#And Dan is the son of Clockwork and Pariah Dark
bet-on-me-13 · 28 days
Spy X Family AU
So! Jack Fenton is a Super Spy/Scientist who is working on a mission to investigate Amity Park. The Government has put an Information Blackout on the entire Town, so he has been assigned to infiltrate the town. When he discovers that the town is contaminated with Ectoplasm, he asks to stay there to study the Stuff.
Maddie Fenton is an Assasin who used to work for the League of Assasins, right under Talia, before she deserted the League and ran away. She ran to Amity Park because of how secluded it was, and began working as a Mercenary Assasin to make a living. She is also a Scientist who discovered Ectoplasm and wanted to study it because it reminded her of Lazarus.
They meet while studying Ectoplasm and use eachother to cement their Cover Stories (and get a new study partner).
Jazz in the child Jack adopted from a nearby Orphanage so he could blend in with a "Normal Father" Facade. She is a Liminal with Telepathic Abilities who knows everything about the other two, but keeps it a secret because she wants to psochoanalyze them. Her real parents are unknown, but that's what's fun about making your own AU, you can mess around with it.
Danny is the dog.
Just kidding, Danny is actually a Hybrid child between a Human and a Ghost who was left on Jack and Maddies doorstep as a Kid. They understood what he was immediately and took him in so he wouldn't be taken and experimented on by the GIW, pretending that he was a normal kid (and forgetting to tell him that he is a Ghost to begin with)
He doesn't even know he is a Hybrid for a while, until an accident in the Lab when he is 5 results in discovering his Ghost Form but thinking he just straight up died and brought himself back. Oh and he can see the Future sometimes, just to throw that in there.
I wonder who the Ghostly Father of this Hybrid child who can see into the future and is very powerful? Surely not the Ghost who deals with time and is also very powerful? Sure, absolutely impossible...
Anyways, thoughts on the AU?
(More context in the tags)
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 259
You know, going back in time, they thought it would be easy. Stop the end of the world by preventing the Being from well, coming into being. It should be easy to take them out, one death to prevent an untold amount of them. What could a child do?
They really should have remembered that with a child usually comes their parent as well. And erm, said parent doesn’t seem to appreciate their logic. In fact, they are… getting their ass kicked. By a civilian. A feral civilian who apparently is very protective of said child-who-ends-up-destroying-the-world. 
They might need assistance…
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escelia · 1 year
Thank you so much to everyone who enjoyed the first part! I hope I didn't miss anyone in the tags.
You can click here to read the prologue and here to read part one.
Not So Normal pt2
Bruce had gathered his whole brood in the Batcave for their debrief. This time, Danny included. He'd hoped that one day he would bring Danny down here and tell him all about their nightly activities, just not so soon. His newest son didn't even seem fazed at all by all the vigilantes flooding into the cave. Not that that really meant anything with him floating down through the ceiling with Dick and Damian in hand. To think one of the kids living under his own roof was a meta and he hadn't noticed… he had to step up his game as Gotham's greatest detective.
"Is the Joker alive?" Was Bruce's first question once everyone was situated and settled. He had a personal rule about not killing his rogues, but honestly, after what the Joker pulled, he thought he might be able to overlook it. After all, when an eldritch being takes a life, who is he to argue?
"Of course he's alive! Nobody dies when I get involved." Danny puffed his chest proudly. He hadn't broken his no casualty streak since he started hero work over a year ago. Not many heroes could say that, and Danny worked damn hard to keep it that way.
Bruce let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Out of relief or disappointment, he didn't know.
"Next question. Where and what is 'clown jail?'"
"It's a subspace of the Infinite Realms." The detective tucked that term away for questioning later. "It's a trick I picked up from my Head Guard back in the Realms. It's basically a space where you experience whatever punishment I think fits your crime. But it's all psychological, so no one ever gets hurt there."
"And what's his punishment?"
"Are you a meta or an alien? I can't tell at this point."
"How long have you known about us?"
"Why did you look so different back at the warehouse?"
"You have a Head Guard?"
The questions came in like a flood. Danny flushed at all the attention, unsure where to start first. He looked to Damian for help, but he only folded his arms and smiled smugly. That little traitor! But he supposed that's what he deserved for waiting so long to tell his family. In his defense, the last time he told a family about his abilities he'd ended up strapped to a table with a scalpel poking at his spleen.
"One question at a time, please!” Danny screeched, covering his face in embarrassment. He stared at Damian pleadingly one more time.
"I told you to tell them before something drastic happened, so don't look at me. "
"You knew?" Jason pouted. Damian just smirked and puffed his chest in pride. He knew exactly why Daniel hadn't told them, but had been confident that his new family wouldn't react the way his old one had. Perhaps this would teach Daniel to trust him a bit more. And wasn't it something that Damian wanted Daniel to trust him.
"They aren't like the Fentons, Daniel. You should tell them."
The words were like a balm on Danny's nerves. The others were smiling patiently at him, judgment absent in favor of eager curiosity but not in the cruel way it had been on Jack and Maddie's faces. He took a deep breath before starting in on the details. No place like the beginning, he guessed.
He told them about how he half died when he was 14 and all the abilities he gained as a result. He told them about his hunter parents and his colorful array of rogues turned friends. Bruce had paled considerably when he got to the part about Pariah Dark whisking their town away and his subsequent defeat of the Ghost King. And he looked downright nauseous when Danny detailed his victories over several of the more godlike entities of the Realms, like Overgrowth and Vortex. He left out Dan, skipping to the part where he'd effectively become the ward and apprentice to the Master of Time, Clockwork. And finally, he told them about Jack and Maddie.
When he'd stumbled into Gotham after the vivisection and begged Bruce to take him away, to protect him, "please, I just wanna feel safe again," he'd told him that it was abuse and refused to outline the details. This time, he looked him in the eyes, and with one finger wrapped around Damian's for support, he told his family about how the Dr's. Fenton had cut him open and poked around in the name of science.
"So… you're not a meta?" Duke asked in the silence that followed Danny's confessions. He had to admit he was grateful his brother wasn't dwelling on his past. Damian had been right, they were taking it well. Boy, did he let it show on his face in a typical, 12 year old, "I told you so," fashion.
"I don't have a metagene and I'm technically half-dead, half-alive. Damian used the term Pseudo-Meta. I kinda like it."
"So let me get this straight," Jason began. "Since dying, you won the Ghost King's crown by right of conquest, defeated several godlike entities, who are now your friends, and your mentor is the literal God of time?"
"Pretty much."
"Damn," he whistled. "I don't think I died right the first time. I want a do-over."
Danny snorted in laughter and Damian tutted at him while the others elbowed him in ribs.
"Does that make you a god?" Dick teased.
"I don't think so, but every time I ask Clockwork he gets all cryptic, so maybe?"
Bruce was getting a headache.
"Alright, it's time to solve some real mysteries now," Tim said with a gleam in his eyes. They'd migrated up to the kitchen for post patrol cookies. Alfred had been pleasantly surprised when Bruce had explained that, thanks to Danny, everyone had made it home relatively unscathed. And considering they'd had a run-in with Joker, that was worthy of cookies in his opinion.
"Danny, how in the world did you get Damian to stop trying to stab you?"
"Actually, yeah! You guys have gotten really close. What's the secret?" Dick asked with a raised eyebrow. Damian rolled his eyes and answered for Danny.
"I challenged him in combat and Daniel accepted. It's not my fault none of you were intelligent enough to realize it was a bonding tactic." Bruce tried to hide his laughter in his mug while the others blatantly gawked at him.
"No way."
"I have a picture of the first time he managed to graze me in a sparring session! You guys wanna see?" Everyone swarmed him to see the photo. Dick cooed and tried to pinch Damian's cheek, but was met with snapping teeth. Steph, with eyes sparkling, just muttered, "cute," so as not to stir the youngest's ire. Danny ended up promising to send the picture into the group chat later.
"By the way, you never did say what Joker's punishment was," Jason mentioned casually. Danny smiled cruelly, his frosty blue eyes glowing.
"His greatest fear, of course! A prolonged stay in a Gotham that has not nor will ever know the Joker. I swear, I've never met a clown that wasn't a total narcissist." Danny popped the last bite of a cookie into his mouth and dusted the crumbs off on his pants. "No one is allowed to hurt my brothers. Ever."
Damian was just about to climb into bed when he heard a knock at his door. He looked up just in time to see Danny phase through it into his room.
"Why even bother knocking?"
"Because it's polite!" Damian rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." He took a seat at the end of the bed and Damian sat next to him, as was tradition for their late night chats.
"I'm the one who should be thanking you," Damian countered. "You weren't ready to tell everyone, and yet you came when I called."
"Of course I did. You're my little brother. And I'd do it for any of you." Danny nudged him with his shoulder, and it earned him a tiny, barely there smile.
"Thank you Danny."
"Using a nickname, huh? Don't let Dick hear that, he'll think you're playing favorites."
"Of course not. I have a reputation to uphold after all. Besides, Richard already thinks you're my favorite. It's giving him a complex."
"Well, aren't I?"
"Tt, don't push your luck."
There was a beat of silence before they erupted into laughter. Danny was so proud that he could make Damian laugh, even if it was more reserved than the guffaws he and their brothers had when they found something particularly funny. He couldn't wait to brag to Jazz about it once it was safe to contact her. If it was safe to contact her.
"I'll see you in the morning," Danny said, leaning lightly against his brother's shoulder in lieu of a hug. He floated over to the door. "Goodnight, Dami."
"Sleep well, Danny."
Vlad Masters gnashed his teeth while he stared at the computer screen in his office. First Daniel up and disappeared without so much as a word, and now he was all over the news and tabloids as the newly adopted "Daniel Fenton-Wayne." He was annoyed. He was furious! He was… confused. What had that fool Jack done to get Daniel taken away? Why hadn't Maddie stopped it? How did Daniel end up getting legally adopted by Bruce Wayne of all people? The boy should have come right to him if something was wrong. He deserved it! The boy was his or he was no one's!
The man swatted the mug off his desk. It shattered against the wall.
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starry-kattz · 11 months
K so, Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time impressions
-The fanfics/ fan theories were right about so much stuff. I thought we already knew the emotion thing tho.
-Aren't they kinda friends with Dorothea? Like, why just call her "dragon ghost"? Rude.
-It's been a while since I watched the show, but the hell is Fright Knight's deal anyway? I thought he was over serving Pariah Dark, and you're telling me this dude just hangs out with his sarcophagus most of the year? Booooo.
-Holy shit, Dark Dan :):) He's so cool but he's officially in wet cat territory for me.
-Valerie is gonna be a problem in the future, and I don't think I'm down for that.
-I am simultaneously impressed and very miffed that they somehow managed to reset everything back to the status-quo damn near 20 years after the original show. I know a lot of people didn't like Phantom Planet, but good lord. I suppose it's a clever way to write out the Deus ex that Clockwork represents, but I rather wish they'd tried to keep some shake ups within the narrative.
-I was always an advocate for Vlad getting a redemption, until near the end of the show, so I'm kinda conflicted. He had a pretty cool moment tho, and was funny during the story. I hope it sticks I guess.
-Vlad finally has his evil son and it's a fusion of a version of himself and Danny that's an adult in a clone of Danny's body. Something about that is hilarious. Hope Dan can get over his angst.
-The end was a bit unclear about what everyone remembered, but since this is clearly a set up for a series, oh well I guess?
-Danny is the Avatar now???????????
-Main trio was alright, I guess. I loved Danny, but I feel like Tucker and Sam didn't really get to do much. Also, I know it wasn't the focus, I didn't expect it to be, but I dead-ass forgot Sam and Danny were a couple?? Like, they had a few panels with them looking at each other all soft and everything, but the chemistry kinda felt non-existent? Idk what to take from that, it's just an observation.
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arashikitten · 3 years
Dark Danny Should’ve Come Back at Least Once
I think most of the Phandom can agree that The Ultimate Enemy was one of the best Danny Phantom episodes ever made, and for good reason. It was incredibly dark of a kid’s cartoon, especially one made by Bitch Hartman, and on top of that, it provided some very interesting lore and characters. We get to see Danny pushed to his absolute emotional limit in a way that I don’t think the show ever did before, save maybe for My Brother’s Keeper in season 1, and we get our first glimpse at Clockwork, who thanks to @five-rivers fanfic Mortified, has become one of my favorite DP characters. And of course, we get to see Dark Danny, or Dan.
But there’s one little thing about this episode that’s always bothered me: the very ending.
Because at the very end of TUE, we get a shot of the Fenton thermos that Dan is sealed away in rocking back and forth, before Dan’s face forms a massive dent in the side, his laughter echoing as the screen fades to the end credits.
You would think, with an ending like that, that Dan would come back in a later episode. That he would return in the series finale is this last big bad, this final demon for Danny to confront once and for all. 
But that’s not what happens. And it kinda pisses me off.
Dan should’ve come back. We should have gotten at least one more episode with this guy, exploring more of his character, more of his side of the story, anything at all. And you know what would be a great way to do this?
Imagine this, if you will.
Dan makes his escape from Clockwork’s lair, dead set on finishing what he started. Eventually, he discovers Vlad’s portal (let’s say that Vlad decided to rebuild his here) and, upon coming face to face with the man who made him like this in the first place, freaks out. Dan makes an attempt on Vlad’s life, and Vlad just barely manages to escape.
Once Vlad is sure this strange new ghost won’t find him so easily, he realizes that this new ghost had Danny’s insignia on his chest, and puts it together that Danny must be involved in this somehow. 
So Vlad makes his way to Amity Park to confront Danny about this new ghost. Danny assumes that Vlad is there to try to kill Jack or whatever, the two get into a massive fistfight, before Vlad finally tells Danny that he’s only here because a strange new ghost wearing Danny’s insignia popped out of his portal this morning attempting to kill him a second time.
And Danny freezes. He goes from snarky and flippant to sheer, raw terror that has Vlad actually worried. Danny demands to know what this new ghost looks like, and Vlad’s concern turns to fear when Danny’s face goes white with horror because this is the same kid who went up against Pariah Dark without a second thought, who has faced countless ghosts who’s powers could be considered godly with a fearless smile on his face, and Vlad may not have much respect for Danny but he knows what the kid lacks in intelligence he more than makes up for in bravery. 
Meaning that whoever this new ghost is must be incredibly powerful, incredibly horrific, and incredibly dangerous.
Danny tells Vlad to go to Danny’s house and tell them to put the ghost shields surrounding the town up, to not try anything funny, and don’t. Leave. The Shields. No matter what.
For once, Vlad decides to take Danny’s lead. He appears on the Fenton’s doorstep, Armani suit ruffled and hair disheveled, telling them that there is a very powerful ghost making it’s way toward Amity Park and they need to put the ghost shields up now, or risk a Pariah Dark-level threat again. 
Then Vlad makes his way toward the edge of town, because he still hasn’t gotten an answer from Danny as to who exactly that ghost was, and he’ll be damned if he can’t get an answer.
Meanwhile, Danny is just outside the ghost shields, waiting for Dan to arrive. He’s absolutely terrified, because what if Danny isn’t strong enough this time? What if he fails again, like he almost did before Clockwork turned back time? Would Clockwork do that for him again? Would he have to watch his future burn down this present that he’s taken so long to keep up?
Then Dan arrives. Right as Vlad makes it to the edge of the shield. 
And Vlad watches with awe as the two fight. He watches as Danny holds his own against this ghost that had almost decimated Vlad barely 2 hours prior, watches as Danny outmaneuvers, outsmarts this menace, watches as Danny fights tooth and nail in a way that Vlad is sure he’s never seen before, and he realizes that Danny has been holding back. Maybe not at first, maybe not during those first few months, but definitely for a while now, because Danny is holding his own now when Vlad couldn’t.
But then that leaves the question as to why? Why is Danny going all out now? Why was he so scared of this new ghost? More importantly, when did Danny encounter this guy? 
Because he had to have fought this ghost at least once before, to have had that reaction to Vlad’s description. 
And then, he hears the other ghost’s voice, one that sounds like a strange mixture of his and Danny’s, and he hears him say “It doesn’t matter what you do, Danny. You might’ve stopped that explosion, but there are still so many other things that lead to me. A car crash, an unlucky ghost attack, the ecto-filtrator, Vlad getting lucky, all of them could still happen. Your friends, your family, all gone, and you still turn into me.”
And suddenly, everything makes sense. That ghost that Danny’s fighting, that ghost that attacked Vlad, that is Danny, or it was, before something twisted him into an unrecognizable monster, and Vlad has a creeping suspicion that it has something to do with him.  And he realizes that Danny is so much more than he ever gave him credit for. He sees Danny, fighting his own future with a hope that Vlad would call naive if not for the fact that Danny had already thwarted whatever horrible future lead to this at least once before, and he understands that he was wrong about Danny.
Because this? Fighting against the personification of all the worst parts of yourself not once, but at least twice? It would require a maturity, a strength of will that Vlad knows he himself lacks, and he comes to the stunning realization that for all the childish quips and petty pranks, Danny is far more mature than Vlad ever was, far stronger than Vlad ever was.
And then, Danny does the ghostly wail.
And if Vlad was surprised before, then he's absolutely terrified now. That’s enough power to destroy an entire city, that single wail, and the sound is a bone-chilling scream that rubs the older halfa wrong in every way possible because that sound should not come from someone as young as Danny.
And now Vlad is caught between two realizations: that Danny is so much stronger than Vlad could ever be in every sense of the word, and that the only reason Danny is that strong is because he has to be, because he’s a child being forced to go against all manner of ghostly and cosmic horror all on his own, and Vlad suddenly feels intensely guilty because he should’ve been helping Danny, and instead he’s done nothing but make his life harder.
At that point, Jack and Maddie arrive. They freak out because Vlad is so close to Phantom and this other extremely powerful ghost, what the hell is he thinking!? And Vlad is trying desperately to get them to leave, because Danny looks exhausted and Vlad might be an ass, but he’s starting his redemption arc now and that means making sure Danny’s secret, and by extension Danny himself, is safe from his parents. Vlad knows what it’s like to be on an examination table, knows how terrifying it is to have doctors looming over you with knives and bright lights while you have no idea what’s going on, and he’ll be damned if he lets Danny (who he again reminds himself is very much still a child) go through that with his own parents.
But it’s too late. Danny detransforms right there on the street, in full view of Jack and Maddie and everyone else who’s gathered there (Dan’s been sucked back in the thermos at this point).
Danny turns around, covered in scratches and burns and bruises, blood in his mouth from where Dan punched him in the lip, left arm hanging in an unnatural angle, and he sees everyone: He sees Vlad, icy blue eyes so similar to Danny’s own filled with uncharacteristic worry.
He sees Sam and Tucker, both with wide, scared eyes, and he can just barely see the faint shimmer of tears gathering in their eyes.
He sees Jazz, face pale and her knuckles white as she grips the Fenton peeler with all her strength.
He sees Valerie, her helmet down and exposing a flurry of emotions ranging from shock to anger to horror to pain.
He sees his mom and dad, clinging to each other as they stare at Danny, at their son, and come to the realization that their son is dead, their son is a ghost and he has been for a while now and how did they never notice? How could they not notice that they had been shooting at their own son for at least a year now, that their boy had been putting his afterlife on the line for them while also trying to keep up with school, and evade capture by the GIW, all at the same time?
And Danny is scared, he’s so scared, because his parents look horrified of him and they think he’s a monster, and they hate him, because why else would they be looking at him like that?
He feels his fathers arms wrapping around him and he’s sure, he’s so sure that they’re about to haul him off to their lab to be pinned down and dissected by his own parents, because they saw Dan, they saw what he would become, they saw what he is now, they know now. But then his mom and dad start apologizing, because they never noticed, and they should’ve, they should’ve seen that Danny’s low grades and missed curfews and skipped classes were because he was putting his life on the line for everyone in this town over and over and over again. They apologize for not making him feel safe in his own house, because how many times did they rant about dissecting their own son right in front of him? How many times had Jack and Maddie shown Danny a dissected blob ghost and effectively told him that he was the next one on the list? How much hell did their own son have to go through on his own, because his own parents couldn’t see what was right there?
And Danny finally realizes that no, he’s not going to end up on a dissection table, that his parents do accept him as he is now. 
But there’s still this lingering fear because they don’t know. They don’t know what Danny might turn into, and he can’t keep that from them anymore, because Dan is a secret he can’t keep anymore.
Jack and Maddie are confused when their son pulls away, and for a moment they’re worried that Danny’s upset with them, that he’s angry at them, because why wouldn’t he be?
Then they see this nervousness, they see how he’s shaking and tense, and they might not always be able to read the room that well but they can tell that there’s something else going on here that Danny wants to tell them, even if he’s scared to.
So Jack and Maddie ask Danny if he wants to talk about whatever it is back at the house, and Danny says yes, but Vlad, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz should also be there, because Danny needs some level of support and he knows that Vlad won’t stop pestering him about Dan until he tells him.
Valerie steps in at this point, finally getting over her shock to demand to know what the hells going on, was Danny Phantom the whole time? Who was that other ghost? Why did that other ghost say that Danny would turn into him?
Sam and Tucker, who have been through the emotional wringer watching their best friend fight his evil future self, then reveal his identity to his parents, are kinda pissed at Valerie, because Danny’s already stressed out enough as is, she doesn’t need to be adding on to it. A fight almost breaks out between the three of them, which only stopped when Vlad of all people, steps in saying that while Valerie does have a right to know what’s going on, all of this yelling will do nothing but cause problems.
The three simmer down, and they all head over to the Fenton’s house, where Danny tells them everything: the portal, Pariah Dark (Vlad suddenly finds a particularly interesting spot on the floor), and Dan. He tells them about how Jack, Maddie, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker died in an explosion in that timeline, how that timeline’s Danny turned to Vlad to take him in, how Alt!Danny asked Vlad to remove his human half so he wouldn’t feel that pain anymore. How Alt!Phantom had been driven insane by the separation (he leaves out the part where Phantom fuses with Vlad’s ghost half: he’s not sure Vlad wants him to tell them about his halfa status), killing his human half before destroying most of humanity. How Danny had been forced to fight Dan a year ago, when he had attempted to blow up his friends in family in this timeline to ensure Dan’s recreation here.
When he’s finally done, about an hour and a half later, Danny looks around the room: at Valerie, at Vlad, at his best friends, at his sister, at his parents, and he sees not only acceptance, but respect. Pride. Because they saw that Danny was willing to look his fate in the eye, and say that he would change it no matter what. They saw him fight tooth and nail to protect them, they saw him defend them from his own demons with a bravery most grown adults don’t have, much less a 14 year old boy.
And they accept him.
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constellaj · 3 years
25 for danny ghost boy because i'm like 99% sure you got Thoughts And Opinions on that
25: How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
ok so in angies perfect brain world hellscape: vlad adopts him and he and vlad work together bc the fentons have found out dannys secret and vlad/danny are sure hes going to di eand are trying to protect him and the fentons are chasing him cause Oh No our son has been possessed by a ghost or smthn this Entire Time but then theres a climactic battle with like the guys in white and danny helps them and they go Oh No Oh Geez but **before that** vlads secret comes out and he gets to yell at the fentons for making danny scared and also this entire time sam and tucker are trying to stop both the fentons and the giw and almost succeeding at every step to keep danny safe and danny only actually meets his parents face to face bc the giw want to lock down the entire fenton family and study them for ghost things. and danny almost saves them but he fails cause hes 14. and vlad almost deserts them but he RELUCTANTLY goes "ugh i dont want these bitches DEAD" so he actually saves the day. not in a self sacrificial way he continues to be a weird ghost uncle who hates jack/maddie both
and uhhhhhh [throws dart] also dash is his boyfriend by this final episode bc i wouldve put in more episodes before but if i cant do that then within this episode when the secret comes out dash has at least somewhat of a moment of "fenton. i think i am gay at you" near the end and they blush and look away and then hold hands.
objectively this is the weaker of my two options but this one is funnier and more lighthearted and also works off the assumption that i also get to rewrite the entire series so. theres that.
if i have to be CANON COMPLIANT/i cant eradicate every other episode perfectly and i only have phantom planet to remake, id want to actually pick up where reign storm left off where vlad wants to become the ghost king, and he does, and hes doing this whole tyrannical rule thing after thinking he killed pariah dark, but heres the issue is if you remember how Kitty worked in her debut episode, wearing her clothes basically just summoned her back into the hosts body-- and wearing the crown of fire / ring of rage will do that with pariah, so vlad is being a bitch and an asshole but hes slowly getting taken over by pariah and becoming even more bloodthirsty (and keeps contacting/subjugating clockwork to make more ppl to fight on his side. see: dark dan also gets a payoff) and in the climax danny realizes Oh. This Isn't Vlad Anymore and has to actually restore him tohis Him. maybe with blood blossoms or something and literally eradicates the half-ghost out of vlad. vlad is still bitter and morally questionable but he can start being a good person now even without his powers. in this ending i dont want the secret to come out in just the last episode so dannys identity actually does remain a secret and the big ending is that the crown/ring are shattered and there will never be another ghost king
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Thanks to there being something of a resurrection of the Phandom on my dash, I’d like to share an AU concept I’ve come up with.
I call it “Fenton’s Inferno.
The rest will be below the read more
Danny died mere days before the Portal accident was supposed to half-kill him.
This has set all sorts of timelines into disarray.
Maddie Fenton, reeling from her son’s death throws herself into her work double-checking everything and finding the ‘On/Off’ switch was INSIDE the portal so she made sure it was unplugged flicked it on and once they’d done more of their due diligence, the Fentons fired up the Portal.
Shortly after, they use their Specter Speeder to go into the zone and find the Ghost Zone is nothing like they’d imagined. 
As Jack is blathering about the data, Maddie’s eye is caught by strange doors in front of strange pockets. 
One in particular seems to be a door that looks uncannily like the one to their ghost zone and it’s in front of what looks like Cape Canaveral crossed with the Moon. They enter it after a moment.
There, with a sort of blue-white skin tone, white hair, and glowing green eyes floating in front of a space telescope was Danny.
“Mom? Dad!?”
His retaining of his sentience and memories was a shock.
“Is it really you, Dan-o?” Jack asked.
“In the…ectoplasm,” Danny said awkwardly.
“What is this?”
“It’s my lair! All Ghosts have them, or so my mentor says!”
“Yeah, like a ghost that guides you through being dead?”
“But you weren’t supposed to die that day,” Maddie said suddnely. And in her heart she somehow knew that to be true.
“I’m not even the youngest ghost here,” Danny said rubbing the back of his neck.
“Aren’t you mad you’re dead?” Jack asked.
“Disappointed maybe? There was so much I wanted to do but I’m ok. It wasn’t your fault,” Danny said.
“Then come back with us to the human world.”
“Can’t do that. Ghosts belong in the ghost zone,” Danny said.
“Has anyone ever tried to fix death?” Maddie asked.
“Way too many and it doesn’t end up well,” Danny said. 
He paused and floated over to a corner of the lair and came back with something.
“My…mentor ghost. He…he doesn’t think I should have died either. Take this. I have a spare.” 
It was a cog-shaped medallion with “CW” on it.
“Talk to him.”
——————— ———————
Him turned out to be a powerful entity called Clockwork.  He agrees with Maddie.
Danny should not be dead.(fully)
Danny’s premature full death has royally screwed up the timelines and mostly in negative manners.
“Though, should we bring him back? He seemed happy in that lair,” Maddie said.
“But he wasn’t. Maddie, he was only tying to make us feel better so we could move on.”
“That’s precisely what he was doing. Your son has a remarkable capacity for helping others.”
“How can we bring him back? You’re the master of all time? Can’t we time travel back to when he died?”
“Afraid not in this case. A couple of near-sighted eyes are keeping too close a watch on me to simply allow humans through.”
“Then what can we do?”
“There is a way to restore your son’s human existence, something only a human can do. Follow me.”
———————————— —————————
Clockwork leads Maddie and Jack to a part of the Ghostzone that feels both empty yet filled with…something
“This is as far as I can go. Within you’ll face many trials. Life is not cheap. To restore your son, you will need to pay a hefty price.”
“Name any price and I’ll pay it!” Jack said.
“Even your own life?”
“If that’s all it takes, you can have it!”
“Good. Keep that passion. You’re going to need it and this: good luck.”
——————————— ———————
From here the idea is Jack and Maddie have to face different trials based on their own lives, fears, and ambitions all while passing lower and lower into this strange dungeon like building.
Unfortunately for them, they’ve had a stalker: Skulker.
He reports them to Vlad who first barges into Danny’s lair to meet “the little badger”
He’s shocked that Danny’s lair is so complex when Danny’s only been a ghost for a month.
It’s my personal HC that Danny would have always been a powerful ghost and Full Ghost!Danny’s powers are celestial based and he’d, eventually, be strong enough to challenge Pariah Dark but the Observants don’t care that Vlad’s actions would cause wide-scale death and destruction in the human world by the time Full Ghost! Danny had grown powerful enough to take on the Ghost King and take his place.
As far as the observants are concerned, Clockwork merely needs to groom Danny into a good future Ghost King and keep him safe during Pariah’s rampage.
So Vlad tries schmoozing up to Danny realizing this ghost would eventually be powerful and offers him protection.
Danny declines and taps his medallion.
Vlad can’t exactly top Clockwork in power level and he knows it.
So he finds the Descent with Skulker’s help
Vlad being a halfa can, of course, enter but Skulker cannot.
But Vlad’s ghost powers are on the fritz.
So now it’s a race between the Fentons and Vlad to get to the bottom and bring Danny back.
Vlad, so he can have Maddie and Danny in his debt.
The Fentons because they love their son
——————— —————
That, so far, is all I have for this AU.
BTW the reason Jack and Maddie aren’t trying to rip ghosts apart  “Molecule by molecule” is Grief. They’re not their usual selves.
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neondrawsthethings · 3 years
Uhm... Hey everyone lol. And welcome to my Danny Phantom & Flynn Fenton story.
I am alive, I’ve just been so busy with personal stuff and college. I mostly wanted to post this because I am an avid fan of Danny Phantom and I absolutely wanted to talk about the video Butch put out a few days ago with Danny having a “mysterious older brother.”
This has actually inspired me to write for the first time in a millennia and while I’m a bit late to the party and very nervous, I really wanted to make my own version of the story on top of expressing my opinions. So here we go!
I don’t like Butch like most people in the Phandom but I just want to preface this by saying that I think that his idea for a mysterious older sibling for Danny isn't a bad one, but the execution of it was very poor. The issues I mostly have of it is that it messes up some consistencies with the show, it has plot holes and instead of making Jack and Maddie slightly incompetent with people's safety, it makes them out to be negligible criminals.
A Summary Of The Original Story:
The original story went that they had 3 kids, Flynn Fenton (who's age was not disclosed but he might have been about 10), Jazz Fenton who was 4 at the time and Danny who was 2. Jack and Maddie had created a uncompleted Ghost Portal that Flynn had turned on, wandered too close to when it somehow started working and was subsequently grabbed by a mysterious ghost from the other end. The portal suddenly stopped working afterwards. Jack and Maddie found out about this after reviewing security footage in the lab, which they coincidentally didn't have when Danny had turned into a ghost.
After the whole incident, they hid the fact that Jazz and Danny had an older brother for years and take their time getting the portal to work again so they could save their son. Years pass and Jazz suddenly has a dream about Flynn and eventually confronts their parents over what happened and they tell their kids everything.
As for Flynn, Butch goes off in a tangent about a ghost who was responsible for the uprising and rebellion against Pariah Dark. I forget her name, but it was edgy and she honestly looks like a cartoon concept design for Thor's sister in Ragnarok, but if she had a Spiderman appeal to her.
Anyway, once Pariah was sealed away in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, she wanted to rule the ghost zone fairly and with justice. Or something. However chaos ensued now that the ghosts were free to do as they please without Pariah's wrath hanging over their heads. Over time, trying to keep balance in the Ghost Zone took a toll on “Thor’s sister” and she one day stumbled across and open portal and saw Flynn on the other side. She essentially kidnapped him and raised him to be her soldier for justice. Like the Winter Soldier.
The logic for this was that humans have ghost powers in the Ghost Zone. I mean, yeah they can fly and phase through things, but it was never actually mentioned whether or not humans had super strength in it. But go off Butch. Then he goes on to explain that in some reference to the Ant Man movie, over time Flynn just sort of gained powers as he became "one with the Ghost Zone" and became a powerful protector called "Exodus." Then Fartman went on to mention it was a reference for a machine in the Halloween episode.
So yeah, eventually Danny finds him and they've kind of got that dynamic of "I think you're the bad guy in this situation" when they aren't and duke it out until Danny eventually convinces this dude they're related. Oh yeah and Flynn had no memories of his human life.
Gonna be honest, I might have misremembered a few things but it’s honestly close enough.
The issues I have with this concept are as follows:
⦁ Jack and Maddie have essentially been the direct cause for 3 people being harmed (and sorta killed) in some way by their Ghost Portal experiments. This doesn't even border on negligible at this point. It basically is, especially considering they should have learned not to let Danny near their experiments after losing their first son.
⦁ They come off as criminals considering they hid all traces and knowledge of Flynn from Danny, Jazz and most likely all family members and didn't even report his disappearance. They even had cameras in their lab and that honestly puts across the idea that they disabled them in case one of their other kids gets hurt.
⦁ There's already a ghost who considers himself to be the law of the Ghost Zone and it would appear that Butch forgot he created Walker for that exact purpose.
⦁ The female character who was responsible for putting away Pariah Dark honestly isn't well fleshed out. She can imprison the most powerful ghost in existence but is essentially useless at stopping lesser ghosts from causing chaos? Even if she did have help, how exactly was she capable of such a feat to begin with?
⦁ This messes with the cannon a bit considering there are some plot holes that can't really mix well with the established story.
I saw some of these concerns were also mentioned by the Phandom. Giving Butch the benefit of the doubt here, I don't hate the concept but I think it needs to be worked on more. I've read about what some people's opinions were and at least the ones that gave real critiques had some good ideas. Like maybe making the sibling either Jack's or Maddie's and it would have helped with their obsession of ghosts.
I have my own plot hole filled ideas with how this could maybe be told better. I'm not a storywriter and this might come off a little edgy, but man I love coming up with ideas. So here's mine:
My Story:
After the incident with Vlad, Maddie and Jack decide that their ghost hunting days are over and resolve to live a normal family life. They have their first son Flynn, who had solidified their decision to quit ghost hunting and settle. After a few years, Jazz and Danny were eventually born and it seemed they had the perfect life.
One day while vacationing in a wooded area (location can change), Flynn had wandered not too far from the camp. Then a flash of light suddenly burst in front of him and he could see a whole other world. Jack and Maddie were alerted to the sound and ran towards where it came from. They gasped at what they saw and knew exactly what Flynn was staring into; a ghost portal. 
Before they could yell for him to stay away, a hand suddenly reached out and pulled Flynn in, the portal immediately closing as soon as he entered. Maddie and Jack were devastated. No one believed them when they explained what happened to their son, and this incident became the catalyst for them to start their ghost hunting careers again.
They worked tirelessly for years to get the portal to work again. Jazz had eventually chalked up their obsession to being a coping mechanism because they couldn't handle the guilt of losing Flynn and were in denial that he was gone. Danny was more of a social outcast than ever because people assumed his parents had something to do with Flynn's disappearance.
Now with regards to why Flynn was pulled into the Ghost Zone, I would actually like to think Clockwork played a hand in it. I watched the Blood of Zeus recently and I kind of wanted to play around with an idea that inspired this next part.
Clockwork knows that Dark Dan was never going to stay imprisoned forever. The fact that he still exists, even outside of time, was an omen he needed to heed. So maybe he meddled with a few future possibilities. Maybe he tried to get Maddie and Jack to realise Ghost Hunting was something they shouldn't mess with after hurting Vlad, which led to their decision to settle for a family. Maybe... He wanted Flynn to exist for a purpose.
He was the one who pulled Flynn into the Ghost Zone. Clockwork told Flynn that he would be the key to saving the future from Dark Dan, but withheld information on who he really was until he was old enough. He taught him everything he needed to know on how to defeat Dark Dan and trained him over the years in combat.
Going off the idea that Danny is kind of really average in comparison to the rest of his family, Flynn is a technological prodigy. He created weapons that Vlad could only dream of creating and can utilise technology that puts Tucker to shame. Once he was old enough, Clockwork finally revealed who Dark Dan was and how he came to be.
As for the fighting portion of everything, I'm honestly not too sure how I could go about writing it. Obviously they team up to destroy Dan for good and Flynn gets reunited with everyone. He might actually prefer to stay in the Ghost Zone and be Clockwork's assistant. Idk.
This is as far as I can go with regards to the story and it was super fun to write. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it too!
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currentlylurking · 4 years
Dannymay: 25 - 31
Days 1 - 24
Ghosts are creatures of habits and bonds - if something happens to render their habits impossible, and severs their bonds, then they break. Sometimes, they go from complex people to feral beasts - others, their sole goal becomes to cause others to hurt as they were hurt. 
In the Ghost Zone, the most common and tragic example of a ghost breaking is Pariah Dark - when one of the Ancients destroyed his wife and children, he began to target other families - he’d include them of improper grieving, and force the father-figure to watch as he hurt them just as he had been hurt.
The worst example of a ghost breaking, however, was known to very few - only the ones who had been involved in the creation of halfa-hybrid knew about him. His rampage had been averted and now he sat, contained, on a small shelf in a dark room.
And as the reasons he had broken in the first place were averted one by one, he gained a bit more control, a bit more realization of what, exactly, he had done.
Danny sputtered, “I - I just - I didn’t think you had any hobbies.”
Clockwork raised an eyebrow, and placed the half-sewn shirt on the desk in front of him - he crossed his arms and looked a bit offended. “Of course I have hobbies, Daniel - why is it so strange that I do something besides monitor the timestream all day? You sound like the Observants.”
Danny winced, and held up his hands in surrender - Clockwork still frowned at him. “I just thought you’d be more into, like, bonsai trees or something - not making clothes, especially since you only ever wear the one thing.”
“If we find a secret city buried under here, I’m leaving,” Tucker announced, which was the most valid thing he’d said since they entered Amity Park’s horror-movie-esque sewers. 
“What if it’s Eldorado?” Sam said, which was more valid - Danny nodded along. “Are you really going to run away from the city of gold just because it’s a bit creepy?”
“If we’ve ended up in Mexico, then I’m leaving faster,” Tucker said, “every time we find a spooky secret teleport I have to do something dumb.”
That was also fair, but Danny thought for a second - “Wouldn’t it be more likely that we find Atlantis or something?”
“What can I get for you, sugar?” The ghost asked, and Danny did his best to force a smile - it still came out strained, and he could see the pity on the ghost’s face. 
“Actually, I wanted to talk to one of your employees - she’s a friend of mine, and newly... new.”
The ghost sighed, “follow me,” she led him back to the kitchen, and Danny saw them - all of them. Every single employee of the Nasty Burger, focused on the work at hand - with Valerie near the back, flipping burgers like it was a normal day at work.
It was a bit comforting to see that, at least, none of them had suffered when the vat of sauce overheated.
Jack plugged in the heated blanket, turned on the space heater, and gave a final check that Danny was securely wrapped up in a multitude of quilts. When he’d checked on his sleeping son, he’d been as cold as the dead - except, of course, he was very much alive.
Hopefully the extra heat would help him. When he woke up, Jack would bring him a nice hot drink and some soup.
Let it never be said that Jack Fenton didn’t have his family’s best interest at heart, after all! Danny would be so much more comfortable in his nice warm bed, and he’d surely have an excellent sleep - maybe even dream about hunting ghosts with his old man!
“He is the exact opposite of the kind of ghosts you should be focusing on,” Fright Knight said, “your subjects will be angry.”
“Let them be angry,” Pariah Dark said, and lowered the bow he’d been practicing with, “Clockwork is my brother - I am not just handing him over to the Observants just because he has some weird powers.”
“You’re supposed to work in cooperation with the Observants,” Fright Knight sighed, “antagonizing them with laws like this will only build animosity between our factions.”
“Good,” Pariah said, “Write it into law - if any ghost inflicts physical damage to another’s blood relative or significant other, then the family of the affected ghost is allowed to retaliate tenfold. The next time someone lays a hand on my brother I’ll make them wish they’d never formed.”
Free Day (aka pick your own prompt, and I picked Grief!)
“You’re not the only one who’s lost everything,” Clockwork said. “I lost my brother, my friends, any family I had - I do understand, I promise. But this isn’t the way to deal with it, Daniel.”
Dan laughed in the face of the Master of Time, the Observants’ little pet meddler, their puppet on a string. “That’s cute, did they tell you to say it?”
“The Observants don’t know I’m here,” Clockwork said, voice slow and gentle, “this is just a conversation between two people who are still grieving.”
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grimgrinningghoul · 5 years
Phandom Pairing Master List
      Here it is, folks! An updated/updating list of ships from Danny Phantom!
(Updated Mar. 25, 2020)
      The purpose of this list is documentation and, more importantly, reference. Have a ship that you want to share, but don’t know what to tag it as? Well, this list is for you, so you can tag your pairings appropriately! Is there a ship out there that you despise, or are just uncomfortable about? Check this list to see if it has a name, and you can blacklist its tag!
      Here’s how it’s set up: the list is divided into 3 categories. These categories are the Humans, the Ghosts, and the Ghosts/Humans; each category goes through in alphabetical order. Every pairing is either marked with [P] or [R] to indicate platonic or romantic.
      You may notice that there are a decent handful of unnamed pairings; this is simply due to me being unable to find a pre-established name and/or coming up with one at this time. I hope to update this list over time until everything has at least one name.
      Suggestions are more than welcome! Think of a pairing you didn’t see? Got a ship name? Throw them at me, and I’ll add them to the list.
      Now, without further adieu, enjoy!
Dani x Danny [P]: Double Trouble
Dani x Danny [R]: Sue Killer
Dani x Dash [R]: Carbon Copy Quarterback
Dani x Lancer [P]: Copy Grades
Dani x Tucker [R]: Cloned Romantic
Dani x Valerie [R]: Sweet Substitution, Vengeful Babes
Dani x Vlad [P]: Generic Brand, Oatmeal
Dani x Vlad [R]: Cream Cheese
Dani x Wes [R]: Clone Conspiracy
Danny x Dash [R]: Locker Bruise, Swagger Bishie, Teddy Ghost
Danny x Eliot [R]: Nu Goth
Danny x Jack [P]: Family Business
Danny x Jack [R]: The Wrong Sick
Danny x Jazz [P]: -
Danny x Jazz [R]: Sibling Secrets
Danny x Kwan [R]: Phantom Fumble
Danny x Lancer [P]: Assigned Care
Danny x Lancer [R]: Literature Lovers
Danny x Maddie [P]: Family Bonding, Maternal Instincts
Danny x Maddie [R]: Mama’s Boy, Motherly Love
Danny x Pamela [R]: Restrained Romance
Danny x Paulina [R]: Pink Astronaut, Shallow Sapphire
Danny x Sam [R]: Amethyst Ocean, Fake-out Make-out, Going Goth, Lovebirds, Violet Haze
Danny x Star [R]: Astro Physics, Phantom Satellite
Danny x Tucker [P]: Cyberspace
Danny x Tucker [R]: Savant Par
Danny x Valerie [R]: Gray Ghost
Danny x Vlad [P]: Badger Cereal
Danny x Vlad [R]: Endangered Species, Pompous Pep
Danny x Wes [R]: Unidentified Flying Ship (UFS)
Dash x Jazz [R]: Brain Over Brawn
Dash x Kwan [R]: Tight End
Dash x Paulina [R]: Makeup Honor
Dash x Sam [R]: Dumb Founded
Dash x Star [R]: All-Stars
Dash x Vlad [P]: College Fund
Dash x Vlad [R]: Go Packers
Eliot x Sam [R]: Gothic Ruse
Eliot x Tucker [R]: Nu Geek
Freakshow x Danny [R]: Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt
Freakshow x Jazz [R]: Ghost Envy
Jack x Maddie [R]: Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies
Jack x Jazz [P]: -
Jack x Vlad [P]: -
Jack x Vlad [R]: Pac-Man
Jazz x Lancer [R]: Teacher’s Pet
Jazz x Paulina [P]: Miss Perfect
Jazz x Paulina [R]: Pretty Little Psycho
Jazz x Sam [R]: Kith Kin
Jazz x Tucker [R]: Techno Smarts
Jazz x Vlad [R]: Obsessive Meddler, Psycho Cereal
Kwan x Sam [P]: -
Kwan x Sam [R]: Jock Goth
Kwan x Star [R]: Sports Satellite
Kwan x Tucker [R]: Quacker
Kwan x Vlad [R]: Not So Useful Distraction
Lance Thunder x Lancer [R]: Lance Lancer
Maddie x Pamela [R]: Maternal Rivalry, Posh Scientist
Maddie x Vlad [R]: Spurned Affection
Paulina x Sam [P]: -
Paulina x Sam [R]: Evil Alliance, Fake-Up Make-Out, Goth Princess
Paulina x Star [P]: -
Paulina x Star [R]: Famous Satellite, Shallow Orbit
Paulina x Valerie [R]: Hunter’s Façade
Sam x Tucker [P]: Techno Goth
Sam x Tucker [R]: Ghost’s Absence, Veggie Burger
Sam x Valerie [R]: Hide N’ Seek
Sam x Vlad [R]: Gothic Vampire
Star x Tucker [R]: Twinkle Techno
Tucker x Valerie [R]: Hunter Silly, Tracking Device
Valerie x Vlad [R]: Misplaced Faith, Secret Disaster
Amorpho x Ghost Writer [R]: Tricky Pseudonym
Amorpho x Walker [P]: Undercover Cop
Amorpho x Walker [R]: Tricky Prison
Aragon x Dora [P]: -
Aragon x Dora [R]: Girl In The Tower, Royal Bloodline, Timeless Love
Aragon x Pariah Dark [R]: -
Bertrand x Spectra [R]: Melancholy Assistance
Box Ghost x Lunch Lady [R]: Packaged Food
Box Lunch x Youngblood [P]: -
Box Lunch x Youngblood [R]: Pirate Food
Clockwork x Dan [P]: - House Arrest
Clockwork x Dan [R]: Meddling Minutes
Clockwork x Ghostwriter [R]: History Books
Clockwork x Nocturne [R]: Bed Time, Dream Time
Clockwork x Pariah Dark [R]: Dark Ages
Clockwork x Walker [R]: Doing Time
Dairy King x Lunch Lady [R]: -
Dan x Ghost Writer [R]: Blood Red Ink
Dan x Nocturne [R]: Worst Nightmare
Dan x Pariah Dark [R]: Dark Dark
Desiree x Dora [R]: Royal Wishes
Desiree x Ember [R]: Hot December
Desiree x Pandora [R]: Mythical Wishes
Desiree x Skulker [R]: Traps Desired
Desiree x Spectra [R]: Painful Desires
Desiree x Technus [R]: Talkative Treacherous, Talkative Treachery
Desiree x Walker [R]: Guard Granter
Dora x Lydia [R]: Dragon Tattoo
Dora x Pandora [R]: Dora^2, Panned Doras
Dora x Poindexter [P]: -
Dora x Poindexter [R]: Retro Movie Do, Retro Movie Faire
Ember x Ghost Writer [R]: Burning Pages, Punk Poet, Written Memory
Ember x Johnny [P]: Rebel Youth
Ember x Johnny [R]: Flame’s Shadow
Ember x Kitty [P]: Girl’s Night
Ember x Kitty [R]: Pussycat Dolls
Ember x Skulker [P]: Punk Metal
Ember x Skulker [R]: Hunter’s Flame
Ember x Youngblood [P]: Pirate Sitting
Ember x Youngblood [R]: Punk Rock
Fright Knight x Pariah Dark [R]: All The King’s Men
Ghost Writer x Johnny [R]: Unlucky Author
Ghost Writer x Nocturne [R]: Goodnight Moon
Ghost Writer x Skulker [R]: Gun Magazine
Ghost Writer x Technus [R]: Science Fiction
Ghost Writer x Walker [R]: Penslammeter, Prison Journal
Johnny x Kitty [R]: Black Cat
Nocturne x Pariah Dark [R]: Delusions Of Grandeur
Skulker x Technus [P]: -
Skulker x Technus [R]: Electric Hunter, Generator, Sparks
Spectra x Walker [R]: Insane Asylum, Psyche Ward
Walker x Wulf [R]: Esperanto Code Of Conduct
Amorpho x Danny [R]: Anonymity Park
Aragon x Danny [R]: Royal Pain
Box Ghost x Danny [R]: Boxed Phantom
Clockwork x Danny [P]: Lost Time
Clockwork x Danny [R]: Temporal Trust
Clockwork x Jazz [R]: Timely Intelligence
Dairy King x Vlad [P]: Cheese Head
Dairy King x Vlad [R]: Lactose Intolerance
Dan x Dani [P]: -
Dan x Dani [R]: Young Bloodthirst
Dan x Danny [P]: New Beginnings
Dan x Danny [R]: Enslaved Exemplar, Haunted Past
Dan x Freakshow [R]: Control, Dark Side
Dan x Maddie [P]: -
Dan x Maddie [R]: Oedipus Complex
Dan x Paulina [R]: Pitiful Delusion
Dan x Sam [R]: Evil Goth
Dan x Valerie [R]: Dark Gray
Dan x Vlad [P]: The Imperfect Son
Dan x Vlad [R]: Bitterly Broken, Doubly Evil
Dani x Ember [P]: Kid’s Bop
Dani x Ember [R]: Platinum Punk
Dani x Youngblood [P]: Play Date
Dani x Youngblood [R]: Young Love
DannyF x DannyP [P]: Oreo Cookie, Phriendship, Pitch Pals
DannyF x DannyP [R]: Pitch Pearl, Photogenic Narcissus
Danny x Desiree [R]: Haunting Desire
Danny x Dora [R]: Phantom Dragon
Danny x Ember [P]: Baby Pop
Danny x Ember [R]: Phantom Rocker
Danny x Fright Knight [R]: Halloween Phantom
Danny x Frostbite [P]: -
Danny x Ghost Writer [R]: Iambic Prose
Danny x Johnny 13 [R]: Lucky Accident
Danny x Kitty [R]: Phantom Feline
Danny x Lunch Lady [R]: Ghostly Menu
Danny x Nocturne [P]: Restless Spirit
Danny x Nocturne [R]: Teenage Dream
Danny x Poindexter [P]: Locker Buddies
Danny x Poindexter [R]: Noodle Nerds
Danny x Shadow [R]: Phantom Shadows
Danny x Skulker [P]: Cat and Mouse
Danny x Skulker [R]: Callous Query
Danny x Spectra [R]: Phantom Psychology
Danny x Technus [P]: Voltaic Potential
Danny x Technus [R]: Cosmic Cyborg
Danny x Walker [P]: Space Cadet
Danny x Walker [R]: Ghostly Prisoner, Jailbait, Jailbird
Danny x Wulf [P]: Howling Moon
Danny x Wulf [R]: White Fang
Ember x Freakshow [R]: Dark Fire, The Freak Behind Blue Eyes
Ember x Paulina [R]: Perfect Pitch, Pitch Perfect
Ember x Sam [R]: Indie Rock, Somber Sear
Freakshow x Johnny 13 [R]: Hypnotic Shadows, Spaghetti And Meatballs
Freakshow x Lydia [R]: Circus Freaks
Fright Knight x Vlad [R]: New Master
Ghost Writer x Jazz [P]: Mindful Fiction
Ghost Writer x Jazz [R]: Classic Cliché
Ghost Writer x Sam [P]: Poetic Tale
Ghost Writer x Sam [R]: Purple Prose
Ghost Writer x Vlad [R]: Tireless Dedication
Jazz x Ember [R]: Hypno-Therapy
Jazz x Kitty [R]: Feline Grace
Jazz x Spectra [R]: Psycho Analysis
Jazz x Technus [R]: Techno Babble
Lancer x Spectra [R]: School Spirit
Lunch Lady x Tetslaff [R]: Butch-ers, Steak Sit-Ups
Sam x Undergrowth [P]: Gothic Garden, Green Thumb, Over Goth
Skulker x Vlad [P]: Bounty’s Reward
Skulker x Vlad [R]: Hunter’s Gains
Spectra x Vlad [R]: Misery Motivated
Technus x Tucker [P]: Tech Buddies
Technus x Tucker [R]: PDA, Techno Geeks, Technological Advancement
Technus x Vlad [R]: Mad Scientist
Vlad Masters x Vlad Plasmius [R]: Striking Fear
Vlad x Walker [P]: Tax Evasion
Vlad x Walker [R]: Bail Money
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browa123 · 5 years
I have a heavy yearning to learn more about your Guardian and Sprite au. Can you tell us some more about them?
Allow me to!
For the Guardian AU, guardian ghosts are considered to top dog of all ghosts, thus why Pariah is one too.
And there's an awesome rewritten plotline for The Ultimate Enemy. Vlad gets into cloning way earlier attempting to replicate Maddie's dead son, so not only is Danielle here earlier, but Vlad does get his perfect clone by mixing in some of his Halfa DNA.
Daniel Masters eventually gets envious of all the power his original has, how Danny can control so much just by sleeping. It leads him to become envious of the Fenton's, who took Dani in despite her imperfect nature. Who love Danny despite his power and nature.
Vlad isn't the best Dad, so Dan eventually betrays him. It's then that the consequences of his accelerated aging to fourteen come into effect, as it only takes him a couple days to age a year.
Eventually, he finds where Pariah Dark is sleeping and starts extracting the power for himself, so he can have everything Danny has.
As for Sprite AU:
Clockwork is the head elder of the sprite village in the woods. He has a council of sprites that know magic. This council teaches other young sprites with enough spirit yo control it.
Clockwork had a pupil by the name Plasmius, as the boy was especially gifted in magic. As they worked and trained together, Clockwork saw Plasmius as a son.
One day, however, Plasmius encountered a human. Him and are very much dangerous to sprites, and are known to kill them. Plasmius however grew infatuated with the giant, go a point of obsession with the human girl.
Plasmius would lead the girl to villages in attempts to earn her heart, and she'd destroy everything in her path. It was through great pain that the council has to banish Plasmius, by turning him into the monster he'd become.
Clockwork has been extremely bitter about humans since then. They were the ones who ensnared the heart of his greatest pupil, and forced him down a path of evil. Many strict laws have been put in place since then to prevent the tragedy from reoccurring.
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I’m so sorry, darling, I didn’t know what to do for this one when I first got the prompt! I finally had an idea that came from nowhere after work tonight. It’s, well... There’s thrumming and father/son things? And a very angry and powerful Clockwork if you’re into that as well. I hope so. It sort of got away from me. Hopefully you enjoy anyways! Oh, for those of you who don’t know, I like to call the platonic bond between Danny and Clockwork ‘Father Time’. 
Wondering what that blocked out part is? It’s a secret phrase that’s unlocked when you support my Patreon! If you send me a prompt with that secret phrase then your drabble has a chance of being done as soon as I can get to it - usually that same day! Want to see the drabbles I’ve done so far? Just check out the Patreon Drabbles tag! I also give away these secret code words every week or so! So many chances to see what YOU want written!
Warning: There is minor character death - Observants - and nothing is ever explicitly described but if even vague mentions of death and torture make you uneasy then you better not read this one. 
It wasn’t often that something happened to truly anger the Master of Time. It was hard to ignite his wrath - and for very good reason. Clockwork had long since learned the lesson of what anger could do and since then he was careful. Too careful, some would say, but nevertheless he knew the weight anger could carry and the destruction it could wrought. Last time Clockwork was angry he had defeated Pariah Dark, the King of All Ghosts, and allowed the Ancients to lock him away. His anger had cost a world their king.
What he felt then was but a flicking of a burned out candle compared to what he felt now. His anger was bubbling and boiling and flowing out of him and he did nothing to stop it - let them see what came when one angered Time.
“Stop him! He cannot stop time from within the confines of the Observatory!” The guards of the Observants were naught but ants that were easily crushed underfoot. Clockwork gave no thought to them as they rushed him, only sparing them a look that he was sure held all of his contempt for such creatures. How dare they.
“Time’s up.” The very world shook as Clockwork raised his hand, sigils of power that had long since been forgotten forming under every guard of the Observants and freezing them in place. Runes of power glowing with raw, untempered energy crawled upon their skin where they burned into the flesh, Clockwork paying no mind to the screams. Let others know what happened when Time was crossed.
“Clockwork!” Fools. Oh, there was no mistake, Clockwork could feel the power that pressed down against him. He could feel the scar under his eye throb with pain and claw into him, a reminder of what he was and what he had done. He paid it no mind. “You will leave-”
“Release him.” Clockwork’s voice was soft and hardly louder than a whisper, but they heard him. They felt those words, he was certain. “Release him to me.”
“You would do well to remember your place, Timekeeper. You are meant to serve the Greater Good and Higher Order!” The words were like poison. Poison that had been forced down his throat for an eternity. “Think of this as a gift of new beginnings.”
“A gift.” Whatever poison they shoved towards him he would burn. Whatever words they told him he would not listen. Whatever threats they made he would be sure to return them. “A gift.” Time itself bowed before his will. These creatures were nothing.
“The boy has proven to be too great a danger! Look at what he has already accomplished? What he has done! He has made you, a neutral party that has never before cared, to break every rule there is and to break-”
“Your control?” Clockwork’s laugh was like the growl of a slumbering beast awoken - a beast that should have never been angered. Never. “Master was the one you controlled. I, however, exist outside it.”
“You are a Timekeeper as is he. It is up to us to decide what should be done-” A flash of power and Clockwork was in front of the fool who dared speak to him in this moment, lips pulled back in a feral show of teeth. He had never felt the need to allow the more feral instincts of ghosts to take him over, but oh, he would gladly welcome this change today.
“And you are a fool who never learned their place in the world,” Clockwork hissed, staff gripped tightly in his hands. “Did you really think I would stand by and do nothing as you took him from me? You thought I would let you hurt my son without ever even raising my voice?”
“He is not your son, Clockwork. He is a project of yours that has failed-” Clockwork was holding the core of the Head Observant before he was even aware he had moved- Oh, maybe he should be more accurate. He was holding the crushed core of the Head Observant.
“‘To watch and never act’.” Power crackled beneath his skin and Clockwork knew it would be so easy to let go and watch this world burn for what it had done to them both. “You saw wrong.”
“You dare-” His beloved time staff changed with only a thought, Clockwork holding up a wicked sharp point of a rapier to the eye of the Observant who had spoken. The fear pleased him.
“Did you not see this outcome, oh powerful watchers? Did you not see the result of your foolish plans? Did you not see as I tore your work down to nothing and made the worlds forget you were ever here?” A flash of movement and Clockwork jerked his gaze to where one of them had tried to flee.
What a mistake.
The Observatory, an ancient and long-standing place of judgement and control, crumbled to nothing as Clockwork traveled through the halls. Stones crumbled, doors fell to ash, and metal rusted until it was near nothing. Clockwork cared for nothing for the screaming of pain and joy both as Observants died and prisoners went free.
One of the last bastions of power within the Ghost Zone - within the Spirit World - faded and crumbled to nothing, Clockwork feeling the hundreds of secrets within disappearing one by one. He hoped there was peace finally found for his Master in the wreckage he created, but he could only spare a passing thought to that before he found what had truly brought him to this place.
“Oh, Daniel.” A fifteen-year-old Danny Fenton was curled up in a corner of a locked dungeon, the bars already falling to pieces as Clockwork approached. The child - for he truly was still a child - looked at him in fear and hope that had been broken too many times. Clockwork couldn’t stop the overwhelming pain that stole his breath away.
There had been a reason Clockwork had never sought to interfere and had never formed bonds with others. His master had seen it and warned him, but he had never understood until he had paid the price- The Master of Time was not as unfeeling as many claimed. No… The problem was that he felt too much.
Staff - sword - gently laid upon the ground, Clockwork entered the room, stones and bricks crumbling even as he approached Danny as closely as he dared. “Daniel, it’s me, Clockwork. Can you hear me?” Glowing chains bound him to the wall, a mere thought beginning their destruction starting with where they were chained to the now missing wall. Danny only used his newfound freedom to curl up even more, fear in his eyes and heart trembling before him. Clockwork was tempted to slip back into time if only so he could make the Observants suffer even more for what they had done.
“Oh, Daniel.” He could barely stand the sight of his son shaking before him- And he was. Danny was his son. No matter what the worlds said or those within them claimed, Danny was as much his as he was the Fenton’s. Even before the portal and Clockwork had given him his powers, Danny had always been his in some odd way. The Observants were fools to think they could steal the Son of Time and live. “Ssh, it’s alright, Daniel, it’s okay now.”
Clockwork took a breath and felt his core vibrating within him, a low, deep thrumming sound echoing in the air and drowning out the screams of the world. As the chains crumbled off of Danny’s wrists, Clockwork watched as white rings sprung up around his waist. Clockwork had his arms open before Danny even moved, catching the teen and holding him close at the higher pitched thrum that sounded like the wail of a child.
Curling around him, Clockwork held Danny close, soothing him with the ghostly thrumming and exaggerating his breathing so Danny could try to match their breathing up and slow his own. His poor child. “It’s alright, Daniel, I’ve got you. You’ll be okay.”
There was a muffle of words pressed against his chest, Clockwork managing to pry Danny back enough to hear that they were apologies, words hiccuped through tears and thrums that wouldn’t stop. Clockwork felt his heart break all over again. “-wouldn’t stop and tried to explain and they didn’t listen and what if they’re right what if I really do become him and I was so angry-”
“You’re not the only one,” Clockwork chuckled, pleased when the wry humor got a hiccuping cough rather than more apologies. “You will never be him.”
“I was.” Oh, Daniel. How did this child not see what Clockwork had worked so hard to show him? Pulling the teen back again, Clockwork held him close, gloved fingers pressing sigils and runes against torn open and bleeding skin that patched together as if the wounds had never existed. “If I was once, I could be again-”
“Dan was anger, hatred, wrath, and jealousy that formed under circumstances that were never again repeated in any timeline. Dan was an oddity - a mistake - that you conquered by conquering yourself. It will never come to pass, Daniel. Never.”
The sobs returned stronger than ever, Clockwork merely holding Danny through it and knowing that this time it was out of relief more than distress. Keeping up his thrumming, Clockwork didn’t stop until Danny was lulled into a state that was calmer and softer, body still giving the occasional shakes and shudders as his breathing adjusted.
Danny’s own thrumming had drifted off into quiet purrs, core vibrating and radiating a sense of peace that Clockwork had almost thought it would never feel again. Smiling, Clockwork relaxed his hold a small amount before brushing a hand coated with energy down Danny’s spine. Clockwork watched as the teen shivered, eyes already drooping as he looked up to Clockwork, the beginning of fear- “Shush, Daniel. It is nothing more than a mild sedative to relax you and allow you to sleep. No nightmares will follow you to where you go and when you awake you will be safe. None of this will follow you.”
A part of him feared his words would be ignored, but instead Danny only closed his eyes at once, entire posture trusting as he curled into Clockwork’s warmth. Smiling softly, Clockwork shifted enough to wrap his cloak around Danny, tucking him close and picking up the now once again time staff. “You sweet child.” Danny had always been far too trusting. Clockwork would work to make it stay that way.
As Time left with his son, the Observatory that had been a fixture of the Spirit World since the beginning crumbled to nothing more than rubble. Secrets died before they could be spoken and power was lost that would never be regained. Those who escaped would spread the stories of Time’s anger throughout the worlds and the ones who had bore the brunt would never again forget their crimes and their foolishness.
How foolish… Did they not know that Time would never forgive the sins that rested upon them? Did they not realize that Time did not forget? Well… They would never forget again.
Time would make sure of it.
33 notes · View notes
lunagalemaster · 7 years
Danny Phantom Pairing Names
- FrDP has weird pairing names. I’ve seen a few lists floating about but they’ve either been incomplete or not up to date. One night, we were talking on the slack and one of said lists were brought up... and I may or may not have got annoyed at the organization of said list, made my own list, and then updated it. 
This was the result of said mess. Enjoy, phandom!
(Updated as of April 17, 2018)
Organized Alphabetically Based On the First Ship Name in Each Section
(M/F) Human Pairings [25 different combos]
(M/F) Human and Ghost Pairings [24]
(M/F) Ghost Pairings [14]
(M/M) Human Pairings [15]
(M/M) Human and Ghost Pairings [35]
(M/M) Ghost Pairings [14]
(F/F) All Pairings [23]
Poly Parings [21]
Misc Pairings [34]
All Pairings With Danny [77]*
All Pairings [204]
*I may have missed one or two of the Danny pairings. Excuse me if I did. 
(Note: The first name is usually the more well known name for the pairing, and for the purposes of organization, halfas are being counted as humans. Original chart and names came from here (x). Many pairings names taken from this (x) fic. Other name changes/additions are from phandom conversations, private decisions for a new pairing name, and/or new, recent trends for pairing names).
WARNING: This is just a list of pairing names and whether I condone said pairings is irrelevant. That being said, some pairings listed may not make you comfortable. I am including all pairings for information purposes. 
If you want to add any names or if there are some alternate names I’m missing, submit them to me, or message me directly. I will not be taking names in the tags anymore. 
With that, I hope you guys enjoy!
(M/F) Human Pairings
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze, Fakeout-Makeout- Danny/Sam
Brains Over Brawn- Jazz/Dash
Carbon Copy Quarterback- Dani/Dash
Cloned Romantic– Dani/Tucker
Cream Cheese- Vlad/Dani
Dumb Founded- Dash/Sam
Gothic Vampire- Sam/Vlad
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Hunter Silly- Tucker/Valerie
Jock Goth- Kwan/Sam
Makeup Honor- Dash/Paulina
Misplaced Faith, Secret Disaster- Valerie/Vlad
Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies- Maddie/Jack
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Psycho Cereal, Obsessive Meddler- Vlad/Jazz
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Sports Satellite- Kwan/Star
Spurned Affection- Vlad/Maddie
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Teacher's Pet- Lancer/Jazz
Techno Smarts-Tucker/Jazz
Twinkle Techno- Star/Tucker
Veggie Burger, Ghost's Absence- Tucker/Sam
(M/F) Human and Ghost Pairings
Circus Freaks- Freakshow/Lydia
Classic Cliche- Jazz/Ghostwriter
Dark Gray- Dan/Valerie
Evil Goth- Dan/Sam
Ghost Envy- Jazz/Freakshow
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Misery Motivated- Vlad/Spectra
Oedipus Complex - Maddie/Dan
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Pitiful Delusion- Dark Danny/Paulina
Purple Prose- Ghostwriter/Sam
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
School Spirit- Spectra/Lancer
Techno Babble- Jazz/Technus
The Freak Behind Blue Eyes, Dark Fire- Ember/Freakshow
Timely Intelligence- Jazz/Clockwork
Young Bloodthirst – Dan/Dani
Young Love- Dani/Youngblood
(M/F) Ghost Pairings
Black Cat- Johnny 13/Kitty
Girl in the Tower, Timeless Love- Dora/Aragon
Guard Granter- Walker/Desiree
Hunter's Flame- Ember/Skulker
Insane Asylum- Walker/Spectra
Melancholy Assistance- Spectra/Bertrand
Night Sky, Destroyed Satellite- Dan/Star
Packaged Food- Box Ghost/Lunch Lady
Pirate Food- Youngblood/Box Lunch
Punk Poet- Ember/Ghostwriter
Punk Rock- Youngblood/Ember
Retro Movie Do- Poindexter/Dora
Talkative Treacherous– Technus/Desiree
Traps Desired- Desiree/Skulker
(M/M) Human Pairings
Badger Cereal- (Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Go Packers- Dash/Vlad
Lance Lancer- Lancer Thunder/Mr. Lancer
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Not So Useful Distraction- Kwan/Vlad
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Pac Man- Jack/Vlad
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Quacker- Tucker/Kwan
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Tight End- Dash/Kwan
(M/M) Human and Ghost Pairings
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Boxed Phantom- Danny/Box Ghost
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Dark Side, Control- Dan / Freakshow
Dark Times- Freakshow/Clockwork
Doubly Evil, Bitterly Broken- Vlad/Dan
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Iambic Prose- Danny/Ghostwriter
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Lactose Intolerant- Vlad/Dairy King
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mad Scientist- Dark Danny/Kwan
New Master - Vlad/Fright Knight
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Oreo Cookie, Phriendship, Pitch Pals - (Platonic) Fenton/Phantom
Phantom PDA- Phantom/Tucker
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pitch Pearl, Photonegative Narcissus- (Romantic) Fenton/Phantom
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/HypnotizedorEvil!Phantom
Rich History- Vlad/Clockwork
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Spaghetti and Meatballs, Hypnotic Shadows- Freakshow/Johnny 13
Striking Fear- Masters/Plasmius
Techno Geeks, PDA, Technological Advancement- Technus/Tucker
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
Tireless Dedication- Ghostwriter/Vlad
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark [I don’t know if the typo is intentional or not]
White Fang- Wulf/Danny
(M/M) Ghost Pairings
All the King’s Men - Pariah Dark/Fright Knight
Blood Red Ink- Dan/Ghostwriter 
Dark Dark- Pariah Dark/Dan 
Delusions of Grandeur- Pariah Dark/Nocture
Dream Time- Clockwork/Nocturne
Electric Hunter, Sparks, Generator- Technus/Skulker
Esperanto Code of Conduct- Wulf/Walker
Goodnight Moon- Nocturn/Ghostwriter
Gun Magazine- Skulker/Ghostwriter
History Books- Ghostwriter/Clockwork
Meddling Minutes- Dan/Clockwork
Penslammeter- Walker/Ghostwriter
Science Fiction- Technus/Ghostwriter
Tricky Pseudonym- Amorpho/Ghostwriter
Unlucky Author– Johnny/Ghostwriter
(F/F) All Pairings
Butch-ers, Steak Sit-Ups- Lunch Lady/Tetslaff 
Burning Buds- (Platonic) Dani/Ember
Dora^2, Panned Doras- Dora/Pandora
Dragon Tattoo- Dora/Lydia 
Famous Satelite, Shallow Orbit– Star/Paulina
Feline Grace- Jazz/Kitty
Goth Princess- Sam/Paulina
Gothic Dragon, Medieval Gothic- Sam/Dora
Hide n' Seek- Sam/Valerie
Hot December- Desiree/Ember
Hunter's Facade– Paulina/Valerie
Hypno Therapy- Ember/Jazz
Kith Kin- Sam/Jazz
Mythical Wishes- Desiree/Pandora
Painful Desires- Spectra/Desiree
Perfect Pitch, Pitch Perfect- Paulina/Ember
Platinum Punk- Dani/Ember
Posh Scientist- Maddie/Pamela
Psycho Analysis- Spectra/Jazz
Pussycat Dolls- Kitty/Ember
Royal Wishes- Dora/Desiree
Somber Sear- Ember/Sam
Vengeful Babes- Valerie/Dani
Poly Pairings
3D- Dan/Danny/Dani
Bittersweet Redemption- Dan/Danny/Vlad
Blacks and Blues- Ember/Jazz/Sam
Enchanted Circus- Desiree/Dora/Lydia
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio- Danny/Sam/Tucker
Family Breakfast- Jack/Maddie/Vlad
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Hourglass Chess, Chaotic Chess- Clockwork/Dan/Freakshow
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Misery Punk Rock- Kitty/Spectra/Ember
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Pitch PDA- Phantom/Fenton/Tucker
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Rocker's Boys- Dash/Ember/Kwan
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Technical Star Player- Star/Tucker/Kwan
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Misc Pairings (Mostly Not Organized Alphabetically)
Clone Conspiracy- Dani/Wes Weston
Cryptid Hunting- Valerie/Wes Weston
Overbearing Redheads- Jazz/Wes Weston
Spy Satellite- Star/Wes Weston
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes Weston
Employee of the Month- Vlad/Walter Weston
(Daniel Masters in whatever context whether he be from another timeline or a clone son or your choice. As long as the original Danny Fenton and him coexist in some way or at one point had separate identities.)
Bad End- Dan/Daniel Masters
Clone Wars-Daniel Masters/Dani 
Perfect Clone-  (Romantic) Vlad/Daniel Masters 
Perfect Son- (Paternal) Vlad/Daniel Masters
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
Paranormal Facade- Wes/Daniel Masters
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Robot Techie, XJ-PDA- Tucker/Jenny[My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost - Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
World Wide Web- Tucker/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Fourth Wall Portal- (Platonic) Danny/OC
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Cream Soup-Danny/Fenton Thermos
Love Sucks- Ghost Weasel/Fenton Thermos
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Technical Difficulties- Tucker/His PDA
All Pairings With Danny
3D- Dan/Danny/Dani
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze- Danny/Sam
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Badger Cereal- (Platonic and/or Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Bittersweet Redemption - Dan/Danny/Vlad
Boxed Phantom-Danny/Box Ghost
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost- Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Cream Soup- Danny/Fenton Thermos
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio - Danny/Sam/Tucker
Fourth Wall Portal- (platonic) Danny/OC
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Goodnight Moon- Nocturn/Ghostwriter
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Iambic Prose-Danny/Ghostwriter
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pitiful Delusion- Dark Danny/Paulina
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/ [Hypnotized/Evil] Phantom
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes
White Fang - Wulf/Danny
All Pairings 
3D-  Dan/Danny/Dani
All the King’s Men - Pariah Dark/Fright Knight
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze, Fakeout-Makeout- Danny/Sam
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Bad End- Dan/Daniel
Badger Cereal- (Platonic and/or Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Bittersweet Redemption- Dan/Danny/Vlad
Black Cat- Johnny 13/Kitty
Blacks and Blues- Ember/Jazz/Sam
Blood Red Ink - Dan/Ghostwriter
Boxed Phantom- Danny/Box Ghost
Brains Over Brawn- Jazz/Dash
Butch-ers, Steak Sit-Ups- Lunch Lady/Tetslaff
Burning Buds- (Platonic) Dani/Ember
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Carbon Copy Quarterback- Dani/Dash
Circus Freaks- Freakshow/Lydia
Classic Cliche- Jazz/Ghostwriter
Clone Conspiracy- Dani/Wes Weston
Clone Wars-Daniel Masters/Dani
Cloned Romantic– Dani/Tucker
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost- Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Cream Cheese- Vlad/Dani
Cream Soup-Danny/Fenton Thermos
Cryptid Hunting- Valerie/Wes Weston
Dark Dark- Pariah Dark/Dan
Dark Gray- Dan/Valerie
Dark Side, Control- Dan / Freakshow
Dark Times- Freakshow/Clockwork
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Delusions of Grandeur- Pariah/Nocture
Dora^2- Dora/Pandora
Doubly Evil, Bitterly Broken- Vlad/Dan
Dragon Tattoo- Dora/Lydia
Dream Time- Clockwork/Nocturne
Dumb Founded- Dash/Sam
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Electric Hunter, Sparks, Generator- Technus/Skulker
Employee of the Month- Vlad/Walter Weston
Enchanted Circus- Desiree/Dora/Lydia
Esperanto Code of Conduct- Wulf/Walker
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio- Danny/Sam/Tucker
Evil Goth- Dan/Sam
Family Breakfast- Jack/Maddie/Vlad
Famous Satelite, Shallow Orbit– Star/Paulina
Feline Grace- Jazz/Kitty
Fourth Wall Portal- (Platonic) Danny/OC
Ghost Envy- Jazz/Freakshow
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Girl in the Tower, Timeless Love- Dora/Aragon
Go Packers- Dash/Vlad
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Goth Princess- Sam/Paulina
Gothic Dragon, Medieval Gothic- Sam/Dora
Gothic Vampire- Sam/Vlad
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Guard Granter- Walker/Desiree
Gun Magazine- Skulker/Ghostwriter
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Hide n' Seek- Sam/Valerie
History Books- Ghostwriter/Clockwork
Hot December- Desiree/Ember
Hourglass Chess, Chaotic Chess- Clockwork/Dan/Freakshow
Hunter Silly- Tucker/Valerie
Hunter's Facade– Paulina/Valerie
Hunter's Flame- Ember/Skulker
Hypno Therapy- Ember/Jazz
Iambic Prose- Danny/Ghostwriter
Insane Asylum- Walker/Spectra
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Jock Goth- Kwan/Sam
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Kith Kin- Sam/Jazz
Lactose Intolerant- Vlad/Dairy King
Lance Lancer- Lance Thunder/Mr. Lancer
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Love Sucks- Ghost Weasel/Fenton Thermos
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mad Scientist- Dark Danny/Kwan
Makeup Honor- Dash/Paulina
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Meddling Minutes- Dan/Clockwork
Melancholy Assistance- Spectra/Bertrand
Misery Motivated- Vlad/Spectra
Misery Punk Rock- Kitty/Spectra/Ember
Misplaced Faith, Secret Disaster- Valerie/Vlad
Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies- Maddie/Jack
Mythical Wishes- Desiree/Pandora
New Master - Vlad/Fright Knight
Night Sky, Destroyed Satellite- Dan/Star
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Not So Useful Distraction- Kwan/Vlad
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Oedipus Complex - Maddie/Dan
Oreo Cookie, Phriendship, Pitch Pals- (Platonic) Fenton/Phantom
Overbearing Redheads- Jazz/Wes Weston
Pac Man- Jack/Vlad
Packaged Food- Box Ghost/Lunch Lady
Painful Desires- Spectra/Desiree
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Paranormal Facade- Wes/Daniel Masters
Penslammeter- Walker/Ghostwriter
Perfect Pitch, Pitch Perfect- Paulina/Ember
Perfect Clone-  (Romantic) Vlad/Daniel Masters
Perfect Son- (Paternal) Vlad/Daniel Masters
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Phantom PDA- Phantom/Tucker
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
Platinum Punk- Dani/Ember
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Pirate Food- Youngblood/Box Lunch
Pitch PDA- Phantom/Fenton/Tucker
Pitch Pearl, Photonegative Narcissus- (Romantic) Fenton/Phantom
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Posh Scientist- Maddie/Pamela
Psycho Analysis- Spectra/Jazz
Psycho Cereal, Obsessive Meddler- Vlad/Jazz
Psychotic Sues- Danny/OC
Punk Poet- Ember/Ghostwriter
Punk Rock- Youngblood/Ember
Purple Prose- Ghostwriter/Sam
Pussycat Dolls- Kitty/Ember
Quacker- Tucker/Kwan
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/ [Hypnotized/Evil] Phantom
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Retro Movie Do- Poindexter / Dora
Rich History- Vlad/Clockwork
Robot Techie, XJ-PDA- Tucker/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Rocker's Boys- Dash/Ember/Kwan
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Royal Wishes- Dora/Desiree
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
School Spirit- Spectra/Lancer
Science Fiction- Technus/Ghostwriter
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Somber Sear- Ember/Sam
Spaghetti and Meatballs, Hypnotic Shadows- Freakshow/Johnny 13
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Sports Satellite- Kwan/Star
Spurned Affection- Vlad/Maddie
Spy Satellite- Star/Wes Weston
Striking Fear- Masters/Plasmius
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
Talkative Treacherous– Technus/Desiree
Teacher's Pet- Lancer/Jazz
Technical Difficulties- Tucker/His PDA
Technical Star Player- Star/Tucker/Kwan
Techno Babble- Jazz/Technus
Techno Geeks, PDA, Technological Advancement- Technus/Tucker
Techno Smarts-Tucker/Jazz
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
Tricky Pseudonym- Amorpho/Ghostwriter
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
The Freak Behind Blue Eyes, Dark Fire- Ember/Freakshow
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Tight End- Dash/Kwan
Timely Intelligence- Jazz/Clockwork
Tireless Dedication- Ghostwriter/Vlad
Traps Desired- Desiree/Skulker
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Twinkle Techno- Star/Tucker
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes Weston
Unlucky Author– Johnny/Ghostwriter
Veggie Burger, Ghost's Absence- Tucker/Sam
Vengeful Babes- Valerie/Dani
White Fang- Wulf/Danny
Young Bloodthirst – Dan/Dani
Young Love- Dani/Youngblood
(Again, if you want to add any names or if there are some alternate names I’m missing, submit them to me, or message me directly. I will not be taking names in the tags anymore. Thanks for going to the bottom of this long list! See ya next time, dudes!)
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zonerobotnik · 7 years
20, Ghost King Clockwork AU, Canon Trio and Clockwork
(As discussed over IM, It’s Clockwork and Skulker instead.)20. When’s the last time you smiled?- Ghost King Clockwork AU-Clockwork looked over thehumans in the large greenhouse gathering place, frowning a bit. Danhad been bringing Danny to meet the other two more and more oftenlately. What was that fool doing? He was getting caught up insentimentalities.“Clockwork. Got a moment?” Clockworklooked over to see Skulker stepping into his Clocktower.“Skulker.”Clockwork floated away from the screens he was watching to approachhim. “You seem well.”“And you seem like you're carryingtoo heavy a weight.” Skulker frowned. “When’s the last time yousmiled?”Clockwork sighed and adjusted his crown. “It canget...heavy. This burden...but, I had to do it. The humans and ghostsalike...another war was brewing, I had to step in!”“Iknow.” Skulker sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Takeoff the crown, Clockwork. Just for a little bit. It's only you and mehere.”Clockwork sighed and looked him over. “It's a shamethat you have to recreate yourself through robotic parts. Icould...fix that for you? Perhaps even bring you back tolife?”“Ember would be pissed.” Skulker chuckled.“Besides, what would happen to my lair? But...I'll consider yourfirst offer. But first, take off the crown. Take a load off.” Hereached up to the crown.“Please, don't. I have to be theone to remove it.” Clockwork gripped his wrist.“Right,sorry.” Skulker moved his hand back and Clockwork released it. “Yousurprised everyone, you know. You've been a recluse for twenty-fiveyears and now this?”Clockwork took off the crown andvisibly relaxed before smiling a bit. “Yes...it...wasn't an easychoice. Were my brother alive, I surely would've suggested he do itinstead. He was always stronger. He could manipulate anything thathad form, human or ghost. He would not have needed Pariah Dark'spower...”“Why did you do that to Phantom?” Skulkerasked. “If you'd told him the truth, told him of what was coming,he would've helped you.”“And he would have died.”Clockwork said, gripping his staff tightly. “He would've beencaptured and experimented on and enslaved and abused like the halfasthat came before him and in the end they would have killed him oncehe was no longer of use to them. This...was the only way I could savehim.” He looked at the crown in his shaking hand, then looked up atSkulker when his hand metallic hand wrapped around Clockwork'sgently. “Does Jack even know that it's you?”“No. Andit's better that he doesn't. It's bad enough his college friend is ahalf-ghost, but to find out I'm a ghost, and I've been terrorizinghis son for years? He'd be devastated.” Skulker shook his head.“That's why I didn't jump on your offer right away. Like this...hedoesn't recognize me.”“Even though it looks like you buta robot.” Clockwork snerked. “Jack is truly just as dense as he'salways been.”Skulker looked towards the screens. “Howlong do you think they can keep up the lies? Sooner or later, thehumans will figure out something's odd. Everyone has lost theirmemories up to a certain point, isn't that weird? The other ghostsare playing along, but what if someone slips up?”Clockworksighed. “Yes...it is true that this...utopia is a fragile one.Sooner or later...I will have to battle the true Ghost King. Puttinghim out of the way will only work for so long, and he grows strongerby the day as he learns to remaster his powers. And when heremembers...I fear what will happen when he remembers. What kind ofperson he will become.”“Not to mention the missinghumans.” Skulker nodded. “They'll show up sooner or later andthey'll see that they aren't dead after all.”Clockworkgripped his staff tighter, pursing his lips. “...I think I knowwhere they are hiding. And I can't do anything about it.”“Where?”Skulker asked.“They are with my brother, Ghostwriter.That's the only place in all of Time that I can not see.” Clockworknarrowed his eyes. “And the time may come that he will battle me,one on one. Powerless, save for our fists and physical weapons. Onlyonce I defeat him, can I ensure that the rebels are taken careof.”“Ghostwriter hasn't been involved with anything sinceyour younger brother died.” Skulker said, shrugging. “Why wouldhe bother to step in now?”“I don't know. But it's theonly thing I can think of.” Clockwork admitted, walking over andsitting on a couch, setting the crown on a coffee table.Skulkerwalked over and sat next to him. “You're tired, stressed out, andparanoid. Try taking the crown off for a few hours a day, it'll dowonders. Ever wonder why Pariah Dark never smiled?” He placed hishand on Clockwork's.Clockwork chuckled softly. “I supposeyou are right. I will try to relax a little. Thank you,Nikolas.”Skulker shifted a bit. “No one's called me thatin years.”“Our little secret.” Clockwork smiled andconjured up some tea.End
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arashikitten · 4 years
Danny Phantom things
Ok, so I love Danny Phantom with all my heart. Like, seriously it’s a great show, it should be way more popular than it is. However, there are some things that... irk me a bit, when it comes to some of the characters and how they were handled. Of course there’s the general complaint of “Danny Phantom should’ve been darker, it’s premise is literally about a 14 year old who halfway died in his parents basement!” And while I do agree that it could’ve been darker than it was, I don’t believe that making the show dark and gritty would’ve been a good idea. The reason that episodes like Reign Storm and The Ultimate Enemy stand out is because they are INCREDIBLY dark episodes surrounded by more lighthearted fluff. They provide a sudden gut punch of emotion and angst and, in the case of The Ultimate Enemy, a reminder that death is something that should be taken seriously in the show. Just because the main character gets powers from being dead doesn’t mean everyone else does. In that regard, I think the show does a good job.
That being said, I do have some issues with the characters and their interactions with other characters.
Let’s start with Valerie Gray. I quite honestly believe that she was a great love interest for Danny (I am a diehard GrayGhost shipper), much better than Sam was. They had some really good chemistry between each other, with Danny being the first person to really try to help her after she got kicked out of the A-listers, and Valerie being one of the first people outside of Sam and Tucker to not judge Danny for his parents.
On that note, why does the show always treat Danny’s parents like complete idiots? I mean, they built a PORTAL TO ANOTHER DIMENSION IN THEIR BASEMENT. IN THEIR BASEMENT. That’s ridiculous. That has to take a crazy level of genius to be able to build that with limited resources and money, while also taking care of two kids. I get that neither Jack nor Maddie have a lot of common sense or tact, but they are by no means stupid. Like yeah, they didn’t notice that their son was an actual ghost, but that doesn’t make them complete idiots. They just lack social awareness and deductive logic.
And then there’s the villains. While some, like Vlad and Dan are done very well, I think that some of the others could stand to be better developed, or just. Have more screen time? Instead of it just being Skulker all the time? Like, where’s Ember? What about Poindexter? Or even, like, Pariah Dark! I would’ve loved to see him come back! And then, there’s Dan. We got that one sort of tease in end of The Ultimate Enemy, and then we never see him again! I think THAT would’ve been a much better series finale than Phantom Planet, Dan just coming back, realizing he’s no longer in the timeline and therefore won’t be affected if he kills Danny, Dan taking out Clockwork with ease to show that yea, this is some serious shit.
And then Dan shows up at Vlad Masters doorstep, with Vlad barely making it out alive. Danny is at home, and is worrying about telling his parents due to Jazz’s insistence that them knowing he’s phantom won’t make them hate him, that it’ll improve their relationship, that Danny needs to relieve himself of all that stress, that he should tell them to just get it off his chest.
And then Vlad shows up, battered and beaten on Danny’s doorstep. Usually, Danny would be suspicious, but then Vlad describes a ghost with a white cape and flaming white hair and that insignia on his chest, and Danny knows. And he’s terrified, because Dan’s back, Clockwork was supposed to stop that from happening, did Dan defeat Clockwork somehow?
So Danny decides to help Vlad, and Jack and Maddie show up and freak out about Vlad while Danny has a silent breakdown. The only ones who notice are Jazz and Vlad. The only one who knows why is Jazz. Jazz now redoubles her efforts to get Danny to talk, who is now even more adamant about not telling Jack and Maddie about him being phantom. Because then he’d have to tell them about Dan, and Danny doesn’t know if he’ll be able to handle his parents being afraid of him. Of what he might become.
And then Dan shows up.
All hell breaks loose as Danny has to fight for his life, for his future, against a ghost he knows is so much more powerful than him. Danny is trying, desperately trying, to keep Sam and Tucker and Jazz and his parents as far away from the fight as possible. This is his problem. He won’t let anyone get hurt trying to fix it.
Meanwhile, Vlad is on the sidelines, still recovering from his run in with Dan. He’s close enough to see the fight between Danny and Dan, but far enough away so that he won’t get hurt.
And that’s when he realizes.
The Costume, the ghostly wail, the stylized D on this strange ghosts chest. The name. Danny’s panic attack when Vlad described him. The sheer, raw terror that now lights up Phantom’s eyes, that Vlad has only ever glimpsed. Clockworks disappearance.
That’s Danny. Danny is fighting a future version of himself. Danny, that scrawny teenager who gets d’s and c’s in all his classes, who is barely 5 foot 3, who is still a child
Is fighting for the lives of his family, his friends, even his enemy.
Fighting against a ghost who took out Clockwork, a ghost who destroyed Vlad without breaking a sweat.
And he’s holding his own. This skinny teen, who Vlad has firmly believed was nothing more than a nuisance, was fighting against his future, against his fate, all by himself.
And that is the moment that Vlad realises that Danny is far stronger than he believed. That if Danny were to actually fight him one on one, no schemes or interference, Danny would kick his ass.
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