#Andrew was pretty much on the right path there
kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
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Seeing these lines out of context made me forget that the 'loose ends' and the 'still solve you' was originally Andrew's suspicion on Neil being an agent from Evermore or something and his desire to find what the fuck he planned to do with Kevin
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the-oblivious-writer · 2 months
Too Sweet
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: You and Wednesday were simply night and day, contrasting personalities preventing any chance of pursuit
Warning(s): No dialogue, pining!Wednesday, & no pronouns but the word 'goddess' is used once
Notes: Based off of 'Too Sweet' by the lovely Andrew Hozier, this song feels wenclair coded - hopefully I get the energy to edit them to it one day. This is my first time writing for Wednesday, so constructive criticism is more than welcome, and much appreciated! 🙏 (as it always is)
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Wednesday despised you. She loathed every cell in your body, every word you spoke, every path you chose. Yet no matter how deep her hatred for you ran, it was all out of pure spite.
You were close friends with Enid, so inevitably that meant you and Wednesday often found yourselves in the same atmosphere. Sometimes you and Enid would have sleepovers—sometimes with a couple of the others—and it did not take long for Wednesday to discover you were an early bird opposed to her late night writing sessions. 
You always looked so peaceful while resting. How do you sleep so well? Wednesday wondered. What do you dream about? It’s silly and utterly ridiculous, she knows. But her mind can’t help but stray when it comes to you. You have shown your own concern when it comes to the Addams’ erratic sleep schedule, if you could even classify it as one. You have always said to others—including Wednesday—to live right, to go to bed before the daylight. 
You wake up to watch the sunrise;  it was repulsing how rottenly pure that is. You were drunk on life, a poet—but far from Wednesday’s brand. You had a bright perspective; it was naive, yet wholesome. Your poetry revolves around the optimistic, steadfast side of life—while Wednesday’s consists of more realistic themes such as death, betrayal, and eternal heartbreak. It was a drastic contrast.
Wednesday could never bear such a naive way of life, so she simply doesn’t understand how you do. It was such a frustrating thought, the way you went about. Don’t you just want to wake up dark as a lake, smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? You lived such a reserved life in her eyes; treating your mouth as if it's heaven’s gate, your body like it’s the TSA. 
She wasn’t oblivious to the glances you spared her; it was an internal battle refusing to meet them. But there were consequences. Wednesday has seen horrific things, things she believes would force a person like you into abandoning their wide-eyed outlook on life; she refuses to be the one who corrupts you. She wishes she could go along, don’t get her wrong. You were a goddess on earth, inside and out; bright as the morning, as soft as the rain, pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape. Tooth rotting was what you were, but Wednesday did always deem herself a masochist. 
If you can sit on a barrel, maybe she’ll wait. But until that day, she’d rather take her whiskey neat, raw as the honey in your tea, and coffee black as the ink you use to craft your sugar coated poems. Your sweetness was too overwhelming for her to carry, the looks you gave her alone were laced in your perfection. 
Everything pointed to the evident conclusion; you’re too sweet for her.
A/N: I feel eh abt this one, but I need to experiment with Wednesday more if I wanna get used to writing for her
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mlmxreader · 2 months
For I Have Sinned | Dean Winchester x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Hi can I request “Nothing, just… you look really good right now” with dean please ❞
: ̗̀➛ You get a little bit hot under the collar seeing Dean in a particular outfit.
: ̗̀➛ heavy sexual referencing & innuendo, swearing
Admittedly, it was very rare for you and the Winchesters to ever really cross paths accidentally; whenever you worked a job together it was done so on purpose, and often arranged in advance so that you knew where to stay and what was going on.
But this time was different, as a small rural village in pretty much nowhere had been plagued with stories of a werewolf, and you didn’t have time to contact the Winchesters about it before they were bursting into your motel room together dressed as priests.
It made you want to laugh, really, but when they started asking about work, you could only shake your head as you held up your palms.
“Boys, boys!” You shouted, trying not to grin. “Settle down already, I’ve only just got here, alright?”
Carefully, Dean sat on your bed as he folded his arms across his chest; Sam leaned against the wall mimicking his brother’s posture, which made you sigh as you gently tapped your thighs. Unable to keep your eyes off of Dean as you swallowed thickly.
“So, what’d you know?” Dean asked, almost impatient as he raised his brows and stared directly at you.
You shook your head, chewing at the inside of your lip. “Honestly? Pretty much fuck all at this point. You?”
“About the same,” Dean agreed with a curt nod, his gaze dropping to your mouth for a moment before he awkwardly cleared his throat. “Sammy? Could you, erm, could you go grab somethin’ to eat while we talk?”
“Yeah, sure,” Sam said slowly, looking between you and Dean for a moment before leaving.
“Quit lookin’ at my mouth,” Dean told him, resting his forearm on his knee and glaring at you. “Now ain’t the time.”
You sighed as you chewed at the inside of your mouth. “Oh, so it’s my fault that you decided to dress up as the only attractive priest on the planet?”
He shrugged. “What about that guy, erm… Andrew whatever?”
“He’s not attractive,” you scoffed. “But seriously, it’s just nothing, just… you look really good right now and, yeah! It’s a little bit distracting!”
Dean laughed softly as he shook his head fondly; he could have said the same about you with your old band t-shirt and matching hoodie, camouflage cargo trousers and beaten up brown boots.
He really could have said the same about you, given how you kept biting your fucking lip and how you were sat with your legs spread; he hardly growled as he swiped his hand down his face, swallowing thickly.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his breath hitching in his throat as he tried - in vain - to take his eyes away from your mouth for even just a quick moment. He narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about the last time you were in a motel together alone.
He almost gave up, until you shifted in your seat and grunted under your breath - it almost immediately drew his attention directly to you. 
“Dean!” You almost shouted, making him blink quickly before shaking his head in shock. “Let me guess - suddenly you’re distracted, too, right?”
He nodded slowly, clearing his throat awkwardly as he rubbed his mouth. “Yeah, erm… yeah. Sorry.”
You shook your head, taking in a deep breath as you tried to steady and steel your nerves. “So what the fuck do we do? We can’t… how the fuck are we meant to go hunting if we can’t even sit in a room together?”
“I can get changed,” he murmured. “Dump the whole Father Brodén schtick and find something else. Maybe, erm… I think I got an Agent Taylor or somethin’ stashed away somewhere, I don’t-”
“No,” you said softly, quietly. “No, you don’t need to do that - I’ll, I’ll sit this one out, do base research from here.”
Dean shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “No, I can’t let you do that. You were here first, this is your hunt.”
“Dean,” you sighed. “We can’t do shit if we’re like this. You know that, and I know that.”
“So what do we do?” He asked, furrowing his brows.
“Well, Sam’s out,” you mused, pursing your lips for a moment. “I’m sure we could, erm, y’know… lock the door, keep the window shut and erm… let loose, don’t you think?”
Dean seemed to consider it, swallowing thickly as he shifted where he sat for a moment. “Conflict of interest.”
“Hmm?” You furrowed your brows as you frowned. 
“There’s you and me,” he started, “we don’t see each other often, you know the life - think we can even work together if we’re… lettin’ loose all the time?”
You shrugged, clasping your hands together between your legs as you swallowed thickly. “I’m willing to give it a shot, are you?”
“Yeah,” he murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. “I would be… c’mere a sec, though.”
You got up, your legs a little shaky as you walked over to him, surprised when he pulled you down onto his lap, licking his lips and grinning; you put your hands on his shoulders, eyeing up the white collar around his neck for a moment.
“You should dress as a priest more,” you breathed out, taking a moment to stare at his lips. 
Dean nodded, shifting his hips so that you were right on him. “Noted. You should wear that tight shirt more.”
You squeezed his shoulders a little, breath hitching in your throat. “Noted.”
You couldn’t help it, one hand going to his hair and the other at the nape of his neck as you caught him in a quick kiss; immediately, Dean kissed back, grunting softly when you tugged at his hair gently to pull him closer.
The kiss became open mouthed and heavy, making you squirm a little when you pulled away, looking at how shiny and plump his lips were for a moment. 
“I’m gonna take my shoes off,” he whispered. “And then I’m gonna lie down - you gonna join me?”
“Well, fuck it” you breathed out, laughing for a second. “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” 
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sunshine-jesse · 4 months
Progress Report #2 Analysis
I'm not going to type a lot for this one. Not as much as I usually do, anyways.
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I think these two moments happen in sequence. The "..." might be in response to Lord Unknown giving soul!Andrew flowers.
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It looks like getting soulnapped fucks with your memories. Note how the dream world in this screenshot is styled entirely differently from other dream worlds; it looks like a fusion between both kinds of dream worlds (the demon dreams, and the 'unaided' dreams).
I think each room corresponds to an event in their childhoods, and each one will contain a different flashback, some of which featured in the dev logs. My guesses:
lower right hand > apartment upper right hand-> ??? lower left hand-> lemon cupcake store? upper left hand-> nina
It's interesting that the demon trees are primarily located in the lower left hand one.
Also, the happy faces are masks. I shouldn't need to explain that metaphor.
I'm guessing one of two things: 1. The 'real world' segments are from a different path entirely (decay), and Andrew got soulnapped because he fucked around and found out in the demon dream world, like Ashley almost does if she picks the right door in herfirst dream. 2. or, the real world segments are what lead up to the dream world ones, and we're still on the same path.
Assuming it's the first, this screenshot from dev log 4 could be what leads to all these flashback shenanigans, as it'd be where Andrew fucks around and subsequently finds out:
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Moving on:
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If we are to assume that the Decay vision is NOT a metaphor, and the 'real world' segments are in Decay, this could be what leads to the events in said vision, since I believe that the visions will happen early within each episode. The "real world" segments are so jarringly different from the flashback/dream segments in the dev logs that it's hard not to think they're each from different paths, and it's pretty easy to see a narrative throughline for each whereas there's little connecting the two different ones together.
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My heart tells me this is a wedding ring but my brain tells me this is also in Decay, so it'll be tragic and painful rather than cute.
I'll post more as I think of more, maybe.
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marches45 · 2 months
Progress Report #4’s preview clip and how Ashley fit into Andrew’s decision-making
Progress Report #4 showed how Andrew and Julia began dating in high school. Rumors were spreading about Andrew and Ashley, and we can take a pretty good guess what they were about. While Julia told him that the school knows it’s just unfounded gossip, Andrew wasn’t satisfied with just that, or else he wouldn’t do what he did next.
He was the one to make the first move, but leading up to it, he didn’t signal any romantic interest in her and, in fact, nearly revealed that Julia’s ostensible friendship with Ashley, which he had requested Julia to initiate alongside her best friend (and the siblings’ manslaughter victim) Nina in their preteen days, only meant anything to him rather than to Ashley. Julia had caught on to Ashley’s disdain for her and believed she was hated until Andrew’s comment otherwise reassured her that Ashley considered her a friend. What Andrew did do was pick up on her interest in him and throw her a bone. His motive was pretty self-serving, of course.
Andrew is cautious. After fleeing the apartment with Ashley, he would check newspapers to see if there was anything written about what they’d done in their escape. Finding nothing over and over wouldn’t really quiet his worries of eventually getting caught and facing consequences. So Julia telling him that the rumors weren’t believed wouldn’t be enough to quiet his mind. He would have to do something that incontrovertibly proved they weren’t worth considering. So that’s what he did. But right before popping the question of Julia’s availability after school, he sighed behind her back as she anxiously walked away.
It’s clear that his most proximal cause to date Julia was to fend off any social consequences resulting from rumors by permanently silencing them, like he permanently silenced multiple people who posed a serious threat to his sister. But it took me a while of digesting the report content to see that he was thinking about her too when making his choice. I think he wanted to take the heat off of Ashley just as much as himself and self-justified with a thought like this: I’m sorry, Leyley, but it’s what’s best. You won’t like it, I know, but I’m doing it for you. No one’s gonna spread rumors about you on my watch! I shared this idea with a fellow fan in Discord (she’s Ashley fr fr), and what sold its plausibility for her was the sigh he let out before making his move. It was reminiscent of his reaction after killing for Ashley or otherwise bailing her out of a mess in ways he’d have no real problem with if they had no risk of consequences. I also think the idea works with how Andrew functions as Ashley’s parent and only true family. Parents often make decisions for their kids’ own good that are difficult to like or appreciate due to limited perspective on the kids’ part and reasoning not communicated (well) on the parents’.
In fact, the more I thought about it, the more obvious it felt in hindsight, and the less I could believe that he wouldn’t account for her in his thought process. Andrew may treat Ashley as a scapegoat, but he doesn’t throw her under the bus for no reason. When referring to her in her absence, he has, as of yet, never explicitly pointed the finger at her for things he did, and even made excuses for her actions. To the extent that his resistance to blaming her behind her back fails when he starts the path to Decay by admitting he wants to accept his mother’s olive branch, the blame shifting avoids being explicit in his dialogue. More, when he did try to dodge accountability for inaction (the break-up, for example), he failed to appease the other party. Bro can’t get Ashley out of his thoughts, so how could he think of a way to escape the rumors without taking her with him? He may have gotten his mom’s looks and talent for deceit, but not her disregard and apathy for his sister. Maybe she’ll come to really appreciate his efforts when she isn’t…well, you know what those rumors say. But you didn’t hear them from me.
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eilinelsghost · 6 months
Sounds of Atandil
I initially shared part of the playlist in response to this ask, but I've realized I should just make a main post for it that I can keep updated as the series grows. The playlist is intended to go along with the Atandil series and includes one song per installment.
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1. Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis || Ralph Vaughan Williams, Hallé, Sir Mark Elder So as I mentioned in the summary, this is basically the theme for the whole series. It has such a breadth of emotion and beauty in it, and it makes me tear up almost every time. I love this piece so much. And consequently it's really fitting that it's also the primary one associated with Part 1, since that is sort of the flagship installment of the series where all the philosophical framework gets laid out.
2. Gravity || Ludovico Einaudi This piece captures so much of the movement from Grief in All Her Guises. It conjures up the movement of the river in the opening scene, the butterfly that began the Quenya lessons, the laughter around the fire at lunchtime, the sound of Finrod's voice as Balan experiences it moving through him on the hilltop, the overarching movement of the stars dancing overhead.
3. Child of the Troubles || Andrew Simon McAllister Tragically this one no longer plays on Apple Music or Spotify, but I linked to the artist's page in the song title where you can stream it. This one is the partner track to Unfriends and Belen's run-in with the Laiquendi.
4. The Fall || Hans Zimmer Just such excellent Fen of Serech vibes here, especially the 2nd half. I literally listened to this one on loop while writing Ye Shall Render Blood and it is the whole mood of that installment.
5. Solringen || Wardruna The whole piece works well as the right feelings for A Shuddering in the Air, but specifically the chunk beginning at 4:44 was the underlying inspiration for the way they deliver the "oath of parting" in the burial rites at the end.
6. Night || Ludovico Einaudi Appropriately named musical accompaniment for Here in Our Frailty, which takes place all throughout the Longest Night. Additional excellent vibes as that sometimes the warbly effect on certain notes reminds me of the haunting ice sounds that I listened to on loop for the Finrod-has-a-freakout section.
7. Flora || Ludovico Einaudi Ok so apparently half of this playlist is just Ludovico Einaudi, but that's because his stuff is great. The peaceful vibes of lying in a golden field while your crush drops a snowdrop flower on your face and flirts while completely clueless are all over this one, so it's the partner piece to A Heady Fragrance of Honey.
8. Into Dust || Mazzy Star This is my ultimate doomed mortal/immortal relationship song. The only explanation needed here is honestly to direct you straight to the lyrics. It even references fading. Absolute perfection and the correct level of abject sorrow for In Memory Untarnished.
9. Citizen of Glass || Agnes Obel This one is just Correct for Vassal somehow. I'm pretty sure it is this line of lyrics that solidified it for me: Some let go and some hold on / There is no mistake / If I could wash all ill away / Tell me would you stay? But also it just has all the right feelings to it, if that makes sense.
10. Time Escaping || Big Thief Happy road trip music for the boys! Or. Well. Extremely depressing road trip music for the boys given the context and the song title and the mortality and um...god can't these two be happy for one second. Happiness I guess, much like the installment this goes with, is A Shifting Mirage.
11. The Path of the Fossils || Ludovico Einaudi He's back, folks! As I said - apparently half the playlist. But anyway, I love the recurring waves of impending emotion that continuously come back throughout this piece. It works so well with the barrage of feelings that both Finrod and Beren work through in Many a Dreadful Path. And in addition to that, the title plays very nicely with the shelf of memories and Beren's recollection of Emeldir telling him, “Know the path your forefathers set so that in such grounding you may see where your own should diverge.” 
12. Númenor || Bear McCreary I have...complicated feelings re Rings of Power (to put it mildly), but thankfully those have not killed how much I love this piece from the soundtrack. In fact, it's so thoroughly associated now with Balan's arrival in Nargothrond in Children of the Sun that I almost forget it very much belongs with something else.
13. Change || Big Thief So much of And Still the Light Returns is about each character navigating change in the other(s) or their circumstances that this just seemed appropriate. Also uh: Would you live forever, never die / While everything around passes? / Would you smile forever, never cry / While everything you know passes?
14. Stretch Your Eyes || Agnes Obel It took me quite awhile to land on one for In These Holy Waters. But about halfway through writing it, this song came on in an old playlist and immediately clicked. It's the movement of the water in the melody, the mingled mournfulness and defiance. The dark and the ghost / They dance so sweet and slow / Dug-out from below there / to damn the gods
15. Song with No Name || Johnny Flynn And as a teaser, this is the song for the upcoming Atandil 15 (Darkly the Sundering Flood). I won't say anything more than that, but I'm still hoping hoping hoping to have this one out before the new year. We'll see.
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houseofbrat · 1 year
"When that moment comes, everyone will have wished King Charles III would have lived to at least 90 so that they wouldn't have had to deal with the Spencer ego problems of his eldest son"
Do you think that when people change their mind about William they will actually blame it on the Spencer side? Most people now blame any fault William might have on Charles (when they're willing to admit he has faults) and I'm not sure what would have people turn on Diana after all this time to blame her over Charles?
[related post]
(ask from 11 June 2023)
I tend to think at that point in the future, say fifteen years from now, it'll be difficult (or more difficult) to pin William's problems on Charles because Charles doesn't behave the way William is going to behave a) as king and b) as king in public.
William basically avoids regular royal duties at this point. He is very firmly a celebrity activist first and foremost, even though many of his diehard fans cannot admit that. Every now and then, William does a more regular, "bread & butter" royal engagement, but those are pretty few and far between these days, particularly if you start looking at the court circular.
I expect William over the rest of this decade to continue on that path, and I expect that his poll numbers will gradually drop over time. Not to Andrew's poll levels, but I suspect he's already seen & achieved the highest poll levels of his life as of today.
William's initiatives with his foundation may be thoughtful and well-meaning; however, that's not the problem. The problem is that he doesn't do regular royal engagements that are associated with the general UK public, i.e. those who are not associated with any of his direct causes. Over time and over the next few years, the perception amongst the UK public will be that you cannot matter to the heir to the throne or the "future" of the monarchy unless you are homeless, suffering from mental health, a footballer, or a special environmental campaigner.
When William is king, he cannot focus on these things like he is right now. His day-to-day life focuses on the issues he cares about. Visiting a nursing home, factory, or university that is not associated with one of his causes is something he doesn't really do. Which means he's not practiced at all in talking to Brits outside of his chosen interests.
Sharp contrast with Charles, Anne, Edward, and Sophie, who visit all kinds of places. Charles & Anne particularly are known for visiting a wide range of places and finding something interesting about them to engage with the people there. That's why I like Charles' Kellogg's factory visit from earlier this year so much. Yeah, it's not the most exciting place to visit, but there are people who work there on a daily basis for their jobs and Charles did his best to make them feel good about their anniversary. Will we ever see a visit like that from William to a place like that? Doubtful. Very doubtful at this point.
I might see it exclusively as a "Spencer ego" thing because William does have the Spencer ego thing going on, just as Harry does. By the time William is king, I suspect most of the diehard Diana stans will be gone. Those are people who like to pretend that Diana was a virgin upon marriage and didn't marry Charles for his title & status. Both are untrue.
But Charles will have a solid legacy when he passes where people can compare how Charles engaged with the British public compared to how William engages with the British public. Charles has a solid charitable legacy with The Prince's Trust in addition to all his regular royal work & duties. William really only has the work of his foundation, which is beginning to sound these days as if he's getting into partisan political territory. Not a good thing for a British royal.
I still think there are three Spencer "storms" that blow through the British royal family: Diana & the "War of the Waleses," Harry & his "Megxit" mess with his (first) wife, and the mess that William creates on his own as king. We're not quite finished with the second one, yet; although, that divorce announcement is probably coming this summer. But I think that in ten or fifteen years time, after Charles has passed, the media will be more open to admitting what a problematic figure Diana always was.
Part of that is because most of Diana's mouthpieces in the press will be gone or retired, and part of that will be the new generation--say, for example--George's generation, who won't have much interest in Diana to begin with. People who don't have a memory of Diana appear to me to be more likely to admit that Diana was always a problematic person. Diana was the perpetrator of her own misery and caused most of her own problems.
A lot of the Diana stans were freaking out over Charles becoming king and then being crowned as king. Obviously, the world has not ended since those two events happened. Charles is only going to become more popular as king as time goes on. He may not ever reach the approval rating of his mother, but then, most people forget that QEII never surpassed her own mother (the Queen Mum) in popularity when the Queen Mum was alive.
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ruminate88 · 7 months
Successful Manipulation 😈
When the narcissist is love-bombing you, they are almost perfect in every way.
My ex Andrew was in constant contact with me. Always being super romantic from the time we woke up till we went to bed. Saying all the right things to me so I would melt in his arms and I felt so intimately close with him during this time and I found myself planning a baby with him in my head….
The other side of Andrew was that just as he once played “the perfect boyfriend role” he also played the role of “my worst nightmare”! It was after we broke up that he became someone who could only hurt me and yet I felt he enjoyed hurting me. Maybe I’m overly dramatic but the way he consistently gaslit me and kept changing “our story”. I had my version of what happened in the relationship but he had “10 different versions.” He could NOT keep a straight story I believe because he can’t feel empathy for my broken heart, first off and second off, he can’t be honest with himself even.
There is still so much I don’t understand about a narcissist personality disorder or about why my ex said and did things that he did and I realize the “false face” he showed me originally is NOT him. It still sucks and I still find my brain trying to decide what to believe. All I truly know is Andrew could NEVER love me back or be his true self around me. He truly can only disappoint me and let me down.
See, I come from from a rational and empathetic mind-set, where I genuinely care for Andrew and those who have ever been in my path but I refuse to be taken advantage of or abused for fun. I can love and forgive pretty easy but Andrew made it harder for me to stay true to myself and not to isolate myself from everyone and become a cold and angry person. Andrew instilled a lot of anger in me!!
Moving forward: you can’t go back, you can only go forward in life but I find myself often stuck thinking of Andrew and wondering what was real and what was fake….
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mmctier · 2 years
She's Not For You
Chapter 1
(Chapter song ‘Black Velvet' by Alannah Miles)
The night is still. The cool air hits my wet nose as I trot through the long, dew soaked grass.
There’s no sounds except for the odd cricket and the rustling sound of my paws hitting the dirt.
As I make my way to my favorite resting point, I lift my head, perk my ears and take a big whiff of the wind as it blows by. Nothing out of the ordinary hits my senses.
The city lights are far on my back, so the sky is blanketed with stars. With no clouds, the moon provides enough light, that I don’t have to rely on my wolf too much to see.
The trees provide a good cover while I patrol the border of the city. I round a path and arrive at my destination.
The trees open up and I stand at the edge of a clearing on the border of my pack's territory, Falcon Ridge.
It's not huge city, but it's not small either. It’s 4000 hard working shifters. We are the heart of the Alliance. Pretty much all the citizens are military here. The actual pack of Falcon Ridge makes up around 1000. Run by Alpha Andrews. Nice guy, but just not my cup of tea.
There’s 6 territories in the Alliance and the Falcon Ridge Unit protects all of them from outside threats like others packs. Mainly one murderous pack. The Dragons. I’ll explain them later.
Myself? I’m part of a smaller, inner city Unit. Border Patrol. Controlled by the cities, we make sure everything runs smooth. We help with crime and make sure no one, like rogues, sneak in.
This job isn’t for pussies. You need to be on your toes, quick acting and tough. Mostly men take this job, but every once in a while you get a woman like me.
You come at me, you better make it good because if I get up, you’re dead.
You need to think on toes, most of those idiot military guys don’t get that. I know most wouldn’t last two seconds while they waited for orders to be barked. Screw that.
I walk further into the clearing and stop. At my claws is an imaginary border. On the other side of it is White Rock. It sits on our western border. Home to 800 wolves, Alpha Blake runs a tight ship over there from what I hear.
I hardly cross the border. Don’t need to. Everything I need is right here.
I slightly shuffle my paws in the grass as I scan the clearing in front of me. My bright amber eyes stop and focus on a spot in the trunks.
My ears twitch back and forth as I gather information on whether this is who I’m waiting for or someone else.
A dark shadow on four legs, breaches the tree line and trots toward me. Puffs of white cloud escapes his panting muzzle when he enters the moons light.
As he gets closer, I catch the grey mixed with black fur. The light almost makes him shine.
He locks eyes with me and straightens out. Making a beeline for the imaginary line.
Michael Dorian. The border patroller for this area between our two towns. Great guy. He’ll always have your back. I trust him with my life. He’s my best friend, why wouldn’t I?
He huffs as he gets closer. It’s almost hard to believe we’ve been meeting here almost every night for the last five years. It’s our spot.
His wolf stands at attention and eyes me up and down. My wolf lets out a little growl.
The wind picks up and a gust swirls around his wolf’s legs as he shifts. His impressive naked form stands where his wolf was and the wind dies down.
"Anna." He says low as he runs his hand through his thick brown hair. His brown eyes hinting that I can shift anytime now.
I call the wind and my body rearranges. My naked body stands in front of him. I give him a smirk and bounce my brow. “Michael.” I say coyly as I kick out a leg and fold my arms.
I flick my eyes around his cut body. I always like what I see.
During normal, everyday life, getting aroused by one of us being naked, hardly happens. We’re so used to it, it’s boring most times.
But…Every now and then, there’s that one body that you just want to chow down on. You just look at them and say, ‘Come to mama, baby.' Like the one I’m looking at right now.
He relaxes his stance and crosses his thick, muscular arms over his swollen, defined chest. "Anything out of the ordinary tonight?"
I look around the to the trees. "Not here. It’s been pretty quiet. Which is good because these double patrols are really killing me. The fucking Security Unit keeps taking all our manpower." I arch my brow. "How about you?"
He rubs his nape. "Nothing here either. I was kind of itching for a fight tonight. It's weird. We went from attacks almost daily, to...well...nothing." He looks around and flops his hand to his side.
I fix my long, brown hair with blonde highlights and flick a bug off my shoulder. "Hey, I'll take it. Maybe we can knock off early and catch a beer. What do you say?" I raise the corner of my mouth in a sly smile, lick my lips and give him a once over.
Michael is definitely a heart stopper. I’ve tasted him in so many ways that a proper woman shouldn’t, but no one said I was proper.
I’ll have him for breakfast, lunch and twice at dinner, but I'm not into him for any kind of relationship. He’s a hook up. A fling to satisfy my urges. I love him as a friend, but that’s as far as it goes.
Five years ago, I helped him bring down a nasty rogue wolf.
What’s a rogue? A shifter without a pack. We are so dependent on packs, that when one loses a pack, or gets kicked out by the Alpha, the solitary lifestyle does something. Something we all call Rogue Sickness. An illness that cause the brain to become sick and the wolf part of the beast to take full control. They stink to high heaven and will kill you without a second thought. It’s up to us border agents to kill them first.
Anyway, back to my midnight snack…
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yaz-the-spaz · 1 year
Hi. I always got bi vibes from Zendaya. I know she's dating Tom Holland right now, but they remind me a lot of Robert and Kristen. I would like the best for her and for her to avoid Kristen's path.
you know what it would not surprise me...whether she's straight or not, i've never really believed the tom holland thing for a second anyway. not only did they give off nothing more than friendly vibes to me whenever i saw them interacting irl, but the way it was announced and promo'd felt very much like blatant pr (i believe largely to promo the movie/franchise, but also to appease the fans that kept shipping them, and give them both some nice promo) and also is not at all original. they literally did the exact same thing with tobey mcguire and kirsten dunst AND emma stone and andrew garfield and both those "relationships" ended not long after those runs of the franchise came out (both within a year of film release I believe lol). i suspect it'll be very much that same trajectory for zendaya and tom, they'll keep things going just long enough for their run in the franchise to finish up and then quietly announce a break-up lol
at this point now that it's been done literally twice before i'm just looking at all this like
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she's slated to be in the fourth movie and i'm pretty sure that's the last one in this current iteration of spiderman so i don't foresee things lasting much more than a year or so after that release (to keep the promo going and fully milk it as much as they can)
...but we shall see 👀
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thewatercolours · 2 years
King's Quest Fanon Playlist: "The Crackers"
In honour of the Goblin Graham storyline finally getting to the Cracker farmstead in Llewdor, have a playlist! It's rather genre-jumping, so if one song's not up your alley, you might like to skip ahead. Song annotations under the readmore.
(Credit to the rest of our small King's Quest community for building this side of fanon up - @captmickey and @gerbiloftriumph originated the first specifics of the family, I think.)
"North" by Sleeping at Last
A song for a young family, alone in an unknown land, alone with a bleak future, determined to make a true home despite it all.
"Smaller than dust on this map Lies the greatest thing we have The dirt in which our roots may grow And the right to call it home."
"Mama Said" by Lukas Graham
A song about growing up poor, and not quite understanding why your family doesn't make sense to those round you, but being able to fall back on family.
"I know which place I'm from I know my home When I'm in doubt and struggling That's where I go An old friend can give advice When new friends only know a half story.
"When We Grow Up" by Diana Ross
A song for Graham and his older sisters in the golden days.
"And when we grow up, do you think we'll see That I'm still like you and you're still like me? I might be pretty; you might grow tall. But we don't have to change at all."
"I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack
This one's for Rosie, seeing her children coming into their independence and flourishing. And dancing.
(I'm not in fact much of a country fan, but this song worked so well.)
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, Never settle for the path of least resistance, Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin', Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth makin'."
"Warrior" by TREN
A song for the sister who took the path of bravery - courageous Ginger, fierce protector and steadfast in the face of fear.
"I’ll be your warrior. I’ll be your shield. I’ll take this storm to fuel a fire that will not yield. I’ll be your broken. I’ll be your strength."
"Hoist Up the Thing" by the Longest Johns
A song for the girl who ran headlong off to sea and who took the path of wisdom, Anisette, with tricks and wits enough to get the best of any storm, seadog, or serpent.
"What luck, says I, to find such good fortune A few white lies later, I ran down the pier Bought me a coat and a cutlass or two Jumped on the deck, and I yelled at the crew!"
"Compassion (Change the World)" by Andrew Witt
A song for Madeline, the eldest, the one carrying the weight of the world, with a great, indomitable heart that no ingratitude can close.
"Half a world away Or just across the street May my eyes be open to Anyone in need."
"93 Million Miles" by Jason Mraz
A song sung to you by your family, onethat still echoes over the hills as you leave home. Even if you're going to rule a country, you'll still hear this song going on and on long after it technically stops.
"Son in life you're gonna go far If you do it right You'll love where you are Just know that wherever you go You can always come home."
"King of the World" by Young Rising Sons
A song for the youngest, passing on the brilliant legacy given to him.
"Lonely nights shaking villains and thieves So I keep fighting with my heart on my sleeve But if I was king, if I was king of the world"
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
thinking about ryan goldsmith sun symbolism again because his opening slide in the rising has the same rays of light as the goddess of justice is depicted with in the parts that illustrate the legend...
ever think about how barnaby thought ryan was the stand-in goddess in the evil villain plot prophecy but it wasnt him, it was andrew- except andrew was only the messenger from the tale since he quite literally turned his mecha body into a crab.
and so ryan was just being himself and having fun while having a funny false messiah thing going on with his sudden appearance and general behaviour and also visually having the same wings as the justice goddess and sharing her motif of blinding light
also in the last scenery shot the goddess statue is smiling and has her back turned to the apollon media winged lion statue, which is just how the city is built but its also about how ryan left sternbild but to me it also signifies that as per the prophecy he learned about the power of friendship too and “began to carry a heart of justice”.
not that he ever was a bad person but definitely a little selfish.
in the audio commentary it seems implied to me that he purposefully pulled sky high from air at the point he traps all heroes in his gravity dome while saving the apartment building from collapsing because he can control the height of the dome... in fact we see him stretch his gravity dome later and can begin to question if it was ever necessary for him to get anyone in his gravity dome in the first place
ryans schedule has him arranging his own photoshoots according to the highest bidder pretty much and his hobby is studying tax plans... being a hero is his celebrity career path to “be the only number one” as is his motto. its just his career.
but he saw everyone having fun and was like oh shit... having some sorta feeling. well better fucking bounce. see ya! like come on. just because he wasnt barnabys partner anymore did he really have to LEAVE...... guy who leaves the moment anything happens. he tried to do it again in s2 but he was way more cringe.
i dont think its a trait he developed from nothingness the moment people thought he was a rival again (and also this time caused him physical harm as per what happened to him before s2). even in rising he told barnaby that hes used to it when he casually let on that hed noticed barnaby had thought of him as a possible villain all along...
wandering gravity prince but maybe just a guy who is genuine but so insufferable he causes himself problems and instead of doing anything about it he just moves somewhere else.
anyway in a classic cat(boy) fashion he came back to sternbild. just like my cats if i close the bathroom door they will want into that room right at that very moment
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lost-in-space00 · 2 years
i’ve declared this as the official “Andrew and Neil Song” and if you disagree,,, no actually i don’t see how you would disagree with this i’m literally right:
“Time changed, we're different
But my mind still says redundant things
Can I not think?
Will you love this part of me?
My lover is a day I can't forget
Furthering my distance from you
Realistically I can't leave now
But I'm okay as long as you
Keep me from going crazy
Keep me from going crazy
Straight up ahead you'll find a sign
That says you can't get by with a lie
But if I stayed away by a thread from the glory path
And made my life harder, lying 'bout the stupid shit I say
Then you wouldn't know a single thing about
How I feel about you
And those really dumb things people feel
I'll take the bumpy road, it'll probably break my legs
As long as I don't show you what's ruining my head
Funny thing about you is you read me pretty well
But you haven't found me yet at the bottom of the well
Annoying you with smoke signals, asking you for help
'Cause your immediate presence lifts me straight away from hell
Me and Mr. Heart, we say the cutest things about you
How you seem unreal and we'd probably die so quick without you
Suffocated from the radiated air around us
Full of happiness we don't have
Brightness gone, so dark without you, girl
Time changed, we're different
But my mind still says redundant things
Can I not think?
Will you love this part of me?
My lover is a day I can't forget
Furthering my distance from you
Realistically I can't leave now
But I'm okay as long as you
Keep me from going crazy
Keep me from going crazy
Family calls me crazy and my friends say I'm degenerate
But you tell me I'm so generous and my self-worth isn't hideous
This psychedelic canvas or the person I'm becoming
Went from horror movie on TV to happy ending princess me
Processing the information, transferred from your mind to me
At light speed, like the Falcon from the original Star Wars trilogy
Feeling like a free ol' me, when I was six and no worries
Would stop me from reaching the stars, a million miles away from me
Sick in the head for you and no cure has been discovered
Like a plague hitting my body
Except if I fall I'm just fallin' for you
Conscious beyond knowledge alterations are acknowledged
And the beauty you've inflicted is always in its action
Lovely day today, perfect time to open up to you
But I know that you're having fun, wouldn't wanna mess this up for you
But I'm happy that you're happy, at least I do that much for you
Always glad you're with me
This emotion will be gone before you know
Time changed, we're different
But my mind still says redundant things
Can I not think?
Will you love this part of me?
My lover is a day I can't forget
Furthering my distance from you
Realistically I can't leave now
But I'm okay as long as you
Keep me from going crazy
Keep me from going crazy, girl
Time changed, we're different
But my mind still says redundant things
Can I not think?
Will you love this part of me?
My lover is a day I can't forget
Furthering my distance from you
Realistically I can't leave now
But I'm okay as long as you
Keep me from going crazy
Keep me from going crazy”
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swampcreature · 1 year
Tag Game To Better Know You
Thank you for the tag @lady--lisa!!
Tagging @owl-mug @teagrammy @william-jennings-bryan and anyone else who wants to do it.
What book are you currently reading?
I haven’t done a lot of reading for enjoyment recently nor have I really thought about picking up a book soon. Maybe once finals are over I'll get something.
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I didn't see a whole lot of movies in the theaters this year, and the ones I did I didn't really like, but I liked the Baz Luhrmann Elvis movie the most out of them.
What do you usually wear?
I dress really casually. Right now, it's usually sweats, or a sweater or a cardigan and t-shirt, and jeans. I like fun multicolored socks and shoes. High school me used to dress like Vriska when we got no-uniform days though and I'm glad I graduated out of that.
How tall are you?
On the tall end of average height.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Scorpio. I share a birthday with Bob Ross and the Great Depression.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
IRL I go by my full first name, but online I use a nickname.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
No. I think she'd like the path I chose though, even if she would be a little disappointed in the fact that I don't really do the thing she found passion in anymore. I'm still in university though, I have time to make it up to her.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No, and honestly I kinda prefer being single.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I have a fairly decent memory and am good at remembering deadlines and stupid trivia. Even things I thought I forgot (usually I just end up making some association and going oh yeah that's just like blah blah blah.)
I cannot wrap a present for the life of me. I can never manage to get the paper to fold right or the tape to look neat. Slap it in a bag, put some nice tissue paper in there, and call it a day.
Dogs or cats?
I like them both but I prefer dogs cuz that's what I grew up with.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Ughhhh I haven't finished anything in a while but i'm kinda proud of this line. I'm malding though cuz I have to scrap it cuz the scene flows better from the other character's pov.
"However, Andrew has always been inclined towards sin, so despite everything, it is natural that he gravitates towards a being as sinful as Antonio. Perhaps they’re cut from the same sinful cloth, both demons seeking a soothing hand, an honest tongue, and a kind heart. If his damnation comprises of an eternity playing games, drinking, and spending time with Antonio in this manor, then Andrew doesn’t think he minds at all.
"How cruel it is, that God allows him to meet someone who understands him so fully and uniquely, and still deny him the privilege of making him his soulmate."
What’s something you would like to create content for?
Identity V fandom doesn't have nearly enough femslash fic. The sapphics are starving.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Ride the Cyclone. Fantastic musical, fantastic characters, Jane Doe is my sweet daughter and deserves the world. Also recently taken an interest in Ada Lovelace, 19th-20th century classical music, and Ace Attorney.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
This last semester of university. It's just been so incredibly draining. I'll be going abroad next semester though so should be some more excitement.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can do pretty good accents (if I listen to someone with that accent for long enough.) When I was younger I used to be able to do a good Russian accent cuz I watched so much hetalia and now I can do a decent Clone High JFK voice.
Are you religious?    
No but I consider myself spiritual.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A spa day. Especially a pedicure.
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spacenutspod · 15 days
The physics surrounding black holes is just plain weird. A gravitational well so strong that not even light can escape can do some pretty strange things to normal matter. Over the decades, plenty of theories have been put forward about what those strange things might be. And now, a new paper from physicists at the University of Oxford has proved that, once again, Einstein’s theory of gravity was right.  Their work focused on a “plunging region” immediately outside the black hole’s radius. In this region, matter “plunges” straight into the black hole rather than orbiting it via the more familiar laws of orbital mechanics. One of the paper’s authors, Dr. Andrew Mummery, equates it to watching a river turn into a waterfall. Matter flows nicely along a well-defined path and then seemingly drops off a cliff. Theoretical work has been ongoing for this region for decades. The idea of the plunge came originally from Einstein’s theory of gravity. It noted that sufficiently close to a black hole, the matter would be forced into the black hole at close to the speed of light. However, no one had yet collected any data and proved this theory. Fraser celebrates the first direct image of a black hole. However, data from NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) change that. They collected X-ray data on a relatively small black hole located in a star system about 10,000 light years away. That data showed that matter (which is all plasma at that point) rapidly moves toward the interior of the black hole once it reaches a certain threshold.  This discovery is only the first step in a long-term plan, where researchers hope to use a much bigger telescope to study much larger black holes. The Africa Millimetre Telescope is a proposed new ground-based telescope planned to begin operations in Namibia. Originally proposed back in 2016, the project is slowly moving toward first light and has so far received 10 million Euros in funding.  With this new telescope, the Oxford physicists hope to glimpse one of the supermassive black holes in the center of our galaxy. They could potentially even capture a video of it rotating—or at least the matter around it rotating. That would be a first for black hole astronomy and a major technical feat in and of itself. Fraser discusses another weird aspect of the physics of black holes – how cold are they? For now, plenty of other smaller black holes can be analyzed using data from existing telescopes, such as NuSTAR and NICER, as well as other platforms. The paper also analyzed data from the International Space Station. With new tools and a better understanding of what to look for, there are undoubtedly more discoveries waiting to be made about black holes in the data we’ve already collected. Learn More:University of Oxford – First proof that “plunging regions” exist around black holes in spaceMummery et al – Continuum emission from within the plunging region of black hole discsUT – New View Reveals Magnetic Fields Around Our Galaxy’s Giant Black HoleUT – Black Hole Event Horizons Can Get So Big it’ll Boggle Your Imagination Lead Image:Artist’s illustration of a black hole.Credit – NASA The post After Swirling Around a Black Hole, Matter Just Falls Straight In appeared first on Universe Today.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'It’s tragic that Andrew Hague’s All Of Us Strangers wasn’t nominated for a single Oscar. honestly, it’s a travesty. Considering the widespread praise this film has had, the only possible reason could be the belief that this is just another gay movie, and that would be such a mistake.
Andrew Scott plays a man who lives in England in one of those new condo buildings where no one else has moved in. Except one day, he finds a neighbor, who lives on another floor. Lost in their loneliness, these two connect, which sparks something within Scott, and he basically returns to his childhood home. the difference is, nothing has changed, and everything is as he left it, including his parents, who were killed in a car accident when he was a child.
While this film is about a gay man who gets to have conversations he never had with his parents, including about his sexuality, Andrew Hague has tapped into something within all of us. Much like how Selene Song realized how many people likely have relationships with too much distance, and wanted to ask the question of what would happen if that distance was closed thanks to social media after all those years, Hague taps into regret. He sees within all of us, gay or straight, that we all likely have something left unsaid with someone, possibly a parent, or another loved one, or even a friend, and the opportunity to return to that moment and have those conversations could be amazingly life changing.
It’s not all about being gay, but so much about his life after their death, as they live in a moment trapped in time before they passed, so even though they speak to the fully grown version of him, to them, its as if he just grew from a little boy and yet they don’t react with any level of shock. He can just have these conversations no matter how real they are, which Hague lets you decide, without any walls between.
It’s possible that Scott, whose character is a writer, is using this as a cathartic fantasy, but Hague also leaves open the door the possibility that this is really happening. So if you’ve ever passsed by your theatre showing All Of Us Strangers while people are crying walking out, it’s a tremendous experience, and one I was glad to have had in theatres. the audio description is done by someone, but i honestly didn’t stay through the credits. Bathrooms win sometimes. But, this moved me, and while I wasn’t fully sobbing, I was fighting this. Choked up, for sure.
On a personal note, it made me think of people I had lost, and that conversation I would have loved to have one more time. I lost a really good friend some years prior, and I distinctly remember being in a dream that night, which was about something else entirely, but he showed up in my dream, told me everything was OK, and left. The logical part in my head tells me that my brain did that for me, but it just felt like I was stepping out of the dream for a minute to have this conversation, and in some odd way I’ve always held that as a reason for me finding some peace for someone who died far too soon. So, while I didn’t quite reach the level of being compelled by the narrative of Past Lives, I understood it, and I can say that this is right in the same path.
Sadly, people aren’t watching it, and I fear because the lead is a gay man. But, not everyone wants to share that with the person or family member that’s gone. If I could have all the conversations I wanted to have, only some of them would I feel the need to bring up my sexuality, but others would be about how i should have called them back, or I should have tried harder. Guilt and regret drive the emotional weight of All Of Us Strangers, which is easily one of the best films of the year.
The performances are pretty damn good, with Claire Foy being given possibly the most heartbreaking moment of all between her and Scott. Jamie Bell has a great moment too. while I ahven’t mentioned how Paul Mescal works in this film, he is in quite a bit of it, and he seems like the unsung supporting character, much like how John Megarro was for past Lives.
You owe yourselves this film. We all need a good cry sometimes. Just the other day, someone who is really just starting to get into film asked me for films that were a good cry, and this was on my list. Exceptional work, and one the Academy will regret years from now having not nominated.
Final Grade: A'
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