amylouioc · 5 months
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Grianstad shona daoibh!
In Ireland, the Winter Solstice is often associated with the Newgrange passage tomb in County Meath. Each year, as the sun rises on the Solstice, it aligns perfectly with tomb to illuminate the passage within.
Lots of historical, scientific and even crazy (I’m looking at you Ancient Aliens) theories exist as to why this occurs, but there is also some stories within our mythology associated with the event, including the Dagda’s affair with the Goddess Boann.
The Dagda was thought to be an Irish god of fertility and strength. A wife of one of his aides, Boann, a goddess of the River Boyne, was particularly entranced, and the couple soon began a clandestine affair. Affairs don’t stay secret when a god of fertility is involved, and Boann quickly fell pregnant around springtime.
Boann resided at Newgrange, and when her husband left for a hunting trip, the Dagda cast a spell to make the sun standstill for nine months and pause time. Boann carried her baby to term and eventually gave birth to Aengus, a god of youth and love. Despite it now being Winter, on Elcmar’s return he felt as if only a day had passed and the affair went unnoticed. That is until one day, when an adult Aengus would eventually arrive to duel Elcmar for Newgrange, which he deemed his birthright.
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forfeda-project · 3 months
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This piece depicts the themes and symbols around the character of Étaín from Tochmarc Étaíne and her various transformations throughout the tale. The two faces depict Étaín's two incarnations a thousand years apart, flanked by suns and moons to represent that "all time is made up of days and nights." The swan and fly represent Étaín's two animal forms, while the cup and pitcher represent the cup of the wife of Étar, and Étaín's skill at serving drink, by which Eochaid seeks to recognize her. Finally, the vegetation and swirling billows on the outside of the frame symbolize the "fragrant and wonderous herbs" of Aengus's crystal sun-bower, and Fuamnach's magical winds.  This was my submission to the late Ralph Kenna's EÍRÍ art project through the Irish Post in 2022, based on the prompt of Evoking Ireland's Resiliant Female Icons. The Wooing of Étaín is one of my favorite Irish myths, and I've always wanted to take a crack at representing some of the themes of the story. Hello everyone, it's been quite a while! I've been on a bit of an impromptu hiatus due to general life stuff and a bit of artistic burnout in the last year or so, but I've got a few works in progress that I'm hoping will help get me back into the swing of things!
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yoga-onion · 9 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (19)
C for Coll (Hazel) - August 5th - September 1st
“Tree of Knowledge - 9th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Color: Orange; Star: Mercury, Saturn: Gems: Topaz, Pearl; Gender: Male; Patron: Hermes, Mercury, Aengus; Symbols: wisdom + divination, poetry + learning, knowledge + intelligence, healing (healing) arts
About a dozen or so species of hazel species are found in the marshy regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The hazel leaves are rounded with jagged edges, velvety soft to the touch, and turn yellow or pink in the fall. The hard nuts of the hazelnut ripen from mid-August to October. Wrapped in ragged leaves, it is said that it takes 9 years for a hazelnut to bear a full crop. The number nine is the sacred number of the muses who are in charge of our intellectual activities. This is one of the reasons why, since ancient times, the hazel has been associated with inspiration in the arts and learning.
The ancient Celts regarded the hazel as a tree of knowledge. All knowledge was intertwined within the husk of the hazel nut. This is where the idiom "in a nutshell" comes from. The hazel is the tree of white magic and healing, the poet's tree. Its sacred berries were the food of the gods as well as a source of inspiration and immortality. For the ancient Celts, there was no better expression than poetry, neither in art nor in magic.
An ancient Irish code, handed down to posterity as the 'Sacred Triad', stipulates that anyone who intentionally cuts down a hazel tree is guilty of death. No other tree has been given such high status, except the apple.
The hazel is said to be a talisman of good health and protection against all kinds of disasters. In Ireland, on Beltine and Solstice, a cow is led in front of two huge torches, with its back covered in hair roasted with a flaming hazel wand, as a curse against magic and bad luck. Sometimes hazel twigs were also tied to horses' manes to protect them from fairy magic.
The planet that rules the hazel is Mercury. The hazel is inseparable from water, but the ruling element is air. It is said that the hazel is surrounded by the magical power of mercury, which enhances mood and brings inspiration.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (19)
C for Coll (ヘーゼル) - 8月5日~9月1日
『知識の木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第9月』
色: オレンジ; 星: 水星、土星: 宝石: トパーズ、真珠; 性: 男性; 守護神: ヘルメス、メルクリウス (マーキュリー)、オェングス; シンボル: 知恵+占い、詩+学問、知識+知性、治療 (癒し)の技術
古代ケルト人はハシバミを知識の木と見なしていた。すべての知識はハシバミの実の殻の中で縒り合わされていた。「一言でいえば (in a nutshell)」という慣用句はここから来ている。ハシバミは白魔術と癒しの木であり、詩人の木である。その神聖な実は神々の食物であり、インスピレーションと不死の源でもあった。古代ケルト人にとって、芸術においても魔術においても、詩に勝る表現はなかった。
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hecatesdelights · 5 months
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hozier thoughts
hi! hello! so. i know about the old bog man, the fallen angel, and the son of apollo (and if there are any others i missed!). but have we considered that hozier might actually be:
aengus is the (IRISH!!!) god of three things.
youth (less so the god of, more so he is young)
love (very important to both my claim and his mythology)
and POETRY?????? need i say a WORD more??????
TLDR hozier is the irish god of love and poetry, and i am a genius.
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birdsofrhiannon · 8 days
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Angus and Bride - Folklore Scotland
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In Irish mythology, Aengus, Óengus or Macan Óc is one of the Tuatha Dé Danann and the God of summer, love, youth, and poetic inspiration.
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emdoug · 6 months
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Quick sketch!
Caer & Aengus 🌟
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Diety Of The Week
Aengus - Celtic
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Gods of love on taskmaster though???? (there's five of them and zero hinges present)
It's episode 12 and Cupid still doesn't understand how the points system works
Actually, none of them do
Aengus tries to sit in Greg's throne every week because "it's his size" - he barely fits in the smaller seats, arms folded, shifting grumpily
He brings a tupperware container of cheese and crackers onto the set and the have to be confiscated because the mic keeps picking up his crunching
Valentine gets a bit too sarcastic and almost makes Alex cry
Insists that he's always announced as Saint Valentine of Rome, no exceptions
Aphrodite refuses to wear panties and keeps doing a Basic Instinct whenever Greg looks at her - you know what I mean
Freyja is genuinely trying to win and shoots death-glares at the others which they think is the most adorable thing they've ever seen - imagine a kitten trying to be scary and there you have it
When it comes to actual tasks, it's carnage
Aengus goes off on tangents talking to Alex about something he's remembered from his many millennia and by the time he finishes his story he has exactly 40 seconds to do the task
Freyja gets so stressed trying to remember the rules she just flops down on the grass and lays there for a bit
Aphrodite somehow always has a glass of rosé and sips it s l o w l y whilst listening to Alex tell her the task, eyes narrowed
Cupid surprises everyone by being the most efficient, even himself
He sits on Valentine's lap in the studio, looking like a smug cherub
Valentine tries to rewrite the rules of every task if he's not immediately good at it
For tasks that require groups, Alex almost quits due to stress
Getting them to stop bickering and actually do the task is impossible
Aphrodite takes every opportunity to flirt with Greg and Alex
Actually, they all do
When asked to bring in different items, Valentine always brings something random from Aphrodite's bedroom and claims it's a religious relic
Even he admits it's a hard task to pretend those beads are rosaries
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versey21 · 1 year
13th April
The Song of Wandering Aengus by W.B. Yeats
Yeats often mined Irish mythology for his poetry and in this poem he features Aengus, the Irish pagan god of youth and love, although in the final stanza he describes and old and obsessed figure, wandering the land, searching for a lost vision of female loveliness.
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Aengus Celtic God of Love by Upwork. Source: Reddit
The Song of Wandering Aengus
I went to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
And when white moths were on the wing,
And moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.
When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire aflame,
But something rustled on the floor,
And someone called me by my name;
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.
Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck time and times are done,
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.
In Celtic mythology Aengus and his equivalents is a vigorous Apollo-like figure, a glorious forest god of love, youth and summertime, clad in shining gold.
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tarotbee · 2 years
Hi my lovelies! It's been a hot minute 😅😅 thank you so much for your patience! I've been having complications at work and one of my partners is moving in with me!! So a few big changes that made me take a break from this blog but I'll be back with posts for:
And feel free to leave any other deity suggestions in the comments or in my asks inbox
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aengusnatureking · 2 years
What's the point of worrying? Forget it, have fun.
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{Francia, bosco Tols, palazzo degl'alfar silvani - 30 aprile 113 E.N}
I bagliori stellari comparver nell'opaco ciel primaverle, velato da timidi aliti vaporosi i qual abbracciaron il ligneo palazzo degl'alfar silvani, tetratro dell'appena sciolto conclio a cui fu convocata la prode squadra valchirie, trepitandante d'iniziar l'indomani a cercar veritate tra l'ostil confusione umana; nell'attesa i francesi offriron una stanza ai pellegrini ove ristorarsi.
I palagi degl’alfar silvani son costrutti con intelletto, grazia e ragione così, al secondo piano, non fu difficil trovar la camera degl’ospiti in cui v’eran una coppia di letti: il maggiore era sovrastato da grazioso baldacchino di velluto verde alla cui vista le valchirie fiondaronsi, balzellando ridacchiavan spintonandosi in attesa ch’anche gl’altri due le raggiungessero ma quella sera Cernunnos fu attratto dal secondo giaciglio, più ristretto tuttavia contornato di morbidi cuscini tenuemente dipinti.
Non troppo offese per tal insolita preferenza le tre fanciulle s’abbandonar al sonno donando silenzio alla stanza nella qual mescevansi gl’aromi stagionali colle fragranze di vaniglia provenienti dai biscotti offerti dalle creature liete.
Mal monarca n'era intenzionato ad accostar ad essi il labbro poiché assorto nell'osservare la luna che, com'insolita piuma, salia anziché discender lasciandosi de retro frammenti di stelle; sol quand’essa vanì dalla finestra si ritrasse nel giaciglio ove il castano sedea, questi liberò gl’angoli della bocca dell'ultime briciole dei dolci vanigliati e si concesse attento sguardo sovra il musico aiutato dal traballante lume delle candele rimaste accese a causa del proprio irragionevol timor del buio.
La ferina creatura riposava sul fianco destro, le braccia piegate sull’ossuto torace, la schiena pallida mostrava ecchimosi giallastre che macchiavan la pelle costellata di cicatrici; cotal turpe visione strinse il tener core d’Enebro il qual si trattenne quanto più potè dal farl’intender: non volea che respiro troppo pesante si rompesse in singhiozzo chel sire avrebb'audito poiché non stava affatto dormendo el cubano n’era ben conscio.
Gli s’appropinquò stendendosi anch’egli trai cuscini.
“Enebro, stellino, qualcosa non va?”
Flautata e flebile la voce d’Aengus l’accarezzò; il druido il vide voltarsi, inclinar la testa ed abbassar l’orecchie; egli negò col capo e chiese il permesso al silvestre sire d'esaurire la distanza tra loro.
“Mi spiace tanto, papi.”
Gli confidò locando il capo sulla scalena spalla altrui.
“Per cosa?”
“Per questi.”
Affermò sottovoce avvicinando le dita agl’ematomi del musico che sussultò; che fosse di sorpresa o spavento non l'indovinò ma tosto ritrasse la mano poggiandosela, innocua ed in vista, sull'apice del ventre.
“Sapevo ch’indossavi quel mantello per non turbarmi. Avrei dovuto dirtelo prima.”
Il dir del druido suscitò immane confusione nell'abitualmente composto ed ordinato cerebro del folletto, la sua premura prevalse sul cercar risposte.
“Non ci pensare ormai è passato; sto bene non preoccuparti per me… Più tosto, senti come son morbidi questi cuscini.”
I grandi occhi del druido volserosi ai tessuti constatandone l'effettiva sofficità; ei verificò financo che ogni qual volta la discussione riguardasse le condizioni del sir ei svicolava immantinente, troava sempre il modo di distoglier attenzion da se stesso/ spesso invitando al divertimento/ troncava sul nascer qualsivoglia slancio in merito la sua condizione ed infatti anche quella sera ciò avvenne: il musico riprese a verbiare.
“C’è qualcosa di molto più importante che ti vorrei ricordare.”
“Che cosa?”
“Sono fiero di te.”
Ciò sussurrato levò lentamente la manina a sfiorar l’altrui viso pieno e morbido il cui possessor socchiuse le palpebre distenendosi, apprezzò la freschezza dell’altrui derma, la dolcezza colla quale l'accarezzò e si trovò sollevato nel contar sul supporto altrui eppur non riuscì a rilassarsi, continuava a rimuginare e ripensare; talvolta gli parea che fosse impegnato in duello col paterno monarca: ad ogni stoccata ch'ei tentava, ad ogni passo che compiva p’accostarsi all'intimità altrui, corrispondea immancabilmente una parata e l'aggiunta di novello diversivo ed Aengus era dannatamente bravo in codesta danza di favelle tanto da somigliar a rocca inespugnabile, inviolabile.
Il silvestre sire s'aggrappava alla sua logica e rifuggiva l'emozionalità propria celando financo l'ipotesi di vulnerabilità eppur il druido era persuaso ch'essa esistesse, ignorava a cosa corrispondesse tuttavia poteva immaginarla: il sir non volea esser cagion di turbamento discorrendo o mostrando sintomi di sofferenza ma volea anche allontanar la possibilità d'esser colto preda della stessa, esser visto inerme, indifeso.
Così come egli avea orrore in ciò ipotizzava che pel sir potesse esser il medesimo eppur il cubano n'avea timor delle proprie fragilità quand'era col folletto poiché certo d'esser protetto.
Perché Aengus non facea l'opposto?
Non si sentiva al sicuro con lui?
Non si fidava?
Eran questi quesiti ch'Enebro si ponea in certe sere in cui il sonno lo fuggiva eppur le risposte facean lo stesso.
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streganonalearns · 1 month
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This collage is dedicated to Aengus Og
Another surprise entry to my life but a welcome one. He is so sweet and cool and I can’t wait to get to know him more
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Unlock your inner wisdom with the cards of the Hierophant, VIII of Swords, and the Star. Guided by the deity Aengus, learn how to seek wisdom, break free from self-imposed restrictions, and become a beacon of hope. Discover a sanctuary of wisdom on our website—completely free of ads and data mining. Your journey of exploration is truly your own here; no judgment, just boundless content to guide and enrich your spiritual path. 🌙✨
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perennial-lee-art · 1 year
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Aria and her very malewife husband, Aengus
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