#All together now
jeansvoid · 2 years
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Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Green
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kindlingkeen · 1 month
People talk about Jason being the angry Robin a lot (I’ll fight people on this /lh, he may have gotten angry I don’t deny that, but he was so much more than that. This kid wanted to help people!!) and generally focus on him disagreeing/fighting w Bruce a lot.
I think more people should talk about the fact Jason was able to make Batman laugh, on just an awful anniversary too. Like, Batman is known for being stoic and just generally…not a happy dude? But this little kid comes along! And now the ‘dark knight’ is smiling and laughing!! Jason made Bruce happy then & afterwards too as Jason & Robin.
Anyway, that I think adds to the heartache of his death / Bruce being so close far more than their fight does. (Not that the fight isn’t important or anything, it absolutely is) that difference between that happy caring kid to the current Jason is supposed to be shocking 👏 not expected 👏
I agree, it absolutely adds to the heartache of his death.
I think there’s two related reasons for the focus on Jason as the “angry” Robin.
1) After Jason died, dc made a concerted effort to rewrite history that ‘Jason was reckless and angry and didn’t listen to Batman so his death was his fault and really he had it coming’. Because apparently the thing to do after you brutally murder a child as part of a grotesque media stunt is to use classism and victim blaming to gaslight your audience in order to deflect from your own failings. 🤢
For example just look at the difference between this panel from Batman #614 published in 2003:
Jason never had the skills that Dick had.
I’ve always known that Dick had a gift. Jason only had … rage.
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Versus these panels from Batman #410 published in 1987 where we see Jason display obvious skill in hand-to-hand and acrobatics, and Bruce calls Dick and Jason “two of a kind”:
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2) It’s a lot easier to not feel bad about Jason’s brutal demise if you focus on him as a bad seed to begin with. Like, who wants to think about a happy kid who excelled at school and loved his dad being beaten half to death and blown up.
So, yeah, I totally agree with you anon, the difference between pre-death Jason and post-death Jason is supposed to be shocking, not expected. Most of all it’s tragic. 😔
(PS…Sorry it took me forever to answer your ask, anon. I’ve been searching for a particular comic panel I wanted to include as a reference. I finally had to admit defeat and move on without it. 😕)
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zairaalbereo · 1 year
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The Old Guard — here they are, all together!
(art available on redbubble)
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somecunttookmyurl · 11 months
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headlessstar · 6 months
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askthehoenngods · 6 days
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Happy pride month :P
(A note on Don's - Don was, before Kyogre, Aromantic, hence why it is across his shoulder and folded up. This'll be explored at a later time ;) )
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ceevee5 · 2 months
“The thinktank said ministers had in effect abandoned more than 1 million older people who lacked support to stay in work or to retire. It found that between 2010 and 2022, the number of people living in poverty aged between 60 and the state pension age had ballooned by about 800,000 to 1.2 million.”
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fandomstars · 5 months
Watch Pokemon Concierge!
We need a petition or something to keep it going, it only has four episodes!
Come on people, let’s get that petition going!
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killingfrankie · 2 months
kms this song is so good
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It's OK to be Different by Lester Public Library Via Flickr: Summer Reading Decorations at the Lester Public Library, Two Rivers, Wisconsin
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Hey idk if you’re taking requests rn but I was wondering if you could write some fluff with one of auli’i’s characters (it doesn’t really matter which one) where the reader is just being the biggest flirt and she won’t take the hint until the reader kissed her
Lost Cause
Amber Appleton x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language?
Thank you for requesting! Enjoy:)
“Amber, what is the matter with you? Why are you so fidgety?” Ty asks.
“You know y/n?” Asked Amber.
“Yeah, you’ve mentioned her before. Why?” The guy looks at him confused.
“Well, she asked me to hang out with her tomorrow night. Like go to dinner together.” Amber reveals.
“That’s great!”
“What? No.” Amber was horrified.
“Amber, you are seriously so oblivious sometimes.” He sighs, “She likes you. We only met her one time and it was insanely obvious.”
“That is impossible.” Amber’s eyes widened momentarily.
“Why do you find it so ridiculous that someone has feelings for you?” Ty laughs.
“I mean- look at her.”
“The girl’s been shamelessly flirting with you.” Ricky pointed out, “She was pretty touchy with you and you were so okay with it.”
“You too? My God.” Amber huffs.
“Okay, look- the winter dance is coming up.” Ricky continues, “We know you like her, so why don’t you make a move and ask her to go with you?”
“That is a great idea, Ricky.” Jordan quipped, “It would be the perfect opportunity for a first kiss- very romantic.”
“First kiss? Seriously? I cannot even get a proper sentence out when I see her.” Amber guffaws.
“Exactly. You do like her. And she likes you.” Jordan stated, “It’s easy- you have her number just casually drop her text and ask if she wants to join you. Not that it’s going to be a date.”
“I don’t see how that’s supposed to help- I’m still going to be spending time alone with her but she won’t know I want it to be a date?”
“Oh, Amber. You are a lost cause.” Ricky tutted, “Give me your phone.”
“No, why?”
“Just give it to me. My friends, we’re gonna help Amber ask out her crush.” Ricky announces.
“Yeah, Amber. Don’t let the girl’s efforts go to waste.” Jordan laughed, “Phone.”
“You can check what they type out before you decide to send it or not.” Ty reminded, “Y’know?”
“First thing’s first, do you want to go to dinner with her?” Ricky asked, “That’s what you need to answer first,”
“Do you honestly just always shove your feelings aside and ignore them? She was your roommate. How’ve you not kissed already is beyond me,” Jordan remarked.
“I wish it were that easy.” Amber sighs softly, nearly rolling her eyes. “You guys know I-”
“Yes.” They chorused. “That’s why we’re gonna help you text her,” Ricky added on.
Amber took her phone out and slid it across the table.
After school, Amber immediately went to get ready for tonight. She was excited, but more so nervous. She probably cared a little too much about what you thought— that’s how much she liked you. However, given that your little date location was a dinner, she ended up wearing hoodie and jeans. She was seriously deciding on the dress, though. But she didn’t. As you walked up the street to reach the dinner, you see her walk down the street- towards you.
“Hi, Amber.” You gave her a little wave.
“Hey.” She replies.
You two quickly got a seat and were now looking through the menu. “I was going to wear a dress. But I thought that was too formal.” Amber began. Much to your surprise.
You chuckle, “You know, I thought the same.” You were wearing a sweatshirt and cargo pants.
“Well, great minds think alike.” She giggles. Amber was blushing.
“Hey, do you have a date to the winter dance?” You asked, shutting the menu having already decided on what to order.
“Uh…” She looked away for a second, “Um, no. I was- thinking, if maybe…you wanna go with me? Like a date?”
“A date?” You didn’t expect her to make the first move- you were going to ask her. But she’d beat you to it. “With you? I mean-”
“I-it doesn’t have to be a date, but I-”
You interjected, “Amber, relax. I would love to go to the dance with you.”
“Really?” Her face lit up. “Of course.” You smiled, reaching out to put your hand on hers. Amber then pursed her lips together trying to hide her smile but failed to do so.
Over dinner, she slowly opened up- talking to you without too much care at all. Her actually bubbly personality and bright smile made your heart flutter. Amber who such an optimist too, which you loved about her. “Well, I’ve been alone honestly for the last 2 years…no family. Just my friends.” Her closest friends: Ty, Jordan and Ricky were all going to school in the same state or nearby states. So they still hung out sometimes. Pretty often, actually.
There were some rumours going around the school about what happened to her Mom, but you knew her Dad has passed away when she was twelve from a heart condition. You ignored the crap, obviously, knowing it wasn’t true.
“Well, um- you’ve got me now.” You smiled. She does the same back and then proceeded to stab at a little cut-up piece of syrup drenched waffle on her plate.
That night, you walked Amber back to her dorm before you headed back to yours. “Good night, Amber.”
“Good night.” She gave you a shy smile. And as you were about to turn and leave. “Wait.” She stops you, grabbing onto your wrist.
You stopped, looking into her eyes, waiting for her to continue speaking.
“Are we…”
You let a chuckle slip, you cautiously leaned closer to her, your hand sliding up her cheek to cup it, and then your lips met- igniting a spark in both of you that was yearning to make itself known…and Amber, stood before you in shock and delight, slowly reciprocating. She kisses you back, her hands on your back, almost reflexively pulling you closer. Your kisses linger for a minute before you two mutually broke away, just a tiny bit breathless.
“Those that answer your question? Or are you gonna need another clue?” You grinned.
“Mhm.” Amber nodded, her shyness taking over again as she blushed, “Can I kiss you again?”
You nodded happily and obliged, letting her kiss you this time. You loved it- she claimed that she’s never kissed anyone before but she was good, though. “Good night, y/n.” She hugs you with the biggest smile on her face.
“Sweet dreams, Amber.” You cupped her cheek and kissed her on the nose, “I’ll see you again soon.”
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
Guys my friend who is 19 years of age has never read Percy Jackson and she wants to start reading now. How insane is it that she's gonna start reading AND THEN THE SERIES WILL COME OUT oh my god can you imagine us as insane 13 yr olds frothing our mouths over it
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jamiesfootball · 8 months
One of the things that’s been noodling in my head since the finale is how Ted Lasso plays the forgiveness card in regards to the Tartt Sr situation.
Yes, I’ve banged on this drum before. I shall bang on it again. Buh-dum.
Bear with me as I start from the outside and work my way in by first referencing a moment from a different show.
In Leverage, there’s an episode where they convince the guy they’re trying to take down to break out of police custody by making him think he’s in the middle of a deadly epidemic that’s being covered up by the government. The details of this aren’t important, but when Nate is explaining why it worked, he says something along the lines of ‘there’s a part of your brain that’s meant to question and make judgements. What we did was we tapped into the emotional center of his brain, so that he would forget to question anything.’
Now I'm paraphrasing, but this is actually a good summary of how a lot of cons work- they create an emotional story and a sense of relationship, to make you forget to ask ‘wait does this guy just want my money.’ Think of scary voicemails telling you your student loans got sent to collections and you need to call now. Think Nigerian Prince schemes. Think car dealerships.
Because that is the power of a story when the narrative structure follows all the guidelines. You become invested, and you believe the narrative. (This is also why Jump the Shark exists, when a narrative has wobbled so off its tracks that the belief becomes suspended, but I digress.)
So the issue for me with regards to the James Tartt Sr story line, is that from a technical standpoint the wider Story of Ted Lasso did meet the minimum requirements for ‘believable.' My coworker, for instance, absolutely loved how ALL the story lines tied up in the finale, including that one. She couldn’t explain why, she just said it was ‘really nice and it worked for her.’
But I’ll highlight that bit in the middle—she couldn’t explain why—because that’s the thrust of the situation. The Story, from her perspective, told a satisfying emotional conclusion by hitting all the correct points. It essentially did what a con does, and in the resulting emotion she failed to question it.
And I think therein lies the trouble with the Jamie's dad story line. Because it is being told within the scope of a broader narrative, it is allowed to coast on the merits of the rest of the narrative. For three seasons, the show preaches forgiveness and second chances and people having depth, so when it asks you to do it again at the end - with Jamie's dad, hell I'd even say with Rupert for a hot second - you already have within you all the emotional build-up to say 'yes.'
Except that the buildup doesn’t happen with James, or even Rupert, it happens to the people that they hurt. Jamie’s the one who learned how to be better. Jamie is the one who tried to make amends to the people he hurt. Jamie is the one who had to un-fuck his whole life. Jamie earned all of that emotional payoff.
His dad did not.
So the show sells you one emotional story, and at the end shuffles in another to reap the benefits of it.
But just like a con only works as long as you don’t start to question it, the second you question the James Tartt Sr storyline the more you realize how much of that work happened elsewhere in the story.
You know those youtube videos that are cut together scenes of ‘every time This Character talks about Big Plot Point’? Think of those videos. Sometimes they’re a concentrated dose of very high tense moments, but sometimes they’re a little anemic, aren’t they? Sometimes you watch those videos and realize just how much heavy lifting other scenes did just to imply that the narrative was moving forward.
Well if you made a youtube video of ‘all the scenes that mention / have James Tartt Sr in them’ and cut them together, you definitely do NOT get an emotionally satisfying ending. In fact you go from someone who implies that their father is violent, to seeing their father be violent, to seeing their father threaten violence to his kid, to seeing him inflict that violence on someone else in place of his kid, to the kid confiding in someone else that even more fucked up shit happened, to the kid’s mom trying to console him, to the kid literally showing symptoms of PTSD at the idea his father might be around-
-to someone asking him if maybe he should try to let that go
-to their dad being proud of them
-to reestablishing contact
-to a happy montage of them smiling together the end.
At bare minimum there is an entire confrontation missing. And that is minimum. Minimum narrative work said this storyline should have had a climax. But this is a storyline that did not breathe on its own- it relied on a dozen smaller, unrelated, moments to give it the illusion of a satisfying ending.
And since it was weaved in with the rest, to some people – people who were too in vested in the story to question it – that was a great ending. That was a perfect ending.
That’s the illusion of telling a story- people are predisposed to believing the story that is being told, to the point where they will forget to ask questions.
When people talk about this kind of narrative being a dangerous one? That’s where that comes from. That’s what it means. It’s not just that someone depicted a story of someone forgiving their abuser, it’s that the did it in such a way that that isn’t even what happened. Most of the time it is the narrative that forgives the abuser, not the character. The character doesn’t get to scream and cry and let out all the pain they suffered. The character doesn’t get to set boundaries and learn to experience the world safely. The character, often times, isn’t even worth an apology from the person who hurt them.
It isn't the character who gets closure in these narratives; it's the audience who does. And it’s so insidious that it can very nearly trick a person in real life into thinking that maybe they too will get closure if they forgive someone – without ever realizing that in these stories, the narrative was never on their side in the first place.
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crazyrichxplainr · 11 months
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Auli'i Cravalho for Grumpy (ph: Sami Drasin)
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littlequeenies · 6 months
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Pattie Boyd and Rod Weston; and Jane Asher and Gerald Scarfe attend the launch of Louise Fennell's debut novel "Dead Rich" at White Cube on February 8, 2012 in London, England. (Photos by Dave M. Benett/Getty Images).
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