#But it will be for when I'm in a fancy mood - a more convenient and less frilly version of my hard-cover acid-free sketchbook
sysig · 2 years
So as it turns out I might miss lined paper a lot actually
#And also just like - not finishing doodles lol#I do not vibe with this new notebook - away it goes#No kidding I do still intend to use it - my hand did not suffer for that long just to not use it lol#But it will be for when I'm in a fancy mood - a more convenient and less frilly version of my hard-cover acid-free sketchbook#I dislike that guy because of the bad ''''''''''spiral'''''''''' binding >:0#What's the point of easy-release binding if the pages have perforation >:0 I already don't want them to leave their papery prison#Stop making it easier for my delicate and easily destroyed art to escape and blow in the wind >:0#Anyway lol#I have a couple notebooks I can test yet but honestly I've been getting a lot out of my scratch notebook#I mentioned it but I didn't actually explain anything about it lol#It's one of my rejects with a nice texture and otherwise overall paper quality - but it has a crease through literally every page#Something went terribly wrong in the manufacturing and QA that day lol#So I've been using it to just get ideas out of my head rather than make them pretty like I usually do#Filling the page however I want rather than to ''full'' - far I've been using it for mini ideas and calling the page when the mini's done#Which can be as little as five panels or as much as multiple pages - both of which have happened so far lol#And wouldn't you know not limiting myself to ''done perfectly'' has gotten me to make way more minis lol#They're still not at a point where I'm ready to show them off (except on Patreon cough cough) but they exist!#That's way better than keeping them in my head love that#So yeah - lined paper is GOAT
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koolades-world · 4 months
One bed troupe w/ Mammon
There wasn't a boring day with Mammon around. As your self proclaimed first man, he ensured you went everywhere together. Because of this, he often dragged you along to gatherings with his friends.
When you first arrived in the Devildom, you didn’t get out very much. It was a pretty straight schedule: wake up, get walked to school by whoever's turn it was that day, do class, get walked home by someone else, do homework, go to sleep, then repeat. Once you got closer, Mammon realized how boring of a life you were living despite being in hell. He vowed to make your life more interesting and began showing you the fun side of life. He brought you to bars, restaurants, his favorite casino (of course), and so much more.
Today was no different. You were at a casino together with his friends early in the evening. You had grown closer with them at this point, and things weren't awkward when he had to leave for whatever reason. While nice, you began to learn the things Mammon hadn't told you that he told them. It was never anything bad, rather, it was usually cute things, such as how he really loved when you wore yellow or gold since he gushed to them every time you did.
Mammon had walked off to cash out his large bucket of tokens he'd earned for the third time that night, leaving you and his friends to chat.
"Tonight is a good night, huh?" You sip at your drink, lazily stirring it with the cute decorative pick that came with it.
"It is!" His friend states, shaking his own bucket.
"Mammon would say, it's cause of you." Another chuckles. You join in, amused.
"That's my Mammon. I'm happy to be a good luck charm, especially since he bought me my drink." You cause the group to laugh. The conversation begins to drift, but somehow makes its way back to Mammon
"You know, he's a little worried about you. Later tonight, one of Vazimid's friends is stopping by, but Mammon has been saying he hasn't liked the way he's been eyeing you." This statement worries you too. You know that despite growing comfortable, the Devildom is by no means safe. Mammon is protective, but it's rare that he'd admit it. Before you could respond, Mammon came back.
"Hey, Mc! I'm rich! Gotta say, I only do this good when yer around." He fixed his jacket, a smug grin on his face.
"Well, I wouldn't mind joining you every time you come here." You throw your arms around him, catching him off guard. The confidence melts away from his face as he begins to stutter, causing you to hug him tighter. The next few hours go well, until that friend arrived that nobody seemed to want there, which killed the mood. Mammon kept you close, but it eased him when you were by his side.
Later in the night, someone else in the group conveniently ended up winning several fancy room in the hotel the casino was in, free of charge. It was all a little too convenient. When Vazimid's friend asked who would be staying with who, Mammon immediately claimed a room for the both of you that nobody else was allowed in. After you teased him a little about it, a quick uncharacteristic glare to silence you. Not wanting to make him more upset, you remained quiet.
After collecting the room key, he drags you away from the friend group and onto the impossibly tall elevator. The ride up was quick, but neither of you spoke. Once you arrived at the room, Mammon unlocked it and promptly close it behind the both of you. You finally work up the courage to speak, but you’re not really sure what to say, or where to start.
“Mams? Is something wrong?” You put a hand on his arm and peer at his face. His expression is tight but softens once he sees the worry in you eyes.
“Nothin’ darlin’.” He smiled at you, but you can still tell something is bothering him.
“I know you. Tell me what’s wrong.” You placed your other hand on his other arm so you could pull him closer.
He hesitates at first, but eventually speaks. "Do ya really wanna know? It's dumb." He glanced at you.
"I do. Now tell me." You waited.
"It's that demon that Vazimid keep brining around. Don't trust him around you at all. I just know he wants to get his slimy hands on you." He sighed. You giggled a little at the realization.
"It's alright to be jealous, babe." Mammon back away from you instantly at the accusation.
"Hey, hey. That's not what I said!" His ears turned red, confirming what you thought.
"Whatever you say. Will sharing that bed with me quell your inner turmoil?" You began to giggle more as he came to the realization that he'd picked a room that only had one bed. 'It's free, Mams. You love free things." You scanned the room and saw a variety of goodies laying around the room you knew Mammon would scoop up once he was done being embarrassed.
You decided to leave him to his own devices and get settled in the room. You took a quick trip into the bathroom to find two sets of hotel branded pajamas that were suspiciously in the correct sizes. You showered with the nicest soaps you'd ever gotten your hands on and reappeared to find Mammon sitting on a chair, on his D.D.D.
"I'm done, knock yourself out." You throw yourself down onto the bed, face first.
"Took ya long enough." He skulked away and took his turn in the bathroom too. When he was done, and also emerged in the matching, branded set, he seemed less enthusiastic to get in the bed than you had been. Once he sat down, though, he realized how nice it actually was.
"Ya should've told me how soft these pillow were." He cuddled one of the pillows to his chest.
"If I didn't, maybe you wouldn't have at all and I could've had this entire bed to myself. Now, stop cuddling that pillow and cuddle me instead." You rolled yourself over to him and did grabby hands in his direction. He went red again, but listened. His hair was still a little damp from his shower and the jasmine scented hotel soap made him smell wonderful. He always ran very hot, which you enjoyed since he worked as a great personal heater. Once he had decompressed, you spoke a little bit about your plans for tomorrow, and eventually you drifted off.
Mammon remained awake for a little bit longer, thinking about the exciting evening the both of you had had. He was thankful that he had you, and even though he would never admit it, he had been jealous. He hated the idea of sharing you with some werido that he never invited in the first place. He hugged you a little tighter, and eventually feel asleep himself, thinking about you.
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forestdeath1 · 3 months
It turned out that this microfic is 1600 words long, so if it's more convenient for someone to read on AO3, here's the link.
It's jilypad.
Sirius kisses Lily’s belly, stretched by a muggle T-shirt with Black Sabbath on it, his gift. The air's filled with the light scent of jasmine from the open window, letting in the cool June breeze. Lily isn't really into Black Sabbath, but Sirius hopes the band's symbolism might somehow influence Harry’s musical taste, since he’s got no hope with Lily and James. As Lily recently said, she wears that T-shirt solely because it features a "handsome vocalist" who reminds her of Sirius.   Sirius is quite pleased with that outcome.
They're sprawled on a wide sofa under a soft blanket, Sirius snuggled up beside Lily. The quiet of the Potter home, only interrupted by the ticking of antique clocks, always puts Sirius in a peaceful state. Lily gently strokes her rounded belly, while Sirius, with his arm around her waist, draws patterns on her skin, occasionally leaving soft kisses in response to the baby's sharp kicks. James, sitting opposite in a battered chair once favoured by Fleamont, reads the newspaper, his eyes scanning the pages gloomily.
"Oh," Lily exhales lightly. "He's been kicking all day. Extra lively today."
"Harry," Sirius murmurs softly, amazed at the depth of feeling he has for a child not yet born. "My handsome, smart boy."
"When did you get so sentimental?" James asks, not looking up from his paper.
"Since you married this incredible woman and started your own amateur production of 'Tiny Humans.' Even my frostbitten heart had to defrost for the premiere."
"Oh, my love," Lily, smiling softly, reaches out to gently ruffle Sirius's hair, "sometimes I think, what if I'd married you instead of James? How much prettier would my child be?" Lily's light, carefree laughter makes Sirius smile.
"Hey," James perks up, pretending to be offended. "There’s a lot of Blacks. And only one of me. Harry's gonna have the most unique hair in all of Magical Britain."
"And the dullest sense of humour," Sirius shoots back, still focused on the belly, speaking in a teasingly sweet tone as if talking to Harry. "Hopefully, you’ve got a better one. You got a bit short-changed on the genes from one side, but I promise to teach you."
"At least my humour doesn’t make people want to off themselves," counters James.
"You adore my jokes, don't kid yourself."
"Haven't heard one yet."
Sirius flicks his middle finger at James, who just chuckles, then removes his glasses and rubs his nose bridge in mock exasperation.
"Everything alright?" Lily asks him, concern in her voice.
"Yeah," James replies, trying to mask the worry in his voice. "Just going to make some tea."
Rising from his chair and heading to the kitchen, James leaves a trail of unspoken thoughts behind him. Sirius watches him go, and Lily, with a soft sigh, shakes her head.
"He's like this all day. Lost in thoughts about the war. Sticks to me like glue. Fancy taking him out somewhere? Hit a pub? Even stay out all night. He needs to get out more. He can't keep guarding me from God knows what," Lily adjusts a stray lock of Sirius's hair, a simple, familiar gesture.
"Alright, but not tonight," Sirius responds tenderly, kissing Lily's belly one last time before gently running his hand over her soft skin and carefully standing up from the sofa to not disturb her.
"Yeah," Sirius glances at the old wall clock, "and I'm already late."
"Why don't you move in with us?" Lily stops him with the question she poses every month.
"Don’t start," Sirius says with a light reprimand. "I'd end up covered in old people's dust here, sipping teas and reading newspapers. Tea? Seriously? When was the last time I drank tea?"
Her laughter, bright and full, fills the room, reflecting off the warm glow of the candles. She could easily shift from a pensive mood to mirth, and really, it took nothing to make her laugh. Lily was always so light, Sirius adored that about her. Like an autumn maple leaf playfully dancing with the wind – always ready to soar at the slightest breeze.
"Come here," she extends her arms, and Sirius leans in, allowing Lily to plant a tender kiss on his lips. "I love you," she looks at him, her gaze filled with care and tenderness, "Be careful."
"You too," Sirius smiles and ruffles her hair. "Look after Harry."
Stepping into the hallway, leaving Lily resting on the sofa, Sirius grabs his jacket from the coat rack and pulls it on, whistling a tune he caught in some noisy muggle café.
"James! I’m off."
James peeks out from the kitchen, holding a pack of tea.
"Not staying for tea?" he asks, knowing the answer already.
Sirius isn't much for tea, yet James has been offering it to him for years. In an attempt to make the drink more appealing, he once even started spiking the tea with Firewhisky. That gimmick worked for a while, but soon not even Firewhisky could dispel Sirius's irritation with the whole tedious, monotonous process.
"No, got patrol."
James looks slightly disappointed, tosses the tea pack onto a table cluttered with books and newspapers, and approaches Sirius.
"Lily suggested we should hit a bar," Sirius mentions.
James shrugs, adjusting his glasses absently.
"I can't leave her alone. Every time I go on patrol, you know it’s torture for me. I keep thinking something might happen, that they might attack our home, and…"
"I know," Sirius cuts him off. "That’s why I’m not inviting you. Just passing on Lily’s words."
James gives a soft smile, tilting his head slightly.
"You’ll come over on Friday?" he asks.
"And stay the night?"
"Of course."
James nods and hugs Sirius, pressing his face to his neck. Sirius leans into his ear, kissing it and breathing in the scent of earthy moss and the morning forest. James's scent always carried the notes of their moonlit adventures, as if his skin had absorbed the essence of those nights. They stand in silence for a moment until the soft hum of an old radio playing a vintage jazz tune Lily adores drifts in from the living room.
"Everything will be alright, James, hear me?" Sirius whispers, probably a bit too roughly patting James on the head as his movements have grown more abrupt lately. "I promise. Everything will be alright. With Lily, with you, with Harry."
"Yes," James says, rubbing an eye then running a hand through his hair. "Of course. It'll be alright. With you too."
"I'm not that important."
"Don't talk like that," James responds in a strained voice.
"I’d do anything for you, whatever it takes," Sirius says in a matter-of-fact tone, as if they’re discussing a Christmas dinner menu, not talking about things people usually don’t say to each other when everything’s fine.
James steps back, looks up at Sirius, and smirks, chasing away the worried shadows from his face.
"Have I mentioned you’ve become sentimental?"
"I've spent too much time around a mushy sod like you," Sirius grins, shrugging. "Bad influence."
James laughs, shoving Sirius's shoulder then pulling him in close, as if wanting to hide away in Sirius's broad embrace.
"I love you, you idiot," he kisses him, fingers threading through Sirius’s hair, tousling it. "Don’t be late on Friday. Lily’s making your favourite blueberry pie."
"I won’t," Sirius breathes out huskily.
James nods, and Sirius steps out the door. The June air hits his face, a warm breeze flicking a lock of hair from his forehead. The scent of night flowers mingles with the smell of fresh paint – someone nearby decided to give their fence a fresh coat.
Sirius moves a few meters away, casting one last glance at the Potters' house. James stands in the doorway, leaning on one shoulder against the frame. Sirius catches his worried gaze and nods subtly in response.
A moment later, Sirius apparates, but James's troubled face lingers in his mind like an echo. Usually, James's face brings peace, but this time it leaves a quiet itch, a reminder that Sirius is missing something, yet can't quite grasp what it is.
The war makes everyone nervous, anxious, and lost, and Sirius knows better than to succumb to these draining sentiments. But seeing those feelings in James – the person who made Sirius believe that even in the coldest winter, there's an unbeatable summer living inside him – Sirius realizes things are grim.
Of course, Sirius will come over on Friday. Perhaps he'll stay for the weekend, and they'll spend it together, like old times, before the threat of war knocked so clearly on their doors. They'll wake up to a late breakfast in the garden, reminiscing about school under the rustling of green leaves and birdsong, and perhaps even making plans for the future where the war is just a distant memory—a future where Sirius already knows exactly how to raise Harry and what gifts to give him from the very first months of his life.
A future where they're together.
After breakfast, they'll apparate to the lake, where James will set up broom races, beating Sirius yet again.  Lily, always rooting for Sirius, will put on a theatrical display of disappointment and spend the day cheering him up, recounting for the hundredth time the tales of James's rare Quidditch misplays at Hogwarts—as if Sirius didn't already know each one by heart.
After dinner, James will suggest a game of wizard chess, and Lily will pick out a book to read aloud by the fireplace. Soon, she will head to bed early, as has become more common since she got pregnant, and James and Sirius will go out to the garden, lie on the grass, and spend the night forgetting all worries, remembering that it's moments like these for which they're fighting and ruthlessly suppressing the hopelessness that seeks to consume their souls.
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mcltiples · 5 months
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@countlessrealities sent; Not for the first time, Mortimer had made himself at home in his counterpart's flat. One might have argued that he wasn't being very respectful of his other self's property and privacy, and he would have pointed out that, technically speaking, that was his apartment too, since the two of them were the same person.
In truth, he just didn't care about crossing that kind of lines. The other president had chosen to let him in his life, to allow him close, so now he had to put up with this sort of intrusions too.
He had spent quite some time planning this particular visit, carefully considering what sort of setting and mood would have been more appropriated. In the end, he had opted for something simple and straight to the point, with a sprinkle of cleverness.
Thus, how ended up greeting his counterpart while sitting on the other's couch, with two glass of fancy whiskey, prepared exactly as they liked it, on the coffee table.
"I hope you don't mind me showing up unannounced," he offered, as if he hadn't made a habit out of it. "I'm not sure of how busy we'll be tomorrow, so I thought that we could have a little celebration together. Not that I care about festivities, but they are a convenient excuse to share a drink."
He waited for his other self to join him, before retrieving the two glasses, handing out one of them. He leant against the cushion, taking a sip from his glass.
"You know what else I like about the holidays? The ridiculous traditions that come with them," he went on in a casual tone. "They can be fun to play around with. Under the right circumstances."
Amber eyes left his mirror image's face, rising up towards the ceiling light. From it a small bundle of mistletoe hung inconspicuously, right above their heads. Mortimer's lips curled into a little smirk, before he locked his gaze on his counterpart once again.
"The question is...Do you enjoy playing around with them too, other me?"
[[ My E-Morty to your E-Morty || I guess he was feeling particularly bold for once x3 and I gotta give it to him, he's been very smooth here xD ]]
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When entering the apartment, Morty was greeted with a sight that he could only describe as charming. He didn't care if his other self barged in. Actually, it didn't bother him in the slightest. He found it to be romantic in a sense. Something that set his chest alight with more of the burning feelings that he held for his counterpart.
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"No, I don't mind it at all," He walked over, throwing his stuff on a nearby chair before taking his seat right next to his other self. Drinking slowly from the whiskey. "I was actually thinking of inviting you over, so I'm glad you beat me to it,"
And that was a truthful statement. He meant to have the other over for a drink before the busy schedule that he had for himself tomorrow on Christmas. Just to have a chat and a drink. Something that would keep him going for tomorrow.
The words were peculiar to him. He didn't know where this was headed. Until he noticed those eyes glance up. His own followed upwards and that's when he saw it. The mistletoe.
A smirk widened on his face. Of course this was all planned. He should've known better than to think that his counterpart didn't have any other motives with him. And the surprise was very well done. So much that he thought it did deserve a kiss.
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Golden eyes settled back onto his counterpart's face. "I do, I find them to be quite entertaining," He leaned forward, setting the glass of whiskey on the coffee table. "With the right person~"
Both of his hands were on shoulders, suddenly moving his entire body until he was sat on that lap. If he was going to do this, he might as well make a show out of it to amuse his counterpart.
The kiss started off slow. He allowed themselves to get comfortable in the rhythm before increasing it to something more heated. Shoving his tongue into that warm mouth, exploring it all and taking as much as he wanted from his counterpart.
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threadsun · 1 year
-JDA here-
I read you said something like your main Oc has some stuff in common with Doe or something like that I- Can I please, please, PLEASE ON MY KNEES RN, can I please see them? Or can you write some info about them??? LIKE IM SO CURIOUS NOW !!
-also the abbreviation (jda) was cool, thanks uwu-"
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Yesssssssssss I get to talk about my fucked up lil freak!!!
Okay okay okay so I'm absolutely shit at drawing and I don't think I currently have any of the art my partner's drawn of him but I can try to give you some facts about him!
ngl I tried to write out their whole backstory and everything but it got too long and hard to follow ^^' especially since it changes somewhat based on AUs
So I'll try to give you some facts and people can ask more questions if they wanna know more about him >:3c
Generally known as Zander Cohen (or Z for short)
Known as Kitty Cohen for work
Sometimes known by various other names, especially for his... less than legal activities
Hebrew name is Ezra ben Yael
Most people default to "he" if they know him as Zander and "she" if they know her as Kitty
But they go by he/she/it/they/whatever
As long as you're not thinking too hard about which one you use, he's happy. Just use whatever pronoun comes to mind first at any moment, even if it's the same one every time
Yeah, sure! She'll have one of each, thanks!
She considers herself transfem and transmasc because she was raised as both a man and a woman
Generally their gender is just... intersex/queer/creature
Or like... whatever's funniest or most convenient in the moment (especially when it comes to flirting, he'll be whatever gender you find hottest~)
He can change his body at will, but naturally he was born with an intersex variation and considers that important to his identity
If you want specifics for horny reasons: he's got tits, pussy, and dick (it's half way between a clit and a dick, really)
He's sterile and has patchy facial hair that he usually shaves
Bisexual and slutty about it
Very t4t and nb4nb, but he'll flirt with/fuck/date anyone really if they catch his fancy
Switch verse and very kinky
Half human, but fully golem
His human mother and golem father did some weird sex magic, which ended with him being stillborn and then brought to life with magic
His golem dad fucked off before he was born, but his dad's dad stuck around. He's also a golem who usually takes the form of a cat, and his name is Grandpa Moon
Zander is made of clay, and his life is given to him by the word "אמת" carved into his skin, like all golem. His happens to be on his lower back, like a trampstamp
He can't be killed in any way other than by deactivating him by erasing some or all of the word
He can, however, feel pain and will take a long time to heal from injuries and murder attempts. His best way of healing is pouring boiling water on whatever's injured and moulding it back into shape while it's soft
His body is a lil fucked up cause he doesn't fully know how human biology works, so his insides are not the right organs in the right order. It causes him chronic pain and various disabilities
Usually he keeps a human form that's curvy, chubby, and strong. He has freckles and curly hair that both reflect his mood. When he's upset, the freckles fade and his hair goes limp and straight. When he's excited, the freckles look like stars and his hair floats. When he's in love, his freckles and curls start to look like hearts, as do his pupils
He can change his form at will, and make himself look however he wants. Usually he just does this to tweak his appearance to make himself more attractive to people because he's very vain. He also uses it for kinky sex stuff, unsurprisingly
He has a golem form that comes out when his base instincts are activated. That form is about 10 feet tall, with sharp claws and jagged teeth with serrated edges. His eyes are covered in a black film that makes him only able to see vague shapes. His senses of smell and hearing become sharp enough to sense the blood in someone's veins
His golem form also has various shapes carved into it, almost like tattoos, that glow orangey-red like hot coals
He doesn't remember the things he does in golem form once he gets back into human form, if his golem form was triggered by his protective instincts
Being a golem, if he loves someone then he's magically bound to protect them with his life. If he thinks they're in danger, his golem form comes out and he can't stop it
Uhhhh can't off the top of my head think of more important facts about him being a golem but I'm sure there's more
He's a sex worker, but the specifics depend on AU. Anything from full service to burlesque/stripping to online sex work
They were raised partially in a circus. They learned lots of skills there, including picking pockets, picking locks, using a bullwhip, sword swallowing, and various other sleight of hand/illusion sort of stuff
Charisma and charm are his weapons of choice, and he'll flirt his way into and out of trouble
She's autistic!! And also severely mentally unwell but like that's a separate thing
It's... borderline illiterate. It dropped out of school really young, and never bothered to learn to read past the basics
He's got a big ol' gap between his top two front teeth
They have committed murder before
He's been engaged twice and married once, he's married to @threadmoon's OC Nik (they/them)
He and Nik are polyamorous. Usually they'll only date people together (except women, Nik isn't attracted to women so that's all Z >:3c), but Z sleeps around plenty on his own too
She's got a minimum of 12 serious exes (there's 12 that have full stories) some of whom she's still friends with and some of whom she'd kill if she had the chance (and one she did kill...)
It likes to eat raw meat, it's not picky about what animal the meat comes from, humans included :)
He's usually just kind of silly and flirty and doesn't take much seriously, but when he gets angry he goes feral. His teeth and nails are his weapons of choice
He can get very obsessive over his partners~ Once you've got his love, it's very hard to lose, and he'll do anything for you~
They're sooooo normal, I promise, come closer—
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sezja · 1 year
Second Chance
I'm acknowledging that I'm probably never going to actually finish the fic this is part of, since I'm never pleased with it and I keep rewriting bits of it only to hate it all over again, so here's a bit from it that I liked. (Solid chance gdocs' formatting will make this illegible on mobile again; I'm sorry.)
Given enough time in any one place, Guydelot could sniff out perfect hiding spots: places to remain unnoticed by anyone who happened to want him for some tiresome errand or pointless conversation - or in Sanson the Stiff’s case, often both. Tailfeather and the Dravanian forests proved to be full of convenient nooks and crannies, and he took full advantage, tucking himself away for much-needed rest and recuperation after Sanson’s many interviews. Gods, did the man never get tired of pestering? Guydelot almost missed their bitter silences.
Yet he kept coming back out of hiding, coming back to Sanson. He tried not to think too hard on why that was, or just what it was that dragged him back every time.
Or why he kept catching Sanson watching him over the pages of his journal, thoughtful and considering, and why that made his heart speed.
Mayhap Sanson was just restless, eager for progress, and willing to take it out on anyone foolish enough to be nearby - Guydelot often found him scribbling in his journal, casting impatient glances toward Tailfeather’s main entrance, as though expecting Sylviel to waltz through any moment now. Small wonder: the man was late, and their quest had ground to a halt as a result. Left to his own devices, Guydelot had no doubt Sanson would gladly march off into the wilds on his own. Never mind that doing just such a thing had earned him a lecture back in Falcon’s Nest. Bloody hypocrite.
Strange how that didn't irritate him anymore. More like fond exasperation.
He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about it.
So he avoided it, avoided Sanson, mingled with the hunters day and night. They took to him easily: his gift with the harp made him a welcome sight around the evening campfires, while Sanson usually kept to himself, watching from a distance. But he was always watching; that much, Guydelot knew. He felt Sanson’s eyes on him from across the camp - some days he fancied he could feel Sanson’s gaze even when he was out wandering the forest, and he’d turn and search the trees, half-dreading and half-hoping the man had followed him out of the settlement, and once they were alone…
He was sick with want, mad with it. 
Sanson’s kiss had lit a fire in his veins, and if he didn’t keep himself busy, inevitably his mind drifted back to it - so quick, so brief he could’ve dreamed it, but no dream would keep him ablaze like this, days after the fact. He could’ve had his pick of anyone in Tailfeather - they were none too picky, this far from civilization, and he was well-liked - but the idea of taking anyone else, anyone else, after Sanson’s too-quick kiss… no, he knew all too well what he wanted, who he wanted. He wanted Sanson the Stiff coming unraveled in his bed, and there was no adequate substitute. Nothing else would fill that aching need.
And it was godsdamned impossible.
It tied his guts in knots. It kept him up at night, staring at the bunk above him, thinking about Sanson - gods, Sanson, of all people! It couldn’t’ve been anyone else. Even Eve, the Warrior of Light herself, champion of Eorzea and emissary of peace to bloody dragons, wasn’t so far out of his reach. He might as well be lusting after the sun. He was just as likely to wind up burned.
He was sitting on the fringes of Tailfeather strumming idly at his harp one night, in no fit mood to mingle with the hunters, thinking of that very thing - Sanson, the miserable seething tension between them, and how much more twisted-up it had become, when he heard footsteps. Hesitant, careful footsteps. Guydelot didn’t look to see who it was; he didn’t have to - he swore he could sense Sanson from malms away these days. Not another lecture. Not more questions. Maybe if he didn’t look up, the man might take the hint and slink away.
No such luck. He sensed rather than saw Sanson settle down a short distance away - close enough to be companionable, not close enough to crowd. Hoping to shut him out, Guydelot closed his eyes… but a bard’s imagination was a curse; how clearly he could picture Sanson’s face: pensive. That little frown Guydelot was becoming so familiar with, the way those dark eyebrows pinched together. The way those perfect lips pressed together in the smallest pout. His posture, always perfectly straight, even sitting beside Guydelot on the rocky ground. His hands would be…
But no, Guydelot didn’t hear the sound of a quill scratching on parchment. No journal. Well, well.
He let the song drift to its conclusion, the final note humming in the night air before the sound of insects filled their ears once more… and finally, drawing what strength he could, Guydelot turned to face Sanson. As he’d expected, the man was looking back, wearing precisely the expression he’d imagined in such detail. That thoughtful little frown.
What’s on your mind?
They stared at one another in silence for one heartbeat, then two.
Sanson looked away first, turning his eyes skyward. The skies over Tailfeather were beautiful tonight: violet in the moonlit mists, with clouds painted a silvery-blue where the moon touched them. The stars peeked down coyly at the world between little gaps in the clouds. Guydelot would say without hesitation that this sky was a thousand times more beautiful than the one he’d been so exasperated at Sanson for failing to see - the sky under which Sanson had kissed him. And Sanson was looking at this one. Fancy that.
“I…” Sanson broke the silence, his voice small. “I wish we could start over.”
“Start what over?” Guydelot plucked a few idle notes. Tried to keep his tone neutral. He wasn’t sure what it was about Sanson Smyth that made him trip over his tongue and say things he didn’t mean to say, but this moment - this quiet, fragile moment - felt important.
“Everything,” Sanson replied. “All of it. Our first meeting, the mission, the…” He trailed off, looking down at his hands where they rested in his lap, still for the first time. "I've been… well. A pretentious prat."
"Pompous," Guydelot corrected, fighting a smile. "You're a pompous prat."
"Aye, that too." Sanson sighed. “I feel as though I had the opportunity to make a good friend in you, and I squandered it. I should have…” He scowled, shaking his head. “I should have trusted Jehantel’s judgment and withheld my own; I should have realized that what makes a good soldier and what makes a good bard are far from the same thing; I should have… I should have done a thousand things differently, and now it’s too late.”
The words hung in the air between them like the final note of Guydelot’s song, and Guydelot weighed them in his own mind.
And then: “It’s only too late when we’re dead.”
Sanson lifted his head. “I beg your pardon?”
“You’ve got a lot riding on this mission, eh?” Guydelot set the harp aside, scooting on the ground until he was facing Sanson. “I won’t ask what it is, but it’s got you driven. Fine. You think the Quiver only assigned me here to see you fail. Fine, you’re probably right. But the way I see it, we’ve come this far, right? That means we’re a halfway decent team, if you ask me.”
We fight well together, Sanson’s voice whispered in the back of his mind, tangled with regret and guilt. He shoved it aside.
“And who knows how long this road might be? Could be as Sylviel’s got the song in hand and we’ll be able to walk back to Gridania straightaway, but maybe not. So. If it’s a lengthy road we’re walking, Sanson the Stiff, let’s try walking it a little more peacefully.” He held his hand out. “Friends?”
Sanson stared at him. In the fading light, his eyes were impossibly large and dark. “You’d… you would give me a second chance? Just like that.”
“Just like that.” He grinned. “So?”
They shook on it.
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lunaetis · 1 year
@crimsontroupe asked :
It's not unusual for Rannulfr to appear unannounced, and leave just as abruptly. For the last few days, he has spent his time and resources tracking down his most valuable associate. Not for any work-related matter, and not for pleasure. Well, perhaps some kind of selfish pleasure. That devious grin on his face as his head pops into vision around the corner of a building is unmistakable.
"Hard to find you, girl. But I did not expect it any differently. If you gave me an easy time, then I would say you are going soft." His eyes squint to the point that it is almost impossible to see if they are still open. That deep green stares deep at her, fond and mischievous. "I was wondering what you would like for your birthday. You are a woman who enjoys your luxuries, Yelan.
And the more I thought about it, the more I realized you'd frown at me if I got you something fancy and grandiose. Instead, I decided to go with something more simple." As if on cue, he cuts the distance between the two of them. Raises his left hand and ever-so-gently (more gentle than he usually is, that is for sure) places a flower on her hair, gently tucked behind her ear.
"I was watching the city, wondering when you would be back. As I said, it is hard to track you when you do not want to be tracked. But I have good eyes, and a lot of patience. Setting up camp is easy. I could go around gathering those, but I feel like it would lose its meaning." The expression softens, and Ran's smile seems just a bit gentler. With his thumb he gently caresses one of the petals of the glaze lily he harvested for her. "Somewhere high up where I could find you. Very convenient, is it not? I do not doubt you know exactly where I was perched, waiting for this opportunity." He lowers his head a bit, brushing his lips against hers. "Well, happy birthday. I plan to spend the day with you, so you better be prepared. Until the moon disappears welcoming the sun, I shall listen to your every request.
That is not something you can easily get. You know this well. I am willing to make an exception for you. Just today, hm?" Ran winks right after, filling the air with laughter. Of course it was not just for today. "I want to celebrate your existence, Yelan."
happy birthday yelan ! ( 20.04.2023 ) || always accepting
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─「夜兰」─  the INFORMANT was hanging around her secret sanctuary. the highest point of liyue, the qingyun peak. more especially, she was seated upon the dwelling in the clouds, the FLOATING ISLAND that allowed her to look down to the vast clouds and scenery of liyue as a whole. it was a place where yelan found herself coming back to whenever she needed some time for herself, whether to think, to escape, or to relax. no one knew of this place other than selected few, that was why she liked to be here, away from people, away from the eyes of others.
                so it was a pleasant surprise for her to hear a familiar voice coming from behind her. gaze of AQUAMARINE turned to meet with deep emerald. if it were anyone else, she would have told them off or even lunged an attack over them intruding her privacy. " hey you. " he was, however, an exception. she was quite impressed by the fact that he managed to find her here. no one had ever been able to track her down if she didn't want to be found. but if there would be anyone who could find her out of all places in liyue and beyond, she seemed to not mind it being him.
                " i'm impressed that you manage to find me. " there was a hint of amusement in her voice, as she turned from the scenery to face him. it made her wonder how many days had he spent trying to track her down. a SOFT SMILE appeared on her lips as she tilted her head at him, returning that fond and mischievous gaze right back. a light chuckle echoed in the back of her throat. she seemed to be in a good mood. was it because of his unannounced arrival ? or was it because he actually remembered ( more like found out ) that today was her birthday.
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                " are you here to give me a present ? " her eyes gleamed with playfulness, and as though he could read her mind, a single stride was all he needed to close the distance between them. she let out another amused chuckle over him mentioning how she enjoyed luxuries. but he was RIGHT. he was on point. she would've scolded him for getting her something grand and expensive. mora and monetizing value means little to nothing to her. she could have anything she ever wanted, after all. the world is in her grasp.
                her eyes found themselves upon his features when he tucked a single glaze lily into her hair. the soft fragrance of the floral itself provided a rather sweet atmosphere as they stood before each other, face to face. listening to his words, her eyes couldn't help softening just imagining him PERCHING on top of the roof somewhere, or even atop the high mountain that would give him leverage to see anyone come and go, waiting to spot her silhouette in the crowds.
                " you were waiting for me ? how cute. " despite the tease, she didn't avoid him when he leaned down, his lips brushed over hers softly, and she tilted her head to the side, only to prolong that soft touch just a moment longer. it was tender and soft, one that set her heart pounding. a different kind of kiss they usually shared in their moments of passion. words were left unsaid, as she watched him fondly so.
                i want to celebrate your existence.
                there was something about the way he uttered those syllables into the air. was it the look in his eyes when he gazed at her ? or was it the way she could feel his breath tickling her nose with how close they were ? yelan wasn't sure, but she wasn't going to ask, either, nor was she going to tell him that they made her heart skip a beat. no. all she did was taking a small step towards him, raised both her arms to link her hands behind his neck, loosely wrapping around it and pulling him closer.
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                " so, you're offering yourself as my present, ran ? " her head canted to the side, almost innocently. the way her lips tugged up into a SWEET SMILE spoke how she certainly was approving of the notion. after all, if she didn't want him to find her, he wouldn't have. and if she didn't want him here, she wouldn't lead him here, either. only selected few was allowed to know of this place, and HE was one of them. his words still lingered at the back of her mind. wanting to celebrate her existence. really, the way he phrased that ...
                ... it was almost as if he was telling her he was grateful for her to be born.
                her hands laced themselves behind his neck, guiding him down so their eyes could meet. there was a comfortable silence between them, how their gazes seemed to communicate and she was sure that he could hear the sound of her heart thumping with how close they were, the same way she could hear his HEART pounding louder. and she whispered against his lips, like a secret, as long lashes draped over her eyes.
                " don't mind if i do, then. "
                and she sealed his lips with another kiss.
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unpleasant-ghoul · 4 months
Oh, hey, look! A post by me that's not about some video game!
I don't normally post shit that's still in progress. But I like the creature and i want to share because I might never finish it (kinda complex for my current skill. Might get too frustrated by the idea/ability difference and drop. happens often)
So, here. Here is it and the whole process of how such things came to be.
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This is a pseudocentaur. Those things started for me a long time ago, and it's gonna be a lot to read, so I, ever-merciful, will hide the rest under a spoiler. Here:
So. A few years ago i was reading about Nuckelavee, started sketching, ended up with this:
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You can tell from the human-for-scale interacting with it, that even then it had some vague shadow of being more than just a random monster. Not quite a character, but has a potential of getting there. You can also see that that version involved no actual horses, merely a vaguely equine thing that was truly the part of the pseudocentaur. And it was fucking massive.
For a few years it remained forgotten. Then a couple months ago I found it again and decided that I like it! It's neat! But it needs some love and also some actual thought put into it.
And so I started thinking on how's and why's and also on the matter of "does this have to be so big, when my love of things that are fucking ginormous has already led me to an ever-growing number of dragon OC's with absolute MINIMUM height at shoulders being 5. Fucking. Meters?"
So after thinking for some time and drawing for some time I got this page:
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(as you can see, size of the creature reduced. Greatly. Also, has actual horse now)
And a much better idea of what the fuck we even have here. And I will share that idea with you whether you want it or not. I'm in a sharing mood. Suffer.
Pseudocentaurs as they are now are parasitic creatures! They infect horses (other animals of similar size can be used, but results vary. Smaller beings can be infected, but don't survive full transformation. It can be used as a way of healing in a pinch, as long as the larva is killed just as the body finished repairing the pre-existing damage before going through the whole "neck splitting open" thing). But they're sapient and generally not evil, so they tend to have standards.
Most, unless there's no choice, prefer dying or even freshly dead hosts, since a dying one gets to continue living, even if it looks gruesome, and a dead one is, well, dead. So nobody's robbed of a whole potential life of Being A Normal Horse. In the case with dead hosts, pseudocentaur takes full control over the body, while with a living host it's usually basically an idealized, fairytale version of riding... Except without ever separating again. I say usually because they're as varied as humans. Some, despite it being frowned upon, take over perfectly healthy animals and essentially pilot them around without any regard for their own wishes.
On the matter of anatomy: the host's original mouth essentially disappears. You can see that: it's just an upper jaw, no tongue, no nothing. The head is not for eating anymore, just breathing (that mass on the horse head's close-up? Extended trachea!) and providing most of the auditory information, as the parasite's hearing is not all that great. And keeping an eye out for danger. Four is better than two! Especially with, again, a living host that can spot things on its own rather than being a fancy horse-shaped periscope.
Now, how does this thing EAT? Not with the parasite's mouth! That one's just for speaking. Not all even choose to have it at all. Instead, there is a circular, fanged, maw at the joint of the host and parasite's bodies. Food (and the body is repurposed for an omnivorous diet during the transformation) has to be shoved in there with the parasite's own hands (or with someone else's. It's not rude to scrape leftovers off your plate and right into your pseudocentaur friend's waiting maw). It's not the most convenient way to eat, but it is how it is. Do it or starve.
Beyond the splitting neck, the loss of jaw, the development of the maw, and the whole "you're an omnivore, Harry" thing, there can sometimes be no changes at all, or there can be some relatively subtle (compared to everything else) stuff: keratinous plating growing on legs, sometimes lengthening of the tail. Might lose some/all fur, might not.
Pseudocentaurs reproduce through two methods: true reproduction, making a whole NEW pseudocentaur is, well. You probably guessed. Two pseuds with living hosts of opposite sexes... Yea. Results in what at first is a normal foal, but bears the pseudocentaur larva in it and transforms after the horse is more or less adult. Those born pseuds are much more in tune with their hosts and, as I've said already, are fully NEW beings. New personality, no experience, they learn as they go. Like children! Except much cuter.
The other, and more common way, is releasing a "fly" made of one's own flesh to seek a new host. The resulting "new" pseudocentaur will have the original's exact personality and same memories up to the point of separation. It can be done voluntarily, or happen on its own if the current body is too damaged. If done voluntarily, the original continues to exist, so it's basically two separate instances of the same dude, just using different hosts and being in different places.
So, there ya have it. Pseudocentaurs. Base inspiration, as mentioned at the start, is the Nuckelavee, additional inspirations for the recent changes were Necromorphs and Illithids.
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zanreosauce · 1 year
8. movies or tv shows?
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
22. role model?
24. favorite crystal?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
55. favorite fairy tale?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
90. luckiest mistake?
91. boxes or bags?
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
98. favorite historical era?
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Some of them are a little too personal... And probably shouldn't be shared. I stopped watching Markiplier a long time ago, but I feel a little sorry for the guy as people kept sending him mannequin photos when he said he found them creepy...
I'm Nenna by the way, changed username about..? 2 years ago?
whoa sorry for the Late As Hell answer, was gonna do this earlier but then I just got distracted from tumblr for weeks. Also some I don't really have an answer for because it's hard to decide... but great to see you again here! 8. Depends on the work, sometimes I wanna watch a story in one 1-2 hour sitting and sometimes I wanna watch more episodes of something? I do end up watching more movies though, because for shows I have to be in the mood for/have the time to watch several episodes in a row 16. Some kind of more casual chill pose usually. Leaned back and just relaxing, though on computer I'm usually leaning more forwards because my drawing tablet is in front of keyboard 20. For quick notes, usually just the notes app on my phone. For writing longer text, computer. Either way, I prefer writing digitally 21. Neopets and Pokemon! 24. Hmmm... one of those fancy multicolored gems probably? pretty 45. Out of these, probably sci-fi? Generally has a more appealing aesthetic than fantasy, while I'm not really into superhero stuff at all (with a few exceptions) 76. Probably fries and potato wedges 86. Cookies, both are good though 91. I'm assuming for storing stuff in? Boxes are more convenient sometimes but bags are much more readily available 94. Probably summer? Nice and warm (as long as it doesn't get too hot and clammy) and it's when the Big Cons happen. I also like winter because snow 95. Cosplanner, for cosplay stuff 96. On my new laptop, it's still just the default BG the computer came with because I haven't gotten around to finding a new one yet (though on my old one it's Yoshi). On my phone, a glitched city for the lockscreen and a "wallpaper not found" glitchy image for regular bg
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i'm sorry you're having a tough and stressful time lately !! 💔 i feel you, i had a big saga last semester trying to sort out some admin stuff and it's a total pain but i'm sending good vibes to you in hopes that it gets sorted and can be one less thing for you to worry about 💖
but in the mean time, some comfort maybe?? i get the vibe that if you're having a bad day and want to retreat to familiarity, vincent would totally sit with you and watch any comfort movie/show you might have. want to rewatch it twice? three times? doesn't bother vincent, he will cuddle with you make you feel so safe and at home that you actually manage to forget about anything that is stressing you out 💖💖
bo would pretend to complain if you wanted to rewatch the same thing multiple times but actually he totally gets it and understands that rewatching things can be very therapeutic (he's seen every movie they have at the theatre 10 times over and always goes back in times of stress
lester is also 100% up for watching comfort things with you, he makes a whole day of it and will buy out the local convenience store of snacks so whatever you fancy is right there and you don't have to think about anything other than the show/movie. also top tier cuddler
once again, i hope things go your way and you can relax at least for a little bit with the sinclairs 💓
Annabel !!!
I'm so sorry that you can relate to how busy and stressful things get; sometimes it can't be helped but istg it's like MONTHS go by and nothing happens and then all at once everything hits and it's total fucking chaos and then it smooths out again and I😩😩😩
You sent this ask in LITERALLY three months ago and I'm only just getting to the point where I can sit down and write back and I'm so very sorry for how untimely I am with asks and reblogs😭 I appreciate you and the content you make for me and others so much!!!
Rewatching films we've seen a 1234567890 times before is absolutely a comfort thing! I cycle through the same media all the time and it really does get me through the days and I know I'm not the only one!
I feel like all three brothers KNOW when you've had a bad day. It's almost like they can scent it in the air; after the horrific childhoods they all had, they HAD to learn how to pick up moods and such just to make sure that they weren't mistreated any more than they already were - especially Bo because he seems?? to have gotten the worst of it, though all three brothers were abused.
So as soon as you come home, Bo's like "uh-oh, I know that look" (if he scents it's not a HUGE bad mood then he'd be teasing but he also knows when it's bad enough that he needs to approach you with a solemn acknowledge) and he's THERE immediately with what he thinks you'll need (he just grabs all your favourites off the shelf with a one shouldered shrug and a "close enough" and he might even set it up in the cinema if he thinks that you wanna get out of the house while still having that familiarity and there's NO SHAME at all in clambering into his lap. There's no one else LIVING in the cinema so why the fuck not, right?
Vincent picks it up immediately and just from your footsteps upstairs he can tell you're not feeling well and he BARRELS up the stairs like a bat outta hell (LMAO I mean if the shoe fits...) and is there with blankets and your favourite films and even if you watch it so many times that day turns to night, he stays because what more can he do than something the both of you want?
And Lester!!!! Sweet man!!!! He gets into a bad mood if you're in a bad mood because he's an emotional sponge and once he realises it's external factors and nothing HE'S done, he takes a similar approach to his brothers and just does not. leave your side. at all.
They're all amazing cuddlers and give you everything you didn't know you needed!!!!!🥺💖
Thank you thank you for this comfort, I appreciate it so much and I've read this ask over like 1234567890 times😭😭😭😭😭😭
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
because you eat when you're sad (part 2)
back with another musical!bj x chubby f!reader. reader is still insecure, bj is still supportive. WARNING for disordered eating and weight issues and non-explicit smut mention.
It was midnight, and you were sat in bed with a box a cereal.
It had been a rough day; you had a lot of deadlines to meet and no motivation to meet them. So, you did what you always did. You stress ate.
You thought you’d been doing well. All week you’d ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with moderate snacks in between. You’d been good. Or, you’d been what a lot of people would consider ‘good’.
Until you weren’t. Until you’d cracked and snuck to the kitchen at midnight for something to fill the empty feeling in your stomach.
Halfway through the box you started to relax, feeling somewhat satiated. And then you felt guilty. You always felt guilty.
Sighing, you put the cereal box aside and continued with your work, hands moving lethargically over the keyboard. You just couldn’t be bothered tonight.
BJ hadn’t made an appearance all day. It had taken you a while to get used to his presence in your house and in your life, but now he was something of a regular feature. This made his absences stand out even more prominently. Even after just a day you were starting to miss him.
After summoning him, mistakenly, all those months ago, you’d never actually sent him away yourself. Sure, he came and went; sometimes back to the netherworld, sometimes just to… wherever it was he went when he wasn’t with you. But the fact that you’d never actually sent him away meant he could come and go from your place as he pleased, really. Which suited you just fine, he was the first regular fuck you’d had in a while, and he had a knack of keeping you company when you needed him, which was spooky but you couldn’t find it in you to complain about his convenient appearances.
BJ was an excellent distraction. He could keep you entertained so you didn’t think about the overwhelming compulsion to eat or the guilt you felt afterwards or the diet you would have to return to the next day. He would hold you until you felt at home, until you felt beautiful.
Then you’d wake up the next morning and weigh yourself and feel ugly and hungry.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime, babes?”
Your heart skipped a beat. BJ was a sneaky bastard when he wanted to be; you hadn’t even noticed him, what, appear?
“Jesus, BJ! Give a girl some warning,” you grumbled, shutting your laptop and setting it on the nightstand.
Casually you tried to move the cereal box under the bed, so that he wouldn’t see what you’d been up to. Not that he’d care. BJ ate like there was no tomorrow. You supposed there wasn’t much on offer down in the Netherworld, foodwise, so he got more than just his fill when he was upside.
His eyes followed your hand briefly before returning to your face. He realised what you were doing, had been doing. Had been trying to hide.
Promptly, he began to strip off. “I don't know about you, babes, but I'm still wide awake. Fancy going for a midnight ride?”
You laughed at his terrible pick-up line, looking away from him while you tried to clear your mind of whatever nagging and unhelpful thoughts wanted to ruin your night. He was so corny you could almost feel embarrassed for him. Or you would, if his lines didn’t work. Every. Single. Time.
You hadn’t even been in the mood. All that self-loathing just made you want to curl up and go to sleep so that you could ‘start afresh tomorrow’, but there was something about BJ that always got you going.
When you looked back up, BJ was already mostly undressed, his jacket, shirt and trousers discarded on your bedroom floor.
“The night is young, lover boy,” you lifted the covers and beckoned him into the warmth of your bed.
His hair glowed pink at the nickname and, probably, the prospect of a warm bed.
He was on top of you in an instant, lips pressed to yours as his hands worked to remove your pyjamas with a practised ease.
Hooking one arm around his neck you kissed back desperately. Desperately wanting him to love you enough that it didn’t matter if you didn’t like yourself.
Roaming hands skimmed sown your sides, squeezing the flesh of your waist. Featherlight kisses were trailed down your neck, lower and lower between your breast until he reached your stomach.
“BJ,” you murmured, looking down at him and he kissed your skin. He was doing what you did to him. When you’d grab his love handles and kiss your way down between his legs before going down on him. His stomach was so soft and lovely you couldn’t help yourself.
But now, with all his attention on you, you wanted to squirm away, just as much as you wanted him to keep going.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he said, looking you in the eye, a touch of awe in his voice. His tongue – his long tongue – trailed past your belly button.
BJ was beautiful, in a strange, demonic way. His cold skin warmed considerably with you pressed against him. His glowing hair, that you just knew he considered a weakness, made him all the more endearing. You liked that he essentially wore his feelings on his sleeve, because he always seemed to know how you felt.
As promised, you got your midnight ride.
You straddled his thighs, rocking deliciously against him. He gripped your thighs tightly, clutching you like he never wanted to let go.
“Please, BJ,” you pressed your face against his neck and he held you close, protectively even. Possessively, you though, in the back of your mind.
Your eyelids felt heavy as you lay against BJ’s chest. “You really think I’m good looking?”
“Babes, I don't think it, I know it,” he replied.
You kept quiet. You didn’t really believe him, he was a demon from hell (sort of), after all, but it didn’t mean you didn’t like hearing it anyway.
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imo-chan-imagines · 3 years
『 As your boyfriend | BNHA Headcanons 』
From the good, to the bad, to the downright adorable.
Characters: female!reader, Aizawa Shouta
Tags/warnings: Boku No Hero Academia (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, smut, fluff, soft dom Aizawa, relationship, headcanons
A/N: Right, so I'm simping for this man biG TIME, but I'm only on season 3, so no spoilers or anything, please. This is my first BNHA post (and it turned out way longer than I was intending 😅) Please let me know if you want more in the future!
Also, I have a repetitive strain injury, so typing stuff is taking a while at the moment. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ ~Imo
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☆ Aizawa Shouta ☆
I'm not going to lie. Shouta can be a big ol' grouchy pants sometimes, and it's basically impossible to win an argument against him makes you want to tear your hair out, sometimes
But most of the time, he's just tired and in pain, and he doesn't mean to be so crotchety
He's not the type to make excuses, though. That's childish. He means his apologies, even if they're simple
He'll normally initiate an apology by gently wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his forehead on your shoulder 🥺
Physical contact is incredibly personal and intimate for him. He doesn't just touch anyone, or allow them to touch him
You're special 💞💫
Soft, gentle touches, like his fingers interlacing with yours, or his leg brushing up against you, are basically his way of saying 'I love you'
Catch me crying in the corner, a'ight? 😔
He rarely ever raises his voice. Like, ever he doesn't need to, and is aware that it can be scary
He's definitely the kind of guy to forget to tell people that you're dating, simply because he doesn't see how it's relevant or anyone else's business 🤦‍♀️
I mean, he ain't wrong, but–
And his mood switches between 'antisocial' and 'clingy' like a mechanical metronome did someone say 'cat'?
Sometimes, you'll be lucky if he speaks more than three words to you together in a whole day nothing personal 🤷‍♀️
But on other days, he literally won't let you out of his arms for the world he's complicated, okay?
You have missed many a parcel delivery because he wouldn't let you get up from his lap to answer the door 🙄😂
Boundaries and responsibilities are key and highly respected by Shouta, and he would NEVER erase your quirk without your permission, unless he literally had no other choice like someone's going to get hurt, or something
Is generally quite serious so what's new? but you're one of the few people he can relax around when he feels like it
9/10 of his jokes are dad jokes 😎 hell yeah
Takes a hard stance in financial debates, but is constantly broke af 😶 says he'll buy you dinner and presents you with some instant noodles with a 'Reduced To Clear' sticker on them
Will take a bite of your food/steal some off your plate without asking, and literally say nothing to defend himself #gremlin
Is incredibly shy and uncomfortable about being ~le horny~ until you've been together for literally forever
Even then, he's still shy about it when he has to bring it up and it's pretty cute, let me tell ya
It took him forever to admit to you that he gets turned on when you eat ice lollies
Guess what you do whenever you want to mess with him like a little brat 😛
But if he's in the mood, he will 100% whisper something dirty in your ear, even if you're completely alone and probably well past third base
He does it because he knows your pussy will clamp around him at the sound of his voice 😳🥵
*fans self profusely*
Genuine, unadulterated smiles are rare with Aizawa, but when he does 🙌 Heaven hath opened its gates and allowed an angel walk amongst mere mortals 🥺🤧
If he lays his head on your chest, he will fall asleep like that *snaps fingers*
Surprise nose and forehead kisses to show he loves you ❤
Calls you 'Kitten' this is basically already canon at this point
And he's all about those deep talks with you at 3 am when he can't sleep
Speaking of insomnia!
It's cheesy, but you're like a soothing balm. The warmth of your body makes him feel safe, your touch helps him relax, and your voice soothes him to sleep
He's never slept as well as when you're beside him 😭🤧
When cuddling, he likes to be the big spoon but will accept being the little spoon if you if you press your boobs against his back and ask really nicely 🤭
And he loves you stroking his hair and running your fingers through it 🥺
Netlix nights and pillow/blanket forts!!
Rainy days are a godsend. Staying inside all day under the blankets, with the soft sound of the rain falling outside and no-one to interrupt you – literal paradise
He makes mean hot cocoas and Irish coffees 😋 I feel like this man lives off Irish coffees 😂🤣
Wears a lot of black and grey sweatpants at home 😗 which highlight the outline of his dick just right, if ya know what I'm sayin' 👀
Doesn't like going out for dates and prefers staying inside and doing stuff together same, honeyy
But if you really like going out, he will somewhat begrudgingly agree to it and get all dressed up for you, just so long as he gets his fair share of home-dates, too 🤗
But if you also don't like going out... the two of you will basically never leave the house, except to get groceries in your pyjamas from the 24-hour convenience store down the road at one in the morning oddly specific, I know, but you get me
And sorry, but I don't make the rules
Well, actually, I do. But shush
We all know that Shouta cleans up *chef's kiss* So when you go somewhere ~fancy~ he always looks so damn fine 😩
But he has very little idea that he's hot he sees himself as a tired, walking dumpster fire🚶‍♂️🔥
Shouta will 100% turn into a crazy cat dude with 15+ cats if you don't stop him I never said you should, though 🙃
And is a 'minimalist texter' – basically, if he can't answer a text with 'yes', 'no,' 'maybe', or 'OK', then he probably won't answer it at all 😭😂
Especially if you try and sext him or send him your nudes while he's at work. He'll probably lecture you when he gets home and depending on just how much you turned him on, he might proceed to teach you a lesson...
But wear his shirt, and just his shirt or his hoodie and he's yours
Heart eyes, motherfucker 😍
And, depending on how you two are feeling that day, you may or may not end up getting dicked down on the nearest semi-flat surface right then and there 👀
But don't misunderstand. This is an incredibly tired man you have here, and his libido actually isn't through the roof sorry, ladies so this kind of thing isn't an everyday occurrence
But when he dicks you down, he dicks you down goooood
Shouta's not big on PDA, but makes up for it in private. We're talking hands and kisses all over your body he leaves nothing unloved 😏
And while he's not big on PDA, he is big on sneaky displays of affection or 'SDA', as I like to call it
Like subtly grabbing your butt for a second, or his hand on your thigh under the table at a dinner etc. especially around other people
But what really gets him going is slowly removing your clothes and taking you fully naked, spreading your legs wide and holding them open he likes the view 😍
He lowkey highkey worships your body 🙏 and will literally not shut up about how fucking pretty you are, and how fucking good it feels inside you his words, not mine 😳
Groans and growls a little when he's getting close/cumming especially when he's being a little rough and likes to cum together, but knows it's not always practical
He tends to be a gentle dom, but can get just a teensy bit 🤏 rough if he's too into it – but nothing outrageous
We're talking rough thrusts and a brutal pace, maybe holding onto you a little too hard and, waaahh, he gets so embarrassed if he leaves bruises
Is also into a little bondage, but again, only light stuff – restraining your wrists with his hands or his tie or his Capturing Weapon 👀 maybe blinding-folding you if you're okay with it
If you're not blindfolded, then I'm afraid he's all about that eye contact
Eating out your pussy? Eye contact. Pounding you into the mattress? Blazing eye contact. Rearranging your guts in front of the mirror? Fucking eye contact
But all jokes aside – he's too used to taking without consent with his quirk, that he's kind of paranoid about it comes to sex but it's adorable and sweet, and honestly, still kind of hot
And speaking of eating pussy – goddamn does he like to please you. Like cream to a kitty 😛
Oh, and he just loves it when you suck on his fingers as he's pounding into you 🤤
And he likes to leave love bites in personal, inconspicuous places and sometimes on your neck
He's marking his woman 😌
When he gets suuuper horny, he likes to fuck you from behind, standing upright in front of the mirror. It's a specific kink he has of watching himself stretch you out as the length of his cock disappears inside you...
I can get behind that, lemme tell yaaa
I said he tends to be dominant, but female doms – fear not!
Shouta is quite flexible when it comes down to it and is kind of lazy, lmfao so he definitely has time for laying back, having the control taken away, and having his dick ridden
For him, it's really all about communication and what you're both comfortable with
I will say this, though: sometimes, his cat watches you while you're banging 😅😂
The first time it happened, you freaked out and refused to continue because – how could you??? But eventually, you just kind of got used to it 🤷‍♀️
The same way you've got used to it following you to the bathroom every time you go to take a shit 😭
So now, you just kind of laugh about it, which helps keep things a little lighter 🤗
After sex, he does like to snuggle, but you'll be lucky if he stays awake for more than 30 seconds it's one of the few times he actually can sleep well
If you're ever out and about, or even inside, and cold, he'll wrap you up in his clothes/scarf/blanket like a sushi roll like Eren wrapping up Mikasa in his scarf, all deadpan and everything 😐
It's not that often, but when he gets drunk, he gets all soft and emotional, and starts babbling about how he can't believe he got so lucky to be dating you, and that he's sure he hasn't done anything to deserve it mah heart
He's pretty sure he wants kids, but he doesn't feel like now is the right time, and is lowkey afraid that it's never going to feel like the right time
He also constantly doubts himself, wondering if he'd actually able to look after them and protect them the way a father should class 1-A got him second-guessing himself 🥺
Besides, it's not all about him. You clearly have a say in it too, and he doesn't want to force you into anything
Again: communication and comfort zones
Dating Aizawa definitely has its ups and downs, and it's not smooth sailing, but he's prepared to work for a life with you because he's found a connection with you that he hasn't feel with anyone else
He knows that you're both far from perfect, but hopes that, for once, you might just make something good, and make it last 🥰😇
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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albatris · 2 years
HELLO yes!! Hmm ok I'm not the greatest at thinking of interesting questions uh. Okay. How do the Rental Car cast deal with stress?? Like not necessarily Plot Relevant Stress but like. Minor inconveniences that are still really stressful. Idk how much sense this makes
hiiii!!! thank you for the question :D (you are perfectly fine at thinking of interesting questions, don't worry!!)
stress!! oh, they are just an incredibly stressed out bunch of people, regardless of what's going on in the plot lmao
a regular level of Nat stress usually just requires some relaxation time and self-soothing to clear his head :P cooking is a pretty common way for Nat to de-stress, but usually only takes maximum effect when there are other people around to share in the end result. he gets a huge mood boost from making other people happy and an even bigger mood boost from being showered in compliments on his dishes ahahaha
a good cuddle session is also a favourite way to relax, so if there's a willing friend available to nap on or against, the friendly contact and Nice Sensory Pressure is very soothing for him, plus this shuts the Garble up for a while bc it too wants to be Cosy
very very brand new vampire Nat is still pretty unstable in general so stress can tip into the Bad Zone for him pretty quick, and any stress that looks like it's barrelling towards "I am going to be a danger to myself and others if I can't bring myself down" requires a more aggresive approach. any safely contained way for him to violently work off aggression and frustration and anxiety usually does the trick, for Nat he loves to use his pointy little murder teeth to shred the fuck out of some good sturdy chew toys lmao. veeeery good for regulating intense emotions. he'd get a kick out of those "we just toss you in a room full of plates and mugs and bottles and let you go wild with a baseball bat" places too fjdks. but yeah in a pinch he'll just gnaw on whatever's available and convenient and isn't someone else's neck. shelves! stationary! storage crates! his own arm
Quinn loves a good expensive impulse purchase. stressed Quinn takes the Treat Yourself approach and will just be like. I had a bad day. I am going to buy an extravagant outdoor spa. or. you know what, I do deserve this fancy ass hand-embroidered lace-edged cape, for Reasons. Quinn likes to indulge and pamper themself! they'll also just go bother whichever friends or acquaintances are close enough n just drape themself dramatically across their lap and be like "comfort me". just complain for an hour while someone strokes their hair and goes "uh-huh" while nodding occasionally. Quinn wholeheartedly believes in the catharsis of a good over-the-top petty complaining session, the more dramatic the better. they are usually very entertaining to listen to
ultra-stressed crisis mode Quinn just gets super mean and scary though. usually deals with stress by taking it out on other people and being vindictive and passive-aggressive as hell, or by bullying other people into dealing with whatever's stressing them lmao
Yvonne! she likes video games to de-stress, though it's kind of a toss up as to whether they'll relax her or just make her more stressed hahaha. there's this one notoriously difficult roguelike with a bit of a cult following she's been obsessed with for like five years now, and over the course of the story she's trying to complete a playthrough with no healing items (which is widely regarded as A Fucking Immensely Impressive Feat). she gets super riled up and yell-y about it, to the point where people are often like "hey are you sure you're not just making yourself more upset and stressed". like NO they don't GET IT, this is different CATHARTIC stress >:c
Yvonne likes to be left to her own devices when she's stressed out, even if she's left to her own devices in the company of other people. like, she's more than happy to hang in the same space as her friends, but if you try to chat to her she might hiss at you
she is. also a chronic involuntary tinkerer. do not leave your pens or TV remotes out in the presence of stressed Yvonne. she will deconstruct them irreparably and without mercy without noticing
Alex is. constantly stressed. to the point where "stressed" is its baseline and just becomes regular Alex. Alex tries to handle stress by pre-emptively eliminating any possibility for stressful situations to occur! which just results in an even more stressed out control freak Alex :( it gets a bit snappy and frustrated with people if they try to change plans last minute and might have a panic attack if anything in its routine goes awry. in its defence, poor Alex has a hell of a lot to be nervous about in the day-to-day
the one thing Alex IS good at over the others is, when stress does get on top of it in a bad way, it has no issues asking for help and advice from its friends. for the most part in the early story this means Quinn, which means sometimes the help and advice isn't particularly useful or legal, but Quinn does their best :P at the very least, Quinn knows Alex well enough to know how to comfort and calm it from its near-incessant worrying, and can give Alex the pause and step back it needs in order to problem-solve on its own c:
so ye, there you have it! :D thank you again for letting me ramble for a bit!! have an excellent day 😎
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killer queen
(in which the author is self-indulgent, aziraphale presents as female, and crowley is torn between holding on and letting go)
note: i definitely wrote this while blasting killer queen, but that was probably obvious
this fic was loosely based off this request by @olivianeesan! i really went wild with it but it was fun so hopefully all's well that ends well
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i'd like to apologize in advance because my 1920s nerd had a field day writing this lmao
Go to America, they said. It's the perfect place to plant the seeds of evil, they said.
Well, they'd been right. But that didn't mean Crowley had to like it.
Of course, his dislike wasn't inherent to America, at least not necessarily. Though he'd never admit it, he'd been in a seemingly perpetual bad mood following his falling out with Aziraphale in 1862.
They hadn't spoken since. And 60 years had already passed.
What was worse was that they didn't usually leave off on such a bad note. And even if they did, they would reconcile within a week or two. But this time, they hadn't.
Maybe that was what irked Crowley so much. The lack of reconciliation. Not to mention he wasn't particularly interested in digging through his emotions to figure out what else might be sparking his frustration.
(It was possible, even, that a part of him was afraid to find out.)
That being said, Crowley ended up being pretty successful in America. He was successful everywhere, of course, but Jazz Age America truly was the perfect feeding ground for evil. Americans were always looking for a little sin. Speakeasies, bootlegging, the stock market - corruption flowed through the veins of this country.
Currently, it was the middle of the night, but the speakeasy Crowley resided in was thriving. Men were drinking, flappers were dancing, music echoed around the room - in about a hundred years, he was sure this scene would be quite picturesque.
"Hey," a drunken man slurred, sliding into the seat across from Crowley. "Is it true?"
"Is what true?" Crowley muttered, taking a sip of his wine and moving his chair slightly away from the stranger.
"That Killer Queen is coming here tonight."
Crowley paused, processing the news. Interesting. Then he shrugged, not bothering to answer directly. The man appeared to take the hint and left, which was surprising, seeing as he'd smelled like he'd bathed in whiskey.
However, despite the lack of care that he presented, Crowley had to admit his interest was piqued by the man's question. The so-called Killer Queen was an infamous flapper that women hired to "test" their husbands' loyalty. She presumably seduced them to see if they were willing to cheat. It was only a thing among the elite, really.
(No one knew what Killer Queen's day job was, either, but a few rumors were floating around that she worked as a psychiatrist who focused on the trauma of abused women.)
Killer Queen was loved by half of the male population and hated by the rest. Despite this, no one could deny their attraction to her, including or perhaps especially other women.
If she did show up, Crowley had to admit that he'd be interested in meeting her.
"Oh my God!" a flapper with short black hair shrieked as she rush into the speakeasy, her feather boa slipping off her shoulders. "She's coming! She's really coming!"
Huh. Speak of the devil and she shall appear.
Crowley took another sip of his wine, then nearly choked on it as the Killer Queen entered the room.
He'd recognize those blue eyes anywhere.
"Angel?!" he sputtered. He cursed, almost biting his tongue as he realized it might have been better to keep his mouth shut.
Aziraphale glanced across the speakeasy, her eyes widening as she saw Crowley. Crowley tried to look away and pretend he hadn't seen her, but it was too late. As Aziraphale passed by his table, she sent him a look that said:
Meet me in a private room in ten minutes.
In reality, it wasn't her look that spoke, but rather her words were spoken telepathically into Crowley's mind. Sometimes being a supernatural being was convenient, even if telepathy did feel rather invasive. Tended to leave a person with an itch on the back of the neck.
Crowley found himself unable to take his eyes off Aziraphale as she walked away. The angel rarely presented as female, but he found her to be as beautiful as ever. The glittery silver flapper dress she wore hugged her curves in a way reminiscent of Bessie Smith.
He was supposed to be angry at the angel. Not ogling her.
(Fortunately, Crowley had always been very good at multitasking.)
Crowley pulled the door shut after entering the private room, tossing his hat down on the table. "Fancy running into you here, angel. And as a flapper, of all the fashion trends to choose from."
Aziraphale's face turned a pretty shade of pink, and she fidgeted with the strings of pearls hanging around her neck. "I needed to, well, it was necessary to assimilate myself as a bit of a party girl, my dear."
"So I've heard, Killer Queen." Crowley sat down across from the angel, not particularly regretting the acidity of his tone. "You know, you could just admit that you came to fraternize with the American elite. Wouldn't hurt my feelings."
Aziraphale stared at him, her face revealing no emotion whatsoever. Then she sighed, tucking an escaped strand of her wavy blonde hair behind her ear. (The angled cut looked good on her, much to Crowley's irritation and attraction.) "I take it you're still... angry about 1862."
Angry? No, he wasn't angry. Betrayed, perhaps. Frustrated. Tired of the 60 years of resentment that still boiled inside of him. But not angry.
(How could he ever be angry at her?)
Crowley didn't bother to grace the angel with an answer to her question.
Aziraphale bit her lip, which Crowley noticed was an action cuter than it had any right to be. "Will you at least tell me why you're here? In America?"
Crowley shrugged. "Corrupting souls. Committing evil deeds. The like."
"Such as...?"
The silver ribbon that was tied around Aziraphale's forehead and threaded through her blonde hair was distracting, though not as distracting as the lower-than-usual cut of her silver dress.
Damn, he was whipped.
"Urging Prohibition along, for one. Inciting a bit of gang violence. I've already gotten two commendations for encouraging bootlegging and for my help in facilitating the development of increased organized crime."
Aziraphale chuckled, resting her elbows on the table and placing her chin on her hands. "I should have known your lot was behind Prohibition. The intention of the movement seemed too good to be true."
"Without Prohibition, there'd be no speakeasies, no bootlegging, no Al Capone. As humans say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And while that's not literally accurate, it is what happened here." Crowley noticed that the angel's nails were perfectly manicured. The relaxed manner in which she sat was ridiculously poised. "Anyways. Care to tell me what you're doing in America, Miss Killer Queen? Besides the whole 'seducing humans to test their loyalty to their partners' affair."
Huh. That came out more bitter than he intended.
Aziraphale frowned. "Who told you that?" She rolled her eyes. "Trust me, my dear. I have not 'seduced' anyone. Besides, I only agree to help the women whose husbands I know are unfaithful."
Crowley raised an eyebrow. "And how are you able to tell, exactly?"
Aziraphale pursed her lips (which were painted a rich crimson, and Crowley couldn't stop staring at them), then sighed. "My dear... Trust me when I tell you that there is nothing more painful than being in a room with two people, one of whom is in love with every fibre of their being, while the other feels nothing. Worst is when they never have, and they never will."
For a moment, Crowley did not respond, simply staring at the angel.
He wanted nothing more than to hold Aziraphale close to him and kiss her senseless, to kiss her with the passion of someone who'd been in love for almost 6000 years.
But he couldn't. He'd never be able to.
An angel could never love a demon. Not like that.
And thus, therein lay the problem. He did understand. Or at the very least, he was deathly afraid that he did.
Crowley laughed. It was harsh. Bitter. "No, angel. I understand plenty." He stood abruptly, unable to be in her company any longer. "I've got to be going." If he stayed even another minute, he might say something he'd regret. "I know you have holy business to attend to. All that jazz."
Aziraphale stood, too, her brow furrowed in confusion. "But you've only just got here!" Her face reddened, and she broke eye contact with the demon. "Not to mention that it's been... It's been a while since we last saw each other, and - and had a chance to... Talk."
"I have to go," Crowley repeated. He grabbed his hat off the table. "I'm sorry, angel."
"No," Aziraphale murmured. "I'm the one who's sorry." She glanced at Crowley, her expression determined and her blue eyes steely. "But as I said 60 years ago, I refuse to be a part of your self-destruction."
Her stubbornness was as endearing as it was frustrating. "I know," Crowley said simply. He placed his hat on his head before moving around the table to get to Aziraphale, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, just above the silver ring on her middle finger. "I forgot to mention that you look beautiful," he said as he let go of her hand. "Maybe hold onto that dress for a rainy day. It suits you."
Aziraphale's face turned a deep shade of pink. "O-Oh," she stammered. "Thank you, my dear. That's - That's very kind of you to say."
Crowley turned around to leave, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
"Wait." Aziraphale's voice was hushed. Her grip on his shoulder tightened, though not enough to cause any pain. "Will - Will I see you again? Soon?"
Crowley gently shrugged her hand off of him. He didn't turn to face her. "Goodbye, angel."
He was already halfway out the door before she responded.
"My dear boy... Be careful."
And then he was gone.
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my-yuujin · 5 years
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Tsuna Keito (Melto) and Obara Yuito (Towa) from Junon Magazine July 2019 Issue
Tsuna (T): I first met Yuito at the audition, if I'm not mistaken.
Obara (O): Yes, it was the audition for "Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger". I soon recognized Kei-chan (Tsuna Keito) because he was the winner for Junon Superboy Contest Grand Prix
T: Really?
O: You greeted everyone with such clear voice, and looked so mature too.
T: After I knew I would colaborate with Yuito, I began to look up his profile, and found out that he's a Junon Boy too. Moreover, he's from 28th contest, while I'm from the 30th. "Doesn't that make him my senpai, even though he's younger than me?" so I thought (laugh). Because I'm actually rather shy, I was glad that I had certain topic when we first met. Junon was the easiest topic to talk about.
O: You're right (laugh).
T: But Yuito and other cast members began to tease me a lot recently.
O: It's the proof that I adore you (laugh). Kei-chan is good at paying back people, it makes me want to get avenged too. He's also the closest to me in age, so I found he was easy to talk with.
T: We're 4 years apart, aren't we? But Yuito is really a responsible boy, I feel as if we were only 1 or 2 years apart. He also still has that cuteness of a seventeen year-old-boy, so it's actually fun to be teased by him. Stuffs like those help us getting closer. At first, he politely called me "Tsuna-kun", though.
O: At first, I called him "Tsuna-kun", then it changed to "Tsuna", but then I changed it back to "Tsuna-kun". Now, I feel comfortable by calling him "Kei-chan" (laugh).
T: When he first called me "Tsuna", I was so surprised, and was like "Huh? Why's that?" (laugh).
O: To make everyone feel closer, the producer forbade us to use Keigo (polite speech). That's why I ended up calling him "Tsuna" at that time. I thought "-kun" was also part of Keigo.
T: And then I told Yuito, "Don't call me 'Tsuna', just 'Kei-chan' is fine" (laugh). Even though I'm older, Yuito has been in entertainment industry longer than me. So I still look up to him as my senpai.
O: You really think so? (laugh)
T: I do, I do! Both as an actor and an entertainer, I regard you as the older one. Well, it's not shown in how I act toward you, but I truly feel so.
O: (laugh) As a Junon boy, he's my kouhai, but he's also older than me, so I don't know how to properly get along with him. That's why, I think of Kei-chan as my senpai in life, and look up to him too.
T: Well, let's say our relationship is about looking up to each other, then (laugh)
O: It's been three months and a half since we began the filming of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger, but I even can say that I may not be able to find another cast members as fun as them. Everyone really does have very nice impression.
T: That's right. But...Yuito is the only one whose nice side I can't find.
O: Huh, really!? So I have none!?
T: I lied, I lied (laugh). Well, Yuito is, firstly, cute. He's also responsible and cool. Even though he's younger than me, everytime I talk to him about the filming, I can learn a lot from that. It can be said that I get daily motivation from Yuito.
O: So glad! I don't think I'll have another chance to hear that much being said about myself directly. Please more!
T: I can't say it frankly just like that (laugh)
O: No..., please say more! (laugh) Kei-chan is very good at treating people. He's always smiling at whatever we do to him. He's really a nice person. I don't think he can even be angry.
T: Well, of course I can be angry too, you know? (laugh)
O: But you always put relationships with people around you at first, right?
T: You're still young, but you can understand about it well (laugh) By the way, I have once visited Yuito's house before, how does it feel to live alone?
O: When I think about my health, I try to do cooking myself. But, I heard Kei-chan doesn't cook.
T: That's right. I have a rice cooker at home. But I haven't even taken it out from its box.
O: Eh, why's that?
T: While I do have intention to cook, I still think it's difficult to do.
O: It's not that hard. You just need to wash the rice, put it into the rice cooker, and switch it on. Even I can do it using a saucepan, too.
T: Wow! Do you also cook the side dishes yourself?
O: I usually buy the side dishes at the convenient store. I always end up cooking the side dishes too much for myself, but if I cook too much rice, I can always put it into refrigerator and warm it later. It can be served fast that way, so I recommend it.
T: Hmm..., should I try to cook too, then? (laugh) Can you teach me how to cook in a way that I can easily understand?(laugh)
O: (laugh) I will try.
T: At the current time, we're really full with the filming schedule. It would be nice if we could go somewhere together later.
O: I think we can easily get fired up by going to amusement park or something, right?
T: That's certainly true(laugh)
O: Do you like amusement park's attractions?
T: I love them! Especially the ones that can make you scream. You like them too, don't you, Yuito?
O: Yeah, I like them very much! I even prefer going to the amusement park just to ride all the thrilling stuffs and scream. (laugh)
T: Same goes for me! You did say before that you wanted to try bungee jumping, didn't you? How about taking trip with a car, doing the bungee jump, and then having a nice fancy dinner on the way home?
O: That sounds good! Though it somehow sounds like a thrill-loving couple's date (laugh) But I do want to experience it in reality.
T: Yeah. But for now, we just need to give our best for Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger. Aside from looking forward to the new team member, I also want everyone to watch over Kou, Melto, and Asuna's bond as childhood friends, and also Towa and Banba's as brothers. Since Melto's funny scene will also increase lately, I would be very happy if it can bring good mood for everyone too.
O: Yes, because I think we will be shown to be involved in various things in the future, I want everyone to watch over that too. Also, it's intriguing to think about how Towa's brother, Banba, will get involved among the other four. Of course, there will be the new warrior and equipments' debut to be looked forward too. Please don't miss it!
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sagemoderocklee · 6 years
I'm curious, since I see your like NaruSai, do you have an headcanons for them?
anon i just want you to know that i am soooo happy you asked for some narusai content! thank youuu!
so from my perspective, naruto is just not someone i can ship with anyone outside of his teammates. like ultimately Sasuke IS the one he’s meant to be with--and y’all know i’m not a fan of soul mate shit but the entire narrative of this series is that they’re soul mates. like naruto constantly chooses sasuke over others, and sasuke is constantly running from naruto because he knows the depth of his feelings... but like despite all this they do have an unhealthy relationship and i think that there’d be a lot of--not even just on again off again but like just so much of that denial and fighting and shit. like for them to get to a place that’s healthy they need to really work at it and i tend to imagine that the only way naruto would date someone else is that between period before he and sasuke have their shit together, or in an awful au where sasuke is like dead or else just never really comes back, where they don’t get their shit together 
anyway, i’m saying a lot of words but my point is that naruto could date and truly love sai or sakura, but sasuke is still his soul mate so it’s always kind of a little sad, kind of a whole lot bittersweet when it comes to naruto and sai (or sakura, though i think sakura it’s a little less bittersweet because they are best friends, they’ve known each other so long, they have a beautiful friendship, but still...) 
so i’m not sure if you were hoping for canon or like modern au but i tend to lean more towards modern au with narusai cause i think that it’s a lot more plausible in that context 
anyway naruto initially cannot stand sai like they end up dormmates in college, and naruto is just Not Feeling It. sasuke hasn’t been in naruto’s life for a good five years or so because Sasuke’s family moved out of Konoha after this whole big drama with Itachi being disowned and Sasuke was REALLY messed up by the whole thing and no one knows what the deal is but it was Not Good. so sasuke basically cuts contact with everyone but ESPECIALLY naruto which is like devastating but naruto can’t really do much about it except try to find sasuke--he constantly checks different social media sites and shit but he’s never had any luck. but what he does remember is sasuke wanting to go to this one specific university (naruto fully does not get accepted to that university). he applies to a bunch of colleges in the area in the hopes that he’ll at least be closer to sasuke
and winds up at the same school as his good friend Rock Lee, so he’s like “oh cool! we should try to room together!” 
and then he shows up on his first day at school and he finds that his roommate is this pasty mother fucker with paint all over his fingers and a shit eating grin on his face and the first thing out of sai’s mouth is “i didn’t realise dumbasses could get into college” which immediately pisses naruto off 
and it doesn’t stop there. sai is always makes comments about how dumb naruto is and about his dick and he’s always got that dumb smile on his face that pisses naruto off endlessly. he doesn’t get sai for the first like two months of living together and he comes very close to murdering sai on a handful of occasions. 
but like sai isn’t actually a shitty person. he’s not trying to be mean he just lived a really sheltered life being homeschooled by his creep of a foster dad who was mean and controlling and never let sai have friends so he’s really just trying to do what he thinks he should do because he watched a bunch of frat boy movies and read some books before college and thinks that he’s just making harmless jokes
he doesn’t exactly stop making fun of naruto but eventually naruto does start to recognize that it’s teasing and not outright malicious. he’s still really confused by sai’s fixation on his junk but he let’s it slide because he’s NOT insecure. once he’s realised that sai’s just really bad at making friends he starts to tease sai back and they settle into a routine 
“i brought you dinner, dick-for-brains,” sai will say, plopping some take out on the counter when naruto’s having one of his late night cram sessions which always always send him into a panic because he hates reading and writing and all of this shit. why did he want to go to college anyways? 
and he’ll open the container to find his favourite ramen because sai always knows when he needs that little pick me up
“i was at the store so i just picked you up some new paint, i saw you were out of black,” naruto says, lobbing a bag at sai’s head. he’d been at the convenience store which is NOT that art store but the art store’s only like... a fifteen minute walk from the convenience store and okay maybe the paint isn’t cheap but sai’s always running out of black paint and naruto knows he cut ties with his shitty foster dad so he knows money isn’t exactly something sai has whereas naruto does have a pretty hefty trust fund from his parents plus he’s always been very good at saving money and he worked a lot in high school. so what if he drops $10 a bottle on the fancy paints sai likes best. it’s what friends do. 
eventually, over the course of rooming together, sai also meets naruto’s friends. lee ended up getting put with this really intense red-head from Suna who according to Lee is ‘actually quite sweet once you get to know him’--Naruto isn’t fooled. he knows a crush on rock lee when he sees one--but not being dormmates hasn’t stopped Lee and naruto from hanging out, so Lee is the first person Sai actually meets in Naruto’s friend group. he immediately makes Lee cry when he makes fun of his looks and Naruto does actually punch sai on the arm hard enough to bruise and sort of squawks at Sai, “DON’T MAKE LEE CRY!” 
sai never ever insults lee ever again. he is in fact overly polite to lee after that. when lee brings gaara to meet naruto and sai, gaara glares at sai a lot. naruto thinks that the feelings might, surprisingly be mutual between gaara and lee. 
after lee and gaara, sai meets sakura. naruto secretly hopes that he insults her just because he’d love to see her sucker punch him--for the comedy--but sai has learned his lesson after lee and is much more gracious upon meeting sakura and her gf ino. sakura goes to a nearby medical school while ino is going to another school studying botany. 
eventually it becomes the norm for the six of them to all get together on friday or saturday nights, either in Naruto and sai’s room or Gaara and Lee’s. Sakura and Ino don’t mind commuting a bit since they both go to different schools. 
over the course of his first six months rooming with sai, naruto is still determined to find sasuke. but it hurts. sometimes sai will find naruto with red puffy eyes and in a somber mood, but naruto never explains why. but it clearly is taking a toll on him. sasuke clearly doesn’t want to be found and naruto hasn’t ever been successful. at some point after their break, when he’s gone back home to see his foster brother Iruka, Naruto’s decided he’s gotta stop. it’s time. 
he also missed sai a lot more than he expected. when he gets back to their dorm he throws the door open, shouting, “honey im home!” and maybe he’s still feeling Not Himself, but he’s excited to see sai
sai didn’t go anywhere for the break so he’s there when naruto gets back, same as ever, painting in the grey winter light coming from the open window. i think he has a sort of epiphany then that sai’s actually kinda cute and he’s fun and naruto’s never cried because of him. it’s not like that clear of course, but there’s a feeling and he just sort of comes into the room, the joking nature of his words contrasting sharply with the weight of all the mulling over sasuke he’d done over the break and he just collapses on sai’s bed and watches him paint quietly
sai glances over at him, confused. “did you finally measure your dick and not like the results?” 
the joke doesn’t land so he knows somethings wrong. he stops painting. naruto can’t look at him. he rolls onto his back, looking up at the ceiling. his chest hurts. 
“have you ever been in love?” naruto asks
sai sets down his paintbrush, getting and leaning over naruto so he’s forced to stare at the entirely deadpan expression on his face as he says, “yes, i’ve had so much experience with romance, being a shut in and all.” 
naruto shoves at sai, but he can’t bring himself to laugh. “it’s not all its cracked up to be-ttebayo” 
“then why do they make so many movies about it?” 
naruto sniffles. he really thought he was done crying over sasuke. he chokes out a laugh. sai throws caution to the wind and climbs into his bed next to naruto. naruto doesn’t normally talk about things when he’s crying and if sai has learned anything it’s that this is a Big Moment. 
“i believe that in this situation, as your friend, i should offer to kick said breaker of your heart’s ass?” 
naruto does laugh, turning over and staring up at sai. “if you can find him, sure. but i wouldn’t worry about it.” 
“i won’t. i’m terrible at fighting. i’d probably just throw paint at him.”
naruto feels warmer having sai there to comfort him. he’s not exactly sure when he moves closer just that eventually he’s practically touching sai and he just feels better. calmer. more centered. he falls asleep in the middle of sai talking about his break which consisted of painting and sometimes meeting gaara for lunch. 
when he wakes up, sai’s asleep, curled around naruto who at some point must have scooted closer because there was definite cuddling. naruto decides to keep sleeping.
somehow, after that, though they never actually talk about it, naruto stops sleeping in his own bed. 
he also stops looking for sasuke. 
and at some point, sai’s teasing is accompanied by kisses
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