#As far as I can tell he just walks around outside with a hamster cage and pulls shit out of his ass
honorthysalad · 4 months
what would yall call Tanaka’s job and can we compare it to the traveling monk whose shrine he destroyed?
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crack-a-lackin-max · 1 year
Little Angel
summery :
killer and angel are starting to hit if off. they go to the grocery story and chat.
-chapter 2/?
-words: 1832
--ao3 link <3
Killer put down his coffee and looked down at them as they finished up eating their ham an cheese roll up. He had to figure out what to do with them.
“So what do you wanna do now angel? I wouldn’t feel right just putting you back by that bench. So I was thinking, how ‘bouts you come home with me? I got plenty of room, not that you take up much anyway heh. What do you think little’en?”
The bitty doesn’t want to go back to the bench, it gets cold at night and the grass is wet. There are a lot of creatures bigger than them that could get them.
But they also just dont wanna go home with this guy, what if their owner comes back and they're not there? Well that would just be awful.
They swallow the bite they had in their mouth and answer Killer.
“Thank you for the offer K, but I better go back to where I was..”
“How come? You enjoy sitting in the wet grass that much shortstack?”
They shake their head no, “i just wanna be there when my owner comes back for me”
This poor thing, they still think that their past owner is coming back for them. they got left on a bench over two days ago, their human probably isn’t coming back for them. ..
“Tell you what sunshine, how bout we go round to the local shops and leave notes with them with my contact info and we’ll make sure the note we left is still there. Would you come back home with me then angel?”
They fiddle with their hands as they think it over, looking uncertain about this. Killer is a stranger after all but he’s been very kind to them and they don't want to spend another night outside.
“Well,, when he does come back then he’ll find the note. Or if the note is gone he can ask the shops next door. I guess,, it would be ok for me to come back with you then. I didn’t really want to spend another night under that bench honestly”
He’s relieved that they decided to go with him.
“Sounds good small fry. You wanna head back now or is there anything you need to go pick up that you left behind?”
“Um no not really, i don't really have,, anything else”
Oh yeah, that’s right. They just really had the clothes on their back and that’s it. Well, we should fix that sooner than later.
“Well tell you what angel, how bout we stop at the store to pick up a few things before we head back?”
“Sure thing, that's no problem”
He put his hand down on the table and had Angel climb up onto his hand. They climb up on and sit down, holding on to his thumb for support.
“Ready K” they say as they look up at him, waiting.
“Alrighty, up we go then” he brought his hand up closer to his chest so they feel more stable while he walks.
He starts to head out of the shop, waving bye to the kid behind the counter as he leaves the shop.
They walked down the street, the clouds had cleared up and it was looking like it was going to be a clear day.
“So tell me Angel, what do you like to do? Like what hobbies do you have?”
“What do I like to do? Well sometimes i can see the tv from where my cage is, that’s nice. Or sometimes i can see a cat out the window, they look so fluffy i wish i could pet them. Oh! Or one time my owner got me a fresh piece of fabric for my encloser, it was nice. It was back when he first got me.”
Killer grew a little sad as he heard what they said, it sounds like they haven’t had the best life so far. Wait, cage??
“Hold up doll, cage? He kept you in a cage?” he says, a bit concerned.
“Yeah? Pets are kept in cages” they say like it’s just the most normal thing ever.
“But you're like a tiny person not a hamster?”
They just shrug at that, not knowing what to say.
"well I don't have a cage at my house, and I'm not buying one. So you just have to roam around the house i guess” Killer tries to say casually, sensing that they felt awkward about this.
“That’s ok, just ,, try not to step on me please”
“Oh of course not, i wouldn’t do that angel, course not”
Thye walk in silence for a bit till they get to the store, the cool air conditioning washing over them as they walk through the breezeway.
“Ok i need to pick up some groceries and a few other little things. If you see something you want let me know angel.” killer said as he got a cart. “Do you want me to keep carrying you or do you wanna ride in the basket of the cart?”
They thought about it for a moment, they don't wanna be dropped or josiled as he picks up things while he shops so the cart would probably be a better option.
“Cart please?”
“Sure thing pal”
He puts them down into the cart basket and starts rolling it through the store. Picking up items that he’s been meaning to pick up when he got to the store. Some food stuff and some paper plates and other such.
He watched them eye the sweet roll case, they wanted one he could tell maybe they were just too shy to ask for one.
“I was thinking about getting a sweet roll for later, but I never seem to finish one when I get them. If I got one would you eat it with me small fry?”
“Yeah! I could definitely help you with that, i'm very good at eating sweet rolls!”
He chuckles a little at their response, “well how bout you pick the flavor out then, ya little sweet roll expert”
They looked into the sweets case with a very determined look, it was clear they took this task very seriously.
“The strawberry one! The one second to the left, it looks the freshest and the frosting is extra pretty”
He chuckles at them, “you're so right, that looks like the perfect one. Good job Angel”
He takes the little tongs that were there for picking up the sweets and gets that one out and puts it into a little box, setting the box in their cart.
The bitty beams a little at the praise, glad that killer approves of their choice.
They move on with their shopping, finishing up with the food section and moving onto clothes. Killer rolls into the bitty clothes aisle.
“Ok short stack, you said you didn’t have any extra clothes so we’re going to pick you up some extra sets”
“O-oh you don't have to do that, I don't need those, it's ok” they try to protest, not wanting Killer to spend too much money on them.
“Oh relax, even if you only stay with me for a bit you should still have some extra sets of clothes. Now what kinda of host would I be if I didn't make sure you were comfy hm? A bad host is what. now , I’m buying you a few sets of clothes, do you want to pick them out?”
“Well,,,ok then. If you're really ok with spending money on me for that, then yea i would like some clean clothes actually.
He nods as he picks them up so they can get a better look at the clothes in their size. There were rows and rows of various sizes of bitty clothes, all in different styles and colors.
They pick out a couple pairs of cargo pants, two plain tshirts, a space themed hoodie. And then of course a pack of socks and boxers.
Killer looks at the couple of outfits they had picked out, “don’t you wanna pick out a few more sets of clothes?”
“No, this is fine. Thank you, this is more than enough”
“Ok, what about pj’s then?”
“Pj’s?” they ask with a tilt of their head.
“Yeah you know, pj’s. Like soft sleep clothes?”
“Oh. i’ve never had those before.”
“Never? Huh, well how bout you pick out a pair or two”
They shake their head, “yeah never. I guess I could pick out a pair? i don't think i need them though”
They look at the pj’s available and pick out a plain soft black tshirt and some dark blue soft pants.
“Are these ok K?”
Killer nods, “yeah those look fine, as long as you think you’ll be comfy in them then they’ll do”
They get added to the cart with the rest of the clothes.
“Ok, we got the food, paper goods, and clothes for you. I think that’s everything, anything else you can think of Angel?”
They shake their head, “no, i'm good”
They head to the check out, scan the items and pay before heading out.
Killer moves them back to his shoulder as he carries the bags. He walks out of the shop and sits down on the bench.
The bitty looks around a bit confused, “um, shouldn’t we head back to your house? Is everything ok?”
“Ok we’re heading back to the house, I don't wanna walk all the way back and the oats bus will be here in the next ten anyway”
“Ah ok. What’s an oats bus?”
“Oh it’s a bus for geezers like me, and just people without cars. It makes its rounds across town a few times a day”
They nod along, that makes sense.
They think for a second, mr. K doesn’t look old but then again he’s a skeleton. Maybe they dont look old like humans do? The kid at the coffee shop called him old man and the store gave him a senior discount.
“Um, sorry if it’s rude, but how old are you?”
He chuckles a little at that goodnaturedly, “im round 63 last i checked”
“Wow that old. Sorry! I didn’t mean that in a rude way, that just seems really old to me”
“You're good, I'm not offended” he laughs along, “and how old are you?”
“I’m 4”
“..only 4? Are you full grown for a bitty? “
“I think so? I don’t know a lot about how bittys grow, sorry. But I think I remember someone saying once that we have an accelerated growth rate?”
Killer nods along thinking, “well that fits, you act like an adult altho an inexperienced one”
They just kinda shrug in response.
They sit on the bench waiting for the bus. It’s a good thing the sky cleared up so they didn’t have to wait in the rain.
They share a sweet roll and they wait, killer breaking off pieces and handing them to Angel.
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shivada-jade · 3 years
how to be romantic
characters: zhongli, childe (the wingman) ➡ mentions: xiao, venti, hu tao warning(s): n/a unless you havent gone to liyue. why havent you gone to liyue? FINISH THE MONDSTADT QUEST AND GO TO LIYUE.
Zhongli's everyone's ideal man.
Intelligent, amusing, respectful, and extremely good looking.
Zhongli knows many things including Liyue's history and, well... Teyvat's history.
Though, romance is not something he touched base with over the time he spent in Teyvat. He was, after all, a war leader. He was a fighter, not a lover, but over time when he settles down at the harbour, he found you.
Being romantic is for losers, as a certain bard would tell him long ago, chugging two gallons of wine. Pretty ironic how his city turned to be a city of romance as much as it is freedom.
You were someone who did not make him feel like someone to be worshipped as he was once worshipped. You did not make him feel belittled or someone of unimportance. You made him feel whole, and for that he is forever thankful.
He tends to ramble about ancient history, but you assure him you find it as interesting as he does. You would usually tease him saying you might know more than him until you thought you saw a certain Yaksha near by. The certain Yaksha threatened you with the tip of his polearm when he fits you as any threat to Zhongli, whether physically or mentally. Ahah, but it's okay you're both buddy-buddy now. You make the best almond tofu.
Zhongli will forever be yours, he promises you. Through thick or thin or through any rainy day, he promises he will be forever yours. You bro-zone him.
As he sits on the chair drinking his tea, his eyes wander from person to person, noting how many of them were in pairs: pair of siblings, a pair of friends, a pair of lovers, a pair of enemies. Everything is in a pair.
A pair of blue eyes interrupt his thought. Zhongli sets his teacup down and nods to Childe in acknowledgement.
"How do you do, Childe?"
Childe grins and puts his hands behind his head, taking a seat in front of Zhongli. "Oh nothing much. Juuust checking in to see how my favourite grandpa is. How are you? How's the spouse and three kids, living near the beach with their pet hamster? Ayo shawty bae, make sure you-"
Zhongli indeed knows a lot of things, but Childe's way of talking might just be something he may never understand.
"Childe, let us get to the point."
"Right, so! As your awesome wingman who got you the love of your life and even matchmade with countless of other people, I, Childe, the lovable Fatui Harbinger, the hottest person here, the best ginger there is-"
"The point, please," Zhongli says, offering to pour tea for his friend.
Childe refuses with a polite smile, "I have come with thee with a way to spice up your love life!"
Zhongli pauses and then lifts the cup up, sipping the tea, humming to show he heard.
Blue eyes dull and Childe whines, "Come on! I went through so much trouble in making a step-by-step guide on how to be romantic." His arms droop to his side.
The former Archon lifts a brow and places his tea down again, "Amuse me."
"Great!" Childe high-fives himself under the table. His right hand fishes for something hidden in his left sleeve and pulls it out. It was a long scroll of messy writing.
"Ahahah!" He slaps the scroll on the paper. The title read, 60 Impressive Ways to Be Romantic. "Mr Zhongli, you will not regret following these simple steps! You're already the man, but now you'll be... the better man! It works 100%"
"Preposterous," Zhongli chuckles. "I don't think I need this to win over [Name's] heart."
"Dude, [Name] bro-zoned you yesterday."
The wind brings the sound of laughter to Zhongli's ears, as if mocking him. Sometimes, he really wanted to punch the wind.
Tartaglia's way of showing romance seems to cost a fortune. Zhongli knows at this point this is one of Tartaglia's entertainment, because halfway through the scroll it scribbled, "AFFORDABLE ways to be romantic :)"
You come home to rose petals littering your doorstep and silk flowers perching on your window. A little neat note is clipped in between the door and the door frame.
After working, all you wanted to do is sleep, so that is what you did. You were too tired to notice the change and left the letter falling on the floor.
Mission failed!
Childe pats Zhongli's pat like he was a rejected kid on the playground.
"So what? Maybe step number 38 just wasn't it. Let's skip to step 69."
"There's only 60 steps, though," Zhongli quickly points out.
"Oh.. just change the number 60 to 69. It'll be like 57, 58, 59, 69 and done!"
Step 45: Take them out on a nerd date.
Zhongli has already told you so much about his knowledge, he doesn't think there's much to do.
Step 48: Explore the unknown!
You almost fell in a ravine when you and Zhongli went out for a simple walk. No way was he going to let that happen again.
Step 52: How are you all the way here? Make their favourite dish!"
Hu Tao sabotaged a dish once and Zhongli proceeded to think he's a horrible chef.
Step 54: I'm out of ideas. Just don't be a wimp and place an arm over their shoulder while you're against a wall or something. What's the word.. kabedon?"
Zhongli notes the Inazuman term and sweat drops. Maybe Zhongli is a wimp. No he isn't, but he wouldn't know if you would be comfortable with that. He would like to make sure you feel safe around him before doing such things.
Step 60: You made it here, so I'm assuming nothing from the other steps worked. Just ask them out and be direct. If you're rejected then I'm here!
"Well? Why do you like them to begin with?" Childe questions Zhongli one day with a palm resting under his chin.
Golden eyes soften when describing details that make you one of a kind as Childe takes out a quill, ink and a paper.
The next day, Childe ushers Zhongli to meet you. He shoves Zhongli to your house and quietly waits in a bush, listening to what's going to happen.
Zhongli waits outside your doorstep, knocking. He does not have much with him, just a single glazed lily in one hand.
He waits a few moments and you open the door.
"Hi there, Zhongli!"
Zhongli lights up when he sees your bright aura.
"You're late."
That went downhill really fast, but Zhongli is a man of patience. "I beg your pardon?..." he trails off, wondering what he was late for.
"The letter, the flowers, the little lunches you packed for me these days?" You explain, heaving a basket from inside and showing Zhongli the little collection of gifts he gave you. He thought random people got his gifts instead of you because it would always be gone by the next day without ever seeing you take it.
Zhongli clears his throat, honestly flustered that you took care of his gifts with great care, even placing it in a delicate basket. By delicate, the fanciest looking basket out there.
He reaches for your hand, gently placing a Glazed Lily. "What am I late for?"
You walk back inside, carefully placing the Glazed Lily in a vase and come outside with a blue letter. You curiously ask, "Did you not send this letter?"
Zhongli looks at the letter with a smile gracing his face. In your hand is a blue letter with a small whale stamp in the corner.
To my dearest,
I do not wish to keep my feelings for you caged in. I'm not one to forget many things, but when I am with you, I seem to forget all the pain this world has caused me.
At times I feel unreachable or unapproachable to many people. At times I feel I may never fit in this new life in Liyue I chose, but when you show me the thousands of reasons why I need to stay, I stay for you. I realize when I am not with you, Liyue is dull. When I am not with you, I am cold, but when I am with you, I am full of warmth and happiness.
Your eyes that tell me more stories than I can imagine are stunning. The smile that comes with it tops it all off. Your awful jokes and horrible sense of humour make me at peace, showing me there is a little humour in everything.
I wish I can go on and list more, but my ink is running short.
I simply adore you, my dear.
I can only hope you feel the same for me. My gifts for you are material, but my love for you will be eternal.
Would you be able to free yourself to spend the day with me tomorrow by noon?
you read it this far EHHDAHDHJ HOW
(childe's pov)
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
She may be looking for Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess, or Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder. They're both into dark occult stuff. They're also in the same class as Chiaki and Ryota. I think they're pretty close friends, so if you find one you'll probably find the other not far off.
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"Princess!?" Hiro repeats, his eyes widening. "There's a princess at this school!?"
"As amazingly cool as that is-" Leon says, trying to bring them back on topic. "-this Gundham dude....Why would a...breeder know about occult bullshit?"
"The same reason a princess would?" Hiro mutters under his breath.
Chihiro furrows his brow in thought, the small boy looking very worried. "W-well, Mukuro did say it had nothing to do with his talent." He reminds them. "So perhaps it's a hobby of his?"
"Well, regardless, this is all we have to go on, and you guys havent been wrong yet!" Leon says determinedly, flashing the spirits a grin. "Since Mukuro specifically said 'he', we should check up on this Gundham weirdo first. So hurry the hell up, Hiro! Look up this Gundham guy!"
The clairvoyant nods and does as he was told, looking up a picture of Gundham Tanaka. When he finds one he stares at it in surprise. "This...this guy works with animals?" He asks, stunned.
Leon looks over his friend's shoulder and raises a brow. "Damn. Yeah, he looks more like an Ultimate Clairvoyant than you do! He obviously seems to be embracing the occult for a start!"
This earns the ghost a glare, but Hiro quickly shakes his head and returns his phone to his pocket. "Well, whatever. We know what he looks like, so let's go to his dorm."
As he begins making his way there, Chihiro frowns. "You know, the fact that Mukuro knows about this Gundham means she and Junko must have been studying him, or at the very least his class." He points out. "Which would make sense considering how much of her plan revolves around 77-B." His face saddens. "Poor guys. It's bad enough Junko put us, her classmates and friends through something like a killing game, but to basically torture a whole other class?"
"Its sick." Leon agrees, his eyes narrowed angrily. "She's sick."
Hiro simply nods in response, a frown on his face as he walks. Suddenly, he freezes in place. "Wait, what about Hajime?!" He asks. "I was supposed to meet up with him and-"
"That can wait a minute!" Leon interrupts him. "If we dont hurry and stop Mukuro, who the hell knows what could happen!"
Hiro nods in understanding, breaking out into a sprint towards the dorms, causing a brown haired boy in a Reserve Course uniform to look up and give him an annoyed look as he passed.
Hiro was thankfully able to find Gundham's room with relative ease. As he stands in front of the Ultimate Breeder's door, he hesitates.
"Dude, what's the hold up?" Leon asks impatiently.
Hiro frowns and begins picking at his skin. "Its just...the energy surrounding this room...its...really heavy and...dark..." He mutters.
Leon groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh for the love of-Hurry the hell up!" He snaps.
Hiro sighs and nods, reaching a hand up and knocking on the door.
A quiet exchange of voices could be heard along with some shuffling until the door is opened.
"Who dares disturb the Overlord of-"
The boy behind the door stops when he sees Hiro. The two lock eyes, and a wave of energy courses through the clairvoyant.
The extravagantly dressed man before Hiro stares at him for a moment more before he smirks. "Heh. I had thought the dark lady and myself were the only ones dabbling in the forbidden arts, but I can sense they run through your veins as well."
Hiro blinks in surprise at the guy's strange speech patterns. "Uh...i-if by 'forbidden arts' you mean fortune telling, then yeah!" Hiro finally responds, forcing a smile onto his face. "My names Yasuhiro Hagakure. I'm the Ultimate Clairvoyant!"
The other man lets out an impressed hum. "Clairvoncy, hm? Then have your visions sent you to my side for the aid of my dark powers?!" He suddenly poses in a strange way, and Hiro blinks in confusion.
"Uh...y-yeah. More or less. Youre... Gundham Tanaka, right?" He asks, scratching his head as he begins to regret coming here.
Gundham's smirk widens as he nods. "My reputation of course precedes me. Indeed, that is my name! GUNDHAM TANAKA!" The...eccentric fellow bellows out his name, cause Chihiro to flinch slightly.
Leon rolls his eyes. "Dear Lord this guy is gonna be annoying." He mutters.
Hiro gives a subtle nod in agreement before forcing the smile onto his face again. "Well, great! Do you, uh, mind if I come in, Gundham?'
Gundham shakes his head and steps to the side. "But of course not! A fellow user of the dark arts is always welcome in my abode!" He declares. "Although my Third Eye has failed me, for I did not forsee your visit." The breeder suddenly blushes, catching Hiro even more off guard as the man attempts to hide the flush by raising his scarf over his face. "I currently have...company over. The dark princess, Sonia Nevermind. But do not fear! I am training her to be my apprentice, so you need not hold your tongue with anything you must tell me!" He declares with finality as he turns with a flourish and walks into his room.
Hiro stands still for a moment longer, sharing an unsure look with Leon and Chihiro, before following the breeder into his room and closing the door behind him.
The dark atmosphere Hiro had felt from outside the door was tripled the moment he took a step inside, and he shivered. Gundham's room was dark, light blotting curtains hung at the windows that allowed the only light inside the room to be the many lit candles that were scattered around. There was a bookcase against one of the walls, and on it several heavy looking leather cased books.
"Well I guess we found the right guy." Leon mutters.
Hiro nods in agreement as he continues scanning the environment. His gaze stops at something that seemed out of place. A brightly colored hamster cage where four happy looking hamster were currently rested inside.
"Well, he is the Ultimate Breeder." Hiro thinks to himself. "I guess it would be more weird if there wasnt anything animal related here."
"Oh, Gundham! You have company!" A sweet, feminine voice speaks up, causing Yasuhiro to turn his head in its direction. He couldnt help but stare. There was a beautiful blonde girl, sat upon Gundham's bed.
"Indeed I do, dark mistress." Gundham confirms, coming to a stop in front of the hamster cage. He opens the lid and places some treats inside, the four critters skittering over to them and eating them hungrily. "He says his name is Yasuhiro." A grin spreads on his face as he turns from his four pets. "He is also a user of the arts."
The girl, who Hiro assumes to be Sonia Nevermind, gasps and clasps her hands together excitedly. "Really?!" She exclaims happily. "There is another one at the school?!"
"It indeed seems that way, Sonia." The breeder confirms, his gaze going to Hiro. "He says he is a clairvoyant, and that he received a vision that called him to me."
Sonia gasps and looks to Hiro as well. "Is that so? Then please! I insist you inform us of the details of your vision at once!"
For some reason Hiro felt extremely compelled to bow towards the upperclasswoman and the need to hurry with the explanation. He blinks and clears his throat, attempting to calm his nerves. "R-right. Well, it's a long...and, well, pretty unbelievable story if I'm being honest." He sighs before continuing. "But I swear to you, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Earth or whatever deity you believe in its true.
It started when my classmate Junko Enoshima came to me, asking me to read her future...."
"...and then Mukuro mentioned someone else with knowledge of...occult stuff." Hiro finishes explaining, holding back the urge to explain his distaste for the occult. "And the spirits mentioned it could be one of you two." He looks between Sonia and Gundham, both of which look extremely surprised. "And since Mukuro said 'he' we went to your room first." He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "So...yeah. We wanted to make sure Mukuro's ghost...future ghost...didnt come here and find something she could use."
Gundham stares at the clairvoyant for a while, seemingly at a loss for words. Finally he clears his throat. "Well...that certainly is...quite the ordeal." The breeder recovers quickly, a grin forming on his face as he poses. "However you are in luck! I am quite skilled in this department, and while I cannot see your apparitions-" He walks over to his bookshelf and shifts through the many books before letting out a soft 'ah ha!' and pulling out a rather large one. He flips through it before placing his finger on a page. He then begins muttering something, which causes Hiro to frown and shift uncomfortably.
Gundham's eyes close, and a soft wind suddenly blows through the room, despite there being no open window. When he opens his eyes, he meets Hiro's eyes. They then shift over to Leon and Chihiro, his grin turning to a smirk.
"Ah ha! Hello there, fiends!" He looks over to see the shimmering outlines of the unknown spirits. "And to you as well."
Hiro's eyes widen in surprise. "You...you can see them?!"
"Of course!" Gundham boasts, slamming the book shut with one hand. "Did you believe these tombs were for show?!"
Hiro holds his tongue.
"Now I can be of more help to you and your miss-" He stops, his gaze slowly moving over to his bookshelf. He narrows his eyes. "....I assume this is the fiendish ghoul you mentioned."
Hiro blinks before following his gaze. His eyes widen further. There, looking through the books, was Mukuro's ghost.
Gundham Tanaka can now hear you! He is open for questions!
A/N: I hope things arent getting too crazy lol. I promise everything has a purpose! Supernatural stuff is canon in Danganronpa, and its especially important in this AU, so please bare with me lmao
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angelbittyabuse · 3 years
A flock of crows, part one
Behind the curtain: Wooops we had a coding glitch! So sorry, here’s the corrected version! There’s no trigger warning for this part, but there will be for the next one! Please don’t get too attached to the characters.
« Please don’t give me away! I’ll be a good bitty! Better! » He flails, hits the ground with his feets in his tantrum. His owner raises an eyebrow, his eyes lasting on the being, he seems to doubt... But no.
 The pet creature was a cancer since day one. To the never-ending wailing had added hidden orders, reflexions and comments... Critics. On the way he was living, his way of clothing himself, the hour he was waking up on week-ends! He had took that baby blue as a good deed, since one of his friend was moving in where they weren’t allowed. But now? This good deed had been drown by months of hard feelings about this thing, high as two berrys but so irritating. Putting a flyer down in front of the bitty, the baby blue could clearly hear his owner tell…
 « I’m bringing you where they will take care of you to your worth. » Blue was forced to take a few step back as the blow of the flyer nearly knocked him out of his feet. He bends to the paper, tries to read.
 « Beaux Cieux Breeding ? » Stutters Blue, raising a questionning face to his human.
« You’ll end your days as a stallion. » His owner giggles. « I’m nearly jealous. »
 The silence clearly didn’t came to the rendez-vous during the whole car ride. The pleading becomes thumping. Blue now yells to be heard, soiling the poor hamster cage he was carried away with tears and other colored fluids.
  « HUMAN DON’T DO THAT !! » He bawls. « THIS IS THE WORST DECISION OF YOUR LIFE !! » The said human turns higher the radio volume but the screamings won’t stop anyway. What follows of the speech is the same refrain. ‘Not that you’re used to take good decisions ! / you’re gonna regret me / I’m your bitty and I love you ! / bring me home, I know you love me too !’. When Blue ends up understanding that he won’t have any answers, his words melt into a high-pitching wailing. The crys go on and on until the car stops in front of an adorable little farm, all that picturesque. At twenty minutes from town, the air there is pur. Half-feral cats hang out in the courtyard, rubbing themselves to the human legs as he slaps close his car’s door. This one used to be brand new, once there was a time, before that Blue idiot had this idea that a turquoise color will better fit a vehicule of his ‘magnificence’... And starts to repaint it with a colored pencil. The horrid cracks on his car painting would have finished convincing the human that his choice was for the best, if he had doubted it only a little.
 « Welcome ! » A young girl, maybe forteen, comes running. Her full face and her lively eyes bring a smile to the human.
 « Thanks! Are your parents here ? » He asks, this barely audible, drown by the bitty cries that came back stronger. The girl raises her shoulders.
 « They’re busy. But they told me to take the bitty. You’re the person we had on the phone? » The human uses a small time to bring himself back together.
 « Oh. Yes. Here’s Blue. Here... » He hands the cage and the girl takes it with a whole particular caution. The human goes away, missing by a second the glance of malice living in the girl’s eyes.
 « So, Blue, we’re a lil grumpy? » She let away, gaining a truce in the cries. Blue raises his huge wet eyesockets to the teen. « Name’s Jessica and, you’ll see, you’ll have such a blast, here ! » Taking no care to the cats swarming to her feets whom were interested in the small rodent, she walks toward a small barn, a little far from the main house. Blue clumsily walks to the front of his cage, his cute lil hands holding the bars.
 « You’re my new mommy ? » He ask, a shiver in his voice. Jessica softly laughs.
 « Whatever. » She breaths, ignoring the dumb face of the bitty, falling apart to such an answer. Putting the cage to the ground, so she can push with both of her hands a door way too heavy, Blue see agglutinating around him the felides, meowing of hunger as if he was a can of tuna.
 « Er... Jessica? » Squeals the scared bitty. But nobody answers him excepted the heavy creaking of the wood door. At last, the door had given up and opens on a dumping ground drown in darkness. Blue doesn’t have any time to prepare himself before his cage is balancing again at the end of the young girl arms. She dumps it in a CLANK that can’t be unheard on something that had metal on it- another cage? Then she rubs her hands.
 « You’ll be fine, here, until the chirurgy. » Blue frozes to such speaking. Chirurgy? But wasn’t it...
 Why would he needs chirurgy?
 « I’m not ill ! » The bitty defends himself. « Chirurgy, it’s for people who’re really ill! » He whines but that does nothing if not amusing the teen. She doesn’t bother answering and goes away, having the same struggle to close the door after her. Just before the outside light dims into a stray of light, Blue has the time to see one of the cat slithers into the barn.
 « Hey ! »
 Then, the nothingness. Or it was what he belived. But as his eardrums get used to the lack of stimulis, he ends up earing way weaker sounds. The noise of one- no, hundreads of breathings, harshs, terrified, brokens. Mad laughing and wailing melted and- oh, the meowing develishly high-pitched of the cat, prowling through the aisles. The aisles... He eyesockets grows used to the darkness. There’s rows and rows... Is that cages? Blue let away a chocked breath.
 « IS THERE SOMETHING HERE? » Yells the baby blue. He stands surprised not to have any answers and insists. « Please ! » The last word, a weak pleading.
 « Shut the fuck up. » The blue’s eyesockets grows bigger.
 « LANGUAGE !! » He spats, a reflex of when he was at the adoption center. One cage down, the red eyelights of what seems to be an edgy become sharper. He stares the maybe ennemi for a time before understanding what’s in front of his eyes.
 « A baby blue. Tch. As if I needed that. » The voice sounds clear. The edgy have several months less than the baby blue.
 « I don’t think that’s the time for that’. » White pupils shining in the cage in front of his calmly answer. Blue hesitates for a moment. A... Sansy ? « Just do what he says, we don’t really have the soul to have a chat. »
 « Nonsense ! » Complains the little Blue. « I just arrived and I need answers ! » Useless to say that the tiny creature is deeply insulted. « At what time do we have a snack, here ? » There’s a silence, then the frenetical laughter of the edgy. Blue frowns. Did he... Missed snack time? It was so villain to laugh at him...! « Good, and what are we doing here? » He carrys on, a little less brave. « Oh, it’s for a birthday surprise, it is it? » His excited voice suddenly slips to the idea. « We are the gifts, aren’t we? » To whom will they be gifted? To a child who would play with them all day long? To a sweet human girl who would love cuddles? Or even to a monster, Blue wasn’t difficult! As long as the person would be willing to let them sleep in the bed...
 « Fuck... » Laughs the red one. « I tell him ? »
 « No ! » Yells the sansy in a panic. « Let him in his world. For now... » It was better to keep the eyesockets closed. It will always be time to stress out to the bone later one... But the edgy didn’t seem to want to hear such an answer. With a cruel smile, he blurted out.
 « Eh, dumb-face... Look what’s over yout head! »
 « UH ?? » Blue raises his face without thinking, suddenly noticing a glimpse of silver light hanging on the ceiling.
 « It’s the ‘chirurgy chain’. » Continues the edgy, a sadistic tone ringing in his voice. « The shiny thingy, it’s a butcher hook~ >> He soft talks, exctatic, despite the whimperings of the sansy, trying his best to make him shut up. Blue’s bones grow paler as he registers the words.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Forty-One: Wild Parrot ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
She can still remember the day she got her first pet: a cute little cockatiel for her thirteenth birthday. The gift, admittedly, was much a surprise. Hiashi was the sort to value the cleanliness of his home above just about anything else...which meant pets for the girls were rather limited. Hanabi had a hamster quite briefly - it didn’t last long due to her negligence. She’d only been six at the time. Hinata, on the other hand, had relied far more on having plants as companions growing up. A love she inherited from her mother, who’d also been quite fond of flora.
So having an animal of any sort to call her own was unexpected, but certainly welcomed. Hanabi had been a tinge jealous at first, but Hiashi insisted she’d proven herself not quite ready for a pet yet. Hinata named the soft grey bird Blushy for the large red marks on his cheeks. And for several months, she adored the little thing. He accompanied her everywhere in the house, riding on her shoulder and learning songs she would whistle. She even taught him to dance, bobbing happily as he squeaked a merry tune.
But then...disaster struck.
In Hiashi’s rush one morning to chase a neighbor’s dog from the yard, he left the front door open just as Hinata made her way downstairs for breakfast. As always, Blushy had been on her shoulder, twittering away...until he saw the door. For whatever reason, the beckoning of freedom seemed to outweigh his fondness for his little mistress...and with a flutter, he’d made a beeline outside, and disappeared.
Hinata had been heartbroken. Her little friend was just...gone. A whole wide world was open to him then, and it was rather clear he wouldn’t be coming back. Surely even if he wanted to...he’d never be able to find his way home, inexperienced and lost. She mourned as though he’d died, certain she’d never see him again. Surely a cat would catch him, or another person, or he’d get hurt somehow…!
It wasn’t fair!
For once, Hiashi actually felt rather guilty, offering to get her a new little avian companion. But Hinata declined, claiming it wouldn’t be the same. Blushy was gone. There would never be another Blushy. He was a wild parrot now, a feral bird lost in a place his kind were never intended to roam.
Her melancholy lasted for weeks. Any time a bird would flutter through the yard, Hinata would perk up, wondering if her beloved friend had returned...only to be disappointed by a wild, native bird instead. Eventually she stopped looking, figuring there was no point.
She would never see Blushy again, she was sure. No matter his fate...he’d never make it home again.
But no matter the heartbreak the little Hyūga was facing...life went on. She had school to go to: assignments to do, tests to take, homework to procrastinate, and fellow students to navigate. While she mostly stuck to her own company and just tried to scrape past everything else, she still couldn’t help but hear and see more than most gave her credit for. Most of it didn’t matter to her. Gossip, rumors, drama that didn’t hold her interest. She never really minded who was dating who, who had a fight with who, who had moved away or moved in. She’d only ever cared about one boy, but...he never saw her. He was too preoccupied by someone else...not that Hinata could blame him. She was quiet. Weird. Boring. And during her low weeks after losing Blushy, that only compounded.
But then...she happened upon a piece of information that did mean something to her. And it came from someone completely unexpected.
Slowly sorting through her locker one morning, she’d perked up a hair when the familiar tones of Naruto’s voice reached her. His locker was only a few down from her own, and that often meant hearing his morning conversations...which were most typically held with a boy named Sasuke. The two constantly bickered, but somehow managed to call each other friends. Hinata didn’t quite understand the dynamic, but...well, she’d never really succeeded in finding friends of her own. And maybe it was just a thing boys did.
“I’m telling you, it’s weird is all.”
“Is it though?”
“Yeah it is! Birds like that are supposed to be pets, not out in the wild!”
Naruto perked a brow at his companion. “So, maybe someone lost theirs…?”
“That’s what I was thinking. Maybe I should try to catch it?”
“I dunno, maybe. Could you?”
“I can try.”
“Why was it trying to get in your window, though?”
“My best guess is because I have a bird.”
“...you do?”
“Yeah I do! I told you about it, remember? Naruto, you’ve seen it before. I have a cockatiel!”
“Oh, right…”
“You’re hopeless - you can’t remember anything!”
“It’s not like it’s that important!”
“It’s important to me,” Sasuke muttered. “...anyway, I think it knows it’s another bird like itself, so it wanted in. I’ll see if I can catch it, and check if anyone’s lost one. Cuz it’s super weird it’s just...out in the city like that.”
“Okay dude. Have fun with that. Hey, you gonna give me your notes for Algebra…?”
“What? We had all week to work on them!”
“I know, but I was busy!”
As the subjected changed, Hinata barely dared to hope. So, this Sasuke guy had seen another cockatiel…? Could it be her beloved Blushy? But...how to ask...she’d never really spoken to Sasuke before…
Her curiosity, however, outweighed her shyness, and she gingerly stepped up beside them. “Um...e-excuse me…”
Both boys turned, looking surprised. “...yeah?”
“I - I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but...w-were you talking about a, um...a cockatiel…?”
“Yeah, one’s been hanging around my window,” Sasuke clarified.
“Is...is it grey?”
“...yeah. Did you…?”
“A f-few weeks ago, mine got out of the house,” she began to ramble. “My dad left the door open, and he just...flew outside! I tried looking, but he never came back…”
That got the boy to brighten. “Well...I was gonna try to catch it. If I do, I’ll let you know, okay? Then you can come see if it’s yours. A lot of them look the same, but...maybe we’ll find a way to tell if he’s yours or not.”
Hope glimmered in Hinata’s eyes, widening in surprise at the display of kindness. “Oh, t-thank you…! I-I would appreciate that s-so much!”
“Sure. What’s your name, again…?”
“Hinata! Hinata Hyūga!”
“I’m Sasuke Uchiha. I’ll try tonight and let you know tomorrow.”
Elated, Hinata got through her day riding a gust of hope. Surely there was a slim chance anyone else nearby had just so happened to lose another cockatiel just like hers, right? And she taught him a song from her favorite cartoon - if he knew it, she’d be sure he was Blushy!
Once she got home, however...the waiting was nearly torture. With no other way to contact Sasuke, she would have to see what he said come morning. Until then...she had to suffer her impatience.
Her rush to dress, eat, and get to school the following morning earned a perked brow from her father. “Something wrong, Hinata?”
“Oh, no! Just need to check something!” she assured him, zipping out the door and hurrying the several blocks to school.
To her surprise...Sasuke was waiting for her at her locker, and her chest swelled. “D-did you catch him?”
Startling at her outburst, he blinked, and then nodded. “Yeah. It’s definitely a male, so...I guess we can see tonight if he’s yours. I have him in a spare cage - he was kinda skinny, so I gave him some food and water.”
“Oh, thank you...e-even if he’s not mine, it’s good to hear you’re doing so much!”
That earned a curious look. “...I like birds. My brother does, too. So I couldn’t just leave the poor guy. Can you come after school…?”
“I’ll call my dad and ask him once classes are over, but it s-should be fine if I explain!”
Unlike yesterday, her classes crawled by. Looking forlornly to the clock every few minutes, Hinata was sure they’d never end. But when they did, she found the phone by the office, Sasuke waiting nearby.
“You’re sure?”
“Well, no...I-I need to check. But is it okay…?”
“...I suppose so. Just be home before dark.”
“I will!” Hanging up, she gave her new companion a thumbs up...and they were off.
Sasuke, as it turned out, lived in the opposite direction, and several blocks further than Hinata. But they made the trip in good time, neither of Sasuke’s parents yet home. “My brother’s got chess practice after school so here’s not here either.”
Up to his room they went, and Hinata found herself looking at two bird cages. In one was a soft white female, who whistled softly in greeting.
“Hey Marshmallow,” Sasuke greeted. “So...any way to tell if he’s yours?”
“Um…” Approaching the spare cage, Hinata looked anxiously to the bird within. He looked like Blushy, but...well, most cockatiels looked like him. Nibbling her lip, she then whistled a few notes of the song.
The bird perked...but didn’t respond.
...so she tried again. Come on, Blushy...please answer me…!
Subtly, he bobbed to the notes, letting it pause as Hinata waited. And then, sounding a bit tired...he whistled the rest of the song. Perfectly.
Tears quickly beaded along Hinata’s eyelids. “B-Blushy!”
“That’s him?”
“Y-yes,” Hinata blubbered, a bit embarrassed but too happy to care. “Oh my gosh...I thought I’d n-never see him again…!”
After a moment, Sasuke softened with a smile. “Well, you can take him home in that cage - I’ll walk with you and take it back when you get him settled back at home.”
“B-but that will be so far for you…!”
“It’s fine. I’ll just be happy to see him back where he belongs.”
Overwhelmed by a near-stranger’s kindness, her lip trembled before giving him a hug. “...thank you…”
Sasuke stiffened, not expecting the touch...but eventually gave her a few embarrassed pats. “S-sure...uh...we better go, huh? Don’t want your dad to get mad.”
The walk home was a long one, but they made it before her curfew. Hiashi, opening the door, was clearly just as surprised by the news...and actually looked a bit elated.
“No more open doors,” he promised, earning a small smile from his eldest. “And you, young man: thank you for finding him. Would you like some kind of reward, or…?”
“No sir,” the boy replied politely. “I was happy to do it. But I think ‘mallow will miss him.”
“Maybe they can have visits!” Hinata offered, smiling.
“Yeah...maybe they can. We can talk about it tomorrow.”
“Are you sure you want to walk all the way back…?”
“It’s not that far. I’ll be fine. Later, Hinata.”
“Bye…” Waving, she watched as he retreated down the driveway before turning to her feathered friend. “You, sir...are grounded.”
He just whistled in response.
     This prompt threw me, I won't lie...and it doesn't help it's already late kjdhfg I'm still gonna be behind OTL Once SHM is over, I can probably catch up. Otherwise I'm just too busy Dx      ANYWAY, yeah, this is...super random, but at least I got it done lol - Uchiha already clearly love birds in canon, so having Hinata follow suit seemed cute. At least she got her lil birb friend back!      I'd say more, but I need to at least get today's (well...yesterday's) SHM entry done. I'll do the next daily...tomorrow. Later. Whatever. Hhhh I'll never catch up xD BUT, either way, thanks for reading!
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braveskyered · 5 years
Knights (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2
The guilt remains, and Arthur knows that even though he's married now, he cannot bring himself to go back to introduce his side of the family. So he hides them, instead. Just what did the Mystery Skulls do...?
Part 3: So Long Since I’ve Wrote About It
The next day came by, and Arthur woke up in his warm soft bed, happy that he didn't have a nightmare this time. He looked to his left, and didn't see Elaine beside him. He isn't surprised, considering the circumstances.
Arthur got off from bed and attached his arm, which received many upgrades compared to the model he had back when he left Tempo. Now, his left arm received a skin covering that left it nearly indistinguishable from a real arm unless one examined it up close, which helped make him feel less self-conscious about it. Ever since Arthur left his old life behind, he never liked being outside that much with his old prosthetic, fearing that someone would stare and eventually recognize him. He even went so far as to avoid wearing orange vests like he used to, instead opting for ones with darker colors such as brown or black. He dressed in a white shirt like he usually does with dark burgundy pants, before donning the vest in question. He stared at the mirror hanging on the wall and nodded to himself.
You are okay, Arthur. You will be fine. You live for them now.
He didn't want to go back. Not now, not ever. Not when he has a wife to be with...
“Arthur, could you tend to Percy real quick? I have my hands full with Gwen. He's already been fed and changed, so I think he just wants to be held by you.”
...and two babies to take care of. He went to the other side of the room and gently lifted the three-month-old baby boy from the crib. He saw Elaine's figure poke out from the bathroom door and take a box of wet wipes from the dresser nearby before going back in. With the tiny babe safe in the crook of his arms, Arthur left the bedroom, went to his work desk down the hall, and sat down on the chair. He then grabbed a small book that held the logo of a horse's head behind a shield with a sword from the stack and opened it, then slowly went through the pages of his diary entries, casually reading through some of them.
I don't know why, but Elaine gave me this diary for my birthday. She said that if I write down the things that trouble me, I can be less stressed about it or something like that? Honestly, if I wrote all my troubles down, I'd probably fill this book twice or more by now.
He flipped a page.
I've had this for a few months now. I guess it's helping. Writing out my thoughts and then processing them has helped me plan out on how to deal with this. It helped sort out the dreams, too.
He skipped past a few pages.
I'm worried they'll find me, I left without them knowing. I don't want to go back. Lewis hates me and I'll just be in the way. Vivi wouldn't give up until she found me. I don't want Mystery to track-
He skipped many pages to avoid that entry, suppressing the fear while trying to stop his hand from shaking.
He looked at an entry that held handwriting that wasn't his.
I love you, my star. ★
What is Elaine doing writing in this? I guess I shouldn't complain, though. It's really sweet of her. I guess she's serious about us being together? I mean, it's most likely that. I DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE WITH HER.
I got separated from Elaine while we were at the show. I could've sworn I saw Lew-
...before quickly skipping all the entries past it until he reached a blank page for his next entry, and started to write the words.
It's hard to believe that Gwen and Percy are over three months old now. Other parents weren't kidding when they say that kids grow up quickly. They still like hearing me hum the chorus of Lewis's song. I wonder if he'll forgive me for using it as a lullaby. I doubt it, but I can't recall any other song that will work for them besides the noise from the dryer. So far, the New Year is off to a good start.
Arthur set the pen down. He first used the diary to write down things that trouble him, but over time, he came to write down things that also made him happy, the events he had with the family he married into that made him slowly fall for his wife, even though there were some bumps and secrets to show between the two of them. Then came the children, and Arthur would write down multiple child care tips he learned from doctors or parents that were already experienced with handling them.
For Arthur, a part of him still has a hard time believing that he is a father to three-month-old twins. If someone were to tell his twenty-two year old self that he would be married with children at twenty-five, he wouldn't have believed it for even a second.
When Arthur first met Elaine, it wasn't love at first sight, but he did have an admiration for her spirit. Recalling the memory from three years ago somewhat fondly, Arthur held his son gently, holding out a finger from his left hand for the baby to wrap his fingers around.
“Holy...! Either the mechanic at that dealership is an idiot or they actually sabotaged the thing! What the hell?!”
Arthur stood back with Elaine beside him as the two watched another of the latter's relatives, an older woman with short black hair, examine the van's engine in more detail. It took less than a minute for Arthur to find the woman intimidating, and it wasn't even directed at him! He stepped back slightly to remain behind Elaine, the woman's niece.
“Look at this!” she gestured at the engine, “It's just as the kid says, there's so much crap in these pipes that it'll take hours to get it all out! I'm surprised the engine didn't overheat and break apart when our regular brought it in! Ugh! The idiots at that used dealership used the wrong kind of silicon sealant...!”
“Still, this is a problem, Aunt Morgan,” Elaine shook her head with her arms crossed with concern, “His son is pretty tall, and they've spent at least three months looking for a vehicle like this after their last one got totaled before then. I mean, we can clean it out, but wouldn't that be somewhere around the thousand dollar range if we did that? We don't have a spare engine to replace it either, and that would cost around the same even if we did. And last I checked, our regular doesn't have that kind of money.”
Morgan sighed irritably, “I'll think of something. I'll go talk to your mother and see if there's anything we can do about it. At the very least I'll have to see if I can convince our regular to file a claim or even a police report against the dealership for attempting to sell a tampered car. I don't trust them to clean it, but I do want them to pay for it since it's their goof up.”
Elaine glanced at Arthur for a moment, then back to her aunt, “Might be a good idea to keep Uncle Miles on speed dial if it somehow goes to court by them.”
“Oh, trust me, I intend to do that from the get go,” Morgan shook her head, wrote down some notes, and turned to Arthur, “As much as I disapprove of having strangers coming in here, I must thank you for finding this issue for me. I would've eventually found it, but you did save us some good time.”
Arthur gripped his left wrist, not trusting himself to say anything, so he nodded. Elaine turned to him in concern, glancing at his arms and then at his face.
“A man of few words, huh? You're an interesting one, I'll give you that,” Morgan let out a sound of her being a little annoyed, then started to leave, “I'm going to go submit the report in my office. Elaine, go talk to Mom and see how we can repay this guy for his help, she wanted to talk to him, anyway.”
“Yes, Aunt Morgan,” Elaine nodded as she and Arthur watched Morgan go to a door leading to another room, “Sorry about her, she can be a bit hot-headed at times. Mama Vivienne should still be in her office, so... why not come with me and we can talk? I'd like to get to know you more, it's not often we get a man who's great with machines around these parts, if you pardon the pun. Well, that, and there's something she wanted to ask you.”
Arthur glanced at Galahad's cage and his bag, considering it. Looking out at the sky, the sun is just about to set, and it will be night time within the hour. If he doesn't find a motel soon, it'll be too dark to safely walk outside.
Elaine seemed to have picked up on this somewhat, “If you need to take your hamster and bag with you, you're welcome to. Or we could leave them in the office for Aunt Morgan to watch over. She won't mind if it's only for a little while. If worse comes to worse, I can also ask my father to drive you home if you like.”
Arthur flinched slightly when Elaine said the last part, causing the latter to furrow her brow. He recognized that kind of reaction, since Vivi was always great at finding minor tells that say otherwise. If she's perceptive like Vivi is...
“I'll be fine,” Arthur shook his head, “You don't need to do anything.”
Elaine's look of concern did not leave as she slowly held out a hand and smiled, “Then at least come talk to Mama Vivienne? It's not good for a king's man to keep a lady knight's time without seeing her.”
Arthur stared at her incredulously. Did... did she just... make a pun out of their names?! It caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but laugh. He took her hand, the smile still on his face.
The motel can wait.
A gurgle interrupted his reminiscence, so he looked down and saw Percy looking up at him with his pale blue eyes, wrapping his small hand around Arthur's finger. Arthur carefully caressed the little boy's blond hair, musing at how much the child resembles him, while having his mother's pale blue eyes and a white lock of hair like she did. In contrast, his daughter Gwen resembled Elaine, having completely black hair with no white locks. Other than inheriting his gold-colored eyes, Gwen didn't resemble her father at all.
Regardless, Arthur loved them both equally and smiled ruefully. He knew that he didn't deserve having his newfound family. He remembered being so scared when he first learned that he was going to be a father, but after Gwen and Percy were born, most of that fear went away as love for his children bloomed.
...Uncle Lance would have loved them.
Arthur shook the thought out from his head. Although he missed Lance, he knew that as soon as Lance caught wind of his location, so would Vivi, Mystery, and... Lewis. Arthur did not want to expose his children to them. Not with them being so young. Or ever if he can help it.
The only form of communication Arthur gave Lance were one sided letters. He would write a letter, saying that he is fine, say that he is sorry for leaving, and request Lance to not look for him, even though he knew very well that his uncle – or anyone for that matter – would ignore that part. He would travel to another city during his occasional trips around the country to investigate or hunt ghosts with Elaine and her family, and drop off the letter with the address to Kingsmen Mechanics in a public mailbox with the appropriate postage and without a return address. Elaine always made Arthur stay at home on the more dangerous jobs, so every now and then, she would drop off the letters he wrote in his place.
Arthur will never get a reply because of this, but he felt it was for the best. He made sure to never send a letter while in Cantabile or in a neighboring city, nor send them from the same place twice in a row. Sometimes he would wait for as long as four weeks before sending another letter during one of the trips. He didn't bother sending letters to the Yukino family or the Peppers, there was no point, even though he's pretty sure they would wonder how he is. He wonders if they missed him at all.
He let out a sound through a wry smile. As if they would want him back. He knew that he is no longer wanted by them, not after what happened.
Arthur thought about telling Lance about his marriage or the birth of the twins, but decided against it. The less chance about anyone from Tempo knowing about them, the better. Granted, it wasn't because he thought they would be endangered by either Mystery or Lewis if the kitsune and wraith did know, far from it. However, he did fear that it could cause a fight that would result in death on either side, and even though he is hated by them now, he did still care about their well being.
Percy started to fuss a little, snapping Arthur out of the gloom. He didn't smell anything, and Percy's clothes felt dry. Elaine said said that he's recently fed, and she never fails to tend to him after to make sure he doesn't have gas. Maybe he's too warm or cold? Arthur got up from his desk to pick up one of the spare blankets he kept nearby and swaddled his son in it in the manner his mother-in-law taught him.
The baby boy quieted down, but not completely, so Arthur held his son to his chest and started to slowly hum the lullaby he used when soothing the twins to sleep. He never actually sang the lyrics he barely recalled in the haunted mansion that Lewis's singing ghosts used when he first encountered them, but the chorus the Deadbeats sang remained deeply ingrained into his mind, into his deeply wounded heart.
This time I might just disappear...
This time I might just dis-
Oh mo mo mo mo
Oh mo mo mo mo (Oh yeah)
Oh mo mo mo mo oh
This time I might just disappear...
This time I might just dis-
Oh mo mo mo mo
Oh mo mo mo mo (Oh yeah)
Oh mo mo mo mo oh
Percy stopped whimpering, much to Arthur's relief.
“I still find it amazing that you can get him and Gwen to calm down with that,” Arthur looked up and saw Elaine with their daughter Gwen in her arms, “Every time I try to sing them a lullaby, it's like a roulette. Sometimes they sleep, most of the time they just cry. Am I so bad,” she chuckled, her last words more being a statement of fact than a question.
“I'm... sure they'll take to it when they're older,” he grinned nervously.
Elaine rolled her eyes playfully, shaking her head, “What say we get the day going? Another day, another car to repair for you, and another monster hunt for me.”
Arthur nodded. While this isn't exactly like the times with the Mystery Skulls years ago, Arthur would be lying if he said that he preferred staying out of the paranormal entirely. He remembered being so afraid of everything around him, and he remembered Vivi and Lewis usually dismissing his fears, while convincing him that everything will be fine... until the cave that is.
For the Knights family, it's their duty to protect their home from any malicious beings that tend to emerge in Cantabile, so unlike the Mystery Skulls, they actually have active experience in dealing with things from monsters to ghosts and from dark creatures to demons. Because of this, during the times some of the family members (primarily Elaine and her aunt and cousin, Morgan and Eleanor respectively, who usually go off on their own) were required to travel and Arthur came along with Elaine to help with maintaining her equipment, Arthur actually felt... safe. The protective wards that Elaine kept in her van worked wonders, and he was never possessed by spirits or kidnapped by crazy cult members since then.
Well, he was kidnapped once when the two went on a date before Elaine was to start another job, but...
That also happened to be the day that he learned the secret the Knights keep to themselves.
Despite the inhuman screech, the knife didn't come down to his heart. He heard people scream in fear and in pain until it suddenly went silent.
Arthur slowly opened his eyes, and saw that he is still alive, still in his body, and still injured. The chains binding his arms, legs, and neck had broken off, allowing him to crawl out of the ritual circle with a bloody pentagram drawn on it alongside many other runes he didn't have time to identify. He tried to examine his surroundings, and through the dim candle light, saw the bodies of the cult members crumpled to the ground. Were they knocked unconscious or–
His heart skipped a beat when he felt something sticky on the ground when he crawled past a downed cult member.
– or dead? He then noticed that something is looming over him, the sound of something rattling and ringing, and went white with fear.
The giant skeleton spirit towered him from behind by several meters, being visible from the floor waist up. A purple light is shining in its left eye, a color that Arthur is all too familiar with. If Lewis truly became a demon, then...!
Was that thing summoned by the circle? Arthur looked down and saw that the monster was outside of it. Thankfully, it seemed to ignore him at first, growling at the cultists. One thing's for sure, Arthur didn't want to find out what exactly that monster is. He needs to find Elaine and get out of the cave while they still can. He wasn't ready to die yet, not when he still has sins to atone for.
Arthur had been dating Elaine for six months now, and had only just started having the confidence to take part in paranormal investigations again. The first few went okay, and when the two went to investigate this, they weren't expecting for there to be a secret cult trying to summon forth a demon made from the spirit of many dead soldiers that never received their last rites. If that giant skeleton monster happens to be the demon in question... Shaking off some of the pain, he struggled to stand up.
He looked behind him and saw the giant skeleton hold a hand out to him, looking desperate. It had to be a trick. There's no way this monster is friendly, and Arthur didn't want to risk staying to find out. If he doesn't run now...
“My knight, please!”
Notes: Arthur has become so fearful of the Mystery Skulls that he cannot return home. How does Elaine feel about this?
And the Knights are more than just a family of mechanics, it seems.
To pull off the lullaby yourself, you simply hum the chorus of Ghost, just slower than the usual beat. It's quite soothing, to be honest...?!
Knights Part 4
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disorganizedkitten · 5 years
A day in the life of- Mafia AU
Hello @luckywritess! I was/am your Secret Santa this year (Last year?) from the @mlsecretsanta exchange! I’m sorry it’s so late!  I took one of your listed AUs and ran with it, I hope you enjoy! There will be at least three more chapters of this, exploring other characters’ lives in the same Universe.  Also on AO3!
Chapter one-Paon Vigilant
“Maybe you should reconsider.” Renée’s comment was punctuated with the distinct sound of a gun cocking.
Paon Vigilant closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “I already gave you my answer. It would be best for you and Lansky to accept that.”
Renée moved moved the gun closer to her head, a silent reinforcement of the threat.
Paon gave herself a moment, a part of her wishing some people understood the meaning of the word ‘No’, and the rest wishing it would be a smooth enough attack for her to grab her knifes at this angle, and then she moved.
The gun was out of Renée’s hand in a second, two tops. Another second to position the gun in her hand as she spun, kicking Lansky in the same motion.
The first gunshot echoed through the room, loud enough and long enough that the second seemed to merely be an extension of the noise. Two thuds, and Paon just needed to wait for her ears to stop ringing.
“I’m fine.” She called to her partner, wanting a moment to breathe in the familiar scent of fresh blood as she cleared her head.
Paon nodded to herself, and stepped over the two bodies she had just dropped, heading towards the door. Honestly, these guys thought she would take a bribe like that in the first place? Idiots. If they knew enough of her to try to bargain with the Miraculous Syndicate through her, they should have known she was smarter than to take such an imbalanced bargain.
It was a shame Renée had pulled a gun on her, knives were much more in her element.
Her partner for the day, The Mime, was waiting for her in the hall, raising a dark eyebrow when she left alone. Paon shook her head, moving her left hand across her neck while tapping her new gun against her leg with her right. He had probably heard the entire commotion, but it was still good to communicate. Mime nodded, adjusting his bowler hat before starting down the hall.
Paon followed Mime towards the door, fishing her burner cell out of her pocket as she did so. She tapped the buttons on the screen, dialing the familiar number of her husband and partner in crime, Papillon.
It didn’t even finish one set of dial tone before the line came live. “How’s it going, Lovebird?”
“Scenario three, I’m afraid,” Paon said, sighing as she dropped the now-cooled gun into her knife pouch.
“Aw. I was really hoping they’d be good on their word. Are you and Mime on your way back?”
“Leaving as we speak. Is someone waiting outside?”
“Robustus should still have a car there,” Papillion answered without hesitation. “Were you sick again this morning?”
“Butterfly, my love, can we discuss my health somewhere we won’t be overheard?” Paon asked, adjusting her pace so she was passing Mime.
“Of course,” Papillon agreed. “According to Catalyst you can’t come home quite yet though. Are you and Mime still okay with vetting Mr. Pigeon in half an hour?”
Paon Vigilant turned to Mime as she reached the next doorway, leaning against the bar so she could sign the question.
‘You still good with going to vett Mr. Birdy?’
‘I’m not due for my daughter’s play until three.’ He replied, the smile at the thought of his daughter obscuring the teardrops under his eyes.
‘Alright. Robustus’ Or Helicopter with eyes, as was his literal sign name, ‘should be waiting for us outside.’
‘Yes Ma’am.’ Mime saluted.
Paon pulled herself upright and nodded into her phone. “Yeah, we’re still on.”
“Perfect!” Papillon cried. Paon could hear his smile, and could imagine well enough the happy movement on the other side of the phone. He had been very optimistic about this possible ally, and was seemingly sure that he would be on their side.
Paon smiled back, sliding her daggers into her previously unoccupied hand as she pushed the door enough to actually open it. She spun, checking the alleyway outside, and relaxed a little once it proved to be clear.
“Is Befana going to pick us up from Mr. Pigeon’s meeting place?” Paon questioned, making her way down the alley towards the street.
“She’s overseeing the kids’ practices since Zombizou was needed in the field today,” Papillon answered nonchalantly.
“Well at least there’s someone there making sure they all behave themselves. And she’s there for tech support too I assume?”
“Actually, a good amount of the adults are overseeing that for us since we have to be out today.”
“I’m glad they’re not being left alone for it.” Paon reached the edge of the alleyway, and scanned the road in front of her. “Where’s the ride Robustus sent?”
“Down the road, nearer to the river.”
“Perfect, thank you, Love.” Paon spun again and relayed the message to Mime. He tipped his hat at her, gesturing for her to lead the way. She did so gracefully, walking through the streets as if she owned them. And really, she did. Not even Audrey Bourgeois, known as Style Queen in the world of Mafia and reputed to rule the undergrounds of New York, could compete. Emilie Agreste ruled Paris under many names and as many things. Emilie Agreste, model and movie star, known and beloved by many; Paon Vigilant, leader of the crime syndicate Miraculous, -feared by many, bordering on all; mother of Adrien Agreste, the sunshine child, and Chat Noir, pure destructive power hiding behind a playful smile; possible future mother-in-law of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the growing celebrity designer, and Ladybug, leader of the next generation of underground; Wife of Papillon, the second half of the brains running the best set of underground warriors to date; She ruled Paris in many ways, and would not be dethroned by anyone. Ladybug may be her successor, but Paon Vigilant didn’t plan on retiring any time soon.
Passerbys averted their eyes when she turned hers toward them, some even ducking inside the nearest building to avoid her. Paon didn’t mind it though. She welcomed it. People would swarm Emilie, but they all avoided Paon Vigilant to the best of their abilities.
Mime kept pace with her easily, causing anyone who may have been stupid enough to try to challenge her on her own to think again. It was why the basic rule of Miraculous Syndicate is to travel in groups of two or more at all times. While almost all of them could easily fight on their own, having a partner kept spirits up and showed trust between members.
The car wasn’t empty when the doors opened, but Paon hadn’t actually been expecting it to be. Traveling in groups was a common occurrence, even past individual mission groups.
Riposte and Anansi were waiting inside.
“Hello, Miss Feather!” Anansi called, waving.
“Miss Vigilant.” Riposte nodded shortly from beside her partner.
“Hello girls,” Paon nodded to them each in turn as she entered the car, settling across from Anansi while Mime sat across from Riposte. “What have you two been up too?”
“Vanisher’s busy with the movie contest, so we’re being substitute spies concerning the Guardians,” Riposte explained.
“We stood out like bunnies in a hamster cage,” Anansi shrugged.
“Well if someone hadn’t gone head to head against a passerby about which version of that crazy spider myth of yours we might have stayed under the radar,” Riposte snapped.
“I was correcting misinformation!” Anansi defended.
Paon just smiled as the girls’ squabble kept up throughout the drive to Anansi’s drop location. Teenagers.
Hopefully Adrien’s teen years would be easy for her and Gabriel to deal with.
They reached Riposte’s destination not long after, leaving Paon and Mime again in silence for the last few miles to the arranged meeting place.
It was surprising, really, how far away the meeting places were from each other in Paris. Entirely different sides of town could sport buildings perfect for their needs. Out of the public eye, whilst not being too far out of the way.
Paon stepped out of the car, scanning the area for traps. There were none, but it would hurt more if she just breezed by instead of checking. Mime flanked her as they entered the building, following the soft cooing of pigeons to the correct room.
They reached the door, and after a quick conversation in sign, agreed to both go inside and meet with the possible new guy.
Paon Vigilant paused in the entryway of the meeting room, doing her best to not let her emotions show through her mask. Monsieur Pigeon took his name seriously. Very seriously.
There were pigeons and feathers everywhere. Bird feeders hung in the open windows, and any birds that weren’t flocked around M. Pigeon himself were staring at them from said feeders.
Even though she used a bird for her symbol, the majestic peacock, she had never taken it this far. Even Gabriel knew better than to take his butterfly symbol quite that far.
A part of Monsieur Ramier’s charm, or so she would suppose.
“Ah ha ha! You must be from the Miraculous Syndicate.” he shot out of his seat, moving irregularly across the room and scattering pigeons. “A pleasure to meet you! Isn’t that right my lovelies?” he chittered at two of the birds still on his arm, then turned back to her. “I am Monsieur Pigeon, if Hawkmoth didn’t tell you before he sent you.” The pigeons moved to his shoulders, leaving an arm open for him to offer his hand to her.
“Paon Vigilant,” she answered, taking it carefully. She pulled it back right after and gestured to Mime. “And this is my colleague, The Mime.”
“Not one for talking, is he?” Pigeon asked, tilting his head. “That’s okay! My darlings don’t talk much either, but we still make an amazing team. Isn’t that right my boy?” the pigeon in question just cooed, rubbing their head against his neck.
Paon was in crazy town. But he was said to be a good fighter, so she would have to trust that. And finish this interview.
“I’m sure that’s true. So you and your... friends... think you’ll be a good addition to our team? Most try rather hard to avoid being pulled into this, don’t they?”
She glanced around the room again, taking in the pigeons cooing around her, and wrinkled her nose ever so slightly at the smell of the poop wafting about the room. It was going to be a very long meeting.
“Well that was… a unique experience,” Paon voiced, pulling her mask off once safely back in the lair.
“Oh?” Hawkmoth prompted, leaning on his cane.
“Pigeon is not enough warning. He had at least thirty with him, and they all had names, and he was really nice, but I’m not sure how much he’d actually be able to do. We’re supposed to be scary, not nice.” Emilie handed the mask and hat to Hawkmoth, moving onto her hair.
“Are the pigeons at least unsettling?”
“Very,” Emilie assured him, walking over to where Catalyst was waiting.
“Anansi will be out soon, we could always use another bodyguard.” Catalyst offered, handing Emilie her purse. She took it and dropped her hair pins into it.
“I suppose you’re right. Nathalie, how long do we have until the film contest?”
“Two hours,” Catalyst replied.
“Perfect! We have some time to spend on the fashion world! Your newest line is due in two weeks, right?”
“It’s the one to go with Marinette’s hat.” Gabriel explained. “I still need to meet with her for the last set of checkups. Movie night?”
“I’m up for that!” Emilie agreed. “But only after you change back. Nathalie, do you want to join us?”
“After I finish the paperwork from today’s missions I might join you. You two should go ahead.”
“Alright.” Emilie moved back to hug Hawkmoth. “See you later Nathalie! Hit the button Lovebug.”
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murasakiyugata · 6 years
John’s Perfect Family
Description:  Fanfiction about John and his pet guinea pigs.  Takes place between the first and second Telltale Batman games.
Warning:  Contains animal abuse.
“Tell me the truth, Hazel.  There’s someone else, isn’t there?”  John spoke in a gruff voice, moving the guinea pig he held in his right hand to indicate it was talking.  The creature was beige, dressed in a suit, and very much wanting to be put down.
“Why, I declare, Jeremy!  How could y’all even think such a thang?!”  The guinea pig in John’s left hand who apparently spoke in a rather unconvincing southern accent had black fur, a simple dress, and no desire to be part of any of this.
“Don’t lie to me!” continued John, switching back to the first animal.  “I’ve seen the way you look at that hamster from the discount pet store.  You’d rather be with him, wouldn’t you?  I get it, I get it.  The guy’s way furrier than I am.  And he has a great set of wheels.”
“Hush, Jeremy!  You’re speakin’ right nonsense!  Y’all know you’re the only one for me!”
“Then why, Hazel?  Why can’t we be together?”
“It’s…it’s my pa.  He think you’re too old for me.”
“Too old?!  Well…I was born two months before you.  In guinea pig years, that’s almost a century!”
“I know.  But, Jeremy…I don’t care.  I love you! I plum wanna be with y’all forever!”
“Oh, Hazel!”
John hit the creatures’ faces together while making kissing noises.  Hazel closed her eyes and bowed her head, waiting for all this to be over, while Jeremy struggled to get away.
John let out a contented sigh.  “Oh, you lovebirds.”  He placed them back in their cage, where they proceeded to ignore each other as they usually did.  “Well, I can tell the two of you want to be alone, so….”  He tapped his phone which began playing 80s porn music, and set it by the cage.  He gave Jeremy a wink before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him, thoughts of little, furry grandbabies scurrying through his head.
No thanks to John’s encouragements, Hazel did, in fact, become pregnant.  John was overjoyed and made haste sewing the happy couple a gown and tuxedo for their shotgun wedding.  It was a lovely ceremony, complete with flowers, cake, and a plush doll of Bruce Wayne serving as the minister.
In the weeks to come, John spent more time than usual doting on his pets.  He made sure to steal plenty of pickles and ice cream for Hazel, and frequently imparted life lessons to Jeremy that he’d picked up back in Arkham.  John had a lot on his plate outside of his home, but the guinea pigs were rarely far from his thoughts.  Coming home to them, being sure to feed them regularly, cleaning the melted ice cream out of their cage – these helped provide well-needed structure to his life outside the asylum walls.  He was eager for the birth of the pups to the point of frustration, which he channeled into creating several tiny outfits of various different styles.
When John finally came home to find that two new healthy, happy family members had been born, he let out an excited gasp and clasped his hands together it utter joy.  He pulled out his phone, and was about to snap a picture, when he noticed something.  A third pup had crawled out from behind Hazel.  But this one was different than the others – white as snow, with red eyes and adorable pinkish ears.  It was quite possibly the most lovely thing John had ever seen.  He put away his phone and reached into the cage with an uncharacteristic tenderness.
“Come on, little buddy.”  He allowed the little creature to sniff his hand, before gently coaxing it into his palm.  He raised it up slowly, reassuring it.  “It’s okay. I gotcha.”  It was so soft, so cute, and it didn’t seem scared of John at all. Choking up a little, John held it to his cheek.  “You’re perfect.”  He lowered it to look at it again, and smiled.  “I’m gonna call you…Bruce.  You’re gonna do…great things, little buddy!  I just know it.”  He then carefully returned it to the cage.
“So!”  John grabbed Jeremy abruptly and held him up, grinning.  “You and I…we gotta talk.”  He looked at Hazel.  “Excuse us. This is sort of a man-to-man thing.” He took Jeremy into the next room, shutting the door behind him, then set the guinea pig down next to a set of tiny clothes.  “Wow!  Big day for you, huh?”  John started dressing the animal in a new plaid, button-up shirt. “This changes everything!  No more nights getting plastered at the bar. Might have to pick up a few extra shifts at work to make ends meet, am I right?  But, hey, all part of being a good dad!  And you’re definitely gonna live up to the part!”  He finished buttoning the shirt and admired his handiwork. “You certainly look it.”  John cupped the back of his hand to his mouth and lowered his voice a little.  “And, uh…just between you and me?  If any of the kids ever feel a little…um…different?  Just make sure they know you love ’em.  Let ’em know…they’re beautiful just the way they are.  Kay?”  He looked at the animal for a response and, getting none, moved it with his hand and said in a gruff voice, “Don’t worry, John!  You can count on me!”  John smiled and responded, “That’s what I like to hear!”
He returned Jeremy to the cage.  “Your turn, missy!” he said, lifting up Hazel.  The usually compliant animal squirmed and struggled, looking nervously at the cage.  “Separation anxiety, huh?” asked John.  “I get it. But Dr. Leland says you shouldn’t get too fixated on one thing.  We’ll be back soon, I promise.”  He took her into the next room, shutting the door behind them.  For her he had a polka dot dress and white apron, which he fastened around her as he spoke.  “So, how often do you think we should throw them birthday parties?  What’s normal in guinea pig culture?  Once a month?  Once every couple weeks?  We gotta be careful not to spoil them.  Eh, who am I kidding?”  He chuckled to himself.  Once he’d finished dressing her, he held her up and signed happily.  “Look at you.  All primmed and ready to be on the front cover of Better Rodents Housekeeping.” He rubbed her head affectionately.
John opened the door and carried Hazel back toward the cage.  “Alright, kiddos, time for…”
He stopped suddenly, dropping Hazel to the ground.
He looked silently at the cage.  All three of the babies were dead.  Bitten, scratched, bloody corpses.  Jeremy was there, looking relaxed, eating Bruce’s remains.
It was over.
After a few moments of staring, John closed his eyes and clenched his teeth.  “You weren’t supposed to do that.”  He grabbed Jeremy and held him in front of his face, glaring.  “You weren’t supposed to do that!” The guinea pig struggled to get away. “You’re not!  A good!  Father!”  With the last word he threw Jeremy against the wall.  The creature fell to the floor, injured and frightened, but still alive.
“That won’t do.”  John walked over to a baseball bat he had propped up against a wall and grabbed it.  “Not at all.” Jeremy tried to scurry away, but was having trouble in his crippled state.  “You think you can run?” asked John approaching, eyes wide.  “You can’t run from justice!”
He brought the bat down again and again.  Shattering bones, splattering blood, decorating the wood with red pulp.  John didn’t know why he was laughing so hard.  But it didn’t matter.  He kept beating the creature until its eyes bulged from its head and it’s body stopped twitching.
John was focusing on his breathing when he heard a noise behind him.  He turned to see Hazel scratching desperately at the doorframe, trying to get out. John thought back to how anxious she had been when he’d taken her from the cage.  And then it hit him.  “You knew!”  He dropped the bat and ran toward her.  She tried to flee, but he caught her under his foot, then picked her up with both hands and shook her fiercely.  “You knew this would happen!  And you said nothing!”  He looked her in the eyes, a pained expression on his face. “You were their mother!  You were supposed to protect them!”  Hazel struggled, terrified.
“But that’s okay,” said John, his voice quieter now as he squeezed his fingers around her as hard as he could.  “You can join them.”  Hazel felt herself being crushed, felt the air being squeezed out of her lungs, as she struggled desperately to free herself.  But it was no use.  The last thing she saw before she died was her caretaker’s hideous grin.
Once John was sure that all the life had been squeezed from her body, he relaxed his grip.  He observed the animal casually before tossing it over his shoulder. Then he turned and looked at the cage with a frown.
He walked over to it slowly, then very carefully lifted Bruce’s body out.  He sat on the floor and cradled the guinea pig’s corpse against his cheek.
“It’s okay, little buddy,” said John softly.  “I gotcha.  I gotcha.”
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What Time Is It? (A Day in the Life with Intrusive Thought OCD)
The last week or two has far surpassed the brim, overflowing with stress and wonder, lack of this, lack of that, thinking, thinking, thinking. Since coming back from Tulane, I think I’ve managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel a little less elegantly. It’s been an unexplainable place, surrounded by an unexplainable feeling, but the least I can do is try. Explaining my OCD is not something I do to make you feel bad for me, not something that I do to gain pity points. It’s embarrassing. I was one of the smartest girls around; I still am. Where does it make sense to be consumed- literally consumed- in thoughts that are so infantile, so small, so stupid and pointless? It doesn’t, but this is my attempt to explain the mental process and impact my OCD has made. 
There are a handful of types of OCD. Most people associate OCD with cleaning, organizing, scrubbing your hands 18 times in an hour or flipping a light switch 6 times. There was a YouTube video of a guy who was performing some sort of spoken poetry about his OCD and the girl he loved. I always thought about that. With the little research I’ve done, I’ve found that the basic types are as follows: those who clean, those who organize, those who check, those who hoard, and those with intrusive thoughts- the obsessives. Obviously, my case is the latter. In slight description, the cleaners are the ones who scrub hands and surfaces, afraid of germs and contamination. The organizers are fixated on symmetry, things being centered and equally, those who organize their desks so precisely that if a pen moves two centimeters- they know. The checkers are those who check door locks, light switches, stove tops- often so obsessed with the idea that there will be a fire, a break in, something fo the sorts. The hoarders are obvious without description. Then, there are those of us that suffer from intrusive thoughts. My kind. Those who will be having a normal day, walking the halls to class or driving along the road, and suddenly an unwarranted and unwanted thought presents itself. This begins an obsessive-compulsive cycle, and it’s where I’ve struggled for many years. Where you’re able to see the compulsion- the cleaning, hoarding, flipping light switches and organizing desks, mine is far harder to detect. My compulsion- the relief- it comes in many forms. I need far more reassurance than the average human solely because I’ve depleted my ego and don’t think highly enough of myself to take my own word. It’s hard to make people understand it because we all worry. Where I differ is that my worry is an all consuming part of my day. Not every day. Some days, I don’t worry so much. Some days, when there’s no stressors and I feel the sun on my face and am confident in my body and mind- I do alright. Others, I quite literally think I’m the worlds most embarrassingly psychotic human being. So, I’m still learning. The compulsion aspect of my disorder still confuses me. The routines I go through to relieve the anxiety isn’t always the same, but there’s a compulsion. The thirty texts, the drinking, the sudden stopping myself from eating or sleeping, the texts, the texts, the endless flow of words that keep coming, the apologies on top of apologies. It doesn’t really make sense to me, and I guess that’s because I still think of the man switching the light off and on. 
To further indulge in the intensity and persistent nature of these thoughts- I want to explain how a day may work for me. I wake up. What time is it? 7:45. So, I should leave by 8:35 at the least because getting my bags out of my car and parking, locking the doors and situating my things so I can grab my coffee from my console will take probably four minutes, three or four to walk to class. I’m doing my makeup. My eyebrow hair grows so strangely. I should pluck these, but is it going too look too sparse right here? I think they’re too dark, but I don’t have time to really go back and change it. If I waste the product more I’ll have to buy another brow pencil by the end of April. They’re twenty-one dollars. I have three-hundred and six dollars in my bank account, but less than a fourth a tank of gas. However, I go to San Diego Monday, so I only need gas to go to Jackson for classes these next two days and then Saturday to clean the office. I should fill up before I go to San Diego in case I spend too much there. It takes thirty dollars to fill up my car. My seventy dollar car insurance already came out of my account, but I still need to pay those medical bills. Shit, my medical bills. I’m sure at least one has gone to collection. Is my credit going to be terrible now? How do I fix that? I should ask my mom. I hope my credit isn’t bad. three hundred and six minus thirty is two hundred and seventy six. That should be fine. Maybe I can afford another brow pencil. God, what time is it? 8:06.
 I feel my window to see how cold it is outside. Probably 60 degrees. I’ll wear a skirt and crop top. I think I’ve gained weight. I’ve been eating less. Did I? I shouldn’t weigh myself. If I weigh myself I’ll be upset all day long if I have gained weight. I didn’t eat that much yesterday. Maybe it’s lower. I weigh myself. I’m .2 pounds less than I was yesterday. That’s fine. Okay. I’m just over thinking it. I think my hips are too noticeably big. My hair is too dead on the ends, too, but I should wait to get it trimmed. Would bangs look cool? My face is too round. What if they make my face look fatter? I’m straightening my hair. I need to buy a hair mask or a heat protectant. This is probably why my hair is dead. I could leave it natural more, but I look less put together- more messy. Did I have a quiz today? No, I don’t think so. I think that’s next Thursday. My grades. Fuck, my grades are probably terrible. I wonder how much extra credit I’d have to do. Is Tulane going to accept my credits? What if I just wasted three thousand dollars at Union? 8:28. I should brush my teeth. I should put my pajama tshirt back on in case I get tooth paste on my top. God, my car is so nasty on the inside. If I have lunch with mom today, maybe I’ll just eat a salad or smoothie for dinner. I don’t want to be bloated before San Diego. I have pictures to take. What if I miss my connecting flight? I wonder what they do. Can I bring a razor in my checked bag? I don’t want to buy $20 razors there to shave my legs. 
I grab a water bottle and get into my car. Oh, I have less gas than I thought. I check it constantly as I drive. I drive past my ex boyfriend’s house on my way to pick up a friend for breakfast before class. He’s home? He’s never home on Mondays. Is he okay? Is his brother sick? Did something happen with his car? Does he need a ride? Is he mad? Did I say something this week that put him into a rut and now he’s depressed and can’t leave bed? I should text him. There are already ten texts sent from me from our discussion yesterday. Am I being too annoying? I bet he’s annoyed. Why do we even still talk every day? Did he ignore those on purpose? I think he read this one sentence as rude. I didn’t mean to be rude. God, I look like such a bitch. Maybe I should apologize. I’ll apologize. I text and explain that I drove by to get a friend in his neighborhood. Are you okay? Is your brother? Just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong. I go to breakfast. Panera is out of espresso, so I can’t get coffee. What if I get tired today? I slept eleven hours last night; I should be fine. I slept eleven hours. That’s too many. Am I getting depresses again? No, I think I feel fine. I feel happy. Yeah, I think I’m good. Okay. Should I eat a bagel? That’s too many carbs. You’ll be able to tell in this skirt. I go to class. He hasn’t texted, but he isn’t awake this early. Lauren hasn’t texted either. It’s been over a whole day. Did she get back to school safe? Is she that busy? Why aren’t I ever that busy? How come other people are so busy and never near their phones, but I’m never busy. Should I be studying more? I don’t have the money to go out. Where are all of my friends? I should go back to Tulane. My friends are there. I don’t want to get depressed again though. Maybe it’ll be better on meds. I had fun last weekend. I’m excited to go back in April. 
I sit in my lecture. Is it noticeable that I’m writing in my journal? What if he calls me out? I’m going to at least listen to the verse in case he calls on me to read. What if I pronounce a name or city wrong from the bible? That would be so embarrassing. Is anyone else here secretly not religious? Probably the girl in the Frank Ocean shirt. What time is it? twenty two minutes until I’m out. I’m not hungry. I have an hour and a half until my next class. Should I write? What if I don’t have time to finish it and get uninspired? I shouldn’t spend money. Where is that coffee shop on campus? No, spending money is bad. I need to save for car insurance. I may buy those concert tickets if I don’t spend a ton in California. The lecture is over. I walk to my car. It’s way colder than I thought it would be. These people are shivering. I either look stupid or incredibly warm blooded. People totally think I look stupid in this outfit. I drive around. I’m wasting gas. I should just go sit in the parking lot at school. He texted. Everything is okay, he just has plans on another day so he’s working today. I text to see if I can bring a record by and drop it of since he’d like it. He says he wishes I wouldn’t. Is it personal? Is it me? What did I do, was it phrased wrong? Does he think I’m being too serious? Is he tired of me? He’s probably tired of me. I’m going to Pet Smart. I go and look at the hamsters and how sweet and small they are. I smile at them and watch them run around and play for probably ten or fifteen minutes. I want a hamster. No, I’d be too lazy to clean the cage. They are so sweet, though. How long have they been in there? Probably too long. That’s so sad. Peppermint oil. That calms me down. I feel like I’m going to have an anxiety attack. Why do I feel like this? I think I’m going to cry. I text again: Are you mad at me? Can we talk about some things? I know I said a lot yesterday, I’m sorry. Can I just say some really simple things and you can tell me what you think? Did I say something wrong yesterday? Are you sure everything’s okay? I know I’m worrying like I said I wouldn’t, but I need to start off on a good foot to stick to it. I don’t know what I’m even saying. I’m being annoying and pissing you off. I know there are way too many texts on my side and I feel so stupid. Can you please just find time to tell me if things are okay? 
I text over ten times, probably twenty. From 11;15 until he texts back around 3 something. I’m at the oil change center. Where do I go? I look so stupid. I have no clue where to go. The lobby of this place is full. I have to sit at the kid table. Everyone in here is old so they probably do think I’m a kid. It’s so gross outside, I hope it doesn’t make me sad. I should take my anti-depressants. It’s past noon, maybe I shouldn’t. It will keep me up. It’s so strange to me how tired I can be and then as soon as something bothers me, I’m awake for the next four hours. You’d think I’d be a normal fucking person for once in my life, but no. God, I look so annoying. I understand why I got broken up with now. It’s so cold in here. Do I have homework? I think that worksheet was for later this week. I should check when the next assignment is due. He’s typing, I’m anxious. Those thirty seconds are completely pit-of-your-stomach. What if he says something mean and I cry in this lobby? I should go to the bathroom in case. They called my name. My car is done. I sign paperwork. I go to my car and drive home. He tells me he knows to ignore what I said earlier- I’d been like this every day for the last ten days. I’m too stressed. It’s too obvious. Why do things hurt my feelings so easily? I’m driving. I tell him I’m driving and I’ll ask the two questions he told me he’d answer when I get home. So, I type out a condensed version of what I’d said yesterday- asking for patience and forgiveness when I know that’s stupid- when I know he understands and is willing to joke around and act like I’m not a freak. He’s too kind. I know he was overly kind to me in New Orleans because he wanted me to feel emotionally strong. He knew it would be a rough weekend. Lauren texted. She’s alive. We talk. I don’t have time to explain why I’m anxious- I don’t really know why. She sends me a meme. My phone is going to die. I come off of all of my worry after the talk I have about my worry and how he reassures me that I have nothing to worry about- I’m not being forgotten, I’m not hated. He’s far too funny for me. Does my senes of humor seem too immature? Does he even get this joke? The song playing right now is sad, I hope it doesn’t impact my mood. 
I’m at home on my bed. I tried on my bikini again before I go to San Diego. It looks so much worse on me now. Is it because I’ve gained weight? No, I weighed myself this morning and hadn’t gained weight. Maybe, I’m bloated. I just drank a lot of water. I wanted to take pictures in this, but I’m not going to now. How many days- today is.. Wednesday. Tomorrow I have New Testament early in the morning. Then, I have gym. I don’t think I’ll go. I always look so stupid in there. She tried to make us play volleyball last week- can you believe that? There are like ten people in that class and none of us know one another. It’s so awkward. I always feel so awkward. I hate working out in front of people. I think I’ve eaten too much today. I had coffee this morning, a kind bar, then I ate some edamame and grain crackers. I had a small bowl of tomato soup and a piece of toast with it for lunch. I think I’ll skip dinner. I’ll drink more water and maybe it’ll flush everything out. I should drink this last beer today so I can have the next four or five days to not drink anything except water. Why is my chin so itchy? Oh, he texted again. Bangs? He thinks I should get bangs? I’d look terrible with bangs. My face is too round. Yeah, just looked at myself in the mirror, and I definitely see a double chin. I don’t think they’d look good on me. That one girl in high school had incredible bangs. Would he still think I was pretty if i got them? What if they make him think otherwise and then he doesn’t like anything about me? Maybe I should do it. Change is good. My ends are dead though so I’ll just start with a trim. Dinner. I shouldn’t eat dinner. If I do, I should do like a banana or something. 
My skin itches. Is it just because it’s hot in here? No. No, why is my neck so itchy? Moisturizers break me out. Do I want to break out or relieve this? I could leave it alone. Where is my peppermint oil? I look crazy typing this. I won’t post it. It can stay in my notes for a long time. Honestly, I think a whopping three people read this. If you put that, you’ll look like you underestimate and are fishing for compliments. What do I type next? How do I transition back to something else? It looks too choppy. What if people actually think I’m a really shitty writer and just pity me because I have so much fun with it? I think some things are okay. Some things. I should write more. I know he won’t text back; he’s busy. Should I text just to tell him the good news? Does it look like I’m lying to get his attention? It’s just good news. It’s just something I’m happy about. I don’t think he cares, but maybe he just finds it nice to see me excited about things. I think I’ll tell him, yeah, this text is too long though. What words can I take out to make it look shorter. That sentence is pointless- too explanative. Back space back space back space. Posture. Sit up straight. This is why my spine looks so weird. I need to stop hunching my shoulders over. Jesus, I hope my mom doesn’t check my checking account. I spent so much pointless money last week. I feel so guilty. Maybe I can return it. I don’t think so. I’ll keep it. The jewelry is cute. Yeah, at least I have some for the pictures I take in San Diego. I’m so excited. I need to download my music so it’ll play. I should watch a movie today too. God, I need to go to the theater and watch some stuff this week. I may do that tomorrow to  pass time.I hope he doesn’t think I’ve showed up for him. I just want to come see some movies. Im behind. I saw Red Sparrow a few weeks back. It was good. Tulane housing emailed me. They want to call me tomorrow. I think they just want to clarify my situation, but if they tell me I’ll be in freshman housing I think I’ll cry. How do they even do that? There isn’t enough for everybody. I want to live in Paterson. I’d have a balcony and be close to everything. My friends would be closer too. What if they put me in JL? Oh, my god. I think I’d actually drop out. What if I get depressed again? I can’t even walk past my old dorm without feeling gutted. Too much happened there. Too much happened. I suddenly feel so sad. I remember being there and looking in my old window and seeing another girl live there. It was like that was the only part of campus that I never existed in. I felt wanted everywhere else. I think I was wanted at least. It felt good. I wonder if people would actually come visit me. I would love that.I’d get to show people the city. I just hope I don’t get sick again. I’ll be on probation when I first come back, and I just think maybe my classes will be too difficult to handle. If I slip, what if they kick me out? Just because my grade wasn’t good? What if they give me like math or science when I first come back? I’d fail and they’d kick me out because I’m supposed to be doing way better than just average. What if I gain weight? Bruff was so gross. I don’t want to go back and gain weight. I’ll have to start going to the gym. I do miss their gym. I’d just need workout clothes. Sometimes when I get too hot and workout without eating, I wind up passing out. I need to stop doing that. I need to take my vitamins.T That’s why my hair is dead. I haven’t been taking them. 
I should go to sleep. I should sleep. It’s 9 pm. Where is my birth control? There. There. I need to refill this tomorrow. I’ll refill it on my way home. Wait, I was going to go to the theater. I’ll do it Friday. I have the pill for tomorrow. So I can do it Friday before they close. Would bangs actually look good? I’m going to turn on a show. I think I’ll have a nightmare if I watch this one, so I’m going to skip it. All of these look interesting, I just can’t sit through anything that has bad acting and they all look terribly acted. I should write a screenplay. I could be an actress. I hated The Ritual. It gave me a nightmare from hell. I should take another shower. I need to throw up. I think I’ve eaten too much. If i gained half a pound, I think it’ll ruin my day tomorrow. Yeah, my mood won’t be good. I’m going to ruin my teeth. I need to make sure I take care of my teeth. I’ll double brush and double floss. That will be okay. I’ll call my dentist in the morning. Why hasn’t anyone texted me back? Did mine send? Yes. They sent. Stop texting. You look so bored and pathetic. Sleep. Go to sleep. I think he hates me again. I think I said something wrong. What time is it? 
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It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester: Part one
Chapter Summary
The brothers and Ariel deduce a witch is sacrificing people to summon a dangerous demon. Dean struggles with the consequences of Ariel's behavior.
Pairing(s): Eventual Dean x Ariel, Castiel x Ariel
Warning(s): Heavy Angst, MAJOR Character Death, Fluff (if you squint), Typical SUPERNATURAL Violence, Mild Language
A/N: This episode will focus heavily on Ariel's POV. It is still in 3rd person but centered around her experiences. So it won't involve much of the episode besides the parts i find crucial. Please feel free to leave feedback.
Beta'd by no one
Word count: 7,274
Ariel’s outfits
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It was a blithe morning, many humans going for their scheduled A.M. jogs and walking their domestic animals. Even on their toughest days, humans never gave up, and those that did went to a better place.
Humans are to be cherished.
One Day Before Halloween
Ariel laid flat against the made motel bed, gazing up at the dull periwinkle ceiling. She felt like a pet being kept in a cage and that cage being the motel room. It wasn't every hunt that she had to stay inside, but now that things were getting more difficult for her to discern what was good and evil without it being obvious, Sam kept her in the motel room.
Dean sort of questioned her odd behavior, but their conversations never went past that. Since her and Sam's vacation day, Dean has been even more distant and troubled to the point to where he might stay out for the night.
Some days Ariel would go out and stay away for days at a time, hiding in her own little paradise she created in the middle of nowhere. She felt like an outlier, and Sam always tried his best to help her feel welcomed and appreciated, but it was never enough to satiate her need.
After a while, it seemed as though Sam stopped trying, or maybe Dean had said something to him. Ariel never asked about it, and she never tried reading their minds.
She felt alone.
She was alone. Essentially now, second of the Fallen, although many other angels fell after Lucifer, it was different when an Archangel fell. It meant that maybe something was wrong with Heaven.
Time would tell.
"I hate that we are one," Ariel muttered, praying to Lucifer, who may or may not be listening. "I hate me..." She added.
The archangel teleported off the bed and appeared in the alley beside a busy cafe. She wandered down the pathway and turned to her right to find an older woman struggling with her coffee and bags.
"Hello," Ariel waved with a bright smile. "Let me help you." The celestial being gently snatched the coffee from the human's hands and pulled out a seat for her in the open dining area.
"Well, thank you, sweetheart." The elderly woman appreciated the angel and sat in the chair. "Here, why don't you sit with me?" She added.
Ariel shook her head, a wan smile dancing across her lips. It was hard to resist the want to sit and chat, but she needed to go back to the motel.
Sam had been praying to her.
His tone was a mix between worry and fear, and sometimes the two can be confused.
"I'm sorry I have to go..." Ariel murmured.
The angel briskly walked away from the area and vanished into the alley before teleporting back to the motel to a placid Sam and an angry Dean.
"Where the hell have you been?" Dean shot out questions but never allowed Ariel to answer. "Sam has prayed to you at least twice, and you can't just go out like that- Someone could have snatched you."
Ariel retreated, taking a few steps back from the agitated hunter. Her eyes were wide. She never really experienced a complete 'Dean Winchester' scolding, so witnessing this made her shut down.
The anger in his voice combated the worry in his eyes. His conflicting emotions overwhelmed the archangel, sending her in a spiral.
"I'm not some hamster in a cage. I am not your pet." Ariel huffed, clenching her hands into tiny fists. Her icy blue eyes met Dean's flaming green orbs, inviting him to say anything further.
Dean folded his arms across his chest, "Either you stay inside when we tell you to, or you leave. No use taking up space anyways." He barked. His mouth set in a hard line as he thought about the ultimatum he just presented to someone he cared about so profoundly.
What was he thinking? Why did he say that to her?
The man's eyebrows drew together in a scowl, which wasn't the emotion he meant to display. He intended to show regret for saying those things to her, but something didn't agree between his brain and body.
It got lost in translation.
Ariel's mouth snapped shut at his response. Instead of the usual anger that she felt during most arguments, all she felt at the moment was an immense sadness. It clouded her mind and prevented her from speaking, so all that she could do was cry.  
Her eyebrows knitted while her eyelashes fluttered, trying to keep the tears at bay, but failed. The tears fell down her roseate cheeks in streams, trailing down her chin and dropping onto her clavicle.
The angel smoothed down her pale sundress and turned around slowly. "Excuse me," She whispered through a strangled sob before she briskly walked to the bathroom and shut the door.
Ariel pressed her back against the door and slid down to the floor and began to sob silently. It was uncontrollable, and her vessel was so sensitive, everything bothered her.
Maybe she should give up?
Dean stilled at the sound of her weepings and eyed his boots. Fuck. What has he done? Why was this more complicated than it should be? He wanted to kick the door in and squeeze her tight, but his heels were dug into the cheap motel carpet.
The human clenched his fist and pivoted on his heel, starting for the door.
"Where are you going? You can't leave. We've got research." Sam gestured to the many books on the small table and his laptop. He didn't want to get in the middle of their domestic dispute. He knew Ariel was breaking, yet he still kept his distance.
The giant glanced over at the bathroom door.
Dean unlocked the door and started to leave but decided against it. He faced Sam. "What do I say, Sammy?" He asked, his face stoic, but his voice somber. It was clear he didn't mean what he said and that Ariel was right; she shouldn't be caged.
The troubled hunter frowned, "Why won't she talk to me anymore?" Dean gruffed.
Sam thumbed the charging port on his laptop, thinking back to what his Archangel friend told him. His face contorted at the memories. "She said the seals being broken was breaking her, making her more hostile. She probably feels alone now, more than ever."
There was a small pause.
Dean gripped the doorknob.
"I mean, Dean, She lost her home- she's lost her family- she's losing herself. All she has is us. You're pushing her away and-"  Sam pressed a key on the laptop and let out a heavy sigh.
"And think about us telling her to stay inside, I mean she's got huge wings- you said so yourself. She probably is going crazy with all that darkness surrounding us and her." Sam finished while eyeing the bathroom door.
Dean dragged his hands over his face at the recognition. He never once thought about anything related to heaven. Hell, if he thought back to it, he never really thought about Ariel's feelings at all. What went through his mind was that if Ariel stayed in one place, then she won't be in harm's way.
He knew what he had to do. Dean inhaled deeply, opened the door, and left.
'Just not now.' Dean thought.
Sam let out a groan. Not only because he was left to do research alone, but now he had to clean up after Dean's mess again. He didn't want to talk to Ariel, well, he did, but after he promised to murder her, he needed time. And that was something they did not have much of.
The boy buried himself in his work and ignored any and everything that wasn't related to the hunt.
Meanwhile, Ariel stood outside on the balcony walkway, her copper curls blowing in the breeze.
The constant four walls felt constricting; she had no other choice but to escape. She didn't want to go far, just outside.  
That was okay, right?
Ariel flinched when she heard the motel door open. She peered over her shoulder to find Dean standing there with a despondent look in his eyes.
The scene Dean that greeted him, nearly knocked him off of his feet. From his point of view, he witnessed the sunset's purple and pink hues casting a heavenly light behind the angel. Her black and red wings were spread out, which amplified her beauty.
It was a view to behold.
A buzzing noise filled their heads.
Instinctively, Ariel drew in her left wing for Dean.
There was a pull.
Dean naturally took his place at her left side. He leaned against the railing, staring out at the parking lot. The hunter glanced behind him at her wing, watching it surround his being as if it were guarding him. He inhaled deeply.
"I didn't mean to-" Dean started.
"I understand," Ariel muttered.
The archangel furrowed her brows and let out a small exhalation. "I think I will leave. I don't want to be a burden any longer."
Dean didn't bother looking at Ariel when she spoke. He just apologized for indirectly kicking her out, and now she wanted to leave? It hurt him. She did not have that luxury anymore.
Maybe the problem was him?
So many possibilities ran through his mind until it overwhelmed him.
"No." Dean rasped. "You can't just come into my life, make me feel this way- show up in my motel room, half-dead, and then weeks later tell me that you're gonna leave me." The human shook his head vigorously and then subsequently turned to face his companion.
"You don't have that right anymore- and I won't let you." Dean gruffed. He punched the metal banister before walking away toward the steps.
Ariel's wings were drawn close to her back. Her eyes followed the righteous man as he escaped his problems, metaphorically and physically.
"Dean..." The angel murmured.
Ariel gazed down at the children passing by with an inscrutable expression. She stood there for a long while, contemplating whether to listen to Dean.
'Hiding in plain sight isn't a bad idea; most would expect you to be trying to rally your forces.'
Ariel pursed her lips, "Castiel..." She whispered.
'Leave the Winchesters. If you don't, there will be dire consequences.'
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anonymouse-thoughts · 5 years
Pets AU: 
...To compile the rambles I subjected Gale to & the ones I restrained myself from spamming so I can torment the void instead of poor sweet Gale
Mari’s a dog person
Adrien’s afraid of dogs
Kagami can be either dog or cat person, leaning more towards latter
If Félix is around he claims to dislike pets in general ( “Why would you willingly bring vermin into your home?” )
Mari ends up with a pissy street cat that has decided to adopt her. Mari pretends not to like having the cat around but secretly does
Chloe likes nontraditional pets that everyone things are weird
Dog ends up with one of the Rich Kids ™ because they’re the ones with yards / staff to take it on walks when they’re busy. Like Mari, the rich kids claim to be annoyed at having to deal with the dog and say they only keep it as a favor to Mari but secretly grow to love it
Alternatively, the dog is gotten when Mari finally gets her own apartment (shared dog-raising with pairing of choice) 
Pet Preferences
THE dog person. Has wanted a dog since she was small. Has not been allowed to have a dog. Will jump a fence to chase after a dog and say hi to it. During night patrols she’ll swing down from the darkness and ask dog owners if she can pet their dogs. Has freaked a few civilians out. After all, no one expects a red-clad, polka dotted teenager to suddenly materialize in front of them, hanging upside down from a yoyo - especially not when said teenager is only supposed to show up to fight superpowered villains. She likes all dogs but loves big dogs. It’s mathematically preferable! You get more dog per dog if you have a big dog. She doesn’t count chihuahuas as dogs. And hairless dogs creep her out. Pugs are on thin ice - she’ll cuddle the ones that have been bred back into having healthy snouts. But she’d willingly die for a puppy of almost any breed. Dogs are admirable and will put others before themselves, though if you hurt them and push them far enough they’ll finally snap at you and good luck getting on their good side again. A dog that has judged you as Bad™ probably has a very good reason for doing so. In this way, stereotypical dog philosophy is very much like her own. Dogs are fun and always ready to go with the flow - given Mari’s impulsive tendencies (ADHD-ish behavior many times), active lifestyle (okay it’s more bc she’s a hectic mess but still), and love for the outdoors (it’s where she gets her best creative ideas), dogs are a match. Amongst the reasons she gives her parents while begging for a dog, she states that she loves cuddling big fluffs (Papas hugs were always her favorites and made her feel safe so her motto for cuddles is the bigger the better + her cat plushie is almost as big as her), she is definitely strong enough to handle a big dog (she carries bags of flour while helping out and probably those huge jugs of milk/cream AND we all know Sabine taught her how to kill defend herself), she has a strong enough personality to get a dog to listen (bc lbr when Mari gets down to business she is a force to be reckoned with), etc etc etc... Add to it that, although a badass, she’s pretty small and how can they not get her a big lovable dog? Right??? Alas, her mom has put down a very firm no. 
Mari instead gets her puppy love by nicely pestering strangers to let her say hi to their floofs. It’s one of the reasons she’s late to class so often, even when she doesn’t sleep in. Prior to being LB she had a slightly better sleep schedule but still got caught up petting dogs in the morning and thus got to class late. Worth it though. 
Local dog owners have started a LB tracking facebook to give a heads up because her random appearances have started to become a bit of a proble- wait, what,,,,, hey wait, no!, what the heck, where did you even come from,,,, there are no buildings to hang from over here, and this is private property,!,, wait no!,!!,,, that’s my dog bring it back!!!,
(She doesn’t actually steal any dogs. She’s very respectful and makes sure to ask if it’s okay to say hi before approaching. She’ll let the dogs sniff at her and then decide if they want to be friends or not. But the fb group’s there because she gets so excited and appears so suddenly that it does freak people out. After she realizes she’s scaring people she tries to get better about making herself known beforehand but with all her training to not be seen + the immediate impulse to snuggle cute puppies she sometimes forgets. )
Reporters have started bringing around dogs to try to get LB to stick around. It works... but she doesn’t answer questions because she’s too busy giving tummy rubs and kissies
Alya is constantly trying to walk dogs / dogsit in hopes of luring LB. Mari is more than happy to join in and help because that means free dog time. Alya is very frustrated that her stakeouts with Mari have never even once ended up with a Ladybug encounter. Mari considers humoring her but that would mean finding an excuse to leave the doggies and then change and then come back only to leave the doggies AGAIN so she could detransform and come back as herself. It was just too much time dog-less.
The people of Paris catch on to LB’s love of dogs and post pictures of their dogs with various “Thank you Ladybug!” posters like dog-shaming but altered to make LB happy. They’ll include things like “Avocado has been inspired by Ladybug to join the fight against Hawkmoth. He even managed to defeat a butterfly today! Granted, it was a regular non-magic one but you gotta start somewhere. #ThanksLB” and post them with a picture of the dumb dog in question 
Telling Chat Noir “I’m more of a dog person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ” and chuckling as he gets defensive and grumbles about how much better cats are
Chat Noir being annoyed and a little jealous á la Augustus2.0 when LB is showering doggies with love and praise. She definitely heard him mutter bitterly that if the golden retriever puppy was soooooo great then maybe she should have it fight akumas with her and how he was the hero that riSkED HiS LifE for her so he deserved the love and praise
Chat Noir is nervous around big dogs and tries to pretend he isn’t to look cool for LB. He fails. His defense is that THE DOG WEIGHS AS MUCH AS HIM AND COULD FIT HIS HEAD IN ITS MOUTH! HE JUST DOESN’T LIKE BIG DEMON DOGS!! She just rolls her eyes; “Newfoundlands were known as nanny dogs because they’re so gentle and loving, Chat. They’re trained as lifeguards. You’re much more likely to be bit by a Chihuahua or Yorkie.”
“I’m sorry Chat, I’m not into you.” “Not yet ;))” “Mm. Well I plan on having at least one mastiff breed, one shepherd, and one water/snow working breed from the time I move out of my parents’ house until I’m dead. So I guess you’re gonna have to be okay with being around a sum total of 500lbs of dog.”  “...D: ”
Cats whom’s’t’ve’d? She doesn’t hate them... but she’s maybe closer to the dislike end of neutral with regards to them. She’s never been too fond of them because she thinks they’re snobby and they express love by bringing dead icky things. Dogs will just tackle you into a cuddle. She doesn’t like their sharp destructive little claws or tendencies to go after her fashion materials - someone save the yarn! Also the vicious little things end up hurting local wildlife and she much prefers animals that are altruistic like cute fluffy dogs (because paris has to protect the pigeons after all) ((Mr. Pigeon’s rants maayyy have gotten to her at some point)) Besides, even with a cuddly cat you’re still getting less cuddles per pet than you would’ve with a dog simply because dogs are bigger and theres more of them to cuddle. 
Hamsters are cute! ...But kinda boring. And they don’t seem durable enough for her. She’s a little clumsy and chaotic. What if it gets out and gets lost in her clutter and she falls and kills it?! Besides, with her tendency to spiral into the worst possible outcome she’ll worry herself into a panic. 
If she has a parrot screeching near her at the crack of dawn Paris is gonna have a new supervillain because she will be Out For Blood. And unlike Fuckmoth she’d actually be competent.
Reptiles are pretty much the same tier as hamsters and small furry herbivorous mammals for her... maybe slightly below because they’re not fluffy. Still cute though. 
Ferrets are too chaotic even for her. They are not forces she could control. 0-60 and back again in an instant. Besides, are they even legal in Paris? She loves watching videos of them though! 
After enough incidents, her mom has banned her from even mentioning fish in any context outside of dinner. Rip Sashimi, you were around for 13 days but it felt like a bond of 13 years. 
Sheltered all his life so never got to interact with dogs. As a result he’s kinda nervous around them. The big ones especially scare him because they’re big and carnivorous and biG. 
He wasn’t terribly fond of cats before but didn’t have as much of an issue with them because they’re smaller and tend to keep to themselves anyways. Smaller mouths means less space to clamp down with their pointy knife teeth, unlike dogs who have plenty of clamping space. Upon becoming CN likes cats a lot more.
Still though... if he had to pick a pet, it’d probably be a hamster! He can watch it and pet it and then put it back. He can even get a nanny cam to watch it. After all, what is love if not micromanaging every aspect of the subject’s life while keeping a distance and having only minimal interactions or contact? (someone pls hug this boy - after asking him if it’s okay). 
Reptiles are okay. You can also keep them in a glass cage and look and them and maybe poke them now and then. The best kind of relationship. (seriously someone show this child what healthy loving bonds are supposed to be)
Parrots... Well, they have feathers. So unless you want to keep an angry naked toddler with stubby arms and dagger feet screaming through a sharpened megaphone that’s gonna be a No.
Who knows? 
Not I, said the cat.
Idk I kinda like the idea of Chloe with a turtle or hermit crab or something. 
Or maybe a chameleon!
Something quiet and often overlooked. If you peak into the enclosure you wouldn’t even notice it unless someone pointed it out because it seems to blend in. It’s just... unremarkable.
And it doesn’t try to be.
Andre thinks she should have a fancy expensive french dog or special show-quality cat or an imported horse or something. In fact, he may even buy some of these for her because the princess of Paris should have only the best
But Chloe just likes her grouchy turtle/crab/lizard that will only come out to snatch some celery from her and then go back. In fact, if it’s someone other than Chloe giving the veggie (or whatever you give crabs?) treats then they better just leave it in a corner of the cage because the grouch will either refuse to come closer or there will be biting/pinching if it does. 
Animals are stinky and not meant to be kept in your home.
Dogs in particular are too big and messy. They will bring in dirt from the outside bc dogs HAVE to be taken out at least once per day. They’re slobbery and lick/drool on you. Their tails knock things over.
If they’re in your home they should be there as an exhibit (though with appropriate cage-space, nutrition, etc). This limits it to fish and maaayyybbee some small reptiles. But, again, there has to be appropriate cage-space and the like for the animals to be in humane conditions so restrictions apply. They may call her the Ice Queen but she’d never act so coldly as to subject an animal to a life of misery.
The only exception to her view on pets might be a cat. After all, they’re sleek and graceful and pretty independent. While they’ll come around for affection they won’t be as overtly desperate for it as dogs are. They’re also less needy - you can leave automated feeders, filter fountains for water, and self-cleaning litter boxes. Yes, a cat could be an acceptable companion if she were forced to have one.
He likes dogs. and cats. snakes are neat. turtles are chill too. parrots..... hmmm, it depends on the bird really. He wouldn’t like a bird that screams through his songs and doesn’t let him practice. But it’d be cool to have a pet companion that also appreciates melodies.
He hates rats/mice though. Little pests mess up boats. And guitars.  
Claims to dislike animals. Appreciates them in pictures and acknowledges the importance of biodiversity but doesn’t like the idea of sharing a home with them. Might consider a snake or turtle because they have pleasing aesthetics, are easy to confine to an area, and don’t really smell. Although he likes looking at snakes he probably wouldnt go out of his way to get one. He just thinks they’re neat.
Will be around the “house-vermin” but only because it makes Mari happy. Actually kinda likes Mari’s pets/any fluffs he takes in at her behest and grows to care for them but he’d never admit it.
 [* = This is Fanon Félix, snarky and Done With Your Shit but also smart and competent and respectful. idk what the show will do to Fé’s character.]
Specific Pets
Dog - Irish Setter   (red silky coat + a black spot on tongue)
How did such a fancy dog end up on the streets?
Just because the human walked in your vicinity does not mean they are trying to be your friend
would be really pretty but covered in soot from time on the streets, making him look like some grimey stray parents wouldn’t want their kids near 
Wants to be your friend!!!!
will follow you around even across busy intersections because Fren!!!!!! 
will go to anyone that calls him, even if it’s a group of teenage jerks that would bully him
his eagerness to approach people to be friends is confused for aggression sometimes
he would follow Menace but he’s no good at stealing food - he stops to try to get pets and then gets shooed and swatted
Loves everyone and wouldn’t hurt a fly! ... Unless you threaten Menace, kids, or the heroes of Paris (he seems to really like LB and CN and often winds up near akumas because that where his spotty friend and weird tail-human friend are!) ((CN is not happy with the four-legged fan))
Seems to bring good luck to those around him, either through some active intervention (biting the bad guy) or by passively existing (distraction on principle of awwww puppy)
He himself, however, seems to have fairly bad luck - a goofy nature and impulse to love leads to him getting stuck in places he shouldn’t be 
Yet, his feline friend is always there to save him by shoving him out of the way of angry taxis to pulling off the chicken wire tangled around him, so maybe he’s got some good luck to himself after all
Hobbies include stalking passerbys and asking for pets but being too musty to be interacted with
Wouldn’t go looking to fight anyone but would step up to help others if someone was being cruel to them... though given his scraggy stature from living on the streets he’d likely get beat up quite a bit during the altercation
Cat - ????cat? c??ca?? cat??t?tt?ct   (black fur; it’s fuzzy but honestly no one can seem to agree on whether it’s short or long. no one seems to think it’s medium though.)
kitten... possibly a couple weeks older than Lucky, or same age
The terror of the alleyways, tormentor of street vendors and pigeons alike
Can’t stop won’t stop
animal control has tried to catch her
food vendors have tried to catch her
cat ladies have tried to catch her
~all have failed~
Fond of only herself, Lucky, and Marinette
Seems to bring bad luck to those around her, leaving havoc and destruction in her wake
She herself, however, seems to have a decent amount of luck - or at least the skill to stay two steps ahead of everyone
Yet, given her self-imposed responsibility for taking care of Lucky and the endless trouble he’s caught up in maybe she has some bad luck after all
Hobbies include stealing food from tourists, stealing food from locals, and stealing food from Mari
Would fight Hawkmoth and win but she’d rather steal sausages
Honorable Mention: One of Gale’s Lovely Fans and a Fellow ‘Non
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            I love being agreed with yay! Newfies were the other ones I was considering but Irish Red Setter seemed more fitting with the ladybug/luck theme.
0 notes
fixxofvixx · 7 years
Hey y'all. So Ravi’s got purple/pink hair….I feel bad for his hair but I kinda love it!
Anywho, I was gonna post this tomorrow but their new hairstyles got me excited!!
I hope you enjoy and comments are always welcome!
Thanks for reading!!
Still nothing.
You tried to move the heavy arm that was wound around your stomach but it wouldn’t budge. You had to pee so bad but he wouldn’t let go. You tried pinching his skin but he still wouldn’t move.
“Taekwoon, let go. I need to get up!”
He finally stirred and nuzzled his head into your shoulder. Gaining hope, you tried to move his arm again but he held you even tighter.
“Jung Taekwoon!!”
You felt the exhale of his chuckle in your hair and you smacked his arm.
“I like you where you’re at. So stay right there.” He sounded half asleep. You assumed that he wasn’t quite comprehending the situation so you tried to bargain with him.
“I will. As soon as you let me up long enough to go to the bathroom. I’ll come right back and we can keep cuddling. Okay?”
“No.” You could hear the pout in his voice and you almost gave up. But the urge to pee came back with avengance and you desperately tried to struggle out of his arms. The movement was making matters worse so you decided on a new tactic. You remembered what his mother had said about his stage name and using it if he was annoying you. You had no idea what it would do so you gave him one last chance.
“Come on, Taekwoon, just five minutes.” You tried lifting his arm but it tightened back around you like a steel band. Fine.
“Leo, let go!”
You felt his body go deathly still and heard a sharp intake of air. When you tried to move his arm this time, there was no resistance. You move away and looked back at him. His arm flopped to the bed and didn’t move to grab you. He looked at you and narrowed his eyes.
“Get back over here and undo this.” His green eyes darkened and your heart skipped a beat. He looked greatly annoyed but you didn’t know if it was because you had moved or the fact that he couldn’t. He didn’t look paralyzed exactly but that he didn’t have the strength to move.
“I don’t even know what I did! Your mom just told me to say that if you weren’t listening! She didn’t say how you would react.
"Just undo it!” He seemed to be able to move his head just fine but his body lay still.
“Okay, hang on!” You ran to the bathroom to take care of what you needed to. You almost felt bad for leaving him but it was his fault for not letting go sooner. There was no way you could stay there a second longer.
While you were washing your hands, you tried to figure out what exactly you’d done. His mother had told you not to do it while he was driving or something like that and you now understood why. It was like it rendered him completely helpless.
You hurried back into the room to see that he had managed to roll onto his back. He was breathing deeply as if he was trying to hold in his anger. You hesitated going closer.
“Come here.”
“I-I’m…I don’t…” You took a step closer but still far enough away from the bed, just in case. You took a deep breath and chided yourself for being slightly afraid. This was Taekwoon. He wasn’t going to do anything. Right?
“Look, I had no idea what calling you by your stage name would do. I really had to pee and you wouldn’t let go and I panicked.”
He laughed and you sighed in relief. He wasn’t mad at you. He moved his head slowly to look at you. His green eyes were still dark but at least they weren’t red.
Suddenly, a light bulb went off in your head. He couldn’t move. That fact gave you courage to move closer to the bed. He followed your movement but his eyes gave away that he could tell what you were thinking. You smiled and climbed onto the bed. Moving closer to him, you threw one leg over his waist, effectively straddling him. You could feel his abdominal muscles clench at the feeling of you on top of him. You leaned down, crossing your arms atop his chest and laid your head on your forearms.
“So, explain this to me.”
“Undo it first. As much as I love you on top of me, I need control of my limbs. I want to touch you.”
“Huh-uh, I want an explanation first.” You unfolded your arms and poked his cheeks. He moved his head to try and bite your finger but you were quicker. He grimaced and rolled his eyes.
“Fine. Some hybrids have alternative names. Me, Hakyeon, Jaehwan, and Wonshik fall under that category.”
“Not Hyuk?” You idly ran your fingertips over his collarbone and he took a deep breath.
“No thats just a shortened version. But our alternative names give our significant other a sort of….power of us. It only works if very strong feelings are involved. To undo it, you just say that name again.”
“Really? Very interesting.” You smoothed your fingers over his cheeks and pinched them slightly.
“Its not to be abused, though.” His eyes flashed and you grinned.
“Of course not. Only when you’re being a bad hamzzi.” You poked his cheeks again resulting in his eyes turning red.
“I am not a hamster.”
“Aww, but I like it when you are.” You frowned and kissed his cheek. He leaned his head into your touch but you backed away. “Well, I suppose there’s nothing I can do about it.”
You removed yourself from his waist and stood up.
“Where are going?”
“I’m hungry. You used up all my energy earlier.” You winked at him and walked towards the door.
“(Y/N),” You name came out as a deep growl and you had to force yourself not to turn around and jump back on him. “Undo it. Now.”
“I will. I’ll bring us both some food back. Just remember this the next time you wont let me get up to pee.” You waggled your finger at him, playfully scolding him. You had to turn away from the look on his face. If you had lingered on it, surely you would have been on the floor.
After about twenty minutes, you had just finished loading a couple of plates with food to take back to the room when the hair on the back of your neck stood up. Electricity pulsed and in the room and you knew you were in trouble. You calmly set the plates down and eyed the door in front of you which led to the outside. You’d probably never make it but you still wanted to try. Anticipation mixed with the adrenaline now pumping through your bloodstream and your breath quickened. You wondered if this was how prey felt out in the wild when they were being stalked by predators. You thought about pretending he wasn’t there but you knew your heartbeat had already given you away. However, you didn’t dismiss the possibility of distraction.
You grabbed one of the now empty containers with a shaky hand and pretended to close the lid down on it. You fumbled it in your fingers and let it drop to the floor, causing it to clang loudly. As soon as it dropped you took off, hoping his focus would be on what you dropped.
You made it to the door and gripped the doorknob when two large hands smacked the wood on either side of your head. Effectively caged in and trapped, your breathing grew erratic. He stepped closer, crowding against your back and placing you flush against the door. His breath was hot against your ear and you shuddered.
“I forgot to tell you that it eventually wears off.” His lips grazed your ear with each word and heat pooled in your belly. You tried to turn but there was no room to move. Your hand gripped the doorknob tightly to try and keep your body from shaking so much. Taekwoon had a way of reducing you to a puddle of goo with just a few words and you loved it. You loved him. And you loved it when he played around like this. You tried to swallow despite your dry throat.
“Well, that would have been nice information.” You leaned your head back so that it was against his chest. The rumble in his chest resembled more of a purr than a growl.
“But then I wouldn’t get to chase you.” He whispered low in your ear and your whole body shook. His tongue flicked out and ran over your tattoo and your knees buckled. His arms were fast to wrap around your waist and haul you against him. He hummed against your skin, satisfied with you reaction. His lips traveled down your neck until he found a patch of skin that he particularly liked and pulled it into his mouth. His action elicited a whimper from you and he pulled you closer to his chest.
“If this is the reaction I get, I may have to abuse that power. Next time you’ll have to give me a better head start though.” You smiled as he chuckled into your shoulder.
“You don’t have to use the power, though. I’ll chase you whenever you want.”
You leaned your head back so you could see his eyes. The green glowed brightly and you were lost in them. It amazed you at how much love you always saw in them. How was this even possible? How did you get this lucky?
“Well if you just chase me, you have an unfair advantage. How am I supposed to compete?”
One of his hands came from around your waist to turn you in his arms. Once your back was fully against the door, he pressed into you even more.
“You know I don’t like to lose. You’ll just have to get creative.” His lips lowered to your neck and placed a trail of light kisses all the way across your collarbone. Your hands went under his shirt and pressed against the skin of his back. You received a low hum in response. He raised his head to look at you before sealing his lips over yours. It was slow, deep, and wonderful. He didn’t linger long there, however, and quickly made his way to your shoulder again. He curved an arm around your waist to pull you even further against him.
Suddenly his head lifted off you shoulder and he looked back towards the main door to the kitchen. Seconds later you heard a knock at the door to the common area. You involuntarily tensed, not knowing what to expect.
“Its okay. Its a family friend.” He removed himself from you and took your hand in his. You followed behind him, taking a moment to smooth your hair down and fix your clothes.
Taekwoon opened the door to the house and smiled, revealing an elderly man in simple, traditional clothing. Looking at his face, you saw that his eyes were green. Panther hybrid.
“Ah, there you are! I wasn’t sure if you would hear me or not. I apologize for interrupting your time together.” The man snickered and you blushed.
“I suppose I can forgive you.” Taekwoon sighed playfully and the man laughed.
“JinOh told me that he’d seen people at the Jung house and I assumed that it was your parents. When I came closer, I realized that it was you and a friend.” He peeked around Taekwoon to smile at you. “She’s yours?”
Taekwoon looked around at you and his eyes softened. He shook his head.
“No, I’m hers. She calls the shots.” Taekwoon smiled and tugged you until you stood beside him. “(Y/N), this is Lee JangPil, he’s a panther elder. He looks over the area and a lot of panther hybrids go to him for advice.”
“Yes, well, it should be the woman calling the shots anyway, right my dear? Us fellows would be lost without you. Oh, and your a handler to boot! It is certainly a pleasure to meet you.” He bowed and you returned the gesture.
“Would you like to come in? I can make some tea or coffee?” You smiled as you backed up to allow him room to come in.
“That would be lovely, my dear. Thank you.” He walked in and took a seat in the common area of the house. You went off to the kitchen to prepare some tea, and coffee for Taekwoon, of course. You picked up the container you had dropped earlier and set it back on the counter. You took some of the food that you had grabbed earlier and arranged it to serve as snacks on a tray.
Walking back into the common area, you saw Taekwoon and JangPil laughing quietly. You placed the tea tray on a side table and handed Taekwoon his coffee. JangPil took a tea cup and sipped on the contents.
“Oh, this is good. Miss (Y/N), since Taekwoon here has been lucky enough to convince you to put up with him, I wonder if you would adopt an old grandfather as well?” You laughed as he sweet-talked you. He reminded you of your grandfather on your mother’s side who had passed when you were in middle school.
“I believe that can be arranged.”
“Come, come, you must sit next to me. Taekwoon can have you back later.” He waved you over to sit next to him on the bench and you obliged. Once you were seated next to him, he took both of your hands in his. He closed his eyes for a moment and you looked at Taekwoon. He nodded indicating that everything was fine. JangPil eventually opened his eyes and looked sad.
“Oh, my dear sweet girl, you have already been through so much in your young life. I hope the terrors you have endured have not put you against all hybrids.” He looked into your eyes and you smiled.
“Of course not. I have known more hybrids that are good more than I have known bad. But, may I ask how you know? Did Taekwoon tell you?”
“Ah, I apologize. I should have asked permission. I am able to see certain things in a person’s life. I am not able to see the future, unfortunately, but I can see what some people have gone through in the past. Since you are a handler and obviously connected to Taekwoon, I can easily read you. Did I make you uncomfortable?” He patted your hand and smiled sweetly.
“No, no, I was just wondering. It doesn’t bother me at all.” You returned his smile.
“Good, good. Taekwoon, my boy, you have a treasure here.” He paused and looked at the young panther. “Don’t muck it up. If you do, I’ll have to take her away from you.” He looked back at you and winked.
“Oh, believe me, she’s not getting away.” Taekwoon’s statement made you blush but you felt happy.
“See that she doesn’t. She’s going to be a wonderful mother one day.” Your head snapped up at his comment. Your heart felt happy that he approved of you so quickly.
“I know. Hopefully sooner rather than later.” Your eyes went wide this time and flicked over to see Taekwoon grinning. The look he was giving you told you that he would make you pregnant right now if you’d let him.
“All in good time, I’m sure.”
After catching up with Taekwon for about a half hour, the older man stood, Taekwoon and you following after him in respect. “I must be going. JinOh gets anxious if I’m gone too long. Please come and visit when you are back this way again. Oh and Taekwoon? Try not to scare JinOh so much next time. The poor thing is traumatized.”
“Hey, he scared her first. I was just protecting what’s mine. I didn’t know that was JinOh.”
“Yes, well, fair enough. He tends to get a little protective of the area. I’ll tell him you’re sorry anyway.” He winked at Taekwoon and made his way out of the front door. It took you a second to realize what they were talking about.
“JinOh’s a dog? The dog from yesterday?!”
“Yeah, he’s JangPil’s companion. JinOh’s from a really long line of dogs that can communicate with hybrids. It takes a lot of work and practice but eventually you can talk to them.” Taekwoon explained as he walked with JangPil to the front drive of the house.
“That’s really cool!”
“It is nice be able to talk with him. Sometimes it gets a little lonely around here and they have a completely different view of the world. JinOh and his mate should be expecting some pups next year. If you want one, just let me know.” JangPil waved to you both and took off down the road.
“Oh, Taekwoon! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a dog you can talk to?!”
He didn’t answer so you looked over to him. He was already looking at you. His eyes very slowly started to glow and your heart picked up speed.
Apparently, he still wanted to play.
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ace-dread · 3 years
Arthur Cyrano Brenner, aka Art
I miss when my biggest problems were Mondays. My present conundrum is this cage I'm in, which was probably designed for a hamster.
Confused? Me too. But lemme back it up here. Start you off with the basics.
My name’s Arthur Brenner. We’ve never met, but I’ll bet you know someone like me. Every class has an Arthur (I prefer being called Art). You know, the smartest, wittiest, most charming, coolest, and best-looking. Oh yeah, and I'm currently 3 inches tall. I’m kidding. Except about the part where I'm 3 inches tall. That's real.
Lemme take you to where it all began:
I folded my cardboard home down and shoved it into a little crevice I called home. Just beneath it, brand-new shoes I’d found a few days before. They were a perfect fit, but I couldn’t bring myself to wear them. I always ended up thinking that they were too new and far too cool to be on a homeless. Besides, people who saw me with them would think I'd stolen them, and the last thing I ever wanted was attention.
I treaded the narrow ledge along the sloped concrete and slipped out from under the bridge. I was always cautious here; walk too quickly, and you could end up like the poor guy a couple of weeks ago, who ended up losing a few limbs and several quarts of blood after sliding down and taking a glancing hit from a truck. It’s a callous world, so the only person you should ever look out for is yourself. Write that down, kids.
I glanced down at my cheap prepaid phone. The tiny clock on the top flip indicated that I was gonna be late if I didn’t haul ass. I began to run at a quickened pace, not because I'm particularly worried about tardies, but because a phone call to my nonexistent parents would get me kicked out. And to forfeit two meals a day and 8 hours of A/C, for free? I may be stupid, but I’m not an idiot.
I had always been on my own, for as long as I could remember. I don’t know what happened to my folks, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But what I lacked in family, I made up with street smarts. Looking over my shoulder had become second nature to me. Not much scared me, because there wasn’t much to be afraid of. Darkness? Pah. Baby stuff. Getting raped? Well, I ain’t a chick (sorry, ladies. But we all know a man isn’t gonna get raped as easily as you.) Robbed? There wasn’t jack you could steal from me. Killed? Death would be welcome to try me.
A man with a sharp stick and nothing left to lose can take the day, they say.
After a long jog and a stealthy slip past school security, I dashed into first block at 7:09, out of breath and trying to decide whether or not my heart was going to jump out of my chest. After a few seconds, I figured that I was gonna be OK. I felt an elbow jab my ribs. “We didn’t think you were gonna make it, man,” said David. The guy was the closest thing I had to a best friend.
I’d met David a while back, outside an art show I was genuinely interested in, while he went just to hang out or make fun of the artwork. But when his friends forgot to mention they weren’t going anymore, he stuck it out with me as I explained the art to him. He didn’t really appreciate it the way I thought he should, but he liked me enough to keep me around, I guess.
“I’m guessing you bet on it,” I sighed with mock contempt. In response, he showed me his cashless wallet and gestured to his left at Rocco, our local kid genius. He was quiet, I was awkward, but David made it up by being the most rambunctious guy everywhere he went. We balanced each other out.
“We had a bet going. I was gonna win if you didn’t make it on time. But Rocco here is a thief and a card reader or something,” he said jokingly, and lightly punched Rocco’s arm. “Idiot.” In response, Rocco smiled toothily and held up about 20 dollars’ worth of money. Halfway through the class, I felt David poke my ribs again. “Hey man, I almost forgot,” he whispered as he poked my arm and nodded his head across the room to his girlfriend, Kayla. “I just dumped her and told her I was leaving her for some hot chick from the place I’m moving to next week.” “Dubai?” “Yeah. I’m not actually dumping her for another girl, I just figured I’d crush her heart on the way out,” he smirked. I shook my head and turned to see the girl, who was busy giving us not-so discreet nasty looks. I gave her a sympathetic shrug. David may have been my best friend, but I'd be a liar to say he was anything more than a spoiled douchebag. But every guy knows that rule number one of Bro Code is Bro’s before hoes. It applied no matter what; even if my boy David was a little cruel. As for Kayla, she just raised an eyebrow and faced the front for the teacher to tell us all about the War of 18-flipping-12.  As the bell rang, I passed Kayla on my way out. She looked at me and grabbed my arm. “Please be sure to give this to David, Art,” she said slowly, as if she were about to lose it if she didn’t watch herself. I felt a slab of metal or something slip into my hand—a memento of some sort, I guessed. “Sure,” I said uneasily. I pulled my arm away and skedaddled outta there. I felt bad for Kayla. She had never wronged me, or David, as far as I knew. She had a sweet face and a proud aura, but something about her… just didn’t click. Add to that fact that her best friend, Corday, was one of the creepy freaks of the school, and she made my “do not disturb” list. Corday was on another level, though. She was always alone and very quiet, but I swear, every time we made eye contact, it was as if she was peering straight into my soul. I ended up losing David in the crowd and decided I would give it to him the next time I saw him. This thing probably wasn’t even worth it, anyway. I maneuvered through the crowd skillfully and easily, gliding through gaps and spaces. Have you seen The Matrix? Where Keneau Reeves plays Neo, the guy who weaves bullets? That’s me in a busy hallway. My agility and reaction time paired together made me pretty kick-ass, and them’s the fucking facts.
But I guess it was fate (or maybe Karma) that caused me to become so caught up in my bullet-weaving fantasy that I didn’t notice the girl who popped out of the English hallway. I slammed into her, dropping her binder.
“Agh, sorry,” I mumbled out quickly, unaware of who it was. But when I did, I wished I could die. She looked at me, sighed in frustration, and started to bend down to pick it up. But before she could, I swiped it off the ground. “Here. I’m sorry, uh... Wiley, right?” I said nervously as I handed it over to her. She turned it over in her hands, not looking at me. “Uh... yeah?” she said after a few excruciating seconds. I shoved my hands in my pockets and teeter-tottered on my feet. “Isn’t biochem next period?” She gave me a look—one that involved a narrowing of her pale green eyes—that made me feel so stupid that I just wanted to keel over and die.
“Are… you okay, Art?”
“Right. Sorry.” I cringed. I never needed parents to embarrass me, I did just fine on my own. “Well, we’d better hurry on up, then. I’d hate to be late,” she said indifferently. goddamn it. It’s so frustrating to have such a hard time making conversation. It’s not like Wiley and I had never spoken before. We’ve actually spoken quite a bit. But actually being able to say something of substance to your crush is extremely difficult. You guys know how it is. Every time is like the first time.
Wiley was always that kinda girl who… gosh, how to describe. She was fine, oh so fine.  She had long dirty blonde hair, pale but beautiful green eyes. Really smart. Gentle in everything she did, a leader, a capable person. She had been taking a martial art class, which gave her slim yet toned curves; and that much more perfect. Oh, and straight A’s. Can’t forget that lovely brain of hers.
I had had multiple encounters with her, and each time I would mess up worse than the last time. The worst one was the time I attempted to flirt. The rest had been sad attempts at conversation.
I mean, her name was Wiley. Isn't that a beautiful name? A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Which is what I told her as I sidled up casually to her locker. "Wiley," I said. "Arthur," she said. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," I said. "What is? Arthur?" "No, Wiley." "What?" "Wiley. I was just saying I thought it would be a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." "Oh, really!" she said, giving me serious fish-eye. "It would be, huh? For a beautiful girl. But not for me, huh? Is that what you're saying? You just came all the way over here, acting all cool, to tell me I should give my name to some beautiful girl because I'm too much of a pig to have the name?" At this point I could have explained. But I had this bad feeling that the moment was past. You know? Like nothing I could possibly say was going to make this work. "How about if we just say this conversation never happened?" I suggested. "How about if I just turn and walk away?" "That would be a good idea.”
Days later, she apologized for not giving the impression that she was joking. Hell, I was happy that she had been okay with me, not me with her. I genuinely thought that I had offended her. And although later on, it would become a sort of inside joke between us, it was still an embarrassing episode I wanted to forget.
We barely made to class and took our seats just before the bell. Ms. Net, our Biochemistry teacher, was a young woman. She was always cranky and had a skewed sense of humor, but I guess she was a decent enough woman. On our trip to the Museum of National Science, she had been cool enough to let Wiley and I pair up. Honestly, you could say Wiley had chosen me, because there was no way I would’ve had the guts to-
“ARTHUR!” “Hughwugoah.” Considering the fact that Ms. Net had scared the shit out of me, I guess that was a reasonable sound.
“I’VE BEEN TELLING YOU TO GO TO YOUR TABLE-GROUP FOR THE PAST MINUTE!” she yelled, clearly alerting the class to my predicament. To my embarrassment, I could see Wiley already at our table, snickering her face off.
“Yes’m.” I could feel my ears and cheeks burning as I passed her desk. she slapped my chest with a couple of papers and groaned.
“This is your group assignment. Try NOT to zone out again, huh, Arthur? it’s too early for your bullshit.” Behind me, the class could not control their stupid little laugh session.
I sat down quickly and gave my group their papers. “I wanna die,” I moaned, looking at the ceiling and ignoring the snickers from my group mates: Taylor, Wiley, and Julia.
Lemme give you guys the 4-1-1.
Julia was the blonde ditz. Picture a blonde, mall-shopping, spray-tanning bimbo in your head and chances are your imagination conjured up a girl that looks and acts a lot like Julia. As for Taylor, it’s a little more complicated than that. We go way back. We’d been friends since we were in Velcros. We were what many would label “frenemies”; we would slam each other with insults and go the extra mile to prank or mess with one another, but were generally pretty decent people to one another. Both of us were only children (or in my case, only one in a family), so we became the siblings we never had for one another. Oh, and she was tall as fuck. “Art. Hey. Buddy. Wake the hell up,” Taylor said, snapping her fingers right in front of my face. I’d zoned out. Daydreaming of a sparkling conversation with the girl on my left. “What do you want, Taylor?” “Just wondering when you and Wiley were gonna hook up,” she said casually. She framed us with her fingers and nodded in approval. “Yeah, that’d be a cute couple, right Julia?” Julia smiled her big cheerleader smile. “Real cute!” She squealed. “Oh, come on guys. Knock it off,” I uttered nonchalantly, and glanced at Wylie, who was beet-red. Almost like… she was… “Is that a bwuuuussshhhhhhh??” Cooed Taylor in this sickening baby speak. Poor Wiley could barely get up and out of the classroom without tripping. I contorted my face to hide my own blush and to show my anger, which wasn’t all that hard considering I really did feel like giving them a piece of my mind. “What the heck, guys? She probably feels terrible for me, she can’t hook up with me, she probably has a boyfriend!” I exclaimed, panting. I didn’t quite know why I was feeling so jittery though. I chalked it down to a bad breakfast that I never had because there was absolutely no way… “She likes you, Art. And she doesn’t and has never had a boyfriend. Her aunt and uncle won’t let her,” she spit out indifferently. Nope. No way. Too good to be true. Yep. Had to be. Yep. “You… you’re lying,” I sputtered out. Julia shook her head and unlocked her phone. “Guys. So clueless!” I decided to ignore her comment and focus on Taylor. “Taylor… be straight with me, no jokes,” I pleaded nervously. “Do you really think that-“ “Arthur, tell me that you’ve finished your paper, or so help me god!” Ms. Net roared. I glanced down at my paper as the class began to snicker at me yet again. I hadn’t even put my name on it yet. Julia, however, raised her hand. “Yes ma’am, here’s my paper. We did it on a single sheet,” she said with a sweet and innocent smile. I glanced at the paper. All she’d written down was 2+2=5 and, knowing her, she probably thought it was true. Ms. Net gave me some serious stink-eye, but decided to let it go. “Well, alright then, but no more talking. I’m about to start the presentation,” she said, just as Wiley walked in with an unreadable expression. I couldn’t bring my eyes to meet her, though. Gravity does things to your eyes, am I right? She sat down quietly and after a few awkward minutes, she was back to her normal self. Funny, sweet, happy Wiley. After being assigned homework, I was so excited that I could barely pay any attention to it. “Art,” Wiley whispered tentatively, maybe even nervously. “You look like you’re having trouble with the homework.” I took a deep breath and attempted to relax my vocal cords. “Yeah, I am. Too bad I won’t have you around to help me, Einstein,” I whispered softly, gesturing at her paper. The girl was some sort of genius at Biochem; she’d already finished the 2 page homework. “Well,” she smiled with what seemed to be reddening cheeks, “You could always call me, you know, after school,” she smiled. She stuck her hand in her pockets and produced a little piece of paper with her name and number. It took all I had not to jump up and down and lose my mind. What a fine day it was turning out to be!
After Biochemistry, the day had practically zipped on by. I became so lost in my own world that I didn’t hear the bells to the next classes. It was only until the end of the day, in the last block with Taylor, that my world came crashing down.
We were just finishing up our project when she started talking of the days events out of the blue.
“I told you, she totally digs you, Art,” she teased. But then, her mood totally changed. Taylor leaned back into her chair and sighed heavily. “You do know that she’s moving, right?” she asked softly. I turned my head to look at her, unable to believe it. And from the way she was expressing herself, I knew she couldn’t have been kidding. You get to know people a decade and change. “No,” I squeak out after a few moments of silence. “She’s leaving some time at the beginning of the next school year.  I just thought you’d want to know that time is limited if you want to make a move, if at all,” she says carefully. I shake my head and look down. “Thank you for letting me know,” I whisper. She grabbed my shoulder from behind and gave me a quick pat. “Make your move, son, ‘fore it’s too late,” she said in a fake southern accent. I shook my head softly and left silently just as the bell released us.
I took the long way to the bridge, mulling over my conflicting emotions. I was glad that Taylor told me, and desperately disappointed that Wiley was leaving. However, something new, something warm found its way into and around my heart. My crush actually liked me back. Now that’s right out of a fairy tale, but like always, I never could, never would, have myself a happily ever after. After a lifetime of disappointment, I knew I couldn’t afford to let my hopes fly, just for another scar in my heart.
I spent the evening watching reruns of various TV shows, on a tiny television I had found behind Radio Shack a few weeks before. Even though the only way to get electricity to it was to hand crank a small power generator continuously, I appreciated the distraction it provided. The burning sensations my muscles generated kept my mind off what was actually troubling me.
It helped too much, I guess, because I didn’t even notice the car that pulled over on the edge of the highway my bridge passed over, nor did I notice the person that clambered out. What did catch my attention, though, were the words I heard. “Arthur? Arthur Brenner?” Called the school dean. The school dean! Legally, I wasn’t even allowed to go to school without a home address. I couldn’t control the panic I felt as she walked around, stilettos making echos that sent chills down my spine. She’s here to collect me, put me in the foster home system, move me away to a school way away. Oh, Universe, I thought sadly. Will you ever leave me alone? She turned on a flashlight and took a look around, peering at and inside the alcoves of the bridge. Just when I thought she was leaving, I looked up. I expected to feel relief, but what I did feel was my blood turn to ice when I saw her looking right at me, with steely black eyes. “Come with me, young man,” she yelled, her hand beckoning me to what I was certain was my doom. I had no option but to comply, and as I entered the car and closed the door, I couldn’t help but wonder if Wiley would miss me. I sincerely doubted it.
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braveskyered · 5 years
Knights (Part 2)
Part 1
Part 2: This Time I Might Just Disappear
Three Years Ago...
Here he is, riding a bus away from Tempo, Texas to... somewhere in the East. Arthur didn't bother planning that far ahead. All he has is a backpack full of various items and savings beside him, and a small travel cage containing Galahad in his lap.
He isn't exactly running away, he thinks. He already told Lance that he just needed some time alone and left, saying that he would call once he arrived at his destination. His uncle did try to stop him at first, but relented when Arthur tearfully begged him to just let him be alone for a while. He just needed some time to himself. Lance was still skeptical, but gave Arthur a hug, something he isn't known to do very often, telling him to rest and call him if he ever needed to.
Arthur couldn't bring himself to.
When he arrived at his so-called destination, after switching from one bus to another for the next two days, Arthur eventually arrived at a relatively large city called Cantabile in the state of Tennessee. A modest location, since the place had signs that boasted about the place being known for their musicians, chefs, and doctors. The weather is rather cool and overcast, so it didn't look too bad a place to stop. In reality, Arthur considered this place his destination after he got sick of riding on the bus for so long. That, and he needed to get some fresh shavings for Galahad's cage and food for the two of them.
Fortunately, the downtown area has little kiosks where tourists can get their hands on a free map, so finding a pet store that happened to be nearby is pretty convenient. He found the food, and then the shavings he needed for Galahad, and quickly changed them out with the help of a kind employee. With that done, he started to look around for a cheap motel he could stay at for the time being since the sun will start to set soon. He didn't dare check his phone for a suitable place, since he removed the sim card to prevent anyone from trying to track his location. Granted, he could still use it minus being able to call or send texts, but unless he has an internet connection, he wouldn't be able to use some of the more important apps. As far as Arthur is concerned, he's as homeless one could get unless he went back to Tempo, but he didn't want to return home. Not yet.
...Would be be able to start anew here or somewhere else outside Tempo? The Mystery Skulls clearly didn't want him anymore, and after the falling out with Lewis and Vivi, Arthur couldn't feel bothered to even try to mend things since everything was his fault it happened. Part of him felt bad about leaving Lance behind, but if he hadn't left Tempo, then Arthur might not be able to live with himself. Too many bad memories and guilt among other things that he just needed to get away from for a while.
He kept walking, his backpack secure with Galahad's cage in his arms. He kept his arms covered up with a thick orange jacket and black gloves to keep prying eyes from staring at the prosthetic that made up his left arm, and the injuries that covered his right arm, chest, and back. He looked around every now and then to keep a watch out for potential muggers with a cold sweat. If his backpack gets lost, then it'll be all over for him. Some thunder rang out in the air, and Arthur looked up to see that the clouds from earlier had turned darker and some rain is beginning to form. Cursing to himself, Arthur started to move a little faster, careful not to shake Galahad too much, and looked around in hopes of finding some form of shelter. Arthur then heard the sound of metal clanking together and drills being used, looking to his left, he blinked.
“Four of a Kind Queens Auto Repair and Parts,” Arthur quietly read. Rather interesting name for a repair shop. The place itself looked fairly well off, and with four garages full of cars that are currently being maintained, and a fifth one with its door closed. Must be a well known business if it's this busy for them. The rain started to get heavier, startling Arthur enough to run over to the shop's entrance and went inside, hearing a little bell chime. It wouldn't do either of them good if Galahad's cage got wet.
The place itself looked cozy for a mechanic's standards. The heat is on, which gave Arthur some much needed warmth. It even smelled like a typical mechanic's workplace, which did provide even more much needed comfort, even though he wouldn't be able to tinker with anything until he found a workplace himself.
“Hello, there! Welcome to Four of a Kind Queens!”
Arthur looked up and saw a somewhat elderly woman with snowy white hair tied into a braid, a stout yet fit figure while wearing an apron stained with oil looking at him from the reception desk.
“What brings you here today?” she asked, “An oil change? A problem with your car?”
“Ah, no...” he let out a breath he didn't know he had, “I just needed to get away from the rain.”
The old woman didn't respond at first, looking over him and his hamster with slightly narrowed eyes, a brow raised in thought. For a moment, Arthur thought she was going to ask him to leave until she straightened up to look at the window, “Ah. Yeah, the weather's been getting rather dreadful these past few days. A shame, really. That little sunshine we had earlier today was good while it lasted,” the old woman sighed, acting as if her studying him never happened, “Well, feel free to hang out until it lets up. There's a vending machine over there if you want snacks, and a water fountain if you need a drink.”
Arthur thanked the woman before settling down on one of the many chairs that were lined up against a wall with a long window showing the store's exterior. Placing his backpack beneath the chair he's sitting on for added security, he placed Galahad's cage down on the floor by his feet. He opened the cage door and scooped up the hamster with his left hand, then held him against his chest, giving him the affection Galahad missed out on. Galahad is thrilled, and quickly snuggled into the warmth. Arthur looked out the window and saw the rain pour down heavily as cars drove by.
Was it really a good idea to leave? Arthur isn't really sure, the only thing he had in his mind is that he just had to leave. Stay away from Vivi. Stay away from Lewis. Stay away from Mystery. Stay away from Tempo. It wasn't as if he had a destination in mind.
Maybe he really is running away, but in the end, it's what they wanted.
“Wait, what?” she turned.
He didn't remember exactly how the conversation played out, but eventually it exploded into a one-sided argument.
“If you're not happy here, then just leave!” he bellowed.
Better not think about it, then. Vivi and Lewis are better off without him.
Rubbing a finger against the sleeping Galahad's head, Arthur listened to the sounds of metal clinking, parts being added and removed, the saws buzzing... the shop is pretty busy. He wondered if anyone here could use a hand before scoffing to himself. Yeah, right, like they'd let a complete stranger like me tinker around their shop. He rolled his eyes in annoyance at the mere thought. He has to think things through, since sooner or later, he'll have to find a motel to stay in. Maybe that old lady from earlier could suggest one?
He closed his eyes to think.
Purple flames. The anger. The despair. The HATE!
Fuck, it's you I hate the most!
Arthur jumped awake with a cold sweat, thankful that he learned how to wake up without screaming long ago. When did he fall asleep? How long was he...? He looked down to check on Galahad, and saw that someone had put a blanket over him. Checking the cage, he saw that someone had also put Galahad back inside, the hamster happily munching on a piece of celery. He then looked at his backpack behind his feet under the chair and saw that it was left untouched. He rubbed his head to get rid of the brief drowsiness, then went to check on Galahad.
Unfortunately, the hamster has other plans. As soon as Arthur opened the cage door, Galahad dashed out and ran across the floor to the direction that leads to the garage holding the cars.
“Galaham, no!” Arthur got up to chase the hamster, “You can't go in there!” The hamster ignored him and went in, and while Arthur wouldn't have tried entering an employees only area, which is oddly quiet, he had to get the hamster out. Keeping an eye out for any potential hazards, Arthur went in to look for Galahad, and spotted the rodent running beneath a large blue van, the first among a line of cars side by side, where a mechanic was doing some work under it. Arthur watched with dread as the mechanic beneath the car yelped, their legs jumping in surprise. He heard the clatter of a tool being put down, and the person wheeled out from underneath, holding the hamster in their hand, revealing the mechanic to be a young woman.
“You little rascal,” she shook her head in annoyed amusement as she poked at the hamster's cheeks with her fingers, “What, that celery wasn't enough for you?”
“I-I'm so sorry!” the apologies started pouring out as Arthur came forward, catching the mechanic's attention, “I was trying to check on him and he ran off! I didn't mean to come in here, I just--!"
“Oh, you're the guy that was out in the waiting area,” the mechanic cut him off with a look of realization, holding out Galahad for him to take, “How are you feeling? I would've woken you after the rain stopped about half an hour ago, but Nana Niniane insisted that we let you sleep a little longer. She said you looked like you needed it.”
Arthur is thrown off by that. They just let a complete stranger sleep in their shop? What?
“Sir? Are you all right?”
He jumped, thoughts scrambling in his mind as he took Galahad back with a mumbled thanks. Thinking quick, he asked her, “H-how long was I asleep?”
“Eh...” she took out her smartphone from her breast pocket and looked at the screen, “I'd say maybe an hour and a half? Did you need to be somewhere?”
Arthur trailed off, not sure at where to proceed with the conversation, instead taking the time to actually take note of the woman's appearance. She looked a head shorter than him, somewhat thin with black coveralls with a white trim on, and has long black hair with one lone white streak tied to a single braid that reached her hips. The only thing that stood out from her face, which has some oil stains, is her pale blue eyes which, along with her pale skin, contrasted sharply from her hair. In other words, really pretty for a mechanic. He shook the thought from his head and looked at the van, knowing that he didn't have the right to be admiring one's appearance.
“W-what kind of maintenance are you doing with this?”
“Oh, this?” she tapped at the vehicle she was working on, “One of our regulars was thinking of buying this used car for his son, who's pretty tall. He wanted us to check to make sure everything's in good working order before making the final purchase from the dealership selling this. So far the frame looks good, though there's a minor repair needed for the flex pipe, but we've got everything needed to do that. I plan on leaving the engine, which does smell a little burnt, to my aunt Morgan, since she's better at that than me.”
“I can look if you want,” Arthur said before he could stop himself, “I-I grew up working at a repair shop, so I worked with cars a lot?”
“Really? Hmm...” she pondered for a moment, glancing between him and the van, mumbling something to herself. Nodding, she turned to him, “Well, it wouldn't hurt to have a second opinion since everyone else is out for their dinner break beside Mama Vivienne - you've met her - and myself. I'll let you have a look at it and I'll take responsibility. All I ask is that you can't take anything too far apart. You mind if I watch?”
“Yeah, just let me grab my backpack since all my tools are in there.”
In less than a minute, Arthur went and placed Galahad back in his cage, grabbed his backpack, and took it and the cage back to where the mechanic is. Setting Galahad's cage aside to a safe location next to a toolbox, Arthur took out some tools from his bag and went straight to work.
“Oh, yeah, now that I think about it, we never introduced each other, did we?”
Blinking, Arthur looked at her, feeling stupid that he didn't think of the same thing, “Um, no.”
“My bad,” she smiled and held out a hand, “I'm Elaine. Elaine Knights. What's your name?”
“...Arthur Kingsmen,” he made sure to take her hand with his right, “And that's my hamster, Galahad.”
“Oh, that's a wonderful name,” the mechanic, Elaine, smiled, her eyes showing admiration, “It's like a hero's. It suits you.”
Arthur couldn't respond to that with his voice, so he went back to checking on the engine, slightly embarrassed. She thinks his name suits him? Far from it, he believes. A hero doesn't run away with cowardice, do they?
Notes: Cantabile, Tennessee is based off of Nashville, Tennessee, which is also known as Music City in the United States, or at least it is to some. Cantabile is a type of instrumental music style meant to imitate the human voice, hence “singable” or “song-like.” Don't expect Cantabile to be like Nashville, though, it just served as the inspiration for Cantabile's name and to contrast with the city name Tempo, Texas, which is the main setting for Mystery Skulls Animated.
Knights Part 3
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