#All of this is a baseline
The "Fix" for 6v6
"6v6 this, 5v5 that. How do we fix this? Can it be fixed? I long for the days of OW1-"
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Alright! Alright.
I am a shameless 6v6 advocate (an Oldhead, if you will) and miss the days of double Tank that expressly allowed me to work with a Teammate to keep my squishies alive-
-or feed my brains out charging the front lines as a giant 9f armoured mess of a german yelling "Beer!" just before I'm flayed by focus fire.
That very specific feeling is a microcosm of all that it meant to Tank in a game like Overwatch. It is a feeling that celebrated the comforts and joys of limited engagement onto the enemy, so that you could provide maximum protection and safeguarding for your team.
There's nothing quite like pulling off a Winston Bubble-Nuke, Earthshattering a nano'ing Genji in your backline for the split second he's forced to touch the ground, or Halting some poor schmuck off the map as Orisa (the only vaguely enjoyable mechanic out of her Overwatch 1 kit).
And when I say "There's nothing" I genuinely mean, nothing.
None of that made the transfer over to Overwatch 2 for a variety of reasons. Damage Mitigation resources just can't be spent in those flashy ways anymore, while Support abilities make a mockery of every Earthshatter you might throw out there.
And Halt? Well that's just not in the game anymore.
This is Nostalgia, mind you. Nothing to be done there, beyond reminisce. A bit of the old ways while I dribble around looking for my first rocking chair and the inevitable shotgun to be wielded against future zombies/mutants/guvernmints on my lawn-
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-except that would just keep my awake for the next few years trying to appease the Neurodivergence, screaming about pattern recognition and Game Design using as many firing neurons as possible.
How to Build out a proper 6v6 Foundation:
The following is a small list of foundational changes from which, a Development Team could easily explore a re-structured 6v6 format that would also account for re-works and re-designs of varying quality.
(Or at least, the sorts of re-designs and re-works I would personally love to see but, would require this foundation to be possible.)
Each of these is meant to work in conjunction with one another, relaxing the more restrictive elements of the game to return a lot of the design potential needed to make really creative and engaging hero designs. Too much of that potential is locked up in large health, healing, and (potential) damage values.
(Note: Beyond the below changes, removing any and all Role Passives while reverting the Season 9 changes, except for the projectile sizes, would be necessary for any of this to work as intended.)
Let's get stuck in:
1 - Decrease Hitboxes for Hero models
This one is fairly simple. Reduce visual clutter by decreasing the over all volume of hitboxes within any given match. This would include not just the hitboxes of the Heroes themselves, but also any deployables and visual effects for abilities they would have.
It would not need to be drastic.
5% for Supports, DPS, and Junkerqueen (except for those whose hitboxes are already small I.E - Kiriko, Baby Dva, Illari, and Tracer).
10% for all other Tanks.
Maintaining the projectile size increase from Season 9 + reducing overall Hitboxes, allows for body shot potential to remain relatively easy, while increasing Critical Shot difficulty slightly.
2 - Provide all Heroes with 'Squishy' Health
Rather than attempt to reduce Tank Health (which promotes a lopsided degree of survival across individual Tanks), all Heroes in every Role should be given somewhere between 50 - 250 standard health
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This sets a firm, reflexive, understanding whenever a hero is vulnerable; either by operating in a vulnerable state to begin with in the case of many DPS and most Supports?
Or by damaging a Tank enough to put that Tank into their vulnerable or 'Squishy' health.
If all heroes can be measured inside the Squishy range, then every player in a given match has the potential to calculate the use of resources and values necessary to secure an elimination. Tanks are no longer relegated to such an extreme separation in Health states that they require their own separate calculations from enemies and allies.
With standard health universalized, Tanks are now free to be Tanks based on what type of Damage Adjustment Health they have (Armour, Shield, Overhealth, etc.)
Turn Overhealth into a Damage Adjustment Health type as well (call it Resilience or something) and give it to any Tank that uses Healing as a sustain mechanic (Roadhog, Junkerqueen, Mauga, any future Tanks with Healing Sustain).
Give Damage Adjustment Health different sound effects for when they take damage (metallic pings for Armour, digital 'woops' for Shields, etc.), to easily tell when dealing damage switches between the Tank's protective health and their Squishy health.
What this accomplishes:
Healers use less resources to get their Tanks back into their Damage Adjustment Health, increasing independence for Tanks and Supports both.
Tanks have significantly more Damage Adjustment Health, but, overall, less total Health (Rein would be 200 Health + 250armour = 450 Total Health).
Damage Mitigation design can be strengthened, improving Tank's active survival mechanics, rather than the boring/sustain of high health pools
Increased health consistency across all Roles, improves both player understanding and learning of the game's basics.
Reduced need for heavy handed CC/Debuff effects to punish Tanks.
3 - Universalize AoE Healing with Single Target
All Healing should have a percentage decrease, depending on how many Heroes are receiving healing from the same source.
Single Target healing will always receive 100% of the healing source
Ex. Ana Biotic Rifle or Mercy Healing Beam will always do 100% of their healing, before modifiers.
If a source of healing would affect multiple heroes, the source is reduced by 15% per target included in the Area of Effect.
Ex. Baptiste's Regenerative Burst would do 100% of the healing if no one but Baptiste is in the Area of Effect. It would do 85% with one(1) other Teammate in the AoE, and 70% if two(2) other teammates were in the AoE.
The lowest any healing could go (before modifiers) would be 50%.
Ult charge would remain largely unchanged, making AoE Healing's benefit fixed more on building more ult charge off of multiple heroes affected, while single target healing would benefit from higher healing output at source.
What this accomplishes:
Reflexive counterplay embedded in Damage vs. Healing values, further prioritizing of targets for both sides, that rewards good choices, positioning, and resource management.
Promotes the use of utility, alternative sustain mechanics, and survivability effects and their executions in non-Tanks.
Alleviates the stat creep of Healing, both in speed of application and total amount delivered.
And lastly (DPS players, the spoiled brats that they are, will probably hate this, but it's necessary):
4 - Turn Critical Modifiers into a Percentage based on Range (maybe, Travel Speed as well)
Critical hits will now be measured based on where a Hero's fall off range begins and provided a certain percentage based on that range (adjusted based on kit and Design Structure).
Falloff below 20 metres = 30 - 50% critical modifier
Falloff between 20 - 40 metres = 50 - 75% critical modifier
Falloff between 40 - 60 metres = 75 - 90% critical modifier
All damage output with Critical Option, will now be subject to the range at which the Hero doing the damage, operates at across all Roles.
Close ranged DPS (Reaper, Tracer, etc.), benefit from a larger critical hitbox on their opponent and do not need excessive critical damage to be a threat.
Longer ranged DPS, must hit a smaller critical hitbox on their opponent, rewarding higher critical damage for successful shots.
(Note: Projectiles will always be 100% of damage, due to travel speed and the more inconsistent nature of their application, though it might be worth testing this out using the above values as a range measurement)
What this accomplishes:
The lowering of Potential Damage, rather than Base Damage, strengthens access between lower level and higher level play, rewarding better positioning, game-sense, and non-mechanical knowledge, much earlier in the rankings.
Skillful play is segregated based on value extracted across Heroes (and Players) and their preferences, rather than on general optimization. Hero skill expression is much more rewarding, rather than Hero selection.
One-shots are heavily reduced to only the highest ends of Hero/Kit expression, allowing for significantly improved Kit Design for those heroes who relied on them to be useful (Widow, Hanzo, Roadhog, etc.)
Non-critical option Heroes no longer need excessive Damage output to compensate for the missing Potential Damage (Junkrat, Pharah, etc.).
Base Damage can be balanced across a wider range of numbers from patch to patch, hero to hero (no more 0.5 adjustments).
Damage Modifiers are now universalized with Critical hits as a total percentage, easing the calculations needed during fights.
Damage Amplification effects are far more tolerable for all heroes and can be much more easily balanced
Whew! A lot to work with, but overall, the above should be codable based on a variety of other examples that have already been included in the game at one point or another in it's history.
As a foundation, this would serve to place the entire cast into a baseline state of
"Everyone can be vulnerable, everyone can be healed, every can do damage, but it's up to the Player to execute for the win."
All while maintaining their Role's preference for How to execute.
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mintcakeart · 3 months
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cowboy warmup sketch 26/2/24 ft. the transgenderification beam
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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more of the dapper lad! i Cannot get him out of my brain
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razberrypuck · 1 year
ik I've joked about it before but I really do love how the slimecicle character formula is just like. make a silly goofy wet guy. give him unimaginable amounts of childhood trauma and bad coping mechanisms. make his life just a little bit better and then tear it away from him. gay rp to ease the pain. and you know what? I eat that shit up every time we love charlie slimecicle in this household
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 4 months
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i feel like maul would get into tea because the perfectionism and theatre of good tea making would appeal to his inner neurotic thespian. he would also just enjoy flavors, after knowing food scarcity. a small 6oz cup is probably the right rate of hydration for him post lotho minor, on fuckin repeat all day of course, so i imagine he picked the habit up naturally.
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m0rbs · 3 months
If you could only show someone one episode of any Star Trek series what episode would you pick? :)
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That one where Spock's tits are huge and it looks like he just forgot to wear his binder
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charcubed · 7 months
oh everyone and their DISCLAIMERS about how “lokius will never be canon because disney and marvel are awful, but”........ well I have nothing to lose so. fuck disclaimers! this is my idea of fun! what if it CAN and WILL be canon, huh? what if the story is gonna go where it seems to be headed. what if I say they’re going to kiss on international streaming television. who’s gonna stop me
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sashayed · 6 months
i know we're all trying to figure this one out but how does one uhhhh keep the emphasis on the atrocity of what is happening in gaza, how does one continue to work from all angles against this genocidal collective punishment inflicted on palestinians by the IDF and the israeli government, while also being honest about the huge-scale, terrifying, constant jew-hatred -- i think that is a slightly more accurate word than the now-anodyne "antisemitism" -- that has found a safe place to metastasize within that movement. LOL
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oxygen-stealer · 15 days
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I be thinking real hard about audio adventures,,, they put drugs in these batman podcasts i swear to god
Some kinda suggestive sketches under the cut also
DO NOT COME FOR ME i forgot autumn had a canon design. Not that I would have followed it that closely. Anyway her and miss tuesday should kiss i said what i said
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Freakish thing on the left is my jon <3
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theforgottengreatpoem · 6 months
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To become a god is the loneliest achievement of all.
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39oa · 1 year
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Jason Robertson for ESPN’s The Point
I have a lot of kids and... people who come up to me and [are] like, "Oh, you're Jason Robertson," and they're Asian and they want a picture. Or I remember going to a game, during the season, and I saw a Filipino flag.
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blinkpen · 1 month
the vegetarian/fake meat tech is getting so advanced, they're finally, Truly mastering the boss fight that is Texture and i'm so glad. i love it when the cooking result is "damn that's tasty! AND i enjoy chewing it??? it is properly toothsome?" and not the uncanny valley of mouthfeel and fla-vor
thanks uuuuuh [scurries afk to check the bag then scurries back] Daring. plant based chicken pieces. yeah you gets a recommendation from me to the veggies in the audience. now all you have to do is stop being expensive as fuque along with everything else in the store these days lmao
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Idea but when semi reformed!sg earthspark Optimus wants something he has a habit of sitting/standing semi close to someone and just looming instead of asking like a well adjusted adult.
"Optimus, is there something you want?"
"Are you sure?"
"Do you want a sip of my sweetened energon?"
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avallachs · 8 months
i’m aware i’m 100% alone in this, but i genuinely adore ascended astarion (especially when romanced) because of how—frankly—horrific it is. it’s simultaneously so cathartic in its brutality but so unsatisfying personally while managing to be narratively satisfying (just as his other outcome is, of course).
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transmechanicus · 30 days
That prev post reminded me how much it weirds me tf out when someone only interacts with specific subsets of a minority group and learns their associated niche behavior patterns, and then tries to apply those patterns to every member of that minority that they meet afterwards only to be shocked when it doesn’t work.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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This photo was life-ruining for me(and @sweatyflytrap ) honestly....
#wanna make a comp of bahrain 2010 for both seb and nando tbh#probably seperate but#there was something in the air that weekend!!!!#i was religiously looking through seb pics from this race the other month to draw statue seb#and was super enamored w him aasjkfkgl but didnt look too much depeer cause i didnt wanna spoil the podium#and then i finally got here and damn nando looked fucking majestic on the podium#like i was absolutely dying making those gifs bcs he just looked so beautiful#<- i actually made a comp of all the close up shots bcs bark bark bark 😵‍💫😵‍💫#AND THEN I GO LOOK UP THE PICS AND MY GOD 🫠🫠 LIFE RUINING#this pic is from before race day obviously but like smth was in the air no?????#all the podium pics live in my head rent free. golden and shining and beautiful#but i also downloaded like...100 pics of him from this race so jusy this one seemed pretty baseline to post#but just know. bahrain 2010. haunts me.#as i said im so irritated it wasnt a vett/onso podium bcs my god both of them were slaying that wknd#well yeha. there's my rant. maybe ill make a comp :)#smth also that i find funny is that he was pretty stubbly for the whole wknd but then#shows up for the race itself smooth like a dolphin....HE KNEW!!! HE KNEW HE HAD TO SLAY!!! HE KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE ON THAT TOP STEP#*lmao maybe my comp post would be titled: 'pics from the 2010 bahrain gp that were life changing'#im looking back at the podium pics rn and its just insane how youthful and bright and pretty he looks#also abt this specific pic. his lashes his big cow eyes his pink lips his fluffy hair GODDDDDDDDS#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#we do a little bit of f1#2010 bahrain gp
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