#Because now we can't say for certain that people wouldn't have reacted
neptuneiris · 8 months
sparks (epilogue)
Yeah, I saw sparks And I saw sparks
pairing: business-boyfriend!aemond x fem!reader
summary: at the beginning your relationship with aemond is perfect and there were no worries. until he becomes the Heir of his father's company, the most important in the whole country and certain events and certain people start to interfere in the relationship.
word count: 9.4k
previous part • series masterlist
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sorry for the delay, I had some inconveniences, but here it is finally!
unfortunately everything has an end and the time has come for this other fic of mine that i have really loved writing
i never imagined that you would like it so much, which is the same thing i say with every single thing i write and post, i know haha, but i am really surprised how much you like my ideas and how much you support me, seriously thank you
i hope that in the future we can see more of this aemond and this reader, whom i keep in my heart. i loved this idea and i am very happy that you loved it too
i love you beautiful people, see you very soon in my next fics, thanks for all the support to sparks:)
warnings: angst, language, sexual content, smut
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Never before in your life have you felt so uncomfortable being in Aemond's presence.
How did we come to this?
You ask yourself, incredulous and with sadness in your chest, as you can't even look at him.
The awkwardness lingers because you both have seen each other again after almost five long months where you knew nothing about each other, also because everything between you ended badly and it's just too much now to be here together in his car… alone.
At first when Jenna got out of the car once you got to her dorm you thought about staying in the back seats, but you knew it wouldn't make any sense, neither did Aemond say anything to you but you decided not to make this even more uncomfortable.
So you got out of the car, said goodbye to her and with your shaky legs you move to the passenger seat.
You avoid looking at him at all times as you buckle up, but the shoulder-to-shoulder approach seems too much for you and the space in the car feels small even though you've been in here before.
You both watch as Jenna enters her residence building safely and once you see her disappear through the glass doors, an awkward silence envelops you both even with his music playing in the background.
Until finally your dumb brain reacts and uncomfortably you shuffle in the seat, swallow hard as your throat feels dry and you bite your lips for a second.
Aemond tries not to look at you, but does so out of the corner of his eye, as he looks straight ahead with an expectant gaze while keeping one hand on his chin and the other on the steering wheel.
Clearly he's waiting for directions, which you don't understand in the first few seconds, feeling incredibly nervous.
"It's four blocks down, then left," you point out trying not to make your voice sound nervous.
He doesn't say anything, just understands the directions and starts the car again.
You watch the window at all times, avoiding eye contact of any kind with Aemond, who is totally focused on the road and also feels the same way as you, where neither of you knows what to say.
And now you are both here, again with that silence between the two of you and that heavy tension in the air that makes you both feel uncomfortable, since not even the music helps. Neither of you speaks for as long as the drive lasts.
So it's easier for both of you to just keep quiet and wait for this to be over.
You on your side also experience a mixture of intense emotions. You want to talk to him, you really want to try, you even want to offer him your condolences for his father's death, but you can't find the right words to speak and the worry that you will make things worse keeps you silent.
Aemond on the one hand wants to break the ice and find a way to try to talk to you, but the uncertainty and fear of rejection paralyze him.
It's very difficult, he can't, he doesn't feel capable and all he feels is that sharp pain in his chest.
Not to mention the incredible nerves you feel all over your body.
As the ride continues, you watch in the distance as some lightning flashes in the night sky, catching your attention. You briefly glance out of the corner of your eye at Aemond but continue to keep your gaze firmly on the window.
Not until a few minutes later a gentle rain begins to fall, creating a sort of melancholy atmosphere, which you don't know if that makes the whole situation worse.
But there are also more words you want to say, but you just can't.
The raindrops gently tap against the windshield, Aemond turns on the windshield wipers and slows down a bit.
You realize that it's not long before you have to tell him what your building is, but you still feel that lump in your throat that prevents you from speaking, even to tell him something as simple as that.
You recognize that you were the one who broke up with him and that although it hurt you too and you also suffered, you also recognize that you caused him more pain by deciding to end it all that way, taking advantage of his situation.
But you really want to offer him your heartfelt condolences, to let him know that despite everything, you still care about him, but you feel the great tension all over your body.
What right do you have to say something like that to him after what happened?
What right do you have to be empathetic with him in that regard when what you did with him trying to find you to fix things, was that you blocked him from everywhere and just disappeared from his life as if you never existed?
And you can't imagine all that he must have gone through, all that he must have felt and all that he must have endured as well for his promotion in the company.
You know you have no right.
You know the damage you caused and the most acceptable thing would have been for you to have sought him out when it just happened, but you didn't.
You honestly don't know what these months have been like for him and in trying to find the words to be able to talk to him, you don't need to, as he talks.
More than anything Aemond asks you the first thing that comes to his mind after briefly seeing some small buildings with the name of your university below the name of the residence hall, breaking the silence.
"You live in a dorm now?"
He asks you with a certain disinterested and casual tone, which still makes you feel nervous, mostly at the thought of what you will say to him before you speak, still feeling that tension and awkwardness in the air.
"Yeah," you reply softly almost in a trembling tone as you still stare out the window, "Yeah, it wasn't hard to request it in the middle of the semester, you know… because of the scholarship."
You bite your lips, feeling really very nervous indeed even though the ice has been broken, though not really. And Aemond only hums in a nodding sound, not taking his gaze off the road and not saying anything else.
You bite your lips again, wishing he would say something back, anything, so you can talk to him, tell him what you want to tell him, but the words continue to get stuck in your throat and he says nothing more.
The ride continues for a few more long minutes until you see through the window that it is almost time to tell him which building is yours, causing you to despair.
Now or never.
You say to yourself, then begin to gather bravery and fill with courage, finally letting out a long breath and without thinking too much, you look at him again and speak.
"I'm sorry about your father," you say in a soft and compassionate voice, daring to look at him.
A complex mixture of feelings invade Aemond inside, definitely not expecting that.
He hides his astonishment, still fixing his eyes on the road, suddenly feeling a knot in his stomach, as well as feeling a warmth expand throughout his chest at your words.
He doesn't know what to say.
Much less what to do.
What would have happened if you had been with him at the time when his father left this world and he went on to become the head of all Targaryen Inc?
Even though the two of you didn't end well and now he feels that support from you towards him, however small it may be, it still made him feel grateful.
Although… he can't help but feel sad too, as inevitably his mind takes him back to remembering the good times when you and he were together.
Your words spill out all over the inside of the car, suddenly feeling vulnerable and exposed due to his lack of response, until he finally clears his throat as he shifts a little uncomfortably in his seat, then nods, even though he doesn't return your gaze.
Probably everything would have been a little easier.
That's why he also feels a bit angry to see once again how everything is now between the two of you, where there is no longer an 'us'.
"Thank you," he says back in a soft, emotionless voice, not daring to look at you.
And again another awkward silence sets in.
You want to ask him how he is, what he has done, how is the company, his mother, Hel, even Aegon and Daeron, you want to know what happened to his grandsire and Alys Rivers, but again… you can't speak.
At least you're thankful he didn't ignore you after you ignored him and you feel a weight off your heart, you look out the window again while biting your lower lip, still feeling that awkwardness and that tension all over the air, but strangely feeling a little relieved.
And finally that moment comes, you see your residence in the distance.
With this also coming to an end, with a resigned feeling you point to the building, again feeling on edge just from talking to him.
"It's over there," you point to him and he doesn't say anything to you, just starts to pull up to the curb to park.
You swallow hard and Aemond brings the car to a complete stop, right in front of the doors of your building, then continues to stare ahead, expectantly, waiting for the moment when you will get out of his car and probably never see you again.
With a sadness in your chest, you grab your phone and also your purse to get out, also being aware that after this, you probably won't see him again for a while. Or maybe never again, because of your new job position.
And that disappoints you, makes you feel sad and inevitably, you resist the urge to cry.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it," you tell him honestly and sincerely, placing your hand on the handle to open the door and walk out.
He just hums back with a slight nod, not watching you, his hand resting on the steering wheel and the other on his chin, his gaze straight ahead, which hurts you, that he can't even watch you. At least not at this moment.
Because he doesn't want to see you go again.
He doesn't want to have another image of you leaving, leaving him, not knowing when he will see you again or if he will even see you again.
Again you feel that sharp pain in your chest as he apart from not being able to watch you, he can not even speak to you again, just waiting for this to be over and nothing more.
Although… just as you are about to open the door to leave and enter your building, you stop.
And you understand. You understand his lack of interactivity and also his lack of words. But this is just as painful for you as it is for him.
Your shoulders slump from the tension you were feeling, suddenly feeling defeated and like you have nothing left to lose. That's why you stop all your movements and with a thoughtful and disappointed look, with your lips parted you turn to watch him.
And that's when you finally ask him the question that was always invading your mind since you broke up with him, even crying, being more of a statement than a question but now you can finally know his answer.
Aemond frowns slightly as he notices out of the corner of his eye how you stop and don't get out of his car.
He feels your gaze on him and when you don't move any further nor say anything to him, he finally looks directly into your eyes with a confused and expectant expression at the same time.
You know your question is risky, but you need to know.
"Do you hate me?"
You ask him with uncertainty in your voice, your eyes full of sadness.
"Because of how I ended things?"
A heavy silence again fills the interior of the car for a moment with your words hovering, as Aemond feels astonishment again but hides it well, also not expecting to hear those words from you, as an unfamiliar feeling settles in his chest.
He remains completely silent, thinking about your question and also what he will tell you next.
Answer with the truth or be just as cruel to you, as you were to him, even if it's not true?
The simple question in his mind makes him feel absurd and also makes him scold himself, as it doesn't make any sense.
The sound of the light rain still patters softly against the car, the lightning continues to reflect every minute, his music also plays softly in the background in that delicate moment, where you wait for an answer and he feels a whirlwind of emotions, contemplating the question with seriousness.
And finally he breaks the silence between the two of you, deciding to answer your question honestly, still focused on the road and not watching you.
His voice is clear, but with a slight sadness and his answer makes you feel more that pain in your chest and also that a new knot forms in your throat, feeling more the urge to cry, but inexplicably you feel a relief inside because of his answer.
Despite everything, he doesn't hate you.
You think with wonder and longing, for he should hate you, really. Yet he doesn't. And you don't know if that just makes everything worse.
"I-I thought…" you begin to say, trying to control your trembling voice, "I thought you had moved on and—
And after his confession, Aemond lets out another long breath, not saying or doing anything else, still expectant of what you will do, whether you will finally get off or say something else.
And you nod your head slightly as you bite the inside of your cheek, chasing away your tears.
You stop as you hear him let out an incredulous snort with an amused grin, shaking his head, averting his gaze from the road for a moment, feeling anger sweep through his body.
"Do I look like I've moved on?"
And before you can say anything else, he speaks again.
He asks you as he finally watches you with disbelief and anticipation in his gaze. And you bite your lips, further controlling the urge to cry, as Aemond turns his gaze forward, clenching his jaw in annoyance.
"You did what you thought was right and necessary at the time," he says seriously, "It wasn't what I wanted but I don't blame you because I know I made mistakes too," he acknowledges, "My father's death just made everything worse," he says finally, still with annoyance in his gaze.
And right after his words and silence again settles between the two of you, you know you have nothing more to do here.
The rain continues to fall and with your heart in a fist, you finally decide to get out of his car and take refuge in your room, where you will cry yourself to sleep. So you grab the door handle, making sure one last time that you have all your things with you.
You withdraw your tears and speak without daring to look at him.
"Thanks again for the ride."
You tell him for the last time in your soft, sad, broken voice, controlling your emotions and your sobs.
And just as you open the door and the sound of the rain becomes more audible, before one of your legs touches the ground and you get completely out of the car, this time it is Aemond's voice that stops you.
"And do you hate me?"
His question with a soft tone makes you stop immediately, making you freeze in surprise for a moment, since you did not expect that, and then slowly turn your gaze back to him, where he is already watching you with the same need to know your answer as you were watching him before.
He notices your glassy eyes, he notices your sadness and also how you are controlling your crying, he notices it all. And you also notice the sadness in his eyes, that longing that you can't really explain.
Because you also feel that same longing inside you.
"Do you hate me for not fighting hard enough for you?"
And in that moment, you both know he means everything.
For not fighting Otto Hightower, Alys Rivers and his work hard enough. For allowing everything to escalate, for not fixing it soon enough, for making you reach your breaking point and that's why you decided to break up with him.
And you… had never thought about it, about hating him. But you immediately know the answer, without hesitation.
And again Aemond feels caught in a whirlpool of emotions.
His gaze reflects slight surprise and also slight relief, but also regret. He honestly didn't expect to hear that answer from you. And his surprise is mixed with his confusion.
Even though his own grandsire interfered in the relationship and also his possible partner Alys Rivers in a completely improper way, where they both pretended you didn't exist and he didn't do enough to protect you and the relationship, he wonders in confusion: why? Why don't you hate him?
"You don't even do with knowing that I could have done more to make it all work?" he asks you softly and uncertainly, "So we could have been together?"
You focus your gaze on the rain-fogged windshield, watching the drops fall and slide down the glass, as you again feel a lump in your throat and process his words.
You bite your lips, again feeling the urge to cry.
Honestly you did had wanted him to have fought harder for you, for both of you. But you know it wasn't his fault. It was just things he couldn't control, things that weren't entirely in his hands.
You know that work is work and he really tried by putting his boundaries firm with Rivers and also by worrying all the time about you, all the time making you his priority.
But sadly it wasn't enough.
You let out a sigh and with your eyes on the rain, still feeling a mix of complex emotions, you speak in your calm and soft voice, mostly honest, but at the same time with a touch of sadness and resignation.
"No, I don't hate you," you clarify again, "It's not fair to blame you for what happened, the situation was complicated and we both made mistakes," you watch him with your teary eyes, "And I know I owe you an apology."
Aemond's gaze contracts into one more of sadness, watching you intently but with that hard look on his features where he tries not to break down, as the rain out there intensifies and you gently close the door again.
"I'm really sorry," you sigh, in a light sob, "I'm really sorry that I took advantage of your trip to give you no time at all. I never meant to hurt you like that," you tell him honestly, "I did what I thought was right. But you didn't deserve that."
Aemond feels a slight ache in his chest, with that feeling of sadness again taking over and his mind goes back to the past, to remembering that horrible day in that horrible moment, when you left him without looking back.
And he thinks of all he could have done and all he could have been.
But despite this, he feels a flash of relief to know that you don't really hate him, but he is also overcome with regret for apologizing to him, when he never felt the need or thought you owed him an apology before.
Just like you, he feels remorse, a longing, and that longing inside him that still lingers and grows bigger.
"I regret… everything," he tells you in a soft, low murmur, drawing your full attention, "I regret not trying harder, not showing you how much you meant to me…" he pauses a little, "Not stopping my grandsire sooner... and I'm really sorry, for everything I put you through."
And he tells you all this with restrained emotion, feeling completely vulnerable and sincere, wanting you to understand the depth of his feelings.
And you do, you really do.
But honestly, you can't take this anymore.
The rain is getting heavier and heavier and what you need is to release all the tears you've been holding back for a while now. And you don't want to cry in front of him, simply because you don't want to look so vulnerable and you want to get it over with, because in the end, he will go back to his own way and you will go back to yours.
And it's better for you to end it once and for all before it gets harder for you.
"You don't have to apologize," you say through your held back tears, "But if that's what you need to say, it's okay, I understand."
You try to keep calm in your voice, but there is a mixture of sadness and understanding in your tone. And even though Aemond feels a weight less on his shoulders, the sadness is persistent and he says nothing more, with silence enveloping them.
And that's when you decide it's time to leave.
"Take care of yourself, okay? And thanks again."
You don't watch him when you say it, you don't dare to watch him, to watch as you again leave him behind, as you quickly wipe the tears that have escaped from your cheeks and again place your hand on the handle to open the door, turning your back on him.
And here it comes, the ultimate goodbye.
Aemond noticing all this, with his sad, desperate, anguished and worried expression, says to himself too: now or never.
And again he stops you with his words.
"I fired my grandsire."
He says to you in a tone just as desperate as his face, almost in a needy tone, again stopping you and making your breath catch for a moment, listening to him carefully.
"As soon as I became head, I fired him," he tells you more plainly, watching you sadly and desperately, "Rhaenyra took his place and I never associated with Rivers," he says and between your parted lips in surprise, "In the end I cut all connection with her and her company. And instead I successfully partnered with Rodrik Greyjoy, who has connections to Dorne and Essos."
You turn your gaze slowly back to him, where he is already watching you, being completely honest with every word he is saying, drawing your attention and making you focus entirely on him, now knowing the answer to the questions you asked yourself in the pub when you saw him.
And… you don't know what to say.
His grandsire and Rivers, they're both just not around anymore.
And probably if Aemond had become the boss sooner, maybe you and he would still be together. And that's what hurts you the most, that Aemond couldn't act sooner until he was the boss.
And how you wish you could have been present at that moment in his life.
Aemond averts his gaze from yours for a moment, where neither of you say anything else nor do anything else, submerging you back into that silence that is eclipsed a bit by his music and also the rain outside.
And Aemond again summons up the courage to ask you what has been going through his mind since the relationship ended, all the while feeling a sadness inside, along with helplessness, frustration and jealousy, thinking the worst.
"Do you…" he pauses for a moment, feeling the bitterness in his tone that he can't help, "Do you have someone new?"
Your eyes immediately meet his, who watches you completely attentive to your answer, wanting, no, needing to know that question that has tormented him every night and day, making him feel jealous and annoyed.
And your gaze shows a mixture of emotions, from mild surprise to sadness and indecision. But not because of the question, but because of him.
How could he think you have someone new when he's been the greatest love of your life so far?
Practically Aemond has ruined every other man for you and you are still completely in love with him. But you understand his question, because of the sudden way you decided to break up with him.
And honestly, you too sometimes wondered the same thing, if he had found someone else or if he finally decided to get involved with Rivers.
"No," you answer him truthfully.
Just you.
You want to say, but the words get stuck in your throat.
And Aemond feels a huge relief course through his body, as he looks away from yours once more and nods his head slowly, running a hand over his chin.
And you can't help but ask him the same question with a certain cautious tone, just to make sure.
"Do you—
"Of course not," he tells you immediately, still with sadness in his gaze.
And that to this day still lingers, just in the same way that you are still in love with him.
It's also absurd for him for you to return the question, since finding someone new was the last thing on his mind.
And even though he moved on with his life and his work more than anything else, his mind and heart were still anchored to you in a way that he couldn't get over.
Aemond unable to contain his emotions any longer, finally tells you the words that have been stuck in his throat for a while now in a trembling voice.
"I haven't stopped thinking about you, not even for a moment, since you left."
His gaze meets yours, feeling just as vulnerable as you did before, as your eyes fill with emotion, longing and surprise, beginning to feel your heart beating too hard, unable to control your heart rate.
"I came to keep Floris company because I knew you would come, that's the only reason I decided to show up, because I wanted to see you again and try to talk to you, fix what I couldn't fix before, if you would let me," he tells you honestly, then lets out a bitter laugh to himself, "How could I have anyone else when it's clear I'm still completely crazy about you?" he slowly shakes his head, "I still love you, more than you or anyone else could ever imagine."
And it is there, in his most sincere confession, that he tells you that he still loves you in his slightly trembling voice.
And you for a moment, you are silent, struggling to contain your emotions. However… inevitably tears begin to slide down your cheeks freely, uncontrollably.
Tears of happiness, excitement, surprise, but also of sadness and nostalgia simply because of the situation. And Aemond seeing your state, feels like a dagger piercing his heart, still hating to see you cry and it's worse when he knows you're crying for him.
But before he can say anything to you to stop you from crying, feeling guilty, you with your emotions running high, suddenly feeling a liberating impulse, you let yourself go.
"Oh Aemond," you sigh through your tears.
And without giving him time to anticipate anything, surprisingly in an act necessitated by that impulse so suddenly in your system, you lean fully into him and press your lips to his.
And Aemond without thinking at all, though still in surprise, wastes no time at all and kisses you back in an equally needy way, also leaning completely into you, where one of his large, firm hands takes you around the back of your neck to hold you close, kissing you deep and slow.
You gasp softly into his mouth at the sensation, then move your lips again in rhythm with him, feeling every texture of his lips, those lips you missed so much, bringing your hands around his neck, clinging completely to him.
You both almost devour each other, it being a kiss with a slight mingling of teeth and where it feels so fucking good, his lips moving in coordination with yours, deep.
And you find yourself responding to his kiss now that way, being completely addictive, enjoying his warm and consuming lips, not wanting to stop, feeling your desire increase every second for wanting to feel his closeness, also that little tingle in your between leg.
"Fuck baby," he sighs into your mouth.
Then his tongue makes its way all the way inside your mouth, unable to help it, making you gasp and feel a curious sensation in your lower abdomen as well from your nickname that you haven't heard in a while.
"I love you too," you tell him in between kisses, "So fucking much. Never stop doing so."
Aemond groans in your lips, feeling that warmth from before expanding again in his chest when he hears your words, as well as he feels a fire starting to grow inside him that makes him take you with his other free hand from his hip and forces you to sit in his lap.
His moist, warm mouth welcomes you back, taking in the slight smell of beer and cigarette which doesn't displease you at all, on the contrary, it makes you continue to more fervently caress your lips with his in a deep way in wet sounds.
It's not complicated even though you are both inside his car and the steering wheel is right behind you, being a little uncomfortable, but you don't mind.
So with the same need he has to feel you close, you make yourself comfortable and with your hand around the edge of his jaw, bring his face closer to yours to kiss him again.
This way Aemond can hold both hands on your face, keeping you exactly where he wants you, then gently caress your curves and breathe hard against your face.
"I love you so much," he murmurs against you between kisses, kissing you again, "I can't get enough of you."
You slide one of your hands down his chest, inhaling deeply to return his demanding kisses, as he continues with his hands on your hips, pressing you against him, letting you feel what is happening inside his pants.
You almost let out a whimper as you feel his rigid, hard, hot arousal beneath you, almost below your center, where your juices begin to flow.
"Did you miss me?"
He asks you in a low, husky murmur, completely aroused, then pulls his lips away from yours and begins to leave soft, wet kisses down your neck, starting a trail, making you gasp loudly and tilt your head to the side to give him more accessibility.
You bite your lower lip as his hands go all the way down and briefly caress your thighs, then squeeze and lightly caress the soft skin of your ass above your skirt, increasing your arousing desire all over your insides.
"Yes baby, all the time," you reply with a little difficulty, panting and breathing hard.
"Miss you too," he says in a hoarse murmur as he kisses your collarbone, your throat and again your neck.
Placing your hand back on one of his cheeks, you kiss him again with need, beginning to move smoothly and deeply back and forth your hips against him, his hardness slamming directly against your center, making you moan.
Aemond lets out a deep growl as he feels the friction of your movements against him, squeezing both of your ass cheeks with more fervor, not wanting you to stop.
Simply everything around you both disappears at that moment, the rain is still coming down hard and you're both too busy to worry if someone will walk by and see you like this.
"I want you, now," he murmurs against your lips, breathing and panting just as hard as you are.
And this catches your attention, causing you to stop kissing him and watch him at the eye that is fully dilated and full of lust and arousal, which you also know your eyes must be like this.
And as much as you want to calm that slight delicious ache of arousal in your nerve center since it's been too long since he was last inside you, at that moment you remember where you are and look around, barely being able to see anything through the rain-fogged glass, but still causing you hesitation.
"But..." you say with your voice and look not entirely convinced, again trying to see something through the glass, "H-here?"
"It's been so long," he tells you, again leaving wet kisses on your neck that make you shiver all over, trying to convince you.
"I know b-but… "you say still undecided, "I don't know—
"Please, baby," he looks into your eyes, "Feel what you're doing to me."
It forces you to again move your hips against it deeply, fully feeling its heavy hardness in need of attention and release, the friction sending delicious waves of arousal that also need attention.
"I want you. Right here. Right now. Don't tell me you don't want me too, I know you do."
You almost let out a little cry of surprise when unexpectedly, he sniffs under your skirt and just above your panties, you feel the huge palm of his hand cover your pussy with ease, caressing you in your entirety.
A soft whimper escapes you and you furrow your brows with the clear excitement and pleasure in your gaze, beginning to breathe harder, agitated and shaky.
"You're all soaked, baby."
He says in the midst of his excitation, delighted by the way you're dripping all over him, stroking you with his huge hand all over from front to back, making you moan loudly and start to move your hips against his hand, needing more, the friction being absolutely delicious.
And just as one of his long, slender fingers is about to pull the fabric of your panties aside to touch you directly, with a feeling of regret for the pleasure but also desperate, you stop his hand abruptly, not letting him go any further.
Aemond furrows his eyebrows in confusion amidst all his excitement, staring at you blankly, as you return your nervous, worried, agitated gaze, suddenly feeling embarrassed.
"I-I wasn't expecting this," you begin to say, even with your hand completely stopping his movements, nervously, "And it's been a while since I've shaved."
Aemond's confusion only becomes more noticeable even after hearing your words, understanding but at the same time not, as you watch him completely worried and on alert, not having the slightest idea what will happen next.
But Aemond knows what exactly will happen next, still not understanding why you said that and why you look so worried about it when he understands that you already know.
So he shakes his head briefly in your direction, still confused.
"And you think I care about that?"
His words take you completely by surprise and before you can say or do anything, his finger finally pulls the fabric aside and with his index and middle finger directly touches your dripping wet center, stroking you in slight circles making you moan and arch your back with your face contracting in complete pleasure.
Aemond can't help but smile in satisfaction at the way you react and respond, feeling you moisten his fingers more, loving your every expression and how you are like this to him.
And finally he expertly slips his fingers between your folds as if he wants to check how wet you are.
"Aemond," you moan his name, wiggling your hips against his hand again.
"Yes, baby," he praiseswith even satisfaction and desire in his gaze, "God, you are so fucking hot."
"Please," you whine, watching him with need and pleasure, "Please fuck me, fuck me with your fingers."
"Yeah? You want that?"
He watches you with tease, feeling his fingers slide all over your entrance, making you moan and sigh for him, feeling so good but not enough, as you need more.
"Aemond," you say his name in a plea.
And that smirk appears on his lips, deciding he doesn't want to tease you since he's just as desperate as you are, but this little moment is about you.
"Here you go, baby, all for you. I'm gonna take good care of my girl."
You moan prologue as he slips both fingers into your tight, hot, needy entrance, moving them inside you in a way that steals the breath from your lungs.
You arch your back as you moan and your chest is right in front of him, his eye going at that moment to your confined breasts, needing to be released and also needing to receive attention.
He doesn't need to say anything to you, as you are too busy receiving and enjoying the feel of his fingers inside you, so with his free hand he moves it up the back of your top, reaches in and with a calculated and expert movement, undoes the clip of your bra.
This doesn't totally get your attention, what does is how Aemond moves your bra out of the way and down the front of your top, exposes your breasts for him by the side of your cleavage.
"Gods," he murmurs to himself in delight to then bring his hand up, kneading your left breast all over and bringing his lips to your nipple on your right breast.
Now the feel of his lips and one of his hands on your breasts makes you moan louder as you continue to feel him move his fingers inside you just the way you need and exactly how you like.
Just as he knows exactly how you like it when he licks and kisses your nipples with need, grunting in the middle of his licks, watching your face at all times, not wanting to miss every expression on your face.
"Yes, just like that, p-please," you whimper, arching your back more and bringing one of your hands to his hair to push his face more against your breasts.
But you lose it completely when he twists and arches his fingers inside you with purpose, stroking and searching until he finds the spot that draws a gasp from you.
"There we go," he murmurs, watching you, "Fuck, you're so warm, baby, "he groans, "You're going to feel so fucking good around my cock."
His words send more delicious waves of pleasure to your center that he continues to caress and soothe, as he watches his fingers disappear inside you again and again, continuously, to return his attention to your breasts.
Each caress of his fingers, hand and lips make you melt completely on top of him, still panting and feeling dizzy and lightheaded, having no coherent thought because of the sensations.
And yet, it's not enough, you need more, need more of him, desperately.
"So fucking good," you murmur in sighs, your breath coming in ragged gasps, "Please, baby, don't stop."
Aemond groans
"I can feel you squeezing my fingers, baby," he says, stroking your soft spot, "Are you going to cum?"
"Y-yes," you say in a faint murmur, contracting your face into one of pleasure and need, moving your hips faster against his hand, "Oh fuuuck."
"You are so beautiful," he murmurs, beginning again to leave wet kisses down your face and neck, "I can't believe you're mine… and how perfect you are," he says over the softness of your breasts, husky, "Fuck."
"Aem-mond," you say in a desperate tone, still swaying your hips and about to reach your high point.
He feels you clench tighter all around your fingers and before you can finally feel your orgasm hit you, he stops his movements and removes his fingers from inside you.
You whimper with confusion and discomfort more than evident on your face, watching him instantly, breathing hard and fast, with the slight sweat on your forehead, about to reproach, but Aemond speaks quickly.
"On my cock," he clarifies to you, taking his hands off you for a moment, bringing them to his belt to remove it and also unbuckle his pants, "I want you to cum all over my cock."
As he begins to remove his belt with a little difficulty, he is totally focused on that, but as he unbuckles his pants and is about to release his hardened member, he turns his eye to your face and sees even the discomfort and frustration on your face from the denied orgasm.
"Oh baby, don't look at me like that," he tells you with the smirk in his gaze, leaning down to leave a soft kiss on your cheek, "Don't worry, I'll give you exactly what you want. Be a good girl for me and be patient."
This inevitably brings waves of pleasure to your aroused yet aching center for not cumming, so you squeeze your thighs together in a vain attempt to find relief.
And finally Aemond releases his big, hard, hot cock from his underwear, watching you all the while with pleasure and completely ravenous.
His long, slender fingers wrap around the base, then stroke himself with deep, long strokes, grunting lowly each time his thumb brushes over his sensitive, red tip.
At the scene of him stroking himself with your lust-filled eyes, you can't help but moisten your lips with the tip of your tongue, needing him inside your mouth or inside you, either is fine with you.
"Spread your legs for me, baby," he says, bringing one of his hands to your thigh, "Let me see that pretty pussy."
Even though it's been a while, you still shamelessly try to spread your legs as wide as you can, letting him see your wet pussy dripping with your juices, glistening slightly and fully engorged, needing him.
"Fuck," he growls, "All this for me?"
He brings his hand to your center again and with his thumb strokes gently but with just enough pressure your sensitive bud, making you moan and arch your back from feeling it more intensely.
Aemond bites his lower lip as he watches your pussy contract from his caresses, then he moves his eye up to your face and at the end he focuses totally on your slightly sweaty body, your perfect breasts with both hard nipples making his cock throb in a painful but delicious way at the same time.
"I want to ride you," you say in the middle of your expression of pleasure, panting.
Aemond smiles and pulls his hand away from your needy pussy before he goes any further and places them both on either side of your body, watching you expectantly.
"Go ahead, baby. I'm all yours."
This only heightens your arousal more and the idea of riding him rough is too delicious and makes you feel yourself getting wetter.
You wrap his heavy cock in your hand, breathing through your mouth, then rise up on his lap and direct his tip to your needy, dripping pussy.
You slowly lower down and feel him open you all the way, making you moan his name too loudly.
"Oh my god, Ae-mond" you whined, closing your eyes in complete delight.
"Oh fuck," Aemond groans, "Fuck, baby."
You both curse as it feels so fucking good.
You slowly descend, moaning throughout, feeling yourself open wider for him, causing Aemond to groan and curse louder as he feels you squeeze him in such an exaggeratedly good way that it almost makes him cum.
Even with more of his long, thick cock left to enter your pussy, he grabs your hips with both burning hands and pushes you down to finish sinking all of him inside you, where you both moan and grunt deliciously.
"That's so fucking good," you praise, completely drunk with pleasure and how he fills you completely.
Only he fills you this way, being exactly what you need. And you've missed it.
He gives you time for your body to adjust to his size after so long, while this time with both hands he caresses your breasts, giving attention with his tongue to your hard buds, making you moan as it feels too much, though not enough.
"You like it that much, hm?"
He teases you and then runs his tongue right across your right bud, lightly grazing it with his teeth, making you gasp as his hands continue to caress the softness of your breasts with sharp movements that take in all your skin.
And once you feel comfortable again with his size inside you, you begin to move your hips against him.
"Oh yeah, baby," he grunts, "Just like that."
You continue to move back and forth, moaning his name, feeling his warm breath against your breasts, beginning to feel your skin bristle from all the sensation that is too much but not enough at the same time.
"Yes, baby," you say in a whimper, "Please, you feel so good."
You begin to move more purposefully up and down now, causing him to growl again and let out a curse in your ear, holding you tighter around your waist by how you bounce against him.
The rain out there probably helps make your moans not so audible, but you no longer care where you are and if anyone might notice you both, especially since the car is moving with your movements on top of him, but you don't care.
You can only focus on one thing and that is Aemond, your perfect boyfriend.
You only feel more waves of pleasure that his cock soothes as you see his beautiful smooth but slightly contracted face in intense pleasure, with a few strands of his now short hair sticking to his forehead from his light sweat, looking so sexy.
Each drag of his cock head sends electricity throughout your body and a feeling of euphoria, almost making you see stars and fireworks, moving more fervently against him.
His breathing is just as fast as yours, hearing on top of that the slapping of your ass against his thighs every time you thrust him deep inside you again.
"That's it," he hums, then tightens the grip of his hands on your hips and begins to move faster and harder on top of him.
You moan loudly, feeling too much, delicious and driving you completely crazy.
"Fuck," you whined at the way he guides you, closing your eyes in complete delight.
And the next thing he does as he feels your walls contract around him, he wraps his arms around you and holds you with his warm hands from your lower back, grunts and begins to meet your movements as he too thrusts his hips upward in hard, fast, hard thrusts.
The air is completely gone from your lungs once more and you moan louder, the sound of both your skins sticking together also being heard, making your eyes roll back.
"Yes, yes, baby," you say as best you can, drunk with pleasure, frowning as you feel yourself cumming soon.
"Holy fuck, baby," he croons, "Keep goin', baby. Squeeze my cock. I wanna feel you cum first," he groans, his voice almost desperate.
He continues to whisper obscene things in your ear, that you are his, how much he loves you, how beautiful you look all desperate with his cock inside you, what he wants to do to you next, how long he has waited to be inside you again and how much he loves to hear your beautiful sounds that are only for him.
You can't help but react to his dirty words and your pussy squeezes him harder, making him grunt and curse with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his cheeks pink from the heat and his lips half-open, breathing hard.
"Fuck-fuck," you say quickly, clinging tighter to him in a desperate way.
"You're going to cum, aren't you?" he purrs and you let out a moan, trying to speak, "Yes, baby. Cum for me, please."
He leans in and kisses you with need, as he continues to grind his hips against yours and you moan into his mouth as he brings his thumb back to your bud and strokes it with just enough pressure to make you moan and feel more of your pleasure on the verge of exploding.
And with three more sweeps of his thumb on your clit, you get goose bumps and collapse on top of him.
You moan his name and every muscle in your body tenses at once, you tingle and your mind goes blank as you let out a high pitched moan louder than the previous ones and you see stars behind your eyes as a wave passes all over your insides.
You feel the euphoria all over your head and you jerk for a moment, almost aching from it all, feeling too much as Aemond continues to fuck you through your orgasm, reaching his own peak.
"Oh, fuck," you hear him moan and with one last hard, hard lunge, a hot liquid spurt of his cum fills you inside you.
The pleasure burns all over you, it courses through your body and you gasp, breathing hard and barely processing everything that has just happened.
Together you wait for the high to subside as you drop your head heavily against his shoulder and he continues to hold you, waiting for his racing heartbeat to calm down.
He begins to leave soft kisses on your forehead and brushes away your damp locks stuck to your sweaty face gently, smiling completely happy and satisfied, while you continue to melt under his touch and watch for a moment as the rain continues out there.
"Are you okay, baby?"
He asks you while still trying to catch his breath and you hums in affirmation, slowly sitting back up to look him in the eye.
"More than okay," you assure him with that satisfaction in your body.
You smile at him with love in your gaze and lean in to kiss him, where once again you think of how much you missed him and how happy it makes you to be with him again in this way, being all you needed.
"Stay with me in my room," you tell him as you pull away from him, not taking your hands away from his face.
"I wasn't planning on not staying, love."
He smiles back at you and he leaves one more kiss on your lips again, pulling your whole naked body against him again, holding you tight, as if he doesn't want to let you go.
His cock softens inside you and you carefully pull away from on top of him, feeling like there's a mess on your crotch and thighs, but nothing you can't fix since your room is a few feet away.
Once you both finish cleaning up what you can inside his car, where barely Aemond cares about it, you and he run under the rain to hurry into your building, where you take him to your room.
Tonight is not the last time Aemond makes you come, as once you are both in the four walls of your room, he makes you come with his fingers, tongue and cock, proclaiming it is to make up for the time you were both apart.
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The next morning, in your bed, you can't help the silly smile that appears on your lips when you see the serene and calm face of Aemond, who is sleeping peacefully next to you.
You immediately place your head on his chest and hug him, wanting to feel that closeness and touch from him, completely happy but also tired from everything you both did last night.
You feel that satisfied tingle between your legs and now being like this with him, just time seems to stand still for you, wanting to be like this forever.
Aemond stirs a little under you and you feel and hear him inhale deeply, then feel his warm hands wrap around your bare back, pulling your body closer to him, making you smile softly.
"Hmm," he says hoarsely, sending a vibration you feel in his chest, "Good morning," he says still sleepily.
You laugh softly under your breath, lifting your face to watch him.
"It's the afternoon, actually," you tell him amused then leave a soft kiss on his lips.
He hums, still keeping his eye closed, while instead of seeing his blue sapphire in his left empty socket, he has on his prosthetic eye, which you hadn't seen in some time, but still had missed.
"Really?" he asks you still sleepily.
"It's twelve o'clock," you let him know, then look at him somewhat warily, "Don't you have to work or something?"
"Hmm…" he says for a moment, hugging you against his chest more firmly, "Yeah but it doesn't matter, I want to take the day off."
You can't help the small tight-mouthed smile that appears on your lips and you pull your face closer to his, closing your eyes and melting under his touch and the comfort of your bed, while out there the weather is cloudy from the storm at night.
"You know my work now won't interfere between us, right?" he suddenly asks you softly, getting your attention, "I'm not going to make the same mistakes as last time. I'm going to do this right."
Again you can't help but smile a little, as you remain silent for a moment and gently nuzzle your nose with his.
"Now I know," you murmur softly to him, in response.
Aemond smiles softly, marking his dimples on either side of his cheeks, as the two of you make no effort to get out of bed and entwine your legs together, intending to stay here for a while longer.
And in that moment, it's just you and him, both in the right place at the right time.
That day in your room, you both talked about everything, about what would come next and how you would face it together, how you would do things now and also caught up for the months apart.
There were all kinds of laughs and heartfelt conversations. Instead of focusing on the mistakes of the past, you chose to look forward and build that new future together.
A few weeks after you and Aemond got back together, the topic of you both living together comes up again, but this time, he gives you the news that he stopped living in the apartment where you both lived together and recently bought an apartment for himself in the upper suburbs.
And it's only a matter of time before you both now create new moments in a new place.
Even the press gives the news after they see you both in a luxurious restaurant enjoying a rich dinner, where there is no lack of physical contact and some innocent kisses, where you both look absolutely happy.
Aemond's family, Hel more than anything else, are happy that the two of you are back together, where you never crossed paths with Otto Hightower.
And it is also only a matter of time before all the other close people around know that you and Aemond are back together again.
But Aemond couldn't care less, since he has you back, his sweet girl and that's all he cares about.
His company continued to be successful, even increased with now him being the boss and your classes and work remained the same, only with the difference that you now have that stability you had so longed for back.
And fortunately it came back into your life, as well as Aemond's new life, having you back.
You both supported each other in your goals and dreams, finding strength and inspiration in this new chapter of your lives.
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general taglist:
@melsunshine @n4forlife @iamavailablesstuff @ttkttt @elliaze @trshngyn @tsujifreya @imsoshygirl @watercolorskyy @kckt88 @zenka69 @yentroucnagol @crispmarshmallow @bellastwd @queenofshinigamis @strangersunghoon @happinessinthebeing @iloveallmyboys @twobluejeans @siriusdumblittlepuppy @celesteblack08 @birkinwhore @nikkitc0703
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rant time
This is so disappointing, and the worst part is I have no one to blame but myself. I've always sorta seen the writing on the wall. Hori has always had a really weird track record with his writing; dropping plot points, being purposefully cagy and noncommittal to certain themes etc. However I do think there is a difference between something being an objectively poorly written story and just a story that, while well done, might no be something I personally enjoy (or even a overall fine story with a few flaws). For awhile I thought, like many people that mha was going to be a scathing critique on hero society and Deku & Co. would have to reccon with their places in it: how the hero-villain dichotomy does not help anyone, scapegoats those deemed undesirable, allows heroes to get aways with murder, and perpetuates the complicity of the masses leading them bring about some sort of systemic change with the help of the antagonists . When I realized it wouldn't be that I thought "OK" then it is a story about saving the have-nots and proving why they are going about things the wrong way and offering another solutions while working within society–a bit sanctimonious but sure–they become the greatest heroes because of their compassion and willingness to save. And then when the villains bring up their issues with society their continuously told to shut up or that their wrong with no further elaboration, better yet that they just dealt with what happened to them the wrong way as if was somehow their fault for reacting badly to being treated badly and given no real recourse. And then the All For One reveal happened. And god. the last minute reveal (right before he's 'killed') that all of Shigaraki's family issues and quirk were the direct result of AFO? It's a really nice way to further invalidate all the criticisms he's ever made now that nearly everything bad that's ever happened in his life was because of some really bad guy, doubling down on making everything an individual problem rather then a social one–because that way you don't have to challenge your characters core ideologies right? or think of actual solutions? And that's where I feel like MHA crosses into being an objectively poorly written story overall; to establish all these issues and themes and back out on them at the last minute for a simple solution.
I have to ask: What the fuck is going to change? Stories set in a fantastical world usually have something to actually fucking comment on in that world. We are shown explicit issues in the world of mha What has been deconstructed about the world of MHA? After all of this, what have any of these so called greatest heroes done to make an actual, tangible difference in the world they live in? The end of MHA is shaping up to be just a continuation of the same cycle it the begins with, all of it's issues going unaddressed or swept under the rug. People want to say that MHA doesn't need to address those things, that it's just a story about hope and redemption, where is the hope and redemption in killing off the people shown to be the most victimized by society? If it is a story about true heroism being intrinsically linked to saving then what does it say that some people just can't be saved, that are 'too far gone' that have to be fucking mercy killed.
In conclusion, the LOV deserved to be in a story which actually lived up to what it promised.
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belit0 · 10 months
Would you be willing to write angst where Madara and indra (separately) finally broke the last straw and they and their lover have a heated argument. It escalates to the point where she threatens to take off her ring. How would they react. (The argument was their fault.)
I am convinced Indra is one of those persons who says hurtful things without feeling it just to make the other one angry, and no one can change my mind.
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He knows the argument is his fault, he is aware of how he pressures (Y/N), and how she feels lesser for not being able to give him a child. It is no one's fault really, only the Otsutsuki's impatience and helplessness for not being able to control nature itself.
Indra is mighty in every way, the most powerful man in the world, but he is failing at the one fundamental task of his present time: to conceive an heir and start a clan with his own blood.
He does not know where the failure lies, he has no idea if it is because of him or (Y/N), all he cares about is how he fills his wife with his seed every single night, hoping for an immediate result that never comes. It is frustrating, having achieved the most difficult goal of his life, conquered everything he wanted, and not being able to achieve the most common and ordinary task of any man.
An afternoon of problems is when he explodes against his beloved, bearing the pressures of his followers and resolving situations within the village he managed to create after his victory. Everyone counts on him, everyone needs him, and the pressure of authority becomes exhausting.
(Y/N), worried about her inability to grant him an heir, seeks validation and reaffirmation from him. She just needs to hear everything is okay, that they will get through it together, and that patience will be the greatest virtue for them both to get through the predicament, finally getting a child. The woman goes to her husband's private training camp, where she always counts on being able to find him. The man senses her arrival and stops his practice to give her his attention. "It's nothing urgent, my love, I'm just worried."
With a cold stare, Indra hides his concern, refusing to let his wife see the worry is shared. Unable to show he feels fear about it too, he chooses a distant stance, kicking the problem down on her, "You should be, it's been a while since we started trying."
"You talk like it's my fault...we have no idea what's going on and-" (Y/N) is interrupted by curt words, throwing responsibility on her actions, as if she doesn't want to have a family with him.
"I'm not certain about that, and I'm afraid consequences must happen soon." The Otsutsuki glares at her, red-eyed from his height, inwardly regretting not knowing how to put his feelings into words without hurting her in the process. He knows his position will only lead to trouble, but he can't do anything about it, riding a train with no brakes.
"Consequences...would you risk all our years together for a stone in the road...? Indra, I've been with you from the beginning, long before everything that happened..." There are tears in (Y/N)'s eyes, threatening an early free fall down her face. The woman stares at him in disbelief, genuinely mortified with every response she receives. Does her company mean nothing to him, the unconditional love she gave him through all their moments?
"My life was built upon losing people I believed to love. If I had to lose you for this, it wouldn't be news, (Y/N)." His sentences are like many kunai burying themselves in different parts of her body, and the woman can do nothing but rethink everything until now.
"You should probably keep this then." She throws the gift he gave her on their wedding night, a beautiful ring engraved and embedded in red gemstones, at his feet. Pain is visible on her features, and the anger with which she turns away from him is palpable.
Worst of all, Indra does not feel any of the words he said. He would never abandon her, even if it meant not being able to bear children of his own blood. He cannot control the image he pretends to have in the outside world, even if that includes hurting those he truly cares about.
(Y/N) has been with him since before his curse, was with him during his eternal fight with Ashura, and helped him build the place he now calls his. She is his safe space, his little home, but he can't help the awful unreasonable words flowing out of his mouth in frustration, anger, and rage. She knows him, and understands he's usually a pain in the ass to argue with, but this time she seems to have been truly affected by his statements.
Maybe he took it too far, without even meaning to.
He picks up the ring at his feet and puts it in his pocket before deciding to run, get away from the place, and find a distant and remote village to kill every single one of its inhabitants. Indra lashes out at the life of all the innocents he finds in the tiny town, destroying children, women, and fathers alike.
His anger is directed at himself, raging at his inability to control and suppress his reflex to hurt others. Of course, ironic to analyze his own self while dismembering humans left and right.
It is in the early evening when Madara decides to leave in search of (Y/N). Having arrived earlier than usual, he wanted to surprise her at home, but she was nowhere to be found. He opted to go to Izuna and ask about her, his brother always being everywhere and nowhere, knowing the whereabouts of every person in the clan.
The younger Uchiha recounts how he saw her walking a while ago, presumably towards the local Uchiha market, intending to buy something to make Madara some dinner. How Izuna knows so many details is none of his concern, yet he is grateful for the information.
Arriving at the market, he scans the place for her presence, too tired to use the Sharingan and deciding to do it the old-fashioned way. He walks among the stalls and greets every person who dares to speak to him, being stopped many more times than he would like at this hour.
As he talks to a little old lady, he sees her in the distance, having a very animated conversation with a man he recognizes from his army. He is an average warrior, one of the many Uchiha who never managed to develop a Sharingan, and he is too close to his wife for his liking.
Quickly excusing himself, Madara frees from the old woman to get closer to where (Y/N) is, without revealing himself to her but close enough for the man to notice. Behind his wife's back, the Uchiha stares at him with eyes full of hatred and menace, causing the warrior to flee in terror without even saying goodbye to her. Confused, (Y/N) turns around to see what spooked the man, caused him to be so horrified, and meets her husband face to face.
Judging by his expression, it looks as if he has just met Tobirama, and the woman is extremely embarrassed when he lifts her over his shoulder, abducting her from the market and concluding her shopping moment.
"Madara what the fuck! Put me down now!" She yells angrily, slamming a fist into his back and trying to lift her head to keep all the blood from going to that area. He doesn't comply with her demand until a few minutes later when they are in the privacy of their home, and away from any prying eyes.
"What got into you?!" (Y/N) exclaims indignantly, trying to understand what could have affected him enough to not even say hello.
"Who the fuck was that man and why were you conversing so cheerfully with him?" He asks with both loathing and resignation, expecting a terrible answer from his wife. Maybe it was her lover, maybe it was the person she would want to replace him with, or maybe she already had.
"He's one of the guards you assigned to take care of me today, you idiot! He was with me all day, under your own orders! Don't you even register what you decree, all day locked up in your office?!"(Y/N) is overcome with indignation, being indirectly accused of unfaithfulness wrongfully.
The Uchiha is speechless, not knowing what to say about it. He deals with so many things per day and at the same time, he tends to forget one or two matters. He feels disgusted for having assigned such a weak warrior as his wife's bodyguard, but even more so for not being able to remember it. The stress was consuming him to such an extent he was beginning to forget important things, skipping some and erasing others altogether.
"Even if that hadn't been the case, seeing me talk to another man doesn't give you the right to freak out like that! Interacting with people of the opposite sex doesn't mean I'll be looking to cheat on you, Madara! Grow the hell up, and learn to respect me as your wife, or it ends here!"
Enraged, (Y/N) storms out of the house, leaving a stunned and shocked Uchiha in the middle of the room. The only thing Madara is thankful for is the fact she didn't take off her ring, which could mean two things: either she didn't notice, or she doesn't see it as serious enough to genuinely leave him. Either way, he feels terribly guilty, and can't understand how he lets himself be driven by jealousy like that.
Unfounded jealousy, even worse.
The Uchiha is left pondering in solitude before he goes off to find her, determined to apologize on his knees if that's what it takes to get (Y/N) not to be angry at him anymore.
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neonbrutalism · 11 months
Jefferson really saw some guy in his 20s going through it and struggling with adulting but also acting like an older brother/mentor to Miles and said "I guess I have two kids now"
Jefferson thought those two idiot kids should have guessed he'd be waiting for them, and yet when Miles and Miguel swung on to the roof of their apartment, they seemed surprised to see him. As if he wasn't a cop with access to the police scanner. As if he didn't have a TV and could watch the BREAKING NEWS, SHOTS FIRED AT SCENE OF ATTEMPTED ASSAULT IN CENTRAL PARK, SPIDER-MEN SEEN IN VICINITY. As if he couldn't connect two dots between the radio chatter of somebody saying they "shot the big guy but he just kept going".
"So," Jefferson, crossing him arms over his chest, "You had an interesting night."
"Did ... we?" said Miles.
Miguel just shrugged.
Jefferson's done that move before, back when he and Aaron had been up to some bullshit and were trying desperately to avoid consequences.
"So - nobody shot either you?"
"Okay, what were we - " Miles started. Miguel cut him off.
"Everything is fine, Mr. Morales. Miles isn't hurt, the woman in the park is safe, the two headed rat-man is back in his mother's custody."
"And nobody shot you four times?"
The dark lenses on Miguel's mask narrowed a little.
"My suit can't be penetrated by bullets of this time period."
Jefferson glared. It didn't seem to do much to Miguel - dammit, he should have brought a chair to stand on so he could do the dad-glare, it didn't work on somebody so tall.
"Miles, go downstairs and get changed before your mother catches you," Jefferson said. Miles nodded without saying anything and scrambled over the edge of the building to his bedroom, eager to get away from this confrontation.
"... I have a police scanner. I know you got shot."
Miguel's stiff postured relaxed with Miles gone - Jefferson got that, there was a certain pressure of trying to remain an Adult-Mode-Adult around a kid, "And Miles didn't."
"And you did!"
"I'm not hurt."
"You could have been!"
"Look - even if I'm ... Miles will be fine on his own too. He's good at this."
Jefferson grabbed his head with his hands and groaned, "That isn't what I'm talking about! I don't want you to get shot because I don't want you to get shot, kid! I'm worried about both of you!"
"...Why?" said Miguel.
"Because you - you - you're 27! BARELY 27, I know, because that orange lady mentioned you were born in September and it's November - and you have nothing in your kitchen but old yogurt and coffee! You have cat t-shirts and apparently pass out on your floor often enough that it's described as good-for-convalescing!"
Jefferson started a little when he realized Miguel had taken a step back, his posture oddly guarded and defensive, the dark lenses on the mask wide. ... He should calm down - he'd seen people react like this enough to know the yelling was probably triggering something in the kid's brain that was processing badly.
"Kid - Miguel," Jefferson conceded, "Do you ... uh, do you want me to get you a coffee or something? A granola bar? Rio made some Arroz con Pollo, I could put some in a tupperware -"
"That's ... not necessary, Mr. Morales," said Miguel, the fight-or-flight leaving his posture.
"I feel like you probably don't have any food -"
"I'm fine, Mr. Morales, I can -"
"I would really feel better if you'd please take some goddamn chicken."
"... Okay. Thank you," Miguel said, his voice suggesting he was at like a peak stress level. Jefferson could relate.
"Okay, just - wait here - uh, Layla? Orange lady? Don't let him open a portal while I'm, uh."
"Okay, Jefferson," LYLA said from Miguel's watch. Miguel glared down at it and Jefferson hustled downstairs. He gave silent thanks that Rio was working an overnight shift so he wouldn't need to explain why he was packing food up at 11pm.
"You can bring the container back, uh, next time you're here," Jefferson said, handing the container over.
"Sure. Thank you, Mr. Morales."
Miguel turned stiffly and opened a portal back to his home dimension.
"You can call me Je -" Jefferson called as the portal snapped shut.
Stupid goddamn kid.
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smytherines · 12 days
Hey, I saw that you were bored, and I am also bored, so have an ask! Your Owen headcanons are great, so I was wondering if you have any about Owen's interest in acting/theatre?
It's one of the things that's really interesting to me about his character, even though it only gets a brief mention in canon.
Sorry if you've answered something like this already!
Ooooooooo this is such a good ask
It's weird, because despite being a hardcore theatre kid myself (I spent ages 8-18 in a community theatre program doing 2 plays and a musical every year), I always tend to see Owen's interest in acting in relation to my autistic Owen headcanon, as allegorical instead of literal acting/theatre.
Although in my experience, masked autistic people make excellent actors because it's what we do all the time anyways- every social interaction is a performance. We finesse ways to deliver lines, body language, tone of voice. I have to physically stop myself from rocking or swaying. I say combinations of words I've memorized from TV, delivered in the style of whatever actor's delivery is most appealing to me. Before I was diagnosed I used to joke that I built my public personality around Lauren Graham's line deliveries in Gilmore Girls. (I also routinely quote that show in social interactions)
It's exhausting, but I can more or less be at a social event for a few hours and seem ~normal~ and then come home and fall apart. The only time I feel like I can really unmask is when I'm totally alone, and the more time I spend with others (even people I love and adore!) The more irritated I get, the more quickly I melt down, the less I'm able to keep up the "I'm totally normal" facade I've constructed.
Obviously I'm 1000% projecting onto this character, but that's kinda how I see Owen and how I write him. I mean he literally is masked for most of the show, the acting, the way he speaks and his body language changing based on who he's around and what he's doing, him putting on personas and playing characters, the specific way he speaks with his hands, the way he seems to fixate on certain interests and ideas and ideological positions, the way they emphasize his interest in details, just so much of that feels familiar to me.
I do think he probably would've enjoyed acting. It saved my life. I wouldn't have survived without learning how to be someone else, someone other people don't immediately reject. For a second I thought maybe he could've been involved in vaudeville as a teenager, like Cary Grant, but vaudeville was on its way out by the early 30s so that doesn't seem likely. He'd be too young for it.
But I imagine he really liked to read plays, even if he didn't necessarily have a way to act or to see theatre as a kid/young adult. I think in the chwm epilogue I wrote about him buying a used copy of Pygmalion (unless I deleted that in editing, I can't remember). I think he probably read a lot and listened to radio plays and listened to BBC News to perfect his respectable posh accent.
I've had a headcanon for awhile now that Curt and Owen used to have sneaky little late night movie dates, because they just both love movies so much. Curt loves the action and the fantasy, the heroics of 1950s cinema, probably westerns, war films, musicals. Owen likes noir, and sci-fi, and british kitchen sink social dramas (those might be a *bit* late for him but the precursors for that), and is fascinated with the mechanics of acting, picking things apart, like he almost sees it as research for their jobs.
That's mostly just because I love classic films from the 30s-60s and now any time I watch something that came out during their time period I find myself wondering how those characters would react to it.
To me, in my little headcanon, Owen Carvour meticulously built this image of the perfect dashing confident charming British spy. And eventually he meets Curt and he trusts Curt, he sees that they have these similar rough edges that they hide with arrogance and vanity, that they are both playing a role. Curt is the first person who more or less experiences the world the way Owen does- filtering out the unacceptable parts of themselves to get by.
Curt is the only person he ever feels safe even partially letting the act drop with. Not all the way, they could never be 100% vulnerable with each other like that. But enough that Owen feels... safe with Curt. Not just about their secret (although yes also that), but Curt is the only person Owen allows to see any vulnerability, any trace of who he really is. It's part of why what Curt does feels like such a betrayal, why Owen can't move past it. Because he had a relative safe harbor, one person on earth he trusted, and it nearly got him killed.
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sharpth1ng · 5 months
If someday they will make last part of scream, like definitely the end who do you want as ghostfaces? I saw different opinion, probably Sam and Sidney being the most popular (in this duo or in one of them + Billy ghost duo). I personally would like to see Stu + Billy ghost as like final Buckle but that’s maybe because I love that kind of plot twist.
Let’s say that we are in different universe where scream don’t have problems with production, no one was fired and everyone are willing to come back to play their roles
I can't really see Sidney going ghostface in the context of the movie franchise as it's played out so far. Sid has successfully moved on, she retaliates unflinchingly when attacked but she doesn't attack first because she doesn't want a life of violence and vengeance. I think bringing her back in and making her a ghostface at this point would be a regression for her character and I would need that to be justified pretty well for it to work for me.
In terms of making Sam a ghostface, I think that would be a bad call in terms of her character arc. Part of what works for Sam (and I think the movies could have done a much better job of this) is that she experiences insane amounts of victim blaming but for the most part the movie sides with her.
Unfortunately we live in a world where the violent actions of victims against their aggressors are heavily scrutinized, and victimhood gets questioned if the victim is angry, imperfect, or if they fight back. Sam FIGHTS BACK though, and she isn't bad for that. I also wouldn't want to see her turned into a villain because I already feel that the representation of her mental health/hallucination situation isn't great. I don't experience psychosis so other people are better positioned to speak on this, but from what I've heard from friends the way the movie deals with this part of her character makes them uncomfy too.
SO thats why I wouldn't want Sam and Sid ghostfaces at this point. I can see them putting on the mask to fight back but I cant see them being the killers themselves.
Now on to who think should be the final ghosties:
I've been thinking she would make a good ghostface for a while but where we are in terms of her character arc in the series I think she's extra well set up for it. We've always known Gale to be cutthroat and career focused. We've also known Dewey to be someone who anchors and softens her but Dewey has passed so she doesn't have that anchor anymore. Even with the boyfriend she has in scream 6 she barely reacts when he dies; she's struggling to form real attachments. We also know she's struggling with her career. Her main subject is ghostface, that's her claim to fame and her writing doesn't sell as well without it.
So we have a Gale struggling with meaningful social connections, struggling with her career, and her entire adult life has been defined by ghostface. She's been dragged through movie after movie getting chased around and having people killed off around her, and this is where it gets meta (like a good scream movie should).
Because at this point in the franchise what can we be commenting on? We've commented on sequels, requels/reboots, trilogies to a certain extent. And to be honest I think scream 6 totally failed with the meta-commentary part here but that's a rant for another day. So I think what we need to comment on is something like genre fatigue.
We have this final girl (Gale absolutely is, even though we don't always call her that) who's been forced through movie after movie after movie, and what does that do to a character in the context of a franchise? They become flanderized. They become a hollow and superficially characterized version of themselves, occasionally they become someone you can't even recognize as the original version of the character. Of course this doesn't always happen, careful writing and attention to character progression can keep that from happening, but to be honest Gale hasn't had much of that (not none, just not enough imo).
So to bring Gale in, socially isolated, unwilling to keep forming connections because they all fucking die, and desperate for some more recognition and a paycheck, and have her put on the mask and robe to revive the series? That feels like meta-commentary, baby.
Can you even imagine the reveal of that? Especially if Sidney comes back? That would be a legitimately tragic betrayal the likes of which we haven't seen in this franchise in a second. It's always a significant other, a family member, or a friend. But we've never had a former survivor as ghostface, and certainly never the other final girl, so this would be a legitimate plot twist if done well (scream 6 plot twist fell flat on it's face for me ngl).
There's also something good about the way this comments on different reactions to trauma as well. Not everyone is like Sid. Some victims internalize the abuse and repeat the cycle, especially when they've had to re-live it over and over to the point that they're numb to it.
In terms of Gale's partner we could go a few different directions. I could see her hiring a few randoms to ghostface for her, maybe like 4 or 5 so several can die through the course of the movie and still we know it can't be over.
That said, Gale's partner could also be a freshly released Stu. While I don't think they would be super in-sync with each other, I can totally see Gale seeking him out because ultimately she's doing this all for a good story, and what could be a better story than one of the original killers coming back?
I also think that this would provide some good final act drama because Gale would clearly be trying to frame Stu as the only killer to position herself as a victim, and Stu would absolutely double-cross her. Beyond that I would love to see Stu interacting with Billy's daughter, especially because I think he would disobey Gale if she told him to kill Sam.
So yeah lmao wrote another novel but these are my thoughts. Fuck Spyglass pictures though.
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Why I personally believe Whit could be the chapter 2 blackened
I'm not entirely sure how to start this, but I'd like to mention that I am in no way claiming this theory is canon. It was originally created and put together on my TikTok (@ areinageishi_) back in May, and I've planned to cover all the details since then, only getting around to doing so now.
I can't say the name of the Ultimate Chemist for personal reasons, so his name will be avoided, and he will be referred to in alternative ways when needed.
My evidence, in order;
To start with the most important evidence, in Chapter 2, Episode 7, Whit, Teruko, and one other person are all seen in the computer lab, until Whit makes the sudden decision to ask to get food. Teruko declines the offer, but both others convince her to follow them to the kitchen, where they meet up with David.
David walks in, has a short conversation with Whit, but within this, he makes two important claims: "I didn't expect people to be in the kitchen at this time", and "I'm not really in the mood to socialise".
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This may seem normal, especially considering we found out in episode 11 that David clearly doesn't enjoy socialising, however there's a piece of evidence that completely denies this: either there's no door, or the door to the kitchen is constantly open.
In Chapter 1, Episode 3, Eden and two others are seen baking in the kitchen. Teruko hears this and goes to investigate, being invited to join them, however Eden makes a statement here that she's "inviting anyone who comes by". This directly means the kitchen door is either open or nonexistent, as the door wouldn't stay open without being forced to with a door stop or something of that nature.
By this logic, David would've been aware Teruko and Whit were in the kitchen, but still entered and claimed he's not up to socialising - and there's even more to this scene that I've already explained, that being Whit's responses.
David claimed that "he didn't think anyone would be in the kitchen at this time" - but that would also mean that most likely very few people were in the cafeteria, along with other places such as the bedrooms on the same floor. So why did Whit immediately direct him to the relaxation room?
My answer to that is simple - I believe David is an accomplice in this situation, due to the relaxation room's importance in the murder, and not because of the fish. Instead, it's his very last argument of Chapter 2, Episode 11: "I was near the place her body was found, and during the time she was killed".
If it wasn't for Whit directing him to the relaxation room, David would not have been in there (keep in mind the relaxation room is directly across from the playground) at the time of Arei's murder, leading me to believe that the whole conversation was planned. Whit choosing that specific time to go to the kitchen, David walking in and claiming he didn't want to socialise, Whit's immediate response of directing him to the relaxation room - all of these things point to Whit having choreographed this with David in advance.
You may question why Whit would have sent David there while he was eating, but we don't know that for sure. The only other person with Whit was very close with him (that'll be important later), and Teruko actually left soon after David, making that the end of what Teruko saw, meaning Whit could've left at any time. Along with this, the other person with him reacted in a certain way to David's argument at the end of Chapter 2 Episode 11, making Whit even more suspicious.
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There's three other scenes where this sprite/very similar sprites were seen, those being investigating where Levi was injured, witnessing Xander's eye, and obviously seeing Teruko's dying body.
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He hasn't shown this sprite when he's just mildly uncomfortable as far as I'm aware, only in extremely traumatic events, and there's two things which could cause that: witnessing death/blood, or even the thought of such happening to someone close to him - and we know he hasn't just witnessed blood or death, leading me to believe the second option.
Now, he doesn't care too much about the majority of the cast. Admittedly he cares a lot more than he did in chapter 1, but the thought of just anyone being executed wouldn't do that to him, but know what would? If the person being executed was the person who helped him through the first time he felt that way in this game, that being Whit.
We all know he's one of the smarter people in this game's cast, making it completely believable that he would be the first to realise it's Whit, especially considering he replied to David's claims about being near the body. Him and Teruko are the only ones who witnessed that conversation (not including Whit), meaning only those two could make the connection to why David was near the body.
Now, there is one claim a lot of people have made as to why it couldn't be Whit: he helped discover the body. However, the rules are worded in a certain way, which makes me believe Whit being the murderer to this case is still a possibility.
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There is nothing in this rule to say that they had to discover the body at the same time, infact chapter 1 proves this as Veronika and Arturo discovered the body before anyone else.
This means that if we assume the murder occurred at 7:00pm the previous day, and David would've gone to the relaxation room shortly before this, as long as Whit committed the murder while he was still there (or, if the theory about a mechanism being used is true, David would've been there shortly after if it was activated from the computer lab), this means David would've seen Arei's body the day before the discovery, therefore only two people would've needed to see it (Teruko and Eden).
The secrets are also very important to this, infact it's all the proof I need that David was the perfect accomplice for Whit, and that's the fact that Whit received David's secret. He's known since Chapter 2 Episode 1 that David is a manipulator, and considering he claims he has the perfect intuition for telling other people's feelings, he'd likely be able to tell when he's manipulating people too. That would make David the perfect candidate for an accomplice to Arei's murder.
I'm still unsure how the murder occurred, I do feel that the theory of the murderer using a mechanism to hang the body is interesting and convincing, but I've not investigated too much into that yet - I personally find it a lot more interesting figuring out the culprit by analysing each person's actions.
I'm also not trying to claim Whit is 100% the murderer, I'm simply presenting my evidence, and I believe that if he's not a murderer, he could easily have some relation to the mastermind.
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
hi !! I hope you're well 💚
sorry if this is random but I need to scream this somewhere and i'm curious to hear what others have to say abt this aa
I gave myself the hope that the reason why Bo-Katan didn't seem to give too much of a reaction while she watched Din get captured was because she was holding herself back so Moff wouldn't know that she cares deeply abt Din and use that against her by hurt Din 😭
idk if I'm just delusional (I'm a sw fan so yes) or something waaah what are your thoughts abt this?
Su cuy'gar* my friend.
That's totally not a random question! In fact I was a little bit disappointed when I saw Bo-Katan's reaction as Din got captured. I found her reaction to Paz to be much stronger, but she also knew that he was certain to die. You could see her struggle because she probably vowed never to leave a Mandalorian behind again.
So I rewatched the whole scene for you, paying special attention to Bo-Katan's reaction. Unfortunately, she wears a helmet, which is why the analysis is of course a little more difficult like in the scenes where she's talking with Din without her helmet.
Din gets caught from Gideon's man, he tries to defend himself with the flame thrower and get's tied up. Right after you see first Paz and then Bo-Katan fire against the barrier.
Then she takes a step closer to the barrier, seems to pause for a fraction of a second. At that moment she is still lit by the light from Din's flamethrower. She hits the glass with the gun in her hand. A split second later, the screen wents dark. The perspective changes and we see Din fighting his opponents from her point of view. Then she hits the barrier again with her hand.
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One must always remember that Bo-Katan is an incredibly experienced and skilled warrior. She has seen many people get hurt or die. It wouldn't suit her to panic or scream. But despite the helmet, you can tell that she is shocked for a split second. Viewers are only shown her and Grogu's reaction to Din's capture because those are the ones that count. She hits the barrier twice and later several times again when she is no longer in focus of camera, but you can see it when you look very closely. This reaction that is irrational and in due of desperation because she can't do anything about it. I think it's dramaturgically wonderful done that Bo is first lit up and shortly afterwards her ''face'' gets dark. Maybe also an indication how she's feeling in the inside.
After Gideon appeared, she initially stands there relatively rigidly, but during the course of Gideon's speech you notice that her posture is super tense, which culminates in her slightly desperate exclamation ''No!'' after Gideon sends off the Tie Fighters and Bombers. Din is taken away and Bo says in an almost slightly trembling and angry voice:
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She responds to her likely rising panic with a threat. A relatively clear coping mechanism. She then threatens Gideon in a calmer and firmer voice to destroy him once and for all. And I'm pretty sure she will do.
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I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed with her reaction when I first saw it. But I had to remind myself that she's not a silly schoolgirl. And after looking this scenes again I'm sure that she cares pretty much! You just have to look carefully. I love how subtle the whole season is over and over again and what an incredible talent Katee Sackhoff shows in bringing us closer to Bo's feelings.
And finally, I wanna show you of how Bo-Katan reacted in the second episode when she realized that Din Djarin was in danger:
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And now just imagine what her face must have looked like when Din was captured after what they went through together.
Screenshots are mine. GIF's from @itberice, thank you!
This is the way!
*Su cuy'gar (Mando'a) = Hello (lit. you are still alive)
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narcorob · 2 months
MHA Chapter 1
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I had a lot more to say about this chapter than I thought, so I'll see how it affects posting.
In which the literal first appearance of Izuku is him trying to save someone, and Katsuki's being him bullying some random kid (and Izuku of course). I think this chapter sets the theme of the story well, if only it stuck to it. People being born unfair is a theme we seemingly lose straight after Izuku gets All Might's quirk, which is really unfortunate.
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Something else I really like is how Chapter 1 sets up society as well; an attack from a villain, at least in this part of the city, is little more than a minor inconvenience. Regardless of the reasons why, this is striking because in most hero media, civilians are only there to be saved and when they are, they end up evacuating quickly.
In MHA, however, civilians stop and gawk; seeing a hero is only a little bit less important than seeing a celebrity walking down the street. Civilians at this point in time are so sure that heroes can stop the villains, are so secure in the knowledge that heroes can never let them down, that they walk up to the fight and have to be held off by other heroes and the police.
Another thing is just how much force this random villain gets hit with for... stealing a purse? Well. I think from now I'll save all my social commentary for when the story talks about it, because I do have a lot of thoughts.
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I'll put this one on this post though, because I'm not sure if the story comments on it: to be honest, encouraging kids to be heroes is really reckless, especially considering the amount of danger it puts them in! I guess it's to be expected, though. Who wouldn't want to be a hero? Only really people who like to be contrary, to be honest.
U.A. is NOT beating the child soldier allegations.
U.A. is always touted as a really important school, but I think we see it best in the way the students react to the idea of Katsuki applying for it: with shock, and then an outburst. I think U.A. is a little lackluster when it comes to magical schools, but in-universe it's obviously very important.
This chapter also shows how much Katsuki values quirks. He sees everyone else as lesser than him because of their "shitty quirks", and Izuku as well, a Deku, a nobody, because he has none. Honestly, it makes reading fanfics a little hard, because his viewpoint on this is literally in Chapter 1. Maybe it gets retconned, though. We'll see.
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I've seen some fanon interpretations that make Bakugou's lackeys Izuku's bullies, but they seem pretty reserved and more just like, followers in Chapter 1. I can understand why people do this - a lot of Early Bakugou's actions are horrible to straight up near irredeemable (cough cough swan dive), and it's easier to stomach his redemption arc when he didn't do those certain things.
Off topic though. This isn't a Bakugou hate post.
The All Might rooftop scene is one of the things many people bash on him for. But I can see where he's coming from. First of all, it's very possible he's just repeating what he was told as a child, and just like with Izuku, it's also possible that being offered OFA by Nana only solidified the thought that "Quirkless people can't be heroes."
Maybe it's just the way he grew up. We know he grew up in an era when crime was rampant, and it's very likely that people who didn't have combat-oriented quirks just... didn't make it. I can't think of any older heroes we see in the series besides Recovery Girl that both are alive and don't have combat quirks.
Even if All Might was in the wrong, to me, he immediately redeems himself by believing in Izuku afterwards, and helping him train. He doesn't write off Izuku saving Bakugou as recklessness, he sees it for what it is; budding heroism. At least that you can respect.
(I should mention: I see a lot of All Might bashing, but I really love All Might. In that respect, I'll probably be more than a little biased, because I hate seeing All Might get bashed for making mistakes! Why does he have to be a static perfect character for people to not hate him... sigh)
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I also see lots of criticism for the heroes in this scene! For Mount Lady... yeah, she's kind of wrong here. She can't get into the lane without causing property damage - why can't she just, not use her quirk? I guess it's just societal shit. Beyond her gigantification, she's basically fighting quirkless, which can be where her hangup is.
"But Izuku did it -" not really! He shocks the slime guy, sure, but who knows how long it'd last? Maybe I'm missing something, but it definitely seems like All Might's wind was their savior here. Reinforcing the idea that they did need "someone with the right quirk".
The other two seem reasonable to me. Kamui would get severely injured trying to help, and it's important to make sure those fires don't spread. Death Arms and the guy behind him are just straight useless though. Especially since he can't even do his job of making sure people don't run directly into the fight.
We see him doing it earlier too, so maybe that's just his job. Who knows. Combat heroes, rescue heroes, and border control.
I used to agree with this one stance that ragged on Izuku for only rushing in when he saw Katsuki's face - aka, someone close to him. But reading now, I think I understand what really happened: seeing Katsuki's expression, not his face (i.e. who he was), was what got Izuku.
Izuku sees Katsuki as proud; seeing that fear spurred him on. In that moment, all the pain Izuku endured; it doesn't matter.
"You looked like you needed saving."
More than likely, that doesn't just go for Katsuki. We see him demonstrate this over and over later in the series (i.e. Eri and Kota) so the principal here is - Izuku saw his face, and he moved, because Katsuki needed saving.
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More points in favor of All Might's case. He recognizes his failings and goes straight to Izuku to rectify it.
At first I thought this post would be for chapters 1-10, then the chapters up to the U.A. entrance exam, but I just couldn't shut up. So here you go. See you again next Wednesday, I think? Thanks for reading!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
why do people ignore how much yoongi loves jk? he adores him like a little bro. no way he would do anything to piss him off esp. about jimin…
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Skinship is normal over there. It happens, its a part of life. JK knows this, heck, he does it too. Y'all have seen some Hopekook moments 👀
So how JK reacts boils down to 3 things.
1) Again, he sees the way Suga be looking at his man sometimes. And not just that, he sees how Suga favours Jimin. SOPE is cool. I enjoy SOPE moments alot, but there are still things Suga will do with Jimin that he can't do with Jhope.
2) Yoonmin is the biggest Jimin ship. (Or atleast used to be. Pretty sure Jikook is bigger now)
3) And most importantly, Jikook are in the closet.
I can guran-damn-tee you right now if Jikook were out JK wouldn't have any issues with anybody. Not just Suga. Because dont get it twisted we talk about Suga and Minimoni the most but JK has an issue with everyone. Man, woman, cow, tree. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, Jimin is "his" and nobody knows. That shit has got to hurt. It has to. And worse, certain people think Jimin is dating other members. And other strange female idols. (I just saw the other say Rosé from BP and Jimin have 2 kids, a girl and a boy 🤦🏽‍♀️) You've seen it, I've seen it, JK's seen it and he hates that shit.
Here is a great thread explaining how JK did his best to debunk the rumors that Jimin was dating this lady. Note that he has never cared when any other member was in a dating scandal. Not even V and Jennie and we all know how big that got. And yet, JK just had to make sure we knew he was the one at the beach with Jimin. Not her. He's only ever done this with Jimin and Jimin alone.
He hates that people don't know, can't know. And yes, they use Fan service as a shield, but he also hates that people won't listen to him and what he's been trying to tell us for years.
I digress. Anon, yes, Suga loves Jimin and JK and would never do anything to hurt them. Not like that. What Suga does is standard skinship. JK just needs to chill. Needed to chill. Past tense. Coz to his credit he has gotten way better. He even worked on his staring, he worked on satellite Jeon (that one is still a bit difficult) but he is working on it, bless him.
I love JK man. I love his love for Jimin. (Sidebar Jimin does have his annoyed moments too, he's just too freaking subtle) I love their love. It's beautiful... they're beautiful
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haylijahtilldeath · 3 months
What is your ideal haylijah wedding?
Something outdoorsy, but that has a dance floor.
We all saw how Hayley reacted when she saw all the preparations Klaus did for her wedding. She told Jackson that it was not her world, and it would've probably been a lot less like that. So, I'm guessing something more simple for her, somewhere in the open air, with more wildness.
Elijah is more complicated. He usually loves things done a certain way, and I think he's more like an inside wedding guy. But I think that for Hayley he's willing to compromise.
Now, what I think. I am saying a gazebo outside a home they have chosen to live in. I love that scene in S4 where they had a semi-date in the gazebo. I don't know anything about weddings, or if you can get married in gazebo but that's what I think would be perfect for them. It would be semi-outside, with flowers or the greenest grass in the world. And a tent. You know of those big ones, where you can put a dance floor in. (If it doesn't exist, I'm sure Freya would do some witchy thing to make it.)
I think end of summer would be a perfect time. You know, when it's starting to get colder, but not too cold to wear your best dress. I would like some rain, but not too much.
The guest list would be their family and close friends. Everyone Hayley and Elijah care about, because it's their wedding, and it's for them, not to pursue some political agenda. Two people fell in love and decided to get married.
I think Hayley would like to walk to the aisle alone, or maybe with Klaus as a way for him to say that they have his benediction to be in love, and he wouldn't get between them. She would wear the white vintage dress she found in S1E10. Elijah would wear one of his black suits, and his pocket handkerchief would be made of the same material as her dress.
Rebekah would be her bridesmaid or maid of honor (again, idk anything about weddings because that's not how we do them in my culture.) Elijah would probably choose Klaus to be his best man, just so that he doesn't feel neglected, and Kol as to extend an olive branch. Flowerd would be scattered magically by Freya or Hope as she brings the rings.
There are white chairs facing the gazebo and the guests are sitting. The gazebo is decorated with flowy curtains and wildflowers. A soft music is playing, and MARCEL is the one who's playing the piano. Freya walks in first, using her magic to scatter flower petals. She goes to stand at the center of the gazebo as she is the one officiating the wedding.
Elijah walks in with Rebekah at his arm, and she kisses him on the cheek before she goes to stand on the other side of Freya, right on the back. Kol walks in with Hope, who also has the wedding rings, and she gives them to Freya. She goes to stand beside Rebekah, while Kol stands on Elijah's side.
The music changes, and Klaus and Hayley walk in too, slowly. She can't tear her eyes from Elijah's and he's hypnotised by her too. Klaus gives Hayley’s hand to Elijah and goes to stand beside him.
They would look at one another deeply in the eye. Hayley has a habit of biting her lip out of nervosity, and Elijah would comfort her by rubbing his thumb on the back of her head. Klaus would clear his throat, and say something like, "Can we start or do you intend to spend the whole day staring at each other?"
Rebekah would glare at him, and he would pretend to zip his mouth with a smile. Hayley and Elijah would ignore him, but Freya would start the ceremony by thanking everyone, and welcoming them to the wedding of "two of the people I love most, who had fought immense hardships to be there, and who would fight for one another for the rest of eternity."
Hayley and Elijah would say their vows. It won't be a big and loud display of affection, but they wouldn't be the traditional vows either. Something they wrote together, that said everything but without saying too much.
Then, the rings. I think Elijah would like for his ring to be a new daylight ring, because can you imagine him wearing two rings? Maybe made from his actual daylight ring, with something else that would symbolise both of them, and the new beginning they were allowing themselves to have. Hayley's ring would be completely different from the one Jackson gave her. It would be simple, maybe with an onyx or a moss agate.
Elijah would probably put the ring on her finger before bringing her hand to his lips, and she would take a moment to look at the ring on his hand.
Freya would interrupt them by telling Elijah that he may kiss the bride. A sweet kiss, gentle and tender. Freya would pronounce them husband and wife, and everyone would cheer for them.
Their first dance would be right there in the gazebo, while everyone else would be in the tents. Elijah would pull a vynil record player from somewhere, and he would put a song they both love. They would dance until they have to go to the party in the tent, where they would dance again together.
Elijah would dance with his sisters and Hope. And she would dance with Klaus and Marcel. One last sweet dance between Hayley and Hope before everyone leaves for the night, and gives the newlyweds some intimacy. Kol would probably make some salacious joke.
Maybe they would consummate their wedding, or maybe they would talk all night about everything they had to go through, but they would do it all over again if this was how it ends.
This is it! Tell me if you want me to make this a one-shot!
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ghost-kitty-cat · 7 months
Cyril Headcanons (finally time to ramble about one of the actual characters and not a listener or side characters..)
First Headcanon, Cyril totally gives me the vibes of someone who clicks their pen while thinking or to keep themselves focus (though I imagine he wouldn't do that with the pen that he got from Rival/Dove because thats a special pen... speaking of which..)
Second Headcanon, After Rival/Dove gave Cyril the fountain pen (I think that's the correct name..) I imagine Cyril clipped the pen onto the small front pocket of his work shirt and he just takes it everywhere with him (and he only uses it on special occasions...)
Third Headcanon, I don't know if because of the stereotypes for "nerdy" characters (or it could be because I myself wear glasses but) I imagine Cyril (and possibly Rival/Dove) wears glasses, I don't know if they're reading glasses or not, I just always imagined him with glasses...
Fourth Headcanon, (technically this is also a Rival/Dove headcanon but) I imagine Cyril will occasionally let Rival/Dove either style his hair or play with it (again this could be because I myself stim and fidget a lot but I imagine Rival/Dove will typically fidget with something while trying to focus like how I imagine Cyril fidgets with a pen.... and occasionally Cyril will let them play with his hair since at certain times it doesn't really bug him... speaking of which...)
Fifth Headcanon, I don't know why.. this is just how I picture him but my mind always imagines Cyril with slightly long hair like not too long but it's long enough that he can put it in a small ponytail..
Sixth Headcanon, (This is slightly a Roman Headcanon as well but) I've always imagined Cyril and Roman having the sort of friendship that likes siblings but not actually siblings, just the way they act around each other gives sibling vibes I don't know why it just does... (I imagine Cyril might think that but I doubt he would *ever* say that to Roman's face, that's something he would take to his grave...)
Seventh Headcanon, (this is slightly based off how he was when he first explained to Pip when they first arrived at the institute (I think that's the right word)) but Cyril definitely gives off the vibes of someone who doesn't know anything about comfort even if it hit him in the face, that's definitely something I imagine Rival/Dove (and possibly Ellis) taught him about..
Eighth Headcanon, (this is slightly based off how he reacted to hugs but) I imagine Cyril has like this imaginary bubble/shield around him, keeping people at a certain distance so they can't touch him, so far only Ellis and Rival/Dove (and possibly Cyril's dads) have broken through the bubble/shield while people like Roman still haven't... and Cyril would rather it stayed like that... (I imagine Cyril strongly dislikes physical touch... do we know why? Nope... he just dislikes it, he's still getting used to Ellis and Rival/Dove hugging him.. it probably be quite a bit before the bubble/shield is completely gone... geez this got slightly depressing... let's move on! Quick before i cry my eyes out!)
Ninth Headcanon, Cyril is totally the type of person where if you annoy him too much, he just randomly start saying stuff in a different language while having this cold sorta death stare (it definitely scared Rival/Dove in the beginning but now they're used to it...somewhat...)
Tenth Headcanon, (this is sorta a Rival/Dove headcanon as well but..) I like to imagine there was a time where Cyril went over to Rival/Dove's place and hung out (possibly watched a movie or read some new books) and Rival/Dove ended up falling asleep while like leaning on him and he decided not to move them... (I imagine it was one of the first times he let someone (besides Ellis and possibly Cyril's dads) through his little imaginary bubble/shield.... (oh just great, good going me! Now I wanna go cry my eyes out ;-;)
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angkis · 10 months
Maybe you can make some side blogs?
If you're going to be posting content that is not Sterek or Stiles and Derek with other people (like Chris or Peter). So that way Sterek shippers can see Sterek content on a side blog or main blog, and not see the other characters or ships on the blog they don't want to be exposed to. That way everyone is happy and the blogs are a *safe space for everyone*. Since some people are highly triggered by certain characters due to their own traumas.
So content-specific blogs or side blogs work well for that. Sterek-only content blog/side-blog and/or side ships or rare ships you're starting to draw for TW.
Food for thought.
Please don't be offended, but my short answer is, respectfully, 'no'.
The long answer, if you're interested in my thoughts: My blog has always been a multifandom AND multishipper blog, I just happen to be obsessed with sterek/teen wolf currently! This blog was a 'star trek' blog just a couple of months ago for example. I use tags for my fanarts, so you can definitely block the ones you're not comfortable seeing, but that's all I can do for you, I'm sorry! 🙏 Stranger to stranger 🤝
I love love love sterek and I have a hell lot of ideas left in me, so you can definitely expect plenty of fanarts about them in the near future, BUT I also enjoy a lot of things other than sterek. I'm a busy little guy, sharing art I do for fun in my *sadly* limited free time. You're asking a lil too much here :c
Now, I will very carefully react to that trauma part, because I truly don't want to offend you.
Please don't make it seem like my blog is unsafe. I'm not perfect, I'm human like you, but I'm definitely a considerate, safe person who is managing a pretty safe blog. We just don't enjoy allll the same things. I wouldn't call your blog unsafe for posting something that triggers me, or has something to do with my own past you will never hear about. You're gonna get hurt so much if you take everything so personally on the Internet. I know it's hard, I can't possibly know what you went through and I'm sorry it happened to you, and I say this genuinely: You might need a therapist for these things, you have to work on them For your own well-being if a character affects you that deeply, I can't imagine. I'm not a psychologist, I'm just an artist.
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railingsofsorrow · 2 months
you're my peace of mind
[regulus black x james potter]
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summary: inspired by this post. or... in which james is anxious and regulus attempts to ground him with his touch.
pairing: j.potter x r.black (slightly friends to lovers, but this does not focus on romance)
w.c: 2.4K
warnings/content: discussion regarding anxiety + anxiety symptoms; anxiety medication; hurt/comfort.
A/N: hi I've been gone for a while but this idea helped me get back to writing. the way james is experiencing anxiety here is based on a personal experience, this is not how everyone who has anxiety reacts, people have different experiences. keep that in mind. anyway, enjoy this little oneshot :)
Regulus is trying to pay attention to what the professor is explaining. He has been trying that for the past fifteen minutes. She's annotating something on the board, something important, probably. It will definitely be on her final exam. But he's too busy concentrating on the non-stop bouncing of James Potter's leg beside him to focus on the lecture, unfortunately.
Regulus is used to James's persona. He's restless. That is the exact adjective he uses to describe James whenever he has to. James is always doing something or looking for something to do. He can't stay still. Unless he's sleeping, then he doesn't move at all. Regulus doesn't understand how he can be so different in these two states but he stopped trying to understand James for a while now.
His mannerisms don't bother him to a great level anymore. They used to, sure. When he was eleven and the boy by his side stole all his older brother's attention to him. But thank god for communication and therapy because Sirius and him have quite a good relationship now. Healthy, you could say even. Perhaps due to their parents not being in the picture any longer.
Regulus warmed up to James. Well, he had to learn how to deal with him somehow because the prick couldn't stop following him around university after finding out he was also studying there and look at that! We share some classes together! Isn't that great, Reg?
No, it was, in fact, not great.
Until, well, Regulus warmed up to James.
It happened gradually. Nothing forced. Nothing fast. But at the right time. They became friends. Friends who occasionally sleep next to each other in bed. Friends who stare more than they should at each other. But, you know, friends.
Regulus enjoys James company. And it comes to a point where he recognises his walking through his apartment when he comes over unannounced. He has a spare key and he uses it whenever he feels like it. Regulus told him that wasn't a reason to use a spare key, James shrugged him off.
He knows James. He knows the way he blinks repeatedly when he's sleepy and the way he hates wearing shoes when he's home so he just walks around with the most ugly looking colourful socks ever.
He knows the bouncing of his leg when he's bothered by something. It's different when he's anxious. Even after several years of entering a common agreement that they are friends and that they can share anything with each other — James told him that himself in a particularly bad day of self isolation for Regulus. — James insists on hiding his hardships from Regulus. Or from anybody else, really. It's harder to do that to Sirius, because it's like James and Sirius share a fucking limb and can understand what's going on through countries away.
Something or someone made his anxiety spike up today. Regulus doesn't know which of the options it is yet, he has a hunch but he is not certain. Not that it matters, he can tell him the reason later when they're alone. Or not. It really doesn't matter.
It's understandable that James Potter's love language is touch. He's clingy. He likes holding hands and hugs from behind and intertwining legs during a movie marathon. He likes touch. It's comforting for him. Which is why Regulus slips his hand beneath their desk, head tilted forward towards the professor so she wouldn't call their attention — if she cares. Which she doesn't — halting right before reaching James's bouncing knee to squeeze softly.
It doesn't take two seconds for the bouncing to stop.
He keeps his hand there, drawing invisible patterns against the fabric of his jeans as he writes down something he considers important with his unoccupied hand. He hears the screeching of the chair moving beside him and James' warmth is finally inserted into his personal space. Their elbows are bumping from how close they are now, but Regulus doesn't care because James sinks his head into his shoulder. His thick curls caressing and tickling the side of his neck.
“James,” Regulus hushed out more urgently this time. “Are you okay?” And is such a dumb question. He knows that, he knows it is stupid to ask that to someone who's currently anxious for a reason he doesn't know but it was what got out.
James takes a hot minute to answer. The professor is wildly gesticulating with her hand and his ears are ringing. He shuts his eyes for a moment, maybe it would stop. “'m fine.”
“You're a shitty liar.” Regulus says, raising his hand to touch the back of his arm, seeking for the part of his body that always reveals the truth to him. He receives the verdict upon touching his hand. Clammy. “Do you want to leave?”
“We have five minutes left.”
“I don't care.”
“It's not that bad.” James blinks fast, raising his head from Regulus' shoulder. He was almost dozing off with his perfume grounding him to peace. James doesn't need his meds when Regulus is close to him. He feels a hundred percent recharged already.
Regulus lets him think he bought the excuse. When class is over, the stern voice at his ear is so damn near his neck that James might pass out. Really, what is he trying to do, get him to fold right over? James was about to do that. He would do anything for Regulus. So he stayed sat down as every other student exited the room. The annoyingly white room, filled with annoyingly bright lights that made his head pound and pound and— He's so thirsty. He forgot his water bottle. He forgot a lot of things today. He can't forget things, he's disrupting his own routine like that and routines are good, they are controlled and he can control them. Fuck, what was he supposed to do this afternoon?
He's in his dorm before he can realise.
The first thing he notices is that it is silent. His dorm is never silent, not with Sirius voice echoing off the walls whenever he's present, which is not the case now. James is guilty to admit he's happy, he loves his best friend to the moon and back but he needs silence now.
James calculates for how long he will get silence by Regulus' antsy movements around the room. What's he doing?
“Where are your pills, James?”
And that's when James’ whole body freezes. Oh. So maybe when Regulus told him that one time he knows him it is because he really knows him.
James is a smart boy, you see. He's organized — according to Regulus he's bit of a mess with organisation but to him, he is organised, okay! — he's good at sports and he likes exercising. He's athletic. He can't stay still. Why should he? If he has so much to do. What he does not like is having to stop doing the things he enjoys because his body is forcing him to rest. He doesn't want to rest. He doesn't want to stop thinking because how could he? He has so much to do and he doesn't have enough time! He needs things to be ready beforehand. James is good with deadlines. He never once delivered an assignment after it was supposed to do. James is never late, he's always on time. He's responsible. The thing is: he can't do all of this when he's taking a medication that makes him feel slow and numb. No. James is fast and full of energy and he's never late. But he can't control things when he's taking those pills so he doesn't want to take them anymore. He gets to decide that, right? He's an adult. Twenty-two years old, in college, living with his best friend, completely head over heels for his best friend's little brother... James is all grown up now, he gets to make his own decisions.
He misses his mum. He wished she could make his decisions sometimes, she has always been good with that. God, he misses everything. His old personality. His parents. His high school days. He misses being a kid and not having to deal with half the shit his head puts him through nowadays. He figures he doesn't like himself as he used to.
“Did you toss them into the toilet again?”
James moves his arm from his face, eyes fluttering slowly as his blurry vision adjusted enough to see the black haired figure open and close his drawers in a hastily manner.
“Don't need them.” James whispered stubbornly. “Come here, Reg. Cuddle me.”
“I will when you tell me where they are.” Suddenly, he halted in the middle of the room, slowly turning towards James on the bed. “James, did you run out?”
“Those stupid pills don't keep me from having anxiety attacks, you know that, right?” James sighs. “They're not useful at all.”
“They help you so they are useful.”
“I don't feel better with them.”
“Yes, you do.” Regulus fights back, shaking his head. “Have you been sleeping well? Have you been focusing? And don't lie, I know the answer to all of these questions.”
James shifts, running a hand through his face. He picks up his glasses that are on the bedside table and puts it on. Regulus is sitting at the edge of the bed, a few of his curls dangling on his forehead, barely touching his lashes. He likes that his strands have grown longer, he looks incredibly.... Ah. James can't do that.
“They're in the box inside my wardrobe.” He relents, watching Regulus immediately seek the hidden spot. James places his arm beneath his head, supporting it. He's not dizzy anymore, maybe it's the room with less people and less bright lights. That must have helped.
Regulus walks back to bed, the little prescription bottle between his fingers. The bed moves as he sits down again and James pointedly avoids looking at the vial.
“Withdraw is worse.”
James hums softly, pulling one of the boy's hands to him, holding it to his chest. Regulus lets him, but his serious look makes the situation slightly uncomfortable.
“m' sorry.” James bit the inside of his cheek, big brown eyes drowning in grey ones. “I just don't like them.” He admits quietly. He feels weak. A coward. He shouldn't have to need those.
“I don't like mine either.” Regulus is surprised every time he catches himself spitting out some deep dark secret he swore he'd never say out loud. But it's James. And James would never use it against him, not like his parents did. James is kind and one of the strongest people he has met. He hates seeing him like this, thinking he can take on everything on his own. You don't have to. I'm right here. “But I'd rather take them than feel like that again.”
James wished he didn't know what like that meant, but he's seen it with his own eyes and it terrifies him a bit to know what it was like for Regulus before he actually started to take care of himself, before he decided that it was worth it to get help.
“I'm sorry,” James mumbles under his breath, feeling guilt gripping his heartstrings at the thought of his actions triggering Reg in some way. He didn't want that, that was never the intention.
Regulus sits down beside him, the bottle of pills left aside so he could slip both of his hands into his, bringing him closer. James moved towards him as if being pulled by some magnetic force; he did always craved for Regulus' warmth.
“There is nothing wrong with you. Taking medication is not a sign of weakness, it just helps you to ground yourself. It helps with the symptoms that can be unbearable sometimes. Like it got today.” James observes the way Regulus caress his knuckles gently. He gets distracted by his voice and he feels like drifting off just at being close to him. Regulus. Why would he need any anxiety medication when he has Regulus? “James.” His attention is brought back by his angelic voice and his grey-blue eyes.
Regulus smiles and James feels like he died and came back to life again. He's in heaven and he doesn't believe in hell when there's an angel right in front of him, proving him that peace exists.
“There's nothing wrong with you.” Regulus says it as a promise, hand lifting to touch James's cheeks, traveling his permanently cold fingers across the skin. James tilts his head and his lids drop. He leans forward and Regulus brings him in by a nudge at the back of his neck, James's nose burying in his shoulder. “Did you hear me?”
James hums, his curls tickling Regulus' neck as he manages to nod in agreement.
“Now say it while meaning it.”
James huffs out a laugh in surprise, which drags a grin out of Regulus. “What?” The dazed tanned boy asks, big brown eyes studying Regulus's features curiously.
“Say that there is nothing wrong with you.”
James blinks slowly, “I— Well. There is always something wrong with everyone, isn't there?”
Regulus quirks up a brow and James immediately clips his mouth shut.
“Fine. There is nothing wrong with me, Reg.” James rolls his eyes, lower lip jutting out in dismay.
Regulus seems satisfied. “That's good enough for now. I'll make sure you actually mean it someday.” He stands up and James misses his body as a dehydrated man misses water in a desert.
“Where are you going?”
Regulus closes the wardrobe door then walks towards the bedside table, placing the orange bottle right above one of the books Regulus had recommended to James recently — this one is a collection of poems, he wonders if he's enjoying it.
“We are going out,” Regulus says, turning around to face James, whose body is being supported by his elbows on the bed. He decides he can convince him to start the medication again tomorrow. Today, he would help him take the edge off.
James makes one of the expressions that Regulus relates to a puppy, completely endearing and Regulus can't help but smile. “C'mon, Potter. Get your butt up. And grab a jacket, it's chilly out there.”
“I never get cold.” James comments, jumping out of the comfort of his bed to follow Regulus wherever he wants him to. He grabs his jeans jacket on his way out. “But if I do, you can just—”
“James. Shut up.”
“— warm me up.” James offers him a cheeky grin to which Regulus' reaction was to slap his shoulder. James is still able to see the red flush on his cheeks as they walk out of the dorm room and he likes it.
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sophierequests · 2 years
zoya nazyalensky
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Navigation┃Main Masterlist┃Request
Angst: ☾ ┃ Fluff: ♡ ┃ Hurt/Comfort: ☆ ┃ Smut: ♤
“You are strong enough to survive the fall.”
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not how it was supposed to go (☆ / ♡) → Zoya's crush on the reader is becoming more and more obvious, how will she react when she sees them with another girl?
Maybe dumped wasn’t the right word for her current situation, since you two weren’t technically together. You had obvious chemistry, constantly flirting and spending time with each other, but none of you had yet dared to make the first move.
putty in your hands (♤ / ☆ / ♡) → When the new supposed Sun Summoner starts going on Zoya's nerves, the reader decides that it's time to cheer her up. But what happens when cheeky flirting turns into something more?
She sighed, eyeing you slowly, seemingly taking every inch of your body intently. Her eyes stopped as she met yours again. In the blink of an eye, you saw her face upside down, hovering over yours, never breaking eye contact.
the sun and her storm (☾) → The Apparat's cult is weird, but they wouldn't go as far as kidnapping the only known Sun Summoner, whilst knowing who their girlfriend is, would they?
The priest didn't budge from his spot, engaging in a tense conversation with Zoya, who was close to pushing him from his creaky wooden box. You didn't understand what they were saying, the casual chatter from the passing people overshadowing their talk.
i only want to be with you (♡) → After Genya's constant teasing reveals that the reader has a crush on somebody, Zoya gets slightly jealous.
A few weeks prior, you accidentally let it slip that you had a slight crush on a certain squaller, which seemed to not surprise your friend at all. Since then it became one of her most talked-about matters, effectively managing to drive you up against the wall. As soon as she realized that it wasn’t just a little innocent infatuation, but fully developed feelings towards your mutual friend, she didn’t want to let it go, constantly teasing or encouraging you to ask her out.
pages thumbed, heartstrings strummed(♡) → Zoya seems to be in the library more often than usual. What could be the reason for her sudden interest in the old tomes?
However, before you could even properly begin reading the book on amplifiers, you had planned on working through, the door opened again. A young woman with black hair and a blue kefta entered the room. You recognized her immediately.
the universe must have divined this (♡) → Zoya thinks the reader should dump her boyfriend.
At first, she considered leaving, knowing that she wouldn’t get any real chances to make a move on you. But when the friends you were currently with opted out to join the masses on the dance floor, you were left alone, still waiting for a man that wouldn’t show. Now it was her turn.
i don't need you (but oh i do) (☆ / ♡) → Zoya's and the reader's relationship is very unclear, causing her to deny even having feelings for her. When a certain Heartrender visits the Palace, things are bound to change.
"If you want me to." he smirked, "You're terribly tired because you didn't spend the night in your room. I knocked earlier and guess who I found inside? No one. I'm not quite sure whose room you slept in, but I think I have a sneaking suspicion of who it could be."
it's obvious i wanted to (☆) → Zoya can't admit that she likes the reader, and it starts getting difficult.
There was no point in denying that Zoya had developed feelings for you. No matter how hard she tried to push them away, to treat you just as a friend, she couldn’t deny that she liked you. Nikolai had already tried to convince her to confess at least a thousand times, but she knew that she wasn’t able to.
i'd marry you with paper rings (♡) -> Zoya and the reader recall some of the most important incidents in their relationship.
“Do you still remember the night when we first met?” you asked, looking down at Zoya, who was currently laying in your lap, absent-mindedly fiddling with the fabric of your skirt.
you drew stars around my scars, but now i'm bleeding (☆) → Memories of a long-lost relationship start to resurface.
Without giving yourself time to think, you pulled it out from underneath the clutter, absent-mindedly brushing the dirt off and letting your fingers run over the intricate silver embroideries around the collar. It was slightly damaged from being worn on the battlefield and during training, but that only made it more real. It was her kefta.
gift-giving (♡) → Zoya really isn't a holiday person.
Zoya wasn’t a holiday type of person. She didn’t do feasts, celebrations, dancing or gift-giving. She didn’t dress up, she didn’t decorate and she certainly wasn’t one to be jolly or merry. Not even after a Genya-induced drinking spree would she sink down to the level of celebrating Christmas of all things. At least that’s what she told herself. 
i need you more than you can ever know (☆ / ♡) → After a figuring out that she has feelings for the reader, Zoya decides to distance herself from her and their friendship with benefits. When a sudden accident causes more hurt than good, she finally comes clean.
The relationship you had was entirely and strictly platonic. You were co-workers that occasionally slept together when they needed some form of release, and that was everything there was to it. Until it wasn’t.
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zoya nazyalensky x f!reader dating headcanons (♡)
zoya nazyalensky x bookworm!reader headcanons (♡)
queen!zoya x fjerdan!reader arranged marriage headcanons (♡)
zoya nazyalensky x f!reader marriage headcanons (♡)
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Sorry this is a bit venty- I'm getting really tired of the ''the relationship IS toxic and unhealthy, stat.'' being spread around as if that's the definitive outcome for every tav just cause some players view it that way.. Now I worry they're ''fixing'' the game just to please the fandom bullies like they did with the Halsin Drow dialogue.
Just like a previous anon, it feels like people just decide for you how your character feels in their position.. Now the devs might be doing that.
Sometimes ingame, I have this peeve when the PC character emotes a certain way, some settings and scenes wouldn't have my character appear either shocked or smiling for that matter.. It doesn't fit their personality.
I saw a preview? idk if its real, from a new AA kiss were he grabs Player Gale by the throat and kisses him- and Gale makes a shocked unhappy expression during this?? This annoys me. If you RP this as it being a consented kink thing, that expression doesn't fit at all.
It breaks immersion, MASSIVELY.
I hope the new kisses don't make the old ones disappear, if the only way to kiss AA is to be on your knees and be forced to see an unhappy expression, then that's just not an improvement. It being an additional kiss that triggers randomly or by option is at least preferred.. But my character would not make that face.
If its not broken don't fix it?? Give the player when they're a vampire- vampire teeth instead! That's something thats bothered a lot of us for a while now.
in a ROLEPLAYING game someone deciding how my character feels FOR ME just erases the ''roleplay'' aspect. Player agency matters but not when it ''fixes'' non-existent problems cuz some people do not have media literacy or can't handle certain dynamics. Folks like evil characters and having evil character.. Yet no one bullies people for going full durge?? Nah only AA, because queer men can't go apeshit once in a while and murder 7000 people to obtain power. In a fictional universe. Nope we have to ruin it for the AA fans for daring to pick that route in a game..
I'm so tired. Maybe I'm just paranoid at this point.
i personally really like the agressive kiss, but its always been a problem in rpgs where your pkayer cjaracter will say or react in a way that you wouldnt. fault of the genere where it inherently cant cover every possible reaction a person is going to jave to every in game event. however, just assuming you would have a negative reaction is super annoying, esp considering the anti aa crowd are gonna use it to try and tell us how we should feel instead of just letting people organically have their own reaction to tue text
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