#Aoyama Nana
So if it isn’t clear, I’m not a fan of chapter 423 and how it ended this final fight with AFO or Deku's supposed save of Tomura. I know I haven't talked that much about it but it's true.
And being the arrogant little internet-er that I am, I thought I might go over how I think this fight should’ve gone down. A little self-indulgent thing about how I would've done it, to make myself feel better, which you guys can read too if for some reason you want to. Granted, the objectively correct way to end this arc would’ve of course been to not do the fight or bring back AFO, end it at 418 as I described before; but this outline is for if one were to really insist on a final battle with a returned AFO.
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Starting disclaimer; length: as mentioned in the above linked post, this is going to be quite longer than what we saw in canon. Some may say this is unfair to claim Hori should have done when he’s so clearly burnt out, but that’s just what the fight needs to be properly epic or properly conclude it’s dangling plot threads. Again, this is why ending it at 418 was the correct move. If we really are including this extra climax though, then it needs enough pages for it; which is why we’re going further than the entire manga might, up to chapter 430 plus an epilogue. (Wanted that to be including Epilogue but one chapter outline went long so I split it in two. Just the way things go.)
Pre-423 changes:
Surprisingly little. A part of me wants to change the ‘it was AFO all along’ reveal to be less dog-doodoo but I can’t imagine how. The reveal is bad; ruining many of MHA’s themes, several of its characters, and helping cement Deku as an All Might clone by ending his arc as a hero who beats the big bad AFO…but it’s also necessary for the extra climax to happen. AFO’s ability to take over Tomura is almost literally directly proportional to how bad the reveal is, so we’re kind of stuck with it.
However I would like to change Deku’s dialogue with Aizawa in 240 to not mention his plans of killing Tomura along with AFO up to now. His character just becomes unsalvageablely unlikable with the reveal that he was just looking for a way to murder the crying child in a way he found most tasteful this whole time. So we’re cutting that and Deku’s still aiming for the save like a good hero should. Just have him go into more detail on what happened in Tomura's mind; it'll be useful for Kurogiri to overhear for later.
Besides that, the early chapters of the final AFO fight were mostly fixable with later additions or otherwise inoffensive, so we’re moving on to:
423: On the Offensive
Once again, we start with Deku just landing a huge hit on AFO. Immediate change; the fight is not over with this: AFO manifests a huge mouth with sharp teeth on his chest right where Deku hit to chomp down and pin him before charging up an energy explosion point blank that’ll rip his arm off at minimum.
Deku escapes using a St. Louise Smash to scrape off the bottom row of teeth, letting his arm out and chasing that energy attack to mostly just propel him back into the ground.
Some hero comments how it’s like they’re back to square one while another denies that and points out AFO’s two new major injuries. Shoto takes the opportunity to try going for a major attack too; but AFO, furious that the heroes think he’s on the back foot, uses a quirk to launch the remaining sharp teeth at Shoto as missiles. Endeavor then swoops in and takes the hit for Shoto, surprising him with the sacrifice play but demoralizing the other heroes for their No. 1 to take a hit like that.
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Now needing to get back on the offensive, AFO pulls out the giant double rivot mouth move to try and chomp down on Deku while he’s reeling; but they get intercepted by Mt. Lady and Ryukyu. At this time, Aizawa notices Kurogiri has disappeared from beside him.
As Deku is helped up by Aoyama, we see Kurogiri reappear on a bit of elevated dirt behind them; and stepping out to comment on how much he’s missed is a dishevelled looking Spinner.
424: The League of Villains
We instead start with a flashback to Touya, Fuyumi, and Rei being taken away from the battle by those stretcher robots. While they’re a distance away from others, sparks appear from the droids carrying Touya as they halt in place; causing Fuyumi to panic and ask her and her mom’s droids to also stop so she can see what happened. As Rei and Fuyumi struggle to sit up, they see that Toga has thrown knives into both of Touya’s robots and is now cutting him out.
As Fuyumi panics and tells her to get away, a warp gate opens and lets out Spinner, who tells Dabi to get up because the inevitable has happened and AFO has started fighting Tomura; Kurogiri filled him in on the whole thing. Dabi responds, revealing he’s still awake, and attempts to get up with Toga’s help.
Fuyumi begins really panicking, telling them not to take her brother when he’s so injured and she just got him back. But Dabi responds, in an apologetic tone as one could expect of Dabi, that he’s got something important to do.
Rei finally takes the chance to pipe up, asking if these are the friends Touya’s been staying with. Touya introduces Spinner, Toga, and Kurogiri, and says that they are; and then introduces his mom and sister to the League.
Back at Mt. Fuji, Spinne, Toga, and Dabi arrive out of Kurogiri and take in the situation. Kurogiri, now awake for real but with some Shirakumo in his tone, comments that it seems AFO is back in control of Tomura, but that like he saw last time, AFO’s control is probably still precarious. They just need to wake up Tomura again before they think of a more permanent solution.
Aoyama panics seeing the League here, but Deku interrupts asking if they’re here to fight AFO and save Tomura. Toga answers by saying he can just sit back and watch them do his job before telling Kurogiri that he’ll need to play defence; neither the heroes or AFO have noticed them in the crowd yet, but they will not appreciate them being here once they do. As he does, she and Spinner start yelling at Tomura; asking why he left them behind to wallow in his self-pity while they’re still waiting on him to destroy this unfair world? Where’s their horizon?
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(maybe call back to this^ somehow?)
This grabs the heroes attention, some wondering if they need to fight them too. But then Dabi joins in, saying that Shigaraki was the one person to truly surpass All Might in power, so to see him a pawn of AM’s favourite punching bag is just sad; what’s with this embarrassing state, leader? Reminded at this sight of his own words to All Might in Kamino, Endeavor tells the other heroes to let the villains speak, while thinking to himself that he can finally see what relationship Tomura has with these villains like his son, and that he's glad he learned this about Touya.
AFO gets annoyed at the League’s insults and moves to attack, but finds his body shaking. In the back of his mind, Tomura stops screaming and appears behind AFO from the shadows, responding to the League’s call.
425: Secret Boss Battle
A fight begins at the centre of the mind between Tomura and AFO, the arena resembling the destroyed cityscape from when he first got the AFO quirk, but shrouded in darkness. Unable to really use their quirks in this space, they basically both resort to hand-to-hand combat and psychically throwing debris at eachother.
As they fight, AFO asks how Shigaraki awakened; his will should have been crushed with his identity as Tenko Shimura torn to shreds. Tomura affirms that he finds no will in the friends or dreams of Tenko Shimura, AFO has managed to treed on those things thoroughly; so instead he'll hold onto what is his own as Shigaraki Tomura. AFO balks at that; he moulded that identity even more thoroughly, implanted every idea in his head and guided his every decision; but Tomura reminds him that's not true, he left Tomura in the care of others many times. We then get both a flashback to Kurogiri comforting Tomura when AFO first died fightign AM, and a montage of flashback panels to his time with the League. Tomura exclaims that this is more than enough will to take on a shitty secret boss like AFO.
At this point, Shinomori appears and punches AFO hard in the face. He is proceeded shortly after by Ragdoll & various other costumed folk who follow up Shinomori with their own attacks. AFO asks if Tomura has caused a quirk rebellion like what happened to the 'other him' and Tomura answers: yes & no. The quirks are active in fighting, but they're not so much rebelling as just helping him subdue a rogue quirk, like what happened against Star & Stripe (he made sure to ask them though; need to know your party for the raid boss after all, and he'd been meaning to take stoke anyway). Or did AFO forget the dynamic of person & quirk between them?
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AFO responds by growing into a giant, elongated monster to fight back; furious that these pawns, husks, and nobodies think they have any right not only attacking the demon lord, but looking down on him. AFO knocks a dozen hero & villain vestiges back, but Tomura throws a whole mental building at him for his trouble. AFO emerges out the top trying to attack him, but gets intercepted by the vestiges of Kudo and Bruce; both of them look shattered and like they're missing half their pieces, but the rest are keeping shape to punch AFO as much as they can.
AFO's fury briefly flares seeing them, but he quickly realizes what their being here means, as he hated them too much to ever take their pathetic quirks. Tomura confirms by saying AFO has his own secret boss, pointing out a small light in the distance like a star that AFO immediately identifies as the last spark of Yoichi.
426: Two Fronts
The inner fight continues: AFO begins racing past everyone to try and claim that distant light, but this just allows vestiges both stolen and OFA to slam him into huge debris as he tries. AFO grows even larger to Machia-level size and swats them away, landing a good hit on Tomura, Kudo, & Bruce as he tells them to stop infringing on his story. Just he he goes for another blow though, he takes a hit from seemingly nothing.
Cut back to outside and it's clear that he just got hit by Momo & Denki's canon, now with Jirou helping too. Dazed and in disbelief, AFO is then also hit by Kamui Woods throwing many huge boulders at him. Rikido and Kirishima go for a big attack too, but AFO knocks them away as he regains himself.
Realizing that he's on a war of two fronts and losing, he implants himself with those large roots he seems to have, embedding them in the earth and spreading them out to disrupt and separate the heroes. He then uses more quirks to form a large shell around himself, and uses a more defensive All-Factor Release to launch a myriad of attacks from the shell's surface. Deku goes in to attack AFO from an opening on the shell, but he launches more attacks out of it at Deku & the League. With the roots and shell protecting AFO from most of the heroes, he left an opening on purpose so he can see the League and focus on destroying them, which will then let him subdue Tomura. Deku realizes this plan too, and changes course to deflect the attacks on the League.
More roots emerge, but other members of the class catch on; Shoto freezing some while Shoji grabs others, allowing the League to keep yelling for Tomura to fight. At this time, with assistance from Sero, Iida, Mineta, & Mina; Ruyukyu and Mt. Lady lady finally rip out those mouth stalks, leaving two great black indents in the shell. Enraged, AFO causes the shell to grow large with great teeth around it's opening and enlarge in size greatly, now resembling the imagery of ultimate evil from All Might's old description of AFO as it launches more attacks at Deku and the League.
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Deku tells the League to keep it up while he protects them, and we see side-by-side panels of both him and Tomura, bolstered by the League's words calling for his help, continuing their respective assaults on AFO.
427: Trust and Worth
We briefly see the other heroes attempts to get through the now-giant shell in between AFO's still-ongoing onslaught of attacks; Nejire and Amajiki's best attacks doing nothing, and Momo's laser barely putting in a scratch. Mirio says he got in, but his punches still can't phase the guy inside. Weird thing is, he didn't even notice a hero got in; so focused on Deku & the League. The attacks from the shell's surface seem completely random and haphazard too; he's ignoring them. Shoto points out that he basically can thanks to his defences, so does this mean they have to wait for someone who can do something? But Mirio rephrases it to that they need to wait for when they can do something.
Cut back to Deku and he's in a similar mental state. He's almost literally running on OFA's fumes and he's stuck on the defence protecting the League because he can't get into the shell through all the attacks, especially now that it's grown much larger and AFO is hiding deeper inside. It's anxiety inducing, he knows Bakugou would hate it. A part of him wants to try and think of a way to blast past the attacks, but he's not sure he could beat AFO in one hit so it might be too risky (if not for him, then for those behind him). Better to do some entrusting himself and leave this to Tomura until he leaves an opening or needs one himself, which Deku will know because he can see the fight in his mind through their connection.
But back at the mental battle; Shigaraki's confidence only enrages AFO, who grabs him in his giant hand and start squeezing. He taunts Tomura, asks if he really thinks someone who AFO built from the ground up can deny him? 'No, his pathetic friends will have their cries left unanswered forevermore, as punishment for entrusting their hopes to a pawn.'
Just then, another new player swoops in, busting right through the palm of AFO's hand to pull Tomura out. It's Hana Shimura! Who promptly tells AFO to shut up about her brother. The rest of the Shimuras also appear, with Kotaro denying the scope AFO's influence, apologizing to Tenko, and saying his abusive behaviour was his fault alone. Tomura pauses at seeing them, and says while he's in no mood to forgive his father, he promises to get them all out alive so he can grovel for forgiveness properly later.
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Nana also appears and asks how the Shimuras are here, which Nao answers saying AFO pilfered their quirks from their remains after their tragedy. Nana is horrified, but AFO can only say that he's beginning to regret letting his whims draw him to any worthless trash he found along his path. Shigaraki remarks back that he's finding plenty of worth in this so called 'trash'.
428: A New Strategy
As more vestiges go back on the offensive; the Shimura family take a moment for strategy, wondering how they can beat this giant monster. Nana wonders why AFO can even grow like this, but Tomura figures he must've done it by letting long-suppressed emotions run wild. He's fraying himself for a chance to reach Yoichi, but stronger emotions like from Tomura or his sister can tear right through him. It also means if they beat him, he'll either be gone for good, or unveil his own core like what happened with Tenko. Concluding this is enough strategy, Tomura leaps into the fray and deals a massive wound to AFO.
AFO is beginning to realize his situation in this two-front battle is not improving, but being so close to Yoichi, he reconsiders his priorities and his strategy to shut up the League. Luckily the reappearance of Nana reminds him of just the way to do it. Outside, Deku, Aoyama, and a few other students continue to protect the League as they call for Tomura and mock AFO, when something changes. The onslaught of random attacks stops, and instead the shell begins to glow, and then a massive force begins emanating from the shell causing gale force winds to blast everyone away. AFO has combined the energy explosion he used to kill Nana with Air Cannon & Shokewave and is using them continuously to create these winds. Using his explosion quirk like this might burn up all his stamina, maybe even kill him and Tomura, but he decides it's worth it to see Yoichi.
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The winds drown out the League, internally causing Shigaraki to think they might've just died, which in turn lets AFO pin him under his hand and start crushing him once more.
Deku, being blasted into a wall of dirt, realizes they can't keep up a passive strategy anymore, these winds will tear & burn everyone up. This is when a Warp Gate opens in front of his face, blocking the winds and letting him talk though it with the League, who are protected by a much larger Warp Gate. Spinner says they need a new strategy, but Deku gets distracted observing how Kurogiri's Warp Gates seem to be very effective against these winds by just warping the wind somewhere else. Before Dabi can properly express annoyance, Deku says he's got a plan; but he'll need the League's full cooperation, so are the willing to work with him? Dabi & Toga look to Spinner, who tells Deku...fat chance. He wants their help, he's the one who has to work with them. Deku agrees, so Spinner welcomes him to the League of Villains and asks for his plan.
429: All For One; One For All; All Or Nothing; One Last Smash
Deku and the League begin their operation. Kurogiri opens various Warp Gates around the area that a) give heroes places to take cover from the gusts of wind, and b) let him create his own jets of wind. He points all of them at Deku's back, launching the boy at the shell's opening. The force of each jet matches the force of AFO's wind, meaning multiple will overcome it. Granted, applying that much force to someone from both ends this way would crush most people, but Deku's got a body that can withstand OFA so this is nothing.
As he's launched at the opening, AFO notices his approach and creates giant sharp teeth to impale him; but Deku, being carried by the wind, is free to use another St. Louise Smash to destroy them and make his way in. AFO then tries a variety of other attacks inside the chamber of the shell, but a Warp Gate opens and a blast of ice freezes all of them, and we see Dabi commenting how there's nothing like a life or death situation to see how strong you really are (his mom's quirk packs quite the punch).
AFO then closes the shell to stop the League's interference, air jets or otherwise, and prepares another All-Factor laser pointed right at Deku. But just then, we see Shoto outside preparing a ramp, which Bakugou takes off from (that's right we see their team-up this time), using explosions to overpower the wind, break through the shell where team Momo scratched it, and blast away the charged up laser before it could fire. Now with line of sight inside back, another Gate opens with one of Toga's syringes shot through. Deku grabs it's cord, and uses it to launch himself back at AFO, finally landing the hit to knock off his gag.
Back inside the mental battlefield; AFO is so close to Yoichi and is dragging himself through the vestiges' attacks. Deku suddenly arrives across their mental link, and slams into the giant AFO. Truly desperate, AFO seems to almost puke up something from the hit that gets launched at Yoichi; it's trashbag baby AFO! Who's suddenly feeling a lot more honest, yelling for Yoichi about how much he needs him, how he only cares about him, just let him see his brother's face one last time.
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Shigaraki hears this and realizes what kind of person his sensei was all along, and decides what to do with a pity-ing look on his face and a nod from his parents. AFO's path is interrupted one last time by Tenko Shimura, who grabs him in a hug and tells him he understands his pain, but it's over, he needs to let go of this. The star-like light he'd been chasing turns into Yoichi's face, causing AFO to being to cry and relax into the hug, and the two boys fade into another tiny light that rests in Tomura's hand as he shows Deku & the vestiges. It's over.
430: What Makes Heroes and Villains
Deku asks what what Tomura will do with that last shred of AFO, and Tomura says he doesn't know. Part of him still wants to crush it, both out of anger & just to be safe, but that seems distasteful after what just happened. Just then, one vestige steps forth and asks for it, who Tomura identifies as Spearlike Bones; the Shigaraki twins' mother. She doesn't introduce herself as such, but says she knew AFO before he went evil, so give it to her and she'll keep it safe and out of trouble this time. Both Deku and Tomura agree, and then sit down to talk.
The scene shifts to a beach at night, they're alone, and they shift to their four and five-year-old selves. Tenko and Izuku talk for a bit like that, about...a lot of stuff. Mostly about heroes, about Dekuku, and what Tenko thinks of Deku. If Tenko feels saved (a bit yeah, but also a bit not), how Deku's a good hero, how he's a mediocre hero. How Tenko thinks all heroes suck and are failures, especially All Might, which riles 4-year old Izuku up good...but also how, as the first hero that Tenko doesn't think is a failure who sucks, Deku is the greatest hero ever.
Izuku asks what Tenko will do now, and he says he'll do what he said before; be a hero for the villains, as only a villain can. That said, Tomura doesn't really want to fight Deku anymore if he can avoid it; so he's prepared a peace offering, and a message. The peace offering appear to Izuku as a meteor shower in the night sky, accompanied with a shot outside the mental world to show Shigaraki standing over an unconscious Deku with Tomura's hand pressed agianst him. The message gets blacked out a la Dabi. Izuku, suddenly a teenager is shocked and turns to ask what he means, but finds instead Shinomori asking what what means? Deku has been given the quirks from OFA back, although they are all in pieces aside from Danger Sense, hence them appearing to him as a meteor shower.
We cut to various scenes with villains; Skeptic in a police carrier, Spinner's advisors and a couple other rioters being held in custody, Compress in prison, Redestro in another prison, and even Gigantomachia, once more being tied down even as he holds his hand to the wound AFO gave him. They all see above them a tiny blotch of blackness like Kurogiri's mist.
Back at Mt. Fuji, Tomura finally emerges from the shell of ultimate evil carrying Deku. Lemillion is first on the scene and tells Tomura to hand him over; and is quite shocked when Tomura does just that without issue. Says the two of them made friends and sorted it out in there so don't worry. Toga also tells Mirio to relay a message to Deku that she'll be keeping an eye on both him and Uraraka from here, so keep up their progress together. Other heroes arrive and surround them slowly, not sure what move to make. Iida is the one who finally tells them to come quietly and let this end.
Tomura agrees to let this all end, and Spinner & Toga both ask what they're doing now? Going out in a peaceful way, or a villainous way? Tomura says both; that they'll be performing what may be their final act of villainy, before asking if Kurogiri has a big enough place picked out. Kurogiri confirms he does, and opens a Warp Gate for the League.
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At this time, those other villains we saw earlier start getting Gloop Warped away from custody. As the League step through Kurogiri, a number of heroes suddenly move to stop them. Deku barely regains a bit of consciousness and tells them not to attack, causing a few of his classmates to pause. No one is fast enough to stop the League anyway, and Kurogiri disappears behind them. The League are gone.
The chapter ends with police, prison managers, and heroes all reporting in. Besides Dr. Garaki and Overhaul who got left behind, every villain bigger than a small time crook they had in any form of custody throughout the entire country has disappeared.
431: Class 1A Rising
The obligatory Epilogue chapter. As I expect canon, this would probably be extra long and cover a lot of different plot threads. It'll also be very different based on how Hori wants to take things; but I'll go the simple route.
First things first is catching up with all the hero kids in the hospital. Friendship moments, decompression, comments on character arcs, that sort of stuff. We also learn Tomura's final message to Deku, which he relays to everyone else, student and pro: The heroes have attacked the League three times now. If they attack a fourth time, the villains will return to destroy Japan. But if they don't, the villains will never return.
We then get narration of the immediate aftermath of this announcement; heroes throughout the country search high and low for any signs of Shigaraki & the disappeared villains for months. In a similar case to when they hunted for Stain, this results in heroes finding a lot of injustices they'd normally overlook to catch bigger villains; lost children, domestic abuse, prejudice, that sort of thing. Still, for those entire months, no villains more dangerous than some corner store robbers are found.
Speaking of the heroes, an emergency ranking is conducted; naming Kamui Woods as the new number one, with the rest of the Lurkers as No. 2 & 3. The previous top 3 have all retied (maybe Endeavor dies from that tooth attack he took for Shoto, idk.) Additionally, Mirio, Nejire, & Tamaki have taken the no. 8, 9, and 10 slots, and vow to catch up and rise even higher. Still, there's not a lot of interest by anyone involved; seems everyone has their eyes on the next generation.
There's a few more scenes of loose ends getting tied up like Overhaul waking up Pops or Gentle & Nagant getting status as heroes before we finally return to UA The kids' 2nd year finally begins for real. it's jarring to be sure, but time must go on and so too must education. Besides, a lot of them have started thinking after that war that they need to consider what kinds of heroes they want to be. Deku's falling behind with his shattered OFA not yet showing signs of healing, if that's even possible, but he's confident he'll catch up once again. Perhaps this is where we'd see out final moments with the core cast, checking in with everyone here as they all get ready for their next lesson/mission as heroes. If Hori wanted a more overtly 'to be continued' ending (though I imagine he would not), perhaps we might see where the villains ended up in some sense, building up a future conflict. Or perhaps we might skip forward years into the future, see the kid as pros and end on that kind of uncompromising 'Happily ever after'. Depends on how much open-endedness is preferred.
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Either way, there's my conclusion. I won't say it's perfect or anything; I'll even admit I may have gotten the League more involved than would ever be realistic (or maybe it's more like I may not have involved the Deku's class enough). But I like to think I got some cool plot beats in, some cool reveals, I'm more proud of the call back to All Might's ultimate evil imagery than it may deserve; but most importantly, the villains end this war alive and saved. Tomura got to be the hero for villains; and I'd say Deku, between getting his save off and not being the focal point of the win, came out looking a lot less like an All Might clone or the next pillar, and just looking a lot like a better hero than in canon in general. That's what I feel anyway.
Regardless, writing this whole 'what-if' out did in fact make me feel better about 423. So my self-indulgent ramblings were worth that much at least.
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gonzabasta · 1 month
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judgingbooksbycovers · 4 months
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A Perfect Day to Be Alone
By Nanae Aoyama.
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dane-zaboravim · 5 months
—Zar ti znaš značenje moga imena?
—Chi je od chie – pamet, mudrost, a smisao je da ta pamet sazrije, poput octa.
—Lijepo ime.
—Ali te pameti još nema.
—Jesi li sigurna?
—Naravno. Nema je. Ili možda ipak. Kod tebe sam ovdje naučila da na posudu, ako joj poklopac okrenem naopačke, mogu staviti još jednu posudu.
—Nije loše.
—Naučila sam još i da se ljudi mijenjaju. I to baš u onim stvarima za koje ne bismo željeli da se promijene. A ono, što bismo kod njih rado promijenili, ostaje isto. Voljela bih imati pamet koja bi to učinila obrnutim.
—To je nemoguće.
Prekrasan dan da budeš sam, Nanae Aoyama
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mishy-mashy · 24 days
Probably not gonna match with when this comes out translated, but still—just a few things I liked about BNHA 423
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I think Bruce gets a lot of bad angles. This is an example (but it's okay honey, you're still hot stuff)
Unfortunately, I have a favorite. It's Bruce. The most Normal Guy™ in the vestige line up. And the special-est sopping wet cat for Kudo ever (Yoichi is a dry cat because at least Kudo remembered to take Yoichi inside).
The vestiges were all gearing for a punch, but Tomura/Tenko is reaching out.
The rest of the users usually use OFA to punch, is the general idea we see. But Tomura/Tenko's Quirk isn't that.
Tomura/Tenko reaching his hand out to grab, and the vestiges readying a punch—it's their ways of putting the hurt on.
And Tomura/Tenko knows what happens if he puts his fingers on someone. He was aiming for AFO's head too. Guy was pissed.
I like that the vestiges look like they're crawling out of hell (or the depths) here. Technically for OFA itself, which they embody, being in AFO's realm was hell. It meant they failed their collective goals to win against AFO, and keep OFA [Yoichi] out of his possession
Also, they're all embers of who they once were. If Factors embodied their personalities, these embers are the leftovers of that embodiment. Their eyes are blank.
And even when they're only shattered fragments of themselves, they came for AFO to take him down.
They really embodied that purpose. Even as husks of themselves, or sad leftovers that scattered from their destroyed Factors, they still reached forward to clock AFO one last time.
They were that determined, and that determination was all that was left of them.
Meanwhile, with Yoichi, his itty bitty remains continued trying to talk sense into his brother till the end.
Yoichi has such a bleeding heart. But he also loved his brother.
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AFO is standing in the dark. But in that dark, there's a light. It's Yoichi, as if he were the light at the end of the tunnel.
AFO chased OFA for decades, and ruined a lot of lives, just to have Yoichi by his side again.
Joining hands with Garaki; killing Banjo, En, Nana; forcing the creation and upbringing of Tenko; the whole Shimura incident; everything he did to UA and the Aoyamas to get close to the wielder of OFA [Yoichi]. He did all that, and more.
He just wanted the chance to have Yoichi with him again. That was his purpose in obtaining OFA this whole time.
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Yoichi was AFO's light at the end of the tunnel.
Too bad for AFO, the light at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train.
Yoichi is telling AFO what happened, but I love that in front of Yoichi, AFO became himself. I mean, not a mass of scar tissue, but who he originally looked like
Idk, there's just something symbolic about it?
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Midoriya calls AFO a lonely man. And Yoichi comes to him, and AFO says he wants Yoichi by his side. He wouldn't be lonely if that were the case. Yoichi could make him not lonely anymore.
And the lonely man, a bundle of scar tissue from his warpath to see Yoichi again, reverts to a time he had no injuries or scars. He looks like the period of time where he and Yoichi lived in the same era.
In front of Yoichi, he's just.. himself, I guess is how to put it. Not a mass of scar tissue, or the evil villain everyone feared: he's literally just Yoichi's "Nii-san".
It's like, the scar tissue shed itself to reveal AFO's true face.
He wants to see Yoichi's face, and ended up showing his own without even meaning or thinking to.
He's finally looking straight at Yoichi, trying to see his face. It's not like when Yoichi was alive, when AFO always looked down on him, and just waited for him to bend to his will.
Now, AFO has little time left with Yoichi, and he's lost his composure for it, wanting to see Yoichi as more than an ember. But maybe he got to the point he only ever saw Yoichi for his Factor, rather than the Factor for Yoichi: how often has he said he was chasing One For All, instead of his younger brother?
AFO wanted to see Yoichi's face, but when he saw Yoichi next to Kudo... yeah, he lost his mind a bit there. Probably (Definitely?) because he saw Kudo's Ability, and Kudo with Yoichi. And Kudo is "to blame for everything".
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Maybe he lost it seeing Kudo and Yoichi together, because it was a repeat of the past, I suppose?
(Technically, he did see Yoichi's face one last time already. Just that he also saw the bastard Kudo's face again too. And AFO did not like that.)
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brewsbrownies · 1 month
dfo haters who say the theory doesn't make sense are so funny to me cause like- you're telling me that dabi being toya todoroki, tomura being nana shimura's grandson, kurogiri being aizawa's dead best friend from high school, izuku being able to withstand 7 super enhanced quirks without becoming brain dead like a nomu, afo meticulously planning out how he was going to take in and groom tomura into being his successor, afo involving himself with the aoyamas and so on and so forth makes complete sense but the thought that afo could be related to izuku even with all the evidence spread throughout the entire series makes non? :/ even though it would literally FIX some of the plot holes in the series?
I'm not even crazy about this theory or care too much if it ends up not being confirmed but at this point I think it would make more sense if it ended up being the case since it seems like every major character in the series has some deep compelling meaning to the plot and izuku being only some random quirkless kid (who happened to be diagnosed by afo's right hand man) that just so happened to be noticed by all might and offered ofa just doesn't cut it anymore with everything going on. I could go on about how this really isn't as far fetched as everyone thinks or how it could benefit the story but idrc enough to do that rn
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winters0689 · 14 days
Characters who SPECIFICALLY should be the ones to kill AFO
TW: Language
Listen there are so many characters (basically almost all of the characters) deserve to kill him but these are the ones who definitely deserve to do it.
1- Yoichi Shigaraki
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Poor dude ended up with an obsessive brother who gave him his name because he was his first property!!!! Genuinely I feel so bad for him it’s not his fault AFO became obsessed with him to the point of wanting to wanting One For All just so he could have Yoichi back like seriously Yoichi should absolutely demolish AFO
2- Tenko Shimura (aka Tomura Shigaraki)
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I’m using Tenko’s photo because truly he should be the one to kill him. Sure Tomura should also destroy him but Tenko deserves it more (I know they are the same person but they are at different points in their life) like Tenko deserves so much better
3- Yuga Aoyama
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Honestly the Quirk that AFO gave him is enough reason for him to demolish him. He has been manipulated for his entire life and was forced to be a traitor by him. I can’t wait for the anime when he attacks AFO
4- Toshinori Yagi
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Honestly AFO should’ve stayed out of the story after the Kamino Arc. He killed All Might’s mentor and caused his injury which led him to using the rest of One For All to take down AFO. So having that fucker return and be essentially the final boss is so upsetting like if I was All Might I would be so angry
5- Oboro Shirakumo and Shota Aizawa
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A two for one. Oboro lost his life because AFO (okay it was Garaki technically but he was doing it because of AFO) wanted to have Aizawa’s Quirk and he ended up dying so he absolutely deserves to kill him and Aizawa also deserves to destroy him because he was the target (I swear if I had a nickel for every time an evil organization wanted Aizawa’s Quirk I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but weird that it happened twice, right?)
6- Izuku Midoriya
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I mean he already did it but still it was deserved. Honestly Midoriya should’ve also demolished him with words as well as killing him. So glad he took him down.
There are honestly so many characters I could’ve included (Grand Torino, Nana Shimura, Basically all One For All users, Present Mic, all of UA, etc) but these six (technically seven) are definitely the ones who should have been (and were) the ones to destroy that fucker.
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class1akids · 6 months
Now that AFO is (hopefully) done, I really hope that Deku vs Shigaraki will manage to integrate Toya vs Shoto and Toga vs Ochako fights into the main plot in a meaningful way, so they don't feel like personal side-quests, but essential contributions to the final win, connecting all the Saviour Squad narratives, the way Bakugou connected all the vs AFO efforts.
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Right now, from a utilitarian point of view, killing Toga and Toya on sight instead of saving them would have made more sense for the overall fight. Toga with the clones disrupted many battlefields and Toya escaping to Gunga took Endeavor out of the AFO fight.
So we saw the negative consequences, and I hope in order to change the mind of the civilians, the decision to save them will deliver a positive pay-off in the end.
If we look at Tomura's criticisms against hero society, these fights are direct examples of hero society changing:
Criticism 1: Heroes hurting their family
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Answer: We have Shoto who saves BOTH his family and strangers:
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In fact, choosing to save his family gives him the upgrade he needs to save strangers.
Criticism 2: Pretending not to see those heroes couldn't protect
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Answer: Ochako refusing to ignore Toga's pain
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Criticism 3: Passive civilians, dependent on being coddled
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Answer: we see journalists, business students telling the story, we had Rei, Fuyumi, Natsuo actively run into the fire, we had "wishing energy", the doctors protecting patients, etc.
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Criticism 4: This whole system has always rejected me
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Answer: of course, Deku himself is actively trying to save Tomura
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Now to pull it all together into a coherent whole - Shigaraki is the biggest threat created by the old hero society. So the changing hero society should all contribute to him being saved.
Option 1:
One way these fights can play into Tomura's narrative is simply learning about the fate of his allies (whether from Deku or better, seeing the Gunga aftermath play on the screens somewhere) and realize that hero society is changing. (For me, this is the weaker option)
Option 2
It would be maybe more tangible for Toga and Touya to physically come and help along with Deku's allies. I'm thinking of a scenario where Tomura is able to unleash a wave of Decay (maybe after Deku says on camera that he wants to save him). Cue in civilians faith wavering in Deku. Decay was something the heroes had no answer for in the PLF war.
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However, Ochako's "remote Float" and Shoto's Phosphor (or maybe a new, fire-sided version of it that can melt rocks) could be effective counters. It would be cool and symbolic if Ochako and Toga using Ochako's quirk together and Shoto and Toya (and maybe Endeavor) together would stop the wave of destruction, offering a convincing, livestreamed pay-off for saving villains, without interfering in Deku's fight too directly or threatening to outshine him.
It would also show society that there is more than just OFA between them and total destruction. (I think it would be a good use of Warp Gate, and getting pay-offs for power-ups like Mina's or Aoyama's too).
Toga showing up in person would be also a good way also for Tomura to remember his promise, give him another reason to stop:
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Not sure how Spinner and Mr Compress could play into this scenario, but I think they could also fit in some way.
I hope I'm not going to jinx it, I'd just like to see it come together all in an organic, satisfying way.
(Obviously, other things should also play a part - Deku's personal efforts to save Tomura is going to be the main driver, and Nana may get a part to play to the answer to "destruction of everything stemming from that house).
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gentrychild · 2 years
For the ask game:
Izuku can see and interact with quirks as entities separate from their hosts.
1 - Izuku has always been able to see quirks, like ghosts haunting their holders, but he has learned to shut up about it because everyone calls him a liar. It's hilarious because quirks have no sense of social boundaries and will casually reveal the deepest secrets ever while Izuku is trying to keep a straight face.
2 - Kacchan is Explosion's nickname and Bakugou is called Katsuki. Bakugou is very confused as to why Izuku is switching between names for seemingly no logical reason.
3 - OFA is full angelic eldritch. Izuku took one look at this quirk and SCREAMED. OFA, very confused that someone could notice him, screamed back. But the good news is that OFA can bring different vestige to the front and Izuku had been acting as an interpreter for Nana to speak with All Might and Gran Torino.
4 - Here is how the conversation between Shouto and Izuku at the Sport Festival happened:
Shouto: [tragic backstory noises]
HHHC: *full sobbing*
HHHC: *wails of despair*
Shouto: "So, are you All Might's secret lovechild?"
Izuku: "..."
Izuku: "Hey, Todoroki, do you take constructive criticism? BECAUSE HOW ABOUT YOU JUST BE NICE TO YOUR QUIRK???"
5 - "Hey, Aoyama, I don't want to pry but... how come your quirk told me it was kidnapped?"
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doodlegirl1998 · 9 months
At this point, Hori should have just made Bakugou the main fucking character if he was going to have All Might die like this.
What a slap to the fucking face this is to Izuku
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋,
A complete slap in the face and it gets worse the more I think about it.
Bakugou is the one responsible for tormenting Izuku for his whole childhood. Izuku was always looked down upon and Bakugou placed above him. This hasn't changed.
Bakugou is canonically quirkist against quirkless people - that has shown no evidence of changing in fact if you remember his comment about Aoyama ("A quirkless person given a quirk sounds like someone we know") - I bet it hasn't!
Bakugou insulted ALL the OFA holders to AMs face, AM himself behind AM's back as well as both Izuku and Nana in front of AM.
So why is it Bakugou who gets two tributes given to him by quirkless All Might and not Izuku? Izuku his successor and defacto son, remember him?
Izuku can not have anything without Bakugou ruining it.
Now he can't even have his bond with AM without Bakugou once again overshadowing him in what seems to be AM's final moments...
I am livid.
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pansexualkiba · 2 months
All for One became harrowed as he remembered against his will the day he met Inko... She was fresh out of law school, and had the cutest dimples he'd ever seen...
And then... For the first time in many years, he remembered seeing Shimura Nana smile on a television, the day he realized SHE possessed One for All... That hairstyle... Those dimples... That bod...
I'm sorry, Aoyama spoke up, Do you mean to tell me you were into Midoriya's mom because she LOOKED LIKE A USER OF ONE FOR ALL?
"So, I spiked Sensei's pre-pep rally energy drink with that weird hippie tea that makes your third eye prolapse or whatever." Shigaraki casually revealed.
Dabi slowly looked away from his Minecraft game. "Why?" He asked incredulously.
Shigaraki shrugged.
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kitsunefyuu · 6 months
Hear me out, AFO in the recent chapter talks about Kudo and how he killed his entire family, women, children, anyone who was a blood relative and even friends. He massacred anyone who even interacted with Kudo. Then you have Nana Shimura, which it’s confirmed that AFO was the one who killed her husband and her family, which is why she desperately sent her son away. Yet even after that AFO still toyed with them and created Tomura.
It’s safe to assume AFO has a pattern and killed or tortured everyone close to the users, third, fourth, fifth even sixth. (Prob in his mind cuz they took Yoichi away, so he can take their families away too).
Then you have Izuku. The weakest user (in the beginning) and he had a lot of chances to kill him. I mean MULTIPLE CHANCES to kill him or even Inko. Inko is defenceless, weak and she’s living her daily life without care. It would have definitely destroyed Izuku. Why didn’t he? Especially when he’s done it before? Didn’t he say he wanted to make Izuku angry which is why he toyed with bakugo? Why not kill his mom? If hisashi was some random dude, why not kill him in America or smthin? It makes no sense? ¬_¬
As it makes absolutely no sense that Izuku despite being the newest user never once has his family targeted. Like Inko wasn't even offered any protection and yet never once did AFO ever attack her. It isn't like he can't get the information out of Aoyama. Just be friendly and pass on who the mom is.
He hurts Bakugou to make him mad yet never ONCE harmed his actual family member. Anyone he 'harmed' that was close to Izuku seemed to be specifically those he despises personally.
This man RUINED and DESTROYED the lives as well as happiness of every precious OFA user. Nana tried to have a happy family and life yet it was taken away. Her husband god damn murdered leaving her a single mom and forcing her to give up her kid. Destroyed EVERY connection that Kudou had and it a clear pattern.
But sure, he just never pondered even once using a TEENAGE BOY's mother. A giant ass target and could have been used as a reasoning for why Toshinori thought himself the only capable user. As he had no family or loved ones to target besides Nana another user. Imagine poor Izuku, hell the only reason Toshi wanted a successor was because he THOUGHT All for One was dead.
He likely was constantly afraid of something like that happening once learned that evil man is alive and not six feet under.
So please Horikoshi why the hell did you make Inko prominent yet also never had her being targeted? If the dad just some random dude why isn't he dead or killed? We need these questions answered because other wise this man 'evil' is VERY inconsistent.
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shxugx · 8 months
my theory academia
also known as “what i wrote in my notes app to explain my mha theories to my wife, who knows the bare minimum of mha lore”
* manga spoilers ahead *
SO i begin with Red Shoe TheoryTM
Red Shoe Theory is basically the idea that Izuku’s trademark red shoes are a specific brand made for quirkless people.
The doctor in episode one explains that quirkless people are biologically different than quirked people. one of the differences is they have a second toe joint in their toes. a very specific and odd thing to include, but go off i guess
then we see izuku’s ugly ass (affectionate) red shoes. he wears the same damn shoes since he was a kid to literally current day. no one else in the series has this type of shoe and he wears them with everything.
theory is basically bc of the toe joint, they have to wear specific shoes to accommodate.
now: this is kinda a dumb theory by itself. however, i lied when i said only one character in the series wears them.
there is two.
introducing the Shigaraki was Quirkless theory.
HandJob McGee is the only other character that wears these red ass shoes. but they’re not just red. they’re fucking identical to izuku’s. again, not super compelling at first.
until you take in account the UA traitor, Aoyama Yuuga.
he was quirkless. his parents, rich and stupid, asked AFO to give him a quirk. he gives him Naval Laser and now basically has his family enslaved and forces him to be the traitor.
something odd about aoyama’s quirk (besides that is fucking stupid) is that it hurts him. not in a “worked out too much” way but in a “can barely use it” way. he gets better with training but he can barely handle using it for a few seconds without being in pain and he is RELIANT on support gear, something people with quirks are taught not to rely on as it is a handicap in case their gear is destroyed. he has no choice and has to wear it because otherwise the fuckin bitch leaks n shit
there are two other characters who’s quirks hurt them like this. izuku and his liquified bones, who we also know was quirkless
and shiggy.
all the characters we have seen that have toxic quirks have a natural immunity or defense against it to protect them (IE: kacchan and fire, mina and acid etc)
however, shigaraki is literally flaking away. we also know that he was originally Tenko shimura and had black hair and black eyes. now tho, he has white hair and red eyes and his skin is so dry he scratches constantly.
his quirk is decay.
his body is slowly decaying itself as a reaction to the quirk because it’s not supposed to be there. he’s basically turning albino.
now. this i feel like is too obvious to not be canon but *shrugs*
AFO manipulated and groomed baby Tenko bc he’s a petty ass bitch
AFO forced decay onto bb tenko, causing him to accidentally kill his family, and be the one to find him after to “save him”, and it was planned every step of the way.
So this is easier just to go in order of tragic events.
Yoichi Shigaraki, first user of One for All, brother of All For One, so obviously All For One is a shigaraki.
Nana Shimura. Seventh user of one for all and All Might’s beloved mentor.
All Might, who is still alive and who AFO hates.
Nana Shimura. Also known as Tenko Shimura’s grandmother.
nana is dead. bc afo fucking killed her.
all might is not dead and is proving to be afo’s biggest asshole to date.
all might continues to be heartbroken about nana’s death to current day. it’s no secret how important she was to him.
afo, an immortal petty bitch, thinks hmm how can i make all might suffer the most.
oh i know.
finds her quirkless grandson and says “hey lil boy i can give you a quirk! :D”
tenko, 4 and stupid, “omg really!! :D”
afo, *gives tenko a super fucking destructive quirk*
*sends him home*
(note: he could have also have it to him without tenko knowing it happened idk. the details are flexible but the main point it the important thing here)
tenko, fucking accidentally kills his entire family bc how was he supposed to know better.
afo, is immortal and rich so has people watching to make sure no one gets close to the boy and he swoops in to “save him”
proceeds to groom him and traumatize him by making him wear his fucking dead family’s hands on his body to constantly remind him he is a killer and evil and afo will be the only one to be kind and care about him
afo brainwashes tenko into forgetting what happened and who he used to be (through grooming, gaslighting, etc) and now he only knows himself as tomura shigaraki.
plans to make him basically the successor to afo and be what kills one for all/ all might is sick poetic fuckery of all might being killed by his mentors grandson.
(also adds a reason as to why nana is the only female user. to show that she is important to the story beyond just being a past user/mentor)
now this next theory has less of a hold bc of lack of evidence but i personally head canon it to be true.
Dad for One
basically. midoriya izuku’s dad, midoriya hisashi is actually AFO.
he left when izuku was diagnosed as quirkless which could be considered hypocritical considering he sought out tenko but i think afo is a dramatic bitch and wanted to fuck with all might but ALSO
tenko is older than izuku by at least a few years, so he would have already had that plan in motion and may have stuck around just to see if izuku developed a quirk worth stealing or not and decided he wasn’t worth it. or could have also just not been able to get away with using him bc of inko and the bakugous. or a little of all that idk. (i GUESS it’s possible that he also actually did care about izuku and didn’t want to hurt him but i meeeannnnn idk man i wasn’t there)
* horikoshi has confirmed that izuku’s dad would be revealed before the end of the series and we kinda don’t have many options left here (at least i saw something that said that at one point, could be bs but STILL his dad is one of the last mysteries of the show)
* afo’s fuckin face is destroyed so we can’t see any resemblance BUT Yoichi looks INCREDIBLY similar to izuku
* it honestly makes the story super fucking interesting?? like izuku is the son of afo, born quirkless, given the quirk one for all by all might, all might basically becomes dad might, and izuku is the one to take his father down with the help of the previous users (including his uncle yoichi) in an incredible poetic justice loose end tying satisfying ass ending
i also wanna add that the Dabi is Touya Todoroki theory being canon gives credibility that this story has a thing for the family drama plot line and why wouldn’t they use it in the main characters storyline?
in conclusion, i held my wife hostage for a solid hour and a half to explain these to her, not dissimilar to this meme;
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and i wanted to share it bc i worked too hard on it to just delete the note lmfao
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dane-zaboravim · 5 months
Svakoga je dana puhao hladan vjetar. Poslije posla bih se omotala šalom, stavila kapu i navukla rukavice te brzim korakom napustila zgradu. O božićnoj rasvjeti, koja me svake godine živcirala, pomislih da veseli ljudi u njoj možda i uživaju, ali to je bilo sve; mene je ona ostavljala ravnodušnom.
Prekrasan dan da budeš sam, Nanae Aoyama
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deusvervewrites · 9 months
CE: "I've decided that people with Quirks cannot consciously use magic because their Quirks' Plus Alpha elements mess with the flow of mana in their bodies so all it does is somewhat enhance their Quirks, something that would be hard to notice given the other physiological changes involved" this brings up the question of, if Izuku learns magic before getting OFA, would OFA prevent him from using magic? Or, would OFA be modified by magic/CEs because of everything? (I still like the idea of Izuku being able to bring the vestiges into the real world because the Nana/toshinori reunion would be sweet)
Ah yes, One For All and All For One, the two biggest rulebreaks of the MHA Power System. I too thought about this, and I have concluded that Quirk Transference does not seem to bring the Plus Alpha with it considering Midoriya and Aoyama's struggles with their Quirks. So if Midoriya received One For All, he could still use magic, but Shimura could not have because of Float. (And also she was a few years dead by that point but you know what I mean)
This also means that transferred Quirks do not receive any magical boosts, interestingly.
(Get fucked All For One. Even if you did get CE'd you wouldn't get magic lmao)
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alilixx · 1 year
fanfic characters x reader
I would also write fanfics about the actors (they are mostly the ones playing the characters on the list)
Here is my list:
Harry Potter:
Severus Snape:
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Barty Crouch Jr.
Bellatrix Lestrange
Lucius Malfoy
Character I'm not sure I do:
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Tom Riddle 
Regulus Black
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Fantastic Beasts:
Albus Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald
Minerva McGonagall
Lord Percival Graves
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Hogwarts Legacy:
Phineas Nigellus Black
Sebastian Sallow
Aesop Sharp
Mirabel Garlick
Ominis Gaunt
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Grand Theft Auto:
Michael De Santa
Trevor Philips
Franklin Clinton
Niko Bellic
Steve Haines
Lester Crest
Agent 14
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Kakashi Hatake
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Minato Namikaze
Tobirama Senju
Senju Hashirama
Inuzuka Hana
Mitarashi Anko
Kushina Uzumaki
Kiba Inuzuka
Uchiha Shisui
Yujito Nii
Ôtsutsuki Indra
Ôtsutsuki Asura
Uchiha Obito
Mei Temurî
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Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Boruto Uzumaki
Konoha-Maru Sarutobi
Sakura Haruno
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Jujutsu Kaisen:
Yuji Itadori
Utahime Iori
Masamichi Yaga
Inumaki Toge
Okkotsu Yûta
Sheko Ieiri
Yuki Tsukumo
Toji Fushiguro
Gong Shi Woo
Atsuya Kusakabe
Ieri Shôko
Zenin Mai
Zenin Maki
Gojo Satoru
Megumi Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Mei Mei
Kento Nanami
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Assassination Classroom:
Tadaomi Karasuma
Irina Jelavic
Koro Sensei (human)
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One piece:
Portgas D.Ace
Don Quijote Doflamingo
Roronoa Zoro
Sanji Vinsmoke
Trafalgar Law
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Agatha Harkness
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Yelena Belova
Loki Laufeyson
Sylvie Laufeydottir
Matt Murdock
May Parker
Scott Lang
Shang Chi
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Xu Wenwu
Marc Spector
Steven Grant
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Larissa Weems
Morticia Addams
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Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker 
Mazikeen Smith
Charlotte Richards
Aurora (Rory) Morningstar
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The Corinthian
Lucifer Morningstar
Johanna Constantine
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Ichigo Kurosaki
Sousuke Aizen
Kuchiki Buyakuya
Coyote Stark
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Resident Evil:
Leon S. Kennedy
Chris Redfield
Ashley Graham
Ethan Winters
Carlos Oliveira
Helena Harper
Rosemary Winters
Alcina Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
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Dr House:
Dr Gregory House
Dr Lisa Cuddy
Dr James Wilson
Dr Alissa Cameron
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Star Wars:
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma
Din Djarin
Poe Dameron
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La Casa De Papel:
El Professor
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My Hero Academia:
Shota Aizawa
Nemuri Kayama
Todoroki Shôto
Toga Himiko
Shimura Nana
Chisaki Kai
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Attack on titan:
Hanji Zoe
Levi Ackerman
Annie Leonhart
Mikasa Ackerman
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Pirates of the caribbean:
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
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Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney Todd
Mrs. Lovett
Judge Turpin
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The Witcher:
Geralt Of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
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Arthur Pendragon
Elias de Kelliwic’h
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Spy X Family
Loid Forger
Yor Forger
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Leon Belmont
Trevor Belmont
Richard Belmont
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Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton
Michael Schmidt
Vanessa Shelly
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Satsuriku no Tenshi
Isaac Foster
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Yū Nishinoya
Tobio Kageyama
Tetsurō Kuroo
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Fugou Keiji: Balance:UNLIMITED
Daisuke Kambe
Haru Katou
Ryo Hosino
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Owari no Seraph
Guren Ichinose
Mikaela Hyakuya
Ferid Bathory
Crowley Eusford
Kureto Hiragi
Shinya Hiragi
Horn Skuld
Chess Belle
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Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
Glenn Radars
Sistine Fibel
Celica Arfonia
Albert Frazer
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Domestic na Kanojo
Hina Tachibana
Rui Tachibana
Masaki Kobayashi
Reiji Kiriya
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My new boss is Goofy
Shirosaki Yusei
Mitsuo Aoyama
Kinjo Aigo
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Buddy Daddies
Kugi Kyûtarô
Suwa Rei
Kurusu Kazuki
Unasaka Misaki
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Other characters
Sakata Gintoki from Gintama
Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones by Gwendoline Christie
Hans Gruber from Die Hard by Alan Rickman
Sinclair Bryant from Close my eyes by Alan Rickman
Miranda Hilmarson from Top of the Lake by Gwendoline Christie
Charlie Harper from My Uncle Charlie by Charlie Sheen
Isaac Foster from Angels of Deaths
Link from The Legend Of Zelda
Cereza from Bayonetta
Leonora Lesso from School for Good and Evil by Charlize Theron
Elaine Markinson from Gringo by Charlize Theron
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal by Mads Mikkelson
Miss Perergrine from Miss Peregrine’s Home for Particular Children by Eva Green
Joel Miller from The Last Of Us by Pedro Pascal
Mr.Cat from Kaeloo
Marc from Le Flambeau by Jonathan Cohen
John Wick from John Wick’s movies by Keanu Reeves
Joe Goldberg from You by Penn Badgley
Crowley from Good Omens by David Tennant
Max Black from 2 Broke girls by Kat Dennings
Tobias from Ghost
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