#Animal welfare and veganism
fuck you, israel and American Israeli supporters
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werewolfvegan · 24 days
Vegan because animals are not a fucking product.
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vegan-nom-noms · 5 months
Can’t be vegan? Go vegetarian.
Can’t be vegetarian? Do meatless Mondays.
Trying your hardest (whatever that may be) to help animals and the environment is far better than sitting on the sidelines and watching it burn.
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ecologydyke · 1 year
begging pleading for people to use their critical thinking skills when it comes to the environment. way too many people have this idea:
climate change isn’t real = wrong and bad
climate change is real = correct and good
and while yes, denying climate change *is* wrong and bad, that doesn’t mean you should immediately trust everyone who says climate change is real.
ecofacism is a really concerning trend i see, especially among the younger generation because of how undeniable climate change has become to us. facists are taking advantage of the existential despair that’s rising in young people due to the climate crisis to indoctrinate them into their ideology. the most important thing to remember about ecofacists is that *they don’t actually care about the environment.* it’s a front to make facism more palatable to people who are concerned about the climate. it’s so so so important to learn how to recognize ecofacist talking points because i see them repeated by people who otherwise wouldn’t be described as a facist and it’s very concerning.
if someone says climate change is due to overpopulation, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says climate change is due to immigration, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says climate change is a necessary purge of humankind, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says all humans are inherently evil and deserve to die, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says that we are the virus, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
ecofacists claim that overpopulation is causing the climate crisis. it’s not. pay attention to the particular spots in the world that have the densest populations: china, india, bangladesh, and nigeria are usually the main countries in these claims. they are targeting asian and african people and blaming them for climate change entirely, when in reality these poorer people living in very high density cities have some of the lowest carbon footprints. ecofacists will say that overpopulation is the issue in asia and africa, and while they usually don’t say this part out loud, the implied solution to the climate crisis is mass genocide against mainly black and brown people. *facism as we know it is white supremacy.* they also use a similar argument to claim that immigration is contributing to climate change, saying that (again, mostly black and brown) immigrants are causing overpopulation in “civilized” countries and that the planes and boats used to take them across the world are causing all that pollution.
ecofacists will say that floods and famine and the subsequent deaths that result from climate change are a necessary evil to keep the human race in check. again, think of who will be most affected by climate change-related disasters (who already are being affected by them). this is not a coincidence.
because they are the masterminds behind the theory that all humans are evil and should die, logically that means the ecofacists would be the ones leading the massacres and choosing which groups to eliminate. again, facism is white supremacy. they will target people of colour, disabled people, queer people, jewish people, and elderly people until only the “ideal” (read: white, abled, cishetallo) members of society are left. this is not a coincidence.
i’m using very extreme examples here obviously but that’s just to demonstrate what the goal of ecofacism is. ecofacists want to use the climate crisis to guilt trip people into giving everything up for the sake of the environment and subscribing to their racist ideals.
it’s very important to mention how rampant ecofacist ideology has become in vegan circles online. obviously there’s nothing wrong with being vegan, but ecofacist talking points are *everywhere* in online vegan communities and it’s very concerning. it’s especially common among animal rights activists (which almost always go hand in hand with veganism, although not all vegans are aras). it’s really important to keep in mind that animal rights activism and animal welfare activism are very very different - animal welfare fights for ethical treatment and slaughter of livestock, while animal rights fights for the complete eradication of animal products. the whole argument over animal welfare vs animal rights can be saved for another post but it is very, very important to recognize how animal rights activism and in many cases veganism parrots racist ecofacist ideas.
it’s really really important to acknowledge that native populations of turtle island and polynesia in particular are damaged by ecofacist ideals. a core part of animal rights activism is the push for completely criminalizing all hunting of wildlife, and who’d have thought - that is incredibly important to the indigenous way of life and forcing native people to stop hunting (*especially* inuit living in the north) is cultural genocide. ecofacism also uses the guise of conservation efforts to push native peoples off of their own land.
it’s true that human consumption can and does lead to climate change, but it isn’t poor people living in slums or even really an average western household. ecofacists put all the blame for climate change on people of colour and other marginalized communities, even when they’re the ones contributing the least to the climate crisis. while a lot of what i’m saying here is intentionally extreme to properly illustrate the point i’m trying to make, it is absolutely a thing that happens that oppressed people actually do die because of ecofacism. the el paso shooter in texas a few years ago admitted to having ecofacist ideals and that his targeting of a store frequented by mexican immigrants was not a coincidence. the shooter that killed 51 people in mosques in christchurch that same year also shared similar ecofacist beliefs.
ecofacist propaganda can be hard to spot and can even make its way to mainstream media. do you remember a couple years ago at the height of tue pandemic when major news outlets were posting videos of dolphins returning to the venecian canals? those videos were not real. they were made with the implicit message of “humans are the virus” - which is, again, an ecofacist talking point. whether the videos were created by an ecofacist or not doesn’t really matter - what matters is that they spread ecofacist propaganda *everywhere*.
it’s really important to recognize absolutist statements like “all humans are evil and should die” or “overpopulation is causing climate change” and be able to critically think about who they might be benefiting and who they might be detrimental to. there are clues in ecofacist talking points, but they’re usually hard to spot - that is the point. if you see some statement that raises a red flag, you should think about who it’s being said or implied is causing the harm, whether it’s a radicalized or oppressed group, and how they’re being portrayed by the people saying these statements. it’s also really important to think about how they propose climate change should be solved: if it involves more police, more surveillance, excluding or pushing entire groups of people out, more military action, or closing borders and denying people the freedom to move - that is an ecofacist talking point.
also, i should mention that not everyone who spreads these types of ideas are ecofacists. in fact, i think most of them aren’t, or at least fully. ecofacism is just the most covert form of facist propaganda right now and it’s very easy to fall into the idea that all humans should die or whatever, no matter if you subscribe to the racist implications of that or not. just please be aware of how ecofacism manifests and how easily it spreads online - don’t be afraid to point out when you think someone is unintentionally spreading racist rhetoric, and be self-critical of what the implications of some of the things you might be saying have. critical thinking wasn’t taught in school just so you could figure out if the curtains were blue or not - it affects everything.
some articles about this topic that i like a lot
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kingofthedarkwoods · 2 years
Okay it's almost 2023, I think it's time we talked about the "vegans" who purposely inflict suffering onto animals by feeding them incorrect diets or not doing correct medical care. I think any good vegan who geniuely believes in the betterment of animals would NEVER purposely go out of their way to force feed incompatible pets vegan diets that can later cause suffering, illness and death. It is only ever done for their own personal ego and gratification and I personally see that as worse than using by-products. You're actively inflicting harm to cats, dogs and lizards when more suitable pets like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters are RIGHT THERE. Who are already compatible with your belief system.
I own a cat who is under my care until he passes. I will ensure as he is a care dependent that I am maintaining his welfare and health by feeding him a meat diet even if I personally am vegan. He can not change his diet and I have owned him for over a decade so he will not be punished for my changes in life. After he is gone, I will likely rescue more rabbits (I have had 3 so far) as they fit my lifestyle and beliefs much more. But I will NOT enforce suffering on my cat just because his existence conflicts with my personal diet. I just won't own another cat after he is gone.
To me that is the true Vegan way. If you can go for alternatives in food then you can pick a different pet. If you are already committed to the care of an animal who needs to eat meat then it is more vegan to ensure the optimal health, wellbeing and happiness for the animal. Not to cause unnecessary harm and stress to an animal just because YOU personally do not like something. If you really find it distressing then rehome the animal to owners who will put their wellbeing and life above all else.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 4 months
Just because I disagree with militant veganism and animal rights doesn’t mean I like how some act on this site towards vegans. Whether you want to admit it or not, tumblr can be pretty dog-pilely. People can claim it’s not about blaming vegans and it’s just pointing out they’re not cruelty free, but when I was vegan and saw all the posts ranting about vegans and their “slave labor quinoa/agave/almonds”, all it did was make me double down as I and many others never touched it. To a lot of people, it does come off as blaming and being way harsher on vegans especially when they word it in a way that positions those products as solely vegan things. People who claim veganism is cult like and also shared that post about how to treat people in real cults like JW or Mormonism often ignore that advice with vegans. You’re not changing minds when you feed persecution complexes by acting hostile and dog piling people. I stopped being a vegan because of people who actually took time to educate about animal welfare and misconceptions aras spread. You may not want to hear this, but a little kindness and patience can go a long way. This does not mean people who have been hurt by militant vegans have to act nice, just remember that acting very hostile towards anyone who disagrees isn’t going to change their mind.
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acti-veg · 18 days
Weird question but what do you think about cowbells/bells on animals? Apparently in Germany some people protested based on some research that it disturbs the animal. Is there truth to that?
There is good evidence to suggest that they do disturb the animal. Cows can hear sounds between 23 Hz and 35 kHz, with the highest sensitivity at 8 kHz, and are able to detect sounds at −11 dB, i.e., amplitudes the human ear cannot detect (11), so the continuous exposure to bells during pasturing season might impair hearing capacity.
A study in 2015 (though a relatively small sample) found that wearing a bell for three days caused cows to spend less time feeding, running and lying down. A 2017 study found that cowbells reduce cows reactivity to other noise stimulus as well. This isn’t surprising since bells can generate sounds louder than 100 decibels, which is as loud as a jackhammer.
Even without the research, just basic empathy tells us that having a large and loud bell around your neck every time you go outside would be pretty annoying, and may prevent you from running around or moving too much so it isn’t banging against you and ringing in your ears constantly. The problem is that farmers and consumers think so little about the cows perspective that this thought is unlikely to occur to many of them.
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typhlonectes · 2 months
Insects and Other Animals Have Consciousness, Experts Declare
A group of prominent biologists and philosophers announced a new consensus: There’s “a realistic possibility” that insects, octopuses, crustaceans, fish and other overlooked animals experience consciousness.
In 2022, researchers at the Bee Sensory and Behavioral Ecology Lab at Queen Mary University of London observed bumblebees doing something remarkable: The diminutive, fuzzy creatures were engaging in activity that could only be described as play. Given small wooden balls, the bees pushed them around and rotated them. The behavior had no obvious connection to mating or survival, nor was it rewarded by the scientists. It was, apparently, just for fun. The study on playful bees is part of a body of research that a group of prominent scholars of animal minds cited today, buttressing a new declaration that extends scientific support for consciousness to a wider suite of animals than has been formally acknowledged before. For decades, there’s been a broad agreement among scientists that animals similar to us — the great apes, for example —  have conscious experience, even if their consciousness differs from our own. In recent years, however, researchers have begun to acknowledge that consciousness may also be widespread among animals that are very different from us, including invertebrates with completely different and far simpler nervous systems...
Read more: https://www.quantamagazine.org/insects-and-other-animals-have-consciousness-experts-declare-20240419
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ladyvean · 7 months
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Star Trek isn’t just queer culture, it’s also vegan!
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Look at that cat, shaking his legs due to fear of all the bombs. Cannot walk anymore. Animals cannot hide their feelings. Imagine what Palestinians feels inside. Babies, children, mentally handicapped or handicapped people in general like blind and deaf people, elderly.
Where are you vegans and animal rights activist who supports israel?Perhaps the animals from Palestine are lower than animals in your country. Make some excuses. But, it's not my business.
That cat like others in palestine is traumatized for life.
That cat is lucky. He cannot hunt anymore since his limbs are paralyzed. Other animals like him will starve to death if they are not taken care of by humans. Thanks Israel and America
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sharkapology · 1 year
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Heavily inspired by this post.
Your fear/disgust for an animal does not determine it's worth. All animals exist for a reason.
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Animal rights vs animal welfare , aka why I struggle to identify as vegan
Not every animal rights issue puts the welfare of the animals first, which is seen most often in groups such as peta.
In animal welfare cases there is such a large difference between different types of animals and peoples opinions on how they should be treated, it makes me wish there were universal rules that could be applied to all animals and people could get in serious trouble for it (its not illegal to keep a dog locked indoors without walking it but that doesn't mean it's good for the dog)
Personally and in my own experience, zoos and aquariums that have high welfare standards do help people to connect with and understand wild species better and it gives people more incentive to help that animal if they are endangered and aren't typically cute, I've seen it and experienced it with vultures, no one really cares about the conservation of vultures until they see them in person.
I fully believe that it's possible to ride horses with the horses permission and for the horse to enjoy it, as long as it is done correctly. Every horse breed we have today is a domesticated or comes from the domesticated species, there is only one true wild horse species left in the world - the przewalski's horse, with only one record of a person being able to ride one. Your shetlands/clydesdales/warmbloods/icelandics were bred to be domestic, they bred to carry people and pull carts. Is there a significant amount of abuse in the equine industry ? Yes. Is the current equestrian standard putting the horses needs first ? No. Is the "normal" / industry standard way of backing a horse beneficial for them ? Nope. But that doesn't mean none of it is, yes riding two year old horses can cause significant health problems but not everyone starts their horses at that age, it's becoming more common for individuals to start training their horse for ridden work at 4 years old because they are more developed physically and mentally. They can learn more complex things and develop more confidence. Yes, some people try to speed up the training process with abusive and harsh methods, but not everyone does.
Not every human-animal interaction is good or bad, it depends heavily on the circumstances of the situation and how the interaction is handled
Everyone is capable of harming animals when they aren't informed of their care/behavioural cues. I see far too many "animal sanctuaries" interacting and caring for animals in neglectful/dangerous/sometimes abusive methods because they haven't researched the animal they're trying to look after
I dont believe it's possible for all pets to be fed a plant based diet, and I don't believe that all exotic pets are inherently bad. Like I said before research is needed so you can look after them properly and obtain them through responsible methods.
Some culls are necessary to sustain the current ecosystem in place in certain areas, because humans messed up and removed natural predators or let invasive species take over (yes I'm talking about deer and grey squirrels, yes I will die on this hill, no you can't change my mind on this one)
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vegan-nom-noms · 3 months
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Vegan Coffee Cake
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devoted1989 · 1 year
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Image with kind permission from Kate Louise Powell. https://www.facebook.com/KateLouisePowellArt/
Available as stickers. Found on Pinterest.
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veganism · 2 months
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snekdood · 11 months
bitches be like. i hate vegans so much that i’ve decided i like killing animals and its fine and i dont feel bad and animals dont have feelings and its fine and im cool subversive and different and edgy and like to post fucked up stuff to make vegans uncomfortable bc im just so cool
#you sound like every cishet republican man to me#you're not a Cool Subversive Leftist you're literally regressing by seeing animals as just objects of your pleasure and thats it lmao#im sorry but you dont just get to throw out all of veganism. it does infact have some roots in leftism.#you can sit there and cope with the fact you agree w some vegan talking point by calling it 'animal welfare' all you want#doesnt change the fact that a lot of those ideas in those circles were formed by vegans.#damn woooah vegans arent a monolith and dont all agree on the same shit woooahhh who knew#literally i have no idea how we even got to this point or how this would be surprising.#when i was on vegan twitter bitches were arguing all the fucking time within it. ur really gonna sit ther en tell me they're all secret#eco fash that hates native ppl and people who have to eat meat? ya sure???#you would think the individuals on tumblr- of all places- would understand how frustrating it would be to be grouped in with the worst#members of their community as if you represent them and are the sole spokesperson#you'd think they'd hate when someone jumps to conclusions about them based on their lifestyle#but naur. i think yall take it too personally. as if a vegan just being in a room is somehow trying to force you to be vegan.#literally grow tf up.#if a vegan being in the same room with you triggers feelings in you that you Have to stop eating meat- i really think thats a you problem#bud. homeboy hasnt even spoke to you leta lone look at you and apparently you feel this weird pressure now#idk man dont you think that pressure might be coming within?? maybe.... you do infact feel things and feel a lil guilty abt eating meat?#not telling you to stop... i still eat meat here n there. but at least im honest with myself about how it makes me feel to do it.#its infact normal to take a second to think about the loss someone made in exploitation to provide you with whatever.#if you can let yourself feel a lil guilt about buying a fast fashion thing you can sure as fuck finally extend your fuckin empathy to#animals and stop treating them like objects or toys.
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