#Clark didn't really enjoy it let's be honest
sisaloofafump · 8 months
Obsessed with the idea of Clark, after months of months of intense, depressing cases, getting his investigative friends back together to have one fun, simple mystery... on a murder mystery cruise. Too simple, unfortunately, as most of them solve it immediately and spend the rest of the trip desperately pretending they hadn't already figured it out.
Bruce and Lois are in lockstep at the back of the pack pretending to be clueless but under their breaths are maliciously trying to out spoil the next big reveal for each other. Bruce has a keen eye for the props and details, while Lois knows how a story is written, resulting in a wicked but equal back and forth.
Clark has his eyes locked straight ahead trying desperately not to listen to the actors practicing their lines in the next room over... and ends up blocking out most of the actual plot. Regardless of whether a clue he picks up is intentionally placed or not, he tries his best to forget it immediately and just "enjoy the experience".
The crew had hope for Jimmy. He's a nice young man—very engaged. Little too engaged. Never comes close to solving the case but came out with a very comprehensive knowledge of the first (and only the first) character's backstory. He goes missing after the first few hours and spends the next two days lost in the bellows of the ship investigating the life of the boat's first owner and the many adventures it has been on since. None of it useful to the scripted mystery, but it's significantly more interesting.
In the end, the only ones who properly solve the case are the two old ladies who coincidentally got tickets for the same weekend. Most of their progress could be attributed to Dick's help, however, as he split his time between aiding them and trying to get Alfred a cameo role in the plot.
Lois writes a shoddy review of cruise a week later. The plot is significantly more complex than actually staged—reliant more on how she and Bruce thought the story went (or was going to go), and less on any true memories. The accompanying photos of an old privateer's maps and the musty lost rooms of the ship's hull only aid in the confusion. Clark cannot provide clarification when asked and the review is eventually scraped.
All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable, if utterly unproductive, vacation.
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headcanonpalace · 4 months
Here are more headcanons/ similarities of Ladynoir and Superbat because I'm way to invested in these ships.
1. Cat Noir and Batman both flirt with their superhero partner.
While Cat Noir as hero is generally more flirtatious and shows his affection towards Ladybug, Batman is secretive and behaves extremely professional.
Nonetheless both of them have some amazing pick-up lines they (sometimes) use at the worst time possible. And let me tell you, you can't compare these lines to cheesy stuff like 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?'. No, these guys are pros at flirting and know how to use words.
Ladybug is used to this and found a way to hide her excitement, so Cat Noir has to get creative. Batman on the other hand can easily turn indestructible superman into a blushing mess, what makes things so much more fun for him.
2. Clark and Marinette love watching their partner.
Sure, you can say it's the same with Bruce/ Adrien but I see some differences here.
Both Clark and Marinette do things that require a good eye for the little things. The things someone else might not pay attention to.
Clark naturally does ist with his superpowers, the job as journalist does the rest. With Marinette it's nearly the same, she just loves to create fashion instead.
So both of them directly see the habits their partner has. A furrowed brow, chewing on lips, playing with a pencil while thinking.
They love to watch Bruce/ Adrien without any ulterior motives (because let's be honest, that's what Bruce does. He observes and doesn't just look) and enjoy the time they spend together.
Every glance while their partner isn't looking makes their day.
3. They danced around each other for so long everyone went mad.
This should explain itself pretty good. I think both ships had a really long 'talking stage'.
After they revealed their identities and found out about the alterego of their crush things got awkward. It took some time to adjust and accept the fact partner and crush are the same, but they became an even better team afterwards.
After that it got clear pretty fast that feelings were involved (for everyone except Superbat and Ladynoir).
I think at this point eveyone knew that the pairs were head over heels for each other, wether it were Alya, Plagg and Chloé or Alfred, Lois or any of the batkids.
At first it was funny watching them dance around each other. All the tension, flirting and 'dates' that definetly weren't dates.
Then it got annoying. Time went by and nothing happend. No progress at all. How could they be so dense?
The fun was gone and all the superbat/ ladynoir interactions made their friends and family nearly explode. Even some help (from Dick or Alya) didn't work out.
When the ships finally sailed Lois was throwing a party, just as Alya.
4. Batman and Cat noir love the strength of their partner (not in a sexual way).
Superman is incredibly strong, I don't think i need to say much more. This guy can move planets if he wanted to.
Ladybug might not move planets, but let me tell you, this girl can carry buses, buildings, even the Eiffel tower.
With superbat it's easy to say that superman is physically stronger, with ladynoir it's a little different. I think they are nearly equally as powerful with Ladybug being a little stronger.
In the beginning this fact wasn't really that spectacular to Batman/ Cat Noir until their partner did something to show their power and they were simply at awe.
Were they fascinated? Impressed? In love?
Maybe (for sure) all of it. From that moment on they always watched Ladybug/ Superman secretly while fighting because them beeing so absurdly strong makes them feel things.
They may be jealous sometimes, but most of the time they just love their partner for beeing so strong and using it for the greater good.
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Shag Pile Carpets Confessions Unknown Publication - Helen. S Stock. 1994 Interview with Russell Senior & Steve Mackey Transcription by me - taken from Pulp scrapbook 2
After thirteen years in the pop wilderness, Sheffield band Pulp finally seemed to be getting the recognition they deserve. What took them so long?
“The thing that we are about is a glamorous thing and we were swimming against the tide in the 80s,” says Russell Senior, the band's guitarist and violinist. “People hated all that stuff, they wanted anonymity and we must have seen quite corny and capricious, really. But now the tide’s swung in our favour in a big way.”
Pulp have been variously described as kitsch’n’sink and their song as ‘Mike Leigh plays set to music.’ “I don't mind that,” says bass player Steve Mackey. “If I saw that written about a band, I'd think it was worth having a listen, because I like Might Leigh. I'd rather they say that than kitsch Electro skiffle, which has been used in the past.”
Pulp songs are also narrative packed, with Jarvis Cockers lyrics invoking cast of odd, yet accessible characters making out and breaking up behind the net curtains. As Russell says, “Most people who write love songs or about sex write from a macro outside view, but Jarvis writes about the minutiae.” In His’n’Hers their latest album, Jarvis, the Clark Kent of the pop world, expressed his fears of interior decoration, of soap on the Rope, pot-pourri and nights on Couple Row. Russell, now a father for the second time, denies any anti couple sentiments. “It's more about not letting mundanity creep into the relationship you have. Getting the his’n’hers towels thing. But I recognise something of myself in some of those slag off lyrics.”
Pulp's last single, Do You Remember The First Time, is accompanied by a documentary of the same title, which is due to be screened on Channel 4 in June. In the film, they ask a host of friends and celebs including Jo Brand, Reeves and Mortimer, Terry Hall, Alison Steadman and Justine from Elastica how they lost their virginity. The results are funny and enlightening. Not much Mills & Boon here, but plenty of damp grass, awkward fumbling and carpet burns. While most of us have trouble remembering the last time, Pulp probe the first times of their subjects in the most sensitive way. To create an intimate atmosphere, they put a ‘sad pretend leather couch’ in the studio, poured the whiskey, passed round the cigs, and the rest is celluloid.
Steve admits, “We didn't ask any embarrassing physical questions like ‘was he rough’ or anything like that. They were all in control of how much detail they told us.”
The film has received good reviews following screenings at London's ICA and nationally, including Manchester's Dry Bar. It also provided an inbuilt chat up line for those present and led to the deflowering of one young Innocent. “It was a boy who was in the video for our single,” says Steve, “and it happened the night we showed it at the ICA, so I thought that was good.”
Whose first time would they most like to know about? “My dad.” Says Steve. “I never found out what happened to my parents, and when they came to see the film, I thought they might tell me. I've got this sneaking suspicion that I was the result of the first time. I wouldn't say they've ever been great lovers.”
All this sex talk in the press would lead to embarrassing confessions. Have they ever given too much away? Steve nods. “I thought that when we did the NME article, they asked us individually to tell our own stories. Once you get in there, it all comes out. Russell laughs, “I just lied.” “I didn't. I told the truth,” says Steve, perhaps a bit miffed he didn't think of it himself. “Yeah, but mine was more interesting,” says Russell. “The truth wasn't.”
“But I don't advocate Scandinavian attitudes,” confesses Steve. “I quite enjoy the fact that English people are they way they are, to be honest.” Reserved? “Initially reserved, but in private quite the opposite, they’re quite bestial when it comes down to it. Not speaking from personal experience, of course!” “You shouldn't be ashamed of your body,” deadpans Russell, “it’s a sinful thing.” “And I want you to be ashamed,” laughs Steve. “Yes,” says Russell, “share my shame.”
While stardom beckons, Steve bemoans his current homeless state, which he agrees this is self-inflicted due to splitting up with his girlfriend, “But I’ve not had a real house in seven years. I went to London and lived in squats for five years, then me and Jarvis had a council house which was worse than the squat and now I'm on Jarvis' floor.” “We've all squatted,” says Russell. “I know we're not the Levellers, but we have suffered bad housing.”
Reluctantly, Pulp agreed that the measure of success is still an appearance on Top of the Pops. As Steve puts it, “If you haven't been on Top of the Pops and somebody asked you in five years time what you do, you couldn't really say ‘I'm in a band.’ It's like getting your Cycling Proficiency Test or your L plates.” Like losing your virginity. “Yeah, the test of you’re in a band now.” So while we await the imminent debut with bated breath, is there anything else they aspire to? “Yes,” says Steve “a Flat.”
Sisters EP will be released on 16th of May. Pulpwood Play the Glastonbury Festival 24th to 26th of June.
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the-firebird69 · 14 days
So we have a couple issues and it is not good it's not eating right still the diet is a disaster now he's doing okay but I haven't missed meals. So I'm getting kind of mad well what it is flushed out now
We have a couple announcements coming up right now
-I'll tell you what this girl and guy I'm used to do a lot of work and she's been saying it they need a break they need funding just trying to show her cuz people are doing something stupid and I can't figure out so I told her he's getting beat on and abused by the max and you said the explanation back damn it's really is very real the max was sitting here letting it go and letting the idiots go cause war and chaos and they sort of figured it out and they're going out pretty good too hard and we know it the max seem to enjoy it but they're going to carve themselves out of the picture and the max one there because foreigners can detect the next stuff and the threat structure will be a lot more rigid so they're pushing for that pretty hard and the match said this these guys are going the other way and saw these big teams on us and they figured it out that's true thought them had a good laugh and said how else would it work out and it's going like that halfway through the day who doesn't plan violent retribution honest did you and we hear our son you mean the street fighting you almost left so no you didn't have big hand on us and they're fighting over cabinium can you be more specific so the guy I got a little angry there he goes okay now you going to use the Giant on us... So our son says no immediately and pretty quick so they said this we're not they said this so we're not used to this behavior what does it mean. So they said you know damn well what we mean we said no they start laughing kid where are you I said right under you and they said nothing about 1 hour later we feel a lot of rumbling and shaking said women now we know where you are maybe these assholes in the microphone we don't care this moment it's bone chilling I think Clark is doing a fly by but on the ground I'm going to start looking and they found the idiots how does he know they're going all over the place cuz we don't know and they said okay already and they thought they heard freezer crane yes no I want to Simon and he says that about wraps it up doesn't it anyways and he says yeah this is good do me a solid and go back to sleep so they're trying to talk they are no no come on nothing's a secret anymore please start laughing but really it's a nuisance these people have no tax it's terrible so we do have a couple of announcements
Thor Freya
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jediken0bi · 3 years
At The End Of The Day
Spencer Reid x Reader
Reid is scared his Job is eventually going to take away the thing he loves the most. You.
word count: 2023
Spencer sat on the counter in the kitchen, sipping on his sugary coffee and watching you move around the room. You decided you wanted homemade Waffles this morning and Spencer made the quick decision to not even attempt to lend a helping hand. He usually ends up burning half of the food anyway so you're not complaining.
And if you're being honest you liked being able to do something nice for him while he relaxes. It's not like that's something you get to see all that often.
You really only get to have Spencer to yourself on the Weekends and even then your time together isn't always guaranteed.
That's something you guys struggled with a lot. He even more so than you now that you think about it. He is so quick to beat himself up over not being able to spend more time with you and it breaks your heart.
Of course you would like to see your boyfriend more often but you know how much he loves his Job and you would never ask him to quit or hold his crazy schedule against him.
After all, it's not Spencers fault serial killers don't take the weekends off.
You throw little glances at Spencer every time you add a little bit of batter into the Waffle Maker and each time you find him already looking at you with loving eyes and a silly smile plastered on his face.
You can't help but giggle a bit before shaking your head lightly.
There are certainly days where you can't wrap your head around the fact that the genius with the pretty face feels the same affection towards you as you do.
Another minute goes by before he puts his coffee down, pushes himself off the counter and walks over to you to carefully wrap his arms around your waist.
"Someone is awfully cuddly this morning", you say with a huge smile on your face. You lean into his touch so he knows you don't actually mind the closeness.
He still has days where he can't tell whether or not you're making a lighthearted joke or are trying to reject his advances. It took him a long time to be able to initiate physical contact without you having to make the first move or ask for it.
That's not because he didn't love you though. He simply didn't know what to do in a relationship.
He was trying to figure out the do's and don't's and you were more than happy to help him learn and understand what it means to be truly loved by someone.
Nowadays he doesn't hesitate to seek comfort in your arms and there's nothing you can think of that makes you happier than that.
All you ever wanted was for Spencer to feel at home with you.
He put his head on your shoulder and smiled into the crease of your neck
"I can't help it. I haven't seen you in 8 days, 5 hours and 24 minutes and now that i'm here i don't wanna waste a single second of it"
You silently put the last Waffle on the plate you set out and turned your head so you could face him.
You try to catch his eyes and as soon as you do, you press a light peck onto his pink lips.
"I missed you so much", you say while he softly grabs your waist to turn you around positioning you so that you're facing him.
He presses gentle kisses to your forehead, your nose, your cheek and suddenly stops right before your lips.
"I missed you too, my love"
Before you can form an answer he plants a firm and loving kiss on your lips making you forget about breakfast for a second.
But only for a second.
You start smiling into the kiss and lightly push him away. The distance between you two only big enough to let you catch your breath before you laugh and say
"Let's go eat. We haven't had breakfast together in a bit and i wanna cuddle on the couch and watch some Doctor Who"
He laughs and nods his head so his short curls fall into his face.
You bite your lip to suppress a grin before tucking the lose strand of hair behind his ear.
He reaches behind you to grab the plate and makes his way towards the couch you two picked out just over a month ago.
You follow him immediately, feeling giddy that you get to cuddle your boyfriend for the first time in days.
He puts the plate down, plops down on the couch and immediately opens his arms to invite you to get comfortable in them.
While you snuggle into his chest he grabs the remote and starts queuing Doctor Who Episodes for you guys to watch and analyze together.
You wrap your arms around his torso and bury your head into his neck. You sigh happily and plant tiny kisses on his shoulder and neck.
He tightens one of his arms around you and starts playing with your hair
-time skip-
Almost three hours later, the waffles long gone, you get up to get some drinks for the two of you.
As the credits to the third episode start rolling you can't help but notice that Spencer had gotten unusually quite.
You sit down next to him, put a hand on his arm and ask with a calm voice
"Baby what's wrong? You got so quiet and it looks like something's bothering you. Did something happen at work? Did the case end bad? Whatever it is Spencer i want to be there for you"
He looks at you with wide eyes. Almost like a kid with his hand stuck in the cookie jar. He looks guilty and it's making you nervous. You know you can't push him but you would be lying if you said you weren't worried.
He looks down for a second unsure of his next move. He takes a deep breath and hesitantly turns around to look at you.
Your hand immediately finding its place on your boyfriends jaw. Running your thumb over his stubble in a calming matter.
He leans into your touch and closes his eyes for a second.
You knew that he would eventually start talking so you had no problem patiently waiting for him to summon the courage to say whatever was on his mind.
"I was talking to Morgan the other day and he said something that got me thinking. Actually, i think it's fair to say that thinking turned into overthinking really quick. Although i don't know anymore. At this point, it might be a completely valid fear and i'm just trying to convince myself it's not. Of course you could apply that logic the other way around as well but - I'm rambling, aren't it", he says in pretty much one breath.
You show him a understanding smile and say,
"Yeah but it's okay. I want to hear what's on your mind. No matter how confusing"
He looks up at me and smiles with sad eyes
"I know you do and that's why the thought of ever losing you drives me completely insane"
You stare at him for a moment not understanding why he would be thinking of losing you before taking his hand into yours and asking
"Spence, do you want to tell me what you and Morgan talked about?"
He sighs loudly and runs his thumb over the back of your hand.
Looking straight at you he decides 'Now or Never'.
"He just broke up with his girlfriend and we were all trying to be there for him. He seemed completely fine but you never know with Morgan so i went to talk to him about the break up and he just smiled at me and said 'It is what it is, Pretty Boy. Relationships are doomed to break in our line of profession. Enjoy it while it lasts' "
he tells you doing a weird impression of Derek.
Under different circumstances you would've laughed.
You look at Spencer with a small smile on your face. He looks so distressed, you can't help but run your hand through his curls and climb into his lap.
He doesn't waste a second wrapping his arms around you to secure your position and before he can question you, you say
"So that's what this is about? You thinking i might leave you because of your Job?"
He shakes his head slightly and looks up to meet your eyes
"No this is about you deserving a boyfriend who doesn't spend 90% of his time a couple of states away from you every week. It's about me not wanting to make you feel like you come second when there's nothing that's more important to me than you. I would quit my Job if you asked me to. There's plenty of Jobs out there but no one quite like you. I hate to think that you might come to resent me for being away so much"
You run your hand through his curls again and smile softly. It's your turn to shake your head.
"What i deserve is a boyfriend who loves me for who i am. Someone who cares about my feelings and thoughts. Someone who doesn't mind binge watching Doctor Who with me on the weekends because i like that way better than going out. Someone who reads my favorite book so we can have a conversation about it. Someone who shows me how much he cares every single day. And i already have all that. I don't need anything or anyone else. I promise."
Spencers eyes are shut tightly and he leans his forehead on yours. He presses a light kiss to your nose and wistfully admits
"I'm just so scared my Job is going to take you away one day"
You wrap your arms around his neck and whisper
"I know a thing or two about that. Baby, you do so much good in the World. I couldn't be more proud if i tried. Let me ask you something. You like your Job, right? Despite everything it asks of you?"
He nods softly and opens his eyes
"I love my Job. Helping people gives me a chance to make a real change. It's what i've always wanted to do."
You smile at him and hum in agreement
"That's right. And you love me too, right?", you ask cheekily
He looks at you like you hung the moon, grabs your hand to press a soft kiss against it and says
"Of course i do. More than anything"
You once again nod in agreement.
"Then you have to understand that the World isn't always 'This or That'. I would never ask you to quit your job for me. I wouldn't want that. I love you too much to take away the thing that fulfills you and makes you happy. Relationships take work, Spencer. I'm not saying it won't be rough sometimes but at the end of the day you're my Clark Kent to the BAU's Superman and i wouldn't change a thing"
He looks at you with loving eyes that are glazed over with unshed tears and whispers
"I'm going to marry you one day, i promise. I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you that you're loved beyond compare"
He starts covering your face in kisses resulting in you laughing at his antics.
This wasn't the first time you two talked about marriage. You knew that he was the man you were going to walk down the aisle to. There wasn't a doubt in your mind.
You push him back down on the couch so you can lay down on his chest and say
"Now that we've established that you looove me, i think it's time for you to start the next episode. It's my favorite!"
You said it in a mocking voice but it genuinely did make your heart beat faster and he knew that.
"Damn straight i do", he says as he reaches for the remote.
Weekends with Spencer are simply the best.
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safflowerseason · 3 years
adam brody commented on the mischa barton situation! the most interesting details were him acknowledging that while he found the set friendly, it was not protective - like any hollywood set at the time - and he made a point to say the way she was let go was wrong, both for the story and professionally. the powers that be leaned into the suggestion that SHE was the problem and he thought that was not entirely true.
Hi Anon,
Sorry this is so late! Finally got around to listening to the two episodes. I enjoyed it - I imagine this was probably the highest rated/most streamed episode of the podcast, entirely due to Adam Brody. He was a pretty decent interviewee, I thought...funny, of course, and really reflective, and really honest! And of course it was fascinating and insightful to hear his perspective on the show now.
I liked his response to Melinda Clarke and Rachel Bilson bringing up Mischa Barton's comments and basically the whole drama of her time on the show. I appreciated how he came out and said how she was let go wasn’t all right, in any sense. He was totally right in saying that he would classify Mischa Barton’s experience alongside Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, etc, girls being abused and villified in the press by adult men and how traumatic and difficult that must have been for her. He struck me as very empathetic to her experience. I think it's also clear that he clearly has a sense of real emotional distance from The O.C. He's not invested in the show as a uniquely brilliant time, and also was very much aware of his own motivations and blindspots as a young actor at the time. I mean, he called himself out as acting “gross” on set in terms of not hiding his lack of interest in the material, and noted that was being disrespectful to others. That was pretty refreshing! His attitude to the whole thing was very grounded.
However, I couldn’t help but notice that the hosts were so much more sympathetic about his stories of being a young asshole on set towards the end (no one used that word but that was the subtext) than they have been toward Mischa Barton. Like they’re still trying to walk this line of being sympathetic to MB without actually processing or addressing what she really said, so they keep banging out about how young she was, blah blah. But after Brody went on this reflective monologue about how he could have been more aware of the crew’s experience in terms of money, etc., and how he wasn’t really thinking of anyone else and that wasn't great, RB was just like “but it’s okay because you were still appreciative of this wonderful experience” or something ridiculous like that. Like get the fuck out of here. Another moment that bothered me was after Brody talked about being disinterested in the work and letting that come through, Melinda Clarke was like “oh but as a young actor that’s very natural blah blah.” When for MB being “young” is what explains or justifies bad things happening to her later on. She is equally as deserving of their empathy and understanding and time as Adam Brody, and he would say the same thing! He got the nuance and complexity of the issue and he didn't even know about the comments before coming on the show! (And it’s extra ironic because literally all the anecdotes RB shared about Brody were of him being a total dick).
The best part was Adam Brody saying he loved The Sound of Music.
(was that Olivia Wilde on that voice memo toward the end???)
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multifandomfanficss · 4 years
A Summer Job in Gotham
Prompt: The OC is Jim’s cousin and she starts her summer job filing papers at the police station. She meets a couple familiar faces along the way.
WARNGINGS: Abusive Father
"Are you fucking kidding me?! You're so stupid!" I wake up to hear my father screaming at my mother. Another morning I wake before my alarm to the sound of my parents fighting. Actually, it's more like my dad fighting and my mom listening. This isn't the first time and I know it won't be the last. I get out of bed and run straight for the bathroom, turning on the shower and slipping out of my clothes. I step into the hot water and close my eyes, taking in the nice feeling. I spend a couple minutes just enjoying the feeling before I begin to wash my body and eventually my light brown hair. After washing a turn off the water and step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around me and go to pick out my clothes. I just grab a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Keep your outfit simple and you won't be noticed. I wait for my dad to leave the house for work and then I go downstairs to get some breakfast. I grab some bread and quickly start to butter it, until I see my mother trying to choke back tears. I hug her. "You really shouldn't let him treat you like that." I tell her. "It's okay, Andi" she tells me. "It's not okay, mom! You need to stand up to that asshole." I inform her. "Andrea Lee Clark! Watch your language!" She exclaims. "I'm sorry mom, but it's true." I respond. "Please don't forget to talk to your cousin about that summer job after school." She reminds me. "I won't." I promise. I kiss her, grab my breakfast, and rush out the door to the bus. I hop on the bus and take the first available seat I see. I look out my window, watching all of the miserable people doing their daily business on the streets of Gotham. I see both the poor, living in pain, and the filthy rich, not giving a damn. It's disgusting how nobody seems to care. We go through our lives putting one thing first and one thing only. Ourselves. When we put others first it's only because WE feel pain. Not the other way around.
The hours tick by as sit in my full school. I just want it next week. The last day of my senior year can't come any faster. The last bell rings and I rush out of class, practically run down to my locker. I can't be late to meet my cousin at the precinct. I stuff the homework into my bag and throw my science text book into my locker. I then throw my backpack over my shoulders and close my locker door. I exit the school and begin my short walk to the police station.
When I arrive the whole place is buzzing with action. I look around for my cousin. An officer approaches me. "May I help you, miss?" She asks. "Yes, do you know where I can find Jim Gordon?" I ask. "Right this way." The woman offers a smile as she walks me to his desk. "You can wait here. He should be back any moment." She informs me. I thank her and she disappears to do her job. I take a seat in his chair and open the file in front of me. It is full of pictures and statements from people from the circus. I look at the outside of the folder again and read aloud the title. "Jerome Valeska." I say quietly. "Interesting, right?" I hear a voice come from behind me. It makes me jump. I turn around to see my cousin. "Hey, Jim. You scared me." I say giving a smile. "Hey, Andi. Glad you're already looking at the Jerome files. I need you to go through and find every other file we have on him." Jim informs me. "I didn't even do a job interview yet." I say laughing. "We're short staffed and could really use somebody as quickly as possible. A woman named Kristen Kringle will train you." He responds. "You'll just being doing filing and stuff like that." He adds. "Okay. Also, why do you need the Jerome files?" I ask. "We need to copy them and bring them down to Arkham." He answers. "Come on, I'll show you around." He offers. He leaves his desk and I follow.
Jim shows me around the precinct. He ends to tour at my office. We walk in to see a pretty woman in a cute outfit with a pair of glasses. She has her brown hair tied up and she is surrounded by officers who are trying to flirt with her. It's actually less of a flirt and more of a sexual harassment. "Don't you think you men should be getting back to work?" Jim interrupts them. They all awkwardly leave the room and Kristen appears to look more relaxed. "Hello, Detective Gordon." Kristen speaks. "Hi, Kristen. This is Andrea-" He begins. "Andi." I interrupt. "You're going to be training her." He finishes. "Okay. Nice to meet you, Andi." She greets me. "Her first assignment is to find all the files relating to Jerome Valeska. Do you think you can help her out?" He asks. "Sure thing, Detective Gordon." She responds with a smile. "Well, I guess I'll leave you girls to it. Andi, you know where my desk is. Bring me the files when you're done." He says. "Good luck." He adds before exiting the room.
Kristen and I mostly make awkward small talk as she teaches me to learn my way around the files. I mostly don't pay attention to her. I enjoy spending my time reading through the rest of the files on Jerome Valeska and the circus. The room has a boring feel to it until I hear a knock on the door. I look up to see a tall man with dark brown hair and big black glasses. He fiddles nervously with the file he's holding "Ms. Kringle, I have a file for you." He says excitedly. "Thank you, Mr. Nygma." She responds. He glows at the sound of his name coming from her lips. "Edward Nygma." He says putting a hand out to greet me. "Andi Clark." I say shaking his hand. "So, Ms. Kringle... What is harder to catch the faster you run?" He asks. "I don't know." She responds. "Your breath." He says pleased with himself. I begin to laugh and he smiles at me. "Mr. Nygma, would you please do me a favor?" Krista asks. "Anything!" He responds in excitement. "Would you please give me some time to work with Ms. Clark? I was told that I have to train her." She informs him. "Of course, Ms. Kringle. It was nice to meet you, Ms. Clark." He says as he exits the room. "Nice to meet you too Mr. Nygma." I say as he walks out the door. "Thank God he's gone." Krista says quietly. "Why? What's wrong with him?" I ask, displeased. "He's just creepy." She responds. "And his riddles drive me crazy? How am I supposed to know the answers?" She asks. "Just give him a chance. He seems sweet and to be fair his riddles are pretty good." I say with a laugh. "Well then you like him so much, you date him!" She says a little angry. "He's way too old for me and he's not really my type anyway." I tell her truthfully. "Why don't you date him?" I add. "He's too nice. I don't deserve a nice guy like that." She begins. "And to be completely honest he's a little boring for my taste." She says the last part a little quieter. "Whatever. I'm sure whoever he ends up with will be a very lucky lady." I say finishing off the conversation and getting back to work.
As soon as I finish finding all of the files and learn my job along the way, I pile them in my arms and carry them to Jim's desk. Normally cases don't have this many files, but the collected statements from every person in the circus, as well as some of the audience. That's more witnesses than usual. I approach Jim's desk and place the files on top neatly. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Go where?" I respond. "To Arkham. We gotta drop off the files." He says in a matter-of-fact sort of way. "Alright. I'll grab my jacket!" I say practically running back to my desk in excitement. I have a pretty good feeling that this isn't a normal thing so I can't pass up an opportunity like this. I grab my jacket and quickly walk back to meet Jim. Then we hop into his car and drive off to Arkham Asylum.
"A few rules before we go in." Jim begins to speak as we approach the gates of Arkham. I nod. "Don't make eye contact and don't speak to them." He orders me. "Yes, sir." I say with a laugh. We stop at the gates and a security guard opens them for us. We park his car and enter the large building. On our way to the office we pass what appears to be like some sort of cafeteria. There are many people locked in the room doing various activities. Some are speaking to each other and others are keeping to themselves. I scan the room and that's when I lay my eyes upon him. The reason I'm here. Jerome Valeska. His hair is slightly messy, but still looks good and his smile is large. He laughs like a mad man, which makes sense because that's what he is. A crazy, barbaric madman who killed his mother. Then he turns his head. His eyes lock with mine and the corners of his mouth turn up into a large grin. He approaches the metal fence between us and wraps his fingers through the holes. "Hello, Gorgeous." He says to me. I refrain from speaking, but I can't look away from him. Jerome looks down to my hands to see the files and then looks back up to my face. "Are you here just for me, doll face?" He asks with confidence. I just keep my mouth shut as instructed by Jim. "Surely a lady this beautiful would have a loud mind. Why don't you let some of those voices in your head out to play? Speak to me." He orders. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Jim standing behind me. "Let's go." He says quietly as he pulls me away from the red headed maniac.
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lexkent · 4 years
Your opinion on Lana, Chloe and Lois as individual characters ?
Lois: I liked her in season 4 and enjoyed her dynamic with Clark. but in season 5 her attempt to ruin Lex’s campaign for senate by exposing his time in a mental institution to the world really bothered me and I had a hard time getting past it. that being said, the writing was really bad all around at this point and everyone sucked. I stopped watching at 6x03, but I’m sure if I had continued she would’ve grown on me again. 
Chloe: sometimes got on my nerves with how jealous she’d get about Clark, but overall I think she was a really good friend. I love her for helping bring Lionel down and telling Lex the truth about what was done to him.
Lana: so sweet and deserved better. despite her parents, her best friend, and her high school sweetheart all dying tragically, her aunt and biological father ditching her, and someone trying to kill her every other week, she still remained kind. I hate how Clark strung her along for years while lying to her face KNOWING how important trust was to her. she told him they couldn’t be together if he couldn’t be real and honest with her, and he just kept “but I’m not lying to you Lana :)” he should’ve told her the truth or let her go. she didn't deserve what he put her through and I’m feeling a lot more love and sympathy for her on my second watch.
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Hi Rosy ! So, I'm a bellarke shipper and I like love triangles but I can understand people who don't like love triangles. Especially when Jason Rothenberg said he didn't like love triangles. Like yeah, man you don't like love triangles but there is is a love triangle in your show since one season and a half. My point is even if I like love triangles and I like Bellarke's hugs, I want to see something new on screen, we need to move on from this Clarke/Bellamy/Echo love triangle.
No. We don’t need to move on from the story they are telling.
 I like the story they are telling. We have SO MUCH Bellarke content and it’s so powerful, and contrasting it to B/E is really pointing that out to me. 
Even if he said he didn’t like love triangles after c/f/r he said that he could appreciate some love triangles, later on, and you know what? commentary on twitter is not a binding agreement. if i works with the story being told you go with it. if i doesn’t you let it go. 
My point is your point goes only for you, not for me, not for anyone else, and not for Jason or The 100.
I honest to god LIKE THIS STORY. This one. Not the one where you think we need more already. I like listening to someone else’s story and seeing where they go and what they come up with, and I don’t particularly like the story that the bellarke fandom keeps INSISTING this has to be to be satisfying. The story they are telling is satisfying to me. I ENJOY following someone who is telling a story and is good at it, wondering what will come next and being horrified and delighted in turn. I enjoy seeing how they manage to connect all the storylines and the way they develop the characters. I ENJOY reading and watching stories. When I want to make my own story come out the way I want it to, I write my own story. But this one? The one on screen? This is satisfying, to me. 
Maybe it isn’t to you. IDC. That’s your thing.
I don’t really know why you think JR has to do what you like. You know where AO3 is. Go write your story. I’m sure people will love it. I’m sure I’d love it. I think there is plenty of room for people’s different stories. But The 100? That’s JR’s story, and I prefer his canon.
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Do you have thoughts on how The 100 shows parental relationships? I know you've talked a bit about Clarke/Madi, but I was surprised at the turn Indra/Gaia and Indra/Octavia took in s5, and so sad about Abby/Raven. I'm not sure how I feel about Abby telling Clarke she should do whatever she has to to save Madi, especially after they had such a lack luster reunion (Abby immediately left Clarke after the bunker was opened and Clarke didn't seem all that upset?)
I’m so sorry that this message has been in my inbox for forever!
One of my main issues with the 100’s handling of relationships in general (romantic, platonic, familial, etc.) is the tendency to just drop previously established relationships when they no longer suit the current plotline. They do a good job setting up really interesting relationships and a really bad job of following through with them continuously throughout the show. I’ve talked about it before in the context of friendships (Raven and Bellamy not speaking in S3, Jasper apparently having no friends but Monty in s4, etc.)
And they do it with parental relationships too. I was also really frustrated this last season with the lack of Abby/Clarke. We got it at certain times, sure, but apparently when it wasn’t plot relevant it also just…wasn’t a relevant relationship to either Clarke or Abby. Like you said, their reunion was pretty lackluster, especially after the emotional moment in the first two episodes when Clarke and Abby were trying so desperately to reach each other on the other sides of the bunker. There were scenes included specifically to remind us of their relationship and drive it home, but outside of those scenes, concern for each other didn’t really seem to be a driving motivation for either of them or factor into any of their decisions.
And that’s a really big problem, because you can’t sell a relationship as important if it fails to affect character motivations.
It’s a disappointment because for the most part, the 100 has always handled Abby and Clarke’s relationship pretty well. Not to say it’s always been a functional and healthy relationship. It hasn’t always been. Abby and Clarke love each other a lot, but they have a lot of messy baggage. But still – it’s always at least been present. And now this season it suddenly wasn’t. What’s even stranger is that Abby’s relevance in Clarke’s life and her effect on her as her mother disappeared in a season where Clarke was now inhabiting a motherly role. You would think her relationship with Abby would be even MORE prominent, since Clarke would likely have a new frame of understanding for some of Abby’s actions or be comparing herself to her mother. And yet Clarke hardly seemed to be aware of her mother, let alone actually care about her outside of like, 3 scenes. And you would think a reunion after 6 years apart would be a little more emotional - or impactful at all for either character - than what we got. But it’s like their relationship just wasn’t a concern to the writers so it wasn’t really important to the characters.
As for parental relationships in the 100 as a whole? I mean, there sure are a lot of screwed up parent/child relationships. Abby and Clarke may love each other, but their relationship is full of baggage. Aurora may have loved her children, but her actions really screwed them up. Raven’s mother was distant. Murphy’s was abusive. Clarke as a mother is controlling, manipulative, and abusive.
But at the same time, there are positive parental relationships in this show too. David Miller is like the best father you could ever have, for one, and I’m still mourning his loss.
One thing that’s interesting to me is how much the 100 portrays adopted parent/child relationships as incredibly positive and loving – more so than most of the actual blood-related parent/child bonds. Abby is a better mother to Jasper, Raven, and Murphy than she sometimes is to Clarke, because she’s able to fill a motherly, supportive role that those characters don’t have in their lives - while she and Clarke are constantly misunderstanding each other. Kane is a very positive parental figure in Bellamy and Octavia’s lives. Sinclair loved Raven so much he was willing to give his own life for her to live. Indra loves Octavia not just as her student, but as a second daughter.
(Note: about Abby specifically this season, I think her actions are much more a sign of how little control she has over herself right now and what a terrible, unreasonable state of mind she’s in, and less about how The 100 wants to portray mothers as a whole. I absolutely do think that Abby still loves Raven. I also think she did something absolutely terrible to her. And I’m hoping that she can ask Raven’s forgiveness and get help and they can hopefully recover from this.)
The 100 puts a lot of weight and importance on adopted relationships, and in a lot of ways, the families you choose end up more positive and important (and usually less messy) than the blood relationships.
One thing that’s consistent is that the 100 never portrays parent/child relationships as easy or without problems. They might be loving relationships and the characters’ actions might be motivated by love, but they’re also full of arguments and strife that usually centers around the parent and child failing to understand each other or having different views about what they should do. 
Even with the two best blood parent/child relationships, we see this. David absolutely loves Nathan, and as an audience we see his desperation to find Nate and save him. But Miller, unable to see his father’s desperate journey to reach him, mentions he was a disappointment to his dad because he was a thief. Obviously, David’s desire to keep Nate safe far outweighs any disappointment he had in his son’s previous actions, but at one point in time there was clearly a rift between them and it shaped Nate’s understanding of their relationship. And with Indra and Gaia, they might love each other, but until s5 they are completely unable to understand each other or their motivations. Indra looks down on Gaia’s beliefs and her way of life and her disappointment in Gaia not following in her footsteps as a warrior drives a rift between them.
I’ve always kind of enjoyed that, to be honest. It’s interesting to tell these stories of family members who love each other but just can’t quite see eye to eye and struggle to. 
And that’s why I was so happy to see where Indra and Gaia went this season, because Indra DID love her daughter, she just didn’t understand her beliefs and she was dismissive of them. I thought it was so great to see them start understanding each other better and be more accepting even of the things they don’t understand. I absolutely loved that moment where Indra backed Gaia’s plan! Because it doesn’t actually matter if Indra believes in the power of the Flame, she’s learning to trust in Gaia’s belief of it. She’s supporting her daughter and her beliefs, even when she doesn’t share them. I’m so excited to see where their relationship progresses!
For the most part, I think all the parent/child relationships on The 100 are different, though they definitely portray adopted/found families in a positive light.
I will say, though, that I am mad the show did not call out what Clarke did to Madi, which falls into the same problem they ALWAYS have of being unable to fully commit to calling out Clarke’s bad actions. Clarke can say she was scared of Madi getting hurt all she wants - and hell, it can be true - but it doesn’t change the fact that she mistreated her daughter and chose to physically hurt her as a way to control her. She was a terrible mother at the end of the season, and honestly, I think it would realistically take a few more apologies for Madi to really even consider trusting her again. I mean her trust in Clarke must have been SHATTERED when that happened. And all it really took was Clarke saying sorry one time and letting her go. No. I want to see some actual consequences from that. I want to see Clarke have to repair that relationship she damaged.
But again, that’s part of the bigger issue of letting Clarke do wrong without, like, really calling Clarke out for doing wrong. And that’s the cause of a LOT of writing issues on this show.
Anyways, that was a long ramble and I hope you understood it. And hopefully the length made up for the long time it took to reply? Sorry again!
Thanks for asking!
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skaihedaofthe100 · 7 years
"Xenos" series
Chapter 3. Rescueing friends
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description: "Xenos" from the Ancient Greek "stranger, foreigner". Xenia Kane and the other 99 delinquents are strangers for everyone who managed to survive on the Earth. Her story has just started. Enjoy
-We will continue walking when you give us your bracelets,- Bellamy addresses to me and Clarke. Damn, he and Murphy are so good at getting on my nerves, they should get a reward for it. -The Ark will know that we're dead only when we really are,- the blonde snaps at him -And what do we say to death? -Not today,- I add smirking. Yeah, this is one of my favorite quotes and I'd like everyone to remember it. -Brave Princess and brave Commander, - the older Blake tells us not seeming to have a proper answer
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-Hey, think about your own nicknames!- suddenly there is Finn appearing from nowhere, he didn't join our rescue party when it was leaving the camp.-Nia, Clarke, come with me. -My savior! - I name him chuckling and leave the other trio behind. Then there is me near the lake waiting for my friends to stop playing in the water and continue searching for Jasper. To be honest, I'd like to have some fun in the water too but maybe another time when I'll finally calm down after yesterday's story. -Guys, I think I've found something that you'd like to see,- I inform them looking at the drops of blood on the rock that I saw while exploring the near surroundings. -We should go this way,- now serious Finn points to my right. Three years of tracking lessons, no one argues with him. Looking around I see Well's figure in the bushes and call the boys. We are now walking together suddenly hearing a groan and see my friend tied to the tree in the distance
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-That's Jasper,- I gasp taking off to him with Clarke following me -Girls, wait!- Finn warns us but I'm already in the middle of my way to Googles. Reaching the tree I hear a scream behind me and turn around. Wow, me and Clarke have been running a few inches away and she is the one who managed to fall in the hole with peaks. There is Bellamy holding her arm seeming to be not so willing to pull her up and does it only after Finn shouts. I turn back to Jasper, Clarke will be okay but he is in the worse state. -Does someone have a knife here?- I ask regretting not making one from the piece of the dropship back at our camp. Murphy gives his not saying anything and I climb on the tree calling for Collins to follow me. Cutting the rope on Jasper's wrists I notice some movement in the grass near us. -Guys, you better watch out,- is my warning -What are you talking ab...,- Bellamy doesn't finish his question because of a loud growl. The moment later a large black panther appears in front of him. -Bellamy, your gun!- Clarke shouts but Blake can't find it. That's called "too much boasting", my friends. "Thanks God I'm in some kind of safety on the tree",- I think to myself and then hear several gunshots. That's Wells, wow. Unfortunately, it doesn't help that much 'cause the animal continues having its way to the others, only limping this time. Finn just ended cutting the ropes so I quickly grab the knife from his hand and without a backup thought through it at the predator. Maybe I'll be lucky and it hits it, at least I have to try. And guess what? It really does! Damn, I'm SO good. The knife hurts some of life-important organs and the animal fells eventually killed on the ground. -Now she sees you,- Bellamy tells the dark skinned boy and when his eyes meet mine nods. On "cool kids'" language it means "Thanks". I saved his damned life and that's all I get? "Huh, he wants to play a "cool boy"?Then I'll be a "cool girl", "-I decide in my thoughts and don't even nod him back that means "You're welcome" on this language. Do you realize how far can I go? My feet touch the ground after the jump from the tree and I move in the way of the camp being accompanied with the delinquents' still shocked looks. -Get Clarke everything she needs,- Bellamy orders his "dogs" while the blonde hurries to the dropship, Finn and Wells carrying Jasper after her. I follow them to the second level and greet Monty and Octavia who look really worried. -Clarke, what should I do?- is my question -Help the boys to hold him still,- she answers pointing on the Googles.
I do as Griffin says and shut my eyes knowing I won't like the sight of what is going to happen. Hearing Jasper's screams is terrifying so after we can leave ours spots I decide to breath some fresh air outside. There is Bellamy entering the dropship and by how he looks I can understand he is not going to support my injured friend. -Bellamy, we didn't risk our own lives just to let him die now,- I remind him.- And you don't have the right to take his away. -Yeah, but I have the guts to do it,- he snaps and it makes me turn away from the older Blake quickly and head outside. What he's just told me was disgusting! How can some people be so selfish? Leaving the dropship I hear people starting to cheer looking at me. Guess who is their local hero now? -Make sure you've pulled all the bullets and Murphy's knife out!- I order thinking how strange these teen are. Just yesterday they were calling Clarke and me "privileged", not wanting to have any authorities and now Bellamy is their beloved leader and I'm associated with a "Commander". -You did good today,- suddenly there is Finn near me grinning. - I'm proud I have a friend like you,- he adds causing me to blush and look at the ground. -Stop! No,you know, carry on,- I chuckle and then add seriously.- How is he? -Clarke says there is hope but Bellamy... I interrupt Spacewalker shaking my head: -No, don't speak with me about him or I'll going to puke. Better call for the blondie to eat with us,- is my advice Three minutes later we are already standing near the line of delinquents who are giving up the bracelets for meat that we've brought them. What a stupid idea. It definitely was Blake's. -I guess I can have some meat for free,- I say to Murphy while taking one stick and smiling "innocently" -Hey, the rule says tha...,-he tries to stop me but gets interrupted by Collins -And I thought there were no rules,- my friend snaps at him and heroically takes one stick for himself and one for Clarke Looking at Murphy's surprised face I can't hold my laugh back. -I, I w-wish you saw your expression right, right now,- I try to tell him but find it really hard because of my endless giggles and everyone's wide smiles around me. -What so funny, Kane?-suddenly there is a voice behind. Great. Here he is.
-None of your damn business, Blake,- I retort turning to the guy with a serious look and leave noticing how his arms fell. Well, it was his fault. The next morning after my sleep (well, if you can call laying with your eyes closed listening to Jasper's groans "sleep"), I am sitting near the dropship making some knives for myself and my friends 'cause I FUCKING CARE about them, what you can't say abou... -Nia, we're going hunting, you are with us!-Bellamy calls me. -Speak of the devil...,- I retort and leave my spot. Yes, I'm still mad at him for what he said yesterday but I if stay in a camp a little longer listening to the Googles I'll loose my shit. The older Blake ignores my words and hands me a knife. -Uh, no, thanks, already have one. Or five, to be exact,- I refuse and show him my "collection". The boy seems impressed, don't doubt it.-Hey, Miller, I think? Please, take these 4 knives straight to Finn, you got this?- I ask a random guy who seems surprised but accepts them eventually. -Can we go now?-I hear Murphy's "pleads" and hurry to the haunting party deciding not to get in trouble. -No, Nia, you can't keep it! Give it back!- Bellamy orders me -But whyyy, you mean nothing to me and I don't follow your orders!- I retort stepping away from him. We are already back from hunting and are standing practically in the center of the camp with all the teens staring at us.
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-I said give it to me,-he continues.- This creature will be a dinner for three people in the camp. -Then I'll give up my three dinners, okay?-I ask the older Blake and I swear, I see a look of worry in his eyes for a second. -As you wish,- he gives up turning away from me and leaving. Now I'm standing as a winner of the argument with this, as Bellamy called it, "creature". Why do guys think that if they say such a cute word "bunny", their masculinity will fade a way? Yes, you understood right, I petted a bunny. At first I was going to kill it, to be honest, but then I just looked at the animal carefully and decided not to. Moreover, I've already did really good on the hunt, they all should be thankful. The bunny is so soft due to his light brown fur that I even bring it to my face. My eyes meet Murphy's and he seems not to agree with Bellamy letting me keep it. I quickly look away not paying attention to his threatening look and head to the dropship. -Monty, hi, do you have a box or something?- I ask my friend on the second level. Monty is sitting next to Jasper and even doesn't turn his face to me when I enter. Of course, he has a reason for that, his best friend is in a really bad state. Who wouldn't be worried?
-Um, yeah, look in the corner,- he answers What corner? Huh, this information didn't help me at all but my decision is not to bother him right now so I just silently search for a place where to put my new friend. Finally, Roger is in his new "house". Yes,this is how I named my bunny. Don't ask why, I don't know myself, it was the first name I thought of. -Look after Roger for me, please?- I ask Monty.- His box would be here. -Yeah, yeah, okay,- he retorts still not turning to look at me. -Where do you think you are going?-Bellamy asks me when I almost reach the exit of the camp -UGHH, to get some fresh grass for Roger, why do you even care?- I snap at him sighing. -It is unsafe out there. And who on Earth is Roger?- our leader wonders -My bunny. Any more questions?- is my answer. -Yes, would you mind coming with me and teach some people to throw knives? That shocked me. Since when I'm asked to help with things like this? I totally like it, you know, so I agree and run out in the woods. AGAIN. Why do I always end up there and can't rest my ass in the some sort of safety of the camp?
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hidesthenseeks-blog · 5 years
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Now Playing: F L A M E S / Past Midnight
Life Update #1
Today is April 7th of 2019. Few more days and I'll be turning 22 years old. I feel excited yet scared at the same time. I'm getting older and I don't know yet what I'm doing with my life. Well, I am aware but is this what I really want? We will see, I guess?
It's almost a year since I graduated from college. It's been 10 months of constant fight with my silent battles of being shitty fresh graduate that don't know what she is doing and feeling left behind. Yup, that's me. That's been my life since I graduated. Before, I always know what to do, I always have a plan, I thought I already figured out where I am going and who I am going to be. But, joke's on me. I don't know anything and I am not good enough to land my supposed to be ''job''. It's has been endless tries and failures. When I'm about to give up, opportunity in Pampanga knocked.
I am a Customer Representatives Of VXI, Clark Pampanga. I started training last September 2018 and was endorsed to production 2 months after. I am working with VXiI for 8 months already (including the training & OJT) and last month, I became regular employee and was entitled with additional benefits of the company. Being in BPO industry really tested what I am and what I can offer. Before, I always thought that if you don't have any option, work on a call center and you'll be good because I always thought that being a customer representative is THAT easy. It's really true that you'll never know anything unless it happened to you. My perspective really changed when I experienced the life of our night heroes. Being part of it, I can say that BPO is not for everyone. If you have a weak heart, you can't stay that long. You'll understand what I mean if you'll experience it yourself. There's a growth in this kind of industry, if you're open with new opportunities. This really tested my patience, my understanding, my perseverance, my skills, and my strong willed personality. Everyday you'll be assisting 20-30 customers with different concerns and different personalities. Everyday you'll be needing to bring extra sack of patience and understanding so you won't be crying at the middle of your calls. It also helped me enhance my speaking skills and communications skills. It helped me to more confident while I'm about to speak and talk to anybody else. Not bad, right?
It's really tiring and exhausting yet it's still a rewarding work. Being compensated well and beung able to give back to your family WHILE buying not just what you need but also the things you WANT. That's what you'll get on this work. The capacity to spend and the opportunity to save. The drawback would be there always, of course. This work really tested my mental health. You'll get tired to the point you don't want to go to work anymore. You'll get used to it to the point you don't enjoy it anymore. You'll get sad to the point you can't do any good. YET, here comes these people who became the reason why you're still trying and staying - Hi, Team SN. My team makes my stay bearable and to that, I cannot let them down.
I don't have any regrets. That's true. To answer what you're thinking, I didn't regret working at a call center even though I have a degree. I don't regret giving this a chance. I don't regret working here. I am happy here, to be honest. It's just that, right now, I am almost about to resign. I know it would be few more months from now. Don't take me wrong, it's just that I'm happy yet I'm tired already. I can't let that happen - I'm too young to be tired. It's scary what would be my life after this, but that's life, right?
And that's it for now, that's my life update. I can go on and on but I have forever to go to share it so I'll just end this here today. Wow, I really can still write. I miss this, huh.
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head-and-heart · 7 years
Am I the only one who think the episode was poor? I didn't like the writing, it's was a bit lazy and I still think Clarke's action was ooc to create more drama. Idk, it wasn't a bad episode but I didn't like it but I usually don't like the way Kim writes tbh
You’re definitely not the only one. I’ve seen a lot of complaints about it, actually.
Personally, I usually DO like Kim’s episodes, which is why this one was so disappointing. (I mean, Kim wrote “Nevermore”, which is honestly one of the best episodes not just in Season 3 but in the entire show IMO. And while I know this is an unpopular opinion in the BC fam, I REALLY enjoyed 3x03 as well) I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it - I didn’t have many strong feelings either way. There were just a bunch of things that I found a bit annoying.
I didn’t really find Clarke to be ooc to be honest. I think that for Clarke, as an extremely pragmatic character, that list was exactly how I would expect her to write it (besides Monty but that’s another problem I had with the episode). I don’t think that her making hard choices and using “its for my people” as justification was out of character. Clarke has always been that way. I don’t think her lying to the people in order to do so was out of character either. This season is going to be about Clarke learning about free will, for real this time. She isn’t perfect, she’s not a perfect leader. I like that the writers try to show her flaws. I also might add, I like that they like to explore those flaws when Clarke doesn’t have Bellamy at her side, and vice versa.
They centre each other. It shows when they’re apart.
Anyway, I haven’t rewatched the episode yet so I don’t know how well I’ll be able to pick out very specific things that bothered me about it, but I guess I’ll talk about the main ones.
I mentioned that I thought Monty being on that list was dumb. Not just because he wasn’t on it, but because OCTAVIA WAS. I have no idea how Octavia made that list (well, I do, but it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with Bellamy, and I don’t like that implication either). I’m not going to rant here because I already posted an all-caps rant about it here. So, if you’re interested in some screaming go right on ahead and click the link lol
The other big one I can think of is basically everything to do with Octavia’s fight scene with Echo and her “death”.
So much was wrong with that scene. I find it annoying that it was two to one and Octavia effortlessly took out the first warrior even though both of them have been training since they were children. It shouldn’t have been even close to an even fight. Octavia shouldn’t have even been able to hold up against Echo for as long as she did. Especially when you consider the fact that Bellamy disarmed and overpowered Octavia while he had his hands literally tied (and no weapon!) back in 3x10 when they confronted Pike in the span of like, three seconds. It bothers me how, in pretty much no time at all and practically no extra training, Octavia is suddenly hailed as this “badass” force of nature who is effortlessly fighting/killing all of these highly skilled and trained warriors left, right and centre. It doesn’t make sense and the sacrifice of continuity in order to make Octavia more “edgy” is getting old really fast.
I also hate the slow-mo they use in action scenes (not a criticism of 4x04, but the entire show as a whole). Why did they start using slow-mo in season 3? Its like they’re trying to be this big, cool action-movie and are trying to make everything look more badass but it just makes it seem lame. This is a character-driven show. It doesn’t need the slow-mo in order to appeal to people and never has. And the slow-motion glorifies violence in a way that it never used to before Season 3. And I don’t think that glorification was something the writers have ever intended but it makes it seem like thats what they are doing by adding in the slow-mo.
Octavia getting stabbed through the abdomen and falling off that cliff is so ridiculous I can’t even describe how fucking stupid it was. There is no way she could have survived that fall relatively unharmed. Even without that stab wound, she should have broken bones, probably snapped her neck. She should be DEAD. And I bet you anything that in the next episodes the only wound that will be addressed will be her stab wound, not anything she sustained during the fall. Because lets be real, that fall was just there to create drama and parallel her to Aragorn, but it didn’t look like she was suffering from any other injuries.
*clenches fists* URGHHHHH
I didn’t like Raven’s line to Luna: “It’s not your blood that defines you, it’s your heart.”
a) it’s cheesy as fuck and I despise cheesy things oh my god
b) it doesn’t sound like something Raven would say. I mean, didn’t we just spend last two episodes exploring how RUTHLESS Raven can be and how she just … doesn’t connect with people in the same way as someone who was more of a “heart” kinda person would? Not to say that Raven is heartless (cause she’s NOT) or doesn’t know how to empathize with people but she’s always been a head over heart kinda gal and, especially since we’ve seen that focused on so heavily lately, it seems odd that SHE would be the one to say that line. It implies that Raven thinks that a person’s morality and their compassion and all that shit are a LOT more important than what we’ve been led to believe by her actions in recent episodes. And believe me I’m not dragging Raven or anything because I love Raven and I love how pragmatic and rational she is, but this line seemed like it should have been written for someone else. It would have made more sense if someone like Abby said it.
(Anyway I have no idea how to articulate any of what I was trying to say but whatever)
c) it felt out of place in the scene and pretty much entirely unnecessary
Just all around an awkward line.
I didn’t like the piano music in Bellamy’s scene where he finds out about Octavia. It felt like they were trying to force the emotion onto us instead of just letting us feel it. I wish they had cut the music off entirely and just let us HEAR and SEE the emotion of the scene through Bellamy (and Kane’s) grief. That would have been a lot more impactful. I’ve seen other people point it out as well, but I also wish that the camera lingered more on Bellamy. The shots were all over the place, it was hard to focus on anything. The music was distracting, the camerawork was distracting … It could have been better.
A lot of the issues in the episode are probably due to that being the director’s debut though, so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt for now. I’m sure it will get better.
I’m not as upset as most people about the lack of Bellamy in the episode, tbh. I missed him and I wish there was more but I’m not ANGRY. I think people are blaming this all on Kim but I don’t think Kim actually has the ability to just be like “you know what, fuck Bellamy, he’s not going in this episode”. It’s not just up to her - its up to the entire writers room. Remember, they decide what goes in the episodes. Individual writers just decided on the smaller details, like specific lines and movements and how they want the scenes to come to life. But the lack of Bellamy definitely wasn’t just up to her.
Remember 3x10? We got like, two minutes of Clarke in that episode due to scheduling issues with Eliza. My gut tells me that they probably knew Bob wouldn’t be able to film much for 4x04 and that’s why he’s barely in it. They probably gave that episode to Kim BECAUSE they know she doesn’t enjoy writing Bellamy as much, but I don’t think that him not being in the episode was really up to her. Just my two cents.
Anyway I touched the main points. I know you probably didn’t want this response but oh wellll. Thanks for sending in the ask!
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masterstrading · 7 years
You said you didn't like the 2004 movie, do you have any dreamcasting for a remake?
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it; the cinematography was absolutely stunning, the aesthetic was gorgeous, I admired the very intricate detailing, costumes were grandiose & lush, Patrick Wilson made an absolutely stunning Raoul. Overall, I just found Emmy & Gerard a little lackluster. Although, Gerry had some amazing acting but let’s be honest that deformity was pathetic & his singing needed some work. Emmy, however, was a bit dull in regards to both singing & acting. However, I blame that mostly on A.) she was 16 when cast + recorded the singing, 17 when she filmed, & 18 upon its release. B.) she’s an amazing actress in quite literally everything she’s starred in prior & after it, same as Kristen Stewart in “Twilight,” so I think it had to do with Joel Schumacher’s directing.
Personally, as much as I’d love a musical movie, I don’t exactly want a remake of the ALW musical per se. I’d like a Leroux accurate adaptation.
First off no Phantom & Christine having sex. Nope. Nuh-uh. Bye. No way. Not happening. I enjoy E/C (sometimes even ship it) too but he is a grown ass man & took a grieving, emotionally vulnerable girl & manipulated her into a relationship she didn’t want. He was cruel. We aren’t blaming her for trying to escape her abuser either. She’s allowed to fall in love & find healing. She doesn’t owe anyone a relationship. Her life, her autonomy, her choice, she’s in charge of her own narrative. Back off. Stop victim-blaming the survivor. Like can you end the glorification & romanticism of abuse? Erik’s past trauma isn’t an excuse, yes he’s tragic, but he’s not just misunderstood; he’s been isolated for so long he doesn’t comprehend proper articulation & expression of emotion, he was dangerous, he murdered several people. No possibilty of LND, none. Like whatsoever. At all.
The Phantom, Erik: Gary Oldman; Do I really need to say anything about this legend?
*Also wouldn’t mind having Aidan Gillen as The Phantom. They are both very intriguing, deep actors that carry so much talent within them & are very versatile. Actually, I almost put him there, but felt two GoT stars was a bit of a reach let’s be honest.
Christine Daaé: Emilia Clarke - Boy, I really love her work. She’s just so nuisanced & subtle in her deliveries. I want a sweet, naïve, gentle, loving Christine that isn’t afraid to show her backbone. I feel she’d really encompass her strength in such an elegant, cunning, charming way. I’m tired of vapid, doe-eyed, spineless Christine’s. They’re wonderful in their own right. But I just have a spot in my heart for these soft delicate Christine’s that radiate warmth, joy, compassion, & grace with such tenderness whilst remaining to have an equally fiery, dynamic, powerful, passionate performance. In my wildest dreams, she could reuse one of her 4 blonde Daenerys wigs & have it styled similarly to either the West End (ala Celinde Schoenmaker’s, Harriet Jones’s, Amy Manford’s pre humidity or Sierra Boggess’s Classical Brit award wig), Moscow/World Tour, Hamburg, or the traditional Degas way.
Vicomte Raoul de Chagny: Aaron Tveit - Ugh, he just makes me heart swoon. Really, he’d be splendid in the musical too. Can’t you imagine it? I mean I can! Ah he’d just be so serious, strong, heroic but kind & serious with a warm sympathy in regards to Christine. None of that abrasive, violent, aggressive bs in the restaged tour. I just want his fine little behind to be the innocent & somewhat awkward knight-in-shining-armour Raoul whom actually isn’t perfect but is still nobly chivalrous & well intentioned. I don’t want pompous arrogance or being irritated with her. No, just no. It’s reasonable for him to doubt her mental health, but being rude & toxic is not okay. Boyish with a cavalier manner, sincere, devoted, protective but not controlling, grounded, & frightened just as much as her. Boy would Aaron nail this. *Drools*
Count Phillipe de Chagny; Paul Wesley - Man, he is such a looker. Paul is so suave & handsome, plus quite the poignant actor, he seems like he’d be a nice Phillipe.
The Daroga aka Nadir or Tu; Shaun Toub - he’s actually Persian & he’s established himself as a talented actor with quite the impressive list of work under his belt.
Madame Giry; Mariska Hargitay - I feel like this sounds weird. Well, Mariska is so extraordinary & I think she would just further develop an already ambiguously multifaceted character. Plus, she has similar heritage & traits as Violetta, they look as though they could be related to me so…. ‘Cause Olivia Benson. Enough said.
Meg Giry; Violetta Komyshan - A young, classically trained ballerina & is quite beautiful. She’s of Bulgarian + Romani descent (love me my Roma representation) & is absolutely gorgeous. She’s naturally very dark-haired & dyed it slightly lighter, but I think she’d be a very fitting Meg.
Madame Valérius; Sarah Brightman - I don’t care if she’s not elderly, I love this woman more than my life & if it wasn’t for her POTO as we know it wouldn’t be what it is today. I really just want some appreciation for this icon & a few little appearances
*I would of loved to have Misty Copeland as Meg but alas she’s too old & I couldn’t figure out a Madame Giry to play opposite her if she was of age.
Crew & Design;
Costumes/Sets; Maria Björnson- Literally keep all of Maria’s original design, maybe with a few touches of Alexandra Byrne’s flair, with slight alterations for film. Make it grand, vibrant, historically accurate. But not too bright, like the Phantom’s lair in the 2004 movie.
Cinematography; Sam Esmail - his lighting work behind the camera is simply riveting.
Score; Maybe Daniel Hart? Very underappreciated film composer.
I honestly don’t have a director in mind.
Thanks for the really interesting ask!
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