#Alpha legion
sleepyfan-blog · 1 day
Author’s note: The fourth fic for Nadesir! previous. Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @kit-williams
Warnings: kidnapping, violence, ask me if you want me to tag something else
Summary: Nadesir catches the trail of one of the lurking Alpha Legionnaires, but something more worrying comes up.
Nadesir silently made his way through the forest, using his wings to keep from leaving tracks on the ground. For reasons known only to them, the Dark Angel Interrogator Chaplain and the squad he had brought with him had decided to linger in the small human town, and had been terrorizing random Astartes by asking questions that made no fucking sense to him. Perhaps it was a Loyalist thing that they were chasing? Not that the Night Lord Raptor had made it his business to find out what the Dark Angels were up to - though he hoped that they would fuck off soon. With the Alpha Legionaries somewhere in the forest that he was currently flying through doing fuck knows what, the presence of another group of deeply mysterious and secretive Astartes was... Not great. While he was looking for four-legged prey to hunt, Nadesir was keeping a careful eye on his surroundings, just in case he caught a glimpse of a hydra lurking in these woods, or to catch their trail.
If he could find where they were hiding out in - when not sneaking around the town in the guise as other marines - it might help? If he could make his way through the Alpha Legion base, try to snoop through their things, to see if they had any plans written down - likely coded, if it was written down - he and the other bonded Astares who lived with their humans might have a clue as to what those teal-hued snakes were after. Not that Nadesir was of the opinion that they should give the Alpha Legionaries whatever it was they were after. Not with the underhanded groxshit that they've been pulling for months now. 
A branch broke loudly, startling the Night Lord, and Nadesir choked back the instinctive desire to hiss or growl at whatever had made such a sound, whirling where he was hovering to try and see the cause of the broken branch. At first, all he could see were several different kinds of trees - odd, as none of them were the type of tree to shed branches at this time of year unless the tree was damaged or sick somehow - when he saw a flash of teal and silver. A vicious smirk spread across his face beneath his helmet as he flew as swiftly and as silently as he could manage toward the brightly colored flash he'd seen.
He quickly approached where he'd seen the initial flash of silver and teal, noting that particular Alpha Legionnaire had indeed been caught in the deadfall trap that he'd left out for unwary prey, from the destroyed trap and the scrapings of paint on the underside of the large and heavy branch the other had likely been trapped - or partially - trapped under. There were a set of Astartes-sized footprints for him to follow deeper into the woods. The smirk on his face broadened to a grin, and he was about to fly off to hunt down his two-legged prey when he paused for a moment as he got a message from his bonded.
[You busy, Vanya?]
He hesitated for a moment before answering, using the text-to-speech feature in his helmet (making sure that his external comms were off - no need to potentially tip off to his prey that he was closeby) [Somewhat, but never too busy for you. Did you need something? I am on a hunt.]
[Oh, have fun! I just thought I saw you at the grocery store. Must have been another Night Lord.] She said, unintentionally causing Nadesir to panic a little.
He didn't know of any other Night Lords who lived in this area, and there were no Night Lords in the migratory war bands who passed through this town. At least, that had been true the last time one of the warbands had passed through, and they'd come and gone before this group of Alpha Legionnaires had decided to be spooky bastards. [... Be careful, darling. Most of my brothers are... Spectacular in how poorly socialized they are, to use your words. And it's possible that the Night Lord You saw was actually one of the shape-shifter Astartes borrowing someone else's form.]
[I'll keep that in mind. Have fun on your hunt, Vanya!] She texted back [I'll tell you when I get home.]
[See you soon, this hunt shouldn't take long.] Nadesir promised, anxiety and determination making his hearts beat quickly. He was torn between his desire to run the Alpha Legionnaire to ground, and flying back to his bonded... Especialy with this suspect Night Lord in town, he was worried that this might be some kind of trap or bluff -
Another broken branch. Another flash of teal and silver paint.
A silent snarl left Nadesir as he lunged for his prey, while also making sure to send all of the information he'd gathered on this hunt to the Ultramarine Lieutenant who'd been put in charge of handling all information that the allied Astartes in the area had gathered on their wholly unwelcome visitors. That way if he was captured or went completely silent, they had some sort of clue as to what had happened to him.
The trees were too close together for Nadesir to fly properly, but he leapt from branch to branch in the upper canopy, gliding on silent wings as he sought out the Alpha Legionnaire he'd caught sight of twice, one hand on his bolter, the other helping to steady himself on the branch he leapt to, to keep from making too much noise. 
It did not take long for the Night Lord to catch up with the single Alpha Legionnaire who was limping on the ground.
Why was there only one of them? Of the traitor legions (were Alpha legionnaires traitor? They were labeled such by the Loyalists, but Nadesir wouldn't be surprised if the true answer was much more complicated. Even so, was this Alpha Legionnaire a traitor, or was he from a time before the Horus Heresy?) the Alpha Legion almost never splintered off into groups fewer than two. He looked for signs of more Alpha Legionnaires, but did not find any. He kept pace with the bastard Hydra limping around on the ground, careful to keep behind him and moving as silently as possible, in the hopes that if the other did not know he was there, that he would not alert the other to his presence. And the injured Alpha fucker definitely seemed to be headed in a specific direction, rather than wandering around aimlessly.
Nadesir stalked the injured Alpha Legionnaire from the forest canopy, resisting the urge to swoop down and pounce on the bastard - to tear him limb from limb and leave a pretty little warning for his fellow teal fucks to find in the woods - patience was the mark of a true hunter, and if he was lucky, the other would lead him directly to wherever it was the group of Alpha Legionnaires were lairing. Hours passed, and the Alpha legionnaire eventually limped up a well-worn forest trail to a wooden cabin, knocking on it four times before entering.
Anticipation sung through the Night Lord's veins, but he again sent his current coordinates and a short explanation as to what he'd found to Lieutenant Ollias. He paused for a moment, realizing that his beloved bonded had sent him three more messages, while he'd been focused on the hunt, each more concerning than the last.
[I'm almost home, but I think I'll need to spend some time at a neighbor's place. I think someone's following me.]
[How badly socialized are most Night Lords, again? The one from the grocery store is trying to talk to me. Says he can smell you on me?]
and finally, a terrifying 
[Help! He's ajklreg-]
The timestamp was half an hour ago. No no no no no! Nadesir knew that he should have turned around and gone to his beloved at the first mention of another Night Lord. It was too unusual a happenstance for it to be a good thing, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something awful had happened to his bonded. He could only hope that she was still alive. He'd been told by older Astartes that they had felt when their human had died. Had felt the bond snap as their sanity waned. Forcing down the panic, Nadesir closed his eyes as he reached out to the wonderful, strange bond that he had with his beloved human, trying to get a general sense of where she was, his body already moving towards where she was by the time he opened his eyes again.
He could hear and smell the large, unmarked van coming minutes before it arrived, its noisy engine and awful pollutants chugging along, with his bonded inside of it. The van was moving at speed - but no faster than Nadesir himself could run. He silently judged the distance before landing on the roof of the van with an unfortunate thud.
Nadesir dug his claws into the roof of the van, the inferior metals bending and buckling beneath his strength and frantic determination. the metal shrieked and screeched as he tore open a hole large enough to see what was going on.
His human was bound and gagged, held in place by a wide-eyed human male. She was struggling against him. There were several other humans in the van, two of whom were also bound and gagged, the other six trying to keep them in place. All three of the captured humans were bonded to Astartes. He leaned in, growling in the dominant human language "I don't care what foolishness you think you're up to, but I will be taking the humans you are foolishly attempting to kidnap. Resist and I will kill you."
"Y-y-you wouldn't dare!" One of the capturing humans stuttered. He stunk of fear and was dressed in a black suit and tie, with a white under-shirt. "I-I am-"
"I. Don't. Care. Who. You think you are. You attempted to kidnap my bonded, and the bonded of two others I consider allies and friends. Then again, I could leave you stranded here. The Hydra hunt in this region. I'm sure they would feast upon your fear and helplessness before tearing you apart." Nadesir hissed. Or he could leave them for the Salamanders to find. While they were loving and soft to those whom they cherished... Well, these idiots definitely would have roused the fury of the dragons. And enraged Salamanders were breathtakingly vicious and cruel. 
"We... We... We still have a working-" Suit and tie stuttered uselessly.
Nadesir ignored his babbling, looking over to his beloved - who continued to struggle furiously against her captor. He reached for her, cutting the ropes off of her, offering her his combat knife "I'm going to stop the vehicle. I imagine these two's bonded aren't far behind you." He gently bumped his helmeted head against her forehead in a gesture of affection. "Strike hard and fast, my heart." Before he crawled back on top of the van, pulling his bolter from it's holster and shooting at the hood of the van, aiming for where the engine probably was, and blowing a large hole through the middle of it.
There was a lot of panicked shouting and wailing from the would-be kidnappers. Their symphony of fear was almost enough to provoke Nadesir to purr - but he wouldn't. Not until his precious human was safe. And that the other kidnapped humans were safe too. 
Sure enough, he could see several large green Astartes sprinting down the road towards the rapidly slowing van. He waved at them from his perch, calling out to them over vox {You here to retrieve our kidnapped humans?}
{Yes! Your appearance is timely, if surprising. We were told you were on a hunt?} The lead Salamander asked. He was one of the Primaris Marines - larger and allegedly better than first born marines. The young dragon was sure a fast fucker, at any rate. Nadesir wasn't sure what his name was.
{I was. Then my human texted me for help, so I followed my bond to where my human is. I've given her my combat knife and freed her hands and legs, so the others who were captured are going to be freed soon too.} Nadesir explained, looking back into the hole he'd created. Sure enough, his beloved had freed the other two bonded humans - and was threatening Suit-and-Tie human at knife point, using methods he'd taught her. He's so proud of her. He calls out to her "Are you ready to go, love? Or do you want to kill your would-be capturer? Or I could kill him for you, and give you his heart to devour. Or his liver. Or both!" He was... Mostly joking. He knew that cannibalism wasn't something that most humans on ancient terra did unless under extreme circumstances and desperate. But he was leaning into the terrifying reputation that his legion had earned on Ancient Terra.
"... I'd rather they face the justice system, then have them killed out of hand, Vanya. Even if this shithead's parents are wealthy enough to pay off the courts." His human huffed, glaring darkly at suit-and-tie.
"Mmm, the squad of angry Dragons says otherwise, dearheart." Nadesir crooned. He doubted that these would-be kidnappers would last long in captivity, unless they had some very compelling information to give to the local chapter masters. "Then again, the Interrogator Chaplain has been getting restless... I'm sure he'd be delighted to... Mete out the due justice these fools have earned." Oh look, and the scary bastard and his posse were following the squad of furious Salamanders. "You never should have kidnapped our humans. Ready to go home, darling?"
His human blinked and smiled, handing him his combat knife. Instead, he picked her up, nuzzling her lovingly. "I thought you wanted to hunt?" she asked, confused. 
"If you think that I am going to be anywhere but at your side for months after you got kidnapped, you should reconsider that idea. I... I am sorry to have failed in protecting you, beloved." Nadesir rumbled, guilt and shame gnawing at him. One of the would-be kidnappers tried to reach for a weapon, but with a flick of his wrist, he cut the bastard's offending hand off with one of his claws without looking.
"Hey... It wasn't your fault I got grabbed, love. And you came to get me as soon as you knew I was in trouble. I... I'd like to go home now. I'll talk to whoever Captain Urar sends to talk to me about what happened tomorrow." His beloved responded, shaking a little as she buried her face in his chest.
Nadesir kissed the top of her head. It was still a failure on his part that she'd gotten kidnapped - perhaps he needed to ensure his reputation was terrifying enough that none would dare approach her with covetous thoughts? Ah, but he didn't want to potentially scare her away, either... These were things to consider later, however. The squad of Salamanders had arrived and he nodded politely to the sergeant leading them, saying "I'm going to take my human home. We'll both give full reports of what we know happened tomorrow."
"That works for me, go on home." The sergeant responded. "And yes, I'm aware of the Pride half a klik behind me. They're bored and frankly, I think that letting them handle the idiots would be entertaining."
The night lord raptor nodded, holding his human closer as he took to the skies. She slowly started to relax in her arms, the fear and anxiety in her scent giving way to wonder and delight. She always did really enjoy it when he took her for a flight.
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tagedeszorns · 1 month
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All of them.
They are available as stickers/shirts/on mugs/whatever in my Redbubble-shop.
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Female Alpha Legionnaire by Octosoup
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wh40kartwork · 5 months
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by niellustrate
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nevesmose · 1 month
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Loyalists + Bonus
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shady-wolfninja · 9 months
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Alpharius & Omegon
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beethereal-knight · 4 months
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Mer!40k Designs: Part 1 2 3 4
Alpharius (or Omegon), an enigmatic sea serpent.
... And also the last mer design for now, at until May rolls around...
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alternativeminiatures · 5 months
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Hydra Dominatus by Artur Nakhodkin
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jet-teeth · 6 months
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A lil while back on one of the early False Raven posts I tossed out here, a couple people brought up the Alpha Legion as sort of a comparable/semi-related concept. And while lore-wise they do differ, there are enough parallels in how they operate - I think it would be incredibly funny to see them go at each other. Infiltrator vs infiltrator. Spy vs Spy! Upright versions & original "beakie" base before I modified them for their respective legions:
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farsight-the-char · 5 months
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Cum Box Real, unfortunately.
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zmasters · 9 months
“I can’t decide what to paint my Chaos Space Marines as. Oh hey, a CSM Personality Test, that may help.”
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bleedingichorhearts · 2 months
Imagine trying to survive having that train of four absolute studs run on you.
That is to say, I think you'd need major aftercare after a gray knight and three alpha legion.
𝕽𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: You, you are something else. This my first attempt writing with multiple characters at once, let’s see how this goes. No official name for the warband/group yet.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: Having one on you was one thing, having four was another.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: Idk, I just write, lol.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: If you are under the age of 18. Shoo! Go away! Skedaddle! Why you reading this in the first place? Be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 for/of yourself. Has not been proofread.
TW // SMUT/NSFW, Filthy, Cursing.
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Walking along the dirt trail, the smell of wet pine and dirt evaded my senses. Calming my tense nerves of today.
Everything seemed different today. Not just because of the dark clouds rolling in, but because of how different the Astarte's looked to be. They were more... uptight, cranky even if I wasn't around, it confused me. It wasn't like them for them to be so, abrasive.
Whatever they were conflicting about had got me on edge because I did not want to see another house torn down again, but who's to say something to an almost 7-foot tall, armored Astartes, who can possibly throw you more than 100 yards? No one really, well... maybe a mother or a crackhead.
Nevertheless, I didn't want to be there if a full out brawl happened at the house. I didn't want to be caught in the middle of it. So, I've managed to sneak pass their senses while they were too busy sizing each other up or at least, I thought I did.
Hydra wasn't even paying attention to the argument at hand. He was more focused on someone far more interesting than this petty argument. Someone who is trying to slip under their radar, undetected. This was his chance.
He moved forward, sneaking away from the warband, leaving his brethren to the Knight where he went to the tree line their little serpent disappeared to. Her scent clinging to the flora there, his instincts going haywire.
He didn’t hesitate to pursued her scent quickly with his mind yelling at him. Knowing if those dark clouds rolled in, they would cover her scent and he'll have to wait for it to pass and that's something he's not fond of.
The trees moved with the wind that came with the dark clouds. Tiny rain drops falling from the darkened sky, hitting my coat. The smell of the rain enhancing the smell of pine, it made the area feel nostalgic.
It was cold, but it felt nice to be away from the Astartes for a while, even in this weather. It might have not been a good idea, but you take what you can right? Since when was the last time, I had time by myself without the eyes of the Astartes?
Stopping underneath a tree, I looked up to the sky. Watching how the dark clouds moved slowly above, yet the branches were quick like the rain drops that hit my face. It wasn't pouring just yet, but it will be very soon as a rumbled shook within the clouds.
I crouched down at the unexpected noise, barely feeling a gauntlet of an Astartes that touched the collar of my coat. My heart jumping in my chest at the suddenness.
The wind whipped in my ears when I turned to look at the Astartes. His form crouching and angry looking. His red visor glowing perfectly against the darkening sky. The rain becoming more quicker and harsher than it was.
My heart thumped in my ears louder than the thunder. Thoughts racing on my predicament. Were they angry at me for leaving them? Did they have pent up anger? What made them seem so angry?
Though, I was glad that I had a few run ins with Solor to be able to evade at least some of the basic moves they had, but this was an Alpha Legion, they had all sorts of tricks up their sleeves. They were unpredictable.
He rushed forward and I took off, not wasting any time to avoid the Astartes. Knowing just how fast they could be by personal experience.
I didn't know who it was chasing me. It could be any of the Hydras, but the sky had gotten darker with each minute, with each breath. It was getting harder to see, to identify who exactly it was. Which, in some way makes it thrilling.
There was something about it. Having an Astartes chasing you down within the forest while you know they are much bigger, better, and faster than you. That Astartes can track you down like no other human can. It brought a fluttery feeling to my stomach as I thought about it.
The sky rumbled as I took a sudden sharp turn. My body heating up despite the rain pelting down on me. I heard the Astartes behind me running into the tree for how fast they were. A loud snap echoed off through the sound of the rain. A low growl left their helmet, not expecting that move.
Zigzagging between the trees, slowing him down when he got too close for my nerves. I made sure to keep low to the ground. The soaked flora around me whipping against my own wet face.
Barely hearing a frustrated growl, I spotted a building up head through the heavy rain. It’s blocky shadow lit up from the streetlights just outside of it. Thinking if I made it there, I could get a moment of rest before going off again.
Heading for the building. I nearly made it, but slipped on the muddy ground as the Astartes gauntlets picked me up by the waist. Making me realize just how close he really was. I wouldn’t even have to time to rest there.
His body turned to take the impacting into the building, breaking the wall open. Both of us landing onto the ground with a loud crash. Some sparks going off between armor and cement.
Dazed, and breathless. I needed a moment to recover from the run while the blue Astartes switched spots. His armored form now hovering above me as I turned my body around, ready to crawl my way out from underneath the Alpha Legion.
A hiss sounded off, then multiple clunks of an object bounced off to my side. Looking over, it was the Astartes helmet.
“Hydra?” I questioned the Astartes behind me. Unsure if it was the right Legionnaire. His arms wrapping around my form and dragging me back flush underneath him. Body curling over mine just to whine into my shoulder.
Confusion wrapped my mind as I thought the Astartes were mad at me. They were staying far away from one another hissing, arguing in their own language. Sometimes trying to start fights with one another.
Another clunk sounded off. A gauntlet sliding down my waist before resting just above my core. A sudden heat, twitching beneath me.
The realization struck me, my stomach doing flips while I clenched around nothing. His gauntlet taking a part of my pants and ripping it off with ease. A pleased purr leaving him as he slowly dragged himself lower and lower.
“Wait, wait, I don’t think I can-” I gasped and clenched my teeth. A whine leaving me as I tried to move away from the painful stretch of him, but his arm; that wrapping around me kept me in place. A warm coo tickling my ear.
He would have eaten her out first. To taste what sweets she had to give, but she smelled so good. Her arousal and scent clouding his heightened senses strongly, getting him dazed off of her.
He wanted to push in more, but he knows just how small their little serpent is. Her walls already fluttering around him, gripping at him like a vice, making him groan.
He curled up as much as he could around his little serpent. His head nuzzling into her face, as his hips grinded down into her tight walls. Another whimper leaving her.
“Hydra.” She called his name. Her body quivering beneath him. Her hand coming forward to grab onto his gauntlet that held him above from crushing her. Pushing her body backwards in him, and just like that, he was a goner.
He rutted up into her, a cry leaving her as she clutched onto his gauntlet. Her walls clenching around him while he snarled out. Desperate to give her what she wanted. Desperate to breed her.
His other arm; still wrapped around her, kept her in place as his pace got faster, and faster. He could feel the bulge he created from just being inside of her. He could feel her submitting to him with each thrust, her body tensing up.
That’s it, little serpent. Cum for me.
She cried out underneath him, clawing at anything she can get a grip on. His armored chest rumbling against her back with his own moan. His teeth nibbling on her shoulder.
He felt her twitch beneath him as his seed stained her walls. His hips slowly gridding into her for a more hopeful effect. Slowly working himself up to pull another one.
“Little serpent?” The voice of Asclepius called out. Hydra snarling out until he realized it was just his brethren. Hips still grinding as he chittered to his brother. Telling him just how yielding their little serpent was being. They could have done this a long time ago.
“Brother, give her sometime to recover.” Asclepius reminded his brother. A whine coming out of him, then a chuff. “She won’t be able to.”
A whine left me as I felt Hydra move, feeling suddenly empty before I was gently pushed over on my back. The cold ground sending a shiver up my heated skin.
“There you are, Little serpent.” Asclepius purred. His armored form keeling down between my legs. His gauntlet slowly dragging against my thighs, slowly tearing off the rest of my clothes.
“A-Asclepius?” I called out. Confused on when he got here or maybe he was watching?
“Yes, little serpent? Think you can take another?” He asked, picking up my leg and throwing it over his shoulder. A groan coming out of his mouth as he exhaled. The scent of her driving him crazy. “Oh, I think you can, little serpent. You smell so good.”
He gave a singular lick to her thigh, tasting her, and hydras arousal on the inside of her thighs. Her cute little whimpers making him all to eager she shove her down on him as well while he lined himself up and slowly pushed himself in. The length of him brushing up in all the right places in side of her gummy walls.
“Hydra.” She called out to the Astartes in front of him, reaching out for his brother. Not bothering to acknowledge that he was pleasuring himself with his own hand as he came forward, kneeling in front of her.
She grabbed ahold of his armor, and tugged his form closer. A high pitched moan coming from her as she tensed up. Shuting herself up by giving Hydra a sloppy kiss. A rumbling purr going through him.
"Already? Come on my litter serpent, you can give me one more, please?" He groaned and begged. His form leaning over hers. His teeth nibbling on her neck as she moaned into Hydras’ mouth.
“I-I don’t kno-” She tried to speak, but got shushed by Hydra. His skillful tounge, and his thrusting inside of her not helping her thinking process at all.
“Come on, little serpent.” He said, his pace picking up at the thought of climaxing with her to ensure probability. His gauntlet squeezing her thigh.
A silent cry fell into Hydras mouth. Hydras seed staining the front side of her body while his recoated inside of her. His hips gridding into her just like Hydra did.
Nearly plopping to the ground, if it weren’t for Hydra to catch me. My legs were numb, and started to get sore as he lifted me up bridal style in his arms, and placed me on a nearby surface. Soft purring coming from both the hydras before it was replaced by a much deeper rumble.
“I believe, it is my turn then?” They asked. The two hydras backing off slightly, growling out in dissatisfaction.
“It’s only…fair.” Asclepius responded. A deep hum coming from the voice who I barely recognized as Solor.
"Oh, little maiden." He purred out. His gauntlets settling on my hips, practically covering them. “How far did you think you could go?”
I whined. Sh*t, f*ck. I don’t think I can handle him.
“No matter, I’ll always find you.” He cooed, taking off his codpiece. Lining himself up.
"You smell like them. I don't like that." He stated, getting some disapproving growls. "Let's change that, little maiden."
Her back arched up in shock. Mouth dropping open in a silent cry. Legs desperately trying to close around him in attempt to push him away.
Solor growled out, pushing himself in more. Winding her to the surface. Tears staining her cheeks as she managed to let out a whimper.
Solor cursed in his language. Thrusting deep, and hard inside of her. Each one giving her stars in her eyes.
“S-Solor, please.” She begged, receiving an angered growl in return.
“Who are you, to run from me?” He snarled. His hips snapping up, getting a loud cry. “To run off like that?”
Her body shook around him. Another cry coming from her mouth as her body twitched around him. Her vision fading black as worried coos echoing out around her.
“Yes, they we go my little maiden.”
Waking back up was not pleasant. Everything hurt. A single move I’ve made against the soft blankets of the bed made me ache. A pitiful whine leaving me.
Gentle hands pulled me into a chest. A chuff of hot breath on top of my head as deep purrs soothed my pulsing brain. His hands dragging up and down my numbed out legs.
Trying my best to return the much more soft gesture. I could only nuzzle myself underneath Leviathans chin; recognizing him from his longing purrs alone.
I whined at him feeling him gently as he could slid himself inside of me. His girth giving me a stretch, but his deep purrs were soothing.
"Please, be gentle." I whined at him, getting a soft coo in response. His hips slowly thrusting into mine. Soft moans heating up his neck while I nibbled a little. Earning a teasing, but slow thrust.
I softly called his name, feeling that build up once again. Arms trying to wrap around the giant in front of me in order to stabilize myself as I approached my high. Feeling how his seed filled me.
We didn’t move from one another. Simply basking in the afterglow the session had provided. His hands gently tracing all around my body. Avoiding specific areas that were bruised until eventually I feel back asleep.
Aftercare was a completely different session.
Leviathan took me to the bathroom. His arms settling me down softly into the bubble bath with him sliding right behind me. His purrs creating vibrations through it making me laugh at it. His head nuzzling the top of my head.
Asclepius took care of me afterwards, bandaging anything up they might have caused last night. Providing kisses here and there to sooth my pain when in reality he felt bad for causing such damage.
Hydra provided some food and water. Making sure I ate after the heavy sessions, but luckily enough he didn’t provide raw meat either.
Last was Solor. He came in at the end of the day. Slowly coming in through the bedroom door before crawling onto the bed. His forehead touching mine in a silent apology before he completely laid his head down on my chest, nuzzling into it. My hands slowly threading through his hair.
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nnnlap · 2 months
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wh40kartwork · 25 days
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A Whole Different Beast
by Konstantin Void
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