#Also thank ya'll for the love on the last one :'^) been a while since a post did well & i really appreciate the feedback
melittosphex · 8 months
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He literally had no right to serve as much cunt as he did
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generalsmemories · 7 months
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Ginkgo leaves
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ based on the ask: Since reqs are open, you think you could write jing yuans reaction to his lover being Mara-struck? Thank you! - requested by anonymous
✧ contents: established relationship, angst, hurt/almost no comfort lmfao, implied character death, mentions of other characters, pov mostly written in jing yuan's pov, still usage of 2nd pov (referring the reader as you), mayhaps ooc because jing yuan is an emotional wreck.
✧ a/n: when i tell ya'll i legit struggled to be able to write this entire thing. there's been like 3-4 scrapped drafts because halfway through writing i would just NOT be satisfied with the result. to the anon who requested this, i'm so sorry it took this long - but i hope the upcoming trainwreck makes up for it! a trainwreck im still not actually satisfied with LMFAO. but it's better than the other 5 scrapped works. also not beta-read so fellas if u see a spelling error - no you didn't.
p.s: some mara-struck information i give here are totally fanmade for the purpose of this fic alone, as such don't take whatever i write about mara here as what actually happens canonically to characters (then again most of the playable characters have different symptoms of mara themselves).
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"Benefactor, am I correct to believe you're asking me if the general has any specific interests?" Tingyun asks with a snicker, the trailblazer looking away from her prying eyes while mumbling a quiet yes.
"Some of the younger... Can I call them younger? Anyway, some of the younger Xianzhou citizens are very infatuated with the general. Seeing as I've been announced as his honory guest, they do often come and ask me various things to try and gain his favor. So yeah, anything at this point will work - so please!" the trailblazer hurriedly explained, clasping their hands together in a desperate attempt to get anything from the foxian amicassador leaning back with a quirked eyebrow.
"Ahh, love truly makes someone go blind doesn't it," she muses out loud, the trailblazers' eyebrow furrowing together in confusion over the foxian's lady choice of words, "... You're not entirerely wrong with that statement..."
"Do you want to know what his favorite flower is?" Tingyun asks, ignoring the confused question that had been uttered to her, snapping her fan open to hide the cheeky smile that spread across her lips - but anyone could still tell that her eyes were gleaming with mischief as the trailblazer nodded their head.
"He doesn't have one."
"Then why did you even-"
"But he likes ginkgo leaves."
The trailblazers' eyes widened in shock, and rightfully so because the very thing ginkgo leaves are associated with are after all...
"He had a lover once, and as far as I'm aware, his last moment with them while they still had their consciousness intact was surrounded by ginkgo leaves."
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Jing Yuan whilst having forgotten almost every single moment with you, does unfortunately remember the exact details of the day that your descent into madness started. Because what he witnessed wasn't a futile struggle you had with yourself to not to destroy everything within your vicinity. Instead, he witnessed the slow process of your bright self becoming an empty shell, only capable of uttering a few words.
It's comical really, even when faced with a curse that struck everyone mad - he found out that it oddly fit your character to not go mad, but instead become the complete opposite of your gentle self. A hollow shell of the person he fell in love with all centuries ago.
Jing Yuan knew he had to end your suffering right then and there when you first started to show signs.
But he couldn't - This wasn't something that had to be immediately dealt with, his hand wasn't forced like it was back when he had to slay his own master down before she took more lives.
No, this was a normal afternoon on what would've been another normal, mundane day in both of your lives. But everything went wrong the moment Jing Yuan heard the breaking of glass, and how there was a lone gingko leaf inside the palm of your hand - a ginkgo leaf that you were staring wide-eyed at with a trembling hand.
You were too far from the veranda to have a ginkgo leaf in your hand.
General Jing Yuan would've ended your suffering the moment you turned around to lock eyes with him, your own face twisted into one of utter fear.
General Jing Yuan would've reported you the to Ten-Lords Commissions as the law had stated. But Jing Yuan couldn't - because Jing Yuan knew that the moment he did, he would never see you again.
So he decided for once he would be selfish. Jing Yuan rarely made choices lately that was based off of his own feelings, but his time with you was cut too harshly, so once again he chooses to be selfish. Even if that meant that it would prolong your suffering just a tiny bit more. "... We can figure something out," was the only thing he could muster up the courage to say with a shaking voice. You didn't say anything, your mouth wobbling a tiny bit and your breathing getting harsher by the second.
But still you indulged him - you always did. So with an equally wobbly smile, you only nodded your head slightly, "... Sure."
That wobbly smile and expression of utter fear was the last genuine expression that truly came from yourself.
The descent to becoming fully mara-struck is usually a fast process, the curse able to completely overtake someone's mind within the same day the symptoms appears - rendering the person completely vulnerable with the only alternative to either hand themselves in to the Ten-Lords or wait for the Ten-Lords to come to them personally.
Your usual easy-going smile was gone, in its stead was eyes that kept going in and out of focus. Almost as if you were desperately trying to keep yourself grounded - a battle you both knew would end with your defeat.
Jing Yuan didn't dare to venture outside of the house. One step out and every Cloud Knight would've been on you within seconds to subdue you. He had first initially resorted to just holding you within his arms for as long as he could, to be able to remember how you felt like after your death.
But with the minimal strength you had left, you had wobbled to the garden, every step taken only making you pant heavily. But even with heavy breaths of air leaving your lips, you had refused to take Jing Yuans hand or offer to even carry you out to the garden. When you had managed to reach the ginkgo tree standing tall at the center of the garden, Jing Yuan was sure you were going to collapse in front of it, taking a quick step to catch you.
But instead you had merely reached your hands up, the falling leaves fluttering gently down onto your palms. And while you were in indescriable pain for the last couple of hours - Jing Yuan could only see a serene expression when you looked up at the ginkgo leaves that were continously falling down.
"... They're beautiful... aren't they... Jing Yuan? It's almost a pity... that these beautiful... leaves are associated with our doom," you said softly. Jing Yuan could feel his breath hitch in his throat when you uttered his name.
You're obviously struggling to convey whatever thoughts you still had to him properly, taking a moment in between words to catch your breath, eyebrows furrowed slightly as you fought against the searing pain that was spreading through every nerve in your body.
There's a sudden gust of wind which causes the pile of leaves in your hands to flutter away from your grasp. Your hand stretches out slightly, almost in an attempt to reach out for them - stumbling a bit in your step. The limp causes Jing Yuan to take a quick step forward with his arms outstretched. Perhaps seeing him in your peripheral vision causes you to stop the futile attempt to catch the escaping leaves, arms going limp against your side as you turn to face him - your once blank expression turning into a somber smile instead.
Jing Yuan thinks that it's unfair how normal you look in front of him - almost as if you haven't been becme mara-struck. Like nothing has happened to you aside from the ginkgo leaves fluttering from your lips whenever you cough. The same cough that causes the general of Luofu to flinch every time - without fail.
And perhaps you can see his inner turmoil, the way he tries to make eye contact with you, but is unable to after a few seconds. The way his hands clench too hard into fist to the point droplets of blood fall down to the grass and stains it a deep red while he bites his own lips to not say a word - lest he says something that he will regret.
And you truly wish that you could tell him everything is okay like you usually do.
But for the first time since the day he lost his friends, you can't.
"... I'm sorry," you finally say, the apology making him whip his head up to you again. Mouth opening to say something to comfort you, to tell you that it's not your fault. But the words are unable to leave his mouth when he sees your arms slightly outstretched towards him with a small smile.
And he can't hold it in anymore.
It only takes him a few wide steps to reach you from his position before he cradles you within his arms. The grip is tight, unbearably tight to the point it hurts, but you don't complain. You're limp in his hold, and if this was any day he wouldn't comment, but the fact that you're not moving a single muscle terrifies Jing Yuan to the core. "... Please," he finally manages to whisper, the rustling of ginkgo leaves around you almost drowning out his quiet plea.
"Please don't make me do this again."
He doesn't ask if the tensing of your body is caused by the pain that's rapidly increasing or if it's caused by his silent confession. He can however feel the gentle hand that rests against the lower part of his back and your head resting against the side of his own. The reassurance you try to give him does nothing to help because he's aware that it probably brought you unmeasurable pain to try to move those limbs - instead the general buries his face closer to your neck and squeezes you tighter.
"... You won't." you whisper quietly.
It takes a moment for Jing Yuan to process the meaning behind those two words.
But it's a moment too late, because before he can get his phone out to usher a command, a few resounding knocks can be heard throughout the quiet mansion.
"General Jing Yuan. This is Xueyi of the Ten-Lords commission. I've gotten information that there's currently a mara-struck within these premises."
Jing Yuan feels his blood run cold, he pulls himself away from you to stare at you properly in disbelief.
You're still staring at him with the same somber expression, however he can tell there's a small pitiful smile grazing your lips, "I'm sorry," you whisper once again.
"I asked her... personally," you start, finally letting yourself rest now that the end is near, slumping down onto Jing Yuan's chest, your ear settling itself against his heart to hear his rapid heartbeats.
Jing Yuan loathes the fact that it's at this moment, with the Ten-Lords commission outside of your door and with him completely broken do you actually look at peace - like your battle against time has finally come to its conclusion.
And naturally, the one who lost is you.
"Half a day... with you. Then she would come and bring me there. You won't have to... do this again."
You're not able to see Jing Yuan's face - and Jing Yuan wouldn't want you to see how he looked like right now. The arms around you is trembling, his mind is racing - trying to come up with anything to give him a bit more time with you.
But for once, the general that had a plan for every situation had nothing in mind.
He's lost. And the prize of the loss this time is losing you forever.
"General, I apologize for the rudeness of what I'm about to do, but this is for both of your safety," Jing Yuan hear Xueyi mutter from outside of the door, before he hears the rattling of the door frame start to slide open.
"Wait- no," it's a quiet request that gets ignored as Xueyi strides in alone, the lack of company making Jing Yuan's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"... Their last request along with the request for my late arrival here was for the Cloud Knights to not see you like this. Naturally I won't tell anyone of what I've seen today."
Jing Yuan doesn't care about that, he could care less about his image right now, pulling you closer to him while his eyes are downcast - he makes no move to hand you over to the judge.
The puppet judge before him does not say anything - nor does she make a move. What she does however is wait, wait for the general before her that has been utterly crushed and broken by the person in his arms start to accept the harsh truth once again.
If he doesn't handle the mara-struck himself, someone else would - but the end result only serves to punish him in the end, the one left behind.
Xueyi hears a silent breath be let out by the general, her once closed eyes opening up to see the general pull slightly away from you, one hand reaching up to cradle your cheek. Your eyes have long since closed, and you're most likely not even conscious to hear what he's about to say.
"My dear... I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. But I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer before we can meet again," he whispers, bumping his forehead against your own gently, "I hope you won't fault me for that."
A long ginkgo leaf flutters right between the two of you, eventually settling down on your chest.
Jing Yuan sucks in one last deep breath, "I'm sorry I kept you here for so long - I'm sorry you had to be in pain for so long because of me," he leans in to slot his lips one last time over your own, whispering something that Xueyi can't hear before he rises up, your body limp in his arms.
"Thank you for your service Miss Xueyi, please see them off appropiately." Jing Yuan says, voice sounding eerily calm - almost like his usual self.
When he turns around to finally face her, the puppet's lifeless eyes seem to grow a bit in surprise. Before her is the general of Luofu, his usual easy-going smile present on his lips.
Like he wasn't carrying his mara-struck lover in his arms.
"As much as I would want to accompany you to see them off, I'm afraid I have some urgent matters to attend to," he informs, handing your body over to Xueyi - she doesn't comment on how his hands are still slightly trembling or how he immediately turned a bit to the side to ignore staring at her head-on.
Even though Xueyi doesn't want to ask, she still asks either way, "What are your plans from here on, general?"
Jing Yuan only gives her a close eyed smile, turning his gaze towards the large ginkgo tree with his hands behind his back. He gnaws a tiny bit at his lips, finally breathing out.
A couple of seconds passes by before he opens his mouth.
"I think I'll meditate a bit under this tree before heading back to the Seat. I can't leave Luofu without me for too long after all."
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Hi hi! I just stumbled onto your blog and I saw the Vash writings you did and oh my god my heart 💖😭 thank you for this blog!
Totally an optional request, but could you do one where the reader is a bit reserved on her feelings with Vash, but once she hears people bashing him for being a menace or a crybaby the reader goes absolutely feral in defending him on how he’s done so much for people, and starts to realize how much they genuinely cares for him. And if Vash confronts them on it the reader gets so flustered to where they can’t even look them in the eye or just melts with how he is
Again completely optional! Just thank you for all you do and I hope you feel better! 🥹
Aww I'm glad you’ve enjoyed my fics for Vash, I'm so in love with him it's not funny ;p; I hope you enjoy it! I left it a little open-ended :) ;) So who knows what that can mean :) And thanks! I'm currently having some good soup, so hopefully, I get my voice back ;p; Also ya'll have two Vash x Readers today for Stampede Saturday <3
edit: I DID IT AGAIN FORGOT THE LAST SENTENCE, I cant even blame sick brain on that ;p;
‘Those hardest to love need it most’
Vash X Reader
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You're going to blame the alcohol, or maybe you are just an idiot? Everything about today was fine, or normal well as normal as it can be when you are traveling with Vash the Stampede. You entered a small town, hoping to stay out of trouble easier for you than for Vash.
Vash wanted to come to this town and said he knew the sheriff here. You crossed your arms as you looked at him, “And you’ll stay out of trouble while we’re here, right?” Vash rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh, “Oh come on! You know I try to! It’ll be a quick trip, honestly!” He clasps his hands together, giving you a pout with those big puppy dog eyes.
Who are you to resist? With a ‘tsk’ and an eye roll you let him drag you into town. 
It's barely been five minutes since you’ve entered the town when Vash gets roped in on helping the local sheriff, you offer to go with him but he just dismisses you and says he’ll find you later. You are about to argue when he gives you a gentle smile and a pat on the head. At that point the argument ties on your tongue, and before you can embarrass yourself you just agree and run off. 
Which leads you here sitting at the bar of the local saloon, enjoying a drink or two. You sigh, leaning your head down on the bar, being alone with your thoughts is never good. Lately your mind has been drifting off to warm and fuzzy feelings of Vash. You're scared to figure out what that all means, so you’re choosing to ignore it. 
You hear two men sit down at the bar; you glance at them before ordering another drink. You hold the drink in your hand, swirling it around as you start to zone out.
“Did you hear that Stampede guy is in town?” One of the men says it draws your attention, but you keep your face passive. “The Humanoid Typhoon? That guy is nothing but trouble.” answers the second. Your grip tightens on your drink, you hate that nickname it's so unfair when they call him that. They have no idea who the real Vash is, you know you should just let it go. Vash always wants to see the good in everyone. You, on the other hand, have a much harder time with that. 
“He's got a bounty too; 6 million double dollars. I say we go for it before he destroys the town.” You slam your drink down on the bar counter hard, startling the two men next you. With a glare you look at them, “If I were you two, I would stop talking.” 
So, you were a little protective over Vash, someone had to be. “A stranger like yourself shouldn't stick their nose in other towns' business.” You roll your eyes, “That man is a danger to us, brings nothing but unfortunate everywhere he goes.” 
Your heart aches for Vash, you stand suddenly grabbing the man closest to you by the collar of his shirt, “You have no idea what you're even talking about!” You snap, anger taking over. “Vash does everything in his power to protect people like you, scum that doesn't even deserve it. You’d be lucky to meet someone as incredible and amazing as he is.” You know that you certainly felt lucky to have met Vash.
You drop the man suddenly, eyes wide, taking a step back. Oh God you were an idiot, truly and deeply. Your heart rate picks up, how could you have been so blind? Clearly, the man didn't like being manhandled by you, because he lunges for you. But before he can reach you, you are suddenly pulled back, your back hitting a firm chest with a hand on your shoulder. 
“Whoa, now fellas let's take it easy!” Vash’s cheerful voice breaks the tension, you look up shocked to see Vash’s easy-going smile, but something is off about it. His jaw is set tightly and his hand trembles on his shoulder. Your face heats up, how long had he been standing there?
The man scoffs, “You should keep this one on a leash.” He points at you as you sneer at him, moving to take a step forward. You're stopped by Vash’s hand tightening on your shoulder, you glance at Vash, as he narrows his eyes. “Funny, I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You're about to snap something at Vash, but he swiftly begins manhandling you to throw you over his shoulder, you let out a shriek of protest at the movement. Gripping the back of his jacket like a lifeline, as he carries you out of the saloon
“Vash put me down!” You yell at him; your heart is beating way too fast and your face feels out. He does put you down, he does it so suddenly that you nearly lose your footing until he places his arms on your biceps to settle you. He doesn’t let go, but instead hangs his head. 
You are still angry, “You should have let me handle those guys, who do they think they are talking all that nonsense-” 
“Stop, please.” Vash interrupts you, his voice quiet and sad. “It doesn’t matter.” His voice breaks a bit, you can tell he's probably going to start crying. The anger melts away quickly after that, “Well it matters to me.” you admit softly, 
He looks up at you, tears forming in his bright blue eyes and your heart skips a beat. “Why? You don't need to defend me; I’ve heard it all before. Honestly.” He says this with a light laugh.
“Well, it doesn’t make it okay!” You snap, and he flinches back startled, dropping your arms but you don't let him get far as you grab him by his biceps taking a step closer. “You give so much to everyone you meet, your kind, you see the good in everyone even when they don't deserve and you give people hope, me included. So yeah, I'm going to defend you every time no matter what, Because I care about you!”
Vash’s eyes widen, and you feel like you’ve maybe overstepped, also did you have to throw in that part at the end? Your face heats up, and you’re looking everywhere but at Vash’s face. Dropping his arms, you turn around, “Okay, I'm going to bury myself in a hole bye Vash.” You turn around quickly, ready to run off but before you can Vash grabs you from behind slamming your back into his chest and hugging you around the shoulders. 
He rests his face in the crook of your neck, “I don't deserve you.” Vash mutters into your neck, you blush brightly, and you sigh smiling softly, “You do you really do Vash.”  You’re not sure on how long Vash holds you, but you’re not complaining. You’re a little embarrassed to have been so open with your feelings, Vash can be a little dense so you doubt he’ll look deeper into your words. 
Which is fine, just being like this together is enough. Your whole-body freezes, when you feel Vash place a gentle kiss on top of your head, “I care about you too.” You were going to die, your pretty sure you blacked out or at least your legs gave out. “Whoa!” you hear Vash cry out moving his arms to keep you steady and, on your feet, “Are you okay?” 
No, you really weren't, you let out a yelp as Vash spins you so you’re facing him. He leaned in close, too close! You shoved him back, leaving your hands on his chest and bowing your head. “Just… hold on.” You focus on composing yourself, you look up as you feel Vash place his hands over yours and he’s looking at you with such a sincere smile it makes you want to cry. 
“It's okay I get it, you’re okay…” a pause, he looks unsure, “We’re okay.” Your eyes widen, and then soften he's giving you an out. You relax, you need to work through these feelings first by yourself and then you two could figure out where to go from there. 
You smile softly at him, “Yeah, we’re okay.”
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koralira-kira · 10 months
when it rains 🎐han jisung🎐
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pairings : han jisung x reader
genre : fluff, romance, slice of life, did i say fluff?
synopsis : situations wherein you came to love han's habit when it rains
warnings : profanities used
wc : 980
notes : i finally finished this little bitch after two days. i've been really busy lately cuz me and my parents are going back and forth from the city to my grandparents house (the province) bc of my granddad's death anniversary. and to add that, we're packing my things to go back to my dorm since school is about to start. so yeah, the travelling is killing the shit out of me. other than that, a big thanks to all 249 of you for liking my bang chan fic!!! ya'll don't how ecstatic i felt for that. anyways, moving on, here's the fic. hope you enjoy!
man, it's really raining like cats and dogs outside. it has been raining hard for the last couple of days lately, and honestly you quite liked it. that is, minus all the thunder and lightning. but in your situation, not only do you like the rain for what it is but also for how your boyfriend is reacting to it. let me explain. han loved the rain as much as you do. especially when it gets all cold in the apartment complex. NOW let's just say that whilst the cold temperature is going on, he likes to expose the bare top half of his body. the first time you saw this, you're all confused as to why he took his hoodie off when he could've just got a wife beater or tank top. but oh no no no.
"woah, hold on there. what do you think you're doing?" you asked as soon as han was about to take his hoodie off.
"why what's wrong?" he asked, confused as to why you stopped him from stripping. poor boy just likes the cold, ok?
"it's so cold, baby, why are you taking your hoodie off?"
"i like the cold, sweetheart. why? is there a problem?" now he's being cocky. his ego definitely boosted up after he took off that hoodie.
"oh no no, it's fine. just... carry on i guess," he smirked. goddamn that fucking smirk is killing the shit out of you.
now he joins you sitting at the opposite end of the couch and taking out his phone from his pocket. you took your gaze out from your phone for a minute to look at jisung. when i tell you this man is sculpted, he IS sculpted. you'd be lying if you said he didn't look good without the hoodie. the body- i mean, HIS body never disappoints. you could look at him for hours and heck, if you had hyunjin's hands, you wouldn't waste a second to draw him like that. you were practically drooling over him at this point, you didn't care how long you've been staring at him you just wanted too take your time looking at him. yeah, just definitely taking your time.
"hey, what are you thinking so hard about?"
"hm? oh, nothing really. just, you know, thinking," you met with his eyes for a second but soon making it back to your phone.
"... you were fantasizing about me weren't you?"
"what?! pfft- no, obviously not!" you declined, laughing it off as if it was nothing but it's undoubtedly the exact opposite.
"why don't you come over here and sit next to me, i'm a bit lonely here," his arms were now on top of the backrest of the couch, manspreading and basically looking cocky.
"oh so now i'm the one that has to adjust for you, huh?"
"so you don't want to get closer to this?" he argued back, pointing at his body.
‘this motherfucker,’ you thought.
"well, yes i'd love to but-"
"then come over here!"
"ah ah, let me finish-"
honestly, the bickering could go on.
the second time you experienced this little habit of his however, was much more intimate than you'd expect it to be. sure you two have had sex here and there but this one was more, say, romantic in a way. 
now it was the next day and you're alone in the apartment watching a movie whilst hunching back on the couch eating a pack of doritos, han had to leave a while ago to go to the grocery store and buy a few things for the both of you. it took almost an hour for him to get back because of the bags but when he did, he was soaking wet from the rain.
"i'm back!" he said, kicking off his shoes and putting them on the shoe rack leaving him his white drenched socks.
"heyy- HEY! why are you soaking wet? didn't you bring an umbrella or something?" you rushed over to the man, helping him putting the grocery bags on the counter.
"i was about to but i saw that it was sunny outside so I didn't feel the need to. anyways, i'll go take a quick shower, love you," he said, pecking you before going to the bathroom.
"yeah yeah, don't worry i'll take it from here. love you too."
it took you not less than 10 minutes to finish putting up the groceries then headed back to the couch to finish your show, that is until SOMEBODY interrupted it.
"hey, babyyy~" once again, a topless han jisung comes out of the bathroom, crawling into your arms and cuddling you.
"you're not wearing a shirt again. you know you might catch a cold after this," you looked down at him trying to make him look into your eyes. but as stubborn as he is, he didn't listen and rested his head on the crook of your neck.
"hmm," he groggily said. you knew that he didn't wanna talk, but yet you still tried to let him know that he might get sick later on. 
"can we stay like this for a while? i kinda miss you," he cut you off. his hands making their way from your waist to your back to hold you even tighter and yours going to his hair and the other to his back caressing it. you both silently agree on not talking, it was quite comforting for the both of you. the mixture of sounds coming from the tv and rain were a perfect match, especially with his breath on your neck and the asynchronous breathing coming from the both of you as you melt into each other's arms.
you knew intimate moments like this with han would come sooner or later but you didn't expect for it to come this soon. you're not complaining though.
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ppoppokari · 7 months
the fae of the oktober woods
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pairing~ park seonghwa x oc! reader (this is for my bff katt ya'll)
genre~ (au) (h) (lowkey fluff)
ghostwritten for~ @horanghaejamjam (as a part of the atiny halloween project)
synopsis~ when katt had moved to quiet do-gooder neighbourhood they find that they got more than they bargained for. behind each preppy student and righteous priest was a fascination with the occult. what katt really wanted was to find love, but there was no way that they would find love in a town that felt like hell on earth... right? maybe just maybe they would have to look darkness in the eyes to find a love that would last for an eternity or more.
… or the one where curiosity finally got the better of katt.
wordcount~ 6.5k
featuring~ mentions of christianity, talk of ghost sex but no ghost sex actually occurs, an amateur summoning ritual (mentioned but no graphic summoning happens ), a haunted house, course language, a predator/prey dynamic, alcohol and drug consumption (every one is legal in this fic so don't worry and it's mentioned for a brief second, only seeing it if you squint), strange dreams, hints of smut at the end but no actual smut, i don't want to spoil it but seonghwa isn't who he seems to be- but spoiler he isn’t a faerie
playlist~ 🍄
a/n~ hi! it me~ i may have gotten way too carried away in this one, i was a horror writer for ten years of my life. so this really makes me feel nostalgic. and surprise katt!! i nearly spilt the beans so many times while writing this.
i love you so much buddy 🥹
also a huge thank you to @atinyhalloweenproject for giving me the opportunity to participate and for being so kind and patience, i truly truly appreciate it.
this is kind of creepy, like duh it's horror but this is the uneasy type of horror but it's still kind of sexy?
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“Tonights terrifying tale takes us to an everyday neighbourhood, the houses are perfect, the American apple pie life we all want and to make it better the people are just as perfect. But this isn’t about them, it’s a tale of lust, deep desire, and a dance with the devil.
In this episode we will peel back the streets of suburbia and you will find something dark and twisted… if you dare to look.
I’m your host Barry Collins and this is…”
There was no bad blood between you or the ancient, living skeleton of a host but with a swift movement you reached for the remote. Upon doing so you were immediately relieved of the grating static of the old re-run of some ancient black and white Halloween special that had been on loop since you moved in. 
Bringing your hands up you lightly pressed your fingers into your temple, an attempt to soothe the persistent migraine that had been lingering since the early hours of this morning.
To say your dreams were getting out of control was a huge understatement, but how could you put it into words. How could you approach your parents and say that you woke up feeling as if an invisible weight was pushing down on your chest paired with sharp ringing in your ears, oh, and don't forget the immediate urge to throw your blankets to the ground and remove your pyjamas that clung to you.
Technically you could, but that wouldn't even touch the surface of everything that had been going on.
One thing was apparent as you looked ahead and saw a human-shaped blur sitting next to you through reflection on the blank screen...The only thing you had control over was the tv.
With a sigh you stood, feigning ignorance as you often did. Three months in this house and such things were a common occurrence, whether it be out of pure exhaustion or extreme confidence you let everything remain as it was. There was no need to search for all your missing items if they didn't want to be found.
Passing by a generous handful of misplaced shadows you made your way to the kitchen, stopping to pet Prince and Gizmo who trailed close to your feet. "You want a treat? You both deserve a treat for guarding my room last night." Crouching low you kept them occupied with a scratch behind their ears before tearing the scrap of bacon that remained on your plate in half. Wiping the grease on the hem of your t-shirt you all but threw your dishes into the sink as you brought your hands up once again.
"Shh stop it, no more headaches, just calm down Katt, it's okay." Your self-soothing was starting to work until a cold hand gripped your shoulder.
A sharp exhale knocked the little air you had as you spun around on high alert. Your sporadic movement startled both you and your mom, you honestly didn't know you had it in you.
"Katt! My god, what's gotten into you?" "Mom, you scared me!" Your shaky voice was a dead giveaway that something was eating away at you, call it luck or mother's intuition but she could sense your invisible thoughts, words that never formed.
"You're so skittish today, is there something I should know?" "I'm not skittish! You literally came out of nowhere, and who grabs shoulders like that. You're like every horror movie mom ever." You were the only one amused by your comeback, which was apparent by your giggle and the fact she just stood their analysing you. So, you decided to break the uncomfortable silence "Don't worry I'm just a little tired."
"If you're too tired you might have to miss the church service tonight, I know they're expecting you to be there but you're honestly not going to miss out on much."
"What?! No! I mean I'm well enough, I'm so energetic right now don't sweat it."
You weren’t looking forward to the bi-monthly sermons that most of the town attended. There were only two things you wanted most in this world, 1. A boyfriend and 2. To spend as much time as possible away from your potentially haunted house. And church could probably give you two of those things but at what cost?
Luckily for you, you really didn't have to submit yourself to an extended church service, opting instead to abandon the sermon and have a bonfire with your friends.
At this point in time, you were being quite generous with the whole ‘friend’ title in a frantic attempt to distract yourself from how shit this town actually was. Normally you would have refrained yourself from being half as critical but honestly Birch Lake was unnerving and the people even more so. Your friends were as preppy as they could get, yet they had their generous dose of duality with their obsession with the colourful history of ghosts and the occult. In any other circumstance you would casually avoid them, but right now you had to make the best of what you had.
"If you need to rest you can stay home, the last thing I want to do is force you to go."
In a motherly fashion she brushed your bangs to the side, resting the back of her hand on your heated forehead.
"It's your call, do what feels best."
Your sleep deprived mind was playing havoc with the words you spoke, resulting in the most gracious word vomit.
"I don't know, I want… I want to, I need..."
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"You need to get laid."
Phoebe didn't even attempt to hide her eyes rolling to the back of her head “Katt I’m not repeating myself twenty fucking times because you have insomnia or some shit.” Even with all the attitude her eyes met your and she smiled.  “I was just saying, you’ve been here for like what? Five months?”
You nodded your head, trying to play it cool as the rest of the group eyed you, it was hard to tell whether the heat came from the bonfire or from their collective gaze burning holes into you. If it wasn’t for the shitty craft beer flowing through your body, you probably would have had the energy required to give a decent response, but you stayed silent drinking in the flames.
Having realised that you weren’t going to bite the bait Phoebe readied another comment before she was abruptly cut off by Tao “It feels like you’re overcompensating for something Phoebe, the lord asks us to look within, and from where I’m sitting, looking through you I see that you’re the one who needs to get laid.”
Amongst your group of friends who you truly would have avoided under any other circumstances, Tao was the most harmless. Regardless, he was still the leader of your group. He didn’t seem like much, but he had wit and charm, he was the shepherd who led your group away from the bible school hall, past the theatre and into the forest to get to a small clearing. Tao was the son of the head pastor meaning he knew how to skip sermons without anyone noticing. He was also the only person who had your back…when he felt like it…which made him a D+ at best but he was still appreciated.
Each person broke into a mocking chorus of laughter, which Phoebe joined in on “Haha ha ha hahahaha fuck all of you, I hope you all die in a ditch in your next lives.”
Taking her comment with a pinch of salt you all resumed back to what you were doing before, listening to Jeremy as he mentioned some old lost media legend. “That reminds me, Jeremy you’re into lost media and stuff, have you seen this black and white tv show it’s kind of like the Twilight Zone but it’s just supernatural horror?” Jeremy looked over the rim of his tortoise-shell glasses, squinting at you, his attention was peaked. “What’s it called?” “I don’t know the name of it, I always miss the opening credits or switch the channel.” “So, it’s one you’ve seen?” “Yeah, it’s hosted by this old guy Barry Collins that’s all I know.” Jeremy raised a brow contemplating what you had just told him “I don’t think I’ve heard of it.” “That’s strange it’s on probably eight times a day and it’s the same episode on loop, or at least I assume it is.” You may have been far too optimistic assuming he would solve this mystery in a mere couple of minutes “Well, sounds like a good show, maybe I can come over sometime and see it”.
As the minutes passed a layer of fog seemed to cover everyone’s eyes, a result of the weed and alcohol stash everyone contributed to. You initially wanted to dull down your senses, hoping the one can you had would serve as mental cough syrup, even though it wasn’t strong enough you refused to have any more. So, you sat, keeping yourself entertained by picking at your black and orange pumpkin nails.
It was when you looked up once more when you noticed something flicker at the corner of your eyes and your throat tightened, if it wasn’t for the size of the bonfire, you wouldn’t have noticed it. But the silver switchblade was shimmering as bright as the stars above. So, you could confirm that you weren’t jumping the gun or losing your mind you did a double take, what you didn’t know was that this would result in the worst mistake you had ever made.
Phoebe noticed the nervous flicker in your eyes as you looked towards her drawstring backpack that was slouched at the edge of the log she sat on. In an instant you had sprung to your feet, though you wanted to run your body was stuck in invisible quicksand, fear ceasing your muscles. There was a delayed reaction of a couple of long seconds before anyone noticed you jumping up in fear.
“Damn Katt you need to chill; you scared me half to death.”
“No! I’m not going to chill! You can’t tell me she isn’t going to hurt me! She has a knife!”
If this were any other circumstance, you would have taken a chill pill and even laughed about it, but this was a sick kind of déjà vu. It was hard to determine when the dream had occurred, each night blurred into one, but one image you would never get out of your head was the one where the infamous Phoebe stood, knife in hand, a piercing look in her eyes as a foggy darkness outlined her petite frame.
“You’re totally taking this out of context, this knife isn’t for you. I had other plans tonight.”
“But…” “No Katt, you spoilt the surprise, I thought you could all do a favour for me. I wasn’t going to mention it yet, but I did some soul searching and realised people suck, and there is no way I’m dating Justin again, but I totally need some dick so the next best option. Obviously summon a ghost to sleep with and call it a night.”
The saddest thing about that was the fact that you couldn’t tell whether she was that drunk or whether she had always been this insane.
“I can sense the judgement don’t act all high and mighty you would do the same thing.” “As far as I can tell I definitely wouldn’t do the same thing!” “Well, the knife isn’t for you, no blood sacrifice, it’s to cut hair, string and other some other stuff. I did the other part of the ritual earlier, but I needed an open fire, so I thought I’d get some help.”
You took a step back, grabbing your bag, you didn’t have to be superstitious to know that this was something you didn’t want to be involved in.
“You’re seriously overreacting Katt, hey, if you help me with the ritual maybe we could have a threesome with the ghost.” A thin layer of bile formed in your throat at the idea. But what truly made your stomach churn was the fact that no one was batting an eye, they had made it clear that they wanted to be in on this either for the thrill of it or they were all equally as insane as each other.
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Having stood your ground as best as you could for the whole entire night, you allowed yourself to turn in the other direction and run as soon as the candles were lit, and the sigils were roughly etched into the dank soil next to the fire.
Feeling permanently stuck in flight mode you found it impossible to catch your breath, though you were in motion already the swamp green forestry started to spin. In that moment you were waiting to fall face first into the mud and be taken out of this sweet misery but instead you kept moving, losing balance you hopped a few steps forward and into something, or more appropriately someone judging by the sharp sound of them being winded.
You had already made it up in your mind that if it were Tao or literally any one of those phonies you would shove them away and continue running. So, you readied yourself by pulling your arms back, but like an unstable slingshot your arms snapped down to your sides as you looked up to see the kindest doe eyes that were slightly covered by his loose black hair. Considering how you literally winded him, he still held a gentle gaze as he looked down at you, though nothing was said your heartbeat fell into a soft rhythm. For someone who looked as magical as the forest around him it was almost impossible to imagine what his voice would have sounded like. It was up to the stranger to break the silence and he did oh so gracefully, with a comforting smile he spoke his voice just above a hushed whisper.
“It’s okay, you’re safe, deep breathes. If you’re in danger just squeeze my hand.” It wasn’t like you to trust someone so quickly, but this felt different. “I’m fine, they probably weren’t going to hurt me, I just wanted to go home but I don’t know how to get out of here.” He opened his mouth to respond but paused as he heard the ominous snap of branches. Without hesitation he wrapped his arm around you “I can help you get out of here you just need to stick close and tell me everything. His grip was firm, but not vicious as he led you back to where you came from, you hesitated, your pace slowing down.
 As if he could read your mind, he went on to soothe you with his words once again. “We need to cut through here, there’s no way I’m letting you go back there. But now you’ve calmed down I need to know what you were running from.”  “I don’t think you’re going to believe me.” You pause awaiting his name. “Seonghwa.” “Seonghwa.” The way his name felt falling from your lips was addictive, “Well.” He paused too “Katt.” “Katt, I doubt you’d be this shaken up for no reason, plus I definitely heard some shouting.”
“I just escaped one potential murderer, so I hope you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing out here so late?” Without missing a beat, he answered. “I was picking mushrooms.”  Man, he was really out here being the most ethereal forest being in the universe. Noticing your bewilderment, he continued “My grandma used to forage as a child, and she asked me to go get some mushrooms.” Despite his simple explanation many of your questions remained unanswered, yet your curiosity pushed forward. “So, you’re a fan of ghost mushrooms then, interesting.” Seonghwa grinned at your dry retort “I’m more of an oyster mushroom guy, I imagine the poison would be too bitter for me.”
Scoffing at his response you were captivated by the instant shimmer of light that cast itself onto his cheek, as if he was warmed by the rays he hummed in delight, even though it was a mere streetlamp.
“There you go, I should be getting home.”
Your mind had already weaved a beautiful narrative of discovering “the one” hiding out beneath the shady leaves, so you held onto his arm for a few seconds too long. Seonghwa noticed, tilting his head like a curious rabbit before realisation set in. His soft gaze flickered with a sense of confidence, “Unless you’d prefer that I walk you home.” “I would like that but please don’t keep your grandma waiting.” “I don’t think she’ll mind; evening walks are kind of a norm for me.” “Thank you so much, I owe you one.” Seonghwa looked off into the distance shielding you from his suave grin, part of him hoping that you would give him something sensual in return. Despite his sinful temptation he looked back at you his sharp eyes softening as he feigned innocence. “Katt” He savoured each syllable, “You don’t owe me anything, unless…” He dropped the sentence hoping you’d bite back enough for him to charm you. “Whatever it is, yes.” “I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, friend.”
For the first time that night you genuinely laughed.
“It’s your lucky day, I’m definitely looking for new friends.” The transition between extreme fear and instantaneous lovesickness left you in a daze, so much so that you didn’t realise that either A. Seonghwa knew where you lived or B. That you subconsciously knew where your house was, nor had you realised that you had released his arm from your tight, timid grasp. The swinging of your arms brought forward the autumn winds which then brought forward the faint smell of dirt and mushrooms. The conversation itself was way more colourful than the streetlights that made his eyes twinkle.
The house called your name, but you refused to listen, hesitant to leave Seonghwa’s side. It’s not like you fully believed that it was haunted or evil it just wasn’t it.  If he noticed your hesitance, he didn’t acknowledge it. There was something he wanted to say, but instead he glared at the house as if he had a vendetta against it.
“Thanks for walking me home, I really appreciate it.” “Of course, anything to see you safe from the Oktober ghouls and witches.” He said that part with a smooth chuckle, swiping his lower lip with his tongue.
“I hope to see you sometime soon Katt. You made my night even though you practically winded me.” “Hey! I said I was sorry, I think, look I was scared.” “Well, how about you make it up to me with a hug next time? Good night Katt.” One sheepish smile and a polite wave later and Seonghwa was up the road, looking back at you as you entered your house. What he didn’t see or hear was the delighted squeal you let out as you clutched your heart, excited butterflies warmed your heart as you closed your eyes, his face, no his smile, no… his everything was a good enough reason to keep your eyes clenched shut as you walked to your room, again it felt like you already knew this place like the back of your hand. Once you had made it to your room you fell back on your bed, too dazed, and your heart feeling too light to notice the misplaced shadows or the murmuring that surrounded you.
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You had fallen asleep, something you found hard to believe, but what was more of a shock was the fact that you also left the door unlocked. Your parents were prepared to enter a house devoid of all your belongings. Luckily nothing had been stolen and even better, after losing sight of you at church, they returned home to find you asleep with a peaceful smile on your face. Even so, they wasted no time questioning your whereabouts as soon as you made your way downstairs for breakfast. You had a keen sense of self-awareness in the way that you knew that your lie was utter bullshit, yet you decided to commit to the bit and claim that you were there for most of the bible study session until you got a stomach-ache and that the church knew about the entire situation and that Tao had walked you home.
“You know you can be honest Katt.” “I’m telling the truth! I haven’t been well lately; it might be a summer cold or like an autumn cold? All I know is it sucks, and I still don’t feel good.” Your dad was certainly more amused by your flailing arms as opposed to your mom who shovelled more syrup-drenched pancakes onto your plate, hoping you would calm down and eat. You didn’t show any sign of stopping, so your mom took any type of silence to interject “Don’t let your pancakes go cold.” Hoping that you had convinced your parents enough you ate, savouring the syrup. You were in no rush to finish them trying to delay the ordeal of doing the dishes today, yet it was that day that your saviour arrived at the door.
As soon as the knock resounded throughout the entire house you jumped up, speed walking away from your parents prying gaze. At this stage you would have been relieved to see the damn mailman, However, you were greeted with something way better. His hair gently fell across his forehead, even though it was a wavy mess it seemed calculated, and he wore a plain white shirt. Only one thought crossed your mind, ‘Were his lips always so rosy?’ Being so captivated by his morning beauty, you overlooked the basket in his hands. “Good morning Katt, I hope I didn’t wake you, but I’m just dropping by to give this to you, see it as a housewarming gift from both of us.” “I, that’s so sweet! You didn’t have to do that, really.” You hadn’t been able to put your finger on it last night but there was something about his eyes, whenever you looked into them you felt even more determined to keep him a secret, he was your own personal fairy, he was magical in every way, a midsummer’s night dream.
As soon as you heard your parents approaching you leaned in close to him, your breath catching the corner of his ear “I’m inviting you inside act like you don’t know me, I haven’t told my parents about you yet.” Seonghwa nodded “Why don’t you come inside?” Seonghwa was about to step inside, but he hesitated, unable to shake the feeling that he was being watched. Cursing on the inside he stepped inside, lured in by the way you looked over your shoulder, beckoning him to follow you.
Seonghwa had always been perceptive, he could sense when he wasn’t wanted and even though he knew you were ecstatic to see him the constant chattering of disembodied voices was headache inducing. Still Seonghwa smiled appearing as charming as ever when he introduced himself to your parents “I can’t stay for long, I just wanted to drop this off.” You couldn’t tell if his ethereal nature was lost on them or whether they were in awe of him like you were. They seemed almost robotic in their response; it was rare for them to be this polite to anybody especially a guy that you liked. He must have had that effect on people.
“Park Seonghwa, I just got back a couple of days ago, out of town for my grandmother’s knee operation, we made this together to welcome you. It’s sort of a tradition of ours.” Your mom stood, impressed by his reserved nature. She reached for the basket noticing that it was predominantly food combined with a few small ornaments. “It’s all homemade.” He had a habit of smiling whenever he mentioned his grandma and it made you wonder if she was just as kind as Seonghwa.
Your mom was somewhat shocked at the revelation she gestured to the wooden ornaments “These too?” “Yeah, we carved them out of oak.”  You knew her silence meant that she was impressed, marvelling at the fine lines etched into the wood but Seonghwa couldn’t read her. “It’s not a good luck charm or anything it’s just something good to look at.” “I think it’ll look perfect right here.” Pushing it into the centre of the dining room table your mom scooped the basket into her arms. “Wait, is that strawberry jam? Pass it here.” Passing you the old hand-painted jar she walked into your kitchen, you assumed they were probably going to wear his name out behind his back, it was apparent by the fact that your dad trailed after her instead of Gizmo or Prince.
“You’re so magical I was literally craving strawberry jam.”  Since they had walked away Seonghwa had relaxed, a flirty smile overtaking him as he noticed you struggling with the jar. The brush of his hand sent a jolt of flaming electricity down your spine, but it had yet to disappear as his cool hands lingered on top of yours. “I’ll get that.” Upon passing the jar to him it was open in one swift motion of his wrist, as a force of habit you reached for the jar “Oh my, I told you I got it.”  Placing the jar on the table he dipped the discarded butter knife into it collecting the jam. He did the following with such ease, tearing off the edge of an untainted pancake and smearing it with red.
It was naïve of you to think that Seonghwa was an innocent man, devoid of any form of lust, in the short time you had known him he was constantly dancing on the fine line of being an innocent boy and a man fully aware of everything around him. In short, he knew what he was doing when he brought the pancake up to your mouth. His fingers were skilfully positioned to ensure that once you took a bite the jam would dirty them, in any other situation he would avoid anything sticky or that wasn’t mud. Unlike those moments he knew that someone, you, would clean them for him. Instead of removing his fingers he let them linger until you licked the jam from his fingers.
“That’s it.”
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Seonghwa’s words meant nothing at the time, but that was then after spending each day together that’s the reality you now had. You went from taking comfort into Tao’s kindness to chasing after Seonghwa, or at least you would be the one chasing after him if he didn’t show up at your house or approach you while you were out and lure you away. Following the situation with the strawberry jam Seonghwa was subtle. He would edge you by showing the side of him that was willing to kiss you silly, but for some reason he never did kiss you. He wanted to but not yet. So here you were in a section of the woods that you most likely ran past in a panic on that one night that you never wanted to relive. For once your life seemed like one every suburban teen lived even if you were a little too old to be considered one. You sat on the ratty tartan picnic blanket drowning in happiness.
Seonghwa made a habit of occasionally looking up at you from his section of the clearing, his hands littered with dirt as he ran his hands across the clumped dirt while he hummed along to the radio. “I swear I’m not holding it against you, but you did promise to help me.” “And I will I’m just thinking.” “About?” “Things… but more importantly why don’t you ever wear gloves when you do that?” “It depends on the answer that you want. I can give you sane or insane, take your pick.” “I’ll take the Seonghwa answer.” “Maybe it’s not the weirdest thing ever but I like the feeling of the dirt on my fingers so damp and cool, plus who needs cologne when the dirt makes you smell so fresh.” “Seonghwa, you know that half of the time I can’t tell whether you’re telling the truth or not.” “Yes, and I thought that’s what made you like me. I’m pretty sure you said you liked my Hozier charm, even though he probably copied my likeness.” Seonghwa prodded at the dirt again.
It was the second time you broke your promise to Seonghwa, you did say you would help him collect, mushrooms, acorns, and butterfly wings amongst other things. It sounded like a fun Saturday afternoon but as the time came you just wanted to admire how beautiful he was, a hobby that you discovered days after meeting him. The leaves blocked out the afternoon sun, providing you with the privacy you needed to make the next move.
Seonghwa looked straight ahead, despite being away from you he could hear the thudding in your chest, he sensed fear. But it didn’t make sense he hadn’t done it yet, immediate dread filled him. It seemed you had finally caught on to his lies. Instead of showing his exasperation he kept looking ahead at him, ignoring the centipede that crawled over him he pressed his palms into the wet dirt trying to calm himself. He didn’t feel fear, don’t get it twisted his dread came from the fact that the game of cat and mouse had been cut incredibly short.
“Seonghwa, I have something to tell you.” That’s not what he expected, he sighed in relief he had never been the best at reading human emotions. Bracing himself to be ever the gentleman you knew him to be Seonghwa rose from the ground, patting his on his upper thigh. Approaching you he kneeled peering into the deepest part of your eyes “What is it?” Honestly you were prepared to shout it out to him but having him this knocked all the air out of your body.
‘Get it together Katt’ you thought when he brought his hand up to your shoulder. His gaze was hooded waiting for permission, he was monstrous on the inside, but he wasn’t devoid of sympathy even if it was false in nature.
“I didn’t keep my promise.” “You silly thing, you can always start by searching over there.” “Not that promise… You told me the night we met that you wanted a friend, I owed it to you, and I can’t do it.” He thought he knew how this was going to end, yet you had him stumped. “None of this makes any sense Katt.”
“I don’t know how else to say this Seonghwa, I love you and that’s it.”
If Seonghwa knew how to feel guilt he would have but that wasn’t the way of the incubus, then again, he didn’t know whether he ever acted like his kind. As far as he knew he was the only one who played with his victims before devouring their lustful souls. It was the thrill of the chase he wanted more than anything. After your confession you had looked away from him, your nerves had gotten the best of you. But by the time you looked back up at him your heart that you had so lovingly given to him got caught in your throat. Your first reaction was to scream so you did, but over the loud radio and his hand pressed against your throat there was no way that scream would grace his presence.
Looking ahead all, you could do was shudder at the man in front of you, though he no longer looked like a living man. His skin was light pewter, coated in thick crackling mud that hardened across his arms, except for the mud on his finger which smeared against your skin. And his eyes? Oh, his eyes were something, even in your terrified state you wanted to swim in his too cold to be orange and the too hot to be blue eyes.
“Sshh little one, if you listen to me I… Well, I doubt you’ll be getting out of here anytime soon. But don’t fret.” The creature between you clicked his tongue against his partially sharpened teeth, but he faltered as you gurgled out a panicked gasp. “Katt, Katt, Katt what am I ever going to do with you. You betrayed my trust; you said you would promise to be my friend yet you’re looking at me like I’m a monster. Seonghwa leaned in his cool breath tickling the edge of your ear. “I couldn’t sense lust like I did when I first met Pheobe, she was lying there inside of the string circle oh so desperate. But let me tell you this. I didn’t want her. I wanted you.” Seonghwa released you and to his surprise you didn’t run, and it warmed him. After all, Seonghwa truly felt like he wasn’t like any other incubus, he didn’t know love, he thrived on fear, but you had captivated him. So, he intended to use the time he had with you to present you with the offer of a lifetime.
“Seonghwa, please I don’t want to die like this.” Seonghwa brought both of his hands up again but this time he cupped your face “Don’t be sorry sweetheart, you have no reason to fear me. You’re lucky she was so far north, if she was in any other part of the forest she could have easily summoned San, Mingi or Hongjoong and trust me they wouldn’t have let you leave. It’s still me.” It was frankly insane, this had to be one of your elaborate nightmares. “Katt, I was willing to kill you, but not now, I have other plans. I just want you to hear me out but first I would like you to enlighten me. Tell me… why were you so keen to want me?”
The urge to run was still present but looking at him you still managed to see the man you fell in love with, it was odd to still love something like him but his voice, this everything was enough to have you chasing after him. “I thought I finally found the person who truly understands me, I thought you would fool me into liking this stupid town but turns out I was the stupid one.”
“If you’re a fool then I am as equally so for I have a proposal.” His eyes were flickering like two sleepy flames ready to die out, you would have run but one thing was keeping you where you were, the growing warmth in his touch.
“I recall each word you uttered to me, you want the nightmares to stop, you want the voices to stop. What if I said I could help you?” Your throat was ashen dry, so you gave up on answering him, but your eyes said it all. “Instead of making a deal with the devil I would like you to consider making a deal with an incubus. Even if you failed to keep your promises, I know you will be able to keep this one.” At first you had assumed that your compliance was a way of survival but as strange, sick, and twisted as it sounded your heart already found a way to love him. “Tell me about this deal.”
Today was a day of firsts and Seonghwa finally had the pleasure of saying that he had experienced resting his head against that of someone he would have loved if he were human. “If you agree to do this, let me bed you out here let me give you a part of myself I can guarantee that no one in this town, human, demon, or ghost will harm you. I will protect you Katt, I will take away all the noise and all your nightmares if you let me.” “Please do it.”
He crashed his lips onto yours, you savoured the taste. It was rough but knowing Seonghwa or whoever this creature was it was safety. Bringing your arms up you clasped them around him encouraging him to dip his body down. “I’m trying hard Katt, but I want to taste you.” “I didn’t think incubuses cared about their victims.” “You’re mistaken you’re definitely mine but a victim? Of course not.” Seonghwa’s touch seemed to transition from stone cold to warm and comforting with each lingering kiss. After dragging them across each inch of your body he unbuttoned your black and orange cardigan. One, two or three kisses and you were addicted, it was hard to tell as each kiss bled into the other. Instead of letting the cardigan fall off your shoulder Seonghwa hooked the edge of it with his finger, dragging it down. Expecting more gentle touches you were startled by the sensation of his teeth nipping at your bare skin, ever the mystic forest fairy he seemed to be he made roses bloom in his wake.
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You had snuck through the back door this time, another faint smile gracing your lips, another difference was the fact that your parents were home this time. They remained optimistic, you were bright and talkative over the past few weeks, but this time you walked straight past them. Taking a seat on the couch you stared at the black screen ahead of you, you looked a mess, but you loved it. Your eyes were too cold to be orange and too hot to be blue, the mud was beginning to crack on your skin but probably the thing you were the most grateful for was the fact that Seonghwa kept his promises, the voices in your head ceased to exist and for a split second you could see Seonghwa sitting next to you.
“Whatever I feel for you Katt know it’s the most powerful thing in this waking world.” His words melted away along with his smoky figure. Staring ahead of the screen you couldn’t help but sigh as you rubbed your head before laughing, that was a habit you could stop now. The pain and the voices ceased thanks to him. As you closed your eyes, reliving the sensation of Seonghwa’s body on yours, his tongue wrapped around your most sensitive areas and his hands scratching down your back you closed your eyes. All that was heard was the tv turning on as the same ancient host was brought back to life.
“I will let you in on a little secret, listen closely. Sometimes love and terror can prove to be as beautiful as one another, we chase love because we fear that we will be alone but some of us look fear incarnate in the eyes and we fall in love. Next door to that everyday neighbourhood, that American apple pie life, is a forest. And some of us let curiosity get the better of us, but it’s certainly not all bad for we find new life by running away from the old. The piercing yowling of the ghosts cease to exist, because Katt looked evil in the eye and hidden underneath his heaving breath Katt heard a faint thud of a heartbeat."
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all rights reserved to ppoppokari
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jessikahathaway · 2 years
A Witch's End
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Oh my wow, hello everyone.
I am here, with an update. I'm sorry to make you wait so long but I've had a tough year in regards to my mental health and things of that matter. So i'm sorry for going ghost on ya'll for so long.
I can't promise it won't happen again, but my creativity is stronger these days so I'm hopeful.
Thanks for being here, everyone.
Thank you especially to Hali @haliiimede for betaing this for me, you're a peach and I appreciate you so very much <3
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Fantasy!AU, Romance, Smut (Like a lot I'm pent up okay?), Fluff
Warnings: Violence, major character death (I'm sorry just read it I promise you'll be okay), angst. Smut warnings: Oral sex (fem!receiving), so much cum play I'm sorry-, creampies, unprotected sex (hey I see you don't do it), dirty talk (seriously they be filthy in this), impreg kink, breeding kink, Jungkook is so in love.
Words: 19.5k (don't look at me like that)
Rating: 18+
Summary: You and Jungkook had been seeing each other for a while. But when new challenges block your way, will you be able to hurdle to obstacles? Or will your differences be too much in the end after all.
*NOTE: This is a continueation of an older one shot I wrote called Witch's Brew, you can read that one if you want but you can also read this as a stand alone.
You and Jungkook had a little arrangement going on between you two for the last seven months. He’d come to your forest while he was out on patrol, or something along those lines and you two would go at it like bunnies before he’d leave and return to his king.
And over this span of time, you’d become rather fond of the royal guard. His sense of duty was honorable, his humor was light but sometimes dangerous, he was sweet as ambrosia in the spring and deep as the oceans to the East. When he was away you longed for him to come back and spend the days with you in your little hut.
Whenever you two would be done with the more... debauched activities of your time spent together, Jungkook would watch you make concoctions, potions and salves and sometimes even charms. But you were an old being, and you were fickle. You didn’t like the prospect of being tied to this hut for much longer.
It was starting to grow stuffy and cramped in the space you called home. You’d been here for roughly a century, perhaps it was time to find a new forest? With new animals and new plants to experiment with.
But doing a relocation spell was tricky, and you never knew where you’d end up... Your mind wandered back to the young Knight who’d spent many nights wrapped up with you in your sheets. Never before had you been so infatuated with a human. Let alone a high ranking official like Jungkook. But, you couldn’t help the way you felt. He was an addictive little sprite, always doing what he could to get what he wanted.
A chill ran down your spine as you thought back on your most recent encounter with the man, making your thigh clench out of desperation to feel him all over again. He’d been gone longer than usual. Normally you’d see him every week, but it was going on near two since the last time you’d felt his hands wandering over your frame. Your body was wired to react to his touch, it felt like. As if Jungkook was the only one that could bring you to the edge of bliss and back again over and over until the two of you were sated.
But there was a darkness growing... You could feel the change as time went on. More murders happening, more plagues and more death. It was all so overwhelming, especially for a creature like you who was so tied to the energy here. You were certain that she had returned... Your damned sister that had been around just as long as you, but more hell bent on causing trouble.
You liked a little bit of mischief here and there, but it was only to make fun never to harm. Your sister on the other hand, she was dangerous... You weren’t sure what you’d do if she was actually back and on the prowl for souls once more. Your mind wandered to the villages nearby and the tragedy that had been striking them. You were able to help curb the plague, with medicinal herbs and potions they had survived. But just barely. You had always been the weaker one of you two and your sister’s magic wasn’t something to be sniffed at.
She was always more driven than you, wanting power and more power until there was nothing left but ashes in her hand. You had taken a more lax approach to your magic. Letting it grow with you instead of forcing yourself at a young age. However, that did mean you were constantly thrown against each other to fight and see who would come out on top.
Sometimes she’d win, other times you’d win. But for the most part, it was her that reigned victorious. Not that you minded, you weren’t overly competitive for the most part.
It was a dangerous world if your sister truly had returned. The last time you two had been together you’d managed to trick her into a magic circle that was supposed to bind her for two thousand years. That was probably a century ago now, seeing as how you’d made your home here shortly after.
But what could’ve caused the circle to break? Lost in your thoughts you didn’t hear the tell tale signs of the hut’s door opening and closing. The sound of armor being removed and you didn’t her Jungkook call out to you.
So when you felt a pair of warm arms encircle your waist, you panicked. Throwing your elbow into the abdomen you whirled around to kick them in the face when you saw the pained expression of your lover looking back at you as he gazed at you in awe.
“Oh! Jungkook!” You gaped, placing your hands on his face and shoulder. “I’m so sorry! You startled me!”
“I... announced myself,” he huffed, rubbing at the tender flesh of his stomach.
“I was lost in thought, are you alright? I didn’t think I hit you that hard,” you tutted, moving his shirt up to look at his flesh. There was a bandage around his middle, it was older. Although it wasn’t there the last time he was here.
“I’m alright, it doesn’t hurt that much anymore,” he said, standing up to his full height above you.
“No? Where have you been?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his neck and falling into the comfort that was him.
“Mmm, got sent out to the outer reaches of the kingdom. There’s been some strange happenings out there and we were dispatched to see what was going on,” he said, bringing his lips down to meet yours for a moment.
“How did you get hurt?” You asked, pulling away to better assess the damage.
“One of my men got... I don’t know, possessed? Something overtook him and he attacked us,” he said.
Blood magic...
That was your sister’s specialty.
“Oh no, is he okay now?” You asked, but you already knew how blood magic ended.
“He, uh... Didn’t make it,” Jungkook said, trying to keep from wincing.
The price of blood magic was steep. The victim would do the master’s bidding, and then kill themselves to ensure that the master wouldn’t be persecuted. Your sister had perfected the skill at the tender age of 120, it had taken you almost twice that to even grasp the concept.
“I’m sorry, that must’ve been hard,” you said, smoothing your hands over his broad shoulders. Jungkook sighed and placed a tender kiss to your forehead.
“You lose people in my line of work, I shouldn’t be so affected by it but... What can I say? I’m a bleeding heart,” he whispered. You knew that he was upset, you could see it as plain as day on his face. So you gave him a soft kiss on the lips, pulling back to assess his features again. Another kiss. And you kept going until he was smiling under your lips.
“That’s better, you’re much cuter this way,” you giggled. Jungkook pressed forward, kissing you deeper this time. You could feel the stirrings of arousal starting in your stomach as he covered your mouth with his eagerly.
“What if I don’t want to be cute? What if I want to be tough?” He asked, raising a brow.
“You’re very tough, kook. But you’re also very cute,” you smiled, pinching his cheeks.
“Ow, let me go,” he pouted.
“But what if I don’t want to?” You asked, wrapping your arms around him tight.
“Then don’t,” he smirked, picking you up. You grinned as he carried you to your bed, laying you down on your sheet before crawling over you. Just as he was about to devour you, he got a weird look on his face. You noticed that he’d stopped moving, so you sat up and leveled with him.
“You alright?” You asked, putting your hand on his cheek carefully.
“I-I don’t want you thinking that all I want from you, is this?” He said, gesturing between the two of you.
“What do you mean?”
“I-I’ve been thinking about it, and, I-uh, want us to... maybe, um... I’ve been thinking about, courting you,” he blushes, face turning pink at the words.
The wind was knocked out of you. He wanted to court you?
“Jungkook,” you began, and he whined immediately.
“This is why I didn’t say anything,” he sighed, sitting up on his knees.
“Jungkook, I’m a witch, if you’ve forgotten,” you said, gesturing at yourself.
“And? Y-you’re a good witch,” he reasoned.
You frowned and looked down at your hands. “I didn’t used to be.”
“What?” Jungkook asked, raising a brow.
“And I’m far from perfect Jungkook. I won’t obey you, I refuse. I don’t want to be tied down to one place. And... You’ll be long dead before me,” you swallowed. That was another thing that was hard to come to terms with. Your life was going to be longer than Jungkook’s. As he aged, you’d look relatively the same. It broke your heart that someday, this loveable man wouldn’t visit you... He’d eventually have to settle down and get himself a wife that would bear him children, something you weren’t able to give... A normal life, a good life. Something that would make him happy.
“I don’t want you to obey me, I don’t want to tie you down but... I want you to be mine, please, please think about it,” he begged.
“Do you really think in these seven months I haven’t thought about you in that way? That I haven’t thought through every scenario in which we could be together? All of them end with death, Jungkook. I don’t want to see that happen to you. I can’t watch you die in front of my eyes,” you whispered, eyes starting to mist with tears.
“If you want me too, then why can’t we do this? We could be together, the King would approve of you I promise,” he said, smiling lightly at the end.
“I seek no one's approval, Jungkook. Not even my own,” you said sharply. Jungkook frowned at your statement.
“Why are you so hell bent on this failing? Do you have so little faith in me?” he asked, looking genuinely hurt by the prospect.
“No, Jungkook. This isn’t about you... It’s about me, I-I have nothing to offer you. No money, no title, I can’t even give you children.”
This gives Jungkook pause.
“What do you mean? You’re barren?” he asked, sounding hurt. But not for himself... For you.
“Jungkook, magic doesn’t come without its consequences. The world must have order, have balance. And if you meddle with the natural order, eventually, the price will come due.”
Jungkook saw the first tears falling down your cheek and he felt his own heart shatter. You were doomed to be alone. Everything you had done together, would just be a memory for you down the road. And eventually, he would become one of those memories. The thought of not seeing you made Jungkook more restless than he’d care to admit. But you were here now, he could comfort you now.
“Y/N,” he breathed, kissing your cheeks gently. “Look at me.”
You really couldn’t. If you did the dam would burst and you could agree to anything he says. Because, you wanted a life with him. You really did. It was killing you to sit here and deny everything you’ve ever wanted and more. But if it got him to realize... You’d say anything.
“I can’t, I can’t do this Jungkook,” you said, wiping your tears. “You deserve a wife who will always be there for you. Someone who can give you what you want.”
“You’re what I want,” Jungkook said, biting his lip.
“No... I’m not Kook,” you said, smiling sadly. Jungkook’s eyes filled with tears of their own.
“I do. I do want you,” he whispered, taking your hands in his, placing them on his chest. “And you want me too.”
You bit your lip, trying to keep yourself from bursting into uncontrollable tears. He wasn’t wrong. You did want him, you always did. But this attraction, this draw to him... It would only end in heartbreak, it already had.
“Jungkook,” you started again, when he cut you off with his lips.
“You want me, you need me,” he breathed, pulling your hair back from your face. “I’ll give you anything you desire. Money, a title, children. Whatever will keep you with me.”
“Jungkook, this isn’t about you not being enough. You’re more than enough. I-I’m the one who isn’t enough for you. I-I don’t-I can’t be with you.”
“Then why? Why did you continue to see me? Why did you give me hope?”
“Because,” you said, looking into his eyes. “Because I wanted hope too.”
This broke him.
Jungkook came forward and embraced you. “I’m not giving up. I’m in love with you. You’re more than enough for me. You’re smart, you’re funny, so beautiful and kind. You make me feel things, I’ve never felt for someone. My heart, it beats for you.”
“What happens when it stops beating, Jungkook? What happens when you die? I'm forced to watch my happiness disappear from my eyes? It’s not fair, Jungkook! W-Why must I always be alone? I-I didn’t know what I was getting into with magic. It’s given me a new life, but it’s a life where I walk alone,” you whispered.
“You never walk alone,” Jungkook said, bringing your head to his chest. His heart was beating hard against his ribs. You clutched his shirt.
“I must...”
“Not with me, never with me,” he said, sounding so sure.
“Make me believe it,” you breathed out. Jungkook’s eyes sparkled for a moment.
“I will,” he growled, pushing you back down onto the bed. “I’ll show you how much I care for you. How much I want this. Want you.”
Jungkook’s lips were soft as ever, taking your breath away with his kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer so that your bodies were pressed against each other tightly. Goddess, this was it. This was going to be the last time you felt him. You had to put everything into this. Remember every detail. The way the light makes his eyes shine. The look of wonder he gets every time he sees your center, dripping and ready for him. You moaned as he ran his thumb against your slit.
“Fuck you’re wet,” he moaned.
“Need you, Kook,” you pleaded.
“You’ll get me,” he encouraged.
“Hurry,” you whined.
“So eager, I love that. Every time...”
He dropped to his elbows on the bed and brought his lips to your center in a chaste kiss. You let out a shaky breath at his tenderness. Normally it was you who took control. But not tonight, Jungkook was in charge of this exchange, and you were more than happy to oblige him.
Slowly, Jungkook pulled your undergarments off and threw them away from the bed. You sighed in pleasure when Jungkook’s lips met your center. Jungkook didn’t like using the potion to eat you out anymore. He got off on the taste, the sweet feeling of your lower lips against his tongue. Fuck, he couldn’t get enough of it sometimes.
His tongue laved against your swollen clit as he gathered your flavor. He moaned into your center, moving his tongue from your entrance to your pearl, taking fat licks to get every ounce of nectar you let him have. “Fuck, Kook, so good baby.”
“I could do this for hours. Until your legs shook and you couldn’t take anymore,” he said, wrapping his hands around your thighs and pulling you closer, so he could get a better angle on your sex.
“Jungkook!” you cried, head thrown back against the pillow. He took his tongue and probed at your hole, testing the waters.
“You taste so good,” he said, nosing your clit gently causing your hips to buck against his face.
“Y-You’re gonna make me cum,” you moaned out, hands grabbing at his hair to urge him along.
“Want you to cum baby, wanna taste it, get you nice and ready for my cock,” he groaned, palming himself through his trousers.
“F-Fingers, Jungkook. Give me your fingers,” you begged. Jungkook wasn’t in the mood to deny you or tease you. Carefully, he slid one finger into your cunt.
“Shit you’re tight,” he whimpered. “Want to fill you with me.”
“I want it, Jungkook, please baby!” you said, trying to keep yourself from falling over the edge too quickly. You wanted this to last. You wanted him in your bed, in your heart, forever... Something told you it had already come true. That he would be in your heart forever... It was so hard giving him up like this.
“Want another one?” he asked, teasing your center with another finger.
“Yes! Yes please!” you cried out.
Jungkook nodded and pushed a second finger in, stretching you out deliciously.
“Going to stretch out this pretty cunt for me. Then, I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t ever think about leaving me. You’ll need me to fill up this beautiful pussy with cum over and over.”
His words sounded strained, like he was trying to keep himself from crying. But, you kept quiet. Let him believe this would save your doomed romance.
He was beautiful.
You don’t think the world had created such a beauty that could rival his. It made your heart ache to know that you’d have to give him up. To let him go, but you couldn’t be selfish. You couldn’t let you stop him from becoming everything he could be. But for now?
He was yours.
Jungkook was licking your pussy with fury. He groaned and continued to pump his fingers inside of you faster. So much so that he was making a mess of you. Your body tensed up, cunt pulsing from his work. You could taste your orgasm. He was so close to giving it to you.
“Cum for me my love,” he moaned.
You gushed at his words. You hoped that he wouldn’t notice, that those words were the ones you longed to hear from him. Even if you’d never hear them again, you’d commit his husky tone now to memory. You’d never forget him, ever.
“Jungkook!” you cried, leaning your head back into the pillows as you came on his fingers.
Jungkook smirked and took his fingers in his mouth, cleaning himself up before licking you gently to clean you as well.
“Are you alright?” he asked, placing a warm palm on your thigh.
“Yes, give me more, Jungkook,” you pleaded.
Jungkook nodded and pulled his pants down. He was far too impatient to remove everything, he just wanted to feel you. He wanted to be buried deep inside of you, he didn’t want to waste anymore time struggling with his clothes when your perfect cunt was right there eagerly waiting for his cock. Jungkook wasn’t patient as he grabbed you, pulling your hips flush against his as he lined up himself with your entrance.
You gripped his forearms as he entered you with purpose. Your pussy stretched to its limit always left you breathless. Jungkook left you gasping for air, regularly. He wasn’t huge, but his girth and length mixed together were a deadly combo.
Jungkook reached behind your head and grabbed the pillows and arched his back, rutting into you gently. You moaned as he pulled out, leaving you desperate for more. Jungkook seemed to understand your feelings because soon he was making a rhythm with you, pushing forward as you came down on his dick perfectly. Your body was on fire with the sensations he was pulling from you, making you tremble in his hold.
“It’s alright, I’ve got you pretty girl. Just focus on me, how good do I feel?” he whispered.
“So good Jungkook, so good,” you cried, rocking your hips forward, eager for more.
“You too, your pussy is so tight, love when you clench down-yes, just like that,” he moaned, letting a surprised gasp escape him when you tensed up your muscles for him. He felt so good, he was brushing against that one spot that made you want to scream. It was so good, so perfect.
“Fuck, right there Jungkook,” you pleaded, bringing his lips to yours again. It wasn’t a sweet kiss by any means. It was hot, passionate and full of biting and teeth. Jungkook moaned as he lifted his shirt slightly, giving you a glimpse at his side, his injury not stopping him from pounding you into the bed.
“Want to make you cum again, want to feel you,” he groaned, head falling back as he pistoned his hips forward into you.
“So close, I’m-ah!” you cried as he started going harder.
“Want to see you cum and then I’m going to fill you. Over and over with my cum until you’re stuffed to the brim so much so that you can’t move. Say I can do it, let me have it precious, tell me how bad you want my cum,” he said, leaning forward so that his head was cradled in your throat.
“Want it so bad, Jungkook. I’ll take all of it, pussy wants it so bad. Fill me up, come and fill me up please,” you mewled, feeling another orgasm looming over your head. But that didn’t make you eager, if anything, it scared you. What do you say to him after? How do you tell him?
You got so far into your own head Jungkook could see it on your face.
“Don’t think about it, not now beautiful. Focus on me, only me,” he pleaded, bucking into you faster. Your head was almost hitting the headboard of your bed, but you couldn’t let up. He was going to cum, then he was going to leave forever...
“Jungkook, fuck!” you hollered, running your hands under his shirt and raking your nails down his stomach. His hips stuttered under your dangerous move.
“Make me cum, make me cum,” he chanted, pushing your dress up until your chest was revealed to him.
“Oh fuck oh fuck,” you said, feeling the emotion rising in your throat.
“Cumming!” he cried, fucking into you sloppily, placing his finger on your clit to push you over as well. You felt the tears roll down your cheeks as you finished. Jungkook was shaking against you, no doubt still in the throes of his orgasm. You could feel him twitching and throbbing inside of you.
The sensitivity caused him to hiss as he pulled out.
He watched as his cum pooled underneath you, wetting the sheets.
“Fuck,” he groaned, pushing his sweaty hair off of his forehead.
You swallowed hard as the tears didn’t stop. You knew what this meant. You knew what you had to do. And you were certain it was going to kill you.
“I think you should go,” you whispered, looking at him with watery eyes.
“If I walk out that door now, I may never come back,” he said. “Is that what you want?”
You remained silent, letting the tears fall from your eyes. The silence was deafening. Jungkook gave you a curt nod, before standing up from the bed. He pulled up his pants and walked out the door, not sparing you a glance. The door shut hard, and you felt yourself fall into the sadness that surrounded you.
You were alone.
Jungkook never left your mind. These past months have been so hard, so lonely.
You struggled to do your regular tasks.
But you knew in your heart you’d done the right thing. He could move on, and he could be happy with someone who was deserving of him. Even though thinking of him in the arms of another made your heart ache with jealousy. You knew it was the last kindness you could do for him. Let him go.
There was a knock at your door. Quickly, you jumped up and headed there, not sensing any dangerous energy.
When you opened the door there was a tall man standing there. His hair was peppered with white strands and he was handsome. His head was also decorated with a fine crown, showing his status very blatantly. You swallowed hard, as you bowed your head to the King.
“Your Majesty, with what do I owe the pleasure?” you asked, raising a brow.
“What do you know of the witch Annalise?” he asked, saying your sister’s name with an edge.
“She’s my sister, what do you want?” you questioned, keeping your door cracked so they couldn’t see into your little hut.
“She’s been spotted off the southern reaches of the kingdom. She’s been terrorizing villages-she’s killing people,” he said.
“Again, what do you want?”
“You dare speak to the King that way?” someone growled from the back.
“You’ve obviously come here to ask something of me, and if the King himself came then he must want it badly. So, what do you want?”
“We want you to kill her. You’re the only one we can think of that is close enough to her that would know how to take her down.”
“You want me to kill my own sister? That’s a pretty brutal request,” you said, already knowing you’d help them. But watching them squirm a bit was never a bad thing. And maybe you could get something out of the deal. “What’s in it for me?”
“We will pardon your acts of witchcraft,” the king said. “You may live in peace here if you wish, no one will hunt you. If you refuse, however, I will send the captain of the royal guard here personally to dispose of you.”
“So you ask for help and then threaten me? This isn’t usually how negotiations are supposed to go.”
The king seemed agitated.
“You would watch our kingdom be burned to the ground because of your deranged bloodline?” he asked.
“To be fair she’s my half sister,” you said, crossing your arms.
“No wonder, you’re the daughter of a harlot,” someone scoffed in the background. Your blood boiled at the thought of them disrespecting your mother. She was not a harlot, she was... she was in love with another. You brought a flame into your hand, the heat from it licking at your fingers.
“Speak those words again and it’ll be the last ones you ever utter,” you growled.
“Fine, you won’t help? What if a different person asked,” the King stated. “Bring him forward.”
“What?” you asked aloud, and gasping when Jungkook was brought forward, bloodied and weak looking.
Your heart thudded in your chest.
“If you don’t help us, I’ll kill him,” he said.
“What?! You’d kill your own guard captain?!” you shrieked.
“He lost his title when he decided to sleep with a witch,” the King growled.
“No...” you whispered, eyes filling with tears.
“If you help us, I’ll reinstate him. He will have everything he’s ever wanted. All you have to do is kill Annalise.”
“Jungkook,” you whimpered.
His head was hung forward, like he was ashamed to even be standing before you like this. Your heart ached to know he was hurting, and from people that he’d trusted with his life. They’d betrayed him so quickly when they figured out that he was wrapped up with you... Were you that repulsive to others? Is this all your existence caused? Sadness and pain?
“If you don’t make your decision in three seconds, I’ll execute him now.”
“Y-You’re lying,” you said shakily.
“I don’t believe you,” you said, wanting to know this wasn’t true. This was a lie to get you to do their bidding. Jungkook sold you out. You should be furious...
But all you could do was stand there.
You were silent.
“Very well,” the King said, raising his own sword and swinging it down. You screamed when the sword moved.
“No! Please, I'll do it!” you cried, dropping to your knees. Jungkook was so close you could see the paleness of his lips. How they were dry and cracked. Nothing like the lips you’d kissed so many times.
“You agree to our terms then? Help us kill your sister and we’ll reinstate Jungkook into his former position,” the King said.
“Very well,” you said, looking at the man before you with a broken heart.
“Leave him here,” the King ordered. “He knows what the job is, and what will happen if he fails me again.”
Jungkook was thrown to the ground and the King sighed before walking away with his entourage. Once they were gone you scrambled forward and brought Jungkook into your lap.
“Kook?” you asked, brushing his hair away from his face. He was so pale. Fuck, what did they do to him?
“Y/N,” he whispered, keeping his eyes shut.
“Kook, can you hear me? Open your eyes huh?” you said, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes. Jungkook was limp in your hold.
How could someone who claimed to love Jungkook as his own son do this? Someone he followed so dutifully. The only crime he committed was loving you... This was your fault.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered, clutching him tightly.
Carefully, a hand wound around your waist.
“Let me go,” he said, moving to sit up.
You did as he asked, moving away from him. Jungkook sat up, licking his lip and cringing when he ran his tongue over a cut on his perfect mouth.
Jungkook was back with you.
“What happened?” you asked, moving to touch him when his glare made you stop.
“You. You happened, Y/N,” he growled. “I thought I could... I thought I could convince them you weren’t bad. I thought that, if I showed up with their approval... It doesn’t matter, it’s a time that’s dead now.”
Did he mean...?
He doesn’t love you anymore?
“Don’t. It’s over, I just want to kill this witch and be done with it,” he said, grabbing his sword that one guard had thrown on the ground.
You swallowed hard, but you nodded regardless.
“Very well,” you said.
“Your sister, you knew it was her, didn’t you. You knew all those months ago when I told you about my charge that had died. You knew it was her,” he said, keeping his back to you.
Was there any point in lying now?
“Yes, I did,” you said.
“And yet you’ll kill her now?”
“It’s not something I’m proud of,” you whispered. “But she’s my little sister, it’s hard to just betray her like that.”
“So it was easier to lie to me?”
“Kook,” you started, ready to defend yourself when you saw his form shaking.
“Don’t. Please don’t call me that anymore... It-It still hurts,” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry,” you said lamely, trying to think of better words but they never came.
“She’s hiding out in a village to the south. Fandolyn.”
“You think she’d hide amongst mortals. She hates them more than anything else in this world. She’s not hiding there, I-I think I know of a few places we can check.”
“Where?” he asked.
“There are a couple different places. Our old village was burned during the first war... It wasn’t much but it's where we grew up. Where our mother taught us everything we know.”
Jungkook remained silent.
“Or, she could be in the grotto where we were given our powers. There’s also our mother’s grave... I don’t know where she could be exactly, however. She’s... She’s unpredictable.”
“I told you, she’s hiding out in a village called Fandolyn.”
“How do you know? You saw her?”
“No,” Jungkook frowned, trying not to get too frustrated. “Because, a plague broke out there recently and the village was razed. There’s so much death there, we believe she’s drawing power from it.”
“That’s not how magic works,” you corrected.
“Forgive me, I don’t know much about this other than what was told to me during beatings,” he grit out.
You frowned now.
“If I would’ve known what would happen...”
“We need to make a plan,” Jungkook interrupted.
“You’re right,” you agreed. “She won’t be easily defeated.”
Standing up you walked over to Jungkook. He stood up, not without difficulty, you didn’t touch him though. You didn’t want him to be more upset.
“I hadn’t assumed so.”
A few days had passed and you and Jungkook had started searching for Anna. He was silent for the most part, not really interacting with you unless there was a question he had about Anna. You longed for him to look at you the way he had before. With sparkles in his eyes and laughter on his lips. But, those days were dead.
He was no longer the bright boy that had visited you...
He was a shell of his former self.
You’d done this to him. Not even you, just the mere association with you had done this to him. And it had destroyed his life. Fuck, you wanted to cry.
But Jungkook was determined to get his spot back on the royal guard. It was all he knew.
Besides you.
It was hard to work so closely with him. Especially when you knew what it would culminate in. The death of your little sister. But, you knew this day would come eventually. You knew she had to be stopped, but... She was still your sister, even if she had lost her mind.
Jungkook approached one morning, with a letter in his hand. You recognized the lettering on it right away. Anna had sent it. But why? Why would she send you a letter? Did she know Jungkook was with you?
“Let me open it,” you said, holding your hand out for him.
“And have you lie to me about the contents? I don’t think so,” Jungkook scoffed.
“Jungkook, please, if there’s magic in there it could kill you. I can take a hit from her, you might not be able to,” you pleaded.
Jungkook seemed to weigh the options in his head. But eventually he gave up the letter, handing it over to you with finality.
“Thank you,” you said, opening it.
Dear Sister, I have no doubt that the kingdom has enlisted you in a hunt for my death. But you know, I’ve always been the more powerful half of us. And you were stupid enough to open this letter, I know you wouldn’t let that guard of yours touch it. Enjoy the poison, you dumb cow. Insincerely, Annalise
You gasped when your veins started to turn black, pain shot through you. It’s been a long time since you’ve been hexed in such a way. Jungkook looked at you in panic.
“What’s happening,” he said, coming forward to look at your arms.
“Don’t!” you screamed. “You can’t touch me, or you’ll be poisoned too.”
Jungkook’s face was stricken with worry.
“What do I do?” he asked, looking around your hut for some kind of antidote.
“It’s black magic Jungkook, there’s no cure ready made for this. I-I have to dispel it somehow,” you breathed, trying to keep your mind clear.
Moving your body was even harder. It’s like your limbs had turned to lead. Jungkook watched silently as you tried to focus.
Dispel the magic.
Dispel it.
You drank one potion, then another, and another.
If you overloaded yourself with magic, perhaps it would all purge from your body.
“What are you doing?!” Jungkook hollered.
“It’s okay, I’ll be... alright,” you wheezed, feeling the magic taking over already. Your sister had gotten stronger in your years apart, and you had gotten softer. And she knew it too.
“Y/N...” Jungkook trailed off, looking at you like he wanted to rush over. It made your heart beat quicken, knowing that he still cared, at least a little, for you.
“Shit,” you breathed, collapsing to the floor.
“Y/N!” Jungkook cried, coming forward, but keeping his hands off of you.
“I’m going to be sick,” you whined. Jungkook grabbed a bucket towards your front door and handed it to you. Quickly, you threw up all the potions you downed. And slowly, the black ooze from your sister’s magic poured out as well. It took a while, and your body was still feeling the effects of her poison, but it was gone. For the most part.
Jungkook scrunched up his nose at the sight, but stayed dutifully by your side.
When you finally were done dry heaving, you collapsed to the floor. Jungkook yelped as he watched your body slump over.
“Y/N,” he tried, not touching you still.
No response from you.
“Y/N?” he asked, coming closer.
Your body remained still.
“Fuck are you breathing?” he asked, more to himself. Looking at your chest for a few moments he realized, you most certainly were not breathing.
“Y/N?” he asked again, feeling panic coursing through his veins. Were you dead? Was that it?
You still weren’t moving. Jungkook noticed that you didn’t have the black in your veins anymore. Could he touch you? Should he touch you? He tried to think logically, just being associated with you and being romantically involved with you had turned his life upside down. They didn’t stand a chance against your sister if you died however...
“God damn it,” Jungkook growled, before hauling you into his arms. “Y/N? Look at me, open your eyes.”
You were limp as a dead fish in his hold, making Jungkook worry even further. He picked you up and took you to your bed, laying you down flat. He checked for your breathing once more. Still nothing. Jungkook’s heart was gripped in fear.
His only solace in that fucking cell they threw him in was you... The memory of you and what you two had shared. They tried to convince him you were evil, that you were only playing with him. The ‘love’ he claimed to feel for you was a hex, a charm that you used on him.
But the panic he felt right now was very very fucking real. Your body, limp in his grasp, was real and he was scared.
“Y/N? Please wake up,” he said quietly. Your hands were getting cold, Jungkook desperately rubbed them to encourage circulation.
“Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this, please not like this,” he said, looking at your body with concern written all over his features.
What was he going to do? What could he do?
“Breathe baby, please,” he said, lifting you into his arms, smoothing his thumb over your cheek. You were so beautiful to him. Ever since he’d woken up in your bed you’d always been gorgeous. He knew what you looked like in the height of pleasure, and you were beautiful. He also knew what you looked like when you were sick, and you were beautiful...
“Come back to me, please baby,” he begged softly, resting his forehead on yours, his hand cradling your neck. If you died here, the last thing you’d know was him being mad at you... When it might not even be all your fault...
Was there anything he could do? Any potion you made? You said there weren't any cures, was that just a ploy? Did you want to die here?
“Y/N, my love... please open your eyes and look at me,” he hiccuped, trying to keep himself from crying. Fuck... Fuck he’d never been this scared.
Finally, finally, you regained some color in your face and Jungkook felt you shift on the bed. His heart was beating so hard against his ribs he was certain it would pound out of his chest.
You peeled your eyes open and looked up at Jungkook, who looked about ready to cry. “Hey,” you whispered, looking him in the eye.
“Fuck, you scared me,” he croaked, bringing you back into his embrace. You were shocked Jungkook was holding you so tightly. Did... Did he still care? Even after everything the King put him through because of you, did he still love you like he claimed to before? Your head was throbbing but you could feel him shaking as he gripped you.
“I-I’m sorry,” you whispered, patting his back.
Soon enough though, Jungkook inhaled sharply and pulled back, holding you at arms length again. You tried to hide your disappointment. He was worried about you, it made your heart flutter slightly in your chest as you thought about him. Holding you tightly like this, always...
“Don’t be so reckless,” he said, but instead of anger or annoyance you saw a different kind of pain on his face. He tried not to look at you instead choosing to look at the letter on the floor. “What did it say?” he asked.
“She knows we’re working together. She knows that you’re here,” you explained.
“I see, that does put a bit of a wrench in our plans,” he said, rubbing his neck. “How are we supposed to find her now,” Jungkook said, looking at you with confusion.
“We don’t need to find her,” you whispered, looking at the letter on the floor. “She’ll come for me.” You said, biting your lip.
“What do you mean?” Jungkook asked, raising a brow.
“She does all of this, because she knows it hurts me. She charmed the King, she did all of this to... To show me what I have and how easily she could take it from me.”
Jungkook sputtered. “What do you mean, she charmed the King? How could that filthy wretch-” you snapped your eyes to his in a glare and he stopped.
“That filthy wretch is my little sister, regardless of her actions. That doesn’t change that fact... No matter how much she wishes it would,” she said, frowning.
“What happened? Why are you two so different?” Jungkook asked, coming closer. “Or are you the same and you’re just using me-”
“Jungkook, I’m not on her side. I just... I want to protect her, even if it’s from herself. She’s so hurt over the loss of our mother... a loss that I caused,” you said, quietly.
“What? You-You killed your mother?” he asked, eyes wide with fear.
“It wasn’t on purpose,” you said, tears catching on your lashes. “It was an accident. I-I wasn’t ready for the spell but I wanted to try, my mother got in the way so she absorbed the spell... that way it didn’t kill me instead...” you stated.
Jungkook was silent for a moment.
“How did you get your magic?” he asked. You didn’t want to hide anything from him anymore. So, you opened the dark recesses of your mind and told him. Everything.
“I was born in a village in the North. It was called Dialade, my mother was an honest woman. Married to a farmer’s son. There was nothing special about us. Except... My mother was a witch. She practiced all kinds of magic, healing magic, defensive spells, runes. All of it. But, my father died of an illness and she ran off with the baker’s son. He said he’d take care of us. He treated me as his own. But when Anna was born, mom... she changed. She became obsessed with us getting magic as well. Anna’s father didn’t approve of us having magic. They argued and she took us, leaving him and everything behind... But, her mind was already made up. We would have magic, whether we wanted it or not,” you explained.
“How did you get your magic?” he repeated his question.
“It was a dark night in the fall. All hallows eve. It’s the time when young children can be tested for their aptitude at magic. My sister had an abnormal aptitude for defensive spells and runes. While I had more of a knack for charms and potions. My mother wanted us to be strong, so she decided to offer up our fertility to the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis. She accepted our mother’s terms and my sister and I would be barren, but we would be strong. Powerful. Exactly what she wanted,” you sighed.
“I-Is there any way to reverse it?” Jungkook asked, hoping you didn’t get to the root of his question.
Would you ever be able to have children?
“As far as I know, once a deal is struck with the Gods or Goddesses it is final. To ask for it back could be seen as defiance against them, and you really don’t want a scorned God on your tail,” you explained.
Jungkook swallowed hard. “I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been,” he said.
“It wasn’t, at first. I didn’t care, because I was young and naive. I thought that power would bring me everything I wanted. But, when I started watching my friends die. My own family members, and I stayed the same... It broke my heart. I didn’t understand why my mother would do this to us, just for power? Not even for her, but for us?” You sighed. “But it was all she had to offer us. Immortality and power, something she probably wishes she could’ve had. But, magic comes with a price. It always has and always will. My mother never told me how she received her magic...”
Jungkook was shocked. But he kept his face neutral.
“Anyways, when my mother died, Anna blamed me. Saying I should’ve been able to control myself, that I shouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t able to handle that kind of power. I’ve been hiding from her for three hundred years. So, I’ve had to move around a lot,” you said, rubbing your arms. “My wards and cloaking spells only work for so long. Eventually she can sense my magic and... and she’ll track me down and kill me,” you said.
“And you’re just going to let her?” Jungkook said, face morphing into frustration.
“I don’t have much to live for, Jungkook. I’m tired, I can give you an opportunity. She’ll be more focused on killing me than you, use that and kill her. If I live, okay, if I die, oh well,” you sighed, adjusting so you could sit up a bit better.
“You expect me to use you? As bait?” he clarified, like the idea was repulsive to him.
“It’s probably the only chance you’re going to get, I can hold her off long enough for you to get a clear shot at her,” you said. “If she’s back and she’s dangerous? Then we need to stop her before she gains more power.”
“With your life as collateral?” Jungkook’s voice rose in volume.
“If that’s what it takes, Jungkook. Then I’ll do it, the alternative isn’t an option for me,” you said, moving to stand up. But Jungkook grabbed your wrist, freezing you.
“What if this isn’t an option for me either?” he said.
You swallowed hard. Fuck, you wanted to kiss him to hold him... You wanted it so so badly. But you couldn’t allow it. If you gave in now, you’d never let him go. And he deserves to have someone who can give him what he wants. A partner who isn’t constantly on the run, a partner who can give him children if they want, someone who isn’t scared to love him back...
“Jungkook, if there is a chance of killing her we need to take it. That hex on the letter wasn’t even a hair of the power she’s capable of. I underestimated her, and if you do the same there’s nothing I can do to protect you,” you warned.
Jungkook’s face turned stony. You swallowed, keeping your gaze fixed on him. He tongued his cheek in frustration, but it usually wasn’t directed at you... He was upset, but he wasn’t thinking about this logically!
“Then don’t worry about protecting me,” he said, voice dark. “I don’t have anything to live for either, Y/N. The King was ready to kill me for being involved with you, the Prince is the only reason he didn’t. He said you charmed me, you put a spell on me to make me say the things I did. He made me lie, all because... because I said that I was in love with you,” he said. “The King won’t forget that, neither will the Prince. They may reinstate me, they may give me all the rights I had before... But their faith in me isn’t what it once was, I refuse to follow them blindly any longer... And no woman will want a man who bedded a witch,” he winced, like the words hadn’t been said in a nice manner previously.
“The world is bigger than this Kingdom, Jungkook,” you said. “And certainly bigger than me and my little hut-”
“That never mattered to me,” he said.
You sighed and rubbed your forehead. “I can’t keep doing this... I can’t, Jungkook. I want to keep you safe and protect you, but-”
“But what? I told you I don’t need you to protect me, there’s nothing for me here. I won’t lie to the King or the Prince, nor will I lie for them. You don’t love me, you claim there to be no future for us, so... I have nothing to lose,” he said, eyes conveying his broken heart.
An orphan boy turned into the Captain of the Royal Guard for the Kingdom. Only to find love in the one woman he could never have. Does he lie to the Royal family? Does he lie to you? Or to himself?
When can he finally lay his burdens down and breathe?
“That’s not fair,” you said, voice cracking with emotion. “I never said I didn’t love you... I only told you the truth, we can’t be together, Jungkook. No matter how badly I want it...”
“Why not?” he pleaded, leaning his forehead on yours. “Why can’t we be together? Isn’t there a way? Some way for us to be together? We don’t have to have children, we don’t have to get married... If all I get at the end of the day is you in my arms then that’s all I want... I don’t need anything else, or anyone else...”
You let out a soft whimper, tears falling freely down your face.
“You should hate me, Jungkook. I took everything from you. I played with your heart, you were tortured because of me. You had a life before me, you had friends and-”
“They don’t know you, they don’t know and they don’t care to learn about something or someone they could never understand. But I will. I’ll wake up every day and look forward to learning something new about you. You gave me so much more than that life ever could. Walking into the barracks, exhausted and beaten after a day of training. Patrols that went on for hours and hours, the only thing that would stave off the boredom was the thought of you... Your smile, your eyes, the way you’d wake me up by playing with my hair. The way you touched me, the way I would touch you,” he said, moving to wipe your tears.
Your heart was hammering in your chest, his lips were so pretty. And the words he said were far more potent than any love potion you could’ve made. You wanted him... You’d be haunted by him for centuries, if you lived that long. Everything in you wanted him. If this wasn’t love, then you were frightened for what true love would be like...
What is love if not this?
Wanting to protect him, to keep him safe... Even from you.
“Jungkook,” you breathed, leaning forward despite yourself.
“Y/N...” he said, voice soft as your lips were a moment away from each other.
All the candles in your hut went out.
A dreadful chill ran down your spine at the icy presence that crawled over your skin.
She was here...
“Get behind me,” you said. Jungkook jumped over your bed and stood next to you, as you tried to stand up.
“Y/N, you can barely stand-”
“You heard me, now move aside,” you growled, voice darker than he’d ever heard it. Jungkook didn’t argue, he just got behind you and helped you up.
“Anna, you don’t have to hide, you can come out. I’m your older sister and you’ll respect me in my own home,” you huffed, licking your lips to hide your obvious anxiety.
In the front doorway, her visage appeared. She was just as beautiful as she had been the last time you saw her. She resembled your mother so much, it almost hurt. But, you swallowed hard and looked at her firmly. Even if your hands trembled behind your skirt.
“Well, it seems that you can still sense me,” she sighed, voice almost annoyed.
“I’ll always be able to, Anna, we get our magic from the same Goddess,” you said.
“I didn’t come here for a lecture, Y/N,” her eyes flashed crimson, a warning of the power she could unleash at a moment's notice if needed.
You inhaled sharply, she hadn’t played fairly at all. She knew you’d be able to dispel that hex she’d used on you from the letter. But it would make you weaker, and now she’d have the opportunity to do whatever she wanted.
Because you’d protect Jungkook with everything you had.
Even if it killed you.
Which it probably would.
“What do you want, Anna?” you asked, even though you knew the answer very well.
She scoffed, face turning disgusted. “What do I want?” she laughed, a strained and maniacal sound, nothing like the joyous laughter that had filled your younger years in the grotto.
Suddenly, she was in front of you with her fingers damn near crushing your windpipe. She grabbed you and threw you through your front door, splintering the wood as you landed in a heap outside. The beautiful morning had turned stormy, no doubt her doing.
You heard Jungkook scream for you, and you stood up shakily. But you tapped into your power and felt a push in your body that had you standing with a stronger stance.
Anna chuckled, you could hear it in your head.
With Jungkook in tow you watched as she dragged him out to the front of your hut, throwing him on the ground harshly. You winced for him, but kept your pace even as you approached him, hand smoothing down his arm to help him up.
Anna snickered, watching you worry for the guard that had stolen your heart.
“How pathetic of you, sister,” she said, twirling some of her hair around her finger. “I never pegged you for the type to fall in love with a human. A guard no less, someone who could be killed for even knowing you. You’re far more brutal than I remember.”
Her voice held no humor, but the look on her face revealed her amusement.
“If you’ve come to kill me, then just do it, Anna,” you scowled, eyes turning fierce. “But I won’t let you torture him. I won’t let you hurt him while I’m still alive,” you said.
Jungkook’s hand shot to your wrist as you tried to stand up. “Please, don’t...” he begged.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, prying your arm from his grasp as you approached your sister. “If I let you kill me, do you promise not to hurt him?”
Anna’s head tilted, looking like a puppy who was confused. But her eyes were much darker, swirling with something other than the magic you’d been gifted.
“What have you done, Anna?” you asked, noticing the markings on her arms more clearly now. “Do you have any idea what dark magic like this can do to your mind? What it can do to your soul and your body?!”
Anna scoffed. “I don’t think you’re in any position to be the righteous one here,” she warned, her voice turning far darker than it should.
“I may not,” you admitted. “But I’m still your sister, I still care-”
She growled before throwing a bolt of energy at you directly, quickly you diffused it but your shock was evident on your face. “Don’t you dare claim that you still love me, that you care for me,” she spat, throwing another bolt of magic at you. This one much stronger than the last, you blocked it with a simple ward but the message was clear.
“You left me!” she screamed.
Jungkook looked between the two of you, heart pounding in his chest.
“I couldn’t watch you anymore Anna!” you yelled back. “Losing mom hurt me too, don’t think I don’t have any guilt over it because I do!”
You felt the tears in your eyes, but you fought them back.
“You became obsessed with finding a way to bring her back, using black magic, using rituals that were dangerous! You were stealing bodies! Experimenting on people’s loved ones to try and find a way to bring her back, but Anna... You forget that you still had me! You forgot that I lost my mother too. I couldn’t bear the thought of her coming back to see what we’d done. It breaks our vow to the Goddess, we’d lose our magic if we did that. And we might not survive it! Anna, you need to think. This isn’t worth it,” you said, heart aching for her and for yourself.
“We can make a vow to a new goddess to a new power. I’ve researched it, Y/N, we need both of our blood to make it work! If you give me your blood we can revive our mother. You’d be so powerful, no one would dare take your guard from you. He’d be all yours, we could turn him too! He could be like us and-”
“No!” you screamed at her. “I couldn’t live with myself if I forced him into this life, look what it did to us Anna. Look what magic has done to us, you hate me and I killed our mother,” you cried.
“You shouldn’t have done a spell you weren’t ready for. That is your fault, and no one else's,” she said harshly.
“You think I don’t know that?” you scoffed, confused at her statement. “I never claimed it to be anyone else’s fault but mine, Anna.”
She approached you, a dagger in her hand. “You are weak! You claim you’ve done wrong but you refuse to do anything to fix it! You can remedy what you’ve done, just help me bring her back and all will be forgiven-”
“No Anna, it won’t be,” you said, raising a dagger of your own. You aimed it at her and placed a basic defensive spell on yourself. “If you need my blood for that ritual you’ll have to take it as it pours out of my dead body. I won’t give it to you willingly,” you said. “And you will have to explain to your mother why you had to kill me in order to bring her back. Do you think that would make her happy? Do you think that us fighting to the death would bring her any kind of joy?”
“That’s not fair!” she screamed, slicing at you with a staggering amount of force. The metal of your dagger’s clanged loudly in the air as she tried to swipe at you again. You managed to block it, but just barely.
“You only think of what will satisfy you in the moment!” you warned. “You never think of the consequences of your actions! What happens when my death doesn’t bring the gratification you want? What happens if I die and our mother is revived but won’t speak to you because of my death!? Is that a life you want for yourself?”
Anna snarled, sending you flying with a painful jolt of electricity. You hit the ground hard, the wind knocking from your lungs as you struggled to breath.
Footsteps approached you. Your mind was swirling but you managed to sit up as Jungkook made it to you. She’d launched you damn near twenty yards.
“Y/N!” he said, holding your shoulders. “Can you hear me?”
“Move!” you gasped, shoving him to the side as another shot of electricity rang through the air. Damn near hitting Jungkook square in the back. Your eyes locked on your sister, smirking as if she’d just done something clever.
“You’re willing to die, but you won’t let the little vermin get hurt? How noble of you, Y/N,” she sneered.
You climbed to your feet, heading towards her with purpose. You sent out a shock of your own, which she deflected quickly. Another. And again and again until you were maybe twenty five feet from her.
“You will not touch him,” you growled, picking up your dagger that you’d dropped when she hit you.
“What makes you so sure, hm?” she smirked.
You sent a stream of fire at her, one she narrowly avoided.
“Because I’ll either kill you first, or die trying. And if I’m dead, you have no reason to hurt him,” you said.
“Just because you’re dead doesn’t mean he’s safe,” she said, eyes narrowing at you. “I’d like to see the torture on his pretty face as you lay dying in front of him...”
You winced at her voice. “You’ve changed... I don’t know what exactly you tampered with, Anna. But you’re not the same, and you never will be. I’m sorry I left you, I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough for both of us. But this is enough,” you said.
“I hardly think it is,” she said, sending a bolt of energy at you again. This one sharp as a knife, and you felt it.
You gripped your side, pulling your hand back to reveal scarlet blood staining your hand. You winced as you applied pressure, it wouldn’t slow you down. You wouldn’t let it.
“Hurts? Use some magic to heal yourself then, little apothecary! If you’d trained with me, if you’d stayed you’d be just as powerful as I am now! Perhaps more so, but you didn’t! You hid yourself away and became lazy, making potions and ointments for people whose days are numbered anyways! Do you enjoy giving the terminally ill hope? When you know they’ll die come winter? Well, I guess they do say kill them with kindness...”
You were appalled by her words. Helping those who didn’t have much time left wasn’t a waste, it wasn’t unkind. You gave them time to be with the ones they loved, you helped ease the ache of their passing. It wasn’t weak to help those who couldn’t help themselves, and it wasn’t a waste of time either.
With an angry cry you shot more energy at her, one that was more accurate than the others.
She deflected your attack but just barely, she was probably hoping you wouldn’t fight back. At least, not this hard.
Your wound ached, and your body was tired. You didn’t have the stamina to keep this up. With a pained expression you launched another bolt, and another and another. Each one weaker than the last, she dispelled them all easily and with a smug look on her face.
“You’re pathetic, Y/N!” she laughed at you. “You can’t protect yourself, and you can’t protect that handsome guard of yours either.”
You could feel the cold sweat trickling down your back. “Maybe not,” you panted, voice weak. “But I won’t stop.”
Another sharp pain erupted from your shoulder. She’d done it so quickly you hadn’t even noticed. Either that, or the exhaustion from being hexed then over using your magic was starting to catch up with you. You felt the blood seeping into your sleeve but you raised your hand and sent a large blast of energy her way. One she wouldn’t be able to avoid, she’d have to either protect herself or move back.
You watched her throw up a ward to protect herself, even though she got pushed back about fifty feet. Your head throbbed and you felt your knees starting to buckle. But at the last moment, you managed to steady yourself.
“Impressive,” your sister laughed, levitating her way towards you. “But unfortunately for you, it’s not enough!”
With a large wave of her hand you felt the ground beneath you shudder. Your eyes quickly looked for Jungkook. He was still where you’d left him, but his feet were wobbly like yours were with the trembling.
“Run! Get out of here!” you screamed at him, but you left your back wide open.
“Y/N! Watch out-”
Jungkook tried to warn you but your sister was faster.
The dagger plunged into your back.
You didn’t feel anything for a moment, only shock as a ringing took over in your ears.
Your vision jolted and you realized you’d fallen to your knees.
Jungkook was closer now, he was running to you.
When you started to fall forward he grabbed you, pulling you into his chest desperately. “Y/N, easy, breathe... Hey, keep your eyes open, focus on me!”
He looked at the dagger wound in your back and swallowed hard. It oozed blood and you were panting against his neck. “Look at me,” he begged, pulling you up so he could see your face.
Your pretty lips were dry, your brow was sweaty and you were trembling in his grasp.
“K-Kook,” you croaked.
His eyes ran over your body, your shoulder was cut badly and it was also bleeding. When he tried to adjust you in his arms he found another slash in your side. There were too many wounds and all of them were bleeding badly.
“I’m here, baby, I’m right here,” he promised, brushing your hair from your face.
“I-I’m sorry,” you said, mind reeling at the pain.
Jungkook shook his head, placing his hand on your back to apply some pressure. He could feel your blood leaking past his fingers as he tried in vain to save you.
“Don’t be sorry... You have nothing to be sorry for,” he said, eyes filling with tears.
“I should have loved you more,” you said, eyes drooping. “I shouldn't... have held back... I should’ve shown you,” you swallowed hard, thumb rubbing his arm as he held you. Even when you were dying you tried to comfort him. “I should’ve shown you how much I love you...”
“You can, you will... Please, Y/N,” he cried, holding your neck to keep your head up.
You gave him a weary smile. “I really do... I really love you, Jungkook,” you whispered, raising a bloodied hand to hold his cheek.
“I love you too, I love you so much so please,” he begged. “Please don’t leave me...”
Your hand fell from his face and your eyes fell closed. Jungkook’s heart dropped into his stomach.
“No!” he screamed, pulling your body closer. “Please, please... Don’t go, I love you so please... Please look at me, baby.”
His heart ached at the sight of you, battered and bruised in his arms. Tears fell down his cheeks rapidly as he cradled your body.
Your sister sighed, wiping her dagger off before approaching.
“Give her to me,” she demanded.
Jungkook shook his head, unable to speak as he held you tighter.
“Give me my sister or I’ll kill you too!”
“Then kill me!” he said, eyes fierce with agony. “I have nothing left to live for if she’s gone. So, kill me... I don’t want to be in a world without her.”
Anna scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You’re so pathetic. She’d never want you to suffer, she’d never want to see you cry. So, I’m going to give you a little present,” she said with a smirk. “I’m going to take my sister and leave you alive. And, if you try to harm yourself or get someone to harm you? They’ll die instead.”
Jungkook’s face twisted in pain.
“You’re vile. You’re cruel and twisted. If you think any parent would wish this for their child you’re delusional!” he screamed at her.
“You-” she started to charge up another bolt of electricity, enough to stop his heart when the clearing became eerily quiet.
The chitter of the forest animals dropped out and left the space feeling uncomfortably empty.
The sky turned dark, even though the day had only begun mere hours before.
Jungkook had almost kissed you.
He wished he’d done it now... Now that he’d never get to do it again.
A soft light emerged from the treeline, as a pack of white wolves all trailed out from the forest. One after another until a tall and beautiful woman approached. Jungkook didn’t know why he looked, but now he couldn’t look away.
The woman was tall, lithe and appeared to be strong. She walked barefoot across the ground, walking towards them with a purpose. Jungkook instinctively pulled your body tighter, even though he knew he didn’t need to...
The wolves flanked the woman as she walked. Anna was silent, watching in amazement as the creatures approached.
“Annalise LeBlanche,” the woman said in a deep voice, halting just a few feet from where Jungkook sat with you.
“That is me,” she said, watching the woman with shifty eyes.
“You are the half sister of Y/N Y/L/N, correct?” she asked.
Anna grimmaced before nodding. “Correct.”
The woman raised a brow at this. “Then why, pray tell, have you murdered your own kin? Why have you besmirched my name?” she said, voice dangerously calm.
“She murdered our mother, I am trying to rectify that... I have a ritual that could solve the mistake-”
“Mistake? There is no mistake, child. Your mother died protecting her child, your sister, from a magic she couldn’t contain. There is honor in dying to protect your own. Just as there is disgrace in killing your own,” she said.
“Y/N shouldn’t have done that spell if she wasn’t ready for it!” Anna argued. “She didn’t have to die! Y/N make a reckless decision and-”
“Do you remember why she did the spell, dear Annalise?” the woman asked.
“I... It hardly matters, what she did was wrong-”
“I am the Goddess Artemis,” she warned. “You will not tell me what is wrong and what is right. You do not dictate those terms, I do,” she said.
The goddess approached Anna, grabbing her wrist and pulling her sleeves up her arms.
On her arms were several markings and scars. Artemis frowned and dropped her limbs in disgust.
“You have marred your body with black magic, you have killed your own sister forcing judgment upon her that wasn’t befit of you. The only one who may cast their judgment upon your sister is me.”
Artemis turned and saw Jungkook with your body. He’d kept his grip on you, scared that if he dropped you for a moment you’d be gone and he’d be alone.
“My pack will take you Annalise LeBlanche, you will work for your penance. I am stripping you of the magic I gifted you,” she turned and her eyes were glowing bright white. “You will serve under me until I decide you are free to go to the afterlife. If I decide that,” she said darkly. Artemis turned her head to her wolves. “Take her to the moon baths, bathe her and rid her body of that black magic... She will not taint our pack with such atrocities.”
The wolves descended on Anna, maws wide as they growled at her.
“Best not to watch this part. Unfortunately to get her into spirit form, her mortal body must be killed,” Artemis said, turning back to Jungkook.
Jungkook winced, but turned away as he heard Anna screaming and the snapping of bones.
Soon, it was over and the wolves had disappeared, as well as Anna’s remains.
Jungkook swallowed hard before making eye contact with the Goddess.
“Kill me,” he begged her.
The Goddess’s eyes widened at his request, but softened when she saw who he was holding again. “You ask me to kill you? Not to bring her back?” she clarified.
“I thought that could only be done with... with dark magic,” he said, face puffy from crying.
“For those who aren’t Gods, perhaps,” she said.
Jungkook bit his lip as he looked at you. “Y-You can take her... Her soul was promised to you, right? You’ll... You’ll keep her safe wherever... wherever she is?”
Artemis looked at the young man and gave him a gentle smile. “Her soul was promised to me, yes,” she answered. Jungkook nodded, breathing in deeply so he could hand you over to her.
“Thank you,” he said, looking at the Goddess. “She’ll be happy, wherever she is... She’ll be free,” his voice cracked as he looked at your body. His hands were shaking and he was certain he’d still feel your blood underneath his nails well after he’d scrubbed himself clean.
The Goddess raised a brow at him, tilting her head. “I don’t think she’d be happy,” she said. “Whether she was free or not...”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
Artemis rose to her feet, looking at your body and then to Jungkook with a determined look in her eyes. “Make an oath to her,” she said. “Swear your love will remain true. No matter how long, how far you may travel... Swear you won’t love another,” she said.
“I swear,” Jungkook said without hesitation.
Artemis chuckled softly. “If you prove yourself worthy, I will relinquish her back to you,” she said.
“Y-You mean, she’ll be back? We could be together?” he asked.
“Yes, child. If you prove yourself worthy enough, I will see to it you will be together if that is what you both truly desire.”
Jungkook looked down at you and then up to the Goddess.
“I swear, I will remain true,” he said, voice unwavering and his heart was soothed at the thought of you two being together in the future.
“Then it shall be.”
Days turned to weeks.
Weeks turned to months.
And soon, it had been almost three years since your passing.
Jungkook turned away from his Kingdom. The King and the Prince wanted to reward him for destroying the witches. But he merely asked for enough to travel out of the land. He turned down the offer of his former position, albeit respectfully.
And now?
He lived in a small hut in the woods, much like you had for years.
He wasn’t in complete isolation.
There was a small village that he was able to trade with here and there, and he did mercenary work on the side to give him some money.
Temptations had come, but when he thought of you? The life you two could have together?
Nothing was worth risking that happiness for the both of you.
His heart never changed.
It was a cool autumn night as he rode his horse back from the village after having a few drinks in the tavern with the barkeep's son, Jimin. He was a good man, a bit older than him and an incorrigible flirt, but Jungkook managed to direct his flirting to a pretty maiden that had been eyeing him for two months at this point.
He smiled when he thought of the two of them together. She was kind and gentle, something that would do Jimin some good.
When he got back to his small home, he tied his horse in the stable and set out some feed so he wouldn’t be hungry. Jungkook gave him a few strong pats before turning to head back in when the night became darker.
Jungkook grabbed the handle of his sword, ready to fight when a soothing voice called for him.
Hesitantly, he walked out of the stable and into the small clearing next to the hut.
Bright white wolves walked out from the treeline, much like they had those years ago. His heart hammered in his chest as he watched them file out one after the other.
The Goddess Artemis walked out from the trees with a calm look on her face. Jungkook jogged to approach her until he was roughly twenty feet away when he kneeled down with his head low before her.
“Goddess, I am humbled by your presence,” he said, voice soft.
Artemis chuckled softly before speaking. “Rise, Jungkook, you do not need to bow to me,” she said kindly.
Jungkook rose as instructed before giving her a kind smile. “You look well...”
Artemis snorted and Jungkook seemed surprised that the Goddess could make such a noise. “I am an immortal being, I hope I would look ‘well’, as you put it,” she said with a teasing smile on her face. “And you Jeon Jungkook? You’re a long way from your Kingdom.”
Jungkook sighed. “That Kingdom was not home for me. I could not be myself there, so I left. Looking for a place to become who I am meant to be,” he said.
Artemis nodded thoughtfully. “You didn’t fail,” she said. “No earthly temptation won your heart, nor did any man or woman... Even though you could’ve given up, you didn’t. There was no punishment if you’d failed,” she said.
“I’d have to disagree...” Jungkook said. “Living without Y/N for the rest of my life would be a punishment.”
Artemis chuckled. “Some wouldn’t view it in such a way, but I can see your point,” she said.
“Goddess,” Jungkook said, voice soft. “Why have you come tonight?”
The Goddess smiled before answering. “I said that I would see to it that you and Y/N would be together if it was what you both truly wanted and if you remained faithful to her. I am a Goddess of my word, so I have come to reunite you two.”
Jungkook’s heart stuttered in his chest.
“R-Reunite us?” he asked, breathless at the thought of seeing you again.
“Yes,” she agreed. “If that is your wish, I already know what hers is.”
“Please,” he said. “I-If she’ll have me then there’s nothing I’d want more.”
Artemis gave him a tender smile. “Y/N?” she called, turning her head back to the forest.
You walked out, dressed in a beautiful white cloak with gold embellishments while dressed in a simple gray dress. You had the hood up as you approached the Goddess and Jungkook.
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest.
Had it really been three years since you’d seen him last?
Jungkook fought against every ounce of his being as you walked to your Goddess. She smiled at you before she lowered the hood and kissed your forehead.
“May the moon light your path as you walk forward in this life. May you be blessed with a happy home, good health,” her eyes flickered to Jungkook, “and a family of your own.”
You smiled up at her. “Thank you, Goddess,” you breathed.
“I am happy for you,” she said. “He’s very handsome. Make a lot of children, yes? They’ll be pretty just like you two!”
You flushed and hid your face in your hands in embarrassment.
“Thank you Goddess,” you said before dropping your hands.
“You are welcome,” she said. “Now go, this is my favorite part.”
Without another moment of hesitation you turned to Jungkook. He stood still, waiting for you to come to him first.
Quickly, you rushed towards him. He opened his arms as you slammed into him, hands winding their way behind him as you held his head in your hands. Tears blurred your vision as you looked at him.
“Y/N...” he croaked, clutching you to him.
“Kook...” you said, feeling like you could finally breathe after so long apart.
“Oh my love,” he said, kissing your temple sweetly. “I’ve missed you so... so much.”
“Me too,” you said, pulling his lips against yours desperately. Jungkook returned your passion in kind, strong arms wrapping around your body.
“Never leave me like that again,” he begged. “I won’t survive without you...”
You smiled, before kissing him again. Your lips slotted over one another quickly. Your kiss was passionate and soothing. The ache of being apart slowly ebbing away until there was nothing but the memory of pain.
“I won’t leave,” you promised, arms wrapped around his neck.
Jungkook smiled before hugging you tight again. You sighed happily into his neck. He was much stronger than he was the last time he’d held you. He’d also gotten older, he was barely twenty one when you’d first met. Now, he’s twenty five...
And he’s just as handsome as he was when you’d been separated. If not more so. His jaw was sharp, his lips still soft and pliant under yours, and his body wrapped around yours perfectly.
“Will you marry me now? Will you be my wife now?” he asked, eyes pleading. “Of course if you really don’t want to still I understand but-”
You shut him up with a kiss. “Yes,” you said. “I’ll be your wife.”
Jungkook’s heart could’ve burst with joy in that moment.
“W-Will you still live longer than me?” he asked. “I don’t want you to be unhappy, I don’t-”
You shushed him. He gave you a pout for interrupting him a second time but you just smiled. “Jungkook, I’m mortal. I will age and die just as you will. Although, I still have some magic. And I still have knowledge of all my plants... Is there a town nearby that’s in need of medicinal remedies?” you chuckled.
Jungkook smiled and nodded. “Yes, and they’ll love you,” he said, brushing your hair away from your face.
“I’m hard to resist,” you teased.
“I won’t resist, I’ll give myself to you fully and without restraint forever,” he promised, kissing you.
You smiled into his kiss, mind swirling with joy and happiness and thoughts of your future together.
“Is this your home?” you asked finally, when you managed to pull away from each other.
Jungkook nodded, a soft blush creeping over his features as you looked at it. He pulled you inside and you found yourself smiling at everything inside. There were soft sheets and a large bed in a side room, another two empty rooms that hadn’t been touched. A small kitchen and a nice place to curl up by the fire greeted you.
“It’s very nice, Jungkook,” you said with a soft gaze.
“It was abandoned. I had to build half of it all over again,” he chuckled. “But it was worth it, because I knew it wouldn’t be abandoned anymore... Especially if you returned while I was here...”
“Oh? You thought of me while making a home?” you said, poking his red cheek.
“Of course I did,” he huffed, hiding his face in your neck with embarrassment. You laughed softly until he moved his head enough to get his lips on your neck.
A quiet gasp left your mouth as you felt his eager lips touching you.
“Jungkook...” you said, leaning against him more.
Quickly, he unlatched your cloak and carefully draped it over the chair near the door. He grabbed you and turned you to face him, taking your jaw in his hand before pressing his lips to yours passionately. You moaned in surprise but held him tighter. Jungkook backed you up until you were falling into his bed.
You looked up at him as he crawled on top of you, his mouth already descending again to kiss you. You held his face as he kissed you again and again. His mouth was soft, lips just as sweet as the last time you’d kissed him.
“D-Do we need to be careful?” he asked, resting his forehead on yours.
“What do you mean?” you asked, raising a brow at him.
“A-Are you still infertile or do we need to be careful?” he asked, looking at you.
You gave him a kind smile, hands running underneath his shirt as you touched his warm stomach and chest. He shivered at the contact, but was waiting for your answer.
“I am not infertile,” you said. “But, we don’t need to be careful. If you want to wait then there is a spell I know but-”
“You want a child?” he asked, holding your face so he could look you in the eyes.
“Yes,” you smiled, blinking slowly in the candle light. “If it’s with you then I want several children.”
Jungkook wanted to cry, he thought he might for a moment. The certainty on your face as you told him this made his heart throb with love for you.
“Then I will give you as many as you want,” he promised, kissing you deeply.
You lost yourself in his kiss, nipping at his lower lip to gain access to his mouth. He let out a soft gasp and you quickly slipped your tongue inside to curl against his. Jungkook moaned in your kiss, leaning himself on one arm while the other reached to grab your chest.
A soft groan escaped the both of you as he groped your breasts. “Kook, baby, please,” you whined before he captured your lips in another messy kiss. He growled when you tried to move away from him to beg again.
“I haven’t gotten to kiss you in damn near three years,” he said, breaths coming in short pants across your wet lips. “Don’t be impatient. We have our whole lives, we have years of love to give each other. Let me kiss you just a bit longer. Then I’ll touch you,” he promised.
You huffed but nodded, accepting his mouth against yours again.
A feeling settled in your chest.
It wasn’t the longing you’d felt for centuries, no... You finally felt complete. As if you were at peace. Jungkook was your home, your peace and tranquility. There was an overwhelming feeling of love in your chest.
The past year without him had been extremely difficult. You’d waited and waited for Artemis to agree that he was ready. You’d seen him cry at night while he was alone, missing you. You’d wanted to wrap your arms around him, tell him you were there and that you loved him.
“Jungkook,” you breathed when he finally released your lips in favor of nipping at your neck.
“Yes?” he asked, sucking gently on your earlobe in a way that made your squirm.
“I love you,” you said, gripping his shoulders.
He froze, and for a moment you’d wondered if it was too much when he brought his lips back to yours desperately. “Me too,” he said while trying to keep kissing you. “I love you too...”
“Touch me,” you pleaded, tugging on his shirt. “I want you to touch me...”
Jungkook couldn’t hold back anymore.
With a nod he grabbed his shirt and tossed it aside before he moved to push your dress up. You eagerly complied, lifting your hips so he could push your clothes up far enough to get to your center.
He placed soft kisses along your stomach before you were sitting up and disrupting his course. He whined at you, ready to complain when you threw the dress off and onto the floor. You wrapped your arms around him again, smiling when his lips descended to your breasts immediately.
“Sorry-ah!” you cried when he wrapped his lips around one nipple, sucking gently. “Fuck...”
Jungkook ran his tongue around your peak with urgency. You moaned his name loudly, back arching a bit to press closer to him. He wrapped his hand around your other breast and ran his thumb over your nipple in a way that had you clenching your thighs.
“Yes,” you gasped. “That feels so good, fuck!”
He smiled before leaving your breasts and trailing his lips down to your center that was covered with a simple pair of white panties. Jungkook hooked his fingers in them before looking to you again for permission. You nodded quickly and he pulled them down your legs and left you completely bare for him.
You spread your legs so he could move between them. He wrapped his arms around your thighs as he pulled you closer to his face. Jungkook sucked small kisses into the soft flesh of your inner thigh with a smug look on his face when you cried out for him.
“So wet,” he huffed as his eyes watched your glistening core.
“All for you baby, want your perfect mouth on my cunt,” you panted.
Jungkook growled before kissing your clit. You reacted strongly, although to be fair you hadn’t had any action like this in three years. His tongue was demanding right off the bat. He gave firm licks to your core, gathering as much of your slick on his tongue as he could. Jungkook clutched your legs as he devoured your cunt.
“Mmm-ah~ Jungkook! Baby,” you cried, hands tangling into his now long hair to reveal his frowning face. But you knew that look was only when he was focused, or eating something good-
“You taste fucking incredible, I could live with my tongue in this cunt for the rest of my life... In fact, I might just,” he said before diving back in for more.
His nasty words made you clench desperately around nothing and Jungkook chuckled as he felt your hole throb with need for him. Another round of firm licks hit you and had your back arching into the pleasure that was thrumming through your veins.
“Ahh! Fuck, Jungkook, more... please baby,” you said, voice trembling in utter bliss.
He knew exactly where to touch you, he knew your body in ways you never could and he used it to his advantage.
“Want to taste your cum,” he said, sucking your clit into his mouth and tonguing it in a pattern that had stars blinding your vision.
“K-Keep doing that and you will,” you cried, hand clawing the pillow behind you while the other tugged on his hair in the way he loved. It always made him rut into the mattress in your small home in the forest. Your actions proved to still work wonders on the younger man as you saw his hips jolt at your eager pulling.
“Harder,” he whined when you gave a particularly sharp tug on his hair that had him humping the bed softly.
“I don’t want you to cum in your pants,” you smiled teasingly. “I want you to cum inside me, if I pull harder you might just spill your load on the bed-oh!”
You yelped when he growled and sucked your clit so hard you were thrown into an orgasm you weren’t prepared for. Your thighs shook as you struggled to breathe. Jungkook eased you through your climax gently, licking your slick much softer than before and rubbing soothing thumbs into your skin. Your heart was hammering in your chest and your vision was blurred from the intensity of your orgasm. The pleasure bringing tears into your eyes.
“Holy shit,” you said, voice weak and trembling in shock.
“Feel good?” he checked in, making sure you were still okay.
You nodded eagerly, pulling his face from between your legs to your mouth for a kiss that could barely be classified as one. Your tongues were intertwining and licking over each other as you tasted yourself on him and he felt your sweet muscle dip from his lips and lick wet kisses along his jawline.
His lips and chin were covered in your saliva but he couldn’t care one bit. You ran your hands up and over his shoulders and down his back, dragging your nails across his skin while you kissed his jaw and nipped at his earlobe. Jungkook’s cock was throbbing in his pants and he wanted to skip the pretense and just fuck you stupid into the mattress.
But he was far too romantic, he wanted to be gentle... to show you how much he loved you. How much he wanted-needed you.
“Please,” he croaked out, hand on your waist. “I want to be inside you, please, want to love you,” he said, turning to capture your impish lips that had been torturing his skin without regard to how much it fucked him up.
You gasped for air when Jungkook pressed you into the mattress before he stripped himself of the rest of his clothes before joining you back on the bed. His lips met yours lovingly, gentle and soft pecks as he laid you back. Your eyes glowed in the soft light of the room. You’d done a small spell to light the candles in the room, you didn’t want to miss a single moment of this as you two finally got to make love to each other after so long.
“Jungkook,” you breathed against his mouth.
“Yes baby? Are you okay?” he asked, running his hands down your arms before squeezing your hands with his.
“Yeah,” you nodded, intertwining your fingers together with one hand while the other snuck up his neck and held his cheek. “I just love you, I’m glad to be here with you...”
Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut as he leaned against your hand, his breaths hitting your wrist in soft puffs of air.
“I’m glad too,” he said through his voice cracking. “When I saw your sister stab you and you fell into my arms I-” he choked up. “I was so scared, and when you stopped breathing... Fuck Y/N, never do that to me again. Please, I can’t take it,” he said, opening his eyes as tears fell down his cheeks.
You immediately sat up to hold Jungkook tight in your embrace. He cried into your neck as you kissed his shoulder to soothe him. It didn’t take him long to calm down, but he looked at you and sniffled and rubbed his nose cutely.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to kill the mood,” he said.
With a sharp shake of your head you kissed him again. “The mood is most certainly not killed for me,” you reached in between the two of you and squeezed his cock firmly. Jungkook grunted before his hips gave a sharp jut towards your soft and warm palm. “Doesn’t seem to be for you either...”
Jungkook reached and pushed your hand away so he could pump himself as he kissed you once more. “Lay back, spread your legs,” he encouraged.
You did as he asked, laying back into the pillows and warm blankets while spreading your legs happily for him. Jungkook shuffled forward on his knees as he brought two fingers to your entrance. With a gentle push he sank them into your wet core. You moaned as your head tipped back, hands gripping the sheets.
“Fuck you’re so god damned tight,” he said, voice strained.
“More~” you mewled, rutting your hips to take his fingers deeper. But it wasn’t enough, you wanted his cock. “Please... just go slow, but-you can put it in. I want you too,” you said, grabbing his arms.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you my love,” he said, looking up at you for confirmation.
“It’s okay,” you said, locking eyes with him. “Please baby, put it in, I want you so much.”
Jungkook didn’t need anymore prompting as he slowly sunk inside you. With a sharp inhale you wrapped your arms around his neck for comfort. It stung and the sensation wasn’t exactly pleasant for a moment. Jungkook felt you tensing and kissed your throat to ease the pain.
“My sweet girl, my precious girl,” he encouraged. “Taking me so well, I love you, baby,” he cooed.
“Touch me, Koo,” you pleaded. “Need you...”
He nodded, kissing a few of his marks as he trailed his fingers to your clit as he shallowly thrusted to open you up more. “That’s it pretty, that’s a good baby,” he whispered.
“Love your touch, you-oh!” you were cut off with a deeper thrust inside of your snug heat. Jungkook let out a deep grunt against your throat.
“So fuckin’ tight, god damn!” he snarled, pushing further inside you as you clawed at his back desperately.
“Yes!” you screamed. “Jung-kook!”
He growled at your whining voice. “Right here precious, always right here for you, gonna make you my wife,” he said darkly, like it was his greatest pride.
“Want to be your wife baby!” you whimpered. “I’ll always be yours,” you promised, kissing his jaw to keep yourself grounded as he started pounding into you harder. It stung a bit but the pain egged you on. The sharp pleasure coursing deep and dark in your belly as Jungkook growled and grunted as his hips pistoned into yours.
“And I’ll always be yours,” he panted against your lips as he searched for your kiss, desperate for the comfort of your embrace.
“My baby~” you called softly after his needy kiss. “Love you, love you so so much,” you hiccuped.
Jungkook nodded, acknowledging your emotions while trying not to be overwhelmed by his own. You knew how hard being away from him was, but you weren’t alone the entire time. Being a part of Artemis’ huntresses for a small time keeping you busy not only physically but socially.
Your sweet lover, however, hadn’t been as lucky as you.
The time was spent mostly on his own. The temptation of socializing with others too much to bear at times. So he kept to himself to avoid any chance of a future without you.
“Breathe Jungkookie, deep breaths,” you soothed, running your nails over his back gently.
He listened, slowing his frantic thrusts into deep, passionate rolls of his hips. The fluid and firm motion causing your vision to burst with stars.
“Yes!” you cried, one arm draped around his neck and the other gripping the sheets. “You feel so good,” you encouraged.
“You too,” Jungkook huffed, kissing your collarbone as he tried to soothe himself with your skin.
You held his face so you could look him in the eyes. “I love you, it’s okay. I’m here and I always will be,” you promised.
He caught a sob in his throat as he took in your devoted words. “I love you too,” he said, holding your waist as his pace increased once more. The urge to cum was getting harder to ignore.
“Ah! Baby~” you whimpered. You could feel the beginnings of another release coming, but Jungkook seemed a little closer than you.
“F-Fuck, I can’t hold it baby, I’m sorry!” he growled, trying hard not to cum this fast.
You giggled softly, rubbing his shoulders to calm him. “It’s alright baby, you can cum. It’s okay, I feel good just want your cum now baby... Don’t make me wait my love please give me your cum, wanna make a pretty baby for you,” you whined, a mischievous smirk on your face.
He wanted to hold off, just to spite you for that smug look on your face. But fuck you felt so good, too good. He hadn’t felt anything but his own fucking hand for nearly four fucking years. And being inside of you? Well, that’s an entirely different story. You begging for his cum so you can have his baby? Game over...
“You are such a needy little slut,” he warned, grabbing your lower jaw and throat with his entire hand. He applied a decent amount of pressure. Just enough to make your breathing shallow a touch.
“Yes...” you agreed pathetically. “I am for you baby... only for you...”
Jungkook’s possessive little heart thudded at your words. He loved you so much, and when you’d gone and he’d had to be loyal to you, he did understand that Artemis never mentioned you being loyal in return.
He hadn’t asked because in all honesty? He didn’t want to know. He knew he hadn’t been your first and that already made him annoyed at times. But, the idea of being your only one from here on out? He could forget anything else. You hadn’t needed to prove anything, you’d died protecting him. So, in all honesty he was honored to wait for you, because being inside of you right now? He felt like a god damned King.
“I know darling,” he breathed against your lips. “Such a good girl for me, loving me so well,” he praised.
Your skin practically glowed with his compliments and sweet words. As much as you could be a hell of a dom and toss him around like a fucking ragdoll, there were times where you were such a pillow princess and he couldn’t get enough of it. Your sweet flushed face and sweaty hair line as he hovered over you, pounding you into the sheets.
“Jungkook... Baby,” you called sweetly.
“I’m here,” he said, kissing your temple as he felt himself starting to slip into a trembling orgasm.
“Cum, please, want it Jungkookie!” you begged.
He couldn’t hold it back anymore as he filled you up, hips stuttering in their pace as he emptied himself inside you. “F-Fuck... shit baby,” he whined. “D-Don’t clench, l-like that-ah!” he winced at your tight walls gripping him hard.
“Sorry honey,” you panted. “W-Was almost there,” you said.
Jungkook immediately looked guilty. “Ah, fuck. I’m sorry Y/N, I should’ve tried a little harder to hold off,” he sighed.
“No, no no no,” you shook your head, forcing him to give you gentle pecks. “Not your fault, it’s okay. I’ve come before you several times before, it’s been a while and that’s alright baby.”
“Wanna get you there too,” he said, giving a soft thrust inside you to see how fast he could go again.
“You will, it’s alright, I felt good, I still feel good,” you said, kissing him again.
“You too, you feel so fucking good baby, god damn I love it,” he groaned, amazingly still hard inside you. “Fuck, I think I can go right now, are you okay? Think you can take it?”
You nodded desperately, but you were pushing him up and away from you as you switched positions. “From behind, want you like this too,” you begged.
“Yes, yes okay,” he agreed quickly, just wanting to be back inside you faster. He didn’t really have to wait long, you curved your spine just right and he slipped in with a firm push of his hips. “Mmm-ahhhh~” he whined out.
“So big, mmm! Jungkookie! Baby, so big in my pussy, keep going... give me more of you my love,” you pleaded.
Jungkook answered you with soft growls of your name against your shoulder as he caged your body in with his. One arm wrapped around your lower stomach protectively. “Take my cock precious, wanna give you that baby you want so much... Need to be a good girl and take whatever I give you... love you so much,” he said softly, dropping the soft dom act for a moment. “Really do, Y/N, I love you so much.”
You wrapped your arm around his neck and gently tangled your fingers in his hair. “I know honey, you’ve showed me. I believe you. Always will when you say it.”
“Thank you,” he cried against your shoulder. “Thank you for believing me...”
“Thank you baby,” you said. “I’m proud to be worthy of your love Jungkook. I wasn’t always so fortunate, I’m glad I am now.”
“You’ve always been worthy,” Jungkook said softly. “I was just mad that you rejected me...”
You scoffed softly before gasping at his thrusts turning sharper. “Was so mad that you loved me, but you wouldn’t let us be together. I wanted you more than anything else, but you were so stubborn... But, I know why-argh!” he growled softly at your clenching walls. “You thought you were protecting me, and in a way you were... I didn’t know what I wanted quite as much as I do now. Now that I know what it’s like not having you...”
“Baby, I wasn’t-ah, ah!” you whined as you gripped his arm that was locked around your waist. “Please fuck me harder baby... But-but I wasn’t being fair either... I should’ve asked you... I should’ve been honest with myself... But I have you now... And I love you,” you moaned weakly.
Jungkook was now pushing into you quickly, each thrust inside of your walls hard and aggressive. “I love you too, I’ll say it until I’m stupid...”
“A shame that won’t take too long,” you snarked. Your lover sat up in a flash as he sent a warning smack to your ass as he started forcing your hips back onto his cock as he fucked into you.
“Don’t test me you brat,” he growled.
“Gonna dom me now? Huh? Gonna make me take it like your bitch?” you challenged. Jungkook snapped at you.
“Shut up!” he growled. “I only wanna hear you begging for more you greedy little bitch, if it’s not about wanting my cock then I don’t want to hear it,” he said.
Your skin prickled in arousal. You knew the words weren’t true. If you truly wanted to say you loved him then you could say it, he would pick up on your tone. But, he wanted you to worship his cock? Fine by you.
“Uuunnnh!” you whined pathetically. “Cock so thick inside me, yes! M-More baby,” you cried with raw need. “Give me your big cock, kookie! Wanna cum on it like a good bitch, aaah~”
Jungkook purred in appreciation of you playing into his kink. “Yeah? Gonna cum all over my big cock? Mmmm, I want it baby, wanna see your pretty pussy creaming my thick dick,” he said, a certain level of pleading in his voice.
He really wanted to feel you cumming around his cock, even though he was close again. Your clenching was so fucking hard to ignore, not only that but you were so warm and wet too. Fuck, he would live inside your pussy if you allowed it. He was definitely getting you to sleep with his cock inside you sometime.
What was that called?
Cock warming?
Whatever it was, you were doing it. Or, he hoped you would.
Quite desperately really.
“C-Cumming baby, making me cum Jungkook! Please! Oh make me cum baby, love you so much please-oh!”
Your thighs tightened around his middle as your walls clamped down on him hard. You got even softer and wetter around him, making the glide in and out of you was that much slicker and creamier. “Mmm-fuck,” he grunted. “So pretty when you cum, love watching your pussy cream all over me... good girl, oooh fuck... Gonna make me cum too, uuuuhhhh good fucking girl baby,” he called, thrusting inside you with deeper and more frantic snaps of his hips. “Beg for my cum baby, beg me to cum inside this pretty pussy.”
You keened out in sensitivity but your hips bucked back towards him regardless. Your body knew what it wanted, it wanted Jungkook to cum inside. Wanted to feel him filling up your now fertile womb.
“Want it!” you cried, reaching behind you to grab his hips. “Please please please, baby,” you begged. “Give it to me... please... give it to me I want you so much.”
“Yes baby, right here, gonna cum for you,” he promised, feeling his hips stuttering as another hot load of his cum spilled inside of your eager pussy. “Uggh,” he sighed, kissing your jaw with tender love bites mixed in. “Such a good girl.”
“Thank you, thank you my love,” you sighed, falling into the pillows after his arm left your lower stomach. Jungkook huffed as he watched a single dribble of cum fall on your ass.
He growled softly as he gripped your ass and spread you so he could watch his cum drip out of your swollen and wet pussy.
“Fuck you look so pretty stuffed with my cum,” he praised. “Gonna give you more in a minute, give me just a minute and I’ll fuck you full again,” he promised.
“It’s alright,” you chuckled softly. “I-I think I need a while before I can go again like that... Pussy’s senstive, cock too big,” you whined as you looked at him with a small pout.
“Don’t be a brat about it,” he warned, smacking your ass as you gasped in surprise. “If you act up I’m gonna smack your ass red.”
You almost dared him, but when he placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder, you could feel the exhaustion creeping into your limbs. “Mmm, baby, sleepy,” you said, legs trembling as he ground his now softened cock against your sensitive mound.
“Mmm, but you feel good... Can’t I still have you? Even if you’re sleepy?” he asked, kissing your neck and shoulders.
“Yes...” you sighed, eyes rolling shut as he ground his now firming cock.
“You’re sure baby? We can be done, don’t wanna hurt you,” he said, kissing your temple softly.
“S’Okay,” you encouraged. “Wanna fall asleep with you inside. Stuffing your cum in me so we can have a baby,” you said.
Jungkook growled in agreement. “Yes,” he said, finally able to push himself inside of you. “Can feel you clenching baby...”
“Mmmm,” you encouraged, eyes closed as your breathing came in soft puffs against the sheets.
“Feels so good inside you,” he said.
“Big...” you murmured, hips twitching softly at his thrusts coming in harder.
Jungkook felt his balls tightening at your body naturally asking for him. Everything about you was tuned in to him, and he was the same in response. “Feels okay baby? Feels good to have my big cock like this huh?”
You mewled quietly, body submitting to the greedy rolls of his hips inside you. “Mhmm...”
“Close my baby, close to cumming. So good to me, such a good girl and letting me cum inside you like this, I love you so much,” he whispered.
A soft whine came from you as you gave weak little ruts backwards, and Jungkook couldn’t get enough of your submissive behavior.
“You’re making me cum baby,” he said, finally giving a final deep series of thrusts before giving you a few more heavy ropes of cum.
“Koo~” you keened.
He kissed your head, holding your hip as he gently pulled out of you with a soft kiss to your cheek. “Good girl, I love you so much.”
You looked at him over your shoulder with a lovestruck gaze and a sweet smile. “I love you too baby.”
He squeezed your hip as he gave your head a firm kiss before standing up to grab a cloth to clean you up with. When he came back he was gentle as he carefully wiped your tender core with gentle kisses to your thighs and ass here and there.
“You’re such a sweetheart,” you cooed, reaching out to run your fingers through his hair.
“For you yes,” he said, kissing your wrist before tossing the cloth to the side after he’d wiped himself down a bit as well.
With a soft but happy sigh you felt Jungkook wrap himself around you. He snuggled into your body with a comforted huff. “You fit so perfectly.”
“Good,” you said with a happy purr.
The two of you fell asleep that way, fingers intertwined and hearts beating softly, completely at ease in each other’s presence.
Souls finally comforted at the appearance of the other.
You slept better than you ever had that night, waking to your lover between your legs again.
And life was only going to get that much sweeter...
You were wondering how long it would take after you said the words to Jungkook.
“I was thinking of having another baby.”
Initially Jungkook had been hesitant.
You had four already. The oldest, Mathias, a carbon copy of Jungkook. Then the twin girls, Salem and Waverly. Then your sweet girl Evelyn. She had just turned five last month when you had proposed having another baby to Jungkook.
Your oldest was now almost eight, and that was a long ways apart to have kids.
And, you loved all of your children. But... You really wanted another baby around the house. You missed the little feet and the sweet snuggles.
Not that your older children weren’t affectionate. They were Jungkook’s children so, naturally they clung to you like glue.
But, as you sat in front of your potion that confirmed your suspicions you couldn’t help but feel nervous.
Jungkook hadn’t outright said no to any more children, and he seemed to be playing into it the last few times you’d had sex.
But seeing the confirmed pregnancy was a little stressful. It was your fourth pregnancy but fifth child. “Oh goodness,” you sighed, leaning forward and rubbing your neck.
“Mama! Mama!” Evelyn shouted as she marched into your room with her pajamas on.
“Hi my baby,” you said, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her in for a snuggle.
“Mama!” she squealed.
“Yes baby, what is it bunny?”
“Daddy comes home today!” she said happily.
It was true. Jungkook was due back from his most recent assignment. He’d been taking small mercenary jobs to keep a steady amount of gold in your possession. Even though the goddess has blessed you well.
“That’s right princess, your daddy does come home today,” you said with a soft smile. “And I’m so excited.”
You picked her up and carried her out of your room and set her down so she could toddle away to find the twins. Those three were a menace to handle if they were all wound up, so you desperately hoped you wouldn’t have to separate another fight.
Jungkook had been gone for about three weeks and you were so happy to have him coming home. Things always ran smoother when you two could work together.
Just as you started making some bread for an afternoon snack you heard a horse approaching.
Quickly, you found that Mathias and the girls were already out in the front, waving their hands quickly as Jungkook rode in on his horse.
“Daddy!” The girls shouted.
“Dad!” Mathias called.
“Ah, my kids,” he cried, hopping off his horse and dropping into a crouch before walking forward to wrap his arms around his four kids. “Oh I missed you all,” he sighed, happily kissing each one on their beloved head.
You knew how much Jungkook cherished each of your children.
He was so happy to have them, especially with you.
“Daddy! Daddy!” they shouted, all hugging and squeezing him and each other.
“Hey!” you whined. “I want my hug too baby,” you said, watching as Mathias and Salem separated everyone so you two could embrace softly.
“Hello my beautiful wife,” he said, kissing your head. “I missed you so very much,” he said, sincerity aching in his voice.
You smiled and greeted him, having the kids all head inside while you and him gathered everything and brought it inside.
“I was preparing some bread, are you hungry? There’s cheese and fruit in the ice box, I can get something out for you,” you said, pulling your hair away from your face.
Jungkook came up behind you, molding his body to yours. “My baby, I’m hungry but not for anything like that. Wanna fuck you,” he moaned, gently pushing his hips against yours.
You flushed, squeaking in shock at his blatant groping and arousal.
“T-The kids baby,” you warned.
“Mmm, told them to head to their rooms, said we needed to talk, made it sound very serious,” he chuckled.
“You are such a sneak,” you complained.
“Come on honey, can we fuck? Please? Wanna be inside you already,” he whined.
“W-Wait, need to tell you something first,” you said, turning around to look at him.
“Huh? What? Are you alright?” he asked, face worried.
You gave him a soft smile before looking down. “Baby... I’m pregnant,” you said, voice a little weaker than you’d intended.
Jungkook froze, eyes widening at your statement. “P-Pregnant?” he asked, tilting your head to look into your eyes.
“Yes baby,” you said, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
“Oh my love,” he said, wrapping his arms around you. “I love you... I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you said softly.
“Is this what you want?” he asked, looking at you with worry in his eyes. “I know we mentioned it but we never definitely said we were or weren’t trying.”
Your heart squeezed in affection for him. He was always so considerate of your wants in the relationship. “Yes honey, I’m happy. I’m excited for a new baby,” you said, tucking some of his hair behind his ear.
“Good, I’m excited too, I’m so happy,” he said with a tender gaze in his eyes.
You never imagined life could be like this. When you’d lost him the first time you truly thought you’d never get to cross paths with him ever again. And he came back, and even better, he forgave you. And you forgave yourself as well.
As with everything, there is good and bad. You’d had your share of fights, your share of tears and frustrations. But at the end of the day, you’d had each other. You both understood that your love was most important.
It hadn’t always been easy.
But, the good moments were sweet. They were special and wholly joyful.
And they were worth everything.
Every ache, every ounce of pain or tears.
This life with them, your family, was worth it all and more.
This... was the most beautiful moment in life...
And it was all yet to come.
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virgilisspidey · 1 month
Not trying to be rude but I’m just wondering if you’re still going to update two souls?
Sorry if you already said something about this I haven’t been on tumblr recently actually, two soul if one of my favorite tmnt fics and I love the way you write! I find the story to actually make sense and not be out of character for them like at all
Also thank you for readying my question
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Ya'll I'm graduating senior high school and scrambling to find a good college, my focus is pretty much split between school works and constantly checking emails.
I know that may sound unfair since you probably see me online lurking or suddenly posting on ao3 and it would seem like I abandoned Two Souls but I promise you I did not.
Two Souls' writing process is much more tedious than what you typically see me post. It involves me having multiple tabs open, rewatching the episode I want to rewrite scene by scene, having the transcripts open on another tab, and then google docs on another. It's so I can stay on track. So I can figure out how much change I want to make and if it would fit my vision.
As you all know my computer has been broken for a while now and I've been writing on my phone ever since with a bluetooth keyboard. I use my phone for a lot of things. For school and for college hunting.
I don't have the money or the time to get my computer fixed.
My cousin recently gave me his old macbook so i'm in the process of figuring out how to reset it so I can start with a clean slate (he has a lot of games in this) and that's still tentative since apparently there's something wrong with the battery. It would alsp take me a while to get used to using a macbook when this mf has been using windows half their life. I'm trying my best to get back to ya'll, I promise.
Operation: Normal is still in the works because I don't want to give half-assed chapters. This is my first ever multichapter work that isn't split into one-shots, this is a passion project, and one of many I have. I am as impatient as all of you are to write and finish this. I am as desperate as you all for a new chapter.
Please be patient and i'm sorry that it's been 5 months since my last update.
I want to be able to graduate.
I want to be able to go to a good college.
I want to have fun writing instead of it feeling like an obligation.
Again, I am so sorry, I try to ignore questions and comments asking when I'll update and it's no shade to anon or anyone asking, I'm not a very confrontational person but I need to put my foot down at some point.
Sorry for all of those who are disappointed and are waiting.
But I'm not going anywhere.
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filmtv2022 · 2 years
    To the Bitter End: Chapter One
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Next Chapter
Pairing: Doc Holliday x Earp!Reader
Summary: The youngest Earp sibling joins her older brothers in Tombstone with the hope that the new climate will ease her consumption/tuberculosis symptoms and reconnect her family.  But as she settles into this new life, will she find something worth living for? Someone who can tame the loneliness?
Warnings: Illness + Addiction (This list will be updated with each chapter)
Notes: This is my first attempt ever at writing fanfiction. I hope that it turned out okay. I will be working to update once a week. I'd love to update more often, but work is pretty hectic. I'm not sure how many parts this will be, but hopefully someone enjoys it. Also, I apologize for historical, gramatical and spelling errors. I'm trying my best here ya'll! Thanks for reading! ❤
     Standing atop the train platform, the sun beat down in waves, creating ripples of heat on the horizon.  The sound of a horse nickering in pain followed the swishing slap of a whip hitting flesh. This sound pulled both you and Wyatt out of your stupor. Another dull slap spurred Wyatt into action.  You watched as he quickly approached the man & the horse, grabbing the whip from the person's hands. Yanking the whip back and using it against the man, Wyatt stated, "Hurts don't it? Now let go of that stud and go on about your business". Quietly and without protest the man withdrew, leaving Wyatt to settle his horse.  You watched the events unfold from a distance, thankful for the ability to go unnoticed... to be simply another face in the crowd. A small coughing fit racked your body as you watched your brother converse with a couple of gentlemen. He was clearly uninterested  in what they had to say and quickly ended the conversation.
A voice rang out over the crowd, one you could recognize even in the loudest of rooms, "Well I'd know that sour face anywhere." Your eyes tracked your other two brothers as they strode with confidence towards Wyatt, boots clanking as they moved.
Wyatt's raspy laugh cut through the din of the crowd, "Virgil, Morgan... my god!"
As the three brothers embraced, you wove your way through the sea of people to meet them. Finally reaching the group, you lightly cleared your throat with a cough before saying "Well aren't you two a sight for sore eyes!"
Morgan and Virgil turned in your direction, smiles decorating their faces. Both leaned down to embrace you before creating a space in their group for you to stand. It had been a long time since all of the Earp siblings had been in the same place, but it felt right. Hope filled the air around you and clouded your mind temporarily, in that moment even you could envision a glimpse of a happy future.
That daydream was quickly cut down when another coughing spell began. This one slightly more vigorous than the last, to the point where you could feel the stares of the strangers around you. Wyatt pulled you close to his side handing you his handkerchief, while Virgil and Morgan surrounded you, like a shield to protect from prying eyes.  The men shared worried glances with each other as they waited for your lungs to calm. The sheen of sweat on your brow and the ghostly palor of your skin acting as a grim reminder of why you were here. Finally the coughing eased enough for you to take a few shaky gasps.
Just as you caught your breath Allie and Louisa joined your group. Virgil and Morgan reintroduced their wives to you and to Wyatt. Easy compliments passed between Wyatt and his brothers about their wives.
Virgil was the one to reintroduce you to the wives, "Allie, Louisa... this is our little sister Y/N." You gave each of them a small hug, thankful to have more kind faces in your circle. As you let go of Louisa, you heard Wyatt begin to speak again.
"Mattie, Mattie they're already here. Folks this is Cecila Ann, you can call her Mattie."
"Well it's nice to meet you. Well...uhh... Wyatt I couldn't find a single store that had laudinum anywhere" Mattie sounded as if she were pleading for help, desperate for a fix. 
As she greeted the group you could see the shake of her hands and hear the rattle in her voice. Certainly the others noticed these things, but most could and would write them off as being due to the nerves associated with meeting new people. But you knew better, you could see Mattie for what she was... an addict.  An addict who was slowly, but surely driving Wyatt into the ground. An addict who acted as if she were your mother, constantly trying to mold you into the ideal woman. An addict who acted as if you chose to be ill.
Little love was lost between you and Mattie. And for the life of you, you couldn't imagine what Wyatt saw in her. It took everything in your power to not comment on her desperation. But the feeling of yet another coughing spell bubbling in your throat killed the comment you'd liked to have made.  Instead your focus was moved to your body, trying to keep your coughs from reaching the surface. 
As your shoulders shook Wyatt turned you and your family to face the panel of glass in  front of you. You scanned the reflection. Your family, your brothers... the people who had vowed to protect you when you first fell ill. This should have have filled your heart with contentment in knowing you wouldn't have to do this alone. It should have been a weight lifted from your shoulders. So why did you feel more alone than ever before?
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1989edteach · 5 months
nine people i'd like to know better
My heart is so full thank you for tagging me @soupbtch and @sleepystede
Three Ships:
Now don't laugh but i've been a klainer since forever, blaine and kurt are my forever babies
Jim/Olu my beloveds
First ship:
Katniss and Peeta and they still hit to this very day, they will always have a special place in my heart :)
Last Song:
I love this entire album so much and this song is on my Edward Teach playlist now listen listen listen it makes sense okay. he's over all these hyper mega bummer boys and stede is no bummer. live, laugh, love, chappell roan.
Currently Reading: Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe, i've been really into reading graphic novels lately and this one has been on my list for a while
Last Film:
I literally just finished Saltburn and it was in fact insane and also so beautifully shot
Current Craving:
always tiramisu or just an iced latte, my day is always made better by an iced latte
I don't really know anyone to tag but i'm so glad that ya'll tagged me thank you!
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New character I can write for: The Witch from Mercury!
Related: All of Season 1 of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury is free to watch on Youtube by Gundaminfo right now!
I recommend watching it, especially if you have zero Gundam Knowledge. You won't regret it!
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This character is less simping for and more of "LOOK AT MY DAUGHTER". Without further ado:
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Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury) can now be sent in the askbox! And technically this is a bundle deal, since Big Sis Aerial will also be included with Suletta.
A thought dawned on me before I decided to add her. If you run, gain one. If you move forward, gain two. If I didn't include her, I gain one by not throwing another character into the massive pool we already have.
But, if I did add Suletta? I gain two. I get to write for Gundam while introducing people to Gundam.
In reality I spent the last 5 hours binge watching all of Season 1 of WFM and I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF
Plus her personality is unique to this blog since Suletta is basically a puppy in human form, socially awkward but very trusting and friendly loving person! In the Gundam however, well, let's just say she slaps ungodly hard.
And since I know you guys, I know ya'll always have fun with new characters, so I BEG you all, send in the Suletta's!
Also, imagines will be out this weekend, thanks everyone for your patience, work has been BUSY
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madangel19 · 1 year
The prompt list.....2
Thanks for the prompt ^-^
“just a little harder”
We got some sexy Dracopia over here ya'll. Enjoy!
Warning: Blood drinking and sexy times
Word Count: 646
“Ah, amore~,” Copia’s voice moaned in Evaline’s ear.
She smiled as she continued riding him, her arms wrapped around his neck in a loving embrace. The room lit up from the storm outside, making it briefly tremble from a loud clap of thunder. It was a perfect night to be loud and passionate with her beloved Papa. 
His face was buried in her neck as he pushed himself into her as best he could, lightly nibbling and kissing her skin. 
A hiss filled the air when he opened his mouth and brushed his sharp teeth along her neck. His grip on her tightened and she shivered as she imagined what would happen next. It had been a while since he last fed from her. Now was the perfect time.
“Are you hungry, love?” She asked, pausing what she was doing to gaze at her beloved. 
He pulled away from her neck and gazed back at her with a hungry but loving look in his eyes that made her blush. 
“I am, amore. Care to feed your Papa?” He asked, lightly touching the spot where he had kissed her. 
“Of course,” she cooed, leaning her head back and sliding back down on his cock with a soft moan.
He hissed again before pressing more kisses up and down her neck before stopping at the spot between her neck and shoulder. He slowly dragged his tongue along that spot, making her shiver with anticipation. 
“Try not to move, amore,” Copia ordered. 
Evaline stopped, his cock still deep inside her. This was going to be tough, but she could handle this. She closed her eyes, biting her lip when she felt those sharp teeth against her skin. One hand went up to her head, grabbing a gentle hold of her hair while the other was still protectively wrapped around her middle. 
He slowly bit down, breaking the skin and making her squeak softly at the pain. It was obvious that he wanted to be gentle with her, but she could handle him being rougher.
“Love, you can bite as hard as you want,” she whispered.
“Mmm, just a little harder then,” he muttered.
Evaline gasped when he bit down on her neck, digging his fangs in while also pushing himself deep into her. She wanted to squirm, but his grip around her middle tightened as he chuckled darkly. 
“No moving, amore,” he growled before biting her again. 
She shivered and held onto him tight, her eyes closed shut as she tried to focus on how good it felt having him inside her. The pain in her neck slowly subsided as he began sucking her blood. She was going to sleep very well after this. 
She sucked in the air around her when the pain in her neck began to sting her. It wouldn’t last long. Once Copia was done feeding, he would heal her by simply licking at her wound. 
Moments passed and he slowly pulled away from her neck, mismatched eyes half-lidded in satisfaction as he licked his bloody lips. 
“Was it good, love?” She asked, pecking him on the lips. 
“Absolutely delicious, amore. Let me kiss you better,” he crowed before kissing where he had bitten her. The pain soon faded away as he kissed and licked her wound while still pushing into her. Evaline held on, moaning softly when he hit a sensitive spot. 
“You know, I’m still hungry for something sweet, amore. You got anything for me?” Copia asked after pulling away from her neck with a playful smirk. 
It took her a moment to process what he meant before she giggled shyly. 
“I…I have something for you, love. Do you want it now?” She said, moving her hips and smiling at just how wet she was. He was going to have a feast tonight. 
“I do,” he purred, pulling her into a hungry kiss.
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gamma-gal-24 · 11 months
More Johnny x Emma nonsense because it's raining and I'm bored.😚💕💞💖✨
Firstly- It was brought to my attention that I left out Carl before?? Rest assured, he and Emma get along swell.☺✨👌
While they certainly aren't besties, they are friendly for sure. She has no issues with the little fellow.
She DOES wish he and Johnny were a little nicer to eachother, but that's boys, right?
And speaking of Johnny having a teeny bit of a mean bone, the scary dog privilages that come with dating him?? Worth more than gold.😌 She can go anywhere she wants, totally unbothered with Johnny wrapped around her finger.
Also- on the topic of scary dogs, Johnny and Emma eventually ended up rescuing a doberman puppy!
Johnny tried his darndest to pretend that he didn't like the dog, but he gave himself away when he started picking out studded collars and tiny sunglasses for it. He and that puppy are total besties now.😎💕
He named him Junior by the way😚
So now Emma has two scary boys she loves dearly to protect her while out on the town. She's sitting pretty if I dare say so myself.
And since we're on the subject of pretty, one of Em and Johnny's mutual FAVORITE memories was the day he decided to play hairdresser.
He gave her the WHOLE Farah Fawcett look and they both were SO excited when it turned out!
He hairsprayed it to the point it lasted for days.🙊💕😂
After that, Emma made him promise that, should they ever get married, he HAS to do her hair for the wedding.
He'll never admit to it, but she swears she saw a little tear in his eye behind the shades.☺💕💖
Tis all for now!! I may post more later but until then, I hope ya'll have lovely days/ nights! And thank you guys SO SO much for all the support for these two?? I have been so overwhelmed by everybody's kindness.😭💕💕💕 I love you all so much and I wish you all the best!
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galaxietm · 7 months
so mini updates on my situation under a read more!
mini updates aside- i'm going to be easing back into activity here, because hopefully, this means i'll start having energy to be online / write more (because, hoo boy, all that's been going on has been taking it out of me BIG time!) thanks for being patient ya'll! i miss being here and writing with you guys, but alas, life got chaotic for a while there /sobs i've been looking at some muses that i wanna pick up- partially as a form of comfort during all that's happened, but also because yeah, i'm trash and i love them lol
- we're waiting to hear back from my lawyer w/taking one of the roommates being evicted to court because he's being an ass / refusing to leave. either me or my mother are going to call the lawyer tomorrow since he's not open on the weekends. hopefully he filed that paperwork because i'm tired of waiting / of not being able to relax in my living room because of the roommates being evicted. (watch, he gets served with his paperwork and they get salty yet again that they're being kicked out and try to cause more bs lol because hooo boy, i do NOT want a repeat of the week before this last one because of them) - the roommate who was harassing me through messenger just up and left a week and a half ago, came back for some of her things when i was at work a few days ago but she's gone and thank goodness - i'm waiting to see if the other 2 who were evicted are going to be just as bad with moving out, but they have until the end of this month to be out, so unless they've completely stopped packing / start unpacking their stuff, we don't have much to worry about - however, i'm irritated because they're causing certain things with this house to deteriorate and?? dude i'm just so done and want them gone lmao - my mom's got a theory that one of the main people causing issues since they got kicked out is jealous, because i'm the one the landlord wants to rent to, because i have a job and coworkers who support me (as well as a department manager that's been giving me more hours) and because i'm happy being by myself / because i'm content being single, while she's said to me before she doesn't know how to be by herself / doesn't want to be lonely, while i'm okay with being by myself-- and honestly?? i can see it. i'm just so tired and the sooner they're gone, the sooner i don't have to worry about dealing with them. -- so fingers crossed they'll be out soon!
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violetwinterwidow01 · 5 months
A/N: I meant to post this Jan. 1st, 2024, but never got around to it!!!
Feel free to reblog!!!
It's Cevyn and Bucky's 4th wedding anniversary, and their 9th best friend anniversary. But since Buck is on a mission, Cev has nothing better to do than go down memory lane from when they first go together.
Quick timeline:
Besties: Dec. 31st, 2014
Dated: Dec. 31st, 2016
Married: Dec. 31st, 2020
Cevyn walks into the common living room finding Natasha, Yelena, and Clint.
Cevyn: hey guys
C/Y/N: hey! Happy anniversary!!!
Cevyn: Thank you, lovelies!!!
She joins them on the couch as they indulge in some action movie.
Yelena: We know it was yesterday and Bucky couldn't be here.
Cevyn: it's fine, I told him I'd figure out what I wanted by the time he got back today.
They hum.
Out of nowhere, She decides to ask a question.
Cevyn: ...Ya'll remember when i was such a whore back in 2021?
Yelena: SUCH A WHORE!!!
The girls talk over each other making Cevyn laugh, while Clint violently chokes and spits out his beer. Cevyn and Natasha tap him on his back.
Cevyn: Yo, you good?
Clint: *cough, cough* No, no!!! *cough* Im not good!! I- I dont think i should be listening to this!!!
Natasha and Yelena laugh. He tries to get off the couch but nat pulls him back down and crosses her legs over top of his motioning Cevyn to do the same to keep him there. She lays her head in Yelena's lap.
Natasha: Sit down, she was a menace last year. youll wanna hear this!
He gives up. Sounds like good tea any damn way. (We all know Clint is one of the girls!!!)
Yelena: Cevy, what happened?
Cevyn: well after my 2 year relationship failed, i decided to have some... fun. Safe fun.
Natasha: Yeah, a WHOLE year worth of 'fun'.
Clint: that asswhole cheated on you didnt he?
Cevyn: yup
Clint sighs.
Clint: Why didnt you call me?
Cevyn: Cause i handled it... no ones gonna miss him.
C/Y/N: WHAT!?!?
She laughs.
Cevyn: im kidding!... maybe.
Clint looks at nat.
Clint: And what do you mean by a whole year?
Nat sighs and rubs her temples at the very fond memories of the year before.
Natasha: a different guy. Each day. 365 days in a year. You do the math.
Cevyn side-eyes him at the use of her government name.
Clint: what the hell?!?! Didnt you have missions???
She smirks as Yelena burst out laughing.
Clint: my god
Cevyn: yup, i called upon him a couple of times. It was also more ladies than guys.
Yelena calms down from damn near dying.
Cevyn: im sorry baby, and it was only 364. I didnt have anybody on new years eve.
Yelena mumbles.
Yelena: could've had me...
Cevyn sits up and kisses her cheeks.
Cevyn: Maybe next time, boo. But Doesnt mean i didnt do anything though.
Yelena: whatd you do?
Cevyn: Well...
Flashback: Tony's Avengers ONLY New years eve pajama party 2021
Cevyn's PJs
Tumblr media
(For once Tony didn't want a hell of a lot of people around.)
The party was BANGIN'!!! It was getting close to midnight, There was tons of liquor, everybody was dancing, Cevyn got so drunk she gave a full on lipsync concert. After that, she walked into the kitchen to grab some water.
When she walked in she saw her best friend Bucky and the one shady bitch she could never stand: Sharon. It seriously bothered her that bucky would choose that thing to date out of any woman in the world, which she reminded Buck daily about.
Theres a reason why Cevyn hates Sharon. Before Cevyn's last relationship, she caught the bitch sucking him off. After that, Sharon tried to act as if nothing ever happened. (Tryna be her friend and shit, bitch you know what the fuck you did!)
Finally, when she gave up and started dating Buck, Cev plotted her revenge. If bitches feel that they can take and play the delusional card, two can play that game. She walks over, purposely bumping Sharon out of the way to stand on her tiptoes wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a loving kiss on Bucky's cheek.
Bucky: Hi Cevy.
Cevyn: Hi Bucket.
Sharon scoffs as he wraps his arms around her voluptuous body, damn near feeling her up. He returns the kiss close to the corner of her mouth, a sight Sharon doesn't miss.
She shoves Cev out of the way. Cevyn was about to swipe Sharon across her face but Bucky caught her wrist and turned her around slowly.
As she opens the fridge she mumbles about how she was gonna snatch this hoe up by the hair on the nape of her neck and slang her on the floor resulting in dog walking her like the bitch she is.
Bucky: Sharon, the hell did you do that for?
Sharon: Oh, when she does it theres no problem, but when i do it there is?
Bucky scoffs, making Cev turn around snickering.
Bucky: Oh god, im not doing this with you.
Sharon walks away damn near on the brink of tears, which no one cares about. Bucky lets her go, reaching to grab a cupcake from the cake tower. As he grabs it, frosting gets on his metal thumb. Before he can grab a napkin, Cevyn takes his hand.
Cevyn: Dont worry, baby. Ill lick it up
Bucky: Its okay- oh shit!
Hes cut off as she latches her soft, plump lips around the tip of his thumb, gently sucking the tip. She pulls back with a pop that echos throughout the kitchen, even though the music is pretty loud.
Cevyn: What was that?
Bucky stumbles over his words trying to get out of the trance shes put him in.
Bucky: I-I- I dont-
Keeping eye contact, she kitten licks his thumb. She plays confused while smirking.
Cevyn: You dont what, baby? Whats wrong?
He continues to stammer and look between her eyes and her tongue rounding circles on his thumb, placing it back in her mouth.
Bucky: I dont know w-whats happening... but- but i like it.
She smiles. She moves to kiss his lips mumbling against them.
Cevyn: Mm-hm *kiss* I know you do *kiss* Keep your eyes on mommy, ok?
He nods absentmindedly slipping into a place he's never been before: ✨️SUBMISSION✨️ With his thumb back in its rightful spot, and continuous eye contact, she gets on her knees, holding his wrist, sucking faster. She unzips her onsie letting her tits spill out.
She places his right hand on her boob for him to squish. She moves her hand feeling him grow in his sweatpants. She moves off of his thumb to pull his sweats and boxers down to reveal his dick. Before he can say anything, shes fast like lightning, sucking his tip greedily then deepthroats him causing his knees to weaken and a string of 'holy fucks' to leave his mouth, catching him off guard. She giggles and moans sending vibrations around his shaft.
5 minutes go by and Sharon walks back in. She hears moans so she tries to be silent. She gets around the island and sees Cevyn on her knees with her eyes rolled back as Bucky fucks her throat. Cevyn looks over to see her standing with her jaw dropped. She sends her a menacing wink, smirking with her mouth full, cum dribbling down the side of her mouth.
She pulls away from Bucky swallowing every drop. She pulls up his sweats, using his thumb to swipe up his sweet sticky leftovers just to suck it off, and stands up to fix her clothes, but Bucky stops her picking her up to sit her on the island, and latches on to her nipple, making her laugh. She rubs her hands through his hair still eyeing up Sharon.
Cevyn: Enjoying the show?
Bucky turns his head, not so concerned about the situation at hand. Hes had a thing for Cev for a long time. But he made the mistake of dating Sharon to take his mind off of her. He smiles at her, picks up Cevyn wrapping her legs around his waist, walking out of the kitchen.
Cevyn: Paybacks a bitch, aint it?
Bucky: We're done Sharon.
Cevyn laughs. Bucky gets in the elevator.
Cevyn: where we going?
Bucky: To our floor. Where im gonna fuck you SENSELESS and make you cum so hard while we count down. Is that alright with you mama?
She smirks.
Cevyn: Yes, daddy.
End of flashback
As Nat and Yelena clapped and cheered, Clint sat puzzled.
Clint: didnt you ruin a relationship?
The girls laugh.
Cevyn: More like rescued Bucky because that shit show was doomed from the beginning. He's mine now, and I don't plan on letting him go anywhere.
Buck sneaks up behind. He gently pulls her head back, planting multiple kisses on her lips putting a smile on her face.
Cevyn: Hi baby.
Bucky: Hi mama. Happy anniversary.
Cevyn: happy anniversary. Oh, speaking of...
She gets up, rounding the couch.
Cevyn: I know what I wanna do now.
Bucky: Whats that?
She whispers in his ear.
Cevyn: Mind-blowing, life-altering, earth-shattering sex.
Without a second thought, he taps her thighs, signaling her to jump up.
Bucky: SOLD!!!
He runs them out of the room.
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evolution-ofa-geek · 1 year
I Have a Wrestling Podcast
Its been a year since I've had it, I know some of you already know this. But not really the older friends that I know on here. I figure I just let it out now because why not? I should have posted it on here when I first started it. I know @fatmaninalittlesuit did one about health a few years back and I would listen to it and support it as well as see other people support it. But mine wasn't about health, so I just thought that it wouldn't get the same support.
I started this in January of last year and ever since then I been working my ass off, distributing it, posting it in all the social media sites, even on discord, twitter, I made an Instagram page for it. I even had it on tiktok once. But tumblr is where I was afraid that nobody would be interested in it and nobody would support it.
So now that its done fairly well, I want to share it here. If you are not interested, that's ok. I was told lots of things during episodes 1 through 8. But 88 episodes later, I am confident enough to say that im good with rejection now. If were friends, you are not oblige to listen to it. But if you know someone who would be interested in it, pass it on over to them. This is also the reason I been posting wrestling content and reblogging those wrestling stuff on here is because I want to slowly transition the blog about the podcast.
But... its not all about wrestling.
I mean it started out as such last year. Then I took a mental health break in June because I really needed it. I was posting two episodes a week because I wanted to be consistent and work my ass off. By the time I came back to work on the show again I wanted to include stories about my health, movies and tv shows that I love, video games. So I included that in there. It has "evolved" into something greater than just wrestling. 88 episodes plus interviews with friends about wrestling and our health.
I also stream the podcast live. Well, lately I been doing that. I need to find a good schedule for me to do that instead of doing random hours and have some of ya'll, if you are interested in going to the live, come hang out with me while I ramble on about wrestling or the week. Even do a guest spot and I can interview you.
I also want feedback, let me know if you listened to the show if you liked something or hated it or disagreed with something I said. Want to remain anonymous, thats fine with me. I will be posting my favorite episodes on the blog for now on as well as newer episodes when they're out. If you like to show some support by reblogging or sharing that be great as well. I would appreciate that.
Also, the podcast, From Under The Apron, is on all and any favorite audio streaming devices of your choice such as
If this gets to you and you are down here and didn't roll your eyes like I thought you would do, thank you. I appreciate you. Its now time to evolve and go to the next phase of my epic life.
Join Me.
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virgilisspidey · 2 years
Anyways, really excited to read the new episode:  "The Lair is Haunted"!  I am also excited to read another original episode esp. since I loved the last one so much.  With leatherhead (and LH and Aoi possessing Leo interactions too ofc; I liked that), and Rise Leo saving Mikey and Aoi possessing Leo (and Rise Leo basically taking Aoi place for a bit, and making faces at Donnie.  And Aoi being like, stop making faces at your brother, Leo.  Lol.  It was cute), and Donnie being a very worried and freaked out brother. 
I loved it, so I am sure I will love (though I also worried what might happened, esp. with how the last chapter left off) the next chapter; esp. with a name like that.  And also because like, the extreme amounts of pain both Leo and Aoi went through last chapter while following off a building their bond being frayed (which I am really worried about) and Donnie seeing the string connecting them/their hearts as well and Leo still being passed out and Aoi being worried (I am worried too Aoi); like, there is a lot of things this next new chapter could address, so I really look forward to reading the next chapter.
One last thing.  I have no idea if Aoi/2012 Leo being like dead or in some kind of coma (again.  Poor Leo) would be sadder/worse.  Like, if he was dead, that means he died at around age 18 and/or age 30-ish and just for some reason looks like he is 18-ish; either he died young.  Or he has been in some kind of coma and/or missing for a very long time.  Either way, it is still sad for 2012 Leo/Aoi and his brothers, and April, Karai, Casey, and etc.  If he was in a coma/missing/whatever, he might still get a chance to be "alive" again, but like, it is still sad for him and 2012 friends and family.  Man, when Rise Leo finds out (even) more about his Aoi, he is going to be so sad.  Poor 2012 Leo/Aoi.
Alright, enough with these asks!  Good luck on the next chapters, thank you for the new chapter and stay okay and stuff!  Ask 2/2.
NDKJFKDJFF Thanks for the compliments again fkfnfkfkf ya'll spoiling me with it sofjkf.
I really love it when you guys gush about my stories too, cuz ya'll acting like me and @shyartz03 when we talk about plots together.
As for the whole is 2012 Leo (or Aoi) dead or not.
You'll find out eventually ;]
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