#Clear Mind:
shoukohime · 7 months
babygirl the way you forsake your happiness on your relentless quest to vengeance, your complicated relationship with gender and the way you're covered in blood have bewitched me body and soul
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alpha-dash1998 · 1 month
A Breath of Fresh Air: My Experience with the Breezy+ Air Purifier
#especially since my flat faces a busy street. Dust#pollen#and the occasional whiff of exhaust fumes made keeping the air fresh a constant battle. Air purifiers always seemed like a bulky and impers#but after a friend's glowing recommendation#I decided to give the Breezy+ Air Purifier a try. Let's just say#I'm a convert!#Clean Air#Clear Mind:#The most noticeable difference since using the Breezy+ is the overall air quality in my flat. Gone are the days of waking up with a stuffy#and I find myself breathing much easier. I even have a houseplant that seemed to be struggling before#and it's perked up considerably since I started using the Breezy+.#Whisper-Quiet Operation:#One of my biggest concerns about air purifiers was the noise level. I didn't want a constant white noise machine running in my living space#the Breezy+ is incredibly quiet on its lower settings. Even on the highest setting#the noise is minimal and unobtrusive#making it perfect for use at night or during work calls.#Stylish Design and User-friendly Features:#The Breezy+ is surprisingly stylish for an air purifier. It has a sleek#modern design that blends seamlessly with my existing décor. The touch controls on the front panel are responsive and easy to navigate#with clear indicators for air quality levels and settings. The filter replacement notification light is a lifesaver – no more guesswork abo#Customisable Comfort:#The Breezy+ offers a range of settings to customize its operation to your needs. I love that I can adjust the fan speed depending on the le#A Breath of Fresh Air (Literally):#Overall#I'm incredibly impressed with the Breezy+ Air Purifier. It has made a noticeable difference in the air quality of my flat#and I can genuinely breathe easier thanks to its effectiveness. The quiet operation#stylish design#and user-friendly features make it a breeze (pun intended!) to use. If you're looking for an air purifier that truly delivers on its promis#I highly recommend the Breezy+. It's a small investment for a significant improvement in your indoor air quality and overall well-being.#tune
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You know, it's kinda funny how much of high fantasy centers around kings and nobility and courtly intrigue considering that the archetypal high fantasy, Lord of the Rings, had the rather explicit moral of "saving the world is up to this backwater hick and his gardener because no politician, least of all inherited nobility, would have the ability to see past their own ambition and throw away a weapon". Oh sure, Aragorn is a great king and all, but there's a reason he's over there running a distraction ring while the hobbits do the real work. Sauron loses because he gets distracted by kings and armies and great battles (i.e. typical high fantasy stuff) letting Frodo and Sam sneak through his back door and blow it all to hell.
Just saying, maybe old Jirt knew what he was saying when he said that the small folk doing their best and holding to each other was more powerful than a dozen alliances and superweapons and we should respect him for it.
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8dayrain · 7 months
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first day of school
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wuntrum · 10 months
honestly love when artists draw copious amounts of fanart for a character and then start adding more and more personal touches or headcanons to how they depict them and then just change their name and adopt them as an original character. its like watching nature heal in real time
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loumandiel · 1 year
I feel like many people have a fundamental misconception of what unreliable narrator means. It's simply a narrative vehicle not a character flaw or a sign that the character is a bad person. There are also many different types of unreliable narrators in fiction. Being an unreliable narrator doesn't necessarily mean that the character is 'wrong', it definitely doesn't mean that they're wrong about everything even if some aspects in their story are inaccurate, and only some unreliable narrators actively and consciously lie. Stories that have unreliable narrators also tend to deal with perception and memory and they often don't even have one objective truth, just different versions. It reflects real life where we know human memory is highly unreliable and vague and people can interpret same events very differently
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panrao · 5 months
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Spoilers, it's dysphoria
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just-french-me-up · 6 months
every artist ever : woops I've hallucinated this thing in such excruciating details I now can't put it down on paper satisfactorily
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buggachat · 2 months
blasting Lazy Town's Cooking by the Book through my epic gamer headset while I work on the final part of beau
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tarmac-rat · 2 years
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mathelaw · 2 months
thinking of goldsick thorin, not wanting to part with a single coin, searching through the treasury for the best thing to gift bilbo. finding the mithril shirt (the most valuable item in the mountain if you don't count the arkenstone) and in the middle of his madness thinking "we're going to war tomorrow bilbo needs this"... INSANE
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1pcii · 5 months
if Zoro asked Luffy 'would you still love me if I was a worm?' Luffy would be vibrating out of his skin with excitement detailing how he would take care of Zoro and build him a special little enclosure and make him little swords out of sticks so he can still achieve his dream of being the world's greatest swordsworm and feed him worm sized portions of meat and booze everyday and carry him around everywhere so they can still do everything together.
he also delightfully rambles about how he could be a worm also and they'd go on worm adventures together and make friends with all sorts of other bugs and how much fun they'd have.
edit: there's fanart for this scenario now! show it lots of love it's absolutely adorable!!!
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shadowed-dancer · 7 months
Characters that are younger than Xiao and it feels wrong
Over half the archons (Nahida, Focalors, Furina, probably the pyro archon and the Tsaritsa assuming they were born after the cataclysm. Idk I feel like we assume gods should be the oldest and they just... aren't)
Yae Miko
Characters that are older than Xiao and it feels wrong
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transmechanicus · 2 months
Everybody drawing custodes ladies with elaborate long feminine hairstyles and crazy intense makeup is insane. Have you seen the current custodes heads? They have the most dyke looking fucked up buzzcuts on earth broken up by 6 separate cybernetic skull ports, and the ladies would be no different. The only ones who even know what eyeliner is are in the Emissaries Imperatus shield host and would only wear it as an obscure means of communicating rank or authority in niche diplomatic interactions.
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hotpotghosts · 27 days
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wonders-of-natur · 1 year
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