#Bitter Cas Fan Days
vaicomcas · 8 months
Bitter Cas Fan Days for the Rest of Us
It's almost that time of the year again. Yes, Nov 5 and 6, Bitter Cas Fan Days. For the bitter Cas fans who find the narrative of 15x18 infuriating, for us to vent our bitter Cas feelings.
In a year of time some of the previous elders of the bitter cas fan club have moved on, just like some legends of bitter Cas fans of the past moved on years ago. I really really mean it when I say good for them.
Being a bitter Cas fan is not fun. Other people have their comfort characters; I have only this one pain and rage character. Castiel has been stripped of everything, casted into the Empty and forgotten by the people and the world he loved. Nothing can change that, but at least someone needs to stay in the Empty with Cas to bear witness, even if he doesn't know it, even if he isn't real.
I'm not going to say "bitter Cas fans unite". Bitter Cas fans are very particular and very stubborn. No two of us ever fully agreed on everything. Our number is also absurdly small. I have no illusion that we will gain any influence in fandom. Bitter Cas Fan days is, I guess, kind of like "Festivus for the rest of us", particularly the airing of grievances.
There is no expectation for anybody to do anything. No need for signal boost, no need to create content, if, like me, all you can squeeze out is a couple of reblogs of your own or other people's bitter Cas fan content, that's more than enough.
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Remember in 15x06 (t-minus 12 episodes before the “most caring man on earth” speech btw) when Dean literally almost brought Cas to tears by giving him a hard time on the phone and then hanging up on him when Cas needed his help to cover for him on a case. I think about it a lot because it’s FAR from the worst interaction Cas has ever had with Dean ESPECIALLY as of late, but it’s still the fact that Dean was clearly less interested in actually warning Cas about Chuck and more interested in making Cas feel guilty for leaving (even though Dean more or less pushed Cas out the door) and for not wanting contact with them. It was still awful enough of an interaction for Cas that it visibly frustrated him to such a point.
Because we know Cas is in the process of trying to leave a categorically abusive relationship here. He is obviously trying very hard to have no contact with Dean to the point of ignoring even Sam, so he definitely would not have wanted to fall back to calling the Winchesters’ fake FBI phone if it hadn’t been absolutely necessary for his investigation. He didn’t intend or want to talk to Dean himself but Dean forced it—and knowing Dean, it was almost certainly a power thing over any actual demonstration of care or worry for Cas’ wellbeing. Regardless of Dean’s intentions, though, it was clearly not an interaction Cas was comfortable with having, and even that relatively small amount of harshness from Dean over the phone was enough to bring Cas to this
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So case in point is that this interaction on its own may not be the worst ever, and sure Dean did the bare minimum of covering for Cas and telling him about Chuck, but in the context of what happened before (Cas was more or less driven out of the bunker by Dean’s belligerence and refusal to cut him even the slightest break) and what Cas was trying to do (leave the person who was treating him poorly to the point of having no contact for his own personal wellbeing, and in the meantime solve a case in order to save people) then Dean using the situation to force Cas into talking to him only to guilt trip him and make him feel still beholden to Dean despite Dean himself having pushed Cas away, and then hanging up on him, is just. Incensing. 
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No cas did not care about the whole world because of Dean because Dean never like cas if he thought about the big picture
if cas had choosen to stay with angles in season nine dean would have been violent towards him
dean knew that he was going dark that all of it will end bad and even when he saud that they would be enough at the end it had to cas alone
they stole the relationship cas had with claire and then cut the scene where it was showed that cas texted claire off screen
they made winchesters more important than cas in jak's life even when the brothers used jack just like they used him. they did not allow him to have a say in his own child's life
No Dean isn't selfless or most loving or caring, and a part of me belives Cas knew that but he wanted that moment to be happy it was about him allowing himself to be happy so he painted a picture of the man he loved as someone actually lovable and he knew that its something he can't have but at that moment he had to weaponize it and he did that
other part of me belives that SPN creaters are jeakrs
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midnightarcheress · 2 months
Simon lives up to the nickname. 
pairing: bodyguard!ghost x actress!reader 2 | gold rush masterlist.
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every time you set a foot out of the house, he’s there. surely, a few steps behind, just like the orders say, but he’s there, hauntingly following you like a true ghost. lurking in the darkness or making himself known in broad daylight, he takes the job seriously, glaring at the people on the street who even dare to glance at you. it’s even worse when fans stop you for an autograph or a picture, towering by your side and meticulously watching every move made in your direction, getting ready to pounce at any minute.
the first few days were weird. he could sense how disconcerted you acted in his presence, even while flashing him a smile and saying a sugary ‘good morning’. maybe it was his size, maybe it was the mask, maybe it was the fact that a man was actively following you nearly every second of the day. the last thing he wanted was to frighten you.  
after a few weeks though, he noticed you getting accustomed to his company. he watched from behind how your back wasn't as tense, how you stopped glancing over your shoulder to check if he was still there, how you weren’t jumping anymore when he’d get closer, how you even tried to make small talk, despite his grunt-like answers. 
Simon didn’t want to admit it, but he couldn’t have been more wrong about you. you weren’t a pretentious rich brat as he expected. you were always polite, always smiling, always treating everyone in your way with nothing but kindness, something he wasn’t used to seeing. he reasoned that it was just your job as a very public person, after all, you had an image to uphold and he’d never actually seen you without the constant risk of being photographed and blasted online.
but in that moment, he couldn’t help the genuine concern for your safety starting to fill his chest and surpass the mere contract bond. he would catch himself staring at you for a little too long as you walked together, eyes attentively chasing the sway of your hips in each movement of your legs, the delicate way your finger held a pen whilst signing your name, your beaming irises whenever a child recognized you. he couldn’t bear the idea of being acknowledged on the street for his acts like you do.
“just ignore them.” you say, looking over your shoulder and noticing him stopping on his tracks on the pavement. for Simon, dealing with the paparazzi has been the most difficult part. military training comes in both an advantage and disadvantage, as his sniper eyes bust them from a mile away, spotting the greedy lens with intense precision, no matter how well-hidden they think they are. but the hard task is to keep his anger and itch to rip the camera apart at bay, when all they want is to snap you in bad light and sell it to the first rubbish magazine.
he grumbles, muttering cuss words under his breath. “you’ll get used to it.” the sympathetic tone of your voice eases a bit of his annoyance, going back into walking right behind you. 
the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills his nostrils as he opens the door of a small cafe for you to come in, rapidly scanning the room for threats. at that point, he already had your order memorised by heart. medium iced americano, no sugar. too bitter of an option for someone who looked so sweet, despite being accompanied by whatever muffin the store had left. 
his crossed arms tense up when you call for him, brows knitting together as he assesses the situation for any problem that may have appeared in the seconds he stood distracted by the waving of your hair under the air conditioning breeze. “mhm? what is it?”
“i asked you if you want anything.”
his knee-jerk reaction is to say a hasty no, thanks, but he’s finding it harder and harder to deny your offerings each day, when the small curve of your lips as you patiently wait for his response is so tempting. think faster. “uh, guess i could go for a tea. earl grey.” 
you nod and hand the barista your card, quickly paying for the order and standing by the counter. he remains a few steps back, waiting for the drinks with you. as soon as it’s ready, you hand him the cup of tea, fingers gently grazing over his, sending lightning sparks on his skin. keep to yourself, Simon. 
he shakes the feeling away and opens the door again, catching your eyes flicking to the silver pendant around his neck. once again, old habits die hard. he still wears his dog tags, the glinting metal serving as a constant reminder that he’s Simon Riley civilian, but will always be Simon Riley soldier. 
“military?” you question, stepping back to match his pace and walk by his side, curious eyes searching for his hardened gaze.
“yes.” his voice is sharp, settled in not prolonging the conversation.
you hum, turning your head back to the horizon, “that explains your skill set.” only then he shifts to see your face, raised eyebrows and question marks oozing out of his head. you chuckle, amused by his confused expression, “i got a file on you too, Simon.”
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lol-jackles · 26 days
I really hope a revival or new season of SPN never happens. For me it's impossible to add something new without ruining what's already been done, and I like it the way it is. But after Misha's word vomit at the last convention the hellers are more excited than ever that they'll finally get what they want, Cass and Dean SO in love etc. Never gonna happen! But let's suppose that there really is another season of SPN: how do you predict it will go and what will be the reaction of the hellers?
My guess is a SPN revival would be a limited series taking place between 15x19 and 15x20, as originally intended in The Winchesters where Dean was narrating from the bunker.  It could be divided between Sam and Dean on a classic monster hunting trips and helping Rowena wrangle wayward demons back to hell.  There were hints in season 15 that some demons would not follow Rowena.  We could even meet Sam’s future wife.  I know Misha wants a rescue mission into the Empty to free Cas but that would run counter to Dean’s words to Sam in 15x20.  Nah, better to let sleeping dogs lie.
Hellers will always be bitter no matter what.  Let’s say everybody at WB collectively have an aneurysm and say Destiel is a thing in the revival.  99% of the hellers will still be mad because it wouldn’t confirm their fanfiction version.  Meanwhile 99% of the SPN audience who doesn’t know Destiel is even a thing will be WTF-ing because that ship just came out of nowhere. There are even The Walking Dead fans to this day that say the Richonne ship came out of nowhere even though it's been canon for years.  Therefore it makes absolute no sense to acknowledge a fanfiction ship because the general audience wouldn’t know about it and the hellers will be mad regardless for not conforming to their porno fanfictions.
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deancasbigbang · 9 months
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Title: Michael Singer & the Heroic Happily Ever After
Author: darcydelaney
Artist: Marvfortytwo
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Length: 27000
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Tags: The Lost City movie AU, writer Castiel, cover model Dean, Castiel POV, thinly veiled bitterness over finale, there was only one hammock, happy ending
Posting Date: October 19, 2023
Summary: When struggling writer Castiel Novak’s father disappears, Castiel inherits his cult classic “Michael Singer” book series. Following a disastrous first panel of a new book tour with Dean Winchester, the series’ cover model (and big-time fan of both the books and, well, Castiel himself), Castiel decides that he’s going to end the series by killing off the title character, much to Dean’s dismay.  Shortly after said panel, Castiel is kidnapped by Arthur Ketch, who has discovered that Castiel’s father had been using real supernatural folklore in his book series, and wants Castiel to help him figure out the spell for eternal life by using his father’s work. Dean sets out on a mission to rescue Castiel, win his heart, and maybe even save his favorite book series in the process.
Excerpt: To Castiel’s surprise, he’s already got a few hundred followers. He taps over to the list of the four accounts he’s following: his agent, Angel of Thursday Publishing, what appears to be a bot devoted to posting snippets of his father’s previous books, and— “Dean Winchester, keep that wig on your head before I staple it there.” Castiel looks up to see the series’ cover model standing in the doorway of the hotel suite, dressed in well-fitting jeans—too well-fitting, if Castiel is being honest—and a forest green henley, a long blonde wig clutched in one hand. His breath catches in his throat. Castiel has to give Angel of Thursday credit: aside from his hair, Dean is a picture-perfect depiction of Michael Singer, the lead character in his Michael Singer series. Well, not really his, he supposes; it’s his father’s, but just like his beat-up gold Lincoln Continental, the ramshackle house that’s seen better days, and the frankly incredible amount of debt racked up from self-medication, takeout, and failed writing fellowship application fees, his father had passed it on to Castiel before promptly dropping off the face of the earth. Following the adventures of Michael through all things haunted and heroic as he fights against supernatural malpractice and devastation, Michael Singer began as a way for Castiel’s father to pass the time when Castiel was an infant. He’d pour himself a cup of coffee, plop Castiel down on his knee, and bounce him up and down as he wrote, all while simultaneously dragging Michael to hell and back—more often than not, literally. “It’s itchy and it makes me look like a fucking Hemsworth,” Dean grumbles, tossing the wig to the side and dropping down onto the couch in Castiel’s suite. “Hey, Cas.” “H-hello, Dean.” Dean looks at him, mouth twisted into a crooked little grin, and winks. “There’s nothing wrong with looking like a Hemsworth, sweetie,” Anael says. Castiel would never say it aloud, but Dean looks better than a Hemsworth, with or without the absurd wig he’s been forced to wear. In Castiel’s opinion, Dean’s always looked better than a Hemsworth, ever since he’d first been hired as the Michael Singer cover model.  With a jaw that has Castiel’s gut doing somersaults and strong, broad shoulders that pair perfectly with a slim waist, as well as striking green eyes that can convey entire sentences, if not paragraphs, in a single expression, Dean Winchester must have been born to one day grace the cover of supernatural romance novels. He fits right in among the dramatic, stock-photo backgrounds and large, golden typeset of the titles on each cover, but now that Castiel’s in charge of Michael and his looks, maybe he could throw Dean a metaphorical bone. Maybe he could make it canon that Michael gets a much more practical haircut for monster hunting; surely that would give Dean a break (and hopefully put Castiel in his good graces).
DCBB 2023 Posting Schedule
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ghostly-penumbra · 1 year
DannyMay 2023. Day Twenty
"Nasty Burger"
Summary: SuperPhantom. At last, Valerie bids the boys farewell.
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Valerie took off her cap and put her nametag in her pocket.
“Cover me.” She told her coworker, Carrie, and left her behind the register. She didn’t ask her, because Carrie owed her one, and this wasn’t up to discussion.
She exited through the back and rounded to the front, where a well-maintained Chevy Impala was slowing down and parking carelessly. Sam and Dean climbed out of the car whilst Cas simply appeared out of it.
“So…” Dean started, but didn’t continue.
They were awkward like that, Valerie had gotten to know in the short time they had been in Amity; they could talk her through how to hunt a werewolf step by step and with gory details, but stumbled and stuttered the moment they had to express anything close to feelings.
“I guess this is goodbye.” She said, with a hand on her hip and the other one grabbing the seam of her jeans with two fingers in a nervous tic.
“Guess it is.” Dean said, shrugging a little with his hands in his jacket’s pockets.
She wasn’t the only one emotional, at least.
“This town’s gonna be pretty protected, now, even with ghosts as strong as these. And we’ll be ready, too, if we ever face an ecto-entity out there.” Sam smiled more openly, and Val couldn’t help but smile back.
Yeah, they had taught her a lot, but so had she; now they knew everything she did about ghosts, the world was a safer place for humanity.
“‘sides, with the hunting life the way it is, I won’t be surprised if we meet again.”
“There is nothing set in stone anymore, the future is unpredictable.” Castiel said and by now Valerie could actually read the intent behind his words.
“Yeah.” She smiled at the dork.
They all stayed silent for a moment an awkward, dumb moment that Valerie was more than willing to break by pulling the brothers in for a hug that she knew Castiel would join in, awkwardly shuffling in until he had his arms wrapped around them three.
“I’ll miss you guys.” She said, muffled by flanne.
“Don’t worry, kid.”
“You got this.”
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So! I had a cute, funny SuperPhantom crossover where I did several references to John Mulaney’s “Streets smarts!” bit and had a great time! But then shit hit the fan and Mulaney said “this transphobe is my bestie!” and is now going “oooh, woke is annoying, boo-hoo!” SO, the cute crossover I enjoyed writing now has a bitter taste in my mind, and now the lil plans I had thought about for it have been scratched. This is the last I write about this ‘verse, because without the jokes is not the same, and it was supposed to bring me joy.
Thanks, John fucking Mulaney, for showing your true colours.
Remember when we thought there was a stand-up comedian who was not an intolerant asshole and we could lower our guard a bit? Yeah, me too.
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meluene · 1 year
Yes both ichiruki and destiel were used by TPTB to sell their product than at the end were done dirty. I wonder do you ship anything else, or only ships that were sunk ? Me, for example I'd be surprised if any of the ships I really love would ever be made canon, but I despise baiting of any kind; I mean you're either honest to yourself and your vision from beginning to end, even if might hurt your sales, or you listen to the feed-back from your fans, give them what they want and make money. And fans should stop supporting, authors/studios that lie to them.
Hi! Though I sometimes ship other pairings, there is no other that bring me so much pain as ichiruki and destiel does xD. I do not regret shipping both, but to this day I suffer greatly about The Endings TM. To be totally honest with you, I think the truth about Bleach ending was bit different than the whole "case" of Spn.
I believe the Ichigo/Rukia pairing was originally meant to be, but Kubo changed it at some point, and as the result the Bleach ending does not make any sense. It is true not only for ichiruki, but for basically everyone in the story - we've got so many unresolved issues and plot holes, characters are just seem to be made unhappy, that it is hard to believe it was not intentional. Because I was at this point actively reading manga every week to the very end, I remember vividly how even in Japan people (both readers and people somehow invested in the Bleach franchise) did not react well to the ending - the story pointed for so many years that Ichigo/Rukia was endgame, that the whole ending was fiasco. In fact, the ending was so bizzare that they had to promote the franchise with Rukia and Ichigo stickers to sell anything at that point. Even the Bleach film on Netflix was focused only on OG squad and the early story of Ichigo and Rukia because it was the only time when the whole story made sense lol. Let's not forget the super awkward/sad Rukia during her wedding and shitty story how Ichigo supposedly fell in love with Ori.
In manga industry, the mangaka is the one person responsible for the story and Kubo sank his own work - I believe he could be pushed to some extent (there were rumors he had the time limit to finish the story and he was bitter mf at the end), but still I think he did change the ending and it did not rhyme with the OG plot of the manga. Bleach suffered greatly, the anime was cancelled for many years and it was marked as a story which started super strong (as one of the great three) and ended poorly. Kubo did this, shame on him, I hate him, he can suck bag of dicks.
In SPN story, as we all know, Cas was not meant to stay at the show at all. The whole romance between him and Dean somehow happened, I think it was the result of brilliant writing of SOME of the screenwriters AND Misha & Jensen acting. It started at some point of the story and some of the cast and crew started to support it (bless their souls) not to mention the destiel fans. The pairing though was not warm welcomed by everyone and I do believe people responsible for the show were scared to go with it despite the clear romance going on. Bob Wess did brilliant "Deep Dive" series about it (and yes, I've seen it all in one day because I'm not well on my brain) and I trully think in the SPN case, we've got much more people to blame for the the shit ending. There were actors, writers, producers AND some fans that did not want Dean to be bi and at the same time wanted the only bro ending. The story was pushed in some bizzare corner where we end with two dead brothers, despite the 15 years of journey, progress and FAMILY they made in between. I think that in those circumstances, with so many people working on the show and being against the pairing, allowing Castiel's confession was miracle itself.
To conclude, I believe the film industry is still not in the good place and in case of SPN we witnessed strange fight between screenwriters/actors/producers and others insiders that had different idea for the show itself and how it was supposed to end. Unfortunately, the "winning" team was the one of "let's kill gays, Eileen, and forget progress" and as the result, the ending is not fulfilling - there is no peace we were promised. Open ending would've been better than offing everyone, the whole family that was supposed to not end with blood was shattered and gone from the screen. The creators of SPN were scared of bi Dean and any gayness that occured in the story - shame on them for that. And yes, people responsible for the ending should suffer - but I don't think they do realise the shittness of their decisions, just like Tr*mp doesn't realise he is crazy.
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freaxs-blog · 9 months
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Hey there, metalheads! 🤟 Get ready to dive deep into the tumultuous journey of the one and only, Dave Mustaine!
Dave's story kicks off in the gritty streets of La Mesa, CA, where he grew up. From a young age, he was drawn to music, picking up the guitar 🎸 and quickly realizing he had an innate talent.
Dave's journey took a wild turn when he joined forces with Metallica in their early days. He played a significant role in shaping their iconic sound. But as fate would have it, a bitter departure ensued.
Out of the ashes, Megadeth was born! 🤯 Dave's relentless passion fueled this powerhouse of a band, and their success skyrocketed. 🚀 Albums like "Rust in Peace" solidified their place in metal history.
Did you know Dave's nickname is "The Riffmaster"? He's known for crafting some of the most iconic riffs in metal history!
Let's talk "Symphony of Destruction" 🎵! This track from the album "Countdown to Extinction" hit like a sledgehammer! Its political undertones and blistering guitar solos shook the world, earning them a Grammy nod!
Dave Mustaine's legacy is etched in metal folklore, and he continues to shred stages worldwide! Today is Dave's birthday! so happy birthday man!
Give this post a 👍 if you're a Megadeth fan, and follow for more metal mayhem! 🤘
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vaicomcas · 7 months
What I do on Nov 5
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You must not be defeated by "Despair" - as in the episode and the Cas-smearing confession
Castiel's free will was all his own.
Castiel's herosim was all his own.
He cared about the whole world despite the abuses of Dean, not "because of" him.
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Unfriendly—hostile, in fact—reminder that Cas did NOT care about the whole world or learn to love because of Dean. He had canonically been getting involved with humanity and straying from the host all throughout history, with Naomi wiping his mind clean after the fact just as many times. Rebelling to stop the apocalypse may have been the one he finally got away with, but Cas has ALWAYS been the one of the line with a crack in his chassis and if you ignore that core trait of his in favour of giving credit to his abuser for the sake of making your ship look like it means something then you’re being wilfully ignorant, is the thing.
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I live in asia and my bed time is in three hours and I am scared of coming back to this hellsite tomorrow morning
I have been reading all the posts here and one of the things which bother me is after Cas killes Billie the first time and we are told that there will be "cosmic consequences" and Dean is angry at cas knowing that his life is in danger
like if my best friend was under any therat the last thing I would do is be mad at them
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tomboy014 · 1 year
TruthShriekers AU, the Premise
I had originally wanted to wait until I made some art for this before I posted anything, but if I did that, I never get around to posting anything, so here we go!
The original idea started with Dib Membrane and Wes Weston arguing on the Truth Shrieker forums. I thought it'd be funny if these two were bitter rivals, constantly yelling about each other posting photos and videos that were obviously photoschmooped every time they post about Zim/Phantom, respectively.
From there, Wes finds out that one of his fellow Stoneheads (April O'Neil) is also a fan of the paranormal, and sends her an invite so they can geek out about cryptids, ghost stories, etc. She's gotten infamous on the site. Everytime an elbow or quick glimpse of one of the turtles is caught on her videos, she completely ignores everyone's questions about "the green things."
Mikey finds out about the Truth Shriekers through April, and makes his own account, though he mostly lurks on the forums. The few times he does post, he does it through April's account and signs the post DrDelicata to keep with her Sherlock_Corn veggie theme.
Donnie found out about some kid ranting against green people and decided to take it personally. Made his own account just to yell at Dib for two hours before moderators temporarily suspended Donnie account for two days. Hasn't been back on the site since.
Mikey, Donnie and April agree that Dib's posts probably aren't fake, but aren't convinced his classmate is an alien.
Sam, Danny and Tucker found out about Wes posting on Truth Shriekers and made their own accounts to do damage control, but discovered that no one believes him online either. Danny and Tucker trolled Wes for a few weeks before they got bored.
Sam checks back on the forums every couple of weeks because there are a few threads will really good recommendations for books on the occult and a lot of really creepy ghost stories.
Dib usually gets nothing but negative comments and dislikes on all his posts, until one day, he gets a like. A single like. And then another single like on another post. Then another.
Dipper Pines, hungry for mystery and adventure in Piedmont, CA found the Truth Shrieker forums when he was looking for local ghost stories. He doesn't know if anything Agent_Mothman posts is true or not, but he thinks they're neat and likes that he keeps trying.
They end up fast friends online.
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lol-jackles · 8 days
I looked at your links of commentary on 15.18 and memes mocking Cas, because memories have slid over time about reactions that night. What I'm wondering is if Jensen's last con reaction--saying the text was there, reactions there, no need to revisit what had gone on--was A SIDE STEP OR AN EVOLUTION. Because imo it felt very much related to what he's said from day one, only more delicately phrased on the friend zone part and more bluntly on No!NotAgain <starkytower/status/1794778358024409591>
The "Relive the best memes mocking Cas descent into Turbo Mega Hell" in the 15x18 tag?
Have read the transcripts and seen the video, I say it was a side step (also the name of Cordell Walker's bar). Jensen never changed his anti-Destiel stance since 2014, and he hasn't changed his answers regarding the meme-making confession since 2020. Jensen is just getting better at being diplomatic when answering the same damn trap-loaded question while never straying from his original stance. And hellers are as usual twisting Jensen's words for their own clout-chasing or self-soothing.
Destiel hellers can't stop being bitter over the finale nearly 4 years later because they spent decade+ investing both emotionally and money on a stupid slash ship so they desperately need a "win" to show for their decade+ of investments.
This sad sap had a petition and wrote 29 pages essay on why few thousand entitled basement dwellers *deserve* a new SPN finale. 4 years later and they couldn't even get half the online Destiel fans to sign the petition.
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This other petition even got less signatures.....
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s4e18 the monster at the end of this book (teleplay julie siege, story julie siege, nancy weiner)
ack, it's samantha! in a 30 second cameo.
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the x-files s2e17 end game - megan leitch as samantha mulder
aforementioned keegan connor tracy who was on the show before that i know from the magicians.
i have an aversion to their ~quirky~ music because usually it's a type of humor that makes me grind my teeth but once we got past the whole talking about dirty incest fans and the thing with the book publisher, it's been surprisingly ok. glad they mostly transitioned to digs aimed at the show itself. but every time that music starts playing, i brace for the worst. i also just don't love the composed music for the show, i think it does it a disservice. i probably have complained about that before.
like okay dean needs to get chuck to participate in the archangel spooking lilith plan and it's all been very serious up until this point, but then the music goes to the cheesy rousing inspirational business which makes it feel very much like it's a joke. and it does go a little funny, but i think the music was too much. bleh. anyway.
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i feel like i've seen him in a bunch of things but scrolling through i'll say evil is probably the only thing i've seen him in recent memory. should have gotten a cap from the previous episode with the bright lighting.
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evil s1e5 october 31 - kurt fuller as dr kurt boggs
the tone on this episode was all over the place! my friend is eagerly, patiently, waiting for me to have an opinion on castiel and i'm eagerly awaiting having one. i feel like there was a bit more something happening with him and dean in this episode, giving him the tip about chuck. otherwise he just hasn't been around enough for me to have any thoughts, and he's pretty dry when he is. dry like his lips! get the dude a manual on how to care for your human suit. with some lip balm.
also, the winchester gospel. the guffaw i made, okay spn writers. i liked chuck, and didn't expect to. maybe it was another case of them making the writer(s) sympathetic. but i'm glad they didn't try to ham it up too much. i get that the concept of introducing the books would be hard to do in any serious manner, but i could have gone without the fannish specific bits personally.
also ALSO using the previous episode to kind of quickly temper the truly horrific over the top terrible events in the Torture Episode and then this one kind of easing more into the main arc and being serious but not too serious, well. was zachariah doing his little demo to dean that he'll always be a hunter deep down all we needed to address with that episode? other than sam bitching dean isn't himself and is too weak since he got back from hell.
"You ask me to open that door and walk through it, you will not like what walks back out."
i mean as far as i can tell, nothing really changed with dean. does starting the apocalypse-guilt cancel out embracing/enjoying torture again that you're also probably extra guilty about too?
there's not enough time in the day to deal with it anyhow and we've got plot to plow through. the apocalypse isn't gonna start itself!
i was trying to talk it through with someone and my feeling was like. earlier seasons, the traumas were smaller. sam and dean talked a lot. more than most shows do. it feel like things maybe didn't get resolved per se, but there was something going on there. they were looking at it, at least. and some things did get wholly dropped (like the mystery spot aftermath hello, bitter) but more often than not, it felt like they dealt with things. but the traumas get bigger and coming so fast, you can't keep up, there's not enough time. everything is always escalating. and i think it's exacerbated by the plot that sam and dean aren't really on the same page anymore. and maybe cas is supposed to fill that spot with dean, but it's a hard sell for me when we don't really know cas and at this point he has no personality to speak of.
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i'm just feeling pretty grumpy about everything at the moment.
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realityparty · 2 years
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SUMMARY: The most painful confession he ever voiced was too late. It's always too late.
This has been sitting on my laptop forever. It’s very short and canon compliant for any season, I guess. It’s a sad one, but I was in sad Dean x Jo feels I guess. I do have more Dean x Jo centric things I am working on, but I’m a slow writer. 
So this isn't a full-blown Dean x Jo fic, it’s more implied a bit angsty I guess. 
Hope the few Chesterville fans enjoy!
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"Hey, it's Dean…"
It's always how he begins. He knows she has caller ID. If it's a new number he is calling from, she's a good enough hunter to deduce it's him. 
He grew up a nomad with constantly changing numbers and scratchy sheets. She grew up on stability and a warm bed to call her own. 
He's not too sure what he wants to say this time. 
Sometimes he tells her about his day. 
How he made nice juicy cheeseburgers with smoked applewood bacon and a toasted bun sprinkled with cheddar on top. He even made french fries with a new fancy potato cutter he bought from the store. 
He explains in detail how he put green dye in Sam's body wash, making him look like a Grinch. 
He tells her about taking Cas to another bar. No sex workers this time. Just a jukebox, whiskey, and a pool table. He tries to tell her about the arcade game and his throat tightens as he remembers a pretty blonde rejoicing after winning. He couldn't look too long as he was scared of the face that would turn around and see him. 
He doesn't go to that bar again. 
He asks questions, of course, about how she's doing. The monsters she takes down and feels her wrath. He reminds her not to be a show-off. To always be aware of her surroundings. His lips tug as he can hear her bitching; she knows how to do her job. 
He knows she does. Just sometimes he hates it. He hates this life. Hates the sacrifices his family has made for each other and the world. For once, he wishes he could be selfish. 
Yet, these thoughts he says in pained, drunken whispers. They are more mumbles than anything. 
True confessions of a broken, weary heart.
Yet, the most painful confession he ever voiced was too late. It's always too late. 
He always wanted an apple pie life when he just wanted a life outside of hunting. Instead, he has the bitter taste of grapefruit on his tongue. He had a taste of it with her cold, copper-coated lips. 
It was always the wrong time, the wrong place. 
He thinks - knows - that he loves her.
Look at where that got her. 
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