#Church of Latter Day Saints
victoriadallonfan · 2 months
I don't agree with a lot of Sanderson's politics - and they aren't, in fact, based in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints doctrine, but rather Utah culture - but it also makes me pretty uncomfortable to hear you badmouthing the church I'm part of?
I badmouth religious organizations in general, Catholic Church included (in which I was raised) because they tend to be overwhelmingly corrupt and abusive towards their own church members (and especially towards people outside of them)
Mormonism in particular is especially bad for how being part of the church requires “tithings” from paychecks plus their treatment of women, minorities, and even men in ways that are almost so explicitly manipulative and cultish that it feels like it comes out of parody.
(For example, I simply declared, “I am no longer catholic” and that was it. Done. You cannot generally do the same in LDS without incredible backlash and slander by its members)
And it’s very obvious when it shows up in fictional books by a lot of Mormon writers, because it’s so conservative that it’s a step or two behind the times.
It’s not as bad as Westeros Westboro Baptist Church or Scientology, but that’s not a high bar to clear.
If your time in the church was different, I’m happy for you, because it means you likely avoided the worst parts of their abuse.
Still, if you have the time, I’d suggest watching these videos (in no particular order):
Why I Left Mormonism - Video covering the creation of the channel “Cults to Consciousness” and her abusive home life under the church
The BITE Model - Simple PowerPoint explaining the reoccurring factors of cults
Ex-Mormon Cast Reacts to Mormon Debates -Cast of ex-Mormon members react to a Mormon debate and highlight various lies and falsehoods presented, as well talk about teachings/history Mormon Church does not want revealed publicly
How the Mormon Church ‘Help Line’ Hid Child Abuse - Exactly what it says. Survivors speak out and the church has done nothing for them or worse.
If you don’t want to watch these videos, if you can’t stomach the testimonies, ask yourself and others these questions:
- How often are you allowed to preach about Heavenly Mother?
- How often do you see women in power within the church, as in, deciding doctrine and not just playing piano or making food for the men?
- How often do you see minorities in power within the church, as in, deciding doctrine or being treated as a token?
- How often does your church talk about the incredibly high suicide rates for children and how it’s associated with its practices?
- How come when a racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic etc Prophet speaks its “the word of God” and doctrine, but then another Prophet can simply claim it was mere “policy”. Was ‘God’ lying to the prophets? Were the prophets lying about God? How can you trust what is their words and what is God?
- How come the church hid $30 Billion dollars from the public and even its own lower members?
- How come the founder lied about what was on the Egyptian papyrus, claiming it was a translation from God, but people who can actually read Egyptian pointed out he was lying?
- How come you get treated differently for asking these supposedly easy to answer questions?
I do not go after Brandon or you because you happen to be religious. I think belief in a higher power is one’s own choice and prerogative.
I instead care far more about the religious system that is using well-intended people like pawns for goals that pretty much boil down to money and power.
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dk-thrive · 1 year
We can choose to be grateful, no matter what. This type of gratitude transcends whatever is happening around us. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement and despair. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, from "Grateful in Any Circumstances," General Conference April 2014 (via Make Believe Boutique)
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girlpog · 2 years
So I’m watching Keep Sweet, Pray, and Obey on Netflix and they’re talking about how the FLDS believe that a man needs to have at least 3 wives to enter the gates of Heaven and get cool god powers and this one guy keeps complaining about how he only has 2 wives and I couldn’t get this image out of my head
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love-it-all12345 · 2 years
As an Ex Momon living in Utah, I would love to know what other people are taught about Mormon history. Specifically what people in Illinois and Missouri are taught.
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kp777 · 2 years
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dejahisashmom · 5 months
The Archangel Michael
This post is about the archangel Michael. This isn't a comprehensive insight into this particular archangel.
We are going to be discussing the archangel Michael. This is by no means a comprehensive delve into Michael. We may end up editing this one to include more information as it becomes available to us. Thank you very much for your continued support & reading! Enjoy. There are very few actual biblical references to the archangel Micheal. He was found in Jude chapter 9, Daniel 10:13, and verse 21,…
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meepensperkalerk · 1 year
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lannister2201 · 1 year
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heathersdesk · 2 months
There are a lot of adults going to church today who are going to be Pikachu-face surprised when they get to judgment and are handed a millstone to place around their necks because of how unsafe they've made this world for children.
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emma--anacortes · 2 years
Guys, PLEASE sign this and share. Clergy in many states, including Idaho (which has a huge population of Mormons) are NOT required to report child abuse if confessed. This results in children continuing to suffer. Please sign and share, it is so important!
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scripture-pictures · 2 years
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months
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You know… honestly, I have no words. Just watch the video, it does more than any words I can think of right now.
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Calma que aconteceu mt coisa hoje,fiz curativo de acesso central coisa que SÓ ENFERMEIRO pode fazer,sonda de alimentação QUE SÓ ENFERMEIRO pode fazer,admiti um monte de gente nas enfermarias,na noite anterior tive que controlar um paciente desorientado que se jogou no chão,isso pq 3 dias atrás eu já tinha ajudado a mãe dela a limpar as partes íntimas, por fralda,o coitado bateu cabeça e agora tá todo assim hoje conseguimos pedir o que precisava pra ele,meu pé tá super inchado pois mt tempo de pé mas cara,aprendi tanta coisa.
Dormir no hospital como uma enfermeira de verdade,30 horas de plantão .
Voltei pra casa e ainda tenho energia e tudo o que eu queria era um beijo e abraço do Paulo perguntando como foi meu plantão.
Falei a uma das meninas que eu gostaria sim de ser dona de casa e todos acham a ideia terrível,eu me vejo dando o melhor de mim a onde escolher estar,ainda sim,amo ser independe e uma coisa não anula outra,orei pra que encontrassem bom parceiros,sempre falo da igreja em pequenas doses pra não caudas atrito ou estranmento,quero que venham.
Bom,tô de jejum,mesmo com isso tudo kkkkk e orando pra que a missão do Marcos seja um sucesso, que eu me anime,e que minha família voltem ao propósito do Senhor.
Obrigada por ser sempre tão cuidadoso.
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demigodofhoolemere · 21 days
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Let’s go!
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I don't wanna think celestial, I wanna live celestial
I wanna help build a society without poverty, where we recognize the divinity within all members of our human family, and I wanna build it here in this world rather than being preoccupied with the next
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