw are identical to their human forms but with a few select differences like glowing eyes and fangs) have Witch or Wizard at the start of their names, while in this AU having their maestro names from the Madre AU— examples: ‘Witch Vanity’ or ‘Wizard Dracos’ etc.
• All students, when in their Witch and Wizard forms (which btw are identical to their human forms but with a few select differences like glowing eyes and fangs) have Witch or Wizard at the start of their names, while in this AU having their maestro names from the Madre AU— examples: ‘Witch Vanity’ or ‘Wizard Dracos’ etc.
• I imagine time in eclipse world (a name that came to mind instead of OffWorld) passes about 3x faster than on Earth, so staying in the boarding school for an entire week would be maybe about a day on Earth, so people would probably start to notice you’re missing if you stay in the boarding school for a couple months cuz it’d be maybe a 2-3 weeks with no sign of you on earth
• in Eclipse World, there’s a whole Witch & Wizard culture! And in that world they call Earth’s storybook and Halloween witches/wizards ‘comic witches’ and ‘comic wizards’
This whole daydream came to me by fangirling over Sugar Sugar Rune, an anime I haven’t even watched 💀💀💀
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chaosvillainy · 2 years
Wanda: Embrace love, light, and the possibility of a better tomorrow. Ags, your turn.
Agatha: Pass
Y/N: C'mon babe, join us. Like Joyce Meyer said, being negative only makes a journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it.
Agatha: Well if I have a cactus right now, I would've bash both of your heads.
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