#Bridging the gap with morning messages
newrelationshipgoals · 7 months
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 28 days
“you look like you could use a hug.”
thank you to @thru00thepages22 for this prompt!! enjoy some George x Blakely <3
Word count: 962
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Blakely was staring. Brow furrowed, he sat, frowning, at his desk, drumming the tip of his pen incessantly against the edge of the table. Since the moment he'd first laid eyes on George that morning, he'd been unable to look away, tracking her every move with keen attention. Dark circles ran rings beneath her eyes, and she was on what was at least her third cup of coffee. Even more disturbingly, she was distracted. If there was one thing George Aarons never was, it was distracted - she was the best, rolling out messages with such focus and rapidity that none of the Americans had ever quite been able to catch up. But in the last ten minutes, he had watched her lose track four times, tearing the sheet from her typewriter with a sigh of frustration every time she made a mistake.
Yesterday's mission hadn't been good. It hadn't exactly been bad - they'd seen much worse, taken much greater blows than the four planes they'd lost the previous afternoon. As far as Blakely knew, George hadn't even known any of the lost crews, all of whom had been replacements - a group she seemed to make a pointed effort to avoid. Yet there she was, clunking away clumsily at the keys, appearing utterly miserable.
It was almost startling how much it bothered him, so when she got up he made to follow, trailing a few metres behind her as she crossed the floor towards the kitchen, empty mug in hand. Reaching her just as George was about to make another cup of coffee, he held out a tentative hand, scarcely grazing her arm. "Think that's probably enough for one day, huh?" Everett spoke softly, gently prying the cup from her as she looked up at him with a frown.
"S'only my second one," George protested, although she made no physical effort to stop him.
"Uh-huh, well, that's definitely not true," He shrugged, leaning back against the countertop. "So?"
Sighing, she threw up her hands in surrender. "So what?"
"You gonna make me work for it, Aarons? You're fucking up all your work - and I'm saying this from a place of love, but you look like shit."
George sucked in a long, deep breath, and a spark of panic shot through Blakely as it suddenly appeared as though she were about to burst out crying, bottom lip pulled taut between her teeth, eyes welling up with tears. "Ssshit, no-no, hey-" Pushing himself away from the counter, Everett stepped forward, swiftly bridging the gap between them, his hands on her shoulders as he tried to meet her gaze.
She groaned frustratedly, wiping away her tears with such force that her hands left faint, pink marks on the flesh of her cheeks. "Jesus Christ. Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"I dunno... nicely."
Releasing a huff of laughter, he gently squeezed her shoulder. "You want me to stop being nice? That's a new one."
"Shut up," George tittered slightly, shaking her head as she gave his chest a kindly shove. But the moment her amusement subsided, her expression dulled again, and a deep frown creased Blakely's expression.
"Ok, seriously. You gotta give me somethin' here, honey," He sighed.
Looking up at him, she shrugged. "It's just... tomorrow's gonna be one year since Curt died... And I slept like shit, and I'm tired, alright?"
For a moment it was silent, the air suddenly hanging so thick between them that George felt like suffocating. When she'd awoken from the few hours of sleep she'd managed to find last night, Frankie had been in bed beside her, a wordless understanding of precisely what was happening. All she could think about was the moment she'd found out Curt was dead, looping it over and over in her head - she could still hear the beeps of Morse code, could remember so vividly the split second she realised what the message was spelling out, the report falling to her before anyone else even had a clue.
Wordlessly, Blakely stepped forward, closing the gap as his arms wrapped around her, pulling her into his chest. Without hesitating, George reached her arms around his back, cheek resting against his front, his hand against her hair softly holding her in place. She took a deep, steady breath, inhaling the scent of his cologne as his thumb traced back and forth across her back.
"Does it ever feel weird to you?" She asked after a while, voice hoarse and muffled against the fabric of his shirt. "That we're like this, when he was your friend."
"No," Everett uttered, without so much as a pause to think it over. She felt him shake his head, his chin brushing against her hair. "He'd kick my ass if he thought I'd let you be alone."
George chuckled. "Yeah... you're probably right."
"Always am," He nodded, squirming as she pinched him in the side as a silent reply. Letting out a laugh, he pulled back just far enough to look down at her face, sweeping a few stray strands of golden hair out of the way. "Y'know what I think?"
"I'm sure I'm about to find out," She teased.
"I think we should get outta here - take the day. Tomorrow too."
George's brow arched in question. "You want me to skive?"
"I'm just guessing at what that means - but yes."
She snorted, tilting her head to rest her chin against his chest as she looked up at him. Leaning down to meet her, Blakely briefly touched his nose to hers before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. As he met her gaze once more, a smile was beginning to curl her lip, that glint he always loved returning to her eye.
"Fuck it. Let's go."
"Whatever you say, dear."
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Up All Night 1
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, narcissim, probably name calling and nasty words, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (older!reader)
Note: I wasn't serious about this but now I were. Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You rub your cheek as you check the time in the corner of the screen. You should’ve been gone an hour ago, you should have your bottle of shiraz and your episode of housewives to keep you company. You don’t know why you expected that, nothing ever goes to schedule, not with your boss.
You sigh at his empty office. You haven’t seen him for two days. He has an automatic reply that he’s ‘working remotely’. You know Mr. Drysdale well enough. He doesn’t work outside the office, he barely does anything at the office.
You go back to the PDF, your red notes in the margin of the manuscript. Big meeting tomorrow. Hopefully your boss got that message. You can only imagine what would happen if a publishing house missed their introductory conference with a major writer. That could mean thousands, if not millions, in losses. Somehow, you suspect you won’t have to imagine.
You finish the chapter and press your finger to your phone. It lights up but you don’t have anything more than the several reminders you set for yourself and automated notifications from apps you never use. Drysdale…
His last name rolls from your throat without meaning too. Something about him just irks you to the bone. Maybe it’s envy, or at very least, resent. You’ve worked all these years in the publishing business to become an assistant, all while he was born into his editor’s chair.
Another bubble pops up. You’re not the social media type. You never got much into it. Your generation came a bit too early for that, but you’ve found with men like Drysdale, narcissists really, it is a great tool.
You tap the notification and it opens the story. There he is, taking a shot with a pair of statuesque twins. Not the best look for an editor, on that night, of all nights. 
You clamp your lips shut and flare your nostrils. Right. You close your laptop as you see Eugene making his sweep. Once security pops up, you know you’ve got to go. You pack up your things and say hello to the man in the blue uniform on your way out. He knows you by name too.
You shift your glasses on your nose, the little rubber pieces starting to squeeze your bridge. You come out the front of the building and make your way to the only car left in the lot. You throw your bag in the back and drop into the front seat.
No wine for you. You’ll have to stream the episode when it comes out on Prime. You set a new alarm for the morning, early enough for you to make sure Mr. Drysdale meets his obligations.
As expected, you don’t have a single call from Drysdale. You’ve left several messages since your alarm blared and broke through your four hours of sleep. You see his last activity on Insta from three in the morning and you want to throttle your own phone. This isn’t good.
You have only enough time to get yourself ready. Your morning routine of a perfectly portioned breakfast and precisely brewed dark roast is nixed. You get in your car with coffee in a travel mug. You have only one thing on your mind.
As you draw up the long drive to the ultra-modern facade, the revulsion courses from your stomach into your throat. There’s something about his style that makes your eyes roll. So obnoxious and absurd. He’s exactly a caricature of a silver-spooned brat.
You park behind the beamer and take a draw from your insulated mug. Ugh, you need caffeine, you need strength and patience. You put it back in the cupholder and force yourself out of the peace of the front seat.
You stride up the white stone walkway and hit the doorbell. Once. Twice. Five times before you admit you will not receive an answer. You bring up the emergency file in your phone and key in the door code. Drysdale would shit if he knew his mother sent you it but she is a lot smarter than him. It makes you wonder how the apple rolled so far away after falling.
You let yourself in. It’s quiet but for the catch and skip of a forgotten record. You go into the front room. Open bottles of liquor forgotten on the glass table, a broken glass on the floor, and the record player crackling through the speaker.
You pull the needle off and pause to look out through the transparent wall that gives a clear view of the entire room. You know Drysdale to be shameless but really?
You put your phone away and approach the stares. The large gap between each gives a sense of vertigo to your ascent. You get to the top and head down the hall, glancing down over the entryway as you do.
You carry on and open a door; closet. The next, a bathroom, the other, a bedroom but not used. And finally, you find the door you’re looking for. On the other side, Mr. Drysdale sleeps with his ass naked in the room, upside down on the bed with his head hanging off the foot. The same woman from his Instagram are entwined with him as they sleep the right side up. Ugh, you don’t want to picture it.
You go into the en suite bathroom and take the sleek black plastic cup from beside the sink. You fill it with cold water and unhook the amber satin robe from the door as you pass. You march to the bed and dump the water onto Ransom’s head, watching it splash down his back.
He yipes and whips his head up with an unattractive snort, “what the fuck–”
“Robert Laing is due at nine. It’s ten to eight.” You drop the robe over him carelessly and spin on your heel, “let’s go., Mr. Drysdale.”
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x OFC
Part 12
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x OFC
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC), Sinker, Comet, Boost, Warthog
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
Author's Note: Phew! That was a whole lot of work, but everything has been converted from reader to oc, and every chapter has been updated to third-person past tense writing 😮‍💨 Nothing in the plot has changed, but I did update some wording and filled in a few gaps I found while I was going through the story. Y'all, the next chapter is the funeral. Enjoy this last bit of, uh... not as sad moment(?), then brace yourselves! As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta: @beating-a-dead-plot
Part 1 || Prev | Next
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Wolffe watched from his seat at the desk chair as Cara, Comet, Boost, and Warthog continued to unpack her things and arrange the room. He had Warthog stuff his armor in the wardrobe while she wasn't looking to try and keep the mood up. She was going to have enough to be sad about when they went to the funeral soon. Too soon. He didn't even know if he was ready for it, let alone Cara. He'd already had a conversation with the Wolfpack about it, and they'd be ready to step in when he needed them.
"Commander," Sinker called from the doorway. "Can I talk to you?"
Wolffe sighed and got up from the desk chair to join Sinker out in the hallway. He left the door open so Cara wouldn't fret about his absence, but he'd keep his voice hushed so she didn't overhear their conversation. If he was lucky, she wouldn't notice that he'd stepped out of the room. Sadly, with the look on Sinker's face, Wolffe knew that whatever happened in that briefing couldn't be good, at least not in terms of their remaining time left on Coruscant, and he braced for it.
"How was the briefing?" Wolffe asked.
"We're deploying," Sinker sighed. "I'm sorry, Wolffe."
Wolffe cursed under his breath.
"According to the intel," Sinker continued, "Captain Rex and General Kenobi were taken captive by Zygerrian slavers while trying to infiltrate their operation to free some imprisoned Togrutas."
"You're kidding," Wolffe said.
"Afraid not," Sinker said. "We're being sent to Kadavo as reinforcements for the liberation."
Wolffe pinched the bridge of his nose. "When are we leaving?"
"Two rotations," Sinker answered. "It would've been immediate, but General Skywalker and Commander Tano are already on the ground, so it bought us some time to regroup. As is, it's going to take twelve standard rotations just to get to the Kadavo system from Coruscant."
Wolffe breathed a small sigh of relief. It wasn't a lot of time, but it was enough for him to get his affairs in order. He looked over at Cara and watched as she played a game with Comet and Boost. She will be devastated when he has to put his armor back on and leave. With no mother, no father, and no Wolfpack, she was going to be completely alone. It'd take at least one standard month to get to the Kadavo system and back, and that didn't even take into consideration the length of the actual mission. Liberations could last for months.
"May I be excused?" Sinker asked after Wolffe didn't respond. "I promised the general that I'd help with the… preparations."
Wolffe paused. He knew what the implications of that word meant and while he was grateful that his second in command had his hands on his wife's funeral, it was still a stab to the heart.
"Yes, of course," Wolffe stammered. "Dismissed."
Sinker left and Wolffe walked back into the room, grabbed his comm, sat down at the desk, and typed a message to Fox. We need to talk. It's important.
It took a while, but Fox eventually answered back. I'll be at the funeral.
Wolffe quickly sent another message. No, not there. Tomorrow morning. The diner.
Fox replied back after a couple of minutes. Meet me there at 0600.
Wolffe put his comm back down and anxiously tapped his foot against the floor. It was a long shot, but he needed someone to look after Cara while he and the Wolfpack were gone. Even if Fox couldn't do it, he probably had a couple of trusted brothers in the Coruscant Guard who could. It was better than the alternative of some random Jedi caretaker brainwashing his child while he was off fighting the War. He wanted to be able to trust the Jedi, he did, but he always found a small seed of doubt when he tried.
"Cara," Wolffe called. She ran over to him. "I'm going out tomorrow morning."
"You're leaving?" Cara asked, her voice full of uncertainty.
"No, baby," Wolffe soothed. "I'm just gonna see Fox for a bit."
"Can I come?" she asked.
"No," Wolffe said.
"Please?" she pleaded.
"You don't even like Fox," Wolffe argued.
Cara pouted.
"Comet will be here to watch you," Wolffe said a little louder. He looked up at Comet and received a smile and a nod of acknowledgement. "You can explore the Temple together."
Cara continued to pout.
Wolffe decided to change his tactics. There was something in the Temple that could get her excited, even if only a little bit. "You know," he began. "I heard they have a tree somewhere."
Cara perked up. "A tree?"
"Mhm," Wolffe said. "A real one." It was something Wolffe and his wife planned on doing after the War; moving to a planet full of different flora and fauna for Cara to see. His wife kept images all around their apartment of different trees and plants from around the galaxy, since Cara had never been off-world yet.
Cara gasped with wide eyes. "Can I go see it?"
"Sure," Wolffe shrugged. "But only if you stay with Comet."
Cara thought about the proposal for a moment. "I'll stay with Comet."
"That's my good girl," Wolffe praised. "You can go play now."
Cara ran back to Comet and Boost, but then turned on her heels and ran back to Wolffe.
"Daddy," she said. "I have to go potty."
Wolffe blinked a few times in surprise. He was so used to Cara using the refresher by herself at home, that it didn't even dawn on him that she might need help here. He really wasn't made for parenting, but he was going to do his best to help her. The last thing he needed right now was for her to have an accident, and right before the funeral too. He glanced at the chronometer to make sure they still had time, then took her hand and guided her through the halls to find a refresher.
There should be a one somewhere on that floor, but he didn't remember seeing it on their way in. Then again, he did zone out for a bit near the end. After walking a little further, he saw a sign, but it was for a male species refresher. He looked around and saw another sign for a female species refresher, but he wasn't sure which one he should take her in. His wife would've just taken her into the female species refresher and took care of everything. Maker he wished she was here.
Since he was a male species, did he need to bring her into that one? If he did take her there, he risked her seeing things she shouldn't be seeing. However, if he took her into the female species refresher, was he going to get arrested? He noticed Cara starting to wiggle and he knew he needed to make a decision quickly. Ultimately, Wolffe took her into the female species refresher for her own comfort and protection. If he got arrested, Fox could always bail him out.
"Do you need help?" Wolffe awkwardly asked while rubbing the back of his neck.
"No!" Cara said adamantly and slammed the stall door behind her. "Mommy said I'm a big girl and big girls use the refresher alone."
Wolffe was shocked, but rolled with it. "Oh, okay. I'll, uh, I'll wait out here then."
Wolffe wasn't sure what to do with himself while he waited. He missed out on the potty training phase when Cara was two years old, and this was always his wife's territory, just like bath time. Which was something else that slipped his mind. He had no idea where the bath was, if the Temple even had a bath, or who was going to help her bathe in the morning. His wife was adamant that someone had to watch her in the bath. Maker strike him dead if she drowned when he wasn't around.
Within a few minutes, the stall door swung open and Cara came walking out. Wolffe opened his mouth to remind her about washing her hands, but before he got the chance, she was already at the sink washing her hands with soap. He didn't have to remind her; she did it all on her own. She even used the stool on her own. She didn't need his help at all. Wolffe felt a small twinge of pain in his heart. She was growing up so fast and he'd barely been around to see it. He'd missed so much, and he was going to miss even more.
"Ready to go back?" Wolffe asked after Cara finished drying her hands and hopped off of the stool.
Cara nodded and grabbed Wolffe's hand. He held it just a little tighter while they walked back to the room, because there might be a day when she no longer wanted to hold his hand, and when that day came, all he would have were the memories. It was expected of a clone to grow up fast, that was their purpose, but if he could ever find a way to stop aging, he'd give it to his daughter. It might be selfish, but he didn't want her to grow up. She was his baby girl and he wanted her to stay that way.
When rounded the corner of the hallway leading to the room, Wolffe could see Sinker standing outside of the door, dressed in his formal wear and holding what looked like Wolffe's officer uniform folded neatly in his hands. It must be that time, Wolffe guessed. He grabbed the uniform from Sinker and left Cara with him while he went into the room to change. When the door shut, Cara didn't say anything, but she did look a little confused. Sinker wasn't sure what to say to her, so instead of stumbling over his words, he said nothing.
Comet, Boost, and Warthog had already changed into their dress uniforms and went ahead, which left Sinker, Wolffe, and Cara to bring up the rear. It was fitting, in a way, for them to arrive at the funeral last. After a few moments, the door slid back open and Wolffe emerged in his officer's uniform. He fixed a couple of spots while Cara looked up at him with concern in her eyes, almost as if she knew what was going to happen, but still, no one had the heart to speak it out loud. Inevitably, it was time for them all to say goodbye.
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
⚪  Wed morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
📌 WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO BE HUMAN SHIELDS.. IDF: “We need you to evacuate. You don’t have much time left.”   GAZAN: ’Strike us, do whatever you want. Our children must also die so we can expose your brutality.  Do whatever you want, everyone wants to die from our side.  We love death the way you love life.’  https://twitter.com/TheMossadIL/status/1787530064801759279
♦️IDF ATTACKS LAUNCHERS.. IDF forces attacked in the Rafah region the launcher from which the shooting was carried out, Hamas continues firing into Kerem Shalom, damaging aid delivery capability. (IDF Spox)
🔘WHITE HOUSE DEMANDS:  (( throw your dead soldiers bodies out of the way, instantly repair the damage, and )) “open the crossings and deliver fuel into the Strip (today).”  "Closing the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings by Israel is unacceptable."  The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announced that the Kerem Shalom Crossing is reopening today (( the bodies were shoveled out of the way )) for bringing humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.
♦️OTEF AZA FARMERS TOLD TO NOT ENTER FIELDS.. An unusual instruction this morning for farmers in Otef: not to go to work in the agricultural areas adjacent to the border fence in the Gaza Strip.  In the background: widespread IDF activity also in the north of Gaza and explosions heard in the area.
♦️ACTIVE FIGHTING.. in eastern Rafah. (Per Arab reports)
⭕ HEZBOLLAH ROCKET BARRAGE at Kiryat Shmona and surrounds overnight.
❗️ANOTHER HOSTAGE DETERMINED MURDERED.. Lior Rudaif was murdered on 7/10 and that his body was kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas terrorists.  That’s 39 known murdered among the 132 remaining hostages.
❗️ANALYSIS - HEZBOLLAH SOON.. (The Arab Desk) The expansion of the operation in Rafah will force Hezbollah to respond.  If Hezbollah enters the campaign fully, Syria will not sit idly by.
🔸DEAL ACTIVITY.. US: Kirby,  "Optimistic about the ability of both sides to bridge the gaps between Hamas and Israel during the current round of talks in Egypt." (( Is he joking? ))
.. Hezbollah completely rejected all the proposals.  The message that Hezbollah sent was clear, there is no resolution 1701, there are no discussions before the definitive cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip.
.. The head of the CIA, William Burns, is expected to arrive in Israel today, and meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and other officials.
▪️REMEMBER THE AID PIER?  The Pentagon: American forces will move the temporary port and sea bridge to Gaza when weather conditions improve. (I don’t know about the sea, but weather in Israel is perfect today, cool spring weather, winds at 2 mph due east off of Gaza.)
▪️NEWS OF THE WEIRD - EXCESSIVE TURTLES.. About 57 LARGE turtles (or maybe tortoises?) were found to be kept illegally in a private house in Rishon Lezion. The turtles were taken for examination and treatment at the Ramat Gan Safari Wildlife Hospital.
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mercy-burning · 2 years
Losing You Twice / Interlude: Sting
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Y/N comes to some painful conclusions about her relationship with Spencer. Category: Angst Content: ...sadness? Word Count: 1,049
NOTE: SURPRISEEEEEE!!! Unsurprisingly, Fletcher’s new music has been putting me back in the headspace to write, and this song in particular fucking destroyed me... And seeing where we left off and where the next chapter begins, it was a perfect bridge to fill the gap between the two chapters. I can’t wait to share the rest with you, seeing as the next chapter is almost done! It’ll most likely be up for you next week hehehehehehe
"Are you gonna give that diamond ring that's meant for me to her? / Or maybe I like the way it sting / It's all I got left of you and me / Rather it keep on cutting deeper / Show what we were worth / How much longer will it sting?" —FLETCHER, Sting
There was one morning days after the wedding where it seemed like the true end of Y/N and Spencer was in sight.
Her eyes opened, and instead of searching for a text message with his name attached, she rolled out of bed and poured herself a cold plastic cup of water, chugged it, and went for a run. She didn't even change out of the shorts and tank top she slept in the night before. She threw on her shoes and bolted out the door without her phone or anything, which probably wasn't smart, but it wasn't even a thought.
She just needed to leave.
Without knowing where she was heading, Y/N ran until she couldn't handle it anymore, her lungs paining her with every intake of breath and her legs shaking violently.
And then she sat down on the damp grass, caught her breath for an hour, and walked back to her apartment with an empty mind.
He didn't even cross her mind once.
For days she went to work, went for runs, and ate dinner alone in her dining room until she was tired, and then she slept soundly in her bed without a nightmare to be had. Never mind that it felt robotic and lifeless, she had finally rid her mind of Spencer and his painful memory, and that was enough.
And then, after closing her eyes two weeks later, it all came crashing down like a ton of bricks onto a glass house.
It was only a vision of a diamond, twinkling in the sun under a clear blue sky, and a slender, steady hand sliding it onto the finger of a much smaller, shakier one. She recognized the jewel immediately, but wasn't delusional enough to believe it was her hand that it was meant for. In another life, perhaps, but the reality of this life stated that it simply wasn't possible.
She opened her eyes, breathing slowly until the glass cracked around her, and under the weight of those bricks, it eventually shattered, leaving her trapped under shards of a broken house that she'd built for herself after months of heartache. It was a futile attempt in the end, she realized as she laid there, crushed by the weight of her actions and the sting it left behind. Throwing up a couple planes of glass to protect herself from the hurt would only work for so long, and now, that time had ran out.
He was gone. He had moved on. The longer she stayed away from him, the farther he would go, until she was nothing but a distant memory and the love he once had for her was only a fleeting feeling that was never meant to last.
Her chest heaved stronger and stronger until it hurt to breathe, and when the first sob ripped through the tension in the air, it was settled.
In the weeks that followed, she came to realize that she didn't know who she was without the sting of his absence. Those days where she robotically maneuvered life without him were hollow and numb, and in the end it wasn't fulfilling. At least this way she was able to keep him with her. At least this way she was able to know she could feel anything at all. She felt something for him, obviously, otherwise it wouldn't have hurt this much.
Was it love? Was it only lust? Possession? There was something keeping him housed inside her soul and it was impossible to distinguish what it was.
Whatever it was, she wondered if he felt it, too. Even as he moved on with his life and with someone new, did he ever have these feelings about her? Did he ever feel her, latched onto his very being in the middle of the night as he tried to forget there was anything there in the first place? Did he ever have moments where the urge to call her up just to hear her voice was so strong that it made him sick to his stomach? Did he ever look Nicole in the eyes and see flashes of her, begging him to stay?
Did he ever believe that maybe one day they could reconcile?
Even if they never would, if reconciliation was completely off the table, just the idea that he might think about it from time to time was enough to ease the pain just long enough for her to manage falling asleep at a semi-reasonable hour.
By the time she woke up, alone and cold, the peace had left her body and made room for restless wondering.
Would she ever be able to face him again? Would she ever gain the courage to let him know that she was sorry and that she truly wished him happiness, even if she wasn't the one to give it to him? Or would doing that only have the opposite effect?
It was these questions that plagued her for days and weeks and months, until it became such a routine that she'd become numb to the sting anyway.
Eventually there was a balance of hurt and serenity.
She could break her own heart with these questions and still go about her daily life with ease, making room for tears alongside her morning coffee and utilizing frustration as motivation for exercise. She became a bitter, wounded animal with regret and sorrow and a little sliver of hope pumping through her blood, and with each day that passed, it became more clear that perhaps she just wasn't built for forgiveness. Least of all, his.
At this point she wasn't even sure that she was built for her own...
After all, there was so much damage that she caused, it was a wonder Spencer ever came back at all. Maybe it was a good thing that she wasn't hearing from him this time around.
Maybe he was doing her a favor.
Maybe the sting wouldn't last forever.
"I still feel you right here every now and then / And it hits me like a missile in my heart again / Don't you start again / In my heart again..."
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boliv-jenta · 1 year
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Lucien Flores (that's just his name now)x f!reader.
Part of the Exposed Masterlist
Warnings: talk of anxiety, descriptions of an anxiety attack, sexting, mutual masturbation, erectile dysfunction.
Summary: Things between you and Lucien progress but not to the point he was hoping for.
Cat-us Interruptus
Good Morning. 
The little green line steadily blinking after the words held him in a trance as he rethought sending a message. Would he come off as desperate? After last night he felt like he should say something. He didn't want you to get the impression that this new thing was just about sex for him. For the first time in a very long time he felt a connection to someone. Truth be told he hadn't felt this rush since his first love in high-school. They were together until his mid-twenties, after that he hadn't found that same feeling with anyone. Now you're here and everything feels easy and natural when you are around. Even when he's overthinking. He gets a sense of calm from you. From that spark that lights up the room. It burns through his insecurities. We'll, not all of them obviously or he wouldn't have typed and deleted the same two words over and over in the last five minutes.
A message appeared in the chat below his unsent one.
Good Morning.😁
Shit. Now he had to reply. The message will show as read. While he mildly panicked, another message came through. 
I saw you were typing for quite a while. I figured you were typing and deleting like I was. Then I remembered how comfortable I feel with you and hit send.
Fuck. He liked you. Lucien had always felt like two people. He could be bold and confident in his work and in certain social situations, but when it came to anything too personal or close to home, he was a neurotic mess. You had bridged that gap between those people. Not by blurring the lines between business and pleasure. There was something about you that relaxed him enough to merge those two halves.
Yeah I was. I like you. I don't want you to think I'm just interested in sex or to further my work. I wanted to say good morning but I didn't want to come off as desperate or needy.
Thank you for being honest. Next time just tell me that. I'm a chronic over-explainer. I need to feel that people understand me. Not so much with you because you make me feel safe. Which is stupid because we've known each other for like a week but it's true. 
He felt that. It was so weird how strongly he felt for a relative stranger.
Same. I feel safe with you. I enjoy your company. Maybe after the project we can go on a date?
After he sent it, he regretted it. What if he just blew his art project as well as his shot with you?
Why wait? It's just sex that's off the table. It doesn't mean we can't go on a date, does it?
Just tell me. She seems to like honesty in all its forms.
No, it doesn't, but spending more time with you will make the whole thing more difficult. 
Yeah. I get that. Sex is off the table. How about a little mutual masturbation to take the edge off?
Lucien's cock stirred under his sheets. He needed to breathe. To be honest.
When you get here? That could affect the energy for the shoot.
I was thinking more now? Do you have time?
I do. Just give me one minute.
Lucien flew from his bed. Almost tripping on his sheets. He opened his studio window, put food out for Claude's return, washed his hands, and dove back into bed in some sort of record time.
I'm back.
Good. I may have started without you.
I'm sorry I missed that. What are you doing?
I took off my clothes and started playing with my tits. I've really missed someone paying them attention.
I would pay them so much attention. I already do when you're not looking. Sorry.😝
Naughty boy! I've totally seen you.😆 You're not that slick. I appreciate you trying, though. 
I was already asking to take pictures of you masturbating. I didn't want to seem like a total creep.
Good call. Are you touching yourself?
Yes. I'm just coating myself in lube.
So you're nice and hard for me? I felt you the other day. How hard and big you were. I kept thinking about it.
So hard for you. I keep thinking about you coming apart for me.
That was so good. Your voice. Knowing you were watching me. I wanted to come hard for you. 
And you did. You were so good for me. Want are you doing now?
Circling my clit. Wishing it was you. You?
Pumping my cock. Wishing it was you.
When we can be together, how do you want me? 
I thought about fucking you over my desk but I want to be able to see you. Your pretty face. Those tits.
Maybe I should ride you. You could see and touch everything.
I'd like that. The thought of you bouncing  on my cock while I fuck up into you. Would you like that?
Are you nice and wet now? Still circling  your clit or…?
I was. All this talk of riding you. I'm going to ride my huge dildo while I play with my clit.
A photo came through underneath. The dildo looked to only be slightly bigger than him. Pride swelled in him at you think of it as huge. Then he thought about how well you could take him. He'd been stroking his cock at a leisurely pace but the thought of you sinking down onto that toy while it spread you open had his hand moving faster.
I bet you look so good riding it.
You can see for yourself at the end of the week.
I changed my mind. I'll have to bend you over and fuck you. Hard. For being such a tease.
Jokes on you. I'd like that. How are you touching yourself now?
Faster. Big long stroke and sweeps across the tip. Are you still playing with your clit?
Yes. Not as much. I've switched hands to type. I'm riding my dildo hard. Thinking of you.
Instead of typing, why don't we send one last message to get each other there then start texting again when we are done?
Sounds good. Anything in particular you want?
Can you take the picture of your tit again but with better lighting?
Are you always on the job? 
I'm a consummate professional. What would you like? 
After you cum could you send me a picture of it? Wherever it lands. 
Of my cum?
Thank you. I hope this passes your professional standards.
The photo underneath was more than he expected. Instead of a less grainy picture of one partially covered tit. You'd sent a picture of both of them fully uncensored. Your nipples hard and begging for attention. He thought about sucking on them as he worked you to orgasm on his fingers. That was it for him. The cum you wanted a picture of shot up his stomach. When he could think again, he took a picture to send to you.
A few minutes later, a voice note came through.
"I wish that cum was splashed over me. I can't wait to finally….oh…I'm almost there. Oh. Shit. Lucien. Lucien. Oh, god."
Breathy moans punctuated your sentences. He could hear how wet you were. It was the hottest thing Lucien had ever heard. After a few more minutes, another message came through.
Was that good for you too?
So fucking good. Are we good?
What do you mean?
No post horniness regrets?
Nope. Whatever it is we're doing, I like it. I like you.
Me too. Maybe before tonight's shoot we can get takeout? Watch a movie?
I'd like that. I've got to go to work for a few hours but I'll see you tonight. 6?
6 is perfect. See you soon.x
The cum on his stomach started to cool and feel uncomfortable. Part of him wanted to wear it like a badge of honor. A beautiful, smart, confident woman helped him get off. She wants to fuck him so bad that they sexted. He had her pretty tits and the sounds of her orgasm on his phone. Which he would delete just in case. He didn't want to be accidentally responsible for them being seen and heard by anyone else. After committing them to memory, that's what he did before taking a shower and jerking off again.
The day passed pretty quickly. Claude leapt through the window around lunch, just as Lucien was thinking of taking a break from his chores. The cat must have sensed something was on Lucien's mind as he came to sit on his lap as he ate his sandwiches. 
"Yeah, you know I'm in trouble too, huh?" The cat just purred as Lucien scratched his head.
"The longest stable relationship I've had in years has been with you and you come and go as you please. I want this to go well. Wait until you meet her. You're good at reading people. You'll see, she's just…special." He caught how wistful he sounded. "And I'm a loser talking to his mostly indifferent cat."
With that Claude hopped off of Lucien's lap to bask in the sun warming the rug in the middle of the room. 
"This smells amazing! Do you eat from here often?" You savoured the scents coming from the takeout boxes.
Lucien settled back into the sofa next to you after opening them all up. "I try not to too much. I like to keep in the habit of cooking so I don't get lazy. How about you? Do you cook?" 
"I try to be good and make good choices. I batch cook when I can but I would happily live on pizza if I could."
"There's an amazing pizza place a few blocks down. Iannucci's? We should try it next time."
Before Lucien could cringe too much about assuming there would be a next time. You simple reply. "We should."
"So what movie do you want to watch?"
"I don't know. What kind of movies do you like?"
"I've been working my way through the action movies on Disney plus. Air Force One is up next."
"Air Force One? Die Hard on a plane? Really?"
"Really. Why?"
"Nothing. That's not what I expected an artist to be watching. I know! I know! I shouldn't stereotype. It was a stupid thought!"
"It's okay. I'm a little surprised you know what Die Hard is. I thought you'd only watch Erin Brockovich, Legally Blonde…"
"I get it. Thank you."
"....Devil's Advocate, A Few Good Men."
"Point made. Now shut up before I make you." You nudged his arm with yours.
"Oh yeah? How?" A smirk tugged at his lips as his eyes locked with yours in a challenge.
"We ordered enough egg rolls to do the trick or…" Lucien didn't miss how your eyes flickered to his lips.
"Or…?" His thought was answered by your lips. 
How had he forgotten how soft they were? They invited him closer. His hands travelled to your waist as yours came up around his neck. The kiss was slow, your lips took the time to get acquainted with the curves of each other, instead of frantically mashing together like last time. The hands that you had both placed in relatively safe place began to get bold, sliding along clothed skin, sliding until…"Meow!"
"Shit!" You nearly headbutted Lucien in shock. "Sorry, I forgot you had a cat." 
"To be fair. I don't really 'have' a cat. A cat turns up and eats here. He's not the most…" Claude came over and jumped straight into your lap. "....affectionate…but he has his moments. He seems to like you." Claude was purring as you stroked him. 
"The feeling is mutual. I'm not normally a cat person. I'm allergic for one and I don't like their fur getting everywhere. This guy though." To Lucien's surprise you cuddle Claude closer and the cat lets you. "No problems there."
Seeing the smile on your face as you cuddled the cat was almost worth the feline interruption. "Do you wanna watch the movie?"
"Sure." With Claude on your lap you finished your food. Feeding him little bits that Lucien said were okay. 
Once you were all finished eating, Lucien moved your plates. Still with Claude on your lap Lucien pulled you close. His arm remained around you for the rest of the movie. Your body relaxed into him more and more until your heart rested on his chest. His hand came up to play with your hair during the climax of the movie. As the good guys rejoiced, a warmth spread through Lucien's chest. This was all so domestic. 
It was what he craved during quarantine when he saw others spending time with their loved ones. His parents had retired back home to Bolivia. Most of his family were there, save his brother in Chicago. His friends all had partners or families of their own. He hadn't been short of invitations, but it felt wrong to impose on his friends for who knows how long. It turned out to be a long time, considering his health condition. Even if he had stayed with them, he'd just be borrowing a family rather than having one of his own. 
Sitting there with you in his arms all the possibilities scrolled through his mind as the credits scrolled the screen. The comfortable warmth of you next to him slowly started to become too much. The pleasantly full feeling in his stomach started to feel like a lead weight. Pins and needles crept up from his feet. He needed to get up, he needed to move. 
"Sorry. I have to use the bathroom." He gave you a tight smile as he excused himself.
In the privacy of the bathroom, he tried to calm himself. He held a cool flannel to his face. He willed all the irrational bullshit to stop pushing at his mind and affecting his body. He lost track of time as he stood there. He felt trapped. He couldn't stay here and ignore you but he couldn't face you either. If he stayed you might think he had some sort of intestinal situation. If he left you'd see the state of him. A grown man haunted by things that were yet to happen. Things that may never happen. He might not let you down. You might not even give you the chance. Especially if you thought he was currently stuck on the toilet after a bad meal. No, you weren't that shallow. You were caring. You were nice. You were…knocking at the door.
"Lucien? Are you alright?" 
"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute. Er, thanks."
When your footstep receded, Lucien took a few more minutes before he came out to find you. The coffee table was now clear of boxes, Claude was stretched on the sofa alone. Some song that he couldn't quite catch, possibly Rihanna, came from the other side of the screen he'd pulled across to section of his studio from his small living space. Moving around it, he found you washing the dishes, your hips swaying to You Da One. 
"Sorry. Doing dishes bores the hell out of me. I always prefer a little music. How are you?"
"You really didn't have to do these."
"I wanted to. I'm a good house guest." You jutted your chin out proudly. He wanted to press a kiss to it.
"Well, thank you. And I'm fine, just a headache."
"I told you about my husband lying to me, didn't I?" You carried on working as you spoke. Like the words didn't have enough weight for you to make you pause. "I get it if you don't feel comfortable telling me personal stuff, but I'd rather you say that than lie."
How did you do that? Just completely bare yourself for him. This was the truth that he was looking for in his art. It was almost the truth he had given you apart from one thing. "I had a minor…um…anxiety attack."
"Oh. Do you know what triggered it? Do you want me to give you some space?"
Lucien just blinked at you. "What?"
"Nothing. That just wasn't the reaction I was expecting."
"What were you expecting?"
"I don't know. I had a similar rough patch as a teen. I was told to grow up. Man up. This time around, apart from my doctor, I haven't told anyone."
"Except me. Thank you."
"I should be thanking you."
Lucien's hand threaded into yours. His hooded gaze heated you up from the inside out. This connection between you was growing by the second. Not only was he incredibly sexy, funny, sweet, interesting, he was open and honest too. Nothing like your ex-fiance. The end of the week, when you could finally sleep with him, couldn't come fast enough. Even though you'd barely known him a week, you had the sexual tension of a 'will they/won't they couple' in the fourth season.
You had to say something before the tension suffocated you. "Do you want to move on to the shoot now?"
"To be honest right now I couldn't give a damn about my art. I want you." Things clattered to the floor as Lucien's broad frame crowded you into the counter. He lifted you back up onto it while trying to always keep his lips in contact with yours. He succeeded for the most part until he chose to connect his lips somewhere else. They made light contact with your neck before meeting the soft exposed flesh of your cleavage. His tongue darted out to lap in between. "What were you saying about missing someone paying attention to these? Can I?"
When you nodded you found yourself stripped to the waist. Two large, nimble hands tweaked your nipple to peaks as they massaged the flesh around them. Soft lips pressed kisses all over before sealing around each nipple it turns to suck gently. The warmth of his mouth along with the perfect amount of pressure had you woefully aroused in moments. The man could do anything he wanted to to you in that moment and you would thank him for it. 
"Bedroom?" The word managed to croak out of your dry throat. 
With a grin on his face Lucien led the way. Somewhere along the way his shirt was lost. When you got him onto his bed he was only in those damned tight jeans.
"Can I?" When he nodded you made quick work of his belt and fly to drag the jeans down his hips.
His boxers soon followed revealing his semi hard length. It was as pretty as the rest of him and you eagerly welcomed it into the warmth of your mouth. Your tongue ran over the soft flesh, you sucked lightly on it then a little harder but….nothing. He wasn't reacting to your touch at all. "Are you alright?"
"Fuck. Sorry. This hasn't happened before. I…" He rolled away from you to tuck away his soft cock.
"It's okay. It's probably just the anxiety. Those attacks leave you drained. It's fine." Your thumbed rubbed circles on his thigh.
That action from a beautiful woman alone would usually have him hard as a rock. He wanted to believe your words but the anxiety talking over them was too loud for him to truly take them in. He'd fuck this up before it began. All his big talk of fucking you hard and he couldn't deliver. He couldn't even get it up. You were so gorgeous but his body refused to reflect his attraction.
"You're right. I should get some sleep." His tone was brisk.
"Alright. Call me tomorrow?"
"Of course." He pressed a kiss to your temple as you climbed off the bed.
"You rest. I'll see myself out." Straightening your clothes, you left his room to find the rest of them and head out.
Lucien didn't call you the next day. He fired off a quick text, telling you he was fine, but he was busy with his other job. A half truth. He wasn't fine, but hopefully, throwing himself into his work would get him there. They had a stand-alone episode slated to record tomorrow. Lucien decided to change it for a small arc. It was a tight time frame, he'd have to get it done before lunch to run it by the writers. The story flowed easily enough. It was done by the time Claude returned for his nap in the midday sun. The story boards were approved by the writers. They loved it. 'A bold take, on some sensitive issues', 'This is what our fans came for.'
It should have helped. It did to a certain extent. He felt a little better. After he let Claude out for the night, had an early night. Thinking of you in his bed, his cock began to stir. A free porn video later and he was coming to the thought of you underneath him.
With his head clearer, he could see that, in his excitement, he was putting way too much pressure on this thing between you. You were smart and understanding. This could be worked through. All he had to do was call you. Easy. Just call. Instead, he tossed his phone, cleaned himself, and spent a sleepless night in his bed. Alone.
@kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @manazo @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie @pedrostories @geekrenaissance
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tokusaatsus · 1 year
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anzu — morning glory
warnings: mentions of overwork, exhaustion, sleep deprivation
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It’s not an uncommon sight to wake up and see Anzu, tucked haphazardly under the covers next to you, wearing a mix of sweatpants and a formal jacket, her glasses still  on and her hair tied up in a tight ponytail. Your sleep-blurred eyes search for the clock on your bedside table, and it reads 05:23. Five AM. Surprisingly resonable, coming from her.
You can attest to that—you’ve see Anzu run on two hours of sleep and a shit-ton of energy drinks more times than you think is really necessary. At this rate, she might give both Hasumi and Isara a run for their money with how much of a workaholic your girlfriend is becoming.
You reach out to untie her hair, letting it fall back in loose waves. She stirs but doesn’t wake, and you gently turn her onto her back so you can remove her glasses. There are red marks around her eyes and along the bridge of her nose, where the frames have pressed into the skin. “Anzu, love,” You say with an exasperated sigh. “How many times have I told you to take better care of yourself?”
There’s no answer, which is how you know she’s well and truly asleep.
You fumble under your pillow for her phone, swiping it open with ease. Anzu is guarded at the best of times, but her heart is yours and she would trust you with her life. Navigating to her contacts, you find the one labelled Tenshouin, and shoot him a quick text.
hey its y/n
can you cancel all anzus apointments tmrw, she needs to rest
dw ill handle the extra work
thanks &lt;3
The message marks itself as delivered and you nod approvingly. The next step is to turn off her alarms, plural, set for six AM because you know she sets at least five at all times so she isn’t tempted to hit the snooze button.
Again, she stirs—but this time, it’s just to pull you closer. Anzu curls herself around your arm, burying her face into the crook of your neck. The furrow in her brow smooths out, all her incessant worrying sated by your presence alone. You let out another sigh, fonder this time, and thread your fingers through her hair. 
Still, loving her is easy. You wouldn’t trade what you have right now for the world.
It’s true, she may be stubborn and single-minded and terrible at times, but she also has a heart too big for her body and a smile brighter than the sun. These are the things that you love about her, because they make up who she is.
You lean against the covers and watche as she snuggles closer, her face smushed into your side. The barest slivers of morning light streaks through the gaps in the windowblinds and illuminates strands of her coffee-toffee hair. Her eyebrows furrow, forehead scrunching up, and she turns her face away to avoid the annoying brightness.
“Sweet dreams, love,” You say, fondly. She is everything that is good and kind in the world and you are so terribly lucky to be able to hold her warmth in your hands.
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© tokusaatsus 2023
wc. 531 words
reze txt. sorry i love mywife..... my beloved.... i wamt to kiss her.... her button nose....
taglist. (fill out the form or send an ask to be added!) @prpne @gabirii @kazemiya @engurishu @kkomaism @asbestieos @mikctp @lilikags @lolthia @unwantedsleep @hasumilvr @crooked-corvid @pr3tty-jennie @narumika @birthday-of-music @solaaresque
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hendolish · 6 months
hendolish Xmas plans? angst or fluff (it’s probably both with them). have they been texting on an Xmas theme? (feels like Jack would just to be annoying) are they doing presents? getting together for a night or a stolen weekend before the day? is Hendo rn missing snow and frost and Xmas lights as much as he’s missing Jack? or is one/both of them not really into the whole thing at all, thinking it’s overhyped?
jack grealish/jordan henderson | christmas ♡
As Christmas approaches, a bittersweet undercurrent flows through the exchanged texts between Jack and Jordan. The festive spirit that once enveloped them together is now a distant memory, replaced by the physical distance that separates them.
Jack, ever endearingly annoying, bombards Jordan with Christmas-themed messages. GIFs of dancing elves, Santa emojis, and constant reminders of the impending holiday fill Jordan's phone. It makes Jordan somehow fond and exasperated all at the same time, a playful attempt to bridge the miles between them.
"Missing my favourite elf this Christmas," one of Jack's messages reads, accompanied by a wink and a large array of festive emojis.
Jordan rolls his eyes when he sees the message flash up on his phone. Jack's teased him about his ears before, it’s nothing new, but he can't help but smile at the antics, replying with a simple, "You're a menace, you know that? No presents for you."
The conversation inevitably turns to Christmas plans. The realisation that they won't be waking up together on Christmas morning settles like a heavy snowfall in both their hearts, each message carrying the weight of longing
"I wish I could be there," Jordan types, his thumbs hovering over the screen as he contemplates the distance.
Jack's reply is swift, a mix of understanding and melancholy. "Me too, Hendo. It's not the same without you. Fuck boxing day matches."
Despite talking whenever and wherever they can, there's a palpable ache in their hearts, a yearning for the shared warmth of past holidays. Jordan finds himself missing more than just Jack; he longs for the frosty air, the twinkling Christmas lights, the familiar sights and sounds of Liverpool during the holiday season.
Jack, perhaps sensing the sombre mood, suggests, "Let's do presents. Ship something to each other. A piece of us for Christmas."
It's a small but meaningful gesture, a way to bridge the physical gap with tangible tokens of affection. The idea brings a spark of excitement, a reminder that, even in separation, they can be together.
As the packages make their way across continents, the anticipation builds. Gifts exchanged between two hearts a testament to a love that refuses to be diminished by distance.
Later on, in the midst of the Christmas chaos, Hendo takes a moment to video call Jack. The screen lights up with the familiar sight of Jack's grinning face, and for a moment, the distance evaporates. They share laughs, exchange updates, and revel in their closeness.
As they discuss their plans for the holiday, the conversation shifts to the prospect of reuniting—a stolen weekend, a brief escape from the obligations of work and life if they can somehow find the time.
"I can't wait to have you here," Jack admits, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions.
Jordan echoes the sentiment, and then grins widely because he can't pass up the opportunity to be ridiculously cheesy and watch Jack laugh as he tells him to fuck off, "You'll be my best Christmas gift."
The video call ends with a promise to make the most of the time they'll have together. As Jordan hangs up, a sense of warmth fills his chest. Christmas, with all its complexities, becomes a celebration of love, connection, and the unwavering bond between him and Jack.
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monstersinthecosmos · 9 months
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September 5, 1973
“There’s this thing when you’re way up north, the Midnight Sun? You know?”
Daniel shrugs. He sort of knows, but wants the explanation on tape. 
“Like up by the Arctic Circle, during the summer the days are so long. It only gets dark for like two hours in the middle of the night, it’s crazy. But then in the winter it’s dark all day, too. People get super depressed or whatever.”
“So it’s good that you went in the summer,” Daniel says.
“Well yeah, but the thing is, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t fucking sleep.”
Daniel holds a finger up for a pause so that he can flip the tape. When he clicks the record button, the guy continues.
“So I’m one of those people, you know, I need it completely dark or I can’t sleep. Like fallout curtains. I swear to god I should just sleep in a bomb shelter. I need it be—“ he gestures with his hands, like an orchestra conductor to his syllables “—pitch black.”
He leans back in his chair. “Huh. Yeah, that would be crazy.”
“It sucked! And then I’d finally fall asleep, and I’d wake up thinking it was morning, right? I’d be getting dressed, heading downstairs, out in the world to go grab breakfast or some shit and it’s just empty! It’s like the whole world is dead. Twilight Zone shit!”
He shrugs. Pulls the tab off his soda can and spins it on the table. 
“So anyway, you know, if you don’t get any sleep you start going nuts, right? And at the hospital they told me I had, like, delusions of grandeur or whatever they called it.”
“What were the delusions?”
“I was completely convinced that there was this, like, deeper meaning beneath all things.”
“That doesn’t sound so crazy. I think I believe that, too.”
“No but like, on this whole other level. Like cosmic horrors. I was convinced I could hear all these messages coming from the ice. Like way up north. Up at the top.”
“So how did you wind up at the hospital? What lead up to it?”
“Well right, I wasn’t sleeping, yeah? And I was thinking like, all the light coming into the windows, I felt like it was something looking at me. Invading my space. And you know man, I don’t really remember all of it? Just, next thing I know I’m screaming in the middle of the street. And it’s like, bright day time. You’d think it was the middle of the afternoon. But it’s like, one in the morning and I’m waking up all these poor Icelandic people. Like moms coming outside in their bathrobes to see what the problem  is.”
Daniel think he has a good burnout decoder. He’s patient when people ramble, when the story meanders. This guy isn’t even so bad, but it takes them almost four hours to get through the story of how he got institutionalized overseas. If Daniel were to edit the tapes down himself, he thinks he could fit it into a single radio hour.
It’s sincere, though. That’s all he can ask for.
He takes the long way home, even though his car has been making a weird noise for a couple weeks. He probably shouldn’t push her so hard until he figures out what it is. But even trying to wind down through the emptier neighborhoods, there are signs of life everywhere. 
Sometimes he wishes it were truly quiet. Aside from the mental collapse, the interview tonight sounded so soothing. Going somewhere quiet. 
Well. He has a job now, sort of. His parents have almost cut him off. Things like that don’t feel easy like they used to. He’d been naive. It would take some money, not just for the trip, but enough to miss work. He’d have to bank a dozen interviews to bridge the gap if he took off somewhere. 
But it would be nice. After everything. Just be somewhere quiet. If he could swing it. If he had the time.
He laughs at himself as he parks his car, as he listens to the engine clicking. Presses his hands to his face.
“You’re fuckin losing it, man,” he says, out loud.
Too young to be thinking like this. Too soon. He’s not ready to turn into his parents.
He shakes it off. Scratches his hands through his hair. Tilts his mirror down so that he can see his face in the ugly yellow streetlight.
Young still. No matter how weird he feels. Young. Tired as fuck but he doesn’t have wrinkles yet. Could still pass for a high schooler. This is okay.
He’s got plenty of time. 
[previous day] | [next day]
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starfall-spirit · 7 months
Messing With My Mind
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AN: This is techinally only one prompt, not three and its thirty-two words over the max word count, so it isn't an official submission for bingo, but that's still where it will be categorized on my Ao3 and Tumblr masterlist.
Summary: Hundreds of miles apart, Xaden and Violet let their mental connection bridge the gap between them for a night of much needed pleasure.
CW: Mental smut
We are not doing this, Riorson."
"No? And why not, Violet?" She shuttered softly. While she'd actually grown fond of the nickname Violence, there was something in the way he said her given name that did a little too much to please her. "There's no harm being done. I'm not even touching you. You can stay mad at me as long as you like, but that doesn't change the fact I can feel you're wound tight and need a little... help this evening."
"Your door is warded, the room soundproof." He paused long enough she reached along the black river running through her mental archives. "Get on the bed, Violet."
She hesitated for only a moment. What was the harm? It wasn't like they were actually fucking when he came back to school or she flew out to Samara. "I'm on the bed."
"Good," he purred. She could almost imagine him here in her room, watching her settle against her pillow as he leaned against the wall or her armoire, one instruction after another falling from his lips as he commanded she bring herself pleasure. They could end the night with her riding his— "I'll keep that in mind for when you've forgiven me for real. For now, sweet girl, you're just going to relax. Clear your mind. There's no one to shadow or protect, there's no pain-in-the-ass vice commandant or ex best friend, no venin or wyvern. It's just you and me and your bed and this bond."
Half of a country between them, and he was still able to utterly ruin her. "Now, tell me what you're wearing." His wards had improved, after the incident with Amber Mavis the year prior. She had become more lenient in her sleepwear as a result, favoring simple nightgowns to her dragon scale corset and long pants.
"One of my nightgowns. White with lace at the collar. Skimpy," she admitted. Down the bond she could almost feel the impression of his approval.
"Lovely," he appraised her once again. The timber of his voice made her desperately wish that he could actually see her in her skimpy little nightdress.
"Shh. My turn to talk. You don't need to worry that pretty head about one little thing."
It was good he interrupted. Because it was absolutely infuriating, how she couldn't trust him to be open with her when it came to information, be it personal or something involving the movement he and Brennan now led, and yet her body wasn't getting the same message. Her body practically melted every time she was forced to see him. Just one night. That was all this was. One night, playing by his rules. Tomorrow morning she could go right back to distancing him. Forget this dreadful need to please him and meet his demands. "Touch yourself, Violet. Tell me how it feels." She froze. The couple of nights they had spent together had been hurried and desperate, their only concern being how quickly they could both get their pants off. Her previous partners had never voiced an interest in something like that either. Even without him in the room, masterbating with any sort of audience seemed strange. "Violet, tell me what you're doing."
Absolutely nothing, and he knew it too, if his tone was anything to go by. He hummed softly. "How about this, sweet girl. You let me start and then we'll see where your instincts take you, hm? First let's get you out of that cute little nightgown."
She obeyed, peeling it over her head. "Done."
He gave another soft hum. "Good girl. Now I want you to play with those pretty nipples. I want you to lay back and think about how it feels when I touch you there. When it's my mouth there, teasing you until you're on the edge, desperate for something to fill you up and push you into oblivion. Isn't that right?"
She whimpered, gently rolling and tugging at each of her nipples, pathetically wishing they felt anything like his. Frustration and need growing, one hand fell from her breast, trailing over her torso and down to her pantyline, immediately discarding the garment. "That's it. You can feel me, can't you, working my hands down your body, my tongue tracing after them, worshipping every delectable curve."
Good gods, she was going to come to regret this in the morning. Yet he wasn't there playing puppet master as she stroked a finger over her clit. Nor were their dragons anywhere near each other, considering Xaden's post was twelve hours out. This yielding, the surrender of control, was all on her. "You want to play this game," he continued, as her fingers slid down to her soaked core. "Want to push me away when we both know the only solid thought in that pretty little head is how much you need my mouth on you—" Her thumb worked over her clit at a furious pace. "—my shadows holding you open while my fingers hit that sweet spot so I can hear the sounds you make before you come again and again and-" 
Lightning cleaved the sky and gods was she greatful for the sound shield tied to her wards. "Xaden, are you..."
"The things I'd give to be inside you right now."  His mental voice had lost its silky purr, turned gravelly with his own need. That did enough to answer her question, and it was all to easy to imagine his hand stroking the length of him as he got her off with nothing but a whispered fantasy. "Wrapped around me like a glove. Fuck," he barked.
There was a long pause, the both of them taking a moment to collect themselves. "I'll see you on Saturday," he finally said.
The statement was so abrupt it took a moment to truly sink in. "That's it? That's all you have to say?" What the actual fuck. "Xaden!"
But she could already feel him retreating, that archive window starting to seal him off. "I told you once, and I'll tell you again, Violet. I need those three words. I've done enough to break that vow tonight."
And with that, he was gone.
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disorganizedkitten · 2 months
A Study In Friendship Chapter 2
Miraculous Ladybug | 2019 | 2,133 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist | Next
Testing The Waters
Sabrina stared at her bedroom ceiling, going over yesterday again in her head.
Most days, she would already be on her feet, bouncing around her room to make completely sure she had finished all of her and Chloe's homework, found a good outfit, and was ready to spend an hour running errands.
But not today.
It felt really weird to have downtime.
Sabrina's phone had been going off incessantly all night, and was picking up steam to do so it again, but she hadn't picked it up. She wanted to edit her schedule, wanted to check on whether or not she could actually eat lunch with Marinette - Sabrina was still riding the high from having made such a good friend yesterday - but she knew that if she picked it up, she would get pulled back into Chloe's clutches.
It was how she lost last time.
And so she continued to stare at the ceiling, trying to quell her racing thoughts. Had Marinette gotten out okay last night? Would Nino hold a grudge? What was Chloe going to do when they saw each other? Sat by each other?  And the traitorous thoughts wondering if Marinette had changed her mind overnight.
Chloe was probably still angry at Sabrina. And she would stay that way. Because Sabrina wasn’t going to grovel for forgiveness this time. She deserved better than to be treated as a servant.
Didn’t she?
She briefly entertained the idea of picking up her phone and blocking Chloe’s contracts on all medias, but that would take between fifteen minutes and half an hour, and there was no guarantee that she wouldn’t read something Chloe sent in the process.
Maybe she could ask her dad too. But then he might look into Chloe for harassment, and while Sabrina was still upset at Chloe and firm in her decision to sever ties, she didn’t want to go that far. Not to mention the Mayor might try to fire Dad if he tried to get Chloe in trouble.
Which nixed that option.
Speaking of Dad…. “Hey Deputy, when are you meeting up with your friend today?”
Oh. And there was that. He had worked late last night, so she hadn’t been able to tell him about the change. Well, there was her activity for the morning!
“Around lunchtime,” Sabrina replied, the joy in her voice only partially forced as she twisted to look at Roger. “Can we have breakfast together?”
“Of course! I’ll start an extra helping.” he ducked back out of her doorway, presumably headed to the kitchen.
Sabrina sat up at last, compartmentalizing her thoughts so that she could enjoy some time with her dad. Their schedules didn’t often overlap like this, she should make the best of it. Especially since her schedule was so much more relaxed than a normal relaxed schedule thismorning.
She walked over to her dresser, near silently, to pick out today’s accessory; she hovered over her usual white headband, before switching it out for a flower she had gotten from Marinette as a birthday present years ago. She’d never managed to give it away, even as she built a rift between herself and the other classmates at Chloe’s side.
She was really, really lucky Marinette had decided to become her friend. That was a lot of distance to bridge. And she would put in the needed work. They both deserved at least that.
Sabrina clipped it into her hair and headed out to enjoy breakfast with her Dad. A rare occurrence that might not be quite so rare anymore. It was a possibility that made her smile.
‘I’m planning on having Sabrina over for lunch too, is that okay with you?’ The message had gone out to three different numbers, all of which replied with some version of yes. Alya had been skeptical but proud of her for trying, Nino said he’d try it, and Adrien thought it was a good idea.
Which were the reactions Marinette had expected, mostly. She hadn’t expected Adrien to be quite this happy about it, but she would take it.
Hopefully the stutter wouldn’t be too bad today She needed to focus on bridging the gap between Sabrina and Nino. And Alya, but Alya hadn’t met nearly as much of the attacks from Chloe and Sabrina as Nino and Marinette had.
Sabrina got to school earlier than usual. She didn’t want to coincide with Chloe’s time of arrival, but Marinette didn’t have a set time to get to school, so Sabrina couldn’t plan for that. She just had to get there early and wait.
Which brought up where she would be waiting.
Logically, she knew that she had picked her seat earlier in the year, and should stick to it. But dread pooled in her stomach at the thought of sitting beside Chloe for hours every day now that they were no longer friends.
The main question was if Mme. Bustier would allow her to move, and if anyone would want her sitting beside them.
With Marinette as her only friend, and Alya sitting by Marinette, it was unlikely she would be greeted warmly. Although Ivan or Nathaniel might let her sit beside them and ignore her, which would be leagues better than having to still sit by Chloe. Plus, Marinette was right in front of them!
Yes, she would try that.
Sabrina skipped up the staircase, turning at the banister, almost colliding with someone.
“Morning Sabrina!”
She blinked at Nino, unsure of his sudden warmth towards her. “Morning?”
“Marinette said you’re joining us for lunch, any requests?”
“Not really.” Sabrina shook her head, still unsure. This was new. And it happened fast.
“Alright, see you then!” Nino waved and continued on his way, as though that was completely ordinary. It was.. nice, to not be treated like a demon or a bomb.
Were- were people really going to be that forgiving already?  Sabrina tightened her grip on her bag in excitement.
Mme. Bustier was already seated at her desk when Sabrina entered the Classroom, so she got straight to arguing her case. She didn’t have Chloe to make the teacher bend to their will anymore, so she had to actually use her intellect. “Mme. Bustier, I’d like to switch seats. I know that it’s not time for the midsemester switch, and that you rarely do the midsemester switch anyways, but I would feel much better if I was sitting in the middle right row instead of up front where I was.”
Mme. Butsier looked towards the seats in question, where only Ivan was at the moment. “I don’t see a problem with you moving, but we will have to check with Ivan first, alright?”
“Alright!” Sabrina nodded, surprised at how easily Mme. Bustier had caved. She didn’t have to use most of her arguments! Which was good, all things considered. It would be obvious soon, but she needed a little while to mentally prepare before plainly announcing to everyone else that she was done being friends with Chloe.
They made their way up to Ivan’s desk, where Mme. Bustier asked his opinion on the switch. Ivan grunted noncommittally, but nodded. Sabrina sighed quietly. Two hurdles passed. “Thank you!” She slid onto the bench, pulling her bag up in front of her too.
Ivan grunted again, and this time Sabrina could almost make out words at the low volume.
Mme. Bustier had reached her desk again when Nino returned, headphones pulled up and an argument in the form of Kim and Alix following him. Sabrina scanned the classroom to pass time, seeing who else was there. Rose, Juleka, and Max, were already in their seats, and Mylene was at the edge of Rose and Juleka’s desk, happily chattering about a music show.
Sabrina hoped Marinette could get here soon. She wanted to talk like that, although she didn’t know what Marinette might want to talk about. Maybe fashion? Or flowers! Marinette liked those, right? And Sabrina knew plenty about flowers, Chloe had liked them too.
She crossed her arms, leaning her chin on them as she watched and waited for her best friend to come through the door. It would probably be a little while, Marinette lived really close, but almost always got to school second to last. Probably taking advantage of her proximity to the school to spend more time at home.
Sabrina should do that too. Time her trek to school so that she arrived just a little bit before Marinette did, and they could go in together like Sabrina and Chloe used to!
A hand slammed onto her desk, shaking her out of her thoughts. Sabrina focused on it, recognizing it as Chloe’s. She must have really zoned out, if she missed Chloe walking in.
“There you are! Did Dupain-Cheng steal your phone yesterday or something? I’ve been calling you for ages! That horrid Akuma attacked me again, and Ladybug and Chat Noir just destroyed my room! The only good thing that came of it was me featuring on Cesaire’s blog. I’m going to need so much retail therapy for this, and you have to come with me.”
Sabrina took a deep breath, and then looked straight at Chloe. This would be so much easier with Marinette to back her up, but she still had a backbone of her own and she would use it. “Take Jean-Claude with you. We’re not friends anymore, remember?”
Chloe scoffed. “Come on, you’re still on that? Dupain-Cheng was just upset about the work portioning. She’s so quarrelsome!”
“Marinette is super nice! She’s been a much better friend in the eighteen hours since she became my friend than you were all year.” Sabrina didn't mention the Akuma, but only barely. Her job wasn't to spy and reveal secrets anymore.
“You’re just being ridiculous, Sabrina!”
Sabrina opened her mouth to retort, tell her that No, she wasn’t being ridiculous, and Yes, she was actually done being Chloe’s friend now, but Ivan replied before she could.
“Chloe, she said no. Go sit down.”
Chloe huffed, “Fine. Sabrina, we’ll talk at lunch.” she spun around and stomped back down to their normal seats. Their old seats. Chloe’s seat, now.
Sabrina watched Chloe go, and once she was seated turned to Ivan. “Thank you.”
He nodded. “You’re welcome.”
Sabrina smiled, turning back to her bag, and then looking at the door again too. Perfect timing, just as Marinette and Adrien walked in and took their seats. Alya must have slipped in while Sabrina was zoning out too, as she was there to greet Marinette with a fist-bump.
“Hey Sabrina!” Marinette whispered, turning and smiling at her.
“Hi Marinette!” Sabrina waved back, her smile widening. “Everything went well last night?”
Marinette leaned to the side, tilting her head as she did so. “There was a minor hiccup,-” she shrugged, moving back to a normal sitting position. She was so expressive! “-but it all worked out, and Nath came out okay. He might be taking the day off school though.”
“Who wouldn’t?” Alya asked, twisting to join the conversation. “Even if I wasn’t suspended at the time of mine, I would have taken a day off.”
“Yeah.” Sabrina agreed. “It makes sense for Akumatization to be mentally and emotionally taxing, I don’t think anyone will fault him for it.” Except maybe Chloe. And yesterday, Sabrina herself. Like they had with Ivan. Oohhh. She might want to apologize for that.
But what if it was too late? Or her bringing it up just made him mad? They only sat by each other, maybe she should just leave it.
She definitely would apologize to Nathaniel. And maybe Marinette. Her being rude along with Chloe caused it, and that then put her friend in danger.
“They better not,” Alya rolled her eyes.
“If anyone is going to be faulted it will be Hawkmoth. He's the only one who's actually at fault.” Marinette’s eyes hardened as she said it. Sabrina couldn’t blame her. Ever since Hawkmoth had made himself known, Ladybug had been working with the police to make sure Akuma victims were always protected from backlash and victim blaming. It didn't always work.
The bell rung then, effectively ending the conversation. Alya and Marinette turned back to the front, and Mylene scurried down to her seat.
“Alright class, settle down!” Mme. Bustier clapped, standing up and walking around to the front of her desk.
Sabrina flipped her bag open and pulled out her tablet, powering it on to see a screen full of notifications. She glanced over at the back of Chloe’s head, then to Marinette’s, right in front of her. Smiling sadly to herself, she tapped ‘Clear all’ and opened her notebook app and study guide. She would be okay. She had Marinette, and Chloe wouldn’t pull her back.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Can I ask “I don’t care what anyone else thinks” but in particular with Kakashi/Shisui? 🥺
#79- "I don't care what anyone else thinks."
Kakashi didn't pause as he cleaned the dirt from under his nails but, to Shisui's gaze, it was a very near thing.
He didn't ask the question aloud but the slight quirk of his head expressed it all the same.
"What's between us matters far more than what anyone else thinks."
It was dark, the paleness of dawn just the slightest gradient at the horizon, but Kakashi was as clear in the night as he'd be at midday. The moon wasn't out but, between the shock of his hair and the exposed skin of his arms, Kakashi seemed kissed by moonlight all the same. It made him otherworldly, all smooth muscle and broody atmosphere and some unknowable message buried beneath layers of paint and master's brushtrokes.
Shisui's Sharingan bled into being and, deliberately, met Kakashi's own grey eye.
Kakashi was a Shinobi through and through, just as Shisui was; there was a wealth of masks that he slipped between, far more than just the fabric one that covered his lower face. There was the Kakashi that snarked with their Squadmates, the Kakashi that rolled his eyes but allowed Gai to egg him into playful challenges, the Kakashi that was ramrod with discomfort around the Clan Heads and Elders, the Kakashi that stared down at their Jinchuuriki charge like he was torn between gathering the kid in his arms or running and never looking back.
The Kakashi that stared back at Shisui now was a smudged mixture of all of them; familiar, vulnerable, conflicted, and absolutely rapt to attention.
Shisui slunk over the roof tiles, rising only enough from his crouch to avoid making any noise, until he was almost close enough for their bare shoulders to brush.
"We both have reputations, Kakashi."
Spawn of the White Fang. Eye Thief. Friend-Killer.
Shisui had Kotoamatsukami at the cost of his Genin Team. Whilst a friendly smile and an unflappable attitude might have meant that Shisui was probably the only Uchiha able to interact semi-normally with the wider Konohan population, Shisui was distrusted by almost everyone who knew even a bit about his skills. There was a hesitance in everyone who interacted with him. The pressure, to bridge the gap between his people and the village, was monumental and Shisui didn't think- he didn't think he could do it.
Kakashi twitched this time, grasping one wrist with the other hand with his elbows propped on his knees. It was enough to press his ANBU tattoo to Shisui's shoulder. Deliberate, but not obviously so, and Shisui's hopes fluttered a little in response.
"If you pick..." Shisui's voice dropped, hushed, just for the two of them. "Don't pick because of them. Pick because it's you and me."
Silence fell between them, warmth bleeding between that point of contact, and Shisui kept his breathing slow and steady. Kakashi was still looking at him, twisted enough to keep Shisui in view with his left eye still shut, and it was a show of trust, to allow Shisui into that blindspot.
Shisui wondered if Kakashi could feel the pound of his heart.
This... thing... between them had been something slow, a tide that swelled until Shisui didn't realise it had begun until he was in the middle of it.
It had been thoughts conveyed within instants of eye contact, the twitch of a head or limb, the unsettling grace of their combination fighting. It had been learning to recognise the moment Kakashi reached his limit, realising that Kakashi had, in turn, learned to track Shisui down regardless of where he hid out when feigning normalcy became too much. It was lowering their guards enough to allow the other to stitch up wounds in the field until, one day, they found themselves doing the same even within the village boundaries. It was in Kakashi's Pack curled with Shisui's Crows on rare, lazy mornings and knowing the good days from the bad without a single look or word exchanged.
It was realising that Kakashi, traumatised from a lifetime filled with personal loss, had begun relying on Shisui's proven ability to make it home.
It was realising that Shisui wanted to share everything about his Clan and the Village with Kakashi, wanted to press them together from temple to ankle and breathe out the ugly knot of grief and fear and helplessness lodged in his chest.
Shisui looked sideways again, Sharingan bleeding into Mangekyou, and sincerity ached in every single word.
"I don't care what anyone else thinks, Kakashi. Do you?"
I trust you with me. Do you trust me with you?
And, when Kakashi leaned over and kissed Shisui right through his mask, Shisui had the answer he'd known but had been waiting for regardless.
Because he didn't need to see Kakashi's face to know his heart.
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misseyt · 3 months
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Tech-Powered Living: A Day in the Life of a Nursing Student
Welcome to a snapshot of my day, where cutting-edge technology intertwines seamlessly with my life as a third-year nursing student, a passionate dancer, and a devoted fan of movies and series, all within the vibrant city of Marikina. Follow along as I uncover how these digital marvels elevate my daily routines and pursuits.
Morning Kickstart:
As sunlight floods my room, my day springs to life with a chorus of alerts from my smartphone. From checking the day's forecast to mapping out my schedule, digital apps are my go-to for getting organized. With a simple swipe, my smart speaker pumps up the energy with my favorite tunes, setting the tone for the day ahead.
Academic Adventures:
Armed with my trusty laptop, I dive into the realm of online learning, accessing lectures and virtual classrooms with ease. Digital textbooks and research tools are my constant companions as I navigate the intricate world of nursing theory and practice. Collaborative platforms keep me connected with peers and professors, fostering a sense of camaraderie in the virtual realm.
Fitness and Fun:
Balancing the rigors of academia with self-care, I make time to nurture my passion for dance. Online tutorials and streaming services fuel my quest for mastery, while my smartphone helps me stay on track with my activity levels throughout the day. Whether it's a spontaneous dance session or a brisk walk, technology keeps me motivated and accountable.
Evening Escapes:
As the day winds down, I unwind with my preferred dose of entertainment, seamlessly streamed on my laptop or smartphone. From gripping thrillers to heartwarming comedies, digital platforms offer endless options to escape into captivating storylines. With a bowl of popcorn by my side, I immerse myself in worlds far removed from the day's stresses.
Staying Connected:
Despite physical distances, technology bridges the gap between me and my loved ones. Video calls and messaging apps keep us connected, fostering bonds that transcend geographical boundaries. Whether it's sharing laughs or engaging in impromptu dance-offs, technology keeps our connections alive and vibrant.
As I navigate the challenges of nursing school and pursue my passions, technology stands as my steadfast ally, empowering me to seize every opportunity and embrace life's adventures. From streamlining productivity to enhancing connectivity, digital innovation enriches every facet of my daily existence. And as I journey forward, I eagerly anticipate how technology will continue to shape and redefine our lives in the years to come.
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hotarutranslations · 1 year
"Morning Musume '23" 25th Anniversary! What Traditions Do You Want To Carry On & What Seniors Do You "Oshi"? All Member Interview Part 2
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Please Tell Us Of Your Past Oshi’s, and Seniors You Admire.
Fukumura Mizuki: Kamei Eri-san. I was attracted to the way Kamei-san sang like she was the main character; I've always wanted to be like Kamei-san. Watching videos, I love my senior so much that I’ll end up crying watching them! I respect everything about her performances and personality, she is my eternal idol that makes me forever dream.
Ikuta Erina: Niigaki Risa-san. She is a senior that taught me to be conscious towards my work. I used to be a cry baby and would cry whenever I was frustrated or happy but, Niigaki-san sent me a message of “Tears are to be shed when it matters. Don’t shed them easily,”. Until then I thought tears were natural but I've realized people who are watching are moved by the tears that I’ve held back that still overflow, and my attitude towards work changed a lot. I’m still in contact with her now, she has the presence of being like an older sister to me. She’s a senior I’ll love forever.
Ishida Ayumi: Michishige Sayumi-san. Since joining Morning Musume myself, Michishige-san was the leader during that period when I experienced a lot of work for the first time, so I learned a lot of things from her. How to prepare when going on variety, adding personality in your talks, and also her skill in words that will please the fans! She is someone I fell in love with as we were active together.
Oda Sakura: There are a lot of juniors and seniors that I like and admire, but I’ve stopped identifying them because I’ll end up going into their space. I admire each and every one of them and they each have their own wonderful space!
Nonaka Miki: Tsuji Nozomi-san, Sayashi Riho-san. “Mini Moni” Tsuji-san was cute, when I was young I admired her with all my might. I love Sayasih-san’s sharp, cool performances and kind personality. I respect them!
Makino Maria: Michishige Sayumi-san. She is the cutest and kindest senior in the world and the universe. Something that was like a dream happened a bit ago! Somehow the 2 of us went to Disney Land. Michishige-san said, “Lets ride whatever Maria-chan wants to ride,” and we went on various attractions. We wore headbands together, we ate popcorn, it really is the land of dreams♡.
Haga Akane: Tanaka Reina-san, Kudou Haruka-san. Tanaka-san is really good at using her body, its really amazing how she is able to perform with such stability throughout a live! I love Kudou-san’s cute-like looks, I’ve been a fan of her before I joined, and after I joined she treated me kindly, she was the one who made the “bridge” between the juniors and seniors. I admire that aspect of hers as well.
Yokoyama Reina: Oda Sakura-san. When I would watch as a fan, of course in addition to her performances, her atmosphere and appearance are so many things that are the perfect idol to me so, I haven’t stopped admiring her like, “Everything is perfect! I want to become an idol like Oda-chan–!”. Now, I’m very happy to be active together with Oda-san!
Kitagawa Rio: Takahashi Ai-san. Everything about her is cool, in any case! I wonder how many tens of billions of years of effort it would take to reach her point of singing and dancing. I’ve had the opportunity to go out and eat with her many times and she has listened to all of my ambitions and fluffy thoughts and has given me advice. I’m also thankful that she is always caring for the current members, I also want to become like this!
Okamura Homare: Sato Masaki-san. The gap between her speaking normally and performing is amazing! I was a fan before I joined and, Sato-san is said to be a genius who practices a lot on her own, and as her junior, I have seen that she never fails to make these efforts. I respect that is always looking out for others, not just herself, I’ll always love her.
Yamazaki Mei: Oda Sakura-san. She is always shining, I’ve admired her as a senior since I was a trainee. She’s really good at singing, furthermore, she is a songstress, she always performs to match the song, her expressions are amazing. While she is dancing sharply, it's really amazing how she is able to sing along with the rhythm, she is kind and cute, she is a wonderful senior.
Sakurai Rio: Sato Masaki-san, Kitagawa Rio-san. Sato-san's expressions during performances are so wonderful. I’ve referred to her performances again and again and I'm practicing them so I can acquire an expressive power in my own way. Kitagawa-san’s atmosphere of singing and dancing is always pretty! Even after I joined, I've continued to admire and want to become like Kitagawa-san someday. 
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Fukumura Mizuki: Born October 30th, 1996. 9th generation member & leader. Member color hot pink. ■Song I like to sing→ Happy Summer Wedding. “When I was around 3 or 4, I properly remember the song coming on TV when my parents were out and my grandma was taking care of me. You can’t normally express gratitude towards your parents like you can in this song, I love it.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→ Romance ni Mezasumeru Mousou Joshiko no Uta. ``It makes me smile because of all the cute displeasures and fantasies that fly around the head of a girl in love, it's fun how the members are interacting and lively (lol).”
Ikuta Erina: Born July 7th, 1997. 9th generation member & subleader. Member color light green. ■ Song I like to sing→ Aisaresugiru Koto wa Nai no yo. “The fans enjoy it when we sing this song, it's a song that makes you happy”.  ■Song that is fun to perform live→ Naichau Kamo. “It has a fun backtrack the whole time and I personally love it. The sense of unity when the fans join in with their penlights to the backtrack is fun.”
Ishida Ayumi: Born January 7th, 1997. 10th generation member &  subleader. Member color royal blue. ■ Song I like to sing→Waraenai Hanashi. “Originally it was with Sayashi Riho-san, and now I have fun during the duet parts with Oda. I’m happy that I got this part in this song originally, it's a nice thing that makes it feel good to sing (lol).” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→Utakata Saturday Night. “At festivals where there are lots of people who don’t know us, I was impressed when we change the choreography in the last chorus to a side arm movement and the whole audience waved their arms in the air. I’ve realized it's a song that the current members can liven up the stage with our power, it's a song that's like an ally for us.”
Oda Sakura: Born March 12th, 1999. 11th generation member. Member color lavender. ■ Song I like to sing→Egao YES Nude. “The song has a difficult rhythm, but it's fun to sing while thinking about how to get into it. It's like using your own skills to play into the rhythm as much as possible, it's such a cool song for an idol to sing that's unique to Morning Musume!” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→ CHO DAI. “The body moves nonstop from the beginning to the end, especially in the chorus, it's really fun that before you realize it, the dancing is over.”
Nonaka Miki: Born October 7th, 1999. 12th generation member. Member color purple. ■ Song I like to sing→Jinsei Blues. “I like songs where the more you listen to it the more you’re drawn into the melody and point of view! I get energy from the lyrics, and it's fun to sing.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→ Jealousy Jealousy. “When singing the rap part, it's fun to have the feeling of freedom during the live. The moment we perform this song live is when I feel the most “alive!’.”
Makino Maria: Born February 2nd, 2001. 12th generation member. Member color pink. ■ Song I like to sing→ The☆Peace! “It's my favorite song in the world! I love Ishikawa Rika-san’s cute monologue part and I’m really happy I get to sing it now.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→ Dokka~n Capriccio. “It's so much fun to jump a lot! I think the jumping is the best part so I jump as high as I can. Since I like baseball, I like the lyrics “table-turning, game-ending home run”, and we do a pretend throw and swing of a bat.”
Haga Akane: Born March 7th, 2002. 12th generation member. Member color orange. ■ Song I like to sing→What is Love? “I love its speedy feeling and the togetherness that seems to be created throughout the entire venue. It's a classic song for lives but I think it's good every time we perform it.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→Love & Peace! HERO ga Yattekita. “All the members are interacting and lively around while singing, it's really fun. In the A and B melody it's almost entirely free dancing, it's a bit of a rare song.”
Yokoyama Reina: Born February 22nd, 2001. 13th generation member. Member color golden yellow. ■ Song I like to sing→What’s Up?~Ai wa Dou na no yo~. “Before auditioning I have memories of watching the videos repeatedly and practicing! With those memories, I’m very happy I’ve been able to sing this song, I love it.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→Dokka~n Capriccio. “We get to jump together with the fans, since we get to raise our voices and make it exciting, it's really fun. It's a song I want to perform first once cheering is allowed.”
Kitagawa Rio: Born March 16th, 2004. 15th generation member. Member color sea blue. ■ Song I like to sing→ Kanashimi Twilight. “I really like the melody. The song progresses in a key that's easy for me, I sing it everytime I go to karaoke.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→Shabondama. “This song is the best way to experience a really hard Morning Musume live! There isn’t a lot of unison in the song split, the solo parts gradually connect, and there is a monologue, it really feels like “Morning Musume”.”
Okamura Homare: Born May 9th, 2005. 15th generation member. Member color daisy. ■ Song I like to sing→ Kanashimi Twilight. “I love Takahashi Ai-san’s really cool parts. I’m working hard so I can put my own emotions into it.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→Ambitious! Yashinteki de ii jan! “Every song is so much fun but these are the 2 songs I’m having the most fun with lately.”
Yamazaki Mei: Born June 28th, 2005. 15th generation member. Member color bright green. ■ Song I like to sing→ The Matenrou Show. “I like the song's funky melody. I don’t really have any of the song splits but, even when I’m not on the mic I’m humming!” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→Tsuyoki de Ikouze! “There is an air guitar part in the interlude, it's an exciting song in any case! I want to make it exciting with all our might together with the fans.” 
Sakurai Rio: Born October 11th, 2005. 16th generation member. Member color milk tea.  ■ Song I like to sing→ Renai Destiny ~Honne wo Ronjitai~. “The lyrics and the dance are really fun, I want to enjoy this song with lots of variations in expression.” ■ Song that is fun to perform live→Are you Happy? “It's a song where the choreography gets into the beat and you can dance with all your might. The beat is also really cool!”
A 25th anniversary celebration from VOCE too♡
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At the end of the shoot, VOCE celebrated with member color bouquets and cakes. The special collaboration will be out 6 weeks from today. The next release is schedule for May 26th (Fri)! Look forward to an interview with the 3 in 15th generation and the YouTube video! VOCE official SNS will continue to provide short videos and offshots. Follow so you don’t miss it!
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
ISRAEL REALTIME - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
HAPPY CHANUKAH !!! Chanukah night 5 TONIGHT 🕎🕎🕎🕎🕎
🔹ROCKETS from Gaza… short range, near border towns, 2 rounds at 3 AM.  Sderot and surrounds this morning.
🔹ROCKETS from Lebanon… short range, Ma’alot Tarshiha and surrounds, 6 rockets intercepted, this morning.
▪️The Last Testament of soldier Ben Zusman, may his memory be a blessing and Hashem avenge this blood:
"I am writing this message to you on my way to the base. If you are reading this, something has probably happened to me. If you know me, As you know me, there's probably no one happier than me right now.  I was just about to fulfill my dream soon. I am grateful for the privilege to defend our beautiful land and the people of Israel.
Even if something happens to me, I don't allow you to sink into sadness. I had the privilege to fulfill my dream and my destiny, and you can be sure that I am looking down on you with a big smile.  Perhaps I'll sit next to Grandfather and bridge some gaps. Each one will share their experiences and what has changed between wars, and we'll talk a bit about politics, and I’ll ask him for his opinion.
If, God forbid, you are sitting shiva (in mourning), turn it into a week of friends, family, and joy. Have food, definitely meat, beer, sweet drinks, seeds, tea, and of course, Mom's cookies. Laugh, listen to stories, meet all my friends you haven't seen yet. Seriously, I envy you. I would like to be there to see everyone.
Another very, very important point. If, God forbid, I fall captive, alive or dead, I am not willing for a soldier or civilian to be harmed because of any deal for my release. I do not allow you not to conduct a campaign or protest or anything like that. I am not willing for terrorists to be released in exchange for me. In no way, shape, or form. Please do not twist my words.
I'll say it again; I left home without even being called up to reserve duty. I am filled with pride and a sense of duty, and I always said that if I have to die, I hope it will be in defense of others and the country. (From the song Guards of the Walls) ‘Jerusalem, I have placed the guards’ (Yishayahu 62:6), that the day will come when I will be one of them."
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