#Canon Remus Defense Squad
acewitch-writes · 4 months
I love Canon Remus and all of his flaws. Enough of this "Casanova of Gryffindor Tower" BS, Remus is the cowardly lion of Gryffindor tower. He values bravery because it is something that he lacks and yet still strives to be. He has an ingrained sense of shame and self-loathing and an inferiority complex that stems from society's contempt and marginalization towards Lycanthropy, a condition he was cursed with from a very young age. He wasn't a leader, he was a follower. A blind follower who believed to his core that he was unworthy of love and respect because of what he was.
Which opens the door to what I believe to be Remus' greatest flaw: His unwavering, unquestioning devotion to Albus Dumbledore.
I think Remus saw Dumbledore as the perfect encapsulation of Good. He was everything that Remus desperately wanted to be, everything that society was determined to believe a werewolf could never be. And maybe, if Remus could earn (and cling to) Dumbledore's favor and make him proud, he would prove to the world and himself that he is Good, too, in spite of his lifelong curse.
Remus felt that he owed Dumbledore a debt he could never hope to repay for allowing this chronically ill little boy into his school when no werewolf before him had ever been given such an opportunity. So many of Remus' choices in canon stem directly from this imagined debt that he had dedicated his life to paying. Hell, he didn't even hold a grudge against Snape for OUTING HIM to the entire wizarding world simply because Dumbledore trusted him.
Remus trusted Dumbledore wholeheartedly. And Dumbledore personally saw to Harry's placement with the Dursleys. Why should Remus have considered, for even a moment, that Harry wasn't safe? Certainly far safer than he would have been with a monster in close proximity, as Remus believed himself to be. In his mind, staying away from Harry was what was best for Harry. Until Dumbledore needed a favor, that is.
It's reductive to suggest that Remus failed Harry (and by extension, James) for putting his trust in Dumbledore to do right by Harry. James and Sirius trusted Dumbledore, too. They all did. Stripping away all of the nuance and blaming the abuse Harry suffered on Remus is simply unfair. NO ONE helped Harry, not even those who were fully equipped to do so, and Remus was the farthest thing from being equipped to take that on, what with being an impoverished werewolf living in a society that reviles his very existence. The only person who could have saved Harry from the abuse was the very man that placed him in that home, the very man that Remus revered with blind conviction.
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hchollym · 1 year
Any thoughts on Werewolf!Percy?
I love the idea of werewolf Percy! 😍 I've thought about writing a story with this concept a million times, but I haven't got around to it yet.
Let me be clear - I do not want to see this used as a punishment for Percy. First of all, he doesn't deserve/need a punishment (I hate when people say that), and second of all, there's way too many connections with HIV for me to be even remotely comfortable with Percy (who is clearly Queer in some way) being "punished" by getting this disease.
Other than that, I think this could be taken in so many interesting directions (particularly if it takes place between Books 4-6). Sadly, there's not many werewolf Percy stories out there, which is a shame, because it would completely change Percy's story arc:
The Ministry of Magic is horribly prejudiced against werewolves, so Percy loses his job and comes to the realization that the Ministry is unjust and bigoted. Most wizards (including most of the main characters) don't really give much thought to creatures' rights or the harsh reality of being a werewolf. Now, Percy has to come face to face with that reality and the idea that the Wizarding World (as a whole) is far more flawed than he originally thought.
He has to find a new career while dealing with the stigmatism of being a werewolf, plus trying to cope with the physical and emotional changes. I imagine this all leads to him analyzing his preconceived notions, reexamining his priorities, and it ultimately encourages him to believe that the Ministry needs to undergo some radical changes. I also like the idea of Percy learning to live more off the land and in nature (because he doesn't have much of a choice). I think he would ultimately find peace in that lifestyle and be happy with it, but there would be a lot of humor along the way (oh bloody hell, there's a giant bug coming towards me).
That being said, I do not want him to be forced to grovel to his parents/family for help. I want him to figure it out on his own. However, I would like it if this caused him to reach out to Remus. I would love to see Percy and Remus bonding, and frankly, I think it would be good for Remus too, because it doesn't matter that he got married and had a baby; he is still a mess in Book 7 and could use a friend who understands what he is going through.
It would also be interesting to see how this ties into Bill's attack in Book 6. Do the Weasleys even know that Percy is a werewolf? If so, does Bill reach out to him because he had such a close call himself? And if the Weasleys don't know, does Percy reach out to Bill because he heard about the attack but never learned of the outcome?
In addition, does Percy become a spy in an entirely different way than anyone would expect, having to blend in with Greyback and his gang? How does this effect his romantic relationships? Does he opt not to have kids (because it's such a huge risk)? If so, do he and Charlie grow closer because of it?
You could even add in A/B/O dynamics (one of my personal favorites) or pack mentality. There's just so many possibilities, and I love it! If anyone writes something with werewolf Percy, please let me know, because I will 100% read it! 🥰
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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May we please have the detailed reasons for your atla Sides headcanons?
Yeah sure! Though fair warning: lots of spoilers and meta for AtLA below.
Also this is LONG so I put it under a cut: 
Virgil’s favorite character as Zuko: I think Virgil would connect to the way Zuko, prior to the Day of Black Sun, exists on the fringes. He’s outcast from the Fire Nation, but he’s also outcast from the “good guys” until he earns his place among them in Book 3. I don’t mean to say that Virgil’s acceptance arc is in any way a direct parallel to Zuko’s redemption arc, because I think they are fundamentally different. But that idea of loneliness and trying desperately to figure out what the right thing to do is--even if that makes you a bad guy in the broader narrative--I think is something that would resonate with Virgil. (Plus, Zuko is peak Angsty Emo Angry Teen Energy that I think Virgil would vibe with.) 
Logan’s favorite character as Sokka: I think Logan would appreciate Sokka and also feel a certain level of defensiveness towards him, because Sokka is brilliant tactically and strategically, but that aspect to his character is frequently overlooked (though the AtLA renaissance has definitely embraced that element to him more). I think Logan would appreciate Sokka’s understated intelligence. At 15 years old, Sokka: invents hot air balloons, invents submarines, breaks into a high security prison and comes up with not one but TWO extraction plans, plans (and eventually leads) the invasion on the day of Black Sun, not to mention the role he played in Sozin’s Comet. And he does all of this without the “magic” of bending. Sokka’s greatest strength is his mind and the way he wields it. And I think Logan would see that and immediately jump on the Sokka Defense Squad. 
Patton’s favorite character as Aang: There’s a number of reasons why I think Patton’s favorite would be Aang. One of them is that as much as Patton is the “father figure”, he’s also the “inner child”. And Aang, as a character, also walks this line of being a literal child while also carrying this tremendous weight with him. Everybody--everybody’s--hope rests on this poor kid’s shoulders, and nobody lets him forget it. And few people put more pressure on Aang regarding that all than Aang himself. But he still manages to carve out time to just... be a kid. As much as he is able when he’s been tasked with saving the world. My favorite interpretation of Patton’s character involve the idea that he chooses to see good things in the world despite knowing, intimately, just how dark it can be. And Aang is an example of that in AtLA. Aang is a symbol of hope in a very dark world, but he chooses to find and seek hope himself too. ALSO, I think Patton, as Morality, would greatly and deeply appreciate the inner conflict and struggle that becomes central for Aang’s character during the Sozin Comet arc, prior to facing off with Ozai. Aang’s struggle with not wanting to kill Ozai, the complexity that is brought to that narrative through the genocide of his people and how Aang is literally the only one left that can carry on the legacy of the Air Nomads and therefore wanting to do right by their teachings even when the entire world AND his own past lives are telling him otherwise... I think Aang finding a way to strike that balance would mean a lot to Patton and resonate with him as Morality. 
Roman’s favorite character as Zuko also: So, I think Roman would also resonate with Zuko but for different reasons than Virgil. Zuko, early in the series, is obsessed with this idea of honor, and of earning his father’s love and pride. That’s what he really wants when he says he wants the Avatar. And I think Roman would understand that. I think he’d relate to this idea of wanting to make the people who matter to you proud. Roman has expressed a fear in Sanders Sides canon of letting Thomas down, and Zuko’s attempt at redemption to his father in reminiscent of a similar desire. And that never really goes away as a motivator for Zuko, even if the recipient of that desire (if you will) changes from Ozai to Iroh. After Zuko confronts Ozai on the Day of Black Sun, Zuko still expresses that desire to make the people who matter to him proud of him. Zuko doesn’t truly get that conclusion to his arc until Sozin’s Comet when he is reunited with Iroh, who affirms that feeling for him. I think that moment, and that whole dynamic to Zuko’s character arc, would feel significant to Roman.
Remus’s favorite as Bumi: Okay, we know a lot less about Remus as a character so this one is admittedly not very deep or meaningful. I tried to think of the character that radiated the most chaotic energy, and Bumi was towards the top of the list. There’s a lot of complex stuff I could say about Bumi’s character, but as for why I think he’d be Remus’s favorite? Chaos incarnate. 
Janus’s favorite as Kyoshi or Azula: First, I’ll talk about Kyoshi since that is a more simple answer. I don’t know much about canon lore outside of the show, so I’m only going to address what is in the AtLA canon. But I think Janus would appreciate how Kyoshi doesn’t pull any punches in her honesty about her murder of Chin. Kyoshi, every time she shows up, is painfully honest and blunt. She tells Aang he must kill Ozai because “without justice, there is no peace”. I think Janus would appreciate that, given how hard he works (especially lately in canon) to make Thomas be more honest with himself. 
When it comes to Azula, it’s almost the opposite. Azula lies left, right, and center. Zuko repeats this to himself when she tells him that his father plans to kill him (which, ironically, is actually a moment of truth from her). She deadpans that she’s a purple platypus bear just to prove to Toph how good of a liar she is. She lies and she manipulates, but Azula does this for two reasons that are interrelated: she lies to improve her standing (mostly in the eyes of her father), and she lies to survive. Given who Ozai is, those two things are not independent of each other. If she is to survive as a daughter of Ozai, she must continue to prove herself and improve her standing. Her father ruled--and therefore “secured” his safety--through fear, so Azula learns to do the same through manipulation and deceit. I don’t think Janus would argue that Azula is a “good aligned” character. But I think there are areas of gray with her (to what extent is she a victim? In what ways, if any, might the fact that she is a victim of abuse as well excuse the mistreatment she directed at Zuko? In what ways might the fact that neither Ursa nor Iroh appeared to have interceded on her behalf the way they did for Zuko inform her upbringing and therefore her way of approaching the world? Is that lack of intercession the fault of Ozai for favoring her? etc.) that Janus would find fascinating to explore and discuss. 
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I just finished remembrance (and it's pretty good! ) but I was wondering if you could give some headcanons as to what happened there. How do Penny, Luca & Rowan do as professors? Pip? How exactly did Chiara go through hell? (Hunted for being a half-breed?Lost more loved ones due to that?) Any night terrors or PTSD from the lot? How're the badgers after all that? How do the characters move on with their lives? Is Merula living as a hit witch? Chiara at St. Mungo's? Sorry I'm just really curious..
Before I go any further, I want to thank you so much for asking, anon! And I’d like to thank you for your kind words, and for showing interest. It always gives me a good feeling to know that someone is curious. As for how I see the future playing out, I talk about it a fair bit in this post right here, mostly concerning Gail, but I’m delighted to go into head-canons about your questions. 
One thing that I’ve been feeling more and more that Luca wouldn’t actually do, is teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. I think I was in a mindset of “There’s no other subject left” because I didn’t want to just say that Hagrid was retiring from teaching Care of Magical Creatures after all of four years. But in hindsight, I still want Harry James Potter in the D.A.D.A. job. But I think Luca would become a kind of makeshift therapist or guidance counselor for the Hogwarts students. Someone who could listen and help them figure things out, because they sure would have liked someone to do that for them when they were in school. As far as Penny and Rowan, I can’t say that I have too many head-canons other than that they would both be splendid at their jobs. Rowan has wanted to teach since they were a young child, and goodness me, Penny would be a breath of fresh air for most students after Snape. And as much as I love Slughorn, he was a little exclusive. Penny would rectify that. 
Pip was indeed adopted into the Trouble Trio’s big ol’ family. I talk about her a lot more in this post, but I can imagine her mouthing off to Aurelia and Nigel if they ever say or do something that’s a little dated, shall we say - they’re still learning how to be woke, bless their hearts. I think she would get into constant mischief and, despite being the closest to Merula, she’d have more in common with Tulip than anyone else. Really, the end-game here is that Luca is like the BBC version of John Watson. A softie who is drawn to all the chaos aligned folk, and their adoptive daughter is no different. 
I think Chiara’s status as a Half-Breed is what really made the second wizarding war and that entire time period such hell. We know from what Remus went through in the books, that it wouldn’t have been easy. We know the Umbridge was able to pass Anti-Werewolf laws. Call it the influence of Jae’s lawlessness, or just call it common sense, but Chiara never submitted herself to the Registry. Thus I imagine she was constantly on the move, trying to avoid the Werewolves who had gone to Voldemort, similar to how Slughorn kept moving around so that the Death Eaters would not try to recruit him. I also think that Chiara lost a number of people during the war. That one or both of her parents were killed. Perhaps something with Selina. I also alluded to Jae and Chiara breaking up a few times, which they did, and I think that can be traced back to Chiara’s nature, in how she pushes people away when she feels like they shouldn’t be caught up in her problems. But...I also think Jae crossed a line, here and there. He may have done dealings with death eaters, to keep himself on peaceful terms with them. Sure, it kept him and Chiara alive, but it’s still helping them. What’s more, he became an informant for the Ministry, which as we know was exceedingly corrupt in the last few years. He was ordered to submit the names of all werewolves he knew. Sure, it would have looked suspicious to deny knowing any at all...but these are still human beings, and part of the minority that Chiara is in. Of course he never named her, but he named others. I think it may take time for Chiara to forgive him for that, even if she understands why he had to. 
There is most certainly a lot of trauma to go around with the badger squad, but they have each other and that’s what matters. If we want, we could even say that Chiara left St. Mungo’s and became Madam Pomfrey’s successor so that she could be closer to her oldest friends. Just an idea. I think out of everyone, Penny and Chiara were the most torn up about Tonks. It’s in Penny’s nature to collapse when something like this happens, and given everything that Chiara has been through, it was just one loss too many. It would time and healing for them to all be okay. But I also believe that they move on with their lives. Luca and their partners raise Pippa Scruff, and Luca carries Jacob with them in their heart. Rowan and Diego return to live in Britain and I think that makes both of them a lot happier, especially since Rowan gets to be near their friends and feel less like they’re a failure at socializing. I also feel like the badger squad is able to heal by pouring themselves into their new careers, and helping aid the little ones. Meanwhile, Tulip is doing what she loves, with the people she loves by her side. So while she also took Tonks’  death really hard, she’s got a kid now. A kid who is just like her. That’s got to provide some distraction and serotonin. 
Meanwhile, I’m not sure if Merula would remain a Hit Witch. Luca and Tulip were never happy about it, for the same reason any significant other isn’t happy about their loved one going into a career that involves guns, and potential death. They want Merula to be happy, but they also want her to be safe. Following the Battle of Hogwarts, Merula might choose to leave that career for the sake of her partners. Because the risk would just become too much for them to live with. I’m not sure where she would go from there. But I have an idea. My head-canon for Beatrice is that she eventually becomes an Unspeakable. If Merula is looking for a new career, well...that also kinda seems like it would be right up her alley. Beatrice could owl her and offer to make a recommendation. 
Again, thank you so much for the message, and thank you for checking out my work! (Psst, shameless self plug, Accordance returns tomorrow, everyone!) 
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
My Harry Potter headcanons
Harry Potter is Bi 
Harry’s scar was growing every year. Grows from a tiny lightning bolt, to a storm overtaking his face. Only after Voldemort is defeated does it recede to just his forehead.
Hermione is Autistic
Sirius Black is pan and in love with Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin is Demiromantic and in love with Sirius Black
Tonks is nonbinary and pan and in love with Tulip Karasu
Charlie Weasley is Asexual
Luna Lovegood is Asexual
Bill Weasley is Bisexual and in a poly relationship with Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum
Severus Snape is Trans
In Year 4 Harry was an absolute Bi disaster and was crushing on Cedric and Cho and asked both of them out at the same time
Harry has hit on every Weasley sibling just to fuck with Ron
America has two major Wizarding Schools. Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and The Salem Institute of Extraordinary Magic. I chose what we all thought would be the American Wizarding School because it would be important and honestly better than cultural appropriating a culture without their permission and not allowing Indigenous Tribes to found Ilvermorny. The Salem Witches Institute is important because it will show that what happened in Salem can never happen again. An Intersectional Academy for Witches and Wizards everywhere. Taught to defend themselves, taught never to be defenseless, taught to fight and taught that what happened in Salem can never happen again. First it was known as The Salem Witches Institute, but became The Salem Institute Of Extraordinary Magic over time and accepted Wizards into their school. 
Ilvermorny was founded by Native Americans. It was their school and culture. It wasn’t until the European settlers invaded and raided  Ilvermorny and erased the Native Americans and stole everything and made  Ilvermorny their own. Basically history was written by the victors. It wasn’t till the late 1980′s that this was brought to light and the real history was made public.(Fuck your cultural appropriative ass JK)
The Hogwarts Founders are witchcraft and wizardry masters from all around the world. Godric Gryffindor is African, Salazar Slytherin is Muslim, Rowena Ravenclaw is Chinese and Helga Hufflepuff is French Indian. To erase their diverse founders image from history, a bunch of racist headmasters used magic to keep the illusion that the founders were white. It wasn’t until the late 90′s where the truth was finally revealed.
Salazar Slytherin didn’t want muggle-born kids to come to Hogwarts because It was in a period of time during which muggles were,  murdering anyone they suspecting of having magical abilities.  And when Professor Binns talks about it, what he specifically says is that Salazar “[believed] them to be untrustworthy.”  Which it’s easy to interpret as, “they might give us away to their muggle families and get us and all of our students killed.”And if you look at it that way, it’s not hard to imagine that the Chamber of Secrets was actually built as a defense for the school – maybe arguably a misguided one, but still a defense – the same way the enchanted statues are.  And that the original intent of it and Salazar’s requirements for sorting were twisted over the centuries, becoming less of an effort to protect the school from a group who, at the time, were potential threats to them, and more of a powertrip, especially once the magical community separated itself from the muggle community.I mean, Binns does also specify that the bit about “purging the school of people unworthy of practicing magic” is part of the legend and not the factual history of the school.  And it was Riddle/Voldemort who first used the basilisk.
Newt Scamander created the Werewolf Registry in a way to introduce laws that would protect and help werewolves, but the Ministry twisted it into its own bigoted laws.  It’d make Newt likeable without having to ignore the whole Werewolf Registry thing, and it’d be another chance to show just how fucking awful the Ministry is. Doing that would make Newt’s likeability skyrocket, instead of what we’ve got right now, which is him being very likeable, but the shadow of what happens is something you have to ignore in order to like him.
The Knights Of Walpurgis were the only ones who Voldemort considered to be his true friends, the rest of the Death Eaters were just followers to him.
Lily had a witch squad with Marlene McKinnon,  Mary MacDonald,  Dorcas Meadowes, Molly Prewett and Alice Lightwood
Because of Snape and Lily’s close friendship, Lily developed feelings for Snape, but when he called her a mudblood and seeing him with the Slytherins who would become Death Eaters, all Lily felt for Snape was disgust
When James and Lily started dating and Lily became friends with The Marauders, Lily became a registered Animagus to help Remus. Lily’s Animagus is a Doe and her Marauder name is Fawna
Walburga and Orion were abusive towards Sirius and Regulus
Harry celebrates Father’s Day by celebrating with Hagrid and celebrates Mother’s day by celebrating with The Weasleys for Molly and honoring Professor McGonagall
Lucius and Narcissa were loving parents towards Draco. Despite what the Draco stans do to demonize them just to woobify Draco
Despite JK’s claims, Draco does have happy enough memories to produce a patronus. He grew up in a stable home with loving parents. Draco’s patronus is a Thestral. 
Pansy Parkinson’s patronus is a King Cobra and Blasie Zabini’s patronus is a Fox
During Snape’s Legilimency lessons with Harry, Snape saw how abusive the Dursleys were towards him and it gave Snape flashbacks to how Tobias treated him and both Snape and McGonagall protested to Dumbledore about how fucked up it is that Harry has to live in an abusive house.
After Cornelius Fudge was dismissed from office, he was tried for the murder of Barty Crouch Jr 
Sirius Black was convicted without a trial and a proper investigation was just cruel and unfair. His fellow OOTP members who became Aurors who knew him best were not allowed to investigate Sirius. They knew Sirius was not capable of doing what he did but were silenced. The Ministry needed a scapegoat and Dumbledore did not want Sirius to raise Harry. Dumbledore gave second chances to people who he could use.  He gave Snape a chance because Snape was of use to him. He used Harry because Harry was the key to defeating Voldemort and for the greater good. Dumbledore randomly helped Remus when he was a boy by going out of his way to let Remus come to Hogwarts and Remus himself once admitted that he will forever be grateful to Dumbledore and Remus was a member of the Order. Dumbledore sends Remus to live with werewolves and try to convince them to join the Order. Dumbledore manipulated Remus for the greater good. Dumbledore had no use for Sirius. Dumbledore could have spoken up and fought on behalf of Sirius, Wizengamot but he didn’t and Sirius was forced to be in Azkaban for 12 years. Dumbledore manipulated Sirius’ death. He didn’t have a use for Sirius, didn’t care for him and  having Harry go live with Sirius at 12 Grimmauld Place would take away the protection spell placed upon The Dursleys which went against Dumbledore’s plans, so I fully believe Albus manipulated Sirius’ death so Harry would stay with the Dursleys.
The Fudge administration was investigated for corruption and the unjust imprisonment of Sirius Black
Neville acknowledging that, while Snape was most definitely more consistently awful, McGonagall was actually pretty goddamn terrible to him in third year with the whole "You don't deserve unrestricted access to your bed when a murderer was loose on Hogwarts grounds" punishment for a mistake, and McGonagall owning up to that and apologizing.
When Sirius returned to 12 Grimmauld Place and was confronted by the portrait of Walburga and told him she can finally say she is “proud of him” for being convicted of betraying The Potters and killing the Muggles and Sirius has never been so disgusted in his entire life  
Dumbledore was raising Harry to be an Obscurus
When Harry, Ron and Hermione came back to Hogwarts looking for the Horcruxes. Hermione apologized to Cho and Marietta and undid the jinx.
After the Battle Of Hogwarts, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione went to Godric Hollow to fix up The Potter cottage together. Harry and Ginny live at Godric’s Hollow with their children and they are one big happy family.
After sometime of self-reflection Draco and Pansy do end up together, but realize the way they acted in Hogwarts was awful and eventually make amends to everyone. First they break away and distanced themselves from their families. Draco and Pansy reaches out seek to make amends with everyone involved with the DA. So one day as they gather at Hogsmeade, they properly apologize for everything. It takes some time, but eventually they are forgiven. Draco  even got that handshake with Harry! Draco and Pansy raise their son Scorpius together and raises him right and never to be prejudiced. They are healers together.
Luna and Neville end up together(this is my canon, so shut up) they fall in love shortly after the Battle Of Hogwarts. Neville teaches Herbology. Luna is a Magizoologist. They have two kids. Alice and Lysander
Harry and Ginny had a 4th child. Ruby Molly Weasley, named after Hagrid and Molly
After the war. Hagrid goes back to Hogwarts and finally finishes his education. Harry takes him to Diagon Alley to return the favor.
After the war, Harry turns 12 Grimmauld Place  into a children’s home for Hogwarts students who can’t or shouldn’t or don’t want to go back home for the summer or holidays. And Harry renames it the R.J. Lupin House Inspiration
When their time at the Ministry was finished. The Big Seven returned to Hogwarts as Professors. Harry became the Professor Defense Against The Dark Arts, Ron would be the Charms Professor, Hermione would become the Transfiguration professor, Neville would remain as Herbology Professor, Luna would be the Care For Magical Creatures Professor, Ginny would be the Flying Instructor, and Draco would be the Potions Master
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ao3feed-snape · 4 years
Weasley is our King
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lpodhh
by onyxjay
What if Remus was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor during Harry's fifth year? Well, he certainly would have stood by and let the Slytherins humiliate Ron without repercussions
Words: 768, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Harry Potter
Additional Tags: ron weasley defense squad, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Canon Compliant, draco malfoy is a dick, so is Severus Snape
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lpodhh
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